Tag Archives: James DeGale


Neporazený ťažký váha Joe Joyce vyradil Bermane Stiverne V RÁMCI ŠPORTOVÝCH ŠAMPIÓNOV® Otvárač

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Pre fotografie; Úver: Ian Walton / VÝSTAVA

LONDÝN - február 23, 2019 - Chris Eubank Jr. si vyslúžil víťazstvo v kariére tvrdým jednomyseľným rozhodnutím nad britským rivalom a bývalým dvojnásobným majstrom sveta Jamesom DeGaleom v sobotnej nevraživosti v zápase strednej váhy v SHOWTIME od londýnskeho The O2.

Eubank, syn britskej legendy v boxe a bývalý majster sveta v dvoch divíziách Chris Eubank st., na podlahe DeGale dvakrát na ceste k jasnému rozhodnutiu, , Ktorý bol hodnotený 114-112, 115-112, 117-109. VIDEO UDALOSTI: https://s.sho.com/2E6mWI8

Práca v jeho prvom zápase s trénerom na plný úväzok, Eubank viedol kontrolovaný boj. Bývalý vyzývateľ na titul majstra sveta položil DeGale v drsnej chvíli v druhej, omráčil svojho rivala veľkým ľavým hákom proti povrazom a o chvíľu neskôr ho podlomil silným pravým krížom, ktorý poslal DeGale na plátno len pre druhý boj v jeho kariére.

DeGale, , ktorý založil svoju majstrovskú kariéru ako uhladená južná labka, nebol schopný bodnúť na diaľku a nedokázal zvládnuť konštantný tlak z Eubank. Bývalý zlatý olympijský medailista sa uchýlil k výpadom zvonku a vo vnútri bol z veľkej časti neúčinný, často klinčovanie v tesnej blízkosti.

"Vedel som, že na mňa takto príde.",“Povedala Eubank. "Je to úhľadná južná labka.", ale môj herný plán fungoval. Chytrý tlak a príliš sa nedostávam pred seba. Je to pekelný bojovník, sakra konkurent, ale na konci dňa moja hlava a moje srdce tento boj vyhrali. “

"K tomuto boju viedlo veľa nepriateľstva.". Povedal som mu, „Toto je môj čas,' a bolo to. Je veteránom tejto hry, hodí veľké strely a podarí sa mu zostať hore. Vstať po týchto zrážkach je vyjadrením o jeho húževnatosti a type bojovníka, aký je. “

Druhé zrazenie prišlo v 10th keď Eubank pristál so silným ľavým hákom, ktorý DeGalea podlomil iba 30 sekúnd zostáva na bicykli. Opäť, DeGale sa pokúsil zaistiť, aby sa vyhol úderu, ale jeho ruka sa dotkla plátna a bolo ovládnuté len tretím zrazením jeho kariéry.

Po boji, DeGale, ktorý ako prvý britský bojovník získal zlatú olympijskú medailu a svetový šampionát, sa zdalo, že sa prikláňa k dôchodku.

"Rozhodne som neurobil dosť.",”Povedal DeGale. "Bol na tom a ja som neurobil dosť.". Musíte urobiť viac ako dosť, aby ste čelili niekomu, kto sa prihlásil ako Chris.

"Idem sa vrátiť a porozprávať sa so svojím tímom.", moja rodina, a rozhodnúť sa. Nechal som svoju stopu v boxe. Vyhral som olympijskú medailu, dva tituly majstra sveta a môže byť čas zavesiť to. “

Zatiaľ čo DeGale uvažuje o odchode do dôchodku, Eubank sa zameriava na ďalší pokus o titul majstra sveta.

"Toto bol najdôležitejší boj v mojej kariére.", a urobil som vyhlásenie. Som späť tam, kde som mal byť, na vrchole potravinového reťazca. Prichádzam pre všetky opasky v divízii strednej a super strednej váhy. Bojujem s každým, koho postavia predo mňa.

"Som rád, že tu môžem debutovať v Amerike v čase SHOWTIME.". Som rád, že ma takto môžem predstaviť americkej verejnosti - urobiť vyhlásenie. “

V úvodnom záchvate Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader, neporazený hráč v ťažkej váhe Joe Joyce udržal svoj vyraďovací rekord nedotknutý so šiestym kolom TKO bývalého majstra sveta v ťažkej váhe Bermana Stiverna.

Po vzrušujúcom prvom kole, Joyce v druhom otvorila akciu obludnou pravou rukou a vyložená zo zvončeka na bezbranný Stiverne, ktorý pokračoval v úderoch napriek tomu, že jedol škodlivé výstrely. Po sérii komb v úvodnej minúte tretiny, Joyce chytila ​​Stiverna rovnou pravou rukou, aby ho po piatykrát v profesionálnej kariére poslal na plátno. Stiverne kolo prežil pri zahadzovaní opakovaných striel, ale nedokázal vrátiť zmysluplné údery.

Joyce, the 2016 Strieborný olympijský medailista, dôsledne nastavujte silný bojový zásah priamo za presným a efektívnym ľavým úderom počas celého boja. S Joyce (8-0, 8 KO) pokračovanie v odpaľovaní proti prevažne bezbrannému Stivernu, Rozhodca Howard Foster nastúpil, aby zastavil súťaž o 2:26 šiesteho. Stiverne (25-4-1, 21 KO) proti zastaveniu neprotestoval.

"Veľký rešpekt k Stivernovi - ako skutočný šampión.", je veľmi tvrdý a stále hádzal strely, ale myslím, že som bol len trochu príliš,“Povedala Joyce. "Išlo o trpezlivosť.". Je to taký tvrdý chlap, že tieto zábery neurobil bez problémov.

"Bil som ho so všetkým, čo som mal.", vrátane kuchynského drezu. Počúval som Ábela (Sanchez) v rohu, urobil všetko, čo povedal, a dopadlo to dobre. Môj úder bol skutočne efektívny. Som ostrieľaný veterinár. Vzal som svoj postoj a zostal som pri ceste pokojný.

"Veľké veci sa blížia.". Moja ďalšia bude pre WBA Regular (Názov) a čoskoro som späť v telocvični. Potrebujem ešte pár takýchto súbojov a potom budem pripravený na veľkých šampiónov. “

Najvýznamnejšie momenty debutu ľahkej váhy bývalého majstra sveta Lee Selbyho boli uvedené počas sobotňajšieho televízneho vysielania. Bývalý šampión v mušej váhe, Selby (27-2, 9 KO) prekonal náhodné zadok v druhom kole a získal jednomyseľné rozhodnutie v 12 kolách (116-112, 116-112, 115-114) nad Omarom Douglasom (19-3, 13 KO).

Doplnková prezentácia sobotňajšej hlavičky šampiónov v boxe SHOWTIME BOXING sa bude vysielať dnes večer / v sobotu o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA, Nedeľa o hod 9 a.m. ET / PT v SHOWTIME a pondelok o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.

Vysielateľ veterán Brian Custer hostil dvojhlavu z Londýna so všestranným bojovým športovcom Maurom Ranallom, ktorý zavolal do akcie po boku analytika Siene slávy Al Bernsteina. Dnešný tím televízneho vysielania zavŕšili dve Siene slávy - Emmy® ocenený reportér Jim Gray a svetovo uznávaný ringový hlásateľ Jimmy Lennon ml. Výkonným producentom bol David Dinkins ml. s réžiou Ricka Phillipsa. Sobotňajšie televízne vysielanie bolo koprodukciou s ITV.

Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,

prihlásiť sa na odber SHOWTIME Športový kanál YouTube, sledujte na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

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"Je čas odchodu do dôchodku.". Kto prehrá tento boj, je hotový. “ - DeGale

"V tom krúžku nemôže robiť nič, čo by som nezvládol.". Idem mu boxovať hlavu. “ - Eubank

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Začína naživo 3:45 p.m. A / 12:45 p.m. PT

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU Pre fotografie; Úver: Ian Walton / VÝSTAVA

LONDÝN - február 21, 2019 - Bývalý dvojnásobný šampión v superhmotnosti strednej váhy James DeGale a bývalý vyzývateľ svetového titulu Chris Eubank ml. sa vo štvrtok stretli na rozohranej záverečnej tlačovej konferencii za svoje dvanásťkolové zúčtovanie, ktoré túto sobotu vedie na titulnej stránke BOXINGU MAJSTROVSTIEV ZOBRAZENÍ, Február 23 žiť na SHOWTIME (3:45 p.m. A / 12:45 p.m. PT) od The O2 v Londýne.

DeGale (25-2-1, 15 KO) a Eubank (27-2, 21 KO) konečne vyrovnajú svoje dlhodobé skóre, keď sa obaja otvorení rivali stretnú v Londýne. V zápase o MAJSTROVSTVO SHOWTIME sa zúčastnite spoločného zápasu, Strieborný olympijský medailista a najlepší kandidát Joe Joyce (7-0, 7 KO) bude merať proti bývalému šampiónovi WBC Bermane Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 KO) v 12-kolnom súboji ťažkej váhy.

Bývalý dve divízie majster sveta, Chris Eubank st., zúčastnil sa a nehanbil sa vyhlásiť, že to pre jeho syna nebude ľahký boj. "Toto je 50/50 bojovať a prvýkrát som skamenený, aký môže byť výsledok. Som skamenený, že Junior nemusí tento boj vyhrať,"Povedal.

Podujatie propaguje spoločnosť Poxon Sports a uvádza ju Premier Boxing Champions. Joyce-Stiverne je propagovaná v spolupráci so spoločnosťami Ringstar Sports a Don King Productions. Dvojitá hlavička bude vysielaná naživo v USA. výhradne v SHOWTIME a v pokladni ITV vo Veľkej Británii.

Vysielateľ veterán Brian Custer bude hostiť dvojhlavu z Londýna s bojovým športovcom Maurom Ranallom, ktorý bude spolu s analytikom Siene slávy Alom Bernsteinom hovoriť o akcii. Televízny tím zavŕši Tri sieň slávy - Emmy® ocenený reportér Jim Gray, boxerský historik Steve Farhood ako neoficiálny strelec ringu, a svetovo uznávaný ringový hlásateľ Jimmy Lennon ml.

Tu bolo povedané, čo museli povedať bojovníci a ich príslušné tábory počas štvrtkovej tlačovej konferencie v Intercontinental v spoločnosti The O2:


"Uvoľnil som svoj titul pre takéto boje.". Chris Eubank už dlhšie volá moje meno a nakoniec mám šancu udrieť mu päsťou do tváre.

"Nemám pred ním rešpekt.". Žiadne. Tento chlap je zriedený idiot. A v sobotu večer sa už neviem dočkať, kedy to s ním budem riešiť. Prídem mu to poriadne dať. Nemôže škatuľkovať. Všetci sme to už počuli.

"Toto je najväčší boj v jeho kariére.". Je čas odchodu do dôchodku. Kto tento boj prehrá, je hotový. Urobte alebo zomrite v sobotu ... Jeho boj o dôchodok je tu. Je to jeho posledný boj, Sľubujem vám, že.

"Som dokázaný.". Bol som tam, urobil. Vyhral som všetko. Nerobil nič. A idem ho do dôchodku.

"Eubank je tvrdý bojovník.", on je silný. Má veľa dobrých atribútov, ale som na neho príliš dobrý. Aby ste to premiešali a vyšli na samý vrchol, potrebujete viac ako silu a húževnatosť. Zakaždým, keď vystúpil, je stratený.

"Strach zo straty je ten, že viem, čo je na rade.". Toto je urob alebo zomri. Ak ho nemôžem poraziť, ak nemôžem poraziť Chrisa Eubanka ml., Skončil som.

"Mnoho ľudí si myslí, že som videl lepšie dni.". Mnoho ľudí si myslí, že som na ústupe. V minulosti som mal problémy, ale môžem úprimne povedať, že som úplne fit. Som v najlepšej forme, v ktorej som už dlho bol, dlhá doba, fyzicky aj psychicky. Keď mám pocit, že mám pocit, nikto ma nemôže poraziť.

"Ak nemôžem poraziť Chrisa, znamená to, že som zastrelený.", to znamená, že som za kopcom. “


"Tento chlapík je zadok.". Hovorí dobrú hru. Bude to mať dobré, ale na konci dňa budem na neho príliš veľa.

"Obaja sme v štádiu, keď nemôžeme prehrať.". Obaja bojujeme za svoju kariéru. Vie, že ma nezvládne. Pýta sa sám seba, „Môžem prežiť?‘A odpoveď absolútne nie je.

"V tom krúžku nemôže robiť nič, čo by som nezvládol.". Idem mu boxovať hlavu.

"Teraz mám trénera na plný úväzok.". Prvýkrát v kariére, Denne mám trénera zameraného na stratégiu, ktorá ma pripraví na to, čo je James - uhladená južná labka. Preto som si taký istý. Ak chce kandidovať, máme gameplan. Ak chce stáť a hojdať sa, máme gameplan. Na všetko máme plán.

"Dôležité je, že Jamesova kariéra sa skončila za pár dní.". Poslal som mu správu potom, ako podľahol [George] Groves hovoril, že musí držať krok, pretože jedného dňa budeme bojovať. A teraz, keď sme konečne tu, sa mu pozriem do očí a nevidím sebavedomého chlapa.

"Je môj čas.". Očakávam to najlepšie, čo kedy bol, a to ešte nebude stačiť.

"Som bojovník na svetovej úrovni.". Každý v boxerskej hre to vie. Toto je moja príležitosť dokázať, že raz a navždy nastavím rekord a ukážem, že som skutočná dohoda. Viem, že ide o určujúci boj v mojej kariére. Urob to alebo zomri a ja som na to pripravený.

"James vie, čo príde.". Koniec koncov, jeho posledné vystúpenia neboli na úrovni, ale nemyslím si, že rešpektoval svoje [minulosť] oponenti. Rešpektuje ma, a rešpektujem ho, a preto je to skutočný boj.

"Som v hre už dlho, ale toto je pre mňa iba začiatok dlhej cesty.". Toto je môj najväčší boj. Musím vyhrať. Keby som vyhral, Som späť na svetovej scéne. Porážka Jamesa DeGaleho ma pripravuje o titul majstra sveta, čo je celý dôvod, prečo som v tejto hre začal. “


"Existujú rôzne úrovne boxu.". Chris mal dobrú perspektívu, ale nie je na takej úrovni ako James. Zistí, čo je potrebné na to, aby sa stal majstrom sveta. James DeGale je o úroveň vyššie ako Chris Jr..

"Chris môže mať všetku potrebnú energiu, ale nemá schopnosti poraziť Jamesa DeGaleho.".

"Viem, že James nestráca.". James DeGale je pravdepodobne najlepší britský bojovník, akého som vo svojej krajine videl. “


"Videl som vrchol Jamesa a je to opojné.". S Chrisom, nebolo použité všetko, čo som povedal. Možno to bolo počuť, ale neaplikované. To, čo som povedal, funguje. Ja by som nemal 19 šampionát vyhrá, ak nie.

"Nie som o tom presvedčený." [Chris vyhrá] pretože James DeGale má rodokmeň. Byť [Olympijské] Zlatý medailista a bývalý majster sveta je skutočný. Rešpektujem schopnosti človeka. Junior nie.

"Môj syn sa pozerá na fyzickú stránku boxu a.", z fyzického hľadiska, Myslím si, že nie je nikto, kto by s ním vydržal. Ale box nie je iba fyzický - je to aj duchovný, a tam Juniorovi chýba. Neviem, či to má.

"Toto je 50/50 bojovať a prvýkrát som skamenený, aký môže byť výsledok. Som skamenený, že Junior nemusí tento boj vyhrať.

"Toto je múdrosť niekoho, kto tu bol.". Na základe minulých výkonov svojho súpera nikdy nepodceňujete. Každý, kto si myslí, že tento človek je na snímke kvôli minulým vystúpeniam, robí chybu.

"Z fyzického hľadiska.", Junior má navrch. Z duchovného a rodokmeňového hľadiska, James má navrch, a preto je to 50/50 boj.

"Viem, že sa Chris naučil, a pozrime sa, čo sa vyrába.". Môže to byť skvelý zápas. “

Paulie Malignaggi:

"Páčia sa mi naše šance.". Poznám toho chlapa, s ktorým som bol v tábore. Veci, ktoré som videl, mám rád. Tentokrát sú oveľa pozitívnejší.

"Nemôžeš podceniť chlapa ako Eubank.". Vždy príde vyhrať. Ale, bez ohľadu na gameplan, existuje určitá mentalita a môj chlap ju má. Je zlatým medailistom a vie, čo si má v sobotu priniesť.

„James získal dva významné svetové tituly, zlatú olympijskú medailu. Chris má za sebou niekoľko dobrých výhier, ale keď šiel na túto elitnú úroveň, on stratil. Chris je dobrý bojovník, ale túto úroveň odporu neprekonal. “

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BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE VÝSTAVU V DVOJbojoch®Televízne vysielanie obsahuje prospektu veľkej váhy Joe Joyce vs.. Veterán Bermane Stiverne; Naživo NA PREDSTAVENIE A Sieťová streamovacia služba


NEW YORK - február 6, 2019 - SHOWTIME Sports predstaví veľmi očakávané stretnutie superhmotnosti medzi divokými britskými rivalmi Jamesom DeGale a Chrisom Eubankom ml. Sobota, Február 23 naživo v SHOWTIME z londýnskeho The O2. V spoločnom zápase, rýchlo rastúca vyhliadka Joe Joyce bojuje s 12-kolovým súbojom v ťažkej váhe s bývalým majstrom sveta Bermanom Stivernom. Udalosť sa bude vysielať naživo a prostredníctvom streamovacej služby sietí v čase začiatku, ktorý bude oznámený.

BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE ZOBRAZENIE VÝSTAVY® udalosť predstavuje Premier Boxing Champions na ITV vo Veľkej Británii. a propaguje ju spoločnosť Poxon Sports. Zápas o spoločný celok je propagovaný v spolupráci so spoločnosťami Ringstar Sports a Don King Productions.


DeGale (25-2-1, 15 KO) a Eubank (27-2, 21 KO) konečne vyrovnajú svoje dlhotrvajúce skóre, keď obaja otvorení rivali konečne prejdú prstami pred vzrušujúcim davom londýnskeho rodného mesta v britskej záležitosti.


Tridsaťtriročný DeGale bol prvým britským boxerom, ktorý získal zlatú medailu na olympiáde a svetový šampionát ako profesionál.. Svetový titul získal jednomyseľným rozhodnutím o Andreovi Dirrellovi v r 2015 a urobil dve úspešné obrany predtým, ako v zápase bojoval o remízu proti Badou Jackovi 2017. DeGale pomstil svoj december 2017 prehra s Calebom Truaxom, ktorý v apríli získal späť svoj pás IBF Super Middleweight 2018 na SHOWTIME. Po dobrovoľnom uvoľnení pásu, DeGale stopped veteran Fidel Munoz his last time out.


The 29-year-old Eubank Jr., the son of former two-division world champion Chris Eubank, is highly motivated to challenge for more world titles after he lost a unanimous decision to George Groves for the WBA Super Middleweight belt one year ago. The rivalry between DeGale and Eubank has been brewing for several years after a series of run-ins. The duo has sparred each other in the gym and have traded several verbal jabs on social media. Eubank, who has been training in Las Vegas at the Mayweather Boxing Club, has won nine out of his last ten fights and has registered knockouts in eight of those wins.


The 6-foot-6 Joyce, Londýn, Anglicko, has started his professional career with a 100 percent KO rate after turning professional in 2017 vo veku 32. Dokonalý amatérsky, Joyce claimed the super heavyweight silver medal for Great Britain at the 2016 Olympijské hry. Joyce, who trains in Big Bear, Kalif. under renowned trainer Abel Sanchez, knocked out Joe Hanks at 2:25 of round one in his last fight on the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury undercard.


Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 KO), who was the first ever Haiti-born boxer to own a piece of the heavyweight crown, won the WBC title with a convincing sixth-round TKO over Chris Arreola in 2014. Stiverne then lost the belt in his next fight against Deontay Wilder, despite becoming the first fighter to take the current American champion the distance. The 40-year-old has not fought since his loss in the 2017 rematch against Wilder but is anxious to bounce back with a statement win over the highly regarded Joyce.


Undefeated British sensation Joe Joyce faces Former World Champion Bermane Stiverne

Defends Commonwealth title alongside return of Former World Champion Lee Selby on massive DeGale v Eubank Jr. karta, LIVE on ITV Box Office

Fast rising star makes fearless move in just EIGHTH pro fight to fast track towards World Title

Stiverne says it will be Joyce’s nightmare when he gets knocked out

Legendary promoter Don King promises to ‘Re Joyce’ when Stiverne recreates McCall victory over Lewis in London

Londýn(23 Január 2019) Poxon Sports and PBC are delighted to announce that heavyweight sensation Joe Joyce will defend his Commonwealth title in the biggest test of his unbeaten career when he takes a gigantic leap up to confront the Former WBC World Champion Bermane Stiverne on Saturday 23rd February at The O2, exclusively live on ITV Box Office.

Joyce vs. Stiverne, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions, will feature alongside the return of Former IBF World Featherweight Champion Lee Selby as one of the chief-supporting contests on an action-packed show, headlined with the thrilling all-British clash between fierce rivals James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr.

The 6ft 6in ‘Juggernaut’ from Putney, South West London, has destroyed all seven of his opponents since turning professional in October 2017 after capturing the Silver medal at the Rio Olympics and has singled himself out as one of the most feared talents in the heavyweight division.

It’s a monumental test for Joyce to be facing a former World Champion in just his eighth fight, the rock-solid and sledge-hammer hitting Stiverne, born in Montreal, Kanada, of Haitian descent and based out of Las Vegas, has fought some of the biggest and best in the division, including Deontay Wilder and Chris Arreola.

The fight has added bad blood thrown in resulting from a sparring session between Joyce and Stiverne in which Joyce was angered by comments from Stiverne in an interview afterwards when he said he took Joyce to school.

Joyce said, “I had respect for Bermane Stiverne. We sparred in Las Vegas; he said he took me to school in an interview etc, it got ugly and it made this fight happen. I tried to be respectful of him, but he’s rude and was having none of it. He is a former World Champion that has gone 12 rounds with Deontay Wilder and will give me a real challenge; but my engine and my power will be too much for him, a fact he should be aware of!"

Joyce’s promoter Richard Schaefer, Chairman and CEO of Ringstar Sports, povedal, “After only seven fights Joe Joyce has become the number five ranked Heavyweight in the world. But the spectacular way in which he has won all of his seven fights by knockout have made him the number one fan favourite in the Heavyweight Division. Taking on the heavy-handed Former World Champion Stiverne shows that no challenge is too big for Joe as he continues to march towards the Heavyweight World Championship. Simply put: Joe Joyce has become must see TV, so make sure to tune in on February 23 or come and watch him live at the O2 in London!"

Stiverne Dirita, “I told my promoter Don King to get me any man on earth and I will fight for the right to prove myself to the world. Then the phone rings, it’s Don, he tells me Joe Joycea boxer with only seven boutsagrees to meet me! ‘Seven bouts?’. Seven fights and he has the audacity to box me? I have stopped Chris Arreola, Ray Austin, the then undefeated Kerston Manswelland a boxer with seven fights wants to box me?!.’ I said to Don ‘Sign it, take it, grab it,’ I’m ready. Seven fightsand he wants to box meFor me it is a dream come truebut for Joyce it will be a nightmare. I will knock out Joe Joyce and step over him to KO Anthony Joshua. I’m primed and ready. The real Bermane Stiverne will be there on February 23 and will knock out Joe Joyce en route to regaining my heavyweight crown.”

Stiverne’s legendary promoter Don King, pridaný, “It is with my greatest pleasure that Don King Productions can announce our return to Jolly Old Englandthe ‘Cradle of Boxingwhere my pugilistic giantthe Former Heavyweight Champion of the World Bermane Stiverne begins his comeback at the expense of the Giant Joe Joyce. Unfortunately, for the local fans of Joe there will no ‘re Joycing’ – as my onceand future champion Bermane Stiverne will slay Joyce just like St. George did the dragon of old. But no matter, we will pick up the pieces and bring back Joyce just as I have brought back and helped build many a future together. I recall when I came here with Oliver McCall and he was given no chance against Lennox Lewis. Then the underdog became the top dog when Oliver KO’d the previously unbeaten champ and we went home with the title. History will repeat itself of February 23 when Bermane sends another undefeated Englishman to defeat. Now retooledresuscitated, renewed, rejuvenated and recommitted Bermane Stiverne will resurrect his career on February 23 when the ‘Lord of Ringcrushes theLord of the World” – ‘JuggernautJoyce on his inexorable march to regain the heavyweight championship of the world. Bless all British fans, God Save the Queenbut heaven help Joe JoyceWe will see you on February 23rd.

WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder also put forward his thoughts on the intriguing match up, povedal, “Joe Joyce will be a good test for him (Stiverne). I’ve seen Joe Joyce before. Je to dobrý bojovník. Joe Joyce fought Joe Hanks on my undercard with Tyson Fury but I didn’t get a chance to see him fight that night. But I’m looking forward to seeing him against Stiverne.

Richard Poxon, UK Promoter for PBC, povedal, “I’ve known Joe from his amateur days up in Sheffield. His success at the Olympics didn’t surprise me at all. He’s transitioned well to the pros now and is clearly in a hurry. The heavyweight division is the one that everyone is looking at again and I fully expect Joe to be in the thick of the action in the coming year. Taking on a former WBC World Champion in only your eighth fight clearly shows what Joe’s ambitions are.”

Since embarking on his pro career in his quest to become World Heavyweight Champion, the quietly spoken Joyce has let his destructive fists do the talking in making bold statements to make the boxing world sit up and take notice of the fast-rising star.

V Októbri 2017 he astounded critics when he choose to fight the hardened Former British title challenger Ian Lewison, who had just extended big-punching Dillian Whyte to ten rounds, for his pro-debut and pounded him down in eight rounds.

Then in only his fourth fight with only 12 rounds under his belt and inside seven months of turning pro, Joyce demolished the Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Lenroy Thomas in just two roundssetting a new record by heavyweight boxer to win the Commonwealth belt.

Vo svojom poslednom zápase, American fights fans got a brief taster of what the British star is all about when he smashed through Joe Hanks in a round to win the WBA Continental title at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles in making his glittering U.S debut.


oyce, now ranked #5 in the world by the WBA and progressing quickly towards a World Title shot, faces unquestionably his sternest career test to date against the vastly experienced and equally big-hitting Las Vegas based Haitian who has knocked out 21 opponents of his 25 wins in his 29 bojovať kariéru.

Stiverne formerly held the WBC crown for two years after defeating Chris Arreola on points in April 2013 to win the title and then in the rematch destroying him inside six rounds in the first defence of the title in May 2014.

The rock solid Stiverne then pushed the dynamite-punching Deontay Wilder the full twelve round distance in the next defence of his WBC World Heavyweight title clash in January 2015. Stiverne became the first man to take Wilder beyond who at that point had obliterated all his opponents inside four rounds. In the rematch nearly three years later, Stiverne stepped in at the last minute when Wilder’s original opponent Luis Ortiz failed a drugs test and due to his inactivity was stopped in a round.

Stiverne is now looking to return to the elite heavyweight mix and a victory over Joyce would propel him back into the limelight and on course towards a potential world title opportunity.

Tickets available fromwww.AXS.com a vnútorné pohostenie / VIP pohostinstvo odwww.sportandmusic.co.uk.

This fight will be shown exclusively on ITV Box Office. For further information and updates, please go towww.itvboxoffice.com 

Late last year, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK.

The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK. The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivalled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, ktorá obsahuje viac ako 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US. PBC, the sports’ pre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States.

The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, vrátane hlavného kanála ITV a ITV4 a ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, Pokladňa ITV.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, the 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK dostihy, Tour de France a French Open. rell, ‘����Gb�


James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr will clash at London’s O2 on 23 February in the first major UK event of the new deal between ITV and Haymon Sports’ Champions Premier Boxerské, it has been announced.

The Super Middleweight match, to be screened exclusively live on ITV Box Office, will take place against a backdrop of hostility between two fighters who have long made no secret of their mutual dislike and are relishing the prospect of settling their differences in the ring.

James DeGale has already fired off an opening shot in the direction of his opponent.

He said: “Really excited and looking forward to being back home to a fight of this magnitude. “I believe Eubank doesn’t have the pedigree, the size and skill to beat me. “Eubank je slušný bojovník, ale zakaždým, keď vystúpil, zistilo sa to. Už dlho volá moje meno, takže teraz mám konečne šancu zipsovať mu pery.”

Eubank ml. Odpovedal vecne, porekadlá: “DeGale sa bude vzdelávať vo svojej kariére. Dobrý staromódny úkryt.”

Poxon Sport je propagátorom súťaže DeGale proti Eubank Jr., ako výhradný promotér všetkých podujatí UK PBC na ITV.

Bojovníci čelili v hoteli Café Royal, vo štvrtok vo Londýne, 3. januára. Priamy prenos tlačovej konferencie hostil Gabriel Clarke z ITV na facebookovej stránke ITV Box Office a kanáli Youtube.

Všetky podrobnosti o karte undercard a spôsobe prístupu k tejto udalosti ITV Box Office PPV na všetkých platformách budú oznámené a sprístupnené v pravý čas. Aktualizované a ďalšie informácie, prosím choď na www.itvboxoffice.com Vstupenky na boj sa začnú predávať v piatok 4 Januára napoludnie členom O2 a širšej verejnosti v pondelok napoludnie 7 Január. Vstupenky k dispozícii od www.AXS.com a vnútorné pohostenie / VIP pohostinstvo od www.sportandmusic.co.uk.

Novinky zúčtovania DeGale v. Eubank Jr nasledujú po oznámení z konca decembra o dvoch hlavných bojoch o svetový titul, ktoré sa budú naživo vysielať na serveri ITV4 ako súčasť širokého rozsahu dohody ITV a PBC..

V nedeľu, Január 13, Jose Uzcategui obhajuje svoje majstrovstvá sveta IBF v Super Middleweight proti neporazenému špičkovému vyzývateľovi Caleb Plantovi. Koncepcia bude vysielaná naživo z Microsoft Theater v Los Angeles.

Nasledujúci víkend, na 19 Január, ITV4’s coverage will come live from Las Vegas where Manny Pacquiao will defend his WBA world welterweight title against Adrien Broner. The exclusive ITV4 coverage will also include the much-anticipated showdown between Badou Jack and Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight title.

Late last year, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK. The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK.

The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivaled group of over 160 najlepších boxerov na svete, ktorá obsahuje viac ako 60 súčasní a bývalí majstri sveta v zápasoch, ktoré sa uskutočnili vo Veľkej Británii aj v USA.

PBC, športy’ popredná značka boxu, sa v USA vysiela cez káblovú a sieťovú televíziu. Súčasťou akcie na svetovej úrovni z udalostí nasledujúcich troch rokov bude bezplatné vysielanie na kanáloch ITV, vrátane hlavného kanála ITV a ITV4 a ITV Hub, a bude tiež zahŕňať platbu za zhliadnutie na kanáli PPV spoločnosti ITV, Pokladňa ITV.

Táto nová dohoda o boxe sa pridáva do portfólia prvotriednych udalostí spoločnosti ITV Sport, ktorá zahŕňa exkluzívne bezplatné letecké pokrytie kvalifikácie anglického futbalového tímu na európsky šampionát aj svetový pohár, the 6 Národy a exkluzívne spravodajstvo o majstrovstvách sveta v ragby, UK dostihy, Tour de France a French Open.


James DeGale Earns Back IBF Super Middleweight World Championship With Unanimous Decision In Rematch With Caleb Truax



Julian Williams Wins IBF 154-Pound Eliminator with Decision Over Nathaniel Gallimore In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Otvárač




Kliknite na tlačidlo TU Pre fotografie; Úver: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME





LAS VEGAS (Apríl 7, 2018) – Jarrett Hurd unified the 154-pound division with a 12-round split-decision victory over Erislandy Lara in an all-action fight Saturday on SHOWTIME before a sold-out crowd of 2,579 at The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.





Hurd (22-0, 15 KO), who entered as IBF Champion, dethroned WBA Champion in just the seventh unification in division history. The difference in the Fight of the Year candidate was a short left hook that floored Lara in the final minute of the fight. Had the 27-year-old Hurd not scored the knockdown, the fight would have been ruled a majority draw.





“It was a tough one, but I went out there and did exactly what I said I was going to do – fight all 12 rounds and get the victory,” Hurd said. “I didn’t feel like that (I needed the knockdown). I feel like I was in control the whole fight, applying the pressure.





“I don’t think it had anything to do with age. I think it was me and the game plan we had to apply the pressure.”





Following the thrilling bout, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray asked Hurd if he’d like to face WBC 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo, who was ringside, to further unify the division.





“’Swift’ isn’t ducking anyone,” Hurd responded. “I’m No. 1 teraz. We’re calling the shots.”





Hurd applied relentless pressure from the opening round, pressing forward against the crafty southpaw. He pounded the body, yet often neglected defense and ate punishing counter shots for 11 kolesá. But the difference for Lara (25-3-2, 14 KO), who was making the seventh defense of his title, was the brutal 12th kolo. With blood seeping from a swollen right eye, Hurd connected on a short left hook that floored Lara for the first time in nearly five years.





“Besides the last round, I thought I was winning this fight easily,” Lara said. “That’s not to decide the fight. Som bol víťazný boj. One punch in a fight doesn’t determine the fight.





“Bol to veľký boj pre fanúšikov. I stood there, fought and it was fun. I thought I clearly won the fight. Once again a decision goes against me, but h​ey we just have to do the rematch.





Entering the fight, Charlo was the consensus No. 1 fighter at 154-pounds. He stated his case for a chance to unify against Hurd.





“I’m down. Let’s go. We want that work,” Charlo told SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host Brian Custer. “I feel Hurd only took the fight with Lara because he realized the harder fight is with Jermell Charlo.





“We’ve been there before with Lara. I know what he possesses. Hurd has to get his defense together because he cannot get hit like that by me. Lara doesn’t move like he used to. If he moves like he used to he wins that fight.”


James DeGale earned back the IBF Super Middleweight World Championship with a unanimous decision in a rematch with Caleb Truax, taking back the title he lost last December in the near-universal upset of the year.





The 12-round championship affair was scored 117-110 a 114-113 dvakrát. DeGale, who was deducted a point in the 10th for pushing, won the championship rounds – 11 a 12 – on all three judges’ scorecards to win the decision.





“Two-time world champion. Je to skvelý pocit,”Povedal DeGale. “But full credit to Caleb – he shows he can mix it with the top fighters.





“I’m just happy that I’m a two time world champion and I got my IBF world title back. Som späť, Team Chunky, we’re back. Two-and-a-half years I had it and I lost it to Caleb. He embarrassed me, but we’re back.”





DeGale (24-2-1, 14 KO) overcame a massive cut from an accidental head butt in the third, which was mistakenly ruled as the result of a punch from referee Robert Byrd.





“I couldn’t see from my right eye, DeGale said. “I like Robert Byrd (referee), but today he was a bit wrong. I couldn’t see. But I’m just glad I got through it. I showed some heart. V mojom poslednom zápase, I was like a weak little kid.”





DeGale connected on 37 percent of his power shots compared to 28 percent for Truax. He now returns to London a world champion with some massive potential fights in the future.





“I want to be busy,”Povedal DeGale. “I have a couple years left in this sport.”





Truax (29-4-2, 18 KO), who fought for the first time as a world champion, was disappointed and advocated for a rematch after the scores were announced.





“I thought I did enough to win the fight, but I also thought I was pretty flat and didn’t get my shots off like I wanted,” Truax said. “I was just a little bit flat. I felt really good coming in but I just couldn’t get my shots off like the last fight. On mi nikdy neublížil, ale je to, čo je.





“I gave him a rematch straight away so why not do it again.”





In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader, Julian Williams scored a career-best win, defeating Nathaniel Gallimore via majority decision in an IBF Junior Middleweight World Title eliminator. Williams, who edge Gallimore 116-112, 117-110, 114-114, is now in position to challenge Jarrett Hurd.





Williams (25-1-1, 15 KO) set the pace with a strong left jab in the opening rounds of the fight, keeping Gallimore at bay and the action on the outside. That changed around the fifth round as Williams abandoned the jab and the fight moved to the inside. Williams had his best round in the 11th, connecting on a massive left hand that set up a barrage of combos that nearly had Gallimore out on his feet. Gallimore (20-2-1, 17 KO) survived the round, and Williams wasn’t able the finish him in the 12th, but it was clear Williams deserved the decision.





“I wasn’t surprised a judge had a draw,”Povedal Williams. “Sometimes when you’re fighting real close like that, it is hard for judges to score. I knew I won. Once I heard 116-112 a 117-111, I knew I won because I knew he didn’t win eight rounds.





He is a strong fighter, but I knew he was going to do what he did. Start strong early, but I knew he wasn’t strong after six rounds.





The hits to the body was all in the game plan. You have to go to the body in a 12 round fight.”





Williams connected on 50 percent of his power shots and landed 37 percent of his total shots.






“I didn’t really think I won the fight,” Gallimore admitted. “I just let too many early rounds go. I just gave him too many rounds. I had him hurt a couple of times, but he was tough. I should have done more combinations. I will look at the fight and review it, and will make adjustments.”





Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.


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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, alebo sa stať fanúšikom na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxinga www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos for 154-Pound World Title Unification This Saturday, Apríl 7 Live On SHOWTIME® from Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas

You’ve never been in a big fight. We’ll find out what you have Saturday night. Práve teraz, you’re all talk.” – Erislandy Lara

I’m going to show you why nobody can survive 12 rounds with Jarrett Hurd. There’s a storm coming.” – Jarrett Hurd

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU na obrazoch od Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

LAS VEGAS (Apríl 5, 2018) – World champions Erislandy Lara a Jarrett Hurd went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference for their 154-pound world title unification this Saturday, Apríl 7 žiť na SHOWTIME® from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




WBA Champion Lara and IBF Champion Hurd will meet for just the sixth unification bout in division history in a fight that will help define the future of the 154-pound class. The winner of Lara-Hurd will join Hall of Famers Terry Norris, Felix Trinidad, Oscar De La Hoya and Winky Wright, as well as Canelo Alvarez, as the only fighters to unify 154-pound titles.




Thursday’s press conference also featured IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb Truax a bývalý majster James DeGale, who meet in an immediate rematch of what was the near-universal upset of the year in 2017. In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televízne vysielanie na 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT, super welterweight contenders Julian Williams a Nathaniel Gallimore will face off in an IBF 154-pound world title eliminator.




Tickets for the show, ktorú propagujú spoločnosti TGB Promotions a Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas Box Office.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Vanity Nightclub at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas:






Everyone knows I love to fight his style. I’ve fought better and taller fighters than him and you’ve seen me dominate them. It’s going to be nothing different on Saturday night.




I want him to come forward. That’s what I’m prepared for. I’m going to give him a lessonon Saturday night.




I have to give Hurd credit for taking the fight. It’s been hard to get fighters in the ring with me. There’s no need to talk because on Saturday we will find out everything we need to know.




Everyone here talking from Hurd’s team can’t get in the ring with him. It’s different once you’re in the ring with me. You’ve never been in a big fight. We’ll find out what you have Saturday night. Práve teraz, you’re all talk.




I’m absolutely ready for this fight. This is going to be a great battle for the fans on SHOWTIME. I’m excited to get in the ring and finally unify the decision. I’m preparing to make history.




I haven’t watched much video on Hurd, but as we saw from the Trout fight, he’s very hittable. Come Saturday night, he better have worked on some defense or it won’t last very long.




I don’t want to hear anything about Jermell Charlo, because Jarrett Hurd is the one who stepped up. V nedeľu, Charlo can sign the contract and we can get ready to rumble.






Lara has been the longest reigning champion and he was on top when I first turned pro. We’ve studied him a lot. I didn’t get into this sport to be anything but number one. Lara is the top guy, but after Saturday night, it’s going to be me.





It’s been a great training camp. We’re well prepared. This is the fight I’ve been asking for. After I beat Tony Harrison, Erislandy Lara had some words on Twitter for me. So I’ve wanted the fight since then. Somebody has to pay for that.




This fight is coming at the right time for me because my confidence is very high right now. He’s a little older so I’ll be the younger and fresher fighter. I just feel like it’s my time. I’m going to be relentless. I’m not stopping until I get what I want.




Lara is a veteran with a lot of experience. He knows how to win rounds and he can make you look bad no matter how good you are. I’m going to use my own awkward style and do what I do best.




With my power and skill set, I can stop any fighter in the division. That definitely includes Erislandy Lara.




Lara has great discipline in his game plan. No matter if he’s up on the cards or down or anything, he’s not going to switch it up. It’s hard to break a fighter when they’re disciplined like that. We have a plan for everything though and we’re confident that we’ll come up with something that will get us the victory.




Lara is a guy who can’t take pressure fighters well. I have some of the best pressure in the game. Som mladší, silnejší, taller and longer. He’s not going to be able to run for 12 kolesá.




Nobody wanted to fight this guy. I stepped up to the table because I know what I can do. He’s living the ‘American Dream’, but my dream has just begun. Saturday night I’m going to show you why nobody can survive 12 rounds with Jarrett Hurd. There’s a storm coming.






I’m honored to be here with these great fighters and back on SHOWTIME. Training camp was perfect for this fight. This is the longest camp I’ve had in my career and the most focused I’ve been.




I just want to go out there and silence people who said it was a fluke the first time I won. I want to prove that I belong at the top of the division. I’m going to put on a good show for the fans and retain my title.




We’ve had four months to prepare for James DeGale. Normally I have six to eight weeks, so it was nice to have a drawn out and specific training camp. We really focused on the conditioning and making sure I’m reaching my peak.




I’ve been through a lot in this sport. I’ve fought top guys in big fights but it finally came together last December. It meant a lot to me and now I’m prepared to put on an even better performance. I know DeGale is going to be hungry so I have to be ready for him.




I had a great camp this fight. I knew we were going to have a rematch so I was right back in the gym in a couple of weeks. My trainer put together a great plan to help me improve and prepare for what DeGale is going to improve on. I’ll be ready for him to be 100 percento.




I just want to get to Saturday night and put on another great performance to retain my belt. I’m going to give it my all to bring that belt back home to Minnesota.






My last performance was horrendous. It was shocking and embarrassing. I’m not going to make excuses about my shoulder and what went wrong. V sobotu v noci, I will be a two-time world champion. Sľubujem vám, že.




I’ve boxed at the top level my whole life and put on some good performances. I know what was wrong with me and why I performed how I did in the first fight. I’m going to put it to rest when I become a world champion again.




It’s been a long, difficult training camp. I had a gray cloud above my head the last couple of months, but I’m ready to go become a world champion again on Saturday.




This time has turned me into a beast. I’ve had to take everything even more seriously than before. I might have gotten a bit complacent being a champion those last few years. I’ve locked myself down and I’m ready to go.




I would say 90 percent of the loss was because of what I didn’t do. I looked past him. I came back too quick from the injury, but he still had to get in there and take my belt. There’s no disrespect to Caleb, but I’ve fought the very best of the division and come out on top. The real James DeGale will be back on Saturday.




It’s going to be a dominant performance on Saturday. If I don’t beat Truax and beat him easily I can’t get to the level that I want. I know that’s what is coming. No excuses.






We had a really good camp. I didn’t want to get into the trash talk this camp. He’s a solid fighter and I don’t underestimate anyone. But he seems like a bully. You can’t bully me. He’s obsessed with me on social media. I just have to focus on what he can do as a fighter.




He’s a nobody who wants some attention. I’m going to give him lots of attention on Saturday night. I’m going to shut this guy up.




He’s going to lose every single round and probably get stopped late. Every time he gets pushed he loses, gets a draw or gets knocked down. I’m drowning him in deep waters.




I’m calm right now but also anxious to show everyone what I have. I know I’m a world class fighter, I just have to go do it. I’m making sure I stay patient right now.




He lost to a journeyman, got a draw with a journeyman and got dropped by a journeyman. There’s nothing else to say. I’m taking him out on Saturday.






Saturday night is judgment day and it starts with ‘J-Pebbles’. It’s going to be a night to remember for me.




It’s going to be a spectacular fight. I’m going to demolish him in grand fashion. He’s never faced anyone like me before. When I touch him, it’s over.




You better worry about what’s going to happen to you on Saturday night. It’s going to be nasty. This fight is going to show everyone who I am in this division.




I had the best training camp of my entire career. We covered all the bases. Saturdaynight I’m going to wipe the smile off his face. You think Charlo hits hard? You’re going to see on Saturday night.




This opportunity is huge. The division is mine for the taking. I study my opponents and I stalk them in the ring. Everyone will see what’s going to happen on Saturday.


LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions




This is a great card from top to bottom. We have none other than the longest reigning 154-pound world champion, Erislandy Lara, taking on one of the toughest tests of his career in the very exciting, young and hungry world champion Jarrett Hurd.




The co-main event is another important fight with a rematch featuring Caleb Truax, who will be looking to hold on to the belt he took from James DeGale last year, while DeGale will look to get back to where he was before they met last December.




The show opens up with a high-octane 154-pound title eliminator with Julian Williams and Nathaniel Gallimore. This is the fight that could really steal the show. The winner of this fight will no doubt have their eye on the winner of Saturday’s main event.




These are some of the best fights that can be made in each weight class. We can’t wait for everyone to see these fighters put it all on the line on Saturday night.

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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, alebo sa stať fanúšikom na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd Fight Week Media Workout Quotes & Fotografie

World Champions Square-Off in 154-Pound Title Unification that Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING TripleheaderSaturday, Apríl 7 od Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU na obrazoch od Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

LAS VEGAS (Apríl 4, 2018) – World champions Erislandy Lara a Jarrett Hurd began fight week with a media workout in Las Vegas Wednesday before their 154-pound world title unification that headlines action this Saturday, Apríl 7 live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





Also in attendance Wednesday was super middleweight world champion Caleb Truax, who rematches former champion James DeGale in the co-featured attraction. Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING televízne vysielanie začína 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT with a 154-pound title eliminator between Julian Williams a Nathaniel Gallimore, who were also at the Mayweather Boxing Club Wednesday for the media workout.





Tickets for the show, ktorú propagujú spoločnosti TGB Promotions a Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas Box Office.





Tu je to, čo bojovníci museli povedať stredu:







Everything in training went how it was supposed to. We did our job and now it’s time to fight. I did everything in the gym that I needed to prepare for anything that Hurd can bring.





All of my opponents are taller than me. His size means nothing to me. I have the experience and I’m the best boxer in the division. He’s never seen anything like me.





He has to beat me to get the top spot in this division. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen.





I’ve earned everything in this sport the hard way. I’ve fought the tough fights for no money. I think everyone knows how talented I am and that I belong up there with the best in the sport.





I don’t watch film in training camp. A fighter can look one way on video, but totally different in the ring. He has to prepare for what I’m doing. I’m not worried about what he brings. I saw a little bit of his fight against Trout while I was warming up to fight Terrell Gausha, but that’s about it.







There was something in me that always wanted this fight. Once I defended my title against Austin Trout, I was quick to get on top of this opportunity.





“To bude ťažký boj. Lara is the type of fighter who has a lot of experience. It won’t be easy so I have to be well prepared and on top of my game come Saturday night.





We’ve been in the gym working a lot on our hand movement and footwork. I took too many punches against Trout and I knew what it was going to take to make those improvements.





Every fight is the most important fight of my career because I’m protecting this undefeated record. This is going to be a tough fight but I promise I’m going to give it my all and bring it to Lara all night long.





Being back in Vegas and back at Hard Rock where I beat Frank Galarza to really get this whole journey started means a lot to me. I’m planning to give everyone a great show just like I always do.





No matter what kind of fight he brings; I’m going to stick to my game plan. He has to fight at my pace. No matter what he comes with, I’m going to be in charge in the ring.





It’s always going to be fireworks when I’m in the ring. I have a fan-friendly style. Koniec koncov, you don’t have to worry about Lara running away, because I’m going to be in his face for 12 rounds.







I think DeGale has been making excuses. He couldn’t stop talking about how great his shoulder felt heading into our first fight. Then right after the fight he said he felt fine. Now I guess he came back too early. He was in a tough fight not too long ago, so we’ll see how he is on Saturday night.






I’m prepared for a better James DeGale. I took his belt and I know he’s going to come back hungry. I expect him to give it his all to get it back. He’ll be in top form.





As far as I know, I’m still an underdog for this fight. A lot of people think I was a fluke the first time around, so it’s up to me to prove them wrong. I’m ready to silence the critics and silence DeGale.





I felt like I was going to win the whole time, but a lot of people said it was one of the biggest upsets in British boxing history. It still hasn’t really sunk in. Nothing has really changed. I’m a busier man but I still keep it really low key.





Boxing isn’t a huge sport in Minneapolis because it’s such a great sports scene. Hopefully my win on Saturday and Jamal James on April 13 on PBC on FS1 will get some more kids into the gyms.





There were plenty of things that I had to improve on after the first fight. I’ve had four months to really dig down and prepare for this fight. I’ve known the rematch was coming and I’ve been able to get ready.







I had a really good camp. I really was just focused on getting better and moving forward in my career. I got a lot of great rounds in with some quality fighters and it was a really productive camp.





I love fighting in Las Vegas. The electricity is always there and the fans are always welcoming. I love putting on a show for these fans.





I think Gallimore has performed decently against the competition he’s had. He got beat by a journeyman and had a draw with another journeyman. He seems to have gotten hot at the right time, but we’ll see if he brings it on Saturday night.





He’s backing himself into a corner. He has to back up those words he’s saying. Overall I think he’s a solid fighter, a good test and it should be an entertaining fight.





He said he’s going to knock me out, but that’s really the only way he could possibly win. One lucky punch. That’s all he’s banking on. I’m going to out class him and out dog him.





I’ve always known I had guts, I’ve always known I’m a really good fighter with all the tools to become a world champion. I didn’t need to learn anything about myself after the loss, I just had to correct some things and move forward.







I feel great right now, I’m ready for the world to see the improved ‘Nate The Great’. I treat every fight like a world championship fight. Julian Williams has nothing for me. He has to worry about what I bring to the table. V sobotu v noci, it’s going to be judgement day. The truth will come out.





“Tento boj znamená pre mňa veľa. This is what I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little kid. This is my chance to become great. I’m going to show the world I’m a different beast in the 154-pound division.





I’m bringing total domination for this fight. I don’t care what he’s training for. He could be training on Mars. He has to get up to my level. I’m tearing him apart.





I’m taking this fight so seriously. Julian Williams is quiet now, but he was loud before he fought Jermall Charlo. He has to figure out who he is. I’m going to show the whole world.






The game plan is to show off my whole arsenal. We’ve covered everything in the gym. I’m a different animal. Everyone in this division better look out for me. They’re going to have to crown me real soon.




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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, alebo sa stať fanúšikom na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Julian Williams Training Camp Notes

Super Welterweight Contender Takes on Nathaniel Gallimore Saturday, Apríl 7 in 154-Pound Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas

SAN CARLOS, AKO (Marec 30, 2018) – Top super welterweight contender Julian “J-rock” Williams will look to put himself closer to another world title shot when he faces Nathaniel Gallimore in a 154-pound world title eliminator Saturday, Apríl 7 live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy Lara, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Jarrett Hurd in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING televízne vysielanie začína 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT and also features super middleweight world champion Caleb Truax in a rematch against former champion James DeGale.




The 12-round IBF title eliminator gives Williams a chance to earn a second world title fight, while it would be Gallimore’s first shot at the title. Gallimore has been outspoken in his belief that he will stop Williams, but Williams has chosen to not let the words affect him and focus on the task at hand.




I have no reaction to the talk coming from Gallimore,” povedal Williams. “He’s trying to draw attention to himself and doing it in a classless way. If he wants a back-and-forth, he’s going to be talking to himself.




He seems like he’s a strong fighter, but you never really know until you step in the ring with a guy. He’s on a hot streak, he’s a big puncher and obviously he has a lot of confidence. We thought this would be a good test and I think it’s going to be a great fight for the fans.




Williams is currently finishing up training camp at the SNAC gym in San Carlos, California with trainer Stephen Edwards. In addition to work in the first part of training in Philadelphia with DeCarlo Perez and Jaron Ennis, he has sparred with the likes of Peter Quillin, Prenice Brewer and Joey Spencer in California.




I’ve been coming out to California for parts of camp since 2014 and it’s really just something that gives me a bit of a spark heading into the fight,” povedal Williams. “There are some elevation and recovery aspects of training that we can do out here. It’s also a good way to get away from things and really dig to another level.




Williams has been on the road back to title contention after dropping his first title shot to Jermall Charlo in 2016. Williams knew that he did not need to revamp his entire game and has recovered with victories over former champion Ishe Smith and Joshua Conley leading into this fight.




I thought I was doing well in the Charlo fight so I never pushed the panic button after it didn’t go my way,” povedal Williams. “Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The plan was always to improve each fight and each day in camp, so that’s what we’re still doing. We’ll see on April 7 if it’s enough.




With an opponent who enters this fight on a seven-fight knockout streak, Williams knows he will have to use all of his physical and mental skills to pull out the victory.




It’s going to be up to me what this fight looks like,” povedal Williams. “In the ring you have to be mature. I can’t get drawn into the kind of fight that he wants. If I stay focused, I should dominate him.




I’m never going to look past anybody. I know that there’s nothing I can do in my future in this sport if I don’t beat Gallimore. I’m ready to go in there and look impressive on April 7.




Tickets for the show, ktorú propagujú spoločnosti TGB Promotions a Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas Box Office.


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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, alebo sa stať fanúšikom na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Hard-Hitting Alfredo Angulo Takes on Former Champion Sergio Mora in Super Middleweight Clash & Unbeaten Emanuel Medina Battles Saul Corral in Undercard Attractions on Saturday April 7 Od Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas


Premier Boxing Champions Event Headlined by Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd 154-Pound World Title Unification




LAS VEGAS – (Marec 30, 2018) – The always exciting Alfréd “Pes” Angulo squares off against former world champion Sergio “Latin Snake” Mora in an eight-round super middleweight battle while unbeaten Emanuel Medina (13-0, 9 KO) bitky Saul Corral (27-10, 18 KO) in an eight-round welterweight clash as part of undercard action Saturday, Apríl 7 at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy Lara, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Jarrett Hurd in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. bude obhajovať NEF Professional Featherweight titul proti výzve Caleb Truax will defend his 168-pound title against James DeGale v novom zápase. Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING televízne vysielanie začína 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT and features Julian Williams a Nathaniel Gallimore meeting in a 154-pound world title eliminator.




Tickets for the show, ktorú propagujú spoločnosti TGB Promotions a Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Kasíno, Las Vegas Box Office.




The action continues as Ava Knight (14-2-4, 5 KO) spĺňa Mayela Perez (19-21, 10 KO) in six-round flyweight bout and Ahmed Mahmood (7-0-1, 3 KO) berie na Sharone Carter (8-2, 2 KO) in an eight-round featherweight match.




Angulo (24-6, 20 KO), a rugged veteran with a resume that includes battles with world champions like Erislandy Lara and Saul “Canela” Alvarez, is looking to rebound from a knockout loss to Freddy Hernandez in his last fight. Angulo was born in Mexicali, Mexico but lives and trains in California.




Mora (28-5-2, 9 KO) is a former 154-pound champion who has clashed with some of the biggest names in boxing during his career, including Shane Mosley, Vernon Forrest and Daniel Jacobs. In his last fight the 37-year-old Mora of Los Angeles lost by TKO to Jacobs in a middleweight championship rematch.



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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, alebo sa stať fanúšikom na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.