Таг Арцхивес: Kendal Mena

ЛаМанна зауставља Мена у четири испред распродат гужве на Цларидге у ​​Атлантиц Цити

Селдон & Пасциолла покупити Три-Стате титле појасеве; Раиноне одлуке Цхалмерс

Атлантиц Цити, Њ (Март 21, 2016)–Прошлог Субота ноћ, велтер кандидат, Тома “Цорнфлаке” ЛаМанна thrilled a sold-out crowd at The Claridge in Atlantic City when he scored fourth round stoppage over Kendal Mena that highlighted a action-packed nine bout card.
Картица је промовисан Рисинг Промоције и Винцент М. Понтеове Гулфстреам Промоције.
Са свим седишта заузета, фанови су заглавио на зидовима и они уживали перформансе ЛАМАННА је, који је радња испуњена од отварања звоно.
LaManna used hard right hands to continuously rock Mena. In round one, ЛаМанна сет тон од извијања Мена са једним од тих права.
ЛаМанна је седи на своје ударце до тачке у којој је послао Мена је гласило пуцају од ох своје неколико пута уста и на крају у другом колу три, Судија Дејвид Фанциоси морао да одбије тачку из Мена. LaManna continued to rock Mena with hard shots and had him wobbled throughout round four. LaManna had Mena on the ropes and one more hard right hand pummeled into Mena and Franciosi stopped the bout at 2:23 рунде четири.
ЛаМанна од Миллвилле, Њ је 20-1 са осам нокаут. Mena of San Cristobal, Доминиканска Република је 20-4.
“Било је добро да се застој. I can only see bigger and better things coming for my career, I am only getting better and stronger, и ја предвидети још нокаута да дође,” Said LaManna. “Осећао сам се прави компоновао и сам знао да је повређен у првом кругу и узео времена да га разбити и да га. Rising Promotions and Gulfstream Promotions has three more dates at The Claridge (Мај 27, Септембар 17 и новембар 12) и ја још увек гради. I am still young and am taking my time to get where I want to be.
Исиах Селдон (8-1) вратио после 33 месеци отпуштања са шест рунди једногласном одлуком над Мицхаел Митцхелл ако желе да привуку Три-Стате супер средњој категорији титулу.
Селдон Атлантиц Цити скоро имао застој у првом колу када је слетео тешко налет удараца и имао Митцхелл боли на конопцима. It looked like referee Mary Glover was stepping in to stop the fight, али она је само одвојени борце. Seldon got the best of the action over the game Mitchell and came home with the victory to the tune of 58-56 на свим картицама.
дан Пасциолла (7-1-1) освојио Три-Стате Хеавивеигхт титулу са Схутоут шест рунди једногласном одлуком преко цомебацкинг бивши ИБФ хеавивеигхт шампиона Имаму Маифиелд (25-10-2)
Резултати су били 60-54 на свим картицама.
Популаран Лонг Ајленд велтер Томи Раиноне (25-7-1) је свој деби Променада успешна као што је постигао врло изједначену једногласну одлуку над Маурице Цхалмерс (14-13-1) у осам колу боут а. Rainone used effective punching to open up a cut over Chalmers left eye in round two. Chalmers tried to make the fight, али Раиноне користи ефикасне бројачи и победио десетина 79-73 на свим картицама.
Дарил стрнадица (1-0-1) почела картицу утакмицу у четири кола једногласном одлуком над Даррил Ваткинс (0-3) у супер средњој категорији борбе.
Бунтинг добитак десетина 40-36 двапут и 40-35.
омар Брито (3-2, 2 КО је) је постигао експлозивни један пунцх нокаут над биенвенидо Диаз (2-2) in a scheduled four-round super featherweight bout.
Брито слетео савршен десну руку који је послао Диаз на платну. Diaz got to his feet but was wobbling around the ring and the bout was stopped at 2:20 округлог једног.
Куиан Дејвис (2-0-1) освојио четири округли једногласну одлуку над Цореи Морлеи (0-2-1) у тешкој категорији борбе.
Резултати су били 40-36 на свим картицама.
Алвин Вермалл Јр. (8-0-1) remained perfect by winning an entertaining four round unanimous decision over D’Quan Morgan (3-3-1) у крузер борбе.
Било је добро и назад акција током меча. Vermall, који је од Цатскиллс, New York has an exciting style reminiscent to another former Catskills fighter in Mike Tyson. Morgan was bleeding from his nose in round three. The two fought a spirited affair with Vermall winning by scores of 40-36 двапут и 39-37.

Хаким Брајант (6-0) остао савршено са шест рунди једногласном одлуком над Рицк Грахам у средњој борбе.
Брајант (6-0) dominated the action, и пао Грахам у кругу шест од ускомесаном на конопце и победио десетина 60-51, 60-52 и 60-53.
Емисија је доступна за гледање за $14.99 о ГФЛ.ТВ по кликом овде
Инстаграм: рисингпромо

Isiah Seldon back and looking for big opportunities

Seldon battles Michael Mitchell ове суботе at The Claridge Hotel for the Garden State Super Middleweight title

Тома “Цорнфлаке” LaManna battles Kendal Mena in main event
За иммедиате релеасе
Атлантиц Цити, Њ (Март 18, 2016)–СУТРА НОЋ у The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City,супер средњој категорији Исиах Селдон returns to the ring after a 33-month layoff when he challenges Мајкл Мичел as part of an 11-bout card that is promoted by Rising Promotions and Vincent M. Понтеове Гулфстреам Промоције.
У главном догађају, Томас ЛаМанна поприма Kendal Mena in a eight round welterweight bout.
Seldon is eager to be back in the ring after much soul searching over the past two-plus years.
I have been working a job and staying in the gym. I have been keeping sharp but I just needed to get my life in order, ” said Seldon. “We have been looking for the right fight. I was offered some good financial opportunities in Russia, but I want to do this the right way. I am not in this for the money.
Seldon feels at age 27, the time is now to concentrate on in his ring career.
“Не постајем млађи, and when I got the call from Rising Promotions and they offered me the right fight, I jumped at it.
When asked about the veteran Mitchell, Seldon really doesn’t know alot.
I don’t know much. I saw a couple video snippets of him and I see a tough guys who comes forward. It should be a good fight. I trained very hard for this and I am ready.
When asked what he sees in the next few years, Селдон, believes that with Rising Promotions looking to do stage multiple fight cards on the boardwalk property, he sees an active 2016.
I am looking at two or three more fights this year. Rising Promotions said I could be on their cards going forward. I am just trying to stay busy. Ја сам 27 years-old and it is time to go. The Beast Mode is turned on and I am excited to show a new Isiah Seldon. Before I was just a brawler but in the time off, I have developed my boxing skills and I am a much better fighter.
In an eight-round welterweight bout, Томи Раиноне (24-7-1, 5 КО је) Лонг Исланд, НИ битке Maurice Chalmers (14-12-1, 8 КО је) од Линцхбург, ВА.
У шест-округлих налетима:
Ламонт Капар (5-7-2) од Хавлеи, ПА ће се борити Вилис Лоцкетт (14-16-5, 5 КО је) од Такома Парк, MD in a cruiserweight bout.

Former cruiserweight world champion Imamu Mayfield (25-9-2, 18 КО је) од Пертх Амбои, NJ returns to the ring after an eight year absence when he takes on дан Пасциолла (6-1-1) оф Брицк, NJ in a heavyweight bout for the Garden State Heavyweight title.
У четири округла налетима:
Куиан Дејвис (1-0-1, 1 КО) of Mays Landing, NJ battles Кори Морли (0-1-1) of Philadelphia in a Heavyweight bout.
омар Брито (2-2, 1 КО) of Pleasantville, Њ ће се борити Добродошли Дијаз (2-1, 2 КО је) од Проспецт Парк, NJ in a super featherweight fight.
Алвин Вермалл (7-0-1, 7 КО је) of La Place, LA will take on Д Куан Морган (3-2-1, 3 КО је) of Hamlet, NC in a cruiserweight tilt.
Непоражен миддлевеигхт Хаким Брајант (5-0, 4 КО је) од Асбури Парк, Њ ће се боритиРик Грејем (3-11-2, 1 КО) Детроита, МИ.
даррил стрнадица (0-0-1) од Асбури Парк, NJ will tussle with Darryl Watkins (0-2) of Temple Hills, МД. in a super middleweight fight.
Ubdefeated lightweight Steven Ortiz (2-0) оф Пхиладелпхиа, PA will box Јосе Мигуел Цастро (5-7, 3 КО је) од Каролине, Порторико.
Tickets for the March 19th fight card are $50 ГА, $75 Stage (very few remaining)& $125 ВИП (SOLD OUT) (Кабине за 5 available for $500SOLD OUT) and are available at RisingBoxingPromotions.com or 609-487-4444.
The Claridge Hotel is located at 123 С. ИНДИАНА АВЕ. Атлантик Сити, Њ

Инстаграм: рисингпромо

Former professional baseball player Quian Davis looking to make a difference in the community

Davis to battle Corey Morley ове суботе night at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Тома “Цорнфлаке” LaManna battles Kendal Mena in main event
Атлантиц Цити, Њ (Март 16, 2016)–Ове суботе ноћ у The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City,Тешка категорија Куиан Дејвис will look to stay undefeated when he takes on Кори Морли as part of an 11-bout card that is promoted by Rising Promotions and Vincent M. Понтеове Гулфстреам Промоције.
У главном догађају, Томас ЛаМанна поприма Kendal Mena in a eight round welterweight bout.
Davis of nearby Mays Landing, New Jersey is not the typical fighter who has dreams of winning a world heavyweight title, but he has bigger plans to help mold the youth of the Jersey Shore area as being a role model.
To say Davis is an all-around athlete is an understatement.
The Buena High School all-time leading rusher in football, was a 48th round draft pick of the Florida Marlins and spent three years in their minor league system.
When getting the itch to play football again, Davis bagged baseball and began playing football at Hudson Valley College in upstate New York.
After a few years of figuring out his next move, Davis took up boxing.
ат 6'3″и 250 кг, Davis took up the sweet science at the age of 34.
After eight amateur fights (record of 5-3), Davis turned professional by fighting a four round draw with Willie Harvey on August 15, 2015.
Davis got into the win column with a 26 second knockout over Santario Holdbrooks on 5. децембар at The Claridge.
“Odmah, I am getting by with my natural athletic ability. I do not know all of the ins and outs of boxing, but I have toughness and have been learning on the job,” рекао је Дејвис.
There has been a lot of improvement since I have started
In Morley, he is facing a durable guy, that has gone the distance in his first two outings.
I just know he is shorter and heavier then me. He is from Philadelphia, so that alone, I know he is a tough guy.
Davis is even more honest when it comes to his ceiling as a fighter.
My goal is to fight as long as the sport wants me. I want to have fights that will build my resume and give me the credibility to become a trainer for all athletes. I would like to instill what I know and my experiences with baseball, football and now boxing and become an all-around trainer and role model. There are people needed in the community that should be mentoring kids coming up and I feel that I can be that guy around here.
I want to thank my supporters. I am humbled that they spend their hard earned money to come see fight, and I am so appreciative of that.
У осам кола меча, Томи Раиноне (24-7-1, 5 КО је) Лонг Исланд, НИ ће се борити Maurice Chalmers (14-12-1, 8 КО је) од Данвилле, VA in a welterweight clash.
У шест-округлих налетима:
Ламонт Капар (5-7-2) од Хавлеи, ПА ће се борити Вилис Лоцкетт (14-16-5, 5 КО је) од Такома Парк, MD in a cruiserweight bout.

Исиах Селдон (7-1, 3 КО је) Атлантиц Цити, Њ ће се борити Мајкл Мичел (3-6-2, 1 КО) од Патерсон, NJ in a fight for the Garden State Super Middleweight title.
Former cruiserweight world champion Imamu Mayfield (25-9-2, 18 КО је) од Пертх Амбои, NJ returns to the ring after an eight year absence when he takes on дан Пасциолла (6-1-1) оф Брицк, Њ у тешкој категорији борбе.
У четири округла налетима:
омар Брито (2-2, 1 КО) of Pleasantville, Њ ће се борити Добродошли Дијаз (2-1, 2 КО је) од Проспецт Парк, NJ in a super featherweight fight.
Алвин Вермалл (7-0-1, 7 КО је) of La Place, LA will take on Д Куан Морган (3-2-1, 3 КО је) of Hamlet, NC in a cruiserweight tilt.
Непоражен миддлевеигхт Хаким Брајант (5-0, 4 КО је) од Асбури Парк, Њ ће се борити Рик Грејем (3-11-2, 1 КО) Детроита, МИ.
даррил стрнадица (0-0-1) од Асбури Парк, NJ will tussle with Darryl Watkins (0-2) of Temple Hills, МД. in a super middleweight fight.
Undefeated lightweight Steven Ortiz (2-0) оф Пхиладелпхиа, PA will box Јосе Мигуел Цастро (5-7, 3 КО је) од Каролине, Порторико.
Улазнице за March 19th fight card are $50 ГА, $75 Stage (very few remaining)& $125 ВИП (SOLD OUT) (Кабине за 5 available for $500SOLD OUT) and are available at RisingBoxingPromotions.com or 609-487-4444.
The Claridge Hotel is located at 123 С. ИНДИАНА АВЕ. Атлантик Сити, Њ

Инстаграм: рисингпромо

О Рисинг Промоције:
Рисинг Промоције је настала са намером да постане име кућа држите са основним циљем подизања Промоције у стању да координира низ разноврсних посебних догађаја у оквиру спортског и индустрији забаве, Директор и партнери на Рисинг Промоције осећају да су могућности за раст су бесконачне. Ми бисмо желели да дају могућности за горе и долазе професионални, као и аматерски боксери који други промотери неће дати прилику да лако. Догађаји који Рисинг планове за координацију ће обезбедити много потребна приступачан, Породица-фриендли спорт забава.

Long Island favorite Tommy “Бријач” Rainone looking for big win this Saturday night in boardwalk debut

Rainone to take on Maurice Chalmers this Saturday at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Тома “Цорнфлаке” LaManna battles Kendal Mena in main event
За иммедиате релеасе
Атлантиц Цити, Њ (Март 15, 2016)–Ове суботе ноћ у The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, Long Island based welterweight Томи Раиноне makes his debut on the boardwalk when he battles Maurice Chalmers in a eight round bout in a featured undercard bout of a 11-bout card promoted by Rising Promotions and Vincent M.Ponte’s Gulfstream Promotions.
У главном догађају, Томас ЛаМанна поприма Kendal Mena in a eight round welterweight bout.
Rainone has a record of 24-7-1 with with five knockouts has long been a fan favorite in the Empire state, and the fight with Chalmers will fulfill a venue that has been on the 36 year-old’s bucket list.
I have fought in Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, The Legendary Blue Horizon and Las Vegas. I have been wanting to fight in Atlantic City for a long time and Saturday it finally happens,” said Rainone.
What makes Rainone’s career even more fascinating is that he works a full-time job overnight working for Hilton Hotels in the accounting the department.
That makes for long days, working until the early morning, getting just a few hours of sleep and then going to the gym before his overnight shift.
I have not had a day off in seven weeks, but I will be ready to go у суботу ноћ. I have had pretty good training and sparring. Now I am just maintaining my weight
In Chalmers, he is facing a veteran who has a record of 14-12-1 са осам нокаут. Chalmers has knocked off three undefeated fighters, but Rainone is confident that his skills and preparation will be enough to get his hand raised.
I have seen him once in person. He defeated an undefeated guy and he was very aggressive that night. I have seen other fight’s where he sits back and is a counter puncher. I prepare for anything.
Since turning professional in 2006, Rainone has been an instant fan favorite, and he feels he owes a lot of support to the many supporters who have stuck by him through his whole career.
Without a fan base, you don’t get fights. I will have 100 or so fans down in Atlantic City. I owe everything to them.
Rainone believes his popularity is due large in part to him being just aneveryday guyand his fans can relate to him.
I always put on a good fight, but I am relate able. After the fights, I hang out with everybody. I am humble and I show the fans how much I appreciate him.
У свом последњем мечу, Rainone took one of the step up fights that could have set him up for a major opportunity when he took on former junior middleweight champion Ishe Smith.
Rainone came up just short in that fight, but Rainone wanted to test himself against the former world champion.
That fight was a tall order. Ishe is the bigger man and a former world champion. I am not a junior middleweight. I tried very hard and I knew if I had won that fought, I would have been ranked in the top-ten.
Rainone is only planning to fight another couple of years and he still has the goals of every fighter, but he is taking his career fight by fight.
The goal is one fight at a time. I am excited to fight in Atlantic City. I want to fight at Barclays Center and again in Madison Square Square Garden as well fighting for a title back in Atlantic City.
I have done this the hard way throughout my career. I do not know who has done it the way I have. I have done this on my own without any alliance or any promoter and I am very proud what I have accomplished and I still have more to do.
Улазнице за March 19th fight card are $50 ГА, $75 Stage (very few remaining)& $125 ВИП (SOLD OUT) (Кабине за 5 available for $500SOLD OUT) and are available at RisingBoxingPromotions.com or 609-487-4444.
The Claridge Hotel is located at 123 С. ИНДИАНА АВЕ. Атлантик Сити, Њ

Инстаграм: рисингпромо

О Рисинг Промоције:
Рисинг Промоције је настала са намером да постане име кућа држите са основним циљем подизања Промоције у стању да координира низ разноврсних посебних догађаја у оквиру спортског и индустрији забаве, Директор и партнери на Рисинг Промоције осећају да су могућности за раст су бесконачне. Ми бисмо желели да дају могућности за горе и долазе професионални, као и аматерски боксери који други промотери неће дати прилику да лако. Догађаји који Рисинг планове за координацију ће обезбедити много потребна приступачан, Породица-фриендли спорт забава.

Тома “Цорнфлаке” LaManna to take on Kendal Mena in main event on Saturday, Март 19 at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Tommy Rainone takes on Maurice Chalmers; Former world champion Imamu Mayfield returns to fight Dan Pasciolla
Атлантиц Цити, Њ (Фебруар 26, 2016)–О Субота ноћ, Март 19, Тома “Цорнфлаке” ЛаМанна will headline in an 8-round Welterweight bout when he fights Kendal Mena at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City
The card is promoted by Rising Promotions in association with Vincent M. Понтеове Гулф Стреам Промоције.
ЛаМанна (19-1, 7 КО је) од оближњег Миллвилле, New Jersey will be making his second consecutive appearance at The Claridge. LaManna won a 8-round unanimous decision over Ariel Vasquez on 5. децембар.
LaManna used his reach and height and worked behind his jab to keep Vasquez at bay. As the fight wore on, LaManna started to dominate with body punches and cruised home to victory to the tune of 79-72 on two scorecards and 78-73.
The 24 година ЛаМанна окренуо професионални у 2011 и освојио своје прве шеснаест нападе које су обележене од победе над Асханди Гиббс & Јамаал Дејвис.
I really don’t know much about Mena, but I am preparing to the best of my ability to handle whatever it is he brings to the table. Records don’t mean anything to me, all I know is he beat twenty men and has knocked out eleven of them,”рекао ЛаМанна

“Тренинг камп је сјајно. In this camp my team and I have been focusing more on working on the basics. We believe I have natural talent and I’m excited to see when it all comes to place.

Since suffering his only loss to world ranked Middleweight Antoine Douglas on ShoBox: Нова генерација, LaManna has won three straight which includes a 6-round unanimous decision over rugged Ayi Bruce on 26. септембар у Беацх Хавен, Њу Џерзи.

This will be LaManna’s second fight at Welterweight after moving down from Middleweight.
Mena of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic has a respectable mark of 20-3 са 11 нокаута.
The 28-year old Mena won his first twenty fights, which earned him a shot at the WBA International title.
He was stopped in the bout by contender Francisco Santana and he has lost to two undefeated fighters in his subsequent bouts.
In an 8-round co-feature, Томи Раиноне поприма Maurice Chalmers у велтер борбе.
Rainone has established himself as a fan favorite on the east coast, will be making his Atlantic City debut.
Он има евиденцију 24-7-1 са пет нокаута.

The 36 year-old of Long Island, New York won his first 11 крајеви. Rainone captured the IBA Americas Title 10-round unanimous decision over Robby Cannon. He also captured the USBO Welterweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Carl McNickles.

Rainone will be looking to get back in the win column after dropping a unanimous decision to former world champion Ishe Smith on Децембар 18.
Chalmers of Lynchburg, Вирџинија има досије 14-12-1 са 8 нокаута.
Chalmers will be looking to spring the upset, much like he did when he defeated the likes of Marcus Woods (4-1), Michael Lozano (3-0), Rajiv Bhattacharya (9-0) and Tykeem Sadler (6-0).
У 6-колу сарадњи функције, former IBF Cruiserweight champion Imamu Mayfield will be making his long awaited comeback in a Heavyweight bout against дан Пасциолла for the Garden State Heavyweight title.
Mayfield of Perth Amboy, New Jersey will making his first appearance in just for 8-years.
Mayfield won the IBF Cruiserweight championship when he won a 12-round unanimous decision over Uriah Grant on November 8, 1997. He made one defense and was stopped by Arthur Williams on October 30, 1998.
Mayfield won the USBA Cruiserweight title with 10th round stoppage over Gary Wilcox on June 30, 2001.
Mayfield has also fought world champions Juan Carlos Gomez, Krzystof Wlodarczyk and Alexander Povetkin.
Pasciolla of Brick, Њу Џерси има досије 6-1-1 and holds wins over Bill Marks (1-0), Џон Леннок (13-2) and Donnie Palmer (6-0-1). У свом најновијем меча, Pasciolla and Brendan Barrett (3-0-1) fought to a draw on February 19 у Атлантик Ситију.
In a six-round bouts:
Ламонт Капар (5-7-2) оф Брооклин, NY fights Tracy Johnson (3-2-3) Бостон, MA in a Cruiserweight bout.
In a bout for the Garden State Super Middleweight title, Исиах Селдон (7-1, 3 КО је) Атлантиц Цити, Њ поприма Мајкл Мичел (3-6-2, 1 КО) од Патерсон, Њ.

Хаким Брајант (5-0, 4 КО је) од Асбури Парк, Њ ће се на противника да буде именован у Миддлевеигхт боут.

У 4-округлих налетима:
Куиан Дејвис (1-0-1, 1 КО) of Mays Landing, Њ ће се борити Кори Морли (0-1-1) оф Пхиладелпхиа, PA in a Heavyweight bout.

Калеб Хернандез (2-0) од Винеланд, NJ will battle LeAnthony Fleming (1-1) of Lakeland, FL in a Welterweight bout.

омар Брито (2-2) of Pleasantville, Њ ће преузети Добродошли Дијаз (2-1, 2 КО је) of the Prospect Park, NJ in a Super Featherweight bout.

Алвин Вермалл (7-0-1, 7 КО је) of LaPlace, Ла ће се борити Dequan Morgan (3-2-1, 1 КО) of Hamlet, NC in a Cruiserweight bout.

даррил стрнадица (0-0-1 ) од Асбури Парк, Њ туче Jason Singletary (0-1) оф Васхингтон, DC in a Super Middleweight fight

Steven Ortiz (2-0) of Philadelphia will take part in a Lightweight bout against an opponent to be named.
Улазнице су $50 ГА, $75 Stage (very few remaining) & $125 ВИП (SOLD OUT)(Кабине за 5 available for $500SOLD OUT) and are available at RisingBoxingPromotions.com or 609-487-4444.
The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 С. ИНДИАНА АВЕ. Атлантик Сити, Њ

Инстаграм: рисингпромо

О Рисинг Промоције:
Рисинг Промоције је настала са намером да постане име кућа држите са основним циљем подизања Промоције у стању да координира низ разноврсних посебних догађаја у оквиру спортског и индустрији забаве, Директор и партнери на Рисинг Промоције осећају да су могућности за раст су бесконачне. Ми бисмо желели да дају могућности за горе и долазе професионални, као и аматерски боксери који други промотери неће дати прилику да лако. Догађаји који Рисинг планове за координацију ће обезбедити много потребна приступачан, Породица-фриендли спорт забава.




SANTA YNEZ, ЦАЛИФОРНИА (Јануар 9, 2015) Tonight at the Chumash Casino in Santa Ynez, Калифорнија, Гари Схав Продуцтионс presented his final show as a promotional company on ЕСПН “Петак Нигхт Фигхтс”. In the 12-round main event, Дарлеис Перес (32-1, 20 КОс) won an impressive unanimous decision as he defended his WBA Interim Lightweight Championship against Џонатан Маицело (21-2, 12 КОс). Perez vs. Maicelo was a promoted in association with Thompson Boxing Promotions.


In the early rounds, Jonathan Maicelo was using lateral movement to set up his punches, but Darleys Perez was timing him every time he jumped in. Maicelo to his demise was going straight back after every combination and Perez was making him pay. Како је борба улазила у касније рунде, Perez had control of the fight and was up on the scorecards. Perez was timing his punches well and landed some very clean shots that had Maicelo off balance. Perez caught Maicelo jumping in and sent him to the canvas in round eleven. In round twelve, Perez closed the show as he landed a plethora of hard shots to close out the round. Maicelo, gave a gallant effort in defeat. Прочитани семафори 118-109, 118-108, 120-107 in favor of Perez.


I was prepared for a tough fight,” said Darleys Perez. “Maicelo is an incredible competitor. It took me a few rounds to settle into a rhythm, but once I did, I was able to land whatever I wanted. After a few rounds, I was able to time his movements and connect with a variety of punches. I want to be the best in the lightweight division. That’s what drives me. I put my heart and soul into every fight and I’m going to keep preparing the same way.


I did my best tonight but was up against a better man in Darleys Perez.” Саид Маицело. “He did a good job of using his reach to keep me off balance. It was very difficult to land my shots. He’s a great champion and I take my hat off to him. I still want to fight and see if I can work my way back to the top. This is not the end of my career. I know I can get back in there and compete at a high level.



In the 10-round co-main event, Santa Barbara’s welterweight contender, Francisco Santana (22-3-1, 11 КОс) didn’t need much time to finish off his opponent, Kendal Mena (20-0, 11 КОс) Доминиканске Републике. While the taller Mena was trying to establish his distance and jab, Сантана, the local hero, landed a left hook that dropped him in the begging of the round. As soon as Mena got up off the canvas, Santana landed a right hook, left hook combo that put Mena down for good at the 1:43 Знак рунде. Са победом, Santana captures the WBA International Welterweight Championship.


My trainer had a great game plan going into this fight,” said Francisco Santana. “Once I saw an opening in his defense I knew I could land my left hook. This was great exposure for me and I’m very please I was able to get the knockout on national television. I want to thank Gary Shaw for this opportunity and I look forward to the future with him moving forward with RocNation. I’m ready to challenge any of the top welterweights in the division.


Tonight everyone showed up and gave it their best and the fans go to witness a great night of boxing.” рекао Гари Схав. “Perez is a very tough fighter and I see him taking over the lightweight division. Santana showed he has what it takes to be something special in the welterweight division and he’ll be in a very big fight in the near future. I’m ready to start the next chapter of my legacy with RocNation and I’m very energized with what the future holds for all my fighters.




6-Round Super-Bantamweight Bout

Roman Morales (19-0, 10 КОс) вс. Ернесто Гуерреро (15-14, 10 КОс)

San Andro, California’s undefeated Super-Bantamweight prospect, Roman Morales extending on his winning streak with an impressive 3rd round knockout. After a slow start, Morales landed a left hook to the body in round three dropping Guerrero to the canvas. The referee gave Guerrero the full 10 count and the bout was stopped at the 1:05 mark of the round.


6-Округли Хеавивеигхт боут

Јаррелл Милер (11-0-1, 9 КОс) вс. Aaron Kinch (5-4-2, 1 КО)

Brooklyn New York’s Jarrell Miller battered Newark, New Jersey’s Aaron Kinch over six rounds en route to a lopsided unanimous decision. Even though Miller landed a plethora of power shots throughout the fight, Kinch survived, making it to the final bell giving the fans a spirited effort. Прочитани семафори 60-54 двапут и 60-53 in favor of Miller.


6-Round Flyweight Female Attraction

Maria Suarez (8-1-1) вс. Jolene Blackshear (9-5, 4 КОс)

Санта Мариа, California’s Maggie Suarez won a close majority decision against a very tough Jolene Blackshear. Suarez used her superior boxing skills to squeak out the victory. Jolene had her moments but it wasn’t enough as Suarez landed at a higher percentage in most of the rounds. Прочитани семафори 57-57, 58-56 for Maggie


4-Округли Велтервеигхт Боут

Manuel Romero (1-2-2) вс. Карлос Гонсалес (1-6)

Santa Maria California’s Manuel Romero made quick work of Carlos Gonzales. Round one was all Romero as he came out guns blazing. У кругу два, Romero landed a barrage of punches and the referee halted the bout at the 2:16 mark of the round two.


4-Round Jr. Flyweight Female Attraction

Poula Estrada (2-0) вс. Kayana Rain (0-1)

Palmdale, California’s Poula Estrada did enough to pull off a close victory against a game Kayana Rain, who hails from Los Angeles. . The taller Estrada used a good jab and movement to negate the pressure style of Rain. Although Rain landed some good power shots, Estrada landed the cleaner blows throughout the fight. Прочитани семафори 38-38, 39-37 for Estrada.