Tag Archives: Jr

HOF Bocsio Talaith Efrog Newydd & Ring 8 sefydlu cronfa i gynorthwyo bocswyr a phersonél bocsio yn Efrog Newydd

NEW YORK (Ebrill 1, 2020) - Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Talaith Efrog Newydd (NYSBHOF) a Ring 8 cyhoeddodd ar y cyd heddiw bartneriaeth i sefydlu cronfa COVID-19 i gynorthwyo bocswyr a phersonél bocsio Efrog Newydd a New Jersey sydd mewn angen ariannol yn ystod y pandemig coronafirws.

Unrhyw bersonél bocsio (bocswyr, hyfforddwyr, dynion torri, ac ati) sy'n gontractwyr annibynnol ac yn byw yn Efrog Newydd neu New Jersey, gallant wneud cais am gymorth ariannol trwy lenwi ffurflen gais a bostiwyd ynwww.NYBoxingHOF.org acwww.Ring8tv,gyda, neu ofyn am ffurflen ynfightpublicist@gmail.com i'w e-bostio'n uniongyrchol.

Rhaid i bob ymgeisydd fod â thrwydded (NYSAC, Bocsio NJSAC neu UDA) a rhaid cyflwyno ffurflenni i lywydd NYSBHOF Bob Duffy trwy e-bost (depcomish@aol.com) neu ei alw (1.516.313.2304) gyda'r wybodaeth ofynnol.

“Mae campfeydd ar gau, ac mae bocsio wedi'i atal am gyfnod amhenodol,”Dywedodd llywydd NYSBHOF Bob Duffy. “Y mwyafrif o hyfforddwyr bocsio, mae dynion torri a phersonél bocsio eraill yn gontractwyr annibynnol, felly nid oes ganddynt unrhyw incwm ar hyn o bryd yn ystod y pandemig hwn. Mae ganddyn nhw deuluoedd i'w cefnogi, rhent i'w dalu, bwyd i'w roi ar y bwrdd, a threuliau beirniadol eraill. Rydym am eu helpu trwy sefydlu'r gronfa hon. Nid ydym mewn sefyllfa i roi cyflog mawr i bob ymgeisydd,  ond rydym yn gallu darparu taliad bach i'w helpu ychydig dros dro. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i wneud hyn ar gyfer mis Ebrill, o leiaf, ac yna byddwn yn ailedrych ar estyn taliadau nes bydd bocsio yn dychwelyd, cyhyd â bod arian ar gael yn y gronfa hon. Dyma'r peth iawn i'w wneud!"

“Ffoniwch 8 yn hyrwyddo ein nodau i gynorthwyo bocswyr a bocsio pobl yn Efrog Newydd yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn,”Modrwy 8 llywydd Charlie Norkus, Jr. wedi adio. “Mae wedi bod yn genhadaeth i ni ers y cychwyn cyntaf. Rydym yn falch o ymuno ag Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Efrog Newydd yn yr ymdrech hon. ”

dosbarth 2018 ymsefydlu yn Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Talaith Efrog Newydd

Dosbarth NYSBHOF o 2018: (L-R) yn eistedd: Charley Norkus, Jr. (derbyn ar gyfer Charley Norkus), Melvina Lathan, Herb Goldman, Bob Goodman a Jake Rodriguez; sefyll: Joe Mesi, I'r ysgol, Ron Scott Stevens, Pete Brodsky a Joseph McAuliffe (derbyn ar gyfer Jack McAuliffe)
Mae'r holl luniau gan Peter Frutkoff
NEW YORK (Mai 1, 2018) — Dau ddeg tri aelod o Ddosbarth 2018 eu sefydlu yn Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Stare Efrog Newydd (NYSBHOF), y prynhawn Sul diwethaf hwn yn ystod seithfed cinio sefydlu blynyddol NYSBHOF, yn Russo yn On The Bay ym Traeth Howard, Efrog Newydd.




“Mae'r rhai sy'n cael eu hanrhydeddu heno yn ostyngedig, pobl anrhydeddus,” Llywydd NYSBHOF Bob Duffy Dywedodd. “Rydyn ni'n gwneud hyn fel gweithred o gariad. Mae llawer o'r rhai sy'n cael eu haddysgu yma heddiw ac mae'r rhai nad ydyn nhw gyda ni bellach yn cael eu cynrychioli gan aelodau'r teulu. Dyma ein ffordd ni o ddweud diolch i'r holl addysgwyr am yr hyn maen nhw wedi'i wneud dros focsio yn Efrog Newydd.”




dosbarth 2018 bocswyr byw a anwythwyd yn mynd i'r NYSBHOF wedi'i gynnwys (Long Island) pwysau trwm golau WBA Lou “mêl Boy” Valley (36-6-2, 22 Kos), (Central Islip) Pencampwr Pwysau Welter Byd Iau IBF Jake Rodriguez (28-8-2, 8 Kos), (Brooklyn) byd cystadleuydd teitl ysgafn Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 Kos), undefeated, Na.; 1 contender pwysau trwm “Baby” Joe Mesi (Buffalo) a chyn-bencampwr pwysau mordeithio’r byd al “iâ” Cole (Sir Rockland).




Y cyfranogwyr ar ôl marwolaeth a anwythwyd oedd NBA & Pencampwr pwysau plu y Byd NYSAC (Manhattan) Kid “Ciwba Bon Bon” siocled (136-10-6, 51 Kos), (Dinas Efrog Newydd) 20fedpwysau trwm ganrif James J. “Jim Gentleman” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 Kos), (Williamsburg) Pencampwr Pwysau Ysgafn y Byd Jack “Y Napoleon o The Ring Wobr” McAuliffe, (Kingston) CLlC Hyrwyddwr Ysgafn Super Billy Costello (40-2, 23 Kos), (Beacon) NYSAC Light Pencampwr y Byd Pwysau Trwm Melio Bettina (83-14-3, 36 Kos), (Brooklyn / Yonkers) Canol safon fyd-eang Ralph “Teigr” Jones (52-32-5, 13 Kos) ac (Port Washington) contender pwysau trwm Charley “Mae'r Bomber Bayonne” Norkus (33-19, 19 Kos).




Mae'r rhai nad ydyn nhw'n cymryd rhan bellach yn y NYSBHOF yn (Troy) sportswriter Pulitzer a enillodd Wobr Dave Anderson, (Brooklyn) hyfforddwr / ymgynghorydd Pete Brodsky, (Rockaway) bocsio hanesydd / golygydd Herb Goldman, (Bronx) matchmaker bobby Goodman, (ARDSLEY) NYSAC cadeirydd / barnwr Melvina Lathan, ac (Brooklyn) Cadeirydd / gwneuthurwr gemau / hyrwyddwr NYSAC Ron Scott Stevens.




Roedd inductees ar ôl marwolaeth nad oeddent yn cymryd rhan (Brooklyn) cyhoeddwr ffoniwch Johnnie Addie, (Brooklyn) matchmaker Johnny Bos, (Bronx) bocsio cyhoeddusrwydd Murray Goodman, (Dinas Efrog Newydd) awdur bocsio / hanesydd Bert Randolph Siwgr ac (Lower East Side) radio & cyhoeddwr teledu / newyddiadurwr Sam Taub.




Mae pob inductee mynychu (neu ddisgynnydd uniongyrchol o) wedi derbyn gwregys a ddyluniwyd yn ôl yr arfer yn dynodi ei anwythiad i'r NYSBHOF.




Y 2017 ANG, eu dewis gan aelodau'r pwyllgor enwebu NYSBHOF:Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Randy Gordon, Henry Hascup, Don Majeski, Ron McNair, ac neil Terens.




sydd ei angen i fod yn segur am o leiaf dair blynedd Pob bocswyr i fod yn gymwys ar gyfer sefydlu NYSBHOF, a rhaid i bob ANG, wedi byw yn Efrog Newydd y Wladwriaeth ar gyfer cyfran sylweddol o'u gyrfaoedd bocsio neu yn ystod y prif eu gyrfa perthnasol.



Roedd y bocswyr a fynychodd y seithfed NSBHOF blynyddol yn cynnwys cyn-addysgwyr NYSBHOF Iran Barkley, Iau Jones, Mustafa Hamsho, Bobby Cassidy, Sr., bobby Bartels, ac Renaldo “Mr.” Snipes, yn ogystal â Monte Barrett, Ray Mercer, Dennis Milton, Richard Kiley, Scott Lopez, Michael Corleone, Tommy Rainone, Kevin Collins, Cletus Seldin, James Duran, Heddwch Victor, ac Jaime Dugan. Roedd mynychwyr nodedig eraill o'r byd bocsio yn cynnwys Mike Reno (FDNY Bocsio), Pobl Darryl (IBF), beirniaid rhyngwladol Steve Wesisfeld ac John MacKay, a inductees NYSBHOF Tommy Gallagher ac Bobby Miller, a'r cynhyrchydd sydd wedi ennill gwobrau Emmy, Bobby Cassidy, Jr.


David Diamante served once again as Master of Ceremonies. Special presentations were made to the daughter of the late Steve Acunto, Donna Acunto, and Miller’s close friend, Dave Wojcickff.




(L-R) – Ron McNair, Jake Rodriguez and Bob Duffy
JAKE RODRIGUEZ: “I want to thank Ring 8 for the opportunity for me to be here. I’d also like to thank my wife for always being there for me, and my trainer.

(L-R) – Herb Goldman, Don Majeski and Bob Duffy
HERB GOLDMAN: “If I have made any contributions to boxingI hope I haveI did by redefining record keeping and creating a new perspective on boxing history. I’m proud of that, but I didn’t do it alone.
(L-R) – Joe Mesi, Jack Hirsch and Bob Duffy
JOE MESI: “I have so many people to thank for this honor. I’m a Buffalonian. There’s nobody more in favor of one New York, but it’s not. Mae hyn yn arbennig i mi oherwydd dyna Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Talaith Efrog Newydd. Mae hyn yn fy solidoli ac yn gwneud i mi feddwl nad bachgen lleol ydw i. Roedd anfantais enfawr yn dod o ddinas fach, nid oedd sparring yr un peth ag yng nghampfeydd Dinas Efrog Newydd, ond cefais fantais yn dod o Orllewin Efrog Newydd. Nid oedd neb yn gwella fel y gwnaethom yn Buffalo gyda 10,000, Yna, 16,00 ac yn olaf 18,000 pobl. Roedden nhw bob amser y tu ôl i mi ac rydw i'n rhannu hyn gyda nhw oherwydd bod eu cefnogaeth wedi fy ngwneud i. Fy mreuddwyd oedd ymladd yn Buffalo a pharhau i ymladd yno.
“Un o uchafbwyntiau fy mywyd oedd ymladd yn erbyn Monte Barrett ar HBO yng Ngardd Madison Square. Roedd yn un o'r diffoddwyr mwyaf yn y byd a frwydrodd am deitl y byd. Roeddwn bob amser eisiau cael fy nheitl byd yn cael ei saethu, ond ni chefais i mohono erioed. Mae hynny'n iawn, Ychydig a chwerwais am ychydig, ond allwn i ddim bod yn hapusach gyda fy ngyrfa. Y rhan orau o focsio yw'r frawdoliaeth rydyn ni'n ei rhannu.

(L-R) – Randy Gordon, Ron Scott Stevens a Bob Duffy
RON SCOTT STEVENS: “Rwy'n gwybod bod pobl bob amser yn ei ddweud, ond dyma'r gwir: Mae arnaf gymaint o bobl sydd wedi fy nghefnogi trwy gydol fy ngyrfa. Mae bocsio bob amser wedi bod adref oddi cartref i mi a heddiw rwy'n teimlo fy mod adref.
“Roeddwn yn 30, yn byw yn Brooklyn Heights, ac yn ôl yn gyrru tacsi yn aros ar fyrddau. Aeth golau i ffwrdd yn fy mhen: paffio yw camp yr isdog ac rwy'n isdog. Drannoeth es i i Gleason’s Gym – canol y bydysawd. Gwneuthum fy ffordd o amgylch yr holl gampfeydd yn y ddinas, cyfarfod hyrwyddwyr, rheolwyr a hyfforddwyr. I started making matches for promoters and then Cedric Kushner hired me from 1980-2002. Yn 2002, I got a call to work for the New York State Athletic Commission as its Community Co-Ordinator and Director of Boxing. Yna, I was made chairman and I served two terms. Heddiw, I’m extremely proud to be part of the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.

(L-R) – Bob Duffy, Henry Hascup, Bob Goodman and Tommy Gallagher
BOB GOODMAN: “I can’t believe this crowd. In order to do what we do, the sacrifices and support you get from your family is so important and (in Goodman’s case) was for so many years. They allowed us to do what we do. All of us love boxing!”

(L-R) – Ray Mercer, Penny Allen, I'r ysgol, Clay Jenkins and Bob Duffy
AL COLE: “I thought boxing was the stupidest and dumbest sport ever. Who wanted to get punched in the face? I started boxing late. Chwaraeais o gwmpas rhai a dywedodd pobl fy mod yn eithaf da. Dechreuais focsio pan oeddwn i 20, yn y Fyddin, wedi'i leoli yn Ft. Hood. Bedair blynedd yn ddiweddarach, Roeddwn i ar y Tîm Olympaidd. Y rheswm pam oedd gen i bartner sparring gwych, Ray Mercer. Pe bawn i'n mynd i fod yn y cylch bob dydd gyda Ray, Roeddwn i naill ai'n mynd i gael fy curo i fyny, neu wella.
“Rwy'n cofio Bob Arum yn rhoi ei gerdyn busnes i mi. Nid oeddwn yn ei adnabod. Dim ond tri pherson roeddwn i'n eu hadnabod ym myd bocsio: Don Brenin, Muhammad Ali ac Sugar Ray Leonard. Doeddwn i ddim yn dilyn bocsio a’r unig reswm i mi focsio oedd y byddwn i wedi gorfod cysgu yn y coed pe na bawn i wedi gwneud hynny (yn y Fyddin). Paffio yw: ei daro, cyn iddo fy nharo.”

(L-R) – Bobby Cassidy, Jr, Jaime Drubin a Pete Brodsky
PETE BRODSKY: “Rwyf am ddiolch i'r bwrdd. Rydw i'n mynd i fod 70 a dechrau bocsio pan oeddwn i 18. Fe greodd gyfeiriad newydd yn fy mywyd. I’m so proud to be in company with guys who didn’t just talk it, they loved it. If you really love this sport, you really have to learn it. Any man who stepped in the ring, plus all the roadwork, time in the gym and sacrificing what they eat, did it to be the best they can be.
“Yn bocsio, you’re not going to win every fight, but whether a fighter wins or loses, if he gives 100-percent, he’s a winner. They work a job, run five miles day, workout at the gym, and then went home to spend time with his family. Friends and family always have your back.

(L-R) – Pobl Darryl & Melvina Lathan
MELVINA LATHAM: “I’m speechless. It’s wonderful. Randy (former NYSAC chairperson Gordon), do you remember this story? There were only three judges and, yn anffodus, one called in sick. I was sitting at ringside with no responsibilities. Randy said I had to workheno. I said that I wasn’t licensed and couldn’t do it. Randy said, ‘Raise your right hand’, and it was on. I was thrown in there, but it was okay.
My greatest accomplishments are my children and husband. I couldn’t ask for a better situation. A Ralph Petrillo is part of my family; he was my second in command. I also had the best officials: deputy commissioners, inspectors, judges and referees. I wouldn’t be here with without them. Bob Duffy put this whole thing together. I personally think he’s amazing. My journey continues, I am blessed.
DOSBARTH o 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Siwgr” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo ac Arthur Mercante, Sr.
DOSBARTH o 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Iau Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard a Don Dunphy.
DOSBARTH 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lou ambr, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon a Tom O'Rourke.
DOSBARTH 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie GENARO, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon ac Al Weill.
DOSBARTH 2016: Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Hector “macho” Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Lynch, Joe Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein a Jimmy Jacobs.
DOSBARTH 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Mr.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “Mae'r Bomber Bronx” Alex Ramos, Dick Tiger, Jose Torres, “Nonpareil” Jack Dempsey, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, Al Gavin, Arthur Donovan a Dan Parker.
AM RING 8: Fe'i ffurfiwyd ym 1954 gan gyn-Prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 Daeth yr wythfed is-gwmni o'r hyn wedyn yn cael ei adnabod fel Cymdeithas Boxers Hen Genedlaethol – felly, RING 8 – a heddiw arwyddair y mudiad yn parhau i fod: Bocswyr Helpu Boxers.
RING 8 yn gwbl ymroddedig i gefnogi pobl llai ffodus yn y gymuned bocsio a all fod angen cymorth o ran talu rhent, treuliau meddygol, neu beth bynnag y gellir ei gyfiawnhau angen.
Ewch ar-lein i www.Ring8ny.com am fwy o wybodaeth am RING 8, y grŵp mwyaf o'i fath yn yr Unol Daleithiau gyda mwy na 350 Aelodau. Tollau aelodaeth flynyddol yn unig $30.00 ac mae pob aelod hawl i ginio bwffe am RING 8 cyfarfodydd misol, ac eithrio Gorffennaf ac Awst. Mae pob bocswyr gweithredol, amatur a phroffesiynol, hawl i gael RING ganmoliaethus 8 aelodaeth blynyddol. Gwesteion o Ring 8 Mae croeso i aelodau ar gost o ddim ond $7.00 y pen.

Son/father Bob & Murray Goodman to be inducted into Class of 2018 Talaith Efrog Newydd Bocsio Neuadd yr Enwogion

Dydd Sul, Ebrill 29, Cinio Sefydlu
Siocled Kid, James J. Corbett, Jack McAuliffe and Sam Taub head new class

(L-R) – Bob and Murray Goodman
NEW YORK (Mawrth 26, 2018) – Boxing lifers Bob Goodman a'i dad, y diweddar Murray Goodman, are among 23 members of the Class of 2018 being inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) ar Dydd Sul prynhawn (12:30-5:30 p.m. A), Ebrill 29.
The seventh annual NYSBHOF induction dinner will be held once again at Russo’s On The Bay in Howard Beach, Efrog Newydd.
A legendary boxing publicist, Murray Goodman (Bronx) brought his son into the sweet science when Bob was only eight years old. The rest was historic for the Goodmans, who are both inductees in several Halls of Fame, including the International Boxing Hall of Fame.
This is a great honor for me and my father,” Bob said. “I wish he were alive today to be there. I’m a boxing lifer. I was eight years old going to all the training camps with my father, who was a boxing writer and sports editor for the INS (Hearst News Service) gwasanaeth. The joke is I was conceived at Grossinger’s (Catskill Resort Hotel training camp). Boxing just came into my life. My dad and I had some businesses in promotions and public relations, all different kinds of sports-related businesses, but there was always boxing.
I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I was brought up doing the very things I loved. How many people can say that? I met and became friends with Joe Louis, Marcel Cerdan, Sugar Ray Robinson, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Marciano and so many others. I’d stay in camps for weeks. I’d get up to run with the boxers and got a chance to be around my heroes. I also got to know trainers and others in boxing and later fans. I got to know everybody. I was brought up in boxing, my whole life was boxing, 65 years in the business.
Bob is, efallai, best known as Vice President and Matchmaker for Madison Square Garden (1985-1994), as well as a quarter-century serving as Vice President of Boxing Operations, Matchmaker and Director of Public Relations for Don King Productions. He also promoted many world champions as President of his own company, Garden State Boxing.
I remember going away to training camps for weeks at a time,” the 78-year-old Goodman fondly remembered. “I’d take pictures, write stories every day and use my telecopier to send them to AP and UPI. I did so much being brought up un the business, even loading trucks up with chairs, y cylch, speakers and more. My father was the Publicity Director for the International Boxing Club at Madison Square Garden. I worked there when I was a teenager.
I’m honored to be inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame with my father and so many boxing guys. They’re different from people in any other sports. One of the awards I’ve won that I’m most proud of is the James J. Walker Memorial Award for Long and Meritorious Service to Boxing (BWAA in 1960).
I’m fortunate to have transcended various eras in boxing. It was a different world back then, we had 20-30 writers stay for weeks at training camps. I got to know old-time boxers and trainers.
Bob Goodman (L) checking Muhammad Ali’s weight and on right with Rocky Marciano
Goodman, who served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1958-62, stays active today working with veteransgroups. He is President of the Weymouth Township Veteran’s Advisory Board, and also active with the American Legion and part of the Honor Guard with the Korean War Veterans Association.

Bob Goodman (dde eithaf) was inducted into the IBHOF in 2009, his father Murray in 1999
Among the world champions Bob has worked with are Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Larry Holmes, Ken Norton, Felix Trinidad, Roberto Duran, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Bob Foster, Salvador Sanchez, Sugar Ray Leonard, Julio Cesar Chavez, Wilfredo Gonez, Ricardo Lopez, Bernard Hopkins and so many more.
bocswyr Byw mynd i mewn i'r NYSBHOF cynnwys (Spring Valley) IBF Bencampwr y Byd cruiserweight al “iâ” Cole (35-16-3, 16 Kos), (Long Island) pwysau trwm golau WBA Lou “mêl Boy” Valley (36-6-2, 22 Kos), (Central Islip) Pencampwr Pwysau Welter Byd Iau IBF Jake Rodriguez (28-8-2, 8 Kos), (Brooklyn) byd cystadleuydd teitl ysgafn Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 Kos), ac (Buffalo) pwysau trwm undefeated safon fyd-eang “Baby” Joe Mesi (36-0, 29 Kos).
cyfranogwyr ar ôl marwolaeth yn cael ei sefydlu'n cael eu NBA & Pencampwr pwysau plu y Byd NYSAC (Manhattan) Kid “Ciwba Bon Bon” siocled (136-10-6, 51 Kos), (Dinas Efrog Newydd) 20fedpwysau trwm ganrif James J. “Jim Gentleman” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 Kos), (Williamsburg) Pencampwr Pwysau Ysgafn y Byd Jack “Y Napoleon o The Ring Wobr” McAuliffe, (Kingston) CLlC Hyrwyddwr Ysgafn Super Billy Costello (40-2, 23 Kos), (Beacon) NYSAC Light Pencampwr y Byd Pwysau Trwm Melio Bettina (83-14-3, 36 Kos), (Brooklyn / Yonkers) Canol safon fyd-eang Ralph “Teigr” Jones (52-32-5, 13 Kos) ac (Port Washington) contender pwysau trwm Charley “Mae'r Bomber Bayonne” Norkus (33-19, 19 Kos).
Living non-participants heading into the NYSBHOF are (Troy) sportswriter Pulitzer a enillodd Wobr Dave Anderson, (Brooklyn) hyfforddwr / ymgynghorydd Pete Brodsky, (Rockaway) bocsio hanesydd / golygydd Herb Goldman, (ARDSLEY) NYSAC cadeirydd / barnwr Melvina Lathan, ac (Brooklyn) NYSAC Chairperson/matchmaker/hyrwyddwr Ron Scott Stevens.
cwblhau cyfnod sefydlu yn nad ydynt yn cymryd rhan ar ôl marwolaeth yn cael eu (Brooklyn) cyhoeddwr ffoniwch Johnnie Addie, (Brooklyn) matchmaker Johnny Bos, (Bronx) awdur bocsio / hanesydd Bert Randolph Siwgr ac (Lower East Side) radio & cyhoeddwr teledu / newyddiadurwr Sam Taub.
Mae pob inductee mynychu (neu ddisgynnydd uniongyrchol o) yn derbyn belt arfer-gynllunio signifying ei sefydlu yn y NYSBHOF.
Y 2017 ANG, eu dewis gan aelodau'r pwyllgor enwebu NYSBHOF: Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Randy Gordon, Henry Hascup, Don Majeski, Ron McNair, ac neil Terens.
sydd ei angen i fod yn segur am o leiaf dair blynedd Pob bocswyr i fod yn gymwys ar gyfer sefydlu NYSBHOF, a rhaid i bob ANG, wedi byw yn Efrog Newydd y Wladwriaeth ar gyfer cyfran sylweddol o'u gyrfaoedd bocsio neu yn ystod y prif eu gyrfa perthnasol.
DOSBARTH o 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Siwgr” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo ac Arthur Mercante, Sr.
DOSBARTH o 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Iau Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard a Don Dunphy.
DOSBARTH 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lou ambr, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon a Tom O'Rourke.
DOSBARTH 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie GENARO, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon ac Al Weill.
DOSBARTH 2016: Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Hector “macho” Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Lynch, Joe Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein a Jimmy Jacobs.
DOSBARTH 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Mr.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “Mae'r Bomber Bronx” Alex Ramos, Dick Tiger, Jose Torres, “Nonpareil” Jack Dempsey, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, Al Gavin, Arthur Donovan a Dan Parker.
Pris y tocynnau yw $150.00 yr oedolyn a $70.00 ar gyfer plant (dan 16),ac yn cynnwys brecinio gyflawn ac awr coctel wrth gyrraedd, gan ddechrau am 12:30 p.m. A, yn ogystal ag cinio (prif asen, pysgod neu ddofednod) a bar ar agor drwy gydol y dydd. Mae tocynnau ar gael i'w prynu drwy gysylltu NYSBHOF / Ring 8 llywydd Bob Duffy yn 516.313.2304 neudepcomish@aol.com. Hysbysebion ar gyfer y rhaglen NYSBHOF ar gael, yn amrywio o $80.00 i $200.00, drwy gysylltu â Duffy. Ewch ar-lein yn www.Ring8ny.com am wybodaeth ychwanegol am y Bocsio Hall Talaith Efrog Newydd yr Enwogion.
AM RING 8: Fe'i ffurfiwyd ym 1954 gan gyn-Prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 Daeth yr wythfed is-gwmni o'r hyn wedyn yn cael ei adnabod fel Cymdeithas Boxers Hen Genedlaethol – felly, RING 8 – a heddiw arwyddair y mudiad yn parhau i fod: Bocswyr Helpu Boxers.
RING 8 yn gwbl ymroddedig i gefnogi pobl llai ffodus yn y gymuned bocsio a all fod angen cymorth o ran talu rhent, treuliau meddygol, neu beth bynnag y gellir ei gyfiawnhau angen.
Ewch ar-lein i www.Ring8ny.com am fwy o wybodaeth am RING 8, y grŵp mwyaf o'i fath yn yr Unol Daleithiau gyda mwy na 350 Aelodau. Tollau aelodaeth flynyddol yn unig $30.00 ac mae pob aelod hawl i ginio bwffe am RING 8 cyfarfodydd misol, ac eithrio Gorffennaf ac Awst. Mae pob bocswyr gweithredol, amatur a phroffesiynol, hawl i gael RING ganmoliaethus 8 aelodaeth blynyddol. Gwesteion o Ring 8 Mae croeso i aelodau ar gost o ddim ond $7.00 y pen.


Tickets are on sale now for the October 19th Cerdyn, which features tough, local match-ups

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINAAwst 25, 2017Cynddeiriog Babe and Hall of Fame Matchmaker russell Peltz have assembled what could be the best card North Carolina has seen this year. Pan fydd “Cynddeiriog Babe” Michelle Rosado first stepped foot into North Carolina, she did so with intent and purpose. North Carolina has, for too long, been seen as a place where fighters can go pad their records. Rosado was committed to changing that, and the newly minted Promoter plans on delivering on that commitment when she presents Dydd Iau Ymladd nos ar October 19th yn y Durham Armory.

The main event is a local match-up, thick with bad blood. MarkoThe Bull City Bully” Bailey (5-0, 3KO) faces off against Charlotte’s StevieThe AnswerMassey (4-1, 4KO). in a six-round bout that has been brewing since both fighters were in the amateur ranks. The behind-closed-doors trash talk that both fighters have partaken in over the past few years has spilled over onto social media, and will now culminate in North Carolina State Championship bout onOctober 19th. “He runs his mouth too much,” said Bailey of his opponent. “This is personal. I want to beat the sout of him. I have waited a long time to get my hands on this guy, and I’m going to break him down over six rounds. I’m going to make him look bad.This is Bailey’s first six round bout, and he enters camp with the words of Undisputed Super Lightweight Champion Terence Crawford in his mind. “I spent some time with Bud last weekend. He told me that even when you’re struggling, and times get hard, you gotta fight through it no matter what. No excuses.Bailey is training three hours from home with his head coach Don Turner. “It’s not easy work, training hours each day on a farm with only work, rest and corn.Said Rosado of Bailey’s camp. Bailey isn’t deterred. “You gotta fight through adversity. That’s what makes champions. That’s what shows what you’re made of,” said the young fighter.

Massey plans on letting his fists do the talking. “I don’t back down from nobody,” said Massey of the match-up. “We should have fought in the amateurs, but it didn’t happen, and now it’s time.The 24-year old featherweight is moving up in weight to fight Bailey, and Bailey is moving down. They are meeting in the middle at 132 pwys. Massey is coming off his first loss, a tough unanimous decision to Reggie Barnett Jr. Many fighters would take an easier touch after a loss, but that’s not the way Massey is built. “The loss gave me that hunger back. He better strap up because October 19th, I’m coming.

It is the kind of matchup that Rosado and Peltz like best. “Listen, Michelle is a go- getter, she’s aggressive,” said Peltz. “She buys into the local match-ups theory. There’s nothing wrong with boxing that good fights won’t help. Michelle understands that. You have to make competitive fights. If you can make them at the local level without TV, it’s only going to help boxing in the long run. We’re trying change culture in NC. Anytime you get two local kids to fight each other in the 21st century, it’s a big deal.

Yn y digwyddiad cyd-main, two undefeated, local Durham fighters step up to face each other in a six round bout at Junior Middleweight. Joseph Jackson (8-0, 6KO) sgwariau ffwrdd yn erbyn MonrecoKing ReekGoldston (5-0-1, 3KO), with both fighters putting their ‘O’ ar y llinell. It will be Goldston’s first bout in over a year, after having scored a majority draw with Virginia’s Robert Sweeney in May 2016. The bout will be Jackson’s fourth this year. He is coming off a knockout win over Darryol Humphrey last Saturday, August 19th.

Hefyd ar y cerdyn, Carlos Olmeda (2-0, 2KO) faces a very tough opponent in New York brawler Vinnie Denierio (1-2, 1KO). It isn’t the first time the 5’10Southpaw Denierio has fought in the Bull City. He faced Marko Bailey there in April, before rematching him in June in Philadelphia. Both bouts earned standing ovations from the crowd. Olmeda isn’t the type to back down, despite being the smaller of the two fighters, plans to give the New Yorker all he can handle.

The remainder of the card is stacked with some of North Carolina’s most promising talent. Undefeated Junior Middleweight Donnie Marshall (5-0, 4KO) makes an appearance on the card, alongside Super Middleweight prospect Blake “Mae'r KO Brenin” Mansfield (4-1-1, 2KO) , and Raleigh Heavyweight Nate Williams (1-0, 1KO). Hefyd ar y cerdyn, Hasim Rahman, Jr. makes his North Carolina debut. The heavyweight is following in his father’s footsteps, and has earned two wins, both by knockout, since his April debut.

The fight card fulfills Rosado’s promise to the fans of North Carolina. “These fighters are not messing around,” said Rosado. “It’s refreshing to work with guys that want to fight.Rosado noted that, to the fighterscredit, the aforementioned match-ups were an easy sell. “They wanted to come and fight for the fans. No outlandish press tours, no pay-per-view, no circus acts, no embarrassing match-ups. Just real boxers fighting real fights, Durham style.

Dydd Iau Night Fights is sponsored by Corona Extra. Tickets are on sale now ($75, 50, 40), and available at RagingBabe.com neu drwy ffonio 919-584-4849.

FNU Dangos Campau Ymladd, Jon Jones Busted Again, Mayweather vs. McGregor Previews and Predictions, Crossover Potential

Tony, Tom and Rich discuss the upcomingSuperfightin Las Vegas between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. this Saturday night. We also break down Tony’s PREDICTION. This week’s show also features our discussions on the crossover potential after this fight. Anthony Joshua and Tony Bellew both expressed interest in crossover fights. We additionally chat about Jon Jones testing positive for a steroid after UFC 215 and the upcoming Bellator card tomorrow night. We even go over the Mini May/Mac fight at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas.


Connecticut Hall Bocsio Dosbarth Enwogion o 2016 Announced

Orlando montalvo, Bob Yalen, Sean Malone, Jr, Ray Oliveira, John Lawson & Kenny Reels
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Awst 25, 2016) – Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Connecticut (CBHOF) has announced its six-member Class of 2016 to be inducted during the 12TH Cinio Gala Sefydlu CBHOF blynyddol ar ddydd Gwener nos,Tachwedd 4, yn y Neuadd Ddawns UNCAS yn MOHEGAN Sun.
Hyfforddwyr newydd CBHOF yw hyfforddwr / bocsiwr amatur Stamford Orlando montalvo, Cyn gyfarwyddwr bocsio ESPN Newington Bob Yalen, Bocsiwr Wallingford Sean Malone, Jr., Bedford Newydd (MA) paffiwr “Sucra” Ray Oliveira, Waterbury judge John “Dug” Lawson a Gêm Pequot Mashantucket & Comisiynydd athletau Kenny Reels.
The Board of Directors of the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame is very excited to announce this incredible class of inductees for 2016,” Llywydd CBHOF John Laudati Dywedodd. “We anticipate a great crowd for our honorees at the induction ceremony on November 4th yn MOHEGAN Sun. Fel bob amser, our dinner is a wonderful coming together of the boxing community, friends and family.
Montalvo and his wife, Sandra, moved to Stamford in 1980, training amateur fighters for the first 20 years in parks and in their backyard until relocating at the Union Memorial Church for seven years. Orlando was an amateur and professional boxer in his native Puerto Rico, traveling around the world to compete. He won 110 o 125 amateur matches and 22 o 29 as a professional with 18 knockouts, reaching a No. 10 rating in the junior middleweight division.
Yalen is best known, efallai, as boxing director for ESPN and its popularDydd Gwener Ymladd nos Cyfres. He has also been a consultant for ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and Showtime. A recipient of the Boxing Writers Association of America’s Sam Taub Award for Excellence in Broadcasting, Yalen was associate editor of the Ring Record Book and FightFax. He was also Director of Sports & Entertainment at Mohegan Sun while one of the original CBHOF board members, contributing much to the success of its inaugural awards dinner.
Malone is the son of CBHOF inductee Sean Malone, Sr., who was inducted in 2011. He had a 23-6 (21 Kos) cofnod. Yn 1992, he had one of his most notable victories against Greg Cadiz for the Nevada State light welterweight title. He also defeated Pat Ireland mewn 1993 for the New England welterweight crown.
Oliveira was an all-action fighter who set a record in a fight with Zack Padilla, in which they threw more than 1,000 combined punches. During his outstanding 15-year professional career, Oliveira defeated the likes of Vince Phillips, Vivian Harris, Tracy Spann ac Charles Murray ddwywaith. Completing his career with a 47-11-2, Ray had a great chin and he wasn’t stopped prior to his loss to WBU light welterweight champion Ricky Hatton mewn 2004.
Involved in boxing for 60 flynyddoedd, Lawson was one of only 10 referees and judges selected by Willie Pep ac Chico Vejar to work sanctioned bouts when boxing returned to Connecticut in the 1970s. Lawson was a judge for a world heavyweight title fight in Germany between Wladimir Klitschko ac Francesco Pianetta. He was also involved in fights featuring world champions such as Roy Jones, Jr., “Wych” Marvin Hagler, Joe Calzaghe, Chad Dawson, Antonio Tarver ac Zab Jwda. Lawson served 20 years with the Waterbury police department.
Reels was appointed by the Mashantucket Pequot Gaming & Athletic Commission in 2009 to oversee boxing and MMA at Foxwoods. Known for his caring about the health and safety of boxers, Reels followed CBHOF inductee Peter Timothy. Reels has received countless awards and honors for his humanitarian work and commitment to human values, interests and concerns.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y CBHOF 12fed Cinio Gala flynyddol Sefydlu, am bris rhesymol ar $90.00, cyn bo hir yn mynd ar werth ac ar gael i'w brynu trwy ffonio Kim Baker yn MOHEGAN Sun (1.860.862.7377) neu Sherman Cain yn y Manchester Journal Inquirer (1.800.237.3606 X321). Drysau'n agor am 5:30 p.m. A, coctels o 6:30-7:30 p.m. A (bar arian parod), ac yna cinio eistedd i lawr llawn.
Ewch ar-lein i www.ctboxinghof.org am wybodaeth ychwanegol am y Neuadd Bocsio Connecticut yr Enwogion, ei 12th Cinio Gala Inductee blynyddol, cyfleoedd noddi digwyddiad, neu sy'n cwblhau cyfnod sefydlu CBHOF gorffennol.
AM CBHOF: Sefydlwyd Oriel Anfarwolion Bocsio Connecticut yn 2004 i anrhydeddu a dathlu gyrfaoedd unigolion eithriadol sy'n ymwneud â'r gamp o focsio. Mae ei Seremoni Sefydlu agoriadol & Cinio a gynhaliwyd yn 2005. Ni allai hanes bocsio cyfoethog Connecticut wedi ffynnu pe na bai am y llwyddiant y rhai sydd wedi'u hymgorffori yn y Neuadd yr Enwogion.
Fel sefydliad di-elw, Neuadd Bocsio Connecticut Enwogion yn gwbl ymroddedig i gadw'r ysbryd ymladd o Connecticut ffyniannus trwy amrywiol gyfraniadau elusennol.

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTVContinues Tomorrow, Dydd Gwener, Mai 15, yn 10 p.m. A


Card Highlighted by Title Bout Between Jose Benavidez Jr. & Jorge Paez, Jr.

truTV and Top Rank will exclusively present the MetroPCS Nos Wener Knockout ar truTV, a live primetime boxing series on Dydd Gwener, Mai 15, yn 10 p.m. A from the US Airway Center in Phoenix. The new boxing series, Cynhyrchwyd ar y cyd â Chwaraeon Turner a Chwaraeon HBO, will feature a 12-round bout for the WBA interim World Super Lightweight title between champion Jose BENAVIDEZ, Jr. (22-0-0, 15 Kos), fighting in his hometown against Jorge Paez, Jr. (38-5-2, 23 Kos) Mecsico. Yn ogystal, Antonio Orozco (21-0-0, 15 Kos) Bydd yn cyfarfod Emanuel Taylor (18-3-0, 12 Kos) mewn 10 rownd bout super ysgafn. Following is additional information, including profile features, on the boxers.


Prif Ddigwyddiad: 12-Round Bout for the WBA interim World Super Lightweight Championship

Screen Shot 2015-05-13 yn 9 32 52 PM

(click on the images above to view the boxer profiles)

Jose BENAVIDEZ, Jr. (champ) Jorge Paez, Jr.

22-0-0, 15 KOs vs. 38-5-2, 23 Kos

Oedran: 22 (5/15/92) Oedran: 27 (11/30/87)

Born: Panorama City, CA Born: Baja California, Mecsico

Resides: Phoenix, AZ Resides: Baja California, Mecsico

Uchder: 5’11” Height: 5’7”

Cyrraedd: 73” Reach: 70"


10-Rownd Super Ysgafn Bout

Screen Shot 2015-05-13 yn 8 14 47 PM Screen Shot 2015-05-13 yn 8 10 55 PM (3)

(click on the images above to view the boxer profiles)

Antonio Orozco Emanuel Taylor

21-0-0, 15 KOs vs. 18-3-0, 12 Kos

Oedran: 27 (10/30/87) Oedran: 24 (12/20/90)

Born: Baja California, Mexico Born: Edgewater, MD

Resides: San Diego, CA Resides: Edgewood Arsenal, MD

Uchder: 5’7” Height: 5’7½”

Cyrraedd: 70” Reach: 65"


Bydd cyflwyniad y rhwydwaith yn cynnwys parhau i ddefnyddio “Spidercam” technoleg, y cyntaf o'i fath i gael telecast byw bocsio yn y cartref, providing dynamic coverage during the series. “Spidercam” operates on a four-point system of cables from designated points beyond the corners of the boxing ring. Mae'r camera atal dros dro sydd â'r gallu i ddarparu onglau 360-gradd cymhellol o'r camau gan gynnwys y gallu i symud mewn tri dimensiwn - chwith / dde, ymlaen / yn ôl ac i fyny / i lawr.


Bydd sylwebyddion ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn cynnwys Bwledi Kevin (play-by-play) gydaTimothy Bradley (analyst and former WBO welterweight champion and former WBO and two-time WBC junior welterweight champion), Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini (analyst and 2015 International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee; former NABF and WBA lightweight champion) ac Crystina Poncher (reporter). Capsiynau Ar gau yn Sbaeneg Bydd ar gael ar gyfer y telecast truTV.


As part of its entitlement sponsorship of the boxing series on truTV, MetroPCS will receive camera-visible center ring and corner pad brand placement for each fight, as well as inclusion in all promotional messaging across truTV and other Turner Broadcasting networks.


Visit the Turner Sports online pressroom for additional press materials; follow Turner Sports on Twitter at TurnerSportsPR.

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV Continues Friday, Mai 15, yn 10 p.m. A

Card Highlighted by Title Bout Between Jose Benavidez Jr. & Jorge Paez, Jr.

truTV and Top Rank will exclusively present the MetroPCS Nos Wener Knockout ar truTV, a live primetime boxing series on Dydd Gwener, Mai 15, yn 10 p.m. A from the US Airway Center in Phoenix. The new boxing series, Cynhyrchwyd ar y cyd â Chwaraeon Turner a Chwaraeon HBO, will feature a 12-round bout for the WBA interim World Super Lightweight title between champion Jose BENAVIDEZ, Jr. (22-0-0, 15 Kos), fighting in his hometown against Jorge Paez, Jr. (38-5-2, 23 Kos) Mecsico. Yn ogystal, Antonio Orozco (21-0-0, 15 Kos) Bydd yn cyfarfod Emmanuel Taylor (18-3-0, 12 Kos) mewn 10 rownd bout super ysgafn.


Bydd sylwebyddion ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn cynnwys Bwledi Kevin providing play-by-play with analysts Timothy Bradley ac Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini a gohebydd Crystina Poncher. Kugler is a veteran announcer who has called college basketball and NFL coverage for Westwood One and college football for the Big Ten Network. Bradley is a former WBO welterweight champion and former WBO and two-time WBC junior welterweight champion. Mancini is a 2015 International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee and former NABF and WBA lightweight champion. Poncher is a commentator and reporter for Top Rank, yn ogystal â llu, gohebydd a gohebydd ar gyfer Rhwydwaith NFL a NFL.com. Capsiynau Ar gau yn Sbaeneg Bydd ar gael ar gyfer y telecast truTV.


Bydd cyflwyniad y rhwydwaith yn cynnwys parhau i ddefnyddio “Spidercam” technoleg, y cyntaf o'i fath i gael telecast byw bocsio yn y cartref, providing dynamic coverage during the series. “Spidercam” operates on a four-point system of cables from designated points beyond the corners of the boxing ring. Mae'r camera atal dros dro sydd â'r gallu i ddarparu onglau 360-gradd cymhellol o'r camau gan gynnwys y gallu i symud mewn tri dimensiwn - chwith / dde, ymlaen / yn ôl ac i fyny / i lawr.


As part of its entitlement sponsorship of the boxing series on truTV, MetroPCS will receive camera-visible center ring and corner pad brand placement for each fight, as well as inclusion in all promotional messaging across truTV and other Turner Broadcasting networks.


Visit the Turner Sports online pressroom for additional press materials; follow Turner Sports on Twitter at TurnerSportsPR.