Tag Archives: Jake Deppmeyer




ZA immediate release: Lewiston, Mejn (Jun 14, 2017) – Derek Daley vjeruje da mu trening mješovitih borilačkih vještina daje prednost u karijeri. Takođe prepoznaje da ga trening sa prvorazrednim MMA-om čini boljim mješovitim borilačkim vještinom.


To je užurban život za Daley, policajac i otac šestogodišnje kćerke, Ona. Noću će se otrgnuti na nekoliko pomahnitalih trenutakaSubota, Jun 17, kada se prvi put nakon godinu dana vraća u šesterokut New England Fights.


Daley, 27, je jedan od sedam boraca koji će predstavljati svoju teretanu u Brunswicku na “NEF-u 29: Zvijezde & Pruge. " Zvono za otvaranje je postavljeno za 7 poslije podne. u Androscoggin Bank Colisee u Lewistonu.


„Poboljšao sam se u svim oblastima, i zaista sam poboljšao kardio,"Rekao je Daley. "U svojoj prvoj borbi brinuo sam se šta bi se moglo dogoditi ako dođem u treću rundu."


Jedva se stiglo oznojiti. Daley, dvostruki prvak u hrvanju u Maineu u srednjoj školi Dirigo u Dixfieldu koji je kasnije igrao koledž fudbal na Husson University, poslao samo Johela Stephensona 55 sekundi.


„Imali smo plan igre da ga udarimo pravim udarcem kako bismo ga postavili za glavu nadesno, a zatim ga spustite na prostirku i završite s mljevenjem,"Rekao je Daley. „Zapravo se odvijalo upravo onako kako smo planirali, što je bilo sjajno. "


Ovaj put, Daley (1-0) preuzima sezonskog Franka Johansona (2-2) Lewistonovog brazilskog Jiu-Jitsu-a iz Srednjeg Mainea u perolakom amaterskom otpadu.


Daley se pridružio Rasu Hyltonu, Dominic Jones, Rafael Velado, Josh Jones, Jake Deppmeyer i Jon Tefft u kontingentu prve klase na listi. U centar za obuku i MMA fenomen namamio ga je drugi lokalni policajac boreći se u njegovoj krvi, Nick Gulliver iz Jaya.


„Trenirao sam jiu-jitsu u livnici u Farmingtonu,"Rekao je Daley. “Nick je rekao (MMA) dobro prevesti na provođenje zakona, i bio je u pravu. Više, John i Jody (Zrak) su samo sjajni ljudi. "


Raioovo iskustvo na prostirci za hrvanje u srednjoškolskim i fakultetskim školama učinilo ga je prirodnim mentorom za Daleyja, koji je pogodio plato sa 100 pobjeda početkom svoje juniorske godine u Dirigu.

Daley je osvojio 119-kilogramsku titulu države kao druga godina i podržao je kao senior u 135 funti, nedaleko od mjesta na kojem se danas bori 145.


“Derek je strašan sportaš i jedan od naših najboljih hrvača,”Rekao je Raio. „Ima solidan stav i daje 100 posto svake nastave i sparinga. "


Doduše, Daleyu je teško uskladiti konkurentsku strast sa procvjetalom policijskom karijerom.


Počeo je kao oficir u Wiltonu. Nakon preseljenja u Richmond, prijavio se za posao u tri okolna grada. Augusta mu je prva dala ponudu.


„Tu sam od novembra i savršeno mi odgovara,"Rekao je Daley. "Imam sjajnog narednika i sjajan tim."


Policijski posao je porodična tradicija. Daleyev otac, Jelen, glavni je zamjenik šerifa okruga Oxford.


Nije bio slučaj da otac želi da mu sin napuni cipele.


„Završila sam fizičko obrazovanje,”Primijetio je Daley. „Tata je rekao, ‘Budi učitelj. Ne ulazite u provođenje zakona.’ But it’s one of those things that must be pretty stubborn in the family, because my brother and I both are police officers. The schedule is tough and unpredictable.”


First Class MMA helps Daley bring his commitments as cop and fighter under one roof. “It’s a great workout. I’m not really into traditional weight lifting. Mislim, I did it when I played college football (Husson). This way I get a workout, but it doesn’t feel like I’m working,"Rekao je. “It definitely makes me feel more comfortable if I ever have to get into a physical confrontation as an officer.”


Zrak, now retired from the cage after a run as one of NEF’s most popular fighters in its infancy, understands the home vs. work vs. family balance. He is the father of two and was employed full time with the U.S. Postal Service when he got the itch to try combat sports once again.


Još, he is high on his pupil’s potential if Daley ever decides to focus fully on the cage.


“The sky is the limit for him in this sport. I can see him getting to the UFC or Bellator if that is the path he chooses,”Rekao je Raio. “He is an outstanding police officer and a great father as well. He puts his daughter first in everything he does.”


Daley returns the compliments, insisting that even if his foray into MMA winds up being a cup of coffee, he will continue to train at First Class for fitness purposes. He describes the atmosphere as a tight circle of friends and a brotherhood.


“It’s a great group of guys. There are no egos,"Rekao je Daley. “I was kind of worried about that when I first showed up. Was I going to be (a target) because I’m a police officer, or were there a bunch of guys all looking to be the alpha dog? But it’s quite the opposite. It’s like a big family. You’re punching a guy in the face, but you’re family.”


That goes double for his friendship with Gulliver, who is undefeated as an amateur heavyweight.


“I feel like a baby gorilla with its mom when I’m working out with Nick,” he quipped. “I think for him it’s enjoyment just to pound on me.”


It certainly reduces the stress when he gets the opportunity to pick on someone his own size at an NEF card, although Daley knows better than to take the veteran Johanson lightly.


The CMBJJ fighter enters on a two-fight winning streak, and he defeated First ClassDeppmeyer in February.


“Frank is a tough opponent. I saw his fight against Jake,"Rekao je Daley. “He has a tough chin. He takes shots and just keeps coming forward.”


Even though he fought in front of thousands at the state wrestling showcase four times as a high school student, Daley is humble enough to acknowledge that an NEF show is a different animal.


“I was a complete nervous wreck, like almost to the point where I was ready to puke behind the curtain,” he said of his debut. “Then once I stepped in the cage, it went away and I just did what I had to do. I was able to shake off the rust a little bit.


“But it’s still different from wrestling. Back then I wasn’t getting punched in the face.”


The Jun 17 card features four professional MMA fights, four pro boxing matches, and seven amateur skirmishes in the cage. Tickets to “NEF 29: Zvijezde & Stripes” start at $25 a dostupne su pozivom (207) 783-2009 ext. 525 ili na www.thecolisee.com. For more information on the fight card, posjetitewww.newenglandfights.com.