Tag Archives: Jeff Mayweather

Amateur Standout & Trainer of YouTube Star KSI Set to Turn Pro

Cruiserweight Viddal Riley To Train with Jeff Mayweather
Las Vegas
(Left to right: YouTube Star KSI & Trainer Viddal Riley)
Klikatu HEMEN for Photos from Team Riley


LAS VEGAS (Uztailaren 3, 2018) – “The Biggest YouTube Event in Internet History”, headlined by the showdown between YouTube stars KSI and Logan Paul, may actually end up producing one potential world champion.




KSI’s head coach and UK amateur boxing standout Viddal Riley will turn pro as a cruiserweight after a 49-fight amateur career that included numerous regional titles and a silver medal at the Junior European Championships. Riley will move to the professional ranks with Jeff Mayweather as his trainer and be managed by Amer Abdallah, who most notably works with two-division world champion Badou Jack.




I am looking forward to taking advantage of this great opportunity to turn pro and start this journey under the tutelage of Jeff Mayweather,” said Riley. “Having Amer Abdallah on-board fills me with confidence that we can take over the cruiserweight division and make history.




Riley recently visited Las Vegas along with KSI back in March where he met Mayweather at the Mayweather Boxing Club. While his primary focus was preparing his fighter for his highly-anticipated fight against Logan Paul, Riley took advantage of the opportunity by sparring with several local cruiserweights, including unbeaten contender Andrew “Beast” Tabiti.




Sparring Viddal was like looking in the mirror,” said Tabiti. “He’s very smart and I was impressed with his speed and power. I’m very interested to see him grow as a pro fighter.




Mayweather was immediately impressed by the skillset he saw from Riley, “I think he has the potential to become world champion in a very short time frame. He has extremely fast hands and explosive power, but his continued thirst for knowledge impressed me the most.




Viddal has the potential to make a long-lasting impact on this sport,” Said Abdallah. “He possesses both the skills to make significant noise in boxing along with the social media reach to connect with millions. It’s a promoter’s dream.

Michael “Silverback The” Moore aukera handiak bila

Las Vegas (Uztailaren 29, 2015)–Jr.. Middleweight, Michael Moore (13-1, 6 KO en) Gaur egun, egindako Las Vegas doitze bere trebetasun lidergoa eta prestakuntza Jeff Mayweather beherakoak. Mayweather da hori bezala ezagutzen borrokalaria hartzen lagunduz “Silverback The” Hurrengo mailara.

Said Moore, “Ez dut sekula horrelakorik Entrenatzaile izugarrizko lan egin. Dena da segurua izateaz kritika konstruktiboa eta gizon hau dela eta hemen me hartu txapelketan maila horretan sinesten atsegin dute hainbeste egin du, ulertzeko buruz.”
Gimnasio batean talentua beteta, Gogorra izan zitekeela nabarmentzen borrokalariak hainbeste jendetza batean, baina Moore, ez bakarrik bere Entrenatzaile Jeff Mayweather eta indarra eta girotua entrenatzaile Delaney Howard arreta ahaztuak. Recently a special guest came and gave some advice to Mike. Floyd Mayweather Sr. zen paseatzea, eta salto egin zuen eraztun hasi hasita Moore emanez bere jakinduria batzuk.

Michael Moore da guztia bere familiari buruz. He Google video emaztearekin batera hitzaldian eta seme-alabak hiru aldiz egunean eman eta erabat gorroto kanpo egoteak. Moore esan du hainbat alditan duenarentzat dira duela zuen izan da azken asteetan hauen sentitzen mina sentitzen delako joan Biribilean urratsak berarekin hurrengo txarra sentitzen zuen.

Mike Moore indarra eta girotua entrenatzaile Delaney Howard lan egiteari buruz:

“Delaney nire bizitza osoan da ezaguna me. Nola benetan bultza me hurrengo mailara eta ponpa me up denean bezala izan dut enough.This boxeo jokoa ez da txantxa Eel nuen eta bere garrantzitsua talde bat izatea, inguruan ez dela utzi stop duzula daki & ez du utzi amore ematen duzu. That motivates you to that championship level.”
Moore, 29 urte Cleveland zaharra, Ohio, Boxcino parte-hartzaile bat izan zen 2015 Jr.. Middleweight Txapelketa eta bere borroka hurrengo iragarpen bat egingo dute laster.