标记档案: 约瑟夫·阿多诺

SUBRIEL MATIAS 在明尼阿波利斯的军械库举行的周六晚 HIGH-OCTANE SHOWTIME® 主赛事中以第五回合击倒 Jeremias Ponce 夺得 IBF 140 磅世界冠军

明尼阿波利斯本地人贾马尔詹姆斯和超轻量级竞争者埃尔维斯罗德里格斯在顶级拳击冠军赛的电视转播 Undercard 中取得胜利

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明尼阿波利斯——二月 26, 2023 - 强力冲孔Subriel Matias展示了为什么他成为拳击界最受吹捧的淘汰赛艺术家之一,因为他阻止了之前保持不败的局面赫雷米亚斯·庞塞经过五轮比赛赢得空缺的 IBF 140 磅世界冠军赛 周六晚上在明尼阿波利斯军械库的 SHOWTIME 现场直播一场顶级拳击冠军赛.

波多黎各的马蒂亚斯 (19-1, 19 科斯) 在一场激烈的交火中夺得冠军头衔,两名排名第一的 140 磅选手被摔倒 800 根据 CompuBox 的五轮组合拳. 对于马蒂亚斯, 这场胜利使他离开家人近一年的漫长旅程达到了高潮,因为他在墨西哥接受训练以获得他的第一个冠军机会.

“我现在在九云,”马蒂亚斯说. “我不认为我已经从这个梦中醒来. 也许我可以告诉你明天的感觉, 但现在, 这是梦想成真。我想从第一轮开始就和他一起工作, 因为我知道随着战斗的进行,他不会拥有和我一样的力量。”

Ponce (30-1, 20 科斯) 表现得非常有侵略性,并在马蒂亚斯投掷时看起来很早就蜂拥而至 96 第一轮拳击, 外出登陆马蒂亚斯 28 到 11. 马蒂亚斯在第二轮调整, 拉近距离并扼杀庞塞以减弱他的一些攻击,同时也为他自己的短拳寻找位置.

“我以为这是一场势均力敌的战斗, 但是一拳可以改变一切,这就是发生的事情,”庞塞说. “Subriel 是一个强硬的, 强大的战士,我知道他的能力。”

在第四回合后期用一记有力的左手击中庞塞后, 马蒂亚斯在第五回合中坚定而敏锐地回归, 着陆 47% 他的力量在三分钟内重拳出击. 在回合的最后时刻, 马蒂亚斯受到了决定性的打击, 一系列头部和身体镜头 严重伤害了马蒂亚斯并把他放在垫子上.

庞塞能够登上他的凳子, 但他的角落已经看够了,建议停止战斗, 官方结果在第五轮结束时以 TKO 的形式出现.

“我现在很好,”庞塞说. “我的团队了解我, 他们做出了他们必须做出的决定. 好痛, 但最重要的是我很健康。”

“我并不感到惊讶,”马蒂亚斯说. “一旦我看到他的角落如何反应. 我看到了 [Ponce] 受伤了. 我以为我在前四轮有耐心, 所以我在第五场比赛中采用了不同的方法和心态。”

战斗结束后, 带着他的 IBF 腰带, Matias 将目光投向了与 WBC 140 磅世界冠军 Regis Prograis 的统一摊牌.

“Regis Prograis, 我来找你,”马蒂亚斯说. “我现在是世界冠军. 我保证我会来伤害你. Prograis 喜欢说到做到, 但我有同样的心态. 让我们看看谁占上风. 我想让他看到,在这项运动中还有比他更疯狂的人。”

在合作的主要事件, 明尼阿波利斯本土和次中量级竞争者贾马尔“尚戈”詹姆斯(28-2, 12 科斯) 从 16 个月的停赛中归来,在与阿根廷奥运选手的 10 轮比赛后,激动了满座的家乡观众并获得了一致判定的胜利阿尔贝托Palmetta(18-2, 13 科斯).

“我很确定每个人都能看到裁员影响了我,”詹姆斯说. “我身上生锈了很多. 我的腿不锋利, 我的拳头不锋利, 但我很高兴我能进去. 我喜欢这样,因为它在精神上推动着我,让我挺身而出。”

“我认为这是一场势均力敌的战斗,” Palmetta说. “我一直是前世界冠军的侵略者, 比我高大的对手。”

这是他在 10 月将 WBA 次中量级冠军头衔输给 Radzhab Butaev 后的首次行动 2021, 詹姆斯在军械库友好的范围内获得了他职业生涯的第五场胜利. 利用他可观的身高和触及优势, 詹姆斯能够控制大部分动作并按照他的条件参加比赛.

“我试图适应,”詹姆斯说. “我确实觉得自己赢得了这场战斗,但我相信我可以做得更好. 我知道我更敏锐. 我知道我的耐力要强很多. 我刚刚休息了很多时间,我的身体仍在恢复体形. 我一定会回来的。”

“我也喜欢反击, 但我在比赛的后半段加大了压力,” Palmetta说. “也许贾马尔·詹姆斯在上半场看起来更胜一筹,因为他一直保持保守和反击。”

帕尔梅塔成功反击詹姆斯,但无法组合足够的组合或在行动中伤害詹姆斯. 詹姆斯的优势体现在记分卡上, 当他登陆帕尔梅塔时 193 到 111, 包括 153 到 102 力量拳的优势.

詹姆斯还能够使用敏锐的身体攻击来阻止帕尔梅塔, 着陆 68 在整个战斗中, 相比于刚 20 来自帕尔梅塔. 在第九轮, 锋利的右上勾拳让帕尔梅塔跌跌撞撞,吵闹的交锋激起了詹姆斯家乡的球迷.

当詹姆斯和帕尔梅塔在本轮比赛的最后时刻猛烈挥拳时,人群再次站起来 10. 詹姆斯保持着他在军械库的完美记录 99-91 和 98-92 两次.

“我知道我可以再次成为冠军,因为我曾经是冠军,”詹姆斯说. “我必须保持专注. 呆在健身房里,然后回来研究这场战斗——实际上, 我的最后两场战斗——并加强它. 感谢明尼阿波利斯的每个人都来向我表达爱意。”

在转播揭幕战, 超轻量级竞争者猫王罗德里格斯(14-1-1,12 科斯) 克服了起步缓慢的困难,赢得了对强硬打击的多数决定约瑟夫·阿多诺(17-2-2, 14 科斯) 后 10 发.

“戒指生锈绝对是一个因素,”罗德里格斯说. “也许在某种程度上,这场斗争更多是精神上的而不是身体上的, 但重要的是我克服了它。”

几轮之后互相感觉不对劲, 阿多诺是第一个获得成功的人, 展示了用钩子钩住身体和头部的各种攻击. 就在收盘前,他用几个反勾拳打破了强劲的第四轮.

在第五轮比赛开始升温, 罗德里格斯也开始为他的进攻找到归宿, 同时仍然受到阿多诺的持续回击. 罗德里格斯最终将在第七轮控制比赛, 打出完美的右勾拳 这严重伤害了阿多诺. 罗德里格斯迅速跟进,将阿多诺逼到画布上得分击倒, 尽管阿多诺能够继续战斗并通过回合.

“一旦我击中了右勾拳,我就以为我抓住了他, 但他站起来了,”罗德里格斯说. “他是一名战士,也是一名优秀的战士……第七轮非常棒, 那是我真正开始赢得这场战斗的时候. 我必须赞扬阿多诺的精明,并且知道如何在此之前保持距离。”

罗德里格斯在接下来的比赛中一直保持着这种势头, 走出登陆阿多诺 52 到 33 通过第七轮 10. Freddie Roach 训练有素的竞争者在最后一局中打破了他的胜利, 左路着陆,裁判 Jon Schorle 裁定击倒, 尽管阿多诺反对, 谁觉得他在交流中被绊倒了.

在 10 轮之后,罗德里格斯在评委的卡片上取得了胜利, 作为一个分数 94-94 被计数否决了 95-93 和 97-91. 战后, 阿多诺表示相信他早年的成功足以让他获得更好的成绩, 而罗德里格斯将目光投向了新的 140 磅冠军马蒂亚斯.

“我以为评委是瞎子,”阿多诺说. “我赢不了这些评委. 我不知道你怎么看这场战斗 97-91. 我以为我赢了每一轮,除了他丢给我的那几轮。他从来没有让我失望过. 我在他的脸上刺了一拳,然后把他紧紧地贴在身体上. 他什么也做不了. 他不可能赢七轮. 我想 94-94 没关系,因为两次击倒。”

“就像我昨天在称重时所说的那样, 带来主赛事的获胜者,”罗德里格斯说. “还有我在多米尼加共和国的人民, 只知道下次我会更大胆、更好地回来。”

在电视转播之前, SHOWTIME BOXING COUNTDOWN 节目在SHOWTIME SPORTS YouTube 频道 和欣欣拳击Facebook页面 并在一场次中量级比赛中名列前茅,明尼阿波利斯本地人维肖恩欧文斯(14-3, 12 科斯) 一致决定库德拉蒂略·阿卜杜卡霍罗夫(18-2, 10 科斯) 10轮后. 法官的得分分别为 99-91, 98-92 和 97-93.

流媒体动作还包括受过训练的罗尼·希尔兹 (Ronnie Shields)威利·琼斯(9-2, 6 科斯) 交付一个恶性首轮淘汰赛 超过之前的不败德里克·杰克逊(10-1, 5 科斯) 刚 1:22 进入他们的次中量级比赛, 加上耸人听闻的超轻量级前景迈克尔·斯宾塞(3-0, 2 科斯), 与他的哥哥和不败的竞争者乔伊斯宾塞一起观看马戏团, 拆除马加里托埃尔南德斯(3-5-1) 赢得第一轮将军澳 2:18 投入战斗.

周六的 SHOWTIME 拳击冠军赛电视转播将于周日重播, 二月 26 在 9 A.M. ET/PT 在 SHOWTIME 和星期一, 二月 27 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

资深体育解说员布莱恩·卡斯特 主持SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING电视转播同时多才多艺的格斗运动代言人毛罗Ranallo与名人堂分析师一起处理逐项行动铝伯恩斯坦 三处世界冠军押尼珥Mares. 三位名人堂成员组成了电视转播团队——艾美奖® 获奖记者吉姆·格雷, 世界著名的环形播音员吉米·列侬, JR. 和拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood 作为非官方得分手. 执行制片人曾四次获得艾美奖大卫·丁金斯, JR., 同雷·斯马尔茨三世 生产和查克·麦基恩导演. 前中量级世界冠军和的ShoBox: 新一代® 评论员Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez 和体育节目主持人亚历杭德罗·卢纳 担任西班牙语专业分析师,负责二级音频节目 (SAP). 

SHOWTIME BOXING COUNTDOWN 秀由屡获殊荣的拳击手主持MORNING KOMBAT 现场数字脱口秀主持人卢克托马斯 和布赖恩·坎贝尔, 他还担任流行的专家分析师的ShoBox® 系列。

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欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在推特上关注#MatiasPonce @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

Rising Star Tim Tszyu Makes Much Anticipated U.S. Debut Facing U.S. 奥林匹亚特雷尔·高莎星期六, 三月 26 住在Showtime

Rising Undefeated Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Duels Fellow Unbeaten Joseph Adorno in Co-Main Event

Super Lightweight Contender Elvis Rodríguez Takes on
Juan José Velasco in Telecast Opener at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT


明尼阿波利斯 – 三月 9, 2022 - Top super welterweight contender and rising star 蒂姆·楚 will make his long-awaited U.S. 在他对美国的比赛中首次亮相. 奥林匹亚 特雷尔Gausha 在周六的 SHOWTIME 现场直播的 12 轮对决中, 三月 26 来自明尼阿波利斯军械库的顶级拳击冠军赛.

欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT,并将以不败的轻量级竞争者为特色 米歇尔·里维拉 决斗的家伙不败 约瑟夫“祝福之手”阿多诺 在10轮联合主赛事中, 加上强硬的超轻量级竞争者 埃尔维斯罗德里格斯 面孔 约翰·约瑟夫·贝拉斯科 在 10 轮电视转播开场白中.

“Tim Tszyu has risen up the rankings and established himself as a serious contender at the top of the loaded 154-pound division, and he’ll look to make a splash stateside when he faces the highly-skilled and experienced Terrell Gausha,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “The action will be coming throughout this lineup, as lightweight phenom Michel Rivera takes on the undefeated Joseph Adorno, while Elvis Rodríguez looks to continue his ascent in the super lightweight division against the always tough Juan José Velasco.”

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 无极限拳击和勇士拳击, 现已发售,可在军械库购买 HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ 并通过Ticketmaster.

The son of former unified champion Kostya, 蒂姆·楚 (20-0, 15 科斯) has quickly made a name for himself as one of the most promising contenders at 154-pounds. Tszyu headlines on SHOWTIME following in his father’s footsteps after Kostya competed 10 times on the network, including memorable knockouts of Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. and Zab Judah. Fighting out of his native Sydney, 澳大利亚, Tszyu will make his U.S. debut on March 26 after earning his first 20 pro wins in his home country. The 27-year-old went the 12-round distance for the first time in his last fight, dominating Takeshi Inoue on his way to a unanimous decision in November 2021. The decision victory came after Tszyu had put together stoppage wins in eight of his previous ten outings.

“I’m very excited to be fighting in the U.S., 尤其是在Showtime, where my dad was featured for most of his career,” said Tszyu. “I’m proud and excited to continue on the Tszyu name with SHOWTIME. Once I take care of Gausha, I will be coming for the title.”

的成员 2012 中美. 国奥队, Gausha (22-2-1, 11 科斯) 出生于克利夫兰, Ohio but now fights out of Encino, 加利福尼亚州。, where he is trained by Manny Robles and Prenice Brewer. The 34-year-old has faced tough competition throughout his career, having fought former champion Austin Trout to a draw in 2019 in addition to decision losses against former champion Erislandy Lara and top contender Erickson Lubin. Gausha showed improved power in his most recent bout, stopping rising contender Jamontay Clark in two rounds in March 2021.

I’ve been ready for this fight for a long time,说高沙. “I came into this game to be a world champion and fight the best. I expect Tim to come in great shape and I’ll also come in my best shape to put on a great fight for the fans. My coaches are getting me prepared perfectly for the kind of fight I need to put on so that I can leave the ring victorious.

出生在圣多明各, 多米尼加共和国,现在正在与迈阿密搏斗, 佛罗里达州. 里维拉 (22-0, 14 科斯) 突然出现在 2019, 让他的美国. debut with a victory over Rene Tellez Giron on 的ShoBox: 新一代®. 这位 23 岁的年轻人继续他在 2020, 添加对小菲德尔·马尔多纳多的补时胜利. 以及对轻量级竞争者拉达里厄斯米勒的一致决定胜利. Rivera carried his dominance into 2021 三场胜利, including a stoppage of Anthony Mercado in February before delivering a highlight-reel knockout of Jon Fernandez in July on SHOWTIME. He most recently scored a shutout unanimous decision over Matias Romero in October.

“This is a great opportunity for me to display my talents once again against a high-quality opponent in Joseph Adorno,“里维拉说. “I’m ready to take on anyone willing to challenge me until my time comes to fight for the world title. My goal is to be victorious on March 26 and then face Gervonta Davis for his title. With each fight I’m getting closer to reaching that goal. I can’t wait to show off all the hard work that I’ve put into this camp on fight night.”

阿多诺 (14-0-2, 12 科斯) has fought to a draw in each of his last two fights, dropping fellow unbeaten Jamaine Ortiz twice in April 2021 after dueling Héctor “Guadaña” García in January 2020. The 22-year-old was born in Union City, New Jersey and now resides in Allentown, 霸。, having fought in nearby Philadelphia five times throughout his career. Adorno turned pro in 2016 在年龄 17 after a standout amateur career where he amassed a 178-22 record and beat Shakur Stevenson’s twice. He has scored knockout victories in nine of his first 10 亲打架.

“This fight is a chance for me to show my true talents,”阿多诺说. “Not taking anything away from Rivera, but I know I’m going to be the better fighter on March 26. I’m working with a new trainer, Raúl ‘Chino’ Rivas, who has trained many talented fighters, and I’m ready to showcase myself at my very best. I’m more focused than ever and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by. Everybody better be ready for a show on March 26.”

罗德里格斯 (12-1-1, 11 科斯) bounced back from his first career defeat, a majority decision loss to Kenneth Sims Jr., to knockout the previously unbeaten Juan Pablo Romero on the Canelo vs. Plant SHOWTIME PPV® undercard in November. The 26-year-old burst onto the scene with knockout victories in 10 他第一 11 fights and put together an impressive five wins in 2020. Originally from Santo Domingo, 多明尼加共和国, Rodríguez now lives in Los Angeles

“March 26 is another step toward my world championship goal,” said Rodríguez. “I am fighting a tough veteran fighter who has faced top-level competition. I’ve stayed in camp through Christmas so that I can be 100% ready for this fight. Winning on March 26 means a lot for my career and I hope that a win will put me in contention for a title shot this year. I want to show the world that I’m ready for the big names in the division.”

The 34-year-old Velasco (23-2, 14 科斯) enters this fight on a three-bout winning streak, having most recently earned a split decision victory over Zachary Ochoa in February 2021. A native of Jujuy, 阿根廷, Velasco has tangled with some of the toughest fighters in the 140-pound division, including former champions Mario Barrios and Regis Prograis. Velasco will fight in the U.S. for the fifth time on March 26.

“I’m very honored to be on a great card like this,” said Velasco. “This is actually the second time that I’ve been preparing to face Rodríguez, so I know what I’m up against. He’s going to come into the right at 100%, just like I will. May the best man win on March 26.”

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#TszyuGausha, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

Team Ortiz moves on from disputed draw Feeling Confident Undefeated Lightweight Jamaine Ortiz Made Loud Statement

伍斯特, 质量. (四月 29, 2021) – Despite a disputed draw with unbeaten约瑟夫“祝福之手”阿多诺 (14-0-2, 12 科斯) last Saturday night in Kissimmee, 佛罗里达, 轻量级前景Jamaine“技术员”奥尔蒂斯 (14-0-1, 8 科斯) displayed his vast skills and courage on ESPN+.

Recovering from two knockdowns (the first from an illegal punch behind the head) and still taking the fight to the promoter’s fighter, Ortiz won six of the eight rounds but, 可惜, he had to settled for an 8-round majority draw with (76-74, 75-75-75) Adorno.

奥尔蒂斯, fighting out of Worcester, 马萨诸塞州, is the reigning WBC USNBC (我们。) Silver lightweight champion, as well as a former WBC World Youth lightweight titlist.

“I didn’t fight my fight,” Ortiz evaluated his performance. “I fought too much instead of being ‘The Technician.’ Before the fight, I thought I was the B-side fighter and wanted to please the crowd. I didn’t realize that I was on the A-side (thanks to his promoter吉米·伯奇菲尔德) and the betting favorite. I was fighting a Top Rank guy and felt that I had to bring the fight to him. Muscle memory, 我猜, from back in the amateurs. I was fighting on his stage, so I put pressure on him. If the fight went the distance, I wanted to make sure the scoring was clear and obvious. I knew I’d break him down because I had better stamina and skills.

“I fought him too much, but I still thought I won the fight. The 76-74 score made sense. I won every round but the second and seventh (rounds of knockdowns).  I didn’t agree with the one judge who had him (阿多诺) winning the sixth. He hit me behind the head in the third round and I was off balance. But the referee does his job and mine is to fight. Nothing I could do about it. The plan was to box him, going to the body, but not switch stances because it would expose me. I had to go to the body, always part of my plan, but I wasn’t ‘The Technician.’ Sometimes I switch stances without realizing it. I got clipped in the seventh round (uppercut that resulted in a standing 8 计数) when I was switching for first time. I handled it like a pro. I got up and felt good. I survived the round by holding a few times and then I came back again.”

伯奇菲尔德, head of Classic Sports and Entertainment (首席执行官), knows Ortiz showed that he’s somebody lightweights will have to reckon with in the immediate future.

“Jamaine’s stock went up for the second fight in a row (last November he registered a sensational stoppage of苏莱曼濑川 (13-3-1, 4 科斯), who had never been previously stopped, in seventh-round on the Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, JR. pay-per-event),” Burchfield added. “Adorno is an animal when he’s in control of a fight. Jamaine had to take control of the fight by being the aggressor but, as ‘The Technician, knowing when to fight and when to box. The punch in the second round was, 无疑, behind the head, clearly a foul, and it was more of a slip than a knockdown because he was off balance. If that punch was disallowed, Jamaine wins the fight, even if he had lost the round. He (Emil Lombardi) is a quality ref who made a mistake. Maybe he didn’t catch it because of the angle he had, which is why I’m a firm believer in instant replay, and It would have been ruled a non-knockdown.

“Going into the seventh, I thought Jamaine led by 2-3 points having taken five of the previous six rounds. Jamaine showed the world his endurance when he came back so strong in the eighth round. If the fight had been 10-round, or even 30-sconds longer, no disrespect to Adorno, Jamaine would have knocked him out. Jamaine is the real deal. He certainly proved he’s TV friendly after his last two fights and he deserves to be mentioned among the top 135-pounders in the world. Any takers?”

Ortiz’ managerDick Shappy, had mixed emotions after the fight, understanding that Ortiz raised the bar, even though he fought to a draw.

“I wish he had won,” Shappy remarked, “but a draw wasn’t too bad under the circumstances. I though Jamaine won the fight outright. If not for that illegal punch in the second, he won the fight on their scorecards. It still shouldn’t have been ruled a knockdown, more of a slip, because he was going forward and lost balance. It never should have been 10-8. Adorno would have lost if they had to go into the championship rounds. Jamaine was more skilled, he did a good job.”

Count no less than former Olympic gold medalist and 2-division World Champion沃德, who served as color commentator for Ortiz-Adorno, among those impressed by Ortiz.

“Ortiz outworked Adorno, 毫无疑问, and he never backed down,” Ward commented on air. “I want to see more of Ortiz!“

As entertaining as Ortiz-Adorno was – it may have stolen the entire show – it’s unlikely that there will be a rematch.

“I don’t think he wants to fight me again,” Ortiz reported. “He said something about maybe when we both have world title belts.”

Ortiz has taken advantage of the tremendous opportunities for worldwide exposure in his last two fights. His reward will certainly come, 及时, moving up the ratings as people continue jumping on “The Technician” bandwagon.

Undefeated lightweight Jamaine Ortiz Takes on Unbeaten joseph adorno

The Technician” vs. “Blessed Hands”

This Saturday in Florida on ESPN+

伍斯特, 质量. (四月 19, 2021) – Rarely do undefeated prospects with double-digit victories fight each other because of the perceived risk like lightweightsJamaine“技术员”奥尔蒂斯 (14-0, 8 科斯) 和约瑟夫“祝福之手”阿多诺 (14-0-1, 12 科斯) will do this Saturday night, 四月 24, at Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, Florida.

8轮Adorno vs. 奥尔蒂斯 战斗, 直播ESPN+, will be on the Top Rank card headlined (在ESPN) by WBO World featherweight championEmanuel Navarette (32-1, 24 科斯) defending his title against challengerChristopher Diaz (26-2, 16 科斯).    

Both young lightweights were decorated USA amateur boxers who are rising stars in arguably boxing’s most loaded division.

“I’m counting the days,” Ortiz said about his fight with Adorno. “I’ve trained hard my whole life. When an opportunity like this comes, I’m ready to prove myself. I think I’ll have a spectacular performance and impress the crowd like I usually do. I’m fighting on another big card; I’m going up not down.”

The reigning WBC USNBC (我们。) Silver lightweight champion, in addition to being a former WBC World Youth lightweight titlist, the 24-year-old Ortiz recently cracked the top 40 in the WBC ratings at 31, and he’s also ranked No. 5 by the NABF.

Ortiz is coming off a sensational, high-profile knockout of苏莱曼濑川 (13-3-1, 4 科斯), who had never been stopped, in the seventh round last November on the Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, JR. pay-per-view event.

The lone blemish on the 21-year-old Adorno’s pro record came in his last fight, back on January 11, 2020, when he fought an 8-round split draw with赫克托·加西亚 (14-7-3).  Born in New Jersey and raised in Puerto Rico, Adorno lives and trains in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Ortiz surprisingly may have what amounts to a “hometown” advantage, at least in terms of vocal support, largely because many of his New England friends and family are flying down to Florida to attend the fight, along with his Florida fans.

“My father lived in Florida and I visited him during summers, and I went to second grade there,” Ortiz explained. “I have a big family-base in Orlando. A lot of family and friends from Worcester are going to the fight. I’m surprised by how many people will be there for me.”

Ortiz is promoted by吉米·伯奇菲尔德的经典娱乐和体育 (CES), which will co-promoteAdorno vs. 奥尔蒂斯 with Top Rank, 并由以下人员管理Dick Shappy

“Both teams need to be complimented for taking a fight like this.” Burchfield commented. “Two undefeated, young boxers like this fighting each other is what real boxing is all about. 阿鲁姆, Carl Moretti Team Top Rank have been friends of mine for so many years.

“We turned Jamaine pro and through all these years as a promoter (32ND), 有可能, every decade or so you have a special one like Jamaine, who can become the future of boxing. When you find a fighter who can box, punch and set-up his punches very well, he’s special and I feel Jamaine is special like that, not only in the ring but outside as well. I don’t worry about getting a late-night call about him. He is a total professional, no distractions with him. Jamaine works as a carpenter, he’s learning the real estate business, and he’s also looking into the medical field in the future. He reminds me of糖光芒伦纳德 和Oscar De Lay Hoya.  He has that charisma and is a technician in the ring. A very smart kid in the ring. He has a spectacular team of managers and trainer to work with, 太。”

“For many years,” Shappy added, “our management team (含埃迪Imondi) had been searching for the right boxer to come along that had the potential to be a world champ. We are very confident that we have found that person, Jamaine ‘The Technician’ Ortiz.”

Rare as it may be in boxing, the reward is ultimately worth the risk for these legitimate fighters, Ortiz and Adormo.

Frank De Alba ready for showdown with Ivan Najera this Tuesday night at Sands Bethlehem Event Center

De Alba takes on Ivan Najera in main event
Undefeated Mykal Fox takes on Manuel Reyes
Ricardo Garcia fights Victor Vazquez
Plus undefeated Marcus Bates, 约瑟夫·阿多诺, 胡安·桑切斯, Hector Bayanilla, Harold Lopez & 儒勒·马蒂诺在行动
Also the pro debut of Michael Polite-Coffie

伯利恒, PA (十一月 17, 2017) – Frank De Alba is ready to close out 2017 with a bang when he takes on Ivan Najera (17-3, 8 科斯) in the ten-round super featherwight bout 周二晚上. 11月21日 金沙伯利恒活动中心 伯利恒, PA.
读德阿尔瓦, 霸. 有创纪录 22-2 九击倒.
该 30 year-old De Alba will be looking for his 6th consecutive victory as he has had a terrific year with wins over German Meraz and Ryan Kielczewski (26-2) 在 2017.
“一切都很好. I put in a hard eight-week camp,” 说德阿尔瓦.
De Alba and Najera were originally supposed to get together earlier this year, but Najera had to pull out.
I am excited to be able to finally get in the ring with him. We were supposed to fight in June. He pulled out at the last minute and that made me angry, because I trained hard for a full camp, but now I finally get my opportunity to fight him.
A win over Najera and a 6th straight win will De Alba should facilitate big opportunities for De Alba in 2018.
A win over him will have me on top and on my way. It will set me up for a big opportunity in 2018. Hopefully a win will get me a shot at one of those major regional titles and then eventually a world title. I just hope everyone comes out and support this show 周二. Everyone knows when a Puerto Rican fighter and a Mexican fighter get together, the fight usually produces fireworks and Tuesday night should be no different.
在八轮的共同特征, 不败 麦凯乐福克斯 (14-0, 4 科斯) Forestville的, MD takes on Manuel Reyes (11-3-1, 5 科斯) of Los Angeles in a junior welterweight bout.
Also in an eight-round bout, 维克托·巴斯克斯 (8-3, 3 科斯) 扬克斯的, NY will square off with undefeated 里卡多·加西亚 (14-0, 9 KO的) 圣多明各, Dominican Republic in a lightweight fight.
An exciting undercard has been put together that will features some of the best prospects in the Lehigh Valley:
Highly-touted prospect 约瑟夫·阿多诺 (4-0, 4 科斯) 阿伦敦, PA将在 Jahaziel Vasquez (1-4) 蒙特雷, Mexico in a super featherweight bout.

马库斯·贝茨 (7-0-1, 6 科斯) 华盛顿, DC战斗 安东尼奥·罗德里格斯 (11-19-1, 5 科斯) 杜兰戈, MX in a super bantamweight bout.

胡安·桑切斯 (3-0, 1 KO) 伯利恒, PA will take on pro debuting James Early (2-1) of Seat Pleasant, MD in a featherweight contest.
Jose Elizondo (2-3-1) 圣安东尼奥, Texas will fight Hector Bayanilla (1-0-1, 1 KO) 阿伦敦, PA in a super bantamweight affair.
Michael Polite-Coffie 布鲁克林, 纽约将他的亲亮相反对 Ralph Alexander(0-1) of Lanham, Maryland in a heavyweight fight.
Harold Lopez (1-0-1, 1 KO) 阿伦敦, PA将在 杰罗德·迈纳 (1-0) of Philadelphia in a light flyweight fight.

儒勒·马蒂诺 (1-0) 阿伦敦, PA将在 Weusi Johnson (2-6) 威尔明顿, Delaware in a featherweight bout.

门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $50, $75 和 $100, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电 (800) 745-3000.
十一体育可在 70 比利时全球百万家庭, 意大利, 卢森堡, 波兰, 新加坡, 台湾和美国. 3月在美国上市 2017, 十一体育致力于提供世界级的国内外体育和生活方式娱乐“为球迷”. 体育迷将享受到新兴和成熟体育的独特组合,以提供引人入胜且引人入胜的现场娱乐, 将观众置于动作的核心.
就像我们在Facebook: 十一体育美国
跟随我们的Twitter: @ElevenSportsUSA
在 Instagram 上关注我们: 十一体育美国

Frank De Alba takes on Ivan Najera on Tuesday, November 21st at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Undefeated Mykal Fox takes on Marlon Aguas in co-feature bout
Ricardo Garcia fights Victor Vazquez
Plus undefeated Joseph Adorno, 胡安·桑切斯, Josephat Ortiz, Hector Bayanilla & Harold Lopez in action
Also the pro debut of Michael Polite-Coffie

伯利恒, PA (十月 13, 2017) – 本地喜爱 弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 will take on battle-tested Ivan Najera in the ten-round super featherweight main event on 周二晚上,11月21日 伯利恒金沙活动中心.
The nine-bout card is promoted by King’s Promotions.
读德阿尔瓦, 霸. 有创纪录 22-2 九击倒.
该 30 year-old De Alba has is a six-year professional who has wins over Andrew Bentley (1-0), 何塞·布斯托斯 (8-2-3), 贝尔纳多·戈麦斯·乌里韦 (16-3), 其中埃文斯 (12-2-1), and in his last bout where he won a eight-round unanimous decision over Ryan Kielczewski (26-2) 上4月4日 在金沙伯利恒活动中心. De Alba has won five straight.
Najera of San Antonio, 得克萨斯州的记录 17-3 八击倒.
该 24 year-old Najera is also a six year veteran, who has amassed wins over Pedro Martinez (2-0), Jerry Fuentes (2-0), 天使埃尔南德斯 (8-1), 斯坦Martyniouk (13-1), and his last bout when he won an eight-round majority decision over Francisco Valdez on 3月25日 in Guadalajara, 墨西哥
在八轮的共同特征, 不败 麦凯乐福克斯 将争夺 马龙·沃特斯 在次中量级回合.
福雷斯特的福克斯, 马里兰州有一个记录 14-0 四击倒.
该 21 year-old Fox continues to step up the competition, and he is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Damiel Sostre on 6月3日 in Fort Washington, 马里兰.
Aguas of Ecuador has a record of 9-1 有六个淘汰赛, and is looking to get back in the win column after being stopped by undefeated Ivan Golub on 3月25日 在迈阿密, 俄克拉何马州.
Also in an eight-round bout, 维克托·巴斯克斯 (8-3, 3 科斯) 扬克斯的, NY will square off with undefeated 里卡多·加西亚 (14-0, 9 KO的) 圣多明各, Domincan Republic in a lightweight fight.
An exciting undercard has been put together that will features some of the best prospects in the Lehigh Valley:
Highly-touted prospect 约瑟夫·阿多诺 (4-0, 4 科斯) 阿伦敦, PA will take on an opponent to be named in a super featherweight bout.
胡安·桑切斯 (3-0, 1 KO) 伯利恒, PA will take on pro debuting Derrick Pitts 辛辛那提, OH in a featherweight contest.
Josephat Ortiz (2-0, 1 KO) 读, PA会打 布莱恩·佩雷斯 (2-8-1, 1 KO) 北卡罗来纳, Puerto Rico in a featherweight bout.
Jose Elizondo (2-3-1) 圣安东尼奥, Texas will fight Hector Bayanilla (1-0-1, 1 KO) 阿伦敦, PA in a super bantamweight affair.
Michael Polite-Coffie 布鲁克林, NY will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named in a heavyweight fight.
Harold Lopez (1-0-1, 1 KO) 阿伦敦, PA will take on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight fight.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $50, $75 和 $100, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电 (800) 745-3000.
十一体育可在 70 比利时全球百万家庭, 意大利, 卢森堡, 波兰, 新加坡, 台湾和美国. 3月在美国上市 2017, 十一体育致力于提供世界级的国内外体育和生活方式娱乐“为球迷”. 体育迷将享受到新兴和成熟体育的独特组合,以提供引人入胜且引人入胜的现场娱乐, 将观众置于动作的核心.
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在 Instagram 上关注我们: 十一体育美国