Arkivji Tag: Goodwin Boxing

Turi kollha fil York Hall għal biss 199 £

Goodwin Boxing nedew skema innovattiva oħra bit-tnedija tal- "Goodwin Boxing Staġun biljett".


Disponibbli fil biss £ 199 dan l-istaġun biljett se tipprovdi lid-detentur aċċess għal minimu ta ' 12 turi fil- 12 il xahar fil-York Hal storiku, Bethnal Paper.


Id-detentur biljett staġunali se tkun kapaċi tikseb biljetti bi skont għall-ħbieb u familja wkoll, promozzjonijiet skontati għall ringside u VIP pakketti riżervati kif ukoll ikollhom aċċess darba fis-sena backstage biex jintlaħqu l-boxers.


Id-detentur biljett staġunali se jiġu mistiedna wkoll lill-parti annwali Goodwin Boxing fejn se jiltaqa min iħarreġ u boxers.


Steve Goodwin qal "Aħna bnew database kbira ta 'fannijiet boxing u aħna nemmnu pakkett bħal dan mhux biss se suit klijenti eżistenti tagħna iżda se tinkoraġġixxi wkoll bażi fan ġdid għall-industrija boxing. Aħna diġà prova biegħu dan għad-dinja tan-negozju u r-riżultati kienu fenomenali hekk aħna issa huma lesti biex iniedu lill-pubbliku. "


Goodwin kompla "Dawn se jagħmlu birthday ideali u preżenti Milied kif ukoll bħala rigal korporattiva. Huma jistgħu jinxtraw onlajn, personalment fl-uffiċċji tagħna jew permezz ta 'ċekk. Aħna dejjem infittxu skemi innovattivi biex jgħinu biex jiġu żviluppati boxing u l-bażi fan tiegħu u jemmnu li dan il-kunċett se jkun suċċess kbir ".

Bailey Looks To Regain Title For Third Time, Faces Speight On Saturday


Slough’s Ian Bailey is hoping to regain the Southern Area Featherweight title, that he lost on the scales after failing to make championship weight, when he faced Dan Naylor back in July 2013, when he challenges reigning Champ Jamie Speight on the Goodwin Promotions event at York Hall in London this ġejjin is-Sibt.


Bailey, who during his seven year pro career has held the Southern Area Featherweight crown on two previous occasions, as well as both British and International Masters titles, will be undertaking his eighth Championship contest.


His opponent Speight, who won the title against Craig Whyatt in May last year, will be competing in his tenth Championship bout and has held both the Feather and Super Feather Southern Area titles as well as the International Masters Light Welterweight title during his career.


Fuq il-karta, as well as in the eyes of many pundits, the match up looks about as equal as it could be, as both Bailey and Speight have twelve wins each, both are superb boxers and both have minimal stoppage wins on the record, Bailey four and Speight just the one.


Champions TKO Gym’s head honcho and Bailey’s manager, Johnny Eames, spoke briefly about the upcoming bout and also expressed his disappointment at the fight being for the Southern Area and not the English as he had expected.


“Obviously we’re pleased that Ian is fighting for the Southern Area title, against Jamie Speight, which will be a great fight and would like to thank Steve Goodwin for giving Ian the opportunity to fight for the title on his show.


Back in December Ian was supposed to fight John Quigley for the English title, but three or four days before the fight Quigley pulled out saying he couldn’t make the weight, but nothing was done about that and Ian was dropped from the English title and two other fighters were put in instead of him, which I find pretty unfair.”


Bailey, who had said passively as his manager spoke then added,


“As Johnny says I’m really pleased to be fighting for the Southern Area title again, but that’s tinged with a little disappointment over the English title shot, which would have given much more leverage for a possible British title shot in the future, I mean an English title takes you further up the domestic rankings and ultimately could line me up for a shot at the British, well that’s what it means to me, if it had been the English title it would have been better for me career wise.


Don’t get me wrong I want this title back, I’m super fit, I still do things the way I normally do for a title fight, hopefully after this something bigger comes along.


Training has been going really good, good sparring, done some good sessions with Mitchell Smith, Mickey O’Rourke as well as with some top amateurs, so had some really good sparring for this one, yeah so preparations have gone really well.


It looks like it’s going to be a really good show and a really good fight, Jamie can be a runner, I think he’s going to back off to give himself some space, because I will be too much for him in every department, so he’ll do what he needs to do to try and break my rhythm and I’ll do what I need to do to get into him and do my thing.


Can’t wait, really looking forward to the fight and becoming a three time Champion.”


Ian Bailey versus Jamie Speight for the Southern Area Featherweight Championship features on the Goodwin Promotions event at the York Hall, in Bethnal Green, London nhar is-Sibt 16thMejju 2015


Twitter: @ChampionsTKO


We are just over two weeks away from probably one of the best non TV shows shown in London in many years.

16th May is the massive “Master Class” Goodwin Boxing bill featuring Seven title fights including four Southern Area title fights in a 13 fight card worthy of TV coverage.

With only a few tickets remaining this is the last chance to get tickets for what will be a sold out show on the night.

26 year old “The Genius” Jamie Speight has a wish come true on 16th Mejju 2015 when he co-headlines the massive Goodwin Boxing “Master Class” bill at York Hall defending his Southern Area Featherweight title against Ian Bailey.

Speight has regularly travelled on the road to fight the best including Josh Warrington but after signing with Steve Goodwin, Jamie finally gets his chance to defend his title as the home fighter. His opponent Bailey is ranked above him in the UK rankings so this going to be one competitive fight.
The Speight v Bailey clash is one of four 50/50 intriguing Southern Area title fights on the bill with three masters titles

Adam Dingsdale defends his Southern Area Lightweight title against Prizefighter finalist Michael “Chunky” Devine. Dingsdale has only two losses in his career coming against current Interim World champion Derry Mathews and former WBO European Champion Stephen Ormond. Devine takes a step up in class after reaching the final of Sky Sports’ Prizefighter.

Philip “Quicksilver” Bowes (9-1) challenges for the Light-Welterweight Southern Area title against the unbeaten former Prizefighter Champion Johnny Coyle

Johnny Garton makes his second defence of the Welterweight Southern Area title against former English title challenger Martin Welsh.

The charismatic Danny Connor competes for the International Masters Lightweight title whilst Hampshire’s “Dangerous” Danny Goode fights for the Masters Super Middleweight Title.

Adam Salman completes the trio of Masters title bouts when he competes for the Light Welterweight version.

Two of Ricky Hatton’s “Upton Clan” Paul and Anthony continue their rise to the top with 6 round contests.

The exciting Light Middleweight Joey Vaughan (1-0) has his first contest since signing with the Goodwin’s whilst the show sees the eagerly awaited debuts of Andrew Joicey (Welterweight) and Mwenya Chisanga (Light-Welterweight).

Jamie Arlain (1-0) also has his first contest after a long year break from the sport and after signing with the Goodwin’s whilst exciting unfefeated Light-Middleweight John Cash (4-0) has a six round contest.

The card is completed with Dean Byrne (4 rawnds) and David Leo (4 rawnds) all facing selected opposition.

Tickets are available from any of the boxers directly or on line at




Speight delighted to secure Home Advantage



26 year old “The Genius” Jamie Speight has a wish come true on 16th Mejju 2015 when he co-headlines the massive Goodwin Boxing “Master Class” bill at York Hall defending his Southern Area Featherweight title against Ian Bailey.


“I am over the moon at signing with Steve Goodwin” said Jamie “With everything he has done for me so far I could not be happier. This is the first time in years I have not had to go on the road and be the away fighter and have waited to be promoted as the home fighter for so long”.


Speight has had an up and down career but being sent as the away fighter meant that to Speight he never had the rub of the green or the advantage given to other fighters. Only two years ago Speight took Josh Warrington the distance in Warrington’s back yard and then subsequently lost a contentious decision to Lewis Pettitt once again in the opponent’s corner.


Mejju 2014 and Speight once again was in the opponents corner when he stopped Craig Whyatt to win this belt he is now defending but now the time has come for Speight to enjoy home advantage.


“I just want a fair crack of the whip and with Steve now in control of my career I know I will get that. I need to win this title as the next day I am flying with the Goodwin team to Turkey for a training camp and that needs to be a celebration.” Speight added “My aim is the British title at Featherweight and provided I keep winning Steve has promised he will deliver that to me.”


“This is a tough fight. Ian Bailey does not receive the credit he deserves. Like myself Ian has taken short notice fights and yet stops people with winning records. We have given him 2 months notice so he can prepare as well as myself and may the best man win.”


The Speight v Bailey clash is one of four 50/50 intriguing Southern Area title fights on the bill with three masters titles as well making this one of the best non TV shows seen in London for a long time.


Adam Dingsdale defends his Southern Area Lightweight title against Prizefighter finalist Michael “Chunky” Devine.


Philip “Quicksilver” Bowes (9-1) challenges for the Light-Welterweight version against the unbeaten former Prizefighter Champion Johnny Coyle whilst Johnny Garton makes his second defence of the Welterweight version against former English title challenger Martin Welsh.


The charismatic Danny Connor competes for the International Masters Lightweight title whilst Hampshire’s “Dangerous” Danny Goode fights for the Masters Super Middleweight Title. Adam Salman completes the trio of Masters title bouts when he competes for the Light Welterweight version.


Two of Ricky Hatton’s “Upton Clan” Paul and Anthony continue their rise to the top with 6 round contests.


The exciting Light Middleweight Joey Vaughan (1-0) has his first contest since signing with the Goodwin’s whilst the show sees the eagerly awaited debuts of Andrew Joicey (Welterweight) and Mwenya Chisanga (Light-Welterweight).


Jamie Arlain (1-0) also has his first contest after a long year break from the sport and after signing with the Goodwin’s whilst exciting unfefeated Light-Middleweight John Cash (4-0) has a six round contest.


The card is completed with Ben Hall (6 rawnds) Dean Byrne (4 rawnds) and David Leo (4 rawnds) all facing selected opposition.


Tickets are available from any of the boxers directly or on line at


Huwa tagħmel jew pawża għall Sharif fil rematch fuq Matchroom ġlieda adda ispettaklu


Meta 32 sena Aji qodma Sharif daru professjonali fl 2013 kellu tama kbira bi telfa uniku tiegħu bħala dilettanti ġejjin fil-idejn ta 'Olimpiku Gold Medallist Anthony Joshua.

Karriera professjonali tiegħu bdew off fil-moda tajba mal- 3 rebħiet dritta inkluż waqfien. Raba ġlieda professjonali tiegħu ġie stabbilit għal Diċembru 2013 fuq Promozzjonijiet Goodwin Matchroom ġlieda pass ispettaklu fejn ħa fuq 6 sieq 9 fil- “Il Giant” Imantas Davidaitis. Davidaitis kien li l-ixtut tar-Renju Unit qabel iħabbtu out Sheffield prospett David Howe f'żewġ seduti.

“Kien ġlieda I kienet kuntenta li jieħdu” Said Sharif. I meħtieġa biex tħabbat l-jħobb ta Davidaitis biex jimxu fuq livell titolu toSouthern Żona. Madankollu 6 ġimgħat qabel il-ġlieda trainer tiegħi Andy Edge iddeċieda li hu meħtieġ biex jieħu pawża minn taħriġ u I kien telaq mingħajr stabbiliment ta 'taħriġ professjonali. Meta wieħed iħares lura I għandu jkollhom miġbud 'il barra mill-ġlieda imma I stupidly marru permezz ta' magħha.” Sharif kompliet “Nies madwar me ppruvaw jgħinu iżda hija biss ma kienx qed jaħdem”.

Sharif marru permezz ta 'mal-ġlieda biex tikseb knocked stabbiliti darbtejn fl-ewwel rawnd u mbagħad jkollna waqfet fit-tieni. “Manager My / Promotur u l-familja tiegħu kienu kbar wara. Kollha waslu għall dressing room tiegħi u I setgħet tara li dawn kienu kif mqalleb lili. Ġimgħa wara I marru għall-uffiċċji Steve u qallu jien ridt xi rematch immedjata. Steve kien inizjalment riluttanti biex tagħmel dan, iżda huwa kburija. Għandi biex jpattuha dan it-telf. Steve mbagħad marru u ltqajna me l-aħjar kamp ta 'taħriġ li ser jiġi żvelat wara l-ġlieda. I am fl-aħjar forma kemm fiżikament u mentalment tal-ħajja tiegħi”

Sharif lest billi qal "I really bżonn l-appoġġ ta 'kulħadd f'dan il-rematch kif huwa karriera jagħmlu jew pawża għalija".

Sharif se jkun lura taħt l-dwal fuq Matchroom Pass ġlieda ieħor juru kif imur jpattuha-telf. M'hemm l-ebda dubju li dan huwa f'kunflitt undercard intriganti tappoġġja l Larry Ekundayo v Dale Evans (British welterweight eliminatur titolu) Lee Markham v Jahmaine Smyle (Titolu Ingliż Super-Middleweight) u Johnny Garton vs Nathan Weiss (Titolu Southern welterweight Żona) ġlied.

Il juru wkoll karatteristiċi eks Premiership plejer professjonali Leon McKenzie fl first shot titolu tiegħu meta jieħu fuq Ivan Stupalo mill-Kroazja għat-titlu Internazzjonali Masters Super-Middleweight.

13 tissielet fil kollha u wieħed mill-aħjar biljetti mhux mainstream tv li jintwera għal żmien twil.

Remaining tickets can be obtained from either jew minn Aji Sharif ruħu fil

Hawn hu l-footage sħiħa ta 'l-ewwel ġlieda Sharif v Davidiatis.



Goodwin Boxing tniedi websajt il-ġdida biljetti boxing għall boxers


Se jgħinu Boxers fit-tfittxija tagħhom għall-bejgħ tal-biljetti

Goodwin Boxing huma kuntent li jħabbar llum it-tnedija ta 'websajt biljett boxing speċifiku


Dan se jippermetti fannijiet boxer li jixtru biljetti fuq il-linja għall-ġlied tagħhom. A xerrej imur għall klikk juru partikolari fuq stampa tal-boxer u jixtru l-biljett. Il-flus mbagħad jiġu allokati direttament lill-kont boxers.


Steve Goodwin qal "Iddiskutejna l-ħruġ ta 'bejgħ boxers biljetti fit-tul mat-tim tagħna Kevin (Champion) Josh (Goodwin) u Olivia (Goodwin). Kevin designed the idea and we believe it will help every one of our boxers. Meta boxers huma jbiegħu biljetti kultant ikollhom biex issuq madwar u jwassluhom. Dan se tieqaf dan bħala l-boxer tista dirett lill-sit. Aħna naċċettaw li hemm miżati involuti biex ikopru l-ipproċessar karta ta 'kreditu iżda m'hemm xejn li nistgħu nagħmlu dwar dan, iżda dawn il-miżati huma kompetittivi meta mqabbla ma kwalunkwe prodott ieħor fuq is-sistema line prenotazzjoni. "


Kollha ta 'l-turi Goodwin Boxing Marzu ser ikunu koperti fuq dan is-sit u s-sit se jiġu żviluppati wkoll biex jinkorpora meta boxers Goodwin ġlieda fuq promoturi oħra turi kif ukoll.


"Aħna nemmnu dan is-sit jista 'jkun forza maġġuri fil-bejgħ tal-biljetti tal-boxing għas-snin li ġejjin" qal Goodwin "Madankollu inizjalment huwa dwar jiġġeneraw appoġġ għal boxers tagħna."