Arkivji Tag: Jose Antonio Rivera. Peter Quillin

“Futur 5 ġdid Ingilterra” Press Conference Quotes

“Futur 5 ġdid Ingilterra”
Frar. 10 Worcester, MA
(L-R) – Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera and Kevin “Il buli New England” Cobbs
WORCESTER, Massa. (Jannar 18, 2018) – Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE) hosted a press conference last night in Worcester, Massachusetts at Beatniks to formally announce its February 10th “Futur 5 ġdid Ingilterra” fil Il Palladium Worcester.
Undefeated Hartford (CT) heavyweight dawl Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos) will headline the fifth installment of the “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra” serje, kontra Kevin “Il buli New England” Cobbs (10-2, 4 Kos), fighting out of South Boston (MA), għall-Federazzjoni vakanti Boxing Universali (UBF) titolu New England fil-każ prinċipali tmien round.
żewġ time champion nazzjonali dilettanti Worcester tal Bobby “BH3” Harris, III (2-0) jissodisfa middleweight super Brażiljan Saul Almeida (0-8-1) fl-erba round avveniment ko dehru, while Hartford super middleweight Jose “Rated R” Rivera (4-1, 3 Kos) jissodisfa Troy “Omar KO Artist” artist (4-7-1 (3 Kos), tal Danbury (CT) fil-logħba sitt round.
“Futur 5 ġdid Ingilterra” charity choice: Luis Rosa, Jr. Fond Scholarship
For each RPR event, promotur Jose Antonio Rivera selects a charity to donate a portion of the proceeds to, and for “Futur 5 ġdid Ingilterra” he has announced that it will be the Luis Rosa, Jr. Fond Scholarship.
We believe it’s important to give back to the community and for this show we have selected the Luis Rosa, Jr. Scholarship fund. Luis died last weekend in a tragic car accident at the age of 26. He was a great fighter and an even better person who will be terribly missed. Our company will also push the news about the Luis Rosa, Jr. Scholarship Fund when it’s finalized through our social media.
Il-ġlieda kontra fuq il-undercard, kollha f'erba round bouts, are Danbury junior welterweight Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Puerto Rican foe Alexander “el Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), Southbridge (MA) welterweight junior Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (3-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-Debuting Nick Peralta, Lawrence, undefeated Springfield (MA) heavyweight dawl Ray “bazooka” Graceski (5-0, 3 Kos). vs. Hartford s pro-debuting paul Bansiak, Springfield welterweight Derrick “Bad Boy” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2), ilu ma jitlef Puerto middleweight super Rika Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 Kos) vs. Brażiljan Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), Bridgeport s (CT) welterweight pro-debuting joseph Goss vs. Seth Basler (0-3), u Hartford junior ħfief vs. Bridgeport s Carlos Marraro, III (0-1).
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
QUOTES Konferenza Stampa
Jose Rivera, RPE CEO: “I’m excited because a press conference means the fights are getting closer. We plan to build our promotional company this year. There is a lot of talent in New England and that’s why we have so many Connecticut fighters on this card. I want the fighters here to understand the importance of a press conference. They will gain valuable experience speaking in public and being interviewed by the media. One of the primary reasons we’re promoting is to give young fighters a platform to box and prepare them for their pro careers.
A.J. Rivera, RPE President/Matchmaker: “The support we’ve received has been tremendous and we exceeded expectations in our first year. This is just the begining for RPE. We’re going to get better this year. We’re not satisfied just being a small promotional company. Boxing is the loneliest sport in the world and these boxers need fanssupport. There’s a lot of talent in New England and much of it is concentrated in Connecticut. We have more Connecticut fighters on this card than fighters from Massachusetts.
Richard Rivera: “Din hija opportunità kbira għalija. Rivera Promotions accomplished so much in its first year. I fought in the co-main twice of two previous RPE shows I fought on. This is going to be an awesome show, not just the main event. There are competitive boxers up and down the card. M'għandekx blink, don’t go to the bathroom because any one of these fights could end at any time.
This is a big step up for my career. Boxing is my passion. We’re both coming to fight. Win, lose or draw we’ll see who the Alpha dog is at the end. “I’m ‘Popeye The Sailor Man’, and I’m good to the finish because I eat my spinach.
Kevin Cobbs: “I respect Rivera and believe in what I hear. He seems like a good dude. I’m excited about this fight. A lot of people weren’t sure about what I was doing because I hadn’t fought fi żmien sentejn when I got the call (to fight Rivera). Boxing took me out of the space was in and I never stopped boxing. This is going to be a big year for the Rivera’s. I like to switch it up and I’m ready to go.
Bobby Harris, III: “My opponent wants to redeem his brother’s loss to me. I want to thank RPE for putting me in the co-feature in only my third pro fight. My first two fights were a learning experience and this fight I’m looking to make a statement to showcase my talents. I have a lot to prove as the only Worcester fighter on this card.
Omar Bordoy, Jr:I’m fighting a tough opponent. Fighting is easier for me than talking up here. I’m fighting a guy from Hartford. I have a lot of love for his trainer and Hartford. I want my hand raised at the end of the fight.
Derrick Whitley:I want to thank Rivera Promotions for putting me on this card. I fought on two of their shows last year and came out 2-0. I’m looking to be 3-0. It was a learning experience going from the amateurs to pros. Everybody’s goal is to raise your level. I’m in the best shape of my life for this fight and doing things in the gym I’ve never done before. I’m looking for a stoppage.
Wilfredo Pagan: “Jien 37 years old and I’ve always had a glad to fight at least one pro fight. A couple of fights fell through but the Riveras opened the doors for me. I put it all into my fights. I was looking for one fight and this will be my fourth. I’m going to be 4-0.
Carlos Marraro, III: I want to thank Rivera Promotions for the opportunity to showcase my talents February 10th. This will be my first fight on a Rivera Promotions card, but I’m familiar with most of the fighters on this card.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), huma għall-bejgħ u disponibbli għax-xiri fuq jew l-uffiċċju kaxxa Palladium (ammissjoni ġenerali biss), jew billi tikkuntattja Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera ( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda.
Bibien miftuħa fi 6 p.m. U, ewwel bout 7 p.m. U.
Sponsors jinkludu Lundgren Honda, Royalty Fuq, Allstate, USANA, Atty. maria M. Rivera-Cotto, ambizzjoni Musik, Hill Team Associates and Lundren Insurance & Servizzi finanzjarji.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera qawwija biex jintemm minħabba li hu jiekol spinaċi tiegħu

Undefeated dawl Hartford prospett heavyweight aħbarijiet vs. Kevin Cobbs
“Futur 5 ġdid Ingilterra”
Frar. 10 Worcester, MA
Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera
(Ritratt minn @Bonesprostudio)
WORCESTER, Massa. (Jannar 8, 2018) – Wieħed mill-prospetti aktar popolari boxing New England, undefeated Hartford (CT) heavyweight dawl Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos), rieda lett tielet juru tiegħu IS-SIBT lejl, Frar 10, fil Il Palladium Worcester, Massachusetts.
Fil-ħames pagament tal- “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra” serje, ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Rivera Divertiment (RPE), l Rivera 27-il sena jissodisfa Kevin “KRAY 2 UNKL” Cobbs (10-2, 4 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Burlington (VT), għall-Federazzjoni vakanti Boxing Universali (UBF) titolu New England fil-każ prinċipali tmien round.
Rivera, li kien 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament ċampjin, huwa ġejjin off sensazzjonali tat-tieni rawnd eliminatorja tal veteran 146-ġlieda Roberto Valenzuela dan Diċembru passat 9 f'Hampton, New Hampshire.
“I am eċċitati li jkollhom boxing Richie għat-titlu UBF New England daqshekk kmieni fil-karriera pro tiegħu,”” qal promotur Jose Antonio Rivera, l irtirat 3-żmien, 2-champion tad-dinja diviżjoni. “Dan huwa l-tielet darba aħna kellna l-privileġġ minnu ġlieda kontra fuq waħda mill-karti tagħna. Huwa ġġieldu fil-avveniment ewlieni tal-aħħar juru tagħna (Ottubru) fiċ-Ċentru DCU. Rivera jistenna aħjar u aktar qawwi kull darba I watch lilu ġlieda. Nara affarijiet kbar li ġejjin għalih. Huwa għandu l-għodod u dixxiplina trainer jistenna għal u Boxer jeħtieġ li jsir champion tad-dinja. Il-sema hija l-limitu għall Richard u, għal issa, aħna grati li jilagħbu parti żgħira biex jgħin jiżviluppa l-karriera professjonali tiegħu.”
Rivera b'suċċess fis-suq persona Popeye tiegħu matul il-karriera tiegħu żgħażagħ boksing pro, liebes kappa baħri tal fil-ring ma 'dangling tradizzjonali pajp Popeye simili fil-ħalq tiegħu. “Hemm bosta raġunijiet għal laqam tiegħi, "Popeye", imma meta kelli żgħażagħ ħafna,” Rivera spjegata, “Kelli dirgħajn kbar anormali. Hija biss mwaħħla miegħi matul is-snin, meta n-nies imsemmija lili fil-gym, hekk stajt run magħha. Jien jġibu ħajja lura lill Hartford ma 'paċenzja, kollha fuq New England, ma 'paċenzja, perseveranza u l-istil. I jgħixu fil-mument.”
Għalkemm huwa ma jirbaħ premjijiet kbar ħafna jew tournaments bħala Boxer dilettanti, Rivera kisbet esperjenza imprezzabbli boxing ħafna mill-dilettanti aqwa fi New England u fl-avvenimenti nazzjonali, kif ukoll sparring mal-tipi ta ċampjins tad-dinja li qabel kienu Peter “Ċikkulata Kid” Quillin, Ċad Dawson u Joe Smith, Jr. Huwa tgħallmu wkoll minn żmien mgħoddi fil-ċirku ma 'ta' qabel challengers titolu Iżrael “pjuttost” Cardona u John Scully.
“I ħa ħin tiegħi tidwir pro minħabba I ma kellhomx sistema ta 'appoġġ biex jiksbu me lill-livell li jmiss,” Rivera nnutat. “I kien prekarju. Il-feedback pożittiv I riċevuti minn ġellieda I sparred trasferita ġewwa l-kunfidenza tiegħi. Issa, biss sitt ġlieda pro tiegħi, I se jkunu headlining għat-tielet darba, u l-ġlieda għall-ewwel titlu tiegħi. I can not nirringrazzja lill-Riveras (Jose u ibnu, A.J.) biżżejjed għal dak li ghamilt għalija. Li ħadthom emmnu lili.”
Fl-ewwel, Rivera kien kemmxejn riluttanti biex jiġġieldu l Cobb aktar esperjenza imma, wara li tagħmel xi riċerka, hu aċċetta l-isfida. “I kien ftit nervuża fl-ewwel,” huwa ammetta. “Ftit kienu interrogazzjoni jekk I kien lest li jitilgħu għal ġlieda lilu. Jien għamilt xi riċerka: huwa ma jkollhom karriera dilettanti akbar, jew ġġieldu aktar sitt jew tmien rawnds tissielet minn lili. UI kien soċju sparring għall-ewwel pro li tħabbat lilu, Tyron Burris(TKO2 fl 2012). Jien lest! Jien 27 u l-ħtieġa ġlieda bħal dan.”
żewġ time champion nazzjonali dilettanti Worcester tal Bobby “BH3” Harris, III jissodisfa middleweight Brażiljan Saul Almeida (0-8-1) fl-erba round avveniment ko dehru.
Il-ġlieda kontra fuq il-undercard, kollha f'erba round bouts, qed jiżdiedu Ġdid Haven (CT) prospett middleweight super Elvis Figueroa (3-0, 1 KO), żmien ta 'tliet USA boxing Ċittadini Kampjonat medalist deheb, vs. TBA, Worcester featherweight Andino Ranse (1-0) vs. Alex Montes (1-2-1), Lawrence (MA), Danbury (CT) welterweight Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. invader Rika Puerto Alexander “el Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), Southbridge (MA) welterweight Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (3-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-Debuting Nick Peralta, Lawrence, undefeated Springfield (MA) heavyweight dawl Ray “bazooka” Graceski (5-0, 3 Kos). vs. Hartford s pro-debuting paul Bansiak, Hartford middleweight junior Jose “Rated R” Rivera (4-1, 3 Kos) vs. Troy “Omar KO Artist” artist(4-7-1 (3 Kos), Springfield welterweight Derrick “double Impatt” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2), ilu ma jitlef middleweight Puerto Rikan Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 Kos) vs. Brażiljan Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), Meriden (CT) bantamweight James Aquino (6-0, 6 Kos), 2016 New England Golden Ingwanti ċampjin, vs. Luis Rivera (3-3) u welterweight pro-debuting Hartford tal joseph Goss vs. Seth Basler (0-3).
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), huma għall-bejgħ u disponibbli għax-xiri fuq jew l-uffiċċju kaxxa Palladium (ammissjoni ġenerali biss), jew billi tikkuntattja Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera ( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda.
Bibien miftuħa fi 6 p.m. U, ewwel bout 7 p.m. U.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_