الوسم المحفوظات: J'Leon الحب

ايرول SPENCE JR. VS. ميكي غارسيا أرلنغتون, أسعار المؤتمر الصحفي في تكساس & الصور

سبنس باتلز ، بطل العالم الذي لم يهزم في الوزن الثقيل ، غارسيا بطل العالم في بطولة الفرق الأربعة التي لم يهزم في مواجهة تاريخية على أول أبطال الملاكمة الممتازين في حدث الدفع مقابل المشاهدة في FOX Sports

السبت, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, تكساس
التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن في SeatGeek.com

انقر هنا للصور من دون الكسندر / دالاس كاوبويز

ARLINGTON, TX. (فبراير 19, 2019) – بطل العالم وزن الوسط الخالي من الهزائمايرول سبنس جونيور. وبطل العالم الذي لم يهزم من أربع فرق ميكي غارسيا وجهًا لوجه في مؤتمر صحفي في أرلينغتون, تكساس الثلاثاء حيث قاموا بمعاينة مواجهتهم التي تتصدر عناوين أبطال الملاكمة الممتازين على FOX Sports Pay-Per-View حدث يوم السبت, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي.

انضم سبنس وغارسيا إلى مالك دالاس كاوبويز, الرئيس والمدير العام جيري جونسات في نفس الملعب حيث سيقاتلون من أجل لقب وزن الوسط وتفوق الجنيه الاسترليني.

تذاكر مارس 16 حدث, التي تروج لها TGB Promotions و Ringstar Sports, هي للبيع الآن, ويمكن شراؤها في SeatGeek.com, مزود التذاكر الرسمي لـ AT&ملعب تي.

إليكم ما قاله المشاركون في المؤتمر الصحفي يوم الثلاثاء:

ايرول SPENCE JR.

“وحلم هذا صحيح. هذا شيء لم يفاجئني بعد. أحاول ألا أنشغل باللحظة, لكن هذا هو فريقي المفضل الذي شاهدته منذ أن كنت جالسًا في حجر والدي.

“في كل مرة أرى فيها ميكي أشعر بالحماس والقلق وأريد الذهاب إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية والصراع. بيوم الأحد, I تشاحن 18 جولات بسبب المؤتمر الصحفي كله ومواجهة يوم السبت. النظر في عيون ميكي, أستطيع أن أرى مدى جوعه وهذا ما يحفزني.

“ميكي صعب للغاية بسبب الطريقة التي أضع بها لكماته. إنه يفكر دائمًا ولديه معدل ذكاء عالٍ. لكني كنت أضغط على كل الأسطوانات. أنا قوي عقليًا وجسديًا ومستعد لأي شيء يجلبه إلى الطاولة. الفوز هنا يمكن أن يقذفني بالتأكيد وأنا مستعد لتحقيق ذلك.

“أي رياضي يرغب في دعم فريق وطنه له. يحدث ذلك فقط لدي الفريق الأكثر شعبية في العالم هنا في دالاس. هذا يعني الكثير لأنه ليس عليهم القيام بذلك. أشعر بالتواضع الشديد ومن الرائع أن أمثل دالاس. أنا دائما أدعم شعبي هنا.

“أنا 100 في المئة أعدت وركزت على ميكي جارسيا. أنا جائع وزني بالفعل. لا استطيع الانتظار لتقديم عرض آخر. مارس 16, عليك التأكد من عدم تفويتها. ستكون ليلة أسطورية.”

MIKEY غارسيا

“هذه المعركة تستحق منزلاً كهذا. هذه المعركة تستحق هذا النوع من الجو والطاقة. كنت بنفسي من مشجعي Cowboys وأنا نشأت والآن أنا هنا في منزلهم على وشك خوض أكبر معركة في مسيرتي. انه لا يصدق, لكن ها نحن ذا. أنا متحمس لجعل هذه ليلة لا تنسى. هذا هو التاريخ في طور التكوين.

“أنا متحمس جدًا لما سيأتي في غضون أسابيع قليلة. هذه معركة أردتها حقًا وهي بالتأكيد التحدي الأكبر في مسيرتي. إن محاربة أفضل وزن وسط في القسم ليس بالمهمة السهلة. ايرول سبنس جونيور. ستجلب أفضل ما لدي.

“أنا متأكد من أن إيرول يستعد لخوض أكبر معركة في مسيرته مثلي تمامًا. هذا ما سيجعل هذا مثيرًا للاهتمام. هذه وصفة لخوض معركة هائلة. ليس من الشائع جدًا أن ترى اثنين من أفضل رطل مقابل باوند, لا يزالون غير مهزومين ويتقاتلون بعضهم البعض في أوج عطائهم.

“لقد كنا نطبق تقنيات ستساعدني في تحسين سرعتي, وقت الانفجار ورد الفعل, مع إضافة القليل من الكتلة أيضًا. أعتقد أن كل هذا سيكون مفيدًا لي في ليلة القتال. أشعر بسعادة كبيرة بالنتائج.

“إذا لم أتحمل هذه المخاطر, ثم لن أكافأ. أريد أن أكون معروفًا كواحد من أعظم وأفضل أفراد هذا الجيل. كيف يمكنني تحقيق ذلك إذا لم أتحمل هذه المخاطر? لهذا السبب أخوض أكبر معركة متاحة.”

DERRICK JAMES, مدرب سبنس

“أنا سعيد جدا لوجودي هنا. لقد كانت رحلة جيدة حقًا مع إيرول وأنا. هذا لنا 10عشر عام العمل معًا وهذا مكان جميل يتوج فيه كل شيء. ميكي مقاتل حقيقي ولديه مدرب رائع في أخيه ووالده. نحن مستعدون له وفي حالة جيدة الآن. نحن على استعداد للذهاب.”

ROBERT غارسيا, شقيق غارسيا & مدرب

“لقد كان لدينا معسكر تدريب رائع وشركاؤنا في السجال يقومون بعمل رائع في إعدادنا لتحدي صعب للغاية. بحلول الوقت الذي يأتي فيه القتال, سترون ما يدور حوله ميكي. كل من يشاهد هذه المعركة سيستمتع بليلة ملاكمة رائعة.”

جيري جونز, مالك دالاس كاوبويز, الرئيس والمدير العام

“لا أعرف ما إذا كان لدينا حدث من قبل هنا بهذا النوع من المكانة والجمع بين رجلين يقفان هناك بمفردهما, وفي أفضل مرحلة من حياتهم المهنية. هذا لقاء بطلين وهذا شيء نادر جدًا بالنسبة للجماهير.

“عندما بنينا هذا الملعب ، فكرت كثيرًا في الملاكمة. دائرة دالاس كاوبويز هي بشكل خاص في الملاكمة. لدينا قاعدة جماهيرية رائعة من المكسيك ومن أصل إسباني وعندما نواجه قتالاً في هذا الملعب, هناك انجذاب كبير للملاكمة. عندما يكون هناك قتال بهذا المستوى في هذا الملعب, ثم نعلم أننا نقوم بشيء مميز للغاية.

“يرتبط هذان المقاتلان بشكل فريد بهذا الملعب و Cowboys. ايرول سبنس جونيور. يعيش حرفيا المجاور وهو من هذه المنطقة بالذات. الليلة الماضية التي قضاها في The Star, لقد كان يرتدي معدات رعاة البقر الخاصة به وجعل لاعبينا وأنا فخورين للغاية.

“وطننا بعيدا عن المنزل, أوكسنارد, كاليفورنيا هي المكان الذي اعتاد فيه ميكي جارسيا مشاهدة تدريب رعاة البقر. لدينا الكثير من القرابة مع هذين المقاتلين ومشجعينا على استعداد لتقديم علاج رائع.

“هذان المقاتلان يستحقان هذا الملعب. يستحق هذا الملعب مستوى مهارتهم وقدرتهم على المنافسة. هذا حدث خاص سيقام في 16 مارس.”

TOM BROWN, رئيس الترقيات TGB

“ايرول سبنس جونيور. تعتبر vs Mikey Garcia واحدة من أكثر المعارك إثارة للاهتمام في العام. إنها معركة ستحدد من هو أفضل مقاتل في العالم برطل مقابل رطل.

“يسعدنا أن نكون في منزل أفضل امتياز احترافي في الرياضة, في دالاس كاوبويز. هذا هو المكان المثالي لهذا الحدث الذي يضم بطلين لم يهزموا في مبارياتهم التمهيدية, وضع سجلاتهم على المحك. من المقرر أن يخرج ميكي وإيرول من هذا النفق ويدخلان تلك الحلقة للدخول في معركة لن تُنسى أبدًا.”

# # #

ايرول SPENCE JR. VS. مايك غارسيا لوس انجليس اقتباسات المؤتمر الصحفي & الصور

سبنس باتلز ، بطل العالم الذي لم يهزم في الوزن الثقيل ، غارسيا بطل العالم في بطولة الفرق الأربعة التي لم يهزم في مواجهة تاريخية على أول أبطال الملاكمة الممتازين في حدث الدفع مقابل المشاهدة في FOX Sports

السبت, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, تكساس
التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن في SeatGeek.com

انقر هنا لصور من فرانك Micelotta / FOX الرياضة

انقر هنا للصور من Andy Samuelson /
رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

انقر هنا لفيديو المؤتمر الصحفي FOX Sports

لوس انجليس (فبراير 16, 2019) – بطل العالم وزن الوسط الخالي من الهزائم ايرول سبنس جونيور. وبطل غير مهزوم من أربع فرق ميكي غارسيا استعرضوا مواجهتهم القادمة ومواجهة مباشرة على FOX في مؤتمر صحفي في لوس أنجلوس يوم السبت حيث كانوا يقتربون من معركتهم من أجل تفوق الجنيه الاسترليني التي تتصدر عناوين بطولة Premier Boxing Championsing على حدث FOX Sports Pay-Per-View يوم السبت, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, تكساس.

انضم سبنس وجارسيا على خشبة المسرح في المؤتمر الصحفي من قبل أسطورة حية,توماس “قاتل محترف” Hearns, الذي فاز بالألقاب في خمسة أقسام للوزن وقاتل شوجر راي ليونارد في واحدة من أكثر معارك وزن الوسط التي لا تنسى في التاريخ.

تميز الحدث أيضًا بمقابلة عبر القمر الصناعي مع مالك دالاس كاوبويز, الرئيس والمدير العام جيري جونز, الذي شارك بأفكاره حول الحدث المكهرب القادم إلى AT&ملعب تي, قبل أن يُمنح سبنس وجارسيا موهبة إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على قمصان رعاة البقر من قبل اثنين من رؤساء فريق دالاس كاوبويز.

تذاكر مارس 16 حدث, التي تروج لها TGB Promotions و Ringstar Sports, هي للبيع الآن, ويمكن شراؤها من SeatGeek.com, مزود التذاكر الرسمي لـ AT&ملعب تي.

كما حضر المؤتمر الصحفي لم يهزم بطل سابق يبلغ وزنه 168 رطلاً ديفيد بينافيديز والوزن الثقيل المفضل لدى المعجبين كريس أريولا, الذين يتنافسون على PBC على بطاقة FOX Sports Pay-Per-View السفلية بينما يقاتل Benavidez المنافس المخضرم J'Leon الحب, بينما يواجه أريولا مباريات ضد لم يهزم جان بيير أوغستين.

إليكم ما قاله المشاركون في المؤتمر الصحفي يوم السبت من Microsoft Theatre at L.A. لايف:

ايرول SPENCE JR.

“أنا أتدرب في المدرسة القديمة ، لذا لا أشعر بالقلق بشأن الطريقة التي يخطط بها ميكي لزيادة قوته عند زيادة الوزن. أنا لست قلقًا بشأن ذلك ولا أعتقد أنه سيحدث فرقًا في القتال. سأركز فقط على ما يجب أن أفعله لأكون في أفضل حالاتي.

“الحجم مهم دائمًا, ولكن عندما تدخل هناك, في نهاية اليوم, يتعلق الأمر بالمهارات والذكاء. لن أعتمد على الحجم. سأركز على موهبتي. إذا استطعت أن أتحرك من خلاله, ثم سأظهر غريزتي القاتلة وأحاول إخراجه من هناك. سأستخدم قدرتي في تحطيمه.

“في البداية اعتقدت أنه كان يلاحق اسمي عندما كان يناديني. بمجرد أن أصبح حقيقيًا, رأيت كم كان جادا. في تلك المرحلة كنت واثقًا جدًا من حدوث ذلك.

“أنا لست المتنمر هنا لأن ميكي دفع بالفعل للقتال. لم يكن الأبطال الآخرون متاحين في ذلك الوقت, بالإضافة إلى ميكي هو المقاتل الوحيد الذي استدعاني للخروج. كنت أعلم أن هذه كانت معركة أردت.

“لم يهزم ميكي, لديه مجموعة مهارات كبيرة وفاز بلقب بوزن 140 جنيهاً. لا أراه مقاتلًا صغيرًا. لديه أسلوب تقني تقليدي للغاية. يحب استخدام الزوايا لضبط خصومه.

“نحن نركز على ما يمكنني القيام به وما هي خطة لعبتنا. أنا دائمًا ما أقوم بالتعارك مع نفس الأشخاص بغض النظر عن أي شيء لأنهم وضعوني في الحالة التي أحتاج أن أكون فيها وجعلوني مستعدًا لأي تحدٍ.

“لطالما كان قسم وزن الوسط أحد أقوى الأقسام في الرياضة وهو كذلك الآن. نحن فقط بحاجة لمحاربة بعضنا البعض. أنا مستعد لمحاربة أي منهم. من ينتهي به الأمر في القمة من هذه المجموعة, سينتهي بكونه Hall of Famer. هكذا تصبح رائعًا في كل الأوقات.

“هذا شيء كنت أنتظره طوال حياتي. أنا مركز ومستعد لهذا التحدي. ستكون كل الأنظار علي وعلى ميكي في تلك الحلقة ولا يمكنني الانتظار.

“أنا سعيد لأن هناك من يتحداني. لقد كنت أبحث عن خصم مثله. لقد أثبت نفسه في هذه الرياضة. يسعدني أن أكون قادرًا على مواجهة هذا التحدي. أنا أبحث عن ميكي غارسيا الماهر لتقديم أفضل ما لدي في مارس 16.

“رؤيتي أن يدي سترفع في النصر, سواء كانت بالضربة القاضية أو قتال شاق من 12 جولة, أنا أستعد لأفضل مهارات ميكي جارسيا من حيث الحكمة, قوة حكيمة وبقدر ذكاء خاتمه.”

MIKEY غارسيا

“هذه هي أنواع التحديات التي أريدها. أحتاج إلى شخص مثل إيرول سبينس جونيور., بسلوكه وأسلوبه, لإخراج أفضل ما لدي. أريد أن يرى العالم أخيرًا ميكي جارسيا بالكامل.

“لقد ساعدني التدريب الذي قمنا به في منطقة الخليج بالتأكيد. نحن نرتقي في الوزن ونحتاج إلى القيام بنوع مختلف من التدريب. أردنا التأكد من أننا اكتسبنا القليل من الكتلة حتى أتمكن من صد وزن وقوة Errol Spence.

“كان المفتاح لتدريب القوة هو أننا لم نرغب في فقدان السرعة والانفجار. أستطيع الآن أن أرى أنني عدت إلى المنافسة أنه لا يزال لدي تلك السرعة مع اكتساب القوة التي كان علينا.

“إذا قال الناس أن إيرول أكبر, هذا واضح فقط. لكن من أسرع? من لديه توقيت أفضل? هناك الكثير الذي يدخل في هذه الرياضة ومن سيفوز في هذه المعركة بالذات.

“لقد كان هذا من أصعب المعسكرات التي مررت بها على الإطلاق. نحن نعمل على الكثير من الأساليب والتقنيات المختلفة لنكون في أفضل حالاتنا. سيكون أكبر مني في ليلة القتال, but that’s part of the challenge. I’ve know that since the beginning and that’s why we’ve trained the way we have.

When I saw him fight Lamont Peterson I decided that Errol Spence Jr. was the fight I wanted one day. People tried to talk me out of it, but now they’re all on board. People have now started to see what I’m going to be capable of on March 16.

I want the best Errol Spence Jr. I know he’s a great fighter with a lot of skills and talent. He hasn’t needed to use all of his skills, مثلي تماما. يفعل كل شيء بشكل جيد, but nothing spectacular. I just feel like I’m the better fighter. I think I have the advantage everywhere except maybe power, but we’ll find out on fight night.

“هذا هو التاريخ في طور التكوين. I’m trying to establish a great legacy. This is the kind of fight that I need. I know my fans are going to show up and give me a lot of support. This fight truly excites me and motivates.

I’m not going to let this fight slip away. I’m going to establish myself as one of the best of the generation and eventually one of the best of all time.

Even though some people believe I’m the underdog, I don’t see myself that way. I’m undefeated and I think Errol knows that I pose a challenge. It’s no easy task for either one of us. This is the fight that I need for my legacy.

DERRICK JAMES, مدرب سبنس

This fight is all about the skillset, not the size. Size will come into play a little bit, but we’re going to show the skillset that we have to beat this guy. That’s what Errol is going to show.

Mikey Garcia has a good technical style. But there’s always a method to take down a great fighter. I think that a day like today will inspire us even more to work even harder. We can see him right in front of us. Its real and we can’t wait.

When I first saw Errol we were actually sparring each other. We started working together and I got to see him walk through guy after guy. We knew he was a great athlete, but it took time to build to where I started to realize he was something special.

ROBERT غارسيا, شقيق غارسيا & مدرب

This is a big challenge for us to go up in weight to fight the best welterweight in the world. But it’s not like itsnever been done before and I know Mikey has the skills and power to pull it off. That’s what we’re coming to Dallas to do.

This is an opportunity for Mikey to continue building his legacy. He wants to be known as one of the greatest fighters of all time and a win over Errol Spence Jr. is a big step toward that.

I don’t think they’ve overlooking Mikey. “They know the talent he has. They’re getting ready for a great fight like they’ve done before. I think they know that they’re in for a real fight.

DAVID بينافيديز

I’m back here in this stage and that’s all that matters. I’m living and learning. I can’t wait to be in position to again fight for the world title.

‘I actually sparred with J’Leon Love when I was 15-years-old. He’s a great fighter who’s a veteran. أنا لا تطل عليه. I’m training for this fight like it’s a world title fight. Whatever style he comes with, I’m going to be ready for it.

I’m better than ever. Everything has been a lesson learned. I had to sit out while I lost my spot, so now I’m more motivated than ever. This year we’re leaving the past in the past and coming back stronger.

CHRIS أريولا

I’m excited to be back. It was a long layoff where I spent time with my son and watched him grow. I missed that feeling of being in front of fans and getting that nervous energy right before a fight.

I’m anticipating and I’m hoping for a rowdy crowd on March 16. There will be a lot of Spence and Garcia fans and a whole lot of great fights. Us Mexicans, we love fights.

I know that my opponent is a southpaw and he’s slick. He’s going to try to out box me. I know he’s not going to want to stay in my wheelhouse. I have to be in shape to go the distance and be ready for shots coming from different angles.

جيري جونز, مالك دالاس كاوبويز, الرئيس والمدير العام

On hosting Spence and Garcia at separate Cowboys home games last season:
It was just good to rub elbows with champions. I want all that they have to rub off on me and the Dallas Cowboys.

The fact that FOX is involved and their interest in this fight is amazing. We’ve had great events with FOX, including the Super Bowl. Our stadium was really built for boxing. These fighters will be standing 70 feet tall suspended above the ring on the video board. It’s an excellent way to feel like you’re so close you’re receiving the blows from these great fighters.

We’re so excited for our Mexican-American fan base. This is a great area for boxing. We endear ourselves to be involved with an event like this in anyway the Cowboys can. Especially with two great fighters like Spence and Garcia.

I think you’ll see a fight with outstanding champions involved on March 16. You don’t get to see the best against the best very often. At AT&ملعب تي, you’ll see it in a way that can’t be matched at normal sports venues. The aura of having thousands of fans like at a football game is unmatched. It’s a grand experience and we’re proud to be a part of boxing.

ريتشارد SCHAEFER, رئيس & الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Ringstar الرياضة

The winner of this fight will be pound-for-pound the best in the world. Everybody would agree both of these guys are near the top of that list, and I believe whoever wins will be number one. This is a coronation for who is today the king of the sport.

Mikey Garcia is technically one of the best fighters in the world. ايرول سبنس جونيور. is a strong, determined fighter who just wants to prove that he’s the best. This fight is a chance for both guys to prove they’re the best in the world.

TOM BROWN, رئيس الترقيات TGB

This is a true blockbuster event, worthy of this incredible press conference live on FOX. These two fighters are not only superstars of the sport, but the winner of this fight will be able to make the claim of being number one pound-for-pound.

FOX and the Dallas Cowboys have given a tremendous amount of support to this event and we anticipate an unforgettable evening on March 16. Mikey Garcia is truly daring to be great against a fighter in Errol Spence Jr. who has established himself as the class of the 147-pound division.

# # #

حول SPENCE VS. غارسيا
سبنس مقابل. Garcia هو أحد أبطال الملاكمة الممتازين في حدث FOX Sports Pay-Per-View الذي يتصدره بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل IBF Errol Spence Jr. دافع عن لقبه أمام بطل العالم من الدرجة الرابعة ميكي جارسيا يوم السبت, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, تكساس.

The PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard will feature undefeated former super middleweight champion David Benavidez battling veteran contender J’Leon Love, يواجه بطل وزن البانتام السابق الذي لم يهزم لويس نيري البطل السابق ماكجو أرويو والمفضل لدى المشجعين كريس أريولا في مواجهة جان بيير أوغستين الذي لم يهزم.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

حول AT&ملعب تي:
AT&ملعب تي هو واحد من أكبر, أماكن الترفيه الأكثر تقدمًا من الناحية التكنولوجية في العالم. صممه HKS وبناه مانهاتن للإنشاءات, ال $1.2 مليار ملعب يضم اثنين من الأقواس الضخمة, أكبر مجموعة لوحات فيديو HDTV في العالم, سقف قابل للسحب وواسع وأكبر أبواب منطقة نهاية قابلة للسحب في العالم. من ميزات الملعب مقاعد 80,000 وقابلية التوسع لما يصل إلى 100,000, خلال 300 أجنحة فاخرة, جلوس النادي على مستويات متعددة ومتجر دالاس كاوبويز برو, مفتوح للجمهور على مدار العام. يعد الملعب أيضًا موطنًا لمجموعة عالمية من الفن المعاصر, تتكون من أكثر من 50 قطع من مجموعة دولية من الفنانين المنسقين معروضة على الجدران والأماكن العامة الكبيرة في المكان. بالإضافة إلى كونها موطن فريق دالاس كاوبويز منذ افتتاحه في 2009, استضاف الملعب Super Bowl XLV, ال 2010 لعبة NBA All Star, ال 2014 النهائي الرابع لكرة السلة للرجال في الرابطة الوطنية لرياضة الجامعات, ال 2015 لعبة البطولة الوطنية لكرة القدم للكلية والبطولة السنوية Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. استضاف المكان أيضًا كرة القدم في المدرسة الثانوية والكليات, الحفلات, بطولة معارك, مباريات كرة القدم الدولية, والمناسبات الخاصة الأخرى. لمزيد من المعلومات, اذهب إلى www.attstadium.com.

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

السبت, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, تكساس

التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن في SeatGeek.com

Blockbuster Event to Feature Unbeaten Former 168-Pound Champion David Benavidez, Undefeated Former Bantamweight Champion Luis Nery & Fan Favorite Chris Arreola In Separate Bouts on Four-Fight Pay-Per-View Card

ARLINGTON, TX. (فبراير 14, 2019) – بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل IBF الذي لم يهزم ايرول “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. defends his title against undefeated four-division champion ميكي غارسيا in a highly anticipated and historic showdown for pound-for-pound supremacy that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, مارس 16 من في&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, تكساس.

The four-fight pay-per-view card will also see unbeaten former super middleweight world champion ديفيد بينافيديز taking on veteran contender J'Leon الحب في مواجهة من 10 جولات, undefeated former 118-pound champion لويس نيري تقاتل بطل العالم السابق McJoe أرويو in a 10-round attraction and fan-favorite كريس “كابوس” أريولا facing unbeaten جان بيير أوغستين for 10-rounds of action.

تذاكر لهذه المواجهة, التي تروج لها TGB Promotions و Ringstar Sports, هي للبيع الآن, ويمكن شراؤها في SeatGeek.com, مزود التذاكر الرسمي لـ AT&ملعب تي.

Spence and Garcia will go face-to-face on Saturday, فبراير 16 at a press conference in Los Angeles that will air live on FOX from the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 4:30 عصرا. AND / 1:30 عصرا. PT. The press conference is open to ticket holders for the Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera featherweight championship fight.

يوم الثلاثاء, فبراير 19, Spence and Garcia will square off at a press conference from
AT&T Stadium where they will finally go toe-to-toe on March 16.

Garcia is stepping up two weight classes from his last fight to challenge Spence for the welterweight title in Spence’s backyard, not far from the Dallas suburb of DeSoto where Spence grew up a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan. Garcia will be fighting in Texas for the ninth time as a pro and figures to be buoyed by the large contingent of Mexican and Mexican-American fans that will be in attendance.

His task has historical parallels to the paths taken by great fighters like Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, who all moved up multiple weight classes to challenge all-time great welterweights. Mosley and Pacquiao were both successful in moving up from lightweight to defeat Oscar De La Hoya, while Marquez’s rise to welterweight was halted in a decision loss to Floyd Mayweather.

Spence is a power-punching welterweight who has stopped his last 11 opponents heading into this intriguing matchup against the brilliant tactician that Garcia has established himself as. With a clash of two superb boxers in the prime of their careers and squarely in the top-five of the mythical pound-for-pound rankings, the winner can stake a claim as the best boxer in the sport today.

“ايرول سبنس جونيور. مقابل. Mikey Garcia is a matchup of two highly-skilled and accomplished fighters in a true blockbuster showdown,” وقال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “Fans will get to see the hometown hero Spence against the Mexican-American superstar Garcia with huge contingents of fans uplifting them to put on a performance to match the moment. Combined with a jam-packed pay-per-view undercard of action fights, this has all the makings of a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“سبنس مقابل. Garcia is an event that transcends boxing and is a coronation that will crown the new ‘King of Boxing,'” وقال ريتشارد شايفر, رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Ringstar الرياضة. “بالإضافة إلى الحدث الرئيسي, fight fans will be treated to a spectacular night of boxing featuring three of the most exciting Mexican fighters in the sport in David Benavidez, Luis Nery and Chris Arreola. This is exactly what a pay-per-view card is and should be all about: entertainment and non-stop action from the first bell to the last!”

We are proud to host a boxing match of this magnitude with Errol Spence Jr. and Mikey Garcia,” said Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jones. “AT&T Stadium was built to house the greatest sporting events on the planet, and we feel we have another incredible boxing event on the horizon with this matchup in our building on March 16.

سبنس (24-0, 21 كوس) is no stranger to big stadium events as he won the IBF title by traveling to England to take on then-champion Kell Brook at Bramhall Lane soccer stadium on May 27, 2017. In front of a raucous crowd of over 27,000 loyal Brook supporters, the 28-year-old Spence stopped Brook in round 11 to wrest away the title.

This will be Spence’s third defense of the title. After beating Brook, he successfully defended it with an eighth-round stoppage of two-division champion Lamont Peterson and then knocked out mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in the first round in his last fight at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, تكساس, near his hometown of Desoto, Texas on June 16. Spence turned pro shortly after representing the U.S. في 2012 London Olympics with much promise and rose to the championship ranks with wins over former champion Chris Algieri and veteran contenders Leonard Bundu, Alejandro Barrera and Chris van Heerden.

I can’t wait for March 16th. It doesn’t get bigger than this,” قال سبنس. “Fighting at AT&T Stadium in my hometown is a dream come true. If I beat Mikey Garcia the way I plan on beating him, I will be the guy in the sport. This is my year and Mikey isn’t going to stop me. I am training like this is the biggest fight of my life and I want to put on a great show for the fans and win convincingly.

غارسيا (39-0, 30 كوس) is striving to put together a legendary career and is aggressively pursuing that goal. He has won world championships at featherweight, صغار خفيفة الوزن, lightweight and junior welterweight. He now eyes a welterweight title against the consensus class of the division in Spence. Fighting out of Moreno Valley, كاليفورنيا, Garcia unified the IBF and WBC Lightweight World Championships in his last bout by scoring unanimous decision victory over Robert Easter, الابن. في يوليو-تموز 28.

The 31-year-old first reached the championship ranks by blitzing through the featherweight and junior lightweight division, defeating Orlando Salido, خوان مانويل لوبيز, Roman Martinez and Juan Carlos Burgos to establish himself as a star in the sport. Garcia has been on a fast track since ending a nearly 2-1/2-year hiatus with a knockout victory over Elios Rojas in 2016. After the victory over Rojas, Garcia scored a KO victory over Dejan Zlaticanin for the WBC lightweight championship in January 2017, before defeating four-division champion Adrien Broner in July and then captured a title at 140-pounds by dropping and defeating Sergey Lipinets last March.

In my career I’ve always sought to fight the best in boxing and this fight against Errol Spence Jr. is just that,” وقال جارسيا. “I want to be known as one of the all-time greats and what better way to do that than to win a welterweight title and become a five-division world champion. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Errol and what he’s accomplished, but I fully expect to leave the ring at AT&T Stadium with the welterweight world title. This is a match that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time and I plan on giving the fans a performance they’ll never forget.

The 22-year-old Benavidez (20-0, 17 كوس) became the youngest fighter to ever win a super middleweight title in 2017 when he defeated Ronald Gavril at just 20-years-old. القتال من فينيكس, Benavidez’s older brother Jose is also a pro fighter who challenged Terrence Crawford last year. Benavidez most recently won a rematch against Gavril last February, and as WBCChampion in Recesshe will look to reclaim his belt against the winner of the Anthony Dirrell vs. Avni Yildirim bout for the vacant title on February 23.

Born in Detroit but fighting out of Las Vegas, حب (24-2-1, 13 كوس) has long been amongst the top contenders at super middleweight and most recently lost a decision to Peter Quillin in August. The 31-year-old had been previously unbeaten in seven bouts heading into the contest against Quillin.

Currently riding a nine-fight knockout streak, Nery (28-0, 24 كوس) will look to get one step closer to a fight to regain a bantamweight title when he steps into the ring March 16. The 24-year-old from Tijuana, Mexico twice traveled to Japan and stopped Shinsuke Yamanaka in WBC title fights. في 2018 he stopped Jason Canoy and Renson Robles heading into his U.S. debut against Arroyo.

A 2008 Olympian for his home country of Puerto Rico, أرويو (18-2. 8 كوس) captured a 115-pound championship with a technical decision over Arthur Villanueva in their 2015 اشتباك. After dropping decisions against Rau’shee Warren and Jerwin Ancajas, the 33-year-old most recently defeated Sander Diaz last June.

An exciting brawler inside the ring, أريولا (37-5-1, 32 كوس) is well-known for challenging the best heavyweights in the sport throughout his career, and for becoming a popular attraction in and around his native Los Angeles for his fighting style and persona. The 37-year-old faced the likes of Vitali Klitschko, توماس ADAMEK, and Bermane Stiverne, before challenging Deontay Wilder for his title in 2016. After a brief retirement, Arreola returned to stop Maurenzo Smith last December.

Unbeaten and fighting out of Louisville, Augustin (17-0-1, 12 كوس) will face his toughest and most experienced test to date in Arreola. ولد في هايتي, Augustin turned pro in 2014 and has steadily climbed up the heavyweight rankings.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

حول AT&ملعب تي:
AT&ملعب تي هو واحد من أكبر, أماكن الترفيه الأكثر تقدمًا من الناحية التكنولوجية في العالم. صممه HKS وبناه مانهاتن للإنشاءات, ال $1.2 مليار ملعب يضم اثنين من الأقواس الضخمة, أكبر مجموعة لوحات فيديو HDTV في العالم, سقف قابل للسحب وواسع وأكبر أبواب منطقة نهاية قابلة للسحب في العالم. من ميزات الملعب مقاعد 80,000 وقابلية التوسع لما يصل إلى 100,000, خلال 300 أجنحة فاخرة, جلوس النادي على مستويات متعددة ومتجر دالاس كاوبويز برو, مفتوح للجمهور على مدار العام. يعد الملعب أيضًا موطنًا لمجموعة عالمية من الفن المعاصر, تتكون من أكثر من 50 قطع من مجموعة دولية من الفنانين المنسقين معروضة على الجدران والأماكن العامة الكبيرة في المكان. بالإضافة إلى كونها موطن فريق دالاس كاوبويز منذ افتتاحه في 2009, استضاف الملعب Super Bowl XLV, ال 2010 لعبة NBA All Star, ال 2014 النهائي الرابع لكرة السلة للرجال في الرابطة الوطنية لرياضة الجامعات, ال 2015 لعبة البطولة الوطنية لكرة القدم للكلية والبطولة السنوية Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. استضاف المكان أيضًا كرة القدم في المدرسة الثانوية والكليات, الحفلات, بطولة معارك, مباريات كرة القدم الدولية, والمناسبات الخاصة الأخرى. لمزيد من المعلومات, اذهب إلى www.attstadium.com.

Andre Berto Edges Devon Alexander by Split-Decision in Battle of Former World Champions that Headlined Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday Night from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Former World Champion Peter Quillin Earns Unanimous Decision Over J’Leon Love in Super Middleweight Showdown
Sergey Lipinets Scores Decision Over Erick Bone & Joey Spencer
Remains Unbeaten
Marcus Browne Survives Knockdown Against Lenin Castillo to Remain Unbeaten, Luis Collazo Defeats Bryant Perrella & 2016 الامريكى. أولمبي
Gary Antuanne Russell Scores First Round Knockout in
FS2 & FOX Deportes Action
انقر هنا for Photos from Douglas Defelice/Premier Boxing Champions

جزيرة طويلة, NY (أغسطس 4, 2018) – بطل العالم السابق غيرها من برتو(32-5, 24 كوس) won a back-and-forth fight by split decision Saturday night against fellow former champion ديفون الكسندر (27-4-1, 14 كوس) in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from NYCB LIVE, موطن المدرج التذكاري للمحاربين القدامى في ناسو.




I knew he was going to be quick and I knew he’d come to fight,” سعيد برتو. “I had to get adjusted to his speed a little bit and then I started pressing him. I felt like I was in better shape and quicker to the target than he was.




Alexander struck first as his southpaw stance appeared to give Berto trouble early. Alexander connected with a series of powerful right hooks in round two before following up in round three with a straight right that landed on Berto and allowed Alexander to score a knockdown with follow-up hooks.




We knew that we had enough power to hurt him and I felt like I was doing that early in the fight,” قال الكسندر. “I slowed down in the middle of the fight, but there’s no excuses. We both came to fight.




The bout saw numerous clashes and tie ups, but as the rounds went on Berto’s relentlessness allowed him to score against a tiring Alexander. Berto had success in the seventh round tagging Alexander on the inside as he began to break through his opponent’s defense.




I’ve been off for a while but I felt good in there,” سعيد برتو. “He was pulling back on a lot of his punches so I stepped in for my combinations and made him pay.




The back-and-forth fight concluded with both fighters slugging it out until the final bell and appearing to have worn each other down from the 12-round bout. The scores reflected the close nature of the bout as once judge scored it 114-113 for Alexander, but was overruled by two judges scoring the bout 115-112 for Berto.




I thought I edged it out, but it was a close fight,” قال الكسندر. “We’re climbing back still. This happens. I’m going to talk to my team and see what the best move is going forward.




This is a tremendous feeling,” سعيد برتو. “I’m looking forward to getting in there and doing it again.





The co-main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw former middleweight world champion تلاشى “جدي الشوكولاته” كويلين (34-1-1, 23 كوس) earn a unanimous decision victory over J'Leon الحب (24-2-1, 13 كوس) بعد 10 جولات من عمل المتوسط ​​السوبر.




It was very important for me to go up in there and break his spirit,” سعيد كويلين. “I established my will in there, but I’ll wait to judge how I looked until I see the tape.




Quillin’s power and punch output proved to be the difference as he focused on getting into range of Love while delivering power punches to back Love up. With his promoter, all-time great Floyd Mayweather, sitting ringside, Love focused on a strategy that saw him move throughout the 10 rounds while trying to build his offense off of his jab.




Sometimes you don’t have your best night, but I’m far from done,” قال الحب. “I have a lot of good fights left in front of me. سأعود. I could have pressed a little bit more, but he’s a puncher. I wasn’t trying to turn it into a brawl. I went at him and then slid right out. That was the game plan.




Round eight began with Quillin on the offensive as he pinned Love in the corner and unloaded a massive series of shots, many of which landed flush. Love was able to avoid any serious danger from the onslaught, but was never able to land anything that bothered Quillin over the remaining moments of the fight.




سجل القضاة نوبة 99-91 و 98-92 مرتين, all in favor of Quillin.




For people who think that I had ring rust, we’ve been in the gym training hard to be ready for a challenge like this,” سعيد كويلين. “We’re going to build from this and use it from a foundation. Only time will tell what comes next, but we’ll use this as a measuring stick.




The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes featured former world champion سيرغي Lipinets (14-1, 10 كوس) as he earned a majority decision over إريك العظام (20-6, 8 كوس) بعد 10 جولات من وزن الوسط.




I always take a couple of rounds to figure the guy out, but once I loosened up I felt pretty good,” said Lipinets. “I loaded up on my punches a little more than I had to, but this fight was exactly what I needed to get myself ready for another big challenge soon.




Both fighters spent most of the bout exchanging single power punches, with Lipinets showing off his superior power to bust open Bone’s nose in the early rounds and cause blood to pour from it throughout the rest of the fight.




Lipinets continued to throw power punches to the end, connecting with a left hook midway through the final frame that caused Bone to jump back toward the ropes. One judge scored the fight a 95-95 draw but was overruled by scores of 99-91 و 98-92.





If anybody saw any flaws in my performance today, then they’re welcome to step up and come take the fight against me,” said Lipinets. “Everyone knows that I’m going to come and bring a great fight to whoever is in front of me




Additional FOX and FOX Deportes action featured rising unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer (4-0, 4 كوس) as he delivered a dominant second-round knockout over Bruce Lutchmedial (2-5, 2 كوس) in their middleweight clash.




The 18-year-old former amateur standout first landed a series of body blows midway through round two that forced his opponent to take a knee. Spencer followed up with a combination to the head that put Lutchmedial down and forced referee Arthur Mercante to call off the bout at 2:59 الجولة الثانية.




He was a little bit tougher than the other guys I’ve fought so far,” said Spencer. “I had to go down to the body after I realized in the first round that the head shots weren’t as effective. Eventually the body shots were too much for him.




I just want to keep building my record, keep fighting better opponents and keep growing as a fighter. At the end of the day I want to fight for a title in the next few years.




The main event on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw ماركوس براون (22-0, 16 كوس) work through a mid-round knockdown on his way to a unanimous decision victory over لينين كاستيلو (17-2-1, 12 كوس) في هم 10 جولة وزن خفيف الثقيل نوبة.




I wasn’t consistent enough or as effective as I wanted to be tonight,” وقال براون. “I fought in spurts too much. I need to be more consistent to get the performance I want.




The knockdown felt like a slip to me, ولكن هذا هو الملاكمة. I just had to keep focus and move forward to get the win.




The Staten Island-native Browne showed off his impressive speed and jab through the early rounds of the fight, keeping Castillo’s offense at bay. As the fight opened up in the middle rounds, Castillo caught Browne with a right hand during a wild exchange that knocked him off balance and caused him to hit the mat.




Browne was able to recover with ease and continued to show off his boxing skills throughout the remainder of the night, as Castillo was unable to replicate his round five success. The judges saw the fight for Browne by the scores of 97-92 و 98-91 مرتين.




I appreciated everyone who came out for me tonight,” وقال براون. “I’m ready to move on to the next challenge. I’m going to stay focused and be even better next time.




Also on FS2 and FOX Deportes, بطل العالم السابق لويس كولازو (38-7, 20 كوس) earned a majority decision victory over براينت Perrella (15-2, 13 كوس) in their 10-round welterweight showdown.




Perrella entered the ring with the reach and height advantage, but the veteran Collazo quickly strategized to walk through Perrella’s jab to deliver power punches. Collazo started to inflict damage beginning in rounds three and four when he had Perella stunned several times against the ropes.




Perrella didn’t have much power, which allowed me to just stay on top of him and smother his punches,” سعيد كولازو. “I was able to play the aggressor and control the fight.




Collazo had to continue to stalk the increasingly evasive Perrella, but was able to show off his impressive ring savvy by cutting off the ring to implement his offense. Collazo had Perrella hurt badly in the late rounds of the fight, but Perrella was able to show enough toughness and athleticism to see the final bell.




I’ve had a lot of fights that prepared me for what I had to do tonight,” سعيد كولازو. “I felt strong in there, but I’ll know more once I look at the tape. I want one of the top welterweights next.




The opening bout on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw rising unbeaten prospect غاري أنتوان راسل (7-0, 7 كوس), younger brother of WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr., deliver a powerful first round knockout over Mexico’s جوزيه إسكويفل (10-7, 2 كوس).




Russell threw a right hook to the head and followed it up with a perfect left hook to Esquivel’s stomach that put his opponent down for good, with the official stoppage coming 25 ثانية في جولة واحدة.




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المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FOX أو FOX ديبورتيس. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.




لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions. BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island هو امتداد للعلامة التجارية BSE BROOKLYN BOXING ™. لمزيد من المعلومات, زيارة brooklynboxingshop.com.

اندريه بيرتو مقابل. ديفون الكسندر & بيتر كويلين مقابل. J’Leon Love Final Press Conference Quotes & صور

أبطال الملاكمة الممتازون على FOX & FOX Deportes Live in Primetime هذا السبت, أغسطس 4 from NYCB LIVE,
Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
انقر هنا for Photos from Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

جزيرة طويلة, NY. (أغسطس 2, 2018) – بطل العالم في وزن الوسط السابقة غيرها من برتو و ديفون الكسندر went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before their primetime main event Saturday, أغسطس 4 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from NYCB LIVE, موطن المدرج التذكاري للمحاربين القدامى في ناسو.




Also competing on Saturday’s telecast that starts at 7:30 عصرا. و/ 4:30 عصرا. PT and squaring-off Thursday were former champion بيتر كويلين and super middleweight contender J'Leon الحب. Additional action on FOX and FOX Deportes will feature rising unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer in a super welterweight attraction.




Headlining the FS2 and FOX Deportes telecast beginning at 5:30 عصرا. و / 2:30 عصرا. ET is unbeaten contender ماركوس براون من جزيرة ستاتن, الذي يأخذ على لينين كاستيلو, وبطل العالم السابق لويس كولازو, الذين معارك براينت Perrella في العمل وزن الوسط, who were both in attendance at Thursday’s press conference.




Competing in undercard action and participating in Thursday’s press conference in her hometown was WBA Super Middleweight Women’s World Champion Alicia Napoleon, who defends her title against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin.




تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يروج لها الترقيات TGB, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, هي للبيع الآن. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت من خلال زيارة www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, أو عن طريق الاتصال 1-800-745-3000. تتوفر التذاكر أيضًا في Ticketmaster Box Office في NYCB LIVE. خصومات المجموعة متاحة عن طريق الاتصال 516-231-4848.




Here is what the participants had to say Thursday from The JetBlue Overlook at NYCB Live, موطن المدرج التذكاري للمحاربين القدامى في ناسو:


أخرى BERTO




A lot of these people on this card have been guys I’ve been around since they were coming up. I’ve been in the game for a while and I’ve been cracking heads for a while.




We had a tremendous training camp for this fight. I took time to rejuvenate myself and I’ve come back and gotten myself into great shape. I appreciate what Devon Alexander has been through, but he’s dealing with a different animal on Saturday night.




I’ve pushed hard to give myself the best chance to win on Saturday. We’ve prepared for everything that we think Devon can bring. I’m physically and mentally prepared for a battle.




I’m going to push Devon. I don’t think he’s fought any that brings what I do since he came back from his layoff. We’re going to see if he’s back. If he’s not ready, then I’m going to make it a long night for him.




It’s all business on Saturday night. أنا حقا اتطلع الى ذلك. It’s going to be dynamite. It’s going to be a good time.






I’m thankful that I can continue to fight, build my legacy and do something I love. I’m grateful to be here and show off my talent. I’m still writing my legacy and Berto is just another stepping stone in my way. I have to get past him.




We had a great training camp down in Florida. Coach Cunningham has prepared me as well as for any fight in my career. The focus and dedication we put into camp will all show in the ring on fight night.




Andre Berto was a great champion and I definitely respect what he’s done in this sport. Both of us need this win badly though and I’m sure neither of us will look to take a step back on our way to a victory.




I love being in New York. I always get a lot of love from the fans, and they’re definitely a passionate group of fans. I’m going to be ready for the bright lights on Saturday.




I have to thank Berto for accepting the challenge. We go way back to the amateur days. أنا على مستوى التحدي. Everyone knows I will fight anybody. انها ستكون معركة كبيرة. There’s going to be fireworks.


PETER كويلين




I am more than ready for this fight. I have a lot of history with J’Leon Love. I’m going to be ready for him and it’s going to be a fight the fans won’t want to miss.




I’m very blessed to be back in this position. Coach Sosa has really been a great gift for me. He’s helped me mentally and physically build on everything I had done with Virgil Hunter in the two years prior.




Being back in New York definitely helps make me feel like I’ve made it back. I can be back in front of my fans, and most importantly my family, so that I can feel their support and let it carry me in the ring.





We’ve worked on everything in camp and we’re ready to put on a show Saturday. I’m ready to show everyone that I still have what it takes to compete for a world title. This is something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time now.






I appreciate people coming out. I love coming to New York. This is a great card with so many great fighters and I’m grateful for the opportunity.




I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Come August 4, you will see me display my talent. I have nothing but respect for Peter Quillin, but this is why they call it the crossroads. We have to run into each other.




I’m not worried about anything Peter has done in past fights. I’m prepared for the best Peter Quillin we’ve seen. He’s not going to catch me by surprise in there.




I just have to be smart, listen to my corner and impose my game plan. I know that I have the skills to win and win convincingly. If I follow the game plan, I’m going to show everyone I’m ready for the best in the division.




I’m excited to be back in New York. I’m planning on riding the energy from the crowd, whether it’s rooting against me or with me, and giving everyone something to remember.






It’s been a while but I’m thankful to be back. I’m super ready to go in there on Saturday night and put on a show for you guys. I’m going to do what I do best, and keep my name in title contention.




I know that my opponent is skilled and he’s going to be ready to try to upset me. But I’ve worked too hard in camp to let anyone walk into my home and beat me. It’s just not happening.




I’ve made sure to just stay patient and know that my time is coming. I’m going to keep adding to my resume until there’s no one who can deny my shot.




I’m trying to get this done impressively, but I’ll take the win however I can get it. At this point it’s about continuing to win so that I can keep myself at the top of the rankings. I want a world title shot and I’m ready for it.


لويس كولازو




“انه لشيء رائع أن أكون هنا. I want to give thanks for everyone who has helped me in the last 18 months while I recovered from my injury. It was hard, but it was a process I had to go to.




My team has supported me through thick and thin no matter what I’ve been through. That included my dad, who originally brought me into the gym when I was a kid. This is just what I love to do.




My opponent is young and desperate to put a name on his record. He’s got some skills that we’ve prepared for. I’m confident he doesn’t have anything I haven’t seen before.




I’m ready to go to work on August 4. I’m going to give the fans a great fight and another night to remember with me in the ring.






This is a big card with a lot of action and I’m proud to be on it. Hannah is a wonderful champion and this is going to be a great fight. This is a tremendous opportunity and we’re going to continue to push for better and better opportunities for female fighters.





This is a fight you won’t want to miss. I’ve had a great camp and I’m prepared for another war. I won this title at Barclays Center in March and I can’t wait to see everyone out cheering for us on Saturday.




It’s an honor to be fighting at home. I really take it to heart that there are young female fighters out there who watch me for inspiration. It helps motivate me and I believe it’s going to help me defend my title successfully on Saturday.






It’s fantastic to be on such a great card. I’ve been looking for a big fight like this and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me.




When I got the call for this fight I was obviously going to say yes. Camp has been amazing and I can’t wait to go in there on Saturday night and show everyone what I’m capable of.




This is a worthy opponent and I’m glad that she accepted the challenge. I’ve come too far to leave New York without the championship belt.


LOU DIBELLA, رئيس DiBella الترفيه




This should be a sensational show on Saturday, live on FOX and FOX Deportes beginning at 7:30 عصرا. و. There is also a terrific show that actually begins on FS2 and FOX Deportes at 5:30 عصرا. و. This is a loaded card from top to bottom, as you can see from the dais here. It features a number of the best fighters in the world.




The main event features two men in Andre Berto and Devon Alexander who are both multiple time world champions, well known fighters and fighters who need this win. The recipe for a great fight is two terrific boxers who must win.




The co-featured event is a similar bout. Peter Quillin and J’Leon Love are guys who are in the championship picture at 168-pounds. The reality is the winner of this fight will have a chance to fight for the title soon.




There’s a women’s title fight on this card that features Long Island’s only boxing world champion, in Alicia Napoleon. She’s a popular local fighter who is going to make the first defense of her title on Saturday. She will fight the pride of Scotland, in Hannah Rankin, in what should be a great bout. These are two champions of the sport and we’re honored to have them in the ring Saturday.




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المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FOX أو FOX ديبورتيس. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.




لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC برعاية Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island هو امتداد للعلامة التجارية BROOKLYN BOXING ™ التابعة لشركة BSE. لمزيد من المعلومات, زيارة brooklynboxingshop.com.

بيتر كويلين & Alicia Napoleon Visit Crestwood Day Camp in Long Island Ahead of Matchups this Saturday, August 4from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

انقر هنا for Photos from Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

جزيرة طويلة, NY (أغسطس 1, 2018) – Former middleweight champion تلاشى “جدي الشوكولاته” كويلين and WBA Super Middleweight Women’s World Champion اليسيا “The EmpressNapoleon visited Crestwood Day Camp Wednesday afternoon and hosted a motivational and fitness training session with over 200 campers.




Quillin and the Lindenhurst-native Napoleon took advantage of the opportunity to share positive messages with the campers ahead of their respective matchups taking place this Saturday, أغسطس 4 from NYCB LIVE, موطن المدرج التذكاري للمحاربين القدامى في ناسو.




Being a boxer is my lifestyle, and to be able to share some of the things that made me who I am with these kids is a great joy,” سعيد كويلين. “It’s so important to reach out to the next generation and give them the tools to live positively. As a pro athlete I consider that part of my job and something I take pride in doing.




I’m so happy to be here and give something back for these children,” said Napoleon. “Sharing different tips and motivations while I’m here is really an honor. I’m focused on defending my title Saturday night, but something like this is really a treat. I hope they all had fun and learned something they didn’t know before today.




The fighters spoke to the larger group of campers and showed them some training techniques before running a half hour fitness session for about 25 seven and eight-year-olds to round out the afternoon.




تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يروج لها الترقيات TGB, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, هي للبيع الآن. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت من خلال زيارة www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, أو عن طريق الاتصال 1-800-745-3000. تتوفر التذاكر أيضًا في Ticketmaster Box Office في NYCB LIVE. خصومات المجموعة متاحة عن طريق الاتصال 516-231-4848.


كويلين وجوه J'Leon الحب in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at7:30 عصرا. و/ 4:30 عصرا. PT and is headlined by a showdown between former welterweight world champions غيرها من برتو و ديفون الكسندر.


Napoleon highlights the non-televised undercard in her hometown as she makes the first defense of her world title against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin.


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المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FOX أو FOX ديبورتيس. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.




لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC برعاية Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island هو امتداد للعلامة التجارية BROOKLYN BOXING ™ التابعة لشركة BSE. لمزيد من المعلومات, زيارة brooklynboxingshop.com.

Former World Champion Sergey Lipinets Meets Erick Bone in 147-Pound Showdown in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday August 4 Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Junior Featherweight Contender Brandon Figueroa Takes On
Luis Roy Suarez Cruz
أكثر! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Deportes Features Antuanne Russell & Antonio Russell in Separate Matches
Former Welterweight World Champions Andre Berto &
Devon Alexander Square-Off Live in Primetime Main Event



جزيرة طويلة, NY (يوليو 20, 2018) – Former super lightweight champion سيرغي Lipinets سوف المعركة إريك العظام in a 147-pound 10-round showdown live in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, أغسطس 4 from NYCB Live, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The Lipinets vs. Bone clash will kick off the primetime broadcast, التي تبدأ في 7:30 عصرا. و/ 4:30 عصرا. PT and is headlined by former 147-pound world champions غيرها من برتو و ديفون الكسندر in a 12-round showdown and former world champion تلاشى “جدي الشوكولاته” كويلين facing 168-pound contender J'Leon الحب. Sensational junior middleweight prospect Joey Spencer سيكون أيضا في العمل.




A special edition of Premier Boxing Champions on FS2 and FOX Deportes begins at 5:30 عصرا. و / 2:30 عصرا. PT and will feature unbeaten 2016 الامريكى. أولمبي Antuanne Russell (6-0, 6 كوس) أخذ على Jose Arturo Esquivel (10-7, 2 كوس), أكثر, time permitting on the telecast, his brother أنطونيو راسيل (11-0, 9 كوس) in an eight-round bantamweight fight. The FS2 and FOX Deportes telecast is headlined by unbeaten light heavyweight contender ماركوس براون أخذ على الضرب مرة واحدة لينين كاستيلو in a 10-round match and a welterweight fight between former world champion لويس كولازو و براينت Perrella.




تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يروج لها الترقيات TGB, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, هي للبيع الآن. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت من خلال زيارة www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, أو عن طريق الاتصال 1-800-745-3000. تتوفر التذاكر أيضًا في Ticketmaster Box Office في NYCB LIVE. خصومات المجموعة متاحة عن طريق الاتصال 516-231-4848.




The 29-year-old Lipinets (13-1, 10 كوس) is looking to bounce back from a unanimous decision loss to pound-for-pound star Mikey Garcia in an IBF 140-pund t title fight in March. Lipinets, who was born in Martuk, Kazakhstan and now lives in Beverly Hills, كاليفورنيا, had won the vacant title against Akihiro Kondo last November and will be moving up to welterweight for the matchup against Bone.




عظم (20-5, 8 كوس) enters the match with Lipinets on a four-bout win streak since losing by split decision to Eddie Ramirez in 2017. The 29-year-old from Manabi, Ecuador is coming off a split decision victory over Cameron Krael on May 11. Bone is a tough veteran who has tangled with former world champions Shawn Porter and Chris Algieri.




Additional action inside the arena will see unbeaten rising contender براندون فيغيروا (15-0, 10 كوس) battling fellow unbeaten Luis Roy Suarez Cruz (13-0, 8 كوس) in an eight round bantamweight fight, top lightweight contender ريتشارد كومي (26-2, 23 كوس) in a 10-round showdown against Mexico’s Yardley Cruz(24-10, 14 كوس) والوزن الثقيل Marlo Moore (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round fight against Thomas Hawkins (4-2, 1 KO).




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المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FOX أو FOX ديبورتيس. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.




لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC برعاية Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island هو امتداد للعلامة التجارية BROOKLYN BOXING ™ التابعة لشركة BSE. لمزيد من المعلومات, زيارة brooklynboxingshop.com.

بيتر كويلين, لويس كولازو & Alicia Napoleon Media Luncheon Quotes

Quillin Battles J’Leon Love Live in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes While Collazo Meets Bryant Perrella in Action on FS2 & FOX يرحل السبت, أغسطس 4
Napoleon Defends Her Super Middleweight Title in Undercard Attraction, All from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum


نيويورك (يوليو 19, 2018) – بطل العالم السابق بيتر كويلين و لويس كولازو were joined by WBA Women’s Super Middleweight Champion Alicia Napoleon at a media luncheon in Manhattan Thursday to discuss their respective showdowns taking place Saturday, أغسطس 4 from NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Quillin will take on J'Leon الحب in a super middleweight attraction in primetime as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes action beginning at7:30 عصرا. و/ 4:30 عصرا. PT. The primetime action is headlined by a showdown between former welterweight world champions غيرها من برتو و ديفون الكسندر.




Collazo collides with براينت Perrella in a welterweight attraction on FS2 and FOX Deportes beginning at 5:30 عصرا. و / 2:30 عصرا. PT on a telecast that also features unbeaten light heavyweight ماركوس براون التي تواجه لينين كاستيلو.




The undercard will be highlighted by Long Island-native and WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Napoleon making the first defense of her title against Hannah Rankin.




تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, هي للبيع الآن. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت من خلال زيارةwww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, أو عن طريق الاتصال 1-800-745-3000. تتوفر التذاكر أيضًا في Ticketmaster Box Office في NYCB LIVE. خصومات المجموعة متاحة عن طريق الاتصال 516-231-4848.




Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from The Palm West Side in Manhattan:


PETER كويلين




“أغسطس 4 is a big day. It’s been a long time since I fought in New York and I’m ready to showcase my talents here once again.




I’ve been away from my family for the last two years training in California with Virgil Hunter. Basically I made the decision to come back home and be closer to my family. Now being home, I’m learning how to adjust my methods and my camp around my family.




I think this is a new chapter in my life. J’Leon Love is trying to showcase and do something memorable against me. He’s trying to get a name on his record because he desperately needs one.




We can make it a dog fight. I wouldn’t say that J’Leon likes to be in a dog fight, he’s more of a classical boxer. He likes to be on his legs, he likes to pop the jab out and he likes to move around the ring. So let’s see who comes and brings their better stuff that night. I want to make it a dog fight.




Love definitely wanted this fight, but it’s a perfect fight for me. I hope that he brings his very best because I’m definitely going to bring that on my behalf.




I’m just planning to go out there and be ‘Kid Chocolate’. I’ve got some good people around me. I’m training in Brooklyn with Aureliano Sosa, who has been pushing me to the max. أغسطس 4 for me is really about J’Leon being delivered into my hands and giving the fans a good showcase.


لويس كولازو




“أخيرا, it’s been so long. أنا ممتن لهذه الفرصة. I know that I need to make the most of each opportunity I get at this point, and I feel like I’ve definitely done that in all my recent fights. أغسطس 4 will be another night for me to show how much I still have left.




It’s amazing to be able to perform at this venue with me being from New York. The people, the atmosphere, the fans and how they react to the fights, it’s phenomenal. Now it’s my turn to give it back to my boxing fans and entertain them.





“انا اشعر 100 percent physically and am geared to be that way on fight night. I know that I have a tough, young opponent who needs this win as badly as I do. I’m going to show him what this sport is all about.




I just want that win, if the knockout comes we’ll take it. But the main thing is going out there get the win and looking good while I’m doing it.






“أتوقع معركة جيدة. I know that Hannah Rankin is credible fighter and she’s a tough girl with a WBC Silver belt. I have the WBA World Title and I know she’s coming to take it. She’s a standup opponent, and I’m sure she’s going to be ready to give it her all that night just like I will.




I’m a Long Island girl born and raised, so there’s nobody better to make history that night than myself. I’m ready to be the first female to fight in that arena. It’s such a beautiful feeling, I’m so excited that it’s me who is getting this opportunity, with so much to follow.




The future is female. That doesn’t mean that were taking anything away from the males, it just means that it’s time for them to share the stage. We have a lot to offer, and we have a whole different audience and crowd to bring to boxing.




It’s awesome to see women fighters starting to climb the ladder and I want to see more of us. It’s not about that one female fighter, it’s about the multitude of us. There is power in numbers, and we need to be shown. You’ll be surprised how quickly the crowd will just attract to the women, and we’ll automatically be bringing a bigger base than they ever brought before.


LOU DIBELLA, رئيس DiBella الترفيه




Peter Quillin knows what’s at stake August 4 and so does J’Leon Love. It’s a must-win fight for both guys, which usually equals a fun fight for the fans.




This card has so much talent. You have Marcus Browne back in the ring and Luis Collazo back against a good opponent. أكثر, Alicia NapoleonThe Empress”, the Long Island Female World Champion is in there with a really good fighter in Hannah Rankin. She’s the biggest fighter in Scotland. That’s a real quality women’s fight between two recognizable women fighters.




It’s a stacked card with solid fights from top to bottom. It should be a really good night of boxing on television, and a great night of fights for Long Island.




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المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FOX أو FOX ديبورتيس. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.




لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC برعاية Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island هو امتداد للعلامة التجارية BROOKLYN BOXING ™ التابعة لشركة BSE. لمزيد من المعلومات, زيارة brooklynboxingshop.com.

Former Welterweight World Champions Andre Berto & Devon Alexander Square Off Live in Prime Time on FOX & FOX يرحل السبت, أغسطس 4 in a Premier Boxing Champions Event from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum and Former World Champion Peter Quillin Takes on 168-Pound Contender J’Leon Love Also in Prime Time

أكثر! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Deportes Features Unbeaten Light Heavyweight Contender Marcus Browne Against Once-Beaten Lenin Castillo & Former World Champion Luis Collazo Faces Bryant Perrella in a Welterweight Showdown
تذاكر على بيع الجمعة, يوليو 6 في 10 صباحا. و!

جزيرة طويلة, NY (يوليو 5, 2018) – Former 147-pound world champions غيرها من برتو (31-5, 24 كوس) و ديفون الكسندر (27-4-1, 14 كوس)will battle in a 12-round showdown that headlines a stacked night of رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا في FOX و FOX الرياضة live in prime time on Saturday, أغسطس 4 from NYCB LIVE, موطن المدرج التذكاري للمحاربين القدامى في ناسو. يبدأ بث في 7:30 عصرا. و/ 4:30 عصرا. PT with former world champion تلاشى “جدي الشوكولاته” كويلين (33-1-1, 23 كوس) facing 168-pound contender J'Leon الحب (24-1-1, 13 كوس) في نوبة 10 جولة. Also in action will be former amateur standout and fast-rising unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer (3-0, 3 كوس) in a super welterweight match.




The exciting night of fights begins with a special edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX الرياضة في 5:30 عصرا. و / 2:30 عصرا. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender ماركوس براون (21-0, 16 كوس) أخذ على الضرب مرة واحدة لينين كاستيلو (18-1-1, 13 كوس) في مباراة 10 جولة. The FS2 & FOX Deportes telecast will begin with a welterweight showdown between former world champion لويس كولازو (37-7, 20 كوس) ضد براينت Perrella (15-1, 13 كوس).




تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, go on sale Friday, يوليو 6 في 10 صباحا. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت من خلال زيارة www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, أو عن طريق الاتصال 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE beginning Saturday, يوليو 7 عند الظهر. خصومات المجموعة متاحة عن طريق الاتصال 516-231-4848.




This is an outstanding card from top to bottom with matches that figure prominently in the 147-pound, 168-pound and 175-pound divisions,” وقال توم براون من الترقيات TGB. “Berto and Alexander are two former champions who are fighting to get back into the crowded welterweight title picture. The Peter Quillin and J’Leon Love winner factors heavily in the super middleweight championship mix. It’s compelling action for the fans at Nassau Coliseum and the ones tuned in to FOX in prime time.




I’m happy to bring another action-packed event back to NYCB Live on Long Island,” وقال لو DiBella, رئيس DiBella الترفيه. “Headlining the FOX and FOX Deportes telecast, former world champions Andre Berto and Devon Alexander meet in a high-stakes crossroads battle with the winner emerging one step closer to another shot at the welterweight crown. Former middleweight champion Peter Quillin continues his comeback facing the talented J’Leon Love and Staten Island’s unbeaten light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne also appears on the card. Long Island boxing fans will want to arrive early for a tremendous undercard, with local talent as well.




An exciting and accomplished fighter from Florida, برتو returns to the ring after dropping a contest last April to Shawn Porter. Berto represented Haiti in the 2004 Olympics and picked up his biggest recent triumph on FOX in April 2016 as Berto scored a fourth-round knockout of former champion Victor Ortiz in their high-octane rematch.




Berto previously challenged retired legend Floyd Mayweather in September 2015 and has engaged in numerous Fight of the Year-worthy bouts, بما في ذلك 2012 war with Robert Guerrero and his first fight with Ortiz. He has twice held a welterweight title, first the WBC belt, which he successfully defended five times between 2008 و 2011, plus the IBF crown he picked up in 2011 with a victory over Jan Zaveck.




This is a great fight that has been a long time coming,” سعيد برتو. “We share some common opponents, but we have different styles of fighting and styles make fights. I’ve had a lot of success with southpaws. I’m looking forward to seeing him in front of me and capitalizing on what I’m working on now.


الكسندر returned to the spotlight in February after only fighting once since 2015 while he sought treatment for an addiction to painkillers. He looked sharp in his first big fight in years, displaying similar speed and skills that had made him a two-weight champion before being given a controversial draw against former champion Victor Ortiz on FOX, in a fight most thought Alexander had won.




The 31-year-old emerged onto the scene with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey to add the welterweight crown to the 140-pound title he had won three years prior. Originally from St. لويس, but now training in Florida with longtime coach Kevin Cunningham, Alexander has defeated the likes of Marcos Maidana, Lucas Matthysse and Jesus Soto Karass throughout his accomplished career.




“أنا متحمس جدا حول هذه المعركة. Berto and I have history going back to the amateurs,” Alexander said. “أنا أعرفه جيدا, but we’ve never fought. I have to show that I’m still one of the best in a stacked division. This is all business for me, because at this point in my career, I’m approaching every fight as if it’s my last. This is prime time for me.




My mentality is that Berto is still the killer that he was 10 منذ سنوات. So I’m looking at him like he’s lost nothing. I’ve got one mission, and that’s to beat Berto. I’ll be technically sound and 100 percent focused on accomplishing that task.




A Brooklyn-resident who has made the borough home for his whole career, كويلين returned to the ring last September when he defeated Dashon Johnson by unanimous decision. The former middleweight champion made three title defenses after winning his title from Hassan N’Dam in Brooklyn and his only loss came at the hands of former champion Daniel Jacobs.




I’m excited to be back at home in New York in front of my fans and people I love so dearly,” وقال كويلين. “I’m coming back more polished and more seasoned and a man of God. I’ve definitely always been a guy who steps out and does what people think I can’t do. I know J’Leon is looking to make a splash. He needs a name on his resume. I have to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Either he’s going to have to learn a hard lesson or give me a hard lesson.




The 30-year-old حب enters this fight unbeaten in his last seven contests after most recently defeating Jaime Barboza in May. The Michigan-native who now trains and lives in Las Vegas had previously defeated a slew of contenders and will look to move closer to a world title shot with a victory over Quillin on August 4.




I think this is a really good matchup,” قال الحب. “Peter Quillin is a very talented fighter and a former world champion who is always in great shape. He’s someone you have to train very hard for and that you definitely cannot take lightly. I’m just grateful for the opportunity to fight a spectacular fighter like him. We’ll put on a great fight.


براون has put together three-straight impressive knockout victories to continue his rapid rise up the highly competitive 175-pound division. The 27-year-old southpaw has sandwiched knockouts of Thomas Williams, الابن. last February and Francy Ntetu this January around a second-round destruction of then unbeaten Seanie Monaghan in the inaugural boxing event at Nassau Coliseum on a FOX primetime telecast last July. ال 2012 الامريكى. Olympian will look to put himself in position for a world title fight with a convincing win on August 4.




I feel good about fighting close to home in New York,” وقال براون. “Lenin Castillo is definitely a good, جائع, up-and-coming fighter who has one loss to Joseph Williams. أنا لا تطل عليه, but right now I’m trying to keep my top position in order to vie for a title, so I have to destroy him.




اللاعب البالغ من العمر 29 عاما قلعة fights out of his native Dominican Republic and enters this bout with three straight victories by stoppage. Castillo’s recent wins followed his first professional loss, a majority decision defeat to unbeaten Joseph Williams last February. Castillo has fought professionally since 2010 and was unbeaten in his first 12 المعارك. The only other blemish on his pro resume was a majority draw in Brooklyn against then unbeaten Travis Peterkin in 2015.




Marcus Browne is a boxer I’ve been following a long time because we were both Olympians,” سعيد كاستيلو. “This is a good style matchup that I think will make a fun fight for the fans. We’re looking for the victory. Both of us know that a win here can take us to a world title shot and I’m not planning on wasting my opportunity.


كولازو is a former world champion hailing from Brooklyn who has fought top welterweights from Berto and Shane Mosley to Keith Thurman and Ricky Hatton. His most recent fight saw him score a sensational knockout victory over Sammy Vasquez in February 2017. He returns to the ring after recovering from injuries sustained during training and will face Perrella فورت مايرز, FL. The 29-year-old defeated Alex Martin in his home state in December via a unanimous decision in his last outing.


Devastating Accidental Head-Butt Ends J’Leon Love-Abie Han Fight in Technical Majority Draw;

Caleb Plant Stays Unbeaten With Shutout Decision Over Andrew Hernandez

القبض على الإعادة الإثنين, سبعة. 11, في 10 عصرا. و/PT على شوتايم EXTREME®

انقر هنا لتحميل الصور; الائتمان روزي Cohe / SHOWTIME


LAS VEGAS (سبعة. 8, 2017) – At 20 سنوات, 9 months old, ديفيد بينافيديز became boxing’s youngest world champion – and the youngest ever in the super middleweight division – with a split decision victory over رونالد جافريل يوم الجمعة night on an exciting night of 168-pound action on شوتايم بوكسينغ: طبعة خاصة من مفصل في فندق هارد روك & كازينو. See the video of the decision via Twitter link هنا.


بينافيديز (19-0, 17 كوس) placed the previously vacated WBC Super Middleweight belt around his waist after winning the title against former European amateur standout Gavril (18-2, 14 كوس) in what Benavidez later described as quite possibly the “Fight of the Year.” One scorecard had Gavril winning 116-111, with Benavidez winning on the other two scorecards, 116-111 و 117-111 in the event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


“It feels amazing to win this title,” said the Phoenix resident Benavidez. “It’s everything I’ve dreamed about since I was a little kid. It’s everything I’ve dedicated myself to and I’ve worked hard for. It finally paid off.”


The 31-year-old Romanian Gavril, who trains at Mayweather’s Gym in Las Vegas by Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, sent Benavidez to the canvas with a left hook with just 50 seconds left in the wild 12عشر والجولة النهائية.


“I feel I won the fight. I سيطر على وتيرة. I can’t say anything else other than it was up to the judges,” Gavril said, who was watched by his promoter all-time great Floyd Mayweather from ringside. “The only thing I can do is to ask for a rematch.”


بينافيديز, who turned pro at age 16 and only had 15 معارك الهواة, took control of the fight early on, but Gavril seemed to gain steam mid-fight, out-boxing and being more active than Benavidez in the seventh, جولات الثامن والتاسع. In rounds 11 و 12, Benavidez out-landed Gavril 66-35 overall and 53-14 with power punches.


“I felt my performance was good except for the last round when I got too anxious and wanted to knock him out,"قال بينافيديز. “I let my young side takeover and I wanted to give the fans a great fight. I didn’t really feel hurt but it was a shock knockdown. I know to be careful and more cautious. It was a learning experience.”




In another super middleweight contest, إيبي هان suffered a devastating accidental head-butt againstJ'Leon الحب في 1:02 into the eighth round and the fight went to the scorecards. One judge had Las Vegas’ Love winning 79-73, and the other two 76-76 making the decision a technical majority draw.


Following an exchange of punches, حب (23-1-1, 13 كوس) leaned in and the two fighter banged heads in violent fashion. هم (26-3-1, 16 كوس) إل باسو, تكساس, was left stunned and fell to the floor as blood gushed from his forehead above his left eye and he was immediately checked on by referee Kenny Bayless.


هم, who left the arena sitting up on a stretcher before hearing the decision, won the statistical battle in the ring. Han landed more blows (78-47 شامل, 20-12 الامصال, 58-35 قوة) and did so more accurately (24 في المئة ل 17 percent overall, 16 percent to eight percent jabs and 30 في المئة ل 27 percent power).


SHOWTIME boxing analyst Al Bernstein had Han winning by one point at the time of the stoppage.


“I can’t rate my performance as great because I didn’t get a victory, I got a draw,” said Love, who once trained at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit under Hall of Fame trainer Emanuel Steward.


The 29-year-old Love ended nearly a one-year layoff with his return to the ring. “I’m kind of rusty but I feel like I pressed the action and tried to take it to him,"هو قال. “Other than that I feel like I landed the cleaner shots.”


في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, unbeaten super middleweight prospect مصنع كالب (16-0, 10 كوس) recorded a 10-round shutout decision against a tough أندرو هيرنانديز (19-7-1, 9 كوس), 100-90 ثلاث مرات.


مصنع, who resides in Las Vegas by way of Ashland City, Tenn., was the more active fighter against the 31-year-old switch-hitting journeyman Hernandez, who took the fight on just eight daysnotice after Alan Campa dropped out. Plant jabbed effectively (81 من 271, 30 في المئة) while neutralizing Hernandez’s usually effective jab (46 من 325, 14 في المئة). Plant was also sharp with his power shots landing 44 percent to Hernandez’s 19 في المئة.


“I’m very pleased with my performance,” Plant said. “I boxed well and I dictated the pace. I pressed when I needed to press and boxed when I needed to box. I felt I put on a great show for the fans. I want to be star in boxing. I know with hard work I can accomplish anything.


“Hernandez is tough, I sent him with everything and he stood tall and my hats off to him. He’s a tough competitor.”


هرنانديز, from Phoenix, اريزونا., suffered a cut under his left eye in the third and it caused him problems throughout the fight, opening up and bleeding over the final two rounds.


“All respect to Caleb Plant on his performance tonight,” Hernandez said. “He put on a solid fight and he’s got a great future. I was happy I was able to stay in there and last the entire 10 جولات.


“I felt Caleb won, but I don’t think it was 10 rounds to none. But that’s not for me to decide. It’s all up to the judges at the end of the day it only matters what they think.”


Plant added: “I’m ready to step up in competition and fight anybody in the top 10 of the super middleweight division. I got my eye on Benavidez and all the other world champions. I’m coming!"


يوم الجمعة tripleheader will replay on Sunday, سبعة. 10, في 9 صباحا. و/PT, و الإثنين, سبعة. 11, في 10 عصرا. و/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® وشوتايم في أي وقت®.


Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with Bernstein and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. وكان المنتج المنفذ غوردون القاعة مع ريتشارد Gaughan إنتاج وريك فيليبس توجيه.


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