Таг Арцхивес: Деррицк Мурраи


Fan-friendly fight series at 870,739 total views in nine shows and averages an audience of 180,000 when with CES.

ЊУЈОРК (Нов. 5, 2017) – A Четвртак night celebration is in store as ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе partners with renowned promoter Jimmy Burchfield Sr. and CES Boxing one more time in 2017 – as the promotion caps its year-long 25th anniversary campaign and the Facebook combat sports platform looks to reach its one-millionth live view. Fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 8 п.м. И live from Twin River Casino in Rhode Island on any device wherever Facebook is available, as the series caps 2017 with a tenth show on the seven month-old platform.

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series continues to grow, and has a chance to reach its 1,000,000th view in only eight months and across 10 shows. We may or may not get there у четвртак, but we’ve been extremely pleased with the growth of the series and want to thank fight fans everywhere for their support,” рекао марк Фратто, Директор Линацре медија. “We’d like to congratulate CES and Jimmy Burchfield on their quarter-century of success, and though we just joined the party, we’re happy to celebrate with their outstanding promotion and may have something to celebrate of our own.

CES Boxing is once again excited to partner up with FIGHTNIGHT LIVE to showcase some of the best boxing talent around to fight fans from all around the world. The specialЧетвртак Нигхт Фигхтс” card is stacked with competitive, action packed matchups. We are also proud to be celebrating 25 years of Boxing Excellence. О Децембар 7, the tradition continues,” Said CES President Jimmy Burchfield, Ср.

У главном догађају у четвртак ноћ, Worcester’s Khiary Gray (14-3, 11 КОс) squares off against Philly’s Грег Јацксон (8-4-1, 2 КОс) for the vacant New England Interim Welterweight Title. In his toughest challenge yet, unbeaten area lightweight sensation Jamaine Ortiz (6-0, 4 КОс) битака Dangerous” Деррицк Мурраи (13-3-1, 5 КОс) in a six-round special attraction, while Providence fan favorite Anthony Marsella Jr. (6-0, 3 КОс) puts his perfect record on the line in a six-round lightweight bout, plus much more.

Over the first seven months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 96,749 fight fans tuning in per event. The Седам. 9 “Реал Деал Промоције: Емпире стате” од Ресортс Ворлд Цасино (225,000), у августу ЦЕС- “СуперСубота” од Фоквоодс (203,000), септембра. ЦЕС “Твин Река Твинбилл” од Линцолн, Р.И. (157,000), септембра. Звезда Бокс “Showdown at the Paramountfrom Long Island (92,255), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdown” из Феникса (63,000), the MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), Јуни “Rosemont Rumble” из Чикага (32,000) and the Sept. ДиБелла “Петак Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of more than 15,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 870,700-plus users across all devices.

Поред бројевима гледаности, потпуно-интерактивна, продукције погодне за обожаватеље више од 127,000 колективни ливе пост ангажовања(14,204-плус по емисији), укључујући и више од 90,000 “свиђа” или “воли,” више од 15,000 comments and 4,600-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 посто мушкараца, 24 одсто жена. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, који обухвата приближно 30.0 посто публике, У просеку.

The Седам. 9 “Реал Деал Промоције: Емпире стате” set a new bar with 224,658 прегледаанд Седам. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to три четвртине-оф-а-милиона прегледа на нешто више од четири месеца. The Август. 26 Foxwoods “Супер Субота” шоу истиче индивидуално са 3,336 live hours of content viewed, док Седам. 15 ДиБелла карта тестера више од 40,000 виевер интеракције укључујући готово 39,000 “свиђа” или “воли.”

У четвртак ноћ, Нов. 7, live from live from Twin River Casino in Lincoln, R.I., фанови могу очекивати високе утицај, више камера стриминг заједно са графиком, анимације, реплаис, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Мицхаел Воодс of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com and The Ring and analyst Xavier Porter of BrooklynFights.com, Notorious Boxing and theShoot the 5radio show. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, коментатори ће тражити и одговорити на питања из публике Фацебоок широм емитовања.

Створио и продуцирао Линацре медија из Њујорка, ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе серија поседује и професионалне анноунцерс, више углова камере, телевизијске графике, Реплаис и иза-тхе-сцене приступ и интервјуи. У Стримовани емисије су доступни глобално где год Фацебоок је доступан. Иницијатива не само да омогућава навијачима из целог света да подесите, али одустаје-и-долази борце глобалну платформу за представљање своје способности, даје промотери приступачно “емитовање” решење и даје спонзорима могућност да дође до масовног публику преко брендираних садржаја.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter 2017-18 датуми ће бити званично објављен у наредним недељама.

ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је доступан на адреси: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ /

Пратите сву акцију путем друштвених мрежа на ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, или коришћењем хештега #ФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ. За најновије Линацре медијских манифестација и распоред емитовања, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV..

Олимпијац Нико Ернандес остаје непоражен Трамејн Вилијамс, Армандо Алварез & Зхилеи Зханг победник

ПАЛМ ЦИТИ, Канзас (Септембар 24, 2017) – Име синоћ “КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп” догађај је свакако био прикладан као 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандес морао да савлада велику препреку да остане непоражен у Хартман Арени у Палм Ситију, Канзас.
“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” била је презентација КО Нигхт Бокинг ЛЛЦ., у сарадњи са Роц Натион Спортс и Хартман Арена, спонзорисан од Морт'с Цигар Бар, Јимми Егг и Твистер Цити Харлеи-Давидсон. Акција је снимљена уживо за будуће емитовање на ЦБС Спортс Нетворк-у.
Ст. Лоуис јужњак Кендрицк “Uprising” Латцхман надмашио Хернандеза у обичној муши категорији за више од 10 фунти када су два борца ушла у ринг јер Хернандез’ заказани противник, Басизбек Баратов (2-1-2), нагло повукао из борбе након вагања због уговорне неслагања. Хернандез је одмерио у 113 фунти, Баратов је био 112, што је била уговорена тежина. Атлетска комисија Канзаса, међутим, аутоматски дозвољава прекорачење од једне фунте за све борбе без титуле. Баратов је одбио да се бори, али је Лачман пристао да се бори у тежини од 125 фунти. Хернандез је добио четири фунте и борба је настављена.
Хернандес из Вицхите није био дирнут касном променом, у великој мери захваљујући његовој истакнутој аматерској каријери, у којој су се његови противници често смењивали у последњем тренутку. Латцхман (1-5-1, 1 КО) је професионални боксер-ММА хибридни борац који је 6-3 (5 КОс) у ММА, укључујући паузу од 55 секунди 14-7-1 Цоди Ланд јули ове године.
Латцхман је зујао Ернандеза у првој рунди, на велику жалост Ернандезових’ гласна гомила родног града. Сједињене Америчке Државе. Олимпијац је показао добру браду и победио у шест рунди једногласном одлуком да побољша свој професионални рекорд на 3-0 (2 КОс).
“Они (његов кутак и навијаче) били нервозни,” рекао је 21-годишњи Хернандез после борбе, “али нисам био. Мој тренер (отац Левис Хернандез) рекао ми је да финтирам и уђем, али сам мало превише насрнуо. Еј, Остајем у својој дивизији (муха) пре него што порасте на тежини.”
“Нико је морао да се појача, борећи се са новим противником у року од 24 сата, заједно са разликом у њиховој тежини,” организатор John Andersen цомментед. “Све је испало у реду, али то није била лака борба. Дланови су ми се мало знојили у првој рунди када је добио јак ударац, али Нико је извукао победу и биће још бољи борац због овог искуства. Његов отац је рекао да Нико никада раније није био тако ударен. Била је то добра карта и сви су је волели.”
КО Нигхт Бокинг ЛЛЦ је најавио да ће се Хернандез вратити Децембар 2 да води још једну емисију у Хартман Арени.
УСБА бр.. 2- оцењено као перо Трамаине “Моћни патуљак” Виллиамс (13-0, 5 КОс), борећи се из Њу Хејвена (ЦТ), крстарио до његовог 13тх победа без пораза, доношење једностране одлуке у 10 рунди Деррицк Мурраи (13-3, 5 КОс), у заједничком догађају.
Кеи Вест, ФЛ велтер Армандо “Гентлеман: Алварез (17-0, 11 КОс) остала непоражена, победивши у 10 рунди једногласном одлуком против шампиона Мађарске Габор “Веверица” Горбицс (23-8, 14 КОс) у такмичарској специјалној велтер категорији. Алварез је носилац титуле ВБЦ Латино у полутешкој категорији.
Непоражени изгледи Кинеза у тешкој категорији Зхилеи “Велики прасак” Зханг (18-0, 14 КОс), актуелни ВБО оријентални шампион, потребан само 2:28 да заустави ветеран Бирон “Медвед” Поллеи(30-22-1, 13 КОс). Зханг, као и Вилијамс, промовише Роц Натион Спортс.
У најдраматичнијој борби ноћи, Лос Анђелес тешка категорија Сцотт Алекандер (13-2-2, 7 КОс) одскочио од палубе, као и пресек пре борбе, да нокаутује 361 фунту рицхард “силвербацк” Кармак (15-12-1, 12 КОс) у другом кругу. Александар је задобио посекотину на потколеници која је настала услед ломљења степеница при уласку у ринг.
Милвоки јуниор средње категорије акеем Црна (3-1, 1 КО) освојио три од четири рунде код сва тројица судија’ бодовни картони за једногласну одлуку у четири рунде Марцус Неал (2-2, 2 КОс).
Вицхита полутешка категорија Јефф Струм у свом професионалном дебију против Топекиног (половно) раније непоражен Крис Ортега (3-1-1), победивши у сва четири кола на импресиван начин.
Комплетни резултати испод:
Нико Ернандес (3-0, 2 КОс), Вицхита
ВДЕЦ6 (60-54, 59-55, 59-55)
Кендрицк Латцхман (1-5-1, 1 КО), Ст. Луис, МО
Трамаине Виллиамс (13-0, 5 КОс), Нови рај, ЦТ
ВДЕЦ10 (98-91, 98-91, 97-92)
Деррицк Мурраи (13-3, 5 КОс), Ст. Луис, МО
Армандо Алварез (17-0, 11 КОс), Кеи Вест, Флорида
ВДЕЦ10 (100-90, 98-92, 96-93)
Габор Горбиц (23-8, 14 КОс), Будимпешта, Мађарска
Зхилеи Зханг (18-0, 14 КОс), Лас Вегас, НВ
ВКО1 (2:28)
Бирон Поллеи (30-22-1 (13 КОс), Свети Јосиф, МО
Сцотт Алекандер (13-2-2, 6 КОс), Лос Анђелес, КАО ШТО СУ
ВКО2 (1:45)
Рицхард Цармацк (15-12-1, 12 КОс), Канзас Сити, МО
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Јефф Струм 1-0), Вицхита, половно
ВДЕЦ4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Крис Ортега (3-1-1), Топека, половно.
акеем Црна (3-1, 1 КО), Милвоки, ВИ
Вдец4 (39-36, 39-36, 39-36)
Марцус Неал (2-2, 2 КОс), Канзас Сити, МО.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг
Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм

2016 Освајач олимпијске бронзане медаље Нико Ернандес враћа се ове суботе код куће у Канзасу

2016 Освајач олимпијске бронзане медаље Нико Ернандес
Враћа се ове суботе код куће у Канзасу
“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” у Хартман Арена у Парк Цити, половно
Парк Цити, Канзас (Септембар 19, 2017) — 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Нико Ернандесвраћа за прстен ове суботе ноћ за своју трећу професионалну борбу, ХЕАДЛИНИНГ “КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!”, у Хартман Арена у Парк Цити, Канзас.

“КО ноћ Бокс: Степ Уп!” је презентација КО Нигхт Бокс ЛЛЦ., у сарадњи са Хартман Арена, Морт'с Цигар Бар, Јимми Егг и Твистер Цити Харлеи-Давидсон. Акција ће бити снимљен уживо за будуће проветравање на ЦБС Спортс Нетворк.
Хернандез (2-0, 2 КОс), бори се за Вицхита, има новог противника у главном догађају од шест кола, Киргистан муха категорија Басизбек Баратов (2-1-2).
Нико Ернандес (Р) је у акцији ове суботе ноћ
(слика љубазношћу Тонија Шока, ГС Мемори Макер)
Фигхтинг из Филаделфије, Баратов је имао мало среће, у смислу бодовања, са два ремија и поразом подељеном одлуком. Његов професионални рекорд би лако могао бити 5-0.
Пар непоражених бораца Роц Натион Спортс, Нови рај (ЦТ) веома лака ствар Трамаине “Моћни патуљак” Виллиамс (12-0, 5 КОс) и кинески тешкаш Зхилеи “Велики прасак” Зханг(17-0, 13 КОс), биће приказано.
УСБА бр.. 2-оценила Вилијамсова лица Деррицк Мурраи (13-2 (5 КОс), св. Луис (МО), у 10 рунди ко-функција. Фигхтинг из Лас Вегаса, Невада, Зханг упознаје ветерана из Мисурија Бирон “Медвед” Поллеи (30-21-1, 13 КОс) у 10-колу меча.
Такође борба на телевизијском делу карте је меч од 10 рунди у велтер категорији против непоражене звезде у успону Армандо “Гентлеман” Алварез (16-0, 11 КОс), борећи се из Ки Веста, Флорида, против шампиона Мађарске Габор “Веверица” Горбицс (23-7, 14 КОс).
У борби тешкаша у осам рунди, Лос Анђелес’ Сцотт Алекандер (12-2-2, 6 КОс) лицарицхард “силвербацк” Кармак (15-1-1, 12 КОс), Кансас Цити (МО).
Већ напуњен ундерцард наставља да пружа боксерску платформу за локалне борце у борбама у четири рунде: Канзас Сити (МО) Јуниор средњој Марцус Неал (2-1, 2 КОс) вс. акеем Црна(2-1, 1 КО), Милваукее, Вицхита-ин про-дебитант полутешкаш јефф Штурм вс. Крис Ортега(3-0-1), од Топека (половно), и Топекиног Брајан Клементс (0-0-1) вс. Либеријска јуниорска велтер категоријаАрцхие Веах, борећи се из Охаја.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице су у продаји на благајни Хартман Арене и хттп://ввв.тицкетмастер.цом/евент/06005308Б32459Е5 cene су $115.00 (ВИП), $75.00, $75.00, $50.00, $30.00 и $25.00.
То је све-годишта показују. Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ЦТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ЦТ.
Твиттер: @КОНигхтБокинг

Пратите @Ницомхернандез на Твиттер и Инстаграм


Rising Star Stops Leonard Bundu for Title Shot;
Post Highest Rating for Boxing on Television in 2016
ЛАС ВЕГАС (Август 23, 2016) – Ерол “Истина” Spence Jr.’ssensational sixth-round knockout of Leonard Bundu delivered over +6 million viewers during his Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ) о НБЦ fight this Sunday, према Ниелсен. Following the broadcast of the 2016 У.С. Olympic men’s basketball team’s gold medal-winning performance, Spence Jr.’s fight posted a peak audience of 6.34 million viewers and averaged 4.8 million viewers for the entire hour. This fight is the highest-rated PBC fight to-date.
Spence-Bundu drew the largest television audience for boxing у 18 године (Август 21, 2016 вс. Март 23, 1998).
I knew this would be the most important fight of my career and the goal was to not just win, but to put on a spectacular one-sided performance,” рекао Спенс Јр. “It felt good to go out there and give everyone watching a great show and to do it in front of such a large television audience makes it even better. Thanks to everyone who tuned in and I promise you’ll be seeing more of me soon. My time is now and this is just the beginning.
The Dallas boxer’s sixth-round knockout victory over Bundu ensures that he will fight for the world title currently held by British welterweight Kell Brook.
With his power, pinpoint accuracy and desire to close the show, Спенс Јр. is squarely in the mix as a top welterweight in the most talent-laden division in boxing. As a young, hungry contender circling champions like Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia and Brook, Spence’s presence adds to the tantalizing possibility of super fights in the welterweight division harkening to the days of Sugar Ray Leonard, Thomas Hearns and Roberto Duran.

Undefeated Rising Star Errol Spence Jr. Scores Sensational Sixth-Round Knockout of It Leonard Bundu in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on NBC from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn

Exciting Contender Claudio Marrero Defeats Luis Hinojosa By
Fourth-Round TKO
Heather Hardy Edges Shelly Vincent in Exciting Clash on NBCSN
(Tape Delayed NBCSN Coverage Begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ)
Кликните ОВДЕ For Photos From Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
Кликните ОВДЕ For Spence Jr. Highlights via PBC’s Youtube Page
БРООКЛИН (Август 21, 2016) – Ундефеатед звезда у успону Ерол “Истина” Спенс Јр. (21-0-, 18 КОс) moved one step closer to a world title as he delivered a thunderous sixth-round knockout of tough Italian contender Леонард “Лион” Bundu (33-2-2, 12 КОс) Sunday afternoon in the main event of Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ)о НБЦ from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
With the knockout, Спенс Јр. becomes the mandatory challenger for undefeated welterweight Кел Брук and showed his willingness to step in the ring with Brook.
I definitely want my shot at Kell Brook and his title,” рекао Спенс Јр. “I want him next. If he vacates or gets stripped then I’ll fight for his vacant title. I’ve paid my dues.
In a prime spot that immediately followed the U.S. Men’s basketball team winning Olympic gold in Rio, the Dallas-native started patiently, measuring his opponent with steady jabs. Bundu came ready to fight and tried to make it difficult for Spence Jr. by switching stances and attacking from awkward angles.
I was a little shakey in the first round and second rounds,” рекао Спенс Јр. “He’s very awkward and I was trying to feel him out.
Спенс Јр. began to pick up his power punching as the rounds went on and started to connect with left uppercuts and hooks. After round four, Bundu returned to his corner with swelling beginning to show up over his right eye.
Once I was able to catch his rhythm and figure him out, I knew I had him,” рекао Спенс Јр. “I knew he was very tough, but he never hurt me. He was switching and jumping in and out and it took me a little bit to adjust to.
The dominance with his power punches began to wear Bundu down as the fight entered the sixth. After seemingly scoring a knockdown, which was ruled a slip by referee Johnny Callas, Спенс Јр. quickly pounced on Bundu and trapped him in the corner.
He certainly lived up to the hype,” said Bundu, who was taken to the hospital for evaluation after the fight. “Errol was more precise than Keith Thurman. Errol threw more punches and was fresh in every round.
It didn’t take long for Spence Jr. to take advantage as he hit Bundu with a hard left uppercut and followed with a crushing right hook that put Bundu on the mat for good and forced the referee to stop the fight at 2:06 of the sixth-round.
I really tried to get up but I couldn’t,” said Bundu, who had never been stopped before. “I am okay though. I feel good.
Спенс Јр. won every round on all three judgescards and landed a staggering 64 посто његових енергетских удараца, per Compubox.
I think this performance showed once again that I am one of the top fighters at 147-pounds,” рекао Спенс Јр.
In tape delayed action that airs on NBCSN at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ, exciting featherweight contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро (21-1, 15 КОс) scored a dominant fourth-round technical knockout of fellow Dominican Republic-native Луис Хинојоса (28-10, 17 КОс).
This is how champions perform,” said Marrero. “They do it smart and they figure out their opponents quickly. Regardless of his record, you have to figure it out and then go for the finish.
Marrero was in control from the outset, putting Hinojosa on the mat with a right hand early in the first stanza. Hinojosa tried to keep himself in the fight by throwing primarily power punches. Међутим, it was Marrero who was much sharper in that department, слетање 60 посто својих енергетских удараца на само 24 percent from Hinojosa.
In the fourth-round Marrero’s power and style proved to be too much as he consistently beat Hinojosa to the punch on his way three fourth-round knockdowns of Hinojosa. The final barrage and knockdown forced referee Danny Schiavone to stop the bout at 2:55 у кругу.
I’m glad that Hinojosa was brave enough to take the fight,” said Marrero. “Ја ћу се борити било кога. I don’t care how short the notice is.
I’ve endured my loss to Jesus Cuellar and I feel like I’m back at the top of the contenders in the featherweight division. The champions keep running from me so I’m going to keep working until I’m the mandatory and can get another title shot.
On the same day that Flint, Michigan’s Цларесса Шилдс won her second consecutive Olympic Gold medal for the U.S., women’s boxing was given another great platform as Brooklyn’s Врес “Хеат” Издржљив (18-0, 4 КОс) earned a majority decision over previously unbeaten Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент (18-1, 1 КО) in their 10-round bout.
This is definitely a win for women’s boxing,” Саид Харди. “We kept up a great pace throughout and the fans were invested the whole time.
The action was non-stop from the beginning, as Vincent charged in early and often looking to close the distance between her and the taller Hardy. Hardy was the more mobile fighter as she circled the ring looking to find the right distance to attack the Providence-native.
Every time she crowded me, she would get off more punches,” Саид Харди. “I wanted to keep the fight on the outside and when I did that I had a lot of success.
The longtime rivals were able to live up the hype that their matchup drew. The action was non-stop and it appeared that neither woman would be able to build a big lead on the scorecards.
Hardy’s movement allowed her to create more angles for her attack as she varied her offense with overhand rights, jabs and hooks. Vincent was consistent countering, especially with her left hand that yielded much success.
The punch stats reflected the exciting nature of the fight as Hardy threw 752 punches while Shelly threw 678 across 10 two-minute rounds. It was Hardy who had the advantage in punches landed as she connected on 251 удараца у односу на 194 for Vincent.
I thought I won the fight pretty convincingly,” Саид Харди. “She only really caught me a few times the whole fight. I knew I had to be tactical to win the fight. Judging by the belt around my waist, I would rate my performance a 10.
Power punches were a key to the fight, with the two combatants combining for 955 power punches thrown. Hardy’s biggest advantage came in this department as she landed over 50 percent of her power shots to 34 percent from Vincent.
На крају, the judges ruled the bout a majority decision for Hardy by scores of 99-91, 97-93 и 95-95. Vincent believed she had done enough to win the fight and expressed her displeasure with the judges scores afterwards
I definitely thought I won the fight,” said Vincent. “I was coming forward and I landed the bigger shots. Everyone saw the fight.
I got head-butted all night long. I came here and everybody told me I’d get robbed. I’ll take the rematch but I’m not playing by these rules. I want her to come up to Providence.
# # #
PBC on NBC and NBCSN is sponsored by Corona, финест pivo, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом и ввв.нбцспортс.цом/бокинг, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг,ЕрролСпенцеЈр, ЛоуДиБелла, НБЦСпортс, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/НБЦСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. Издвајамо доступни на ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс.

Хедер Харди, Shelly Vincent, Joseph Williams, Julian Sosa & Chordale Booker Media Workout Quotes & Фотографије

Hardy vs. Vincent Featured in Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Action Sunday, Август 21 From Ford Amphitheater at
Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment/
Премиер Бокс шампиона
БРООКЛИН (Август 19, 2016) – Undefeated brawlers and longtime rivals Врес “Хеат” Издржљив и Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент hosted a media workout at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn Friday as they near their long anticipated showdown featured on Sunday, Август 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
Also in attendance Friday and competing у недељу је undercard were a trio of local prospects: Цруисервеигхт Joseph Williams (9-0, 7 КОс), велтер категорија Julian Sosa (5-0-1, 2 КОс) и велтер Цхордале Букер (2-0, 2 КОс).
PBC on NBCSN coverage begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ. Live PBC on NBC coverage begins at 5 п.м. И/2 п.м. PT and features undefeated rising star Ерол “Истина” Спенс Јр. узимајући у једном претучен Цонтендер Леонард “Лион” Bundu у елиминатору светске титуле у полутешкој категорији.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, крећу од $35 и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.са.
The two undefeated brawlers Hardy and Vincent are expected to bring fireworks in a matchup that has been building since Vincent showed up at Hardy’s second pro bout looking to get in the ring with the popular Brooklyn-native.
Here is what the fighters had to say Friday:
Хеатхер Харди
This is a huge step up to be on television. It’s not the top of the ladder. There’s still room to go but I’m really excited, happy and proud to be on this stage. It proves that all you have to do is be super determined, open your mouth and good things can happen.
A lot of people have been waiting for this one. She’s done a lot of talking and I’m pretty quiet back to her. My fans know I’m going to do my talking in the ring, so there is definitely a lot of excitement leading up to this.
I’m going to be fighting closer to home than ever. It’s an honor to be able to represent Brooklyn on the first show at the Amphitheater in Coney Island.
When I spar, I don’t look to focus in too much on my opponent. I just want to get better. We’ve had really diverse sparring. If I improve my techniques, there is no one who can beat me and that’s the truth.
You can prepare as much as you want, but I don’t like to over plan. We’ll go in there and figure her out in the first round. We’ve done the work that we need to.
A lot of people have criticized some of the opponents me and Shelly have had, but we’ve honestly always had an eye on preserving our records and making sure this fight happens on television. This fight is not about my wins, but it’s about giving women boxers the opportunity to be showcased. Победа, лосе или драв, we’ve both opened the door for other women and that’s what’s most important.
“Ова борба значи све за мене. This is for everything I’ve ever stood for. I came up from nothing. I’ve spoken up about my past so that people who have walked a similar road will know what is possible with hard work and dedication. I’m here because I wanted something so bad and I wouldn’t let anybody tell me I couldn’t have it.
I’ve fought so hard for everything and it inspires me to keep going. This is only one step. There’s so many more doors I want to open before I end my career.
I would like to treat everyone to a boxing clinic у недељу. Shelly is going to get a free boxing lesson from me у недељу. Not many people can say they get that.
This fight is going to be non-stop action. Don’t blink.
She’s a busy fighter. I’m smaller than her, but power-punching comes from your legs. It won’t matter. I’ve fought tall girls and I’ve fought small girls and it’s the same thing, Победио сам. The only way I leave without a victory is if I get robbed.
I’ve been working hard. Even harder than usual. I’ve run, biked, swam miles and miles preparing for this. We didn’t leave any stone unturned getting ready for this.
I’m not going to look for the knockout. If it comes, it comes. I’m looking for the victory. I want to attack her body. It’s there for me.
It feels great to finally be almost time to fight. This fight couldn’t have come at a better time. То је одлична прилика. We both worked hard for this. I don’t take away from what Heather does for the sport, but I’m excited to get the victory.
I love New York. It’s always great being here and I hope I can fight here more after I win.
I was trying to find a way to channel my anger when I was younger and it ended up being a release for me. Eventually this sport turned my whole life around so that I could help others who are like I was.
This is great for our sport and I want it to give hope to the little girls that are coming up in the sport. I’m winning, but our sport will be the real winner. It’s an honor to fight for all the girls who came before me and didn’t get this opportunity.
Training camp was very good. I feel strong and I’m ready to get in the ring у недељу. I’m sharp and really ready to fight.
I’m a versatile fighter so I’m ready for anything. Early in the first round I’ll figure him out and start breaking him down.
The venue looks like an amazing place to fight. If you’re coming to watch me, get there early. You don’t want to miss it.
I want to keep working towards a title. I want to get my way down to super middleweight and I’m going to keep working every day to get a world title shot.
Me and Errol Spence Jr. have some history. I was the 2012 Olympic team alternate, so I’ve been following his career and I’m rooting for him. It will be a good night for boxing because I definitely expect him to put on a show.
My coaches have watched my opponent. I’m ready to adapt to anything. I trust my team and they tell me how to attack. I’m strong and ready to fight.
I’m very humbled to be on a big card again, with an opportunity to showcase my skills. I have to show how thankful I am by working hard and looking very good that night.
Being the first boxing show at this venue means I’m a part of history. I have to make sure that my performance is memorable.
This was the best training camp I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to display the hard work that I’ve put in the gym.
The fan support I have means a lot. It’s really nice to have all my friends and family together and able to see me do what I love to do. There’s no better feeling than that.
My opponent is a very aggressive fighter. The first couple of rounds we’re going to try to work the body. As we go to the later rounds, I’m going to take the knockout if it presents itself. But I’m happy to put on a beautiful boxing clinic.
Sparring has been really good for this fight. I’ve been going hard. I don’t take it easy on anyone during sparring because I need to be ready to fight.
It’s really big to be a part of this kind of fight. Especially being a welterweight and with the main event being a title eliminator. I’ve looked up to Errol for a while. He’s a guy I’ve tried to pick up different things from Errol since we’re both southpaws.
I want everyone to get there early. I’ve got power and I’m looking for a knockout.
It means everything to fight in front of the fans in Brooklyn. I’m just really excited. My family and friends are from Brooklyn, Flatbush specifically and I’m expecting a lot of support.
I’m excited to be boxing as a pro for the first time in my hometown. It’s even better that it’s at a new venue. It’s going to be big for me and something that I remember forever.
ПБЦ на НБЦ је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом и ввв.нбцспортс.цом/бокинг, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг,ЕрролСпенцеЈр, ЛоуДиБелла, НБЦСпортс, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/НБЦСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. Издвајамо доступни на ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс.

Claudio Marrero Training Camp Quotes

Exciting Featherweight Contender Takes On Unbeaten Derrick Murray in Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Main Event Недеља, Август 21 From Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
БРООКЛИН (Август 17, 2016) – Узбудљива кандидат ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро is ready to make a statement in the featherweight division beginning with his Премиер Бокс шампиона о НБЦСН showdown against undefeated Деррицк Мурраи овоНедеља, Август 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
Televised coverage on NBCSN begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT and features exciting contenders Врес “Хеат” Издржљив и Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент battling in a matchup of unbeaten rivals. PBC on NBC will begin at 5 п.м. И/2 п.м. PT and sees undefeated rising star Ерол “Истина” Спенс Јр. facing once-beaten contender Леонард “Лион” Bundu у елиминатору светске титуле у полутешкој категорији.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, крећу од $35 и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.са.
Marrero enters this bout the winner of six-straight fights, including a sensational knockout of former world champion Rico Ramos last July. Сада, the self-describedboxer-puncher with exceptional defenseis looking to get himself a world title opportunity and show off his skills against the unbeaten Murray у недељу.
Here is what Marrero had to say about his start in the Dominican Republic, his opponent, the featherweight division and more:
What was it like growing up in the Dominican Republic?

Клаудио Мареро: It was really toughmy dad was a jack of all trades and I was the oldest of three boys. My dad was my biggest influence on keeping me out of trouble. He trained me early on as an amateur and that’s where I developed my fundamentals. Because of him I’m here today and I’m very grateful.
How did you first get introduced to boxing? What boxers did you look up to growing up?

CM: As a child, my dad and I would watch fights. He thought boxing would keep me off the streets, где 9 od 10 kids in my country end up dead, or in jail. Around 8-years old I started boxing. Favorite fighter is PernellSweet Pee” Вхитакер.
When did you come to America? What led you to making that decision?

CM: The journey to come to America started in January of 2010, when my manager/trainer now, Herman Caicedo, came to the D.R. to scout Juan Carlos Payano and myself. We met and he promised to work hard on our behalf and look out for us. Unlike many others who had said similar things, Herman was a man of his word. I was able to solidify myself with hard work, so here we are.

П. Talk about your team and how they’ve helped you transition to life in America and progress your boxing career:

CM: There has been one man who has helped with everything I know in Boxing as a pro, and life here in the states, and that’s Herman Caicedo, our manager/trainer. He took us on as his kids and treated us like his own children, not just fighters. All of us who train with him owe our progression and discipline to him. Додатно, Henry Rivalta and Gary Jonas, our other managers, have been very instrumental in the progress as well. We are a strong team with goals of becoming world champions together.

П. What do you know about your opponent? What kind of problems does he pose?
CM: I know he’s undefeated. I know he’s coming to win and that he’s from St. Луис. There isn’t anything I see in him that has me concerned except the fact that he’s unbeaten. Anyone who is unbeaten is going to go that extra mile to come out victorious. But that really is not a problem in my eyes. I’m a hungry fighter as well. The problem for him is that he stands in my way of getting back in the ring with all the top guys.

П. How important is a win on August 21 to your career? Which fighters would you like to face next and how do you think you matchup with the top featherweights?

CM: I want everyone all at 126 фунти. These guys have been evading, ducking and dodging me. None of these guys want to face me. I want them all. I’ll fight them all on the same night if I have to. I’m tired of them hiding. It’s very frustrating when my managers tell me they don’t want to fight me. So I must make a statement each time I step in the ring and it starts with Derrick Murray.

П. What is your prediction for your fight on Август 21?

CM: My opponent will feel pain!
БРООКЛИН БОКС ™ програмирање платформа Барцлаис Центра је представљен од стране ААРП. ПБЦ на НБЦ је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом и ввв.нбцспортс.цом/бокинг, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг,ЕрролСпенцеЈр, ЛоуДиБелла, НБЦСпортс, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/НБЦСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. Highlights available at ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс.

Top Fighters Support Undefeated Contender Heather Hardy as She Prepares to Take On Fellow Unbeaten Shelly Vincent In Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN This Sunday, Август 21 (9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ)

(Фотографија Кредит: (Top Image) James Devaney;
(Bottom Image) Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Забава)
All-Action Fan Favorite Boasts Historic Punch Stats Heading into Matchup At
Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
БРООКЛИН (Август 16, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight contender Врес “Хеат” Издржљив is ready to take center stage and she has garnered the praise of the sport’s top fighters as she prepares to take on longtime rival Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент у Премиер Бокс шампиона о НБЦСН акција Недеља, Август 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
PBC on NBCSN coverage begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT and features exciting contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро taking on unbeaten Деррицк Мурраи. PBC on NBC is headlined by undefeated rising star Ерол “Истина” Спенс Јр. facing once-beaten contender Леонард “Лион” Bundu in a welterweight world title eliminator that begins at 5 п.м. И/2 п.м. ПТ.
Always in entertaining battles, Hardy’s punches per round stats far exceed the average for her weight class and prove why everyone believes her matchup with Vincent will be all-action. In six CompuBox-tracked fights, Hardy has averaged 83.4 punches per two-minute round, which projects to a staggering 111.2 if fought over three minutes. This number would far exceed the two men’s leaders Roman Gonzalez и Лео Санта Круз. Her two-minute output of 83.4 punches per round would rank her fourth among the men over three minutes, ahead of hard-hitters Генадиј Головкин (68.6), Андрзеј Фонфара (75.1), Орландо Салидо (71) и Абнер Марес (69.4) amongst others in the top ten.
I think that if there is a female boxer out there that should and deserves to be seen, it’s Heather Hardy,” said former world champion Шон Портер. “She has put tons of work in. I have seen her fight and train and she is a top competitor and a true athlete in this sport. Some people think it’s taking a chance to put women’s boxing on television, but I think Heather Hardy is the best person to take that chance on. I don’t know anyone that is more worthy of this shot.
Heather Hardy is always in fan friendly and entertaining fights,” said former world champion Поли Малигнагги. “Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a dull Heather Hardy fight. Више, she brings a big following and that always makes for a fun, noisy crowd and atmosphere.
A fan-favorite in Brooklyn, Hardy has been helping to fill local venues for years including Barclays Center, where she has fought seven times as a pro. Сада, her long awaited matchup with the unbeaten New Englander Vincent has given her the opportunity to show her talents on a bigger stage.
I couldn’t be happier for my fellow Brooklynite Heather Hardy,” said middleweight world champion Данијел Џејкобс. “This is a tremendous opportunity to showcase her talents on TV, and one that she has rightfully earned. This is huge, not only for her, bur for women’s boxing in general.
I think it’s a great for Heather to get this opportunity,” рекао Спенс Јр.It’s not common that we see women’s boxing on television but there are a lot of women who deserve it. This is great for them and it’s great for the sport.
Heather has been working incredibly hard and grinding for years,” said former world champion Крис Алгиери. “It’s great to see her get the exposure she deserves after the time and commitment she has put in to get to this point. She’s one of the most consistent performers in the local area and it’s time for the rest of the world to see her hard work and skills.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, крећу од $35 и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.са.
БРООКЛИН БОКС ™ програмирање платформа Барцлаис Центра је представљен од стране ААРП. ПБЦ на НБЦ је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом и ввв.нбцспортс.цом/бокинг, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг,ЕрролСпенцеЈр, ЛоуДиБелла, НБЦСпортс, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/НБЦСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. Highlights available at ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс.

Хедер Харди & Shelly Vincent Media Roundtable Quotes & Фотографије

Longtime Rivals Meet Недеља, Август 21 In PBC on NBCSN Action from
Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
БРООКЛИН (Август 4, 2016) – Undefeated contenders Врес “Хеат” Издржљиви Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент hosted a media roundtable in Manhattan Thursday to officially announce their long awaited showdown taking place Недеља, Август 21 о Премиер Бокс шампиона о НБЦСН from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
PBC on NBCSN coverage begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT and is headlined by exciting contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро taking on unbeaten Деррицк Мурраи. PBC on NBC coverage begins at 5 п.м. И/2 п.м. PT and features undefeated rising star and 2012 У.С. Олимпијски Ерол “Истина” Спенс Јр. in a welterweight title eliminator against once-beaten contender Леонард “Лион” Bundu.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, крећу од $35 и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.са.
Hardy and Vincent will meet in a 10-round featherweight showdown years in the making. Vincent began calling Hardy out at her second professional fight, looking to get in the ring with the popular Brooklyn ticket seller. Despite the rival, both have campaigned for a women’s match on this platform for years and will look to make their mark on Август 21.
Ево шта су борци су имали да кажу четвртак:
Хеатхер Харди
I wouldn’t be here without all the help of my team and fans. I don’t stand here alone. I stand here with all of the women who have fought before me that no one knows about.
This is the kind of platform that this fight deserves. I’ve always imagined this fight being on television and I’m thankful that this fight has come together on NBCSN. It’s important to have a stage like this and I hope it’s the first of more fights like this on television.
I really can’t wait to punch Shelly right in the face. I like that everybody is sleeping on ‘The Heat’. Don’t sleep on me.
Shelly started her career a little bit before me. She started showing up at my fights with all these antics from almost my pro debut and talking about wanting to fight me. It was inappropriate at the time, but then she signed with Lou and we’ve both developed in our careers. Hats off to her, it worked. I’m ready to brawl.
I’ve seen her fight before. I went to one of her fights to talk to press and build up this matchup. I don’t get too hung up on what I’ve seen. I go into the ring ready to make adjustments based off what I see. I’m not treating this fight any differently than other fights.
Every fight I’m back in the gym working on getting better. I don’t work hard, I don’t work on getting in better shape, I work to improve at my craft. You’re going to see a new and better Heather than ever before.
I’m thankful for this opportunity for women as a whole. This is a fight we’ve been waiting for, for a while. I can’t wait to get in there and hit Heather. She thinks there’s no pop in my punches but she’ll be surprised on fight night.
Heather and I really just don’t like each other. I’ve tried to make this fight for years and she wouldn’t take the fight. I’ve seen her lose some of these fights. I don’t believe she’s undefeated. I feel like she’s avoiding me.
I’ve been trying to make this fight happen but I’m glad it didn’t happen back then; this is the perfect time for it. We both deserve this opportunity. Heather and I work hard, taking nothing from her, but I can’t wait to get my hands on her.
I know Heather is going to use her legs. She doesn’t seem strong so I think she’s going to try to get away from me. I just have to cut the ring off.
I always knew I’d have to come to her home territory. I’m going to stick to what I have to do. I know she’s not better than me. It’s going to be me coming forward with constant pressure. I hope she comes at me because that would make it an even more exciting fight.
ЛОУ ДиБелла, Председник ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
We’re making a lot of history on Август 21. This will be the first women’s bout broadcast from Coney Island. I want to thank PBC and NBC for giving these women this much deserved platform to showcase their talents.
The co-featured bout on NBCSN will be this long awaited contest between these two women. It’s been talked about for years. They’ve been talking to each other for years and it’s finally happening.
This is history and I think it’s going ot be a good night for boxing, and especially for women’s boxing. This is a great opportunity for these two contenders and two women who have earned the right to be on television. They both have crowd pleasing styles. This is going to be a Gatti-Ward fight. These two want to beat each other up.
Heather and Shelly are two of the most popular female fighters in the country. They like to rumble. They make every fight a war. They’re willing to be hit and that’s what makes their fight so much fun.
ПБЦ на НБЦ је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом и ввв.нбцспортс.цом/бокинг, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг,ЕрролСпенцеЈр, ЛоуДиБелла, НБЦСпортс, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/НБЦСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. Highlights available at ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс.

Exciting Contender Claudio Marrero Takes On Unbeaten Derrick Murray; Undefeated Rivals Heather Hardy & Shelly Vincent Battle In Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Sunday, Август 21

From Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ
Више! Undefeated Prospects Abraham Nova, Julian Sosa &
Joseph Williams in Undercard Attractions
БРООКЛИН (Август 4, 2016) – Узбудљива кандидат ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро(20-1, 14 КОс) takes on unbeaten Деррицк Мурраи (13-0-1, 5 КОс) while undefeated contenders Врес “Хеат” Издржљив (17-0, 4 КОс) и Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент (18-0, 1 КО) face off in a long awaited battle on a Премиер Бокс шампиона о НБЦСН доублехеадер, Недеља, Август 21.
Tape delayed PBC on NBCSN coverage will begin at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn. PBC on NBC coverage begins at5 п.м. И/2 п.м. PT and features undefeated rising star and 2012 У.С. Олимпијски Ерол “Истина” Спенс Јр. in a welterweight title eliminator against once-beaten contender Леонард “Лион” Bundu.
Marrero and Murray will meet in a super featherweight bout while Vincent and Hardy are set to compete in 10-rounds of featherweight action that sees the return of women’s boxing to a primetime national audience.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, крећу од $35 и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.са.
A former title challenger who lost a narrow decision to Jesus Cuellar in 2013, Marrero has won six-straight bouts since then. Недавно, the 27-year-old dominated Jonathan Arrellano on his way to a decision in February. A native of Santo Domingo, Доминиканска Република, Marrero was an accomplished amateur who will be fighting in New York for the second time in his pro career.
Unbeaten and fighting out of St. Луис, Murray has already picked up victories in 2016 over Jose Silveria and Darryl Hayes. Про од 2011, Murray will step up in competition when he takes on Marrero. The 28-year-old was victorious twice in 2015 in addition to four victories he earned in 2014.
A popular Brooklyn fighter who competed in Barclays Center’s first-ever professional female boxing match, Hardy has become a staple of the Brooklyn boxing scene. Нешто више од две године након што је њен деби про, Харди освојио међународну титулу појас у супер Хеавивеигхт поделе у октобру 2014. У 2015, she defeated Noemi Bosques and Renata Domsodi twice. У 2016 she has stopped Anna Donatella Hultin in the fourth round and most recently defeated Kirstie Simmons in June.
Born in Connecticut but now fighting out of and representing Providence, Рходе Исланд, Vincent will look to earn the biggest win of her career August 21 when she fights in New York for the second time. Vincent has been busy in 2016, picking up victories over Renata Domsodi, Elizabeth Anderson and most recently Christina Ruiz in July. An all-action fighter, Vincent has fought 10 rounds twice in her pro career that dates back to 2011.
Additional undercard action will see unbeaten prospect and New England Golden Glove champion Абрахам Нова (1-0, 1 КО) take on California’s Leonardo Chavez (6-1, 5 КОс) in a six-round lightweight attraction, unbeaten Brooklyn-native Julian Sosa (5-0-1, 2 КОс) преузимајући Rene Marquez (5-2, 2 КОс) in a welterweight showdown and New York Golden Glove champion Joseph Williams (9-0, 7 КОс) у осам рунди крузер борбе.
БРООКЛИН БОКС ™ програмирање платформа Барцлаис Центра је представљен од стране ААРП. ПБЦ на НБЦ је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом и ввв.нбцспортс.цом/бокинг, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг,ЕрролСпенцеЈр, ЛоуДиБелла, НБЦСпортс, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/НБЦСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. Highlights available at ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс.