Архівы: Khiary Шэры


Fan-friendly, FREE Facebook platform with nearly 5.2 million views to feature live access from sold-out House of Blues in the shadows of Fenway Park.

інтэрнэт: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/


Нью-Ёрк (Сакавіка 12, 2019) – For the second-straight year, FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ Працуе на Everlast has something for everyone as the fan-friendly and completely FREE platform celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys and Murphys Boxing. Music fans and fight enthusiasts from across the nation and around the globe can catch the Dropkick Murphys in concert and an outstanding card with international appeal on Saturdayvia any device where Facebook is availablebrought to fans by the promotion born out of the Dropkick Murphys popular Celtic punk band.

The free, interactive serieswhich has entertained almost 5.2 million fans since its platform premiere in May of 2017 – visits the shadows of Fenway once again to continue its March schedule. The three-show March is part of a 2019 first quarter that showcases an outstanding six-card lineup featuring six different promotions and spanning four cities, which began with three February shows and two March shows already that combined for more than 860,000 думкі.

This is my favorite day of the year,” сказаў Кен Кейсі, Dropkick Murphys Frontman and President and Founder, Murphys бокса. “We have a sold-out venue and an excellent boxing card, and Facebook will give our fans around the world a live look inside on the Dropkick Murphys, Murphys Boxing and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE channels.

In Saturday’s the main event, NABA Champion Марк Делука (22-1, 13 КО) бярэ на сябе Джымі Уільямс (16-1-1, 5 КО) in an all-New England battle of super welterweights. Also seeing action will be NABA light heavyweight titleholder CharlesСпрыяць (17-0, 8 КО), putting his unblemished mark on the line against battle-tested Chicago native Mike Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 КО). The stacked card will also see top-tier middleweight contender and Irish favorite Гэры “Шып” О'Саліван(29-3, 20 КО) take on popular New Englander Khiary Шэры (16-4, 12 КО). Тым часам, Irish nationals clash as Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 КО) takes on undefeated John Joyce (7-0, 4 КО) and undefeated heavyweight Найл Кенэдзі (12-0-1, 7 КО) is also scheduled to make an appearance, representing The Emerald Isle on its celebrated weekend.

“Вуліца. Paddy’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys is becoming one of our favorite FIGHTNIGHT LIVE traditions, but Saturday’s card may be the finest in the history of our platform in terms of title fights and quality matchups from top to bottom,” сказаў Марк Фрэтто, Асноўны і дырэктар па развіцці бізнэсу, Линакр СМІ. “Combine that lineup with a live set from Ken Casey and the Dropkick Murphys, it’s unbeatable, and since the House of Blues is sold-out, we’ll get you inside and up close with Facebook.

Цяпер у сваім другім сезоне, FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ Працуе на Everlast з'яўляецца веерныя зручнай платформай Facebook, што – сярод іншых аспектаў – ганаруся тым, што ў рэжыме рэальнага часу гутарак, якія адбыліся паміж бойкай каментатарамі і глядацкай аўдыторыяй. FIGHTNIGHT эфіры прадэманстравала больш 515 змагары і 16 акцыі падчас 31 прамыя трансляцыі падзей ад 18 розныя гарады з мая 2017, і пры гэтым, інтэрактыўная платформа выклікала лаяльнае цікавасць аматараў пабіцца з усіх канцоў Злучаных Штатаў і па ўсім свеце, уключаючы значныя аўдыторыі ў Мексіцы, Вялікабрытанія і іншыя часткі Еўропы, і нават прыхільнікі ў Паўднёвай Амерыцы, Азія і Аўстралія.

З траўня 2017, the numbers on the 30-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 167,483 views per event and almost 5.2 мільёнаў праглядаў для франшызы. З верасня. 2018, Season II shows have averaged more than 269,000 думкі.

верасень. 2018 “Каралі бокса аўторак Ноч Паядынкі” (594,447) з пяскоў ў Бэтлееме, РВК. 2018 “Queens і Каралі Queens Card” (379,758) ў Нью-Ёрку, лістапада. 2018 “Жорсткі ўдар Showtime Супрацоўніцтва” (372,662), РВК. 2018 “Рой Джонс-малодшы. Texas Throwdown” (318,886), Кас. 2018 “Жорсткі наезд Philly Спецыяльны” (297,545), Кас. 2018 гадзінны бязлітасны “Freeview” (292,253), лістапада. 2018 “Тытаны У сталіцы” (256,871), верасень. 2017 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” ад Resorts World Casino (225,000), ФЭБ. 2019 “Шалёны Babe Philly Special” (203,000) і жнівень 2017 CES “супер суботу” ад Фоксвудса (203,000) усе зарэгістраванае 200,000 або больш праглядаў, and collectively the 30-show series has seen a total of more than 5,191,976 віды на ўсіх прыладах.

У дадатку да неапрацаваным чыслах росту аўдыторыі, цалкам інтэрактыўны, вентылятар чыстых вытворчасці бачылі больш чым 419,000 калектыўныя жывыя паштовыя абавязацельствы (больш чым 13,000 на выставе), у тым ліку больш за 324,000 “спадабалася” або “любіць,” almost 56,000 каментары і больш 18,000 акцыі.

верасень. 2018 “Каралі бокса аўторак Ноч Паядынкі” з пяскоў ў Бэтлееме усталяваны новы бар з 594,447 думкі and the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. верасень. 2017 карта піла DiBella больш чым 40,000 тэлеглядач ўзаемадзеяння у тым ліку амаль 39,000 “спадабалася” або “любіць” і ў сакавіку 17, 2018, Мэрфі “Вуліца. Дзень Clash Патрыка” ўсталяваць новы знак высокай вады для акцый 2,182.

FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ старонка на Facebook мае больш 87,000 фанаты і больш 94,000 паслядоўнікі.

Створаны і выраблены Линакр СМІ з Нью-Ёрка, серыя FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ мае прафесійныя дыктары, множныя ракурсы, тэлевізійныя графікі, паўторы і за кадрам доступу і інтэрв'ю. У струменевым шоу даступныя па ўсім свеце, дзе Facebook даступны. Гэтая ініцыятыва не толькі дазваляе заўзятарам з усяго свету, каб наладзіцца на, але і дае шматабяцальным байцам глабальную платформу, каб прадэманстраваць свае здольнасці, дае промотора даступны “трансляцыі” рашэнне і дае фундатарам магчымасць дасягнуць масавай аўдыторыі з дапамогай брэндаваныя кантэнту.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Spring 2019 даты будзе афіцыйна абвешчана ў бліжэйшыя тыдні.

FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ даступная ў Інтэрнэце па адрасе: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/

Выконвайце ўсе дзеянні з дапамогай сацыяльных сродкаў масавай інфармацыі ў FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE на Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE на Instagram і @ FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ на Twitter, або з дапамогай хэштэгу #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Для апошніх падзей Линакра СМІ і расклад вяшчання, прытрымлівацца @LinacreMedia ва ўсіх сацыяльных платформах або выкарыстоўваць тэгі #LinacreMediaEvents або #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Аб Everlast Worldwide Inc.
Выбітны брэнд у боксе, так як 1910, Everlast з'яўляецца вядучым вытворцам у свеце, маркетолаг і ліцэнзіярам бокса, ММА і трэнажоры. Ад легендарных чэмпіёнаў Джэк Дэмпсі і Шугар Рэй Робінсан бягучых суперзорак Deontay Wilder і Дастын Пуаро, Everlast з'яўляецца брэнд выбару для многіх пакаленняў чэмпіёна свету прафесійных спартсменаў. Пабудаваны на зусім спадчына сілы, адданасць, індывідуальнасць і сапраўднасць, Everlast з'яўляецца неабходнай часткай жыцця незлічоных чэмпіёнаў. Якая базуецца ў Манхэтэне, Прадукты Everlast прадаюцца ў больш чым 75 краіны і 6 кантыненты. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візітwww.everlast.com.


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Бостан (Сакавіка 4, 2019):

Murphys бокса is excited to announce that undefeated, Irish heavyweight, Niall Kennedі (12-0-1, 8 КО) была дададзеная The 4th Annual St. Дзень Clash Патрыка які адбудзецца Субота, March 16th у Бостан, Масачусэтс на House of Blues.

One of Murphys Boxing’s most popular fighters, ‘Boom Boom’, is coming off a dominant unanimous decision win this past October when he took the ‘O’ from fellow undefeated heavyweight, Брэндан Баррэтт in a fight broadcast on DAZN.

Kennedy’s 2019 debut will fittingly take place at this year’s St. Дзень Clash Патрыка, his third time appearing at the annual event, and he knows firsthand the excitement and energy that comes with it.

I won the Massachusetts State Heavyweight Title on the Murphys Paddys Day show in 2017 and it was an amazing experience. The atmosphere is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed at a boxing event. I’m looking forward to being part of it again.

Kennedy, despite hailing from Gorey, Ireland where he works full time as a policeman, змагаўся 10 з яго 13 professional fights in the New England area and actually considers Boston his boxing home.

I’m blessed with the support that I have received from the people of Boston and Massachusetts in general. I have a large family connection in the state who bring out massive support so when it comes to boxing homes, Boston is my first boxing home.

As for 2019, Kennedy is dead set on upping the competition and even has his eyes on a fellow unbeaten heavyweight who like himself is creating a buzz in a boxing crazed east coast city.

My goal is always to improve with each fight. I want to be world ranked and fight the top names in the division but I know if that’s going to happen, 2019 has to be a huge year for me. There’s a lot of fighters I want to share the ring with but right now I think myself vs Philadelphia’s Darmani Rock is a fight that should and will happen.

Заснавальнік бокса Мэрфіс, Кен Кейсі agrees that 2019 will be a breakout year for Kennedy and that his addition to the St. Patrick’s Day Clash takes the event to a whole new level.

Niall is one of our most popular fighters and he has huge fights on the horizon. We want to keep him active this year so he can be at his best for what lies ahead. Having an Irish heavyweight on a St. Patrick’s Day show puts this card over the top as one of the best Murphys Boxing has ever done.

The Saint Patrick’s Day Clash will truly be an Irish heavy affair as Kennedy joins a card that has fellow Murphys Boxing stablemate, Cork, Ірландыі Gary ‘Spike’ O’Sullivan (29-3, 20 КО) in a risky fight against Khiary Шэры (16-4, 12 КО) as well as the much anticipated all Irish welterweight showdown between Cork, Ірландыі John Joyce (7-0, 4 КО) and Lucan, Ірландыі Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 КО).

Headlining the annual event will be NABA Junior Middleweight Champion, Massachusetts’ Марк Делука (22-1, 13 КО) who will put his title, and his топ 10 world ranking, on the line against Connecticut’s Джымі Уільямс (16-1-1, 5 КО).

У са-галоўную падзею, непераможаным NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Connecticut’sЧарльз Фостэр (17-0, 8 КО) will take on once beaten, Chicago power puncher, Mike Jiminez (22-1-2, 14 КО).

Murphys Boxing’s 4th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Clash takes place on Saturday, March 16th in Boston, Massachusetts at the House of Blues (15 Lansdowne Street). Дзверы адчыняюцца ў 19:00. The night will also feature a specialin ringacoustic performance by The Dropkick Murphys. Limited tickets are on sale now at:


For group sales and VIP ticket information contact Mike Bloom atmbloom@murphysboxing.com

2019 МАРФІ Вынікі бокса

1/26 – Уільям Фостэр III (9-0, 6 КО) УД над Анхелем Суарэсам
*Фостэр абараніў свайго НАБФ-малодшага. Загаловак у суперлёгкай вазе

2/9 – Карлас Гонгарам (15-0, 12 КО) KO 5 над Ісусам Авілесам
*Гангора выйграў тытул паўднёваамерыканскага чэмпіёна WBC у сярэдняй вазе


3/16/19 – Бостан, Масачусэтс. Вуліца. Дзень Clash Патрыка
3/29/19 – Мелроуз, Масачусэтс. Я прадаў супраць. Вудс


Murphys Boxing заснаваў Dropkick Murphys’ фронтмэн, Кен Кейсі ст 2014. Проста 5 кароткія гады, Мэрфіс Бокс стаў галоўным прамоўтэрам бокса ў раёне Новай Англіі і адной з самых папулярных маладых акцый у краіне. 2018 Мэрфіс Бокс стаў годам перарыву, калі яны прынялі свой першы баец да тытула свету. Разам з першым чэмпіёнам акцыі, некалькі байцоў Мэрфіса Бокса забяспечылі магчымасці тытулаў чэмпіёна свету і нацыянальныя тэлевізійныя баі 2018. Мэрфіс Бокс закрыў свой банер года, сумесна прасоўваючы чэмпіянат WBO ў сярэдняй вазе паміж сутычкамі Дзімітрыя Андрадэ і Уолтэра Каутондаква перад 10,000 вентылятары ў TD Garden, легендарны дом Бостанскіх Селтыкаў, які трансляваўся на міжнародным узроўні на DAZN. Мерфіс Бокс у цяперашні час складаецца з сусветных рэйтынгаў, як Марк ДэЛука, Чарльз Фостэр, Грэг Вэндэці, Гэры 'Спайк’ О’Саліван і перспектывы накшталт Найла Кенэдзі, Карлас Гонгарам, Уільям Фостэр III, Абрагам Нова, Майк Охан-малодшы. і больш!

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце: www.murphysboxing.com






Бостан (Лютага 4, 2019):

Murphys бокса is proud to announce their 4th Annual Вуліца. Дзень Clash Патрыка will take place on Субота, March 16th яшчэ раз на House of Blues у Бостан.

Headlining the stacked card will be Whitman, Масачусэтс’ Марк Делука (22-1, 13 КО). The current NABA Super Welterweight Champion, is ranked #10 у свеце WBA and will defend his title against Connecticut’s Джымі Уільямс (16-1-1, 5 КО) in an all New England 10 round battle.

DeLuca is coming off the highest profile win of his career this past October when he fought on the undercard of Деметриус Андрадэ гадоў world title fight at TD Garden which was shown worldwide on DAZN. DeLuca won a unanimous decision in what was an immediate rematch of the only blemish on his record, a split decision loss to Walter Wright, considered by most in attendance to be a robbery. Now DeLuca finds himself, not only one of the most popular fighters in New England, but also in contention for a world title shot later this year.

Being in the Top 10 зараз, I know that I’m only a phone call away from a life changing opportunity.”, explains the former Marine turned title contender.

I’m always in the gym. I’m staying focused. I know I need a good performance against Williams to keep that opportunity alive.

Having already headlined a Murphys Boxing event on St. Дзень Патрыка, DeLuca is well aware that it isn’t the average boxing card.

“Вуліца. Дзень Патрыка. Бостан. Dropkick Murphys. What more can you say? The atmosphere is electric.

У са-галоўную падзею, one of boxing’s favorite characters, Gary ‘Spike’ O’Sullivan (29-3, 20 КО) will make his return to Boston, where he has amassed a huge following, to take on Worcester, Масачусэтс’ Khiary Шэры (16-4, 12 КО) in what promises to be an action packed 8 round battle.

The Cork, Ireland native who is promoted by Murphys Boxing in association with Golden Boy Promotions has moved down to the junior middleweight division where he is looking to make a splash in 2019 after finishing last year with a unanimous decision victory in his home country against the 40 fight veteran, Gabor Gorbics.

Boston is a home away from home for me.”, says the outspoken, handlebar mustached slugger who has fought in the New England area 10 раз.

Murphys Boxing Saint Patrick’s Day events are not to be missed. The crowd is insane and I’m coming to give them what they wanna seea fight!”

The night will also feature a who’s who of New England’s hottest young contenders and prospects.

Murphys Boxing’s Чарльз Фостэр (17-0, 8 КО) will put his NABA Light Heavyweight Championship title on the line in a 10 round bout against Chicago’s Mike Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 КО).

The New Haven, Connecticut based Foster is a world ranked contender (#10 у WBA) and is fresh off a national television appearance last year when he beat the previously undefeated, Элвін Varmall, Малодшы. на Час Для Шоу. He will face one of his toughest challenges yet against the dangerous, power punching, Jimenez whose only loss came to two-time world title challenger, Джэсі Харт.

Revere, Масачусэтс’ favorite son, Travis Mazac Gambardella (5-0-2, 2 КО), who trains out of the popular, KnuckleHeadz Gym in Ventura, Каліфорнія, will return home to try and extend his undefeated record against fellow Boston area fighter, Maceo Crowder (2-2, 1 KO) у 6 round middleweight contest.

Паўднёвы Бостан Джо Фарына (4-1, 3 КО), who last fought against Gambardella, dropping a razor close majority decision on the undercard of Demetrius Andrade’s middleweight title fight at TD Garden, will look to get back in the winning column in a four round welterweight rematch against New Jersey’s Стыў Мур (1-6, 1 KO) who lost a split decision to Farina last year.

In keeping with the holiday’s theme, there will be an all Irish grudge match when Lucan, Ірландыі John Joyce (7-0, 4 КО) travels to America to take on Cork, Ірландыі Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 КО), who is now based in New York City, in an 8 round welterweight clash that has Irish pride on the line.

The night will be kicked off by the highly anticipated professional debut of Mansfield, Massachusetts welterweight, Джэймс Perella. The decorated amateur fighter will turn proagainst Woburn, Масачусэтс’ Bruno Dias (0-5) у 4 round contest.

“Санкт-. Patrick’s Day Clash is my favorite promotion of the year and one that our fighters and fans really look forward to.”, explains, Murphys Boxing founder and Dropkick Murphys frontman, Кен Кейсі.

The atmosphere that’s created when you put boxing on in a general admission, standing room only concert venue, let alone on St. Patrick’s Day in Boston, creates a unique and intense experience.

As for the incredibly busy and successful year the promotional company is coming off of, Кейсі, who will also play 4 consecutive shows with Dropkick Murphys the same week at the same venue, is even more excited about what the new year holds.

“2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing but with contenders like Mark DeLuca and Charles Foster in the position for world title shots later this year and a slew of undefeated prospects on the verge of world rankings, not to mention multiple cards already planned, 2019 will take Murphys Boxing to a whole new level.

Murphys Boxing’s 4th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Clash takes place on Saturday, March 16th in Boston, Massachusetts at the House of Blues (15 Lansdowne Street). Дзверы адчыняюцца ў 19:00. The night will also feature a specialin ringacoustic performance by The Dropkick Murphys. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ў:


For group sales and VIP ticket information contact Mike Bloom atmbloom@murphysboxing.com


2/9/19 – Quito, Эквадор Карлас Гонгарам супраць. Jesus Aviles (WBC Latino Silver)
3/16/19 – Бостан, Масачусэтс. Вуліца. Дзень Clash Патрыка
3/29/19 – Мелроуз, Масачусэтс. Грэг Вэндэці & Ryan Kielczweski Return!


Murphys Boxing заснаваў Dropkick Murphys’ фронтмэн, Кен Кейсі ст 2014. Проста 5 кароткія гады, Мэрфіс Бокс стаў галоўным прамоўтэрам бокса ў раёне Новай Англіі і адной з самых папулярных маладых акцый у краіне. 2018 Мэрфіс Бокс стаў годам перарыву, калі яны прынялі свой першы баец да тытула свету. Разам з першым чэмпіёнам акцыі, некалькі байцоў Мэрфіса Бокса забяспечылі магчымасці тытулаў чэмпіёна свету і нацыянальныя тэлевізійныя баі 2018. Мэрфіс Бокс закрыў свой банер года, сумесна прасоўваючы чэмпіянат WBO ў сярэдняй вазе паміж сутычкамі Дзімітрыя Андрадэ і Уолтэра Каутондаква перад 10,000 вентылятары ў TD Garden, легендарны дом Бостанскіх Селтыкаў, які трансляваўся на міжнародным узроўні на DAZN. Мерфіс Бокс у цяперашні час складаецца з сусветных рэйтынгаў, як Марк ДэЛука, Чарльз Фостэр, Грэг Вэндэці, Гэры 'Спайк’ О’Саліван і перспектывы накшталт Найла Кенэдзі, Карлас Гонгарам, Уільям Фостэр III, Майк Охан-малодшы. і больш!

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце: www.murphysboxing.com

3-час, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio Rivera returns with a bang KO winner in his first fight in 7 гады

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-чэмпіён свету
Пятніца, Жнівень 17, 2018
The Palladium, Вустер, Масачусэтс
THE CHAMP IS BACK: referee Bob Benoit (L) and Jose Antonio Rivera

Вустер, Маса. (Жнівень 19, 2018) – Seven years after his last fight, “Gallo” Хасэ Антоніо Рывера returned to the ring in grand fashion last night (Субота) у загалоўку “Вяртанне на радзіму, presented by Granite Chin Promotions in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment, у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс.




The 45-year-old Rivera (42-6-1, 25 КО), 35 pounds lighter than he was in February when he started training, packed the house in his hometown, fully entertained his supportive fans. Трохразовы, two-division world champion Rivera pressured LarrySlomoshun: Каваль (10-38-1, 7 КО) from the opening bell and he never let up.




It took a few rounds for Rivera to wear off the rust, but he fed Smith a steady diet of body shots, gradually breaking down his opponent, as he won round after round on points. Twice in the sixth round it looked like Smith was done, but the tough Texan showed a lot of heart to survive.




У рэшце рэшт, Rivera closed the show in the seventh round, when Smith broke his hand in the fifth round and was unable to continue, kneeling in his corner, obviously in pain.




I’ve always been tough,” Rivera said after the fight, “but I was a little rusty. He tested me early but, once he saw I wasn’t going anywhere and knew he was in for a fight. I started warming up in the fourth round. I was always a 12-round fighter. I didn’t know he broke his hand until after the fight. Я выдатна сябе адчуваю. We gave a good fight to the fans who have always supported me.




I give myself a C+ tonight. I’m going to talk with my family, but I’m thinking about one more fight, to make it 50 for his pro career).”




Хасэ Антоніо Рывера (R) had a successful comeback fight




У са-прыкметах падзеі, Worcester super middleweight Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы. (10-1-2, 7 КО) demolished Фабіян “El LoboValdez (2-4), flooring him with a right uppercut and soon after finished him with a vicious body shot for a technical-knockout victory in the opening round. The popular Ball was fighting at home for the first time as a professional




The rematch between Worcester junior middleweight Khiary Шэры (16-4, 12 КО) і Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 КО) ended in the same fashion as their first encounter did three years ago. Also fighting at home for the first time, Gray blasted out his game opponent, cracking him with a picture-perfect, left-fight combination that put Fernandez on his back. Fernandez beat the count, but referee Bob Benoit halted the action.



Southbridge, MA junior middleweight Вільфрэда “Sucaro” язычнік (5-0, 3 КО) застаўся непераможаным, using a relentless body attack to drop EngelbertoGuarura” Валенсуэла (11-15, 3 КО) тры разы, the last ending the fight midway through the third round.




Springfield, MA junior lightweight Joshua Orta (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an impressive pro debut in a barn-burner that ended when (1-8-1, 1 KO), of Worcester, was unable to continue fighting after the third round.




Worcester welterweight Eslih Owuso (1-0) pitched a shutout in his pro debut, decking veteran Браян “The Brick” Абрагам (6-31-2, 6 КО) у два разы ў другім туры, на шляху да аднагалосным рашэннем перамогу.




In the opening bout of the night, 45-гадоў Jose Angel “KO” Ортис (5-14-1, 2 КО) ўпаў Patrick Leal (0-5) 10-seconds into the fight, once more later in the opening round, and stopped him in the second. Oritz, fighting out of Springfield, MA by way of Puerto Rico, was fighting for the first time in five years, and he registered his first victory in seven.

Official results below:




MAIN EVENT – Средневесов

Хасэ Антоніо Рывера (42-6-1, 25 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс

WTKO 7 (1:07)

Larry Smith (10-38-1, 7 КО), Далас, Тэхас




CO-FEATURE – Супер средневесов

Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы. (10-1-2, 7 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс

WTKO1 (2:21)

Fabian Valdez (2-4, 0 КО), Cananea Sonora, Мексіка





Jose Angel Ortiz (5-13-1, 2 КО), Springfield, Масачусэтс

WTKO2 (1:03)

Patrick Leal (0-5), Somerville, Масачусэтс.





Khiary Шэры (16-4, 12 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс

WTKO1 (2:27)

Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 КО), Броктон, Масачусэтс




Wilfredo Pagan (5-0, 3 КО), Southbridge, Масачусэтс

WTKO3 (1:29)

Engelberto Valenzuela (11-15, 3 КО), Agua Prieta, Мексіка




Паўсярэдняга вагі

Eslih Owusu (1-0), Вустер, Масачусэтс

WDEC4 (40-34, 40-35, 40-36)

Браян Абрахам (6-31-2, 6 КО), Schenectady, Нью-Ёрк






Joshua Orta 1-0, 1 KO), Springfield, Масачусэтс

WTKO3 (3:00)

Эдвін Росадо (1-8-1, 1 KO), Вустер, Масачусэтс





Event sponsors included Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Адвакат. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto Championsofhealth@USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings

Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57.




A portion of the proceeds was donated to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.


Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChinPromotions

Шчэбет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

New “Вяртанне на радзіму” opponent for headliner “Gallo” Хасэ Антоніо Рывера

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-чэмпіён свету
Пятніца, Жнівень 17, 2018
The Palladium, Вустер, Масачусэтс
У гэтую пятніцу night at The Palladium in Worcester, Масачусэтс

Вустер, Маса. (Жнівень 15, 2018) – Трохразовы, Два-чэмпіён свету “Gallo” Jose Rivera has a new opponent for his comeback fight this Friday night in “Вяртанне на радзіму”, прадстаўлена Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЭ), у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс.




The 45-year-old Рывэра (41-6-1, 24 КО), who was matched against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan, didn’t find out until yesterday (Аўторак) that Galvan had broken a finger the night before. Texas veteran LarrySlomoshun” Каваль (10-37-1, 7 КО) is the late replacement for Rivera in the eight-round main event.




I am not a fan of late changes,” Rivera said, “but at this point it’s either that or no fight, and I’ve trained too hard not to fight.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut.




The name of the event is “Вяртанне на радзіму” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




Super middleweight Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы. (9-1-2, 6 КО) and junior middleweight Khiary Шэры(15-4, 11 КО), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball faces Mexican FabianEl LoboValdez (2-3) у сумесных прыкметах падзеі, while Gray (15-4, 11 КО) асобы Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 КО), of Brockton, Масачусэтс, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Southbridge, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Вільфрэда “Sucaro” язычнік (4-0, 2 КО) супраць. EngelbertoGuarura” Валенсуэла (11-14, 3 КО), Спрынгфілд (Масачусэтс) pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta супраць. Worcester’s Эдвін Росадо (1-7-1, 1 KO), Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.супраць. Браян “The Brick” Абрагам (6-30-2, 6 КО) і Springfield, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Jose Angel “KO” Ортис (4-13-1, 1 KO) супраць. Somerville’s (Масачусэтс) Patrick Leal (0-4).




Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.




Квіткі, па цане $75.00 (зручная кропка для агляду) і $45.00 (General Admission), у продажы і даступныя для пакупкі ў www.ThePalladium.net або Palladium кінапракату (толькі агульная ўваходная плата), або звязацца з Хасэ Рывэра (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) або любой з байцоў.




Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 p.m. І, Першы бой 7 p.m. І.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Адвакат. Maria M. Rivera-Котто,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Шчэбет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

“Gallo” Хасэ Антоніо Рывера “Вяртанне на радзіму” Open Workout Photo Gallery

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-чэмпіён свету
Пятніца, Жнівень 17, 2018
The Palladium, Вустер, Масачусэтс
“Gallo” Хасэ Антоніо Рывера
“Вяртанне на радзіму” Open Workout
Photo Gallery
Чэмпіён вярнуўся – Хасэ Антоніо Рывера
Photo Gallery belowall pictures courtesy of Cristian Nunez
Вустер, Маса. (Жнівень 9, 2018) — Трохразовы, Два-чэмпіён свету “Gallo” Jose Rivera held an open workout yesterday at Camp Get Right in Worcester, Масачусэтс, in preparation for his comeback fight Жнівень 17, хэдлайнерамі “Вяртанне на радзіму, прадстаўлена Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЭ), у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс.
Рывэра (41-6-1, 24 КО) headlines against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 КО) in the eight-round main event.
The name of the event is “Вяртанне на радзіму” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals: Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы. (9-1-2, 6 КО), у першай сярэдняй Khiary Шэры (15-4, 11 КО) and pro-debuting Eslih Owusu.
Мяч, Малодшы. and Owusu, along with nearby Southbridge’s Вільфрэда “El Sacaro” язычнік and Worcester’s Эдвін Росадо, joined Rivera at last night’s open workout.
Квіткі, па цане $75.00 (зручная кропка для агляду) і $45.00 (General Admission), у продажы і даступныя для пакупкі ў www.ThePalladium.net або Palladium кінапракату (толькі агульная ўваходная плата), або звязацца з Хасэ Рывэра (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) або любой з байцоў.
Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 p.m. І, Першы бой 7 p.m. І.
Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Адвакат. Maria M. Rivera-Котто, Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).
A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.
Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions
Шчэбет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera, @Granite_Chin

(L-Р) — Co-promoter Chuck Shearns & Хасэ Антоніо Рывера

Jose Antonio Rivera with Kendrick Ball, Малодшы. being interviewed in background

Хасэ Антоніо Рывера

Хасэ Антоніо Рывера
Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы.
Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы.
Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы.

“Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera to headline “Вяртанне на радзіму”

Чэмпіён вярнуўся!
Жнівень 17 у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс
“Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera hitting the pads with his trainer Sean Fitzgerald


Вустер, Маса. (Ліпеня 31, 2018) – A dozen years after he captured his third world title in two different weight classes, seven since his last fight, “Gallo” Jose Rivera returns to the ring August 17 у загалоўку “Вяртанне на радзіму”, прадстаўлена Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЭ), у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс.




The 45-year-old Рывэра (41-6-1, 24 КО) has already lost more than 30 фунты, now within four pounds of his contracted weight, since he started training earlier this year. He will headline against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 КО) in the eight-round main event.




У 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO ў) World welterweight title, прыпынак Gilberto Flores у другім туры. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, родны любімы Michel Trabant (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




In front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera capped his boxing career by winning a 12-round unanimous decision in 2006 over defending champion Алехандра Гарсія(25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




The idea to return to the ring started with my son. Эй-Джэй, and I talking about chasing history,” Рывэра патлумачыў. “We are not able to put that together right now (A.J. was born with Spina Bifida and he was unable to secure medical clearance in time for the Aug. 17й show.), but because of my hard work these last six months, I felt that it was only fitting to continue with my fight.




Granite Chin Promotions has been very instrumental to make sure that this show is put together in the most professional manner possible. I won’t think our promotional company (Jos and A.J. own and operate RPE Promotions Entertainment) would have been able to pull this off. All the negotiations had to be done and me training the only way I know how, at a championship level, would have been too much for us to handle.




Акцыі з гранітнага падбародка’ co-promoter Chuck Shearns дабаўленай, “When Jose and I started talking about his ring return, I was the last person to think he was crazy. We were friends during his championship days and I know how incredibly committed and disciplined Jose is. Я ваяваў у 49 гадоў, not to compare myself to the level Jose has been on, but I know that it can be done. What everyone should know is how well Jose has taken care of himself during his thirties and into his forties. Did I ever think that Крыс (Traietti, GCP co-promoter) and I would be co-promoting Jose’s comeback? Ня, but I’m happy to be involved and I will support him as far as he wants to take this. He’s been training like he’s 25 and Jose’s going to surprise some people.




During Rivera’s title reigns, unlike other world champions, he also held a full-time job as a court officer in the Massachusetts Trial Court, a position in Worcester that he still holds 17 years later. Between working and training, never mind his family responsibilities, Jose somehow manages to balance everything in his extremely busy life.




Let’s just say it makes for a busy schedule,” Rivera remarked. “I am committed to taking care of my family and will do whatever it takes. I usually run before work and train after work. Starting early and finishing late makes for busy days, but the job needs to get done. Зараз, I’m in the middle of the hardest period of training. The week of the fight is more about preparing mentally and making weight. There’s nothing you can do the week of the fight to help you get into better shape.




Rivera isn’t under any illusions that his comeback will lead to another major world title. The plan is for him to have two more fights to reach a total of 50 а пра, but he’s taking things one fight at a time, and he still hopes his next fight, tentatively slated for later this year, will be on the same card as his son’s pro debut.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut. The battle-tested Galvan, his Aug. 17й opponent from Indiana, has fought other world champions, Including Заб Джуда, Хуліа Сезар Чавес-, Малодшы., Jorge Paez і Пол Спадафора.




I hear he comes to fight and that he likes to fool around a bit to try and get into his opponent’s head,” Rivera added. I’ve concentrated on me, my timing and focus on the game plan




Training for this fight has been more mental than anything else. I have been able to reach peak performance at 45 training like I did in my prime. The most important thing is that, working with my trainer Sean Fitzgerald, I’ve been focused on making sure my timing gets better since it’s been seven years since I last fought.




“І, вядома, it’s always a great feeling to box in front of my hometown fans. Their support is always appreciated.




The name of the event is “Вяртанне на радзіму” because six fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




У сярэднім Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы. (9-1-2, 6 КО) and junior middleweight Khiary Шэры (15-4, 11 КО), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball meets Дзімітрый Уокер (8-21-2, 4 КО) у сумесных прыкметах падзеі, while Gray (15-4, 11 КО) асобы Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 КО), of Brockton, Масачусэтс, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Springfield, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Jose Angel “KO” Ортис (4-13-1, 1 KO) супраць. сэт Basler (0-8) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta супраць. Worcester’s Эдвін Росадо (1-7-1, 1 KO), Southbridge, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Вільфрэда “Sucaro” язычнік (4-0, 2 КО) супраць. TBA, and Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.супраць. Браян “The Brick” Абрагам (6-30-2, 6 КО).




Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.




Квіткі, па цане $75.00 (зручная кропка для агляду) і $45.00 (General Admission), у продажы і даступныя для пакупкі ў www.ThePalladium.net або Palladium кінапракату (толькі агульная ўваходная плата), або звязацца з Хасэ Рывэра (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) або любой з байцоў.




Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 p.m. І, Першы бой 7 p.m. І.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Адвакат. Maria M. Rivera-Котто,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Шчэбет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

3-час, 2-division World Champion “Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera Returns to ring for first time in 7 years on “Вяртанне на радзіму” карта

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-чэмпіён свету
Пятніца, Жнівень 17, 2018
The Palladium, Вустер, Масачусэтс
Father-son Jose Antonio & A.J. Рывэра
Making History
World champion’s return & son’s pro debut
Жнівень 17 у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс

(L-Р) Эдвін Росадо, Josh Orta, Eslih Owusu, Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы, Джымі Burchfield, Khiary Шэры, Хасэ Антоніо Рывера, A.J. Рывэра, Chuck Shearns, Jose Angel Ortiz and Wilfredo Pagan

Вустер, Маса. (Ліпеня 19, 2018) – Акцыі з гранітнага падбародка (GCP) and Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЭ) hosted a press conference yesterday at The Ballot Box in Worcester, Масачусэтс, to make a major announcement, as well as introduce local fighters on the August 17йpro boxing card at The Palladium in Worcester.




Трохразовы, Два-чэмпіён свету “Gallo” Хасэ Антоніо Рывера (41-6-1, 24 КО) is making his return in theMaking History” галоўная падзея, in large part because he wanted to fight on the same card as his son, A.J. Рывэра, who was to become the first pro boxer who was born with Spina Bifida. Эй-Джэй, who is a rising matchmaker in New England, was unable to get medically cleared in time and he will not be fighting Aug. 17.




The event has been renamed, “Вяртанне на радзіму”, because six of the competing fighters, including Jose Antonio Rivera, live in Worcester.




“На жаль,” announced promoter Chuck Shearns, who co-promotes Granite Chin Promotions with Chris Traietti, “A.J. isn’t fighting on this show because he couldn’t get medically cleared in time.




I trained hard and was within five or six pounds of my contract weight,” a disappointed A.J. Рывэра патлумачыў. “I passed all of the medical tests except for the CATSCAN. I fought the doctor a little and said I wanted a second opinion. Those results won’t be in time, so I can’t fight on this card.




The reason I’m coming back was to make history with my son,” Jose Antonio Rivera added. “We had talked about it a long time but, на жаль, it wasn’t meant to be for A.J. for this card. He’s already part of history already as the only fighter born with Spina Bifida who fought as an amateur. I feel bad, but everything happens for a reason and as a father, my son’s safety always comes first. He will continue to be an important part of our team to make our company a success. People are thrown curveballs in life like this and we’ve regrouped to turn this into a positive. We’re still fighting for the cause (Spina Bifida).”




Зараз 45 гадоў, Rivera has already lost more than 30 фунты, and he is within eight of his contracted weight for his eight-round fight against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 КО).




У 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO ў) World welterweight title, прыпынак Gilberto Flores у другім туры. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, родны любімы Michel Trabant (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




Дзве бойкі пазней, in front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera won a 12-round unanimous decision in 2006 over defending champion Алехандра Гарсія (25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




У сярэднім Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы. (9-1-2, 6 КО) and junior middleweight Khiary Шэры (15-4, 11 КО), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be making their pro debuts at home in Worcester. Ball faces an opponent to be determined in the six-round co-featured event, while Gray (15-4, 11 КО) адпавядае Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 КО), of Brockton, Масачусэтс, also in a six rounder.




Undefeated light heavyweight prospect Рычард “Папа Морячок Чалавек” Рывэра (8-0, 7 КО), fighting out of Hartford, Канэктыкут, is slated to fight in a six-round bout vs. TBA, as well as his stable mate, two-time New England Golden Gloves champion “Абраны” Sharad Collier (1-0, 1 KO), who takes on his Mexican opponent, Эмануэль “PolloValadez (5-4, 4 КО), in a four-round match.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Springfield, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz Jose Angel “KO” Ортис (4-13-1, 1 KO) супраць. сэт Basler (0-8) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta супраць. Worcester’s Эдвін Росадо (1-7-1, 1 KO), Southbridge, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Вільфрэда “Sucaro” язычнік (4-0, 2 КО) супраць. TBA, Worcester lightweight Francisco Irizarry (4-0, 2 КО) супраць. TBA, Worcester’s pro-debuting lightweight Eslih Owusu.супраць. Мексіканскі EngelbertoGuarura” Валенсуэла (11-14 (3 КО).




Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.




Квіткі, па цане $75.00 (зручная кропка для агляду) і $45.00 (General Admission), у продажы і даступныя для пакупкі ў www.ThePalladium.net або Palladium кінапракату (толькі агульная ўваходная плата), або звязацца з Хасэ Рывэра (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) або любой з байцоў.




Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 p.m. І, Першы бой 7 p.m. І.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Адвакат. Maria M. Rivera-Котто, Championsofhealth@USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Прэс-канферэнцыя Катыроўкі


Joe Antonio Rivera: “I want to thank everybody for coming. Tomorrow is four weeks to the weigh in. It’s an important date because fighting is easy, making weight isn’t. I want to thank Granite Chin Promotions




Four Worcester fighters (Мяч, Gray, Irizarry and Owusu) on this card have never fought here. It’s huge having Kendrick and Khiary on this card and I’d like to thank CES Boxing for allowing them to fight here. I’m proud of Kendrick and Khiary and excited to have them fighting on this show. Chuck and Granite Chin are running this show, I’m only focused on my opponent.




I’m excited to have an opponent who is coming to fight. He’s my third opponent, but that’s part of boxing. Я трэніраваўся, passed my medicals, and it’s like I’m hungry again. I haven’t fought in years, but I’ve taken good care of my body. I didn’t visualize doing this at 45. I’ve also heard that, after August 17й, there’s a possibility of a title for me by the end of this year.


Chuck Shearns (GCP co-promoter): “I’m honored to be involved in this show. Jose and I have been friends for years. Months ago, this all started with a text conversation (Chuck, Jose and A.J.). A week later, it started getting serious, and then we had Jose and A.J. fighting on this card. На жаль, A.J. isn’t fighting on this card, but the show will go on.


Джымі Burchfield (CES promoter): “What’s important is that Jose Antonio Rivera is fighting on this card and that’s why I’m allowing ‘Pepper’ (Мяч) and Khiary to fight on this card. I’ve had a good relationship with Chuck and I’ve known Jose and A.J., who worked for me, for a long time. Nothing was happening in Worcester boxing for years, until Jose and A.J. started promoting here, but Worcester has always been a good fight town. All the fighters here will be proud of your victory. This is beautiful! They’ve been around him and know what he’s accomplished in life. Jose has never abused his body, he’s taken good care of himself.




“We (CES бокса) had an event scheduled August 17й at Twin River (Lincoln, Род-Айлэнд), but we moved from that date, and now everything is focused August 17й on Worcester. How could I not have my Worcester fighters on Jose Rivera’s comeback card? ‘Pepperand Khiary really wanted to fight on this card. These kids (fighters seated at head table) look up to Jose for what he’s done and in life and his comeback is a really big story. I know what ‘Pepperand Khiary are going to do and I know what Jose is going to do because he’s a veteran. I believe this will be a sell out!”


Кендрыка Болль, Малодшы:I want to thank my promoter, Джымі Burchfield, for giving me the okay to fight on this card. I also want to thank Granite Chin Promotions and Rivera Promotions Entertainment. I’ve waited for this a long time. This fight will give me a chance to redeem myself and show why I’m the next great middleweight to come out of Worcester. I’m ready to get it on.


Khiary Шэры:I want to thank Rivera Promotions Entertainment, CES Boxing and Granite Chin Promotions for giving me a chance to fight at home for the first time. This is a rematch for me. I stopped him in the first round, but there was some controversy. I know he’s coming to fight.


Eslih Owusi:I just graduated from high school and I wasn’t going to turn pro until after that. Fighting as a pro will be much more exciting than in the amateurs.


Jose Angel Ortiz: “Я вельмі рады. I haven’t fought in two years. I was supposed to return before, but things didn’t work out. I never left boxing because I’m in the gym all the time working out or training other fighters. Jose and I are both in our forties. We’re going to show everybody that we can still fight.


Эдвін Росадо:I will try and put on the best show I can.


Joshua Orta:I’m very happy about my first pro fight. I’ve dreamed of this day. Everybody is going to see an exciting card. I love this sport and always train hard.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Шчэбет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

Father-son Jose Antonio & A.J. Рывэра “Making HistoryWorld champion’s return & son’s pro debut

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-чэмпіён свету
Субота, Жнівень 17, 2018
The Palladium, Вустер, Масачусэтс
Жнівень 17 у The Palladium ў Вустере, Масачусэтс
(L-Р): A.J. and Jose Antonio Rivera


Вустер, Маса. (Чэрвеня 20, 2018) — This past Father’s Day was considerably different for three-time, Два-чэмпіён свету “Gallo” Хасэ Антоніо Рывера and his pro-debuting son, A.J. Рывэра, because they will beMaking History,” presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment and Granite Chin Promotions, Жнівень 17 at The Palladium.




Rivera and his son, адпаведна, are the promoter and matchmaker for Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЭ), which will co-promoteMaking Historywith Granite Chin Promotions (GCP).




We are excited to be teaming up with GCP for this historic boxing event,” Jose commented. “We have had the pleasure of working with Chris (Traietti) and Chuck (Shearns) in the past. We are grateful that they are able to work with us again to make sure we put together a great boxing event.




The Riveras will become the first world-champion father-son combination to fight on a pro show that is promoted by their company. More significantly, A.J. will become the first pro boxer to be born with Spina Bifida.




Зараз 45 гадоў, Rivera is making his second comeback, but this time it’s solely to fight on the same card as his son. Due to a variety of reasons, “Gallo” retired from the ring in 2008, but he came back in 2011 for two fights, both victories, before hanging up his gloves again.




У 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO ў) World welterweight title, прыпынак Gilberto Flores у другім туры. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, родны любімы Michel Trabant (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




Дзве бойкі пазней, in front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera won a 12-round unanimous decision over defending champion Алехандра Гарсія (25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




I am boxing at 45 years old because of this great opportunity that has arisen for my son and I,” Jose explained. “Boxing on the same card with my son is going to be exciting and, even more so, because we will be a part of history! I am fortunate to be healthy, фізічна, and I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for not having any brain issues from my prior years of boxing. I’ve lost 20 фунты, so far, and need to lose 12 more to make the 160-pound weight class.




I am not sure how the night of the fight is going to go. I play it in my head over and over about how I would like it to go, але ў рэшце рэшт, I’m confident we will both be ready for tough fights because of the hard work we’re both putting in at the gym.




Fan response has been good, positive and supportive of what we both are doing and attempting to accomplish. To look back at the day I was told my son was going to be born with Spina Bifida, preparing myself mentally for the worse, і цяпер 25 years later here we are close to fulfilling his childhood dream. It’s amazing! I feel blessed to share this moment with my son. I am also happy that we can do this in front of our family, сябры & fans in our City of Worcester, where my son was born, and I was raised since I moved there when I was 16.




On Aug. 17, Rivera will face battle-tested middleweight Раян “Dangerous” Дэвіс (24-19, 9 КО), fighting out of East Saint Louis, Ілінойс, in the eight-round main event. Davis has been in with the iron, including six-time, два чэмпіёна свету Заб Джуда, former International Boxing Federation (IBF) чэмпіён свету Ише Сміт, two-time world title challenger and 2004 US Olympian Vances Martirosyan, тытул чэмпіёна свету Jonathan Reid, reigning International Boxing Association (IBA) world junior middleweight champion Марк Делука, plus other notables such as Роб Брант, Мікаэл Zewski, Carlos Bojorquez і Dominik Britsch.





Twenty-five-year-old A.J. will fight an opponent to be determined in a four-round welterweight match. He is a graduate of Johnson & Wales with a major in sports management, who has quickly become one of the most respected matchmakers in New England.




A.J. grew-up in a gym, watching his father train, and he also fought as an amateur boxer. “I’ve always wanted to fight as a pro and what better way than to make my pro debut on the same card headlined by my pops,” Rivera said. “This is a one and done, I’m not going to box as a career and, hopefully I will leave the ring on August 17й and retire undefeated. I plan to make matchmaking a career. I can stay in the sport I’ve always loved and matchmake for our company and for other promoters.




I was born with Spina Bifida. A layer of skin covered a hole in my back, preventing water from getting in, which would have damaged my system and left me paralyzed, unable to speak and with a shunt in my head to drain fluid. The doctors told my parents that, if I survived, I’d only live to be 19, in a wheelchair and a little autistic. I had surgery the next day and my pops kept hope. As I got older, I played basketball, футбол, baseball and boxed. I was inactive for seven years when I went away to school and started matchmaking.




In addition to sacrificing to make weight, instead of having a Father’s Day cookout, he watched what he ate and, вядома, workout with his father in the gym to prepare for his pro debut.





I wasn’t able to celebrate my 25й anniversary on June 2 або,” A.J. дабаўленай. “I plan to celebrate my birthday and Father’s Day when I step out of the ring on August 17й. Затым, I’ll go back to focusing on my craft and become a full-time matchmaker.




Red-hot Richard “Папа Морячок Чалавек” Рывэра (8-0, 7 КО), fighting out of Hartford, Канэктыкут, will be showcased in the eight-round co-featured event. Rivera is the reigning UBF All Americans light heavyweight and ABF International cruiserweight champion.




Schedule to fight on the undercard in separate bouts are Worcester junior middleweight Khiary Шэры (15-4, 11 КО), promoted by CES Boxing, Danbury, CT junior welterweight Амар “Звер” Bordoy, Малодшы. (6-0, 2 КО), Springfield, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Jose Angel “KO” Ортис (4-13-1, 1 KO) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta, Southbridge, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Вільфрэда “Sucaro” язычнік (4-0, 2 КО), Worcester lightweight Francisco Irizarry (4-0, 2 КО) and pro-debuting lightweight Eslih Owusu.




Opponents will soon be announced. Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.




Квіткі, па цане $75.00 (зручная кропка для агляду) і $45.00 (General Admission), у продажы і даступныя для пакупкі ў www.ThePalladium.net або Palladium кінапракату (толькі агульная ўваходная плата), або звязацца з Хасэ Рывэра (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) або любой з байцоў.




Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6 p.m. І, Першы бой 7 p.m. І.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Hondo, Адвакат. Maria M. Rivera-Котто, USANA, Chieftain Liquors and ChrisFIT Xperience.




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.


Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Шчэбет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin


Ray Flores and Paulie Malignaggi call the action live from the boardwalk; Ten month-old fan-friendly fight series averages 88,952 views per show and recently eclipsed 1,000,000-view milestone
Нью-Ёрк (Лютага. 21, 2018)Recently reaching 1,000,000 views for the series, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE looks to establish another benchmark ў гэтую пятніцуСубота, Лютага. 23-24, with back-to-back-to-back shows spanning from the casinos of New England to the Boardwalk of Atlantic City. A red-hot card from the Jersey Shore caps the epic weekend, as the fan-friendly streaming service partners with Rising Star Promotions у суботу ноч, Лютага. 24. Fans from across the globe can catch seven bouts beginning at 7 p.m. wherever Facebook is available, including a crossroads main event battle featuring Томас “Cornflake” LaManna (25-2, 9 КО) і Гаўрыіл “Ціта” Брасеро (24-3, 5 КО).
We’re excited to be taking this next step for the series, and to be capping the weekend with an outstanding card that will delight fight fans, called by Рэй Флорэс і Полі Малиньяджи,” сказаў Марк Фрэтто, Галоўны з Линакр СМІ. “Boardwalk Boxing at The Showboat will be back in a big way у суботу night with names like LaManna, Брасеро, Rainone, Julan, Varmall and hot prospects and local favorites all displaying their talents and passion on Facebook. As a bonus, we’re proud to produce the PPV and pro debut of Майк Рашыд, who has conquered the worlds of fitness and digital media and is looking to do big things in the fight game.
У галоўным падзеі у суботу ноч, New Jersey’s LaManna fights for the 19th time in the shore town, as he takes on the battle tested, Brooklyn-based Bracero. The card will feature some of the best prospects in the region that includes Jahmal Дайер Балтымор, Мэрыленд. (4-0, 2 КО), DonaldNo Love” Каваль (5-0, 3 КО) Філадэльфія, Фрэдэрык Julan (8-0, 6 КО) of Brooklyn and Элвін Varmall, Малодшы. (14-0, 12 КО) of Catskill, N.Y..
We are excited to be bringing this great event and our first Boardwalk Boxing card from The Showboat to the fans all over the world on FIGHTNIGHT Live. We have a main event that everyone is talking about, and we are featuring some terrific prospects on an outstanding undercard,” сказаў Debbie LaManna, President of Rising Star Promotions.
Over the first nine-plus months of programming, the numbers on the 12-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of close to 90,000 fight fans tuning in per event and more than one-million fans served.
The Сем. 9 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” ад Resorts World Casino (225,000), у жніўні CES “Супер Субота” ад Фоксвудса (203,000), верасень. CES “Цвін-Рывер Twinbill” ад Лінкольна, R.I. (157,000) усе перавысіла 150,000 думкі, and collectively the 12-show series saw a total of more than 21,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,067,435-plus users across all devices.
У дадатку да неапрацаваным чыслах росту аўдыторыі, цалкам інтэрактыўны, вентылятар чыстых вытворчасці бачылі больш чым 142,000 калектыўныя жывыя паштовыя абавязацельствы (каля 12,000 на выставе), у тым ліку амаль 97,000 “спадабалася” або “любіць,” больш чым 22,000 comments and almost 6,000 акцыі.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 адсоткаў мужчын, 24 працэнтаў жанчын. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, якая ўключае ў сябе прыкладна 30.0 адсоткаў аўдыторыі, у сярэднім.
The Сем. 9 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 думкі і Сем. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. лютага. 10 Hard-Hitting PromotionsPhilly Fight Night” шоў вылучаецца індывідуальна 3,421 live hours of content viewed, у той час як Сем. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 тэлеглядач ўзаемадзеяння у тым ліку амаль 39,000 “спадабалася” або “любіць.”
FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ старонка на Facebook мае больш 80,000 фанаты і больш 82,000 паслядоўнікі. And Facebook itself has taken noticethe world’s No. 1 social network recently profiled FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on itsSuccess Storiesmedia blog, noting the seriesuse of industry best practices for production and interactivity:
Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Elite Heat Water, Montauk Iced Tea (montaukbev.com), Містэр. Custom Made(mrcustommade.com) і BallWasгадзіну (ballwash.com).
У суботу ноч, Лютага. 24, live from live from The Showboat in Atlantic City, N.J., прыхільнікі могуць чакаць высокае ўздзеянне, мульты-камера струменевага вопыт у камплекце з графікай, анімацыі, паўторы, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Рэй Флорэс of Premier Boxing Champions, Showtime Бокс, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Network and former IBF and WBA World Champion Полі Малиньяджи, now of Showtime, Sky Sports and CBS Sports Network. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, каментатары будуць пытаць і адказваць на пытанні аўдыторыі Facebook па ўсёй трансляцыі.
Створаны і выраблены Линакр СМІ з Нью-Ёрка, серыя FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ мае прафесійныя дыктары, множныя ракурсы, тэлевізійныя графікі, паўторы і за кадрам доступу і інтэрв'ю. У струменевым шоу даступныя па ўсім свеце, дзе Facebook даступны. Гэтая ініцыятыва не толькі дазваляе заўзятарам з усяго свету, каб наладзіцца на, але і дае шматабяцальным байцам глабальную платформу, каб прадэманстраваць свае здольнасці, дае промотора даступны “трансляцыі” рашэнне і дае фундатарам магчымасць дасягнуць масавай аўдыторыі з дапамогай брэндаваныя кантэнту.
Больш падрабязна FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ зіма / вясна 2018 даты будзе афіцыйна абвешчана ў бліжэйшыя тыдні.
FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ даступная ў Інтэрнэце па адрасе: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on
Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, або з дапамогай хэштэгу #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Для апошніх падзей Линакра СМІ і расклад вяшчання, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.