الوسم المحفوظات: Jermall تشارلو

تكشف SHOWTIME SPORTS® عن جدول الملاكمة المحمّل الذي يتميز بمباريات ماركي من أبطال الملاكمة المتميزين

اثنان من الاتحادات العالمية, سبعة فرق لبطولة العالم وثلاثة مقلدين للألقاب العالمية على مدى خمسة أشهر

تم تسليط الضوء على تشكيلة النجوم المرصعة بالنجوم من قبل إرول سبينس جونيور., Gervonta ديفيس, Jermell تشارلو, ديفيد بينافيدز وجيرمال شارلو

نيويورك ـ آذار (مارس) 15, 2022 - أعلنت شوتايم سبورتس وأبطال الملاكمة الممتازين اليوم عن تسع مسابقات ملاكمة في النصف الأول من الموسم 2022 يضم بعضًا من أبرز نجوم الرياضة وأكثرهم ديناميكية في منافسات تنافسية للغاية. تضع التشكيلة الأبطال ضد الأبطال والمتنافسين الكبار ضد المنافسين الكبار لتشكيل أقوى جدول وأكثر طموحًا في هذه الصناعة. تشكيلة قوية تشمل:

  • تسعة أحداث بارزة على مدار خمسة أشهر 21 مقاتلين غير مهزومين;
  • بطولتين لبطولة العالم, واحد لجميع أحزمة لقب العالم الأربعة ولقب بطل بلا منازع, وواحد لثلاثة أحزمة لقب عالمي;
  • سبع مباريات في بطولة العالم مع على الأقل 13 أحزمة لقب العالم على المحك وثلاثة أقاصي لقب عالمي;
  • جميع الأبطال الستة الأوائل المصنفين في الوزن الثقيل يقاتلون في فترة سبعة أسابيع;
  • العديد من مفترقات الطرق المحورية تحارب من وزن البانتاميت الفائق إلى الوزن المتوسط ​​الفائق بمتوسط ​​حدثين شهريًا حتى يوليو.

الجدول الزمني الضخم يضم أكبر نجوم الرياضة: ايرول سبنس, الابن, جيرفونت "تانك" ديفيس, Jermell تشارلوديفيد بينافيديزو Jermall تشارلو.  هناك أيضا 18 عمر المقاتلين 27 سنوات وأصغر بما في ذلك بطل العالم الموحدستيفن فولتون, الابن., ويحظى بتقدير كبير, منافس وزن الوسط غير مهزومجارون "بوتس" إينيس. مع هذا التركيز على الشباب وصناعة الملوك, شوتايم سبورتس وأبطال الملاكمة الممتازون في وضع جيد لنقل الرياضة إلى المستقبل. بقيادةستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس, الرياضة & البرمجة الحدث, شوتايم شبكات شركة, وأربع مرات إيمي® منتج تنفيذي حائز على جوائزديفيد دينكينز, الابن., الذي يرشد طاقمًا من المعلقين من كل النجوم وأصحاب الإنتاج, موعد العرض® لا يزال النظام الأساسي الأكثر ثباتًا وموثوقية في الملاكمة. يمكن القول إنه أفضل وزن وسط نشط في هذا العصر, سبينس الذي لم يهزم, بالفعل بطل موحد, سيسعى للحصول على لقب عالمي ثالث عندما يضع أحزمة WBC و IBF الخاصة به على المحك ضد بطل WBA العالمييوردينيس أوغاس فيالسبت,أبريل 16 في الحدث الرئيسي على SHOWTIME PPV® في AT&ملعب تي, منزل فريق دالاس كاوبويز. Spence-Ugas هو فقط 12عشر مباراة التوحيد في تاريخ وزن الوسط, الانضمام إلى المطابقات الكلاسيكية مثل"السكر" راي ليونارد ضد.توماس Hearnsأنا وفلويد مايويذر ضد.الرماية. المباراة غنية بالمكائد حيث يحاول سبنس المطالبة بالتفوق في واحدة من أعمق فرق الملاكمة, بينما أوغاس, الذين تركوا الرياضة تقريبا, يهدف إلى إكمال تحول مذهل بعد فوزه على بطل العالم من ثماني فرق باكياو في أغسطس. نجم الملاكمة وخمس مرات, ثلاثة تقسيم بطل العالمدبابةديفيس سيتصدر حدث SHOWTIME PPV الرابع على التوالي ضد العدورولاندو روميرو فيالسبت, مايو 28, في مركز باركليز في بروكلين, NY, من أجل لقب ديفيس العالمي الخفيف الوزنوتأتي المباراة في أعقاب فوز ديفيز بالإجماع على 12 جولةإسحاق "بيتبول" كروز حيث تغلب ديفيس على إصابة أمام نجم مرصع بالنجوم, حشد بيع في لوس أنجلوس في ديسمبر الماضي. WBO 154 جنيه لا. 1-المرتبة المنافستيم Tszyu, ابن Hall of Famerكوستيا Tszyu, الذي حارب العديد من نوباته التي لا تنسى في SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, سيجعل له الامريكية. لاول مرةالسبت, 26 مارسضد 2012 الامريكى. أولمبي وأفضل المنافسينتيريل Gaushaفي مخزن الأسلحة في مينيابوليس. خطوط الجنوبإريكسون لوبين وسيباستيان فوندورا سوف تشارك في مزيل لقب الوزن الثقيل الفائق, للحصول على عنوان WBC المؤقت, في الثانية من ظهر إلى ظهر, مثيرة للاهتمام منافسات مفترق الطرق في الانقسام فيالسبت, أبريل 9 من فنادق فيرجين في لاس فيغاس. Jermell تشارلو و بريان كاستانيو سيسعى مرة أخرى إلى أن يصبح أول بطل بلا منازع في حقبة الأربعة أحزمة وثالث بطل بلا منازع اليوم عندما يلتقيان في مباراة العودة. 2021 الكلاسيكية فيالسبت, مايو 14 في لوس انجليس. أكثر, ارتفاع نجم وزن الوسطاينيس, ربما الملاكم الأكثر موهبة حتى الآن للفوز بلقب عالمي, يعود كميزة مشتركة ضدCustio كلايتونفي مُزيل عنوان الوزن الخفيف IBF. بطل العالم السابق مرتينبينافيديز العودة إلى العمل علىالسبت,21 مايوضد فنان بالضربة القاضيةديفيد يميو في 168 جنيه في فينيكس, اريزونا., في مباراة بين اثنين من أكبر اللكمات في الرياضة. فولتون, في أول مباراة له منذ فوزه باللقب في قسم 122 جنيهًا ضدبراندون فيغيروا, سيدافع عن ألقابه فيالسبت, يونيو 4 في مينيابوليس, ضد بطل العالم الموحد السابقداني رومان في مكان آخر لا يمكن أن تفوت المباراة. Jermall تشارلو سيدافع عن بطولة العالم للوزن المتوسط ​​في WBC للمرة الخامسة يومالسبت, يونيو 18, عندما يواجه منافس اللقب العالمي السابق, WBC لا. 6-المرتبةماسيج Sulecki في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع Juneteenth عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في هيوستن. تشغيلالسبت, يوليو 9, في سان أنطونيو, تكساس, بطل العالم WBC وزن الريشة الذي تم سكه حديثًامارك ماجسايو سوف يقدم أول دفاع عن لقبه منذ خلعه من العرشجاري راسل الابن., على SHOWTIME ضد منافس إلزامي لم يهزم وحامل لقب وزن البانتام السابقالملك فارغاس.
سيتم الإعلان عن المباريات الإضافية عالية المخاطر مع ملء بطاقات القتال الفردية. "إنه وقت جيد أن تكون من محبي الملاكمة ومشاهد شوتايم مع العديد من الشخصيات رفيعة المستوى, المطابقات اللاحقة في جدولنا الزمني,"وقالاسبينوزا, رئيس, الرياضة & البرمجة الحدث, شوتايم نتووركس إنك "نحن نواصل تنمية الرياضة على كل المستويات, من سلسلتنا الشعبيةSHOBOXلتتويج أبطال موحدين بلا منازع عبر أعمق أقسام الملاكمة. عندما تفكر في الطبيعة التنافسية لهذه المعارك, القوة النجمية لمقاتلين مثل إيرول سبينس, الابن, "تانك" ديفيس, ديفيد بينافيديز, الأخوان تشارلو - وحيوية الشباب لستيفن فولتون, الابن, جارون إنيس وبراندون لي - لم يكن من الواضح أبدًا أن شوتايم هي وجهة المعارك الأكثر إقناعًا وستظل كذلك لسنوات قادمة. تعد تشكيلة SHOWTIME Boxing هذه هي الأقوى بين أي شبكة أو منصة في عام 2022. " يتضمن جدول شوتايم سبورتس للملاكمة سبع إصدارات من شوتايم تشامبشنشيب بوكسينغ® واثنين من أحداث SHOWTIME PPV الهامة, كل ما قدمه Premier Boxing Champions: ·مارس 26 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايممخزن الأسلحة, مينيابوليس, من.
o تيم Tszyu مقابل. تيريل Gausha, الوزن الثقيل السوبر بوتو ميشيل ريفيرا vs. جوزيف ادورنو, وزن خفيف بوتو إلفيس رودريغيز vs. جون خوسيه فيلاسكو, السوبر خفيفة الوزن (142 LBS) نوبة ·أبريل 9 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم__المسرح في فنادق فيرجين, لاس فيغاس
o إريكسون لوبين مقابل. سيباستيان فوندورا, WBC Super Welterweight Interim Titleo توني هاريسون مقابل. سيرجيو جارسيا, سوبر وزن خفيف بوتو كيفن سالغادو vs. براينت Perrella, نوبة الوزن الثقيل الفائق ·أبريل 16 - شوتايم PPV__AT&ملعب تي, أرلينغتون, تكساس
o إيرول سبينس جونيور. مقابل. يوردينيس أوغاس, WBC, رابطة الملاكمة العالمية & اتحاد بطولة العالم للوزن الثقيل IBF
شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة (السابقة PPV):o Radzhab Butaev vs. إيمانتاس ستانيونيس, WBA Welterweight عنوان التصويت. زكاري أوتشوا, سوبر خفيفة الوزن بوت ·مايو 14 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم__لوس انجليسأو جيرميل شارلو vs.. بريان كاستانو الثاني, IBF بلا منازع, رابطة الملاكمة العالمية, WBC & WBO Super __ بطولة العالم للوزن الثقيل Unificationo Jaron Ennis vs. Custio كلايتون, IBF Welterweight مزيل ·مايو 21 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم__طائر العنقاء
أو David Benavidez vs.. ديفيد يميو, سوبر الوزن المتوسط ​​مقاطعة يويلفيس غوميز ضد جويلفيس جوميز. خورخي كوتا, نوبة الوزن الثقيل الفائق ·مايو 28 - شوتايم PPV__مركز باركليز, بروكلين, NY
o جيرفونتا ديفيس مقابل. رولاندو روميرو, بطولة العالم للوزن الخفيف WBA ·يونيو 4 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم__مينيابوليس
يا ستيفن فولتون, الابن. مقابل. داني رومان, المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة & بطولة العالم WBC Super Bantamweight ديفيد موريل vs. Kalvin هندرسون, لقب بطولة العالم للوزن المتوسط ​​للوزن المتوسط ​​· WBA ·يونيو 18 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم__هيوستن
o جيرمال شارلو مقابل. ماسيج Sulecki, بطولة العالم للوزن المتوسط ​​للوزن المتوسط ​​·يوليو 9 - ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم__سان أنطونيو
أو مارك ماجسايو مقابل. الملك فارغاس, WBC Featherweight World Championship\

لمزيد من المعلومات وإعلانات القتال في المستقبل ، تفضل بزيارةwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing وTGBPromotions على Instagram ShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing وTGBPromotions أو كن معجبًا على Facebook علىwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. شوتايم شبكات المؤتمر الوطني العراقي. (SNI), شركة تابعة مملوكة بالكامل لشركة باراماونت, تمتلك وتدير خدمة SHOWTIME المتميزة®, الذي يعرض المسلسلات الأصلية التي نالت استحسانا كبيرا, أفلام وثائقية مثيرة, الأفلام الناجحة في شباك التذاكر, عروض الكوميديا ​​والموسيقى والرياضات القوية. يتوفر SHOWTIME كخدمة بث قائمة بذاتها عبر جميع أجهزة البث الرئيسية و Showtime.com, وكذلك عبر الكابل, DBS, مزودي خدمات الاتصالات والبث المباشر للفيديو. تدير SNI أيضًا الخدمات المتميزة THE MOVIE CHANNEL ™ و FLIX®, بالإضافة إلى الإصدارات عند الطلب لجميع العلامات التجارية الثلاث. SNI بتسويق وتوزيع الرياضية والفعاليات الترفيهية للمعرض للمشتركين على أساس الدفع لكل عرض من خلال شوتايم PPV®. لمزيد من المعلومات, اذهب إلىwww.SHO.com.


WBC Middleweight World Champion Charlo Faces Hard-Hitting Montiel in Special Juneteenth Day Celebration Saturday, يونيو 19 Headlining a Premier Boxing Champions Event Live on SHOWTIME®

انقر هنا للصور; ائتمان: Esther Lin/Showtime

HOUSTON – May 18, 2021 - Unbeaten WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall تشارلو and hard-hitting 160-pound contender خوان ماسياس مونتيل met face-to-face for the first time Tuesday during a kick-off press conference as they preview the main event of a special Juneteenth Day celebration in Charlo’s hometown of Houston Saturday, يونيو 19 at Toyota Center headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event live on SHOWTIME.

Charlo has established himself as a force in two divisions and will seek to thrill his hometown crowd against Mexico’s Montiel in a first-of-its-kind Juneteenth Day boxing celebration. سيقاتل تشارلو في هيوستن للمرة الرابعة كمحترف ويتطلع إلى الحفاظ على سجله الخالي من الهزيمة أمام مونتيل صاحب التفكير المنزعج.

سيبدأ ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT وميزة ارتفاع المنافس الخفيف الوزن إسحاق كروز تقاتل بطل العالم السابق فرانسيسكو فارغاس في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك من 10 جولات. بدء البث التلفزيوني, بطل العالم السابق انجيلو ليو يعود لمواجهة المنافس المكسيكي آرون ألاميدا في 10 جولة الديك سوبر بوت.

Here is what Charlo, Montiel and their trainers had to say Tuesday:

تشارلو JERMALL:

“يونيو 19, فإنه سيكون من الألعاب النارية. A parade. A celebration. Me and Ronnie Shields get a chance to do it again. أنا أعمل بجد. I was working hard before I even knew who Montiel was. هذه المرة, you get a chance to see all the hard work I’ve put in for so many years. It’s a dream come true to be able to fight in my city and I get a chance to do it with a crowd. Tune in and get your tickets because it’s going to be a great night of boxing.

“There’s no better day to fight than Juneteenth. It’s a celebration for me and my people and I get to represent them and carry them on my back. To be able to do it for my city right here at the Toyota Center – it’s going to be an amazing night of boxing.

“Montiel is fearless. He’s a fighter that I think deserves a chance. عند هذه النقطة, he understands where he’s at. هذا هو معركة كبيرة. A lot of people may not know who Montiel is, just like I didn’t, but he’s a strong fighter. The people want to see me get tested, حق? I want to see those big fights, أيضا. In a matter of time, they’ll come. But Montiel should be a good fight.

“I’m going to whoop his ass. He doesn’t stand a chance. They’re all confident. I got the belt. The belt ain’t going nowhere. Toyota Center, get ready. It’s going to be fireworks June 19. He can be as confident as he wants, but when we get in there he’s going to have to figure it out.

“I’m ready to fight the best in the world. I’m the best in the world and I’m not going to let this guy over here stop me. The belt is not going nowhere. The belt is staying right here in ‘H Town.’ There’s nothing he could do about it. Nothing. It’s my belt. It’s my legacy. You’ll find out June 19.

“A fighter like Montiel is challenging to go in there and get the job done real clean and swiftly because if I look bad against a guy like this, they’ll take away from what I did in the Derevyanchenko fight. لكن, نعم يا, حتي اليوم, Derevyanchenko was one of my hardest fights, but I made nice work of it and onto the next one.

“I got the belt. Champions fight champions. We unify. ولكن إذا لم, we’re not just going to sit back. Those guys that have the belt like Triple G, Canelo and Andrade – the belts are out there so eventually it will happen. I’m not in a rush. أنا شاب. I’m still having fun. I’m enjoying what I do best.

“If Triple G wants this WBC belt, I have it. It’s over here, it’s open. I’m ready to fight.”


“We are focused on preparing as well as possible. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are taking it as such with a lot of dedication and discipline. We are ready to put on a great show on June 19.

“This is the fight I always dreamed of. I am all about challenging myself and fighting against the best of the best. I have been training hard and I believe in myself. I will be ready to come out and win.

“We’re fighting in Houston because I don’t think that I’m in a position to choose or dictate anything right now. I will fight anywhere in order to make my dream of becoming a champion come true. If we have to fight on the moon, then let’s fight on the moon.

“I believe that power is the great equalizer, a legit advantage in boxing, since it can change the fortunes of any fighter inside the ring. I consider my power an advantage in my favor.

“I have fought and prepared so hard for the opportunity to go and get this championship belt. I have done things the right way, there is no reason for things to go wrong. As I said previously, I am not in a position to choose where to fight. I just have to keep training hard like I have since I was four years old.

“I’m happy that there will be fans in the stands. I don’t feel any pressure, because it’s all about Latin pride and support and that motivates me.

“I think Charlo is a great fighter, super talented and the world champion for a reason. I have been preparing my whole life for this.

“I don’t think that all Mexicans just go on attack mode by default, you also have to be smart and think things through depending on how the fight goes.”


“Jermall Charlo has worked his butt off in the gym and he continues to do that. To defend your title in your backyard, in your hometown, that’s a very special thing. Not only is it going to be special because of that, it’s going to be special because Juneteenth is a very special day for all African Americans in the state of Texas. We’re looking forward to a great fight. Montiel is a really great fighter and we know we can’t underestimate anybody. We’re going to be in the best condition we’ve ever been in every time we fight and we’re going to continue to do that. We’re looking forward to having everybody come out for this great celebration.

“I think a lot of people were surprised how easily Jermall beat Sergey Derevyanchenko. He was the No. 1 المنافس. He was the mandatory defense. He gave Triple G problems. He gave Danny Jacobs problems. And Jermall beat him.”


“Training camp is an ongoing process. Things are going swimmingly, just like we wanted them to. We are very happy and so glad people have welcomed us here in Houston with open arms.

“I’m hoping for Montiel to be in his best physical, mental and emotional shape to come out with a win on June 19. Our biggest advantage right now is that we are already settled in here in the United States, free of the distractions and temptations we might have back home in Mexico.

“I think that a victory of this magnitude would make Montiel the face of Mexican boxing, rubbing elbows with the Canelos of the world. Life would change overnight for him.”


“We welcome SHOWTIME and our friends from Premier Boxing Champions back to Toyota Center. We have a great history of hosting combat sports in this fine arena. We’re really excited about what Jermall Charlo and Juan Macías Montiel are going to bring to the Toyota Center on June 19. تذاكر للبيع الآن في toyotacenter.com and we are looking forward to a great night as we bring back live events to this market. We can do it successfully and safely and we want to see everybody come and see a great championship boxing match.”

* * *

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جيرمال شارلو للوجه خوان ماكواس مونتيل السبت, يونيو 19 في TOYOTA CENTER IN HOUSTON بث مباشر على SHOWTIME

المنافس الخفيف الوزن القوي إسحاق كروز يواجه بطل العالم السابق فرانسيسكو فارغاس في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك

بطل العالم السابق أنجيلو ليو ينافس المكسيكي
آرون ألاميدا إلى انطلاق البث التلفزيوني في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT

تذاكر على بيع غدا, الخميس, مايو 13 في 12 عصرا. CT!

هيوستن (مايو 12, 2021) - بطل العالم للوزن المتوسط ​​WBC الذي لم يهزم Jermall تشارلو سيدخل الحلبة للاحتفال بيوم Juneteenth في مسقط رأسه عندما يواجه ضربات قوية خوان ماسياس مونتيل في.يوم السبت, يونيو 19 في مركز تويوتا في هيوستن يتصدر حدث Premier Boxing Champions مباشرة على SHOWTIME.

سيبدأ ملاكمة بطولة شوتايم في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT وميزة ارتفاع المنافس الخفيف الوزن إسحاق كروز تقاتل بطل العالم السابق فرانسيسكو فارغاس في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك من 10 جولات. بدء البث التلفزيوني, بطل العالم السابق انجيلو ليو يعود لمواجهة المنافس المكسيكي آرون ألاميدا في 10 جولة الديك سوبر بوت.

رسخ شارلو نفسه كقوة في فرقتين وسيسعى لإثارة حشد مسقط رأسه ضد مونتيل المكسيكي, في الأول من نوعه في احتفال الملاكمة بيوم Juneteenth Day. سيقاتل تشارلو في هيوستن للمرة الرابعة كمحترف ويتطلع إلى الحفاظ على سجله الخالي من الهزيمة أمام مونتيل صاحب التفكير المنزعج.

يتم الترويج لهذا الحدث من خلال Lions Only Promotions و TGB Promotions. سيتم طرح تذاكر الحدث المباشر للبيع غدًا, الخميس, مايو 13 في 12 عصرا. CT ويمكن شراؤها منtoyotacenter.com. ليو مقابل. تمت ترقية Alameda بالاشتراك مع Mayweather Promotions.

تشارلو (31-0, 22 كوس) سيعود للقتال في مسقط رأسه لأول مرة منذ يونيو 2019 فوز بالإجماع على براندون آدامز في شوتايم. سجل اللاعب البالغ من العمر 30 عامًا مؤخرًا فوزًا رائعًا على منافس الوزن المتوسط ​​سيرجي ديريفيانتشينكو في سبتمبر. 2020 مواجهة حاسمة. يحمل شارلو حزام الوزن المتوسط ​​WBC منذ ذلك الحين 2019, بعد فترة حكمه بـ 154 جنيها استمرت من 2015 من خلال 2017. لقد جمع الكمال 6-0 رقم قياسي منذ الانتقال إلى الوزن المتوسط ​​ويمتلك انتصارات على البطل السابق جوليان ويليامز, أوستن تراوت وكورنيليوس بوندراج في وزن وسط ممتاز.

"من الرائع العودة إلى الحلبة, تصدرت في شوتايم وأدافع عن لقبي أمام جمهور مسقط رأسي في هيوستن,سعيد شارلو. "القتال في Juneteenth يعني الكثير بالنسبة لي لأن هناك معركة مستمرة أكبر من هذا بكثير. وقال ان, لا بد لي من التعامل مع عملي في يونيو 19. مونتيل صعب, شاب, خرامة السلطة. أعلم أنه يريد تاجي, لكنني أكثر جوعًا من أي وقت مضى ومستعد لتقديم عرض لجمهوري. احصل على استعداد للحصول على خاص, ليلة متفجرة ".

يمثل موطنه لوس موتشيس, سينالوا, المكسيك, مونتيل (22-4-2, 22 كوس) حصل على الضربات القاضية في كل شيء 22 من انتصاراته المؤيدة, حيث أن الشجاع الثقيل أثبت نفسه كقوة قاسية. حقق اللاعب البالغ من العمر 27 عامًا خطًا لم يهزم منذ أن وصل إلى الوزن المتوسط, أول منافسة على الوزن في سبتمبر 2017, وسجل مؤخرًا فوزًا بالضربة القاضية في الدور الأول على المنافس منذ فترة طويلة جيمس كيركلاند في ديسمبر 2020. يملك توقفات لماركو رييس وجوستافو كاسترو, وتعادل ضد هوغو سينتينو, الابن. في المتوسط. كان مونتيل قد خاض سابقًا حملته في وزن الوسط والوزن الممتاز, إسقاط فبراير 2017 مباراة على البطل السابق خايمي مونجويا في معركة وزنها 147 رطلاً.

"أعلم أنني أحارب أفضل وزن متوسط ​​في العالم, لكنه لم يواجه أبدًا شخصًا يمكنه الضرب كما أستطيع,قال مونتيل. "كل خساري في الماضي كانت من عدم التدريب بشكل صحيح ومحاولة الفوز بالضربة القاضية لكمة واحدة. لقد كبرت وأصبحت رجلًا منذ ذلك الحين. لقد أثبتت أنني كنت مختلفًا عندما تغلبت على ماركو رييس 2019, ولم أغادر الصالة الرياضية منذ ذلك الحين. لقد عملت بجد كل يوم لأصبح بطل العالم وسأعرض كل ما تعلمته في 19 يونيو. "

كروز البالغ من العمر 22 عامًا (21-1-1, 15 كوس) صعدوا في تصنيفات الوزن الخفيف في 2020, أعلن تواجده في الجولة الأولى بالضربة القاضية المثيرة على المخضرم دييجو ماجدالينو في سبتمبر. تابع كروز ذلك حتى مارس, عندما فاز بقرار بالإجماع على ماتياس روميرو الذي لم يهزم من قبل. منذ جعله الولايات المتحدة. لاول مرة على البطاقة السفلية لـ Jermall Charlo vs. دينيس هوجان في ديسمبر 2019, لم يخسر مواطن مكسيكو سيتي في مبارياته الأربع في الحلقات. هذا سيمثل معركته الخامسة في 20 أشهر, الأربعة الأخيرة منها ستعرض في SHOWTIME, بما في ذلك العناوين الرئيسية ShoBox: الجيل القادم في فبراير 2020.

قال كروز: "أنا وفارجاس سنعرض للجماهير ملاكمة على الطريقة المكسيكية الحقيقية في 19 يونيو". "إنه أيضًا من مدينة مكسيكو, لذلك أنا أعلم أن هذه المعركة ستكون من أخمص القدمين. حان الوقت لأظهر للجماهير أنني أفضل مكسيكي خفيف الوزن في العالم. مع الجديد, والخروج مع القديم. أريد أن أشكر المروج الخاص بي, السناتور ماني باكياو, لدعمه وإيمانه بأنني سأصبح بطل العالم في القريب العاجل ".

أيضا من مواليد مكسيكو سيتي, فارغاس (27-2-2, 19 كوس) فاز بلقب 130 جنيهًا إسترلينيًا في 2015 بفوزه على تاكاشي ميورا في واحدة من أفضل المعارك لهذا العام. سيواصل اللاعب البالغ من العمر 36 عامًا مواجهة أورلاندو ساليدو في تعادل مليء بالإثارة قبل أن يخسر لقبه أمام ميغيل بيرشيلت في قضية أخرى لا تُنسى.. واصل فارغاس هزيمة ستيفن سميث ورود سالكا قبل أن يخسر في مباراة العودة مع بيرشيلت 2019. وفي الآونة الأخيرة, بدأ فارغاس بحملته في الوزن الخفيف, سجل انتصارات متتالية بقرار فني على إيزيكيل أفيليس في أكتوبر 2019 و TKO فوق Otto Gamez في نوفمبر 2020.

قال فارغاس: "أنا أعرف فقط كيفية خوض الحروب ويجب أن يتوقع المشجعون شيئًا أقل في 19 يونيو". "انا محارب, وسيتذكر الناس الأسباب التي دفعتني لخوض معركتين من معركتي العام عندما يرونني في الحلبة مع إسحاق كروز. أريد أن أشكر فريقي بأكمله على تنظيم هذه المعركة التي أعرف أن المشجعين سيستمتعون بها ".

الأسد (20-1, 9 كوس), الذي يقاتل خارج مستقر عروض Mayweather الترويجية, أصبح أول بطل عالمي من مسقط رأسه في البوكيرك, N.M., منذ بطل الدوري الأسطوري جوني تابيا, عندما هزم ترامين ويليامز بقرار إجماعي في أغسطس 2020. أسقط اللاعب البالغ من العمر 26 عامًا الحزام عندما خسر قرارًا لم يهزم ستيفن فولتون جونيور. في كانون الثاني (يناير) في SHOWTIME. الأسد, الذي يتدرب في لاس فيغاس, سيتطلع إلى إعادة ترسيخ موقعه في قسم 122 جنيها المكدس في يونيو 19.

"أنا متحمس للعودة إلى الحلبة لهذه المعركة,قال ليو. "لم أكن نفس المقاتل في معركتي الأخيرة, كما كنت عندما فزت باللقب. لقد أعطاني هذا شريحة كبيرة على كتفي. اكتشفت أخطائي وتعلمت الكثير عن نفسي. أنا هنا لأظهر للناس أنني ما زلت أحد المنافسين الأوائل وتهديدًا في هذا القسم. ألاميدا منافس حقيقي وأنا لا أستخف بأنه ليس خصمًا. أيًا كان من يأتي في المقدمة في هذه المعركة سيكون هناك حقًا للحصول على لقب آخر وأنا أخطط لكوني أنا ".

آرون ألاميدا 27 عاما (25-1, 13 كوس) كان قادرًا على إيقاف خط خروج المغلوب الذي لعبه لويس نيري ، لكنه جاء في النهاية القصيرة للقرار في قتالهم على لقب الوزن الخارق في سبتمبر الماضي. قبل معركة نيري, سونورا, مواطن مكسيكي كان لديه ضربات قاضية متتالية على جوردان إسكوبار وبريلور تيران. مؤيد منذ 2014, عمله السابق في الولايات المتحدة. رآه يكسب الجولة السادسة بالضربة القاضية على أندريه ويلسون في 2016.

قال ألاميدا: "لا يمكنني انتظار معركة كبيرة أخرى يوم 19 يونيو". "لقد أظهرت أنني أنتمي إلى الأفضل في معركتي الأخيرة ضد لويس نيري, وسأكون أفضل ضد ليو. هدفي هو أن أصبح بطل العالم وأنا أخطط لعرض كل ما عملت عليه في هذه المعركة. أنا متحمس لمحاربة ليو وتقديم عرض رائع للجماهير ".

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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions و @ MayweatherPromo على InstagramShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotionss وMayweatherPromotions أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


“Jermall has never faced anyone like me before. I’ll apply more pressure than he’s used to”

Top Rated Contender Derevyanchenko Faces WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo this Saturday, سبتمبر 26 Headlining Part One of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, a SHOWTIME PPV® Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

نيويورك – سبتمبر 21, 2020 – Top contender سيرجي ديريفيانتشينكو believes that his combination of skills and experience will make him the toughest challenge that WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall تشارلو has faced in his career, as they near their showdown this Saturday, سبتمبر 26 headlining part one of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, a SHOWTIME PPV event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

“I’ll definitely be his toughest test at middleweight,"قال ديريفيانتشينكو. “Jermall has never faced anyone like me. I’ll apply more pressure than he’s used to. He’s also never faced anyone with my footwork. I’ll fight more on the inside than his previous opponents.”

Derevyanchenko sports a 13-2 سجل للمحترفين مع 10 بالضربة القاضية, following an extensive amateur career that included representing his native Ukraine at the 2008 Olympics as part of his 390-20 overall ledger. مؤيد منذ 2014, Derevyanchenko’s experience in the amateurs has aided him as he climbed up the middleweight division in the paid ranks.

“My amateur experience has helped me a lot,"قال ديريفيانتشينكو. “I came to the pros with much more experience in the ring than most other fighters and it’s been a big part of what I’ve accomplished. I believe that all of that experience will help me get the win on Saturday and take Charlo’s belt.”

The 34-year-old now lives in Brooklyn and has avoided any negative training impact of the pandemic by working with his head trainer Andre Rozier at their private gym in New Jersey. سبتمبر 26 will be Derevyanchenko’s third world title fight, after losing a narrow decision to Gennadiy Golovkin last October and a split decision against Daniel Jacobs in 2018. Each of his previous title fights have presented different experiences that he can take into the Charlo fight, based off the similarities and differences between the opponents.

“Golovkin is a very different fighter than Charlo, but Jacobs is similar stylistically, so that’s something I’ll be used to,"قال ديريفيانتشينكو. “This training camp has been very similar to camps for my previous fights though. We just brought in different sparring partners for this one. We’re using fighters who can show us what Charlo will bring to the ring.

“We’re making necessary adjustments based off all our experience and developing a game plan specifically for Charlo. The sparring partners have been giving me great work and I’m absolutely ready for September 26.”

In both of his title opportunities, Derevyanchenko has suffered a knockdown in the first round, only to battle back and nearly win the fight. Despite the similar script, Derevyanchenko is not focusing on those opening round mistakes as he prepares for Charlo.

“I’ll be very focused in the early rounds against Charlo, we’re not dwelling on the past,"قال ديريفيانتشينكو. “We always have an eye looking forward. I’ll try to get the win faster against Charlo, so we’ll be applying more pressure early.

“Those first round knockdowns were just brief moments in those fights. I quickly moved on, put them behind me and fought my way back into it. I told myself that I may have lost the first round, but I just had to be better in the remaining rounds.”

With fight week here and the bulk of the hard training behind him, Derevyanchenko is prepared for the challenge Charlo presents, no matter how the fight goes or which strategy Charlo enters the ring with.

“I’m not solely focused on the fight going one certain way, we just have our game plan and we’ll see what happens in the ring,"قال ديريفيانتشينكو. “If I can knock him out, I’ll be ready to go for it. But if it goes 12 جولات, I have all of the skills to win a decision.”

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After I win this belt on September 26, I want Brandon Figueroa next!”

Unbeaten Former Champion Nery Takes on Undefeated Aaron Alameda for Vacant WBC Super Bantamweight Title Saturday, سبتمبر 26 In Co-Main Event of Part Two of a SHOWTIME PPV® Doubleheader Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

نيويورك – سبتمبر 17, 2020 – Unbeaten former champion لويس نيري shared updates from his training camp as he prepares to take on undefeated آرون ألاميداfor the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-main event of part two of a SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader Saturday, سبتمبر 26 في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

لهذه المعركة, Nery is training for the first time under the guidance of Eddy Reynoso at his gym in San Diego, alongside Canelo Alvarez and former heavyweight champion Andy Ruiz Jr., من بين أمور أخرى. Although Nery enters this fight on an 11-fight knockout streak, he has been able to hone other facets of his arsenal under Reynoso.

Coach Reynoso has been helping me a lot with my defense,” قال نيري. “We’re working on boxing with my hands up and on my accuracy. He’s helping me do everything possible to maximize my power and speed. I feel very strong and I’ve been sparring 12 rounds for a while now. I’m extremely ready for September 26 and focused on nothing but that.

Nery and Alameda were set to square off in a bantamweight battle on SHOWTIME® في مارس, before the pandemic delayed that showdown. With Rey Vargas vacating his 122-pound title due to an injury, the rescheduled fight came with the addition of that title being on the line. While he knows Alameda will bring his best, Nery is confident in continuing his winning streak.

I know that Alameda is a tough, undefeated fighter who’s going to leave it all in the ring,” قال نيري. “I know he wants to win, مثلي تماما, and I know he’s working every day so that he can perform to his maximum potential. I believe that my speed and my overall talent will make me the winner. The postponement has given me even more time to train and prepare for this matchup. أنا 100% ready.

Nery has long established himself as a force in the bantamweight division, winning his title in 2017 by traveling to Japan and handing Shinsuke Yamanaka his first loss via fourth-round stoppage. While September 26 is his first championship fight at 122-pounds, he has his sights set on dominating the super bantamweight division and beyond.

“بهذه اللحظة, I want to fight at both 118 and 122-pounds,” قال نيري. “There are a lot of great fights to be made in those weight classes. Sometime next year, I want to move up to 126-pounds so that I can dominate all three divisions.

The stacked September 26 PPV undercards feature a wealth of champions and top talent at both the 118 و 122 weight classes. If he’s victorious next Saturday night, Nery has his eyes on a fight against WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon Figueroa, who defends his title against Damien Vazquez in the co-main event of part one of the doubleheader.

After I win this belt on September 26, I want Brandon Figueroa next,” قال نيري. “I’m not overlooking Alameda at all, but if I had my choice, me and Figueroa would give the fans a great show my next time in the ring.


I’m striving to be one of the best to ever lace up a pair
of gloves.

Derevyanchenko calls himself ‘The Technician’, but we’ll see how technical he is once I start putting my jab in his face.

Unbeaten WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo Faces Top Contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko Saturday, سبتمبر 26 Headlining Part One of SHOWTIME PPV® مبارتان متتاليتان قدم رئيس مجلس الدولة الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

انقر هنا for Photos from Andrew Hemingway/SHOWTIME

هيوستن – سبتمبر 14, 2020 – Unbeaten WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall تشارلو brought fans and media into his training camp Monday with a virtual media workout as he prepares to face top contender سيرجي ديريفيانتشينكو to headline part one of a first-of-its-kind SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader Saturday, سبتمبر 26 في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

Charlo was joined Monday by his longtime trainer Ronnie Shields as he showed off a variety of skills while training for the toughest opponent of his pro career. Charlo vs. Derevyanchenko will headline the first part of the special PPV doubleheader that begins at 7 عصرا. ET / 4 عصرا. PT, before his twin brother and WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo steps in for the main event of part two against WBA and IBF 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario.

The workout streamed live on the PBC YouTube page and can be viewed in its entiretyهنا. Here is what Charlo and Shields had to say Monday:

تشارلو JERMALL

I know that it’s my time to shine and my time to give everyone the best that I can give. I’m striving to be one of the best to ever lace up a pair of gloves.

The fans that love me can expect me to do what I do. The fans who don’t know about me, they’re going to see a smart, strong and athletic fighter. You’re going to see all of it in the ring on September 26.

I came from nothing, so I want to put everyone on. I want to make sure Ronnie Shields gets into the Hall of Fame. We’re looking to do something in boxing that no one has ever done.

When I look outside this gym, I say there’s no way I’m losing. I’m carrying my whole family on my back. هيوستن, we have another one. I’m doing it for everybody here.

I’m telling those other middleweights to buckle your seatbelts. It’s lift off. Everyone that doubted me, everyone who wants a chance, you’ll get your turn. I’m running the show. You just stay locked in.

My power is growing along with me. With some fights you need to add more power and sometimes your power just naturally increases. I’ve gotten a lot stronger and a lot smarter, so I’ve been able to use my skills to go along with my power heading into this fight.

Derevyanchenko is a come forward fighter. He’s going to bring a lot of power and speed with good technical skills. He calls himself ‘The Technicianbut we’ll see how technical he is once I start putting my jab in his face. I’m going to use all my natural skills in this fight.

After I win this fight the sky is the limit. I know people will respect me a lot more after this, but I’m focused on only this fight. This fight is another big stepping stone toward even bigger fights to come.

A lot of people don’t really know where the Charlos came from and they’re getting the chance to learn it throughout this time. It’s taken to this point for everyone to see that we belong on this big stage. I’m grateful for everyone around me who’s embraced me with love.

We don’t have too much longer to be doing this. Where are the rest of the belts at? أنا مستعد. Watch next Saturday night, because I’m making this statement loud for everyone who doubted me.

RONNIE SHIELDS, المدرب تشارلو ل

It means a lot to be in this position. It shows you that your fighter has made it to the top. He’s at the point where people want to see the champion of the world. It’s great to be there with him and help him to this level in the sport.

“بهذه اللحظة, Jermall is in great shape and he’s just about ready. We still have another week of hard training to go, then we’ll start coming down next week. He’s really sharp right now and we just have to keep him that way.

Houston loves winners and this guy is a winner. People know he’s a family man also and he works very hard for everything he’s gotten. He’s always shouting out Houston because this is where he’s from and it’s important to him.

I’ve had so many good fighters in my career, but Jermall is right up there at the top with Evander Holyfield, Vernon Forrest and Pernell Whitaker. He works hard and pays attention to what he has to do. The thing that separates them is that he knows how to watch his opponent and he knows what he’s in for.

Just like every opponent, we expect Sergiy to be at his best. We expect Sergiy to come in and try to win and be the best he can possibly be. Jermall is doing the same thing. No stone will be left unturned. We go over the game plan every day.

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The CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER takes place Saturday, سبتمبر 26 on SHOWTIME PPV with an unprecedented event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. The PPV begins at a special time of 7 عصرا. ET / 4 عصرا. PT and features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins with the Jermall Charlo vs. Sergiy Derevyanchenko three-fight card followed by a 30-minute intermission and then the Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario three-fight card.

Part one of the SHOWTIME PPV is headlined by WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall تشارلو facing top contender سيرجي ديريفيانتشينكو. WBA Super Bantamweight Champion براندون فيغيروا will defend his title against 122-pound contender داميان فاسكويز in the co-featured bout, while WBO Bantamweight World Champion جون ريل كاسيمر faces off against unbeaten Duke Micah in the pay-per-view opener.

The second three-fight card is headlined by the historic unification matchup between WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell تشارلو and IBF and WBA 154-pound champion Jeison روزاريو. Unbeaten former champion لويس نيري will battle undefeatedآرون ألاميدا for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion Danny Román faces off against former champion خوان كارلوس بايانو in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view.

The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


انقر هنا for Action Photos / ائتمان: موعد العرض
و هنا for Action Photos / ائتمان: الترقيات TGB

NEW YORK - سبتمبر 1, 2020 - WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell تشارلو and WBA and IBF 154-pound world champion Jeison روزاريو previewed their blockbuster unification showdown during a virtual kick-off press conference Tuesday as they near their main event battle on part two of the first-ever SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader on Saturday, سبتمبر 26 في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

Five of the six fighters who will be competing in part two of the unprecedented event participated in today’s media call. Unbeaten former champion لويس نيري will battle undefeated آرون ألاميدا for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion دانيال رومان faces off against former champion خوان كارلوس بايانو in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view. Nery was unable to participate in the call due to technical issues.

Here is what the virtual press conference participants had to say Tuesday:

JERMELL تشارلو:

“I’m stronger and faster than I’ve ever been. Camp has been amazing. I can’t believe I got in shape so fast, but I really never got out of shape. I make investments in myself and I do my homework.

“Congratulations to Rosario for getting the chance to move up to this level. But I know what I possess in the ring when I choose to let it out of me. I’m more ready for this fight than any fight I’ve ever had.

“My legacy is on the line. I feed my family this way. It’s not about what we’re going to say. It’s no secret about how I fight. I’m dangerous and I feel even more dangerous now. I’m excited to go 12 جولات. My capacity and skills are exceeding all of these guys in the division. I’m way hungrier now. The fire has been lit in me.

“A lot of people were surprised Jeison won against Julian Williams, but I actually wasn’t. Williams was dealing with a lot. But I’m a different kind of fighter. My dedication is different than everyone.

“Me and my brother have always been doubted. As I mature, I don’t care about what anyone on the outside says. I don’t care who makes the rankings. My job is to box. That was once my hobby. I’ve been doing this forever and I’ve grown into this. I’m a different animal. Just like Rosario had to come up the levels, I did that as well. I’m maintaining where I’m at because of my hard work and the way I fight. All you have to do is put me out there and I’m going to go get it for you.

“I believe my last two fights and the different styles that Tony Harrison had have helped me. Tony is a great fighter. You look at his record and you know he can punch, but I’m just different. That’s what made me come out on top and made the first fight close. The experience I had in those fights will give me even more of an edge coming into this fight.

“There’s so many things I do that make me believe I’m the best in the division. I can go on and on, but I’m a lion in the cage, let me out and see what happens.

“I’m strong from the first round to the end. If it goes to 12, then it goes that far. I’m smart and know how to set up traps. I’m not going to divulge the game plan, but I’m not playing around in the ring.”

جيسون روساريو:

“This is going to be a great war. I’m dedicated and motivated for this fight and I know what it means to face a fighter of Jermell’s quality, so the training has been going great. I’m so ready.

“I am even hungrier now than I was before I won the titles. I’m more motivated. The desire inside of me and the fire inside of me is burning to win this fight against a great fighter in Jermell Charlo. Like the Dominican people say, ‘we have to keep moving forward’ and that’s what I plan to do in this fight.

“Jermell Charlo and Julian Williams are definitely two different types of fighters. I think Williams has a little more quickness but Jermell is definitely stronger and has more power. That’s why I’ve had to prepare a little differently for this fight. In regards to who I feel is the better fighter – I don’t want to take anything away from either guy. Williams was a great fighter and he was considered No. 1 when I fought him, which is now the same position that Jermell Charlo is in. They both have their merits but I wouldn’t say which one is the better fighter. Jermell is considered the best fighter at 154 الآن.

“One thing that has changed since my loss to Nathaniel Gallimore in 2017 is my maturity. As the fights get bigger and more important, I definitely stepped up to the occasion and to the challenge. I’m training harder and there is more focus on this fight coming up.

“This fight means a lot to me. It’s definitely the most important fight of my career and I’m very thankful. I’m thankful to my trainer and for this opportunity that’s been given to me to fight the best fighter in the division. This is a great moment and some people think I won’t win. I know it’s going to be electric.

“I consider this to be my time. Empires fall. Presidents fall. Kingdoms fall. It’s all very interesting because under Charlo’s brand, you have the lion and you have the hunter and all that. But during the fight, you’re going to find out who really is the hunter. I’m a warrior and we’re going to see that night who really is the hunter and who is the one that’s going to be hunted.”


“We’ve been training very hard and we know we have a tough opponent in Luis Nery, but we’re ready for him.

“In all honesty, maybe the names that you see on paper that I’ve faced are not in Nery’s class, but when you see me on September 26, you’re going to know what I’m made of.

“It’s true that Nery has had trouble making weight before but that’s his problem. If he makes weight or if he doesn’t, I’m not bothered by that. I’m focused on what I need to do on September 26, so I haven’t really focused on whether he is going to make weight. I am the one who is going to be ready.

“This is definitely a step-up for me, we aren’t denying that. But strategically, we have worked on certain things that we know are going to help come fight night. We’ve seen a lot of video on Luis Nery and learned how we need to approach this fight. We’ve seen a couple things that we can do and that’s what we’re going to do on September 26.

“There were a few opponents that I fought that were difficult but one in particular was [Enrique] Bernache in Guadalajara. He was fighting in his hometown and he had his people behind him but we still won that fight. The person that has hit me the hardest? His name was [خوان] خيمينيز, and we still overcame the power he showed that night to win.

“I have fought a couple southpaws in my career and I actually feel better against southpaws than I do against orthodox fighters.

“There’s no doubt that Nery is a powerful puncher but we have to see how he’s going to come out – if he’s coming out boxing or if he’s going to look for the knockout immediately. We have a strategy for whichever way he comes out. We’ll be ready for it.”


“Everything is going great in training. We’ve made some adjustments due to the pandemic, but I’ll be at my best on September 26. We’re two former champions, so this is going to be a quality fight. We’re going to try to make it our night.

“The goal is to get back to the world title, but I’m not overlooking Payano. He’s a quality fighter. We have to get past him and then hopefully we can get the rematch with Murodjon Akhmadaliev.

“Payano lost to big names and quality fighters. Anything can happen in a fight, so I’m getting ready for anything. I’m prepared to fight the best Payano possible. أنا لا يأخذه على محمل الجد. This is like if I was defending the belt against another world champion.

“I’m more focused than ever now. I didn’t think I lost my last fight, I thought I took it. Now my mind is set on Payano, so we’re just continuing to work as hard as when I was champion. It’s one step at a time. First it’s Payano, then we’ll see after that.

“Losing my titles has motivated me even more. I know what my next goal is. I’m not overlooking Payano, but I’m looking to get that rematch next.”


“We definitely respect Danny Roman. انه مقاتلا عظيما, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime. We’ve trained hard and you’re going to see the best of Payano for this fight.

“We committed errors in those two fights we lost to Inoue and Nery where they took me down but we’ve come in prepared knowing that we are fighting another good fighter in Danny Roman and we have really prepared well so that it doesn’t happen again. You do learn from your errors in these fights so that’s why when I come out, you’ll see a different Juan Carlos Payano on September 26.

“I’ve always fought hard in all my fights, but especially this one because we are looking at the end of my career. I know I need a great showing for the fans, so there is definitely an extra urgency to show the best of me.

“A boxer never reveals what he is going to bring into the ring but I’m definitely going to be more precise. That’s something I didn’t have in my two losses. I can’t be too desperate. I found that I was desperate in those two fights when I could have been more precise and do a better job in those aspects of the fight.

“I’ve been boxing since I was six years old and I’ve given my life to boxing. It’s been a great run. I respect Danny Roman enormously and the people can expect two warriors to get in the ring on September 26 and give their all. The fans know that this is what I always give them and that night will be no different.”

DERRICK JAMES, المدرب تشارلو ل:

“Training camp has been good. Jermell’s been getting better and better. I’ve been pleased with what I’m seeing and it’s still early in training camp. We’re going to continue to build leading up to the fight. We know we have a very tough guy we’re facing, but I believe everyone we’ve faced is tough. We’re going in there to be at our best.

“I think that the victory would be beautiful, but I’m not thinking about what it would do for me. The best things is what it would mean for Jermell to have three belts. This is about legacy. It’s about a legacy fight for Jermell and myself.

“Rosario is a good fighter. He’s had a gradual progression from when I watched him fight Justin DeLoach and then moving on to fight Williams. He’s getting better. We know what we’re looking at. We know as the champ, he might come in as a different fighter. So we have to be better also. It’s a great challenge but we’re looking forward to it.

“I saw Rosario’s fights before Williams, so I knew he would be tough. I was surprised how it went down because Williams is a strong fighter. But Rosario really showed out and he had the right shots to get him out of there. We expect a great fighter on September 26.”

LUIS “CHIRO” PEREZ, Rosario’s Trainer:

"لقد كان معسكر التدريب رائعًا. Everything went exactly the way we wanted it to and then some. Even through these times, we were able to do our full training camp the way we wanted it. There have been no obstacles.

“Jeison is stronger and smarter than ever. We’re looking forward to showing that we belong with this competition. We know it’s a tall order against the best 154-pound fighter in the world, but we want his position. He’s the man at this weight class and we want to prove to the world that we belong on that level.

“Jeison had never done a real training camp in his life until recently. He trained any way he could figure out and he would take a lot of last minute fights. That changed for the Williams fight and that’s changed for this fight. Everything he’s overcome, he’s done with desire. He’s doing the proper training camp now and eating the proper way. I think you have to knock Rosario out to beat him. سبتمبر 26, we’re going to see if I’m right.”

ستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس, الرياضة والبرمجة الحدث, شوتايم شبكات شركة:

“Top to bottom, this is the highest quality card I’ve ever been associated with. Over the last few years, there have been a lot of new companies and a lot of activity in boxing and even with all the money, the deals, the companies, and everything they’re supposedly bringing to the table, no one has been doing this kind of event. No one else is doing cards at this levelthis big and with this much quality. This is an event for the true fight fan. World champion after world champion, a collection of some of the best fighters in the world all on one card. ست معارك, five of them world title fights, all on one pay-per-view.

“This is a card full of bangers. The one fight that’s not a world title fight, the one between Danny Roman and Juan Carlos Payano, is a matchup between a former unified champion and a former world championso there’s no shortage of accomplishments there. You have unbeaten former champion Luis Nery, who is coming off a streak of 11 consecutive knockouts, moving up into a new weight class to take on undefeated Aaron Alameda. Our second main event of the evening, Jermell Charlo and Jeison Rosario, like the first one, is a matchup between the top two boxers currently fighting in the division. We don’t need exaggeration or hyperbole. ببساطة, this is the best fight that can be made in the super welterweight division.”

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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Premier Boxing Champions Presents Two Special Fight Cards
For One Price on Saturday, سبتمبر 26 – Live at 7 عصرا. ET / 4 عصرا. PT

Six-Fight Pay-Per-View Doubleheader Features Five World Championship Bouts and a World Title Eliminator

نيويورك – سبتمبر 1, 2020 – In a first-of-its-kind boxing event, and a doubleheader unlike any other in sports, SHOWTIME PPV and Premier Boxing Champions have assembled two stacked fight cards with each card headlined by one of the world champion Charlo twins in their most significant fights to date. في.يوم السبت, سبتمبر 26, the unprecedented twin bill features WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall تشارلو التي تواجه كبار المنافس سيرجي ديريفيانتشينكو in the main event of the first card. The second card is topped by WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell تشارلو أخذ على WBA and IBF 154-pound champion Jeison روزاريو in a world championship unification fight.

The unprecedented pay-per-view twin bill features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins with the Charlo vs. Derevyanchenko three-fight card live at a special time of 7 عصرا. ET / 4 عصرا. PT followed by a 30-minute intermission and then the Charlo vs. Rosario three-fight card.

“The Charlo twins are two of boxing’s most charismatic and exciting stars, and they are facing the most significant challenges of their respective careers,قال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “It’s only right that Jermell and Jermall would headline this extraordinary doubleheader. Jeison Rosario proved just how dangerous he is when he stopped Julian Williams in January to become the unified champion and he has shown his considerable ambition by going right into this showdown against Jermell. Sergiy Derevyanchenko has given some of the best middleweights in the world everything they could handle, and many believe he should be a 160-pound champion right now. He’s going to face another one of the very best middleweights on September 26 and there is no doubt he’ll be at his best when he steps to Jermall.

“With the addition of two sensational undercard bouts on each card, three of which are world title fights, this special event is a boxing fan’s dream and will deliver hours of dramatic action.”

“This event is a cornerstone, two cornerstones, في الواقع, من 2020 SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule,"وقال ستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس, الرياضة والبرمجة الحدث, موعد العرض. “The parallel paths of the Charlo twins converge when they take on their most significant opponents to date. في القيام بذلك, each man has a chance to assert himself individually on the biggest stage in the sport. كذلك, the four undercard matchups across the two shows feature some of the best talent in the 118 and 122-pound divisions, virtually all in 50-50 مناظرة. This is truly a special event, delivered at a special time and in an unprecedented way. As a fight fan, I cannot wait for September 26.”

This unique pay-per-view doubleheader is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

* * *

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions أو كن معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


كريس يوبانك جونيور. Earns Interim WBA Middleweight Title After Matt Korobov Suffers 2الثانية Round Injury

Ryosuke Iwasa Wins Vacant Interim IBF Junior Featherweight Title with TKO Over Marlon Tapales

رايتس ووتش إن سيم عرض الاثنين في 10:05 من بعد ظهر. تشغيل ET / PT

انقر هنا لصور من ستيفاني تراب / SHOWTIME

انقر هنا for Photos from Leo Wilson Jr./Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (ديسمبر 8, 2019) – Undefeated WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall تشارلو (30-0, 22 كوس) successfully defended his title for the second time, stopping highly-ranked Irish contender دينيس هوجان (28-3-1, 7 كوس) with a showstopping one-punch knockout in the seventh round Saturday night live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.


Houston’s Charlo, one of the most exciting young champions in the sport, delivered on his promise that he would close the show in spectacular fashion after going the distance in his previous two bouts. في :28 of round number seven, Charlo set Hogan up by feinting on the jab before connecting on a ferocious left hook to Hogan’s nose that sent him falling against the ropes. The 34-year-old Hogan, who was moving up after most recently challenging for the title at 154 جنيه, rose to his feet before the ten count, but referee Charlie Fitch waived off the bout.

When Hogan was dropped in the seventh round, it was the third time in his career that he had been down and the second time during the fight. في الجولة الثالثة, a vicious left uppercut from Charlo just 12 seconds into the frame sent Hogan rolling backwards onto the canvas, but the Irishman rose quickly and acrobatically to his feet.

Despite throwing far fewer punches, Charlo had the more effective and efficient attack. هبطت شارلو 86 من 266 punches he threw (32%) while Hogan landed just 71 من 418 punches he threw (17%). Despite Hogan landing on 61 اللكمات السلطة مقارنة 57 for Charlo, Hogan was unable to hurt Charlo, while Charlo’s trademark power resulted in another highlight reel stoppage.

I made it through 2019 and we’re going to 2020 مع 20/20 vision,” said Charlo in the ring following the fight. “Shout out to Dennis Hogan for giving me real competition and for coming up to fight me.Of course my power prevailed tonight.

We’ve been working on that (the uppercut). I try to take him out with every punch and we work hard for it. He got up and he fought like a champion. Ronnie (الدروع) told me to cut him off. I just threw the shot and I made sure I threw it right on the money.

The middleweight division is wide open. I’m the WBC Champion. I’m going to enjoy this and spend time with my team. I’m here to fight whoever. You have to make the right decisions and do it at the right time. That’s what it’s all about.

I wanted to keep going but the decision was fair enough by the referee,” said Hogan. “I didn’t see the punch coming on the second knockdown. I was trying to keep boxing him but then all of a sudden I was on the ground and the fight was over.

I’m looking forward to spending the Christmas holiday with my family, taking a month off, and then we’ll work on what’s next for me.

في المباراة المواصفات المشتركة, كريس يوبانك جونيور.الصورة (29-2, 22 كوس) long-awaited United States debut ended in frustrating fashion as his opponent, مات كوروبوف (28-3-1, 14 كوس), suffered a bout-ending injury at just :34 الجولة الثانية. Because it was ruled a self-inflicted injury, the result was officially declared a TKO victory for Eubank, who picked up the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

كوروبوف, a top contender in the middleweight division, injured his left shoulder after throwing a punch that failed to land. After consulting with the ringside doctor, it was deemed that he would be unable to continue.

I felt like I was about to get my swagger on,” Eubank told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray following the stoppage. “He just turned around and stopped. I was going to go jump on him. I guess something happened with his shoulder. There’s nothing to take from the fight. I threw like three or four punches. I was just warming up.

في التحضير للقتال, يوبانك, the son of British boxing legend and former two-division world champion Chris Eubank Sr., repeatedly said that there would be a new contender in the stacked middleweight division. Despite not getting a chance to introduce himself to the American audience in the way he envisioned, Eubank is looking ahead to a busy 2020.

I’m the winner, I’m going to move forward and challenger for these belts,” said Eubank. “This wasn’t my dream. My dream was to come here to America and make a statement. Now that I’ve landed and I settled with the new promotional team, I feel I can get the ball rolling for an active 2020. It’s a shame it had to start like this, but it is what it is.

I was trying to throw the left hand straight, and I just felt the muscle immediately, like I pulled it,” said Korobov. “It was a lot of pain right away. I couldn’t fight with just one arm, especially being a southpaw.

In a battle of former world champions to open the telecast, Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa (27-3, 17 كوس) knocked out the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales (33-3, 16 كوس) with a devastating straight left-hand at 1:09 من 11عشر جولة. مع الفوز, Iwasa earned the vacant Interim IBF World Junior Featherweight Title.

Iwasa, who held a six-and-a-half-inch reach advantage, was more consistent throughout the entirety of the bout, stringing together multi-punch combinations. The decisive moment of the 12-round fight came in the penultimate round, when Tapales was caught with a counter left-hand that connected flush on his chin and put him sprawled on the canvas. Tapales beat the count, rising after eight seconds, but referee Shada Murdaugh waved the fight off.

في الوقت المحتسب بدل الضائع لل, Iwasa led on all three scorecards (97-92, 95-94, 97-92). While Tapales was more accurate throughout the night, Iwasa was busier and landed 163 total punches compared to 148 for Tapales and held a 125-99 advantage in power punches landed. في الجولة الثالثة, Tapales was dropped to a knee after an accidental clash of heads. The clash, which was incorrectly ruled a knockdown, caused severe swelling under Tapalesright eye and swung a would-be 10-9 round in his favor to a 10-8 round in Iwasa’s favor.

I knew that I had him hurt in the 11عشر round and I was ready for the finish if the referee had let him keep fighting,” said the 29-year-old Iwasa. “It was a tough fight but I trained really hard for this performance. My height and reach was definitely an advantage. I was able to put my punches together well. He never hurt me but he was still difficult and I had to focus to figure him out.

We’re ready for anyone next. I’m going to keep working hard to become a world champion again next year.

On Saturday’s telecast it was announced that former two-division world champion Danny Garcia would return to the ring on Saturday, يناير 25 يعيشون على شوتايم من مركز باركليز. During an interview with SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer, Garcia discussed his anticipated return to the ring.

“يناير 25, I’m back at Barclays Center, my home away from home,” قال جارسيا. “It’s a great atmosphere. Every time I’m here, I get the jitters, so I just can’t wait to be back. I’ve been in the gym for a month. I’m already ready. I don’t know who my opponent is, but whoever they put in front of me, I’m ready to get it on.

“أولا, الحمد لله (ايرول) Spence is doing good. I hear that he’s recovering well. I was really looking forward to fighting him but maybe he could be next after January 25. باك مان (الرماية) or Spence, that’s who we want. 2020 is going to be a big year for me.

Prior to the telecast on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN streamed live on the قناة شوتايم الرياضية على اليوتيوب و الصفحة شوتايم الملاكمة الفيسبوك and saw رونالد ايليس (17-1-2, 11 كوس) win a majority decision over عمانوئيل العليم (18-2-2, 11 كوس) in their 10-round super middleweight fight.

The back and forth affair saw both men grab the momentum of the fight at different points, but it was Ellisactivity and ability to box effectively from the outside that gave him the edge. While one judge had the fight 95-95, he was overruled by two scores of 98-92 و 97-93 for Ellis.

The opening streaming bout saw Louisa Hawton (10-2, 5 كوس) retain her Interim WBC Atomweight Championship by unanimous decision in an all-action rematch againstLorraine Villalobos (4-3, 2 كوس).

Hawton came back after being dropped by a powerful left hook from Villalobos in the sixth round. Hawton was saved by the bell in the round and finished the fight strong, punctuating the action getting the best of several exchanges in the late rounds to win by the score of 95-94 على جميع البطاقات الثلاث.

سوف شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة tripleheader يوم السبت اعادتها يوم الاثنين في 10:05 عصرا. ET / PT على شوتايم EXTREME.

قام فريق إنتاج رائد في الصناعة وأعلن الطاقم بتسليم جميع المعالم السياحية, sounds and drama from Barclays Center. استضاف المذيع المخضرم براين كاستر البث, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. قام ثلاثة من Hall of Famers بتجميع فريق SHOWTIME التليفزيوني – إيمي®جائزة الفوز مراسل جيم رمادي, الهداف غير الرسمي في الصف الأول في الحلبة ستيف فارهود والمذيع العالمي الشهير جيمي لينون جونيور. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, الابن. وكان المخرج بوب دنفي.

# # #

Charlo vs. Hogan saw WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

بدأ البث التلفزيوني لـ SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and featured middleweight star Chris Eubank, الابن. and top contender Matt Korobov squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clashed when the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa met for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title. The event was promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions.

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Middleweight Star Chris Eubank Jr. & Top Contender Matt Korobov Discuss Upcoming Showdown for Interim WBA Middleweight Title On Saturday, ديسمبر 7 يعيشون على شوتايم® from Barclays Center in Premier Boxing Champions Event

BROOKLYN (تشرين الثاني 19, 2019) – Middleweight star كريس يوبانك جونيور. وكبار المنافس مات كوروبوف shared their thoughts on their upcoming showdown for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title taking place Saturday, ديسمبر 7 يعيشون على شوتايم من مركز باركليز,منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™.

The middleweight division will take center stage on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®بث (9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT) that is headlined by undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall تشارلو defending his title against highly-ranked contender دينيس هوجان. في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, former world champions Marlon Tapales و Ryosuke Iwasawill meet for an interim 122-pound title.

تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يتم الترويج لها من خلال Lions Only Promotions و TGB Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com
و barclayscenter.com. يمكن أيضًا شراء التذاكر من American Express Box Office في Barclays Center. الخصومات مجموعة المتاحة عن طريق استدعاء 844-BKLYN-GP.

Eubank will make his U.S. pro debut on December 7, after establishing himself as a contender at 160 و 168 pounds while fighting in his native United Kingdom. He most recently registered a career-best win over former champion James DeGale in February on SHOWTIME in London but will now move back down to 160 pounds to seek a title at middleweight beginning with the fight against Korobov.

Korobov will return to fight at Barclays Center for the second time nearly one year after losing a close decision to Charlo as a late replacement opponent last December in Brooklyn. After fighting to a controversial draw against Immanuwel Aleem in May, Korobov will look to make a statement against Eubank to earn another shot at a world title.

Here is what Eubank and Korobov had to say about their matchup, a future fight with Jermall Charlo and more:


How does it feel to be making your U.S. pro debut on December 7? What are you looking to show the U.S. fans in this fight?

“It’s always been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S. Even with everything I’ve done in the sport over in the U.K, I’ve always felt there was something missing and I believe it was the urge to introduce myself and my fight style to the American audience of fight fans. Now I have my opportunity.”

Why did you make the decision to move down to middleweight for this fight? In what ways are you stronger at 160-pounds?

“I’ve never been a real super middleweight. أتجول في 170 pounds out of competition and have to eat breakfast the day of my weigh-ins to make 168. I believe at 160 I am going to be a beast now that I have become accustomed to fighting much bigger fighters over the last three years.”

What do you know about Korobov as a fighter and how do you see this fight going stylistically?

“I think Korobov will be awkward until I pin him down and when I do, I will show the audience why I am a fan friendly fighter.”

If you’re able to get past Korobov, what would you think of a fight against Jermall Charlo? What advantages do you think you have in that fight?

“When I dispatch of Korobov, Charlo is definitely the name that’s on my radar. He is seen as one of the elite fighters in the middleweight division and I intend to prove that he is not on my level. It will be satisfying stamping my mark on the division against Charlo after I beat Korobov. I think it will be a great fight for the fans as together our styles would make for a very exciting bout.”


Is it exciting to be back at Barclays Center as the co-main event to Charlo, because with a win, you have an opportunity to show him why you deserve the rematch?

"نعم, it is very exciting to be back at Barclays Center, only this time I will leave with the belt. I thought I deserved an immediate rematch against Charlo because many people believed I won. I think when I defeat Eubank Jr. and win this belt, it will force Charlo to give me a rematch. We shall see. I only focus on one fight at a time and right now I am only focused on Chris Eubank Jr.”

How do you stay mentally focused on the next fight when you believe you had two bad scorecards go against you?

“I do not focus on the past. I focus on the future because I can only control the future. I will be my best and my best will be good enough against Chris Eubank Jr. We’re doing everything possible in camp to make sure I’m ready.”

What do you make of Eubank as a fighter? How do you expect the fight to look stylistically?

“Eubank is a very good fighter, one of the best. I believe I am a more disciplined fighter. I think my technique is better, but he does some things very well. Let’s see on December 7. I don’t want to give away the weaknesses I see, but the style difference will make a very entertaining fight for the fans.

Do you think you have the advantage as far as boxing skills over Eubank? How do you counter his possible size advantage, given that he’s coming down from 168 جنيه?

“I think my skills are better. I do not think weight will be an issue. He is professional and I am professional. إذا كان أي شيء, perhaps it is a little more difficult for him to make 160 after years at 168. I will fight anyone between 160 و 168 جنيه, so I don’t see any problem with weight for me, perhaps more for him. We will find out December 7.”

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Charlo vs. Hogan will see WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

يبدأ بث شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and features features middleweight star كريس يوبانك, الابن. وكبار المنافس مات كوروبوف squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clash when the Philippines’Marlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa meet for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports,
اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing