標記檔案: 伊塞亞·塞爾頓

“搏擊之夜: 盾牌VS. 錘“抓住了DRAMA周圍的歷史UNDISUPUTED SHOWDOWN Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜錘之間

圖片來源: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣®

手錶, 分享 & 嵌入通過以下鏈接


什麼: 欣欣體育發布的“搏擊之夜: 盾VS. 錘,“20分鐘的功能,捕捉所有的不敗Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜錘之間的無可爭議的中量級世界冠軍事件的最後一個星期六的戲劇在大西洋城. 觀看, 分享或嵌入視頻, 點擊這裡: https://s.sho.com/2V8lIX3

在戰鬥之夜專營權的最新一集傳送到兩個盾牌和周邊錘自己的職業生涯中最重要的時刻訪問, 讓觀眾閉門造車給戰士和他們各自的陣營了難得一見.

在名人堂的拳擊什麼的歷史學家和評論員史蒂夫Farhood的一致決定勝利叫, “在女子拳擊的歷史上最重要的戰鬥,“給了盾牌進一步要求對她的自我描述的名字, “該G.W.O.A.T.” (偉大的女人的所有時間).

“我很高興女子拳擊越來越所有的愛, 但它講述的是關於部分,“希爾茲說. “我知道有金錢和名利, 但對於我來說是一件大事 - 我是尊重的,作為一個戰士. 我想知道作為一個拳擊手. 我希望人們尊重我作為。“

Claressa盾加冕CHRISTINA HAMMER無可爭議的中量級世界冠軍用近完封勝利星期六在Showtime

抓住安可介紹星期一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

點擊這裡 要下載搏擊之夜照片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣
大西洋城 (四月 13, 2019) - Claressa盾是世界上無可爭議的中量級冠軍。這位24歲的弗林特, 我. 本地交付她的職業生涯的最佳表現,並可以說是最顯著婦女在歷史拳擊比賽戰罷在Showtime在德國的克里斯蒂娜錘週六一致決定. 法官的鬥爭取得了 98-92 和 98-91 兩次.

兩屆奧運金牌的得主盾牌 (9-0, 2 科斯), 誰進入戰鬥拿著IBF, WBA和WBC的160磅重的冠軍, 展示了她完整的技能阿森納在控制的表現,現在加入特倫斯·克勞福德, 前鋒泰勒, 伯納德·霍普金斯大學, 奧萊克桑德·塞克和婦女的次中量級塞西莉亞Braekhus作為唯一的戰士已經全部統一四大世界冠軍在任何重量級別.

克里斯蒂娜·哈默 (24-0, 11 科斯), 誰擁有WBO帶進入戰鬥, 在她的刺拳很大程度上中和她的辯護從開始開發完成. 希爾茲降落顯著 44% 她的力量拳,落在 112 比例僅為總拳 49 對於錘. 令人印象深刻的是她的罪行是, 盾牌的防禦和頭部運動是完美的錘能夠只需連接上 13% 她的總拳, 11% 她刺戳和 18% 她的電力桿.

談到名人堂的分析師史蒂夫Farhood的精彩表演館繼歷史性的夜晚對女子拳擊, 率真和情感的盾牌舉行任何回報.

“我是有史以來最偉大的女人,“希爾茲說, 在第八輪的最後時刻攻勢中幾乎誰贏得了停工. “我做的. 她沒有贏得一個回合。我幾乎把她撞倒了. 我發誓,我覺得我是在做夢,現在. 由於克里斯蒂娜錘和她的團隊. 他們說她有一個堅硬的刺拳和他們沒有說謊. 她戳是鍊子掉了.

“我只是計算在第一輪後,我開始接她分開,“她繼續. “我知道我會傷害她. 我想我在八輪完成了她. 我認為應該打已經停止。她抱著我上。我只是告訴自己, 保持冷靜, 保持冷靜。我是想獲得完美的衝讓她離開那裡。“

斷食她的職業生涯中最大的勝利, 世界新加冕無可爭議的冠軍已經有了另一個對手將她景點.

“女子拳擊, 我們是著火了。我迫不及待地想看到下一個超級鬥爭. 給我塞西莉亞Brækhus 154 英鎊. 這就是我想下一個誰. 無論是她還是薩凡納·馬歇爾“。

“我沒打非常好或快,“一個柔和的錘. “這是拳擊, 任何事情都有可能發生。我想這場戰鬥。她贏了, 對於她的。她是一個艱難, 堅強的女人,這就是我能說的。

“她快, 她挺身而出。她有快速的手. 我無法登陸我戳我想像的那麼好。我會回來的,我會回來更強。“

“我認為今晚的戰鬥將在歷史書上走下來,與阿里 - 弗雷澤喜歡的史詩戰役, 倫納德 - 赫恩斯和霍亞,特立尼達,” 說德米特里Salita, 的Salita促銷主席。“有了這個主導和迷人的性能,成為加冕加上她破紀錄的成績列表無可爭議的中量級冠軍, Claressa盾是很好在她的途中被作為尊為拳王阿里, 糖羅賓森, 小威廉姆斯, 邁克爾·喬丹, 貝利等人在他們的巔峰。”

在協調功能回合, 杰梅因·富蘭克林 (18-0, 13 科斯), 被廣泛視為美國頂尖重量級的前景, 保持他的不敗戰績完好,在沒有前10輪的一致決定. 1-中美排名. 業餘賴德爾布克 (25-2, 12 科斯). 法官的鬥爭取得了 99-91 和 98-91 兩次.

這位25歲的富蘭克林決定整個節奏,是更積極和比他38歲的對手咄咄逼人. 布克他的時刻, 尤其是當他降落幾個沖洗功率槍,但年輕的富蘭克林在戰鬥下半年拉走作為布克疲憊和富蘭克林有針對性的身體幾輪. 富蘭克林平均 54 每回合拳布克的 35 並帶領 146-94 在整體拳降落.

“我覺得我有不俗的表現,“薩吉諾說, 我. 本地人. “有一些東西我可以工作在. 我過度擁擠自己一點點,我有點急於求成. 他有很多更多的經驗比我並用它自己的優勢. 他能看到我在做什麼.

“我學會了留更有耐心,因為我不得不傷害他幾次, 但一旦我得到了急於求成, 我整場比賽的計劃被廢棄了. 我開始搞亂,使瘋狂的失誤,我不應該. 現在是回到繪圖板對我的錯誤工作,做大巴德下次出來。“

“我覺得他離我推搡, 但它比法官如何得分更接近了很多,“布克說. “他想我了很多比它看起來. 我溜了很多投籃,打在他乾淨.

“我知道他會帶來壓力, 但他需要大量的工作. 他保持得與他的頭中心. 他是正常的. 他有他的身邊是青春. 我會率約七我的表現. 我有一個訓練營傷害我正在處理. 我會保持活躍,回來比以往更強大。“

在轉播揭幕戰, 不敗的五大排名重量級的前景奧托瓦林 (20-0, 13 科斯, 1 ND) 和巴爾的摩的尼克·基斯納 (21-4-1, 6 科斯, 1 ND) 他們已經10輪的較量剪短當兩個重量級人物在開幕頭發生衝突圓. 瓦林遭遇了傷口上他的頭一邊Kisner遭受了切了他的右眼, 阻礙他的能力看. 在馬戲團醫生在一個兩輪的意見, 裁判厄爾·布朗叫停, 導致沒有決定.

在停止時, 沃林部分 14-3 在整體拳降落, 7-1 在刺戳和 7-2 在電源拳.

“對我來說, 他切不看壞,“一個失望的沃林說, 誰是他中美. 登場. “這是一個恥辱,因為我訓練真的很辛苦這場鬥爭,並期待以作秀為美國球迷. 我只是沒有時間走了。

“我希望能盡快找回在那裡,展示我能做些什麼. 我打算把這個作為一個學習的經驗。“

“我釣到了一條用頭撞裁判來找我,“Kisner說. “他看到我在我的眼睛滑動和說:”你可以看到?' 我說, “只要我得到的血從我的眼睛, 當然。'

“我訓練之後覺得可怕這麼難. 我覺得在第一輪好. 法官可能給了他第一輪, 但我總是摘下第一輪. 我當時的感覺就像我能拿他最終. 你看到我的土地我上手的權利。“


今晚的tripleheader的安可演講將播出星期一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime極端,將是通過網絡的On Demand平台上使用。

名人堂成員巴里·湯普金斯的大廳旁邊叫名人堂同胞分析師史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯的行動。世界著名的環播音員名人堂麥儂Jr的大廳和. 殺進電視節目。欣欣拳擊的執行製片人: 特別版是戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演。

#        #        #
關於盾牌VS. 錘子
盾VS. 錘將坑不敗的中量級世界冠軍Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜錘彼此在戰鬥中冠無可爭議的160磅重的世界冠軍, 什麼可以說是最顯著婦女在歷史拳擊事件. 共同特徵將坑杰梅因·富蘭克林承擔韋迪爾布克一場驚心動魄的10輪的重量級回合,並在電視節目開門紅, 權重股奧托沃林和尼克·基斯納將在10輪比賽戰. 欣欣拳擊: 特別版tripleheader將現場直播在SHOWTIME 9 P.M. 從浮橋廳ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.


Gradinar-Carabajal to clash for vacant IBF World Championship on fan-friendly, FREE Facebook platform.

線上: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/


紐約 (四月 8, 2019) – An IBF Female World Title is on the line and women’s boxing history will be made on Saturday, 四月 13, 如 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE技術的Everlast once again works alongside SHOWTIME體育 to deliver a great night of action to fight fans everywhere. 在開始 6 P.M. ET live from the hallowed Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, 新澤西州, 互動, FREE Facebook series sets the table for the Shields vs. Hammer undisputed middleweight championship showdown with five fights, including a world title contest and a main event preview featuring the undefeated champion Claressa盾 herself.

We’re excited to have a role in what will be a historic night in women’s boxing, and it speaks to the strides our platform has made to exclusively air our first world championship matchup,” 說 馬克·弗拉托, 校長和業務發展總監, 利納克爾媒體. “The world title fight will be part of an outstanding evening of Facebook action with championship contenders and budding stars, and an exclusive interview with Claressa Shields, and of course we’re thrilled to be working alongside Showtime once again.

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE lineup is headlined by unbeaten Russian Elena Gradinař (9-0, 2 科斯), who vies for her first world title when she takes on two-time title challenger Brenda Karen Carabajal (15-4-1, 9 科斯) for the vacant IBF Featherweight World Championshipthe first-ever world title fight for the popular Facebook series. In super flyweight action, 23 year-old Detroit-native Ja'Rico O'Quinn (11-0, 8 科斯) looks to remain unbeaten in an eight-round fight against Minnesota’s 維森特·阿爾法羅·馬丁內斯 (9-4, 3 科斯). The card will also include former heavyweight title challenger 塞繆爾·彼得 (37-6, 30 科斯) in an eight-round matchup and Jesse Angel Hernandez (12-2, 7 科斯) of Fort Worth, 得克薩斯州, stepping in for an eight round super bantamweight contest. Local standout 伊塞亞·塞爾頓(12-2, 4 科斯) opens the free show on Facebook three hours before Showtime Boxing hits the airwaves.

“四月 13 is a fantastic fight card, top-to-bottom, from former heavyweight champion Samuel Peter to top American super flyweight prospect Jarico O’Quinn and the highly competitive IBF Featherweight World Title fight between No. 1-ranked Elena Gradinar from Russia and No. 2 contender Karen Carbajal from Argentina fighting for the vacant belt,” said boxing champion-turned-promoter 德米特里Salita of Salita Promotions. “Some of the best boxers on the planet will be on display on the most popular social media platform in the world, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE, on April 13.

現在,在其第二個賽季, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE技術的Everlast是風扇友好的Facebook平台, – 除其他方面 – 自詡打評論員之間進行的實時對話和收視觀眾. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE已展出超過 545 戰士和 16 促銷期間 33 從網上直播 19 因為可能在不同的城市 2017, 並在這樣做, 互動平台已經產生的鬥爭球迷的忠誠的利益,從美國各地和世界各地, 包括墨西哥顯著觀眾, 英國和歐洲其他地區, 甚至球迷在南美, 亞洲和澳大利亞.

由於五月 2017, the numbers on the 33-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 171,589 意見 per event and more than 5.6 萬總的意見 為加盟店. 由於九月. 2018, sixteen FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Season II shows have reached 4.2 萬粉絲 have averaged almost 265,000 意見.

在九月. 2018 “國王拳擊週二夜戰鬥” (594,447) 從伯利恆金沙, 在十二月. 2018 “皇后區和皇后區卡王” (379,758) 在紐約, 在十一月. 2018 “硬打欣欣協作” (372,662), 在十二月. 2018 “羅伊·瓊斯JR. 德州Throwdown” (318,886), 在十月. 2018 “硬打費城特價” (297,545), 在十月. 2018 長達一小時的Bareknuckle “Freeview頻道” (292,253), 在十一月. 2018 “泰坦在首都” (256,871), the March 2019 墨菲拳擊 “聖. 帕特里克日的衝突” (252,065), 在九月. 2017 “實打實促銷: 帝國” 從雲頂賭場 (225,000), the March 2019 Murphy’s BoxingMelrose Mayhem” (218,409), the Feb. 2019 “Raging Babe Philly Special” (203,000) and the August 2017 CES “Super Saturday” 從快活 (203,000) 所有記錄 200,000 以上意見, and collectively the 33-show series has seen a total of more than 5,662,450 在所有設備視圖.

除了原料收視人數, 完全互動, 風扇友好的生產已經看到 多於 430,000 集體生活後訂婚 (多於 13,000 每場), 包括超過 330,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛,” 多於 58,000 評論超過 19,000 分享.

在九月. 2018 “國王拳擊週二夜戰鬥” 從金沙伯利恆設定了新的標準 594,447 意見. 在九月. 2017 迪貝拉卡鋸 多於 40,000 觀眾互動 幾乎包括了 39,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛” 與三月 17, 2018, 墨菲 “聖. 帕特里克日的衝突” 設置一個新的高水位標記 股 2,182.

在Facebook上的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE頁面已超過 87,000 球迷 而超過 95,000 追隨者.

創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色專業播音員, 多個攝像機角度, 電視圖形, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, 但也給了後起的戰士一個全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” 解決方案並給出了贊助商通過品牌內容達成大量觀眾的能力.

Additional FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Spring 2019 日期將在未來幾週內正式公佈.



按照所有的行動通過在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上的社交媒體, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE Instagram上和@ FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_在Twitter, 或通過使用#標籤#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有關最新利納克爾媒體事件和廣播時間表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用該標籤#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.

卓越的品牌在拳擊比賽中,因為 1910, 的Everlast是全球領先的製造商, 營銷和拳擊的許可, MMA和健身器材. 從傳說中的冠軍傑克·登普西和糖羅賓森目前的超級巨星Deontay懷爾德和達斯汀·普瓦里耶, 的Everlast是首選品牌的世界冠軍的職業運動員代. 建立在實力的品牌傳承, 奉獻, 個性和真實性, 的Everlast是無數冠軍的生活的必要組成部分. 總部設在曼哈頓, 安能公司的產品分佈在多賣 75 國家和 6 大陸. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問www.everlast.com.

伊西亞·塞爾登(Isiah Seldon)將於11月16日在俄克拉荷馬城為不敗的中量級選手泰勒·霍華德(Tyler Howard)做準備

大西洋城, 新澤西州 (十一月 1, 2018) – 中量級運動員Isiah Seldon在11月16日在俄克拉荷馬城切薩皮克能源體育館舉行的八輪比賽中與不敗的泰勒·霍華德(Tyler Howard)交手,為他職業生涯中最大的戰鬥做好準備.




布特, 由最高排名晉升, 將在ESPN +上直播.




主賽事將看到WBO初中輕量級冠軍Maurice Hooker防守Alex Saucedo.




塞爾頓 (12-1-1, 4 科斯) 在比爾·約翰遜(Bill Johnson)的注視下一直在大西洋城訓練.




“我期待著這個巨大的機會,” 塞爾登說. “我一直渴望有機會接受像霍華德這樣的戰鬥機,因為勝利將使我的事業更上一層樓。”




塞爾登隊, 一直與長期經理吉姆·庫茲(Jim Kurtz)勤奮合作,對塞爾登在他面前的機會感到非常興奮.




“它沒有比在Hooker和Saucedo之間發生爆炸性的主要事件參加頂級表演大戰. 一流的員工一直是一流的. 我對Isiah能夠有機會在大型舞台上展示自己的才華感到非常興奮. 我自己和合夥人Joe Thompson堅信Isiah準備在11月16日大放異彩,而且到達這裡的速度還不夠快,” 庫爾茲說, 從第一天開始管理塞爾登.




庫爾茲還管理了塞爾登的父親, WBA重量級冠軍, 布魯斯·塞爾頓.




“Isiah與他的原始教練Bill Johnson團聚了,他們並沒有跳動. 這是以賽亞第一次擁有完整的訓練營. 我們為爭取這場戰鬥做好了一切準備. 以賽亞的條件是我以前從未見過的. 他變得越來越厲害,與比爾一起為這場戰鬥做準備的進步令人難以置信. 他準備向世界展示新的和改進的Isiah Seldon. 作為前WBA重量級冠軍布魯斯·塞爾登(Bruce Seldon)的兒子,他擁有巨大的遺產,但伊西亞(Isiah)決心在拳擊運動上留下自己的印記。”




“他雙手總是有力量, 幾乎每場比賽都獲得擊倒得分, 但是現在他正在學習保持鎮靜,做完男人,而不是因為過分興奮而束手無策。. 他比以往任何時候都更加努力, 齊心協力,拳擊能力達到了可以控制搏擊速度的水平. 考慮到Isiah沒有參加任何業餘比賽,我們採取了緩慢的行動,但是現在我們可以為他準備在中量級比賽中嶄露頭角。”




“我們知道泰勒·霍華德是一名出色的不敗戰士. 他有很好的業餘職業, 來自有拳擊背景的家庭, 並擁有一支紮實的管理團隊,與他共同努力. 我們期望在11月16日與一些煙火進行一場艱苦的戰鬥,但我們相信Isiah將取得勝利,這將帶給我們更大更好的機會。”

Webster decisions Riojas in Atlantic City Wins by Seldon, Ajamu, Wikins and Manzueta

大西洋城, 新澤西州 (六月 1, 2018)–超中量級 德里克 - 韋伯斯特 pounded his way to a 10-round unanimous decision over Oscar Riojas in the main event of a five-bout card at The Claridge Hotel.




Mis Downing Promotions promoted the near-capacity show.




同贏, Webster captured the American Boxing Federation Continental Americas Super Middleweight title.




Webster was pinpoint with his jab, which he followed with a solid body work that reddened the sides of Riojas. Webster stunned the gritty Riojas on several occasions, but the visitor from Monterrey, Mexico showed a good chin and remained on his feet for the ten-round bout.




Scores were all 100-90 in favor of Webster of Glassboro, 新澤西州, 現在是誰 26-1. Riojas is 16-10-1.




It was boxing in there. I put on a display. Roy Jones told me to keep him long, 這就是我所做的. I started the body work a little late, but the jab was my key. I could have done a little more with the body, but the jab was everything tonight,” said Webster.




In the 1st round, I hit him with a big right hand, but the bell saved him. I hit him good a couple more times. Some guys know how to survive, and he is one of them.




We have been talking to the USBA about fighting for their title. That will get me to where I need to be. I am ready for a world title shot. I have been putting it out there that I would like fight George Groves or Tyron Zuege. I will go to China or Germany or wherever to fight those guys.


伊塞亞·塞爾頓 scored two knockdowns en-route to a six-round unanimous decision over Lamar Harris in a super middleweight bout.




在第四輪, Seldon landed a perfect counter right that sent Harris to the deck. 在五輪, it was another right that mad Harrisglove touch the canvas for a 2nd time.




Seldon of Atlantic City won by scores of 60-52 兩次, 59-53 並且現在 12-1-1. Harris of St. Louis is 9-15-4.




Prince Badi Ajamu won a eight-round unanimous decision over Edgar Perez in a cruiserweight rematch. Ajamu of Camden, New Jersey won by scores of 80-72 兩次, 79-73 提高他的標誌 29-4-1. Perez of Chicago is 7-25.


James Wilkins stopped Joe Gbola at the end of round two of their scheduled four-round featherweight bout.




Wilkins dropped Gbolo midway through the 2nd round, and then pounded on his opponent for the rest of the round. The bout was stopped in between rounds.




Wilkins of Brooklyn, NY is 4-0 同 4 擊倒. Gbolo of Newbergh, NY is 3-3-2.




在當晚的開幕回合, Felix Manzueta stopped Antonio Allen in round two of a scheduled four-round welterweight bout.




Manzueta pounded on Allen until the bout was stopped at 1:17.




Manzueta of Dover, 特拉華州 2-0 with both wins coming via stoppage. Allen of Philadelphia is 0-8-1.




The card took place on Atlantic City Hall of Fame weekend, and stars such as Roy Jones Jr., 里迪克·鮑, 霍利菲爾德, Hector Camacho Jr., 布魯斯·塞爾頓, 馬克布雷蘭, 馬龍·斯塔林, Michael Spinks and Jeff Chandler were among the dignitaries that were sitting ringside.





Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which includes The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.

Derrick Webster takes on Oscar Riojas for the ABF Super Middleweight Title in main event on Friday, June 1st at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Atlantic City Hall of Fame Weekend card to feature Isiah Seldon in co-feature
Plus undefeated James Wilkins, 維達爾·里維拉, Emmanauel Rodriguez & Lester Brown

大西洋城, 新澤西州 (五月 16, 2018)–瑞星超中量級競爭者 德里克 - 韋伯斯特 will headline a great night of boxing on 星期五, June 1stThe Claridge Hotel when he takes tough veteran Oscar Riojas in a ten-round bout for the ABF Super Middleweight Title in the main event of a nine bout card.




The show, which will coincide with The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame weekend, 被提拔 Mis Downing Promotions.




格拉斯波羅韋伯斯特, 新澤西州有紀錄 25-1 同 13 擊倒.




該 35 year-old is a nine-year veteran, and is riding a six-bout winning streak.




韋伯斯特, who has wins over Frankie Fillipone (22-5-1), 托馬斯·阿文博諾(Thomas Awimbono) (25-5-1), Obodai Sai (23-1), is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Francisco Cordero (38-9) on February 10th in Philadelphia.




This will be Webster’s 5th bout in Atlantic City.




Riojas of Monterrey, 墨西哥的紀錄 16-9-1 五擊倒.




該 34 year-old Riojas is a five year professional who won his first 11 結束. Riojas has been in the ring with title challengers Ronald Gavril, Vyacheslav Shabranskyy as well as undefeated fighters Conrad Cummings, 伊曼紐爾·阿利姆, Francy Ntetu, Enrique Collazo & 羅納德·埃利斯.




Riojas is coming off dropping an eight-round unanimous decision to Brandon Robinson onApril 6th in Philadelphia.




In the special co-feature bout, 伊塞亞·塞爾頓 of Atlantic City will take on Lamar Harris in a middleweight bout scheduled for six-rounds.




The bout will kick off an historic weekend for Seldon, as his father, the former WBA Heavyweight champion of the world Bruce Seldon will be inducted into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.




該 29 year-old Seldon has a record of 11-1-1 四擊倒.




The eight-year professional is unbeaten in his last five bouts. 在他的最後一個回合, Seldon got a disputed draw against Rudy Lozano on February 11th in Humble, 得克薩斯州.




Harris of St. 聖路易斯, Missouri has a record of 9-14-4 五擊倒.




該 33 year-old is a 13 year-professional who has faced top opposition who has a win over undefeated Earl Walker (7-0). Harris has also shared the ring with 12 undefeated fighters, which includes former world champion Shawn Porter and former world title challenger Matt Korobov.




Harris is coming off being stopped in 2 rounds by Webster on August 5, 2017 在大西洋城.




在八輪較量, Prince Badi Ajamu (28-4-1, 15 科斯) 卡姆登, NJ will rematch埃德加·佩雷斯 (7-24, 3 科斯) of Chicago in a cruiserweight bout.




In a six-round bout: Kevin Asmat (3-2, 2 科斯) 北卑爾根, NJ takes on an opponent to be named in a featherweight bout.






Isaiah Hart 大西洋城, NJ will make his pro debut against against an opponent to be announced in a middleweight bout.


James Wilkins (3-0, 3 科斯) 布魯克林, 紐約州將爭奪 Joe Gbolo (3-2-2, 1 KO) of Newbergh, NY in a featherweight bout.




Also appearing in four-round bouts against yet to be named opponents are featherweight 維達爾·里維拉 (7-0, 4 科斯) 卡姆登, 新澤西州; super flyweight 埃馬紐埃爾·羅德里格斯 (2-0) 紐瓦克, NJ and lightweight Lester Brown (3-0-1, 1 KO) the Bahamas.




門票 $150 for VIP Ringside; $120 for Stage seating; $85 for Premium Seating and $60 一般入學 & can be purchased by calling Michelle Register at 609-712-3854 or Ariana Thompson at 706-588-5934

Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which includes The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.

Rising Promotions signs Isiah Seldon, 馬文·約翰遜, Dan Murray, David Sparks, Dion Sparks & Dallas Holden to promotional contracts

New Jersey promoter makes first wave of signings
All will be in action on 星期六, November 12th 在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店
新澤西州米爾維爾 (十月 3, 2016)–Rising Promotions is proud to announce the signings of super middleweight 伊塞亞·塞爾頓, super lightweight’s 馬文·約翰遜 & Dan Murray, 最輕量級 Dallas Holden, 重量級 David Sparks and featherweight Dion Sparks to exclusive promotional contracts.
They join undefeated heavyweight Quian戴維斯 (3-0-2, 2 KO的) as the first group of fighters to ink contracts under the Rising Promotions banner.
Davis is coming off a 28 second knockout this past 星期六 night in Trenton, New Jersey over Jonathan Hafley
Seldon of Atlantic City, 新澤西州有紀錄 9-1 三擊倒.
該 28 year-old son of former WBA Heavyweight world champion, 布魯斯·塞爾頓, 在轉為職業選手 2010 and won his first seven bouts. Following his lone blemish, Seldon has won two fights in 2016, which includes his latest outing when won a six-round unanimous decision over Eddie Edmond on May 27th 在大西洋城.
I am happy and excited. I know they will keep me busy and they are bringing boxing back to Atlantic City. It’s a blessing,” 塞爾登說.
Johnson has a record of 1-0-1. The Bridgeton, New Jersey native is had a long amateur career of 211-31. 他是一個 2007 National PAL in 2007 和 6 time in Florida PAL champion. Johnson was a 3 time time Ringside World Championship Runner-Up; 3 time National PAL Runner-Up Johnson is
24 years-old and turned professional in 2014, and is is coming off a four-round unanimous decision over Lamont White on July 22nd 在大西洋城.
It’s a blessing and great opportunity in my career. It puts my family in a better position. It gives me a good opportunity to fight in front of my hometown fans. I want to thank Debbie LaManna, Thomas LaManna and Vinny LaManna. It has effected and changed my family lives. I was on the shelf for a year and now I get the opportunities to show my skills,” said Johnson.
穆雷, 24 years-old of Barnegat, New Jersey was 26-7 作為一個業餘. He was a New Jersey Golden Gloves and New Jersey Diamond Gloves champion.
Murray trains at the Atlantic City PAL.
I am very excited and ready to go out and show the world what I have to offer, I am glad to sign with Rising Promotions and I will show everyone what I am all about. I worked very hard and hard work pays off,” 穆雷說
霍頓, 20 years-old of Atlantic City was a highly regarded amateur who amassed 50 打架. Holden fought in the Philadelphia Golden Gloves. He has a professional record of 1-0. Holden turned professional on July 22nd with a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Asmat in Atlantic City.
I have known Thomas for a long time and its going to be a good thing. It’s going to open a lot of doors. Because of my amateur career, people know me and now they want to see me fight as a professional,” said Holden.
David Sparks of Brooklyn, 紐約有紀錄 2-0. 該 31 歲轉職業 2014 and in his latest outing, he won a four-round unanimous decision over Marcellus Yates on March 28, 2015 in Queens, 紐約
Before turning pro, Sparks competed in 80 amateur fights and amassed 3 National championships, Golden Gloves and Ringside world championships
Signing came at a great time. We needed a break in our career. We have been going through some difficult things. I expect to fight a lot . Hopefully every month or two. 我一直在健身房. Hopefully eight to ten fights.

Dion Sparks, 19 歲, had 135 業餘打架. 他贏了 3 national championships and 2 world championships, and at one point was ranked number-one in the United States.

This is every exciting. I can do really great with Rising Promotions. I am young and talented. We been all over including at Mayweather Gym. I am always in shape and I am ready to fight. I have great expectations. I would like to fight 8 到 10 times and just stay active. I think within two or three years, we can get the right fights and fight for a championship. They set them up and we will knock them down, “said Dion Sparks. “we appreciate Rich Masini and all he has done for us.
We are very excited to announce out first signings,”said Thomas LaManna of Rising Promotions. “When we started the promotion, one of our missions was to give local fighters opportunities to showcase their abilities. So to have signed five fighters from New Jersey and two from New York is a great start for us. I think because of the success of our series at The Claridge has and will continue to attract top talent from this area. We will continue to look for and sign the best fighters and continue to put on the top-notch shows that we have over the past year.
Instagram的: @rspboxing

Seldon and Mussachio earn big wins on the Boardwalk


Capers upsets Kisner; Big wins by Davila, & 約翰遜

Davis and Maye battle to draw


大西洋城, 新澤西州 (五月 30, 2016)–This past Friday night at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, Rising Promotions staged it’s third consecutive fight card in front of a large crowd that saw Isiah Seldon defeat Eddie Edmond in the six-round main event.

The middleweight bout highlighted a entertaining six bout card.

Seldon rocked Edmond several times with right hands that had the Newark, New Jersey resident holding on. The grabbing got much more severe and Edmond was deducted a point in round four. In round six, Seldon sealed the fight when he landed a right hand that forced Edmond’s glove to touch the canvas for a knockdown.

塞爾頓, 156 lbs won by scores of 59-54, 59-53 和 58-54 to raise his record to 9-1. Edmond, 158 lbs is 4-5-2.

在共同特徵, Chuck Mussachio shook off 39 months of ring rust to pound out a six-round unanimous decision over Willis Lockett in a cruiserweight rematch of a draw that occurred almost eight-years ago.
Mussachio was adept with his jab and landed some hard right hands that stunned Lockett. Despite the long layoff, Mussachio was sharp with his punches and reflexes looked on-point as he was only hit with a couple right hands. Mussachio thrilled his fan base that has stood by him throughout his eleven year career and the Lower Cape May Regional High School guidance counselor will look to make one more run at a title fight.

Mussachio, 183 lbs of Wildwood, New Jersey won by scores of 60-54, 59-55 和 58-56 並且現在 19-3-2. Lockett, 205.3 lbs of Takoma Park, Maryland is 14-17-5.

In an action filled welterweight bout, Quan Johnson made a successful pro debut with a fourth round stoppage over Adrian Wilson in the final scheduled round of their welterweight bout.

Johnson showed fast hands from his southpaw stance and he got off to a good start when a straight left hand in round one landed for a knockdown. 過了一會兒, a hard straight left sent Wilson down for a second time in the opening frame, Wilson began to bleed from his nose in the next round and his troubles worsened when a cut over the right eye formed after another hard left. Wilson showed heart as he fought back hard but, he was outgunned as he tasted the canvas two more times in round four from first a right hook and then finally an accumulation of punches forced the bout to be stopped at 2:15 四個圓形的.

約翰遜, 148.6 櫻桃山, 新澤西 1-0 同 1 昏死. 威爾遜, 147.3 lbs of Atlantic Cuty is 0-3.

Heavyweight’s Quian Davis and Soloman Maye battled to a four round majority draw

Davis boxed but Maye came forward in attempt to make the fight. The judges liked the aggressiveness of Maye and gave him credit for two rounds on two cards ad Davis took a card 39-37 while two read even at 38-38.

戴維斯, 253 lbs of Mays Landing, New Jersey is now 2-0-2. Maye, 226.7 紐黑文磅, Connecticut is 1-6-2.

2016 United States Olympic Alternate, LeRoy Davila stopped Dominic Whitehurst in the second round in a scheduled four round bantamweight bout featuring pro debuter’s.

Davila showed quick hands from his southpaw stance and dropped Whitehurst with a body combination in round two. Davila landed a three punch combination to the body to register a second knockdown. Davila ended things when he landed a hard left hand and the fight was stopped at 2:34.
Davila, 116.9 lbs of New Brunswick, New Jersey is now 1-0 一個淘汰賽. Whitehurst, 117.5 lbs of Chillicothe, 俄亥俄州 0-1.

Said Davila’s manager, Pete Festa, “Rising Promotions is the best up and coming promoter in the industry.

Lamont Capers opened up the show by scoring a eight round split decision over Nick Kisner in a cruiserweight bout.

Capers was effective with the right hand that continued to get through on Kisner. Kisner landed some good shots that made Capers nose bleed, but he wasn’t as consistent or active enough to pile up the rounds. Kisner was deducted a point for holding in round seven.

Capers, 196.2 lbs of Hawley, Pennsylvania won by scores of 77-74 兩次, while Kisner took a card 76-75. Capers is now 6-8-2. Kisner, 197.8 lbs of Baltimore, Maryland falls to 16-3-1.

We are the most active promoter in New Jersey and our mission is bring world class boxing back to the boxing capital of the state and that’s Atlantic City. We are working on bringing TV into the picture in the very near future,” said Rising Promotions Thomas LaManna.

Debbie LaManna and Rising Promotions have done a tremendous job in trying to restore Atlantic City’s reputation as a boxing town again. They seem to have found a niche by bringing local fighters who have strong fan bases to a great venue like the Claridge,” said prominent boxing writer, Dave Weinberg of The Atlantic City Press.

The next Rising Promotions card will take place on Friday, 七月 22 at The Claridge Hotel with the return of welterweight contender, 托馬斯 “玉米片” LaManna in the main event.

Instagram的: risingpromo

Cruiserweight contender Nick Kisner ready for Boardwalk debut this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Isiah Seldon battles Eddie Edmond in main event

Chuck Mussachio takes on Willis Lockett in Light Heavyweight rematch

Plus undefeated Heavyweight Quian Davis,

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila


大西洋城, 新澤西州 (五月 26, 2016)–THIS Friday 夜晚, May 27th, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
在主要事件, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as 伊塞亞·塞爾頓 將在 埃迪·愛德蒙 in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.
In a one of the undercard bout, Baltimore-based cruiserweight contender, “華而不實的” Nick Kisner 將在 拉蒙特雀躍.
Kisner, who was a prized amateur that saw him become a 3-time National Silver Gloves champion, a 2-time National junior Golden Gloves champion and a Ringside World championship, just to name a few of his big wins in the non-paying ranks.
該 25 year-old has a record of 16-2-1 六擊倒.
I have had a very good training camp,” said Kisner. “Capers is a tough and durable opponent. He has been in with some very good fighters, but I am very confident about getting the win 在週五.”
Kisner has won two in a row since his highest profile bout to date when he dropped a ten round unanimous decision to former two-time world title challenger Lateef Kayode,
In that bout, Kisner fought well and had some moments in the bout, but came up just short in a fight that seemed closer then the official scorecards.
I learned a lot about in that fight. I went 10-rounds for the first time. I did that against one of the best fighters in the divisions. That was the fight where, also learned the best way to get down to 200 英鎊. 這不打不相識, I would kill myself to make the weight.
That training regimen has worked so well, that Kisner is now contemplating a move to light heavyweight.
“這就是計劃. 事實上, if everything goes well 在週五, that I am looking at a big name at light heavyweight in August.
但首先, he has to deal with Capers, not far from Kisner’s hometown of Baltimore.
I am excited to be fighting in Atlantic City. It is one of the big stages in boxing. 例如星期五, I am going to put on a great show, and I am going to show the world that I am great fighter. I have learned from my previous fights. I have matured and 在週五, people will see that I am on the best fighters in the world.
在六輪的共同特徵, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, 輕重量級 Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on 威利斯洛基特 in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
In a four round Welterweight bout, Adrian Wilson (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting Da’Quan Johnson 品薩肯的, 新澤西州
Quian戴維斯 (2-0-1, 1KO) of Mays Landing, 新澤西州將爭取 Soloman Maye (1-6-1, 1 KO) 紐黑文, CT in a Heavyweight out.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight Leroy Davila of New Brunswick, New Jersey battling fellow pro debuter Dominic Whitehurst of Chillicothe, OH.
Davila, who had over 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.
門票 $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available atwww.risingboxingpromotions.com609-487-4444
Instagram的: risingpromo
瑞星促銷與成為一個日用品名字與瑞星促銷能夠協調的體育和娛樂行業內的多元化特別活動數組的關鍵目標的意圖創建, 在瑞星促銷首席執行官和合作夥伴覺得對於成長機會是無限的. 我們想給的機會和未來的專業以及業餘拳擊手,其他發起人就不會輕易放棄機會. 瑞星計劃來協調這些活動將提供急需的實惠, 家庭友好的體育娛樂.

Isiah Seldon ready for 1st headlining appearance this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Chuck Mussachio takes on Willis Lockett in Light Heavyweight rematch

Plus undefeated fighetrs Quian Davis, & Lawrence Newton

Nick Kisner battles Lamont Capers in Cruiserweight attracton

Anthony Burgin to appear in Lightweight bout

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila

大西洋城, 新澤西州 (五月 23, 2016)–THIS Friday 夜晚, May 27th, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
在主要事件, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as 伊塞亞·塞爾頓 將在 埃迪·愛德蒙 in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.
塞爾頓, who is the son of former WBA Heavyweight champion, Bruce Seldon will be making his 2nd appearance in three months as he is coming off a 6-round on March 19th over Michael Mitchell, has been in the gym to round back into form after 33-month layoff.
“訓練營已經很大. We have been doing a lot of boxing as I been still shaking off some rust from the layoff,” 塞爾登說. “To come right back is not a big deal. I am an athlete and I am always in good shape. My body feels better when I am active and in the gym. Even when I wasn’t getting the fights, I was always in the gym.
In Edmond, he is fighting a fighter from Newark, New Jersey and has similar experience.
I have seen some video of him. He comes forward and he throws punches. That is the kid of fight that I want to be in. He will come to fight and that should ,make for entertaining fight.
This will be the 2nd straight fight for Seldon against a fellow foe from the Garden State, but that doesn’t matter to the 27 year-old native of Atlantic City.
I don’t care where a person is from. A fight is a fight. 事實上, I actually want to see all the locals make it. That is unless they are fighting me. It is always fun fighting in Atlantic City. I will have a lot of friends there supporting me.
Seldon credits his return to the ring to Rising Promotions, who will be staging their 3rd show in the past six months.
I would like to thank Rising Promotions, Thomas LaManna and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. They are all trying to bring boxing back to Atlantic City the way it used to be. I feel I have an opportunity to become the face of Atlantic City boxing. I have been working very hard and I feel very good. To be headlining for the first time feels really good. Rising Promotions has given me this opportunity to showcase my skills and 在週五, I am going to put on a great performance.
在六輪的共同特徵, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, 輕重量級 Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on 威利斯洛基特 in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
In an eight-round Cruiserweight bout, Nick Kisner (16-2-1, 6 KO的) 巴爾的摩, MD將在 拉蒙特雀躍 (5-8-2) 霍利, PA.

In a four round Welterweight bout, Adrian Wilson (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting Da’Quan Johnson 品薩肯的, 新澤西州
Quian戴維斯 (2-0-1, 1KO) of Mays Landing, 新澤西州將爭取 Soloman Maye (1-6-1, 1 KO) 紐黑文, CT in a Heavyweight out.
輕量級 安東尼•布爾金 (9-1, 2 KO的) 費城會打 柯蒂斯·莫頓(4-5-4) 哈林, 紐約.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight Leroy Davila of New Brunswick, New Jersey battling fellow pro debuter Dominic Whitehurst of Chillicothe, OH.
Davila, who had over 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.
Lawrence Newton (3-0, 3 KO的) of Florida will take on an opponent to be named
門票 $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available at www.risingboxingpromotions.com609-487-4444
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