標記檔案: 凱爾·斯奈德

Beat the Streets Annual Benefit Returns to the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden May 28 Following Sold-Out Event Last Year

中美頂尖. Men’s and women’s wrestlers expected to compete in ‘Grapple at the Garden,“

11 annual fundraiser to help raise money for youth non-profit Beat the Streets

NEW YORK– One of the highlights on the annual amateur wrestling calendar returns for the 11 straight year as Beat the Streets Wrestling (BTS), 在美國最大的基層內城摔跤節目, and USA Wrestling today announced that the annual BTS benefit will be held on Thursday, 五月 28. The thrilling night of wrestling, dubbed “Grapple at the Garden,” will again be held at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden after making a highly successful, sold-out debut there in 2019 following nearly a decade at various other iconic New York City venues.

The bouts will again be followed by the annual Benefit Celebration, which recognizes not only the elite athletes who compete at the event but also the BTS standout youth wrestlers who epitomize the work that the not-for-profit organization does year-round. Expected to compete are BTS wrestlers along with a national high school All-Star match-up, NCAA Champions and international Olympic men and women, and potentially mixed martial arts athletes who began as wrestlers.

Ticket information as well as the athletes, matchups, schedule and broadcast details will be announced at a later date.

“We couldn’t have been more pleased with the response to our first year at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden,” said Beat the Streets Executive Director 布倫丹·巴克利. “The sold-out crowd brought a non-stop energy, fueled by world-class wrestling action from top to bottom. We expect it will be an even hotter ticket this year with the Tokyo Olympics on the horizon.”

“The Board of Beat the Streets is excited to present another outstanding competition as we raise funds for the youth of New York City,” added BTS Chairman of the Board Ray Barczak. “The support we receive from donors, fans and others during our annual benefit allows us to achieve our mission. With more than 3,000 male and female student-athletes participating in more than 150 programs across the region, Beat the Streets is in its 14th year of changing lives and providing opportunities that truly make a difference.”

Beat the Streets Benefit competitions began in 2010 and have since become a major showcase of the best of international wrestling. This unique and electrifying annual event has helped BTS raise millions of dollars to support local youth wrestling programs which empower young people in New York City. 該 2019 event raised $1.3 million for the organization. Appearances by Olympic champions 喬丹·巴勒斯 (2012, 金), 凱爾·斯奈德 (2016, 金) 和 J'den考克斯 (2016, 青銅) 和當地人最喜歡的 尼克Suriano (Rutgers University/Paramus, 新澤西州), 詹姆斯。格林 (威林伯勒, 新澤西州) 和 安東尼Ashnault (Rutgers/So. 普蘭菲爾德, 新澤西州) were among the night’s many crowd-pleasing highlights.

第一拍街道效益舉行的U.S.S. 強悍, 停靠在曼哈頓西側航母. 自那以後, the benefit has taken place at other notable New York City spots like Grand Central Terminal and Times Square. 美國隊已經面對反對球隊來自世界各地,包括日本各地, 古巴, 俄羅斯, Iran and Canada, as well as international all-star teams. 在 2018, 比賽在新碼頭主持 17 在海港區,其中包括備受矚目的寶來VS. 弗蘭克·查米索 (意大利) 比賽.

紐約市的麥迪遜廣場花園是世界上最著名的體育和娛樂場館之一. 葫蘆劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園是一個令人印象深刻的場地與座位上的能力 5,000. 劇院已經舉辦著名的摔跤活動,包括 1998 友好運動會摔跤比賽和 2017 抓斗在花園大學摔跤事件.


擊敗街道的使命是發展都市青年的全部潛力,並加強紐約市摔跤文化. BTS直接與教育的紐約市教育局在公共 - 私營夥伴關係帶來的改變生活的摔跤運動的過度 3,000 紐約市的學生運動員,幫助他們實現他們的個人和運動目標. 通過摔跤節目的初中和高中在五個區的操作, BTS和美國能源部提供安全, 積極向上的氛圍中,弱勢群體和邊緣青少年可以學習砂礫的基本生活教訓, 個人責任和團隊精神, 體質和營養, 和終身學習. 培育強的目標, 成熟的學生運動員通過訓練交付, 課後計劃, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令營. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.btsny.org.


美國摔跤是國家管理機構對摔跤在美國體育和, 因此, 是其代表美國奧委會和聯合國世界摔跤, 國際摔跤聯合會. 簡單地, 美國摔跤是協調業餘摔跤項目在全國和作品創造的興趣和參與這些計劃的中央組織. 它擁有超過 250,000 全國各地的會員, 男孩和女孩, 所有年齡段的男性和女性, 代表這項運動的各個層面. 其總裁是布魯斯·鮑姆加特納, 其執行董事為豐富本德爾. More information can be found at TheMat.com 

年收益, “抓斗在花園'加薪 $1.3 百萬群英街道青年摔跤非營利

紐約, 五月 13, 2019 - 世界級的摔跤晚上在Hulu的劇院在麥迪遜花園廣場的興奮, 其中售罄, 破紀錄的人群 5,000 和後處理, 13 通電比賽, 蔓延到了事後打在威爾遜週一街道效益慶典. 雖然由奧運冠軍的勝利 喬丹·巴勒斯 (2012, 金), 凱爾·斯奈德 (2016, 金) 和 J'den考克斯 (2016, 青銅) 和當地人最喜歡的 尼克Suriano (羅格斯大學) 和 詹姆斯。格林 (威林伯勒, 新澤西州) 偷期間“抓斗在花園墊子上展示,“這是擊敗街道青年摔跤手誰是真正的贏家, 如 $1.3 萬元募集這個值得不以營利為目的,以支持其通過摔跤的偉大的運動賦予年輕人在紐約市計劃.

“很難用語言來表達每個人都參與了這一偉大的夜晚的支持手段,這些孩子和我們的使命,“說 布倫丹·巴克利, 擊敗街道執行董事. “摔跤界連年來響應這一重要事業, 不僅沒有自己得到像葫蘆劇院味精一個歷史性的場地,享受一個驚人的夜晚令人難以置信的高水平的摔跤, 但他們也用知識就走了,他們讓我們做在擊敗街道現實的一切. 我們不能我更高興,迫不及待這個更大明年的增長。“


年度最佳青年聯賽女摔跤手: 馬托斯Sujeydy, 伍德學院領導力

年度最佳青年聯賽男摔跤手: 蘇萊曼呸, 女士 129

成為自己夢想基金會獎學金: 阿德里安·羅薩里奧貝亞托, 莫特黑文校區 - 這個金融獎學金每年授予紐約市的學生運動員誰克服障礙, 通過艱苦努力, 並計劃繼續在大學摔跤.

年度最佳女學生運動員:林恩Kajihara, Bronx區的理科高中 - 這個職業成就獎項頒發給一個女運動員誰具有學術和課外最大的成功組合.

年度最佳男學生運動員: 大衛的Berkovich, 保利準備國家走讀學校 - 這個職業成就獎項頒發給一個男運動員誰具有學術和課外最大的成功組合.

砂獎: 邁克爾Babbcort, 喬治·溫蓋特教育校區 - 這個職業成就獎是考慮到紐約市的摔跤手誰已經接受的鏖戰,通過自己的不懈努力,竭誠為這項運動明顯的改善.

自由女神:阿梅奧比Cascen, 哈里. 杜魯門高中 - 這個職業成就獎是考慮到紐約市的女摔跤手誰一直是一座機遇和希望的信標, 代表所有,是一個強大和紐約市的女子摔跤的驕傲.

阿特拉斯獎: 特里·亞當斯, 主教法雷爾高中 - 這個職業成就獎是給誰撿了紐約市摔跤男運動員,並採取新的高度.

年度最佳青年聯賽教練: 喬納森·扈利, 鷹學院的青年男子

年度最佳女子高中教練: 特德·庫克, 哈里. 杜魯門高中

年度最佳男子高中教練: 邁克爾·斯特恩, 皇后都市高中

年度最佳助理教練: 巴里·哈特, 喬治·溫蓋特教育情結

年度志願者: 傑克·奧哈拉, 哥倫比亞大學 ('14) s

擊敗街道效益比賽, 始於 2010, 後來成為最佳國際摔跤的一大展示. 這種獨特的一年一度的活動已幫助擊敗街道籌集了數百萬美元,以支持其授權的年輕人在紐約市當地青年摔跤項目.

第一拍街道效益舉行的U.S.S. 強悍, 停靠在曼哈頓西側航母. 自那以後, 利益已經發生在其他著名的紐約市的景點,如大中央車站和時代廣場. 美國隊已經面對反對球隊來自世界各地,包括日本各地, 古巴, 俄羅斯和伊朗. 去年, 比賽在新碼頭主持 17 在海港區,其中包括備受矚目的寶來VS. 弗蘭克·查米索 比賽.

紐約市的麥迪遜廣場花園是世界上最著名的體育和娛樂場館之一. 葫蘆劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園是一個令人印象深刻的場地與座位上的能力 5,000. 劇院已經舉辦著名的摔跤活動,包括 1998 友好運動會摔跤比賽和 2017 抓斗在花園大學摔跤事件.

擊敗街道的使命是發展都市青年的全部潛力,並加強紐約市摔跤文化. BTS直接與教育的紐約市教育局在公共 - 私營夥伴關係帶來的改變生活的摔跤運動的過度 3,000 紐約市的學生運動員,幫助他們實現他們的個人和運動目標. 通過摔跤節目的初中和高中在五個區的操作, BTS和美國能源部提供安全, 積極向上的氛圍中,弱勢群體和邊緣青少年可以學習砂礫的基本生活教訓, 個人責任和團隊精神, 體質和營養, 和終身學習. 培育強的目標, 成熟的學生運動員通過訓練交付, 課後計劃, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令營. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.btsny.org.

美國摔跤是國家管理機構對摔跤在美國體育和, 因此, 是其代表美國奧委會和聯合國世界摔跤, 國際摔跤聯合會. 簡單地, 美國摔跤是協調業餘摔跤項目在全國和作品創造的興趣和參與這些計劃的中央組織. 它擁有超過 230,000 全國各地的會員, 男孩和女孩, 所有年齡段的男性和女性, 代表這項運動的各個層面. 其總裁是布魯斯·鮑姆加特納, 其執行董事為豐富本德爾. 更多信息可在TheMat.com找到.

2019 擊敗街道“抓斗在花園”
五月 6, 2019, Hulu的劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園, 紐約


122 磅. (女孩) – 瓦倫蒂娜Bailon銷Elleny塞達, 3:22
138 磅. (男孩) – 喬喬阿拉貢銷亞當Busiello, 4:06
男子自由式 – 57 公斤 – 傑克·穆勒高科技. 下跌尼克Piccininni, 11-0
女子自由式 - 62 公斤 – 馬洛裡Velte (美國) 高科技秋天琳達莫賴斯 (加拿大), 10-0
男子自由式 - 70 公斤 – 詹姆斯。格林十二月. 安東尼Ashnault, 8-4
男子自由式 - 97 公斤 – 凱爾·斯奈德高科技. 尼山落下蘭德哈瓦 (加拿大), 15-1
男子自由式 - 125 公斤 – 尼克Gwiazdowski月. 德里克·懷特, 9-0
女子自由式 - 57 公斤 – Becka皮革 (美國) 十二月. 戴安娜魏克爾 (加拿大), 10-6
男子自由式 - 61 公斤 – 尼克Suriano月. 喬·科隆, 3-1
男子自由式 - 86 公斤 – 德魯福斯特注射. DFT. 大衛·泰勒, 0:31
男子自由式 - 92 公斤 – J'den考克斯高科技. 下跌帕特里克Brucki, 10-0
男子自由式 - 65 公斤 – Yianni Diakomihalis月. Bajrang普尼亞 (印度), 10-8
男子自由式 - 74 公斤 – 喬丹·巴勒斯高科技. 奔下降ASKR, 11-0

# # #

中美. 奧運金牌得主凱爾·斯奈德返回擊敗街道“抓斗在花園'五一 6 在葫蘆劇院

斯奈德VS. 尼山蘭德哈瓦 (加拿大), Yianni Diakomihalis VS. Bajrang普尼亞 (印度) 在第十屆青年非營利籌款

紐約凱爾·斯奈德, 誰贏得了黃金 97 公斤 2016 在裡約奧運會, 將戰加拿大 尼山蘭德哈瓦 在“抓斗在花園”群英街道 (BTS) 效益, 五月 6 在Hulu的劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園. 加入超級巨星和長期BTS的支持者加兩次全國冠軍之間的對決 Yianni Diakomahlis (羅切斯特, 紐約州) 和 Bajrang普尼亞 (印度) 增加至八個當前預定數量的匹配.

斯奈德, 拜因的, MD。, 三時間NCAA冠軍在俄亥俄州立, 將爭奪蘭德哈瓦在 97 公斤. 最年輕的奧運冠軍和最年輕的世界冠軍,在中美. 摔跤歷史 (他是 20 在裡約的勝利時), 斯奈德也採取了黃金的 2015 和 2017 世錦賽和在布達佩斯銀去年. 上個月,他繼續他的統治地位與戴夫Kolov國際一網打盡爭金. 蘭德哈瓦, 從阿伯茨福德, 不列顛哥倫比亞省, 競爭西蒙·弗雷澤大學. 在B.C. 並且是加拿大初級和高級自由泳冠軍.

Diakomahlis完成了他在康奈爾大學的第二個賽季他連續第二次全國冠軍,在 141 磅。, 現已擁有的標誌 66-1 與大紅色, 含 47 連勝. 四度N.Y. 州高中冠軍希爾頓H.S。, Diakomahlis是兩個時間常青藤和年度永和摔跤和一致的全常春藤挑.

Bajrang, 頻繁得主在世錦賽, 亞運會, 英聯邦運動會和其他以來國際錦標賽 2013, 去年十一月達到了無. 1 在65千克排名世界. Bajrang奪得五枚獎牌在所有 2018, 包括在亞運會歷史上首位金牌印度, 在決賽中擊敗大地Takataniof日本.

“我們很高興今年有我們最新的奧運金牌得主和我們最偉大的大使一回,“說 布倫丹·巴克利, 擊敗街道有限公司執行董事. “凱爾斯奈德增加即球迷們紛紛議論的週一夜. 我們不能等到五月 6 以展示這一切優秀的摔跤天賦的葫蘆劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園的大舞台“。

增加的對決推動由間功能的較量突出的已經令人印象深刻的石板 2012 金牌得主 喬丹·巴勒斯 和 2008 奧林匹亞 本Askren; 當前NCAA冠軍之間匹配 尼克Suriano (帕拉姆斯, N.J. / 羅格斯大學。) 和 2018 世界銅牌得主 喬·科隆 (清湖, 愛荷華州 / 大學. 北愛荷華); 婦女之間的較量 2018 世界銀牌獲得者 薩拉·希爾德布蘭特(格蘭傑, 工業。) 和加拿大 達納魏克爾, 和 2018 高級世錦賽銅牌得主 馬洛裡Velte (薩克拉門托, 加利福尼亞州。) VS. 琳達莫賴斯, 同時加拿大; 和其他一些有趣的較量.

比賽和重量級的更新列表如下可用; 順序仍有待確定, 作為額外的對決. “抓斗在花園”支持群英街道 (www.btsny.org), 在美國最大的基層內城摔跤節目, 作為既是募捐的組織和他們在世界的中心在最大的舞台上競爭,以慶祝其運動員.

對於當晚的行動門票現已通過特瑪, 開始價格 $30 在 HTTPS://www.ticketmaster.com/event/3B005668AA091B69. 各種捐贈套餐,其中包括“抓斗在花園”的門票,也可在HTTPS://www.btsny.org/bts-events 或通過電子郵件 molalde@btsny.org, 在開始 $1000. 門上開五月 6 在 5:30 下午, 與主活動開始 6 P.M.

對於連續第五年, FloSports將提供FloWrestling.com直播和點播覆蓋.

擊敗街道效益比賽, 始於 2010, 後來成為最佳國際摔跤的一大展示. 這種獨特的和通電的年度盛會,幫助擊敗街道籌集了數百萬美元,以支持其授權的年輕人在紐約市當地青年摔跤項目.

第一拍街道效益舉行的U.S.S. 強悍, 停靠在曼哈頓西側航母. 自那以後, 利益已經發生在其他著名的紐約市的景點,如大中央車站和時代廣場. 美國隊已經面對反對球隊來自世界各地,包括日本各地, 古巴, 俄羅斯和伊朗. 去年, 比賽在新碼頭主持 17 在海港區,其中包括備受矚目的寶來VS. 弗蘭克·查米索比賽.

紐約市的麥迪遜廣場花園是世界上最著名的體育和娛樂場館之一. 葫蘆劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園是一個令人印象深刻的場地與座位上的能力 5,000. 劇院已經舉辦著名的摔跤活動,包括 1998 友好運動會摔跤比賽和 2017 抓斗在花園大學摔跤事件.


擊敗街道的使命是發展都市青年的全部潛力,並加強紐約市摔跤文化. BTS直接與教育的紐約市教育局在公共 - 私營夥伴關係帶來的改變生活的摔跤運動的過度 3,000 紐約市的學生運動員,幫助他們實現他們的個人和運動目標. 通過摔跤節目的初中和高中在五個區的操作, BTS和美國能源部提供安全, 積極向上的氛圍中,弱勢群體和邊緣青少年可以學習砂礫的基本生活教訓, 個人責任和團隊精神, 體質和營養, 和終身學習. 培育強的目標, 成熟的學生運動員通過訓練交付, 課後計劃, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令營. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.btsny.org.


美國摔跤是國家管理機構對摔跤在美國體育和, 因此, 是其代表美國奧委會和聯合國世界摔跤, 國際摔跤聯合會. 簡單地, 美國摔跤是協調業餘摔跤項目在全國和作品創造的興趣和參與這些計劃的中央組織. 它擁有超過 230,000 全國各地的會員, 男孩和女孩, 所有年齡段的男性和女性, 代表這項運動的各個層面. 其總裁是布魯斯·鮑姆加特納, 其執行董事為豐富本德爾. 更多信息可在TheMat.com找到.

2019 擊敗街道“抓斗在花園”
五月 6, 2019
Hulu的劇院在麥迪遜廣場花園, 紐約

(匹配預定日期, 為了TBD)

薩拉·希爾德布蘭特VS. 戴安娜魏克爾, 53 公斤 (該)
馬洛裡Velte VS. 琳達莫賴斯, 62 公斤 (該)
喬喬VS阿拉戈納. 亞當Busiello, 138 磅.
尼克Suriano VS. 喬·科隆, 61 公斤
Bajrang普尼亞 (IND) VS. Yianni Diakomihalis, 65 公斤
詹姆斯。格林VS. 安東尼Ashnault, 70 公斤
喬丹VS寶來奔阿斯克倫, 74 公斤
凱爾·斯奈德VS. 尼山蘭德哈瓦 (能夠), 97 公斤

Beat the Streets Announces Man of the Year Award for Kyle Snyder and Lifetime Achievement Award for Ray Lewis among 2016 Gala Award Winners

National and local wrestlers and coaches to be honored at 2016 “United in the Square” Gala Celebration in Times Square on Thursday May 19

紐約, 五月 10, 2016 – Beat the Streets is pleased to announce that it will be presenting its 2016 Man of the Year award to champion international wrestler Kyle Snyder and its Lifetime Achievement Award to former NFL star Ray Lewis at its annual Gala celebration in Times Square on 星期四, 五月 19.

Kyle Snyder became the youngest American to win a Senior World title when he captured the 97 kg gold medal at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas at age 19. Snyder came out of Olympic redshirt and won the 2016 NCAA Wrestling Championships in Madison Square Garden as a sophomore for Ohio State, defeating two-time NCAA champion Nick Gwiazdowski of NC State in a classic heavyweight finals. In April, Snyder defeated 2012 Olympic champion Jake Varner in the finals of the U.S. Olympic Team Trials to earn a spot on the 2016 中美. Olympic Team at the age of 20. 在 2014, Snyder was selected to represent Team USA as the youngest-ever member of the Beat the Streets All-Star team.

Ray Lewis is the former linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, two-time Super Bowl Champion, and 2000’s Super Bowl MVP. He was an All-American linebacker and a wrestling star at Kathleen High School in Lakeland, 佛羅里達. He has received numerous awards and honors throughout his 17-year career with the Ravens, becoming the team’s all-time career leader in tackles. Lewis will be the Honorary Coach of the USA team at United in the Square.

Beat the Streets will also be awarding a number of New York City wrestlers and coaches in recognition of their achievements in the past year:

Junior League Girls Wrestler of the Year: Chloe Cabrera, 女士 129, Bronx
Cabrera is a three-year middle-school wrestler who has stood out every season. Her accomplishments include her three times as Junior League Champion and being a member of the National Junior Honor Society for the past two years. She attends clinics at Beat the Streets and travels in the spring with Head Girls Coach Jacque Davis to out-of-state tournaments. As one of her supporters puts it, “she is always trying to better herself as a wrestler and has a bright future.”

Junior League Boys Wrestler of the Year: Jayden Cardenas, 女士 582, 布魯克林
Cardenas is from MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been wrestling for five years. He was the NYC City Champion and USA Wrestling Kids State Champion this year. Cardenas credits his family, 教練, and supporters with giving him the drive to stay committed to the sport. He aspires to compete on his high school team and eventually wrestle in the Olympics, winning many more gold medals.

Female Student-Athlete of the Year: Dennielle Phillip, Wingate Educational Campus, 布魯克林
Phillip has been wrestling for almost three years and already made quite an impact. She placed first at the Mohawk Valley tournament and also won the coveted PSAL Yankee Award. Phillip says that wrestling has opened many doors for her and helped her to become a more confident person. She plans to continue wrestling in college and pursue her studies in criminal justice.

Male Student-Athlete of the Year: Evan McFarland, Tottenville High School, 斯塔滕島
McFarland is an Eagle Scout and captain of his wrestling team at Tottenville High School. He is a member of the National Honors Society and involved in numerous volunteering activities, including Habitat for Humanity and the March of Dimes walk. “‘Resilient’ might be the best word to describe Evan,” said his Coach, John Cichon. “Leadership, 字符, 奉獻, and time management are some of Evan’s best qualities that he shares unknowingly with everyone he comes in contact with.” He hopes to become an engineer to best make a positive change in the world.

GRIT Award: Rachel Koltsov, The Bronx High School of Science
Koltsov is the captain of the Bronx Science Blended and female wrestling team and has been a member of the team for four yearsdating back to when it was an all-boys team. She was instrumental in the team’s victory at the PSAL Blended Wrestling Championship. From her three years wrestling, she finds that the sport has helped teach her a great deal of discipline and responsibility. Koltsov is known for being a hard worker and having an outstanding, personable character. She plans to continue wrestling in college while pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering.

LADY LIBERTY Award: Aileen Gonzalez, Brooklyn Technical High School
As a NYC high school boys coach said of this Brooklyn Tech veteran, “I’m glad my boys do not have to wrestle her next year.” Gonzalez won the Girls City Championship and placed fourth in Boys City Championship. Gonzalez likes to be pushed to the limit and aspiresafter winning the team city championshipsto attend and graduate college. The Lady Liberty Award is specifically given to a senior NYC female wrestler who has stood as a beacon of opportunity and promise, representing all that is strong and proud about the city’s women’s wrestling culture.

ATLAS Award and Become Your Own Dream Scholarship: Leonard Merkin, Poly Prep Country Day School, 布魯克林
Merkin has made his mark at Poly Prep Country Day School by becoming a four-time NYS Private School Champion. The Atlas Award is given to a senior NYC wrestler who has picked up wrestling on his back and carried it into new territory, set new standards, and advanced the legacy of Beat the Streets. He has received All-American honors and will soon be wrestling for Princeton. Merkin is also the winner of the Become Your Own Dream Scholarship, which is given annually to a New York City student-athlete who has overcome obstacles, felt hardship, 並計劃繼續在大學摔跤.

年度最佳青年聯賽教練: Michael Wurmbrand, 女士 582, 布魯克林
Wurmbrand is the head coach of MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been involved in the sport for ten years. He’s committed to wrestling because it shows clear transformations in students’ behavior, 態度, and leadership with their teammates and in the classroom. Wurmbrand has done a good job maintaining a sizable team at a small school and looks forward to future changes now that he’s able to start training younger student-athletes in elementary school.

High School Assistant Coach of the Year: Anthony Mirra, Tottenville High School, 斯塔滕島
Mirra has been actively involved in Tottenville’s wrestling program since he was a student-athlete himself. He admits the sport for helping to make kids tougher mentally, emotionally and physically. As the lightweight coach, Mirra has helped to produce at least one Mayor’s Cup champion and at least one city champion every year. This past season, he saw six individuals crowned at the city championships and represent Tottenville at the state tournament in Albany, which has never been done by a large school’s team before. As one supporter said of Mirra, “his dedication does not end when practice endshe is the coach that wrestlers confide in when they are struggling.”

年度最佳女子高中教練: Theodore Cook, 哈里. 杜魯門高中, Bronx
A veteran of wrestling with over twenty years of experience, Cook has inspired a number of students with his coaching abilities. He’s widely respected for pushing his girls on the team that he started out of their comfort zones and daring them to try their hardest. “He is not afraid to go above and beyond to make sure his team reaches their full potential,” said one student. Another writes: “I can honestly said Coach Cook is probably the most trustworthy and reliable person I know.” Several of his supporters praise him as a father figure who helps lift everyone’s spirits and inspires the girls with life lessons.

年度最佳男子高中教練: Peter Cardone, William Cullen Bryant High School, 皇后
Coach Cardone has made the most of having a dedicated wrestling room at WC Bryant High School and turned a program on the brink into city champions. Cardone’s leadership, with the help of coaches Joe Goetz and Joseph Weinstein, grew his team from fifteen wrestlers to fifty-five. Cardone has overseen numerous accomplishments during his time with the school, including the NYC Freshman and Sophomore Title and becoming undefeated Region 4 Division Champions. “He has changed the lives of many wrestlers in the school by being with them through both good and hard times as a friend and a coach.”

年度志願者: David Prado
Prado has been involved in wrestling since he was in elementary school and attended Arizona State on an athletic scholarship. He is committed to the sport because it has given him so much success and opportunity throughout his life that he seeks to “pay it forward” to other kids whenever possible. He shows tireless dedication to the cause of Beat the Streets, volunteering at practices several days a week.

The Beat the Streets gala is an annual fundraiser that raises money to support New York City student-athletes, having previously been hosted in such iconic locations as Times Square and Grand Central Terminal. The gala helps provide wrestling equipment and opportunities to 3,000 kids across the five boroughs every year. This year’s celebration, “United in the Square,” will see some of America’s top wrestlers, including Jordan Burroughs and Adeline Gray, going up against world-class competition from Iran, 加拿大, and South Korea. The gala begins at 3:45 PM星期四, 五月 19 with exhibition matches featuring young wrestlers from NYC before the world class wrestling matches begin at 6:00 PM. Tickets for seating in Times Square and attendance at the post-match reception are available on the Beat the Streets website. The event will be streaming live on FloWrestling.

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full human and athletic potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTSW works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to help New York City’s student-athletes achieve their personal and athletic goals. 通過摔跤節目的初中和高中在五個區的操作, BTSW and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life skills of physical fitness, teamwork, and self-empowerment. 培育強的目標, 投入的, and optimistic kids is delivered through coaching, 課後計劃, 和夏令營. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.btsny.org.


Takedown Radio Champions Special this Saturday 9-12 Noon at TakedownWrestle.com

LIVE from the Casey’s General Stores Studios, The Fight Network presents a three hour Takedown Radio Champions Special brought to you by Kemin and Cookies BBQ.

Join us this Saturday from 9 AM to 12 PM, LIVE on AM Radio KXNO 1460, online at KXNO.com or on your iHeart Radio App. 對於比賽和會話使用 866-333-5966515-284-5966. Contests this week include a Defense Soap travel kit and Asics JB Elite 2.0’s. You must be listening to win!

This weeks scheduled guests include: (All air times and guests are subject to change)
Hour One

9:00- Nico Megaludis: 125 英鎊 (賓夕法尼亞州立大學)

9:20- Nahshon Garrett: 133 英鎊 (康奈爾)

9:40Dean Heil: 141 英鎊 (Oklahoma State)

Hour Two

10:00Zain Retherford: 149 英鎊 (賓夕法尼亞州立大學) (pre-recorded audio)

10:20Isaiah Martinez: 157 英鎊 (伊利諾伊)

10:40– 亞歷克斯Dieringer: 165 英鎊 (Oklahoma State)

Hour Three

11:00Myles Martin: 174 英鎊 (Ohio State)

11:10Gabe Dean: 184 英鎊 (康奈爾)

11:25J’Den Cox: 197 英鎊 (密蘇里州)

11:40– 凱爾·斯奈德: 285 英鎊 (Ohio State)


Now available in iTunes, Stitcher, Sound Cloud and Spreaker.

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Enter our 星期三 Warrior Contest to win a headgear from DanmarWarrior.com by following us on Facebook and on Twitter.

Special thanks to our friends at Asics, Casey’s General Stores, Adidas, 凱迪拉克, Dollamur, 所有的美國摔跤供應, 國防肥皂, 耐克, 金國家訓練中心的傳說, 聖. 路易體委, 泰坦水星摔跤俱樂部, 向日葵摔跤, Fast Signs, Rockstar的衛星DirecTV公司, DanMarWarrior.com, Max Muscle Sports Nutrition, Louie’s Wine Dive, TheWrestlingSite.com, IAWrestle.com, Roller Productions, Kaldenberg Landscaping, Bakeris Roofing, Casey’s General Stores, Under Armour Wrestling and Cookies BBQ.

Casey’s General Stores now offers on-line ordering. 訪問 caseystogo.com to order pizza, subs and more.