标记档案: TO

KARIM GHAJJI 在首届“BELLATOR Kickboxing”比赛中成为宣传史上第一位跆拳道冠军: 都灵活动



TORINO, 意大利. (四月 22, 2016) – 意大利最大的室内竞技场, Pala Alpitour 挤满了超过 13,000 历史爱好者, 就职 “Bellator Kickboxing: 都灵” 事件. 这场开赛是历年来最激烈的比赛,参赛者们凭借世界级的跆拳道表演而名声大噪。. 该卡片今晚在 SPIKE 上通过延迟播出播出 “Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 亨德森。”

梅尔文Manhoef (37-13) 对米兰感到不满 Alexandru Negrea (9-2) 通过当晚主要赛事的决定. 内格罗斯, 也被称为“火山,》在第二轮爆发, 曼霍夫击倒对手,迫使他数到八数. 这场激烈的比赛最终以罗马尼亚出生的拳手的判定获胜 (30-25, 29-26, 29-26).

Mustapha Haida (40-5-2) 和 Karim Ghajji (96-12) 苦战五场, ISKA 和 Bellator 跆拳道世界冠军赛的激动人心的比赛. 在比赛的最高潮时, 法国选手盖吉凭借计分卡读数获胜 (50-44, 50-44, 46-48).

洛杉矶本地人 Raymond Daniels (11-3) 具有制作精彩片段的技巧, 在“Bellator Kickboxing: 都灵“ 事件, 弗朗西斯科·莫里卡地板 (15-3-1) 旋转脚后跟肝踢 30 秒到一个圆.

这是未来琐事问题的答案: Veronica Vernocchi (31-7-1) 是第一位踏入 Bellator 跆拳道拳击场的拳击手. Denise Kielholtz (44-2), 然而, 从一开始就是生意. 这位荷兰前锋伴随着蕾哈娜的热门歌曲历史性地走上擂台, “最好有我的钱,”她的战斗就好像她的对手口袋空空一样, 赢得决策胜利 (30-27, 30-27, 28-29). 同赢, 基尔霍兹成为第一位在 Bellator 跆拳道比赛中举手的拳击手.



Bellator MMA是一家领先的混合武术组织拥有众多最好的战斗机在世界. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 500 全球万户家庭超过 140 国家. 在美国, Bellator上可以看到穗, 在MMA电视龙头. Bellator MMA是由一个执行团队,其中包括顶尖行业人士在电视节目制作, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州和娱乐巨头维亚康姆所拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.



Spike 在可 98.7 万个家庭,是维亚康姆媒体网络的一个部门. 维亚康姆的单位 (纳斯达克: VIA, VIAB), 维亚康姆媒体网络是全球领先的节目和内容的创造者在所有的媒体平台之一. Spike 的 Internet 地址是 www.spike.com,用于获取最新的和存档的新闻信息和照片, 参观斯派克的新闻网站 http://www.spike.com/press. 跟随我们的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新闻的更新, 背后的幕后信息和照片.


关于 Oktagon:

Carlo Di Blasi 在 1996. 节目一开始就致力于自由搏击, 最初给 MMA 的名称 (混合武术). 其他学科,如跆拳道, 泰拳和萨瓦特从 2000 年初开始逐渐增加. 在最后 20 年 Oktagon 已经达到了巨大的知名度, 在意大利和国外, 在此过程中创造了许多超级巨星,包括 Bellator 次中量级 Paul Daley 以及 The Petrosyan 兄弟 (乔治和阿尔钦), 罗宾·Roosmalen, Valentijn Overeem, 波多黎各范霍文和阿尔乔姆莱.

13 Time KB 世界冠军亨特与沃恩签约 – 职业拳击首秀, 利物浦5月23日

无可争议且统一的WBC, TO, 你的, IKF & WKA世界冠军, 马龙·亨特, 将于本月晚些时候开始他的职业拳击生涯, 继与利物浦著名推广人斯蒂芬·沃恩签署管理文件后.


打猎, 他曾在三个不同的项目中获得过世界冠军——踢拳击, K-1 规则和泰拳 – 以及五个不同的重量类别, 将在沃恩即将举行的 NEW ERA 赛事中首次亮相职业拳击比赛, 周六在利物浦中央大厅举行 23RD 五月.


他已经打破了十三项世界冠军的纪录, 亨特明确表示,他进入职业拳击世界并不是为了凑数字, 正如他早些时候发言时明确表示,改变比赛项目是为了让他能够专注于成为保持四个项目世界冠军的记录.


“我显然练过踢拳, K-I 规则和泰拳, 经历了那里的所有级别, 几乎赢得了这些运动项目的所有世界冠军, 以及所有主要的世界冠军, 所以现在我认为是时候尝试一下职业拳击了.


我只和史蒂芬·沃恩签约 2ND 五月,看来我马上就要忙起来了, 五月他让我打拳击 23RD在利物浦并再次在 25 七月在马耳他.


那是一个震惊, 所以让我们完成它, 这就是史蒂夫的优点, 你知道, 从字面上看,我希望由他来管理,因为他很快就能解决问题.


这真的很适合我, 我想尽快开始挑战冠军, 我已经完成了在其他运动中所做的一切, 多年来我一直被告知我应该转向职业拳击, 但我认为现在时机不对, 尤其是现在我已经赢得了一切, 这将再次帮助我比其他方式更快地提升排名, 因为我的经验, 是的,我认为现在正是时候.


我仍然会偶尔参加踢拳击比赛, 只要不影响我的职业拳击, 我确实想在其他运动中进行强制防御, 是的,我真的很想捍卫我的世界冠军头衔, 除此之外,我完全专注于我的职业拳击生涯.


只有少数人成功地从一项运动转移到另一项运动, 克里斯Algieri, 他是一名踢拳手并赢得了职业拳击世界冠军, 如果阿尔及尔能做到的话, 我确信如果我以正确的方式推动并且我会得到正确的战斗, 我确信我能做同样的事情.


我会尽我所能,成为四项运动冠军, 据我所知,还没有真正做到这一点, 你知道跆拳道世界冠军, K1, 泰拳和职业拳击, 所以真的很想成为第一个这样做的人.


我有一些忠实的粉丝,他们也会跟随我参加拳击比赛,希望当我开始职业拳击时我也会吸引更多的粉丝, 我觉得这对这项运动确实有好处, 不仅仅是能够从其他运动中吸引新鲜血液, 还可以通过这样做为这两项运动引入新的粉丝.


我真的很期待 23RD 五月,也是我自己新的职业拳击生涯的开始。”


上周六五月 23RD, 亨特将在一流连队, 正如星光熠熠的法案上的其他拳击比赛包括; 卫冕世界拳击联合会 (WBF) 世界次中量级冠军克里斯·古德温对阵伦敦选手“闪电侠”马克·亚历山大.

卫冕世界拳击联合会 (WBF) 洲际超最轻量级冠军, 保罗·伊科诺米, 前英国超中量级和国际拳击组织 (IBO) 国际轻重量级冠军托尼·多德森.

BBBofC 威尔士地区中量级冠军 Lee Churcher, 英国人, 英联邦和 WBF 世界冠军挑战者托尼·莫兰与布莱克浦的马修·埃利斯进行本地德比, 职业拳击手轻中量级决赛入围者和英国冠军挑战者尼克·奎格利, 他将迎战斯肯索普极具娱乐性的乔迪·米克尔.


除了锦标赛经验丰富的拳击手, 还有许多即将推出的, 不败的年轻前景拳击法案, 含; 轰动一时的前英格兰业余队长安东尼奥·库尼汉, 利物浦的热门俄罗斯新星大卫·阿加詹扬 (David Agadzhanyan), 他的对手是前加纳冠军艾萨克·奥乌苏, 羽量级新秀杰伊·卡尼, 轻重量级新秀李·博伊斯, 谁需要对斯肯索普的马修·佩珀.


也首次亮相 23RD 五月, 与亨特并肩, 是当地小伙子戴尔·加拉格尔 (Dayle Gallagher), 作为职业球员,他的第一个对手是诺丁汉大学的马特·斯克里文(Matt Scriven).


马龙·亨特, 对阵尚未命名的对手, 斯蒂芬·沃恩 (Stephen Vaughan) 推广的 NEW ERA 活动专题, 周六在利物浦中央大厅举行 23RD五月 2015.

制裁对本次活动将提供礼貌的马耳他拳击委员会 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

票价30英镑 & 售价 40 英镑,可直接从 Marlon Hunt 购买, 来自任何参加比赛的拳击手或给斯蒂芬·沃恩打电话 07789 037802.

Fight Report – Allan Edges Wood In A True Thriller As Robb Just Pips Ellis At The Post.

报告: 赞布罗塔 (江) 迪卡罗.

Well known Scottish WKA Kick Boxing promoter Stewart Allan promoted his first pro boxing event 周六 夜晚, at his Rivals Gym venue in Wishaw, and boy oh boy did he do a fantastic job of it.


This was my first time north of the border for an event, I can promise it will not be my last. The venue was first class, the attending fans were highly vocal in their support of the boxers, not just the home boys either, as they enthusiastically showed their appreciation for each and every fighter.


Mind you, as each bout was a equally matched Battle Royale, I suppose that shouldn’t have come as a surprise, let’s face it all boxing fans appreciate a really good close fought contest, which is just what we all got from every fight 周六 夜晚.


Heading up the show was Stewart’s son, unified Kick Boxing World Champion Sam Allan, making his pro boxing debut against unbeaten Chris Wood from Middlesbrough.


The atmosphere was electric during the build up to this highly anticipated bout, I mean it was really bouncing, the fans were singing and cheering, then when the MC introduced Chris Wood they clapped and enthusiastically welcomed him into the ring.


Then when the MC then introduced their man Sam Allan the decibel level went through the roof, I didn’t think they could be any louder but it did when Allan began his ring walk, escorted by two beautiful girls in full showgirl outfits, every single person stood and cheered their man into the ring.


I couldn’t help but think at the time, I hope the fight is half as good as the pre fight build up, well it was, in fact it way exceeded any expectations.


Right from the opening bell these two young warriors began the skirmish at a frenetic pace, Wood went in hard and fast, forcing Allan on to the back foot.

With centre ground secured, Wood kicked up the pace even further, forcing Allan, with his back almost against the ropes, to rely on his excellent countering skills to keep the ever forward-moving Wood from coming in further.


Wood secured the first round in my eyes, but it was close, 很, 非常接近, as these two really went for it for every second of the round.


Round two was a virtual repeat, Wood initially controlling centre ground as Allan countered, however Allan stepped up the pace after about thirty seconds or so and made a double handed attack in an effort to force Wood on to the back foot, however the Teesider was having none of it and what ensued was an all action toe-to-toe slug fest through to the bell.


The final couple of rounds were fought at an even higher pace, which resulted in control of the proceedings switching back and forth between the pair warriors throughout, much to delight of the fans ringside, who to a man, or woman, were on their feet egging their man on.


After four sensational rounds the crowd remained standing as they awaited the judges scorecards to be read out.


As Referee Mickey Vann stood waiting to raise the hand of the victor, the MC announced the result was a split decision, which nobody seemed surprised at, well it was a seriously close fight.


First up Judge Kevin Scullion’s card was read as 40-38 赞成艾伦, which prompted a highly vocal response from the crowd, then judge Billy Beattie, who scored the bout 39-38 in favour of Wood, which received a good round of applause and then finally judge Peter McCafferty’s card was read, a surprising shutout 40-36 赞成艾伦, which sent the crowd into a joyful frenzy.


Have to admit this bout was a true small hall classic, you don’t get to see fights like this that often that’s for sure. Congratulations to both Sam Allan and Chris Woods, these boys are genuine future stars, in some ways it’s a shame one had to lose, but then again that leaves it open for a rematch sometime in the future and if that does happen I’ll be there front row for sure as I wouldn’t miss it for the world.


Prior to the sensational Allan-Wood, Ronnie Nailen faced Nottingham’s Matt Scriven in a four round exhibition bout.


Another all action affair, which see both men going all out from start to finish, which is surprising as the bout was switched to a non-scoring exhibition bout, as Scriven has the opportunity to challenge for a title this coming weekend, as such it was decided not to risk a possible stoppage loss that would have cost him the title shot.


Before the Nailen-Scriven bout was a brief interval, as an auction of boxing memorabilia to raise funds for charity took place.


The second bout of the night featured Sandy Robb and Blackpool’s Matt Ellis battling it out in a six round Cruiserweight contest.


Initially both boxers tentatively tested the other but after about thirty seconds or so stepped up the pace and really started to go for it.


Initially it was Ellis forcing his way through Robb’s defenses with some solid jabs followed by big rights or neat combinations, however Robb is as savvy as they come and would often slip under the jab and let rip with a big left to the body.


For about half the bout it was Ellis that was the more aggressive of the pair, don’t get me wrong, Robb was putting in some good solid work, just Ellis was livelier, moving neatly around the ring and throwing long rights at will, to back Robb toward the rope before going in hard to the body.


However close in, even with his back to the ropes Robb seemed able to counter extremely effectively, in cases enough to make Ellis back off momentarily.


Around the midway point the pace slowed slightly, which seemed to suit Robb, as the elusive Ellis became easier to close down, giving Robb the opportunity to once again start working the Blackpool man’s body.


Referee Mickey Vann issued a number of warnings to both men, Robb for low blows and Ellis for holding, as each time they came close in Ellis would try and tie Robb up, whilst Robb would try to throw big lefts and rights to the body of Ellis, but many were a wee bit too low.


After six highly entertaining rounds it was to the scorecards – Judge Kevin Scullion scored it 59-57 and both Billy Beattie and Peter McCafferty 58-57 all in favour of Sandy Robb.


Have to admit I really liked this fight, for all the right reasons, they entertained, they worked at a high pace for a good amount of the time and put on one hell of a show.


I do love the Cruiserweight division and both these guys are very much my kind of fighters – EXCITINGand I for one can’t wait to watch them in action again.


The opening fight of the night see Mohammad Babazadeh take on Belfast’s Phil Townley in a four rounder.


This pair set the tone for the whole night, both lads really went for it right from the opening bell.


The younger Babazadeh set the pace, pushing forward at every opportunity, but Townley’s excellent countering on the back foot prevented the younger Babazadeh from being able to back him up to the ropes too often.


As the bout progressed Townley slowed, which in itself made the bout even more exciting as the pair would stand toe-to-toe slugging it out much to the audiences delight.


After four great rounds the judges scorecards unanimously read 40-36 in favour of Mohammad Babazadeh – without doubt the right result but doesn’t reflect just how close some of the rounds were or just how entertaining the bout was.


There was due to be another bout, Scott Allan versus late replacement Garfield Mushore, who had stepped in at just two days notice after Isaac Quaye pulled out, however due to a rather large weight difference it was decided to cancel the bout for safety reasons, which was a mighty shame as I’ve been waiting to see both these lads in action.


Congratulations to Stewart Allan and his team for putting on a first class, highly entertaining and memorable evening of boxing which I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed, I can’t wait to get back there for the next, which I have been reliably informed will be another Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym on Saturday 27 June – so put that in your diary now as you’ll not want to miss it.


山姆·艾伦, 英国最成功的职业踢拳击手之一, 设置过渡到了职业拳击排名本 星期六, 当他在米德尔斯堡的不败克里斯 - 伍德在威肖竞争对手促销活动, 苏格兰月 25.


是, 谁第一个开始踢拳时,他只有五岁, 确保他的第一个世界冠军作为一个业余在十三岁的时候,并转为职业选手之前成功卫冕多次冠 2011.


自从转为职业选手为踢拳击手山姆已经有十五个回合, 赢得他们都, 包括对美国则WKA世界冠军博比·坎贝尔在八月一个世界冠军统一回合 2013.


是, 谁是刚刚二○两岁当时, 表现出了成熟的掩饰了他幼小的年龄, 童确切地知道他必须做的,与他的兄弟斯科特在他的角落, 执行自己的比赛计划完美, 以至于后的十轰动回合,他成为第一位统一ISKA和WKA冠军和更重要的是它是通过一致决定.


山姆的对手, 克里斯·伍德, 谁最近才转为职业选手自己, 进入该回合结束拉脱维亚Edgars Milevics第一轮停工胜利.


在他的职业拳击首次亮相面对保持不败的对手显然都不会扰山姆, 因为他非常清楚,当他前面谈到 周六 即将到来的战斗.


“这只是有点事, 我的弟弟斯科特转为职业选手,去年, 所以,当我爸想在这里做一个职业拳击秀斯科特这似乎是一个很好的时间为已任我转职业.


我们有同样的朋友,他们有去不同的节目, 因为当我打, 他不是和其他方式. 在同一节目这一次,他们将能够看我们俩打.


不同风格的战斗是不是有问题, 一拳就是一拳,并因为我的最后一战,我一直在为此做准备, 我已经工作了很多行李袋,垫和有很好的陪练, 我是一个战士,做我需要做的.


我不知道很多关于克里斯·伍德, 我听说他喜欢打, 那很好, 我喜欢打以及.


球迷们会喜欢它, 这将是一个真正的战斗不是对峙, 球迷们希望看到真正的战斗, 有点撕裂了的, 是的,他们一定会爱上它.


球迷们应该得到良好的战斗, 没有他们,我们不会得到作为经常吵架, 周六 他们会得到一个很好的战斗,这是肯定.


他们付出自己辛苦赚来的钱进来和支持我们, 我非常感谢他们足够的了,我可以做到这一点的最好办法是有一个破裂的战斗, 这是感谢他们的光临和支持我们的最好方法。“


山姆·艾伦与克里斯 - 伍德在斯图尔特艾伦功能 (竞争对手促销) 事件在威肖对手健身房, 苏格兰上周六 25 四月 2015.

制裁对本次活动将提供礼貌的马耳他拳击委员会 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

门票售价30英镑40英镑可直接从任何参与的拳击手, 或致电斯图尔特上 07711 725257.