Arkivji Tag: John Bray


Las Vegas, Nevada (Marzu 4, 2015) Din is-Sibt evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing Champions” serje se tagħmel id-debutt tiegħu f'miljuni ta 'djar madwar il-pajjiż u huwa żgur li jilħqu fannijiet ġlieda każwali u aficionados boxing. Dan huwa kbir għall-isport li din tippreżenta pjattaforma għat-telespettaturi ta 'kull età biex isiru familjari ma' l-isport ta 'boxing u stilel futuri tagħha.


Huwa wkoll pjattaforma għall-ġellieda professjonali biex isiru ismijiet tad-dar u jkollhom l-familjari pubbliku li magħhom huma u l-isfond tagħhom. Wieħed ġellied bħal din hija top U.S. prospett heavyweight, Dominic “Trouble” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 Tal-KO). BREAZEALE, issa 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale ħadet deċiżjoni li jħallu l-ħadid gradilja u jidħlu fil-ċirku tal-boksing fl 2008.


Fi tliet snin u nofs, Breazeale rebaħ tournaments numerużi fil-gradi dilettanti eventwalment inżul lilu post fuq il- 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale se jiffirma mal-konsulent influwenti Al Haymon u dawwar pro taħt il-tutela ta 'qabel star dilettanti u heavyweight professjonali John Bray.


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Fl-ewwel disa 'bouts tiegħu, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Breazeale wera huwa seta kaxxa effettivament peppering Aguilera fil-se ma kombinazzjonijiet ta 'jabs, drittijiet dritta, ganċijiet xellug u uppercuts.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “Jien sodisfatt fejn I am dritt issa fil-karriera tiegħi, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis u Holyfield u ġie mħarreġ minn min iħarreġ leġġendarju kif ukoll.”


Breazeale ritorni lejn il-ring din is-Sibt filgħaxija kontra l-avversarju aktar ħorox tiegħu sal-lum, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 Tal-KO), a 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olympian hija lesta għal dan

Photo C / O Adrian Jimenez

isfida. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Huwa ser tkun lejl kbira ta 'boxing għall-fannijiet”, Said Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal huwa veteran u l-qlubija ħafna akkomplit bħala Olympian ma 'rekord ta' 21-2 ma 15 knockouts. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, din se tagħmel l-boxing dinja jieħdu l-avviż li Dominic Breazeale huwa reali u lesta għall-affarijiet akbar u aħjar.”


PBC fuq NBC huwa promoss permezz Promozzjonijiet Goossen u biljetti għal dan il-lejl aqwa ta 'boxing jista jinxtara bi u huma pprezzati għal $400, $300, $100 u $50.

“Hawnhekk Jasal Trouble!
