Архіви: Джамал Джеймс


Уродженець Міннеаполіса Джамал Джеймс і претендент у суперлегкій вазі Елвіс Родрігес здобули перемоги в телевізійному андеркарті турніру Premier Boxing Champions

НатиснітьОСЬ для фото з Естер Lin / Showtime

МІНЕАПОЛІС – лютий 26, 2023 -Силовий ударSubriel Matiasпоказав, чому він став одним із найвідоміших нокаутерів боксу, коли він зупинив раніше непереможеногоДжереміас Понсепісля п’яти раундів, щоб виграти вакантний титул чемпіона світу за версією IBF у категорії 140 фунтів, суботній вечір у прямому ефірі на SHOWTIME від The ​​Armory у Міннеаполісі, виступаючи хедлайнерами події Premier Boxing Champions.

Матіас з Пуерто-Ріко (19-1, 19 КО) завоював титул у електричній перестрілці, під час якої двоє 140-фунтових спортсменів із найвищим рейтингом перекинулися 800 комбіновані удари в п'ять раундів за CompuBox. Для Матіаса, перемога стала кульмінацією довгої подорожі, під час якої він майже рік був далеко від родини, коли він тренувався в Мексиці, щоб отримати першу можливість отримати титул.

«Я зараз на хмарі дев’ять,– сказав Матіас. «Не думаю, що я прокинувся від цього сну. Можливо, я зможу розповісти тобі про свої відчуття завтра, але зараз, це здійснення мрії. Я хотів працювати з ним з першого раунду, тому що я знав, що він не матиме такої ж сили, як я, поки бій триватиме».

Ponce (30-1, 20 КО) вийшов надзвичайно агресивним і, кинувши, намагався накинутися на Матіаса 96 удари в першому раунді, з посадки Матіас 28 для 11. Матіас виправився у другому раунді, скорочуючи дистанцію та придушуючи Понсе, щоб притупити частину його атаки, водночас знаходячи місця для власних коротких силових ударів.

“Я думав, що бій буде рівним, але один удар може змінити все, і ось що сталося,– сказав Понсе. «Субріель — жорсткий, сильний боєць, і я знав, на що він здатний».

Після сильного удару лівою рукою, яка завдала шкоди Понсе наприкінці четвертого раунду, У п'ятому раунді Матіас повернувся рішуче та різко, посадка 47% його силових ударів протягом трьох хвилин. На заході раунду, Матіасзавдали вирішальних ударів, серія знімків голови та тіла що сильно поранив Матіаса і поставив його на мат.

Понсе зміг дістатися до свого стільця, але його кут бачив достатньо і запропонував припинити бійку, офіційний результат – технічний нокаут наприкінці п’ятого раунду.

«Зараз я в порядку,– сказав Понсе. «Моя команда знає мене, і вони прийняли рішення, яке мали прийняти. Боляче, але найголовніше, що я здоровий».

«Я не був дуже здивований,– сказав Матіас. «Одного разу я побачив, як відреагував його кут. я побачив, що [Ponce] був поранений. Я думав, що терпів у перших чотирьох раундах, тому я вийшов з іншим підходом і мисленням у п’ятому».

Після бою, з поясом IBF на буксирі, Матіас націлився на об’єднавчий поєдинок проти чемпіона світу за версією WBC у категорії до 140 фунтів Регіса Прогрейса.

«Регіс Програйс, Я йду за тобою,– сказав Матіас. «Зараз я чемпіон світу. Я обіцяю, що прийду зробити тобі боляче. Prograis любить говорити, але в мене такий самий менталітет. Подивимося, хто переважає. Я хочу, щоб він побачив, що в цьому виді спорту є люди, божевільніші за нього».

У со-головній події, Уродженець Міннеаполіса та претендент у напівсередній вазіДжамал «Шанго» Джеймс(28-2, 12 КО) повернувся після 16-місячної перерви, щоб схвилювати аншлаг у рідному місті та здобути перемогу одноголосним рішенням суддів після 10 раундів проти аргентинського олімпійцяАльберт Пальметта(18-2, 13 КО).

«Я майже впевнений, що всі бачать, що звільнення вплинуло на мене,– сказав Джеймс. «У мене було багато іржі. Мої ноги були не гострі, мої удари не були різкими, але я радий, що зміг туди потрапити. Мені це сподобалося, тому що це підштовхнуло мене психічно і змусило мене піти на висоту».

«Я думав, що бій був рівним,– сказала Пальметта. «Я був агресором проти колишнього чемпіона світу, вищий супротивник з більшою дальністю, ніж я».

У своїй першій дії після втрати титулу WBA в напівсередній вазі Раджабу Бутаєву в жовтні 2021, Джеймс здобув свою п'яту перемогу в кар'єрі в товариських матчах The Armory. Використовуючи значний зріст і перевагу в досягненні, Джеймс зміг контролювати більшу частину дій і вести бій на своїх умовах.

«Я намагався адаптуватися,– сказав Джеймс. «Я точно відчував, що виграв бій, але я вірю, що міг зробити набагато краще. Я знаю, що я набагато гостріший. Я знаю, що моя витривалість набагато сильніша. Я просто мав багато вільного часу, а моє тіло все ще повертається у форму. Я обов’язково повернуся».

«Я теж люблю контрувати, але я збільшив тиск у другій половині бою,– сказала Пальметта. «Можливо, здавалося, що Джамал Джеймс переважав у першому таймі, тому що він продовжував бути консервативним і протидіяти».

Пальметта успішно протистояв Джеймсу, але не зміг зібрати достатньо комбінацій або завдати шкоди Джеймсу під час дії. Перевага Джеймса відобразилася на картках результатів, коли він висадив Пальметту 193 для 111, у тому числі 153 для 102 перевага в силових ударах.

Джеймс також зміг застосувати різку атаку тіла, щоб утримати Пальметту, посадка 68 протягом усього бою, в порівнянні з тільки 20 від Пальметти. У дев'ятому турі, гострий правий аперкот змусив Пальметту спіткнутися та піддатися бурхливій перепалці, яка схвилювала вболівальників Джеймса в рідному місті.

Натовп знову піднявся на ноги, коли Джеймс і Пальметта завдавали потужних ударів протягом останніх моментів раунду 10. Джеймс зберіг свій досконалий рекорд в Збройовій палаті без змін 99-91 і 98-92 двічі.

«Я знаю, що можу знову стати чемпіоном, тому що я був чемпіоном раніше,– сказав Джеймс. «Я маю залишатися зосередженим. Залишайтеся в тренажерному залі та назад і вивчайте цей бій – насправді, мої останні два бої – і посилити це. Дякую всім у Міннеаполісі за те, що прийшли і показали мені любов».

У телеконвекторі, суперлегкий суперникЕлвіс Родрігес(14-1-1,12 КО) подолав повільний старт, щоб заробити рішення більшості в складній боротьбі над сильнимиДжозеф Адорно(17-2-2, 14 КО) після 10 раундів.

«Кільцева іржа, безумовно, була фактором,– сказав Родрігес. «Можливо, боротьба була більше психологічна, ніж фізична, але головне, що я це подолав».

Після пари раундів відчувають один одного, Першим досяг успіху Адорно, показ різноманітної атаки з хуками в корпус і голову. Він завершив сильний четвертий раунд кількома контрхуками прямо перед останнім дзвоном.

У п'ятому раунді дія почала розгортатися, і Родрігес також починає шукати місце для свого злочину, продовжуючи вести послідовний вогонь у відповідь з боку Адорно. У сьомому раунді Родрігес взяв контроль над поєдинком, ідеальний правий хук що сильно поранило Адорно. Родрігес швидко продовжив і змусив Адорно піднятися на канвас, щоб забити в нокдаун, хоча Адорно зміг залишитися в бою та пройти раунд.

«Я подумав, що він у мене, коли я завдав правий хук, але він встав,– сказав Родрігес. «Він воїн і хороший боєць... Сьомий раунд був величезним, тоді я справді почав вигравати цей бій. Я повинен віддати належне Адорно за те, що він був кмітливим і знав, як триматися на відстані до цього».

Родрігес дотримувався цього імпульсу до кінця бою, приземлення Адорно 52 для 33 через сьомий раунд 10. Претендент, якого тренував Фредді Роуч, зафіксував свою перемогу у фінальному фреймі, при приземленні ліворуч, рефері Йон Шорле постановив нокдаун, незважаючи на заперечення Адорно, який відчув, що під час обміну спіткнувся.

Після 10 раундів Родрігес вийшов переможцем на картах суддів, як один бал 94-94 було відхилено підрахунками 95-93 і 97-91. Післябою, Адорно висловив переконання, що його раннього успіху було достатньо, щоб отримати кращий результат, тоді як Родрігес націлився на нового чемпіона Матіаса у вазі 140 фунтів.

“Я думав, що судді сліпі,– сказав Адорно. «Я не можу виграти з цими суддями. Я не знаю, як ви бачите бій 97-91. Я думав, що виграв усі раунди, крім тих, які він мене випустив. Він ніколи мене не працював. Я вдарив його в обличчя і притиснув його до тіла. Він нічого не міг зробити. Ні в якому разі він не виграв сім раундів. я думав 94-94 було добре через два нокдауни.”

«Як я сказав учора на зважуванні, вивести переможця головної події,– сказав Родрігес. «І моєму народу в Домініканській Республіці, просто знайте, що наступного разу я повернуся ще сміливішим і ще кращим».

Перед телепередачею, шоу SHOWTIME BOXING COUNTDOWN транслювалося в прямому ефірі наYouTube-канал SHOWTIME SPORTS іShowtime Бокс Facebook сторінка і очолив поєдинок у напівсередній вазі, в якому відбувся уродженець МіннеаполісаВе’Шон Оуенс(14-3, 12 КО) забити одноголосним рішеннямКудратілло Абдукахоров(18-2, 10 КО) після 10 раундів. Оцінки суддів були 99-91, 98-92 і 97-93.

Потокове дійство також показало тренованого Ронні ШилдсаВіллі Джонс(9-2, 6 КО) доставка ажорстокий нокаут у першому раунді над раніше небитимДеррік Джексон(10-1, 5 КО) тільки 1:22 в їхній бій у напівсередній вазі, плюс сенсаційна надлегка перспективаМайкл Спенсер(3-0, 2 КО), зі своїм старшим братом і непереможним претендентом Джої Спенсером спостерігає біля рингу, демонтованоДейзі Ернандес(3-5-1) отримати технічний нокаут у першому раунді 2:18 в боротьбу.

Суботня телепередача SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING повториться в неділю, Лютого 26 на 9 a.m. ET/PT на SHOWTIME та в понеділок, Лютого 27 на 10 p.m. ET/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Ветеран спортивного коментуванняБрайан Кастер вів телевізійну трансляцію SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, одночасно озвучуючи різноманітні види єдиноборствМауро Ranalloразом із аналітиком Залу слави займався поетапною діяльністюАль Бернштейна і три-чемпіон світуАвнер Mares. Три члени Залу слави завершили команду телемовлення – Еммі® нагороджений репортерДжим Грей, всесвітньо відомий ринг-анонсерДжиммі Леннон, Молодший. та історик боксуСтів Farhood як неофіційний бомбардир. Виконавчий продюсер був чотириразовим лауреатом премії «Еммі».Девід Дінкінс, Молодший., зРей Смальц III виробництво таЧак МакКінкерівництво. Колишній чемпіон світу серед юніорів іShoBox: Нове покоління® коментаторРауль «Ель Діаманте» Маркес і спортивний коментаторАлехандро Місяць працював експертом-аналітиком з іспанської мови щодо програмування вторинного аудіо (SAP). 

Шоу SHOWTIME BOXING COUNTDOWN проводили лауреати нагородРАНКОВИЙ КОМБАТ ведучі цифрових ток-шоуЛюк Томас іБрайан Кемпбелл, який також є експертом-аналітиком у популярнихShoBox® серії.

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Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайтеwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідкуйте за #MatiasPonce слідкуйте за Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotionss або станьте шанувальником у Facebook за адресоюwww.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

WBA Welterweight Champion Jamal James Battles Undefeated Contender Radzhab Butaev on SHOWTIME® Saturday, Жовтень 30 in a Premier Boxing Champions Event from Michelob ULTRA Arena at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas – Квитки у вільному продажу!

Rising Welterweight Star Jaron Ennis Duels Veteran Contender Thomas Dulorme in Co-Main Event and Exciting Unbeaten Lightweight
Michel Rivera Kicks Off Telecast Facing Matías Romero

Квитки у вільному продажу!

Лас-Вегас (Жовтень 13, 2021) – WBA Welterweight Champion Джамал «Шанго» Джеймс will defend his title against unbeaten contender Раджаб Бутаєв in a 12-round duel that headlines a night of action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Жовтень 30 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Michelob ULTRA Arena at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКСУ® Телепередача починається в 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and features rising welterweight star Jaron “Boots” Ennis in a 10-round showdown against veteran contender Томас Дюлорме в со-головній події. Kicking off the telecast, exciting unbeaten lightweight contender Мішель Рівера faces Argentina’s Matías Romero in a 10-round attraction.

Квитки на турнірі, який сприяє TGB Акції, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com. Ennis vs. Dulorme is promoted in association with D&D боксу. Рівера проти. Romero is promoted in association with Sampson Boxing.

“A stacked lineup of top contenders and up-and-coming future champions will be on full display October 30 on SHOWTIME in Las Vegas,»Сказав Том Браун, Президент TGB Акції. “Jamal James has battled his way to the highest levels of the welterweight division and will get one step closer to gathering elite status if he can overcome the unbeaten Radzhab Butaev. The undercard bouts will also feature two rising stars, as Jaron Ennis and Michel Rivera look to impress in tough matchups on a big stage.”

Minneapolis’ James (27-1, 12 КО) returns to action after his previous outing saw him earn an interim title by defeating Thomas Dulorme in August 2020, before later being upgraded to the “regular” championship. The 33-year-old is riding a seven-bout winning streak that includes triumphs over Abel Ramos, Diego Gabriel Chaves and Antonio DeMarco, with four of those matchups coming in his hometown, where he has grown a rabid fan base. With a win on October 30, James moves nearer to a potential rematch of his first and only defeat against WBA Welterweight World Champion Yordenis Ugas.

Training is and has been at 100%,said James. “I’m excited to finally get back in the ring and defend my title. This will be the fight where I show everyone why I’m elite in this profession and should be recognized as one of the best.

The 27-year-old Butaev (13-0, 10 КО) will finally square off against James in a long-awaited matchup ordered by the WBA. Butaev turned pro after approximately 400 amateur bouts in 2016 and reeled-off KOs in six of his first seven outings. Originally from Russia and now fighting out of Brooklyn, N.Y., Butaev returned to the ring in December 2020, stopping previously unbeaten Terry Chatwood in the third round.

“We’ve been working hard for a year leading up to this fight,” said Butaev. “Everything is going really well in camp and we’re excited to finally get in the ring against James. I’ve seen how James fights and it’s definitely going to be a clash of styles. I can just promise that I’m going to bring the war and make this an exciting fight. I’m going to start writing my history on October 30.”

Ennis (27-0, 25 КО) is the latest in the pantheon of outstanding Philadelphia fighters, combining sublime boxing skills with natural power in both hands. After numerous appearances on ShoBox: Нове покоління, the 24-year-old Ennis graduated to headlining his first SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast in his last outing in April, as he became the first fighter to stop former world champion Sergey Lipinets. The knockout victory gave Ennis 17 KOs in his last 18 бої, with the only blemish being a no-decision in the first round against Chris van Heerden in December 2020.

“I’m glad to be back in the ring October 30 on SHOWTIME in Las Vegas,»Сказав Енніс. “This is another step towards becoming world champion! They haven’t seen nothing yet. It’s time for me to continue to shine and be great. I can’t wait to show out and have some fun.”

The 31-year-old Dulorme (25-5-1, 16 КО) has amassed a solid resume at 140 і 147 pounds during his career, climbing into the ring with world champions Yordenis Ugas, Jessie Vargas and Terence Crawford. Born in Marigot, Guadeloupe but representing Carolina, Пуерто-Ріко, Dulorme rebounded from a loss to Crawford for a 140-pound title by scoring back-to-back knockouts, followed by a narrow decision loss to Ugas. The world title challenger is coming off solid efforts in back-to-back decision losses against Jamal James and Eimantas Stanionis.

“I think in the Stanionis fight I demonstrated that I am still at the top level,” said Dulorme. “A lot of people told me I won that fight and I thought I did too. I’m excited to face Ennis because he’s a good fighter, but he hasn’t fought anyone like me. The fans can expect another great performance from me on SHOWTIME.”

Народився в Санто-Домінго, Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Флорида. Рівера (21-0, 14 КО) burst onto the scene in 2019, making his U.S. debut with a victory over Juan Rene Tellez. The 23-year-old continued his ascent in 2020, adding a stoppage win against Fidel Maldonado Jr. and a unanimous decision triumph against lightweight contender LaDarius Miller. Rivera has continued his dominance with a pair of knockout victories in 2021, stopping Anthony Mercado in February before most recently delivering a highlight-reel knockout of Jon Fernandez in July on SHOWTIME.

“Romero made a big mistake taking this fight,"Сказав Рівера. “What he’s seen from me in the gym, is not the same thing that he’s going to see on fight night. He is far from a fight night fighter. He folds under pressure or runs. He is a good fighter, but he’s not at my level. I won’t let him go the distance like Isaac Cruz did. Жовтень 30, I’m going to give him the beating of his lifetime.”

Ромеро (24-1, 8 КО) made his stateside debut in March, dropping a competitive decision to top lightweight contender Isaac Cruz on SHOWTIME. Попередньо, the Cordoba, Argentina native picked up a pair of victories in 2020, winning a 12-round decision over Javier Jose Clavero in November, while stopping Gabriel Gustavo Ovejero in March. Про з 2015, the 25-year-old will look to bounce back from his first defeat and move into title contention against another elite 135-pound opponent.

“Rivera and I have the same promoter and I personally requested for Sampson Lewkowicz to let me fight him when I saw he had no opponent,” said Romero. “I am willing to step in because I know I can beat him. We have trained at the same gym, but never sparred. His style is perfect for my style. This is going to be another victory for me to add to my collection.”

# # #

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing та @TGBPromotions в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Напівсередній вазі & Minneapolis-Native Jamal James Takes on Former World Champion Antonio DeMarco in Front of Hometown Crowd Saturday, Липня 13 in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Main Event Live from The Armory in Minneapolis

Більше! Heavyweight Clash Features Robert Helenius Taking On Gerald Washington While Top Prospect Karlos Balderas Faces Joshuah Hernández in Action Beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Квитки у вільному продажу!

MINNEAPOLIS(Червень 12, 2019) – Unbeaten welterweight contender and Minneapolis-nativeJamalShango” Джеймсwill battle former world champion Антоніо ДеМаркоin a 10-round welterweight attraction that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, Липня 13 зі Збройової палати в Міннеаполісі.

Телевізійний охоплення починається 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will also feature a 10-round heavyweight clash betweenРоберт “The Nordic NightmareHeleniusі Джеральд “Чорний півень” Вашингтон, plus unbeaten prospect and 2016 U.S. ОлімпієцьKarlos Balderaswill square-off againstJoshuah Hernándezу вісім круглих легкий бій.

James takes on the experienced and durable former champion DeMarco in his fourth-straight appearance at The Armory in his hometown. He will look to cement his status in the PBC within the most talent-rich division in boxing.

Квитки на заходи, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Armory atHTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ і через Ticketmaster.

One of the staples of boxing at The Armory, Jamal James is ready to make another statement in the welterweight division against the very tough former champion Antonio DeMarco,” said Tom Brown, Президент TGB Акції. “His fourth straight fight at The Armory will give James a chance to thrill his hometown fans once again, as PBC presents another night of action for the fans in Minnesota. With these two fightersstyles, plus a loaded undercard of exciting fights, this should make for a great night at the venue and live on FS1.

Джеймс (25-1, 12 КО) has become a local favorite and most recently thrilled the Armory crowd in February with a stoppage victory over Janer Gonzalez on FS1. The 30-year-old has rolled off five consecutive victories since suffering the first loss of his careera unanimous decision loss to Yordenis Ugás in 2016. James has compiled three knockouts in his current win streak while defeating the likes of Diego Chaves, Abel Ramos and Jo Jo Dan.

I love being able to fight at home at The Armory, especially against a fighter like Antonio DeMarco,” said James. “DeMarco has the skills and it is going to be a good step up and test for me. We have been chasing this title for the past year. Getting past DeMarco is the way to get there and that’s what I am going to do.

Minnesota fans are a different type of fans. They come out and show support. Having a place like the Armory to fight is a dream come true. There isn’t a bad seat when it comes to fights. We sell the place out in the winter, and now getting to fight in July, I know it is definitely going to be jam-packed.

A former lightweight world champion, Марко (33-7-1, 24 КО) owns victories over Jorge Linares and John Molina Jr. in a career that has seen him face a cavalcade of champions and top contenders. Representing Los Mochis, Сіналоа, Мексика, DeMarco has gone the distance in every fight except against multiple-division champions Adrien Broner and Edwin Valero, і в 2017 he knocked out then-unbeaten Eddie Ramirez on FOX in the first round. Last October he went the distance and lost a close decision to unbeaten Maxim Dadashev.

Here I come again!” сказав Марко. “I am going to win this fight and upset Jamal James in his hometown. I have the experience to get the victory and I’m going to use it to make this a great fight on July 13.

Currently riding a three-fight winning streak, Helenius (28-2, 17 КО) зробить його U.S. Дебют липня 13 after establishing himself as one of Europe’s top heavyweights for several years. Born in Sweden and fighting out of Mariehamn, Finland, Helenius knocked out Erkan Teper in September to earn his place in the IBF rankings. The 35-year-old has won six of his last seven fights.

Вашингтон (19-3-1, 12 КО) is a 6-foot-6 heavyweight who was a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran. Fighting out of Vallejo, Каліфорнія, Washington challenged heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder in 2017 на FOX. He scored a unanimous decision victory over John Wesley Nofire in 2018 on FS1 before losing to Adam Kownacki on FOX in January.

Balderas (8-0, 7 КО) knocked out Luis May in April on FS1 as he continues to progress up the lightweight ladder. The 23-year-old from Santa Maria, Каліфорнія, був членом 2016 U.S. Olympic boxing team and scored three stoppage victories in 2018. He will be opposed by the 23-year-old Hernandez (9-2, 7 КО), who most recently defeated previously unbeaten Desmond Lyons in May. The Chicago-native bounced back from a loss to unbeaten Chris Colbert in January on FS1.

#          #          #

Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. На додаток, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.

Для отримання більш детальної інформації: візитwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage іwww.foxdeportes.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.



Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Andrew Dobin/Minneapolis Armory
(Photos to be Uploaded Shortly)

MINNEAPOLIS (Лютого 24, 2019) – Ентоні Діррелл (33-1-1, 24 КО) переможенийAvni Yildirim (21-2, 12 КО)by technical split decision (96-94 X 2 for Dirrell, 98-92 for Yildirim) for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis. Referee Mark Nelson stopped the contest in the tenth round due to an accidental clash of heads and a cut over Dirrell’s left eye with the decision going to the scorecards.

I was upset with the stoppage because I wanted finish the fight like a champion,” Саїд Діррелл. “It feels great getting my WBC belt back. We want to unify against Caleb Plant or any of the champions. I’m just going to go home, take some time, talk to my camp and then we’ll go from there. If the Benavidez fight comes calling then I’ll fight him.

I thought I was winning this fight by more than what the judges had,” added Dirrell. “I was jabbing him and he was applying some pressure, but that’s just what he does. I won the fight though and that’s all that matters.

Minneapolis-native Джамал Джеймс (25-1, 12 КО) scored a crowd-pleasing technical knockout win over Janer Gonzalez (19-2-1, 15 КО). Midway through the sixth stanza, James appeared to drop Gonzalez with a straight overhand right, but referee Gary Miezwa declared it a slippage. Near the end of the sixth round, James landed another knockdown and this time it counted and hurt Gonzalez. At the close of round six, Gonzalez went to his corner and never came out with the fight being declared a sixth-round stoppage as Gonzalez was unable to answer the bell for the seventh round.

This is the best crowd I’ve ever fought in front of,” said James. “We packed this place out. Middle of winter, snow all around us and they still came out and showed a lot of support. I can’t even explain the feeling to come out here and stop (Гонсалес). The only question I have is where’s my belt? I’m ranked third in the WBA. Keith Thurman got the belt, Pacquiao got the belt. But in all honesty, whoever gives me that opportunity I’m stepping in there with them.

He gave me a great fight, but at the end of the day I had too much to offer and he couldn’t get back up,” continued James. “I just kept my range and was able to counter on him. And when he was coming in he was coming in real wild and opening himself up for some big shots that I was able to take advantage of. The first time he went down I thought it was a legitimate knockdown, but the ref was a good ref. I definitely caught him with a good combination and a nasty body shot for the second knockdown. Після того, I knew that took the rest of the fight out of him and all I had to do was finish the job.

I was thinking this was a very important fight for my career,” сказав Гонсалес. “I was so happy for this fight, it just didn’t go my way. I am going to fight again, хоча. Every fight is a learning experience for me.

The FS1 and FOX Deportes opening bout featured a hard-fought rematch betweenJeison Rosario (18-1-1, 13 КО) і Marcos Hernandez (13-2-1, 3 КО). У лютому 2018, the two fought to a draw. In the rematch, Rosario was able to secure a technical knockout with referee Celestino Ruiz halting the action 2:45 into the ninth frame. У момент зупинки, Hernandez was up on judge Kyle Shiely’s scorecard (77-75) with Rosario ahead on judges John Mariano’s and Tim Taggart’s scorecards (78-74, 77-75).

He let his guard down and he kept making the same mistakes,” said Rosario. “When I saw the opportunity, I dropped him.

The first time we fought I wasn’t ready,” added Rosario. “I was weak. But I learned from the first fight what to do in the second one. That’s how I took him out.

It was a close fight that could have went either way,” говорить Ернандес. “He hit me with a good shot. I got up and felt O.K. I was just trying to dodge some shots and he hit me with a left. He was firing and I just should have thrown back.

I think the ref stopped the fight early, but that’s not my job,” continued Hernandez. “I’d definitely welcome a third fight with Rosario, хоча. I’ve never been afraid to fight anyone, so fighting him a third time wouldn’t be a problem at all.

In the Premier Boxing Champions on FS2 prelims, Брайант Perrella (16-2, 13 КО) won a unanimous decision (78-74, 79-73 X 2) на Breidis Prescott (31-16, 22 КО).

I’m very happy with my performance tonight,” Саїд Perrella. “I felt great going the distance. My endurance was fantastic. I would have been much more aggressive and thrown harder shots, but I hurt my hand in the second round and it was hurting the rest of the fight. I just used my jab and ring generalship to control the fight and get the win.

The FS2 co-feature saw Money Powell IV (9-0, 5 КО) Стоп Javier Frazier (8-9-1, 4 КО) by third-round technical knockout (2:03). Powell landed 86 punches in the bout, 36 of which were to Frazier’s body.

This training camp we really worked on a lot of body shots,” said Powell. “I feel like body shots are neglected nowadays and body shots pay the bills, break you down real quick.

In the FS2 swing bout, Austin Dulay (13-1, 10 КО) scored a very quick first-round knockdown of Yardley Cruz (24-13, 14 КО) before cruising to a third-round stoppage (:27).

I just listened to my coaches and they told me to be a dog and come forward,” said Dulay. “I thought I had him stopped with that first knockdown after the opening bell, but I didn’t want to rush into anything because he has a ton of experience.

I want a rematch with Chris Colbert right away on the April 13 card here at the Armory,” added Dulay. “I got back in camp after that loss, figured out what was wrong, got a nutritionist and moved up to 135 фунти. I feel better than ever, so I’m definitely ready for that rematch.

In the opening televised bout on FS2, Justin Pauldo (12-1, 6 КО) scored a first-round knockdown and stoppage (1:17) проти Federico Malespina (16-11-2, 2 КО) who was unable to continue.

I landed a solid straight right hand,” said Pauldo. “I saw him fall back into the ropes and I knew I had him hurt. Так, I touched the body and got him out of there quickly.

# # #

Для отримання більш детальної інформації: візит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
і www.foxdeportes.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Former Super Middleweight Champion Anthony Dirrell Battles Top Contender Avni Yildirim for the Vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Sports

Субота, Лютого 23 From The Armory in Minneapolis, Міннесота

Більше! Minnesota-Native Undefeated Welterweight Jamal James Clashes with Janer Gonzalez in a Special Hometown Attraction

Квитки у вільному продажу!

MINNEAPOLIS (Січень 16, 2019) – Former super middleweight world champion Anthony Dirrellgets an opportunity to rejoin the championship ranks when he battles top contenderAvni Yildirim for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight Championship in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, Лютого 23 зі Збройової палати в Міннеаполісі, Міннесота.

Телевізійний охоплення починається 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT with welterweight championship contender Джамал Джеймс fighting in his hometown for a third straight time against Janer González in a special 10-round attraction in the co-feature.

Квитки для заходу, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, are on sale now, and can be purchased at the Armory atHTTP://ArmoryMN.com/і через Ticketmaster.

Fight fans in Minneapolis and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes are in for a treat with this high stakes world title showdown between Anthony Dirrell and Avni Yildirim,” сказав Леон Маргулес, Президент Warriors Boxing. “Dirrell has been a champion and amongst the division’s elite for years, while Yildirim always comes to fight and will be determined to make the most of this opportunity. With the addition of local fan-favorite Jamal James in welterweight action, this is shaping up to be a can’t miss night at The Armory.

Anthony Dirrell took a long, difficult road to get to the super middleweight championship and he has worked hard to get into position to reclaim the title,” said Tom Brown, Президент TGB Акції. “Avni Yildirim has been one of the most active contenders in the division and he has gained significant experience since his last opportunity to win a championship. He will need all that and more to get past Dirrell. And it’s going to be a special night watching Jamal James fighting for his hometown fans again.

Діррелл (32-1-1, 24 КО) won the WBC Super Middleweight Championship with a unanimous decision victory over Sakio Bika in 2014. It was the culmination of a long, hard road for Dirrell of Flint, Michigan after he successfully battled non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and was cleared to return to boxing after completing chemotherapy in 2008. His reign as world champion was cut short when the 34-year-old Dirrell lost the title by majority decision to Badou Jack in 2015. He has won five straight since that loss to climb back into contention for a chance to become a two-time world champion.

This is just like every other fight where we’re going to work on a game plan and execute that game plan in the ring,” Саїд Діррелл. “I saw him fight Chris Eubank and it showed me some things. He’s a come forward fighter. That’s the kind of guy I like to fight. He’s tailor-made for me. I’m going to do what I do best and that’s fight. I’ve been keeping my mind, body and soul together and staying focused to know what I have to do to become two-time WBC champion.

Yildirim (21-1, 12 КО) is one of the most active contenders in the super middleweight division. The 27-year-old from Istanbul, Turkey has fought at least four times a year since 2014. The fight against Dirrell will be only the second time that he has fought in the United States after defeating Glen Johnson in Miami in 2015. Yildirim suffered the only loss of his professional career by stoppage against Chris Eubank, Молодший. в 2017. In his last fight he won a majority decision against Lolenga Mock and he enters this fight on a five-fight winning streak.

I’m very thankful to everyone who helped me get this opportunity and I know that I have all the tools to beat Anthony Dirrell,” said Yildirim. “Dirrell is a good fighter, but I believe I bring more to the table than him. I’m coming to win and bring the belt home to Turkey. I waited all my boxing life for this stage and I am ready to give him a war.

Джеймс (24-1, 11 КО) has become a local favorite and will be fighting in front of his hometown crowd in Minneapolis for the third straight time. The 30-year-old James has rolled off four consecutive victories since suffering the first loss of his careera unanimous decision loss to Yordenis Ugás in 2016. In his last fight James stopped Mahonry Montes by knockout on August 24 on FS1. Гонсалес (19-1-1, 15 КО) is a power-puncher from Cartagena, Colombia and is coming off the first loss of his career via a unanimous decision to Radzhad Butaev in 2017.

I’m hungry to make 2019 the year that I get that world title,” said James. “I’m focused on my opponent, but in this fight I’m going to keep showing off the skills and speed that makes me the next champion. I’m extremely grateful to be fighting again at home and to keep bringing PBC to Minneapolis. I’m going to be the next champion from here and the journey starts fresh for 2019 when I step into that ring on February 23.

I’m excited for this opportunity to fight Jamal James in his backyard and leave all his hometown fans disappointed,” said Gonzalez. “I’m training harder than ever to bounce back from my loss and show everyone what I’ve learned. This victory is going to put me back on the path to becoming word champion.

#          #          #

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. CCCC��U��,

Three-Hour Premier Boxing Champions Show Features Jamal James Delivering Second Round Knockout of Mahonry Montes in Front of Hometown Crowd Friday Night on FS1 & FOX Deportes from The Armory in Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS (Серпня 24, 2018) – Welterweight contender Джамал Джеймс (24-1, 11 КО)gave his hometown crowd a treat as he sent Mahonry Montes (35-8-1, 24 КО)to the canvas for a second round knockout in the main event of a jam-packed three-hour night of Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів action Friday fromthe Armory in Minneapolis, Міннесота.




I came out here to make a statement and I’m even happier to be able to do it right here at home,” said James. “The support in Minnesota is amazing and it gave me the extra motivation to get the job done in spectacular fashion. Everyone knows I attack the body and tonight I was able to use it to get the finish




In his second straight fight at the Armory, James made a statement by quickly dispatching Mexico’s Montes with a punishing left hook to the body that left his opponent crumpled on the canvas.




James broke through in the last 30 seconds of the second round, landing numerous unanswered right hands that put Montes in immediate trouble. James finished the show with the devastating body shot that eventually forced referee Mark Nelson to halt the bout at 2:58 раунду.




I feel like I’m ready for the elite welterweights and tonight proved it again,” said James. “I’m going to keep working hard and taking down anyone they put in front of me. It’s time for me to make my mark in the division.




У со-головній події, середньому суперника Віллі Монро молодший. (23-3, 6 КО) showed off his boxing skill and picked apart Javier Francisco Maciel (33-7, 23 КО) to score a unanimous decision in their 10-round bout.




Monroe was dominant with his jab, movement and an array of offensive attacks. He was able to vary his punches enough to keep the aggressive Maciel from landing anything that caused damage.




Maciel looked to score with power punches and body shots, but the former title challenger Monroe was comfortable on the outside and mixing it up inside on his way to winning the fight by scores of 99-91 і 100-90 двічі.




The opening bout of the telecast featured fast-rising prospect and 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis (7-0, 5 КО) as he earned a unanimous decision over Леван Ghvamichava (18-4-1, 13 КО)in their eight-round welterweight matchup.




Stanionis rode a powerful jab and sharp combination punching to the dominant victory as he faced the toughest opposition of his pro career to date. Ghvamichava was game and tried to counter the hard-charging Stanionis but was too often taking the worst of exchanges on the inside. At the end of the action all three judges saw the bout in favor of Stanionis by scores of 80-72 і 79-73 двічі.




Additional action saw Jeison Rosario (16-1-1, 11 КО) забити одноголосним рішенням Jamontay Кларк (13-1, 7 КО) in their 10-round super welterweight bout.




Rosario scored a highlight reel knockdown with a counter right hand in the third round that saw Clark tumble out of the ring. Clark was able to return to the ring and beat the count, but he took more damage throughout the bout before losing the decision by scores of 99-90, 98-91 і 97-92, all in favor of Rosario.




A scheduled heavyweight bout ended in shocking fashion before it ever began, as heavyweight prospect Efe Ajagba (6-0, 5 КО) was awarded a victory by disqualification against Кертіс Харпер (13-6, 9 КО) when Harper exited the ring moments after the opening bell rang, opting not to face Ajagba.




Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes saw rising super welterweight prospect Sebastian Fundora (10-0, 6 КО) Стоп Antonio Urista (10-3, 2 КО)на 2:22 of the fourth round, непереможеним напівсередній супер Leon Lawson (8-0, 4 КО) виграти одноголосним рішенням суддів над Брендон Адамс (4-7-1, 2 КО) in their six-round fight and unbeaten prospect Гері Расселл-Антоніо (12-0,10 КО) score a first round knockout of Nick Otieno (31-15, 13 КО) тільки 1:18 в раунді.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. На додаток, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com.

Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ІSwanson_Comm і стати шанувальником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, і www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Основні наявні на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing.

A 90-minute Prelims Telecast Added to Blockbuster Three-Hour Premier Boxing Champions Show Live on FS1 & FOX Deportes Friday, Серпня 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis (6:30 p.m. І / 3:30 p.m. PT)

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Prospect Sebastian Fundora Takes on Antonio Urista in Main Event
Більше! Undefeated Prospect Antonio Russell in Bantamweight Action



MINNEAPOLIS (Серпня 20, 2018) – A 90-minute prelims telecast has been added to an already stacked three-hour Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) show live on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Friday, Серпня 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis.




Unbeaten rising super welterweight Sebastian Fundora will take on Michigan’s Antonio Urista in a 10-round showdown that headlines the live prelims telecast.




Coverage of prelims begins at 6:30 p.m. І / 3:30 p.m. PT and will also feature the pro debut of former amateur standout Omar Juarez, as he steps into the ring in a four-round lightweight bout and undefeated bantamweight prospect Антоніо Рассел бере на себе Nick Otieno of Kenya in an eight-round bout.




Prelims precede a three-hour telecast of PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes action beginning at 8:00 p.m. І / 5:00 p.m. PT and headlined by welterweight contender Джамал Джеймс returning to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s Mahonry Montes.




Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com абоTicketmaster.com.




Standing an astounding 6-foot-6, Fundora (9-0, 5 КО)continued his ascent with a fifth-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Veshawn Owens in April on FS1 at the Armory. Born in West Palm Beach but now fighting out of California, the 20-year-old has fought in Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay since turning pro in 2016 у віці 19. He will take on the 31-year-old Urista (10-2, 2 КО) of Lansing, Мічиган, who enters this matchup on a three-fight winning streak.




After a stellar amateur career, the 19-year-old Хуарес will step into the ring for the first time as a pro on August 24. He fights out of the Brownsville-area of Texas and is a motivational speaker for kids in the area while also attending the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley.




The 25-year-old Рассел (11-0, 9 КО), brother of featherweight champion Gary and unbeaten Gary Antuanne, has stayed unbeaten since turning pro in 2015, most recently knocking out Jonathan Ramos in May. Russell is trained alongside his brothers by their father, Гері Расселл-старший, and will look to continue his rise toward another world champion to the Russell lineage on August 24.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. На додаток, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com.

Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ІSwanson_Comm і стати шанувальником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, і www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Основні наявні на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Action-Packed Night of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes on Friday, Серпня 24 Expands to Three Hours with The Addition of Two Thrilling Matches to Already Stacked Card

Rising Unbeaten Prospect Eimantas Stanionis Takes on
Hard-Hitting Veteran Levan Ghvamichava from the
Armory in Minneapolis
Більше! Explosive Prospect Efe Ajagba Steps into the Ring for
Televised Heavyweight Matchup
Напівсередній вазі & Minneapolis Fan-Favorite Jamal James Battles Mexico’s Mahonry Montes in the Main Event

MINNEAPOLIS (Серпня 8, 2018) – An already stacked card is expanding to a three-hour telecast with exciting showdowns presented by Premier Boxing Champions as rising unbeaten 2016 Olympian Eimantas Stanionis faces the toughest test of his young career when he battles Levan Ghvamichava and explosive heavyweight prospect Efe Ajagba steps into the ring looking to deliver another knockout performance live on FS1 and FOX Deportes Friday, Серпня 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis, Міннесота.

The PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes telecast is headlined by welterweight contender Jamal James returning to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s Mahonry Montes. Middleweight contenders Willie Monroe Jr. and Immanuwel Aleem will square-off in the co-main event while rising prospect Jamontay Clark will take on once-beaten Jeison Rosario in a super welterweight showdown. Those five fights will play out over three hours of non-stop action, який починається в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Highlighting the non-televised undercard will be Minnesota-native and former super middleweight world champion Caleb “Золотий” Truax as he returns to the ring after two straight world title fights to face Brazil’s Fabiano Pena in a 10-round super middleweight fight.

Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com or Ticketmaster.com.

After representing his native Lithuania in the 2016 Олімпійські ігри, Stanionis (6-0, 5 КО) moved to California to train with legendary coach Freddie Roach and begin his pro career. The 23-year-old made his pro debut in April 2017 with a first-round knockout of Rasheed Lawal and followed it up with knockout wins in four of his next five bouts. Stanionis has scored stoppage victories over Hector Munoz and Erick Daniel Martinez so far in 2018 and will look to make it three-straight when he steps in for the eight-round welterweight affair.

Originally from the nation of Georgia but now fighting out of California, Ghvamichava (18-3-1, 13 КО) has had his last four fights appear on FS1 and FOX Deportes broadcasts as he’s challenged former champion Sergey Lipinets and top contender Yordenis Ugas, while picking up victories over Oscar Molina and Breidis Prescott. The 33-year-old was unbeaten in seven straight fights after his first defeat in 2013.

Coached by renowned trainer Ronnie Shields in Houston, Ajagba (5-0, 5 КО) has been impressive since turning pro after representing his native Nigeria in the 2016 Олімпійські ігри. The 24-year-old has five knockout victories in five pro fights so far, with only one opponent reaching the second round.

Truax (29-4-2, 18 КО) became just the third Minnesota-born fighter to win a world title when he went on the road to the UK last December and defeated James DeGale in one of the biggest upsets of 2017. The Osseo-product lost a close decision in the rematch to DeGale in April and will return to action to take on the 30-year-old Pena (15-10-1, 11 КО), who has faced numerous top contenders including Jose Uzcategui, Сміт-молодший Джо. and Tureano Johnson to name a few.

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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. На додаток, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.

For more information visit www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage and www.foxdeportes.com.
Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, and www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Highlights available at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Напівсередній вазі & Minneapolis Fan-Favorite Jamal James Takes On Mexico’s Mahonry Montes Friday, Серпня 24 in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis

Middleweight Contenders Willie Monroe Jr. & Іммануїл Алім
Square-Off in Co-Main Event
Unbeaten Rising Prospect Jamontay Clark Steps in Against Once-Beaten Jeison Rosario in Super Welterweight Action
Квитки у вільному продажу!

MINNEAPOLIS (Серпня 2, 2018) – Welterweight contender Джамал Джеймс will return to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s Mahonry Montes in the main event of an exciting night of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes action Friday, Серпня 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis, Міннесота.




Телепередача починається в 8:00 p.m. І / 5:00 p.m. PT and will feature middleweight contenders Віллі Монро молодший. і Іммануїл Алім going to battle in a 10-round attraction and unbeaten rising prospect Jamontay Кларк taking on once-beaten Jeison Rosario в 10-туру конкурсу напівсередній супер.




Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com абоTicketmaster.com.




Jamal James is building a following in his hometown of Minneapolis as he builds momentum in the welterweight division, and this fight against Mahonry Montes will help him accomplish both things,” said Tom Brown, Президент TGB Акції. “The undercard features some strong matches that include boxers who will figure prominently into the championship picture in the near future. It will be an entertaining show for the fans in Minneapolis and those tuning in on FS1 and FOX Deportes.




Warriors Boxing is very excited to return to the beautiful newly-renovated Armory in Minneapolis with another PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes show,” сказав Леон Маргулес, Президент Warriors Boxing. “In addition to the great lineup of televised fights, headlined by local star Jamal James, favorite son and former world champion Caleb Truax returns to the ring at home for the first time since back-to-back road performance in world title fights.


Джеймс (23-1, 10 КО) built on the biggest victory of his careera knockout over tough veteran Diego Chaves last Decemberwith a decision win against Abel Ramos in April at the Armory and on FS1. The 30-year-old James has picked up three-straight victories since suffering the only loss of his careera unanimous decision defeat to Yordenis Ugas in August 2016. He returns to downtown Minneapolis looking to keep his momentum going towards the top of the welterweight division.




I’m in camp training hard for another thriller at home against a pressure fighter in Mahonry Montes,” said James. “I’m going to use my height, range and skills to show that I’m hungry and keeping my eyes on the prize. Once I get past Montes, a big name is going to have to fight me. I’m right on the road to a world title challenge.




The 28-year-old Монтес (35-7-1, 24 КО) has challenged everyone from world champions to top rising prospects throughout his pro career and enters this bout having scored knockout victories in consecutive fights. Representing Sinaloa, Мексика, Montes owns a victory over welterweight contender Francisco Santana in a fight last year that saw Montes drop his opponent on the way to a decision victory.




I’m am so excited to have this opportunity against Jamal James,” said Montes. “My last loss was unfortunate because I thought I had my opponent hurt, but I’ve picked up a couple of wins since then and have been training very hard. I’m ready to show everyone that I belong with the best fighters in the world. I’m never in a bad fight and I’m going to show the fans in Minnesota how a real Mexican fights.




A two-time title challenger, Монро (22-3, 6 КО) has faced current titlists Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders in his forays into championship fights. The 31-year-old from Rochester, New York has defeated Gabriel Rosado, Brian Vera and John Thompson since 2015 to earn multiple opportunities at the middleweight title. Monroe most recently won a dominant decision over Carlos Galvan in March.




Fighting out of Virginia, Алім (18-1-1, 11 КО) stopped Juan De Angel in the sixth-round of their May fight to get back in the win column after his first defeat in a bout against Hugo Centeno Jr last August. The 24-year-old had stopped then unbeaten Ievgen Khytrov in the sixth round of a January 2017 fight that became a Fight of the Year nominee prior to the Centeno fight.




23-річний Кларк (13-0, 7 КО) has used his height and reach to establish himself as a fast-rising prospect on his way to contender status. The Cincinnati-native had two impressive victories in 2017, first defeating then unbeaten Ivan Golub and then a decision victory over Domonique Dolton last November as he came out victorious against his toughest pro opponent so far.


Чотки (15-1-1, 11 КО) fights out of Miami but is originally from the Dominican Republic. Rosario suffered his first defeat last year at the hands of Nathaniel Gallimore, but has rebounded to be undefeated in his last four fights. This run has seen the 23-year-old fight to a draw with Mark Anthony Hernandez in February before defeating Justin DeLoach and dropping him twice on his way to a decision victory in May.




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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. На додаток, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com.

Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ІSwanson_Comm і стати шанувальником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, і www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Основні наявні на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Welterweight Contender Jamal James Wins Majority Decision Over Abel Ramos in Front of Hometown Crowd Friday Night in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Main Event From the Armory in Minneapolis

Edner Cherry Defeats Dennis Galarza by Unanimous Decision in

Back and Forth Lightweight Showdown


Chris Colbert Wins Battle of Unbeaten Prospects by TKO Over

Austin Dulay After Seven Rounds

Unbeaten Prospect Sebastian Fondora Stops Veshawn Owens; Top Prospect Joey Spencer Earns Knockout Victory

Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Brian Schroeder/Premier Boxing Champions

(Photos to be added shortly)

MINNEAPOLIS (Квітня 14, 2018) – Welterweight contender Джамал Джеймс (23-1, 10 КО) earned a hard fought majority decision over Абель Рамос (18-3-2, 13 КО) in front of his hometown fans Friday night in the main event of Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів на FS1 і FOX Sports from the Armory in Minneapolis.




It feels so great to get this win in Minneapolis in front of all of my people here,” said James, “Ramos was a tough opponent who gave me a great challenge, but I was able to keep my composure and give the fans a win.




James used his 6-foot-2 frame and reach advantage to beat Ramos to the punch in round one, but was clipped in round two by a left hook from the game Ramos that had the local favorite in temporary trouble and on the defensive.




The Minneapolis-native was able to regain his composure and return to the offensive as he poured right hands behind a strong jab along with movement that made it difficult for Ramos to land cleanly. Ramos continued to charge forward however, emphasizing body shots that slowed James down and allowed him to win rounds.




I had to dig down tonight but I think it was a good fight for me to grind out,” said James. “I’m going to keep getting better and I hope to have a chance to display my talents at home again. I know if I keep working, I’m going to get a chance to prove myself against the best out there.




James was able to send the hometown fans happy after 10 раундів, with judges giving him the majority decision by scores of 95-95 і 96-94 двічі.




The telecast also featured a spirited 10-round lightweight clash that saw Еднер Вишневий (37-7-2, 19 КО)earn a close but unanimous decision over Денніс Galarza(16-3, 9 КО).




Galarza controlled the early action with his jab and a powerful right hand that appeared to have Cherry stunned in the first round. His length advantage was key until Cherry was able to establish position on the inside.




Cherry began to land several powerful shots on Galarza with both hands in the middle rounds, backing Galarza up and taking away much of power on his shots. Galarza tried to back off and box Cherry more down the stretch, but was unable to avoid the oncoming Cherry as often as he needed.




Після 10 rounds all three judges favored the work of Cherry by scores of 97-93 і 96-94 двічі.




In a battle of unbeaten prospects, Кріс Колберт (8-0, 2 КО) scored a TKO victory over Austin Dulay (11-1, 8 КО)after seven rounds of lightweight action.




Colbert was first to the punch from the outset, landing straight right hands cleanly before flummoxing Dulay by switching to the southpaw stance. Colbert scored a knockdown in round six with a combo punctuated by a powerful body shot. After a dominant seventh round, referee Mark Nelson stopped the fight after checking on Dulay in his corner.




Additional action saw 6-foot-6 unbeaten prospect SebastianThe Towering InfernoFondora (9-0, 5 КО) stop previously unbeaten Veshawn Owens (9-1, 9 КО)на 2:27 of the fifth round of their super welterweight fight and 17-year-old former amateur standout Joey Spencer (2-0, 2 КО)deliver a dominant TKO 51 seconds into the first round against Ousmane Sylla (1–3-1, 1 KO) in a super welterweight contest.


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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. На додаток, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com.

Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ІSwanson_Comm і стати шанувальником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, і www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Основні наявні на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted byWarriors Boxing and TGB Promotions.