الوسم المحفوظات: جاريت هيرد

عودة أسطورة الملاكمة وقاعة فامر فلويد مايويثر إلى الحلبة لحضور حفل استعراضي على وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية لوجان ميغا ستار لوجان باول في إحدى أحداث SHOWTIME PPV® يوم الأحد يونيو 6

جان باسكال مقابل. بادو جاك وجاريت هيرد vs. لويس أرياس أيضًا على النقر للحدث في استاد هارد روك في حدائق ميامي

أكثر, نجم اتحاد كرة القدم الأميركي السابق تشاد جونسون يظهر لأول مرة في الملاكمة في معركة استعراضية

نيويورك - (مايو 6, 2021) - كل وقت الملاكمة كبيرة و 2020 قاعة الملاكمة الدولي للشهرة المجند فلويد "المال" مايويذر سيجعل عودته إلى الحلبة غير مهزوم, 12-مرة, بطل العالم من خمسة أقسام يخوض مباراة استعراضية ضد ضجة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والملاكم المحترف لوجان "المنشق" بول, يتصدر حدث SHOWTIME PPV الرائج يوم الأحد, يونيو 6. تصطدم المواجهة المتوقعة بنجوم من عالمين مختلفين في مواجهة لا بد من مشاهدتها لعشاق الرياضة والترفيه في جميع أنحاء العالم.

يتم تقديم الحدث من قبل Mayweather Promotions, ستقام Fanmio و Mavathltcs في ملعب هارد روك في حدائق ميامي, فلوريدا. سيشمل حدث الدفع مقابل المشاهدة أيضًا زوجًا من المواجهات الاحترافية المثيرة للاهتمام في الملاكمة, كبطل WBA خفيف الوزن الثقيل جان باسكال وبطل العالم الدرجة الثانية بادو جاك يجتمعون في مباراة العودة من 12 جولة في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك. أكثر, بطل وزن الوسط الموحد السابق "سويفت" جاريت هيرد عودة إلى الحلبة لمواجهة لويس أرياس في نوبة 10 جولة.

في مباراة رابعة PPV, جهاز استقبال عريض سابق في اتحاد كرة القدم الأميركي تشاد جونسون سيخوض أول ظهور له في الملاكمة في مباراة استعراضية ضد منافس سيتم الإعلان عنها. بعد سنوات من التدريب خارج الموسم مع Mayweather في لاس فيغاس, سيختبر الرجل الذي يُدعى تشاد أوتشوسينكو ذات مرة مهاراته في حلبة الملاكمة وسيقدم علامته التجارية الفريدة من وسائل الترفيه الصديقة للمعجبين إلى الحدث المرصع بالنجوم.

سيبدأ البث التلفزيوني بنظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة مباشرة في 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT يوم الأحد, يونيو 6. سيتم طرح تذاكر الحدث المباشر في ملعب هارد روك الأسبوع المقبل مع تفاصيل إضافية بشأن التذاكر والبث التلفزيوني المدفوع مقابل المشاهدة الذي سيتم الإعلان عنه قريبًا.

مايويذر, الذي تم انتخابه في قاعة مشاهير الملاكمة الدولية من فئة 2020, لديه الكمال 50-0 سجل مع 27 بالضربة القاضية. نهض 12 ألقاب عالمية في خمسة أقسام للوزن خلال مسيرته اللامعة التي امتدت لثلاثة عقود. تتضمن سيرته الذاتية الرائعة في الملاكمة 24 يفوز على أبطال العالم, بما في ذلك ماني باكياو, أوسكار دي لا هويا وكانيلو ألفاريز. خلال مسيرته, حصل عدة مرات على لقب أفضل رياضي في العالم أجرًا فوربس, ثروة و المصور الرياضي. حصلت Mayweather على العديد من جوائز "مقاتلة العام", بما في ذلك خمسة جوائز ESPY واثنين من رابطة الملاكمة الكتاب من الجوائز أمريكا. له 2015 حطمت المواجهة مع Pacquiao الرقم القياسي التلفزيوني للدفع مقابل المشاهدة في جميع الأوقات 4.6 مليون يشتري, سجل لا يزال قائما. خاضت مايويذر آخر مرة في معرض للملاكمة في ليلة رأس السنة 2018 في اليابان. كانت آخر مباراة ملاكمة احترافية له 2017 الفوز على كونور مكجريجور, ثاني أكبر حدث للدفع مقابل المشاهدة في تاريخ التلفزيون.

كما سيطرت Mayweather على الملاكمة في طريقها إلى سجل احترافي مثالي ونجومية دولية, صعد بول إلى الشهرة على الإنترنت. بول, 26, رحب بالعالم في حياته على مختلف منصات التواصل الاجتماعي بما في ذلك يوتيوب, حيث جمع أكثر من 20 مليون مشترك. دعمته جحافل من المعجبين المخلصين له عندما دخل إلى الملاكمة المحترفة 2019 وباع مركز STAPLES في لوس أنجلوس في أول ظهور له من ست جولات ضد زميله نجم YouTube KSI. مواطن أوهايو هو أحد أبرز نجوم المصارعة في المدرسة الثانوية ويتدرب منذ أكثر من عامين. الآن, إنه يستعد لمواجهة أسطورة ملاكمة لم تهزم. بينما يقف بول أطول بست بوصات من مايويذر ويمتلك ميزة عمرية تبلغ 18 عامًا, سيتحدى ضجة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي أفضل ملاكم في جيله, في ميدانه.

باسكال (35-6-1, 20 كوس) حقق فوزًا ضيقًا من قرار منفصل على جاك في ديسمبر 2019 مواجهة العنوان التي شهدت كلا الرجلين يضربان القماش. قبل تلك المعركة, حصل باسكال على لقبه المؤقت بمنح ماركوس براون الهزيمة الأولى في مسيرته الاحترافية. سجل باسكال أربع ضربات قاضية في تلك المعركة, في النهاية ، حصل على قرار تقني وثيق عندما أوقف الجرح الذي عانى منه براون في مؤخرة رأسه من القتال بعد ثماني جولات. كان اللاعب البالغ من العمر 38 عامًا في الحلبة مع كبار المقاتلين في عصره خلال مسيرته الرائعة, بما في ذلك برنارد هوبكنز, سيرغي كوفاليف, كارل Froch, لوسيان بوتيه, وتشاد داوسون. باسكال, من مواليد بورت أو برنس, هايتي ويعيش الآن في لافال, كيبيك, فاز بأول لقب عالمي له في الوزن الخفيف مع قرار بالإجماع على Adrian Diaconu في 2009.

جاك (22-3-3, 13 كوس) سيبحث عن الانتقام من الهزيمة التي تعرض لها باسكال في مباراتهم الأولى. قام جاك بحشد مثير للإعجاب على بطاقات النتائج التي كادت أن تحول المباراة لصالحه. ولد في ستوكهولم, جاك (الذي مثل موطن والده غامبيا في 2008 الألعاب الأولمبية) يعيش الآن في لاس فيغاس. فاز جاك بلقب العالم البالغ وزنه 168 رطلاً مع قرار الأغلبية ضد أنتوني ديريل في 2015 ودافع بنجاح عن الحزام ثلاث مرات قبل أن يحصل على تعادل الأغلبية الصعب ضد جيمس ديجيل في واحدة من أفضل المعارك لعام 2017. في أول مباراة له في 175 جنيه, أوقف جاك ناثان كليفرلي ليحرز لقب رابطة الملاكمة العالمية للوزن الثقيل الخفيف قبل أن يقاتل لتحقيق تعادل الأغلبية ضد بطل دبليو بي سي آنذاك أدونيس ستيفنسون في مايو. 2018. في نزهته الأخيرة, حصل جاك على قرار بالإجماع بشأن Blake McKernan في نوفمبر 2020.

هيرد البالغ من العمر 30 عامًا (24-1, 16 كوس) وحدت عناوين WBA و IBF التي تزن 154 رطلاً في 2018, إسقاط البطل منذ فترة طويلة إيريسلاندي لارا في الجولة الأخيرة للفوز بقرار قريب في معركة كانت بالإجماع 2018 المعركة من السنة. أكوكيك, خسر مواطن من ماريلاند الألقاب في واحدة من أفضل المعارك لعام 2019, إسقاط القرار لجوليان ويليامز. أصبح هيرد أول بطل في فبراير 2017 عندما أوقف البطل السابق توني هاريسون في الجولة التاسعة, قبل المضي في الدفاع عن اللقب ضد بطل سابق آخر هو أوستن تراوت. وفي الآونة الأخيرة, وحقق هيرد فوزا بالإجماع على فرانسيسكو سانتانا في يناير كانون الثاني 2020.

ولد في ميلووكي, أرياس (18-2-1, 9 كوس) سيعود إلى الحلبة لأول مرة منذ أغسطس 2019 عندما يواجه هيرد في يونيو 6. واجه اللاعب البالغ من العمر 30 عامًا بعضًا من أفضل اللاعبين في فئة الوزن المتوسط, بما في ذلك قطع مسافة مع بطل الوزن المتوسط ​​السابق دانيال جاكوبس في أ 2017 مبارزة. حقق أرياس انتصارات في أول فوز له 18 معارك للمحترفين بعد تحولهم إلى محترفين 2012 ويتدرب الآن في لاس فيغاس بينما يستعد لهذه المعركة.

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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com و www.fanmio.com, مزود PPV الرقمي الرسمي. تابعنا على TwitterFloydMayweather, تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة, وعلى InstagramFloydMayweather, تضمين التغريدة, ShowtimeBoxing, تضمين التغريدة.


Two-Division World Champion Garcia Prepares for WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator Against Hard-Hitting Ivan Redkach Saturday, يناير 25 يعيشون على شوتايم® من مركز باركليز في بروكلين

فيلادلفيا سفنتي سيكسرز (يناير 15, 2020) – بطل العالم يومين الانقسام داني “سريع” غارسيا is eager for another crack at returning to the championship ranks, but knows that he can’t look past the hard-hitting جون “الرهيب” REDK when they face off in a WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator Saturday, يناير 25 يعيشون على شوتايم من مركز باركليز, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث Premier Boxing Champions.

“أنا مجرد الاستيلاء عليها المعركة في وقت واحد,” وقال جارسيا. “I’ve been that way my whole career. I know that you can’t overlook anyone. I’m totally locked in on Ivan, وهذا كل شيء.

We’re just working hard and working smart. We’re making the necessary adjustments for Redkach specifically, but this is just another fighter in front of us. I noticed that he’s really hungry. He obviously wants to win, and he’s coming off of three solid victories. He has his confidence back now. I just have to be ready for whatever he brings to the table on January 25.

Redkach is coming off a career-best victory in June, when he knocked out former two-division champion Devon Alexander in his first fight campaigning at welterweight. It was Redkach’s third straight victory since losing to John Molina Jr. in a memorable 2017 firefight that saw both men hit the canvas.

I caught some highlights of his fight against Devon, but not the whole fight,” وقال جارسيا. “I saw the full Molina fight though, and I know what I’m up against. Molina caught him, but before that, Ivan was doing well. He just got careless. So I just have to be on my A-game and make no mistakes.

Garcia’s last outing was a victory in April over veteran contender Adrian Granados that was notable in that Garcia flashed impressive power in becoming the first person to ever knock out the durable Granados.

I feel like my new conditioning coach has really been able to help me with different kinds of strength training,” وقال جارسيا. “We’re hitting different muscle groups and it definitely showed against Granados.

With his return to Barclays Center on January 25, Garcia makes his eighth headlining appearance at the venue, أكثر من أي مقاتل. Garcia also holds the arena’s single event boxing attendance record, لله 2017 welterweight title unification showdown against Keith Thurman. The Philadelphia-native has made a boxing home just a couple of hours up I-95 from his hometown, starting with headlining the venue’s first boxing event in 2012.

It’s just a great atmosphere in Brooklyn and at Barclays Center,” وقال جارسيا. “The fans there have gotten to know me really well, and all my fans in Philly can make the quick drive up. They love to watch me fight there and they know when Danny Garcia comes to New York, it’s going to be a great night of boxing.

With a win in this title eliminator, Garcia would put himself in line for the WBC welterweight title held by unified champion Errol Spence Jr. Garcia has also been rumored as a possible next opponent for WBA Welterweight Champion Manny Pacquiao. If one of those two opponents are next for Garcia, he is confident in his abilities to become world champion again.

I feel like my style is dangerous for both Spence and Pacquiao,” وقال جارسيا. “For Errol, I see he likes to stand in front of his opponents and he isn’t the hardest guy to hit. With Manny, I feel like my counter punching and style would also be hard for him. هكذا, I like my chances against both of them.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DSG Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com و barclayscenter.com. يمكن أيضًا شراء التذاكر من American Express Box Office في Barclays Center. الخصومات مجموعة المتاحة عن طريق استدعاء 844-BKLYN-GP.

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غارسيا مقابل. Redkach will see two-division world champion Danny “سريع” Garcia take on hard-hitting Ivan “الرهيب” Redkach in a WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, يناير 25 من مركز باركليز, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث Premier Boxing Champions.

يبدأ شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and featured unified champion “سريع” Jarrett Hurd battling Francisco “حصة” Santana in the 10-round co-feature, and unbeaten sensation Stephen Fulton facing fellow unbeaten Arnold Khegai in a WBC Super Bantamweight Title eliminator. The Fulton vs. Khegai bout is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Two-Division World Champion Danny García Takes on Hard-Hitting Ivan Redkach in WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME® Saturday, يناير 25 in Premier Boxing Champions Event at Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Former Super Welterweight Unified Champion Jarrett Hurd Returns to the Ring in Co-Feature

Undefeated Sensation Stephen Fulton Battles Arnold Khegai in Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Action Beginning at

9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT

تذاكر للبيع الآن!

BROOKLYN (ديسمبر 16, 2019) - بطل العالم من الدرجة الثانيةDanny “Swift’’ Garcأنال returns to the ring to take on hard-hitting sluggerIvan “El Terrible’’ Redkach in a 12-round WBC welterweight title eliminator Saturday, يناير 25 يعيشون على شوتايم من مركز باركليز, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث Premier Boxing Champions.

في ميزة التعاون, former unified 154-pound champion"سويفت" جاريت هيردwill return to battle all-actionFrancisco “Chia” Santanaفي 10 جولة مسابقة وزن الوسط السوبر, أكثر sensational super bantamweight Stephen “Cool Boy Steph’’ Fultonستواجه مهزومArnold Khegaiin a 12-round WBO Super Bantamweight title eliminator to open SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT.

García’s blend of power and sublime boxing skills has made him one of the most popular boxers of the last decade and secured him as a box-office fixture at Barclays Center, where he holds the record for the largest crowd for a boxing event. He set the benchmark when 16,533 attended his welterweight title unification match against Keith Thurman on March 4, 2017 in a bout that aired in primetime on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS. The fight against Redkach will be Garcia’s eighth appearance at Barclays Center.

“Barclays Center fan-favorite Danny García is back in Brooklyn as he continues his quest for the top spot in the welterweight division,قال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “Danny has been in the biggest fights at Barclays Center and on January 25 there are sure to be fireworks when hard-hitting Ivan Redkach looks for a career-defining win. Redkach has upset the odds before and there’s no doubt he’ll leave it all in the ring with this opportunity to move closer to a world title fight. Combined with a former unified champion known for action fights in Jarrett Hurd, plus a rising star in Stephen Fulton, this card is loaded with intrigue from top to bottom.”

“Danny García and Jarrett Hurd are two of the biggest stars in the sport because they have consistently taken on the toughest challenges and they are always in all-action, exciting fights,"وقال ستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس الرياضة & البرمجة الحدث, Showtime Networks Inc. “On January 25, both men are fighting to maintain their place at the top of two of boxing’s deepest divisions in important, must-win fights. Add in two undefeated, promising contenders in the opener and we have the recipe for an explosive night of fights on SHOWTIME.”

“We’re thrilled to host our first boxing event of 2020 by welcoming Danny García back for his eighth fight at Barclays Center and have Jarrett Hurd return to the arena where he’s had some memorable victories,” said Keith Sheldon, EVP of Programming and Development for BSE Global. “Danny specifically has built an enthusiastic fan base in the borough, becoming one of the most popular fighters in our arena, and we can’t wait to see his supporters out in full force as he steps back into our ring against Ivan Redkach.”

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DSG Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased atticketmaster.com وbarclayscenter.com. يمكن أيضًا شراء التذاكر من American Express Box Office في Barclays Center. الخصومات مجموعة المتاحة عن طريق استدعاء 844-BKLYN-GP. The Fulton vs. Khegai bout is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

García (35-2, 21 كوس) is the latest in a long line of great boxers from Philadelphia who have made their mark on the sport. His run through the super lightweight division and two-year reign as a unified champion is one of the most impressive in modern history as he defeated a string of champions, including Nate Campbell, كيندال هولت, اريك موراليس, Amir Khan, الزاب يهوذا ولوكاس Matthysse.

After dominating the super lightweight division, the 31-year-old García moved up to welterweight where he won the vacant WBC title with a unanimous decision over Robert Guerrero in 2016. He lost a split decision to Thurman in a unification match in 2017 and dropped a narrow unanimous decision to Shawn Porter for the WBC title in 2018. García and many pundits thought he won both those matches. في معركته الأخيرة, García scored a spectacular knockout victory over Adrian Granados on April 20 to get back into position to regain the welterweight crown.

“I’m very excited to be headlining another SHOWTIME card and to go back to Barclays Center, my home away from home,” said García. “I can’t wait to step in the ring in Brooklyn and give fans the Danny García show. I watched a few of Redkach’s recent fights and he had a great knockout win over two-time champion Devon Alexander. هكذا, I know he’s a tough fighter and competitor who I expect to bring the best out of me, and he’s someone who deserves this opportunity. But January 25 is tax season, so I’m going to have to tax him and pay him with a reality check.”

REDK (23-4-1, 18 كوس) has his sights set on winning a welterweight title and will face the toughest challenge of his career when he steps in against Garcia. The 33-year-old Redkach, who was born in Shostka, Ukraine and now lives in Los Angeles, is accustomed to stern tests. He started boxing as an amateur in Ukraine where he had over 300 المعارك. When he turned professional he traveled to Mexico to train and develop the “Mexican Style’’ – a style that emphasis standing in the pocket and throwing hard shots to the body.

Things started out slowly for Redkach, but soon he began to hold his own in Mexico and prevailed, earning the nickname “El Terrible’’ from his training partners. Redkach won 14 من له أولا 18 professional fights by stoppage and has won three in a row, including most recently knocking out former world champion Devon Alexander in June.

“I’m very motivated to take a massive step in my career and get closer to becoming world champion against a strong and accomplished fighter like Danny García,” said Redkach. “I have been to a lot of Danny’s fights and now I get the chance to test myself against him. I am training very hard so that I am the best that I have ever been on January 25. I’m going to shock the boxing world just like I did against Devon Alexander. I’ve never been this hungry before and I’m confident I will win this fight.”

The former WBA and IBF champion at 154-pounds, هيرد (23-1, 16 كوس) returns to action for the first time since losing his belts via decision against Julian Williams in one of 2019’s best fights. The 29-year-old from Accokeek, Maryland captured his first title by stopping current WBC titlist Tony Harrison in 2017 and then added the WBA belt by defeating Erislandy Lara in 2018’s consensus Fight of the Year. Hurd earned his title opportunity by going on a run of knocking off unbeaten fighters including Frank Galarza and Oscar Molina, and also owns a successful title defense against Austin Trout at Barclays Center in 2017.

“Just because I fell back, doesn’t mean I fell off,” said Hurd. “I’m back and excited to fight at Barclays Center for the third time. I’m bringing the storm back on January and I’m going to make a statement everyone is going to see. You’re not going to want to miss this fight and the best Jarrett Hurd anyone’s seen.”

سانتانا (25-7-1, 12 كوس) has taken on the toughest challenges at 154 و 147 pounds and has made his name with an all-action action style throughout a long career as a contender. The 33-year-old will look to bounce back from a close decision loss to Abel Ramos in March, in a fight where Santana dropped Ramos in the second round. Prior to the setback against Ramos, the Santa Barbara, California native was coming off of a victory over Olympic gold medalist Felix Diaz in April 2018. Santana has faced former champions Jermell Charlo and Sadam Ali while also owning a six-round draw against Julian Williams in 2011.

“This is a great opportunity for me against a fighter like Jarrett Hurd,” said Santana. “When you get an opportunity like this, it’s hard to turn it down. My job is to rise to the occasion and have the best moment of my career on fight night. هذا هو السوبر بول الخاص بي. When I last fought at 154-pounds, I was basically self-trained. Now I have my coach Joseph Janik training me and I really think he’s the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I’m going to go in there and leave it all in the ring January 25.”

The 25-year-old Fulton (17-0, 8 كوس) has made a rapid rise through the super bantamweight ranks with superb boxing skills, befitting a slick fighter from Philadelphia. Lately Fulton has shown flashes of power that have caught his opponents off guard. In his last fight he stopped Isaac Avelar with a body shot to end their fight in the fifth round on August 24.

Fighting out of Odessa, Ukraine and training for this fight in Los Angeles, Khegai (16-0-1, 10 كوس) will make his third start in the U.S. في يناير 25, after a successful U.S. debut in in May 2018 when he defeated Adam Lopez on the prospect developmental seriesShoBox: الجيل الجديد. The 27-year-old has already been victorious twice in 2019, stopping Haidari Mchanjo in March and most recently winning a unanimous decision over Vladimir Tikhonov in August onShoBox.

#          #          #

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارةwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك فيwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Julian “J-Rock’’ Williams Scores Unanimous Decision Victory Over “Swift’’ Jarrett Hurd to Take Unified Super Welterweight Championship in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, سوف.

Sensational Super Lightweight Mario Barrios Stuns Juan Jose Velasco with Second Round KO Victory in Co-Feature

Middleweights Matt Korobov and Immanuwel Aleem Fight to a Majority Draw

انقر هنا للصور
ائتمان: Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

انقر هنا للصور
ائتمان: Leo Wilson/PBC

FAIRFAX, VA. (مايو 11, 2019) - Julian “J-Rock’’ Williams knew he was walking into the lion’s den when he traveled from Philadelphia to Virginia to face undefeated unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd in his backyard. But Williams (27-1-1, 16 كوس) wasn’t afraid.

He came. He saw and he conquered Hurd (23-1, 16 كوس), scoring a 12-round unanimous decision, handing Hurd his first loss and taking the IBF, WBA and IBO championships before a hometown crowd at the EagleBank Arena on the campus of George Mason University.

The crowd and the primetime audience, which tuned in to FOX and FOX Deportes, witnessed a valiant performance from both Williams and Hurd in what will certainly be a “Fight of the Year’’ candidate. The judges had Williams handily defeating Hurd with scores of 116-111 و 115-112 مرتين.

Williams had come up short in his previous attempt at a world title when he was stopped on via TKO by Jermall Charlo in 2016. He was overwhelmed by emotions after his upset victory over Hurd, who was a presumptive favorite over the 29-year-old Williams.

I am just overwhelmed. This is such a great feeling. I outclassed him. I am one of the best fighters in the world,"وقال وليامز. “Maybe I wasn’t ready for the title the first time I got the shot. I took the loss. I took it like a man and the whole world doubted me. I went into this fight a five to one underdog.’’

“وحلم هذا صحيح. I have been waiting for this for years. I never ditched the gym. I never got into girls or left the gym. I am from the streets, but I was never in the streets. I was in the gym practicing my craft.

The only people that believed in me were my team, but all I can say is ‘and the new’!”

Hurd is often a slow starter and Williams made him pay for that. He jumped on the defending champion right out of the gate, throwing crisp punches behind a pistol-like jab. Williams dropped Hurd in the second round with a shot to the temple.

“It didn’t really change my strategy. It was just a flash knockdown. It caught me by surprise. I wasn’t really hurt,’’ Hurd said.

Sensing he had stunned Hurd, Williams came out firing in the next round. He picked up the pace and Hurd decided to match the ferocity of the attack rather than wither under it. Midway through the third round, Hurd landed a blistering left uppercut that snapped Williams’ head upward and slowly started to regain his form.

Hurd and Williams went to the trenches in the middle rounds, closing the distance and fighting in tight quarters. Conventional wisdom would seem to favor Hurd in that space, because he is physically bigger than Williams. But Williams did more than hold his own.

By the seventh round, the fight had become a war of attrition and a test of wills. Hurd was cut over his left eye in the eighth round. By then, Williams was completely in control.

Williams said he was well prepared for everything that Hurd threw at him, but it was by no means a cakewalk.

He wasn’t easier to hit than I thought. He was crafty and he had heavy hands. I just stayed poised. I listened to my coach and I just worked,قال ويليامز. “He couldn’t hurt me. I saw everything he was throwing. I knocked him down. The game plan was to win however I could. I adapted on the fly. We knew he had certain tendencies and worked on his tendencies. ''

Hurd said he didn’t feel like himself in the fight against Williams. Fighting in front of a raucous hometown crowd filled with family and friends as he hails from nearby Accokeek, MD.

“I wasn’t able to get off. I can’t really call it right now. I have to go back and watch. I was loading up on my shots instead of just letting my hands go,’’ Hurd said. “J-Rock was just the better man tonight. There’s definitely a rematch clause in our contract and I’m going to go for it. I’m going to come back better than I was tonight.’’

Super lightweight sensation Mario Barrios (24-0, 15 كوس) scored a devastating second round knockout victory over Juan Jose Velasco (20-2, 12 كوس) في ميزة التعاون. Barrios of San Antonio, Texas kept his undefeated record intact when he landed a crushing body shot that sent Velasco to the canvas midway through the second round. Referee Hugo Spinola counted out Velasco at 1:16 of the second round as the Argentine was on his hands and knees trying to catch his breath.

Barrios said he was trying to be patient and use his jab to set up the perfect shot.

I saw him opening up every time he would step in. I knew one of the body shots was going to do it and I found the sweet spot,’’ Barrios said. “We weren’t expecting it to end that quickly. I wasn’t predicting a knock out, but I knew I had the power to do it and stop him.

I was very confident. I had a great camp. I can’t thank Virgil Hunter and the team for the preparation for this fight. We knew he was vulnerable with body punches and that was something I work on regardless. It is one of my favorite shots. I have been working on it since the amateurs.”

Barrios said he would build on the victory over Velasco and continue to climb the ladder at 140 جنيه.

I want a world title shot. أنا دائما في صالة الألعاب الرياضية. I am always ready. I want all the smoke at 140. I want any of the champions. And I’m ready to bring a big fight to all my hometown fans in San Antonio.’’

In the opening television bout middleweight contenders Matt Korobov of Orotukan, Russia and Immanuwel Aleem of East Meadow, N.Y.. stalked each other for 10 جولات. They took turns pressing the action and playing the aggressor, dishing out and absorbing the best that each had to offer. In the end Korobov (29-2, 14 كوس) and Aleem (18-2-1, 11 كوس) had fought to a majority draw. One judge had Korobov winning 97-93 and two judges scored it 95-95.

In the sixth round Korobov landed a combination that rocked Aleem and had him in trouble momentarily. But Aleem weathered the storm. Aleem came out strong in the ninth round, practically running across the ring to meet Korobov, who had slowly raised his 36-year-old body off the corner stool at the last second. Sensing the close nature of the fight, both Korobov and Aleem unloaded and landed some heavy shots seeking to keep the outcome away from the judges’ scorecards.

Aleem said he thought he won the fight.

“I didn’t feel like he was doing enough. I was trying to use my range. He was just touching me. I realized when I started hitting him that he didnt have the gas.,’’ Aleem said. “I am faster than people think. I see open shots better than people expect. I made a statement tonight and I want to keep making statements.

كوروبوف , who lost a unanimous decision to Jermall Charlo in his last fight, said he felt sluggish during the match against Aleem.

I felt heavy and not totally sharp enough. It was hard to react and stop him from going inside. I have things to work on.,’’ Korobov said. “He was tougher than I expected. He wasn’t as strong as Charlo, but he is a really good fighter. He kept coming forward. He wasn’t afraid. He just kept throwing punches.

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لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Unified 154-Pound Champion Hurd & Top Contender Williams
Square-Off Before Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event This Saturday Night from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, Virginia Live at 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT

انقر هنا لصور من الترقيات ستيفاني تراب / TGB

ARLINGTON, VA. (مايو 9, 2019) – Unified 154-pound world champion “سريع” جاريت هيرد وكبار المنافس جوليان “J-روك” وليامز previewed their showdown at a final press conference on Thursday evening before they headline Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes this Saturday night from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, فرجينيا.

Also squaring-off at the press conference and stepping into the ring Saturday in action beginning at 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT were unbeaten super lightweight contender ماريو “الأزتك” أحياء and Argentina’s خوان “وبيتبول” جوزيه فيلاسكو, who meet in a 10-round fight, and middleweight contenders مات كوروبوف و عمانوئيل العليم, who battle in a 10-round attraction.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster (ticketmaster.com).

Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Arlington, فرجينيا:


This has been a great week. This is the homecoming I always wanted. It’s even better than I imagined and I can’t wait to step into the ring.

You can tell a lot about a fighter when you see them in the lead up to a fight. Julian Williams looks confident and he looks ready. It’s going to be a classic on fight night.

It’s been fun to have this support from the city and my hometown. It’s fueled me. The love and support motivated me in the gym to make sure I go out there and put on a show.

I’m a big 154-pounder but I know how to cut the weight and get it off right. We’re still eating and we’ll be strong come fight night.


I really don’t think too much about fighting in his hometown. I’ve fought on the road my whole career. I just focus on the fight, not what’s going on outside of the ring.

We touched on a lot of different things in training camp. We left no stone unturned. It sounds cliché and I’ve never said this before, but this was the best camp I’ve ever had. I’m ready to go get this win.

I just see a man over there. His crowd can’t fight for him. That’s all it’s going to be Saturday night.

The jab is always a key. It’s the most important punch in boxing and it’s the key for me no matter who I fight. I always work with bigger guys in camp so the size is going to be nothing new.


We focused on being explosive in training camp. Working with Virgil Hunter was great as always. This is a big opportunity and I’m excited to put on a great show for these fans.

“انه مقاتل من الجوع. That’s the main thing. He’s tasted defeat and he doesn’t want to again. I’m blocking his path. ليلة السبت, he’s not getting past me.

I’m getting stronger and better every camp. There’s not too much to say, but I’m just looking forward to getting in the ring Saturday.


The fight against Regis Prograis was very tough and important for me. I want to be champion of the world and it showed me what I need to do to achieve that goal. I’m going to put what I learned on display Saturday.

We’ve watched him and we know what he’s capable of doing. We know we have to be prepared to get this victory.


I took the fight against Jermall Charlo as a win because people know me better now and know where I stand in this division with my performance on short notice. I’m happy to be back and have this fight. My team did a great job preparing and we’ll be ready on Saturday night.

عمانويل عالم

My trainer George Peterson has always stressed to train year round. We’re not part time fighters. I’m always in the gym working. When the fight comes, we’re always prepared.

Korobov is another opponent who’s in my way to becoming a world champion. I’ve gotten some good work with southpaws to get ready for him and I feel fully prepared.

# # #

Hurd vs. Williams pits IBF and WBA 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd against top contender Julian Williams in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, مايو 11 from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, فرجينيا.

Unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “الأزتك” Barrios battles Argentina’s Juan “وبيتبول” Jose Velasco in a 10-round fight and middleweight contender Matt Korobov clashes with Immanuwel Aleem in a 10-round bout as part of televised action beginning at 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT.

المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.



ALL ACCESS: WILDER مقابل. FURY EPILOGUE Premieres on SHOWTIME Immediately Following The Delayed Telecast of the Dramatic Main Event

الصورة الائتمان: استير لين / SHOWTIME


The thrilling Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury heavyweight blockbuster, a sure-fire Fight of the Year candidate, will air on SHOWTIME this Saturday, ديسمبر 8 في 9 عصرا. ET / PT. The WBC Heavyweight World Championship bout between the 6-foot-7 unbeaten American champion Wilder and 6-foot-9 challenger Fury originally aired live on SHOWTIME PPV® في.يوم السبت, ديسمبر 1 من مركز ستابلز في لوس انجليس.

في.يوم السبت, both Wilder and Fury made strong cases for 2018 Fighter of the Year honors. Wilder faced the two toughest opponents of his career this year including a spectacular knockout win over Cuban slugger Luis Ortiz in a Fight of the Year candidate in March. غضب شديد, the lineal heavyweight champion, returned from a two-and-a-half-year layoff to score two wins in a span of 10 weeks before facing Wilder. في.يوم السبت, he miraculously withstood a devastating, final-round knockdown that appeared to knock him out cold. Fury rose dramatically and continued to fight until the final bell to cap an effort that will go down as one of the greatest comeback stories in all of sports.

The SHOWTIME presentation of the Wilder vs. غضب شديد, a bout that has been hailed as “…the greatest night for boxing in the U.S. in recent memory,"من قبل ياهو! الرياضة, will be immediately followed by the premiere of ALL ACCESS: WILDER مقابل. FURY EPILOGUE. The networks’ Emmy Award winning خاتمة يكشف عن دراما ليلة القتال من منظور فريد ويعرّف المشاهدين على تداعيات بطولة العالم التي نادراً ما تُرى.. ALL ACCESS: WILDER مقابل. FURY EPILOGUE goes behind the scenes, into the locker rooms, corners and inner circles as Fury aims to complete a storybook comeback and Wilder looks to continue his reign as the “baddest man on the planet.”


Jarrett Hurd Defends WBA, IBF 154-Pound Titles With Fourth-Round KO Over James Welborn; Luis Ortiz Registers 10-Round TKO of Travis Kauffman; Joe Joyce Remains Undefeated With First-Round KO Against Joe Hanks
انقر هنا لصور من استر لين / SHOWTIME

لوس انجليس (ديسمبر. 1, 2018) – Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder and Tyson “The Gypsy King” Fury fought to a split-decision draw on SHOWTIME PPV® on Saturday night from STAPLES Center​ ​in​ ​arguably ​one of the best heavyweight fights in years​.​




After controlling the WBC World Championship fight early, غضب شديد (27-0-1, 19 كوس) miraculously overcame two knockdowns by Wilder (40-0-1, 39 كوس) – including one in round 12 – in the improbable draw. سجل القضاة نوبة 115-111 for Wilder, 114-112 for Fury and 113-113.




“I think with the two knockdowns I definitely won the fight,” said Wilder, who has recorded a knockdown in each of his 41 pro fights and was defending his WBC belt for the eighth time since 2015. “We poured our hearts out tonight. We’re both warriors, but with those two drops I think I won the fight.”



Fury saw it differently, stating that he gave it everything he had.




“We’re on away soil, I got knocked down twice, but I still believe I won that fight,” said England’s Fury, whose amazing comeback continues following a two and a half-year absence from the sport from drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues.​ “I hope I did you all proud after nearly three years out of the ring. I was never going to be knocked down tonight. I showed good heart to get up. I came here tonight and I fought my heart out.​”​



It was an electrifying night with an attendance announced at 17,698 المشجعين, which included Hollywood stars and fight fans like former Lakers greats Shaquille O’Neal, Jerry West, former NFL stars Michael Strahan and Michael Irvin, and ​boxing ​legends Evander Holyfield and Floyd Mayweather.




غضب شديد, who out-landed Wilder 84-71 شامل, was caught by a short right hand by Wilder just behind the left ear to drop Fury for the third time in his career in the ninth round. Then in the 12th, a Wilder right hand and left hook combination sent the 6-foot-9 Fury down again, hitting his head on the canvas. ثانية, he managed to ​stand​ up and referee Jack Reiss let him continue to fight.




“Boxing is always the theater of the unexpected, and that’s what we had tonight,” SHOWTIME expert analyst Al Bernstein said.




Bernstein said seeing Fury get up and continue to fight after the brutal knockdown was “one of the most astonishing things I’ve ever seen in the boxing ring.”




SHOWTIME boxing historian and commentator Steve Farhood had Fury controlling the early rounds and Fury winning rounds 3-8, and ultimately scored the fight, 115-111.




Because of a rematch clause, both fighters were asked if they would like to do it again. “I would love for it to be my next fight,” Wilder said. “Why not? Let’s give the fans what they want to see. It was a great fight and let’s do it again. It doesn’t matter to me where we do it.”




“​One hundred​ percent we’ll do the rematch,قال فيوري, fighting in the first heavyweight title pay-per-view bout in America since 2002. “We are two great champions. Me and this man are the two best heavyweights on the planet.”




Wilder said he came out slow and rushed his punches. “I didn’t sit still. I was too hesitant. I started overthrowing the right hand and I just couldn’t adjust.”




غضب شديد, fighting for the third time this year with 26-year-old trainer Ben Davison in his corner, also had former boxing great Ricky Hatton and seven-time Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach in his corner.




In the lead-up fight to Wilder-Fury, "سويفت" جاريت هيرد (23-0, 16 كوس) defended his 154-pound IBF and WBA world title belts with a fourth-round knockout against United Kingdom’s James Welborn (24-7, 7 كوس), who was fighting for the first time on American soil.



Welborn was the aggressor in the first minute of the fourth round, sending Hurd to the ropes with punch after punch to the body and head. Suddenly realizing he might be in trouble, Hurd of Accokeek, ماريلاند., countered back from sudden adversity in dramatic fashion and sent Welborn back-tracking before a devastating body punch sent him to one knee. He was counted out at 1:55 by referee Lou Moret, who was officiating the final fight of his 30-plus year career.




بعد المعركة, undefeated super welterweight Jermell Charlo entered the ring to challenge for Hurd’s coveted belts. “We definitely want Charlo,” Hurd told SHOWTIME Sports’ جيم رمادي, saying the matchup would likely occur after one more fight. “I’m calling the shots. أنا لا. ​1​ right now. When I say answer the phone, answer the phone. I got the date.”




Charlo shot back. “This is easy money. I like those belts – they look real good on you. He said he wants another fight. I’m ready now.”




هيرد, who unified the WBA and IBF belts by beating WBA champion Erislandy Lara in April in Las Vegas, was returning with a surgically repair left shoulder. He threw 118 الامصال, more than half of the 220 punches he threw in the fight.




“I’m just coming off surgery so I wanted to see how I worked off the jab,"قال هيرد. “I felt good I was working behind the jab I got caught on the ropes and got caught with some shots and said ‘that’s enough. He got enough TV time.’ I heard the crowd and I didn’t want to get brave. So I turned it up and got the knockdown.​”​




Former Wilder foe and heavyweight southpaw Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz (30-1, 26 كوس) returned to STAPLES​ Center​ for a second consecutive victory with a resounding 10th-round TKO against Travis “My Time” Kauffman (32-3, 23 كوس) من القراءة, السلطة الفلسطينية.




The 39-year-old Ortiz of Camaguey, كوبا, registered left-cross knockdowns in the sixth, eighth and 10th rounds before the final blow coming later in the 10th round against a gritty Kauffman. It was the 26th career stoppage for Ortiz, who lost to Wilder in a Fight of the Year candidate back in March.




The fight was officially called at 1:58 of the 10th round. "انا محارب,” Ortiz said. “Nothing contains me. We didn’t have to knock him out but we wanted to show everything we have in our repertoire, and we showed it tonight.”




أورتيز, who was warned twice for low blows, clipped Kauffman for a second time by a lethal left hand of Ortiz at 2:29 في الجولة الثامنة. But just like the first time he was send to canvas in the sixth round, Kauffman was able to get up and continue fighting.




The technically sound performance by Ortiz included 376 jab attempts to Kauffman’s 99 and out-landing him 66-7. That led to a 135-37 lead in total connects and a 69-30 margin in power connects against Kauffman, who SHOWTIME commentator Paulie Malignaggi called, “a stubborn guy who wouldn’t go away.”




“Of course I’ll fight the winner of this fight [Wilder-Fury],” Ortiz said. “I want that second fight with Wilder. I want to fight anybody.”




In the ​pay-per-view​ telecast opener, Joe “The Juggernaut” Joyce (7-0, 7 كوس) recorded a massive first-round knockout against Joe “The Future” Hanks (23-3, 15 كوس). A rising heavyweight, Joyce, من لندن, انجلترا, ended the fight officially after just 2:25 as he used a right jab to set up a near-perfect left hook sending Hanks to the canvas and down for the count.




Trained by noted trainer Abel Sanchez, Joyce told Gray he’s ready for anyone. “I want to get in some bigger fights,” said the former Olympic silver medal winner who recorded his fourth first-round KO. “I’ve been doing well so there is plenty more to come. All the support from back home in England, thanks for coming. I hope I put on something good to watch.”




It was the second win in the United States for Joyce, who also picked up the vacant WBA Continental heavyweight title. “I’m getting people out quickly,"هو قال. “I’ve got a lot of experience, I’m just going to improve on my strength and my speed. I’ve heard comments that I’m slow but I seem to land the shots and get the job done.”




It was the third time during his career that Hanks, from Newark, نيوجيرسي, has been knocked down by a left hook.




Earlier in the night on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Adonis Stevenson’s five-and-a-half year reign as the WBC Light Heavyweight Champion of the World ended as Oleksandr Gvozdyk dethroned boxing’s longest reigning champion with a devastating 11th round knockout from Videotron Center in Quebec City. VIDEO: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2BMNZIx. Saturday’s one-fight telecast from Quebec City will replay on Monday, ديسمبر 3 في 10 عصرا. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®. شوتايم بوكسينغ: SPECIAL EDITION streamed live on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms and is archived on the SHO Sports YouTube channel and Facebook page.




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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com و www.staplescenter.com اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, ردًا علىPremierBoxing, Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions, STAPLESCenter وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

الوزن الثقيل الأساطير اقتباسات المائدة المستديرة & الصور

أبطال الوزن الثقيل السابقون & نجوم يناقشون ديونتاي وايلدر ضد. مواجهة بطولة تايسون فيوري للوزن الثقيل هذا السبت, ديسمبر 1 يعيشون على شوتايم PPV® من مركز ستابلز في لوس أنجلوس
انقر هنا لصور من استر لين / SHOWTIME



لوس انجليس (تشرين الثاني 30, 2018) – قبل يوم واحد من أهم حدث ثقيل في الولايات المتحدة. في أكثر من 15 سنوات, نزلت أساطير الوزن الثقيل في لوس أنجلوس لمناقشة مباراة Deontay Wilder vs. مواجهة تايسون فيوري التي سيتم بثها على SHOWTIME PPV® ليلة السبت من مركز ستابلز في حدث قدمه بطل الملاكمة الممتاز.




تميزت المائدة المستديرة الإعلامية بعظماء الوزن الثقيل ايفاندر هوليفيلد, لينوكس لويس, ريديك الامعاء, جيري كوني, ارني الحلاقة, باستر دوجلاس و مايكل سبينكس بينما حطموا معركة العمالقة الذين لم يهزموا يوم السبت.




تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل شركات BombZquad و Queensberry, بالتعاون مع TGB Promotions و DiBella Entertainment, معروضة للبيع الآن ومتوفرة عبر AXS.com. وحشية ضد. سيتم إنتاج الغضب وتوزيعه بواسطة SHOWTIME PPV. سعر التجزئة المقترح (منجل) البث التلفزيوني الدفع لكل عرض هو $64.99 للتعريف القياسي.




وقد استضاف المائدة المستديرة مراسل SHOWTIME Sports الحائز على جائزة Jim Gray من فندق Westin Bonaventure Hotel & الأجنحة, لوس انجليس. إليكم ما قالته أساطير الوزن الثقيل يوم الجمعة:


ايفاندر هوليفيلد



“أشعر أن ديونتاي وايلدر سيفوز لأنه سيصل في النهاية إلى اليد اليمنى. إنه صبور جدا. إنه مفكر, ولكن يمكنه أيضًا أن يجازف. عندما يخاطر الناس, يفوزون.




“قد لا يكون لدى Deontay الخبرة بقدر ما كان لدينا في يومنا هذا, ولكن لديه القوة. هذا ما يريد الناس رؤيته وأعتقد أنهم سيكونون سعداء عندما يرونه.




“كانت هناك نقطة زمنية حيث كان كل وزن ثقيل كبير من الولايات المتحدة. كان لدينا برنامج جيد للهواة. كنت آخر بطل حقيقي للوزن الثقيل من الولايات المتحدة. قبل وايلدر وحتى خسرت القرار ضد لينوكس.




“أن نكون بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل, وقول أنك الأفضل, عليك محاربة أي رجل.”


لينوكس لويس




“أعتقد أنها ستكون معركة كبيرة. لديونتاي وايلدر يد يمنى رائعة وعندما تهبط, لا يستطيع الكثير من الناس مواجهتها. أعتقد أيضًا أنه لا يمكنك إيذاء ما لا يمكنك ضربه. ليس تايسون فيوري من السهل الوصول إليه. لديه قدرة وحركة كبيرة. سأذهب مع Deontay مبكرًا أو فيوري متأخرًا.




“نعلم جميعًا كيف تشعر بفقدان بطولة الوزن الثقيل. نحن نعلم مدى صعوبة استعادتها. فقد الغضب عليه, والآن يريد أن يعود. أستطيع أن أرى الآن أنه يضحي ويقول لنفسه أنه ما كان ليخسرها, والآن عليه أن يستعيدها.




“أعتقد أن المنظر في المملكة المتحدة. هو أن تايسون فيوري هو الرجل الذي صعد. تم طرح القفاز هناك ووقف من أجل بريطانيا. جاء ديونتاي إلى إنجلترا لتحدي أنتوني جوشوا, ولكن كان تايسون فيوري هو الذي رد على المكالمة.




“أود أن أقول أن هناك اثنين من meccas في الملاكمة هي الأماكن التي يريد الجميع القتال فيها. لاس فيغاس, نيويورك وبالطبع, لوس انجليس. كان قتالي ضد فيتالي كليتشكو في مركز ستابلز معركة كبيرة. لم تكن خطتي في تلك الليلة أن أذهب للمسافة, أنا محاصر للذهاب مسافة قصيرة وفعلت.”


ريديك باو




“سأذهب مع ديونتاي وايلدر ليلة الغد. سيقدم عرضًا رائعًا للجميع ويحصل على ضربة قاضية أخرى.




“تايسون فيوري هو ماهر وطويل, ولكن بالنسبة لي, لا يفعل ما يكفي في الهجوم. يتحرك لكنه لا يحرك يديه بما فيه الكفاية.”


جيري كوني




“أعتقد أنها معركة عظيمة غدا. نحن نعلم أن الغضب يعود بدافع. إذا وجد وايلدر منزلًا لهذا الحق, سيخرج فيوري. أعتقد أنه سيتواصل في وقت ما أثناء القتال.




“أعتقد أن تايسون فيوري رجل عظيم لمدى عودته في حياته ولوقوفه في ديونتاي وايلدر. اتصل به فيوري, لذلك ربما يعرف شيئا لا نعرفه.




“أنا سعيد لوجودي هنا. انظر إلى كل هؤلاء أصحاب الوزن الثقيل والرجال الرائعين. إنه أمر خاص وكلهم هنا لمشاهدة هذه المعركة ليلة الغد.”


حلاق إرني




“أنا وديونتاي من ألاباما. سأدخل إلى قاعة مشاهير ألاباما الرياضية قريبًا وسأكون ديونتاي هناك يومًا ما أيضًا. Deontay هو لكمة رائعة وأنا أسحب له ليلة الغد.




“لقد حاربت في عصر عظيم. إذا قاتلت الرجال على نفس المستوى, ستحصل على معارك جيدة. هؤلاء الرجال اليوم يمكن أن يدخلوا هناك في يومنا هذا ويعرضون عرضًا جيدًا.”


بوستر دوجلاس




“أعتقد أن هذه ستكون معركة تنافسية جيدة. إذا اضطررت للاختيار, سآخذ Deontay Wilder بالضربة القاضية في الجولة الثامنة.




“أشعر أن Tyson Fury قد فاز بالفعل من خلال القتال مرة أخرى والدخول في شكل كبير وكوني في هذا الموقف. أنا متأكد من أن الكثير من الناس يعتقدون أنهم لن يروه مرة أخرى هنا. هذا انتصار في حد ذاته.




“انتصاري على مايك تايسون غيّر حياتي بطريقة رائعة. كنت الآن بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل. لقد تحقق حلمي. رؤية طفلي الأصغر سنا كانا الشيء الوحيد الذي يمكن أن يتصدرها.”


مايكل سبينس



“قد تفوز أفضل رجل. لا أعرف من هو في أفضل شكل ولكني أعتقد أن غضبي من الحلبة يجعلني أميل إلى Deontay Wilder. إذا كان غضب شخص كبير كما يقولون, لديه فرصة عظيمة.



“إذا كنت المستضعف, عليك فقط متابعة ما تعرفه وما عملت عليه. لا يمكنك الانتباه إلى المشككين. أنت تركز على ما أعددته لنفسك ومنحه كل شيء. لطالما رأيت نفسي أفوز. إنه أفضل شعور للخروج من الحلبة منتصرا.”




# # #


حول وايلدر مقابل. غضب شديد

ديونتاي وايلدر vs. تايسون فيوري يضع بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل WBC فيلدر ضد بطل الوزن الثقيل فيوري على SHOWTIME PPV® السبت, ديسمبر 1 من مركز STAPLES في لوس أنجلوس ، وقدمها Premier Boxing Champions. تبدأ البطاقة السفلية لـ PPV في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT وسيبرز بطل العالم الخارق في الوزن الموحَّد ، جاريت هيرد ، ليعود لمواجهة جايسون ويلبورن., الملاكم الكوبي الثقيل لويس أورتيز يواجه مواجهة ترافيس كوفمان ويرتفع الوزن الثقيل غير المهزوم جو جويس يقاتل جو هانكس.




لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comو www.staplescenter.com اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, ردًا علىPremierBoxing, Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions, STAPLESCenter وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook علىwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions وwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.


Unified 154-Pound Champion Jarrett Hurd, Cuban Heavyweight Slugger Luis Ortiz & Rising Heavyweight Joe Joyce Talk Respective Showdowns This Saturday, ديسمبر 1 يعيشون على شوتايم PPV® من مركز ستابلز في لوس انجليس
انقر هنا لصور من استر لين / SHOWTIME
لوس انجليس (تشرين الثاني 29, 2018) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s PPV undercard headlined by the heavyweight championship showdown between Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury went face-to-face on Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring on SHOWTIME PPV® from STAPLES Center in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
تبدأ البطاقة السفلية لـ PPV في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and features unified 154-pound world champion جاريت هيرد defending against the U.K.’s جيسون ويلبورن, Cuban heavyweight contender لويس أورتيز in a 10-round showdown against rugged veteranترافيس كوفمان and rising heavyweight جو جويس أخذ على جو هانكس في نقطة جذب للوزن الثقيل 10 جولة.
تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل شركات BombZquad و Queensberry, بالتعاون مع TGB Promotions و DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and are available via AXS.com. وحشية ضد. سيتم إنتاج الغضب وتوزيعه بواسطة SHOWTIME PPV. سعر التجزئة المقترح (منجل) البث التلفزيوني الدفع لكل عرض هو $64.99 للتعريف القياسي.
Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites Los Angeles:
Everything that my team and I have spoken about has come to pass. I’m here as the co-main of a massive card and I’m just really appreciative of everyone who believed in me and helped push me to this moment.
Saturday night I want to show my versatility. Everyone has seen that I’m electrifying. I bring the action. But I want to show that I am swift and I do have defense. I know how to use my height and range. I’m still going to bring the action on Saturday, so you have to make sure to tune-in.
We don’t think of Welborn as a tune-up fight. Jason Welborn is a British champion for a reason. We just want to go out there and establish the game plan we worked on in camp.
I want to show my defensive side and show that I can box and move. I want to show that I don’t have to just keep coming forward. I’m going to be able to do that and start to break him down and get him out of there.
Everybody sees my demeanor, and they know that I carry that to the ring. My composure is my biggest attribute. بغض النظر عن ما يقوله الآخرون, I’m always going to be me.
I’m number one in the division and things are going to play out how I want them. We’ve had three tough camps training for southpaws. When I eventually fight (WBC champion) Jermell تشارلو, I’m going to be ready because of all the work on my versatility and defense. I’ll be ready for Jermell Charlo.
I want to be an active champion because I didn’t have a lot of amateur fights. I need to stay in the ring and get all the experience I can. I want to get these good fights in while I’m still young and healthy.
I’m back from my surgery and we’re going to get back to the old Jarrett Hurd. I’m going to show everyone all that I can do. Everyone knows that there’s always going to be action. It’s going to be a wonderful fight on a wonderful card. Don’t blink during this one.
This is a dream come true to be here today. Hurd has worked his way up to get here just like I have. الآن, he’s in my way. I hope everyone enjoys what I bring to the table on Saturday night.
I have the belief that I’m born and bred for this game and I’m going to show it to the whole world on Saturday night. I always prove people wrong.
The last two years I’ve become the best in Britain and beaten everyone they put in front of me. When people doubt me, I train even harder. I’m coming to win and I’ve got nothing to lose.
I have to get what I deserve and I’ll do it on Saturday night. I’ve already been through the storm. He’s got what I want.
I’ve got to enjoy the fight and get what I want. He can look past me all he wants, but once he feels what I bring to the table, we’ll see how he reacts. I’m ready for whatever he’s going to bring to the table.
I want to thank everyone who has helped me get this opportunity. I like to do my talking in the ring, but I’m happy that Travis Kauffman stepped up. A lot of heavyweights haven’t done that and I’m glad we can make this fight happen.
I’m coming to do my job. This is a heavyweight fight and we know that means one punch can change everything. It’s not going to end well for Travis on Saturday night.
“يوجد 10 rounds to get the job done, and three minutes per round. I’m going to get my job done. The job is to seek and destroy. So I hope that Travis is very prepared to give the fans a great show. Saturday night you’ll see ‘King Kong’ في الحلقة.
I’ve pushed myself even harder than ever in training camp. We’re sticking with the same game plan of family first and I believe I will be rewarded. My five-year-old boy reminds me that I have a loss and that motivates me to train harder and harder.
I expect Travis to have the great confidence he’s showing. It’s a great chance for him and I’m sure he’ll be motivated. I’m motivated for every fight, because it’s not just about my opponent. My goal is to provide for my family and Travis is in the way. I’ve never deterred from that mentality and it’s got me ready for Saturday night.
TRAVIS كوفمان
I’m thankful to Luis Ortiz for taking this fight. Everybody is afraid to fight him, but I’m not afraid of anyone. We all know that Luis Ortiz can punch, but I don’t care about any of that. It’s my time. I come from a rough background and I won’t back down.
“هذا هو وقتي. There’s nothing that’s going to stop me from taking this guy down. He’s so worried about Deontay Wilder, but he has to worry about me before he gets any rematch.
You might not know who I am right now, but you will after Saturday night. I’m going to make sure people remember my name.
Luis Ortiz is very skilled, but if you want to be the best you have to fight the best. No one actually wants to step up and take this fight, but I really believe this is my time. I bring some heat in the ring and I come to fight every time.
I’m excited to be on this massive card. I’m going to give the whole world a treat as part of a great event. You have to tune-in and watch me start the show off right on Saturday night.
Training in Big Bear has been a perfect environment for me. It’s in the mountains, it has the altitude and it’s secluded. I’ve seen what goes into their training camps and worked alongside the best in the world. They’ve helped me install the kind of style that will have me at my best.
I have the Olympic pedigree, but now it’s about advancing the brute strength and really getting the perfect snap on my shots.
Sparring against Tyson Fury was really top-level work. I know that it’s made me a better fighter. He’s looking fit and strong and it shows when you’re in the ring with him.
“هذا هو فرصة عظيمة. Abel Sanchez has done a tremendous job getting me ready for this position. I’m excited to show everyone my skills and everything I’ve learned.
I’m glad that Joe Hanks decided to take this fight. I can’t wait to lace up the gloves and get the party started. I’m going to keep my knockout streak going and I guarantee it’s going to be exciting
It’s been a long time coming for this moment. I’m thankful to my team and I’m excited to be on this card with other great heavyweights. It’s a great time to be a heavyweight. I’m ready to put my name in the ring to have the chance to really do something special with a great performance Saturday.
The work has been done. I did everything that I had to do. I’ve done more than I did preparing for my past fights. Being the underdog doesn’t mean much to me. I’m from Newark, نيو جيرسي, and we’re all underdogs there.
I’ve put the time in and I’ve had everyone supporting me and pushing me and I think it’s going to get me over the hump. I’m just really excited to get in there.
ستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس الرياضة & البرمجة الحدث, شوتايم شبكات المؤتمر الوطني العراقي.
When we talk about Jarrett Hurd, he’s a fighter who has seemingly come out of nowhere and has had an incredibly rapid rise to the top. He was not a decorated amateur. He has learned on the job. All he has done since beating Oscar Molina in 2016 is impress. He is recognized as one of the bright young stars in boxing. He has been off due to injury and certainly could have taken an easier fight than Jason Welborn, who is a British Commonwealth champion. We’re expecting an action fight there.
Luis Ortiz is one of the top heavyweights in the world. He has one blemish on his otherwise perfect record, a loss to Deontay Wilder. Perhaps Ortiz was just seconds away from victory. We talk about a slim margin in fights, that was the slimmest of margins. I think he is going to be trying to make a statement on the undercard that he deserves a rematch against Deontay Wilder. Standing in his way will be Travis Kauffman. This is another all-action fight filled with big punchers.
In our opening bout, we have one of the most talked-about rising young heavyweights in the sport – جو جويس, who is taking on a tough veteran in Joe Hanks. كما نعلم, the heavyweight division has been the focus more in the last six to nine months than we’ve seen in the last couple decades. Joe Joyce is at the top of the list on the potential next wave of future stars. He is certainly not wasting any time taking on a fighter of Joe Hankscaliber.
When you look at the card overall, you’ve got some of the biggest punchers in boxing. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see several knockouts on this card. Don’t miss the action.
# # #

Boxing’s Best Heavyweights Past and Present Give Their Thoughts and Predictions On Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury Blockbuster as Fight Week Begins in Los Angeles

السبت, ديسمبر 1 يعيشون على شوتايم PPV® من
مركز ستابلز & قدم رئيس مجلس الدولة الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

لوس انجليس (تشرين الثاني 27, 2018) – As fight week in Los Angles kicks off, heavyweights of the past and present have spoken, and the majority believe Deontay Wilder’s pure punching power will be enough to defeat the highly-skilled تايسون غضب في.يوم السبت, ديسمبر 1 في SHOWTIME PPV®.




Some of the greatest heavyweight names in the history of boxing weighed-in on what will be the biggest heavyweight title fight in the U.S. since Mike Tyson took on Lennox Lewis in 2002. The SHOWTIME PPV begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT from STAPLES Center in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل شركات BombZquad و Queensberry, بالتعاون مع TGB Promotions و DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and are available via AXS.com. وحشية ضد. سيتم إنتاج الغضب وتوزيعه بواسطة SHOWTIME PPV. سعر التجزئة المقترح (منجل) البث التلفزيوني الدفع لكل عرض هو $64.99 للتعريف القياسي.




Here is what the current and former heavyweight greats had to say about the Wilder vs. Fury matchup:


مايك تايسون:



Although Wilder’s punch is strong, nothing can compare to the mental strength Fury has shown both in and out of the ring. It’ll be a close call, but I think Fury’s got a true fighting chance.


ايفاندر هوليفيلد:



“انها معركة كبيرة. Fury’s got a lot of skills, he’s awkward and he has long arms. He has good reflexes and is a strong counter-puncher. Deontay needs to be first and he can’t wait on Tyson. Tyson’s always been the bigger fighter. In fighting Deontay it’s the same case. If things get difficult, انه (غضب شديد) got more experience and a lot of tricks. I think with Deontay’s power, he might be able to end it early, but if Tyson can frustrate him and it goes the distance, then it could go his way.

لينوكس لويس:



If it goes the distance then it belongs to Tyson Fury. If it’s a short fight it will belong to Deontay Wilder. This is an epic and most-unpredictable showdown. I can’t wait for this fight.




I am a big fan of Deontay Wilder and I was impressed with Tyson Fury and how he avoided the big shots against Wladimir Klitschko. I can see him going 12 rounds with Wilder because of his height and reach.




The great thing about this fight is that we’re all talking about it. I think Wilder wins a close decision.


ريديك باو:



If Wilder comes out and means business then he should beat Fury with ease. My prediction is Wilder by knockout!”


جيري كوني:



“ديونتاي وايلدر vs. Tyson Fury is a very interesting fight. I love Tyson Fury. I think he’s a remarkable self-promoter, and he did a great job with Wladimir Klitschko, using his feints and throwing Klitschko off his game plan. Deontay is a different kind of fighter, رغم أن. Fury fights at 30 ميل في الساعة. Deontay fights at 100 ميل في الساعة. هكذا, when Deontay catches Fury and gets ahold of him I think it’s going to be over. I admire Fury, but I think he’s barking up the wrong tree with this fight. I think the bottom line is that Deontay is a whole different type of beast. He comes in aggressive and finishes his opponents. I hate to pick, but somebody has to lose. I’m picking Deontay by knockout and I think it ends inside of four or five rounds.





If Fury decides he wants to dip and dive and move, then he can extend the fight. But it’s all up to Wilder. If Fury decides he wants to come to the middle of the ring and fight, then it’s going to be over quick. Wilder is going to catch him. تنبؤ: Wilder by KO.

CHRIS أريولا:



I think Wilder fighting Ortiz and now Fury back-to-back gives the fans exciting fights. I like both Wilder and Fury, but for this fight I am leaning slightly toward Wilder to win.




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حول وايلدر مقابل. غضب شديد



ديونتاي وايلدر vs. تايسون فيوري يضع بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل WBC فيلدر ضد بطل الوزن الثقيل فيوري على SHOWTIME PPV® السبت, ديسمبر 1 from STAPLES CENTER in Los Angeles and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. تبدأ البطاقة السفلية لـ PPV في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and will featureunbeaten unified super welterweight world champion Jarrett Hurdreturning to take onJason Welborn, Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortizfacing-off against Travis Kauffmanand rising undefeated heavyweight Joe Joycebattling Joe Hanks.




لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comو www.staplescenter.com اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, ردًا علىPremierBoxing, Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions, STAPLESCenter وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.