標記檔案: 凱文·約翰遜

超羽量級前景澤維爾·馬丁內斯撐的ShoBox不敗激動人心的21秒擊倒的主賽事: 新一代週五SHOWTIME®

頂級梅威瑟促銷前景馬丁內斯, 理查德森Hitchins, 凱文·紐曼II和羅蘭多·羅梅羅所有勝利

趕上週一重播, 十一月 4 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信用伊恩·斯帕尼爾/欣欣

點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信用肖恩·邁克爾·哈姆/梅威瑟促銷

拉斯維加斯 - 十一月 1, 2019 - 不敗超輕量級前景澤維爾·馬丁內斯興奮滿座的人群和拳擊在費 山姆城直播 在最快擊倒的一個 的ShoBox: 新一代 歷史中的主要事件星期五晚上在拉斯維加斯.

僅僅過了 21 為薩克拉門托國王隊的馬丁內斯秒 (15-0, 11 科斯) 搶盡風頭, 連接上用左手了堅實的戳一一眼右手前完成這項工作,並派出菲律賓傑西克里斯·羅薩萊斯 (22-4-1, 10 科斯) 潦倒在今年的候選人淘汰賽. 羅薩萊斯“頭部遭受重創的畫布上,他的屍體被留趴在地板上. (馬丁內斯KO視頻: HTTPS://twitter.com/
ShowtimeBoxing /狀態/ 1190493848016957441

馬丁內斯已經打進擊倒在連續七戰, 包括約翰·維森特Moralde在第三輪停工了 的ShoBox 首次在四月.

“我想出風頭,“馬丁內斯說. “[羅蘭多·羅梅羅] 做他的事情,我知道我必須利用這. 我做到了一半的時間 (45 秒). 每個人都做得很好,今晚. Hitchins和凱文 [紐曼] 既做自己的事情,我只好跟著.

“我要找回在健身房,繼續磨. 我想成為最好的. 我在拳擊比賽中的最好的球隊,現在. 只要他們保持襯起來, 我要保持敲下來。“

22-歲的布魯克林, 紐約州. 本地和 2016 奧海理查德森Hitchins (10-0, 5 科斯) 做他的電視和 的ShoBox 登場的協調功能回合, 贏得了凱文·約翰遜一致決定 (7-2, 4 科斯). 法官計分了回合 96-94 和 97-93 兩次.

Hitchins, 誰代表他父母的海地本國在 2016 裡約奧運會, 用他的技巧, 速度和防守邊緣27歲的約翰遜. Hitchins在每一個類別輪略好又一輪, 這讓他小,但決定性的線索途中建立的一致決定. 約翰遜是稍趨活躍 (52.6 到 49.8 每回合拳) 但Hitchins是更準確和更穩健的身體穿孔. Hitchins登陸 30 他的權力拳%的, 而約翰遜剛剛登陸 19 百分比他, 和Hitchins連接上 46 身體拍攝相比, 30 約翰遜.

“約翰遜是一個堅實的戰鬥機,“Hitchins說. “我還沒有自四月份以來一直在響, 但我認為我做得很好. 這是戰鬥,我需要. 我想要的勝利,我得到了一致的決定. 我不喜歡沒有回去和再觀看這場比賽,我的打分性能. 我可以好一點封閉缺口. 我應該利用了某些特定的時刻好一點.

“我要運行磁帶備份和工作,我的教練,所以我們可以收緊和出來的最好的,我都不可能. 我高興地看到,接下來會發生什麼,什麼我的團隊已經為我計劃. 他們一直引導我在一個大的方向,我只是應該做的事情我該怎麼做,這就是讓這些傢伙了一次一個,直到我拿到冠軍的射擊。“

約翰遜, 誰的表現令人欽佩, 在戰敗親切儘管與法官的記分卡不同意.

“他有一個很好的戳,“約翰遜說. “這是很容易下載他. 我把對他施加壓力,並保持聽我的角落, 並且移動到右邊,不停降落. 他是一個艱難的戰鬥機. 我給他說,, 他肯定來打. 我們都不得不時刻,整個戰鬥. 他做的持有作為所謂的裁判好工作, 他知道如何把握時,他是受到傷害. 我想我是更好的戰鬥機. 他從來沒有傷害我. 我給他的道具作為戰鬥機.

“我真正想要的複賽, 但我懷疑這會發生. 我知道我贏了. 我是在一天結束的時候更好的戰鬥機。”

在兩架戰鬥機的歷史和壞血之間成為萬眾矚目的複賽, 凱文·紐曼II (11-1-1, 6 科斯) 報復了他職業生涯中唯一的損失, 主導馬科斯·埃爾南德斯 (14-3-1, 3 科斯) 有近停業一致的決定. 法官的鬥爭取得了 80-72 和 79-73 兩次.

完成全部八輪的距離,在他職業生涯第一次, 紐曼, 誰是由前世界冠軍骨頭亞當斯的培訓, 佔主導地位的鬥爭下半年. 他降落 82 總拳 46 針對兩輪五口通八是能夠建立一個致命的身體攻擊,拖垮了薩克拉門托國王隊的埃爾南德斯, 連接上 79 人體拍攝這一比例僅為 10 對於埃爾南德斯. 紐曼也導致 152-97 在整體拳和降落 114-57 在電力桿, 而在近拳匹配埃爾南德斯拋出 (399 到 435).

“復仇感覺如此之大,“拉斯維加斯”紐曼說, 誰下降了一致決定埃爾南德斯梅威瑟的undercard的VS. 麥格雷戈在八月 2017. “總體, 我主宰. 我到身體的每一個機會,我看到了機會. 很多人從來沒有見過我的盒子一樣,所以我們很高興地告訴我的那一邊. 我是一個有更多的進攻和我不停的攻擊身體.

“我想我的打分性能B-, 我想我會一直忙. 我將繼續發展和保持忙碌在環. 我不認為他希望我能進來和我一樣. 我們給了球迷一個偉大的表現,這是電視值得我期待著再次這樣做。“

在轉播揭幕戰, 不敗淘汰賽藝術家羅蘭多·羅梅羅 (10-0, 9 科斯) 延長了他的KO連勝五連冠,並提高了他的擊倒率 90 %的拆解之前一次挨打的挑戰者胡安·卡洛斯·Cordones (14-2, 9 科斯) 與第一輪淘汰賽. (羅梅羅KO: HTTPS://twitter.com/
ShowtimeBoxing /狀態/ 1190461550190120960

這位24歲的拉斯維加斯素食地板多米尼加共和國的Cordones與組合,並用右對齊的下顎後不久完成了這項工作. Cordones無法起身離開墊子, 並且戰鬥剛剛停止 2:14 之後它開始. 尋找從開盤淘汰賽, 咄咄逼人的羅梅羅扔兩倍多拳 (35-17), 導致九總體拳3降落並連接在八他 18 權力拳.

“沒有什麼好說的. 我答應了淘汰賽,我看到了機會,讓我去為它,“旺盛的羅梅羅稱, 誰曾表示,他是根據世界最難沖床 147 英鎊. “我讓他付昨天在超重未來. 展望未來, 我只是打算稱霸他們放在我面前誰.

“我成長為一個戰士和所有我想要做的就是繼續對我的球迷一個偉大的業績,並獲得到下一步在我的職業生涯. 我想任何人誰想未來!”

世界拳擊的明星在拉斯維加斯出爐, 作為名人堂成員梅威瑟的啟動子和未來館和前任和現任世界冠軍Gervonta戴維斯, 八斗傑克, 阿德里安Broner, Claressa盾, 德文 - 哈尼和沙克·史蒂文森都在出席山姆城直播.

戴維斯, 傑克和克里斯·尤班克JR. 所有SHOWTIME專家分析師史蒂夫Farhood輻條預覽在網絡上他們即將到來的戰鬥.

“我決定在重量移動起來,因為我有機會在兩個不同的重量等級,贏得了世界冠軍,“戴維斯說, 誰面臨前統一冠軍Yuriorkis Gamboa的的WBA輕量級冠軍十二月 28 在亞特蘭大. “我們知道甘博亞是一個強硬的對手,我們不會在他睡覺. 我想分享與某人大環. 當然,甘博亞是我最艱難的對手日期. 我要努力訓練他, 他會努力訓練我,我們就給什麼,他們希望看到球迷.

“我只是高興能回來,“兩科狀元傑克說, 誰將會面臨WBA輕重量級冠軍讓·帕斯卡爾在上月的協調功能回合 28. “馬庫斯·布朗這最後的損失是個意外. 我比上一次更主動. 我餓了在那裡弄到我的冠軍了。“

中量級明星克里斯·尤班克JR. 將使他的美國首演十二月 7 在布魯克林時,他對馬特·科羅博夫.

“這是一個漫長的時間來,“他說,. “我來這裡上到國家接管. 這是一個完美的機會. 我在我年富力強,我迫不及待地走出去,告訴你什麼是我做的傢伙。“ (完整的採訪視頻: https://twitter.com/SHOsports/status/1190467999439998976)


“當我看到潛在的戰鬥機, 我想帶他們到一個新的水平,“空前偉大的說. “我總是在尋找尋找下一個梅威瑟. 我想給有關的小東西戰鬥機指針. 天下沒有隔夜. 這是所有關於努力工作,以積極的團隊自己周圍“。

在undercard的行動這是現場直播梅威瑟促銷“Facebook頁面上, 迪倫價格, 克里斯·雷耶斯, 和新簽梅威瑟促銷前景馬利克·沃倫所有得分TKO停工而艾娃騎士賺了月神del Mar的托羅巴了一致的決定.

週五的戰鬥被梅威瑟促銷推廣. 完整的電視節目將重播週一, 十一月 4 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime極端,將可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.

巴里·湯普金斯稱為從馬戲團的動作與拳擊歷史學家Farhood的和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專家分析. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

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含圖片天空, 人, 戶外, 樹


點擊這裡 從梅威瑟促銷圖片

拉斯維加斯 - 十月 16, 2019 - 超中量級前景 凱文“第二次到達” 紐曼 10-1-1 (6 科斯) 和 馬克·安東尼·埃爾南德斯 14-2-1 (3 科斯) 討論訓練營, 他們的第一次對決, 與陣營之間的仇恨導致了他們 的ShoBox: The Next Generation debuts on Friday, 十一月 1 住在Showtime在 10:30 P.M. ET/PT from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.

的ShoBox four-fight telecast will see Mayweather Promotions’ undefeated super featherweight prospect 澤維爾·馬丁內斯 (14-0, 10 科斯) return for his second consecutive test on the series, this time against veteran Filipino 傑西克里斯·羅薩萊斯 (22-3-1, 10 科斯). In the co-featured fight, 2016 奧林匹亞 理查德森Hitchins (9-0, 5 科斯) will face once-beaten 凱文·約翰遜 (7-1, 4 科斯), while undefeated Las Vegas knockout artist 羅蘭多·羅梅羅9-0 (8 科斯) opens the telecast.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown start at $25 可以在以下位置購買: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

After back-to-back KO performances this year, Newman returns with a vengeance to face the man who owns the only blemish on his record in a rematch with Hernandez. 在 2017, with eight professional bouts on his record, Newman appeared on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard where he took on Hernandez, a tough rising prospect. After six rounds of what Newman calls, “the worst performance of my professional career,” judges ruled the bout a unanimous decision in favor of Hernandez. Newman took the loss in stride and bounced back with three consecutive wins and looks ahead to the rematch, while Hernandez is focused on repeating history.

Here is what the fighters had to say ahead of the November 1 複賽:

On training camp:

紐曼: “訓練營已經進行了很大的. We’ve been working hard day in and day out, making sure we leave no stone unturned and working on a solid game plan come fight night.

“My runs and workouts have been a little longer and harder. We’re just focusing on getting better every day and pushing as hard as we can to ensure we get the W in the rematch.

“People are going to see a slightly different version of me this time around. I won’t give away any specifics, but I’m going to shock a lot of people come fight night and they will get the best Kevin Newman.

埃爾南德斯: “Camp has been great. 我有我身後一支偉大的球隊. I expect him to come harder for this fight so we’re preparing for anything this time around. But we will remain smart at all times. There are things I’m taking with me this time around that I’ve learned and practiced in the gym. I’ve improved since our last fight so he better be ready.”

On what the importance of a win and the rivalry between the fighters:

紐曼: “A win in this fight does a lot for my career, but it’s not just the win itself, it’s how I win that will do the most for me. Fans can expect an explosive fight. It will put me in a great place to further my career and get tougher fights, which will lead to the end goal of a title shot.

“There is definitely some animosity between us. A lot has been said, more so on his end than mine, but I just let him and his camp talk. I expect him to fight to win and I’m just going to continue to work hard like I have these past two years since the first fight. We don’t like each other, 我可以告訴你,, so this fight will bring fireworks and I’m just going to let me hands do the talking and get the W.”

埃爾南德斯: “A second win will just prove that I am the better fighter.

“I always come to win; I train to win. My family will be in attendance supporting me and I know his will too, so this will be a fight with both of us having a lot to prove.

“There’s been a lot of talk going into this rematch, but none of that affects me. I’m just working hard and I’m going to come even stronger than the first fight. None of the stuff outside the ring really matters to me. I out boxed him and outfought him in 2017, and I plan to do the same again this time around, mixed with a few other tactics.”

How does it feel to fight on national television?

紐曼: “It feels great to return and fight on national television, especially getting to fight on SHOWTIME for the first time in my career. I’m very thankful to Leonard Ellerbe and Floyd Mayweather as well as SHOWTIME for giving me this opportunity. The last time I fought on national television I put on a great display of my talent and skills, so I look forward to doing the same this time around.”

“I’m very excited for this opportunity to redeem myself. I knew this day would come, 我只是不知道什麼時候. I’ve won fights since the first fight and had dominant performances in the process, but nothing has filled that void. This is my opportunity to do that, so come November 1, when it’s all said and done, 我將取得勝利。”

埃爾南德斯: “It’s my first time on的ShoBox and I’m thankful for this experience. Fans can expect a great fight. He’s a really good fighter and I won’t take anything from him. Moving up again will be a challenge, but I think I can beat him again.”

# # #

Fans can live stream the undercard fights on Mayweather Promotions’ Facebook beginning at 4:30 P.M. PT/7:30 P.M. AND. Bring a minimum of 5 food items to receive a complimentary general admission ticket (限 1 ticket per person while they last). List of accepted items include mac & cheese, corn bread, green beans, cake mix, cake icing, and mashed potatoes. 門票現場活動開始時 $25 與現已公開發售. To purchase tickets to the live event, 訪問: www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events. 門開處 4:30 P.M.

超級輕量級XAVIER MARTINEZ戰勝傑西·克里斯(Jessie CRIS)玫瑰節週五, 十一月 1 主賽事的ShoBox: 新一代QUADRUPLEHEADER

頂級梅威瑟促銷前景馬丁內斯, 理查德森Hitchins, Kevin Newman II and Rolando Romero Featured In Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME® 從山姆城直播在拉斯維加斯

LAS VEGAS – October 1, 2019 – Undefeated super featherweight prospect 澤維爾·馬丁內斯 返回到的ShoBox: 新一代 for his second straight test on the series when he faces veteran Filipino傑西克里斯·羅薩萊斯 in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast on Friday, 十一月 1 住在Showtime (10:30 P.M. ET / PT) 從 山姆城直播 在拉斯維加斯.

Four of Mayweather Promotions top prospects will be on display, 如 2016 奧林匹亞 理查德森Hitchins (9-0, 5 科斯), once-beaten Las Vegas native 凱文·紐曼II (10-1-1, 6 科斯) and undefeated knockout artist 羅蘭多·羅梅羅 (9-0, 8 科斯) will also fight in separate bouts. Welterweight prospect Hitchins will take on once-beaten 凱文·約翰遜 (7-1, 4 科斯) 在八輪較量, while middleweight prospect Newman will look to avenge the only loss of his career to 馬克·安東尼·埃爾南德斯 (14-2-1, 3 科斯), a participant in the 2018 的重啟 競爭者, in another eight-round matchup. Romero will open the telecast against an opponent to be announced.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown go on sale tomorrow/Wednesday at 12 P.M. PT, 開始 $25 並且可以通過訪問購買: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

“This is our second 的ShoBox show of the year and we’re happy to have made Sam’s Town our home for these events,” says Mayweather Promotions CEO, 倫納德Ellerbe. “I can’t say enough that this is the perfect setting and platform to showcase our upcoming prospects. Xavier Martinez is one to watch for as he headlines his first 的ShoBox 卡. We have a very exciting line-up of fighters, both on and off-television, making for a card that you don’t want to miss.”

馬丁內斯 (14-0, 10 科斯), 薩克拉門托, 加利福尼亞州。, has scored six straight knockouts, 包括約翰·維森特Moralde在第三輪停工了 的ShoBox 首次在四月 (Watch KO Here). The 21-year-old turned professional in 2017 in Mexico following an amateur career where he amassed an 85-10 而在競爭的記錄 2012 和 2013 National Championships and earning a ranking as the No. 3 amateur in the country. Best known for his crafty and powerful fighting style, Martinez joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2016 with a unanimous decision win over Wilfredo Garriga at 山姆城直播.

“I am really excited to get back into the ring,” said the 21-year-old Martinez. “Sam’s Town has become my home away from home and I’ve had a lot of great performances there. I’m really just looking forward to putting on a great performance again on national television and reaching a larger audience. Soon enough everyone will know who Xavier Martinez is.

“訓練營會很大. I’ve added a strength and conditioning coach and a nutritionist. Having someone help me prep my meals and educate me on what’s going into my body has really helped me train better and get my body in the right shape. My energy level for training is different and I feel stronger.

Rosales (22-3-1, 10 科斯), 27, 在轉為職業選手 2008 and started his professional career unbeaten in his first 22 bouts while competing mostly in his native Philippines. Rosales stepped up his level of opposition in 2017, losing to former two-division world champion Jhonny Gonzalez in 2017 和 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist and undefeated prospect Shakur Stevenson in 2019. 在他的最後一個回合, he lost a close split-decision to undefeated prospect Tyler McCeary. Experienced against top opposition, Rosales’ three losses have come against opponents with a combined record of 96-11-1.

“He’s undefeated, but I have far more experience with better guys so I have that advantage coming into this fight,” Rosales said. “I’m coming off two tough fights and this one is going to be another great fight to test myself as a fighter as well as a good show for the fans. I’m back in the gym working on a couple of things, and I’m coming into this fight stronger and sharper.”

Hitchins (9-0, 5 科斯), 從布魯克林, 紐約州, 是誰代表他父母的海地的家鄉在一個前兩屆金手套冠軍 2016 里約熱內盧奧運會, where he lost to team USA’s Gary Russell Jr. 一個拳擊的頂尖年輕前景, Hitchins已經對打並與多家世界冠軍,包括特倫斯·克勞福德的stablemate Gervonta戴維斯受訓. 剛剛21歲, Hitchins擁有令人難以置信的手和腳的速度和老牌競爭者的拳擊智商. Having fought eight out of his nine pro fights in his hometown, Hitchins will travel to Las Vegas looking for a statement win in his television debut.

I’m ready to pick back up where I left off,“Hitchins說. “I’ve remained in great shape since my last opponent fell through back in July, but it worked out because now I get an opportunity to show my talents on national television. My brother Tank [Gervonta戴維斯] showed me a lot of things this summer and great techniques to sharpen my skills. I’m working hard and getting work in multiple gyms across different weight classes to help me with my speed and power. I’m going to give it my all and deliver with a dominating win.”

約翰遜, a Las Vegas resident, started his professional career with four consecutive TKO wins. His past four fights have all come against undefeated opposition including a split decision win over Larry Gomez, 誰是 8-0 entering the fight, in his last outing in April. Johnson’s lone loss came against 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist Fazliddin Gaibnazarov.

This is going to be an entertaining fight for the fans,” said Johnson. “I predict a fourth or fifth round knockout – that isn’t me being cocky, just me understanding what’s on the line. This is a huge fight for me and I’m going to rise to the occasion. I’m here to expose everyone I step in the ring with. I’ll fight anybody I feel is a good challenge. I’ve seen Hitchins spar Devin Haney and I’ve watched a few of his fights. He did really good, but I was able to identify some opportunities and I feel confident I can beat this kid.”

Las Vegas’ Newman started boxing when he was 9 years old and built up an amateur record of 25-5 轉為職業選手之前 2014. Impressed by Newman’s skills and technique in the ring as an amateur, Floyd Mayweather signed the rising middleweight to his growing stable of fighters in the summer of 2014. Newman made his professional debut on the Mayweather vs. Maidana II undercard, where he fought to a draw with Azamat Umarzoda. He won his next seven contests before dropping a decision to his November 1 對手, 馬克·安東尼·埃爾南德斯, on the undercard of Mayweather vs. 麥格雷戈在八月 2017. He has since rebounded with three consecutive KO wins at Sam’s Town.

“I’m thankful to my team for another fight,” said Newman. “This is my third fight this year, and I’m looking forward to putting on a show and really ending this year with a bang. Training camp has consisted of great sparring with A-level guys, including Anthony Dirrell for his fight with David Benavidez. I was able to get a lot of quality rounds in already, and this is just the beginning of my training camp. I’m extremely sharp now so we’re just maintaining that and getting my body into fight shape.”

埃爾南德斯, 26, 弗雷斯諾, 加利福尼亞州。, is no stranger to fighting under the spotlight. After dropping a split decision to Kyrone Davis in 2017, Hernandez bounced back with the biggest win of his career over Newman on the undercard of the blockbuster Mayweather vs. 麥格雷戈事件. Hernandez was among 16 professional fighters selected to compete at 160 pounds on the 2018 的重啟 競爭者 系列. He earned a split decision over Danny Valdivia and a unanimous verdict over Quantavious Cash to finish behind champion Brandon Adams and runner-up Shane Mosley Jr. 今年二月, he suffered a setback in a rematch to Jeison Rosario, who he fought to a draw with in 2018, but rebounded with a unanimous decision win over Francisco Castro in his last bout.

I expect Kevin to come better than he did the first time we fought,” said Hernandez. “The first fight was a clear unanimous decision for me. I didn’t think there was any controversy. He has his reasons as to why he didn’t perform, but that doesn’t matter to me. I went up in weight to take that fight from 154 到 165 pounds so I was also coming in with a slight disadvantage, and now I’m moving up again to fight him again. I out-boxed him and out-fought him the first time and fans can expect a great fight again. He’s a really good fighter, I won’t take anything from him. Moving up again will be a challenge, but I think I can beat him again.

Rising lightweight prospect Romero, born and raised in North Las Vegas, started his boxing career at age 18 after spending much of his youth competing in Judo. Despite a limited amateur career consisting of just 45 打架, Romero gained the attention of Floyd Mayweather and was signed to his promotional company in November of 2016. He made his professional debut the next month and scored a TKO just over a minute into the fight. With eight stoppages in nine professional fights, Romero packs a heavy punch and will be looking for his fifth straight knockout on November 1.

It’s been a great year for me professionally,“羅梅羅說. “I’ve been able to gain an even larger fan base since my last performance earlier this year and I’m excited to do what I do best and that’s knocking out the competition and continuing to grow as a fighter. A lot of people have doubted me for my lack of amateur experience, but my power and boxing IQ are undeniable. I’m taking the experience from my last fight and working to correct a few things. My goal is to become the most versatile fighter backed by power.”

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins will call the 的ShoBox action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.

# # #

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Kickboxing Rocks The Dome at FFC 34

Petje Retains FFC Lightweight Title After 5 Round War With Gazani

照片: Bruno Gazani (左) takes a body kick from FFC Lightweight Kickboxing Champion Samo Petje (權)
Photo courtesy: Sergey Baranov/Final Fight Championship


拉斯維加斯, NV, (十一月 17, 2018)The Main Event ofFFC 34featured an unforgettable Kickboxing title bout that was filled with non-stop action for all five championship rounds.


Samo Petje (36-6-1) retained his FFC Lightweight Kickboxing Title by defeating a very game challenger, Bruno Gazani (60-7-0), by majority draw (47-47, 47-47, 46-48).




As advertised, these two warriors (Gazani and Petje) went toe-to-toe in a very entertaining Main Event that had no shortage of crowd-pleasing highlights and thrilling moments. Gazani came forward and pressed the action for most of the night, using his solid boxing skills to his advantage. Petje was able to counter with high knees and vicious body kicks that ultimately led to the majority decision victory. It looked as if Gazani had knocked Petje down in the fifth round but it was ultimately ruled as a slip.




The night’s Co-Main Event, was another war that featured two MMA Heavyweights standing and striking for three straight rounds. 托尼 “綠巨人” 約翰遜 (12-4-1) 打敗 D.J. “Da ProtégéLinderman (21-15-0) 一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) in what was an absolute slugfest. Linderman suffered a large cut above his right eye early on in the fight and despite the constant stream of blood running down his face, he still decided to stand in the pocket and trade blows with Johnson.


凱文· “Thunderstorm” 約翰遜 (6-1-0) went the distance with Isaac Luna (3-1-0) in their Super Lightweight Boxing bout. Keys won by unanimous decision (59-55, 58-56, 59-55) in an exciting fight where Luna kept coming forward and forcing Johnson to engage all night long. Johnson countered well and was able to use crisp combinations to get the decision.




In a Kickboxing Catchweight matchup, Meletis “噩夢” Kakoubavas (33-7-0) caught JermaineJ.J.” 叢林 (24-7-0) with a high right kick to the side of Soto’s head at the fifty-two second mark of round two of their three round fight. The fight was stopped after Soto rose to his feet from the canvas, resulting in a TKO victory for Kakoubavas.




The night began with Heavyweight Zac Cavender (1-0-0) winning his professional MMA debut with a first round TKO victory over Marius Cantoneru (0-2-0). Cavender’s ground and pound worked to perfection as a series of fists to the side of Cantoneru’s head caused the stoppage at the 2:30 圓一個標誌.




“FFC 34 promised to deliver action-packed fights, and as advertised, that is exactly what we delivered to our fans,” said FFC CEO/Founder, Orsat Zovko. “All of our fights, in every discipline, were competitive and that is what this Fight Dome experience is all about.




FFC 34took place at its permanent home, “Fight Dome”, which is located at Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas. The event aired nationwide on CBS Sports Network, and Claro Sports in Mexico and Latin America.




最後的戰鬥錦標賽 (FFC) is the first and only professional combat sports franchise offering fans a unique ‘multi-disciplineexperience (拳擊, Kickboxing and MMA), where every event culminates with a championship title bout. All FFC events take place insideFight Domeat Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas, the all-new mecca of combat sports.



完成 “FFC 34MMA results below:





Samo Petje (36-6-1), Ljubljana, 斯洛文尼亞

Win by Majority Draw, 5 Rds. (47-47, 47-47, 46-48)

Bruno Gazani (60-7-0), Sao Paulo, 巴西

(Petje Retains FFC Middleweight Title)

(MMA) 權重股

小托尼·約翰遜(Tony Johnson Jr). (12-4-1), 納什維爾, TN

Win by Unanimous Decision, 3 Rds. (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

D.J. Linderman (21-15-0), Yreka, 例如


(拳擊) 超輕量級

凱文·約翰遜 (6-1-0), 拉斯維加斯, NV

Win by Unanimous Decision, 6 Rds. (59-55, 58-56, 59-55)

Isaac Luna (3-1-0), 步驟, TX

(跆拳道) 輕量級

Meletis Kakoubavas (33-7-0), Athens, 希臘

Win by TKO, Referee Stoppage, (:52 – 2ND Rd.)

Jermaine Soto (24-7-0), 洛杉磯, 例如




(MMA) 權重股

Zac Cavender (1-0-0), Tooele, UT (親亮相)

Win by TKO, 拳, (2:30 – 1ST Rd.)

Marius Cantoneru (0-2-0), 拉斯維加斯, NV


Official Weights ForFFC 34Multi-Discipline Event at Fight Dome

拉斯維加斯, NV, (十一月 15, 2018)The weights are official for “FFC 34 – Gazani vs. Petje”, a ‘multi-discipline’ (拳擊, Kickboxing and MMA) 拼卡, which takes place Friday night, November 16th, 在 “Fight Dome,” located at Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas. 門開處 5:30 P.M. (太平洋標準時間), the first bout is scheduled for 6:15 P.M. (太平洋標準時間).




A raucous crowd of combat sports fans gathered in front of the Fight Dome TV Studio, located in the Masquerade Village of Rio Las Vegas, to watch theFFC 34fighters make weight for Friday evening’s fight card.




This will be an entertaining night of fights that is for sure,” said FFC CEO/Founder, Orsat Zovko. “Every fighter possesses a very fan-friendly style of fighting and they have all promised to deliver a show for the fans here at Fight Dome Las Vegas and the fans watching on CBS Sports Network.




最後的戰鬥錦標賽 (FFC) is the first and only professional combat sports franchise offering fans a unique ‘multi-disciplineexperience (拳擊, Kickboxing and MMA), where every event culminates with a championship title bout. All FFC events take place insideFight Domeat Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas, the all-new mecca of combat sports.




Tickets are available for purchase at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office and TicketMaster.com. The ‘multi-disciplineevent will air nationwide on CBS Sports Network, and in Spanish, on Claro Sports in Mexico and Latin America. Check your local listings for more information.




For more information on FFC you can visit www.finalfightchampionship.com or follow FFC on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @FFCFighting.




Here are the official weigh-in results from “FFC 34 – Gazani vs. Petje

(MMA) Heavyweight Division

Marius Cantoneru (0-1-0), 拉斯維加斯, NV/Romania, 219 磅.

Zac Cavender (親亮相), Tooele, UT, 212.4 磅.


(跆拳道) Catchweight Bout

JermaineJ.J.” 叢林 (24-6-0), 洛杉磯, 例如, 153.8 磅.

Meletis “噩夢” Kakoubavas (32-7-0), Athens, 希臘, 155.2 磅.

(拳擊) Super Lighweight Division

Isaac “藍色” 盧納 (3-0-0), 步驟, TX, 143.4 磅

凱文· “Thunderstorm” 約翰遜 (5-1-0), 拉斯維加斯, NV, 144 磅.


(合作的主要事件 – MMA) Heavyweight Division

D.J. “Da ProtegeLinderman (21-14-0), Yreka, 例如, 264.2 磅.

托尼 “綠巨人” 約翰遜 (11-4-1), 納什維爾, TN, 265.6 磅

(主要事件 – 跆拳道) FFC Lightweight Title Bout

Bruno Gazani (60-6-0), 巴西, 154.4 磅.

[Defending Champion] Samo Petje (35-6-1), 斯洛文尼亞, 154.8 磅.

Pictured in photo above (from left to right) Bruno Gazani, FFC CEO Orsat Zovko and Reigning FFC Lightweight Kickboxing Champion, Samo Petje (FFC 34 Main Event Fighters.)

Pictured in photo above (from left to right) DJ Linderman, FFC CEO Orsat Zovko, 托尼 “綠巨人” 約翰遜 (FFC 34 合作的主要事件)
Photos Courtesy of: Sergey Baranov/Final Fight Championship

FITE TV streaming Kubrat Pulev vs. Kevin Johnson Tomorrow on PPV live from Bulgaria

Kubrat Pulev 255 ½ lbs., 凱文·約翰遜 245 ¼ lbs.

(L-R) – Kubrat Pulev & Kevin Johnson from today’s final press conference
(photo credit: LAP.bg)
SOPHIA, 保加利亞 –(四月 27, 2017) – The official weigh in was held today for 明天的 (星期五, 四月 28) “Final Countdown” 事件, headlined by a heavyweight match between former world title contenders KubratThe CobraPulev凱文· “Kingpin” 約翰遜.
FITE TV將流式傳輸 “Final Countdownlive on pay per view, 開始 2 P.M. AND /11 A.M. PT, from Armeec Arena in Sofia, 保加利亞. Encore presentations will also be available to watch.
Pulev weighed in today at 255 ½磅, Johnson tipped the scale at 245 ¼磅.
FITE TV is a Combat Sports Network that features boxing, MMA and wrestling programming. FITE gives viewers the choice to watch the program on line at www.FITE.tv, on their mobile device or on their WiFi connected television using the FITE app. The FITE app can be downloaded for free at Google Play or the iTunes app stores.
Final Countdown: Pulev vs. 約翰遜”, promoted by Sauerland Promotions, is available to watch on the FITE app and website for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
KubratCobraPulev (24-1. 13 科斯), 冠軍, Sophia, 保加利亞 255 ½磅.
凱文· “Kingpin” 約翰遜 (30-7-1, 14 科斯), 挑戰者, Lawrenceville, 格魯吉亞, 美國 245 ¼ lbs.
Boxing fans may watch the entire card simply by downloading the FITE app and then cast the fight to the big screen by using the instant stream-to-TV function. The FITE app works with any Wi-Fi connected television around the world, iOS and Android devices, as well as streaming devices such as Roku, Chromecast and more. Fans may also watch the fights live on the FITE website at www.fite.tv from any computer.
Additional PPV fights are scheduled on FITE TV on a weekly basis.

FITE TV streaming Kubrat Pulev vs. Kevin Johnson This Friday on PPV live from Bulgaria


(L-R) – 凱文·約翰遜 & Kubrat Pulev from today’s final press conference
(photo by LAP Images)
紐約, 紐約(四月 25, 2017) – FITE TV將流式傳輸 本週五的 (四月 28) “Final Countdown” 事件, headlined by a heavyweight match of former world title contenders KubratThe CobraPulev凱文· “Kingpin” 約翰遜, live on pay per view, 開始 2 P.M. AND /11 A.M. PT, from Armeec Arena in Sofia, 保加利亞. Encore presentations will also be available to watch.
FITE TV is a Combat Sports Network that features boxing, MMA and wrestling programming. FITE gives viewers the choice to watch the program on line at www.FITE.tv, on their mobile device or on their WiFi connected television using the FITE app. The FITE app can be downloaded for free at Google Play or the iTunes app stores.
Final Countdown: Pulev vs. 約翰遜”, promoted by Sauerland Promotions, is available to watch on the FITE app and website for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
Boxing fans may watch the entire card simply by downloading the FITE app and then cast the fight to the big screen by using the instant stream-to-TV function. The FITE app works with any Wi-Fi connected television around the world, iOS and Android devices, as well as streaming devices such as Roku, Chromecast and more. Fans may also watch the fights live on the FITE website at www.fite.tv from any computer.
Hometown favorite Pulev (24-1, 13 科斯) will make the first defense of the World Boxing Association (WBA) Inter-Continental heavyweight title he captured this past December. WBA無. 9 rated Pulev can position himself for another world title shot against the winner of Anthony Joshua弗拉基米爾克里琴科, who handed Pulev his only pro loss in their 2014 國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF) 冠軍之爭.
Kevin Johnson is a good boxer who will give everything but he will not succeed,” Pulev said at today’s press conference. “My goal is to become World Champion. I know a loss will set me back a long way, but I’m confident in my abilities. My opponent is an experienced fighter who will be difficult to breakdown, but I’ve prepared for that. 在週五, I want to pit on another great show for the Bulgarian people and then, I want my shot at the world title.
約翰遜 (30-7-1, 14 科斯), fighting out of Lawrenceville, 格魯吉亞, has fought reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champion Anthony Joshuathe only fighter to stop Johnsonformer unified world heavyweight titlist 泰森怒, 前世界冠軍挑戰者 Manuel Charr and current European champion 基督教錘. 在 2009, Johnson lost his lone world title fight by unanimous decision to undefeated WBC champion 維塔利·克里琴科, extending him the full 12-rounds.
If Pulev thinks he’s in for an easy night,” Johnson commented, “he’s got another thing coming. 我不是 塞繆爾·彼得. I’m not here to lie down and collect a check. I’m here to cause an upset. I’m going to take this boy to school and show the Bulgarians what a Jersey boy can do. I’m going to give him an ass whopping 在週五, the likes of which nobody has seen before. We’ve both been through the same obstacles and we’ve both fought for the world titles before, but only one of us is going to get that second shot, and that’s going to be me.
The woman here are very beautiful and I’m looking to get married. 週六, I’m going to be leaving with a new belt and new wife!”
It’s a great weekend for heavyweight boxing,” 促進者 Nisse Sauerland 額外. “Kubrat is the mandatory challenger to face the winner of Anthony Joshua and Wladimir Klitschko for the IBF World title. Either they fight him or they vacate the belt. He’s fought hard to get back into this position and he’s risking it all in this fight against a rejuvenated Kevin Johnson. Kevin also knows what’s at stake and what a win would mean for his career. Both men have been training hard and are ready to give it their all in the ring Friday night.
Additional PPV fights are scheduled on FITE TV on a weekly basis.
嘰嘰喳喳: @FiteTV, #PulevJohnsonPPV

FITE TV to stream Kubrat Pulev vs. Kevin Johnson Heavyweight clash Live on PPV, 四月 28, from Bulgaria

紐約, 紐約(四月 18, 2017) – FITE TV will stream the 四月 28 heavyweight clash between a pair of past world title contenders, KubratThe CobraPulev凱文· “Kingpin” 約翰遜, live on pay per view, 開始 2 P.M. AND /11 A.M. PT, from Arena Armeec in Sofia, 保加利亞. Encore presentations will also be available to watch.
FITE TV is a Combat Sports Network that features boxing, MMA and wrestling programming. FITE gives viewers the choice to watch the program on line at www.FITE.tv, on their mobile device or on their WiFi connected television using the FITE app. The FITE app can be downloaded for free at Google Play or the iTunes app stores.
Final Countdown: Pulev vs. 約翰遜”, promoted by Sauerland Promotions, is available to watch on the FITE app and website for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
Boxing fans may watch the entire card, headlined by the Pulev-Johnson 12-round World Boxing Association (WBA) heavyweight title fight, simply by downloading the FITE app and then cast the fight to the big screen by using the instant stream-to-TV function. The FITE app works with any Wi-Fi connected television around the world, iOS and Android devices, as well as streaming devices such as Roku, Chromecast and more. Fans may also watch the fights live on the FITE website at www.fite.tv from any computer.
Pulev versus Johnson is another fine boxing event that FITE is now making available to our North American fan base,” FITE COO Michael Weber 說. “FITE continues to grow by leaps and bounds and we are very proud of the growth of world class boxing events to complement our current line-up of MMA and wrestling events.
6′ 4 ½ Pulev, fighting at home in Sofia, 保加利亞, captured the vacant WBA Inter-Continental heavyweight title in his last fight this past December, in which former world champion Samuel Peters (36-5) retired after the third round.
去年五月, Pulev won a 12-round split decision over Dereck Chisora (25-5) to capture the European heavyweight championship. The 35-year-old Pulev has won four in a row since he suffered the only loss of his professional career, by way of a fifth-round knockout in 2014, to then-International Boxing Federation (IBF) 重量級世界冠軍 弗拉基米爾克里琴科 (62-3).
Pulev was a celebrated amateur boxer who represented Bulgaria at the 2008 在北京奧運會, 中國. Currently rated No. 9 in the world by the WBA, Pulev can position himself for another world title shot with an impressive victory over Johnson, the battle-tested veteran fighting out of Lawrenceville, 格魯吉亞, 美國.
My number one goal is to fight for the World title and on April 28,Pulev commented, “I will take another step towards achieving this goal. I’m already training hard to prove I am worthy to fight again for the heavyweight crown.
Johnson is a tough opponent. You must only look at his resume to tell this will be a real challenge. He has shared the ring with many World class fighters like Vitali Klitschko and Anthony Joshua. I know I will need to be at my best to beat him, but with the help of my coach Ulli Wegner and the support of the Bulgarian people, I’m confident my hand will be raised, and we will be able to celebrate another great night for Bulgarian boxing and another step towards me fulfilling my dream of becoming the Heavyweight Champion of the World.
約翰遜, 37, has served as a dangerous “看門人” in the heavyweight division during his 14-year professional career. He’s fought reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champion Anthony Joshuathe only fighter to stop Johnsonformer unified world heavyweight titlist 泰森怒, 前世界冠軍挑戰者 Manuel Charr and current European champion 基督教錘.
Johnson’s most notable wins have been against world title challengers 布魯斯·塞爾頓 (TKO5), Alex Leapai (TKO9) 和 Albert Sosnowski (SDEC3 in Prizefighter Tournament).
在 2009, Johnson lost his lone world title fight by unanimous decision to undefeated WBC champion 維塔利·克里琴科, extending him the full 12-rounds.
Additional PPV fights are scheduled on FITE TV on a weekly basis.
pictures courtesy of Sauerland Promotions
嘰嘰喳喳: @FiteTV, #PulevJohnsonPPV