Tag Archives: Joe Schilling

RAFAEL Carvalho dominant performans ilə Bellator middleweight dünya çempionluğunu saxlayır


ƏMƏK NƏTİCƏLƏR, ŞƏKİLLƏR, VIDEO & quotes Bellator 190 & Bellator kikboksinq 8 FLORENCE IN, ITALY

DA, HISTORIC ROME debüt Bellator SET İYUL 7, 2018

FLORENCE, İtaliya - A satıldı izdiham Florence Nelson Mandela Forum Bellator qaytarılması üçün tərəfdən idi, İtaliya milli qəhrəman sevindirəcək, Alessio Sakara, middleweight adı onun təklifi Bellator 190. Lakin, hökm sürən çempion Rafael Carvalho başqa bir maraqlı ifası ilə kəmər onun üçüncü müdafiə qalib çıxdı. Qələbə ilə, Carvalho indi təqdimat tarixinin ən title müdafiə üçün Alexander Shlemenko ilə bağlıdır.


Bundan əlavə,, Bellator Roma ölkənin paytaxtı İtaliya yay qaytarılması planları açıqladı Iyul 7 tezliklə-to-başlamaq Paramount Network hava olacaq bir hadisə ilə. tarix Roma şirkətin ilk səfər qeyd, Torino və Florence, həm də çox hadisələr hosting sonra.


"Torino və Florence bizim hadisələr uğur sonra, Son iki il ərzində İtaliya, biz Roma bir şou etmək üçün vaxt idi ki, bilirdi, bir şəhər döyüş idman tarixində köklü,"Bellator prezident Scott Coker bildirib. "İtalyan azarkeşləri idman üçün ehtiras göstərir və biz Roma gələn il üçün böyük kart gətirilməsi gözləyirik Iyul 7."


kart haqqında Əlavə məlumat, matchups, o cümlədən, bilet və yayım detalları qısa elan olunacaq.


Bellator 190: Carvalho vs. etmək Nəticələr:

Rafael Carvalho (15-1) məğlub Alessio Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) və KO vasitəsilə 0:44 Dəyirmi bir


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1mimwbtlv7zjc8q/AAATYi5x1XR6AT9CWR9XW1aNa?dl=0

quote: "Mən bu mübarizə üçün həqiqətən çətin təlim. Mən burada almaq və çətin bir mübarizə üçün hazır almaq üçün bir çox fədakarlıq etdi [Alessio] etmək. Mənim hazırlıq, Mən tez yaxşı bir nəticə əldə edə bilər və mən bu barədə xoşbəxtəm. Mən əl final ardıcıllıqla bir az zərər, bəlkə mən mat yumruq, amma mənim kəmər müdafiə davam etmək mümkün qədər tez geri cage almaq üçün ümid edirik. "


Brandon Girtz (15-7) məğlub Luke Jelcic (10-3) at TKO vasitəsilə 1:57 Dəyirmi bir


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42f9tpuq9tlmmo2/AAAVZtpCY5RiOtfhqwGxQ2oIa?dl=0

quote: "Mən yalnız bomba atmaq və tez onu üz qoymaq üçün orada gedirdi ki, baş dəqiq nə. Mən adətən nə var. Təlim-məşq toplanışı böyük idi, Mən, həqiqətən, mənim rəqib hazırlamaq bacardı və yaxşı işləyib. Mən İtaliyada burada böyük bir təcrübə yaşadım, bir səfər olmuşdur və mən bir macəra kimi müalicə. Bu, mənim ilk dəfə hər şey bir düzəliş idi ölkədə həyata mübarizə idi və mən acclimated almaq üçün əvvəlcədən doqquz gün çıxdı. Mən başqa çətin rəqib istəyirəm. yara [Jelcic] çətin bir oğlan idi, O, heç bir yöndəmsiz durmaq heç oldu. Mən başqa top oğlan istəyirəm, Mən burada Ben niyə ki -. Top uşaqlar mübarizə və mən Bellator burada var-ci ildən, mən bunu olduğunuz nə var "


Alejandra Lara (7-1) məğlub Lena Ovchynnikova (12-5, 1 NC) arxa çılpaq choke vasitəsilə 4:09 Dəyirmi bir


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0e20cweikosmcr/AACc1OTFCsi6xmFNIxCRdFTwa?dl=0

quote: "Mən Bellator debüt üçün çox həyəcanlı olduğunu və təşviqi ilk Kolumbiya qadın olmaq. Mən olduqca ağır təlim olduğunuz, Mən çox yaxşı mübarizə üçün hazır ki, hiss. Mən yalnız mən necə çətin dünyaya göstərmək istəyirdi və mən etdi edirəm bu axşam. Mən orada Alexa Grasso və Team Grasso ilə Guadalajara mənim düşərgə yarısını sərf, və sonra mən də mübarizə üçün hazırlamaq üçün Milwaukee Roufusport Akademiyası ilə işləmək üçün getdi. Hər iki düşərgələrində mənə gözəl idi, və mən çox şey öyrəndim, Mən yalnız təlim və rəqabət saxlamaq istədiyiniz. Mən növbəti nə üçün hazırlanmış edirəm. Mən Bellator böyük problemlər gözləyirik. "


Carlos Miranda (11-3) məğlub Michael Nica (6-1) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2xekntid4tt03r/AAB1CBdvVX4cfuFA3FWKTDgva?dl=0


Gregory Ebene (19-11) məğlub Tony Zanko (1-5) silah bar vasitəsilə 2:04 Dəyirmi bir


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqyfbyrdps1oejo/AABdgCAaFdb7u-MeN_ONq8ITa?dl=0


Burada Video Highlights: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f


Bellator Kickboxing 8 Nəticələr:


Raymond Daniels (13-3) məğlub Giannis Boukis (27-2) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dacqyn8gk1t6ov1/AABXyk_AvcaG8WUVZM3bWLJTa?dl=0


quote: "Speed ​​mənim üstünlüyü mütləq mən üzük almaq hər zaman, və heç bir fərqli idi bu axşam. Hər şeydən əvvəl, Mən Allaha bütün izzəti vermək istərdim, Onun vasitəsilə çünki, hər şey mümkündür. Bu mübarizəni qəbul üçün rəqib təşəkkür etmək istərdim. Burada gəlib İtaliya xalqının qarşısında mübarizə bir şərəf. Bu gözəl insanlar ilə inanılmaz ölkədir, gözəl qida, gözəl şərab, böyük tarixi. Bu mübarizə ölkədir. Mən buraya hər dəfə mənim qan sonunda çünki mən DNT bəzi Italian ola bilər edirəm və mən şpatı hazır Ben kimi mən hiss edirəm, Mən mübarizə hazıram. hər kəs üçün kim istəyir: gəlib, bir sıra almaq və line durmaq. Siz mənim məqamı çarxı gördük, Siz bir hissəsi olmaq istəyirsinizsə – Mən sizə söz verirəm, Mən sizə məşhur edə bilər. "


Joe Schilling (23-9) məğlub Filip Verlinden (44-19-1) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liprom6xnlsvco3/AABPJD0B3Pe8d_8Gm5LmbNYua?dl=0

quote: "Mən yenə replay izləmək üçün var. Mən Filip həqiqətən yaxşı bir iş idi düşündüm və mən onun çaplı kimsə mübarizə etmək üçün həqiqətən heyecan edilmişdir. mübarizə daxil Going, Mən o Bellator mənə verdiyi çətin oğlan idi düşündüm. biz son təşviqi ilə həm zaman, biz var idi bütün vaxt, həm də top üç idi. Mən o çətin rəqib olacaq bilirdi, bizə ya bir heç bir zibil müzakirəsi var idi ki, Mən böyük bir mübarizə üçün hazır, həm də idi və biz təslim edirəm. Mən vicdanla olduqca mənim icrası ilə incidir edilmişdir və mübarizə sonra mən Jimmy bildirib (Dəmirçi) Mən o qazanmışdı düşündüm ki,. İndi burada geri soyunma otağında oldum və hər kəs ki, almaq üçün mən dəli deyiləm ki, mənə izah edilir. Mən onu mübarizə və ona off başa çatdırmaq üçün sevindim. Bəlkə bir dünya çempionatına. Bu gözəl olardı. Amma indi, Mən vacation zövq getmək üçün bir heyecan edirəm. "


John Wayne Parr (98-32) məğlub Piergiulio Paolucci (24-6-1) at TKO vasitəsilə 2:32 dəyirmi üç


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/er6m9gzbvk7knb5/AAAqbhlfJSLrXjwPsBMetIe9a?dl=0


quote: "Mən bu performans off gələn çox həyəcanlıyam. Mən rəqib bir az yöndəmsiz idi düşündüm. Mən o ağır əlləri var idi bilirdi, çünki mən ona hörmət vermək istədim. Amma mən qazanmaq bilər ki, hiss dəfə, Mən irəli daha gəzinti başladı və mən yalnız əyləncə üçün kicks geri iplik bir neçə atdı, yalnız əyləndirmək üçün. Mən endi və olduqca sərin idi düşündüm bir spinning daban zərbə idi. Hesab edirəm ki, haqqında olduqca həyəcanlı idi. Mən, həqiqətən, buraxma hərəkəti almaq üçün yalnız xoşbəxt idi, heç kim bal qazanmaq istəyir, çünki. Mən yaxın inching alıram 100 qələbə və mən Bellator kimi böyük bir təşviqi burada mərhələ hit üçün sevindim. Xüsusilə mənim yaşda 41, böyük səhnədə mübarizə edə belə irreal edir. Mən sevgi bu idman rəqabət mən burada hələ deyiləm ki, iman edə bilməz, və daha çox yalnız rəqabət, Mən uğurlu olan alıram. Mən Scott Coker təşəkkür var, Bellator və Spike hər kəs, və mənə imkan verən idman belə hər kəs mən nə. Mən, həqiqətən, qorxuram 41 və bir gün təqaüdə üçün gedirəm bilirik ki,, lakin indi, Mən çox fun dayandırmaq olan alıram. "


Hamza imane (50-12-2) məğlub Kevin Ross (45-13) split qərarı ilə (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)


Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tz29hlhly6x48b6/AAC3AugQrbNxNWFAQXtIvc-2a?dl=0

Gabriel Varga (14-5) məğlub Roberto Gheorghita (30-7-3) at TKO vasitəsilə 2:49 dəyirmi iki

Şəkillər: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7s75mm0hl33pzse/AAD-U3845d0GcdY83eBB0EM6a?dl=0


Burada Video Highlights: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f




ITALIAN ALESSIO Sakara middleweight WORLD adı FOR RAFAEL Carvalho PROBLEMLƏR Bellator 190

LOS ANGELES - Bellator Florence qayıdır, İtaliya Şənbə, Dekabr 9, zaman Bellator MMA və Bellator Kickboxing həm, OKTAGON ilə birlikdə, döyüş idman hərəkəti bir böyük axşam Nelson Mandela Forum çıxmaq.


Bellator 190 at SPIKE pulsuz hava olacaq 8 dək. VƏ/7 dək. CT və dərhal ilə əvəz olunacaq Bellator Kickboxing 8. Tədbir üçün biletlər yalnız € 30-da başlayacaq və mövcuddur Bellator.com.


Bellator 190 cari middleweight çempionu ilə başlıq olunacaq Rafael Carvalho (14-1), kim İtaliyanın məşhur nakavt artisti qarşı onun adı müdafiə edəcək, Alessio "Legionarius" Sakara (19-11, 2 NC). Əlavə, Brandon Girtz (14-7) qalır Luca Jelcic (10-2) yüngül at, isə Michael Nica (6-0) cavab Carlos Miranda (10-3) ikinci yüngül çıxan döyüşdə. A qadın flyweight təklif kart zaman el Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC) döyüşlərdə Alejandra Lara (6-1).


Bu anda, Bellator Kickboxing 8 dünya çempionları bir cüt ilə malikdir Raymond Daniels (12-3) və Kevin Ross (45-12) alaraq Giannis Boukis (27-1) və Hamza imane (49-12-2) müvafiq olaraq, qeyri-adı döyüşlərdə. Digər kikboksinq ulduz kimi sərgilənir Joe "Stitch 'Em Up" Schilling (22-9) problemlər filipino Verlinden (44-18-1), Aussie əfsanə John Wayne Parr (97-32) üçün rəqabət 130ci vaxt qarşı Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1) və Kanada featherweight Gabriel Varga (13-5) bir matchup ilə kart el Roberto Georghita (30-6-3).


tam Bellator 190: Carvalho vs. etmək kart:

Middleweight Dünya Title Main Event: Rafael Carvalho (14-1) vs. Alessio Sakara (19-11, 2 NC)

Yüngül Main Card Bout: Brandon Girtz (14-7) vs. Luke Jelcic (10-2)

Qadın Flyweight Main Card Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC) vs. Alejandra Lara (6-1)

Yüngül Main Card Bout: Michael Nica (6-0) vs. Carlos Miranda (10-3)


İlkin Card:

Middleweight İlkin Bout: Gregory Ebene (18-11) vs. Tony Zanko (1-4)

tam Bellator Kickboxing 8: Daniels vs. Boukis kart:

Welter Main Event (Qeyri-title): Raymond Daniels (12-3) vs. Giannis Boukis (27-1)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Joe Schilling (22-9) vs. filipino Verlinden (44-18-1)

161 lb. Catchweight Main Card Bout: John Wayne Parr (97-32) vs. Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1)

Yüngül Main Card Bout (Qeyri-title): Kevin Ross (45-12) vs. Hamza imane (49-12-2)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Gabriel Varga (13-5) vs. Roberto Gheorghita (30-6)






Rəsmi Bellator Kickboxing 6 Əsas Card nəticələri & Sitatlar:

Kərim Qaccı (98-13-1) məğlub Zoltan Laszak (11-3) split qərarı ilə (50-45, 48-47, 46-49)

Karim Ghajji Quote:

We prepared really hard for this fight. Everything that we set out to accomplish, we did. I know I could do even better, but you know in fights it doesn’t go exactly the way you want every time. In the first round when I slipped, I hurt my knee and it was extremely painful but I knew I had to dig down and do more and more to win this belt, which means everything to me,” Ghajji said. “This is the most beautiful day of my life. Like we say: ‘Hallelujah! I got my belt back.I felt a lot of pressure to get this belt back, and what an amazing sensation it is to win it back. I look forward to fighting the best fighters Bellator has to offer to confirm that I am the champ, but also, I’d like to compete in MMA. In France we have a lot of tough MMA fighters at our gym and my ground and pound is quite destructive. I would like to do this.

Joe Schilling (21-9) məğlub Alexandru Negrea (10-4) yekdil qərarı ilə (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Joe Schilling Quote:

The fight was okay I was really surprised that he was so tough. He’s fought in Super Combat in Romania so he’s had a lot of tough European opponents that he’s fought against. Skill level I didn’t think he’s fought against the level of competition that I’ve competed against, but he did a really good job and he was really tough. He was trying to bait me into throwing with him and he’d try to catch me when I would come in, so I was trying to stay a lot more composed and show that I’m not that idiot that fought [Hisaki] Kato twice,” Schilling said. “I’ve made a lot of changes in my personal life. I’m a lot more focused and more serious and my goal bu axşam was to show the level of competitor and world class kickboxer that I am and I think I did that. Hats off to Alex, əla iş gördü. There’s not that many people who can take those kinds of shots for three rounds. I think the judges decision was a little ridiculous. I don’t think I’d have given him half of one round let alone a round. I think they gave him the second, which is silly. Lakin, overall it was a good night, vacation starts now.

Raymond Daniels (13-3) məğlub Csaba Gyorfi (20-6) və KO vasitəsilə 0:36 dəyirmi üç

Raymond Daniels Quote:

Another opportunity to go out there and make a mark with that Bellator brand. I know my man Nick Diaz says: ‘Cut out all that spinning shit,’ but I think he means everybody but me,” Daniels said. “I’ve been training for many years in sport karate and the martial arts and you know it’s a lot like training to be a sniper so to speak. There’s holes and there’s windows and when your opponent gives you those holes you have to seize that opportunity. I saw that hole, I exposed it, and it happened to be with my spin kick which is one of my most powerful and devastating techniques. If I hit that mark with that kick it’s a home run, grand slam, I’m hitting it out of the park every time. I’ve been able to spar recently with several great MMA veterans like Rory MacDonald, Georges St. Pierre and Tyron Woodley and I’ve had a lot of fun training with those guys so I’m definitely interested in doing MMA again. It’s a lot of fun to go at it with small gloves because people can’t use the big gloves as a shield to block my shots. I want to seize this Bellator Kickboxing title and continue to help build this kickboxing brand because I know they’re investing a lot of time into it. So yea, I’m definitely interested in crossing that bridge and getting some MMA fights, but my main focus is to take home that kickboxing gold.


Jorina Baars (41-0-3) məğlub Irene Martens (20-10-2) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-25, 30-25, 30-25)

Jorina Baars Quote:

“Bu yaxşı bir mübarizə oldu, I thought that Irene [Martens] was very tough. I had control from the very beginning of the fight and I kept it for all three of the rounds. I was a little disappointed in the first round but the second and third round I performed much better. She worked hard and moved a lot, so my strategy was to keep the pressure on her and try to put her in the corner and I think I succeeded at that,” Baars said after her win. “It was amazing to finally fight for Bellator. The organization is so professional. I’m looking forward to my future fights here and I hope to win the Bellator title.

Gabor Gorbics (31-10) məğlub Gabriel Varga (13-5) split qərarı ilə (29-28, 29-28, 28-30)

Gabor Gorbics Quote:

I’m very happy with the win and I hope I continue to win here in Bellator,” Gorbics said. “I trained very hard for this. I’ve got a lovely family and team that helped me to prepare and I will get back in the gym bazar ertəsi to continue training.


Dərhal Release üçün:

Aprel 8, 2017

Giorgio Petrosyan (84-2-2, 1 NC) defeated Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 30-26)

Giorgio Petrosyan Quote:I’ve spent a lot of time studying this opponent and I felt like I knew his fighting style well so I was able to put together a solid game plan and execute it successfully,” Petrosyan said. “Now I’m looking forward to getting some rest, and we will let Scott Coker and Carlo DiBlasi decide what is next for me.

Petrosyan vs. Paraschiv Photos

Denise Kielholtz (46-3) defeated Martine Michieletto (18-11-3) via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

Denise Kielholtz Quote:It was a good night for me with the win, but it was tough fight. She’s a taller southpaw fighter and she really brought it. All rounds were for me and that’s the most important thing for me. It’s great to retain this belt, this is my biggest prize in the sport and I’m honored to be the world champion for Bellator,” Kielholtz said. “Həqiqətən, for me, Bellator is the biggest kickboxing organization in the world, they are really for the fighters, so I am very happy to be representing this company. The next time you see me out there might be in the Bellator cage fighting MMA. We’re working very hard on all aspects of my training and so hopefully before the end of summer you will see me fighting MMA.

Kielholtz vs. Michieletto Photos

John Wayne Parr (96-32) def. Nando Calzetta (45-10) via Head Kick at 2:59 of Round 2

John Wayne Parr Quote:He was tough, he came to fight. He wanted to mix and trade but I was more than happy to do that with the hands. I thought I was a little bit sharper, but he had a crack – he had a good go and hopefully it was entertaining for the crowd,” John Wayne Parr said. “Before this fight I really wanted to do something impressive and get an impressive finish so to score a head kick knockout is like a slam dunk. I feel like Michael Jordan right now. I’ve been watching Bellator and I just want to be a star here and hopefully tonight is gonna put that notch in my belt and help me fulfill that dream.

Parr vs. Calzetta Photos

Mustapha Haida (46-5-2) defeated Enriko Kehl (45-12-1) via Split Decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Mustapha Haida Quote: I’m very happy for with the victory. I think I broke my hand or my wrist in the second round so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to finish the fight, but I dug down deep and was able to get through the match,” Haida said. “Fighting for Bellator Kickboxing here in Italy has been a great experience for me and I hope to continue to fight here.

Haida vs. Kehl Photos

Gaston Bolanos defeated Luca D’Isanto via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Gaston Bolanos Quote:I came into someone’s home town tonight, and the guy had a lot more experience in kickboxing than I do, so I’m quite happy with the win. It’s a different rhythm out there. I’m used to Muay-Thai, which I’ve been practicing my whole life. I’ve done a few fights without elbows even though it’s still Muay-Thai so it’s a bit different from what I just did tonight. I just came from an MMA fight so I had to switch up my whole camp but this is what I want to do and this is the opportunity that Bellator has provided for me, so I’m going to take it and stay as busy as possible,” Bolanos said. “I want to thank Bellator, Scott Coker, my coach Kirian Fitzgibbons and my team at CSA Gym for helping me and giving me all the opportunities that I’ve been given in my career. I’m hoping to get another MMA fight in here soon and develop a rhythm there. I want to become the biggest star in both sports and I know that I’ve got the opportunity and the talent to do just that.

Bolanos vs. D’Isanto Photos




Rafael Carvalho (14-1) defeated Melvin Manhoef (30-14) via Head Kick at 3:15 of Round 4

Quote from Rafael Carvalho:The last fight didn’t go as I expected or like the public expected,” Carvalho said. “This fight I knew that there needed to be an undisputed winner with a finish and I’m very glad that I was the one who came away with the victory. I’m going to continue to defend my middleweight title here at Bellator, but I’m also interested in a super fight in our light heavyweight division or maybe a bout in Bellator Kickboxing. That would be fun for me.

Carvalho vs. Manhoef Fight Photos Here

Anastasiya Yankova (5-0) defeated Elina Kallionidou (5-2) via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Quote from Anastasia Yankova:I feel okay after this fight. My face looks much better right now than it did after my last fight,” Yankova saidIt wasn’t perfect but I’m improving every day and I’ll continue to train hard with Mike [Swick] at AKA Thailand. I am working to get my weight down to 125 lbs. where I want to soon be Bellator’s champion.

Yankova vs. Kallionidou Fight Photos Here

Mircea Valeriu (14-4) defeated Djamil Chan (12-4) via Majority Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

Quote from Valeriu Mircea:I’m very proud of my performance out there. It was part of my game plan to remain calm and patient throughout the fight and I am happy to have gotten the positive result,” Mircea said. “I am coming off of a frustrating knee injury that left me with only a month and a half to prepare. Victory is sweet and I am happy that my sacrifices have provided a good result.

Mircea vs. Chan Fight Photos Here

Michael Nica (6-0) defeated Samba Coulibaly (11-4) via Anaconda Choke at 0:36 of Round 1

Quote from Mihail Nica:I am feeling very positive and happy that my hard work has paid off,” Nica said. “I look forward to getting back in the gym sabah to better my skills. I want to continue my undefeated career here at Bellator, maybe soon in America. I think it would be great to fight there because of the level of popularity out there. I want to be a hero for the Italian fans to cheer for and grow the passion for MMA in this country.

Nica vs. Coulibaly Fight Photos Here









TORINO, ITALY – Fighters from both Bellator 176: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2 Bellator Kickboxing 5 converged on the historic Comune di Torino for the official press conference for the events taking place at the Pala Alpitour in Torino, İtaliya. In addition to the fighters, Bellator Prezidenti Scott Coker, along with Okatagon President Carlo DiBlasi and Torino Minister of Sport Roberto Finardi, all spoke about Şənbə nights anticipated card.

Bellator 176: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2 airs this Şənbə, Aprel 8 da Spike haqqında 3 dək. VƏ and will be immediately followed by Bellator Kickboxing 5, which airs at 5 dək. VƏ. Tickets for the event are available now at www.oktagon.it and include access to an OKTAGON Kickboxing event in addition to both Bellator events.


Bellator 176 is headlined by a middleweight championship fight pitting Rafael Carvalho (13-1) qarşı Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC) and also features Russia’s Anastasiya Yankova (4-0) qarşı Elina Kallionidou (5-1).

Bellator Kickboxing 5 will feature a lightweight bout between “The Doctor” Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC), who takes on Romanian veteran Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) and Bellator Kickboxng Women’s Flyweight World Champion Denise Kielholtz (46-3), who is set to defend her belt for the first time against ISKA and WKU World Champion Martine Michieletto (34-12-5).


Yenilənib Bellator 176: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2 Əsas Card:

Orta ağırlıq dərəcəsi üzrə dünya çempionatı: Rafael Carvalho (13-1) vs. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Women’s Catchweight Fight: Anastasiya Yankova (4-0) vs. Elina Kallionidou (5-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Cəmil Chan (12-3) vs. Mircea Valeriu (13-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Samba Coulibaly (11-4) vs. Michael Nica (5-0)


Yenilənib Bellator Kickboxing 5 Əsas Card:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC) vs. Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1)

Women’s Flyweight World Title Bout: Denise Kielholtz (46-3) vs. Martine Michieletto (34-12-5)

Catchweight Feature Fight: Nando Calzetta (45-9) vs. John Wayne Parr (95-32)

Welter Siklet Feature mübarizə: Mustapha Haida (45-5-2) vs. Enriko Kehl (45-11-1)

Featherweight Feature mübarizə: Gaston Bolanos (8-1) vs. Luca D’isanto (36-13-4)




tam “Bellator 168Weigh-In Photos / Full Bellator 168Weigh-In Video

FLORENCE, ITALY — (Dekabr 9, 2016) — Following weigh-ins Cümə günü morning from Grand Hotel Mediterraneo in the capital city of Tuscany, all 10 competitors fighting during the main card of “Bellator 168: Sakara vs. Beltran” are now ready to compete sabah gecə 4 dək. VƏ/3 dək. CT, LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.

The mixed martial arts portion of action is headlined by a light heavyweight main event contest featuring Italy’s own Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC), olacaq olan Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC). Əlavə, John Salter (12-3) cavab Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4) bir middleweight bout, Philipe Lins (10-1) competes against Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7), Yamauchi qədər (20-3) returns to lightweight action against Mircea Valeriu (12-3), və Və Ruth (1-0)namağlup qalmaq görünür 2016 on short notice against Emanuele Palombi (5-2)

See below for complete weights and photos from today’s weigh-in proceedings.

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Joey Beltran (205.2) vs. Alessio Sakara (203.6)

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Kleber Raimundo Silva (205.9) vs. Philipe Lins (205.8)

Middleweight Feature Fight: Claudio Annicchiarico (185.2) vs. John Salter (185.2)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Mircea Valeriu (154.5) vs. Yamauchi qədər (156)

Catchweight Feature Fight: Və Ruth (189.2) vs. Emanuele Palombi (187.2)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Dec. 6, 2016) – It was announced today that one of MMA’s hottest prospects, Və Ruth (1-0), will waste no time continuing to build his resume, as he fights Emanuele Palombi (5-2) for his second fight in as many months. The bout takes place bu cümə at "Bellator 168: Sakara vs. Beltran," haqqında Dec. 10 from the Mandela Forum in Florence and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4pm ET/PT.


Yalnız 26 dək təvəllüd, Ruth is looking to pave the way for the other members of “The New Breed," a group of highly accomplished wrestlers who have all signed to fight under the Bellator MMA banner including: Joey Davis (1-0), Tyrell Fortune (1-0), Jarod Trice (1-0) eləcə də Aaron PicoRomero Pambıq – the last of which have yet to make their highly anticipated professional debuts. Before he was a three-time National Champion and four-time All-American wrestler at Penn State University, Ruth attended the world-renown Blair Academy in Susquehanna Township, PA, where he was the top-ranked recruit in the nation for his weight class. Having achieved great success at every stage of competition throughout his life, Ruth aspires to have the Bellator middleweight gold around his waist before long. After making the move across the country to Fresno, Calif., where he now trains at Dethrone Basecamp with other Bellator MMA fighters like Josh KoscheckChris Honeycutt, Ruth made his professional MMA debut just last month on Nov. 4, when he finished Dustin Collins-Miles with strikes at 3:19 İlk turda daxil.


Ruth now faces Rome’s Palombi, a seven-fight veteran with five victories including three KO’s and one submission. Ruth, who is taking the fight on less than a week’s notice, must quickly learn how to tune out a hometown crowd, who will certainly be heavily in favor of the Italian fighter.


The evening is highlighted by a main event featuring Italy’s most renowned mixed martial artist Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC), who will duke it out with Joey “The Mexicutioner” Beltran (17-13, 1 NC) in a light heavyweight main event. Other Bellator MMA competitors will also be in action, o cümlədən John Salter (12-3), Yamauchi qədər (31-9) və Philipe Lins(10-1).


The Bellator Kickboxing brand will also be on display in Italy with a card that features a female flyweight rematch between Denise Kielholtz (45-3) və Gloria Peritore (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” will also include a lightweight clash between Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion Jordan Watson (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting Joe Schilling (19-9) qarşı Victorio Lermano (30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Luca Novello (22-4-2) ilə Kərim Qaccı (96-13-1), və Kevin Ross(31-9) görüşəcək Alessio Arduini (26-14-2) yüngül mübarizə. "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” airs Cümə, Dec. 16 at 11:15 pm ET, immediately following "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii.”


Complete "Bellator 168: Sakara vs. Beltran” Card:

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) vs. Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC)

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Philipe Lins (10-1) vs. Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7)

Middleweight Feature Fight: John Salter (12-3) vs. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Yamauchi qədər (31-9) vs. Mircea Valeriu (12-3)

Middleweight Feature Fight: Və Ruth (1-0) vs. Emanuele Palombi (5-2)

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” Card:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 NC) vs. Jordan Watson (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) vs. Gloria Peritore (11-1-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (19-9) vs. Victorio Lermano (30-7)

Welter Siklet Feature mübarizə: Luca Novello (22-4-2) vs. Kərim Qaccı (96-13-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Kevin Ross (31-9) vs. Alessio Arduini (26-14-2)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Noyabr 30, 2016) - A yüngül bout çopurluq Yamauchi qədər (20-3) qarşı Mircea Valeriu (12-3) completes the MMA portion of "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2,” on a night which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands inside the Mandela Forum in Florence.

Əlavə, due to an injury suffered by Pietro Cappelli, Philipe Lins (10-1) will now meet Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7) in light heavyweight action on Dec. 10.

The mixed martial arts portion of action on Dec. 10 is headlined by a middleweight world title fight featuring a rematch between Rafael Carvalho (13-1) və Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC), while Italy’s own Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) olacaq Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC) at 205-pounds, və John Salter (12-3) cavab Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4) bir middleweight bout. "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2” will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4pm ET/PT.

The Bellator Kickboxing card features a female flyweight rematch between Denise Kielholtz (45-3) və Gloria Peritore (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” will also feature a lightweight clash between Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion Jordan Watson (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting Joe Schilling (19-9) qarşı Victorio Lermano(30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Luca Novello (22-4-2) ilə Kərim Qaccı (96-13-1), və Kevin Ross(31-9) görüşəcək Alessio Arduini (26-14-2) yüngül mübarizə. "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” airs Cümə, Dec. 16 at 11:15 pm ET, immediately following "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii.”

An 8-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Yamauchi enters the cage in search of his 21st career win and seventh under the Scott Coker-led promotion. You would be hard-pressed to find a fighter with more promise than the 23-year-old top prospect, who has already taken down proven veterans the likes of Martin Stapleton, Isao Kobayashi, və ən son Ryan Couture. The former featherweight returned to the lightweight division to face the aforementioned Couture earlier in the year at "Bellator 162: Shlemenko vs. Oyuq," a fight in which Yamauchi dominated from the get-go, earning yet another first round submission victory. Yamauchi has finished his opponent in 17 və onun 20 karyera qazanır, o cümlədən 14 in the opening round of action. The Japanese-Brazilian submission specialist continues to make great strides in the sport, consistently displaying the flawless Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique that has given opponents many nightmares year after year.

Challenging Yamauchi will be Valeriu Mircea, a Moldova-born competitor that has also seen a great deal of success early on in his MMA career. The 23-year-old knockout artist will be making his Bellator MMA debut following three consecutive victories, including a pair of first round knockouts. Dating back to 2015, Mircea has collected wins in nine of his last 10 bouts and has already tallied six victories over his 2016 kampaniya. With three of his last four wins coming by way of first round knockout, you can expect an early array of attack in this pairing of two top prospects.

Taking on Lins will now be Raimundo Silva, a 28-year-old striker who will be making both his 2016 and Bellator MMA debut. Dating back to 2011, “Orgulho” has won seven of his last 11 müsabiqələr, highlighted by his most recent knockout victory over Claudio Rocha, which came just 3:25 İlk turda daxil.


Complete "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2” Card:

Orta ağırlıq dərəcəsi üzrə dünya çempionatı: Rafael Carvalho (13-1) vs. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) vs. Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC)

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Philipe Lins (10-1) vs. Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7)

Middleweight Feature Fight: John Salter (12-3) vs. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Yamauchi qədər (31-9) vs. Mircea Valeriu (12-3)

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” Card:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 NC) vs. Jordan Watson (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) vs. Gloria Peritore (11-1-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (19-9) vs. Victorio Lermano (30-7)

Welter Siklet Feature mübarizə: Luca Novello (22-4-2) vs. Kərim Qaccı (96-13-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Kevin Ross (31-9) vs. Alessio Arduini (26-14-2)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Noyabr 1, 2016) – A light heavyweight bout pitting Philipe Lins (10-1) qarşı Pietro Cappelli (2-1) and a middleweight fight between John Salter (12-3) və Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4) have been added to "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2,” which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands emanating from the Mandela Forum in Florence on Dec. 10.

The evening is highlighted by a main event middleweight world title rematch pitting Rafael Carvalho (13-1) qarşı Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC). Əlavə, Italy’s own Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) və Joey “The Mexicutioner” Beltran (17-13, 1 NC) will duke it out in a light heavyweight feature fight. "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2” will air on SPIKE at 4pm ET/PT.

A native of Florence, İtaliya, Cappelli has made an immediate splash in MMA, earning consecutive victories following his professional debut in 2015. Cappelli’s first career win came at the expense of Andrzej Kulik, when the 32-year-old delivered a brutal first round knockout. He then parlayed the emphatic victory with another first round finish, displaying his noteworthy ground game with a keylock submission just one minute and one second into the bout. With a noticeable message reading “unscarred” across his stomach, the Italian competitor prepares to dive in head first with a challenging matchup against the veteran Lins in his Bellator MMA debut.

The 31-year-old Lins will enter the cage for the 12th time in his career and fifth since making his Bellator MMA debut in 2014. Braziliya YAĞIR, Lins began his professional career on a nine-fight winning streak, finishing opponents in seven of the victories. “Monstro” has recorded a trio of significant victories since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, including two first round finishes and his most recent knockout win over fellow Brazilian competitor William Viana at "Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo.” Lins hopes to build off of his big win and silence a crowd that will be heavily in favor of his Italian opponent Cappelli.

Fresh off of his first career victory, a first round knockout over Ilyrian Hoxhay, the 32-year-old Annicchiarico looks to continue his success when he enters the cage for the first time under the direction of Bellator MMA. The Italian middleweight will face a difficult first test in Salter, a 15-fight veteran that hasn’t been defeated since 2012. With a pair of submission defeats to Salter’s name, look for Annicchiarico to take the fight to the ground and grind it out there.

The former Strikeforce competitor Salter will make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, after recording victories in his first two bouts with the promotion. He is riding a recent string of success, having won four consecutive contests and seven of his past eight. Over his seven-year career, the 31-year-old Nashville, Tenn., native has collected a dozen professional victories, recording finishes in all. With nine of his 12 career wins coming in the opening round of action, Salter is known to be one of the quickest strikers in the division and most recently finished former middleweight champion Brandon Halsey.


Complete "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2” Card:

Orta ağırlıq dərəcəsi üzrə dünya çempionatı: Rafael Carvalho (13-1) vs. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) vs. Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC)

Light ağır Feature mübarizə: Philipe Lins (10-1) vs. Pietro Cappelli (2-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: John Salter (12-3) vs. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)