Archivo de la etiqueta: Ievgen Khytrov

EPIX® establece fecha de estreno para The Contender, Revela 16 Luchadores que compiten por el cinturón de campeón

Serie de competencia de boxeo de 12 episodios de Mark Burnett

De MGM Television y Paramount Television Set al estreno en Agosto 24

LOS ÁNGELES - JUNIO 27, 2018 - La red de televisión de pago premium EPIX® ha anunciado la 16 luchadores que se enfrentarán entre sí por el cinturón del campeonato en el resurgimiento de la serie de franquicias de boxeo The Contender este otoño. La muy esperada temporada de 12 episodios, de MGM Television y Paramount Television, se estrenará en EPIX en agosto. 24, 2018 en 10 PM ET / PT.




Presentado por el campeón de boxeo invicto Andre “Hijo de Dios ”Ward, la primera serie documental competitiva de su tipo para la cadena contará con 16 luchadores que superan sus límites en agotadoras peleas de estilo eliminatorio y ponen a prueba su valor y determinación para lograr sus sueños de box. Los luchadores serán supervisados ​​por el legendario entrenador de boxeo Freddie Roach., y el renombrado entrenador de Filadelfia Naazim Richardson.




"The Contender lleva la televisión sin guión a su. Tiene luchadores profesionales increíbles y peleas profesionales reales.. El borde del drama de su asiento y las historias reales establece un tono que nuestro público estará esperando y me encanta.,"Dijo Mark Burnett, Presidente de MGM Television.




"Con esta nueva iteración de The Contender, la atención se centra en lo arenoso, historias personales de los luchadores que luchan por la gloria del boxeo,"Dijo Michael Wright, Presidente, EPIX. “Era importante para nosotros encontrar personas que no solo mostraran habilidades de boxeo y resistencia en el ring, pero que también mostró una profundidad de corazón y humor fuera de él. Nuestro 16 los luchadores son vivaces, difícil, divertido, sensitivo, impulsado e inspirador, y estamos emocionados de que nuestros fans conozcan sus historias y las apoyen dentro y fuera del ring ".




La 16 Los contendientes provienen de una amplia variedad de antecedentes y estaciones de la vida del boxeo profesional., trayendo sus historias únicas, alusiones personales, fortalezas y motivaciones de la serie.




Cada peleador competirá por ser declarado el nuevo campeón de peso mediano de 160 libras de The Contender y llévate a casa el bolso de seis cifras del ganador: un premio, que, para todos los luchadores, representa una vida mejor para sus familias y seres queridos que han estado allí con ellos a través de todos los altibajos de sus viajes.




La 16 luchadores en The Contender esta temporada son:



  • Ievgen "El león de Ucrania" Khytrov, Edad: 29, Rango: 20, Procedencia: Brooklyn, N.Y.– Un inmigrante ucraniano, Olímpico, Ievgen Khytrov se mudó recientemente a Estados Unidos para perseguir su sueño de convertirse en campeón mundial y crear una vida mejor para su familia.. Un dedicado, tranquilo, hombre religioso. Él también es el que debe vencer.



  • Eric Walker, el asesino de Babyface, Edad: 34, Rango: 68, Procedencia: Plaquemina, La. – Encarcelado en 15 años y gastados 14 años tras las rejas por robo e intento de asesinato, Eric "Babyface Assassin" Walker aprendió a boxear mientras estaba en prisión. Ahora está luchando por una segunda oportunidad en la vida., prueba viviente de que nunca es tarde para hacer realidad tus sueños.


  • John "Apollo Kid" Thompson, Edad: 29, Rango: 70, Procedencia: Newark, N.J. - Después de perder a su madre a causa del sida a los seis años., este artista intérprete o ejecutante casado, pintor y luchador, John "Apollo Kid" Thompson está aquí para demostrarle al mundo que no se le puede encasillar en una sola categoría a pesar de poseer títulos impresionantes, incluido el 2015 Peso súper welter de la WBA-NABA, Torneos Intercontinentales Superwélter y Boxcino de la OMB.


  • Malcolm "El castigador" McAllister, Edad: 27, Rango: 172, Procedencia: Playa Larga, California. –Siempre en el centro de las peleas en el patio de la escuela al crecer, Malcolm "The Punisher" McAllister ahora canaliza su energía para ayudar a otros a reconstruir fuera de la ejecución hipotecaria y su joven, familia en crecimiento. En el boxeo ha construido un impresionante récord de KO y el 2014 El título de Golden Gloves en su viaje para llevarse el título de The Contender.



  • Brandon "El cañón" Adams, Edad: 28, Rango: Inactivo, Procedencia: Los Angeles, California. – Un luchador audaz en el ring, Brandon "The Cannon" Adams sabe de primera mano lo que significa superar la adversidad y dar un paso al frente para cuidar de su familia cuando no hay nadie más cerca. Viniendo de un vecindario asolado por la pobreza, este padre de dos hijos más grande que la vida marca su regreso al boxeo después de una pausa de tres años, iniciado por una pérdida frente a un competidor, John Thompson.


  • Efectivo Quatavious "Efectivo", Edad: 26, Rango: 161, Procedencia: Las Vegas, Nev. - Este nativo de Atlanta es el poseedor del récord actual de KO más rápido en Georgia, cuatro veces campeón estatal de los Guantes de Oro y medallista de bronce. Quatavious Cash está luchando por su difunta madre y por la oportunidad de demostrar que una vida de lucha contra las pandillas callejeras puede canalizarse para siempre.



  • Shane "Sugarman" Mosley, Jr., Edad: 27, Rango: 149, Procedencia: Santa Monica, California. – El único contendiente solitario, hijo del legendario boxeador del Salón de la Fama "Sugar" Shane Mosley, Shane "Sugarman" Mosley Jr. está luchando por salir de la sombra de su padre y forjar su propio legado.


  • Daniel “El Chapulin” Valdivia, Edad: 25, Rango: 116, Procedencia: Tulare, California. – Vendedor natural y agente inmobiliario de día, nicknamed “El Chapulin” ("Saltamontes") por su energía ilimitada, El inmigrante mexicano Daniel Valdivia nació para subir al ring. Con varios títulos, incluido el campeón de peso súper welter de la NABF como un perdedor, está persiguiendo la fama para demostrar que dejar la universidad por el boxeo fue el movimiento correcto.



  • Michael "El espalda plateada" Moore, Edad: 31, Rango: 252, Procedencia:Cleveland, Ay. – Reformado de una dura vida en las calles, lleno de drogas, muerte y suicidio familiar, Michael Moore es un estafador y líder natural. Casado con dos hijos, Moore se mueve constantemente de un estado a otro con su familia a cuestas en busca del sueño del boxeo..


  • Gerald "G5" Sherrell, Edad: 24, Rango: 216, Procedencia: Pittsburgh, Papá. – Un fan del original Contendienteserie creciendo, Gerald "G5" Sherrell es un luchador invicto y explosivo con un nivel de arrogancia inigualable y autoproclamado.. Proveniente de los proyectos, esta vez múltiples guantes de oro, Guantes de plata y competidor olímpico junior, Este guardia de seguridad del zoológico local durante el día., y padre joven de noche, busca devolver la gloria del boxeo a su ciudad natal de Pittsburgh.



  • Morgan "Gran Jefe" Fitch, Edad: 34, Rango: 154, Procedencia: Pittsburgh, Papá. – Plagado de lesiones a lo largo de su carrera, el nativo americano del sur de Louisiana es un padre casado de tres hijos. Sabiendo que es mayor para el deporte, Morgan "Big Chief" Fitch tiene una última oportunidad de hacer realidad sus sueños de boxeo.


  • Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez, Edad: 24, Rango: 104, Procedencia: Fresno, California. – Habiendo sido acosado desde una edad temprana después de que un accidente lo dejó con quemaduras en 30 por ciento de su cuerpo, Marcos "Mad Man" Hernandez lucha por su hijo autista, con la esperanza de que no sea acosado de la misma manera que lo. Con Juegos Olímpicos Juveniles, 2012 Los títulos azules y dorados y las peleas al estilo "mexicano hacia adelante" pueden ser pasados ​​por alto y subestimados..



  • Tyrone "Young Gun" Brunson, Edad: 33, Rango: 39, Procedencia: Filadelfia, Pensilvania - En un momento en que necesitaba vender drogas para mantenerse a la edad de 13, el ultimátum de un padrastro: estar castigado o ir al gimnasio de boxeo fue su gracia salvadora. Ahora un humilde padre de dos, y sentado con uno de los mejores rankings de la competencia, su 24 Los KO envían una señal de que no peleará en silencio, pero su actitud arrogante lo ha vencido más de una vez..


  • Lamar "Omega" Russ, Edad: 31, Rango: 115, Procedencia: Wilmington, N.C. -Uno de los cuatro hijos criados por una madre soltera y la primera persona de su familia en graduarse de la universidad., Lamar "Omega" Russ se enorgullece de ser el perdedor, y debajo del exterior ruidoso hay un boxeador que necesita demostrar que puede poner su dinero donde está su boca. HBO, ESPN y un KO de primera ronda en Showtime hablan por completo.



  • John "The Rock" Jackson, Edad: 29, Rango: 63, Procedencia: St. Thomas, U.S. Islas vírgenes – Un padre divorciado de dos, este boxeador hábil y ágil, El isleño virgen John "The Rock" Jackson comenzó a pelear en 12 años, siguiendo los pasos de su padre, campeón mundial, Julian Jackson en los Juegos Panamericanos y 2008 Juegos Olímpicos. Viene de la riqueza, pero se preocupa por los desfavorecidos y sueña con enorgullecer a su isla y brindar visibilidad a los afectados por desastres naturales recientes.


  • Devaun "Unique" Lee, Edad: 30, Rango: 82, Procedencia: Reinas de jamaica, N.Y.

Cuando uno de sus amigos fue asesinado a tiros en 16, Devaun "Unique" Lee sabía que necesitaba una salida de las malas calles de Queens.. El boxeo lo mantiene recto. Lo mismo ocurre con largas horas cargando aviones y cuidando a su hija de cinco años.. El verdadero amor de su vida. La paternidad y el deporte son la motivación para llevar su campeonato de peso medio del estado de Nueva York al siguiente nivel..



El original Contendiente la serie duró cuatro temporadas (2005-2009) y lanzó a varios luchadores a la contienda por títulos mundiales, incluidos los ganadores del título Sergio Mora, Cornelio Bundrage, Saki Tauro, y Sam Soliman.



Eric Van Wagenen se desempeña como productor ejecutivo y showrunner de la franquicia revivida junto a Mark Burnett.. El formato es propiedad de MGM Television y Paramount Television..



EPIX está disponible en todo el país a través de cable, satélite, proveedores de telecomunicaciones y transmisión de TV, incluido Charter Spectrum, Timonel, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Dish Network, Honda, PlayStation Vue y, a junio 13, Comcast.

VIVO Fightnight COMPLETA DOBLE primer fin de semana, Atrayendo a más de 188,000 VISTAS para propulsar audiencia total ARRIBA 750,000

serie de lucha interactiva ha promediado 108,000 vistas de Facebook por emisión, emocionando a más de tres cuartas partes de un millón de fans desde Mayo 11.
NUEVA YORK (Siete. 19, 2017) – La primera vez “fin de semana doble cartelera” para la fightnight VIVO vio la serie de cuatro meses de edad, ventilador de usar plataforma de Facebook atraerá a más de 188,000 vistas a través de back-to-back, Viernes y Sábado muestra en Nueva Inglaterra con DiBella Entertainment y Boxeo de CES.

Además, la serie interactiva que – entre otros aspectos – se enorgullece de las conversaciones en tiempo real que tuvieron lugar entre los comentaristas de lucha y la audiencia registró una nueva marca con alto 40,714 Gustos, Ama, Comentarios y Acciones el viernes de Foxwoods. El resultado final de todos los puntos de vista de Show-por-show, la interactividad serie y el alcance global de la plataforma de Facebook en todo el U.S. y también para el público significativas en el Reino Unido, México y América del Sur – Fightnight VIVO superó un nuevo hito al alcanzar su punto de vista número 750.000 sólo en su séptimo espectáculo.

“Estamos muy orgullosos de que Facebook Fightnight VIVO ha proporcionado gratis, eventos llenos de acción de más de las tres cuartas partes de un millón de seguidores en apenas más de cuatro meses, mediante la publicación de una audiencia media de show-por-muestra de 108.000,” dicho Marcos Fratto, Principal y Director de Desarrollo de Negocios, Linacre medios. “Pero más allá de los números, estamos muy satisfechos con la forma en que los espectáculos se han presentado y producido. Hemos sido capaces de mostrar arriba-y-venir combatientes para luchar contra los aficionados de todo el mundo, y ayudan a expandir sus bases. Y hemos sido capaces de invitar a nuestros espectadores a ser parte de la acción mediante el fomento de la interacción en tiempo real entre los organismos de radiodifusión y los espectadores en la actividad de lucha, las decisiones y los agujeros ciegos; es la siguiente mejor cosa para tener un asiento de primera fila.”

Durante los primeros cuatro meses, más de la programación, los números de las series Fightnight REALES han mostrado promesa y el potencial para la nueva plataforma con un promedio de casi 108,000 los fanáticos sintonizan por evento. sept. 9 “Promociones Real Deal: Empire State” de Resorts World Casino (225,000), el CES agosto “Súper Sábado” de Foxwoods (203,000), Sept. CES “El río gemelo doble cartelera” de Lincoln, RHODE ISLAND. (157,000), el número de julio Roy Jones Jr. “desierto enfrentamiento” desde Phoenix (63,000), el Mayo “Pelea en el Sun” desde el Mohegan Sun (45,000), el número de junio “Rosemont Rumble” desde Chicago (32,000) y los Sept. DiBella “Viernes Combates Foxwoods” (32,000) vio a un total de casi 14,000 total de horas de vídeo de Facebook consumidos por los usuarios 755,253-plus en todos los dispositivos.

Además de los números de audiencia primas, el totalmente interactivo, producciones amigable con los fanáticos han visto más de 122,819 compromisos colocar en vivo colectivos (17,700-además por la demostración), incluyendo casi 88,000 “gustos” o “ama,” más que 13,000 comentarios y acciones 4200-plus. transmisiones en vivo son vistos por Fightnight 76 por ciento de hombres, 24 por ciento de mujeres. El demográfica parte superior se compone de los varones de edad 25-34, la cual comprende aproximadamente 30 por ciento de la audiencia, de media.

sept. 9 “Promociones Real Deal: Empire State” establecer un nuevo bar con 224,658 puntos de vista y los Sept. 15-16 DiBella-CES doble cartelera llevó la serie a tres cuartos-de-uno-millones de visitas en apenas más de cuatro meses. ago. 26 Foxwoods “Súper Sábado” espectáculo destaca individualmente con 3,336 horas en directo de contenidos vistos, mientras que los Sept. 15 tarjeta de DiBella vio más de 40,000 interacciones de visualización incluyendo casi 39,000 “gustos” o “ama.”

Facebook Fightnight VIVO ha sido entregado a los aficionados absolutamente libre desde su mayo 2017 lanzamiento cortesía de la serie de socios corporativos como Barbour Uno 9, La gestión del talento y entretenimiento Producción ( y joyería fina del Noreste (

Muchos Fightnight tarjetas REALES son llamados por el locutor de renombre mundial golpe por golpe Ray Flores Premier de campeones de boxeo, Showtime Boxeo, HBO Boxing y CBS Sports Redes. A menudo unirse a ringside Flores son analistas como Michael Woods del talkbox Podcast, y el anillo de TV. reporteros de primera fila de base local con seguidores significativos de medios sociales a menudo se emplean para el pesaje día “entre bastidores” entrevistas grabadas y los informes posteriores a la lucha.

Creado y producido por Linacre medios de la ciudad de Nueva York, la serie Fightnight VIVO características de locutores profesionales, múltiples ángulos de cámara, gráficos de televisión, repeticiones y detrás de las escenas de acceso y entrevistas. Los programas de streaming están disponibles a nivel mundial donde Facebook está disponible. La iniciativa no sólo permite a los aficionados de todo el mundo para sintonizar, pero también da combatientes arriba-y-venir de una plataforma global para mostrar sus habilidades, da promotores una accesible “emisión” solución y da patrocinadores la posibilidad de llegar a un público masivo a través de contenido de marca.

Más Fightnight caída VIVO 2017 fechas se darán a conocer oficialmente en las próximas semanas.

VIVO Fightnight está disponible en línea en: /

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Niall Kennedy gana controvertida decisión frente al campeón defensor Alexis Santos para capturar el título de peso pesado de Nueva Inglaterra

RESULTADOS Broadway Boxing

Alexis Santos (L) vs. Niall Kennedy
(todas las imágenes de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment)
Mashantucket, Connecticut (Septiembre 16, 2017) – El invicto irlandés Niall “Boom Boom” Kennedy ganó una decisión dividida en 10 asaltos frente controvertido defensor del título Alexis Santos para capturar el campeonato de peso pesado de Nueva Inglaterra en la última noche de (Sábado) evento principal de Broadway Boxing que tuvo lugar en el Teatro Fox, en el Foxwoods Resort Casino, en Mashantucket, Connecticut.
La Broadway Boxing la serie es promovido por DiBella Entertainment y presentado por Nissan de Queens, Relojes Azad, Optyx, y Christos Steak House. espectáculo de anoche, el cual fue transmitido por Fightnight VIVO en Facebook, fue promovido en asociación con Murphys boxeo.
Kennedy (9-0, 5 KOs), luchando fuera de Galway, Irlanda, a modo de Boston, luchado contra Santos en una competitiva, lleno de acción pelea en recibir el N.E. título por decenas de 96-93, 96-93, 93-96. La mayoría de los aficionados presentes, fuera de los partidarios irlandeses de Kennedy, y los medios de comunicación de primera fila sintieron que Santos, de Lawrence, Massachusetts, tenía el borde y merecía la decisión.
Árbitro en LoBianco deducido un punto de Santos en el noveno asalto por un golpe bajo altamente cuestionable y no se pronunció una caída cuando parecía que las cuerdas mantenido Kennedy en posición vertical en una tremenda oleada última ronda de la American Dominicana.
En la pelea co-estelar, el ex campeón del mundo Shelly “Camino de Shelito” Vicente (20-1, 1 KO), de la Providencia, Rhode Island, derrotado ex retador al título mundial Ángel “Sin parar” Gladney (9-13-1, 6 KOs) en un partido de peso ligero junior. El colorido Vicente fue el agresor durante toda la pelea, aislando efectivamente el anillo, outboxing y caminando por Gladney por un desequilibrado ocho asaltos por decisión unánime (80-72, 80-71 dos veces).
Shelly Vicente (L) superado Ángel Gladney
La estrella en ascenso de peso welter de Connecticut “Maravilloso” Mykquan Williams mejoró su récord a 8-0 (4 KOs), lanzar una blanqueada completa en un impresionante decisión unánime de seis asaltos (todos 60-54) ganar más de una forma mucho más experimentado y considerablemente más alto entrelazar “premio de combate” Dixon (7-20-2, 2 KOs). Williams es un joven de 19 años de edad, de East Hartford que es un estudiante de primer año en el Manchester Community College.
Mykquan Williams (L) navegado a una nueva victoria
2012 Ucraniano olímpico Ievgen “El León de Ucrania” Khytrov (15-1, 13 KOs), peleando desde Brooklyn, recuperado de su única derrota profesional con una victoria por decisión en ocho asaltos cerca blanqueada (80-72 dos veces, 79-73) por encima de su adversario siempre es difícil súper mediano, veterano batalla probado Derrick “Superhombre” Finley (27-22-1, 18 KOs).
“Era diferente cuando empecé el entrenamiento después de una pérdida,” Khytrov dijo después de la pelea. “Empecé a pensar más y trabajar en mi defensa; a luchar mucho más inteligente en lugar de sólo peleas, golpes de lanzamiento, como lo hice antes de mi pérdida. Vine los EE.UU. hace cuatro años a partir de un pequeño país que no es rico para convertirse en un campeón del mundo. Siento que estoy de vuelta en el camino correcto.
Ievgen Khytrov (R) se recuperó con una victoria sólida
Nueva Inglaterra caliente prospecto de peso welter junior, Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (5-0, 4 KOs) intensificado en clase ante el mexicano Francisco “El Mono” moderado (11-10, 7 KOs), y se mantuvo invicto al mostrar su juego en general, ofensivo y defensivo. Luchando fuera de Lawrence, Massachusetts, la 2014 N. S.. campeón amateur Sosa cayó medalla con un recto de derecha en la primera ronda, un cuerpo disimulado un disparo en el segundo y terminó de apagado en el tercer lugar con un derecho quebradizo al templo como árbitro en LoBianco de inmediato se detuvo la acción.
welters pro-debutando Nicky DeQuattro (1-0, 1 KO) y timothy Wheeler (0-1) comprometido en una lucha de la calle de la campana de apertura hasta DeQuartro, luchando fuera de Johnson, Rhode Island, conectada con un volado de derecha que derribó a su rival la ciudad de Nueva York. Momentos después, DeQuattro desencadenó una combinación de cuatro golpes que cayó Wheeler para una cuenta de 10 completa.
La noche comenzó con una barnburner como el ex boxeador amateur de Irlanda Ray Moylette (6-0, 2 KOs) mantuvo su invicto registro pro intacta pero ciertamente no fue fácil. Moylette superó una segunda ronda desmontables, volviendo fuerte en la segunda mitad de la pelea para tomar una decisión dividida en seis asaltos frente juego welter junior Donte Bryant (1-3-1, 1 KO).
Foxwoods resultados completos por debajo:
MAIN EVENT – N. S.. campeonato pesado
Niall Kennedy (8-0, 5 KOs), Gorey, Irlanda
WDEC10 (96-93, 96-93, 93-96)
(Kennedy ganó el título de peso pesado de Nueva Inglaterra)
Co-estelar – Subalternas pesos ligeros
Shelly Vicente (20-1, 1 KO), Providencia, Rhode Island
WDEC8 (80-71, 80-71, 80-72)
Ángel Gladney (9-13-1, 6 KOs), Columbia, Brooklyn, Nueva York
Súper medianos
Ievgen Khytrov (15-1, 12 KOs), Brooklyn, Nueva York
WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 79-73)
Derrick Finley (27-22-1 (18 KOs), Gary, EN
Myquan Williams (8-0, 4 KOs), east Hartford, Connecticut
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
TIE Dixon (7-20-2 (2 KOs), Lancaster, Pensilvania
Nicky DeQuattro (1-0, 1 KO), Johnston, Rhode Island
WKO1 (2:28)
timothy Wheeler (0-1, 0 KO), Nueva York, Nueva York
JUNIOR welters
Adrian Sosa (5-0, 4 KOs), Lawrence, Massachusetts
WTKO3 (0:30)
Francisco Medel (11-10, 7 KOs)
Raymond Moylette (6-0, 2 KOs), Islandeady, Irlanda
WDEC6 (57-56, 57-56, 55-58)
Donte Bryant (1-3-1, 1 KO), Kalamazoo, MI

DiBella Entertainment Y VIVO Fightnight se asocian para ofrecer septiembre. 15 “Broadway Boxing” MOSTRAR EN FACEBOOK

Fan-amigable, plataforma interactiva une fuerzas con la serie de lucha de larga ejecución en vivo desde el Foxwoods el viernes.
NUEVA YORK (Siete. 13, 2017) – Después de atraer más de 200,000 espectadores en cada una de sus dos últimos conciertos, Facebook fightnight VIVO continúa su programación de septiembre por la alineación con uno de la serie de lucha de más larga duración en cualquier lugar. La tecnología de avance, ventilador de usar Facebook plataforma de difusión ahora con socios DiBella Entertainment para entregar la próxima edición de la promoción de “Broadway Boxing,” en vivo desde el Foxwoods Resort Casino en Connecticut.

“Estoy muy contento de traer Broadway Boxing a una plataforma de medios sociales de gran alcance, tales como Facebook a través VIVO Fightnight,” dicho Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment. “Estamos Transmisión de toda la tarjeta de forma gratuita y tendremos un gran equipo de comentaristas llaman a la acción, con Showtime Corey Erdman, boxeo estrella / MMA Heather Hardy, y Hartford, el ex retador mundial de Connecticut John Sculley. Los espectadores podrán disfrutar de una gran alineación con campeón de peso pesado de Nueva Inglaterra Alexis Santos se enfrenta Irlanda del Niall Kennedy en el evento principal, junto con peso mediano Ievgen Khytrov, luchadora populares Shelly Vicente, East Hartford de Mykquan Williams y otros talentos locales en la cartelera.”

Encabezando la noche en un combate de peso pesado a 10 asaltos de los rivales locales, Alexis Santos (18-1, 15 KOs), de Lawrence, Misa., enfrentamientos con Irlanda Niall Kennedy (8-0, 5 KOs), luchando fuera de Boston, Masa. Co-promovido por DiBella Entertainment y Lucha Promociones Inc., contendiente de peso medio Ievgen “El León de Ucrania” Khytrov (14-1, 12 KOs), de Brooklyn, N.Y., batallas especialista trastornar la mente Derrick “Superhombre” Findley (27-21-1, 18 KOs), de Gary, Indiana, después de ocho asaltos en el evento co-estelar. Nueva Inglaterra favorito de los fans “Maravilloso” Mykquan Williams (7-0, 4 KOs), de East Hartford, Conn., volverá en contra de batalla probado TIE Dixon, de Lancaster, Penn., más de seis rondas. En una batalla de ocho asaltos de peso ligero junior función atracción especial para mujeres, Shelly “Camino de Shelito” Vicente(19-1, 1 KO) los cuadrados apagado contra Ángel “Sin escalas” Gladney (9-12-1, 6 KOs).

“Hemos visto Facebook Fightnight VIVO crecer y convertirse en una plataforma verdaderamente global durante los primeros cinco meses, y estamos satisfechos de que tantos promotores han tomado nota. Viernes de tarjeta con DiBella Entertainment cuenta con combates de calidad con destacados internacionales y regionales estrellas, y estamos muy contentos de que una larga ejecución, serie de alta calidad como Broadway Boxing ha encontrado un nuevo hogar en Facebook,” dicho Marcos Fratto, Principal y Director de Desarrollo de Negocios, Linacre medios.

Durante los primeros cinco meses de programación, los números de las series Fightnight REALES han mostrado promesa y el potencial para la nueva plataforma con un promedio de más de 113,000 los fanáticos sintonizan por evento. sept. 9 “Promociones Real Deal: Empire State” de Resorts World Casino (224,658), agosto “Súper Sábado” de Foxwoods (203,000), el número de julio Roy Jones Jr. “desierto enfrentamiento” desde Phoenix (63,000), el Mayo “Pelea en el Sun” desde el Mohegan Sun (45,000) El número de junio y “Rosemont Rumble” desde Chicago (32,000) vio un total de más de 12,700 total de horas de vídeo de Facebook que consumen los usuarios de 567.000-plus en todos los dispositivos.

Además de los números de audiencia primas, el totalmente interactivo, producciones amigable con los fanáticos han visto más de 71,000 compromisos colocar en vivo colectivos (14,000-además por la demostración), incluyendo más de 40,400 “gustos” o “ama,” más que 10,300 comentarios y acciones 3200-plus. transmisiones en vivo son vistos por Fightnight 76 por ciento de hombres, 24 por ciento de mujeres. El demográfica parte superior se compone de los varones de edad 25-34, la cual comprende aproximadamente 30 por ciento de la audiencia, de media.

sept. 9 “Promociones Real Deal: Empire State” establecer un nuevo bar con 224,658 puntos de vista y se llevaron la serie a más de la mitad-a-millones de visitas en menos de cuatro meses, mientras ago. 26 Foxwoods “Súper Sábado” espectáculo destaca individualmente con 201,935 vistas 3,336 horas en vivo de contenido, con 8,224 interacciones de visualización incluyendo 1,133 “gustos” o “ama,” 1,570 y comentarios 1,392 Comparte.

Facebook Fightnight VIVO ha sido entregado a los aficionados absolutamente libre desde su mayo 2017 lanzar cortesía de socios corporativos como Barbour Uno 9, La gestión del talento y entretenimiento Producción ( y joyería fina del Noreste (

El Viernes noche, Siete. 15, en vivo desde el Foxwoods, los aficionados pueden esperar un alto impacto, multi-cámara experiencia de transmisión completa con los gráficos, animaciones, las repeticiones, entrevistas y un equipo de anunciar anclado por el locutor golpe por golpe Corey Erdman de Showtime, VICE escena del boxeo. Erdman estará acompañado en el programa por el ex peso semipesado clasificado mundial “Repartidor de hielo” John Scully, propio titular del CMB Internacional femenino supergallo de Brooklyn Brezo “El Heat” Resistente y DiBella a sí mismo como analistas. Para proporcionar los espectadores con una experiencia de primera fila totalmente interactivo, comentaristas preguntar y responder a preguntas de la audiencia de Facebook a través de la emisión.

Creado y producido por Linacre medios de la ciudad de Nueva York, la serie Fightnight VIVO características de locutores profesionales, múltiples ángulos de cámara, gráficos de televisión, repeticiones y detrás de las escenas de acceso y entrevistas. Los programas de streaming están disponibles a nivel mundial donde Facebook está disponible. La iniciativa no sólo permite a los aficionados de todo el mundo para sintonizar, pero también da combatientes arriba-y-venir de una plataforma global para mostrar sus habilidades, da promotores una accesible “emisión” solución y da patrocinadores la posibilidad de llegar a un público masivo a través de contenido de marca.

Más Fightnight caída VIVO 2017 fechas se darán a conocer oficialmente en las próximas semanas.

VIVO Fightnight está disponible en línea en: /

Siga toda la acción a través de los medios sociales en FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE en Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE en Instagram y @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ en Twitter, o usando el hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Para obtener los últimos acontecimientos Linacre los medios de comunicación y horario de emisión, siga @LinacreMedia en todas las plataformas sociales o utilizar las etiquetas o #LinacreMediaEvents #LinacreMediaOnTV.




Gervonta Davis destrona a Jose Pedraza en SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature


Vea una presentación adicional de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING

Lunes, Enero 16 En 10 p.m. Y/PT por SHOWTIME EXTREME

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Tom Casino / Showtime

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para fotos de Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions


BROOKLYN (Jan. 15, 2017) - El no. 1 y n. 2-Los súper medianos clasificados del mundo se reunieron en una unificación para determinar el mejor luchador de 168 libras del mundo. Sábado por SHOWTIME. Después de dos caídas y 12 intenso, espalda y adelante rondas, la distinción como el mejor súper mediano del mundo aún está en juego.


Campeón del CMB Badou Jack (20-1-3, 12 KOs) y campeón de la FIB James DeGale (23-1-1, 14 KOs) luchó por un empate mayoritario de 12 asaltos en el evento principal de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING frente a 10,128 Barclays Center en Brooklyn. La pelea fue anotada 114-112 (DeGale) y 113-113 dos veces, y el único ganador claro fue el deporte del boxeo y sus fanáticos.


DeGale de Gran Bretaña, haciendo la tercera defensa de su cinturón FIB, Comenzó el drama derribando a Jack con un golpe con 30 segundos por jugarse en la primera ronda. Pero fue de ida y vuelta desde allí en un, batalla muy reñida entre el mejor consenso en la categoría de peso y en el octavo combate de unificación en la historia de la división.


Gato, haciendo su tercera defensa del título, era más eficaz por dentro y más activo, lanzamiento 745 golpes totales vs. DeGale 617.


El momento crucial de la pelea ocurrió cuando Jack derribó a DeGale por primera vez en su carrera con un golpe combinado de izquierda a derecha a mitad de camino. 12º y ronda final. Sin el 10-8 ronda, DeGale habría ganado por decisión unánime.


"Yo pensé que gané la pelea. Terminé más fuerte,"Dijo Jack. "Su caída fue una caída rápida. Que gané la pelea. Estaba corriendo mucho. Estaba tirando mucha mierda a mi guardia.


"Hagámoslo de nuevo en peso semipesado. Es hora de pasar al peso semipesado ".


DeGale respondió: "Tengo un gran respeto por este hombre, pero pensé que había ganado eso. Conseguí los tiros más limpios. Hagámoslo de nuevo. Hagámoslo de nuevo en Londres.


"Él me pegó (en el 12º), pero estaba más fuera de balance. Lo respeto. Es un buen, all-around de combate. Vamos otra vez."


Invicto protegido de Floyd Mayweather en 130 libras Gervonta Davis (17-0, 16 KOs) destronado campeón mundial de peso ligero junior de la FIB Jose Pedraza (22-1, 12 KOs) con un impresionante nocaut técnico en el séptimo asalto (2:36) en la pelea de apertura de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


Davis fue sumamente preciso desde la campana de apertura, aterrizando un asombroso 48 por ciento de sus golpes de poder y 40 por ciento de sus disparos totales. Davis ganó su primer título en apenas 22 año de edad, similar a su mentor Mayweather, que recogió su primer cinturón en la misma categoría de peso cuando estaba 21.


Pedraza hacía la tercera defensa de su cinturón, pero no salió con su tradicional plan de juego de "francotirador" de luchar a distancia y destrozar a su oponente. Davis ganó confianza mientras se conectaba por dentro, aterrizando a un ritmo impresionante y evitando que su oponente puertorriqueño aterrice con un movimiento lateral y de cabeza efectivo.


El nativo de Baltimore lastimó a Pedraza con un enorme gancho de izquierda al cuerpo en los momentos iniciales del sexto asalto., obligando a Pedraza a proteger su costado derecho mientras come combinaciones repetidas sin respuesta para el ataque. Davis aterrizó más de 50 por ciento de sus golpes de poder en el sexto y Pedraza nunca se recuperó realmente. Fue derribado en el séptimo asalto por un gran gancho de derecha., cayendo a la lona por primera vez en su carrera. Pedraza se levantó, pero el árbitro Ricky González sintió que Pedraza fue derrotado e inmediatamente detuvo el concurso.


"He tenido experiencia, Te estaba contando todo eso y no lo creías,"Dijo Davis, quien se convirtió en el campeón mundial reinante más joven. "Hice el trabajo duro, y nosotros saliendo arriba, significa mucho. Tener un gran boxeador y promotor apoyándome se siente genial.


"En este campamento, Estudié "Pretty Boy" Floyd, no 'Dinero'. Aprendí a mantener la compostura. Me atrapó con algunos buenos tiros. Lo tomé y volví a salir. Así es como demuestras que eres un tipo de verdad.


"Sentí que se estaba acostando. Lo atrapé una vez en el cuerpo y retrocedió. Mi equipo me dijo que volviera al cuerpo. Mi equipo me dijo que me mantuviera bajo control y volviera al cuerpo ”.


Dijo Mayweather: "Para este campo de entrenamiento, No quería estar cerca de él. No queria hablar con el. Quería que se concentrara para que pudiera salir y tener razón.. ¿Es este el futuro del boxeo?? Absolutamente jodidamente. "


Pedraza admitió que cometió un error fundamental al luchar contra el juego de Davis.


"La estrategia era luchar contra él desde la distancia, pero no funcionó de esa manera,Pedraza dijo. "En rachas lo hice, pero al final estaba tratando de presionar demasiado y eso no funcionó.


"Hubo un momento en el que me ajusté al plan de juego que quería, pero seguí tratando de pelear con él y no funcionó.


"No es excusa, pero yo estaba en 135 libras y aceptar esta pelea tal vez no fue el movimiento correcto ".


Amanda Serrano (31-1-1, 23 KOs) aprovechó la oportunidad de pelear en la primera pelea por el título mundial de mujeres en la televisión nacional en inglés en casi una década, con una actuación dominante en la victoria. Serrano defendió su Campeonato Mundial Peso Pluma Júnior de la OMB sobre la ex campeona mundial de dos divisiones Yazmin Rivas (35-10-1, 10 KOs) por decisión unánime. Los jueces anotaron la pelea 97-97, 98-92, 99-91.


Serrano fue el peleador más ocupado desde la campana de apertura, y conectó casi el doble de golpes que su oponente - 206 comparado con 107 - mientras se conecta en una impresionante 41 por ciento de sus golpes de poder.


We knew she was going to come to fight,” Serrano said. “She’s a Mexican fighter who’s very tough and experienced. I had to show her my power and my skills. I was glad to get 10-rounds in and I hope the fans enjoyed the fight.


We wanted the knockout, but I was ready for 10-rounds. People who think I’m just a brawler saw that I’m a great boxer today. We picked a tough opponent because we wanted to showcase that I can beat good fighters and take a punch if I have to. I can do everything in the ring. We wanted the toughest fighter out there and she came to fight.


“It was a great night for women’s boxing and I hope it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Queremos lo mejor. My goal is to drop to 118 pounds and win a title in my fifth division. I want to fight other champions. My goal is to be the first Puerto Rican to hold world titles in five weight classes.


Rivas disagreed with the decision.


It was an excellent fight. I followed all of the instructions from my corner and I believe that I won,” Rivas said. “I think the last round was very close, but I think I did well in all the rounds.


I knew everything was against me and to win I had to knock her out. Unfortunately it didn’t happen today. I believe that after this fight, women will have more opportunities to show their skills on television.


In an exciting matchup of undefeated middleweights that saw multiple knockdowns and swings of momentum, Immanuel Aleem (17-0-1, 10 KOs) defeated previously unbeaten Ievgen Khytrov (14-1, 12 KOs) by sixth-round TKO.


Aleem struck first with a massive overhand right that staggered Khytrov and left him wide-eyed and susceptible to punishment. Aleem pushed forward and continued to land punches, but the Ukrainian was able to stay on his feet to survive the round and return to his corner.


Khytrov recovered brilliantly to win the second round on all three judges’ scorecards, Incluyendo 10-8 in the eyes of one judge. The third round saw an early candidate for Round of the Year in which Aleem dropped Khytrov hard with a strong left hook that put Khytrov down for the first time in his career. Khytrov continued to show incredible resolve as he was able stay on his feet and blast Aleem with a late shot that nearly put Aleem out.


The back-and-forth continued with Khytrov seemingly beginning to take control of the bout until the sixth round when Aleem landed a series of overhand right hands that put Khytrov down again. Khytrov beat the count but Aleem continued to push forward and battered a defenseless Khytrov until referee Eddie Claudio halted the bout 1:20 into round six. Aleem landed 50 percent of his power punches in the bout that was scheduled for 10-rounds.


The opening bout of the telecast saw former title challenger Thomas Dulorme (24-2, 16 KOs) earn a sixth-round TKO victory over Brian Jones (13-7, 7 KOs) in their welterweight contest. In his first bout since signing with Mayweather Promotions, the Puerto Rican-fighter dominated and controlled the fight by landing 46 por ciento de sus golpes de poder.


Big overhand rights and uppercuts did most of the damage early for Dulorme as he staggered Jones in a dominant third round. Dulorme began to work the body shots in as he wore Jones down but missed low repeatedly in round five and had a point deducted from him by referee Shada Murdaugh. Dulorme was able to recover in the next round and used a strong flurry to force the referee to intervene and stop the fight at 1:49 de la sexta ronda.


# # #



Badou Jack vs. James DeGale, a 12-round super middleweight world unification fight, was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment and took place Saturday, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME. Opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT were junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza and unbeaten contender Gervonta Davis.


Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Badou Jack vs. James DeGale Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Doubleheader ThisSábado, Enero 14 Barclays Center en Brooklyn
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para fotos de Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Tom Casino / Showtime
BROOKLYN (Enero 12, 2017) – Super middleweight champions Badou Jack yJames DeGale fue cara a cara Jueves at the final press conference before their world title unification showdown that headlines action this Sábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.
Presidente de Mayweather Promotions Floyd Mayweather discussed the highly anticipated matchup featuring his fighter, Gato, who he has helped go from contender to the top of the 168-pound division.
La cobertura televisada comienza en 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT with junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza enfrentando al contendiente invicto Gervonta Davis, both of whom were on hand to speak to media at the Highline Ballroom in Manhattan.
Fighters from the televised undercard in attendance include super bantamweight world champion Amanda Serrano who defends her title against former two-division world champion Yazmin Rivas SHOWTIME EXTREME en. Also in attendance and opening up the telecast at 7 p.m. Y/PT are undefeated middleweights Ievgen Khytrov yImmanuel Aleem y el ex retador al título Thomas Dulorme, whotakes on Brian Jones.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Los boletos están disponibles ahora y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Jueves:
I’m just happy to be here and enjoying myself. I can’t wait until Sábado night to become a unified world champion.
I’m fighting another world champion so I know that it’s not going to be easy. No importa que, we’re getting the job done.
“En la noche del combate, none of the talk matters. You have to back it up in the ring. I’m just excited about the fight. I’m not focused on anything else other than that. I just need to win.
I’ve been paying attention to DeGale for a while. You have to study your opponent a little bit for a fight this big. I’m ready to do anything it takes to win the fight.
I promise the fans it’s going to be an exciting fight. No parpadear, because this one could be over quickly. One punch can change the fight.
This is champion versus champion. ¡Ya está aquí. I’m going to put on a great show and become the unified champion, no matter what it takes.
To be at Barclays Center in Brooklyn is amazing. It’s a unification fight so it doesn’t get any bigger than that. It’s boxing and anything can happen, but on fight night I’m going to find a way to get the victory.
This is the most people that have come over from Sweden to support me. It’s fun to have a lot of support back home. I can’t wait to come home as a unified champion.
James DeGale
Badou doesn’t do anything spectacularly, but he does everything well. I’ve got to be on top of my game to get the victory.
I’m prepared if the fight goes 12-rounds or one round. My training has been perfect and it’s all going to come together on fight night.
It’s a dream come true to fight at Barclays Center. A lot of U.K. fighters have fought in New York and I’m excited to be another. It’s going to be a special atmosphere on fight night.
I’m expecting to have a lot of support en sábado noche. My profile in America has been growing and I think there will be support in the building. As a young kid you always wanted to come to America and become a star.
Camp is done. It’s been a wicked camp. Everything has gone well. En Sábado night you’re going to see two world class fighters go to war. I have no doubt that I will be victorious and become the super middleweight unified world champion.
This is the moment. The time is now and we’re ready. My whole team is primed for a great performance. I’m ready to prove that I’m one of the best fighters in the world.
I can’t wait to return to the U.K. as a unified world champion. This is a great fight for boxing and it’s going to raise my appeal all over the world.
I think our styles are going to gel to make a great fight. But don’t be surprised about anything you see in the ring. Enjoy the fight en sábado noche.”
Floyd Mayweather, Presidente de Mayweather Promotions
I want to thank everybody for coming out to support this event. The main thing I want to do is thank the fighters. Without the fighters going out there and racking up victories then we wouldn’t be here today for this explosive card.
I commend James DeGale on his career. He’s done a great job. Badou Jack is very humble, appreciative and dedicated to his craft. These are unbelievable fighters.Sábado we’re looking for another great night of boxing. I think it will be one of the best cards of this year and this is one of the first.
We have so many new faces at Mayweather Promotions, including Thomas Dulorme, and we look forward to taking him to the next level and back to world title contention.
Everything takes time in the sport. Nothing happens overnight. We started Mayweather Promotions to give back and help fighters, not take from fighters. He estado allí, so I know how these fighters feel. It takes a lot to reach this level.
It takes a lot to get a card of this magnitude together. But I’m a man of my word. I told Gervonta Davis that he would be fighting on TV for a world title. It’s about producing, and that’s what we do at Mayweather Promotions.
This sport is about the fighters growing and accomplishing their dreams. Helping these fighters is the greatest feeling. I’m always there to help my fighters.
I’m so proud of Badou Jack. The first time I saw him in the gym, I was curious about him. If a guy is willing to fly overseas and take a bus to the boxing gym to accomplish his dreams, that’s what makes a great fighter.
I gave a lot to the sport and boxing gave a lot to me. My career is over and it’s time for me to give back. I want to help them accomplish their goals.
This is going to be a great card. Make sure you tune-in en sábado noche. Two great world title fights on SHOWTIME and another on SHOWTIME EXTREME.
I’m very proud and grateful to be here and represent Puerto Rico. I’m ready to get to the fight. I’ve been training for a very long time. It’s been a great camp with a lot of good sparring.
Davis is a great fighter. He’s very young and talented. He has a good record. But I am the champion. I’m prepared for anything he might bring into the ring.
I am excited to fight in front of the great Puerto Rican fans in Brooklyn. I think it will help inspire me to give a great performance and defend my belt.
“Estoy preparado para todo. I prepare like a champion every day so that we can get into the ring and execute our game plan.
It’s a great opportunity to share the card with a fellow Puerto Rican in Amanda Serrano and I think the fans are in for a treat. We’re going to bring the heart of the Puerto Ricans into the ring.
I just hope that he came ready for the fight. Because if he’s not ready, Voy por el nocaut.”
I’m in fight mode right now. It’s my first world title shot and I had a great training camp. I trained with top amateurs. I know Pedraza will come to fight because he’s a great champion.
It was a big step up for me when I first signed with Floyd Mayweather. He took me under his wing and helped me do things I’ve never done before. It was new for me, coming from where I come from.
I know that Pedraza is a great fighter and I have to be ready for anything. I believe in my abilities and the work my team in during training camp. It’s going to be exciting.
I started fighting for the money, but I lost sight of what I really came to do. I’ve dedicated myself to this team and I’m going to bring my heart and my mind into the ring.
I’m going to show the fans and everybody watching what I’m really about. I’m not Mike Tyson, I’m not Floyd Mayweather or Sugar Ray Leonard, I’m just Gervonta Davis. EnEnero 14 I will become a world champion.
It feels great to be in this position. Es un honor. Having this spotlight is an amazing thing. I’m coming to show off. I’m not going to disappoint anybody, especially the women in this sport. I’m going to show that we need to be here.
If you don’t know me, I’m a brawler and a big puncher. I go in there to get the job done. I love to brawl but if I have to box, I’ll box with anybody.
I know I’m up against a tough Mexican fighter who is going to bring it. I didn’t study her too much. I let my trainers do the work to come up with a game plan. I train hard for every opponent and I train for every style.
If Rivas stays true to her Mexican style and if I stay true to my Puerto Rican style, then there will be no need for the judges.
Neither one of us are going to take a step back on fight night. We’re going right to the middle of the ring and we’re going to bring it. I don’t think we’ll even touch the ropes.
It’s amazing to be fighting at home. It’s just a walk down the block for me. I’m excited to have my friends and supporters there to watch me. I hope everything comes down because it’s going to be a great night. It’s my second fight at Barclays Center and I hope to continue to fight here.
I’m very grateful to be fighting on SHOWTIME. I know that Amanda Serrano is going to be a very tough challenge, but I have a lot of experience.
I am very experienced in the ring and I am going to use it to my full advantage. I’m going to work hard for every round until I’m a world champion.
I’m here to give a great fight just like we always do when it’s Mexico vs. Puerto Rico.”
I’m very thankful for everyone who helped get me here. This is the first step on my way to a world title. I believe one day soon I will be champion.
I’m going to throw a lot of punches and put on a show for the fans. Most fighters can’t handle me when I’m aggressive and coming forward.
It’s an honor to be on a card like this and to be televised. I can’t wait to hear the fans and start fighting.
I feel really good going into this fight. I was born in New York and it’s my first time fighting in New York, so I’m very excited.
I’m taking on a good opponent with good experience and a great resume. I’m just ready to keep doing what I’ve been doing. I worked hard for this and I’m going to show what I’m capable of in the ring.
Thomas Dulorme
I’m feeling great and very happy to be here and fighting for Mayweather Promotions. New York is my city and I love fighting here with all the great Puerto Rican fans.
I feel more motivated than ever. Signing with Mayweather Promotions is going to put me on a new run. I have more energy throughout training camp and I’m excited.
I’m working little by little to improve and get better. I’m coming to be victorious and no one is going to stop me.
LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions
Everyone needs to go out and buy tickets for a great night of boxing. This night will feature three world title bouts and it’s really a can’t miss night.
SHOWTIME is leading the way when it comes to boxing. They put on the best fights by far. With the great women’s fight on this card and on SHOWTIME, I think this is the start of something great for women’s boxing.
I can’t say enough about Gervonta Davis and Jose Pedraza. Pedraza is here to represent for Puerto Rico and Davis is here for Baltimore. Va a ser una guerra. Both these men are coming to steal the show.
Gervonta Davis is coming to knock your head off. He’s not leaving it up to the judges. If Pedraza has overlooked him, then he is in for a rude awakening. Davis has had a great camp and come Sábado noche, he’s going to take that title.
I know Badou and his team have a tremendous game plan in place. He’s worked hard to get to this moment and I believe en sábado night he will be the unified super middleweight world champion.
Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment
This is as good as it gets for boxing. To start the year with the best fighting the best, there’s nothing better. Badou Jack and James DeGale are terrific fighters. Badou has had many obstacles in his career, but he just kept getting better and better until you couldn’t deny he was one of the best fighters in the world. James is highly decorated and has a great personality. Both these men have the right to call themselves the best.
You can get into the arena Sábado night for $25 and that’s good the sport. We’re expecting a great crowd en sábado noche en el Barclays Center. Barclays Center is dedicated to a boxing program and they are truly committed to the sport.
I want to thank Floyd and Leonard for everything leading up to this fight. I met Floyd when he was very young and he always believed he was going to be the best and he lived up to his word. That’s what makes a champion a great champion and now he’s committed himself to being a boxing promoter. It’s been a pleasure to work with his whole staff and I believe they’re here to say.
The off-television undercard features three fighters who are major ticket sellers and have developed big followings. Adam Kownacki, born in Brooklyn and from Poland. He’s a Golden Glove Champion and he’s moving himself into that contender territory. There will be lots of Polish flags en sábado noche. Julian Sosa is a 21-year-old prospect who also has a big following. Plus Ireland’s Noel Murphy, who will be making his second appearance at Barclays Center. This card is sensational.
The first fight on SHOWTIME EXTREME features Ievgen Khytrov. He’s ranked number two by the WBC at middleweight He’s fighting a young man in Immanuwel Aleem who is also undefeated and fighting to become a contender. It’s a significant fight in the middleweight division.
The main event on SHOWTIME EXTREME is historic. This is the first time that a women’s championship fight has been on national television in almost a decade. It’s a real move by SHOWTIME to make the point that women’s boxing has arrived and it’s time to start paying attention to the ladies.
Jose Pedraza is the only reigning world champion from Puerto Rico. I think he’s one of the best fighters in the world. He has wins over a number of excellent fighters. This is a big opportunity for him. He’s getting an opportunity to be co-featured in New York City. With all the great Puerto Rica fans, he’s not going to let them down.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, VP ejecutivo & Gerente General, SHOWTIME Sports
These fights are not mismatches. This isn’t a showcase fight or a tune-up fight. That’s not what SHOWTIME, Mayweather Promotions or Lou DiBella is about. This is about the best fighting the best. High quality competitive fights These are the fights fans have been asking for.
The main event on SHOWTIME EXTREME is a matchup that’s worthy of this stage. A pound-for-pound women’s champion against a tough former champion. Top to bottom this is a high quality card.
“En el pasado, the sport and its fans have been spoiled. Floyd Mayweather is retired now. He’s running his businesses and it’s time for the sport to find new stars. These are the kinds of fights that launch new stars. This is where stars are born. These are the fights that the sport needs. You might see a new star born en sábado noche.”
# # #
Badou Jack vs. James DeGale, a 12-round super middleweight world unification fight, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment and takes place thisSábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME. Opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT are junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza and unbeaten contenderGervonta Davis.
Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Badou Jack vs. James DeGale Media Workout Quotes & Fotos


Macintosh HD:usuarios:user:Escritorio:IMG_5647.JPG

Super Middleweight World Title Unification Showdown Headlines Action Saturday, Enero 14 Barclays Center en Brooklyn &

En vivo por SHOWTIME

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para fotos de Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Tom Casino / Showtime

BROOKLYN (Enero 11. 2017) – Fight week activities officially began today with media workouts at the brand new Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn before the super middleweight title unification showdown between Badou Jack y James DeGale that headlines action this Sábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.


Also in attendance and opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT are junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza and unbeaten contender Gervonta Davis.

Additional televised action will feature super bantamweight world champion Amanda Serrano defending her title against former two-division world champion Yazmin Rivas SHOWTIME EXTREME en. The telecast beings at 7 p.m. Y/PT with a matchup of undefeated middleweights Ievgen Khytrov y Immanuel Aleem.


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Los boletos están disponibles ahora y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.


Esto es lo que los combatientes tenían que decir Miércoles:




“I’m just trying to stay positive and enjoy this moment. I wish that the fight was mañana noche. But we’re showing patience and bracing for the opportunity.


“This is the biggest fight of my career and I’m ready to take it to the next level. I have the experience to be on this stage and I’m ready to show that I’m one of the best in the sport.


“I’ve seen DeGale fight a few times. His last couple of fights I don’t think we’ve seen the best of him. I want the best James DeGale to show up on fight night. There won’t be any excuses on fight night.


“I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m pretty sure he’s in the best shape of his life too. So let’s see who is the best.


“I’m going in there to break him down. I’m going to be the better fighter. If I get an opportunity to land something that can change the fight, I’m going to take my chance.


“This has been one of the best training camps of my career. My nutrition is better than it’s ever been and I have positive people around me.


“I believe I can knock anybody out who gets in the ring with me. If you don’t believe that in yourself, then you’re in the wrong sport. I’m not expecting an easy fight, but I’ll do whatever it takes to win.


“My trainer Lou Del Valle is the reason that I’ve improved so much. I brought him back in after my loss and he’s helped get me to where I am right now.


“There is no doubt we’ll know who the best super middleweight in the world is after Sábado noche ".


James DeGale


“I just flew to New York los lunes after a brilliant camp. I’ve been training well and sparring hard. I’ve had some great work on the track and I’ve ran a lot of miles. Estoy en forma fantástica.


“This fight has a different feel. I feel like I’m in a big fight. I feel like I’m on a different level of fitness for this one. Mind, body and soul. Todo está bien.


“I’m mentally prepared. Badou Jack is an extremely good fighter. He’s a tough opponent. He gets better every single fight. The way I’m feeling right now, Badou Jack shouldn’t beat me. I’m focused on fighting my very best.


“I’ve sacrificed a lot to put myself in this position and to make sure this was a great camp. Now the time is here.


“To have a media day in Brooklyn is great. I’m in a fantastic position in my life and career. I’m more comfortable than I was years ago. Back in the day I wouldn’t know what to say. I’m a man now and I’m ready to reach my destiny.


“Movement, speed and angles are my keys. If I’m focused and take no rounds off, that should do it. It will do it. Anything can happen in boxing, but I’m too prepared for this.


“I look at Badou Jack, and even though he’s been getting better, I think I’m a much better fighter. He’s very high quality and I have to be on my game. Va a ser una gran pelea, but I will be victorious.


“My loss to George Groves was a blessing in disguise. If that didn’t happen to me, I don’t know where I would be in my career. I was too big for my boots back then. I thought I was the golden boy and I was humbled. I had to rebuild and I came back.”




“I let [Gervonta] Davis do the talking. I like when people talk like that, because I get to shut them up on the night of the fight. He’s a Floyd Mayweather imitation. Just like all imitations, it’s not as good as the real one.


“I’m very happy to be here representing Puerto Rico in New York City with another Puerto Rican champion in Amanda Serrano. She’s a four-time champion who is very accomplished and it’s an honor to be on this card with her.


“I feel ready to fight. I’m anxious to get in the ring. No puedo esperar a que Sábado night and to show the whole world what I’m made of.


“I have the advantage in experience and in reach and height. He’s going to try to bring pressure but I’ll be ready for it.


“Not only do I have more pro experience, but more amateur experience as well. All of these years of being on the big stage is going to help me in the fight.


“I don’t think I’m underrated. People know my quality, which is why people avoid fighting me. I believe I’m the best fighter at 130-pounds.


“I’m ready for any type of fight. La pregunta es, will Davis be ready? If Davis gets tired, he’s going to have trouble in the late rounds.”




“I feel great right now. I’m in tip-top shape. I had the best sparring available and everything went smoothly. I’m ready to go to work Enero 14.


“We know that Pedraza is a world champion who comes in undefeated. He does a lot of good things in the ring but we’ll be ready for them come fight night.


“It feels good to be on this stage. I feel ready to headline my own card. I’m ready to do my own thing and that comes with winning this world title.


“I haven’t watched too much of him, but my team is prepared. He doesn’t have anything I haven’t seen before. We just have to execute the game plan when the bell rings.”




“I know that I’m up against a girl who is a heavy hitter and can punch hard. I’ve been training extremely hard to prepare for this fight because I know I’m facing a dangerous fighter. I just need to maintain my weight up until fight night.


“I’ve trained with a lot of southpaws to prepare for Serrano’s style. It’s only the second time I’ve faced a southpaw. I come in with a game plan, but once you step in that ring, I know that anything can happen.


“I’m a veteran and I have the experience. Serrano will have to overcome my advantage there.


“I’m excited to be fighting in the U.S. and I know that this is a huge opportunity. Fighting on television is something I have to take advantage of. Después de esta pelea, people will really see what female boxing is all about.


“I’m very motivated and excited that I have the chance to fight in Brooklyn in the best city in the U.S. for boxing. Voy a venir a luchar. I won’t back down and we will be in the middle of the ring exchanging.”




“I’ve seen Aleem fight and he’s nothing special. He’s very fast. He does everything very quickly. But he can be hit. He has a little bit of power, but I can hit him.


“I’m going to take advantage of his mistakes. I’m ready for this fight and I’m going for the knockout. This isn’t going to be a long fight. I think I will knock him out in five or six rounds.


“I’m an aggressive fighter. I want to brawl. I want to throw a lot of punches. I’m happy if I can throw 100 punches in a round. Nobody can take that kind of punishment and it helps me get my opponent out of there.


“I’m happy to be fighting in Brooklyn at Barclays Center. It’s very important to my career. After this fight I am going to get big steps up and big names. I’m going to show what I can do en sábado.


“I want to fight for a real world title. I’m ready for it and I just want to face good opponents and challenge myself.”




“This has been a great training camp. I have George Peterson in my corner and he made Paul Williams a three-time champion. He’s putting me through the same regimen that made him one of the most feared fighters in the sport.


“No sé mucho acerca de mi oponente. We have a game plan based around him being some type of bull, but my trainer is the one analyzing that, and then we go from there.


“I bring the total package into the ring. No hay nada que no pueda hacer. I can box and I can brawl. Most importantly, I can make adjustments during a fight.


“A win here will really stamp who I am in this sport. We’re leading to become a world champion. I’m not a regular fighter in there. I can beat these top guys.”




“I can honestly say that this is one of the best training camps that I’ve had. I’m both nervous and excited. I’m nervous because I’ve never had a training camp like this and I’m excited to see how I feel in the ring.


“I’ve seen a few tapes of my opponent. He’s a very aggressive fighter who throws a lot of right hands. I have to prepare myself for that. If he wants to start early or take his time, I’m ready for anything.


“I’m very confident heading into this fight. I believe that I will put on a great performance and possibly the best of my career.


“I’m very thankful to be fighting at home in Brooklyn and I’m humbled to have the opportunity to perform at Barclays Center once again. There’s no better feeling than having your friends and family cheering you on.



# # #


Badou Jack vs. James DeGale, a 12-round super middleweight world unification fight, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment and takes place this Sábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME. Opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT are junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza and unbeaten contender Gervonta Davis.

Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Los boletos están disponibles ahora y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.


Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Badou Jack vs. James DeGale Media Conference Call Transcript

Leonard Ellerbe
Hello everyone, welcome to today’s Badou Jack versus James DeGale media conference call. Today we are going to hear from the main event participants who will be headlining next week’s main event at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Our event will be live on SHOWTIME and our event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment. Badou Jack, WBC Super middleweight champion, he’ll be taking on the IBF super middleweight championJames DeGale and are meeting in a world title unification that fits the best versus the best. We’re very excited about our great event. These two fighters have been on the collision course ever since they won their world titles. They both made successful world titles defenses on last April and with the intention of this big, big moment, next Saturday, January 14th.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader begins at 9:30 PM ET/6:30 PM PT and will open our show with IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza who’ll be battling Mayweather Promotions own rising star Gervonta Davis. Adicionalmente, there will be action on SHOWTIME that streams starting at 7 pm ET/PT and it will be headlined by Four-Division World Champion, Amanda Serrano. Which will be a very, very exciting fight. She will be defending her Junior Featherweight title against Two-Division Yazmin Rivas. This will be the first nationally televised female world title fight in nearly a decade.
First I’d like to introduce my dear friend and promotional partner Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment.
Lou DiBella
Thank you Leonard and it’s been a real pleasure working with you Leonard and Floyd and your team. I’ve been very impressed by the professionalism and you guys have been great to work with and it’ll be great to welcome you guys to your first major promotion in New York next week. So I look forward to seeing you here. As Leonard pointed out this is a terrific card from beginning to end and that begins even with the off TV undercard which will feature undefeated Polish heavyweight, Polish-American heavyweight Adam Kownacki against a top opponent in one of the toughest fights of his career so far. Prospect Julian Sosa who is an undefeated prospect from New York City former Golden Glove champion and a huge ticket seller in New York. Noel Murphy another local fighter from Ireland is on the card as well.
Kenny Robles who was recently signed by Mayweather Promotions from Staten Island, New York will be in action. And those guys will headline the off TV undercard. Leonard mentioned the main event Amanda Serrano who I promote one of the best pound for pound women fighters in the world against Yazmin Rivas. That’s a tremendous fight and I thank Stephen Espinoza for giving the ladies that kind of an opportunity in showcase. The SHOWTIME EXTREME card will also feature a co-feature bout between number two middleweight contenders in the WBC,Ievgen Khytrov versus Immanuwel Aleem another undefeated middleweight prospect. That will be for WBC Silver Middleweight title and the winner will be on course for an eventual shot at the WBC Middleweight Championship.
So the undercard is terrific and the main event really doesn’t need a lot of hype. It’s as good as it gets. It’s the best versus the best. It doesn’t really get any better than yet. I was lucky enough to promote early in his career Badou Jack who is a terrific, terrific fighter. He’s improved and proven himself in every test he’s faced. James DeGale is a former Olympic gold medalist on a 13 fight winning streak. One of the most talented and also one of the most interesting and charismatic fighters in all of boxing in the 168-pound division. So we have a great main event for SHOWTIME to start the year. And I’ll throw it back to Leonard to introduce the man who put this fight together with us. Leonard.
L. Ellerbe
Okay thank you Lou DiBella for those great comments. Just like Lou DiBella just mentioned we owe a great, great deal of thanks to Stephen Espinoza who worked tirelessly with our team and Lou DiBella’s team to put this great event together. He’s a very dear friend and like I said we are really, really excited again to be working with SHOWTIME and it gets no better than that. So without further or due I’d like to introduce none other than Stephen Espinoza.
Stephen Espinoza
Thanks Leonard. En 2016 SHOWTIME consistently telecasted the best most competitive most important fights in the sport. More fights than any other network, more title fights than any other network, more top 10 versus top 10 fights in any other network. And together with our promoter partners we’re going to continue doing exactly that in 2017. Jack versus DeGale is the first of three number one versus number two match ups that are on the SHOWTIME schedule. And that’s just the first quarter that’s highly anticipated fight a fight that we’ve been working toward for a year. So we are pleased to be kicking off the new year with the consensus to best fighters in the division. As Lou DiBella mentioned the main event has been supported by intriguing junior lightweight title fight between champion Jose Pedraza and Mayweather Promotions highly talented prospect Gervonta Davis.
Plus on SHOWTIME EXTREME we’ve got the women’s title fight featuring Amanda Serrano who it’s no exaggeration say is in fact one of the top pound for pound fighters in the world. If you haven’t seen her fight you should definitely tune for this one. And we’ve got a battle of undefeated prospects Ievgen Khytrov and Immanuwel Aleem. So really it is a stellar card top to bottom for intriguing televised fights. A bunch of high quality off TV fights plus of course the main event a world title unification fight. Once again demonstrating SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is the destination for the best fights in the sport. SHOWTIME is where the best fight the best, champion versus champion. All on SHOWTIME, no pay-per-views. No other network is as committed to the sports and together with Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment we are all committed to this sport and pushing this sport forward.
L. DiBella
I also want to point out that with this fight we’ve gotten a lot of help and assistance from one of the great venues in boxing. The greatest destination for boxing in the country right now. Brett Yormark and all the people at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, we thank them for their help in promoting this great event and hosting it. You’re going to see a lot of great boxing, a lot of great SHOWTIME boxing also at Barclays Center this year. And thanks to Bretteveryone at Barclays Centertickets are available through Barclays Center Box Office. The tickets are priced incredibly reasonably with the ringside, the IP ringside seats at $300 going down to a I think it’s a $25 low price. And there are while we’re selling really well there are plenty of good seats available.
So we urge people to begin the year with this great card and get your tickets as soon as you can. The ringside and the prime locations are moving very quickly. And without further ado it’s my pleasure to introduce a fighter that I have tremendous respect for. I was lucky enough to promote his victory against Andre Dirrell for the IBF belt in Boston in May of 2015. He’s made two more defenses of that belt over Lucian Bute and Rogelio Medina. Again he was running a 13 fight winning streak and definitely one of the two best 68 libras en el mundo. And this event is going to determine who the man really is. So it’s my pleasure to introduce James “Fornido” DeGale.
James DeGale
Hello everyone! The big one is here, the best champ verse the champ. This is the one that I’ve been calling for. I’ve been on the case to my advisor saying hey that’s the one I want. I think this fight determines who is the number one in the division. I think Badou Jack’s a hell of a fighter, a real good fighter and an underrated fighter. He’s shown his last three, four fights that he’s the champ and that he can compete at the highest level and that he’s a quality operator. Camps gone fantastically well, Me siento bien, agudo, on weight. Estoy en forma fantástica, just go and look on my Instagram, Estoy en forma fantástica. Been in camp for ten weeks, feeling great mentally and physically in fantastic position. What do I say? On the 14th of January you are in for a treat because it’s going to be a hell of a fight. It’s a lot on the line so enjoy it but should be a good one.
L. Ellerbe
Thank you James for those comments. Next up I’d like to introduce Mayweather Promotions own WBC Super Middleweight Champion. He’s from originally from Stockholm, Sweden but he trained in Las Vegas. He won his world title in 2015 by beating Anthony Dirrell in a very, very exciting fight. Later that year he faced and beat top challenger George Groves, the only man to beat James DeGale in the pros. So without further ado I’d like to introduce none other than Badou Jack.
Badou Jack
Hey what’s up? How’s everybody doing? We’re finally here, we’ve got another week and then it’s on. The best versus the best and I’m very excited. I’ve been training really hard I can’t wait until fight night thank you.
James you’ve fought so many world champions and so many top fights but you’re a guy that’s been going on the road. What’s why is that?
J. DeGale
I don’t know why that is, but I actually like boxing away from home. It takes the pressure off you a little bit and this is living the American dream. Do you know what I’m saying? I’m coming over to America to box in these fantastic states. And getting a fantastic opportunity from my team. But this one is the big one, Nueva York, Barclays Center. Unifying the division so you can’t beat it.
You’re a unified world champion do you have a desire to actually go back home to England and have a world title defense?
J. DeGale
That’s the plan. To go hometo go back home. If everything goes to plan. I beat Badou Jack, next May I’m going home. I’m going home and I’m having a big fight at home. Everyone’s calling for the champ to come home. So yes that’s next in line if things go to plan.
Badou, can you talk about DeGale’s ability and how he’s fought on the road over the last few fights? Not a normal thing for top fighters to do.
B. Gato
Sí, you got to give him credit for that. He comes to people’s backyard. But also I think they lost the first purse bid. He was forced to go to Boston but he’s a fighter and I have nothing but respect for him. Ven sábado por la noche, we’re going to go to war.
J. DeGale
And let’s not forget Andre Dirrell. Let’s not forget who I beat for the world title as well. I boxed Andre Dirrell in America. Andre Dirrell is a good quality technical fighter. This belt wasn’t handed to me. I got it the hard way. All of my career I’ve learned the way. Traveled away from home, ganó títulos mundiales.
Are you at all a little bit disappointed that the fight didn’t get done before next week? Or are you okay with the fact that you guys are both on equal footing in coming off of the nine-month layoff?
J. DeGale
Sí, if I’m being honest the only reason why this fight hasn’t happened quicker is because Badou Jack didn’t want it. After the Bute fight he probably didn’t want it. And then after the Medina fight because I boxed rubbish because Medina went full rounds on me. Badou Jack has got lot of confidence, Leonard’s got a lot of confidence. Mayweather’s got a lot of confidence of him seeing me go twelve rounds and it was lackluster performance against Medina. But you shouldn’t take too much away from that. That’s what I’m trying to say. Don’t take too much away from me fighting Medina and performing like that.
B. Gato
That is all a lie. But I’ve been ready since right after the fight, I told you guys, we could fight in June. I told you I’ve been waiting for Floyd and Leonard to let me know when the date is. I’ve been on Leonard every day for the whole summer. Like come on it’s been six, seven months I want to fight. Sabes de que estoy hablando? But whateverwhatever’s the case. If he was greedy about money, whoever’s fault it is we got the fight down right now. Y, ya sabes, Estoy listo. I don’t care about old fights if he went 12 rounds with this guy and this guy. Me and DeGale have to fight so whatever happened in the past, it don’t matter. You know I lost
J. DeGale
And you went life and death with Periban. Life and death I knocked him out in three rounds.
B. Gato
That don’t mean nothing right now. It’s me and you baby.
Badou talk to us about the abilities that you see in James DeGale and how do you actually beat him?
B. Gato
He’s a good mover he’s a good fighter. Come fight night you’ll see how I’ll beat him. You’ll find out go live on Sky Sports or SHOWTIME or come live at Barclays Center, you’ll find out.
Do you think James is going to be one of the trickiest opponents you’ve ever faced?
B. Gato
No lo sé, we have to wait until fight night and see. Los estilos hacen peleas, so you never know, anything could happen in this big circle.
Who have you faced before — James — who is similar to Badou Jack who you can compare to?
J. DeGale
Listen I would say I’ve boxed a lot of people like Badou Jack. Badou Jack he’s pretty basic but he’s good at everything. But he’s a basic fighter really but he’s good at everything he does. So I’m saying, he ain’t got no special effects, nothing fancy. Everything’s just straight forward but very, Muy bueno. He does it very, very well and in the ring I can imagine it to be very hard when I stand in front of him. He’s very technical, he’s got a good jab, works the body well, got a good defense. But I’ve got everything covered. And as I say, wait ten more days now and it’s on.
Do you feel that you just have to be James DeGale at his very best to beat Badou Jack?
J. DeGale
James DeGale at his very best, fully switched on, having no time off. I can’t have rounds off against Badou Jack. So I’m saying fully fit, fully concentrated, be myself and it’s hard to beat me in general, so Badou Jack ain’t going to beat me if I’m a hundred percent.
What’s the biggest change in you over the last year do you think?
J. DeGale
Every year I’m growing. I’m saying mentally and physically but I’m growing up. I turned professional when I was 22 año de edad. Estoy 30 years of age now. So I’ve been pro for eight years and I say I’m a man now in it. I’m a man and — sí — I look at things differently and I see things differently but thesethe next couple years are my peak. I’ve got to get in there and got to get the big fights.
And so the question for James, where would you rank this belt in terms of difficulty?
J. DeGale
I think it’s up thereI honestly think Badou Jack is a quality fighter. he doesn’t really get the credit he deserves. But as I say these last couple fights he’s proven, he beat Groves, Dirrell, he should have got the decision against Bute. But a lot of people thought he won. So he’s been spot on with his performances so I rank up therelisten hereif I beat Badou Jackwhen I beat Badou JackI am number one in the division and people have to start taking note. So what I’m saying Olympic, Británico, Europeo, world and unified world champ. People are going to have to start taking note but let me be ranked first and then we can talk after.
Do you think this is the fight that can catapult you into the big time in terms of like the British consciousness and that?
J. DeGale
Sí, you’d think so, you’d think so. Say it’s a big fight, it’s a big arena in New York. This is what boxing at its best is about. And this is when you see the very best in me as well. I’m a big fighter I love the big arenas, the big lights, and the big fights. So it should be good next Saturday.
You mentioned obviously that you took “Gordo” Medina lightly. I take you won’t be underestimating Badou?
J. DeGale
I’ve taken this seriously. I’ve took this, como, literally like the training I’ve been doing. Like just stupid little things from like making weight, como, because I make super middleweights so easy. Sometimes I lift itlike the last ten dayswhere I was, a couple pounds over yesterday. I’m flying, Estoy en forma fantástica, I’ve gotten a strength and conditioning coach for the past six months after my last fight. Because something was missing after my last fight. Because I was fatiguing at the end. I was feeling fit but I was just feeling a bit weak. And it was because I wasn’t doing strength and conditioning. So you all are going to see a big difference from my power, to my strength, to everything. And physically and so look at meyou’re going to see me at the weigh in and go wow he looks good.
Just a quick one for Badou. Same question I asked James earlier where would you rank this belt in terms of difficulty?
B. Gato
Like I say in the squared circle anything could happen so you don’t know. On paper absolutely this is probably my biggest fight. He’s an Olympic gold medalist, the world champion, the proven fighter. That’s why it’s the best versus the best. The unification play, two champions fighting each other so absolutely.
Do you take any confidence form your victory over Groves and that he — James — suffered his only professional defeat to George Groves?
B. Gato
No like it’s not gonna stop me in fights, I think that was like five, six years ago since they fought. So you can’t really compare it and that was a close fight. I haven’t really seen a fight like that but a lot of people have said that it could’ve gone either way. James could have won the fight so no, realmente no, it’s me and him right now. So whatever happened it don’t matter.
Can you both address just the different things that can happen in this fight because all those results against common opponents that you had?
B. Gato
All right first of all we got four different opponents. So I beat Groves, “Gordo” Medina, Periban and Bute. My fight with Bute wasn’t a draw, plus he was on steroids when we fought. So I mean Bute said it himself that my fight with him was one I won clearly. But that don’t matter really so George Groves that was a long time ago when James fought him. I fought him two years ago. Medina, I knocked him out but you can say Medina probably was in better shape when he fought DeGale. Because he probably had a longer time to prepare because it was a title fight. Periban maybe — sí — he was in better shape for my fight. That was also a controversial draw. That’s why it’s an interesting fight. We’ve got a lot of common opponents. But come fight night it’ll be a brand-new fight.
J. DeGale
Right so let’s go through mine, listen the Bute fightwhen I boxed Bute — sí — I absolutely battered him for six rounds. Battered himwell I battered him for the whole fight yes. And then Badou Jack boxed Lucian Bute and it came out he was on drugs. Do you really think Lucian Bute wasn’t on performing enhancing drugs when he boxed me? Of course he was, don’t be stupid. Did you see the way he finished the fight? Did you see how strong he was? Had a lot — escuchar — any fighter fatigues in a 12 lucha redonda. Did you see how strong he finished it? Constantly on mewell Badou Jack knows but I absolutely battered Lucian Bute right? Who else is therethere’s Periban, he had life and death with Periban. I knocked him out in three rounds. Bueno, he could say he wasn’t in good shape.
No importa, I still hit him, I still dropped and he got knocked out and he had life and death. George Groves I was a nine fight novice. I was a nine fight novice, I was immature, I was young, I wasn’t experience, I was terrible, it was all wrong. And I was still a close draw I should have won that. Badou Jack boxed well in that fight and once again that was a close fight with him like literally very close because it went either way, but he won. And who’s the other one? Who’s the other one? Oh and Medinaoh man that guy, como, literally before I went in I was like this guy shouldn’t even last four rounds with me. But I nearly come unstuck because he was fit and he pushed me. Era fuerte, he was big, so yes, styles make fights. As Badou Jack says next week when we get in there it’s me and him. La mejor lucha contra los mejores, whoever comes out is the champ that’s it. Put them up.
Lou can you address that? I mean does that add intrigue to the fight that they had so many different results against the same opponents?
L. DiBella
I don’t want to be like I don’t think it matters much to be honest with you. I think that right now, I think you’ve got two guys at the top of their game. Who are at the top of their division. I think they are focused solely on each other, styles makes fights, throw in some PEDs and throw in some other extenuating circumstances. Throw in guys that may be out of shape in one fight and particularly ready for another. I think it’s something that can lead to discussion and make for an article but I think, when we get to January 14th and you get to that main event it’s just these two men in the ring staring each other in the eyes. And who’s the better man? It’s mano, a mano and you throw it all down and put it all on the line. So honestly I really personally don’t think it matter all that much.
Intrigue is never a bad thing. And debate is a good thing and I’ll tell you, it’s probably a contributing factor because right now when you talk to people about this fight and it’s really one of the signs of making the best versus the best is that there’s a real clear split in opinion among experts and opinion among fans. And social media, pundits in social media commentary, people are really split almost right down the middle of this one on who’s going to win this fight. And I think there’s a lot of reasons for that and this is just the contributing factor.
How has becoming a father changed your resolve?
B. Gato
I’ve got to provide for my daughter now so it’s not just about me and my family, mi mujer. It’s about her, everything I do is for her so yes, extra motivation, seguro.
So what in this fight do you see are your advantages over Badou Jack?
J. DeGale
Oh there’s loads but I’m going to tell you one that stands out is just speed, movimiento. I’m not going to have to say I’m not going to tell you what I’m going to do because he’s going to be very shocked what I’m going to do. But speed, I’m so much faster in movement. I move my feet so much better, there’s two things there. That it’s just going to confuse him. I’m going to make things a whole lot harder for him. See I’m not Lucian Bute, who else has he boxed? I’m not Dirrell, I watched the Dirrell fight. Dirrell blew up after six rounds he was spent.
Badou what do you think your advantages are in this fight?
B. Gato
I’m the smarter fighter — período. I believe I’m the more fundamentally sound fighter. I believe I’m the more technical fighter, I take nothing away from DeGale who is a good fighter as well but I believe in my skills, yo creo en mi mismo. I believe I’m the smarter fighter, it’s not just about throwing millions of combinations or looking flashy and stuff like that. It’s about winning rounds, it’s about being smart. That’s what it should mean.
Lou, I’m assuming that at least for this fight this New York insurance situation has been taken care of. Can you comment on that?
L. DiBella
Sí, we have insurance for this fight. The insurance issue in New York has not been resolved there needs to be a real investigation into what’s going on here and we need to confront the fact that they there’s still no way of doing smaller shows. ShoBox level shows or Broadway Boxing, those kind of shows that other promoters in New York do a regular basis. The local grassroots boxing can’t be done under the insurance requirements that exist. But for a fight of the magnitude of this card we were able to get insurance for the show. And the major, major fights can go on in New York right now. But obviously where there once were scores, literally in the neighborhood of 100 fights in New York in a year.
You are probably now unless things changed looking at somewhere between eight and 10 in total. At all venues. So the issue is still a real one, it hasn’t been cleared up but we are fine for this great card on January 14th. And as you’ll still see big time boxing in New York the problem is going to be with the type of boxing that develops fighters that gives them regular fights. A lot of boxing series that myself and other promoters are doing in New York are still at a standstill.
James you mentioned that you’ll be looking to come back to the UK in perhaps May. Is there a plan in place already for if you do prevail?
J. DeGale
Listen mate I’m just fully focused on Badou Jackfully focusedI don’t want to worry about anything else. I’m saying everything goes to plan, I come through this, I will come back and box in London. Siguiente lucha — 100% but I ain’t spoke about it really, I ain’t spoke about it but I know my next fight will be in London after this fight if I come through.
Do you think in a way though you’ve enhanced your reputation back in the UK by fighting abroad and taking these challenging fights?
J. DeGale
Well definitely I’ve become a bit more exclusive because I ain’t been at home. People can’t wait for me to come back home and obviously win my belts. What I’ve done over here in America in the past year and a half has been really good. I feel proud of myself but I’m looking forward to coming home and boxing in front of my own people man because the atmosphere’s second to none. You’ve got the best fans in the world and it’s time for me to come back home.
(Ryan Elliot): Okay thank you James. Good luck to both of you on fight night.
James DeGale: Sí.
Operador: Our last question is going to come from Dan Rafael from ESPN. Please go ahead.
I’m wondering from both of you guys have you thought about the future beyond the fight as far as whether you want to move up in weight to look for a new challenge or do like what some other top champions have done and stay and keep unifying?
J. DeGale
Sí, Dan I’m pretty easy man, Quiero las peleas mas grandes, the biggest risks, the biggest money. All the titles that’s what I want so I come through thiseverything goes to plan — Estoy dispuesto a pelear con cualquiera. Andre Ward – as I said before I do my weight pretty comfortably like super middleweight’s the perfect weight for me. But listen I want to be challenged. I want to be in the fights -where I’m the underdog for once. That’s what I want to be and yes with me and Jack I think I’m a big favorite. And I don’t really like that if I’m going to be honest because this is a genuine 50/50 on paper it is anyway. But yes, como, I’m willing to fight anyone after this fight.
B. Gato
I kind of agree with him whatever the money is, whatever the big plaques are. I’m a pretty big guy for my weight class so yes we’ll see what the future holds. But right now I’m focusing on him but, the future is definitely at 175.
Lou DiBella, just to clarify from your earlier statement. Do you have a policy that’s actually in place for Saturday’s fight next week?
L. DiBella
We have insurance for Saturday.
What is it costing?
L. DiBella
It’s certainly more of an expense than we anticipated and it’s not what we would like in a perfect world. But we have insurance for Saturday there’s no issue.
I believe the UFC cost somewhere around, I forget the exact number, of a thousand dollars per fighter. What’s the costing for boxing then per fighter on the card?
L. DiBella
It’s more thanit’s more than that. I don’t want to give its exact numbers at the moment, I can have more detailed conversation when I have the stuff in front of me. But it’s more than that.
L. Ellerbe
Well everyone’s heard from both of the main event fighters. I know I’m very excited, Lou DiBella’s very excited. The fighters are very excited, Floyd’s very excited. We’re going to have one hell of an event come next Saturday night and we’d like to thank everyone for joining us on the call today. And we look forward to putting on a great event next week. Thank you everyone who joined the call.
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Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Badou Jack & Thomas Dulorme Media Workout Quotes & Fotos

Gato & Dulorme Enter the Ring Sábado, Enero 14 desde
Barclays Center en Brooklyn
(9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT) Against James DeGale; Dulorme Faces Brian Jones in Opening Bout on SHOWTIME EXTREME®
(7 p.m. Y/PT)
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para fotos de Mayweather Promotions
LAS VEGAS (Enero 5, 2016) – Super middleweight champion Badou Jack spoke to media in Las Vegas Jueves, just days before he travels across the country for his world title unification showdown against James DeGale en Sábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME®.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT con campeón mundial de peso súper pluma Jose Pedraza defending againstundefeated contenderGervonta Davis.
Joining him at the workout at Mayweather Boxing Club was former title challengerThomas Dulorme, who opens up action on SHOWTIME EXTREME in an eight-round welterweight bout against Brian Jones. Televised coverage on SHOWTIME EXTREME begins at 7 p.m. Y/PT and is headlined by junior featherweight world championAmanda Serrano contra el ex campeón del mundo Yazmin Rivas y también cuentaIevgen Khytrov luchando Immanuel Aleem en un enfrentamiento de 10 asaltos de contendientes invictos de peso mediano en ascenso.
Tickets for the event promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Se pueden adquirir en línea (, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Jueves:
I feel really good mentally. Estoy emocionado. All the hard work is done and now we’re just cruising. One more week and it’s on.
This has been the best camp of my career. There’s been no distractions, no arguments just working hard and having fun while getting better.
I had a better meal plan to cut weight leading up to this fight and it’s helped me out in training. Yo voy a ser 100 percent ready on fight night.
The guy that wants it the most and whoever is the smartest in the ring will be the winner. I plan on being both.
I know DeGale wants to be great too. He’s going into people’s backyards and searching for glory. But I can’t speak for him. All I can do is speak with my actions.
I’m not expecting an easy fight. He sido el más débil antes. People have written me off forever. It’s nothing new to me. DeGale is a good fighter, but I believe in myself.
I’m going to have a good jab, use my range and be smart in there. I think my skillset can take away any advantage he thinks he has. Timing kills speed.
His awkward style can make him tough to fight. He’s not by the book. He’s not very technical but he’s an excellent fighter. I don’t want any excuses from him when I beat him.
We have a good game plan and I have a good team behind me. I won’t get frustrated in there. I believe in my team and I believe in myself. I’m not worried about anything.
I’m going to win the fight. Eso es lo más importante. We’ll see how I get it done. If it’s a knockout, it’s a knockout. If I have to win a close decision, no importa. I’m going to win no matter what.
Thomas Dulorme
I feel very excited to fight under the support of Mayweather Promotions for the first time. I’m happy with the decision I made and where my career is going.
New York is my city and it’s my favorite place to fight. There are a lot of Puerto Ricans and I can’t wait to perform in front of them.
I feel very strong physically. I had a great training camp and have worked hard every day and listened to my coaches. I can’t wait to get in the ring and break my opponent down.
This is a very good show with a lot of exciting fights. All the fans should come out because it’s going to be a great night from start to finish.
LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions
A lot of things have contributed to Badou becoming the fighter who he is today. I think that he’s improved as a champion. A lot of the times people don’t understand what fighters have to go through early in their careers. Badou has overcome a lot of adversity, including evolving from his loss. There are very few fighters who become better fighters after they become champions. Badou is living the American Dream and Floyd and myself are very proud of him.
I predict that Badou is going to deliver a knockout. I envision him taking a handful of rounds to figure out DeGale’s style, while still being aggressive. En las últimas rondas, I think that he’s unstoppable.
James DeGale is a tremendous fighter. I’ve followed his career for quite some time. He’s a very flashy and creative fighter. He kind of makes it up as he goes. His style is unique, but there are some things that Badou and his team have put into place to disrupt DeGale. Badou Jack has seen every style out there. He’s mentally and physically prepared to take care of his opponent.
The advice I’ve given Badou is to stay focused and stay in the moment. Don’t worry about anything other than what is in front of you. You can’t look forward to the next fight or let anything throw you off. He’s put in the work. Most importantly, his mental state is right where it needs to be.
Mayweather Promotions is ready to invade Brooklyn. We were able to work everything out and bring the first fight of the New Year to the city. We’re very excited to go and help Badou and the rest of our fighters put on a great show.
# # #
Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Citas de entrenamiento mediático de la campeona mundial de peso pluma junior Amanda Serrano & Fotos

La campeona mundial de cuatro divisiones defiende su título contra
Ex campeón del mundo Yazmin Rivas Sábado, Enero 14
Desde Barclays Center en Brooklyn
(7 p.m. Y/PT)
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Tom Casino / Showtime®
BROOKLYN (Enero 5, 2017) — campeón mundial en cuatro divisiones Amanda Serranomedios alojados en el Gimnasio Méndez de Nueva York el jueves mientras se acerca a su defensa del campeonato contra el ex campeón Yazmin Rivas en Sábado, Enero 14del Barclays Center en Brooklyn y en vivo en SHOWTIME EXTREME.
El Serrano vs. La pelea de Rivas es la primera pelea por el título mundial de mujeres televisada a nivel nacional en casi una década y encabezará la acción en SHOWTIME EXTREME.. La cobertura comienza en7 p.m. Y/PT y características Ievgen Khytrov luchando Immanuel Aleem en un enfrentamiento de 10 asaltos de contendientes invictos de peso mediano en ascenso.
La Enero 14 El evento presenta un CAMPEONATO DE BOXEO DE SHOWTIME®doble cartelera encabezada por el enfrentamiento de unificación del campeonato mundial de peso súper mediano entre Badou Jack y James DeGale. Cobertura televisada en SHOWTIME® comienza en 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT con campeón mundial de peso súper pluma José Pedraza defendiendo contra contendiente invicto Gervonta Davis.
Amanda, junto a Pedraza y su hermana, Cindy Serrano, son los únicos tres campeones mundiales actuales que nacieron en Puerto Rico. Buscarán representar a la isla cuando peleen frente a los muchos fanáticos del boxeo puertorriqueño en Nueva York.. El jueves, Las hermanas dieron un regalo a los medios y se enfrentaron entre sí antes de la Enero 14evento.
Esto es lo que Amanda y Cindy dijeron en la sesión de prensa el jueves:
“Estoy emocionado y bendecido de luchar en SHOWTIME EXTREME. Es un verdadero honor estar en esta posición. No te voy a defraudar ven Sábado noche.
“Va a ser histórico. Este es un puertorriqueño clásico vs.. Rivalidad mexicana. Ninguno de los dos quiere ceder un centímetro o dar un paso atrás. Está en mi casa y no puedo esperar.
“Estaré listo para recorrer la distancia. Siempre estoy listo para eso. Estamos capacitados para llegar hasta el final en todo momento; por lo general, no se reduce a eso. No hay día en que vayamos al gimnasio y no nos preparemos para llegar hasta el final.
“La primera vez que peleé en el Barclays Center conocí a Stephen Espinoza y dijo que mis momentos destacados podrían aparecer en la transmisión.. Le dije que me iba a asegurar de que toda la pelea fuera destacada. Ahora estamos aquí.
“Podría ser cualquier otra mujer en esta posición. Me alegro de que esté sucediendo. Luchamos dentro y fuera del ring para llegar a esta posición. No lo doy por sentado.
“Por supuesto que siento la presión del momento, pero hago todo mi trabajo duro en el gimnasio. Yo se que una vez que subo al ring, Solo tengo que pelear con todo lo que tengo.
“Las mujeres llevan mucho tiempo aquí en el boxeo. Todo el mundo ha estado luchando por esto. Esta exposición adicional es excelente para el deporte.. Queremos hacerlo tan popular como lo es la lucha femenina en MMA.. También nos están dando puñetazos en la cara. Creo que nuestro tiempo se acerca. La presión está sobre mí para mostrar mi deporte en Enero 14.
“Espero que con esta pelea, el viaje no termina aquí. Espero que la exposición siga creciendo y creciendo. No voy a renunciar a eso. Algún día espero ser titular en una tarjeta de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.”
CINDY SERRANO, OMB campeón mundial de peso pluma
“Esa fue una buena sesión de sparring.. Siempre es difícil estar ahí con ella. Ella es hábil y poderosa y solo intentamos darles a los reporteros un buen espectáculo. Queríamos burlarte de ti y mostrarte un poco de por qué las mujeres son dignas de ser exhibidas en televisión.. Viene el real Enero 14.
“No sé mucho sobre Rivas, pero definitivamente es una luchadora dura que ha logrado mucho.. Ella es una luchadora mexicana, por lo que la rivalidad puertorriqueña-mexicana estará en exhibición. Con suerte, podrá durar algunas rondas y dejar que Amanda muestre lo talentosa que es una luchadora.. Va a ser una gran pelea.
“Estoy en la nube nueve en este momento después de ganar mi título mundial y no puedo esperar para volver en los próximos meses y defender mi cinturón.”
# # #
Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.