Таг Арцхивес: Канзас

Олимпијац Нико Ернандес остаје непоражен Трамејн Вилијамс, Армандо Алварез & Зхилеи Зханг победник

ПАЛМ ЦИТИ, Канзас (Септембар 24, 2017) – Име синоћ “КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп” догађај је свакако био прикладан као 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес морао да савлада велику препреку да остане непоражен у Хартман Арени у Палм Ситију, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” била је презентација КО Нигхт Бокинг ЛЛЦ., у сарадњи са Роц Натион Спортс и Хартман Арена, спонзорисан од Морт'с Цигар Бар, Јимми Егг и Твистер Цити Харлеи-Давидсон. Акција је снимљена уживо за будуће емитовање на ЦБС Спортс Нетворк-у.
Ст. Лоуис јужњак Кендрицк “Uprising” Латцхман надмашио Хернандеза у обичној муши категорији за више од 10 фунти када су два борца ушла у ринг јер Хернандез’ заказани противник, Басизбек Баратов (2-1-2), нагло повукао из борбе након вагања због уговорне неслагања. Хернандез је одмерио у 113 фунти, Баратов је био 112, што је била уговорена тежина. Атлетска комисија Канзаса, међутим, аутоматски дозвољава прекорачење од једне фунте за све борбе без титуле. Баратов је одбио да се бори, али је Лачман пристао да се бори у тежини од 125 фунти. Хернандез је добио четири фунте и борба је настављена.
Хернандес из Вицхите није био дирнут касном променом, у великој мери захваљујући његовој истакнутој аматерској каријери, у којој су се његови противници често смењивали у последњем тренутку. Латцхман (1-5-1, 1 КО) је професионални боксер-ММА хибридни борац који је 6-3 (5 КОс) у ММА, укључујући паузу од 55 секунди 14-7-1 Цоди Ланд јули ове године.
Латцхман је зујао Ернандеза у првој рунди, на велику жалост Ернандезових’ гласна гомила родног града. Сједињене Америчке Државе. Олимпијац је показао добру браду и победио у шест рунди једногласном одлуком да побољша свој професионални рекорд на 3-0 (2 КОс).
“Они (његов кутак и навијаче) били нервозни,” рекао је 21-годишњи Хернандез после борбе, “али нисам био. Мој тренер (отац Левис Хернандез) рекао ми је да финтирам и уђем, али сам мало превише насрнуо. Еј, Остајем у својој дивизији (муха) пре него што порасте на тежини.”
“Нико је морао да се појача, борећи се са новим противником у року од 24 сата, заједно са разликом у њиховој тежини,” организатор John Andersen цомментед. “Све је испало у реду, али то није била лака борба. Дланови су ми се мало знојили у првој рунди када је добио јак ударац, али Нико је извукао победу и биће још бољи борац због овог искуства. Његов отац је рекао да Нико никада раније није био тако ударен. Била је то добра карта и сви су је волели.”
КО Нигхт Бокинг ЛЛЦ је најавио да ће се Хернандез вратити Децембар 2 да води још једну емисију у Хартман Арени.
УСБА бр.. 2- оцењено као перо Трамаине “Моћни патуљак” Виллиамс (13-0, 5 КОс), борећи се из Њу Хејвена (ЦТ), крстарио до његовог 13тх победа без пораза, доношење једностране одлуке у 10 рунди Деррицк Мурраи (13-3, 5 КОс), у заједничком догађају.
Кеи Вест, ФЛ велтер Армандо “Гентлеман: Алварез (17-0, 11 КОс) остала непоражена, победивши у 10 рунди једногласном одлуком против шампиона Мађарске Габор “Веверица” Горбицс (23-8, 14 КОс) у такмичарској специјалној велтер категорији. Алварез је носилац титуле ВБЦ Латино у полутешкој категорији.
Непоражени изгледи Кинеза у тешкој категорији Зхилеи “Велики прасак” Зханг (18-0, 14 КОс), актуелни ВБО оријентални шампион, потребан само 2:28 да заустави ветеран Бирон “Медвед” Поллеи(30-22-1, 13 КОс). Зханг, као и Вилијамс, промовише Роц Натион Спортс.
У најдраматичнијој борби ноћи, Лос Анђелес тешка категорија Сцотт Алекандер (13-2-2, 7 КОс) одскочио од палубе, као и пресек пре борбе, да нокаутује 361 фунту рицхард “силвербацк” Кармак (15-12-1, 12 КОс) у другом кругу. Александар је задобио посекотину на потколеници која је настала услед ломљења степеница при уласку у ринг.
Милвоки јуниор средње категорије акеем Црна (3-1, 1 КО) освојио три од четири рунде код сва тројица судија’ бодовни картони за једногласну одлуку у четири рунде Марцус Неал (2-2, 2 КОс).
Вицхита полутешка категорија Јефф Струм у свом професионалном дебију против Топекиног (половно) раније непоражен Крис Ортега (3-1-1), победивши у сва четири кола на импресиван начин.
Комплетни резултати испод:
Нико Ернандес (3-0, 2 КОс), Вицхита
ВДЕЦ6 (60-54, 59-55, 59-55)
Кендрицк Латцхман (1-5-1, 1 КО), Ст. Луис, МО
Трамаине Виллиамс (13-0, 5 КОс), Нови рај, ЦТ
ВДЕЦ10 (98-91, 98-91, 97-92)
Деррицк Мурраи (13-3, 5 КОс), Ст. Луис, МО
Армандо Алварез (17-0, 11 КОс), Кеи Вест, Флорида
ВДЕЦ10 (100-90, 98-92, 96-93)
Габор Горбиц (23-8, 14 КОс), Будимпешта, Мађарска
Зхилеи Зханг (18-0, 14 КОс), Лас Вегас, НВ
ВКО1 (2:28)
Бирон Поллеи (30-22-1 (13 КОс), Свети Јосиф, МО
Сцотт Алекандер (13-2-2, 6 КОс), Лос Анђелес, КАО ШТО СУ
ВКО2 (1:45)
Рицхард Цармацк (15-12-1, 12 КОс), Канзас Сити, МО
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Јефф Струм 1-0), Вицхита, половно
ВДЕЦ4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Крис Ортега (3-1-1), Топека, половно.
акеем Црна (3-1, 1 КО), Милвоки, ВИ
Вдец4 (39-36, 39-36, 39-36)
Марцус Неал (2-2, 2 КОс), Канзас Сити, МО.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм

2016 Освајач олимпијске бронзане медаље Нико Ернандес враћа се ове суботе код куће у Канзасу

2016 Освајач олимпијске бронзане медаље Нико Ернандес
Враћа се ове суботе код куће у Канзасу
“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” у Хартман Арена у Парк Цити, половно
Парк Цити, Канзас (Септембар 19, 2017) — 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандесвраћа за прстен ове суботе ноћ за своју трећу професионалну борбу, ХЕАДЛИНИНГ “КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!”, у Хартман Арена у Парк Цити, Канзас.

“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” је презентација КО Нигхт Бокс ЛЛЦ., у сарадњи са Хартман Арена, Морт'с Цигар Бар, Јимми Егг и Твистер Цити Харлеи-Давидсон. Акција ће бити снимљен уживо за будуће проветравање на ЦБС Спортс Нетворк.
Хернандез (2-0, 2 КОс), бори се за Вицхита, има новог противника у главном догађају од шест кола, Киргистан муха категорија Басизбек Баратов (2-1-2).
Нико Ернандес (Р) је у акцији ове суботе ноћ
(слика љубазношћу Тонија Шока, ГС Мемори Макер)
Фигхтинг из Филаделфије, Баратов је имао мало среће, у смислу бодовања, са два ремија и поразом подељеном одлуком. Његов професионални рекорд би лако могао бити 5-0.
Пар непоражених бораца Роц Натион Спортс, Нови рај (ЦТ) веома лака ствар Трамаине “Моћни патуљак” Виллиамс (12-0, 5 КОс) и кинески тешкаш Зхилеи “Велики прасак” Зханг(17-0, 13 КОс), биће приказано.
УСБА бр.. 2-оценила Вилијамсова лица Деррицк Мурраи (13-2 (5 КОс), св. Луис (МО), у 10 рунди ко-функција. Фигхтинг из Лас Вегаса, Невада, Зханг упознаје ветерана из Мисурија Бирон “Медвед” Поллеи (30-21-1, 13 КОс) у 10-колу меча.
Такође борба на телевизијском делу карте је меч од 10 рунди у велтер категорији против непоражене звезде у успону Армандо “Гентлеман” Алварез (16-0, 11 КОс), борећи се из Ки Веста, Флорида, против шампиона Мађарске Габор “Веверица” Горбицс (23-7, 14 КОс).
У борби тешкаша у осам рунди, Лос Анђелес’ Сцотт Алекандер (12-2-2, 6 КОс) лицарицхард “силвербацк” Кармак (15-1-1, 12 КОс), Кансас Цити (МО).
Већ напуњен ундерцард наставља да пружа боксерску платформу за локалне борце у борбама у четири рунде: Канзас Сити (МО) Јуниор средњој Марцус Неал (2-1, 2 КОс) вс. акеем Црна(2-1, 1 КО), Милваукее, Вицхита-ин про-дебитант полутешкаш јефф Штурм вс. Крис Ортега(3-0-1), од Топека (половно), и Топекиног Брајан Клементс (0-0-1) вс. Либеријска јуниорска велтер категоријаАрцхие Веах, борећи се из Охаја.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице су у продаји на благајни Хартман Арене и хттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.цом/евент/06005308Б32459Е5 cene су $115.00 (ВИП), $75.00, $75.00, $50.00, $30.00 и $25.00.
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг

Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Back in action Sept. 23 вс. Франциско Лапизцо

“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” у Хартман Арена у Парк Цити, половно
Парк Цити, Канзас (Август 10, 2017) – KO Night Boxing LLC and Hartman Arena hosted a private media luncheon today to announce the return of 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес for his third professional fight on Субота, Септембар 23, ХЕАДЛИНИНГ “КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” у Хартман Арена у Парк Цити, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” је презентација КО Нигхт Бокс ЛЛЦ., у сарадњи са Хартман Арена, Mort’s Cigar Bar and Jimmy Egg.
Wichita-native Hernandez (2-0, 2 КОс) will face the stiffest test of his young pro career, Mexican flyweight Франциско “Ратник” Lapizco (8-5, 2 КОс), in the six-round main event.
I’m very fortunate that my promoter, John Andersen(КО ноћ Бокс), has worked hard to make my third pro fight at home,” Hernandez said. “I’m very excited to be able to show boxing at its best.
My opponent has never been stopped. Очигледно, he has more professional experience than me, and I understand he likes putting pressure on his opponent. I want to be the first to stop this guy! I also want the boxing world to know I’m coming for belts. Champions should get ready for Nico Hernandez.
In his professional debut on March 25тх, Hernandez knocked out Patrick Gutierrez у четвртом колу, and this past June 17тх at Hartman Arena, the 21-year-old U.S. Olympian stopped previously undefeated Jose Rodriguez in the third round of the main event.
Lapizco, 22, has already defeated an unbeaten opponent, Cesar Sustaita (3-0), three years ago at Ontario, Калифорнија. His last fight was this past January at home in Sinaloa, Мексико, in which Lapizco won a six-round unanimous decision over Jairo Miranda.
This fight is a step up for Nico against a proven opponent who goes rounds,” Andersen noted. “He has already upset an undefeated fighter. It’s time for Nico to step up, as well as the city of Wichita, in terms of supporting him. This is a major event on September 23рд that will bring national attention, not only for Nico, but to Wichita.
We have an opportunity to put Nico, all of Kansas, on the national map in boxing. We have a multi-fight deal to showcase Nico at Hartman Arena. After the September 23рд шоу, we’ll announce his final fight of 2017. We need people to turnout September 23рд at Hartman Arena to continue promoting Nico at home.

(Л-Р) — Promoter John Andersen, 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez and his father/head trainer Lewis Hernandez
(photo courtesy of Hartman Arena)

Додатни “КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” борбе ће ускоро бити објављене. Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.

Улазнице иду у продају сутра (Петак, Август. 11 @ 10 а.м. ЦТ) на благајни Хартманн Арена ихттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.цом/евент/06005308Б32459Е5 cene су $115.00 (ВИП), $75.00, $75.00, $50.00, $30.00 и $25.00.
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for KO Night Boxing, ДОО.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм.

Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Stops Jose Rodriguez in the third round


The beginning of the end for Jose Rodriguez (Р) against Nico Hernandez
(All pictures courtesy of Charles Yellowfeather)

Парк Цити, Канзас (Јун 18, 2017)Wichita hero and 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље, Нико Ернандес, доминирају Хозе “Mexican Diablo” Родригез у синоћ “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fire” Главни догађај, which aired on CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Firewas a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC. TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for Knockout Night Boxing.

Нико Ернандес (Р) battered Jose Rodriguez in a one-sided contest
The 21-year-old Hernandez (2-0, 2 КОс) came out fast, rapidly firing combinations that consistently landed to his opponent’s head and body. Hernandez was as electric in the ring as the sky outside, battering the over-matched Rodriguez, finally dropping him midway through the second round.
The extremely sharp Hernandez floored Rodriguez again in the third with a right-left combination but the tough Mexican rose again. The onslaught continued briefly as the Olympian pounded Rodriguez (2-1, 2 КОс), knocking him down for the third time and final time as referee Kevin Champion counted him out at 2:38.
I came out with a victory, it can’t get better than that,” Hernandez said after the fight. “I put him down a few times. I was happy with my performance. I was trying to get out of her to celebrate with my family and friends.

I didn’t expect him to keep coming, getting up and still coming forward. I’ll talk to my promoter and coaches and see what’s next.

Nico Hernandez celebrated his triumph at home in front of family and friends

Local favorite Noel Esqueda (7-3-2, 5 КОс), of Wichita, was unable to handle Mexican junior middleweight Limberth “El Gallito” Ponce (13-3, 9 КОс), fighting out of Quad Cities (ИЛ), in the co-featured event The two fighters fought mostly on the inside as Ponce effectively landed overhand rights on his way to a six-round unanimous decision,
Kansas featherweight rivals Eric Vargas (3-0, 1 КО), of Garden City, and Winfield’s pro-debuting Хумберто “Тито” Tellez (0-1) had fans screaming from start to finish in an entertaining match. The stronger Vargas outworked the game Tellez through most of their action-packed fight to earn a hard-fought win by four-round majority decision.
In the television opener, pro-debuting Kansas super middleweights Eddie Chavez (0-1), of Wichita, and Garden City’s Luis Fernando Juanez Jasso (1-0, 1 КО) went toe-to-toe from the opening bell until there was one minute left in the opening round, when Jasso suddenly dropped Chavez with a punishing right. Chavez beat the count but he was hurting. Jasso trapped Chavez on the ropes and unloaded seven unanswered punch until Chavez took a knee and referee Champion immediately stepped in to stop the fight.
Pro-debuting Брајан Клементс (0-0-1), fighting out of Topeka (половно), and Garden City veteran Bryant Montalvo (1-9-1) fought to a four-round draw in a back-and-forth contest.
Winfield (половно) Лигхт Хеавивеигхт The PrinceJuan Hollingsworth (1-0-1, 1 КО) and pro-debuting Matt Dixon (0-0-1), од Тулса (У реду), fought to an entertaining four-round split draw in the opening bout of the evening.
Комплетни резултати испод:
(Сви победници први на листи))
МАИН ЕВЕНТ — У борби М-1 Медиевал Книгхт између руских тешкаша
Нико Ернандес (2-0, 2 КОс), Вицхита, половно
ВКО3 (2:38)
Jose Rodriguez (2-1, 2 КОс), Markesan, ВИ
Limberth Ponce (13-3, 9 КОс), Rock Island, ИЛ
ВДЕЦ6 (60-54, 58-56, 58-56)
Noel Esqueda (7-4-2, 5 КОс), Вицхита, половно
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Juan Hollingsworth (1-0-1, 1 КО), Winfield, половно
D4 (39037, 37-39, 38-38)
Matt Dixon (0-0-1, 0 КО), Тулса, У реду.
Luis Fernando Juanez Jasso (1-0, 1 КО), Garden City, половно
ВТКО1 (2:26)
Eddie Chavez (0-1, 0 КО), Вицхита, половно.
Брајан Клементс (0-0-1), Топека, половно
Bryant Montalvo (1-9-1, 1 КО), Garden City, половно.
Eric Vargas (3-0, 1 КО), Garden City, половно
ВДЕЦ4 (40-36, 39-37, 38-38)
Humberto Tellez (0-1), Winfield, половно
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм

Hartman Arena extends Box Office hours To support ticket demand for this Saturday night’s “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireevent Featuring 2016 Освајач олимпијске бронзане медаље Нико Ернандес

Airing live on CBS Sports Network

Парк Цити, Канзас (Јун 13, 2017) – 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес враћа за прстен ове суботе ноћ, Јун 17, at home in Wichita for his second professional fight, ХЕАДЛИНИНГ “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireon CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Канзас.
Wichita-native Hernandez (1-0, 1 КО) will face unbeaten Mexican flyweight Jose Rodriquez (2-0, 2 КОс)in the six-round main event.
Due to ticket demand in the local market and in anticipation of a sold-out event, Hartman Arena will be extending it box office hours сутра, (Среда, Јун 14) и Четвртак, June 15from 10 а.м. CT to 7 п.м. ЦТ.
Додатно, Hartman Arena personnel will be selling tickets at Морт'с Цигар Бар ово Петак ноћ (Јун 16) for the official weigh in, open to the public and starting at 6 п.м. И. Mort’s is located at 223 E.1st Street in North Wichita.
We are tracking very well with ticket sales for ове суботе је upcoming ‘KO Night Boxingfeaturing Kansasown Nico Hernandez,” said Jennifer Ferguson, Box Office Manager, Hartman arena. “We are anticipating a very strong walk up as well Saturday, which is why we have extended the box office hours and will have extra staff on hand to meet Saturday night’s demands. Tickets are also available to purchase.
Хартман Арена: 8151 N Hartman Arena Drive, парк Град, половно 67147
Ticket Prices:
  • $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt Rally towel, limited edition lanyard signed by Nico, a ticket to the official after-party at Hartman arena *Only 200 VIP seats left.
  • $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and rally towel.
  • $75.00, $35.00 $20.00.
Tickets may also be obtained in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 W. 21st St. Н, or by calling Team Nico (Jeremiah) @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @ 316.806.0144).
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени
We are thrilled with the response ‘KO Night Boxing: Rapid Firehas received from fans there,” added John Andersen President of KO Night Boxing LLC. “In our first show in this market this past March 25тх in nearby Mulvane, we had more than 3,100 come out to support Nico in his pro debut, and there was a televised University of Kansas NCAA tournament game the same night. Based on the feedback I am getting, we are looking at a sold out show this Saturday night. It should make for a very special night as this event will also be airing live across the country on CBS Sports Network, where boxing fans all across North America will see how passionate people here are about supporting their hometown hero, Nico Hernandez.

Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм.

Olympian Nico Hernandez had boxing float In Wichita’s Riverfest Sundance Festival parade

Airing live on CBS Sports Network from
Hartman Arena in Kansas

Парк Цити, Канзас (Јун 7, 2017) – Team Hernandez, featuring Wichita-native Нико Ернандес (1-0, 1 КО), a 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље, entered a boxing float in this past Петакноћ је 45тх annual Riverfest Sundance Festival parade in Wichita.

An estimated 50,000 people turned out to enjoy the parade, as well as the opportunity to support hometown hero Hernandez, who will fight at home once again in less than two weeks.
The 21-year-old Hernandez returns to action Субота ноћ, Јун 17, in the six-round main event against Mexican-born flyweight opponent Jose Rodriguez (2-0, 2 КОс), ХЕАДЛИНИНГ “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fire”, which will air (10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ) on CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireis a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC.
Unbeaten Canadian featherweight MarcGwapoPagcaliwangan (10-0-1, 8 КОс) лица Angel “Страшан” Monrreal (10-8-1, 3 КОс), Мексика, in the eight-round co-featured event. Wichita junior middleweight Noel Esquada (7-3-2, 5 КОс) меетс 2012 Chicago Golden Gloves champion Limberth “El Gallito” Ponce (12-3, 9 КОс) у мечу са шест рунди,
У телевизијском отварач, Garden City (половно) перо перспектива Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 КО) takes on pro-debuting Хумберто “Тито” Tellez, fighting out of Winfield (половно).
The non-televised “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireundercard is loaded with local talent: pro-debuting Topeka (половно) Јуниор велтер Брајан Клементс вс. Bryan Montalvo (1-9, 1 КО), of Garden City (половно); Winfield light heavyweight Juan Hollingsworth (1-0, 1 КО) вс. Oklahoman Matt Dixon in his pro debut, and pro-debuting middleweights Eddie Chavez, of Wichita, and Garden City’s Fernando Jasso throw-down in the opening bout.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице су у продаји на благајни Хартман Арене и хттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.цом/event/060052A193761C74. cene су $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and a ticket to the official after-party with a meet-and-greet opportunity), $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt), $75.00, $35.00 и $20.00. Tickets will also be sold in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 W. 21ул Ст. Н, or call Team Nico (Jeremiah @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @ 316.806.0144).
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм.

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Dedicated to building boxing in Wichita & across Kansas

Airing live on CBS Sports Network from
Hartman Arena in Kansas
Парк Цити, Канзас (Јун 1, 2017) – Wichita-native Нико Ернандес (1-0, 1 КО), a 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље, is on a mission to establish his home as a realfight townlike world champion Terence Crawford has done in Omaha, Небраска.
The 21-year-old Hernandez returns to action Субота, Јун 17, in the six-round main event against Mexican-born flyweight opponent Jose Rodriguez (2-0, 2 КОс), ХЕАДЛИНИНГ “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fire”, which will air (10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ) on CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireis a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC.
Hernandez drew nearly 3,200 fans for his professional debut, Март 25, in nearby Mulvane (половно), in which he knocked out Patrick Gutierrez in the fourth round of the main event, which was also televised live on CBS Sports Network.
Хернандез’ организатор, КО ноћ Бокс, ДОО, is committed to showcasing Hernandez at home on national television, as well as provide a platform for young Kansas boxers for them to develop their skills and build intra-state rivalries as evident on this card.
My plan is to do it like Terence Crawford has done in Omaha,” Hernandez explained. “I’m hoping it works out as well for me. It means so much for me to bring boxing to Wichita, to all of Kansas, for these fans and all the good, young boxers we have here.
This is a good opportunity for fighters from Wichita, across Kanas, to showcase their skills to the boxing world,” организатор John Andersen рекао. “Nico is giving all these other fighters a chance to do that by headlining our shows on CBS Sports Network. They need to fight to develop; otherwise, they’d have to travel far from home just to fight. They can build fanbases close to their hometowns.

We’re an up-and-coming promotional company, much like Nico as a pro fighter, and together we want to build boxing across Kansas and build natural rivalries like we have on this card. Nico is the perfect fighter to do this because, in addition to being an Olympic medalist, he’s a great role model for young people in Wichita, and Kansas as a whole, to emulate. We’ve planted the boxing seed in Wichita, through Nico, and we feel that boxing is going to grow across the state where Nico is bigger than life.

Unbeaten Canadian featherweight MarcGwapoPagcaliwangan (10-0-1, 8 КОс) меетс Angel “Страшан” Monrreal (10-8-1, 3 КОс), Мексика, in the eight-round co-feature, while Wichita junior middleweight Noel Esquada (7-3-2, 5 КОс) поприма 2012 Chicago Golden Gloves champion Limberth “El Gallito” Ponce (12-3, 9 КОс) in the six-round match,
A prime example of a budding intrastate Kansas rivalry will be displayed in the televised opener as Garden City (половно) перо перспектива Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 КО) takes on pro-debuting Хумберто “Тито” Tellez, fighting out of Winfield (половно).
The non-televised “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireundercard is loaded with local talent: pro-debuting Topeka (половно) Јуниор велтер Брајан Клементс вс. Bryan Montalvo (1-9, 1 КО), of Garden City (половно); Winfield light heavyweight Juan Hollingsworth (1-0, 1 КО) вс. Oklahoman Matt Dixon in his pro debut, and pro-debuting middleweights Eddie Chavez, of Wichita, and Garden City’s Fernando Jasso throw-down in the opening bout.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице су у продаји на благајни Хартман Арене и хттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.цом/event/060052A193761C74. cene су $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and a ticket to the official after-party with a meet-and-greet opportunity), $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt), $75.00, $35.00 и $20.00. Tickets will also be sold in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 W. 21ул Ст. Н, or call Team Nico (Jeremiah @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @ 316.806.0144).
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм.

Jose Rodriguez unfazed, determined to KO 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez InRapid Firemain event June 17

Airing live on CBS Sports Network from
Hartman Arena in Kansas
Парк Цити, Канзас (Мај 11, 2017) – Unfazed Mexico-native Jose Rodriguez is determined to knockout 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес о Субота, Јун 17, ин “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireheadline event.

Wichita-native Hernandez (1-0, 1 КО) will be fighting at home against Rodriquez (2-0, 2 КОс), a flyweight living in Wisconsin,in the six-round main event that will air (10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ) on CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireis a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC.
Hernandez drew nearly 3,200 fans for his professional debut, Март 25, in nearby Mulvane (половно), in which the 21-year-old future star stopped Patrick Gutierrez in the fourth round of the main event, which was also televised live on CBS Sports Network.
Rodriguez is chasing the American dream having moved 12 years ago to Wisconsin for a job opportunity and better life for his family. He had started boxing in Mexico but was unable to continue because he needed to work. A few years after he moved to Wisconsin, Rodriguez decided he wanted to box again, although he had a difficult time finding a trainer who wanted to work with a 24-year-old novice. Тренер Eddie Haynes gave Rodriguez an opportunity to join Team Certified, which includes former world title challenger Angel Manfredy, who also works Rodriguezcorner.
After a brief yet undefeated amateur career, highlighted by Rodriguezgold-medal performance in the in the Milwaukee Golden Gloves Championships, Jose turned pro last July in Milwaukee against Nicholas Brand. Сада, he has a pair of first-round knockouts, the last this past September against Richard Tallmadge, who was coached by Nate Jones, иронично, also an American Olympic bronze-medal winner in 1996.
Родригез, who drives 1 ½-hours to train at his gym, works the night shift in a factory. “I fight for my wife and three children,” the 29-year-old Rodriquez said. “This is a very important fight for me because, when I knock him out, it’ll open doors for me and my team. I train very hard every day because I want to make a living boxing, or at least enough to work less hours, so I can see my kids more than the hour a day I do now. I’ve already lost too much time
This is going to be a good action-fight, од почетка до краја, as long as it lasts. I like to fight inside, putting a lot of pressure on my opponent. I don’t want to leave it in the hands of the judges. No decision, I’m knocking him out. If he thinks this is going to be an easy fight, he’ll know who I am after our fight. Идем да га завршим!”
Unbeaten Canadian featherweight MarcGwapoPagcaliwangan (10-0-1, 8 КОс) takes on Mexican invader Angel “Страшан” Monrreal (9-8-1, 3 КОс) in the eight-round co-feature. Pagacaliwangan is a Taekwondo-trained fighter of Filipino heritage. He is a three-time Ontario Golden Gloves and two-time Provincial amateur champion in his native Canada.
Wichita junior middleweight Noel Esquada (7-3-2, 5 КОс) меетс 2012 Chicago Golden Gloves champion Limberth “El Gallito” Ponce (12-3, 9 КОс) in a scheduled six-round bout. Garden City (половно) перо перспектива Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 КО) faces pro-debuting Хумберто “Тито” Tellez, fighting out of Winfield (половно).
Non-televised “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireundercard bouts featuring additional Kansas fighters will soon be announced. Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице су у продаји на благајни Хартман Арене и хттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.com/event/060052A193761C74. cene су $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and a ticket to the official after-party with a meet-and-greet opportunity), $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt), $75.00, $35.00 и $20.00. Tickets will also be sold in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 W. 21ул Ст. Н, or call Team Nico (Jeremiah @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @ 316.806.0144).
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Returns to headlineRapid Firein Kansas

Јун 17 on CBS Sports Network, live from Hartman Arena

Парк Цити, Канзас (Мај 1, 2017) – 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес се враћа прстеном на Субота, Јун 17, at home in Wichita for his second professional fight. “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fire” ће емитовати (10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ) on CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Канзас.
Wichita native Hernandez will face unbeaten Mexican flyweight Jose Rodriquez (2-0, 2 КОс)in the six-round main event.
In his professional debut on March 25тх, Hernandez turned in an impressive performance, entertaining nearly 3,200 passionate Kansas fans as he defeated Patrick Gutierrez in the fourth round of the main event. The fight was also televised on CBS Sports Network.
Feel free to view and/or post parts or all of this highlights video of Nick Hernandez’ за деби. To use, credit “КО ноћ Бокс, LLC and TITLE Boxing:
Нико Ернандес
(Picture courtesy of TITLE Boxing)

The 21-year-old Hernandez displayed tremendous poise and a few tweaks to his amateur style, adding a devastating body attack, in addition to effectively switching from his orthodox stance to southpaw at times.

I feel that there will be even more people there this fight than at my pro debut,” Hernandez said. “I live only a 10 to 15-minute drive from Hartman Arena, north of Wichita.
I worked hard on body punching for my pro debut. I didn’t do that in the amateurs (no scoring points) and I’m getting use to switching to southpaw. Both were in our game plan and successful in my firsts fight. I’m excited to get right back in the ring, especially at home. Our plan is to fight every two to three months and have a total of four fights this year.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fireis a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC.
Gutierrez was the perfect opponent for Nico’s pro debut,” цомментед John Andersen, who promotes Hernandez as well as the June 17тх шоу. “He was tough but now it’s time to step it up a little against a 2-0 opponent with two knockouts. Nico is starting to climb the ladder to get him where we want him to go. We need to move him quicker than an average fighter, largely due to his amateur background, and he’ll probably have only one more six-round bout after this before moving him up to eight.
I thought he looked a little nervous in his pro debut at the start, but that’s expected for a fighter making his pro debut at home in front of nearly 3,200 људи, and after that he was great. We couldn’t have asked for anything more and he did get in some rounds that will be helpful.
This fight will be close to where Nico lives. Nico really connects to kids in the community, often speaking at local schools, and this is the perfect opportunity for parents to bring their children to watch him fight on a weekend night.
We’re calling this show, ‘Rapid Fire,’ primarily because of Nico’s exciting style, firing crisp combinations in rapid succession, in addition to his activity level as he comes right back to fight so quickly.
Хернандез’ father and head trainer, Левис Хернандез, believes fans will see a more improved, well-rounded fighter in this fight. “Nico showed his body punching and he switched around a little to fight lefthanded,” he explained, “which weren’t part of his boxing style in the amateurs. Fans will see the fighter Nico really is but this fight he’ll get back to boxing more. I told him that he needed to go to the body as a professional fighter but that each punch doesn’t have to be as hard. Sometimes I need to remind him of that because he’s a fighter at heart.
I knew he’d be okay in his pro debut (nerves-wise) because he gets going as the fight goes on. When he hurts his opponent, he comes on even stronger. I just tell him to box and be himself. He’s always well-conditioned so he can go rounds without a problem. I want him to be fast and elusive to take away his opponentsbody and then, in later rounds, go back to boxing. He fought at 115-pounds but he’ll be back to 112 for this fight. Nico was strong at 115 and he’ll be very strong at flyweight.
A 29-year-old native of Mexico who fights out of Markesan, Висконсин, Родригез (2-0, 2 КОс) has two first-round knockouts in a pair of pro fights. Rodriguez is trained by four-time world title challenger Angel Manfredy, whose invaluable experience from fighting Флоид Маивеатхер, Јр., Stevie Johnston и Дијего Цорралес certainly aids his fighter. Manfredy (43-8-1, 32 КОс) had statement victories over Артуро Гатти, Julio Diaz и Ivan Robinson, међу више познатих.
Додатни “КО ноћ Бокс: Rapid Fire” борбе ће ускоро бити објављене. Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Tickets go on special pre-sale Среда, Мај 3, and general sales Петак, Мај 5, на благајни Хартманн Арена и хттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.цом/event/060052A193761C74. cene су $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and a ticket to the official after-party with a meet-and-greet opportunity), $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt), $75.00, $35.00 и $20.00. Tickets will also be sold in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 W. 21ул Ст. Н), or call Team Nico (Jeremiah @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @316.806.0144.
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг

Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм

У.С. Olympian Nico Hernandez Building Wichita into a fight town

“КО ноћ Бокс: History Begins
Encore presentation ове суботе night on CBSSN

(photo by Charles Yellowfeather)
WICHITA, Канзас (Март 31, 2017)Last Saturday night at Kansas Star Arena in nearby Mulvane, 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес planted a seed in hopes of growing Wichita into a fight town, as world champions Теренце Цравфорд и Деонтаи Вилдер have already accomplished in the respective hometowns, Omaha (СИ) and Birmingham (АЛ).
Више од 3,100 fans purchased tickets Hernandezsuccessfully professional debut, заустављање Pat Gutierrez у четвртом колу. To put that attendance figure in its proper perspective, Wichita has a population of less than 400,000 and in this hoop-crazed state, the appropriately named “КО ноћ Бокс: History Beginswent head-to-head with the popular Kansas Jayhawks quintet playing on national television in the Elite Eight of the NCAA college basketball championship, as well as The Wichita Force playing at home in indoor football.
The 21-year-old Hernandez is practically a sports franchise in Wichita, second only to the Wichita State University (WSU) men’s basketball team. The city turned out in force at a parade honoring Hernandez upon his return home from the Olympics and WSU awarded him an open-ended four-year college scholarship.
“КО ноћ Бокс: History BeginsEncore Presentation ове суботе ноћ
The encore presentation of last Saturday’s “КО ноћ Бокс: History Begins,” featuring the pro debut of 2016 Olympic Bronze medalist Nico Hernandez, ће емитовати ове суботе (Април 1), са почетком у 8:30 п.м. И, on CBS Sports Network.
The show was a huge success and Nico, as a pro fighter, produced a more complete body of work than we had expected,” Хернандез’ организатор John Andersen (КО ноћ Бокс) рекао. “I was very impressed. His amateur background converted to an even better pro style. It really showed his potential and that’s one of the primary reasons we signed him. We really believed in Nico. He is the only fighter we have signed, одмах; Nico is our stable! We see things from a different angle than big-time promoters. We understood that he’s a hometown hero, so we had him headline at home his pro debut on national television (ЦБС Спортс Нетворк). We produce our shows on television and we enjoy telling stories like Nico’s. We’d like to come right back to Wichita with Nico fighting in June.
Lifelong Kansas Шон Вилок, a non-paid member of the Kansas Athletic Commission that oversees boxing, in addition to calling last Saturday’s fights as a member of the KO Night Boxing announcing team on CBS Sports Network, has a unique perspective on the significance of last Saturday evening’s in terms of local boxing history.
It was huge for Kansas boxing,” Wheelock explained, “the biggest show in this state since the Томми Моррисон Era (early-to-mid 1990’s). Morrison was an adopted son, мада. Nico was born here and he has a deep investment in the Wichita community. Drawing 3000-plus for his pro debut, in a non-boxing market, was phenomenal and he has the potential to do what Crawford has done in Omaha and Wilder in Birmingham. Boxing has strong roots in Kansas and across the Midwest, but MMA has taken over and lately, most boxing in Kansas has been on hybrid shows with MMA and kickboxing.
Fans were loudly chanting, ‘Nicoand ‘316’ (Wichita’s area code) пре, during and after his fight. I’ve never heard fans chanting for a city like they did, ‘Wichita’, for an individual athlete. And they were also chanting ‘USA’. As a native Kansas, I’m proud that this state has become more ethnically and culturally diverse with more Hispanics living in Wichita. Nico is engaged in the Hispanic community and he is a fantastic kid, сувише. Because of his personality and fighting style, he can draw locally from Wichita, throughout all of Kansas, and nationally among Hispanics and Americans across the country because of his accomplishment in the Olympics.
Hernandez is also fighting in one of the hottest divisions in boxing — 115-pound junior bantamweight/super flyweightshowcasing name fighters such as Наоиа Иноуе, Roman Gonzalez, Царлос Блокови, Juan Francisco Estrada and recent addition Srisaket Sor Rungvisai. Conspicuously absent, међутим, are top 20 ranked American fighters in this weight class, excluding 36-year-old Brian Viloria, the four-time, two-division (junior flyweight and flyweight) светски шампион. The opportunity is right there for Hernandez to quickly establish himself as the preeminent American boxer in this weight class.
There’s no reason for Nico to fight outside of Wichita for a couple of years as he develops,” Andersen noted. “I feel that he can win a regional title next year. Our goal is to have him in a world title fight position within three years. Our goal is to get him 13 на 15 fights and then promote a super fight in Wichita. He started out in a six-round fight. I think he’ll only have a couple more and then move up to eight-round bouts.
Nico doesn’t waste a lot of punches, so the number of scheduled rounds won’t be a problem for him. Another fighter would have punched himself out in two rounds, fighting at home in front of a crowed like he had supporting him, but Nico showed tremendous poise, settling down and putting his punches together very well. He didn’t chase Gutierrez, he effectively cut off the ring, and his powerful body attack was something he didn’t do as an amateur. We wanted to see how he reacted to resistance and he passed that test with flying colors.
Andersen noted that his company has promoted several successful shows, noting the big difference is last weekend’s show featured a world-class fighter in Hernandez. “Making the Olympics was a big deal for Nico,” Andersen added, “whether he medaled or not. Nico is to us what Манни Пацкуиао is to Top Rank, ‘Canelo’ Алварез to Golden Boy. We’re lucky to start out with a fighter like Nico. Fighting in Wichita was risk for everybody but it’s already paying dividends.
We know who and what we are as a promotional company. Nico is our top priority, our only fighter right now, and now we have a great opportunity to build off last weekend’s success. We give Nico all the attention he deserves and he’s going to take advantage of this situation. And we also discovered that there’s some other talented boxers in this market. Whit Hayden did a wonderful job making very competitive fights. That’s his history, he never has blowouts. Whit is one of the most knowledgeable people I know in boxing. He’s the perfect matchmaker to guide Nico’s career, along with Nico’s father (главни тренер) Луис Хернандез, who we work closely with in many ways, in and out of the ring.
Твиттер: @Neonstarmedia, @КОНигхтБокинг
Follow on Twitter & Инстаграм: @Nicomhernandez
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NSSE is a content company whose focus is creating original and joint venter media propertiesunscripted, scripted, events and digital programmingfor cross-platform distribution. In this highly competitive digital age, NSSE specializes in the development and production of corporate branding designed with your target audience and accelerated consumer growth in mind. Visit us on Twitter @Neonstarmedia or Facebook ввв.фацебоок.цом/Neon-Star-Media. REV Sports Entertainment Inc. (MAVTV Canada) and Neon Star Media LLC are subsidiary companies of Neon Star Sports & Entertainment Inc.