Tag Archives: sværvægter



Fotos af kampnat: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R0TreZJOHZc2DF-URwEEdOFV75RVhsht?usp=sharing
Photo Credit: David Martin-Warr / DKP
Alle officielle scorekort: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t8LZip4oDLriuhUXnkTFiGbxP_U0DP8k?usp=sharing

Trevor Bryan (22-1, 15 KOS) vs. Daniel DuBois (18-1, 17 KOS)
Resultat: Daniel Dubois vinder via TKO (4th runde kl 1:58)
Scorekort: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-PRjTMzT0u1xbTPLJkF8WbXuMNbE4UCH/view?usp=sharing

Daniel Dubois citat: De eneste ord er 'og det nye'’ og det er jeg bare så glad for nu. Det sker nu, og vi har gjort det virkeligt, min far og min familie, Jeg har gjort alle stolte, landet, og jeg kan ikke vente.

I første runde prøvede jeg bare at finde ud af ham og se, hvad han havde. Jeg sagde, at jeg ville teste hagen, og jeg gik bare efter det.

Han fik noget frem i mig, han tog en ond venstre hånd frem! Det var en punch-perfekt afslutning, og jeg er bare så glad. Jeg havde et par hårde pletter under denne lejr, men vi klarede os, og vi fik sejren.

Jeg er bare så glad for at have fået denne verdenstitel. Det er hvad alt det hårde arbejde var til og, ingen mangel på respekt for Trevor, men hans 0 måtte gå, og jeg var lige derinde på en nedrivningsmission.

Jeg er klar til den næste. Jeg tror på, at dette øjeblikkeligt vil gøre mig til en bedre fighter nu. Når du vinder verdensmesterskabet siger de, at du bliver næste niveau, så navne som Dillian Whyte og Joseph Parker er alle på min hitliste. Jeg vil kæmpe mod den, Frank sætter mig sammen med næste gang.

Det har været fantastisk. At komme herud og vinde en verdenstitel er, hvad jeg drømte om som et lille barn, og nu er det endelig sket.

Trevor Bryan citat: "Jeg har det okay. Jeg vidste, at han ville komme ud med store slag, og jeg prøvede at lande nogle og lade ham trætte sig selv. Men jeg skød ikke nok."

Luis Rodriguez (9-0, 9 KOS) vs. Ryan Adams (8-5-2, 6 KOS)
Resultat: Luis Rodriguez vinder via TKO (3rd runde kl 2:26)
Scorekort: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U7uzf55jwRHFwzibpQ_kMcNuMlIl0PKy/view?usp=sharing

Luis Rodriguez citat: "Det er den bedste følelse endelig at få knockoutet. Han var en kompliceret bokser, en slagsmål. Jeg kan ikke lide den slags slagsmål. Vi får se, hvad der bliver det næste – men jeg er klar til den næste udfordring.”

DaCarree Scott (7-1, 6 KOS) vs. Jonathan Guidry (18 -1-2, 6 KOS)
Resultat: Johnathan Guidry vinder via TKO (7th runde kl 2:01)

Johnathan Guidry citat: "Jeg har det godt. Jeg nåede ikke engang at have en ordentlig træningslejr eller de rigtige sparringspartnere. Jeg glæder mig til det næste."

Joltin Johnnie Langston (11-3, 4 KOS) vs. Isaiah Thompson (6-1-2, 5 KOS)
Resultat: Johnnie Langston vinder via Split Decision (95-94, 94-95, 92-97)

Johnnie Langston citat: »Jeg havde ikke engang en chance for en fuld træningslejr. Jeg sprængte i luften [i vægt] under lejren og var lidt dehydreret i ringen. Jeg er bare glad for, at vi nåede frem til dette resultat, og at jeg stadig er en mester."

Ahmed Elbiali (22-1, 18 KOS) vs. Devin Colina (16-2, 14 KOS)
Resultat: Ahmed Elbiali vinder via diskvalifikation
Scorekort: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1URsbHgUf3xDThEOAXC-9z1dXVexiQo3l/view?usp=sharing

Ahmed Elbial citat: "Jeg er bare glad for, at vi begge forlod ringen sunde. Jeg er spændt på at blive kronet som den nye mester, og jeg håber, at jeg ved næste show får vist mine færdigheder bedre. Vi havde en fantastisk, oldschool boksepublikum herude i aften, og det gjorde det til en sjov oplevelse.”

Raynel Mederos (7-0, 2 KO) vs. Ryan Wilson 1-1, 1 KO
Resultat: Raynel Mederos vinder via TKO (2ND runde kl 2:07)
Scorekort: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mdnashyn81jVR6EDi1kePK46oGrJ3Wcq/view?usp=sharing

Raynel Mederos citat: "Jeg har det rigtig godt, og jeg vil gerne give en særlig tak til min træner, som har hjulpet mig med at komme så langt. Vi tager min karriere skridt for skridt, runde for runde."

Tre'Sean Wiggins (14-5-3, 8 KOS) vs. Travis Castellón (17-4-2, 12 KOS)
Resultat: Tre'Sean Wiggins vinder via TKO (1st runde kl 2:07)
Scorekort: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ra9wAwRWWoRHV41zFw1iYkfo-bFHfQYP/view?usp=sharing

Tre'Sean Wiggins citat: "Gameplanen for inde i ringen var at tage mig tid. Jeg ville ikke skynde mig,"
"Jeg vil være i toppen 10. Uanset hvad Don King har til mig næste gang; Det vil jeg gøre."

Anthony Lenk (17-9, 7 KOS) vs. Ian Green (16-2, 11 KOS)
Resultat: Ian Green vinder via enstemmig beslutning (91-99, 92-98, 92-98)
Scorekort: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m8trcSoLu6qRDwSPi_2tP6sbhlz-xaz1/view?usp=sharing

Ian Green citat: "Jeg har det rigtig godt, det var første gang, jeg har skubbet til 10-runder. Lenk var en elendig modstander og kom ikke rigtig med noget på bordet. Han var bare rigtig god til at overleve og løbe sig selv.”

Citat om Anthony Lenk: "Han er en god fighter. Han kom for at repræsentere Don King, sikkert. Jeg er stadig en af ​​dine kæmpere, og jeg håber bare, du stadig holder mig her efter dette."

Fuldstændige resultater & Billeder til BELLATOR MMA 273: Bader vs.. Moldavsky

En gruppe mænd i en boksering

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Komplet Fight Night-billeder her - Venligst kredit: BELLATOR MMA

C-Ryan Bader (29-7, 1 NC) besejrede IC-Valentin Moldavsky (11-2) via enstemmig afgørelse (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)

Ryan Bader forsvarer sin sværvægtstitel: ""Naturligvis, det var en rigtig tæt kamp, ​​og til sidst er jeg som en mand, der er en toss up. Jeg følte, at jeg gjorde mere skade, men det føltes så godt i betragtning af, at den sidste kamp var en kamp, ​​jeg tabte. Men det var frem og tilbage, endda kæmpe hele fem runder. Det er bare antiklimaktisk at gå derud og have et spændende sværvægtsmesterskab på fem runder med en hård fyr i Arizona. Jeg ville så gerne!

Jeg er aldrig for selvsikker, går til dommere du ved. Det er første gang i mit liv, at jeg håbede, at de ikke scorede til brydningen. Jeg rokkede ham ret godt med mine slag, og jeg så alting klart. Jeg undervurderede hans spænding, hans kropslås, han blev ved med at træde foran mig med dette mærkelige træk, og han er stærkere, end jeg troede. Jeg er aldrig blevet samlet op som før ... men jeg sagde bare til mig selv at blive ved med at rejse mig og så fortsætte med strejkerne. Til sidst der holdt han bare fast, og jeg landede 20 ubesvarede albuer til hovedet. De kan ikke ignoreres, og så da han gik til scorekortene, Jeg sagde hvem ved nu..."

#6-Benson Henderson (29-11) besejret #7-Islam Mamedov (20-2-1) via split beslutning (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Benson Henderson efter sejren foran sin hjemby: "Kæmper foran min adopterede hjemby Phoenix, DET, det er fantastisk. Sidste gang gav jeg ikke Arizona et særligt godt show. Denne gang, Jeg troede, jeg havde en bedre præstation, så vind eller tab, jeg vidste, at jeg kunne leve med det. Bare at have en god præstation, ikke en god præstation, men at have en god præstation, i modsætning til at have en dårlig præstation, vinde eller tabe føler du dig altid godt efter gode præstationer. Vi søger perfektion. Hvis du skriver en bog, alle disse journalister, alle disse filmskabere, de vil gøre dem til en del af en film og derefter lave en fantastisk film. Hvis du vil, så skal du gøre dit absolut bedste derude, og derfor er jeg altid efter en bedre præstation.”
"I aften, at få hånden i vejret er fantastisk. Det var første gang, jeg kæmpede foran mine sønner, mine to ældste sønner. Min 6 årig og min 4-årige. I aften var en fantastisk aften, men de er ikke alle gode nætter, så jeg lærer bestemt at værdsætte de gode, når jeg har dem."

"Jeg følte, at jeg gjorde nok for at fortjene at få hånden op, men man ved bare aldrig. Som Burt Watson altid siger, hvis du overlader det til dommerne, de vil få dig til at græde. Han har fuldstændig ret. Så, Jeg vil bestemt aldrig overlade det til dommerne. Når nogen siger split beslutning, er jeg som åh nej, mine drenge er i ringen ... men det var en god nat, så jeg var taknemmelig for det."

Henry Corrales (20-6) besejret Aiden Lee (10-6) via enstemmig teknisk beslutning (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) - (utilsigtet øjenstik)

Henry Corrales efter sin sejr: »Det var bestemt ikke den måde, jeg ville afslutte det her i Phoenix. Fansene fortjener mere, og det er ikke noget imod ham, det er bare en slags sen afslutning, og dette var den sidste kamp på min kontrakt. Dette var min 15. kamp med BELLATOR og min 20. sejr, så der er meget ridning på denne kamp. Jeg havde brug for at gå derud og præstere en god præstation ... jeg prøvede."

Jeg følte ikke, at jeg virkelig prikkede ham for at være ærlig over for dig, og gentagelsen viste, at det bare ikke så så alvorligt ud, som han spillede det ud for at være, men det er øjet, så kun han ved hvor meget det gjorde ondt. Han var super ked af det efter, og jeg var ligesom hey store hund, jeg prikkede dig ikke med vilje. Jeg mener, det er en knytnævekamp! Men, han gik væk fra buret efter, og han optrådte skuffet, da kampen blev stoppet, men mens kampen stod på, kæmpede han ikke rigtig. Hans opførsel var slået fra, og han klynkede lidt ved skud, og det er som om du ikke rigtig skulle, du optrådte bare."

Godmorgen Homasi (16-10) besejret Jaleel Willis (15-4) via indsendelse (arm-trekant) på 1:42 af runde én

Sabah Homasi efter sin submission-sejr: »Det er et af de spark, jeg kastede, jeg har lige sparket hårdt mand. Jeg forventer dette efter hver kamp, ​​men bare en lille hævelse. Det er de samme ting efter hver kamp mand fra alle mine spark."

"Du ved, jeg bare tager, hvad de giver mig. Jeg havde hans ryg, Jeg troede, jeg ville gøre bagenden nøgen. Jeg kan ikke lide at bruge for meget energi på noget, så hvis jeg ikke har det, vil jeg ikke tvinge det. Jeg vil tage noget, der er der, så jeg lod det gå, og jeg satte en lille fælde op. Det er noget, som jeg er gået meget godt over fra bagsiden til det trick, så det var der, og jeg tog det."

"Han sagde noget til mig tidligere, og hvis han siger noget til mig, burde han sige det som en mand. Sig det med dit forbandede bryst, hvisk det ikke. Jeg glemte, hvad han sagde, men jeg fortalte ham, at han ville føle rigtig kraft i aften, og det var det, og så åbenbart hurtig kamp. jeg er rask, Jeg er i god form, skal tilbage i gymnastiksalen, og hver gang BELLATOR giver mig besked, vil jeg give min manager grønt lys."

Enrique Barzola (17-5-2) besejret Darrion Caldwell (15-6) via TKO (strejker) på 3:01 af runde tre
chris gonzalez (7-1) besejret Du Awad (24-14, 1 NC) via KO (punches) på :36 af runde én
Dalton Rosta (6-0) besejret Duane Johnson (6-3) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Nikita Mikhailov (9-1) besejret Blaine Shutt (8-6) via TKO (punches) på 3:23 af runde tre
Lucas Brennan (6-0) besejret ben lugo (5-5) via indsendelse (arm-trekant choker) på 2:27 af runde én
Sullivan Cauley (3-0) besejret Ben Parrish (5-2) via TKO (punches) på 4:35 af runde én

Besøg Bellator.com for yderligere information.



Undefeated heavyweight Zhang “Big Bang” Zhilei (23-0-1, 18 KOS) is looking for big fights in 2022. Zhang, who is coming off of a second-round knockout of Craig Lewis, is world-ranked in both the IBF and WBO and wants to fight a top heavyweight so that he can earn a title shot.

The division is opening up after a flurry of recent activity at the end of 2021. With its mandatory contender position vacant, the International Boxing Federation is trying to set up a final eliminator. Contenders Luis Ortiz and Joseph Parker, both of whom are fresh off big wins, ducked their chance to fight #3 ranked Filip Hrgović (14-0, 12 KOS). Kroatien. The IBF will continue to go down its rankings in order until one of the contenders agrees to fight Hrigović.

Zhang vows that if asked, he would take on the Croatian in a battle of 6’6’’ big men.

“I don’t understand why top heavyweights are turnin this down.” Said the former Olympic silver medal winner. “Hrgovic is no boogeyman. I’ve made it known that if my name comes up, I’ll step up and take it.”

And if a showdown with Hrigovic does not materialize, den 38 year-old Zhang is ready for any of the big names.

“I’m not getting any younger, and I have told my promoter that I want to make a big move," Said Zhang, listing off of top heavyweights such as Joseph Parker and Dereck Chisoraall of whom share the same promoter, Eddie Hearn’s Matchroom.

“My ultimate goal is to become world champion and I need fights that put me on that path. I will fight anyone. I want a big opportunity and all I am asking for is fair compensation. I am ready now.”

Foto – Zhang Zhilei Nov. 29th, 2021 courtesy of matchroom and Ed Mulholland


Zhang Zhilei is a Chinese undefeated professional boxer who competes in the heavyweight division. As an amateur, he earned a silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympic games as a super heavyweight. He now competes at the highest levels of professional heavyweight prize fighting. He currently lives and trains in the New York City metropolitan area.


New York City Based “Lane Brothers Boxing” was founded in 2019 by brothers Terry and Tommy Lane. The Lane brothers have worked in professional boxing for over fifteen years, and are now using their industry expertise to advise top international boxing talent.


Li Maopei, aka Kurt Li, is an advisor to top boxing talent across the globe with an expertise and focus on professional boxers from his native China.

Holden Productions Signs Jeremiah Milton

Jeremiah Milton.jpg
Tulsa, OK (Januar 5, 2022) – Unbeaten heavyweight Jeremiah “Dreamland” Milton has signed an exclusive promotional contract with Holden Productions.

Born and raised in Tulsa, the 27-year-old Milton is 3-0 med 3 KO’s as a pro. Som en amatør, he was ranked among the top heavyweights in America and won a Silver Medal at the 2020 Olympic Trials. Prior to boxing, he played defensive end at Division II Northeastern State University. Milton, who is 6’4 230 pounds, is an explosive puncher with impressive athleticism.

“Holden Productions has been doing great things for fighters in multiple weight classes,” said Milton, who earned praise from heavyweight champion Tyson Fury after the two sparred. “I’m glad to be joining a successful team based out of my hometown and we’re going to put the world on notice.”

Having promoted fights and fighters across the globe including both Jake Paul-Tyron Woodley fights this past year, Holden Productions is thrilled about signing a talented heavyweight with ties to their home base.

“Our job is to give Jeremiah the largest platform to succeed,” said Bryce Holden. “This task is made easy when you work with a fighter that eats, sleeps and breaths boxing. We’re thrilled to see Jeremiah flourish in 2022 while fighting in his hometown on some major shows.”

Mike Leanardi, Milton’s manager who runs Victory Sports & Entertainment with Rick Torres stated “We’re excited to be working with Tony and Bryce Holden. They know the Tulsa region and have had a lot of success building fighters there. Jeremiah will get an opportunity to be active, fight on big cards and fight at home in Tulsa. It doesn’t get any better than that!"

Milton’s debut under the Holden Productions banner takes places Saturday, Januar 29 at the Hard Rock and Casino Tulsa as part of a Top Rank ESPN Boxing card. Billetter er til salg nu på tickets.hardrockcasinotulsa.com/ordertickets.asp?p=617&src=eventperformances

Komplet Fight Night -resultater, Citater & Billeder til BELLATOR MMA 269: Fedor vs. Johnson

Et billede, der indeholder en person, sport

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Fuldfør begivenhedsbilleder her - kredit venligst: Lucas Noonan / BELLATOR MMA

Bellator 269 Post-Fight Interviews


Fedor Emelianenko (40-6, 1 NC) def. Do Not. 2 Tim Johnson (15-8) via KO at 1:46 af runde én

Fedor Emelianenko:
“I feel very great. Jeg har det godt. Two years passed. I’m happy that everything worked out the way we were thinking.

“I’m very happy for the fact that we made the audience happy and we delivered such great joy to our fans. To those who follow our career and Bellator events.

“Its much easier for me to perform in America. I don’t have such huge attention, or maybe I do get the attention, but all the events are strictly planned. Here at home all our camp and our preparation for the fight took place under the supervision of media, journalists and so forth and so on.

“Its difficult to say, I think this is one of the most important wins of my career taking into consideration the location, the country (Rusland), the age. Taking into consideration the force of Tim Johnson, who is a strong opponent.

“Thank god I’m still in sports and I’m not losing my speed.

“Its difficult to answer the ‘what if’ questions. I would like to say that at this moment I’m not planning on finishing my career. I will talk to Scott Coker and my family.”

Do Not. 8 Sagde Sowma (8-2) def. Vitaly Minakov (22-2) via TKO at 3:08 af runde tre

Sagde Sowma:
“I couldn’t hit the guy while he was fixing his finger when it was broken. I told the ref that his finger was messed up when he was telling us to keep fighting. I want to fighting him like a true martial artist, not like that.

“I haven’t thought about who’s next, I’m just excited about this one right now. He was a lot heavier than I was, but it wasn’t a fight that I took on short notice. I just wanted a step up in opponents. I believe that if you fight bums your whole life, then you will be a bum. I hope I laid a path for everyone at home that you can achieve anything you set your mind to no matter where you’re from.

“Minakov didn’t finish me in one minute like he usually does with his opponents so I’m pretty happy, but it was definitely a bit of a bittersweet win for me.”

Do Not. 6 Usman Nurmagomedov (14-0) def. Patrik Pietila (11-9) via indsendelse (RNC) på 4:06 af runde én

Usman Nurmagomedov:
"Jeg har det godt. I want to thank God for this victory. It was amazing fighting here in Russia. I am so happy right now.

“I certainly planned on taking this fight to the ground. I was trying to catch him so that I could take it to the ground, where I knew I had an advantage.

“I want to take on a top fighter next. A Top-10 or Top-15 fighter, it doesn’t really matter to me, but I want a top fighter. I will need about a week of rest and then I will be back and ready to go.

“I have not yet talked to Scott Coker about anything in relation to title shots. I don’t know who will win the world title fight between Patricky Pitbull and Peter Queally, but I’m going to take that belt and bring it back home with me.”

Anatoly Tokov (30-2) def. Sharaf Davlatmurodov (18-4-1) via split beslutning (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)

Anatoly Tokov:

“I felt a little bit rusty in this fight because of the two-year absence. It felt like my reach was a bit off. It was not an easy fight. I was glad that it went three rounds because it allowed me to breath and it allowed me to take control of the situation.”
“Nothing was surprising about this fight because we used to train together and I know his strengths and I know that he’s a really serious fighter. It was a true challenge for me, but nothing was surprising about this one. I also wasn’t nervous at all and in fact I knew that I took care of him in each round.”


Kirill Sidelnikov (13-6) def. Rab Truesdale (10-8-1) via TKO at 2:01 af runde én
Katarzyna Sadura (5-4) def. Darina Mazdyuk (4-2) via TKO at 3:17 af runde to
Irina Alekseeva (4-1) def. Stephanie Page (5-3) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Nikita Mikhailov (8-1) def. Brian Moore (14-8) via enstemmig afgørelse (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Alexey Shurkevich (13-4) def. Grachik Bozinyan (11-5) via KO at 2:25 af runde én
Aiden Lee (10-5) def. alexander Osetrov (8-3-1) via indsendelse (RNC) på 3:41 af runde én

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, besøg BELLATOR.com.

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A person with a beard

Description automatically generated with medium confidence
LOS ANGELES – BELLATOR MMA announced this morning that the greatest heavyweight mixed martial artist of all-time, Fedor “The Last Emperor” Emelianenko (39-6, 1 NC) will take on number two ranked heavyweight Tim Johnson (15-7) i de vigtigste tilfælde af BELLATOR Moscow: Fedor vs. Johnson på lørdag, Oktober. 23 at the VTB Arena.

Tickets for the highly anticipated event are on sale now and can be purchased at Kassir.ru. Additional matchups and SHOWTIME telecast details will be revealed soon.

Widely regarded as the greatest heavyweight in mixed martial arts history, Fedor Emelianenko returns to the BELLATOR cage for the first time since his dominant first-round TKO victory over Quinton "Rampage" Jackson i 2019. With an illustrious career that has seen him earn 30 stoppages in his 39 victories over legendary opposition, the former PRIDE FC Heavyweight World Champion will be fighting in his home country of Russia for the first time in five years. A four-time combat sambo world champion, “The Last Emperor” put together an insane eight-year unbeaten streak on his way to becoming an international MMA icon. Emelianenko has established Team Fedor, which features several top Russian fighters including BELLATOR’s Light Heavyweight World Champion Vadim Nemkov and BELLATOR’s Interim Heavyweight Champion Valentin Moldavsky. With his last three victories coming by way of first-round finish, Fedor is looking to add another exciting chapter to his storied fighting career on October 23.

2020 was a huge year for Johnson, as the UFC vet notched three wins in as many fights with impressive first-round finishes over Matt Mitrione og Tyrell Fortune and a decision victory over Cheick Kongo during the historic, first-ever major MMA event in France. The Xtreme Couture-product showed that he’s got the skill and stamina for championship rounds as he went the full five with Team Fedor’s Valentin Modlavsky (11-1) dette tidligere juni. Proudly hailing from North Dakota, Johnson is a current member of the United States National Guard who won two national championships while wrestling at Minnesota State University.

Opdateret BELLATOR Moscow: Fedor vs. Johnson Card:

Heavyweight Main Event: Fedor Emelianenko (39-6, 1 NC) vs. #2-Tim Johnson (15-7)


*Kort kan ændres.

Besøg Bellator.com for yderligere information.

The Comeback of Heavyweight Contender JD Chapman Continues

Juli 28, 2021, Fort Smith, Arkansas—American Heavyweight Contender JD “The Natural” Chapman (30-0, 26 KO s) continues his surprise comeback on July 31, 2021 when he takes on veteran gatekeeper Terrell Jamal Woods (24-49-9) hjemme, in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Woods recently had a draw with Russian heavyweight contender Alexander Ustinov (36-4) and is renown for testing top fighters, having taken to the distance former world champion Dominick Quinn, and top prospects such as Michael Hunter (21-1) any Nicholas Musterek (9-0).

JD “The Natural” Chapman (30-0), returned to Boxing on June 5, 2021, after a thirteen year layoff. At the time of his retirement, Chapman was ranked by just about every rating organizing and was considered one of America’s best chance at reclaiming the Heavyweight title. With his return, Chapman immediately became one of the most talked about heavyweight contenders.

Asked whether it is not too soon to fight such a dangerous opponent as Terrell Jamal Woods so early in his comeback, Chapman said with his usual humility, “Jamal Woods is tough and will be a good test for me as I’m rusty and nowhere close to where I used to be. Men, if I can’t go through guys like Jamal, I might as well hang up my gloves and retire for good this time.”

Says his promoter Edward Mendy, “JD Chapman is the ‘Next Great American Hope.’ No offense to Deontay Wilder and Andy Ruiz, but no American heavyweight today has a better shot at the world title than Chapman Period. JD has the size, the power, the skills and the experience to take on any of the top five heavyweights today. I’m so pleased with his progress, I would gladly to put him up against any other top ten heavyweight today. Men først, he has to pass the Wood test.”

Chapman’s next fight, Juli 31, 2021 fight Terrell Jamal Woods, will take place at the River Valley Combat Academy in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

About JD Chapman
Born John David Chapman in March of 1983, JD Chapman did not fight as an amateur. I stedet, he started fighting in Toughman Contest competitions before he turned pro in 2002. Chapman chose the name “The Natural” as he hails from Arkansas, “The Natural State”.

After fighting mostly guys with losing records his first fourteen fights, JD Chapman stepped it up and never fought another opponent with a losing record. In the process he has accumulated 30 vinder med 26 of the wins by way of knockout (knockout ratio greater than 90%). Også, Chapman has beaten several known contenders and gatekeepers. His most notable opponents were Chicago-based Edward Gutierrez who was 15-0-1 coming into the bout, New York veteran John Carlo who then possessed a 14-1 rekord, and fellow undefeated Mid-West prospect Matt Hicks then 7-0.

Chapman further captured several regional heavyweight titles including the IBF Southern Regional title, the North American Boxing Council title, the WBC Latino title and the Arkansas State title. Just when it seemed that Chapman was at the cusp of stardom, he hung it all up and rode into the sunset.

At the time of his retirement in 2008, Chapman was considered a major heavyweight contender and was the darling of the boxing press. He received tremendous coverage and exposure in the boxing press and was featured repeatedly on television. Vigtigere, Chapman was rated Top Ten by every major sanctioning body except the WBC, which gave him a World Rating of 14.

He is being trained by former MMA Champion Brian Foster. Chapman’s return is being guided by Edward Mendy of Lion Heart Boxing Productions.


WBC Heavyweight Champion Fury & Former Heavyweight Champion Wilder Battle in Highly Anticipated Third Matchup Saturday, Juli 24 Live on Pay-Per-View from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

Klik HER for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank via Getty Images

Klik HER for fotos fra Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxing Champions

Klik HER for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Juni 15, 2021) – WBC Heavyweight World Champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Fury and former longtime heavyweight champion Deontay "The Bronze Bomber" Wilder squared off for a long and intense face-to-face stare down Tuesday in Los Angeles at a press conference to preview their highly anticipated third world title showdown taking place Saturday, Juli 24 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and live on pay-per-view.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at www.t-mobilearena.com eller www.axs.com. The event is promoted by Top Rank, BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

Here is what the fighters and their trainers had to say Tuesday from The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Levende:


“It was a crazy roller coaster toward this fight. I always say, ‘you’re never fighting someone, until you’re in the ring opposite them.’ It wasn’t hard for me to adjust to fighting Deontay Wilder again. It’s what I’m paid to do.

“I’m just always training and staying motivated. I’m happy to be living and here right now. I look forward to today. That’s how I manage everything. I’m a ‘living in the moment’ type of person.

“I hope Deontay brings something different for this fight. He needs to, if we’re facing facts. I hope he brings a challenge. Hopefully Malik Scott can bring the best out of Deontay Wilder.

“The beating from the last fight has had a physical, mental and emotional effect on his life. I was worried about him after the way I beat him.

“Deontay Wilder is a one-trick pony. He’s got great one-punch knockout power. I’m going to run him over like I’m an 18-wheeler. I guarantee he doesn’t go past where he did in the second fight. I’m looking for a big knockout straight away.

“He said all this stuff about bloodshed last time and we all know what happened last time. I’m going to keep it short and sweet today.”


“Enough has been said. It’s time to cut off his head. Come July the 24, there will be bloodshed. Get your tickets now and I’ll see you soon.

“A lot of things are going to be different in this fight. Juli 24, the world is going to see. We’re going to reveal everything we’ve been working on.

“I didn’t feel any way about Fury trying to negotiate another fight. We knew we were in the right and we knew they couldn’t run. Silence is golden.

“I’ve been happy and even happier in my time off. I’ve had time to spend with my family and now I’m rejuvenated and ready to go.

“I’ve been training non-stop during the pandemic and I’ve been building. All this time between fights is going to be good for me and bad for him. I’ve had nothing but time to progress.

“Whatever he does on July 24, we will have an answer for it. I’m training very hard and my mind is very violent. I’m ready to go.”


“The amount of time me and Tyson have had together since joining forces hasn’t changed anything. Our chemistry has always been there. The only thing is, is that over that time, he now has the power to knock a man out with one punch.

“I’m glad he’s added that kind of power to go with his boxing skills and IQ. He now has the one-punch knockout power. He just needs to land that one punch.”

MALIK SCOTT, Wilders Trainer

“Deontay and I have always had a chemistry and a brotherhood between us. Before we talked about moving forward with me as his trainer, I wanted to make sure we had the same chemistry as trainer and fighter that we had with our brotherhood. Our chemistry as fighter and trainer by far passes it. I’m impressed with how he’s adapted.

“I believe that with a fighter like Deontay, who has naturally raw power, combined with my technically sound background, we just match well together.

“Deontay has made the mental adjustments. All I needed was a receptive athlete. He’s already made the adjustments to do whatever I need him to do in that ring.

“I only see this fight going one way. If you just let Fury do what he wants, he’ll do way more than what you want. I have no doubt that Deontay will become the two-time heavyweight champion of the world and it will come by knockout.”

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For mere information, besøg www.premierboxingchampions.com, , Follow on Twitter@PremierBoxing, @trboxing, TGBPromotions, @TMobileArena og @Swanson_Comm eller blive en fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/trboxing.

Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas on special mission to become heavyweight & bridgerweight World ChampionImportant announcement

QUEBEC CITY, Ontario, Canada (Marts 24, 2021) – Fresh off his recent third-round stoppage of Sylvera “Sly” Louis i deres omkamp, World Boxing Council (WBC) Do Not. 1 rated bridgerweight Oscar "Kaboom" Rivas (27-1, 19 KOS) is on a special mission to not only become the first bridgerweight world champion but capture the world heavyweight crown as well.

A 2008 Colombianske Olympian, Rivas is currently rated as the WBC’s No. 1-rated contender in the bridgerweight division (-224 lbs.), og nr. 9 in The Ring magazine’s heavyweight rankings.

Prior to his rematch with Louis, Rivas hadn’t fought in 20 months due mainly to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Never-the-less, “Kaboom” remained professional, training throughout his ring absence, and now he’s positioned to fight for the inaugural WBC bridgerweight title.

“I love this sport,” Rivas said from his Montreal home. I dedicate my life to boxing. I never stopped training because I love it and I can’t live without it. I am an athlete! The pandemic didn’t make things easy for me or anybody else, especially for a natural heavyweight like me.

“In the ring, I am having fun, and that’s what drives me. After I was able to knockdown my opponent (Louis) i første runde, my coach asked me to take advantage of the opportunity to box because I hadn’t fought in 20 måneder. I hadn’t stepped in the ring and that’s what I enjoy every minute of.”

Even though he’s on the precipice of winning his first world title, as a bridgerweight fighter, Rivas will not be fully satisfied without becoming a 2-division world champion.

“I want to be the bridgerweight and heavyweight World champion without a doubt,”Forklarede han. “My mission is timeless. For some reason, the big boys in the heavyweight division don’t want to fight me. There would have been good reasons for Dillian Whyte to give me a rematch, to clear any doubts! I love Tyson Fury but when he was looking for a dance partner last December, my name was dropped first even though we had the same promoter. I can only assume that they consider I am too dangerous for them. By becoming the WBC bridgerweight World champion, I assume that those big boys will be more intrigued to fight me, og jeg kan ikke vente. Nu, more than ever.

“I am a heavyweight and I always tried to stay under 235 pounds throughout my career to exploit my speed, so the bridgerweight class became a natural fit for me. Nu, I am aiming to become champion of the world in two divisions. Bring them all on!"

Rivas’ most likely will know who his opponent will be for the WBC bridgerweight title fight in June in the coming days. The names often mentioned are No. 3 Bedømmelse Bryant Jennings(24-4, 14 KOS), 2-time world heavyweight title challenger, or built-up South African cruiserweight, Do Not. 2 rangeret Kevin Larena (26-1, 13 KOS).

“My team has been working very hard during this unbelievable time (pandemic) to organize a significant fight for me.” Rivas noted. “I just can’t wait to step back into the ring with anybody.”

Rivas still has unfinished business with Whyte, who is the only pro to defeat Rivas, albeit under questionable circumstances. Sidste August, Whyte won a 12-round unanimous decision, after been knockdown with an uppercut in the 9th omgang, in their vacant WBC Interim heavyweight title fight, but prior to their fight, unbeknownst to Team Rivas, Whyte had apparently tested positive for a banned substance during training camp. A UK Anti-Doping investigation somehow later cleared Whyte of any wrongdoings.

Sidste August, Whyte was knocked out in the fifth round by Aleksandr Povetkin in their WBC Interim title fight and Povetkin will defend his title this weekend in Gibraltar versus Whyte.

Oscar Rivas can’t wait to let his fists go “Kaboom” on his next opponent, whomever and whenever that is, as he continues his special mission.

FACEBOOK: @groupeyvonmichel
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Groupe Yvon Michel is a professional boxing promotion organization, founded in 2004 by Yvon Michel, Alexandra Croft and Bernard Barré, all still active within the company, which is the most prolific organization in the history of professional boxing in Canada. Since its founding GYM has organized 155 events in Quebec, participated in 36 international galas outside of Quebec. Six boxers became world champions, Joachim Alcine, Jean Pascal, Adonis Stevenson, Artur Beterbiev, Eleider Alvarez and Marie-Eve Dicaire. Sixteen of the organization’s boxers have fought 48 world championship bouts with an excellent record of 24 vinder, 22 losses and 2 trækker. During this period major American television networks were more active than ever in coming to Quebec to broadcast GYM’s most important events. På 34 occasions major American networks presented a GYM event, an exceptional showcase of Quebec knowledge including HBO (8), Showtime (7), Espn2 (10), Wealth TV (4), Spike TV (2), ESPN (1), CBS (1) and NBC Sports (1).


“I can’t wait to show everyone the new Andy Ruiz Jr. maj 1, because I’m more motivated right now than I ever have been before,” – Ruiz

“I’m excited for May 1 because this is definitely going to be a
rock ‘em sock ‘em type of fight.”– Arreola

Former Unified Heavyweight World Champion Andy Ruiz, Jr. &
All-Action Heavyweight Chris Arreola Preview Showdown
Headlining FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, Maj 1 fra
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California

Klik HER for Press Conference Video
(Credit: PBC på FOX, Adgangskode: !2ca2?qS)

CARSON, CALIF. (Marts 30, 2021) – Former unified heavyweight world champion Andy “The Destroyer” Ruiz Jr. and all-action heavyweight Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola previewed their heavyweight showdown during a virtual press conference Tuesday before they battle in a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View main event Saturday, Maj 1 fra Dignity Health Sports Park i Carson, California,

The pay-per-view action begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see this clash between two Mexican-American heavyweights top a jam-packed all-Mexican boxing extravaganza. The stacked pay-per-view undercard co-feature will see former world champion Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Jr. clash with Abel Ramos in a 12-round welterweight bout. Sensational super welterweight contender Sebastián “The Towering Inferno’’ Fundora takes on hard-hittingJorge “El Demonio’’ Cota in a 12-round battle and rising welterweight star Jesús Ramos, Jr.duels U.S. Olympian Javier “El Intocable” Molina for 10-rounds of welterweight action.

Arrangementet fremmes af TGB Promotions. Billetter er til salg nu og kan købes på AXS.com. Dignity Health Sports Park vil være åben for fans i begrænset kapacitet, med alle gæster, der forbliver socialt distancerede og underlagt lokale og statslige sundhedsretningslinjer under hele arrangementet.

FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View er prissat til $49.99.

The heavyweights were joined by their renowned trainers during the press conference, with Eddy Reynoso discussing Ruiz’s current camp, and Joe Goossen analyzing Arreola’s preparations. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday:


“I’m really motivated for May 1. We’re both training hard and working every day for this one. My mentality is where it needs to be and I’m ready to put on a great performance.

“Eddy sees the potential that I have and he told me that I needed to be disciplined if I was going to work with him. I don’t think I’ve ever been truly 100 percent dedicated until now. I’m surrounded by great champions like Canelo Alvarez, Oscar Valdez and Ryan Garcia, who help motivate me and it’s a blessing to be learning from Eddy every single day.

“Working with Eddy has helped change my mentality. His mentality is that we can’t take anything for granted in this sport. We’ve been working on a lot of different things and I have the ability to do a lot of new things with Eddy. I can’t wait to show everyone the new Andy Ruiz Jr. maj 1 because I’m more motivated right now than I ever have been before.

“I learned a lot from every trainer that I’ve had and I’m grateful for all of them. With Eddy, he likes to perfect every single punch and every movement in the ring. That level of detail is something that I’ve never had on this level.

“Arreola is a warrior who can take a lot of punches. Han er stærk, but we’re going to stick to the game plan and remain disciplined.

“Losing my last fight was devastating. I didn’t do the things that I was supposed to do. That was the most important fight of my career. I had been waiting to become champion my whole life and I started doing things I never thought I would be able to do. I don’t want to make those same mistakes again, and that’s a big part of what’s motivating me.

“Now that I’ve been dropping weight the right way, I feel amazing. I feel like I can do a lot more things that I couldn’t do before because of my body. Himlen er grænsen for mig.

“I still have a grudge inside of me about the second Anthony Joshua fight, because I don’t want to go down that path again. I just want to stay disciplined for this fight and all of the big fights coming up in my future.

“I learned from sparring with Arreola that we’re both warriors. We don’t give up. We love to receive punches and give them back. When we’re in that ring, it’s just business.

“This is going to be an all-action fight. I know Arreola is training really hard and I’m excited for whatever he’s going to bring. I can’t wait to show the people out there all of my improvements.”

CHRIS Arreola

“This is a fight that I’ve seen coming since the first time I ever sparred Andy. Back then he was just a pudgy kid and I thought nothing of him, until he threw those hands. Those hands were fast and lethal. I knew at that point that one day this fight would come.

“I’ve been ready for this fight for a while. At one point he wanted to be like me, and now I want to be like him and become heavyweight champion. He deserved everything he got, and now it’s my time to do everything to change history and prove I’m an elite heavyweight.

“I’ve been giving it my all in training, but we’re going to keep working. I’m excited for May 1 because this is definitely going to be a rock ‘em sock ‘em type of fight.”

“I know Andy is looking strong and that’s going to make this a great fight. This is a fight people should be talking about. There’s more work to be done, but I’ll be ready to shock the world on May 1.

“It wasn’t so much the punch output that improved for me in the Adam Kownacki fight, but it’s the fact that I could throw combos when I wanted to. I believe the worst I should have gotten in that fight was a draw. Uanset, my plan is to be in even better shape for this fight against Ruiz.

“There are not too many things that I regret in my life. Ja, I found more discipline later in my career, but I’m not one who draws on the past too much. There’s nothing I can change except what happens tomorrow.

“Now that I have this new added energy inside of me and really this new love for the game, it makes it easier for me to get in the gym and listen to Joe.

“Andy was very unassuming when I first sparred him. I didn’t think he was going to have the hand speed and skills that he had. I had a rude awakening that day. We were putting hands on each other. Instead of quitting, he kept coming. It was a fun sparring session. That’s why I was one of the people who predicted that he was going to beat Joshua the first fight.

“I know that I have to bring a smart game plan. Ved slutningen af ​​dagen, we’re going to have the rock ‘em sock ‘em moments. Andy has great hand speed. So I know that if I don’t bring my hands back, I’ll get caught.”

EDDY REYNOSO, Ruiz’s Trainer

“Andy has given so much time and has been so dedicated to his work inside the gym. We’re excited for May 1. He is motivated and learning a lot every day.

“We know that on May 1 we’re going to be dealing with an aggressive fighter who is going to bring his best. Andy is excited about the challenge that Arreola presents.

“May 1 is going to be the second beginning of Andy’s career. This is the start of his pursuit to become champion again. We respect Arreola, but we’re going to go in there to get the job done on May 1.

“Andy is strong and he has a tremendous focus. I have to congratulate Andy on his effort and dedication so far. I do believe that on May 1, everyone is going to see a much different and improved Andy Ruiz Jr.

“I talked with Andy and his entire team and they gave us the confidence that Andy would work hard. He’s done exactly that. The focus is for him to once again become world champion. There are a lot of great fighters at heavyweight, but we all believe that with this hard work Andy is going to show who he really is.”

JOE GOOSSEN, Arreola’s Trainer

“These are two fighters known who are noted for what they do best, and that’s going for the knockout. They let it fly right away from the opening bell.

“Eddy is training Andy right now and that’s a great match, just like me and Chris are a great match. I expect both fighters to be in fantastic shape. I know that Eddy would not be training Andy unless he was dedicated to the program.

“We’ve been training for months now. Chris has been very dedicated and honing his skills getting ready for May 1. Both guys want to win. The pressure is on both guys to work hard for that. Neither guy believes they’re the ‘b-side’ and that’s how they should feel. When you have two skilled fighters with that mentality, det vil være en stor kamp.

“When have you ever seen either Chris or Andy in a bad fight? They both give it their all and if I wasn’t training Chris, I’d definitely be watching. Når det hele er sagt og gjort, I believe this is going to be a fight that goes down in the history books.

“Andy’s style is Andy’s style. Like he said himself, the difference is what he can do with a different body. It’s going to be a new and improved style. It’s hard to change your whole style, but he’s going to show that he’s added on to his style.”

TOM BROWN, Formand for TGB Promotions

“Dignity Health Sports Park is the premier outdoor boxing venue in the U.S. It’s been home to some true modern classics. Something special happens when fighters walk down that tunnel. It’s like gladiators entering the Colosseum.

“Andy Ruiz Jr vs. Chris Arreola is guaranteed to be another great battle between two Mexican-American warriors from Southern California. Throughout their history, the minute they stepped into the ring, these fighters have electrified boxing fans.

“This fight will be a slugfest. Both fighters have fan friendly, all-action styles and it’s safe to say that both Ruiz and Arreola have never walked into the ring just to win—they want the knock-out. So It’s going to be bombs away on May 1.

“We’re really excited about this pay-per-view card with four all-action toss up fights. We open the action with the young top prospect Jesus Ramos taking on Javier Molina in a matchup that’s boxing’s future versus a veteran Olympian. We also have a rising star in Sebastian Fundora against a real contender in Jorge Cota. Mere, the co-main event with Omar Figueroa against Abel Ramos has the potential to be a Mexican-style Gatti vs. Ward type of fight.”

# # #

Ruiz vs. Arreola vil se den tidligere samlede verdensmester i tungvægt Andy “Destroyeren” Ruiz, Jr. kæmp med all-action-tungvægt Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola i hovedbegivenheden for en alt-mexicansk bokseekstravaganza lørdag, Maj 1 overskrift på en FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View fra Dignity Health Sports Park i Carson, California.

Pay-per-view begynder kl 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT og har tidligere verdensmester Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Jr. sammenstød med Abel Ramos i den 12-runde weltervægt co-main begivenhed. Sensational super welterweight contender Sebastián “The Towering Inferno’’ Fundora takes on hard-hitting Jorge “El Demonio’’ Cota in a 12-round battle and rising welterweight star Jesús Ramos, Jr. duels U.S. Olympian Javier "El Intocable" Molina til 10-runder med weltervægt i pay-per-view-åbningen.

For mere information: besøg www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage og www.foxdeportes.com, Følg på TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @TGBPromotions become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.