Arkivji Tag: Gray Maynard

“Round 7, Operation Knockoutcharity event for Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation Airing this Sunday night on CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (Novembru 25, 2016) – Il “Round 7, Operation Knockoutamateur mixed-martial-arts and grappling card, presented by Tuff-N-Uff in association with Neon Star Media, will air TONIGHT (Novembru. 27), jibda 11 p.m. U / 8 p.m. PT fuq CBS Sports Network.
The seventh annualOperation Knockout,” held last Saturday evening at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, was created to help Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation raise funds and awareness for wounded soldiers and their families.
There was something for everyone with nine amateur MMA fights, four of which were for title belts, and six super-fight grappling bouts featuring Bellator’s Ryan couture, ex-UFC fighter Ulysses Gomez and current UFC fighter Anthony Birchak, former Bellator fighter and active military, Michael Parker, former Lion Fight fighter Fanny Tommasino, and current Combate Americas fighter and former Tuff-N-Uff fighter, Kyra Batara.
Veteran MMA announcers Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner and living legend Couture called all the action live from ringside.
Xtreme couture G.I. Fondazzjoni tipprovdi appoġġ u servizzi meħtieġa għal suldati midruba u l-familji tagħhom, li ħafna minnhom ritorn ma amputazzjonijiet trawmatiċi, feriti gunshot, ħruq u korrimenti funderija. One-hundred percent of the proceeds are given as Operation Knockout continues to build on its efforts to raise more money and help more wounded soldiers and their families. With help of its generous sponsors and donations, “Operation Knockhad raised more than $170,000 going into this year’s event.
CBS Sports Network is available across the United States through local cable, vidjo u fornituri telco u permezz tas-satellita fuq DIRECTV Channel 221 u Dixx Network Channel 158. Għal aktar informazzjoni, inkluż skeda ta 'programmar sħiħ u kif tikseb CBS Sports Network, mur
Twitter: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture

“Round 7, Operation Knockoutcharity event for Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation To air Sunday, Novembru. 27 on CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (Novembru 22, 2016) – Il “Round 7, Operation Knockoutamateur mixed-martial-arts and grappling card, presented by Tuff-N-Uff in association with Neon Star Media, se arja Il-Ħadd, Novembru 27 (11 p.m. U / 8 p.m. PT) fuq CBS Sports Network.
The seventh annualOperation Knockout,” held this past Nov. 19th fil-Downtown Las Vegas Avvenimenti Center, was created to help Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation raise funds and awareness for wounded soldiers and their families.
Dan eċċitanti, unique charity event featured a night of amazing fights and a fabulous silent auction that featured gloves signed by Randy Couture, Luke Rockhold, Miesha Tate u Gray Maynard, tickets to Criss Angel, Rock of Ages u Legends in Concert, and many more items. There was something for everyone with nine amateur MMA fights, four of which were for title belts, and six super-fight grappling bouts featuring Bellator’s Ryan couture, ex-UFC fighter Ulysses Gomez and current UFC fighter Anthony Birchak, former Bellator fighter and active military, Michael Parker, former Lion Fight fighter Fanny Tommasino, and current Combate Americas fighter and former Tuff-N-Uff fighter, Kyra Batara.
Veteran MMA announcers Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner and living legend Couture called all the action live from ringside.
Tuff-N-Uff is honored to have a hand in helping to raise funds for and bring awareness to our brave service members who have sacrificed so much for our great country,” Tuff-N-Uff CEO Jeff Meyer qal. “Any little bit helps and the least we could do was put together a fight card with the Future Stars of MMA, as well as some big names in MMA who participated. We can’t thank everyone enough for helping put this amazing event together for a good cause.
Xtreme couture G.I. Fondazzjoni tipprovdi appoġġ u servizzi meħtieġa għal suldati midruba u l-familji tagħhom, li ħafna minnhom ritorn ma amputazzjonijiet trawmatiċi, feriti gunshot, ħruq u korrimenti funderija. One-hundred percent of the proceeds are given as Operation Knockout continues to build on its efforts to raise more money and help more wounded soldiers and their families. With help of its generous sponsors and donations, “Operation Knockhad raised more than $170,000 going into this year’s event.
I can’t tell you how thankful I am for the support from Tuff-N-Uf, Downtown Las Vegas Events Center and the D Las Vegas of ‘Round 7, Operation Knockoutand wounded veterans through,” Couture commented. “We at XCGIF appreciate your help and support of this cause.
We train our warriors to suppress strong emotional reactions in the face of adversity, to tolerate physical and emotional pain, and overcome the fear of injury and death. The military can’t decrease the intensity of that conditioning without negatively affecting the fighting capability of our military. It is a Catch-22. A chilling truth is service members are, simply put, more capable of killing themselves by sheer consequence of their professional training and we are losing 22 a day. This must change. We need to retrain our warriors on what defines success for them.
It’s going to be a great night of fighting and grappling. Thank you all for your contributions.
CBS Sports Network is available across the United States through local cable, vidjo u fornituri telco u permezz tas-satellita fuq DIRECTV Channel 221 u Dixx Network Channel 158. Għal aktar informazzjoni, inkluż skeda ta 'programmar sħiħ u kif tikseb CBS Sports Network, mur
Twitter: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture


About Tuff-N- UFF: A 22-year old combat sports organization, the Las Vegas-based TUFF-N- UFF presents the best amateur mixed martial arts (MMA) action in the nation. It has given rise to some of the biggest stars in the sport today, including former UFC bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey, as well UFC and Strikeforce veteran Ryan Couture and UFC welterweight Alan Jouban. TUFF-N-UFF has helped grow the careers of many other MMA athletes including Jessamyn Duke, Ashlee Evans-Smith, Tonya Evinger, Jon Fitch, Jesse Forbes, Chris Holdsworth, Brad Imes, Jimmy Jones u Jesse Taylor. Fl 2013, TUFF-N- UFF became the first combat sports organization to be included on the UFC International Fight Week schedule of events. Fl 2014,

TUFF-N- UFF presented a second event Il-Ħamis, Lulju 3 ħajjin minn Texas Station, earning status as the first event promotion to be listed on the UFC International Fight Week schedule two years in a row. TUFF-N- UFF celebrated its historic 20th anniversary Saturday, Ġunju 7, 2014, b'aktar minn 15,000 fannijiet, fil-każ live mibjugħa-out ġewwa l Thomas u Mack Center. Fl 2014, TUFF-N- UFF partnered with the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) biex tippreżenta, bħala parti mill-Ġimgħa UFC Internazzjonali Ġlieda 2014, l-ewwel qatt dilettanti Kampjonati tad-Dinja MMA. Jeff Meyer is the CEO of TUFF-N- UFF and runs the organization in dedication to his late brother, Barry Meyer, who founded TUFF-N- UFF in 1994. TUFF-N- UFF is committed to growing the sport of MMA and building theFuture Stars of MMA”.
About Neon Star Media LLC: Neon Star Media is a marketing and content company that creates highly effective brand-integration experiences for our clients, executed through a uniquestory-tellingapproach that empowers client’s product messaging to soar while delivering results. At Neon Star Media, we maximize client media spends by leveraging our relationships with various sporting events, cable channels, digital platforms and other social media outlets. We work with our clients to engage, endorse and advance their message with audiences on all platforms 24/7.
Dwar il-Las Vegas D: l-Las Vegas D delivers the fresh, Attitudni enerġetika u l-atmosfera divertenti sinonimu mal downtown Las Vegas. Il tiftaħar ġodda casino lukanda 629 remodeled rooms and suites and a unique two-level casino featuring modern and vintage floors. Cocktails, birra u xorb ffriżati naraw ġewwa l-każinò fil LONGBAR u fuq l-esperjenza Street Fremont fil D Bar. the D offers contemporary American fare at D Grill, Leġġendarju Coney Klieb Detroit fiż American Coney Island u steaks premium u platti Taljan awtentiċi fil Andiamo Taljan Steakhouse Joe VICARI ta. Il Showroom fil-Las Vegas D karatteristiċi divertiment pendenti li jvarjaw minn produzzjonijiet għotja rebbieħa teatru pranzu u Broadway mużika, comedy u aktar. Follow the D on Facebook u Twitter.
Dwar Downtown Las Vegas Avvenimenti Center: Jinsabu fil-kantuniera ta THIRD ST. u Carson Ave. across 'minn l-Las Vegas D, l Downtown Las Vegas Avvenimenti Center tista 'takkomoda sa 11,000 mistednin u karatteristiċi state-of-the-art istadju, dawl tal-ħoss u. Id-disinn miftuħ qed tistieden kemm turisti u nies tal-post u joffri l-post perfetta għall-kunċerti, konvenzjonijiet u avvenimenti oħra fuq skala kbira. Tħaddan l-ispirtu uninhibited tal Downtown Las Vegas, il post ġdid jilgħab ospitanti għal linja-up ta 'avvenimenti curated inklużi kunċerti premier, festivals ikel u aktar. Il-post huwa wkoll l-ewwel arena divertiment fil Las Vegas li jaċċettaw Bitcoin bħala l-munita. Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara jew isegwu fuq Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @dlveventscenter.