Tag Archives: Gary Shaw


HOUSTON, TX (Azaroa 23, 2015) – Heavyweight Gainera contender argi, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (16-0, 12 Kos), eraztuna itzultzen Abendua 5, 2015 Osceola Ondare zentruan Kissimmee at, Florida. Medzhid will square off against Alexander Marka (24-1, 19 Kos) Programatutako 10-txandan bout hori zuzenean erakutsiko dira HBO Latino hasieran at ere 9:45 p.m. ETA/PT.
Bektemierov, sailkapenean WBA #12 eta WBC #13, da co-sustatua Gary Shaw Productions eta Savarese Promociones. Alexander Brand will be a major step up in class for Bektemierov, definitely his toughest fight as a professional. Training out of Houston, Texas, Bektemierov, Bere HBO Marka borrokan pentsamenduak ematen, Bere lehen telebista bout.
“Alexander Marka aurka, Nire onenean egon beharko dut,” Said Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov, nor postuan bere azken lau aurkariei hiru. “I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to show the world that I’m a real contender. Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese did their part on getting me this fight on HBO, now it’s time to do mine. They won’t be disappointed. Everyone watching on television can expect to see a lot of bombs being thrown from me. I’m always going to be gunning for the knockout early, baina distantzia joan behar badut, prest egongo da.”
“Bektemierov du gimnasioan lan-en izan zuen bere artisau bere azken borroka lehenago aurten geroztik,” esan Gary Shaw. “Pazientziaz He itxaron telebistan borrokatzeko aukera bat, and the fans watching on HBO are going to see B-52 drop some heavy artillery. This is a real fight with two top level contenders. Everyone should be tuning in, hau gerra bat izango da.”
“Gary eta badakit hau da urrats Bektemierov sortu erraldoia, baina, baina talentua eta gaitasunak lortu munduko txapeldun bihurtu nahi dugu sentitzen,” Lou Savarese esan. “The fight will be shown to millions watching on HBO and we feel our B-52 can come out on top. These are the type of fights that build the character of a champion.

Sarrerak tasatuak $60, $35 eta $20, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.ticketmaster.com eta www.ohpark.com. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.

BRYANT JENNINGS & Luis Ortiz Borrokara WbA BEHINEKO heavyweight titulua

STONE Resort Casino inflexio, VERONA, NEW YORK telebistaz LIVE HBO momentuan DARKĀ®
LOS ANGELES (Oct. 23, 2015) – Heavyweight bi Titans itxi egingo da 2015 bang batekin boxeo urteko Abendua 19, antzinako munduko titulua contender gisa Bryant “By-By” Jennings (19-1, 10 Kos) berriki koroatu WBA-behineko Heavyweight gerriko titularrak bere gain hartu du Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz(23-0, 20 Kos) 12-txandan txapelketan borroka batean. Ekitaldia ospatuko da Turning Stone Resort Casino, Verona, New York eta zuzeneko telebistaz egingo HBO Boxing After Dark.
“Titular HBO ekitaldi bat eta antzinako munduko titulua Jennings bezala contender borrokan zein nire bizitza osoan prestatzen aritu naizen da,” esan zuen Luis Ortiz. “Badakit hori borroka honen ostean jendea tiro bat merezi dudan, heavyweight txapelduna Munduko bihurtuz jakin beharko.’ Uste dut Jennings ere ez dakit zer, baina pauso batzuk ere gainean 19, Banoa adierazpen bat egiteko. Borroka hau da zirraragarria urrats harri bat nire ametsa lortzeko izango da.”
“Abiadura nahasketa bat, boterea eta pedigree amateur duten bigarren-to-ere ez da, Luis Ortiz azkar heavyweight zatiketa indar bat bezala ezarri zen,” esan Oscar De La Hoya, Presidentea eta kontseilari Golden Boy promozioak. “Luis hain da gose haren adostu ditu Bryant Jennings izugarri talentu aurkari baten aurka borrokatzeko Luis, bi hilabete ondoren zatiketa gorakada jarraitzeko’ Matias VIDONDO suntsiketa WBA-behineko izenburua irabazteko. Boxing fans estreinaldia heavyweight borroka baten bila ziurtatu behar sintonizatu ere HBO en Boxing After Dark on Abenduaren 19an.”
It’s my pleasure to bring another great heavyweight showdown to the boxing fans with Bryant Jennings taking on an undefeated fighter like Luis Ortiz. The fans know that I have always, eta jarraituko du, borrokak benetako lehiakor jarri,” esan Gary Shaw.
Shaw segitu, “Jennings is a true professional who remains in phenomenal shape throughout the year. He showed in his last fight versus Klitschko that he belongs with the elite heavyweights and understands the challenges that lie ahead. Ortiz, Nork altua knockout eraztuna ratioa ekartzen, bere eskuetan osoa izango dute, eta Jennings borrokalaria borrokatua besterik ez zuen bezalakorik ez dago, whom he knocked out in the third round. Ortiz has never faced a challenge of a Philadelphia fighter like Bryant Jennings and he’s going to find out real quick that this is another level. Jennings is ready to continue his quest to become heavyweight champion with VADA testing agreed to by both promotional companies for this fight.
“Hunkituta nago atzera lortzean Luis Ortiz aurkako eraztuna, beste heavyweight big,” Said Bryant Jennings. “He’s coming off an impressive win and he thinks he’s at the top of his game. These are the typical type of opponents I like to showcase my skills against. I’ve come a long way since my last fight against Klitschko, and I have continued to train with a fierce intensity. When you suffer defeat for the first time you learn things about yourself you never knew. I’ve improved a great deal on all aspects of my game both mentally and physically. The world will see a great fight when I square off against Ortiz, dut hori bermatu ahal. I izango WBA gerriko etxean Philly itzuli gidatzeko egingo.”
“Borroka hau berdinarekin bat datorren bi heavyweights artean dago, eta hori beti bere mistika garbitasun ditu,” esan Peter Nelson, vice president of programming for HBO Sports. “Jennings has proven to have heart in equal scale to what Ortiz has shown in power. On Abendua 19, borondateak bataila bat ikusiko dugu.”
“Aurrera begira ari gara hostinga beste boxeo gauean zirraragarria dagokionez Stone HBO batera, Golden Boy Promozioak eta Gary Shaw Productions,” esan Ray Halbritter, Oneida Nation ordezkaria eta Nation Enpresak CEO. “Hiru urteetan, anfitrioi dugu 16 nazio-telebistako borrokak, helmuga ataria mundu-mailako boxeo gisa gure resort bereizteko.”
Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz ia etniko izan 350 Txapelketan urrezko atzetik profesional gisa bere bidea egiten ari United States aurretik irabazi du. Unbeaten 25 muturretan, 36 urte ditu southpaw Monte Barrett baino knockout irabazi beharra dauka, eta ekainean borobil bat baino gutxiago behar den Byron Polley bidaltzera. Ortiz azken Golovkin of undercard vs ikusi zen. Lemieux pay-per-view zuzeneko telecast Matias Ariel Vivdondo garaituz hirugarren txandan knockout zati eta WBA-behineko Heavyweight World Izenburua irabazten gisa.
Kirola heavyweight boxeolariak hoberenetako bat gisa esan, Bryant Jennings has faced some of the most feared fighters in the sport. In 2014 alone, Jennings garaitu Mike Perez split erabaki bidez, uztailean eta Artur Szpilka knockout tekniko bidez urtarrilean. In 2013, Jennings gainditu zuen bere lehen karrera probatan Andrey Fedosov garaitu zuen seigarren txandan knockout bidez ekainean. Azkenaldian, Jennings Biribilean ikusten zen heavyweight txapelduna Wladimir Klitschko apirilean aurka, suffering his first defeat since his professional debut in 2010. Orain, titan da amortizazio eta munduko titulua izar beste jaurtiketa bat bilatzen denean Ortiz aurpegiak zuen WbA-behineko Heavyweight Izenburua for.
Jennings vs. Ortiz 12-txandan heavyweight bout WBA-behineko Heavyweight Izenburua borroka bat Golden Boy Promozioak aurkeztu duen elkartea batera Gary Shaw Productions da. Ateak irekita 6:00 p.m., eta HBO Boxing Dark telecast ondoren zuzeneko hasten 10:15 p.m. ETA/PT.
Ekitaldiaren Host, Oneida Nation Turning Stone Resort Casino bera helmuga ataria bat blockbuster boxeo partiduetako gisa bereizten jarraitzen. The Abendua 19 Inflexio Stone Resort Casino 16an, nazio-telebistako boxeo ekitaldia bi urte baino lehen borroka markatuko du, estazioaren cementing knockout telebistaz borrokak Mecca gisa. UPSTATE New York-en dago, lau denboraldi helmuga estazioaren mundu-mailako ikuskizun eta jolas-eskaintzak, Saritutako ostatuak, jatetxe ezberdinen nahasketa, luxuzko bainuetxe eta hainbat gaueko aukera.
Media Profesionalaren kredentzialak eskatzeko Abendua 19 borroka Kelly Abdo harremanetan jarri behar, Turning Stone Resort Casino Harreman Publikoak Manager at (315) 366.9291 edo kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Tickets will go on sale in early November. Additional ticket information will be announced soon.
Informazio gehiago lortzeko, bisita www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.garyshawproductions.com,www.hbo.com/boxing eta www.turningstone.com. Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing, HBOBoxing, TurningStone Eta Facebook fan bihurtu atwww.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/Gary-Shaw-Productions,www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing or www.facebook.com/Turning Toner Black. Bisita gurekin InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, turningstone.



NEW JERSEY (June 15, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions’ middleweight contender, Tureano Johnson (18-1, 13 Kos), mailara borrokak handienetako bila. Gaur emaitzarik WBC #2,WBA #3, IBF #8 eta WBO #13, Johnson 4-borroka irabazi marra bat zaldiz munduko titulua tiro bat lurreratzea itxaropenak dituzten.


Tureano en akats bakarra da polemikoa TKO Curtis Stevens galera sortzen dion scorecards guztiak irabazi zuten arbitroak bout gelditu aurretik finalean.
“Middleweight zatiketa txapeldun guztia nahi dut.” Said Tureano Johnson, “GGG, Prestatutako, ekarri horien gainean. Biak mutilak dira aurkariaren bila eta hementxe zain nago. Naiz oso taula zehar sailkapenean eta beraz, ez dago arrazoirik zergatik borroka horiek ezin daiteke egin. Borrokalari bai hori ustiatu ahal izango dut ezagutzen dut akatsak ikusten dut. Nire sustatzailea Gary Shaw gogor ari da lanean me borroka handi bat lortzeko eta ziur Biribilean back laster egongo naiz goi mailako borrokalaria aurkako naiz.

“Tureano Johnson Biribilean lortzeko, egungo txapeldunak edozein prest dago,” Gary Shaw esan, “GGG eta Cotto eutsi munduko txapelduna eta biak aurkari bat behar. Johnson ozen eta argi utzi du bai eta horietako bat borrokatu nahi zuela. Nire onena egingo dut hura lortzeko tipo bai Biribilean munduko titulua lortzeko aukera bat merezi izan du.”



NEW JERSEY (Maiatza 26, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions middleweight contender, Tureano Johnson (18-1, 13 Kos), is now the chief sparring partner for Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 Kos) as he prepares him for his upcoming WBC title clash with Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 Kos). Johnson, who captured the WBA International and WBC Silver middleweight titles in his last bout, is currently ranked WBC #2, WBA #5, IBF #8 and WBO #13. He gives his thought on sparring with Geale.


Daniel Geale is a special fighter who possesses a lot of boxing skills,” said Tuerano Johnson. “He’s looking real sharp in the gym and his power is there. I can feel the snap on his punches and I think Miguel Cotto is in for a big surprise. Everyone is counting Geale out but not me. Gary Shaw brought me in to test Geale’s skills and after a few days of sparring, I believe Daniel will be crowned champion.


I brought Tureano to the gym to spar with Geale because he’s a good look to emulate Cotto and he’s one of the top fighters in the middleweight division,” Gary Shaw said. “The feedback I got from Johnson about sparring Geale is very positive. I’m confident that Daniel will use everything in his playbook to come out victorious.


Tureano Johnson is currently riding a 4-fight winning streak, three of which came by stoppage. Highly ranked across the board of all sanctioning organizations, Johnson is on the cusp of landing a big fight.



LAS VEGAS, NV (Maiatza 19, 2015)After getting Manny Pacquiao ready for his mega-fight with Floyd Mayweather, Gary Shaw Productions‘ eta Antonio Leonard Promotionsundefeated super-lightweight prospect, Kenneth Sims Jr. (6-0, Kos), is now preparing WBC Lightweight champion Jorge Linares (38-3, 25 Kos) for his upcoming title defense against Kevin Mitchell (39-2, 29 Kos).


Kenneth Sims Jr. has been sparring with Linares, giving him great work, while learning from the best fighters in the world. The experience has been instrumental in the development of Sims Jr., who resides in Chicago, Illinois.


Training with Linares and Pacquiao has been a great learning process for me and my dad who’s my trainer,” esan Kenneth Sims Jr.I want to thank Gary Shaw for setting up these sparring opportunities. I’ve preformed really well and my confidence is at an all-time high. After sparring with these great champions, I know I have the skills to become something special in this sport and I’m going to take it one fight at a time. Gary and Antonio Leonard are working on my next fight and I should be returning to the ring shortly.


Kenneth Sims Jr. is a special talent with an amateur pedigree to take his professional career to championship level,” Gary Shaw esan. “Antonio and I are going to continue to bring him up the right way, give him tough fights, so he can be prepared for the big fights that lie ahead. Everything I’m hearing from these training camps and the sparring sessions Sims Jr. is having is positive. Kenneth is only going to get better and that makes me very happy.



NEW JERSEY (Maiatza 5, 2015) – Ondoren HBO Munduko Txapelketa Boxing had one of their highest rated shows since 2012 with the Klitschko vs. Jennings championship bout on April 25th, Gary Shaw feels his fighters, Bryant Jennings (19-1, 10 Kos) eta Francisco Santana (22-4-1, 11 Kos), can make quick comebacks to the big stage.


There is no doubt in my mind that Bryant Jennings and Francisco Santana are fighters the fans want see,” esan zuen Gary Shaw. “The viewership that HBO had on April 25th was fantastic and I believe Jennings and Santana had a lot to do with those high ratings. Jennings because of his activity on social media. Santana because he has a tremendous amount of Latin fans that support him. Ari dela esan zuen, I believe both fighters, will be back on the big stage in the future.


Bryant Jennings gained a ton of respect for his gallant effort against Klitschko, in which he went the distance, giving Wladimir his toughest fight in recent years, proving he was deserving of a title shot. Francisco Santana, who also went the distance with Sadam Ali, showed remarkable heart as he fought hard in every round, giving the fans their money’s worth.


Bryant Jennings proved he’s an elite heavyweight contender with his performance against Klitschko,” Gary Shaw segitu. “Santana is a Mexican warrior and both fighters gained a lot of fans that night. Both fighters pressed the action, taking the fight to their opponents, bringing excitement to the bout. Many in attendance felt the scores for both Jennings and Santana were not reflective of their fights. It was a lot closer then what the judges scorecards read. Jennings and Santana both love being HBO fighters. I have plans to bring them back to HBO.



NEW YORK (April 23, 2015) Gary Shaw Productions boladan Jr.. Welterweight perspectiva, Kenneth Sims Jr. (5-0, 2 Kos) will return to the ring this Saturday at the Madison Square Garden Theater on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Jennings. Sims Jr. will face veteran Luis Rodriguez (3-2, 2 Kos) in a 6-round bout.

Kenneth Sims Jr. was a chief sparring partner for Manny Pacquiao, getting him ready for his super fight with Floyd Mayweather Jr.. He’ll look to use that experience against Rodriguez, and impress those in attendance with a great performance.

I’m coming off a great training camp with Manny Pacquiao, where I gained invaluable experience,” said Kenneth Sims Jr. “I learned a lot from one of the greatest fighters of all time. I’m going into this fight with a tremendous amount of confidence. I’m going to be throwing a lot of hard punches with precise accuracy. I want to thank Gary Shaw for giving me another wonderful opportunity to showcase my skills on the big stage. Fighting at Madison Square Garden is a dream come true.

Kenneth has shown me he wants to take his career to new heights,” Gary Shaw esan. “The fact the Team Pacquiao wanted him in camp says it all. He’s got a lot of God given talent and I’m very happy with his development. I encourage everyone to show up early top get a glimpse of a future star.




HOUSTON, TEXAS (March 31, 2015)Bombs will be flying once again when Gary Shaw Productions eta Savarese Promociones’ undefeated Light-Heavyweight slugger, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Kos), Bere bidean atzera egiten aurkako eraztuna Michael Gbenga (20-18, 20 Kos). Bektemirov vs. Gbenga, 8-biribilak bout bat, ospatuko da Larunbata, April 18, at College Park Center located on the campus of the University of Texas Arlington on the undercard of Crawford-Dulorme.


Sailkatua #10 by WBA, Bektemirov Gbenga aurka garaipena beste bilatzen du, as he looks to climb up the Light-Heavyweight rankings while keeping his undefeated record intact. His mission, Beti bezala, da bere aurkari lortzeko out dago hasieran.


“Bilatu eta guztion suntsitu nire bidea nabil,” Said Medzhid Bektemirov. “Nire Entrenatzaile Ronnie Shields has me working on a variety of different combinations that I feel is making me a better fighter. I’m in the gym everyday working extremely hard on everything. Now that I’m ranked in the WBA, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My co-promoters Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese have assured me a big fight if I continue to win. I know Gbenga has a lot of power, baina sentitzen dut nire punches lehergai gehiago izango da, eta I inaugurazio kanpai batetik knockout izango dela gunning. Bonbak prest nago!”


“Lou eta I B-52 lanpetuta mantentzeko dira gure onena egiten,” esan Gary Shaw. “This will be his second fight in a little over a month and we want him on the fast track to a world title. Our goal is to move him up wisely against opponents that will prepare him for the next level. He keeps knocking everyone out so we have to keep him fighting as much as possible.


“Oso pozik Gary Shaw duten B-52 lortzeko txartel hau aukera izan naiz,” esan Lou Savarese. “Bektemirov is thrilled to be fighting so soon after a spectacular performance in his last fight which took place last month. I like what Ronnie Shields is doing with him. He’s improving with each fight and that’s what Gary and I are looking for. We want B-52 ready for the next level.

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV MAKES 2015 Debuta TEXAS ostiral honetan


HOUSTON, TEXAS (Otsaila 12, 2015)Co-promoters Gary Shaw Productions eta Savarese Promociones pozik daude iragarriko 2015 Argi-Heavyweight power Errusiako puncher debuta, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (14-0, 11 Kos). The undefeated slugger will face James Johnson (28-44-4, 17 Kos) 6-txandan at bout batean “Battle Penintsulako buruzko” Epaileak txartel gertatzen ari at Charles Doyle Convention Center in Texas City, TX on March 13, 2015.


Bektemiorov, nor postuan bere azken zortzi aurkarien sei, is looking to keep the momentum going with a spectacular performance. His mindset is to come out guns blazing and go for the knockout early.


“Nire Entrenatzaile Ronnie Shields da niretzat lanean hainbat gauza asko baten gainean, baina ez da nire estiloa aldatu nahian,” Said Bektemirov. “He wants me to stay aggressive without being reckless. Bonbak prest nago, beraz, nire izena B-52. Borrokaren distantzia joaten bada, I’ll make sure that my opponent takes a lot of punishment. I want to thank Gary and Lou for coming together to take my career to the next level. Dena hasten Ostiral honetan Texas City.”


“Oso pozik zer B-52-ren sparring saioak buruz entzumena dut nago,” esan Gary Shaw. “Hanka onarekin puncher izugarria zuen. Ronnie Shields bezalako entrenatzaile beteranoa txoko gidatzen With, Garatzeko borrokalaria handia sartu zion ikusten dut.”


“Mutil hau joan daiteke,” Lou Savarese adierazi. “I know we got something special Bektemirov. His name “B-52” serves him well because he really does drop bombs. I’ve seen him take out a lot of dudes in the gym. I can’t wait to see him get to work Ostiral honetan.”


“Penintsulako gudua” sarrerak tasatuak $35 (onarpen orokor), $75 (Mahai eserleku) eta $100 (Ringside) salgai daude, eta deituz eros daitezke (713) 658-0229 edo online www.SavaresePromotions.com. Charles Doyle Conventions Center at dago 2010 5garren Ave N, Texas City, TX, 77590.


HOUSTON, TEXAS (Otsaila 12, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions eta Savarese Sustapenas thrilled beren sindikatuaren iragarriko gehien talentu gora eta datozen heavyweight zatiketa argi irtenbideak bat sustatzeko, Medzhid Bektemir (14-0, 11 Kos). A devastating puncher with power in both hands, Bektemirov abiadura eta quickness halaber edonori, zion gehienak Errusian borrokalari buruz hitz egin zuen bat eginez.


Makhachkala jaioa, Errusiak, Bektemirov, egun AEBetan bizi, non trenak zuen Ronnie Shields at “PLEX” Stafford, Texas. A hard worker who practically lives in the gym, Medzhid jaten, lo eta boxeo arnasten.


“Dizut oraintxe, Medzhid Bektemirov gehien talentu borrokalari bat bitartean batean ikusi dudan,” esan Gary Shaw. “He has the rare combination of speed and power. I’m talking destructive power coming from both hands. His hooks are deadly and his fast feet are amazing. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Bektemirov could be the next great fighter to come out of Russia. I have the greatest amount of respect for Gennady Golovkin eta Sergey Kovalev, both are great champions. Golovkin is a very special fighter and if Bektemirov can reach his level, then we’ll have something special as well. I believe Bektemirov will be looking to face Kovalev in the not so distant future.


Bakarrik bere 12. bout, Bektemirov harrapatu du WBC United States (USNBC) izenburua heavyweight argi kontra onena egin dituzten Randy Griffin (25-4-3, 13 Kos), winning a lopsided twelve-round unanimous decision. Having gone twelve rounds in a professional bout already, Medzhid Bektemir, frogatu distantzia joan ahal izango zuen behar izanez gero.


“In 2015 Medzhid Bektemirov bere presentzia guztiontzat ezaguna zatiketa light-heavyweight ere egingo.”Lou Savarese adierazi. “This kid reminds me of Mike Tyson with his heavy hands and tremendous speed. I’ve been in the ring with Tyson and I’m confident when I say Bektemirov reminds me a lot like Mike. Gary and I are going to put tremendous amount promoting Medzhid. He will become a household name very soon and we are gunning for that world title.


“Oso bedeinkatu to Gary Shaw eta Lou Savarese duten boxeoa izan da urte askotan hedapenerako sentitzen dut,” Medzhid Bektemir esan. “I’ve come a long way from Russia to pursue my dream of becoming a champion. I love to fight and I get great enjoyment when I knockout my opponent. In every bout, I’m always going to be looking to end the fight early. The fans want to see knockouts and that is my specialty.