標記檔案: 約翰尼·貝德福德

BARE KNUCKLE格鬥錦標賽ACTION堆疊NIGHT是通向阿爾喬姆洛博夫VS. 傑森·奈特REMATCH星期六, 十一月 16 住在PAY-PER-VIEW

所有行動搗亂約翰尼·貝德福德 & 查爾斯·貝內特方關閉 &

更多! 格爾夫波特的哈里斯斯蒂芬森返回戰鬥肯尼利恰,

BILOXI, 女士. (十一月 7, 2019) – 的塞緊夜 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 行動將導致多達之間備受矚目的重頭戲複賽 阿爾喬姆洛博夫 賈森騎士 週六, 在付費觀看來自密西西比海岸體育館比洛克西月16live, 思念.

在合作的主要事件將看到BKFC重量級冠軍和密西西比州本土大通謝爾曼 衛冕他的冠軍稱號反對強硬老將 喬伊·貝爾特蘭, 加上BKFC主食 約翰尼·貝德福德 戰鬥 查爾斯·貝內特 海倫·佩拉爾塔返回到動作上BKFC勝利後 7 面對前終極戰士的競爭者 馬亞Kahuanele.

“BKFC 9” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過 FITE.

為現場活動門票現已公開發售在 www.bareknuckle.tv 或者密西西比海岸體育館票房.

陣容繼續格爾夫波特, 密西西比州 哈里斯·斯蒂芬森 面對密蘇里州 肯尼學校 在170磅重的回合, 密西西比州本土 卡萊布·哈里斯 在對特拉華州的一個165磅重的衝突 傑夫CHIF沼澤, 加上又是密西西比州本土進入環時 亞當Pellerano 會見 喬·佩格 在一個150磅的對決.

為完善這個夜晚被一對205磅的衝突作為緬因州 克里斯Sarro戰鬥西弗吉尼亞州的 約翰·麥卡利斯特 而俄勒岡州的 韋斯·庫姆斯 在對密西西比的步驟 阿德里安萬里.

戰鬥D'lberville出來, 密西西比, 謝爾曼贏得了BKFC冠軍阿諾德·亞當斯在BKFC 7 八月. 謝爾曼在UFC戰鬥了七次 13 他 14 親MMA勝來到由TKO擊倒或. 他的不敗在他的最後五個親打架, 以四勝和平局.

貝爾特蘭已迅速成為中流砥柱BKFC, 編譯 2-1-1 記錄, 以勝利和一場平局一對令人難忘的戰鬥即將對托尼·洛佩茲, 包括年度競爭者的六月撲滅 2018 第一BKFC卡上 (看著自己的第一次戰鬥 這裡 和他們的複賽前幕後 這裡). 戰鬥卡爾斯巴德的出, 加利福尼亞州, 貝爾特蘭的最後BKFC鬥爭看見他停止傑米坎貝爾在第二輪六月.

貝德福德是自公司成立以來最有成就的BKFC的戰鬥機之一, 已經贏得了他的裸關節戰鬥的所有四個, 以及最近成為BKFC輕量級冠軍,擊敗巴尼特猛將JR. 在BKFC 6 六月. 他將在重量拿奧卡拉連升, 佛羅里達州的貝內特, 誰是他的唯一BKFC郊遊擊敗, 但提供令人興奮的行動無論在哪裡,他的戰鬥的長期職業綜合格鬥生涯.

令人印象深刻的業餘MMA生涯後, 愛荷華州的佩拉爾塔贏得了兩個她的三個Invicta的戰鬥中 2018. 她在今年早些時候做了她出道BKFC, 擊敗克里Ferea在BKFC 7 八月. 她看起來建立這一勢頭時,她需要在維克托維爾, 加州餐廳, 誰競爭的終極戰士季 26 和最近下降了UFC大賽波利亞納維亞納. 她此前曾組建了一個五打MMA之前正對終極戰士連勝.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

與一流的體育BARE KNUCKLE格鬥錦標賽合作夥伴獨家U.K. 廣播DEAL

“BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 要顯示

觀看週六的爭奪只在天空£9.99, 維珍電視

點擊 這裡 查看總理體育宣傳片

費城 (六月 19, 2019) – 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 已與合作 超級體育 誰將會播出 “BFKC 6: 繪製直線” 在U.K生活和專. 在開始 2:00 A.M. (GMT + 1) 星期日, 六月 23 來自佛羅里達州博覽會場博覽館在坦帕, 佛羅里達州.

“BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 將採用前拳擊世界冠軍 保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 使他期待已久的BKFC首演反對前UFC老將 阿爾喬姆 “The Russian Hammer” 洛博夫.

從他的訓練營分享見解, Malignaggi的評論, “要為阿爾喬姆準備我打的出氣筒了很多, 因為阿爾喬姆基本上是一個出氣筒腿. 我想就習慣了,並讓我的拳頭習慣了. 這將是一個痛苦的夜晚阿爾喬姆. 這是對一個出氣筒長腳的世界一流的戰鬥機… 它與洛博夫的臉上脫落結束。”

獨家採訪到總理體育未來的鬥爭, 洛博夫說, “我很高興球迷在U.K. 就能看到打架現場. Malignaggi的談好打, 在環存在的話沒有地方. 他用他的雙手拍打小, 我用我錘面。”

BKFC創始人兼總裁 戴維·費爾德曼 說, “BKFC很高興能與合作夥伴總理體育在U.K. 並只向本次活動為他們的用戶. 我們已經有很多的興趣從U.K. 在這場鬥爭中的球迷,我們很高興能與總理體育合作夥伴帶來頂級裸關節拳擊和一個真正旗鼓相當的比賽到那裡的球迷。”

理查德·韋伯, 總理體育首席運營官加入, “已經有球迷的極大興趣看看這個萬眾矚目的戰鬥,我們很高興能夠讓BKFC 6 網絡直播,獨家頂級體育在英國”

“BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 還將擁有UFC傳奇 克里斯·勒貝 由於他作戰MMA老將 達科他科克倫, 和BKFC輕量級錦標賽的壓軸 雷吉·巴尼特約翰尼·貝德福德.

超級體育是可用 16 億U.K. 通過英超球員橫跨天空和維珍平台和每個人的家 HTTPS://www.premierplayer.tv/. 通過天空台, 維珍電視和英超球員, 成本是每月£9.99新客戶. 天空台的總理體育客戶也可以拿到英超球員自由出入.

本次活動將橫跨美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $39.99. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和 www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 可現在獨家www.bareknuckle.tv. 佛羅里達州將成為舉辦BKFC事件的最新狀態後,之前的比賽已經在懷俄明州和密西西比州舉行, 再加上發生在坎昆的事件, 墨西哥.

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽呈現的場景預覽顯示記載沾附翹首以盼Malignaggi的背後VS. 洛博夫旗鼓相當的比賽

CLICK 這裡 對於 “TO Malignaggi的VS之路. 洛博夫”

“BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 星期六, 六月 22 住在
博覽館在坦帕, 佛羅里達州.

費城 (六月 13, 2019) – 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 會給球迷一個幕後看看前拳擊世界冠軍保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 和UFC老將 阿爾喬姆 “The Russian Hammer” 洛博夫 提前上週六他們翹首以盼的裸關節旗鼓相當的比賽中, 六月 22.

“該路Malignaggi的VS. 洛博夫” 提供了一個獨特的外觀在積聚在今年夏天的對決為攝製組跟隨Malignaggi的在紐約和洛博夫在愛爾蘭,他們準備頭條 “BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 住在坦帕付費觀看來自佛羅里達州博覽會場博覽館, 佛羅里達州.

本次活動將橫跨美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $39.99. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和 www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 6” 可現在獨家 www.bareknuckle.tv. 佛羅里達州將成為舉辦BKFC事件的最新狀態後,之前的比賽已經在懷俄明州和密西西比州舉行, 再加上發生在坎昆的事件, 墨西哥.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

BARE KNUCKLE格鬥錦標賽增加了三個令人興奮的對決TO “BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 週六, JUNE 22

前拳擊世界冠軍蘭德爾·貝利注意到關於 巴西的丹尼爾·桑托斯; 不敗的混合武術藝術家 傑米坎貝爾戰役喬伊·貝爾特蘭; 朱巷 & 芝加哥 湯姆Shoaff匹配在二BKFC戰鬥

住在按次付費搜索來自佛羅里達州博覽會場 博覽館在坦帕, 佛羅里達州.

費城 (六月 5, 2019) – 三趾多到腳趾裸露關節的對決已被添加到萬眾矚目 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 事件由馬里納吉VS標題. 阿爾喬姆洛博夫旗鼓相當的比賽週六, 六月 22 住在坦帕付費觀看來自佛羅里達州博覽會場博覽館, 佛羅里達州.

前兩分拳王 蘭德爾·貝利 將面臨關閉對24歲的巴西MMA親 丹尼爾·桑托斯 其在155磅回合, 和不敗的混合武術藝術家 傑米·坎貝爾 發生在 喬伊·貝爾特蘭, 誰擁有從事對托尼·洛佩茲2難忘BKFC打架, 在一個重量級的較量.

還回到BKFC是MMA的老兵 朱巷 湯姆Shoaff 在一個165磅重的吸引力. 裡看起來從BKFC損失倫納德·加西亞反彈, 而Shoaff希望建立在他BKFC戰勝迭戈Garijo.

“我們很高興能夠加入這個口徑的三個次交鋒的BKFC 6 陣容還是有更多的驚喜,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁大衛·費爾德曼. “撲滅球迷誰加入我們在坦帕和那些誰上月調入 22 要在一些非常引人注目的裸關節的對決被處理到各種各樣的戰鬥風格. 一如既往, 我們承諾大量的行動和這三個戰鬥也不會例外。”

“作為前兩分, 三次世界冠軍的拳擊, 我覺得我的裁縫裸關節戰鬥取得,” Bailey說. “我從小就對邁阿密的街頭戰鬥裸關節,我知道如何在這場比賽獲勝. 我是裸關節淘汰賽王前我在拳擊比賽中曾經角逐。”

“我很榮幸,並感謝被邀請參加BKFC 6打,” 桑托斯說. “我是拳擊的老兵,有很多的經驗卡波耶拉戰鬥機. 我早有準備,並有信心,6月 22 我會敲出來蘭德爾·貝利! 你會看見, 我給一個偉大的鬥爭,所有人帶來驚喜. 我要抓住這個機會,作出聲明,這樣我可以繼續在BKFC競爭。”

主卡的戰鬥將開始在這個不容錯過的夜晚 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT和會看到前UFC老將 克里斯·勒貝 在他的第二個BKFC吸引力, 因為他需要長期Bellator突出 布倫南病房. 更多, 在BKFC輕量級比賽的決賽將坑 雷吉·巴尼特 針對約翰尼·貝德福德 在為BKFC輕量級冠軍一決高下. 所有通向點蝕前拳擊世界冠軍的主要事件 保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 對UFC老將 阿爾喬姆 “The Russian Hammer” 洛博夫.

本次活動將橫跨美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $39.99. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和 www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 6: 繪製直線” 可現在獨家www.bareknuckle.tv. 佛羅里達州將成為舉辦BKFC事件的最新狀態後,之前的比賽已經在懷俄明州和密西西比州舉行, 再加上發生在坎昆的事件, 墨西哥.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


BKFC Returns Saturday, 六月 22 Headlined by Malignaggi vs. Lobov Grudge Match Live on Pay-Per-View from Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall in Tampa, 佛羅里達州.

Also Featuring UFC Veteran Chris Leben Against Bellator Standout Brennan Ward!

點擊 這裡 從BKFC照片

紐約 (五月 20, 2019) – Former boxing world champion 保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 和UFC老將 阿爾喬姆 “The Russian Hammer” 洛博夫 went face-to-face Monday at a heated press conference in New York to officially announce their Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship showdown the headlines action on Saturday, 六月 22 住在坦帕付費觀看來自佛羅里達州博覽會場綜藝大廳, 佛羅里達州.

Also squaring off Monday before they battle on BKFC 6 were UFC veteran 克里斯·勒貝 and longtime Bellator standout 布倫南病房. Televised coverage on June 22 將開始 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. and also feature 雷吉·巴尼特 針對 約翰尼·貝德福德 在為BKFC輕量級冠軍一決高下.

本次活動將橫跨美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $39.99. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和 www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 6” are available tomorrow at 10 A.M. ET exclusively atwww.bareknuckle.tv. 佛羅里達州將成為舉辦BKFC事件的最新狀態後,之前的比賽已經在懷俄明州和密西西比州舉行, 再加上發生在坎昆的事件, 墨西哥.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Monday:


I’ve always been known as one of the toughest guys in boxing. Lobov is known as a punching bag with a loud mouth.

If I had it my way, I’d knock him out in the last round. I want to pummel him from start to finish. He’s going to come out trying hard, and then he’s going to get gun shy. He’s going to hesitate to even take a step.

I’m always looking for my next challenge. I wasn’t planning on this, but it was sold to me, and it appealed to me. Artem is a punching bag and I usually hit that for free.

I never lie, because I don’t have to fear anyone. You only lie because you’re afraid. Why are Lobov and his team lying? 你知道為什麼. I don’t care what they think. I’m going to put this guy out next month.

As I train, I realize that my hands are like razor blades. Get a good look at Lobov’s face, because next month I’m going to make it look like a road map with lines all over it.


I feel I have the upper hand in this fight. With age, it’s easier to get knocked out. He’s never hurt anybody in the ring, so it’s going to be a bad matchup for him.

I see me stopping him. He doesn’t want it anymore. In order to be a fighter and really compete, you have to have the fire. His fire is long gone.

My strategy is to come in there and shove my fist down his throat. It’s personal now with the way he’s been talking and acting. I’m going to put him away.

Paulie likes to hide behind the jab and feint. He never lets his hands go. He just hides and tries to make it to the end of the fight.

I’m going to let it all go in that ring on June 22. I’m going to be the ‘Russian Hammerfrom the start until the finish. I want to meet him in the ring and put him away like true warriors do.

I never wrap my hands. Not when I spar, not when I hit the bag or anything. It’s made them tougher. They may not look pretty, but they do a lot of damage.

It’s game over for Paulie. I heard he’s known as the ‘Magic Man’, but I just hope he doesn’t disappear before the fight.


Bare knuckle is definitely an exciting sport. It’s all of the good stuff. Two guys going toe-to-toe. It’s what I do best and it puts me in a dangerous position to hurt my opponents. When I first saw BKFC I felt like this sport was made for me.

You can’t really cover up without the glove as a shield in bare knuckle, so it changes how you defend. But it also changes how you hit and where your range is at.

I think this sport was made for me and it’s going to show in the fight. We’re both heavy hitters. Brennan will be my toughest BKFC opponent to date and I’m not taking him lightly. I’m riding a resurgence and it’s not going to stop.

I’m pulling out all the stops and doing everything I can to prepare. Because on June 22, I’m knocking him out.


“訓練營已經進行了很大的. I’m really excited because I’ve been waiting to do a bare knuckle fight for a while. I knew right away that this was for me.

I think I have a great skillset for bare knuckle. I’m quick and quick on my feet. I’m strong and have heavy hands. I’m able to brawl or box.

It’s basically a normal training camp for me, but with more boxing than ever. I’ve always boxed a lot anyway, so it’s something that’s come natural for me.

I’m a different fighter than who Leben has fought in BKFC. This sport is so well-suited for me. I just want to brawl. I wasn’t as into the other disciplines in MMA, so when BKFC came around, I was ready to sign on.

I think I’m going to be a force to be reckoned with at BKFC. I’m going to find a nice home and do work in the ring.

戴維·費爾德曼, BKFC Founder & 總統

This event is getting the kind of coverage it truly warrants. This is going to be a stacked pay-per-view event from top to bottom.

The main event here is a highly anticipated battle. This is the biggest bare knuckle fight in history.

We’re really happy with what we’ve been able to build. If you’ve seen any of our events, you know that it’s non-stop action from the start. We’re proud of what we’ve delivered to fight fans.

People originally said that Artem had no chance against Paulie, but once they saw Artem in his first BKFC fight, fans can see that this might be tougher than anticipated. This is different than boxing and different than MMA. Getting hit with that bare knuckle is different than anything you’ve experienced before.

I’m so excited to bring this fight to Florida and bring this fight to their fans. 六月 22 按次付費直播, this is one you surely do not want to miss.

BRIAN RICCO, Executive Producer & Distributor

We’re very excited to be on our sixth BKFC show in less than a year. Everything has been amazing. We’re expecting a big fight between two great fighters and we’re looking forward to bringing this event to fight fans around the world.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽週六返回, 六月 22 Headlined by Paulie Malignaggi vs. Artem Lobov Grudge Match Live on Pay-Per-View from Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall in Tampa, 佛羅里達州.

Stacked Night of BKFC 6 Action Features UFC Veteran Chris Leben Against Bellator Standout Brennan Ward, 更多! BKFC Lightweight Championship Showdown Between Reggie Barnett & 約翰尼·貝德福德


費城 (五月 20, 2019) – A highly anticipated grudge match between former boxing world champion 保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 和UFC老將 阿爾喬姆 “The Russian Hammer” 洛博夫 將標題 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) action on Saturday, 六月 22 住在坦帕付費觀看來自佛羅里達州博覽會場綜藝大廳, 佛羅里達州.

The televised portion of the can’t-miss night of fights will begin at 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT and will also see former UFC Veteran 克里斯·勒貝 在他的第二個BKFC吸引力, 因為他需要長期Bellator突出 布倫南病房. 更多, 在BKFC輕量級比賽的決賽將坑 雷吉·巴尼特 針對 約翰尼·貝德福德 在為BKFC輕量級冠軍一決高下.

Coming off of our epic battle on April 6 between Artem Lobov and Jason Knight, the momentum is incredible coming into BKFC 6,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁戴維·費爾德曼. “With the feud that Paulie and Artem have already, this promises to be super exciting. This is bare knuckle and everything changes when they fight bare knuckle. 所以, whatever plans you have can go out the window quickly. That’s what makes this so exciting and why I am so excited for this fight. I think we will have a lot of eyes on this event and we are very happy to be hosting this in Tampa, one of the best fight markets in the country. I truly can’t wait for June 22.

本次活動將橫跨美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $39.99. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和 www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 6” will be available starting Thursday, 五月 16 獨家www.bareknuckle.tv. 佛羅里達州將成為舉辦BKFC事件的最新狀態後,之前的比賽已經在懷俄明州和密西西比州舉行, 再加上發生在坎昆的事件, 墨西哥.

Malignaggi vs. Lobov will see the much-discussed rivalry between Malignaggi and MMA star Conor McGregor come to a head when Malignaggi squares off against one of McGregor’s teammates and friends in Lobov. Prior to Lobov’s BKFC debut in which he defeated Jason Knight in April, Malignaggi and Lobov exchanged words and nearly came to blows at a media day in New York. With the June 22 fight date set and buzz continuing to grow, they will soon settle the conflict in the ring.

I’m very excited to make my BKFC debut and for this fight to take place in Florida. Bringing BKFC to another state is only going to help this sport grow faster and attract more attention to bare knuckle fighting,” Malignaggi的說. “It’s no secret, Artem and I have some bad blood between us. I don’t like him and I’m looking forward to sinking my fists into his face. 六月 22 不能很快到達. Fans are going to really enjoy this one as the biggest BKFC card yet, and it’ll set the stage for even bigger and better events as more fighters realize that they can make a good living and have a great career in this discipline of combat sports.

I’m really looking forward to this fight,” 說洛博夫. “Paulie has been doing a lot of talking. He hasn’t been able to keep his mouth shut, but on June 22 I’m going to silence him. He’s an old boxer who’s coming off of the couch. He’s only doing this because he didn’t manage his money better, so now he has to take a fight against me, ‘The Russian Hammer.I expect to maul Paulie in there. He doesn’t know what he’s in for. I’m going to introduce him to some things that he’s never seen before and this is going to be a real fight.

A two-time, two-division boxing champion, Malignaggi joined BKFC earlier this year and plans to show off the skills that made him a world champion at 147 and 140-pounds. 他代表布魯克林的家鄉, 紐約, Malignaggi faced top competition and big stars such as Miguel Cotto, 朱達, 哈頓, 肖恩·波特, 丹尼·加西亞, Amir Khan and more throughout a career that spanned sixteen years. He put on title-winning performances against Lovemore Ndou and Vyacheslav Senchenko while also defeating Judah, Juan Diaz and Pablo Cesar Cano amongst his notable wins. He has not fought since 2017, but remains a staple of the of the combat sports world through his renowned work as a color commentator and analyst.

來自俄羅斯的32歲的戰鬥機, Lobov defeated Jason Knight by unanimous decision in an exciting brawl to make his BKFC debut successful in April. Lobov made his name on Season 22 的 終極戰士 作為團隊麥格雷戈的一部分, 在那裡,他自己的方式比賽的總決賽中輸給了瑞恩廳前. Now fighting out of Ireland, where he continues to train with McGregor, he challenged Cub Swanson in a UFC main event in 2016, 在克里斯·阿維拉和Alex白撿的勝利後. While he lost his last three UFC bouts by decision, he owns 13 professional MMA wins.

點擊 這裡 for Malignaggi and Lobov fighter bios

最初來自波特蘭, 俄勒岡州,現在從Chula Vista進行訓練, 加利福尼亞州, 勒本(Leben)在2000的就職季節首次出現在現場 終極戰士 成為WEC中量級冠軍之前. 以上的老將 20 UFC事件, 他的職業生涯包括五連勝,這引發了安德森·席爾瓦(Anderson Silva)的挑戰. Leben will be opposed by New London, Connecticut’s Ward, a 30-year-old veteran of 15 Bellator events, including a victory in Bellator’s Season Nine Middleweight Tournament.

A pro boxer with a 6-2 記錄, the 32-year-old Barnett has earned his spot in the Lightweight Tournament Final with a victory over Rusty Crowder in April. Fighting out of Chesapeake, 弗吉尼亞州, Barnett will face Forth Worth, Texas native Bedford to capture the first BKFC Lightweight Title. Bedford punched his ticket to the final with an April triumph over Abdiel Velazquez.

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六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Women’s Title Fight Between Christine Ferea & Britain Hart, Plus Lightweight Tournament Semi-Final Showdowns Included on Exciting Night of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Action Saturday, 四月 6 from Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi

“BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” Also Features Gulfport Police Officer Harris Stephenson Taking on Khalib Harris, Plus Former UFC Fighter Isaac Vallie-Flagg Battling Randy Hedderick Live on Pay-Per-View

費城 (三月 21, 2019) – “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” will feature a stacked lineup of fights live on pay-per-view (9:00 P.M. ET/8:00 P.M. CT) with the addition of a women’s American featherweight championship bout between 恭Ferea Britain Hart, plus lightweight tournament semi-finals, added to the previously announced 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) showdowns taking place Saturday, 四月 6 at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, 密西西比.

The lightweight tournament semi-finals will see Virginia’s 雷吉·巴尼特 facing Atlanta’s Rusty Crowder, while Texas native 約翰尼·貝德福德 steps in against Puerto Rico’s 亞必迭貝拉斯克斯, all vying for a spot in the tournament final and a chance at BKFC’s first lightweight championship.

Rounding out the pay-per-view are Gulfport police officer 哈里斯·斯蒂芬森 in a 165-pound fight against Mississippi’s Khalib Harris and former UFC fighter 艾薩克Vallie-標誌 taking on Mississippi’s Randy Hedderick in a 165-pound showdown.

“BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.95. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” 可現在獨家www.bareknuckle.tv 在開始 $35.

In prelims action, a women’s 125-pound showdown will feature Louisiana’s Ivana Coleman battling Michigan’s 希娜·斯塔爾, plus Alabama’s Bobo O’Bannenwill face Mississippi’s Troy Beets 在185磅的回合中.

The two preliminary matches will be available for free and accessible on the BKFC Facebook page, 萬維網.bareknuckle.tv, FITE-TV and cable and satellite companies (Subject to availability. Please contact your provider.), 在開始 8:00 P.M. AND / 7:00 P.M. CT preceding the pay-per-view.

The event is headlined by former UFC standout and Conor McGregor stablemate 阿爾喬姆洛博夫 making his BKFC debut when he takes on Mississippi native and former UFC fighter 賈森騎士. Also featured are fights with former UFC veteran 克里斯·勒貝 battling former Bellator standout Justin Baseman in a light heavyweight fight and Mississippi native 大通謝爾曼 taking on BKFC fan-favorite and former BKFC heavyweight title challenger 山姆·舒克梅克 in a heavyweight attraction.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Lightweight Tournament Quarterfinal Matchups Set for Saturday, 十月 20 住在按次付費查看從密西西比海岸體育館比洛克西, 密西西比

更多! Women’s Showdown Between Christine Ferea & Jennifer Tate & the Return of Gulfport Police Officer Harris Stephenson Featured on “BKFC 3: The Takeover

費城 (十月 11, 2018) – Quarterfinal matchups are now set for the 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) lightweight tournament as 喬·佩格 戰鬥 Rusty Crowder Abdiel “夢魘” Velazquez 發生在 肖恩 “The ExceptionWest 星期六, October 20at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi and live on pay-per-view.




These showdowns round out the lightweight tournament that includes previously announced matchups featuring the BKFC returns of 約翰尼·貝德福德 Reggie Barnett Jr. as Bedford battles 馬特 “The KO Kid” 墨菲 and Barnett takes on Josue “戰士” 里維拉.




We’re thrilled to be able to kick off this lightweight tournament on October 20 with four high-octane matchups featuring fighters looking to make a statement in this opening round,” said BKFC founder and president 戴維·費爾德曼. “We look forward to seeing how these fights shake out and who will eventually be the last man left standing. 此外, it’s great to have a matchup of hard-nosed women’s fighters such as Christine Ferea and Jennifer Tate on an already jam-packed night of action featuring local attractions and prominent names from the fight game.


BKFC 3: The Takeover將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, on all major television and streaming distribution outlets for $29.95. 門票 “BKFC 3: The Takeover” 可現在獨家 www.bareknuckle.tv 在開始 $35.




The stacked night of action will also feature a 125-pound women’s contest between San Jose’s ChristineMisfitFerea JenniferRosebud” 泰特. “Queen of Bare Knuckle貝克·羅林斯 will have her eye on this matchup and a potential future showdown with the winner.




更多, Gulfport Police officer 哈里斯·斯蒂芬森 steps into his second bare knuckle fight to battle Florida’s 埃爾文·布里托 in a 170-pound attraction while 56-fight professional MMA veteran Aaron Brink will square-off against 26-fight professional boxing veteran 邁克爾·比塞特 in a 205-pound fight.




The event is headlined by undefeated professional boxer 是 “The Hillbilly HammerShewmaker facing veteran MMA fighter ArnoldAJ 亞當斯 in the finals of the BKFC heavyweight tournament, a fight that serves as the first legally regulated and sanctioned championship bare knuckle fight in history.




This card will also showcase a 185-pound battle between UFC and Bellator veteran 肯德爾格羅夫 和前阿拉巴馬大學後衛 馬塞爾郵票, who is undefeated in both MMA and bare knuckle fighting, 更多 喬·里格斯, who has a lengthy resume with the UFC, meeting MMA veteran Brok Weaver in a 185-pound showdown.




The lightweight tournament features two fighters returning to the BKFC as Ohio’s Bedford and Virginia’s 巴尼特 look to build on the experience they gained from victories on BKFC 1. A veteran of UFC, Bellator and the Ultimate Fighter series, Bedford is set to take on Missouri’s 墨菲, 誰有 16 professional MMA fights under his belt, including a Bellator victory in 2016. Barnett brings a 6-1 professional boxing record, in addition to six professional MMA fights, into the ring against Philadelphia’s 里維拉, who has fought in 11 professional boxing matches in his career.




Fighting out of Amelia, 俄亥俄, Pegg owns six professional MMA victories in 11 contests and will matchup against the 28-year-old Crowder, who fights out of Carrollton, Georgia throughout a professional MMA career that spans 14 fights dating back to 2013. Rounding out the exciting lightweight tournament matchups is the 25-year-old Velazquez, who fights out of New Port Richey, Florida and has a 9-6 職業MMA戰績, as he takes on Davenport, Iowa’s West. The 29-year-old West has compiled a 15-10 record in professional MMA contests since turning pro in 2010.




# # #





六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下.




BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. All BKFC bouts are sanctioned and regulated by ABC member Athletic Commissions.




“BKFC 3: The Takeoverwill be sanctioned and regulated by the Mississippi Athletic Commission, which is headed by Chairman Jon Lewis.




欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Full Card Set for Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship & First Legal, Regulated and Sanctioned Bare Knuckle Event in the U.S. 因為 1889

星期六, 六月 2 Live Across the U.S. and Canada on
Pay-Per-View from Cheyenne Ice & Events Center
in Cheyenne, 懷俄明
Twelve-Bout Card to Feature Former
UFC Heavyweight Champion Ricco Rodriguez vs. Lewis Rumsey

Lineal Bare Knuckle Heavyweight Champion Bobby Gunn vs.
Marcelo Tavares & Women’s Showdown between Former
UFC Fighter Bec Rawlings & Denver’s Alma Garcia

CHEYENNE, WY (五月 25, 2018) – The full lineup of matchups are set for the inaugural 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) fight card that will feature 12 bouts Saturday, 六月 2 live on pay-per-view from Cheyenne Ice & Events Center in Cheyenne, 懷俄明.



The first legal, regulated and sanctioned bare knuckle event in the United States since 1889, “BKFC: 開端,” will air throughout the United States and Canada on pay-per-view through MultiVision Media, 公司, on FITE-TV app and fite.tv on all major television and streaming distribution outlets for $29.99 in 4K. The event can be ordered at www.bareknuckle.tv/bkfc1.



The pay-per-view telecast will feature former boxing world champion 安東尼奧·塔弗 providing color commentary.



Headlining the card is former UFC Heavyweight Champion Ricco Rodriguez taking on Pennsylvania’s 劉易斯 “野獸” Rumsey in five rounds of heavyweight action, while Lineal Bare Knuckle Boxing Heavyweight World Champion 鮑比·岡恩 battles Brazil’s Marcelo Tavares in a seven-round attraction.



A five-round women’s showdown between Rowdy” 貝克·羅林斯 Alma Garcia will also be featured on the groundbreaking pay-per-view event. A former UFC fighter, Rawlings recorded two wins in UFC among her seven professional MMA victories. The 29-year-old from Brisbane, Australia enters the ring looking to bring her signature aggressive style into bare knuckle boxing. She will take on 加西亞, a professional boxer with seven fights under her belt and fighting out of Denver, 科羅拉多​​州.




Held under the auspices and control of the Wyoming Combative Sports Commission, headed by Chairman Bryan Pedersen, the card features only established professional fighters who have competed in boxing, MMA, kickboxing or Muay Thai.




BKFC heavyweight tournament action will feature Arizona’s 埃里克 “The American SoldierPrindle battling Missouri’s 山姆·舒克梅克, Las Vegas-native 莫里斯 “大猩猩” 傑克遜 對夏威夷 Dale Sopi and Chicago’s ArnoldBomaye” 亞當斯 competing against California’s DJDa ProtégéLinderman in a series of five-round quarter final matchups.




Additional fights on the stacked night of bare knuckle boxing include Virginia’s 雷吉·巴尼特 versus Pennsylvania’s 特拉維斯·湯普森 in a five-round 135-pound fight, 德州本土 約翰尼 “殘酷” Bedford in a 137-pound, five-round matchup against Wyoming’s 缺口 “GarfieldMamalis and a 155-pound showdown between Phoenix’s 埃斯特萬 “可怕” 帕揚 and Washington’s 奧馬爾 “Gallo Fino” 阿弗拉爾 scheduled for five rounds.




Rounding out the night of fights are a pair of 145-pound fights as San Diego’s 喬伊·貝爾特蘭 meets California’s 托尼 “氪石” 洛佩茲 in a five-round bout and Winnipeg’s Desmond Johnson taking on New Mexico-native Austin Ward in a five-round affair,plus Canada’s Brandon Cheverfield against Indiana’s Jorge Gonzales in a five-round 165-pound attraction.




Tickets for the live event are available now exclusively at www.bareknuckle.tv and are priced from $50 到 $200.


# # #



“BKFC: 開端” will be distributed live on pay-per-view on Saturday, 六月 2 在 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be available to over 100 million households in the United States and Canada via cable and satellite, and carried throughout the world on traditional television, apps, Smart TVs, home computers, laptops, iPhones, iPads and android devices via Chromecast, 蘋果電視, Sony Playstations, 等.




Please consult your local guide for channel and replays throughout the month. The suggested retail for “BKFC: 開端” 是 $29.99.


“BKFC: 開端”, will be produced in state-of-the art 4K and distributed by New York-based MultiVision Media, 公司. The executive producer is Brian Ricco.




欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv or follow on Twitter at@BKBChampionship, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


6-time UFC vet
Former Legacy FC title challenger
Tickets are on sale NOW through TheBombFactory.com
HOUSTON, 得克薩斯州 – 傳統格鬥聯盟 (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion has a new main event at LFA 16, which takes place this Friday, July 14th at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, 得克薩斯州.
LFA 16 will feature a new main event when six-time UFC veteran “殘酷” Johnny Bedford faces former Legacy FC title challenger JimmyThe BrickFlick in a bantamweight showcase. The change came when original headliner Davina Maciel was forced off the card due to visa issues, which has prevented her from traveling from her native Brazil. Andrea Lee was set to defend her flyweight title against Maciel, but will now defend her title at a later date. LFA 16 – Bedford vs. Flick takes place this 星期五, July 14th at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, 得克薩斯州. 整個主卡將被電視直播,並在全國范圍AXS電視上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.
Johnny Bedford is an experienced and dangerous UFC vet that is on an impressive four-fight win streak,” stated Saores. “He will make his LFA debut against former Legacy FC title challenger Jimmy Flick in the new main event of LFA 16. Andrea Lee is a great champion and will defend her title at a later date since her opponent was unable to take the fight due to visa issues. We are all looking forward to the return of Andrea Lee as well as Johnny Bedford vs. Jimmy Flick 這個星期五 night in Dallas, Texas.
Tickets for LFA 16 – Bedford vs. Flick are available for purchase NOW at TheBombFactory.com.
Bedford (23-12-1) brings more cage experience into his LFA debut than perhaps anyone in LFA history. Bedford made his Bellator debut in May of 2010 在Bellator 19. 次年, he found himself competing on the fourteenth season of the hit UFC reality television show 終極戰士. Bedford advanced to the semi-finals of TUF 14 and earned a UFC contract. Bedford fought in the UFC for three years and had six memorable fights for the promotion. After leaving the UFC, Bedford won a regional title in Michigan and defended it three times via stoppages. He now looks to continue his winning ways in the LFA 16 頭條新聞.
Flick (9-3) is no stranger to big-time competition and headlining status on AXS TV. 巧合的是, the man known asThe Brickmade his Legacy FC debut in December of 2012 in the main event of Legacy FC 16. Now an older, more experienced, and bigger Flick will be making his LFA debut in the main event of LFA 16. In both headliners Flick was matched against seasoned UFC veterans, but he is now four and half years older with twice the fighting experience under his belt. Flick will look to use that experience to continue the momentum he started earlier this year when he stopped Argentinian fighter Ben Vasquez in just 50 seconds in regional action.
The co-main event of LFA 16 will feature a good old fashioned Texas showdown between two of Legacy FC’s most popular fighters. Undefeated Miles Johns (4-0) will lock horns with BJJ black belt and fellow Legacy FC standout Levi Mowles (6-2) in a bout between two fighters looking for a signature win to catapult them to the top of one of LFA’s most stacked divisions. Johns returns to the cage thirteen months after winning his Legacy FC debut via TKO. He will face Mowles who is a six-time Legacy FC vet and a black belt in jiu-jitsu under Brandon Quick just like LFA 16 headliner Johnny Bedford and LFA welterweight champion Derrick Krantz.
主卡 (Televised on AXS TV at 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):
主要事件 | 輕量級布特 (135 磅)
– 約翰尼·貝德福德 (23-12-1) VS. Jimmy Flick (9-3)
合作的主要事件 | 輕量級布特 (135 磅)
Miles Johns (4-0) VS. Levi Mowles (6-2)
Catchweight Bout (140 磅)
Steven Peterson (5-1) VS. Ryan Hollis (12-10)
次中量級回合 (170 磅)
Geoff Neal (6-2) VS. Bilal Williams (8-3)
羽量級布特 (145 磅)
Damon Jackson (11-2-1) VS. Eliazar Rodriguez (7-6)
輕量級布特 (135 磅)
Cameron Miller (3-0) VS. Brandon Lewis (3-0)
羽量級布特 (145 磅)
Fernando Salas (4-1) VS. Jessie Vasquez (2-2)
九月 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) starting in January 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 100 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
LFA 16 will be the second LFA event to take place in the City of Dallas. It will also be the fifth time that the LFA has traveled toThe Lone Star State” 德克薩斯州. Further information about LFA 16 將很快公佈. The entire main card of LFA 16 將進行現場直播,並在全國范圍AXS電視在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.

請訪問 LFAfighting.com 對於回合更新和信息. LFA is on Facebook at 傳統格鬥聯盟. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.