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U.S. Olympian Nico Hernandez Captures IBA Americas title In 4th pro fight


IBA official/Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger presented Nico Hernandez with the IBA flyweight title belt
(picture by Tony Scvhock / GS Memorymaker)
PARK CITY, Jista. (Frar 11, 2018) – U.S. Olympian and hometown favorite Nico Hernandez captured the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Americas flyweight title in his fourth professional fight, headlining last night’s “KO Lejl Boxing” deheb & Glorja” card, fil Hartman Arena fil-Park Belt, Kansas.
Ippreżentat minn “KO Night Boxing LLC,” the card was taped live to be shown at a later date on CBS Sports Network. “KO Lejl Boxing” deheb & Glorja” card, presented by KO Night Boxing LLC,
Il Hernandez 22-il sena (4-0, 3 Kos) stopped last-minute replacement, logħba Victor “L-Bull” Torres, fil-ħames rawnd.
Hernandez’ opponent oriġinali, Hungarian champion Joseph Ajtai (19-9, 12 Kos), never made it to Wichita due to a series of unfortunate circumstances. Ajtai lost one day in Frankfurt, Il-Ġermanja, after leaving his passport on the plane he took from Budapest. Once he landed in Chicago nhar l-Erbgħa, he was tied up by a visa issue at U.S. Customs. He missed his connecting flight to Wichita and because of snowstorms that grounded numerous flights, including those to Wichita, Ajtai never made it out of O’Hare Airport, stranded there for several days.
The IBA granted a special exception for Hernandez to fight Torres, due to these unforeseen problems, with the agreement that Hernandez would next fight Ajtai for an IBA title.
It was an electric night,” promotur John Andersen qal. “Għal darb'oħra, Nico made the proper adjustment that can be credited to his amateur pedigree. In the amateurs, opponents often change at the last moment and Nico has overcome many obstacles during his boxing career. We’re going to give Josef another title shot against Nico in April or May. They have unfinished business together!
I was very pleased with Nico’s performance. It’s the best I’ve seen him. He was unbelievable in every way, on point throughout the fight. We also want to give Torres credit for accepting the fight on such late notice.
Hernandez came out fast from the start, battering Torresbody with tremendous combinations, and he never let up. Torres absorbed punishment but remained upright, but IBA referee Steve Smoger halted the action in the fifth round for Torres’ sigurtà.
I’m not leaving this belt,” Hernandez commented at the post fight press conference as he handled his IBA Americas belt. “It’s going everywhere with me. I was looking forward to this fight and I’m ready to continue my success. This is the first (title belt) of many. I got what I worked hard for. I want to thank my coaches, all the work paid off, and now I have this (title belt).”
Fil-każ ko dehru, Minneapolis welterweight Javonte Starks (13-2, 7 Kos) and Mexican veteran Cesar Soriano (28-36-2, 17 Kos) fought to a six-round majority draw.
Bakersfield, CA pro-debuting Derrick Clayton upset Milwaukee junior welterweight Akeem Iswed (3-2, 1 KO), registering a second-round technical knockout.
Wichita middleweight jeff Sturm (2-0, 1 KO) baqa undefeated, stopping intrastate rival Brian Clements, ta 'Topeka, halfway through the opening round.
Another pro-debuting California fighter, welterweight junior Chazz Macias, meħtieġa biss1:20 to knockout Omaha’s Corey Roberts.
Fighting for the first time in 5 ½ snin, Washington D.C. heavyweight Maurice “merkanzija ferrovija” Brerm (14-2-1, 10 Kos) took out 300-pounder Richard “Silverback” Carmack (15-13-1, 12 Kos) fil round wieħed.
Full results below:
Nico Hernandez (4-0, 3 Kos), Wichita, KS
WTKO5 (0:55)
Victor Torres (2-8-1, 1 KO), Modesto, BĦAL
(Hernandez won vacant IBA Americas flyweight title)
Cesar Soriano (28-36-2, 17 Kos), Iztacalco, Distrito Federal, Messiku
D6 (5-56, 57-57, 57-57)
Javonte Starks (13-2-1, 7 Kos), Minneapolis, MN
Maurice Byarm (14-2-1, 10 Kos), Washington D.C.
WKO1 (1:34)
Richard “Silverback” Carmack (15-13-1, 12 Kos), Kansas City, MO
Jeff Strum (2-0, 1 KO), Wichita, KS
WKO1 (1:12)
Brian Clements (0-1-1), Topeka, KS
Derrick Clayton (1-0, 1 KO), Bakersfield, BĦAL
WTKO2 (2:59)
Akeem Iswed (3-2, 1 KO), Milwaukee, WI
Chazz Macias (1-0, 1KO), Tehachapi, BĦAL
WKO1 (1:20)
Corey Roberts (0-4), Omaha, NE
Twitter: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
Follow @Nicomhernandez on Twitter and Instagra

2016 Olimpiku bronż medalist Nico Hernandez Kompletament rkuprati u raring li jmorru fil-ġlieda titolu 1

“KO Lejl Boxing: deheb & Glorja” għall
vakanti Ameriki IBA titolu flyweight vs. Jozsef Ajtai
Frar. 10 fil Hartman Arena fil-Park Belt, KS
PARK CITY, Kansas (Jannar 22, 2018) – 2016 medalist bronż Olimpiku u eroj Hometown Nico Hernandez irkupra kompletament minn korriment li posposta Diċembru tiegħu 2nd ġlieda biex Saturdeay, Frar 10, kontra champion Ungeriża Jozsef “Aħmar Little” Ajtai fil-każ prinċipali tmien round għall-Assoċjazzjoni vakanti Boxing Internazzjonali (IBA) Ameriki titolu flyweight, headlining l “KO Lejl Boxing: deheb & Glorja” card, fil Hartman Arena fil-Park Belt, Kansas.
“KO Lejl Boxing: deheb & Glorja” hija preżentazzjoni ta KO Lejl Boxing LLC., f'assoċjazzjoni ma Hartman Arena, u sponsorjati parzjalment mill City Park (KS), Twister Belt Harley Davidson u metro PCS.
L-azzjoni ser tkun taped ħajjin għal ventilazzjoni futura dwar Netwerk Isport CBS.
Il Hernandez 22-il sena (3-0, 2 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Wichita, sofriet korriment mhux żvelata li lilu sfurzati li tirtira mill-Diċembru. 2nd ġlieda. La Hernandez u lanqas promotur tiegħu, John Andersen (KO Lejl Boxing, LLC), urew xi dettalji dwar korriment Nico biex tevita li tgħaddi avversarju tiegħu kwalunkwe vantaġġ possibbli li jiġu mmirati fil-ċirku.
“I jħossuhom tajjeb, lesti għall-ġlieda,” Hernandez commented. “Ridna biex tiżgura li kien I korriment ħielsa u jiena 100-mija. I’m going to do whatever is needed to win this fight. Fighting for my first title means a lot to me. I didn’t think it would happen this fast. I want everybody to see that I can be competitive with the best in my division. A win Frar 10 se tikseb me hemm ħafna eqreb.

“avversarju tiegħi bħal li tmexxi ħafna u hu malajr, so I need to have my legs under me. Other than that, għalkemm, I should be okay. He has fought some good guys. I can’t wait to get in the ring in front of my fans.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 Kos), li huwa ta 'sena u sitt ijiem iżgħar minn Hernandez, diġà stinka fil-ħames ġlied titolu. Huwa kompla wkoll id-distanza sħiħa 10-tond, għalkemm telf b'deċiżjoni fl 2016, li żewġ time medalist deheb Olimpika SHIMING Zou, l-ex-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija Boxing (WBO) champion tad-dinja flyweight. Ġlied fil Hometown avversarju tiegħu mhuwiex problema għall Ajtai, li għandu esperjenza triq vasta li ġġieldu bħala pro fl-Istati Uniti, Ir-Renju Unit, Spanja, Il-Ġermanja, Ukraina u s-Slovakkja.
“Nico mhux se tkun taf fejn I se jkunu fiċ-ċirku,” Ajtai mbassra. “Meta huwa jistenna lejn ix-xellug għalija, I se jmorru lejn il-lemin; meta huwa jipprova jsib lili fuq il-lemin, I se tkun fuq ix-xellug. Meta trid mistrieħ, I se tressaq ippanċjar; meta trid punch, hu mhux se ssib lili.
“I jkollhom pjan għall din il-ġlieda u jien żgur hu ma ukoll. Iżda, fiċ-ċirku, biss pjan wieħed ġellied tista 'tirnexxi. Huwa ser tkun ġlieda tajba, imma ma nistax wegħda lill-pubbliku li Nico se jkun ir-rebbieħ.”
“Jien eċċitati li Nico huwa 100 fil-mija b'saħħithom għall din il-ġlieda,” Andersen qal. “Aħna ma setgħux ikunu kuntenti li tressaq din il-ġlieda kbira, u ħafna aktar kif nimxu 'l quddiem, lill-belt kbira ta 'Wichita.”
Fil-sitt round avveniment ko dehru, Minneapolis welterweight Javonte Starks (13-2, 7 Kos), ex Futur Stars Champion Nazzjonali bħala dilettanti, jieħu fuq ġellied Messikani veteran Cesar Soriano (28-36-1, 17 Kos), l-eks FECARBOX titlist ħfief.
Promettenti Milwaukee prospett middleweight junior Akeem Iswed (3-1, 1 KO) faces pro-debuting Derrick Clayton, ġlieda kontra minn Bakersfield (BĦAL), fl-erba 'rawnd tiftaħ it-televiżjoni.
Wichita middleweight jeff Sturm (1-0) jissodisfa rivali trans-istat Brian Clements (0-0-1), ta 'Toledo, fl-erba 'rawnd bout swing TV.
Wkoll ġlied fuq il-karta taħt hija Washington D.C. heavyweight Maurice “merkanzija ferrovija” Brerm (13-2-1, 9 Kos) battalji 300-lira Kansas City (MO) foe Richard “Silverback” Carmack (15-12-1, 12 Kos) fil-logħba sitt round. A par ta 'erba' Rounders issib ilu ma jitlef Bakersfield junior prospett welterweight Miguel Kontreras (5-0, 4 Kos) jitfg isfel mal-avversarju Ġeorġja tiegħu, Archie Wey (2-9), u Kalifornja welterweight junior Chazz Macias huwa slated li jagħmel id-debutt pro tiegħu kontra opponent li għandu jkun stabbilit.
Biljetti jmorru għall-bejgħ għada (It-Tlieta, Ottubru. 24 @ 10 a.m. CT) fl-uffiċċju kaxxa Hartman Arena u / 50,551?Brand = Hartman. prezzijiet huma $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 u $20.00 (prezzijiet ma jinkludux drittijiet ta 'servizz). Student tickets are available – kindergarten permezz tal-kulleġġ – għall $15.00 dollari iżda huma biss mibjugħa fil-arena. Student Identifikazzjoni hija requited.
Dan huwa An-etajiet kollha juru. Bibien miftuħa fi 5:00 p.m. CT mal-bout ftuħ skedati fil 6:00 p.m. CT.
Twitter: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
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