Tag Архив: Юлий Индонго



Ветеранът от SHOWTIME Иван Баранчик доминира над Петров в елиминатор на полусредна категория за юноши на IBF



Проспект Джуниър Фа в тежка категория остава непобеден с победа с решение на мнозинството



Гледайте повторението в събота, Март 10, При 5:30 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®



Кликнете ТУК За да изтегляте снимки; Credit Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


МЪРТВО ДЪРВО, S.D. (Март 9, 2018) – Непобеден съперник от 140 паунда Regis Prograis отбеляза сензационен нокаут във втория рунд над бившия обединен световен шампион Юлий Индонго за да спечели временната титла на WBC в супер лека категория Петък вечер в SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ от Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, S.D.





С тази победа, ПРОГРАМИ (21-0, 18 Нокаута) сега вероятно ще се изправи срещу победителя от следващата седмица Амир Имам (Не е класиран. 1 WBC) и Хосе Рамирес (Не е класиран. 3 WBC) мач за вакантния в момента пояс за световната титла на WBC. ПРОГРАМИ, на Хюстън по пътя на Ню Орлиънс, беше доминиращ от началната камбана и сега отбеляза нокаути 14 на неговата последна 15 битки.





„Трябваше да направя шоу за SHOWTIME, за Дедууд, и за всички мои фенове в Хюстън и Ню Орлиънс и просто за цялата дивизия,"Каза Prograis. „Трябваше да направя шоу за всички. Сега съм мъжът на 140.“





В последните секунди на откриващия рунд, Prograis нанесе яростен удар, който нокаутира Indongo (22-2, 11 Нокаута) към платното. Във втория кръг, Prograis продължи да атакува много по-високия Indongo, и го удари за втори път с огромна лява ръка. С колеблив индонго, който се връща на крака, Prograis продължи атаката и веднага атакува легналия си опонент и го повали за трети път в битката. Реферът Ian John-Lewis даде още една възможност на Indongo да остане в битката, но Prograis го сложи край веднъж завинаги с трети нокдаун в рунда чрез ляво кроше и четвърти в битката при 2:54 от кръг номер две.





Следва нокаут, Анализаторът на SHOWTIME Стив Фархуд говори с изгряващата звезда в широко отворената и конкурентна категория 140 паунда. Farhood беше особено впечатлен от Prograis, който се появяваше за пети път в SHOWTIME.





„Беше страхотно представяне,”, каза членът на Международната боксова зала на славата и известният историк на бокса Фархуд. „Бях изненадан, че завърши Indongo толкова бързо, колкото го направи, и толкова категорично, колкото го направи.






„Мисля, че сега феновете на бокса знаят, че този човек заслужава да бъде класиран сред първите трима или четирима в категорията до 140 паунда. Защото това беше толкова категорична победа, всички останали битки при 140, дали е утрешния двубой между Майки Гарсия и Липинец, трябва да почувстваш, че трябва да отговарят на Реджис. Той го заслужава."





WBC No. 2 класирана боец ​​в 140 паунд веднага насочи вниманието си към възможен мач с победителя от мача Имам-Рамирез следващата седмица.





„Искам истинската титла сега, и не мисля, че тези двама пичове ще се бият с мен след тази вечер,"Каза Prograis. „Индонго имаше само една загуба от Терънс Крауфорд, паунд за паунд най-добре, и аз го спрях един кръг преди Крофорд. Не виждам някой да се опитва да се бие с мен в момента.”






В елиминатор на IBF Junior Welterweight, Иван Baranchyk (17-0, 11 Нокаута) развълнува феновете на The Deadwood Mountain Grand със своя изцяло екшън стил, спиране Petr Петров (38-6-2, 18 Нокаута) при 1:12 от кръг номер осем.





Baranchyk, прави шестата си поява в SHOWTIME, беше много по-силен, по-агресивен боец ​​от неговата игра, но в крайна сметка преодоля противника, който показа похвална твърдост и издръжливост, за да остане в битката. Баранчик прати Петров в нокдаун с първия удар в двубоя, и отбеляза втори нокдаун във втория рунд с поредица от мощни удари.





С натъртен и очукан Петров, заклещен на въжетата в осмия рунд, реферът Марк Нелсън спря битката. С тази победа, Баранчик се доближава още една крачка до това да стане задължителен претендент за победителя в главното събитие на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING в събота вечер между 140-паундовия световен шампион на IBF Сергей Липинец и носителя на титлата в лека категория Майки Гарсия.





Baranchyk, който изпревари Петров 159-118 в общия удари и 94-76 в силови удари, беше доволен от подобренията, които демонстрира тази вечер.





„Мислех, че се бих по-контролирано, отколкото в миналото и нещо, с което новият ми треньор ми помага,каза Баранчик, който в момента е класиран под номер. 4 в категория 140 паунда на IBF. „Знаех, че трябва да продължа да удрям в тялото, удари по тялото. И тази вечер го направих добре.





„Бях изненадан, че спряха битката, когато го направиха. Имах чувството, че печеля всеки рунд и контролирах битката. Знаех, че спечелих битката. Беше добра битка за мен.”





При откриването схватката на телевизията, тежка категория перспектива Джуниър Фа (14-0, 8 Нокаута), от Окланд, Нова Зеландия, запази непобедения си рекорд непокътнат с победа с мнозинство съдийско решение над Детройт Крейг Луис (14-2-1, 8 Нокаута). Съдиите оцениха битката от осем рунда 76-76, 78-74, 79-73.





фа, който два пъти победи сънародника си от Нова Зеландия и настоящ шампион на WBO в тежка категория Джоузеф Паркър при аматьорите, беше по-активният борец срещу 33-годишния бивш колежански баскетболист Люис, който взе битката само с две седмици предизвестие. Фа бързо започна битката, хвърляне на битка високо 53 удари в първи рунд и а 24-13 води в общото свързване в първите два рунда. Докато битката продължаваше, Темпото на Фа се забави и Луис успя да прерасне в битката, извън кацане Fa 50-45 в пети до осми кръг, за запълване на общата празнина 82-81 в полза на Фа.





фа, който направи своя дебют в SHOWTIME през ноември с нокаут в първия рунд на Freddy Latham, беше недоволен от представянето си въпреки победата.





„Щастлив съм, че успях да взема решението, но изобщо не бях доволен от представянето си,каза Фа. „Ако трябва да си дам оценка, ще бъде F. Бих се с твърде много емоции през първите няколко рунда и това малко ме отблъсна.





„Бях доста изненадан от единствения съдия, който го видя. Видях го, че се изморява, но тази вечер просто бях в състояние. Мога да науча много от тази битка и къде сгреших и какво да не правя в следващата си битка.”





Луис почувства, че приемането на двубоя в кратък срок играе роля в резултата.





“Имах нужда от малко повече време, за да тренирам, тъй като кондиционирането ми падна малко към края,“, каза бившият златен медалист от National Golden Gloves Люис. „Но като цяло, Бях доволен от представянето си, Мислех, че вероятно е равенство.“





В не-телевизионно undercard действие, непобедена перспектива в тежка категория Трей Лип Морисън (14-0, 14 Нокаута), син на бившия световен шампион в тежка категория Томи Морисън, спря Освалдо Ортега (3-8, 1 KO) с трети кръг (1:18) технически нокаут в първата си битка в 15 месеца след нараняване на ръката.





Непобеждаван 2016 Съединени щати олимпиец Чарлз Конуел (7-0, 5 Нокаута) спечели победа с единодушно съдийско решение над Мексико Хуан Хесус Ривера (28-20, 18 Нокаута). Шест-рундовият двубой за юноши в средна категория беше отбелязан 60-53 в картите с резултати и на тримата съдии.





Петък tripleheader ще се повтори в събота, Март 10, при 5:30 p.m. ET/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME и ще бъде достъпен на SHOWTIME при поискване® и SHOWTIME ВСЯКО ВРЕМЕ®.





Бари Томпкинс нарече екшъна от ринга с Фархуд и бившия световен шампион Раул Маркес в ролята на експертни анализатори. Изпълнителен продуцент беше Гордън Хол с продуцент Ричард Гоган и режисьор Рик Филипс.


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ПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ На живо в 10 p.m. И/PT От Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota
NEW YORK (Март 8, 2018) – Въпреки че взе двубоя за по-малко от пет дни’ известие, двукратният претендент за световната титла Петър Петров е готов за сблъсъка си с полусредната категория Иван Баранчик, този петък нощ на а ПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ на живо на SHOWTIME(10 PM ET/PT)

Петров, който не се е бил след единадесет месеца откакто отмени решението си срещу непобедения шампион на WBO в лека категория Тери Фланаган, тренираше за завръщане в родната си Испания, преди да получи обаждането миналия уикенд, след като Антъни Йигит отпадна от битката с Баранчик.
Петров пристигна в Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota, и той е уверен, че влиза в тази важна битка.
“Чувствам се добре. Винаги тренирам, и се подготвях за битка след няколко месеца в родната ми Испания, така че не намирам за голяма работа да приема тази битка в кратък срок,” Саид Петров.
Какво го улесни да поеме битката, беше възможността да се боря за позиция номер 2 в IBF.
“Целта ми е да бъда световен шампион, и тази битка ме доближава до това. Не знам нищо за Баранчик, но знам, че той никога не се е бил с никого с моя опит, и съчетано с това, че съм на етапите, на които съм се състезавал, ще се окаже разстоянието в петък нощ.”
Баранчикът (16-0, 10 Нокаута) срещу. Петров (38-5-2, 19 Нокаута) мачът се рекламира от DiBella Entertainment, в сътрудничество с Fight Promotions Inc., Holden Productions & Банер Промоции.
За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, моля харесайте Страница за промоции на банери, и ни последвайте Instagram и Кикотене BannerBoxing


Петров заменя Антъни Йигит, Който беше принуден да се оттегли поради болест

Непобеденият младши в тежка категория Fa ще се изправи срещу Крейг Луис в откриващия двубой на SHOWTIME Tripleheader

ПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ На живо в 10 p.m. И/PT От Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota




NEW YORK (Март 6, 2018) – Непобеденият претендент със 140 паунда Иван Баранчик сега ще се изправи срещу бившия претендент за световната титла Петр Петров този петък, Март 9, в съвместния двубой в SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ на живо в SHOWTIME в 10 p.m. И/PT от Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, SD. Състезанието ще бъде елиминатор за No. 2 място в световната ранглиста на IBF за юноши в полусредна категория.




Петров заменя Антъни Йигит, който се е оттеглил поради заболяване.





Също така добавен към SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader е мач в тежка категория, в който непобеденият перспективен Джуниър Фа се изправя срещу някога победения Крейг Луис в битка от осем рунда, за да отвори телевизионното предаване на 10 p.m. И/PT.





В предварително обявеното основно събитие от 12 рунда, непобеденият претендент до 140 паунда Regis Prograis ще се изправи срещу бившия обединен световен шампион Julius Indongo за Временния световен шампионат на WBC в супер лека категория.





„Баранчик и Петров са известни със своите стилове на всички действия и никога не са в лоша битка. Това е страхотно допълнение към тази карта и съм развълнуван, че успяхме да съберем двубоя в кратък срок. Фактът, че Petr тренираше за друга битка, отново направи възможно създаването на превъзходна битка при трудни обстоятелства,“, каза Лу Дибела, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. „Новозеландската перспектива за тежка категория Джуниър Фа направи огромно изявление в последното си участие в SHOWTIME и той ще се опита да запази тази инерция този петък в Deadwood Mountain Grand срещу коравия Craig Lewis. Феновете на бокса ще запомнят двете аматьорски победи на Фа срещу Джоузеф Паркър, който ще се опита да обедини титлите в тежка категория срещу Антъни Джошуа в SHOWTIME on Март 31.”




Спортен рекорд на 38-5-2 с 19 Нокаута, 34-годишният Петров, на Рязан, Русия, и със седалище в Мадрид, Испания, ще се опита да се върне обратно в колоната с победи след горещо оспорваната загуба в 12 рунда със съдийско решение от световния шампион на WBO в лека категория Тери Фланаган през април 8, 2017, в Манчестър, Англия. Преди загубата от Фланаган, Петров бе в серия от шест победи, включително победи над Майкъл Перес, Марвин Кинтеро и Гамалиал Диас. През последните 10 години, Единствените други загуби на Петров са срещу световните шампиони Маркос Майдана и Деян Златичанин.




Баранчикът (16-0, 10 Нокаута) срещу. Двубоят на Петров се рекламира от DiBella Entertainment, в сътрудничество с Fight Promotions Inc., Holden Productions, Промоции на банери и Thompson Boxing.




28-годишният Фа направи удивително изказване в своя U.S. мрежов дебют, спирайки Фред Латъм в първия кръг на ноември 10, 2017, в Кливланд на ShoBox: Новото поколение. Преди да станете професионалист, роденият в Нова Зеландия победи настоящия световен шампион на WBO в тежка категория Джоузеф Паркър два пъти при аматьорите.





Борбата от Детройт, Mich., Фундаментален болт (14-1-1, 8 Нокаута) се завръща в битка след нокаут във втория рунд на Galen Brown през август 12, 2017. Той беше непобеден през първия 15 битки в професионалната си кариера и беше 2014 Национален бронзов медалист от Golden Gloves в тежка категория.





Събитието се представя от DiBella Entertainment. Билети, на цена $200, $80 и $60, са в продажба сега, и могат да бъдат закупени на Ticketmaster.com или чрез обаждане (877) 907-4726. Вратите се отварят и първият двубой започва в 5:30 p.m. Повече информация за Deadwood Mountain Grand можете да намерите на уебсайта им на адрес www.DeadwoodMountainGrand.com.



ПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ На живо в 10 p.m. И/PT От Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota





HOUSTON (Февруари. 15, 2018) – Непобеденият 140-паундов претендент Regis „Rougarou“ Prograis остава фокусиран върху наградата въпреки скорошната промяна на опонента за неговия Март 9 конфронтация за Временния световен шампионат на WBC в супер лека категория. Prograis сега ще се изправи срещу бившия обединен световен шампион Julius Indongo в 12-рундовото главно събитие на SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ на живо в SHOWTIME в 10 p.m. И/PT от Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota.





Левшата Индонго смени Виктор Постол, който беше принуден да се оттегли от двубоя в понеделник с нараняване на ръката.





„Лу се обади и ми каза какво се е случило с Виктор Постол и че Индонго може да бъде новият опонент и аз казах „да“ веднага,"Каза Prograis. „Винаги искам да се бия с най-добрите и с Indongo, който е бивш обединен шампион, той внася голяма доза доверие в битката. И двете му титли бяха спечелени на гости в Русия и Шотландия, така че знам колко безстрашен и решителен ще бъде той.



„Трябваше малко да променя тренировките си за спаринг, тъй като Индонго беше левичар и малко по-висок, но аз правя спаринг със средна категория. Чувал съм колко силно удря и искам да съм напълно подготвен. Може би надолу по линия Постол и аз все още можехме да се бием, но сега съм фокусиран само върху Indongo. Това е моето време и моята година да блесна. Готов съм да направя грандиозно представяне Март 9."





„Тази битка се събра в рамките на две телефонни обаждания – едно до Prograis и едно до Indongo – и това говори много за шампионския манталитет и на двамата бойци,“, каза Лу Дибела, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. „Prograis искаше да се бие с най-добрия наличен боец, дори ако този боец ​​представи различен стил и наскоро беше обединен шампион. Индонго веднага се възползва от възможността отново да стане шампион. Те са истински професионалисти и желанието им да се бият ще си проличи на ринга.”




Събитието се представя от DiBella Entertainment, в сътрудничество с Fight Promotions Inc., Holden Productions и Sauerland Promotions. Билети, на цена $200, $80 и $60, са в продажба сега и могат да бъдат закупени на Ticketmaster.com или като се обадите (877) 907-4726. Вратите се отварят и първият двубой започва в 5:30 p.m. Повече информация за Deadwood Mountain Grand можете да намерите на техния уебсайт на адрес www.DeadwoodMountainGrand.com.





Бие се извън Намибия и сега тренира в Омаха, NE, Индонго (22-1, 11 Нокаута) е бивш обединен шампион, който притежаваше титлите на IBF и WBA до 140 паунда.





В 2016, Индонго пътува до Москва, Русия, да детронира шампиона на IBF в полусредна категория за юноши Едуард Трояновски със зашеметяващ нокаут в първия рунд. В първата си защита, Индонго пътува до Глазгоу, Шотландия, за обединителен двубой с шампиона на WBA Рики Бърнс. 35-годишният състезател спечели 12 рунда с единодушно съдийско решение, за да стане обединен шампион.





В първия си двубой като носител на обединена титла, Индонго направи своя U.S. дебютира срещу другия непобеден и обединен шампион Терънс Крауфорд в двубой за определяне на безспорния шампион в категория до 140 паунда. Това беше първият двубой за шампионата с всички четири големи световни титли, заложени на карта, откакто Джърмейн Тейлър детронира Бърнард Хопкинс през 2005. Indongo загуби от Crawford, за да претърпи единственото поражение в професионалната си кариера.





ПРОГРАМИ (20-0, 17 Нокаута), на Хюстън по пътя на Ню Орлиънс, е вкарал нокаути в 13 на неговата последна 14 се бие и е изгряваща звезда в широко отворената 140-килограмова дивизия. Индонго представлява най-трудното предизвикателство в кариерата му.





В съвместно функцията 12-кръг, непобеден претендент от 140 килограма Иван Баранчик (17-0, 10 Нокаута) и Антъни Йигит (21-0-1, 7 Нокаута) ще се изправи срещу юноши в полусредна категория за елиминатор на световна титла, за да стане задължителен претендент за шампиона на IBF Сергей Липинец. Липинец ще защити пояса си на следващия ден, Март 10, на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® срещу непобедения шампион в три дивизии Майки Гарсия.


Индонго заменя Виктор Постол, Който се оттегли с нараняване на ръката



От Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota




NEW YORK (Февруари. 12, 2018) – Непобеденият 140-паундов претендент Regis Prograis сега ще се изправи срещу бившия обединен световен шампион Julius Indongo за вакантната междинна световна титла на WBC в супер лека категория на Петък, Март 9, в основното събитие от 12 кръга на SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ на живо в SHOWTIME в 10 p.m. И/PT от Deadwood Mountain Grand в Deadwood, South Dakota.

Индонго заменя предварително обявения Виктор Постол, който беше принуден да се оттегли от двубоя поради контузия на ръката.

Роден в Намибия и сега се бие от Омаха, NE, Индонго (22-1, 11 Нокаута) е бивш обединен шампион, който притежаваше титлите на IBF и WBA до 140 паунда.

В 2016, Индонго пътува до Москва, Русия, да детронира шампиона на IBF в полусредна категория за юноши Едуард Трояновски със зашеметяващ нокаут в първия рунд. В първата си защита като шампион, Индонго пътува до Глазгоу, Шотландия, за обединителен двубой с шампиона на WBA Рики Бърнс. 35-годишният състезател спечели 12 рунда с единодушно съдийско решение, за да стане обединен шампион.

В първия си двубой като носител на обединена титла, Индонго направи своя U.S. дебютира срещу другия непобеден и обединен шампион Терънс Крауфорд в двубой за определяне на безспорния шампион в категория до 140 паунда. Това беше първият двубой за шампионата с всички четири големи световни титли, заложени на карта, откакто Джърмейн Тейлър детронира Бърнард Хопкинс през 2005. Индонго загуби от Крауфорд, претърпява единственото поражение в професионалната си кариера.

„Много съм развълнуван да се бия с Regis Prograis Март 9,каза Индонго. „Това е страхотна възможност за мен отново да стана световен шампион. Знам колко добър е Prograis, но дойде март 9, Ще бъда победител."

„Въпреки че е жалко, че Виктор Постол получи тази травма на тренировка, развълнувани сме, че Джулиус Индонго се възползва точно от възможността да се изправи срещу Реджис Прогрейс за временната титла на WBC,“, каза Лу Дибела, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. „Реджис искаше да се докаже срещу най-добрите, и все пак ще му бъде предоставена тази възможност, когато срещне бившия шампион Индонго в нещо, което обещава да бъде сензационен сблъсък на стилове.“

ПРОГРАМИ (20-0, 17 Нокаута), на Хюстън по пътя на Ню Орлиънс, е вкарал нокаути в 13 на неговата последна 14 се бие и е изгряваща звезда в широко отворената 140-килограмова дивизия. Индонго представлява най-тежкото предизвикателство в кариерата си с единствената си загуба от един от най-добрите бойци в бокса, Terence Crawford.

В съвместно функцията 12-кръг, непобеден претендент от 140 килограма Иван Баранчик (17-0, 10 Нокаута) и Антъни Йигит (21-0-1, 7 Нокаута) ще се изправи срещу юноши в полусредна категория за елиминатор на световна титла, за да стане задължителен претендент за шампиона на IBF Сергей Липинец. Липинец ще защити пояса си на следващия ден, Март 10, на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® срещу непобедения шампион в три дивизии Майки Гарсия.

Събитието се представя от DiBella Entertainment, съвместно с Elite Boxing, Fight Promotions Inc., Holden Productions и Sauerland Promotions. Билети, на цена $200, $80 и $60, са в продажба сега и могат да бъдат закупени на Ticketmaster.com или като се обадите (877) 907-4726.

Вратите се отварят и първият двубой започва в 5:30 p.m. Повече информация за Deadwood Mountain Grand можете да намерите на техния уебсайт на адрес www.DeadwoodMountainGrand.com.

Terence Crawford срещу. Юлий Индонго; FIGHT WEEK TRANSCRIPT

За незабавно освобождаване
Едмънтън, Alberta, Канада (Август. 17, 2017) – Super Channel is airing тази събота night’s World Junior Welterweight Unification Championship between undefeated world champions, Terence Crawford иJulius “Blue Machine” Индонго, като се започне от 9 p.m. И/ 6 p.m. PT, live from Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The winner of Crawford-Indongo will hold all four-major junior welterweight world titles – WBC, WBO, WBA & IBF – plus The Ring magazine’s prestigious strap.
Three exciting fights on the loaded “Crawford срещу, Индонго” карта, популяризиран от Top Rank, ще се излъчва само в Канада на Super Канал.
Основно събитие
WBO, WBC, WBA, IBF & The Ring Junior Welterweight World Championships (12 кръга)
Терънс “Пъпка” CRAWFORD (31-0, 22 Нокаута, WBC, WBO & The Ring Champion, Омаха, NE
JULIUSBlue MachineINDONGO (22-0, 12 Нокаута), WBA & IBF Champion, Windhoek, Намибия
СЪСЕД & NABF Light Heavyweight Championships (10 кръга)

OLEKSANDRThe NailGVOZDYK (13-0, 11 Нокаута), Шампион, Kharkiv, Украйна

CRAIGEl Gato NegroBAKER (17-1, 13 Нокаута), Претендент, Baytown, TX
Супер-лека (6 кръга)
SHAKUR STEVENSON (2-0, 1 KO), 2016 Олимпийската сребърна медалистка, Нюарк, NJ
DAVID PAZ (4-3-1, 0 Нокаута), La Plata, Аржентина
(Всички битки и бойци подлежат на промяна. Additional fights recorded earlier may be added as needed to fill purposes. All fights will be proceeded by acoming up graphic”.)
(WBC & WBO Jr. Welterweight Champion Terence Crawford with his Trainer Brian McIntyre and
Top Rank President Todd duBoef / IBF & WBA Jr. Welterweight Champion Julius Indongo with his co-promoter and manager Nestor Tobias and Matchroom Boxing’s Frank Smith.)

TODD duBOEF: It is going to be an exciting night в събота. This will be our third event going live on ESPN and what a way to start with Pacquiao, Lomachenko and now the title unification of Terence Crawford and Julius Indongo. We are going to be in Lincoln, Nebraska this time as Lady Gaga is in Omaha. We are looking forward to Lincoln, as that’s where the Cornhuskers are. This is an incredible thing to be able to do. A lot of time people talk about seeing good fightsguys fight guys that are accomplishedthen there’s other guys that want the challenges. Julius Indongo and his promoter, Matchroom Boxing, have come up in a meteoric rise in the past 18 months and Julius has performed great. Terence Crawford has exploded onto the boxing scenegoing to Glasgow, Scotland and winning the lightweight title and coming back to Omaha in his first defense against Gamboa and winning in sensational fashion. This will be Terence’s ninth consecutive world title fight over two weight divisions. It is unique in that is a highly-anticipated unification. Only the second time in the four-belt era that two world champions have fought each other to unify the titles with the winner emerging as the division’s undisputed world champion.

FRANK SMITH: It is great to be here in Omaha with Top Rank and we are really looking forward to this fightit is great when fighters want to take challenges. Julius has traveled all around the worldgoing to Russia where he won by first round knockout and then taking on Ricky Burns in Scotland in front of a huge crowd. Julius has been spending the last few days in OmahaI know he is very calm and very relaxed and really looking forward to the challenge. It’s great to be involved in a fight like this with all the belts on the line, which doesn’t happen very often. I know Julius is very confident to go back home with all of the belts in hand. Terence Crawford is a great fighter and has shown it on many occasions and Julius is very calm and relaxed and looking forward to showing what he does and he has no concerns with the traveling. He’ll go anywhere to take on a challenge.

NESTOR TOBIAS: We are really excited. Julius has trained very hard for this fight. He is very focused and very comfortable in Omaha. We spent some time before we came to Omaha training at Freddie Roach’s Wild Card Boxing Club
JULIUS INDONGO: Thank you very much for this opportunity. I know Crawford is a very good and tough fighter and this is a big event. В събота нощ, I will give everything I have and my focus and my game plan and everything is in position. Just waiting for the weigh-in. I try and not say too much before the fight, which is something that I am used to. I prefer to do it in the ring when my opponent is standing in front of me so I can do my work. I have been in boxing for a long time and not many people know me. I believe this is the time for me to show the world that a boxer from Africa from Namibia can beat a guy fighting in his home in front of his people. This is the best way to do it. I am confident in my styles and techniques that I have learned from years ago. В събота нощ, it is going to be boxingI am not sure if there is going to be a knockout but I know I can do that if I have to. I can say now that I have trained hard and my trainer is always there.
TODD duBOEF: I also want to thank the organizations for accommodating this match because there was everyone trying that had fighters that had mandatories working behind the scenes to help put this unification together. We are all appreciative of everybody working together to help bring this match with the participants with all four titles of the organizations. We are very appreciative of them assisting Matchroom and Top Rank.
JULIUS INDONGO: Да. I would like to also thank the organizations and Top Rank and Matchroom for pushing this fight and helping the negotiations to make this fight happenfor making it all possible.
You have two titles now, but what is your view of the possibility of having all four titles?

JULIUS INDONGO: My view of this is that I have not focused much on that since I have been busy in the gym. I have not focused on anything but making sure of my performance в събота нощ. My focus has been in the gym to make sure my game will be the best ever. No one will ever forget about this fight. The organizations were involved in making this fight happen and I appreciate that but I won’t think much about having four titles until the fight is over.

How will it feel walking out of the ring with four belts?

JULIUS INDONGO: It’s going to mean a lot to meit will mean all of the hard work and determination got that achievement and it will create more opportunity for me. I will travel the world with the four titles. I will take them back to Africato my country. I am going to be very, много щастлив
How hard was it to get the organizations to go along with this?
TODD duBOEF: It was very difficult. We had to work hand in hand with Matchroom because obviously Matchroom and Indongo had two belts and Top Rank and Crawford had two belts and there were mandatories and everything that was coming into play. There were people that we had to appeal to and we said, “Хей, this is a rare opportunity that we are able to do this. Let’s try and work together and have a positive solution for the sport of boxing and I think we delicately managed it.
How long do you think the winner will be able to hold onto those titles?

TODD duBOEF: I think we should ask that question to the winner, not before we have a winner. (A), we don’t know who is going to winIndongo thinks he is going to win and Crawford thinks he is going to win. Then at that point we will have to see what the order is, who has the mandatory, what order of fights and if all of the organizations can get together and if they can great and if they can’t it will be up to the fighter to make the decisions. And up to the promoters. I think it is premature to discuss that right now.

How has your life changed since you won the two titles?
JULIUS INDONGO: The thing that has really changed isI do still live in my town in Namibiaand I try to stay focused and try do the right thing in the public. When someone becomes known to the whole country, most importantly I try not to roll with the wrong friends. I try and stay home and go to church after work and I do my training program twice a day. That’s the only way that I could say it can be done.
Do you live in the same place?
JULIUS INDONGO: Да, that is where I am staying and where I train. All of the people are very friendly. We don’t have too much of a division within the people of everyone in the country, especially in the city. There is nothing that can distract me wherever I stay or whatever I doeveryone will know in Namibia.
How much better is Crawford than Ricky Burns or Troyanovsky?
JULIUS INDONGO: I cannot really say much on that because when I fought Troyanovsky and Ricky Burns they were both easier fights than I fought in the last fight, that I fought from home. The two world title fights that I challenged in were the best training that I have trained. I had never been as focused with the best game plan so it made it the easiest fights for me. They were both easier than we ever thought they would be because of the focus on them and the game plan.

Why were you able to focus more for those two fights?

JULIUS INDONGO: The other fights were happening at home and we used to be too much like let a lot of people in the campwe used to share invitationsfor the two last fights anyway. The fight was for the championship so there was something that we needed to achieve and change and to improve our image (if we want) to be known in the world. We had to have focus only on me and the potential and that’s the only way the world was going to get to see me. The promotion had known what was happening with me and letting everyone else know. So now everyone was going to see something new again, Знам. I have no doubt. Знам. All I can say is just only if maybe knockout come it may be late. But waking up, the day of fight, be skillful and focusedeverything is in position. The crowd or the fans, or Terence’s home crowd won’t intimidate methat is nothing, I cannot afford it, so I travel the same wayit is always the same.

Since you won in the hometowns of the last two titles fights how much confidence does that give you?

JULIUS INDONGO: Всъщност, they are different conditions. I don’t particularly mind because it is already past. My focus is that it is a blessing from God to keep me and not to let me wander in a sense, and to ask for a provision for myself, my president and my commander in the office that wherever I travel I will be representing all of Namibia. It’s like I have the whole country of Namibia on my shoulders issued by my president so I have to rely on the game plan and that is the confidence that I rely. Така, if I am stepping there I know that my country and Africa is on my shoulders and when the team travels from Namibia to the fight I can only focus on the fight so it motivated me a lot. Така, I have to focus only on this fight.

Where did you train for this fight?
JULIUS INDONGO: When I saw Crawford requested to fight the winner of the fight between me Troyanovsky, which is when I started training for this fight because we don’t have any power and the only way to rely on the big guns when they are requested for it. Така, when they gave us the offer we had to go for it so that’s when I started training. I trained at home in Namibiawhere I have always been training. (He came to the States early and trained in Freddie Roach’s gym in Hollywood).

What have you noticed in the viewership of the fights on ESPN?

TODD duBOEF: One thing I am looking forward to в събота is Kurt Warner just finished his [Hall of Fame induction] speech so we won’t have to deal with that в събота. This is all part of a long-term game plan of making these fighters come alive to the sports fan. Obviously there has been an incredible amount of promotion before the Pacquiao fight and mirrored with an incredible amount of promotion for the Lomachenko fight on August 5th and ESPN will be flipping the switch this weekend, taking the weigh-in live and doing all of the same consistent promotion and this is wonderful for the people that are interested in boxing. Everything has been terrific and to get two of the top guys in front of people that are watching the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball are able to see the highest level of fights is just a positive step for the sport.

Has there been a change in demographic of who is watching the fights?

TODD duBOEF: I don’t think there has been a change in demographic I think the perception of the boxing demographic in the United States has been unfortunately tight-cappedan older demographic. We are looking at these numbers and obviously 18-49 is the number that everybody wants and even with Kurt Warner and the rest of the Hall of Fame going on we went straight up against UFC that night and beat them in both 18-49 и 18-34 which are the most important demos. And I think additionally, for ESPN that week, we were the second highest rated 18-49 program with the Lomachenko broadcast and in fact over 50% of our audience was 18-49 where baseball was about 32%. We think that the story that it is an old sport and old people don’t care about it, which was largely spun out by UFC years ago and I think to a certain point there was some truth to itolder demos were on premium channelsthe fact is this is very positive, млад, multi-cultural through the roof and we are excited to put this on this broad platform.

Is it easy to focus and do what you need to do in your homeland?

JULIUS INDONGO: I don’t think I have an issue with the fans or the population because it is already something I am aware of. All I have is to train and just be focused on Crawford and my game plan and do good on my preparation.
Indongo has come so fara year ago no one knew who he was and now he is on this huge platform

TODD duBOEF: This is not an outlier – това е бокса. This is what happens with boxing. This is no different than Azumah Nelson coming over on 10 days-notice and suddenly getting in the ring and making a name for himself in the United States. People can change the tide very quickly in the sport of boxing and that happens because of their performances and we have to recognize that his is a global sport. This is not the Premier League or the NFL or the NBA and we are relatively isolated to a small pool. Indongo is a very talented fighter who has probably worked his whole childhood figuring out how to master a trade. And that’s Julius Indongo and what he did was, the door of opportunity opens and he steps through it, and that is the story of boxing. There are countless stories like that and I think this is not a miraculous one but really goes back to what makes boxing so special. People that take advantage of those opportunities and suddenly a diamond in the rough is discovered.

What do you have to say about this activitythis is your 4th fight in just over a year?

JULIUS INDONGO: It really means a lot not only to me but also to my promotion where I train. When I began they weren’t planning to produce such an event or any opportunity like this or even that matches I had back home. It is something big and something huge and something useful and it is an appreciation for what Top Rank and Matchroom has put together and I appreciate these opportunities.

TODD duBOEF: We have given Terence all of the accolades about how great of a fighter he is, which we all know, but I didn’t know he was an internet sensation now. You have to talk about the Internet sensation! I thought this was the Brian McIntyre internet sensation in the last fight fromCamp Life,” but at the press conference утре you’ve got to show me your McGregor Challenge.

TERENCE CRAWFORD: It means a lot to me being it will be the first time that all four belts will be on the line at one time in the division’s history and it has only been done twice in boxing. I’m just ready for the moment and fight time this weekend.

Prior to Indongo’s 1st round KO in Russia, had your team ever heard of him?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: Do Not, we never heard of Indongo and we never saw him fight other than the fight he had in Russia.
TERENCE CRAWFORD: Добре, we wanted the Troyanovsky fight but he decided to go with Indongo so when we heard that he got knocked out, we looked at the replay and looked at the fightthat’s when we first took notice of who Indongo really was.
When he fought Ricky Burns who you are familiar with having beaten for the lightweight title, did you think you could make it happen or was it something Top Rank brought to you?

TERENCE CRAWFORD: We wanted the Ricky Burns fight at 140 as well but they didn’t want to take the fight so they wanted to take the fight with Indongo and perhaps later on in the year we could do the fight between me and Ricky Burns again but Indongo beat Ricky Burns, that’s when we took notice and said well he’s the guy with the other two titles so let’s see if we can make a fight with him and unify.

What do you feel about him traveling anywhere to anyone’s hometown to fight for titles?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: It shows a lot about his character and his confidence and his ability in the ring. Him being a two-time world champion in that short amount of time shows that he has a lot of confidence but at the same time he is a little older so he’s at the end of his career coming along so he doesn’t have a lot of choices for what he wants to do. He can’t wait around.

What do you think of Indongo as a fighter?

TERENCE CRAWFORD: Indongo is a good fighter. He is a good boxerhe’s got good legs and he seems like he can punch. He doesn’t let his opponent get on the inside and do a lot of damage to him.
TODD duBOEF: Do you find any similarities between him and Postol?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: The only comparison I see is the height. They have two different styles. Postol was more straight up and down. Indongo is a little more elusive. I think Postol was a little more technical. Indongo can get a little wild at times.
Do you think Postol is better than Indongo?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: I can’t say that because I haven’t been in the ring with Indongo but I have been in the ring with Postol. You can see from the outside but once you get in the ring with somebody it can be a totally difference look so after the fight I can tell you.

What do you think about fighting on ESPN broadening you fan base?

TERENCE CRAWFORD: It can broaden the fan base it will give more people the opportunity to see who Terence Crawford really is. To display my talent and my skills to more peopleI am just ready for Събота to come so I can show more people who Terence Crawford really is.

BRIAN McINTYRE: I am just ready for us to get out there so Terence can show what he’s been working on in camp. I want him to unify and make history and the 140-pound division. We can also silence all of the critics that have been saying that his resume is not as good as some fighters. Not only me but also the whole entire team is excited. I know he is excited to, to get out there and show ESPN what everybody has been hearingthat he is a great boxer and a damn good puncher and how he can switch from both sides. Така, Развълнуван съм. I’m excited for the kid and I’m excited for his family. I am excited for everybody.

The winner will have all four belts, which is historic. Will that fighter also be considered pound-for-pound champion?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: Разбира се, I think I have been doing a lot in the sport of boxing and I have had my name mentioned in the top three. I will be looking forward to being the top one, or maybe two after this fight. It just depends on how people look at it. In my eyes, I think I am top two already, така.
Has it been frustrating to you that you haven’t gotten credit that you deserve?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: I try to not think about that. I can’t worry about what the person thinks about me or says about me. At the end of the day I’m the one that has to go in there and take the punches. A lot of people criticize me for who I am fighting because maybe I am not their favorite fighter or maybe I am doing better than their favorite fighter, or there is a fighter that they want to see me fight and the fight doesn’t happen or it does happen then I beat them. Then they say, ‘oh the only reason Terence won was because he is shortor ‘he won because he was basic’ – there is always going to be an excuse with those types of people.
TODD duBOEF: We are in a sport that gets dissected constantly by people that are haters, people that have agendas and at the end of the day when you have a kid like Terence Crawford who is brilliant in the ring, we just let the people decide what it is. We are going to be sold out in Lincoln, Nebraska and we just did 10,000 people in New Yorkwe are not going to chase the game of people and bloggers and things like that that want to be hating because you will never win that game.
How many will Pinnacle hold?
TODD duBOEF: It is going to hold just over 10,000.
What are your thoughts fighting in Lincoln?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: I am excited about it being that it’s our state capital and where the Nebraska football team plays. It is a nice arena and I always wanted to fight in there. They brought me down there to watch a couple of games and I was always imagining it would be a nice arena to fight in. Everyone around there always welcomed me with open arms telling me ‘you need to come fight here, you need to come fight here.So I am excited that I was able to make that happen. It’s about a 45-minute drive from Omaha.
TODD duBOEF: Just imagine, between a 45-minute drive you’ve got Lady GaGa in Omaha and Terence Crawford in Lincolnnot a bad entertainment night in a small area. Brian are you going to the fight or Lady GaGa?
BRYAN McINTYRE: Well I am going to go to GaGa as soon as we knock this dude off. I know her personally.
CARL MORETTI: Terence is probably boxing’s most active champion at this moment. His last defense was three months ago against Felix Diaz and he fought in December before that and June before that. Така, if you look just before he won the lightweight title it may be eight title defenses в 27 месеца. I don’t think you can find a more active champion that has gotten better in the ring defending his title more than Crawford.
How important is it to be active?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: It is very important. I am trying to get my name out there and trying to get the recognition that I deserve. I’m still young and in my prime.
What does it mean if Terence is able to knock out Indongo в събота нощ.

BRIAN McINTYRE: That would be lovelyto do it in good fashion like that, you can’t ask for nothing better. You know if you look for a knockout it’s not there.

If you win you have all of the beltswould you rather stay there or move up?
I am at 140 now and come Събота that is my main focus is Julius Indongo. We’ll see how the fight goes and after that double back around and see what the next move will be.

How is it when you have quick turnaround to training camp? Is it easier?

TERENCE CRAWFORD: Training camp is never easy. It’s always hard but at the same time, I just had a fight and getting back into the gym and back in the groove of everything. It’s tougher when you have a long period of time off because this time I was somewhat in shape.

It seems like you were having fun in camp. Is that normal?

TERENCE CRAWFORD: We like to have some fun in training camp. Training camp is always hard work but have fun, hard work, have fun, hard workif you don’t love what you are doing then you need to get a difference job. We are dancing every single training camp that we had and play aroundthat is the different types of things that we do. В “Camp Lifeit might be the first time that people actually got to see that outer Terence Crawford.
Is that important to you to get that out?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: It’s important for my brand but at the same time it is just I. I am not into publicizing my every movemake a video and say, ‘oh this is what I do for a living,’ Просто отидете с потока.
If you consider yourself Number 2 паунд за паунд, who do you say is Number 1?
Where were you when you first saw McGregor do his warm-up?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: I was coming from the gym and everyone was watching a video and I asked what it was, then I said I am going to try that. A couple of days passed then I got everyone together to do the McGregor Challenge.
What’s the best response you’ve gotten since that video went up?
TERENCE CRAWFORD: I’ve been getting all kinds of responseI have been getting hate response, prejudice response, I’ve been getting a lot of positive response. People are telling me McGregor will beat me up. I just laughwe are just having fun with it.
Super Channel наскоро излъчва големи боксови събития на живо като Brook vs.. Спенс Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. срещу. Abraham, and Lomachenko vs.Marriaga.
За да видите “Crawford срещу. Индонго” живея, както и по-вълнуващо бокса да дойде, борим фенове в Канада може да се обърнат към местния доставчик на кабел, за да се абонирате за Супер канал и всички, които тя предлага, включително премиум серията, филми и още много други, за толкова ниска, колкото $9.95 на месец.
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Super Channel to air Terence Crawford vs. Julius Indongo card

За незабавно освобождаване
На живо тази събота night in Canada
Едмънтън, Alberta, Канада (Август. 15, 2017) – Continuing its strong efforts as the television destination for viewing world-class boxing in Canada, Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch тази събота night’s World Junior Welterweight Unification Championship between undefeated world champions, Terence Crawford и Julius “Blue Machine” Индонго, като се започне от 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT, live from Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The winner of Crawford-Indongo will hold all four-major junior welterweight world titles, plus The Ring magazine’s prestigious strap.
Crawford (31-0, 22 Нокаута), fighting out of nearby Boise (NE), is a two-time champion who has won six of his last eight fights by stoppage. The 2014 Fighter на годината, Crawford is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) and The Ring magazine world champion.
Терънс Crawford
(снимка с любезното съдействие на Top Rank).

В своята 2017 debut this past Май 30 at New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden, Crawford successfully defended his crowns by way of a 10тата round knockout over former Olympic gold medalist Феликс Диас.

Arguably one of the top five pound-for-pound fighters in the world today, Crawford unified the world titles July 23, 2016, winning a 12-round unanimous decision over then undefeated WBC super lightweight titlist Viktor Постъл.
His triumph against Postol also earned Crawford The Ring title and designated him as the 140-pound division lineal champion. Crawford has also defeated John Molina, Jr., Thomas Dulorme, Ханк Lundy, Рики Бърнс,Yuriokis Гамбоа и Рей Белтран Сред по-първенци.
Namibia-native Indongo (22-0, 11 Нокаута) has become a unified world champion — Международната федерация по бокс (IBF) and World Boxing Association (WBA) – the most difficult way as a true road warrior. He captured the IBF title by knocking out defending champion Eduard Troyanovsky in the opening round of their December 3, 2016 title fight in Russia, and he unified the world titles this past Април 15, when he took a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over Рики Бърнс in Scotland.
The 34-year-old Indongo was a 2008 Namibia Olympian.
Three exciting fights on the loaded “Crawford срещу, Индонго” карта, популяризиран от Top Rank, ще се излъчва само в Канада на Super Канал.
Super Channel наскоро излъчва големи боксови събития на живо като Brook vs.. Спенс Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. срещу. Abraham, and Lomachenko vs.Marriaga.
Other fights on the Crawford-Indongo card also airing live on Super Channel include a 10-round light heavyweight clash between unbeaten North American Boxing Federation champion Олександър “The NailGvozdyk (13-0, 11 Нокаута), Не е класиран. 2 от WBC, and upset-minded Texan CraigEl Gato Negro” Пекар (17-1, 13 Нокаута). Gvozdyk is a former Ukrainian amateur standout who lives and trains in Oxnard, Калифорния.
The televised opener on Super Channel will feature 2016 Олимпийски сребърен медалист Шакур Стивънсън (2-0, 1 KO), fighting out of Newark (NJ), against Argentinian featherweight David Paz (4-3, 0 Нокаута) в шест кръг мач.
Bouts and order are subject to change. Additional fights recorded earlier may be added as needed to fill purposes. All fights will be proceeded by acoming up graphic.
За да видите “Crawford срещу. Индонго” живея, както и по-вълнуващо бокса да дойде, борим фенове в Канада може да се обърнат към местния доставчик на кабел, за да се абонирате за Супер канал и всички, които тя предлага, включително премиум серията, филми и още много други, за толкова ниска, колкото $9.95 на месец.
Кикотене: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /SuperChannel


Andre Dirrell Wins Via Disqualification Stoppage, Rances Barthelemy Earns Hard-Fought Decision Win
Gervonta Davis Stops Liam Walsh to Retain IBF Junior Lightweight Title from Copper Box Arena in London
Catch The Encore Presentation of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®
на Понеделник, Май 22 при 10 p.m. на SHO EXTREME
Кликнете ТУК За снимки
Photo Credit: Том Casino / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК To Watch Gary Russell Jr.’s TKO
National Harbor (Май 20) – From the MGM National HarborГ-н.” Гари Ръсел Jr., (28-1, 17 Нокаута) had a successful homecoming in front of a nearly sold out crowd as he defended his WBC Featherweight World title with a seventh-round stoppage against the very tough, strong-willed Columbian Oscar Escandón (25-3, 17 Нокаута) в главното събитие на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс.
Russell Jr. took control of the action from the outset, peppering the shorter Escandon at will and dropping him in the third.
Обаче, the brave Escandon fought his way back into the fight in the fourth and fifth stanzas, but Russell stormed into the seventh, battering the hurt Escandon and dropping him early, causing referee Harvey Dock to stop the fight at the 0:59 марка на кръга (Кликнете ТУК to watch the TKO).
About the victory, Russell Jr. каза, “Първо и преди всичко, I want to say happy birthday to my father. Secondly, I’d like to tell all the fans that came to support me: I love you all. Благодаря.
I fought a tough competitor. I knew Escandon wanted to come and bring his best. I knew he was going to come forward. I was ready for him. We are warriors.
I want Lomachenko [до], that’s a no-brainer. I don’t want to do it for the fans or for the media, I want to do it for myself. And I want to do it twice. I’ll knock him out the first time and then, he’ll want me to fight him again.
I’d love to unify against all the other guys in the featherweight division. I’d like Leo Santa Cruz, Lee Селби, Oscar Valdez.
About the knockout loss, “I was getting my rhythm going and I felt like Gary was getting tired. I didn’t see him coming with the big punch he threw at the end and that was it. I went down and was hoping to get a 10 броя, but the referee didn’t give it to me and he stopped the fight.
I knew that Gary was going to go fast from the first to the fifth round and it was part of my strategy to let him do that and get tired. It didn’t work unfortunately.
Now we need to go back to the drawing board to rest and see what my manager has planned for me.
Said trainer and father Gary Russell Sr., “I’m ecstatic. I’m really happy. I got three wins. Three stoppages. It’s my birthday. Аз съм 15 minutes from home and I can go home and relax.
We prepared fully for Mr. Escandón. We knew he was going to do what he didcome forward. I don’t want to diminish or take anything away from Mr. Escandón. He really is a hard, rough fighter. Throughout the course of the fight, I instructed Gary to hit him with some good shots. Some hard shots. It is a brutal sport.
Co-featured on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING in a 12-round clash for the IBF Interim Super Middleweight Title, кремък, Michigan’s Andre Dirrell, (26-2, 16 Нокаута), was declared the winner after round eight as Jose Uzcategui, (26-2, 22 Нокаута) Мерида, Венецуела, was disqualified for a punch after the bell sounded to end the eighth round.
Uzcategui started fast, battering Dirrell from the opening round, cutting off the ring and slamming away with body and head shot through the first three rounds. Dirrell saw success starting in the fourth round, countering Uzcategui and scoring
Over the next four rounds, the contenders traded even as the fight became more hotly contested. At the end of the eighth round, with Dirrell backed into a neutral corner, Uzcategui let loose with a three-punch combination, the last left hand hitting the southpaw after the bell as he fell to the combination.
Following a delay to allow medical personnel to attend to Dirrell, referee Bill Clancy declared that Uzcategui was disqualified with Dirrell being declared the winner.
Said referee Bill Clancy about his decision, “The bell rang to stop the round. The round was over and Andre [Dirrell] was knocked out with an illegal punch. So therefore, Dirrell will win this fight by disqualification.
That’s a blatant foul. Earlier in the fight, I had warned Uzcategui. I warned him. Dirrell wins the fight, he was clearly unable to continue.
About the ending, Dirrell said, “All I remember was him [Uzcategui] throwing a shot at me at the same time the bell rang. After that everything was blurry. I remember a shot and then all went fuzzy.
I forgive Uzcategui. I forgive his camp. I don’t want to win a championship like this. I wanted to win fair and square. But I forgive him.
Following the decision, Dirrell’s trainer and uncle Leon Lawson punched Uzcategui in the corner, sparking a brief altercation in the ring that was quelled by MGM National Harbor security and local police.
I’m sorry for what my coach has done. My coach is my family, my uncle, and he was worried. He cares for me. He loves me. Please forgive him.
I’m going to stand up like a man. I didn’t win like I wanted to, но аз ще се върна. I’m going to come back as soon as they let me.
Stated a very disappointed Uzcategui, “I felt very good. I was hurting him the entire fight. I felt like I could hurt him anytime I wanted. Nothing he hit me with hurt me.
I was throwing a three-punch combination and I didn’t hear the bell. I didn’t mean to hit him. The third punch wasn’t that hard of a punch. I was surprised he stayed down.
He did the same thing against Abraham that he did against me tonight. He quit against me and he quit against him. I deserve to be the winner.
The live televised fights in The Theater kicked-off with two-division world championRances Barthelemy (26-0, 13 Нокаута) winning a 12-round unanimous decision over valiant Кирил Relikh, (25-3, 16 Нокаута), of Baranovichi, Byelorussia. Scores in the WBA Super Lightweight eliminator were 116-110, 115-111 и 117-109.
The opening two rounds of the fight featured excellent action with both fighters attempting to impose their will. In the third round Relikh suffered a low blow resulting in a two-minute delay, обаче, no point deduction was made by referee Kenny Chevalier. Following the low blow, the shorter Relikh became much more aggressive.
With the undefeated, blue-haired Barthelemy switching stances often in the fourth stanza, he was able to score at will against Relikh.
Обаче, Relikh came out charging in the fifth, battering away against Barthelemy who was caught against the ropes and scoring a knockdown when the ropes held the Cuban up from a barrage of hard punches.
Recovering nicely in the sixth and seventh, Barthelemy badly hurt Relikh with a multitude of body shots from both hands.
In the eight round Barthelemy truly turned the tide for good in the ninth, drilling Relikh to the canvas with a blistering left hook to the body. Through the championship rounds it was all Barthelemy who finished strong against the game but outgunned Relikh.
Said the victorious Barthelemy, “It feels great to be going forward. The 11-month layoff really took a toll on my body and I felt it in the ring.
I knew it was a close fight but knew I should get a unanimous decision.
Relikh was a hard hitter. He surprised me with a right hook in the 5th round and I hit the canvas, so I knew I had to be careful going forward. I knew I had lost that round and had to come back stronger.
I took the sixth round to take a breather and then I came back to work the body. Once I knocked him down, I saw that he was hurt and protecting himself upstairs a lot more so I knew I was going to have to be more strategic to come out victorious.
Replied a very disappointed Relikh, “Of course I thought I won. Even TV thought I won. The referee did his job when he called it a knockdown in the fifth. I thought it was over.
The two low blows definitely affected me. It takes the wind out of you. This is boxing not MMA.
Hot super bantamweight prospect Гари Antonio Russell подобрени, за да 8-0 with six knockouts with a dominating performance and knockout stoppage of Puerto Rico’s Jovany Fuentes, (7-9, 6 Нокаута). Following knockdowns in the second and third stanzas, the bout was called to a halt at 0:22 на три кръгли.
Making his pro debut, супер лек Гари Antuanne Ръсел, (1-0 1 KO) wasted no time dropping Joshua Ross, (2-4-4) of Monroe, LA to the canvas three times enroute to a stoppage victory at the 2:25 mark of the initial stanza.
Gervonta Davis went on the road in the first defense of his IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship and made a statement with an emphatic third-round TKO of previously undefeated local favorite Liam Walsh in the opening bout of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from Copper Box Arena in London.
The southpaw Davis (18-0, 17 Нокаута) set the pace from the opening bell, connecting seemingly at will with a strong left hook. В третия кръг, America’s youngest world champion floored Walsh with a strong left after a series of brutal connecting combos on the inside. Walsh got up, but the onslaught continued seconds later and referee Michael Alexander stopped the championship bout at 2:11, with Walsh defenseless and on unsteady legs.
Tonight we were in the groove,” Davis said. “I think he was hurt pretty bad. The ref did his job and it was just a matter of time. I used my boxing IQ tonight and picked my shots, and when I picked my shots I got him out of there.
I’m still on the rise. I became a champion super-fast, but I’m still rising and there’s more to come.
Promoter Floyd Mayweather was ringside in London to support his fighter, who he’s christenedthe future of boxing.
Walsh (21-1, 14 Нокаута), who entered the bout as the No. 1 challenger and the decided local favorite at Copper Box, was disappointed with the stoppage.
He’s very fast, very active, but that was too quick,” Walsh said. “He won fair and square, but sometimes they stop the fight too early. I never got an opportunity. I’m not saying the result would be different, but give me a chance.
I’d love to fight him again. I’d fight him for next to nothing.
# # #
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will re-air on Sunday, Май 21 при 9 А.М. on SHOWTIME and on Понеделник, Май 22 при 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME. The telecast will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® и SHOWTIME ВСЯКО ВРЕМЕ®.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Утре/Събота при 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Mark Robinson/SHOWTIME

LONDON (Май 19, 2017) – America’s youngest world champion, Gervonta Davis, and undefeated No. 1 contender Liam Walsh both tipped the scale at the 130-pound limit during Петък official weigh-in at the 133-year-old Theatre Royal Stratford East for Събота IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship on SHOWTIME.

В събота at the sold-out Copper Box Arena in London, the 22-year-old “Tank” Davis (17-0, 16 Нокаута) will attempt to become the first American to successfully defend his title on British soil in nearly a decade. The 30-year-old Walsh (21-0, 14 Нокаута) will aim to dethrone a man labeled by Davis promoter Floyd Mayweather as “the future of boxing” in the first defense of his IBF crown.

The referee for Davis vs. Walsh is Michael Alexander, and the judges are Howard Foster (Англия), Robin Taylor (САЩ) and Deon Dwarte (Южна Африка).

With fans chanting “Walsh is gonna get you” as Davis stepped on the scale, the Baltimore native narrowly missed the 130-pound limit by two ounces. Per IBF rules, Davis was given two hours to shed the extra ounces and successfully made weight approximately 90 минути по-късно.

“I feel good,", Заяви Дейвис. “I’m ready.”

After the weigh-in, Walsh downplayed the tense stare down and words exchanged during the faceoff.

"Утре we’ll lay hands on each other for real and the best man will come on top. I’m gonna win. I’m going to give every last ounce of what I’ve got.”

Дейвис срещу. Walsh is part of a split-site, four-fight SHOWTME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins on Събота, Май 20, при 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT. В основното събитие, Гари Ръсел Jr. will make his second featherweight title defense and long-awaited homecoming against mandatory challenger Oscar Escandon live from MGM National Harbor just outside of Washington, D.C.

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Гари Ръсел Jr. срещу. Oscar Escandon Final Press Conference Quotes & Снимки

Featherweight World Championship Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING This Събота, Май 20from MGM National Harbor in Maryland
Кликнете ТУК for Photos Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
NATIONAL HARBOR (Май 18, 2017) – Featherweight world champion Гари Ръсел Jr. and top challenger Oscar Escandón отиде лице в лице Четвъртък at the final press conference before they square-off in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING this Събота, Май 20 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.
Also in attendance at Четвъртък press conference and competing in action on SHOWTIME were super middleweight contenders Andre Dirrell и JoseUzcategui, who battle for the IBF Super Middleweight World Championship, plus two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy и бивш претендент титла Кирил Relikh, who meet in a 140-pound title eliminator. В телевизията започва в 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT with Gervonta Davis putting his IBF Jr. Lightweight Title on the line against Liam Walsh from Copper Box Arena in London.
Tickets for the live event at MGM National Harbor, promoted by TGB Promotions, са с цени $200, $150, $100 и $50, and are now on sale. To purchase tickets go tohttp://mgmnationalharbor.com/.
Russell Jr. was joined by his brothers, 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Гари Antuanne Ръсел и непобедена перспектива Гари Antonio Russell, as the trio of brothers look to pick up a hat trick of victories in their hometown Събота night and on the birthday of their father and trainer, Гари Ръсел Sr.
Ето какво участниците трябваше да се каже, Четвъртък from MGM National Harbor:
I never magnify an event, even though it’s at home. The end objective is still the same. But I think it’s cool that everyone in our neighborhood has the opportunity to be in the arena and see what we do.
“Аз съм 100 percent physically and mentally ready for the challenge and I’m on top of everything I can be.
When you get caught up in the hype, it’s a deficiency in yourself. You have to be able to focus on the objective over everything else.
I believe in my ability but also the ability of my brothers. So I’m not nervous for them. I know what they’ve been taught. They conduct themselves like young men in and out of the ring.
I want a unification bout after this. I’m ready for any of the other world champions. We can line them all up in the same night if you want. If I can’t get those fights, I’m going to move up in weight and bully around these bigger guys.
I look at each fighter as their own individual. We don’t prepare the same way for every opponent. He’s a tough fighter who comes forward. He’s very physical and I expect him to be at his best в събота. It’s up to me to counteract what he does.
“Обичам този спорт. Обичам това, което правя. I love being able to prepare for no one else, but the person across the ring and then dismantling him.
We worked on versatility most. We believe in the sweet science. A lot of these guys just win because they’re stronger and faster. We want to be more technically sound too.
OSCAR Escandón
This is a very important fight for my career. This is going to elevate me to where I want to be and give me the platform to do anything in the sport. I’m very well prepared for this.
I feel strong and healthy at 126-pounds. I’m focused on this fight Събота нощ. I’ll fight anyone but right now I have to get past Gary Russell Jr.
In my last fight I was the underdog. People counted me out. Same thing applies here. I’ve done the work and I’m confident that I’m going to win.
I didn’t have complete training camps with my past trainers, but now I’m with Ruben Guerrero. I’m learning so much. You can look at me in my previous fights and you’ll see a vast improvement now.
I want that green (WBC) belt a lot. Green is my favorite color. I want to be the best and to me, winning that title signifies that I am the best. To do that I have to beat the best, and that is Gary Russell Jr.
I don’t like to talk much but I will say that I’m coming to bring this world title back to Colombia. I respect Gary but my mindset is that I’m taking this title home.
It’s been a long hard journey for me. But I’ve always managed to climb back on top. The hard work that I’ve put in will make Събота night easy work.
My opponent is a fantastic fighter. If anyone should be in line for a title it’s this guy. He has the the power and he has the skill. I just believe he’s up against a better and tougher opponent.
I’m going to get in the ring and display all of my abilities. I’m very confident and ready. It’s time for Andre to get on top and stay on top.
I’ve been out of the ring for a while but most importantly, I’ve stayed in the gym in training the whole time. I’ve kept positive mentally as well. Everything is going upward right now and I’m going to take advantage.
Uzcategui has everything a world champion needs to get to that title, but he’s facing a more skilled competitor on Май 20. He’s deserving of the opportunity and that’s why I trained so hard for this fight.
The title means the world to me. We fight for the titles first. We’re all coming from the amateurs where we got trophies. My love will always be here with the sport until the day I retire.
You won’t want to miss any of these fights в събота нощ. It’s a great card and I’m planning to steal the show.
I like when my opponent talks a lot. None of the stuff my opponent says can help him in the ring. It’s just me, him and our fists.
It’s a lot of responsibility to be the top contender for the belt. I have to make it clear that we deserve this so that I can move on to bigger and better things.
People are going to get to see my power on display Събота нощ, but also my other skills. I can do it all in the ring and I’m going to prove it.
After this I want to take on James DeGale and Gilberto Ramirez. I’m coming to clean out this whole division and be undisputed. It starts в събота.”
RANCES Бартелеми
I’m living a dream right now that I myself never in a million years imagined. Every time I get to speak with my mother in Cuba, I tell her of this dream that I am currently living and how it is still surreal to me. To be able to fight on these big cards in the U.S. after the long journey, after all the setbacks, I could not be any more grateful.
Being a world champion in two different weight divisions is something still unreal to me after people doubted whether I would even become a world champion one day. But this journey does not stop here for me. I have the urge to keep on going, make history for my people, and fight the big names in boxing.
Everyone in my team supports and motivates each other because we know we as Cubans have to work twice as hard as everybody else. There is an unfair representation of Cuban boxers among the press and fans here in America. We are misconstrued as being boring fighters therefore we are determined to erase that stigma and prove to everyone that we can brawl and put on a good show just as much as we can box.
I have been working on some new and different things to add to my arsenal this training camp. My whole team has been incredible and pushed me every day.
“Не пропускайте тази битка в събота нощ. It’s going to be eventful and exciting. I’m coming to get a spectacular win.
I’m very happy to be here and be a part of this great show. I will do my best to give a great fight в събота.
Camp was perfect. I have a great team and I’m ready for anything. We worked hard and it’s going to be a great performance.
I’m ready for any style that that Rances Barthelemy can bring into the ring. We thought that we got the win in Scotland against Ricky Burns, but it is very hard to win on points on the road.
I always fight in different countries so this is just another one on my list. It’s normal for me. I’m very ready for the challenge and I’m expecting a great fight.
I hope that people like my style. I’m going to entertain the fans and get a victory over Rances Barthelemy в събота нощ.”
I get to pick up right where I left off after the Olympics. I’m fighting on the same night with my brothers for the first time in so long. It was one of my first amateur fights when we last did it.
“Чувствам се наистина добре. We’re making a statement and we’re making history. What’s not to be excited about?
Mentally and emotionally the Olympics really helped me for the pros. You have to develop over time. We’re constantly training and sharpening our tools. This is a different stage, that’s all.
I hope everyone is ready for Събота нощ. There were some mishaps at the Olympics. Life is going to throw you bumps to get over, и това е, което аз отивам да правя. Everyone better keep their eyes open Събота, because it might be quick.
I’m really excited about this fight and competing alongside my brothers. It feels good to come home and fight. My family and friends will be in the building.
I can’t wait to get in the ring and show what we’ve been working so hard on. All the hours in the gym with my dad and brothers is going to pay off on fight night.
I’ve seen some video of my opponent. I know his weaknesses and strengths. We’re going to come exploit it on fight night.
GARY RUSSELL SR., Father and Trainer of the Russells
We work hard in the gym. Everybody has a plan until they get hit. We know that he’s going to bring pressure and we’ll be ready for it.
I’m really happy about this opportunity. We can get it all done in one night and put on a great show for everyone.
I’m definitely in fight mode. There are no extra nerves at all. I just want to get this done and get it done right.
I can’t really put Escandon in the same category with the top guys we’ve faced. He’s a short fighter. Most people in these weight classes are taller than Gary. At that size, the only way you can fight is straight forward. He’s not going to out box us.
RUBEN GUERRERO, Escandon’s Trainer
We’re ready over here. We’re going to do what it takes. Ние знаем какво сме изправени. He’s one of the best. We’ll prove who is the best в събота. This is going to come down to a war. Gary knows what he’s going against.
I helped Escandon set up a camp in Las Vegas for this fight because this was a huge opportunity. We were up in the mountains and that’s where I wanted him. He’s going to be great on fight night. He’ll be ready to go. It’s not easy to train in Vegas.
We’re coming to win. We can’t control the judges but we know they’re fair. We’re expecting a fair shake. We’re going to control what we can.
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Гари Ръсел Jr. срещу. Oscar Escandón is a featherweight world championship showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Saturday, Май 20 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland. Televised coverage begins on SHOWTIME at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT and features super middleweight contenders Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui in a matchup for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship plus two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy in a WBA 140-pound world title eliminator against Kiryl Relikh. В телевизията отварачка, from Copper Box Arena in London, Gervonta Davis puts his IBF Jr. Lightweight Title on the line against Liam Walsh.
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