Arkivji Tag: Justin Witham


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Bangor, Maine (Jannar 23, 2019) – Nate Boucher’s journey inside the New England Fights’ (NEF) arti marzjali mħallta (MMA) cage has not been a course without its challenges and heartbreak along the way.

After winning his first two outings at the start of his amateur fight career, Boucher, a lifelong wrestler, earned a chance to compete for the NEF Flyweight Championship. His title shot came in November 2017 in front of a sold-out crowd when NEF made its highly anticipated Portland, Maine debut. That night, Boucher was outscored on the judge’s cards and dropped a close, controversial split-decision to NEF veteran Justin Witham. It’s a loss that continues to confound Boucher almost a year and a half later.

“As far as I’m concerned, I won the flyweight title that night,” Boucher stated recently in an interview with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theBetween Rounds Radiopodcast. “I try to watch that fight and be optimistic the best that I can. I try to watch that fight and be respectful of what the judge’s could have seen. There’s not an absolute bone in my body that sees the fight going the way the judge’s said it went. That being said, they decided that Justin Witham won that night. He knows I’m coming after him. I’m going to do what it takes to get back into that title conversation and I’m going to get that win back. "

The Witham loss would be followed by two more defeats for Boucher.

In Boucher’s first fight back after losing to Witham, he dropped another split-decision against his hometown wrestling rival, multiple-time state champion, and former NEF Flyweight Champion, Ryan "Gordo" Burgess.

Jumping right back into the cage two months after his loss to Burgess, Boucher sustained the only stoppage defeat on his record when he lost via third-round technical knockout to former bantamweight title contender, Walt Shea, who fights out of John Raio’s First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.

Last November, down but not out, Boucher rebounded from three-losses-in-a-row by finishing 2018 off with a first-round submission victory over Jordan Young, a state champion wrestler from Belfast, Maine. The contest took place in the 135-pound weight class.

“Jordan was coming off of a win against my teammate—a tough teammate of mine,"Boucher qal. “Not many guys on a three-fight skid would take a fight with a guy coming off of a win and then beat him in the first round. Allura, I hope that opened some eyes for people so they know exactly what I’m about and they know that I’m strong mentally.

“I’m very happy with myself that I was able to fight like I train,” Boucher recounted regarding his win over Young. “The cut to 135 isn’t as much as it is to flyweight and I think that played a big part in my cardio. I was in great shape for that fight. Mentalment, I knew I was going to win months before the fight happened.”

With six bouts already under his belt, Boucher, at only 22-years of age, knows that he still has limitless room to grow within the sport.

“I’m an amateur,” he noted to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I’m a student of the game and I’m learning and developing my skills. I haven’t even come close to what my full potential is. I knew what I can achieve—I know what is possible if I stay on the path.”

Boucher’s 2019 fight season officially begins on Friday, Frar 1st when he’s scheduled to face newcomer Dillon Henry from First Class MMA. Henry is also a wrestler, having competed for Windham High School. Henry now trains with one of Boucher’s previous opponents, Walt Shea. Regardless of being pitted against the teammate of the only fighter that’s ever stopped him in MMA competition, Boucher stated that he’s confident in the matchup.

“I know he’s going to be training with Walt Shea, ovvjament,"Boucher qal. “I know that Walt Shea is going to pass down information he feels is going to help him. It won’t… He seems to look like a strong guy. All I am going to do is I’m going to prepare myself and I’m going to become a better fighter in this fight camp and I’m going to go out there and fight him. I think it will go my way, for sure.”

Squaring off in the cage against other talented wrestlers is nothing new for Boucher. He defeated four-time Maine state wrestling champion Jeremiah Barkac by first-round submission the last time he competed in Bangor. Ryan Burgess was a three-time state champion for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine.

“I probably perform at my best against wrestlers,” Boucher stated. “They have really bad habits that a lot of wrestlers don’t seem to be able to shake off their first couple of fights, including myself. Fortunate for me, I have a coach like Jesse Erickson who’s a top-level guy when it comes to the jiu jitsu game around these parts, and he’s shown me the difference between what wrestling the sport is and what wrestling in a fight is. They’re different types of wrestling. I think he’s [Henry] going to expose himself and leave himself open. He’s going to make some rookie mistakes and I’m going to capitalize.”

While the prospect of defeating another wrestler in the NEF cage is an inspiring proposition to Boucher, he’s also excited by the opportunity to once again compete in Maine’s Queen City.

“I’ve never lost in Bangor,” Nate said. “I love that venue. I love the city of Bangor. I’m excited to be there and I’m excited to be sharing a card with some of the monsters that are on it. There’s a lot of great fights on this card and I’m very much looking forward to seeing some of them myself. It’s going to be a great show—I can’t wait.”

“I’m starting to earn my stripes a little bit in the cage,” Boucher added. “I’m starting to get more comfortable. I’m starting to feel more and more like a recognized name in the NEF—and I think all of that is going to play a factor. I think he’s [Henry] bit off a little more than he can chew for his first fight and, sfortunatament, he’s going to figure that out very hard on February 1.”

As 2018 came to a close, Boucher, like many forward-thinking individuals, clearly defined his goals for the year ahead.

“I will be the flyweight champ in the NEF at the end of this year [2019],” Boucher stated confidently. “No doubt about it. That’s what my mind is set on right now.

“My teammate, Kam Arnold, he’s going to carry that belt straight through at 135. Man, the two of us together are some bad dudes. I’m fortunate to have him to push me through this mentally and be able to get me on the right mindset of what a champion is supposed to be—and I’m going to be there, right there with him at flyweight. Man, it’s going to be one hell of a one-two punch, li għall-żgur. "

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, "NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” will take place on Friday, Frar 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine with a bell time of 8 pm. Tickets are on-sale now

About New England tissielet

New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.

Tensjonijiet Running Għoli bħala Falcons Ex Teammates Ipprepara għal MMA Gaġġa battalja

Lewiston, Maine (Jannar 10, 2018) – Jikbru fl-istess komunità blu-kullar u javvanza mill-istess, storied programm sportiv mhux bilfors jagħmlu żewġ irġiel ħbieb aħjar.




Ex teammates Muntanji Wied High School, u New England futur tissielet avversarji arti marzjali mħallta, Ryan Burgess u Nate Boucher huma evidenza tal-Maxim qodma, “familjarità razez disprezz.”




Burgess, 24, u Boucher, 21, se battalja fi bout flyweight dilettanti fi "NEF 32: Super IS-SIBT"Fuq IS-SIBT, Frar 3. Il-ġlieda fil Androscoggin Bank Colisée se jiddeterminaw il-konkorrent numru wieħed fid-diviżjoni 125-lira, u jaqilgħu r-rebbieħ titolu tir kontra champion Justin Witham.




Se jkunu ġew kważi sena peress Burgess, żmien ta 'tliet Maine lotta iskola għolja champion u titleholder NEF passat, mixi fil-gaġġa. Talab NEF ko-proprjetarju u matchmaker Matt Peterson u talab speċifikament l-ġlieda Boucher.




Għaliex? Fuq naħa waħda, kienet deċiżjoni tan-negozju wara qrib Boucher ta, telf qasma-deċiżjoni li Witham fi bout titolu Novembru.




"Stajt ġie out għal sena. I kien bit-tama li jaqbżu dritt lura fi ġlieda titolu,"Burgess spjegat. "Wara ġlieda Nate ma Witham, Kont naf li jkunu jridu l-rematch immedjat. Ladarba deher ċar li ma kienx ser iseħħ sa April, I staqsa jekk nistgħu nagħmlu din il-ġlieda fi Frar, u Nate ħa. "




Burgess (2-2) sussegwentement nediet granati wieħed jew tnejn tal-midja soċjali li dehru li jindikaw ċertu livell ta 'animosity lejn Falcon sħabu. Huwa probabbli anqas personali minn tattika; Burgess nħassu l-opportunità li jisfruttaw dak li jara bħala wieħed mill-chinks fil Armor Boucher ta.




"Nate, qatt peress li huwa kien kid, għandha attitudni piss foqra meta dan jitlef. Nittama li umli lilu ftit u kun żgur hu ma jkollhom għalfejn tinkwieta dwar din il-ġlieda jkollna fil-idejn ta 'l-imħallfin,"Burgess qal. "Nate probabbilment setgħet kienet tnejn- jew-tlett darbiet champion Istat jekk kien mogħti lilu nnifsu l-opportunità li jagħmlu dan. Jekk huwa għad għandu l-istess attitudni kellu lura mbagħad, li għaddej biex tintemm bl-istess mod. "




Burgess hija waħda minn erba ċampjins biss istat ta 'tliet ħin fl-istorja MVHS. Inzerta, brother Boucher s, ethan, wkoll jitwettqu l ADT.




Boucher, li diġà meħuda erba 'żmien tapit Maine iskola għolja ċampjin, u żewġ time New England finalista, Ġeremija Barkac tal Dexter matul il-ħin tiegħu fl-b'ħeksagon NEF, jistenna u ħsejjes bħal karattru differenti minn dak li bata l bogħod mill-tapit bħala żagħżugħ.




Wara li rebaħ ewwel żewġ tissielet tiegħu bil-faċilità, Boucher (2-1) ma kienx l-uniku wieħed fil-bini li ħass li kellu jsir biżżejjed biex jaqilgħu l-ċinturin fil Portland.




"Ħsibt I kkontrollati l-ewwel żewġ rawnds tal-ġlieda. It-tlieta, verament. L-ewwel tnejn I pretty ħafna kellhom (Witham) fgat minn,"Boucher qal. "Hija spiċċa biex tkun esperjenza ta 'tagħlim għalija li inti ma tistax tħalli l-ġlieda għall-imħallfin. Il-ħaġa kbira dwar il-gradi dilettanti huwa, filwaqt naturalment I jimpurtahom rekord tiegħi, fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata huwa parti mill-proċess ta 'tagħlim biex tagħmel inti professjonali aħjar. "




Bi tweġiba għal Burgess’ volleys fuq Facebook, Boucher interrogat imġieba tal-ewwel ċampjin wara li tirbaħ il-ċinga NEF żewġ tissielet fis-karriera tiegħu.




"Jien ma ħafna għall-jitkellmu Trash. I biss igawdu l-isport. I simili għall-ġlieda kontra u mbagħad biss tmur id-dar. Hu ma ftit biex jibnu ego tiegħu Naħseb,"Boucher qal. "Hu niżel il-ċinturin għaliex kien trouble wara li tagħmel piż, li huwa pjuttost turi diżrispett, fl-opinjoni tiegħi. Hu kien barra għal waqt, hekk issa jien qabel lilu, u hu jaf hu għandu jgħaddi lili. "




Burgess qal hu użat li sensja biex jitlesta l-edukazzjoni kulleġġ tiegħu u tiżviluppa l-kredenzjali tiegħu bħala assistent terapista fiżika, jindika li l-professjoni medika huwa aktar probabbli li jkun karriera tiegħu fit-tul milli MMA.




Filwaqt li kompla iskeda taħriġ tiegħu fil Rumford Komunità Center bi Berserkers MMA, Burgess qal li kien inqas intensi u strutturat qabel telf tiegħu kontra Witham u Dustin Veinott. Burgess qabel defeated żewġ rivali.




"Fiżikament I għadhom kellha imsawta minnhom, imma mentalment I ma kienx ippreparat kif I kellu jkun. Issa jien ferm iktar iffokati,"Burgess qal. "Fil-ħin I kien spiċċat l-iskola, jaħdmu part-time 20 biex 30 siegħa fil-ġimgħa u jmorru l-iskola għall probabbilment ieħor 40. Tlift żewġ tissielet fejn I kien taħt il-piż. I kien ksib ta 'piż filwaqt li l-guys oħra kienu qtugħ piż. I d jmorru fil hemm fil-limitu u li ipoġġiha fuq 10 biex 15 liri bejn il iżen-in u l-ġlieda. "




Boucher ċertament qatt ma laħqitx il-potenzjal tiegħu bħala wrestler iskola għolja. Huwa segwa triq differenti minn Burgess, rreġistraw fi Ċentrali Maine Brażiljan Jiu-Jitsu - fejn għadu ferroviji llum - fl-età 13.




"Għandi xi wħud mill-imsieħba ta 'taħriġ aktar ħorox u aħjar fl-istat,"Boucher qal. "My Jiu-Jitsu wasal triq twila, kważi l-punt fejn jkun għadda tiegħi lotta ftit. Of course, lotta huwa dak I dejjem tmur lura sa I meta bżonnha. My jolqtok huwa-lejl u jum. Kien orribbli għall-ewwel ġlieda tiegħi. "




Huwa żied li s-suċċess ikbar tiegħu fil-MMA wasal għad-detriment tal wrestlers preċedenti.




Burgess qed isserraħ fuq Boucher li jissottovalutaw il-bqija ta 'repertorju tiegħu. Bħala xi ħadd li ħa lotta fuq l-iskola tan-nofs tim Varsity junior fil-grad seba, huwa qal li l-istorja tiegħu bħala studju ta 'malajr ikun ttrasferita isfera ta Jiu-Jitsu u boksing.




"Naħseb li huwa għaddej biex tkun sorpriż. Huwa jaħseb li jaf dak I tressaq it-tabella,"Burgess qal. "Kull ma jaf dwar me huwa lotta tiegħi, imma għandi ħafna aktar minn dak li taqa 'lura fuq. I diġà jafu dak li ġġib it-tabella. U hu mhux se jitgħallmu fi żmien xahrejn dak li stajt tgħallmu fi żmien sentejn."




Il-qanpiena tal-ftuħ fuq Frar 3 huwa stabbilit għal 7 p.m. Biljetti huma disponibbli fuq




About New England tissielet



New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Novembru 3, 2017) - Tissielet New England (NEF) made its long-awaited debut in Portland, Maine nhar is-Sibt night before a sold-out crowd at Aura.

Fil-avveniment ewlieni tal-lejla, hometown favorite Paul Gorman (11-9) took on James Blair (5-2) in a 130-pound catchweight contest. The crowd was on the edge of its collective seat for a thrilling three-round war that will be a definite “ġlieda tas-sena” candidate for 2017. Gorman pulled off the unanimous decision on the judges’ scorecards.

The ever-popular John “Ewwel Klassi” Ray (3-8) returned to the NEF cage after a three-year retirement. Raio faced a game Zenon Herrera (0-6) and came out with the win in the third round when Herrera tapped out to a guillotine choke.

Fuq in-naħa dilettanti tal-karta, three new champions were crowned. Terrance Jean-Jacques (3-0) became the new NEF Amateur Heavyweight Champion with a unanimous decision victory over defending champion Nick Gulliver (4-1). Justin Witham (4-4) is the new flyweight titleholder after defeating Nate Boucher (2-1) permezz ta 'deċiżjoni qasma. Hilarie Rose (5-3) made history as the first women’s champion in promotion history by capturing the strawweight title against Alex Walker (4-2).

Two milestones were set early in the night as Jayda Bailey (1-0) became the youngest fighter to ever emerge victorious in the NEF cage, while Garry Carr (1-0) took the honor of the oldest fighter to ever win in the NEF cage. Bailey turned 18 just eight days prior to the event. Carr is 56 years young.

In addition to an evening of fights, fans were able to meet special guest RonaldoJacareSouza (24-5). Souza is currently the number-four ranked middleweight in the UFC.

The results from Portland, Maine:


Paul Gorman def. James Blair via unanimous decision

John Raio def. Zenon Herrera via guillotine, round 3


Hilarie Rose def. Alex Walker via TKO, round 1

Justin Witham def. Nate Boucher via split decision

Terrance Jean-Jacques def. Nick Gulliver via unanimous decision

Carl Langston def. Henry Clark via unanimous decision

Mohammed al Kinani def. Phil Pearson via KO, round 1

Isaac Therrien def. Chad Weymouth via TKO, round 1

Francesca Morabito def. Carol Linn Powell via unanimous decision

Emmett Huber def. Will McCall via guillotine, round 1

Bill Cole def. Nathan Pete via rear-naked choke, round 2

Garry Carr def. David Hart via rear-naked choke, round 1

Mark Gardner def. Carlton Charles via TKO, round 2

Sarah Matulis def. Chelsea Elizabeth via TKO, round 1

Jayda Bailey def. Danae Dostie via TKO, round 1

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 32: Super IS-SIBT,” se tara l-kumpanija tagħmel ritorn tagħha għall-Colisée Androscoggin Bank Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Frar 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online


Portland, Maine (Ottubru 6, 2017) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland on Il-ġimgħa, Novembru 3, 2017 at Aura with “NEF 31: The Old Port.” Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the full fight card for the event featuring a full slate of professional and amateur mixed-martial-arts bouts.

Maine fan-favorite Paul Gorman (10-9) is scheduled to take on James “The FlyinHawaiianBlair (5-1) in the main event of the evening. Gorman, the former NEF bantamweight titleholder and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt out of the Academy in Portland, makes his return to the NEF cage after a three-year absence. Blair is a hot prospect from the world-renowned American Top Team in Coconut Creek, Florida where he trains alongside a veritable murderersrow of current and former world champions like Mike Brown (26-9), Tyron Woodley (18-3-1), and Joanna Jędrzejczyk (14-0) just to name a few.

Reigning NEF Professional Middleweight Champion CJ Ewer (3-0) will be in action when he takes on Crowsneck Boutin (2-3) in a non-title affair. Ewer captured the 185-pound title over the summer when he submitted Mike Hansen (5-6) fi “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor.Boutin will be coming off a year-long layoff from competition.

The Blackpool RipperMatt Probin (0-0) makes his pro MMA debut against rugged veteranJosh Parker (6-9). Both Probin and Parker have extensive backgrounds as professional boxers. Probin has trained and competed in Muay Thai in Thailand. Parker is the founder of Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Waterville, Maine.

John “Ewwel Klassi” Ray (2-8) will come out of retirement to face Zenon “K-Bar” Herrera (0-5). Raio last fought in the summer of 2015. He is the head coach of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Maine. Herrera, a veteran of both the United States Army and Marine Corps, is looking for his first win since joining the professional ranks two years ago.

The amateur side of the card will feature a total of three title fights. NEF Amateur Heavyweight Champion Nick “The Guardian” Gulliver (4-0) will defend his strap against WWE signeeTerrance Jean-Jacques (2-0), filwaqt Nate Boucher (2-0) u Justin Witham (3-4) square off for the vacant flyweight title. Alex Walker (4-1) u Hilarie Rose (4-3) will make history when they battle for the first-ever NEF women’s championship in the strawweight division.

The Walker-Rose fight will be one of four female bouts featured on theNEF 31amateur card. Carol Linn Powell (0-0), wife of former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion and current UFC competitor Devin Powell (8-3), is scheduled to make her cage debut against Francesca Morabito (0-0). Jayda “Lil Killah” Bailey (0-0) makes her debut just eight days after her 18th birthday, the legal minimum age for competing in MMA in Maine, in a bantamweight bout with Danae Dostie (0-0) filwaqt Sarah Matulis (0-0) u Chelsea Elizabeth(0-0) face off in yet another double amateur debut.

The fullNEF 31” karta ġlieda (soġġetta għal bidla u l-approvazzjoni tal-Awtorità Sports Ġlieda kontra ta 'Maine):



180 CJ Ewer 3-0 (MMA Young) vs Crowsneck Boutin 2-3 (Indipendenti)


150 John Ray 2-8 (Ewwel Klassi MMA) vs Zenon Herrera 0-5 (Indipendenti)


145 Josh Parker 6-9 (Bla ħniena MMA & Boxing) vs Matt Probin 0-0 (CMBJJ/Young’s MMA)


135 Paul Gorman 10-9 (L-Akkademja) vs James Blair 5-1 (American Top Team)


Dilettanti MMA


265*TITOLU Nick Guilliver 4-0 (c) (First Class /Foundry) vs Terrance Jean-Jacques 2-0 (Link Team)


125*TITOLU Nate Boucher 2-0 (CMBJJ) vs Justin Witham 3-4 (Club Ġlieda kontra shatterproof)


115 *TITOLU Alex Walker 4-1 (Kaze) vs Hilarie Rose 4-3 (USMMA)

265 Matt Glover 1-1 (Berserkers MMA) vs Jason Qasam 0-2 (Kenney’s MMA)


175 Carlton Charles 1-0 (Charles Family Fighting/Fire&Iron Athletics) vs Nate Evans 0-0


170 Mohammed al Kinani 0-0 (Evolution Athletix) vs Phil Pearson 0-1 (Ewwel Klassi MMA)


170 David Grant 0-0 (Evolution Athletix) vs Tom Rials 0-0 (Nostos)


155 Will McCall 1-2 (Evolution Athletix) vs Chad Pierce 1-0 (L-Akkademja)


155 Nick Banks 0-0 (Choi Istitut) vs Emmett Huber 0-1 (L-Akkademja)


155 Garry Carr 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs David Hart 0-1 (Kenney’s MMA)

135 Sarah Matulis 0-0 (Club Ġlieda kontra shatterproof) vs Chelsea Elizabeth 0-0 (Ewwel Klassi MMA)


135 Danae Dostie 0-0 (Kenney’s MMA) vs Jayda Bailey 0-0 (MMA Young)


135 Carl Langston 6-9 (MMA Young) vs Henry Clark 3-3 (Choi Istitut)


135 Kam Arnold 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Caleb Costello 3-4 (MMA Young)


135 Carol Linn Hawkins 0-0 (Nostos) vs Francesca Morabito 0-0 (Choi Istitut)


NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Il-ġimgħa, Novembru 3, 2017. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa fil


Portland, Maine (Awissu 21, 2017) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will make its debut in Portland on Il-ġimgħa, Novembru 3, 2017 at Aura with “NEF 31: The Old Port.” Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts title bout to the card. Nate Boucher (2-0) se jiffaċċjaw Justin Witham (3-4) with the winner to be crowned the new NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Champion. The 125-pound title currently sits vacant.

Nate Boucher brings a background in wrestling with him to the cage. He competed for Mountain Valley High School (MVHS) in Rumford, Maine prior to training in MMA. Boucher made his NEF debut in 2014, just months after his eighteenth birthdaythe legal age limit for competing in MMA in Maine. Earlier this month in Bangor, Boucher made his return to the NEF cage. He was victorious by first-round submission over Jeremiah Barkac (0-1). Boucher is currently a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ).

It’s an amazing feeling knowing that my childhood dream is coming true,” said Boucher when reached for comment. “This fight was only a matter of time. All my years of training is for this moment.

Justin Witham got off to a slow start in his amateur career. He lost his first three in a row prior to his first victory over Brent Ouellette (0-1) by technical knockout in the first round. Witham is currently riding a two-fight win streak. Aktar kmieni din is-sena, he submitted previous flyweight champion Ryan Burgess (2-2) in a non-title bout, avenging an earlier loss to Burgess. Witham represents the Shatterproof Combat Club.

Much respect to my opponent and anyone who steps inside the cage,” said Witham. “Every fighter has a fight that makes or breaks him. I will not break. This is the culmination of three years of hard work. Blood, sweat and tearstime away from my loved ones. Capturing the 125-pound title means everything to me and I will not be leaving without it over my shoulder!”

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company make its long-awaited debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Il-ġimgħa, Novembru 3, 2017. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa fil

About New England tissielet

New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.



Lewiston, Maine (Diċembru 15, 2016) -New Ingilterra tissielet (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Frar 11, 2017 with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE.” Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of two amateur bouts to the card. Ryan Burgess (2-1) se battalja Justin Witham (2-4) in a flyweight contest while his sister, Nicole Burgess (0-1), jieħu fuq Sarah Ziehm (0-0) in the strawweight division.


This will not be the first time the Burgess siblings have competed on an NEF card together. Last June atNEF 24,Ryan and Nicole would taste defeat at the hands of Dustin Veinott (5-4) and Alex Walker (2-1), rispettivament. They will look to redeem themselves on Frar 11.


I’m super excited to get my sister back in the cage on the same card as me,” said Ryan Burgess. “She has always been a competitor and being able to train side by side with her throughout this fight camp will help me as much as it will help her. She is tough as nails and everything I will be helping her learn over the next two months will just reinforce the knowledge I have already obtained from my coaches. Her debut was against a seasoned fighter in Alex Walker and I can’t wait to see her take home her first win on February 11th.”


Ryan and Nicole are based out of the Berserkers MMA camp in Rumford, Maine. They grew up in neighboring Mexico, Maine. Ryan was a three-time state wrestling champion out of Mountain Valley High School, while Nicole, a multi-sport athlete, also wrestled and excelled in field hockey. She has continued her field hockey career at Plymouth State University. Ryan captured the NEF MMA Flyweight Title last year. Both siblings are confident that Nicole can replicate his success in the cage.


Training with my brother is both a challenge and a blessing,” said Nicole. “We’ll get on each other’s nerves, but at the end of the day we want each other to succeed. Aktar, he’s a good partner to have on your team.


Ryan’s bout at “NEF 27” will be a rematch. In their first meeting, he defeated Justin Witham via unanimous decision atNEF 18in the summer of 2015.


Rematching Witham will be a perfect opportunity for me to showcase the huge strides I have made over the last year and a half since the beginning of my MMA career. He is a really tough dude and I know he will show up for a war, but I have made huge improvements in all aspects of my game since adding Jason Bell to my corner and I will be the one to decide the outcome of this fight. I will control the pace of the fight and whether I want to take it to him on the feet or take him down and submit him, there is nothing he will be able to do to stop me. This fight will not go three rounds.


Justin Witham is a member of the Shatterproof Combat Club. Since his loss to Burgess, Witham has gone 2-1 including an impressive submission win over Conner Murphy (1-1) fil harga aktar reċenti tiegħu. Witham is certain that he can defeat Burgess in the rematch.


I’ve been wanting this fight since the second our first fight was over,” exclaimed Witham. “I can and will win!”


As for Nicole, she will be taking on the debuting Sarah Ziehm. Ziehm is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based in nearby Auburn, Maine.


I’m looking forward to getting back into the cage,” said Nicole. “I think my first fight was a good learning experience and I got out all my nerves that I didn’t expect to have. Issa, it’s my turn to come out with a ‘Wfor my team.


NEF’s next event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE” sseħħ fuq IS-SIBT, Frar 11, 2017 fi 7 p.m. Biljetti tibda fil $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa fil jew billi ċċempel-uffiċċju kaxxa Colisee fil 207.783.2009, extension 525.


For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England tissielet."


Lewiston, Maine (Ġunju 18, 2016) - Tissielet New England (NEF) held the fight promotion’s latest event, “NEF 24: PROMISED LANDnhar is-Sibt lejl fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisée fil Lewiston, Maine. The event featured a full slate of professional boxing, amateur mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional MMA bouts. Kważi 2,000 packed the hallowed halls where Muhammad Ali once defended the heavyweight championship of the world against Sonny Liston. A special video tribute was presented honoring Ali prior to the beginning of the event.


For the second time since April, Brandon Berry (11-2-1) u James Lester(11-9-1) marru l-distanza. Din id-darba, unlike the last bout which was scored a draw, there was a winner. Lester is travelling back to his hometown of Detroit, Michigan the new Northeast Junior Welterweight Boxing Champion after winning a unanimous decision.


Alex Walker (1-1) u Nicole Burgess (0-1) kept alive the tradition of women’s fights stealing the show at NEF events. The two athletes battled back and forth in what can only be described as athrillerbefore a deafening crowd. Walker picked up the first win of her MMA career via an armbar submission in the third round.


Fans who missed the event, or who were at the Colisée and want to relive it, can watch the archived copy of the show by signing up for a FloPRO account at


The results from Lewiston, Maine:



James Lester def. Brandon Berry via unanimous decision

Russell Lamour def. Roberto Valenzuela via KO, round 1

Vinnie Carita def. Francisco Mireles via KO, round 2

Casey Kramlich def. Zenon Herrera permezz TKO, round 3

Steve Collins, Jr. def. Jose Humberto Corral via unanimous decision



Jesse Erickson def. Amos Collins via KO, round 1

Brandon Bushaw def. Matt Denning via Kimura, round 3


Dilettanti MMA


Dustin Veinott def. Ryan Burgess via triangle choke, round 2

Mike Bezanson def. Shawn Bang via KO, round 1

Derek Daley def. Johel Stephenson via TKO, round 1

Justin Witham def. Conner Murphy via rear-naked choke, round 3

Skyler Bang def. Eddie DeRoche via rear-naked choke, round 1

Steve Bang, Jr. def. Dom Cofone via guillotine, round 1

Alex Walker def. Nicole Burgess via armbar, round 3

Dr. Steve Bang def. Stacy Lupo via TKO, round 3


avveniment li jmiss tissielet New England ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, Settembru 10, 2016 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisée fil Lewiston, Maine. Tickets start at just $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa fil jew billi ċċempel l-uffiċċju kaxxa Colisée fi 207.783.2009 x 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at, jsegwu minnhom fuqnefights Twitter u jingħaqdu mal-grupp uffiċjali Facebook "New England Tissielet."


About New England tissielet


New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.