Tag Archives: Jessie Vargas

Svetovni prvak z dvema divizijama Michael Spinks je bil potrjen za šesti letni razstavi Fan Fan Expo, Med vikendom Cinco de Mayo, Sobota maj 2, v Las Vegasu

Box Fan Expo – največji boksarski dogodek v ZDA –

Ultimate Boxing Fan Experience

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Las Vegas (Februar 20, 2020) – Dvoligaški svetovni prvak Michael Spinks je potrdil, da bo v soboto nastopil na šestem letnem Box Fan Expo, Maj 2, 2020, v paviljonu Cox v Las Vegasu iz 10 a.m. da 5 p.m.

Spinks bo organiziral Meet & Pozdravite se s svojimi oboževalci na njegovi kabini med navijaškim dogodkom, ki je potekal konec tedna v Cinco De Mayo.

Box Fan Expo je vsakoletni navijaški dogodek, ki sovpada z nekaterimi športi’ Legendarni, klasični boji v Las Vegasu, vključno z Mayweather vs.. Maidana II, Mayweather vs. Berto, Canelo vs. Chavez ml., Canelo vs. GGG II, in Canelo vs.. Jacobs. Središče boksarskega dolgoletnega doma – Las Vegas – letošnji Expo je obvezen za ljubitelje bojev, ki prihajajo na ta legendarni konec tedna, z desetinami profesionalnih borcev, promotorji, in podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z boksarsko industrijo. Expo je največji in edini Boxing Fan Expo v ZDA. http://boxfanexpo.com– @BoxFanExpo

Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:

Spinks se bo v teh letih nastopil že drugič’ Expo in bo podpisal rokavice, fotografije, osebni predmeti in spominki. Spinks bo na njegovem stojniku imel na prodaj tudi blago, oboževalci pa se bodo lahko tudi fotografirali s to boksarsko legendo, znano tudi pod imenom “Jinx.”

O Michaelu Spinksu
Spinks je dvoligaški svetovni prvak, ki je imel nesporni naslov v polteški kategoriji iz 1983 da 1985, in neposredni naslov v težki kategoriji iz 1985 da 1988. Leta 2007 je bil sprejet v Mednarodno boksarsko dvorano slavnih 1994. Kot amater je osvojil zlato medaljo v srednji kategoriji na 1976 Poletne olimpijske igre.

Spinks je brat nekdanjega svetovnega prvaka v težki kategoriji Leona Spinksa, in stric Coryja Spinksa, nekdanji prvak v srednji in lahki srednji kategoriji.
Spinks je v svojem prvem šel brez poraza 31 strokovne boji, premagovanje takšnih nasprotnikov, kot je Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Eddie Mustafa Mohamed, Marvin Johnson in Eddie Davis sta na poti, da postaneta nesporni prvak v polteški kategoriji. Po desetih uspešnih obrambnih naslovih, Spinks se je povzpel do težke kategorije, in kot underdog premagal dolgoletnega prvaka IBF v težki kategoriji Larryja Holmesa; V tem, Spinks je postal prvi veljavni svetovni prvak v polteški kategoriji, ki je osvojil naslov v težki kategoriji. Spinks je le poraz v svoji poklicni karieri dobil Mike Tyson junija 27, 1988. Mednarodna organizacija za raziskovanje boksa in BoxRec Spinks uvrščata med deset največjih lahkih težkov vseh časov.

O Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča spoznavanje zvezd boksa, ki predstavljajo preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost športa. S podpisanimi avtogrami, srečati in pozdraviti z aktualnimi in nekdanjimi svetovnimi prvaki v boksu, blago v omejeni izdaji za prodajo, obdarovanja in še več, to je zadnji dogodek za ljubitelje tega športa.

V preteklosti so sodelovale boksarske zvezde: Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Julio Cesar Chavez, Juan Manuel Marquez, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Devin Haney, David Benavidez, Errol Spence Jr, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Abner Mares, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Paz, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris, Riddick Bowe, Earnie Brivniki, Michael & Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Claressa Shields, Teofimo Lopez, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, in še veliko več.

Med razstavljavci so tudi promotorji boksa, orodja, oblačila, opremo, energijske pijače, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, sankcijski organi, in druga podjetja, ki svojo blagovno znamko predstavijo oboževalcem in boksarski industriji kot celoti.

V naslednjih nekaj mesecih pred dogodkom, tedensko bodo objavljeni številni zvezdniki, ki bodo nastopili na Boxing Expo.

Vstopnice za Box Fan Expo so na voljo na Eventbrite –

poročilo tonyja penecalea Box Fan Expo Ringside

S: Tony Penecale

Tukaj je hiter uvod v video:


Pretekli konec tedna v obračunu naslova srednje kategorije med Canelom Alvarezom in Danielom Jacobsom je bil tudi letni Box Fan Expo, v Kongresnem centru v Las Vegasu. Izjemne spominke na ogled in amaterska boksarska akcija v živo so dopolnili vrsto preteklih in sedanjih borcev svetovnih prvakov, ki so na voljo za hitro srečanje in pozdrave.

Kot vseživljenjski ljubitelj boksa, škoda je bilo, da sem imel na prireditvi le malo več kot dve uri, preden sem se vrnil v T-Mobile Areno za začetek dvobojev pod kartami. Čas, ki sem ga lahko preživel, je bil popolnoma prijeten. Cene so bile primerne za izpolnitev teh fističnih legend in nekaj trenutkov za pogovor in fotografiranje. Povprečje $20 -$25 cena za foto op je bila bistveno nižja od tiste, ki bi jo izgubili v igralnici v enem samem vrtljaju rulete.

James Toney je bil tam v obleki, kar dokazuje, da lahko celo kariran izgleda elegantno. Za človeka, znanega po nesramni naravi, bil je zelo prijazen in omenil je, da bo junija v Philadelphiji na oddaji v živo 7 in upa, da me bo tam videl.

Naslednja stojnica je bila izdajatelj televizijske hiše Al Berstein, s katerim sem imel privilegij intervjuvati leta 2011. Ko so mi povedali, da občudujem njegovo razkošno delo in da sem oboževalec že od njegovih dni z Barryjem Tompkinsom na ESPN-ovem četrtkovem boju, bil je skromen in hvaležen.

Linija za srečanje z Royem Jonesom ml. je bil dolg, a vreden čakanja. Medtem ko je bil čas za pogovor z Royem kratek, Omenil sem lahko, v kakšno čast mi je bilo spoznati enega največjih izvajalcev svoje generacije in kako sem sedel le nekaj metrov od njega, ko je bil na snemanju Creed II.

Medtem ko je bila linija do legendarnega Sugar Ray Leonarda izjemno dolga, videli ste, da je resnično užival, utripajoč ta milijon dolarjev nasmeh in s svojimi slavnimi fotografi, ki so jih dvignili s pestmi. Na žalost, s časom zmanjkuje, Nisem imel priložnosti srečati enega najljubših borcev, ki je odraščal. Pri štirih letih bi mu rada pokazala fotografijo, zamahnil sem na boksarski vreči Sugar Ray Leonard, ki sem jo dobil.

Nekaj ​​metrov stran je bil eden najbolj znanih tekmecev Sugar Raya, veliki Thomas "Hitman" Hearns. Medtem ko je Hitman pokazal nekaj upočasnitve, ko se je postaral, še vedno se izkaže kot impozantna figura, zdaj pa ta strašljiv odsev nadomešča s toplim nasmehom.

Thomasu Hearnsu je prišel tudi trenutni prvak IBF v super peresni kategoriji Tevin Farmer, kolega Philadelphian, ki sem ga imel priložnost opazovati, kako raste iz 7-4-1 kalfa boksar do 29-4-1 svetovni prvak.

Moj obisk ne bi bil popoln, ne da bi se ustavil, da bi videl "Pazmanskega hudiča" Vinnyja Paza, vedno eden mojih najljubših akcijskih borcev in karizmatičnih osebnosti. Namesto stiska roke, me je pozdravil z velikim objemom in izrazil razočaranje, da se mi oče ni pridružil na razstavi.

V kratkem časovnem okviru, nemogoče je bilo srečati vse tamkajšnje velike borce, vključno z Michaelom Spinksom, Riddick Bowe, Errol Spence, Anthony Dirrell, in Earnie Shavers. Ko je vikend Cinco de Mayo, vrstice za nekatere mehiške legende so se ovile okoli tal kongresnega centra. Mikey Garcia, Marco Antonio Barerra, Erik Morales, in Juan Manuel Marquez sta se izkazala za izjemno priljubljena. A nič v primerjavi z ropotom promehiške množice, ko je bil predstavljen veliki Julio Cesar Chavez.

Udeležba na tem dogodku je bila uresničitev sanj in le želela bi si lahko, da bi imela na tem dogodku več časa. Vse je bilo tako profesionalno opravljeno in navzoči niso bili dovolj ustrežljivi.

Svaka čast Box Fan Expo za tako izjemen dogodek.

Poslušajte našo epizodo radijske oddaje iz prejšnjega tedna za večji vpogled od Tonyja “Tornado” Penecale o tem dogodku.

Celotna galerija:


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.

Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj pri EventBrite


Las Vegas (Maj 1, 2019) – Ikona boksa &Osemkratni svetovni prvak Thomas Hearns je potrdil, da se bo pojavil, imajo stojnico in se srečajo in pozdravijo s svojimi oboževalci na petem letnem Box Fan Expo v soboto, maja 4, 2019 v kongresnem centru v Las Vegasu. Expo je odprt od 10 a.m. da 5 p.m., med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z težko pričakovanim bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Dannyjem Jacobsom, ki bo pozneje zvečer v T-Mobile Areni.

Vstopnice za Box Fan Expo so na voljo na Eventbrite – http://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Hearns bo v teh letih nastopil že četrti’ Expo in bo podpisal rokavice, fotografije,osebne predmete in imajo na prodaj tudi blago, ki ga lahko uživajo oboževalci. Ljubitelji boksa bodo imeli tudi priložnost fotografirati se s to legendo o boksu, ki je znana tudi kot “Hitman”.

Hearns se pridruži Royu Jonesu mlajšemu, Mayweather Promotions, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Mia St,John, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie Brivniki, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney in Jessie Vargas kot zgodnja zavezanost letošnjemu Box Fan Expo, z več zvezdicami boksa, ki bodo napovedane.

O Thomasu Hearnsu
Hearns bolj slavno znana kot “Hitman”, postal prvi boksar v zgodovini za zmago naslovov svetovnega prvaka v štirih divizijah. On bi postal tudi prvi borec v zgodovini osvojil pet naslovov svetovnega prvaka v petih različnih divizijah. Hearns je bil leta 2012 proglašen za borca ​​leta Ring Magazine 1980 in 1984 in je najbolj znan po svojih bojih z Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler in Roberto Duran. On je bil rekrut v Boxing Hall of Fame v 2012.

O Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, legende o športu in druge boksarske zvezdnice. Ljubitelji lahko pričakujejo različne interakcije, kot so avtogrami in fotografije, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, slike z Ring Card Girls, DJ glasba v živo, priložnost za osvojitev nagrad, nakup blaga in spominkov na različnih stojnicah Razstavljavci, “VSE POD ENO STREHO“. Ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!

Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih štirih Expoov, kot je Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Patience, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios in mnogi drugi…

Razstavljavci vključujejo: promotorji boksa, orodja, oblačila, opremo, energijske pijače, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, sankcijski organi, in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imela priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem in boksarski industriji.

Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:

V naslednjih nekaj dneh pred dogodkom, o številnih zvezdnicah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več posodobitev. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:

Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927

Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Za več informacij o obisku Box Fan Expo: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Spremljajte Box Fan Expo na Twitterju in Instagramu: @BoxFanExpo

Spremljajte Box Fan Expo na Facebooku na: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.

Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj pri EventBrite


Las Vegas (April 23, 2019) – Boxing legend & four division world champion Roy Jones Jr. has confirmed that he will appear, imajo stojnico in se srečajo in pozdravijo s svojimi oboževalci na petem letnem Box Fan Expo v soboto, maja 4, 2019 na Las Vegas Convention Center. The Expo is open from 10 a.m. da 5 p.m., med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z težko pričakovanim bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Dannyjem Jacobsom, ki bo pozneje zvečer v T-Mobile Areni.

Vstopnice za Box Fan Expo so na voljo na Eventbrite –

Jones will make his 2nd appearance at this years’ Expo in bo podpisal rokavice, fotografije,osebne predmete in imajo na prodaj tudi blago, ki ga lahko uživajo oboževalci. Boxing Fans will have an opportunity to also take pictures with this Boxing living legend, considered by many as one of the greatest Pound for Pound, and best Boxer of all time.

Jones joins Mayweather Promotions, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, RiddickBowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Mia St,John, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie Brivniki, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney in Jessie Vargas kot zgodnja zavezanost letošnjemu Box Fan Expo, z več zvezdicami boksa, ki bodo napovedane.

About Roy Jones Jr.
Roy Jones Jr. is an American professional boxer who has captured numerous championships in the Middleweight, Super middleweight, Light heavyweight and Heavyweight divisions. He is the only boxer in history to start his career as a junior middleweight, and go on to win a heavyweight title. He is also noted for holding the WBC, WBA, IBF, IBO, NABF, WBF, and IBA light heavyweight championships; a record seven belts at the same time. Jones left his mark in boxing history when he won the WBA heavyweight title, becoming the first former middleweight champion to win a Heavyweight title in 106 let. As of February 2018, Jones holds the record for the most wins in unified light heavyweight title bouts in boxing history, at twelve. The Ring magazine named Jones the Fighter of the Year in 1994, and the World Boxing Hall of Fame named him the Fighter of the Year for 2003. He is also a three-time winner of the Best Boxer ESPY Award (1996, 2000, in 2003). Jones was named “Borec desetletja” for the 1990s by the Boxing Writers Association of America.

O Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, legende o športu in druge boksarske zvezdnice. Ljubitelji lahko pričakujejo različne interakcije, kot so avtogrami in fotografije, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, slike z Ring Card Girls, DJ glasba v živo, priložnost za osvojitev nagrad, nakup blaga in spominkov na različnih stojnicah Razstavljavci, “VSE POD ENO STREHO”. Ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!

Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih štirih Expoov, kot je Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Patience, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios in mnogi drugi…
Razstavljavci vključujejo: promotorji boksa, orodja, oblačila, opremo, energijske pijače, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, sankcijski organi, in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imela priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem in boksarski industriji.

Throughout the next few days leading up to the event, o številnih zvezdnicah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več posodobitev. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino,


Products Available Now at www.RipperNutrition.com
Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije
Photo Credit: Christian Purdie


LAS VEGAS (April 30, 2018) – Badou Jack is having the time of his life. After formally announcing his May 19th world title fight against Adonis Stevenson in Toronto last week, the two-division world champion made headlines Thursday with the launch of his new nutrition supplement line entitledRipper Nutrition.The special launch event was held at the American Nutritional Corporation complex in Las Vegas, where Ripper Nutrition was formulated, tested and made.




“To je sanje za mene,” je dejal Jack. “I have wanted to start my own nutrition line for a while now, but I only wanted to do it if I knew it was going to be clean and safe. I know boxing doesn’t last forever, so it was important for me to create a business that can provide for my family for years and years to come.




The two products, OXY Ripper and AMINO Ripper, combine Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) with LUNASIN, a powerful antioxidant that clinical studies have shown reduce inflammation, support heart health and boost the immune system. Poleg tega, Ripper Nutrition is Informed Sport Certified, the global gold standard testing certification for banned substance assurance.




The reason we started Ripper Nutrition is Badou Jack wanted to start his own supplement line and he wanted to put the purest, cleanest and highest grade ingredients into workout supplements,” said Amer Abdallah, co-founder of Ripper Nutrition. “We formulated a team and gathered the best researchers, developers, scientists and manufacturers all based in the United States. Now it is known as ‘Ripper Nutrition’.




Badou Jack raises the bar,” continued Abdallah. “He is genuine, down to earth and doesn’t settle for the norm. Inside the ring, he has captured world titles in two different weight classes and he doesn’t shy away from the biggest fights. Outside of the ring, he doesn’t want the limelight, but he still strives for excellence. That is why we partnered together on this venture and perfected a product that a champion can use and be proud of.




Jack was joined by several Ripper Nutritionambassadorsthat believe in the product including former world champion Jessie Vargas, Mayweather Promotions fighters Lanell Bellows and Ashley Theophane as well as UFC star Kevin Lee. He was also supported by his entire family including his newborn son Malik.




I’m very blessed and thankful,” je dejal Jack. “I have a beautiful family, an amazing boxing career and I am gearing up for what is going to be the biggest fight of my career. This is a great day for me and I’m thrilled that this product is finally available to be purchased and used by athletes around the world.


# # #




For more information and to purchase Ripper Nutrition products, pojdi na www.rippernutrition.com.


Jermall Charlo Sends Statement To Middleweight Division With KO Of Hugo Centeno Jr.; VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2vxBnDM

Gervonta Davis Reclaims 130-Pound Title With TKO Of Jesus Cuellar; VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2vusWsW




Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.m. ET/PT On


Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime

(Photos to be added shortly)

Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Janer Bigio/Mayweather Promotions

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Ed Diller / Dibella Entertainment




BROOKLYN (April 22, 2018) – Štiri-delitev svetovni prvak Adrien Broner and two-division world champion Jessie Vargas fought to a highly entertaining 12-round majority draw Saturday night on SHOWTIME in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING in front of 13,964 fans at Barclays Center in Brooklyn in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The back-and-forth battle was a tale of activity vs. accuracy. Vargas was by far the more active fighter, metanje 839 Bilančna luknjači, 300 more than his opponent. Yet the flashy Broner was supremely accurate, priključitev na 44 percent of his power shots and 38 odstotkov svojih skupnih luknjači, v primerjavi s samo 27 in 24, zaporedju, for Vargas.




Broner (33-3-1, 24 Kos) came on strong in the second half of the fight, picking up rounds eight through 10 on all three of the judges’ zdravstvu. The 12th round was crucial in determining the draw, ki je dosegel 115-113 Broner and 114-114 dvakrat. The judges agreed on eight of the 12 rounds but couldn’t agree on the final round, which was ruled differently by the two judges who scored the fight a draw.



I want to thank Jessie Vargas. He’s a two-time world champion for a reason,” Said Broner, who was working for the first time with Kevin Cunningham as his head trainer. “He came to fight but at the end of the day, you all know I beat him. Point blank, Obdobje.




I was connecting with rights. I got warmed up in the early portion of the fight. My trainer was a big help tonight. I want to thank Coach Cunningham as well as my original coach, Mike Stafford, for realizing I needed to do something different.




I would love to fight Vargas again, but let’s go back to my town to do it.




Vargas (28-2-1, 10 Kos) worked off the jab and was incredibly effective with his body shots in just his second fight with trainer and former world champion MikeThe Body SnatcherMcCallum.




“Mislil sem, da sem zmagal v boju,” Vargas said. “At the end of the day I can’t argue because I was fighting on the inside of the ring so I don’t know what you saw from the outside. I was landing clean blows. It was a good fight but at the end of the day I can’t dispute the decision.




It must have been a close fight for the judges to have scored it the way they did. I felt that I won the fight and I was up two rounds. I’m relying on the judges to make the right decision.




Former 154-pound champion Jermall Charlo sent a statement to the middleweight division in the co-main event, knocking out previously once-beaten contender Hugo Centeno Jr. to capture the interim WBC 160-pound title. VIDEO:https://s.sho.com/2vxBnDM




Charlo is now the mandatory for Gennady “GGG” Golovkin and didn’t shy away from calling out the WBC, WBA and IBF Middleweight World Champion.




It’s been an amazing journey to get here,” Said Charlo, the twin brother of WBC 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo. “I’m a two-time world champion. Bring on ‘GGG.I want that fight. Jaz sem 27-0 s 21 Knockouts. Everybody sees it. What more can I say?”




Charlo (27-0, 21 Kos) proved that his power translates to middleweight as he knocked out his second opponent since relinquishing his title and moving to 160 funtov. The Houston native has now won via knockout in five of his six bouts since initially becoming champion in 2015. A series of shots opened up a huge left hook in the opening minute of the second round, flooring Centeno (26-2, 14 Kos), who failed to beat the 10-count and was counted out at :55.




Everybody has always avoided me and from now on, this is how it’s going to be,” Said Charlo. “You see what you get.




Following the fight, Centeno was aware of the mistakes that led to the loss.




I thought I started off pretty well. I wanted to go out on my shield but it wasn’t my day,” Centeno said. “He caught me and got the knockout. I was trying to work my jab. I thought I got him with a couple good shots but I lingered too long in the pocket and I didn’t get out in time.




V uvodnem dvoboju na televizijska oddaja, Gervonta Davis became a two-time world champion in empathic fashion with a third round TKO of former champion Jezus Cuellar to capture the vacant WBA 130-pound World Championship. VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2vusWsW




The undefeated Davis (20-0, 19 Kos), who lost the IBF 130-pound title on the scales last August, scored three knockdowns in less than three rounds to win his second title in the super featherweight division. The 23-year-old connected on 49 percent of his power shots in his first bout with new trainer Kevin Cunningham.




On the undercard of the Mayweather-McGregor fight, I just wasn’t focused,” Davis said. “It was the second time fighting on Mayweather’s card so it got to my head and it showed. Po boju, I went home and talked to my team and we decided it was time to leave Baltimore. I’m focused and it showed because I’m a champ again.




There’s always bumps in the road when you want to become successful. It’s all about how you bounce back and tonight I showed that I’m a true champion.




Davis utilized a combination of body shots, uppercuts and effective counterpunching to break down Cuellar, a former titlist at 126-pounds. Baltimore’s Davis floored Cuellar with a body blow in the second round and didn’t relent from there. The southpaw pressed forward in the third, stalking Cuellar against the ropes and sending him down for the second time with a series of combinations. Cuellar (28-3, 21 Kos) got up, but was in serious trouble and referee Benjy Esteves stepped in to halt the contest at 2:45 with the Argentine falling to the canvas for the third time.




The game plan was to box a little bit and open him up with some shots,” Davis said. “When it was time, I went forward and caught him with enough shots to get him out.




I want the IBF belt back and I’m ready to unify it with whoever wins the [Tevin] Farmer vs. [Billy] Dib fight.




On Saturday’s telecast, it was announced that Errol Spence Jr. will make the second defense of his IBF Welterweight World Championship against undefeated mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo June 16 on SHOWTIME in a homecoming fight in Dallas.




Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Mondayat 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.


# # #




Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsinwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Mayweather Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions.

Adrien Broner vs. Jessie Vargas Plus Jermall Charlo vs. Hugo Centeno Jr. & Gervonta Davis vs. Jesus Cuellar Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader This Saturday, April 21 od Barclays Center v Brooklynu & Predstavila Premier Boxing prvakov


Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime


Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Janer Bigio/

Mayweather Promotions


Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Ed Diller / Dibella Entertainment


BROOKLYN (April 19, 2018) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader, headlined by four-division champion Adrien Broner battling two-division champion Jessie Vargas, went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference in Brooklyn before they enter the ring this Saturday, April 21 pri Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





Live coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashing with once-beaten Hugo Centeno, Jr. for the interim 160-pound world title and former champions Gervonta “Tank” Davis in Jezus Cuellar as they square off for the vacant WBA 130-pound Super World Championship.





Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, začeti na $50 and can be purchased atticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.





Also in attendance Thursday was popular local fighter and unbeaten contender Heather “Heat” Hardy, ki prevzame Paola Torres in undercard action Saturday night.





Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn:








“Jaz sem samo pripravljeni na boj. I’m not worried about Jessie. This is a very important fight for my career. I know that Jessie trained hard to beat me. This is a win that could take either of us to the next level. I’m ready to fight right now and get after it.





When he stepped up and fought Tim Bradley and Manny Pacquiao, he lost. I’m a four-time world champion so I don’t want to hear anything about my losses. Jessie Vargas is not as good as those guys I lost to.





I hope I get credit when I beat Jessie Vargas. I hope I get the credit I deserve. People want me to lose and go away, but guess what? I worked harder than ever for this fight. I’m not losing to Jessie Vargas. I’m a four-time world champion and soon to be five-time world champion this year.





I’m still one of the best fighters of this era. When I’m done with my career, I will be one of the best to ever lace up a pair of boxing gloves. I just can’t wait to give everyone something to remember on Saturday.





Being with Kevin Cunningham in camp changed a lot. It took a while to get used to it. This is the first camp I’ve done since I was kid with a new coach. There were no distractions down at camp. It was all work, no play.





I’m on a different level than him. I’m going to prove it on Saturday. I don’t worry about any of the negativity that surrounds my name. I’m just ready to go put on a show.






I’m taking over this year. It all starts with Jessie Vargas on Saturday night. I’m going to be myself, and put on a great show.







Everything in training camp has gone fantastically. Komaj čakam za ta boj. This isn’t a game. I’m here to win and I plan to do that. This is going to be action.





I’ve seen the mistakes Broner has made in the past. I have to come out and worry about my performance though. I’m versatile and I’ll do what I have to do. We’re both former world champions but at the end of the day there will only be one winner, and It’s going to be me.





I think I have an advantage being the taller and stronger fighter. I’m a full grown welterweight. I’m ready for victory.





We both bring experience and we’re both talented guys. We are definitely going to give the fans entertainment on Saturday night. I’m in a great part of my career because I haven’t received that much punishment. I’m a two-division world champion for a reason.






My weight has been on point this camp. My nutritionist has done a great job and I’m going to be perfect on the scale tomorrow. My whole team has been perfect and it’s going to lead to the best Jessie Vargas you’ve ever seen on Saturday.






Saturday night is going to be a great show. It’s a great card and then main event will be all fireworks. Come out and enjoy a great night of boxing and see me get the win.







I’m looking to make a statement on Saturday night. I’ve been training hard since my last fight. I promised my fans something they’ll remember from this fight. You’ll have to wait and see.






Once you step in front of me, it’s a fight. I put my life on the line each time. I’m just looking forward to even bigger things that are in front of me. I’m giving the fans something special to take home from my performance.





I feel really good right now. It was another one of those camps that I was able to start early and get in the gym early. I can do whatever you need to do in the ring. I’m ready to make this fight all fireworks.






I do a lot of good things in camp to make myself feel stronger. It was a little tough with the delay, but nothing that I couldn’t work through. I’m on weight right now this far out. I have a great team that’s helped me get there.






I’m focused on what I have going on. Hugo thinks I’m overlooking him but that’s not happening at all. I want to take him out and make a statement that I’m ready for the big names in the division.






We’re going to turn Brooklyn up. I want to really make a statement. No matter how I’m feeling throughout the fight, we’re going to make it rock.




I feel like I’m being overlooked. I haven’t been able to make myself a household name by being on these platforms. Come April 21, I’m going to make my name known.





The rib injury was tough to take at first. We were very close to the end, but once I resumed training, I was already in phenomenal condition. It took me to another level and now I’m in the best condition of my life.





I feel perfect right now heading into this fight. We had great sparring in camp and I’m ready to step into the ring.






Even just being in this position shows people that I’ve earned my way here. No one has handed me anything. This is one of the hardest divisions in the world and I’m here for a reason. Ta boj pomeni svet do mene. Bilo je 20 years of hard work coming together Saturday.





I know Charlo is coming to fight, and I’m definitely coming to fight. No matter what the strategy or style is, I’m going to be ready for whatever comes my way.





I expect him to come out strong. We know he’s looking for a knockout. But I think if he doesn’t have the opportunity, it will come down to who is the smarter fighter.








Saturday night you can expect an action packed fight. I know Cuellar is going to come to fight. I’m definitely coming to fight. I’m ready to pick up where I left off, as a champion again.






I had a lot of distractions last camp that led to me missing weight. From that day forward I was focused on getting back to a world title shot. I let people down when I lost the title on the scale, but now I’m more focused.






It was great being in camp in Florida instead of back home in Baltimore. This way it’s only boxing that I’m worried about each day. I’m eating right and really just 100 percent focused on boxing. It was a great move and it’ll show on Saturday.






I have the skills and the charisma to be at the top of the sport. I just need the right opponents, but I’m not going to rush it. I have to make smart decisions in this sport to get where I want. I want to continue to put on great performances.






I believe this fight is going to put me back on the map as one of the youngest rising stars in boxing. I believe I have the skills to do that.






I’ve been training so hard with Adrien in camp. We’ve been pushing each other and I just want to be able to look back at this fight and be able to say this was one of my best performances. I want to show that I have the skills and ability to take over the sport of boxing.


JESUS ​​Cuéllar







I understand that Davis is a great opponent, but inside the ring, it will just be the two of us, going toe-to-toe. I know that it’s going to be a great fight.






This is going to be all action. Expect to see a war with me raising my hand at the end of the night. I’m going to do whatever it takes.






The plan is to go out there and win that belt. We’ve had great training and sparring to get us in this position. My coaches worked really hard to get me ready.






“Ta boj je zelo pomembno zame. I want to become a two-division world champion and I have the chance I’ve waited for on Saturday night.






I think I made the right decision to take some time away from boxing. Now I’m back stronger than ever. I feel great and everyone will see that on Saturday night.






We have a game plan and we’re going to execute that. I’m going to be aggressive like I always am, but also show some new things that I’ve worked on.





“Jaz sem pripravljen iti 12 krogov, če je potrebno, but If I have the opportunity early for a knockout, Jaz grem, da ga vzamete. I’m here to give it my all and win this fight, to je to.”


Heather HARDY






There’s really nothing like fighting at home. As exciting as it was to be in the cage, this is like being in my backyard.






This is always a dream to box at Barclays Center and there’s nothing like being here in front of my people. I hope that my opponent trained hard because I’m ready to brawl.






I’m really excited to be back working on my boxing skills. I can’t wait to give my fans a great show. They know I always give it my all and leave it in the ring. I’m going to give my fans their money’s worth.


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promotions







On Saturday night we have the biggest and baddest boxing card in the entire sport. It will be a great event right here in front of the passionate Brooklyn boxing fans.






The main event has the four-division champion Broner taking on the two-division champion Vargas, in a fight that means a great deal to both fighters.







Plus Jermall Charlo facing Hugo Centeno in a great middleweight fight to look to establish themselves as contenders in the star-studded middleweight class.






The opener of our telecast will have a rising superstar in boxing in Gervonta Davis, battling former world champion Jesus Cuellar in an entertaining world title fight. To je tisto, boks je vse okoli. It’s big time boxing here in Brooklyn.


LOU DIBELLA, Predsednik DiBella Entertainment






This is a great fight card. That’s why tickets are selling. There are a lot of up-and-coming stars on this dais. It was put together to be great televised boxing, and that’s why we’ll have a full room on Saturday.






Barclays Center truly is the home of big-time boxing. This is the venue with the most dedication to a regular boxing program and you see that with the great fights coming here month after month.






This card is stacked from top to bottom. The off-television undercard is sensational and features a load of undefeated talent. Heather Hardy will make her return after two consecutive matches in the cage to step back into the ring on this show. We’re here to offer fans the best we can all night long.






The first televised bout of the night has Gervonta Davis, one of the rising young stars of the sport, going for his second world title. He’s fighting a former world champion in Jesus Cuellar, who’s an accomplished guy in his own right. Gervonta has his hands full, but he’s going to have a lot of fans up from Maryland supporting him Saturday.






There’s a lot of action and controversy in the middleweight division. Jermall Charlo might be the hardest puncher in that division. Him and his brother might be the most accomplished twins in the history of boxing already. He’s got a tough matchup because Hugo Centeno Jr. is also a terrific young fighter with power and great boxing ability. He has star potential if he can overcome this obstacle against Charlo.






Adrien Broner is a terrifically skilled boxer, who has star power and brings a lot of attention. You don’t have to be loved by everybody, you have to have people want to see you. A lot of people want to see Adrien Broner. They’re going to see him in a tough fighton Saturday night. Jessie Vargas is already a two-time world champion, who’s had a terrific career and will arguably be the bigger and stronger guy on Saturday. Adrien knows that everything is on the line on Saturday night.


STEPHEN Espinoza, President Sports & Events Programming, Showtime Sports Inc.






SHOWTIME Boxing is in the midst of an unprecedented run. It has been meaningful fight after meaningful fight.






Back in January we made an unprecedented announcement of 11 events this first part of the year. I’m not sure any network has done that many events this year.






“Barclays Center, like SHOWTIME, has become home to the most meaningful fights in the sport. This isn’t happening by accident. This is an intentional strategy. It’s a plan to promote and elevate the sport and itsfighters to heights we haven’t seen before. We’ve put real effort into elevating this sport.






Saturday’s stacked card has three must-see matchups. These are star fighters versus star battles. There are no ‘no-namesin this. All six fighters here have headlined fights. These fights are as good as any card that I can remember.


BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment






I’m excited about Saturday night’s fights. It’s packed from top to bottom and should be a great night of BROOKLYN BOXING. It’s a great tripleheader and in many respects this defines Brooklyn boxing. Evenly matched fights, the biggest stars in the sport, some established and some on the rise. You have a bit of everything this weekend






We are so thrilled to have Heather Hardy back at Barclays Center on Saturday after a few fights in MMA. She’s a boxer and we can’t wait to have her here this weekend.






A big thank you for everyone who has helped establish BROOKLYN BOXING and been partners with us here in Brooklyn. Everyone involved continues to elevate the sport and we’re looking forward to seeing you on Saturday night. Tickets are moving and this could be one of the biggest fights we’ve ever had at Barclays Center.


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Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Raushee Warren & Top Prospect Fabian Maidana Compete in Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, April 21 od Barclays Center v Brooklynu

Stacked Night of Action Includes 2016 Olympians Gary Antuanne Russell & Richardson Hitchins & Rising Prospects Chordale Booker, Georgia Arias, Desmond Jarmon & Dylan Price Entering the Ring

BROOKLYN (April 16, 2018) – Former bantamweight world champion Raushee Warren in top prospect Fabian Maidana will step into the ring at Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, v soboto, April 21 in separate attractions as part of an exciting night of undercard fights.



The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by four-division champion Adrien Broner battling former welterweight world champion Jessie Vargas. The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashing with once-beaten Hugo Centeno, Jr. for the interim 160-pound world title and former champions Gervonta “Tank” Davis in Jezus Cuellar as they square off for the vacant WBA 130-pound Super World Championship.




Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, začeti na $50 and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.


Warren (15-2, 4 Kos) will return to action in an eight round bantamweight fight against Juan Medina (10-2, 9 Kos), medtem Maidana (14-0, 10 Kos) steps in for a 10-round super lightweight showdown against Hevinson Herrera (22-14-1, 16 Kos). The undercard attractions also include popular local female contender Heather “Heat” Hardy (20-0, 4 Kos)as she competes in a featherweight contest against Mexico’s Paolo Torres (10-2-1, 3 Kos).




The action inside the arena will also feature a pair of 2016 Olympians in separate six-round super lightweight attractions as U.S. Olympian Gary Antuanne Russell (4-0, 4 Kos) enters the ring against Andrew Rodgers (4-2-1, 2 Kos) and Haitian Olympian Richardson Hitchins (4-0, 2 Kos) bitke Alexander Charneco (4-4, 4 Kos).




Brooklyn’s unbeaten Chordale Booker will step into the ring for a six-round super welterweight fight against Daniel Calzada while the Bronx’s undefeated heavyweight George Arias competes in an eight-round attraction against Tyrell Wright.



The action rounds out with unbeaten super featherweight Desmond Jarmon bori Kendrick Latchman in a four-round showdown, unbeaten prospect Shyngyskhan Tazhibay in a four-round welterweight contest against Justin Savi (31-15-2, 21 Kos) in neporažen možnosti Dylan Price, ki izpolnjuje Edson Noria for a six-round super flyweight bout.




The 31-year-old Warren became a world champion in 2016 when he defeated Juan Carlos Payano to capture the WBA Bantamweight World Championship. The Cincinnati-native represented the U.S. three times at the Olympic games during a prolific amateur career and most recently defeated former champion McJoe Arroyo last July at Barclays Center. He returns to Brooklyn to face the 25-year-old Medina, who fights out of the Dominican Republic.




The brother of former welterweight champion Marcos Maidana, Fabian will look to remain unbeaten when he makes his 2018 debut on April 21. The 25-year-old from Santa Fe, Argentina most recently defeated former interim champion Johan Perez by unanimous decision last November in his first fight to go 10 krogi.


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Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsinwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Jermall Charlo & Hugo Centeno Jr. Discuss Upcoming Showdown Saturday, April 21 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Charlo & Centeno Battle for Interim WBC Middleweight Title

In Premier Boxing Champions Event

BROOKLYN (April 13, 2018) – Undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo and once-beaten contender Hugo Centeno Jr. discussed their upcoming matchup before they step into the ring on Saturday, April 21 for the WBC Interim Middleweight Title live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN boks.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by a showdown between four-division world champion Adrien Broner and two-division world champion Jessie Vargas. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televizijska oddaja začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with former world champions Gervonta Davis in Jezus Cuellar battling for the WBA 130-pound Super Featherweight World Championship.




Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, začeti na $50 and can be purchased atticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.




The Charlo vs. Centeno bout was moved from an original date of March 3 due to a Centeno rib injury, and now the rescheduled bout is just over a week away, with Centeno fully recovered from the ailment.




My ribs are fine,” said Centeno. “It was a minor injury, but there was no way I could have fought on our originally scheduled date when it happened. I feel great now though. It healed perfectly.




Centeno will now finally face Charlo, the former 154-pound champion and one half of the devastatingly powerful Charlo twins, along with his brother, current 154-pound champion Jermell. For Jermall, this fight is a chance to begin making his mark in a second division.




I want to send a message to the world that I’m going to dominate the 160-pound division, while my brother proves he’s the best 154-pounder on the planet,” Said Charlo. “Once I get my shot, you will all see what I’m talking about. Hugo Centeno Jr. is just in the way of that process. After April 21, you’ll be able to see what I’m really made of.




As Centeno winds down training camp at Wild Card Boxing in Hollywood with head trainer Eric Brown, he has made sure to focus on what will happen April 21 instead of any pre-fight talk or hype.




I am just excited by this opportunity,” said Centeno. “Charlo can say whatever he wants. None of it is going to affect me. Aprila 21, it’s just me and him in that ring and anything can happen.




This has been another great camp for me, even with the injury hitch. I’m a night owl who likes to train at all hours. We go late into the night and I think that helps me on fight night.




Centeno put himself back into the ranks of middleweight contenders with a highlight reel knockout of Immanuwel Aleem last August. Charlo, vseeno, knows that he will pose a different set of problems for Centeno.




I’m not Immanuwel Aleem and I’ll let you all see that when April 21 gets here,” Said Charlo. “It’s a whole different ball game when you get in there trying to trade with me. You better have power, so I hope he’s ready for it.




Charlo has been hard at work in his hometown of Houston, working with head trainer Ronnie Shields. With the extended training camp, Charlo has had time to improve on his already lethal arsenal.




I’m still improving as a fighter,” Said Charlo. “I’ve gotten faster, sharper and I’m able to take more punches than I used to. I’ve been working hard to increase my punch output as well. Nobody can do what I’m doing in the ring.




Boxing is all about adjusting and that’s what I’m good at. That’s my best attribute and my team has worked with me so I can make that adjustment on fight night. We always go into the ring ready to fight a different fight than the time before.




With fight night nearing, both fighters are gearing up to head to Brooklyn with the hopes of announcing themselves as a danger in the 160-pound division on April 21.





I’ve fought on some big stages in my career, but nothing compares to this,” said Centeno. “This is my first title shot and I’m going to take full advantage. I’m not worried about Charlo or being the underdog or anything really. I know I have what it takes to win this fight.




Hugo is in the way of my process right now,” Said Charlo. “I’ve got to go through him to get to my goal. We’ll see if he’s able to hold up against the power, speed and athleticism that I have. Če ne, Jaz grem, da ga boli, real bad.



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Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, inwww.PremierBoxingChampions.com. Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @JVargasBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsin www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Jessie Vargas Las Vegas Media Workout Quotes & Photos

Former World Champion Battles Adrien Broner in Main Event Showdown Saturday, April 21 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Predstavila Premier Boxing prvakov

Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from John Gurzinsky/Mayweather Promotions


Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (April 12, 2018) – Two-delitev svetovni prvak Jessie Vargas hosted a media workout in Las Vegas Thursday as he prepares for his main event showdown against four-division world champion Adrien Broner v soboto, April 21 živijo na Showtime od Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN boks.




The Premier Boxing Champions event will also feature unbeaten former champion Jermall Charlo and once-beaten Hugo Centeno Jr. squaring-off for the WBC Interim 160-pound title. SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO boks televizijska oddaja začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with former world champions Gervonta Davis in Jezus Cuellar battling for the WBA 130-pound Super Featherweight World Championship.




Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, začeti na $50 and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.




aprilski 21 showdown against Broner will be Vargassecond fight being guided by head trainer and former three-division world champion Mike “The BodysnatcherMcCallum.




Vargas conducted the media workout from Mayweather Boxing Club as he prepares for the pivotal matchup against Broner. Tukaj je, kaj Vargas, McCallum in Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe had to say Thursday:






Adrien Broner and I are entertaining fighters who come in and give it our all. This is a fight that will have a lot of fireworks.




I brought in a nutritionist for camp who has done a great job informing me of some things that I’ve never done before in my career. I feel stronger and I’ve been finishing up this camp stronger than normal.




If he comes to fight me on the inside then that’s going to feed right into my game plan. Bring it on. If he wants to come and fight, then we’ll pick him apart bit by bit. We’re ready for any type of fight. Once he feels my power, he’s going to back up and choose a better route.




I’m going to switch it up. I’m here to give the fans entertainment. Some moments I’ll go after him and some moments I’ll be the counter-puncher. It’ll be based off what he brings to the ring and we’ll take it from there.




If Broner feels that he’s going to perform better with coach Kevin Cunningham, then good for him. I want to face the best Adrien Broner. I don’t want any excuses after this. I’m looking forward to beating the best Broner possible on April 21.




Adrien is fast and explosive, but we’re prepared for it. I have those same skills too. We’ve had great sparring including Devin Haney and Phil Lo Greco just to name a couple. These guys have been able to elevate my skills.




I feel very fortunate that coach McCallum was able to take on the task of training me and I’m happy to be in my second fight with him. We feel like we’ve already accomplished so much in this relatively short amount of time we’ve been working together.




Coach McCallum is a tremendous trainer who’s been able to teach me some different techniques. Obviously he’s known as ‘The Bodysnatcher’, so we’ve worked on body shots, but he also knew how to maintain his distance and he emphasizes the mental game. He tells me how he saw every situation during a fight.




Throughout every round and every day coach is on top of me to make sure I’m feeling good and that my energy is at the right level. He tells me exactly what I need and it’s gotten me here and in the best shape of my career.




This is a fight that should garner a lot of attention from boxing fans. They deserve a fight like this. It’s two guys coming in at the top of their game and only one of us can take this step forward in our career.




I’m planning on having my hand-raised in victory. I’ve worked hard in camp so that I can go out there and prove to everyone that I’m a threat to any fighter out there.


MIKE MCCALLUM, Vargas’ Trainer





We picked up where we left off from Jessie’s last fight in December. He has all the tools he needs, I’m just here to make sure he knows how and when to use them in the ring.




Everybody knows Broner is a good fighter. It’s going to be an exciting matchup because Jessie is in shape and ready to go.




We’re ready to fight any kind of style that will beat Broner. We know we’re going to have to box, if he has to do it for 12 krogi, Jessie will be ready. Once they get in close, Jessie has a good punch too and that might surprise Broner.


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promotions




This is the best card in the sport right now. The main event is a sensational bout. This is a 50-50 Boj. Both guys need to win this. In Jessie’s case, this win will elevate him with the other elite welterweights that are out there.




This is a huge fight. It’s a great fight for the fans and we’re very proud to be helping promote this event. It’s going to be a great night and thrilling main event.


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