Tag Arsip: Gary Shaw Productions

Abraham vs. Konferensi pers final Murray – tanda petik jeung gambar

Abraham – Murray bagian ti split-loka kajawaraan doubleheader Saptu ieu dina angen-A Kabeungharan of Hiburan di 3 PM et / 12 beurang PT

San Diego, SAPERTOS – Nopember, 18 2015 -Arthur Abraham (43-4, 29 KOs) insists manéhna geus ditinggalkeun no batu unturned di préparasi nya kontes WBO Dunya Super Middleweight Championship jeung Martin Murray (32-2-1, 15 KOs) Saptu ieu, Nopember 21, hirup dina AngenA WEALTH OF Raramean
Fight bakal jadi bagian ti hiji split-loka kajawaraan doubleheader nu oge bakal Liang WBA jawara Lightweight Darleys Perez defending judul ngalawan Anthony Crolla ti Manchester, England dimimitian di 3 PM et / 12 Beurang PT
Diomongkeun di konferensi pers pre-fight final dinten ieu, 'King Arthur’ lengkep nya 'brutal’ camp latihan jeung ngadéklarasikeun dirina siap ngéléhkeun nangtang British.

”Ieu geus salah sahiji kubu toughest karir mah,” Said Abraham. ”Palatih mah Ulli Wegner jeung asisten-Na Georg Bramowski geus kadorong kuring wates mah. Ayeuna teh geus pangperangan dina waktu, tapi eta sadayana bakal worthwhile lamun leungeun mah diangkat dina dinten saptuwengi. Martin nyaeta petinju alus mah nyangka manéhna méré kuring gelut hard, tapi teu aya deui jalan manehna nyokot judul mah!”

Murray, anu parebut judul kahijina di 168 lbs ngawengku tilu usaha wani di middleweight, biasa kayakinan Jawara sarta geus vowed teu ninggalkeun Jerman tanpa WBO beubeur Abraham sacara.

Photo ku Sebastian Hegar

”Urang geus nalungtik Arthur taliti jeung kuring percaya aya saena manéhna ngéléhkeun,” ceuk nu 33 taun heubeul ti St Helens. ”Manéhna téh bajoang gede, tapi ceuk urang teu robah gaya di taun, jeung dina pamadegan mah, ceuk urang teu robah. Eta nu keur jalan jadi gelut tangguh tapi Saha deui atuh well dina kuring meunang. Mah, moal ninggalkeun Jerman tanpa judul!”

”Ieu mangrupa nyata 50-50 gelut,” ceuk promoter Kalle Sauerland. ”Jeung Jigana bakal test toughest Arthur pikeun sababaraha taun. Tapi, manéhna geus kungsi shied jauh ti tangtangan, jeung ngalawan Murray, I nyangka Arthur ngabuktikeun naha anjeunna teh nomer hiji bajoang dina division middleweight super.”

Lain manusa dina no ilusi tina bahaya Murray penah nyaéta Abraham sacara lila-time palatih jeung mentor Ulli Wegner, anu bakal celebrating fight judul Dunya 100th nya dina dinten saptu wengi. ”Pikeun Arthur jeung I, a bout unifikasi nyaéta tujuan umum,” ceuk nu 73 taun. ”Tapi ke heula manéhna kudu meunang kaliwat Murray, nu bakal no tugas gampang!”

Photo ku Sebastian Hegar
Fans tinju bisa ngarasakeun kartu endah pisan ieu dina angen anu aya di AT&T U-ayat, ch 147 jeung 1147 di HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 jeung 669 di HD, jeung loba panyadia kabel regional di sakuliah bangsa. Punten parios www.awetv.compikeun apdet tinju.
Ngeunaan angen tinju hirup

Angen hirup tinju pitur judul dunya live kajawaraan jeung éliminasi bouts showcasing pejuang paling seru dinten ieu. Saprak lahirna kajadian tinju live angen di 2011, Angen geus earned multiple Association tinju panulis of nominasi Amérika pikeun “Tarung tina Taun” sarta geus diulas leuwih kajadian kelas tinju tilu puluh dunya. Dina 2013, Angen ditembongkeun sadaya bouts live mintonkeun heavyweight David Harga. Angen ditayangkan hirup upsets stunning of Tony Thompson leuwih David Harga, babarengan jeung Adonis Stevenson jeung Tony Kutang kartu, anu perang silih pikeun jawara Heavyweight cahya; 2008 Winner Olimpiade Gold Medali James DeGale. Angen dibawa fans tinju dua bouts paling kontroversial nu nempo Ricky Burns tetep judul Lightweight ngalawan Ray Beltran. Fans angen geus disaksian daya ngabeledug of heavyweight undefeated Tyson amukan multiple kali dina jaringan, kaasup meunangna amukan sacara leuwih Kevin Johnson. Dina 2014, Angen televised nu crowning of jawara lightweight Terence Crawford jeung win ka sakuliah Burns ogé rematches seru antara Carl Frampton jeung Kiko Pramanik ogé Tony Kutang ngéléhkeun Nathan Cleverly.

Murray percaya waktu geus datang jadi crowned Dunya Jawara

Abraham – Murray bagian ti split-loka kajawaraan doubleheader Saptu ieu dina angen-A Kabeungharan of Hiburan di 3 PM et / 12 beurang PT

San Diego, SAPERTOS – Nopember, 17 2015 -Martin Murray (32-2-1, 15 KOs) percaya jaman geus datang pikeun manéhna jadi crowned Dunya Jawara manéhna prepares pikeun Dunya judul Dengdekkeun kaopat ngalawan WBO Dunya Super Middleweight Jawara Arthur Abraham (43-4, 29 KOs) dina Nopember 21 di TUI sarena di Hannover, Jerman., Saptu ieu, Nopember 21, hirup dina AngenA WEALTH OF Raramean
Fight bakal jadi bagian ti hiji split-loka kajawaraan doubleheader nu oge bakal Liang WBA jawara Lightweight Darleys Perez defending judul ngalawan Anthony Crolla ti Manchester, England dimimitian di 3 PM et / 12 Beurang PT
Nu St. Helens man anu sial teu boga geus ngaku honors Dunya sanggeus geus dilaksanakeun ngagambar ku Felix Sturm di 2011 jeung nyungsi diri dina ahir salah kaputusan kontinyu titik ka Sergio Pramanik dina 2013.

Photo ku Lawrence Lustig

A kinerja gagah ngalawan Gennady Golovkin dituturkeun dina 2015, tapi ieu teu cukup pikeun moto judul middleweight nu Kazakh sacara. Ayeuna, urut Britania jeung Pasamakmuran Jawara percaya the 'time katuhu’ manéhna intends ngagambar dina pangalaman baheula ka dethrone Jawara Jerman.

”Abraham nyaeta jawara gede jeung Kaula expecting gelut tangguh tapi kuring ngan ngarasa yén timing nu katuhu pikeun kuring ayeuna,” mangka Murray. ”Jigana Dunya fight judul kahiji mah ngalawan Sturm geus datang saeutik saeutik teuing awal. I ucul lempeng ti domestic ka level dunya, jadi sanajan aya hiji argumen nyebutkeun I meunang perang nu, Jigana datang ka pas keur kuring.

”Ngalawan Pramanik, Mah emang mah bisa meunang tapi bade kana tarung aya kénéh sababaraha mamang. Padahal waktu ieu, Kuring teu apal eta mah geus aya dina kuring meunang. Aya saena pangalaman ring, Aya saena nu apal-kumaha, jeung kuring bener ngarasa, najan sabenerna di Jerman, Kaula bade meunangkeun retakan adil of mecut.”

Murray, anu geus kacatet tilu ngéléhkeun jero jarak saprak pindah nepi ka super middleweight, nyebutkeun manehna expecting nu 'pangalusna Arthur Abraham’ Aranjeun geus impressed jeung pintonan anyar Jawara sacara.

”Arthur geus kokotéténgan gede dina dua pintonan pamungkas nya,” ceuk nu 33 taun. ”Jigana mah bakal jadi nyanghareupan pangalusna Arthur Abraham dina dinten saptu wengi. Nya meureun tina overlooked Paul Smith saeutik saeutik di fight kahiji maranéhanana, tapi kuring teu mikir manehna bade mopohokeun kuring. Manéhna weruh ieu gelut masif pikeun manéhna jeung gelut picilakaeun, jadi kuring yakin manéhna keur jalan ngahurungkeun up dina kaayaan luhur.”

Fans tinju bisa ngarasakeun kartu endah pisan ieu dina angen anu aya di AT&T U-ayat, ch 147 jeung 1147 di HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 jeung 669 di HD, jeung loba panyadia kabel regional di sakuliah bangsa. Punten parios www.awetv.com pikeun apdet tinju.
Ngeunaan angen tinju hirup

Angen hirup tinju pitur judul dunya live kajawaraan jeung éliminasi bouts showcasing pejuang paling seru dinten ieu. Saprak lahirna kajadian tinju live angen di 2011, Angen geus earned multiple Association tinju panulis of nominasi Amérika pikeun “Tarung tina Taun” sarta geus diulas leuwih kajadian kelas tinju tilu puluh dunya. Dina 2013, Angen ditembongkeun sadaya bouts live mintonkeun heavyweight David Harga. Angen ditayangkan hirup upsets stunning of Tony Thompson leuwih David Harga, babarengan jeung Adonis Stevenson jeung Tony Kutang kartu, anu perang silih pikeun jawara Heavyweight cahya; 2008 Winner Olimpiade Gold Medali James DeGale. Angen dibawa fans tinju dua bouts paling kontroversial nu nempo Ricky Burns tetep judul Lightweight ngalawan Ray Beltran. Fans angen geus disaksian daya ngabeledug of heavyweight undefeated Tyson amukan multiple kali dina jaringan, kaasup meunangna amukan sacara leuwih Kevin Johnson. Dina 2014, Angen televised nu crowning of jawara lightweight Terence Crawford jeung win ka sakuliah Burns ogé rematches seru antara Carl Frampton jeung Kiko Pramanik ogé Tony Kutang ngéléhkeun Nathan Cleverly.

Ngeunaan angen – A Kabeungharan tina Hiburan

A Kabeungharan tina Hiburan (“Angen”) ciri anu rupa-rupa gaya hirup jeung programming hiburan ti travel endah jeung imah ngerakeun hirup dunya kajawaraan tinju. Angen anu diulas dina leuwih ti saratus panyadia kabel, kaasup AT&T U-ayat, ch 147 jeung 1147 di HD jeung Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 jeung 669 di HD. Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, mangga buka www.awetv.com.

Arthur Abraham – Martin Murray WBO Super Middleweight judul bout ditambahkeun ka Perez – Crolla This Saturday on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment at 3 PM et

San Diego, SAPERTOS – Nopember, 16 2015 -Ieu Saptu!! Bakal jadi doubleheader kajawaraan dina angen- A Kabeungharan of Hiburan salaku Arthur Abraham – Martin Murray WBO Super Middleweight judul bout ti Hanover, Germany has been added to the already announced broadcast featuring the rematch between WBA Lightweight champion Darleys Perez and Anthony Crolla from Manchester, Inggris.

“Kami pleased pikeun bisa mawa ieu tarung ka fans tinju American,” ceuk Charles Herring, Présidén angen

Abraham geus jawara di Middleweight jeung Super Middleweight bagean pikeun bagian leuwih alus ti sapuluh taun ka tukang, geus rékaman 43-4 jeung 29 knockouts.

Manéhna meunang gelar IBF Middleweight jeung stoppage buleud 5 leuwih Kingsley Ikeke dina Désémber 10, 2005 jeung salamet judulna 10 kali anu kaasup 7 knockouts. Anjeunna tuluy asup kana Super 6 Turnamén Super Middleweight jeung knocked kaluar urut jawara undisputed Middleweight Jermain Taylor dina 12 rounds.

Abraham jadi jawara dunya dua division lamun manéhna meunangkeun kaputusan unanimous 12 buleud leuwih Robert Stieglitz dina Agustus 25, 2012. Sanggeus hiji pertahanan suksés, he leungit judulna ka Stieglitz, tapi meunang deui tilu gelut saterusna via kaputusan 12 buleud pamisah. Abraham geus salamet beubeur junun tilu kali nu ngawengku stoppage buleud 6 leuwih Stieglitz di bout maranéhanana 4 dina tanggal 18.

Murray of St. Helens, England ngabogaan rékaman 32-2-1. Manéhna meunang kahijina 26 bouts nu disorot ku unggul turnamén Prizefighter di 2008 jeung ngéléhkeun dua pejuang undefeated dina prosés. Murray ogé ngéléhkeun leuwih Kevin Concepcion (14-1), Sergey Khomitsky (22-5-1), Shalva Jomardashvili (26-1, Carlos Nascimento (25-2), John Anderson Carvalho (21-4-1), Nick Blackwell (8-0). Manéhna kungsi draw jeung urut jawara dunya Felix Sturm (36-2-1).

Murray meunang judul Middleweight Interim WBA jeung stoppage buleud 6 leuwih Jorge Navarro. Win nu facilitated Murray kana gelut jeung jawara WBC Middlweight Sergio Pramanik.

Bout nu, nu lumangsung dina April 27, 2012 di hareup leuwih 50,000 di Argentina nempo Murray sambel turun Pramanik dina babak dalapan. Dina sabelas buleud, Nu katingali kawas Murray turun Pramanik deui tapi ieu maréntah dieunakeun sarta Pramanik ieu bisa meunang kaputusan ipis agul.

Murray sakali deui ditantang judul Middleweight diangkat jeung dieureunkeun dina 11 rounds ka WBA & Interim WBC jawara Gennady Golovkin dina Pébruari 21, 2015 di Monte Carlo.

Saprak bout nu, Murray pindah nepi ka Super Middleweight jeung meunang tilu gelut sakaligus, kaasup outing pamungkas-Na sabot dieureunkeun Jose Miguel Torres (31-6) dina genep rounds di lima rounds dina 5 September di Leeds, Inggris.

Waktu mimiti bakal 3 PM et / 12 Beurang PT.

Fans tinju bisa ngarasakeun kartu endah pisan ieu dina angen anu aya di AT&T U-ayat, ch 147 jeung 1147 di HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 jeung 669 di HD, jeung loba panyadia kabel regional di sakuliah bangsa. Mangga parios www.awetv.com pikeun apdet tinju.

DARLEYS Perez speaks ON upcoming judul pertahanan

Photo ku Team Perez
Kolombia (Nopember 12, 2015) – Jawara dunya lightweight WBA, Darleys Perez (32-1-1, 20 KOs), nu nu ko-diwanohkeun ku Gary Shaw Productions jeung Thompson tinju, keur néangan maju ka rematch kacida diantisipasi-Na jeung Anthony Crolla (29-4-3, 11 KOs). Perez returns to hostile territory at the Manchester Arena in the United Kingdom on Nopember 21, 2015, lokasi nu sami mana gelut kahiji lumangsung.
Perez, anu dipikagaduh makuta WBA ngalawan Crolla jeung draw mayoritas dina tanggal 18, 2015, weruh manéhna kudu di-Na optimum pangalusna pikeun ngaropéa judul, especially on foreign land. With an expected crowd of 12,000 fans routing ngalawan manéhna, Perez karasaeun yakin manéhna bisa narik ati win sejen jeung deui ngalawan tembok.
“Aku jawara bener anu kungsi bék turun ti adversity,” Said Darleys Perez anu hails ti Colombia. “Crolla is a very skilled fighter with a lot of heart and I know he’s coming for my title. He’ll have his entire country on behind him when we fight, but that doesn’t faze me. My goal is to end the fight early with a knockout, tapi lamun urang balik jarak, Kuring boga iman lengkep mah bakal meunang fatwa adil ti hakim di Inggris.
Dina fight kahiji Perez ieu deducted dua titik pikeun blows low, hiji di eleventh 11 jeung nu lain di babak 12. This time Perez is well aware of the mistakes he made in their last outing and vows not to repeat those errors.
“Teu aya ragu mah bakal meunang gelut ku kaputusan unanimous lamun kuring teu perlu deducted pikeun maranéhanana blows low.” Perez terus. “It was my fault and I won’t make the same mistakes in the rematch. I’m hungrier now then I’ve ever been and nothing is going to stop me from bringing back my title to my countrymen of Colombia.
“Ieu jelas mah nu Darleys Perez pisan difokuskeun for gelut ieu.” ceuk Gary Shaw. “He knows what’s on the line and the many doors that will open up for him with a victory. I’ve had fighters come out victorious when they’ve traveled to other countries and fought for world titles. Perez already proved he can get a fair shake with a gritty performance. The judging now a days is fairer then it’s ever been. When Darleys meets Crolla, ngan hiji lalaki bakal kaluar victorious, jeung kuring percaya mah bakal Perez.”
“Ieu hiji fight luar biasa nu cocog sareng dua boxers kelas dunya ngalawan silih,” ceuk Ken Thompson, presiden Thompson tinju. “Nu Perez jeung Crolla boga sajarah kontroversial ngan ngajadikeun ieu tarung komo leuwih seru. Urang percaya Perez bakal tarung ka poténsial full sarta datang jauh kalawan win undisputed jeung ngaropéa jawara dunya-Na.”

TUREANO Adang hayang ngaran Big AT 160 EYES GGG & COTTO


New Jersey (Juni 15, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions’ middleweight contender, Tureano Johnson (18-1, 13 KOs), keur néangan nu gelut pangbadagna di division nu. Ayeuna dipeunteun WBC #2,WBA #3, IBF #8 jeung WBO #13, Johnson téh tunggang hiji coret menang 4 fight jeung amoy of badarat a shot judul dunya.


Ngan cacad Tureano téh rugi TKO kontroversial ka kanu Stevens nu manéhna menang dina sadaya scorecards saméméh wasit dieureunkeun bout dina babak final.
“Kuring hayang sagala juara dina division middleweight.” Ngadawuh Tureano Johnson, “GGG, Dimasak, mawa eta dina. Boh guys pilari lawan jeung abdi katuhu euy nungguan. Kuring pohara rengking meuntas dewan kitu aya taya alesan naha gelut ieu teu bisa dijieun. Kuring ningali flaws boh pejuang nu nyaho kuring bisa mangpaatkeun. Promotor mah Gary Shaw berpungsi teuas pikeun meunangkeun kuring gelut badag sarta Kuring yakin kuring gé balik deui dina cingcinna ngalawan tingkat tempur top geura-giru.

“Tureano Johnson daék meunangkeun dina cingcinna jeung salah sahiji juara kiwari,” Gary Shaw ceuk, “GGG jeung Cotto tahan judul dunya jeung duanana kudu lawan. Johnson geus nyieun eta pisan jeung jelas yen manehna hayang ngalawan boh salah sahijina. Kuring bakal ngalakukeun pangalusna mah pikeun meunangkeun manéhna dina cingcin jeung boh guy sakumaha Mantenna anu deserving hiji kasempetan judul dunya.”



YORK ÉNGGAL (April 23, 2015) Gary Shaw Productions undefeated JR. Prospek Welterweight, Kenneth Sims Jr. (5-0, 2 KOs) will return to the ring this Saturday at the Madison Square Garden Theater on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Jennings. Sims Jr. will face veteran Luis Rodriguez (3-2, 2 KOs) in a 6-round bout.

Kenneth Sims Jr. was a chief sparring partner for Manny Pacquiao, getting him ready for his super fight with Floyd Mayweather JR. He’ll look to use that experience against Rodriguez, and impress those in attendance with a great performance.

I’m coming off a great training camp with Manny Pacquiao, where I gained invaluable experience,” said Kenneth Sims Jr. “I learned a lot from one of the greatest fighters of all time. I’m going into this fight with a tremendous amount of confidence. I’m going to be throwing a lot of hard punches with precise accuracy. I want to thank Gary Shaw for giving me another wonderful opportunity to showcase my skills on the big stage. Fighting at Madison Square Garden is a dream come true.

Kenneth has shown me he wants to take his career to new heights,” Gary Shaw ceuk. “The fact the Team Pacquiao wanted him in camp says it all. He’s got a lot of God given talent and I’m very happy with his development. I encourage everyone to show up early top get a glimpse of a future star.


Bryant Jennings datang di NYC pikeun Klitschko pasea

Photo ku Edward Jackson / Gary Shaw Productions


YORK ÉNGGAL (April 20, 2015) – Gary Shaw Productions undefeated contender heavyweight, Bryant “Ku-Ku” Jennings (19-0, 10 KOs) geus anjog di New York City pikeun bout jawara datang ngalawan Wladimir Klitschko (63-3, 53 KOs).


KLITSCHKO vs. Jennings ieu disajikan ku K2 promosi jeung Klitschko Management Grup dina pergaulan jeung Gary Shaw Productions jeung bakal televised Live dina HBO World Championship Boxing®beginning di 10:00 p.m. AND/PT di Amérika Serikat jeung RTL di Jerman.


Ali vs. Jejeg ieu disajikan ku K2 promosi dina asosiasi jeung Gary Shaw Productions jeung Golden promosi Boy.


Tiket dibanderol di $1000, $600, $300, $200 jeung $100 bisa dibeuli ngaliwatan Kantor Madison Square Garden Box, www.TheGarden.com jeungwww.Ticketmaster.com.

Camp Notes/Photos: Bryant Jennings Looking To End Klitschko’s Reign

Photo Kredit, Edward Jackson / Team Jennings


Houston, TX (April 9, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions undefeated contender heavyweight, Bryant “Ku-Ku” Jennings (19-0, 10 KOs), is entering the final weeks of training camp in preparation for his upcoming battle with Wladimir Klitschko (63-3, 53 KOs). Jennings, who hails from Philadelphia, is looking to end Klitschko’s reign on the heavyweight division.


Klitschko vs. Jennings, a 12-round bout for Wladimir’s WBA, WBO, IBF and IBO World heavyweight titles, bakal lumangsung di “Lolobana Famous sarena Dunya”, Madison alun Taman, dina April 25, 2015. The event will be televised Live on HBO World Championship Boxing® dimimitian di 10:00 p.m. AND/PT in the United States and RTL in Germany.


On training in Houston, Texas…

It’s really nice to get away from home and all the distractions that come with training in Philly. I’m able to focus on nothing but boxing out here in Houston. I got my whole team out here and were grinding away.


On his upcoming matchup with Wladimir Klitschko

This is the top of the mountain when it comes to heavyweight boxing. You can’t get any higher then fighting Klitschko. Jeung nu keur ceuk, I’m ready to end Klitschko’s reign as heavyweight champion. He’s been defeated before and he can be defeated again. I’m confident I have the athleticism and skills to come out on top and bring those belts back home to America.


On fighting at Madison Square Garden….

Everyone knows The Garden is filled with deep roots in boxing history. I’m looking to make my own history with a victory on 25th April. This will be my third consecutive fight there and I feel my fan base has grown with each outing. I’m know Philly will be representing and I’m excited about that. I’m counting down the days and I’m very grateful to my promoters, Gary Shaw, Antonio Leonard, as well as my managerJames Prince for making this fight a reality.


On the possibility of becoming the next great American heavyweight champion

A victory against Klitschko will certainly bring back glory to the American heavyweight. Klitschko has reigned supreme for so many years, so it will be a huge accomplishment to bring home the titles. Dethroning Klitschko will open up many doors for my career and I see myself relishing in the moment.

Dibere ku K2 promosi jeung Klitschko Management Grup dina pergaulan jeung Gary Shaw Productions, tiket dibanderol di $1000, $600, $300, $200 jeung $100 bisa dibeuli ngaliwatan Kantor Madison alun Taman Box, www.TheGarden.com jeung www.Ticketmaster.com.




SANTA BARBARA, SAPERTOS (April 7, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions rising béntang, welterweight Fransisco “Ngabagikeun” Santana (22-3-1, 10 KOs), is riding a 10-fight winning streak going into his highly anticipated clash with undefeated 2008 AS. Olympian, Palabuhan “Dunya Kid” Nu (21-0, 13 KOs). Santana gives his thoughts on this match-up, his training camp and fighting at Madison Square Garden on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Jennings. Doubleheader bakal televised langsung dina HBO World Championship tinju dimimitian di 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Training camp update

Training camp is going as planned. I’ve added a few new things that will be on display 25th April. Right now it’s about sharpening up the tools that got me here. There is nothing that needs to be changed. I’ve been active so I know I’ll be ready to showcase my talents on HBO come fight night.


Reflects on his journey to Madison Square Garden

It’s been a hard fought journey to get where I’m at today. After suffering a few losses I decided I was going to dedicate my life to this sport and give it my all. With a lot of hard work and support from my promoter Gary Shaw, I’m now fighting on the biggest stage at the most prestigious venue in boxing. Madison Square Garden is where every fighter dreams they can fight. It’s my time to show the world I’m on the championship level.


Relationship with Trainer JosephHossJanik

When you have the right trainer in your corner, it’s truly a blessing. Hoss is the man and he always tells me like it is. If I’m not doing something right he’ll let me know right away, he doesn’t beat around the bush. I’m on a ten fight winning streak and he has a lot to do with it. You couldn’t ask for a better man in the corner.


Sparring at Wild Card Boxing Gym

When you walk into the Wild Card gym you know going in its going to be a rugged day of sparring. The gym is filled with world champions and top prospects. You can’t replicate the work you get there.


On his matchup with Sadam Ali

Sadam Ali is a world class fighter with elite boxing skills, but I feel my style will give him problems. He puts his punches together well and he made a strong statement in his last fight against Abregu. A win against Ali will propel me into a world title fight. Believe me when I say I’m going to bring it on 25th April, it’s going to be a brutal war!”


Sadam Ali vs. Francisco Santana is a 10-round welterweight bout presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Gary Shaw Productions. Nu HBO World Championship tinju telecast dimimitian di 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Wladimir Klitschko vs.. Bryant Jennings ieu disajikan ku K2 promosi jeung Gary Shaw promosi dina pergaulan jeung Madison alun Taman.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.garyshawproductions.com, jeung www.hbo.com/boxing, turutan dina Twitter diGoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing JeungHBOBoxing, jadi kipas dina Facebook di Golden Boy Facebook Page, Gary Shaw Productions Facebook Page, atawa www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing jeung nganjang urang dina InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing jeungHBOboxing.

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV mulih deui April 18 ON Crawford-DULORME kartu


Houston, Texas (Maret 31, 2015)Bombs will be flying once again when Gary Shaw Productions jeung Savarese promosi’ undefeated Light-Heavyweight slugger, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 KOs), ngajadikeun jalan balik ka cingcin ngalawan Michael Gbenga (20-18, 20 KOs). Bektemirov vs. Gbenga, hiji 8-buleud bout, bakal lumangsung Saptu, April 18, at College Park Center located on the campus of the University of Texas Arlington on the undercard of Crawford-Dulorme.


Rengking #10 ku WBA, Bektemirov bakal neangan meunangna sejen ngalawan Gbenga, as he looks to climb up the Light-Heavyweight rankings while keeping his undefeated record intact. His mission, kawas sok, nyaéta pikeun meunangkeun lawan-Na kaluar ti aya awal.


“Kaula ningali ka neangan jeung ngancurkeun dulur di jalur mah,” Ngadawuh Medzhid Bektemirov. “Palatih mah Ronnie Shields has me working on a variety of different combinations that I feel is making me a better fighter. I’m in the gym everyday working extremely hard on everything. Now that I’m ranked in the WBA, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My co-promoters Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese have assured me a big fight if I continue to win. I know Gbenga has a lot of power, tapi kuring ngarasa punches mah bakal leuwih ngabeledug sarta Abdi gé jadi gunning pikeun knockout ti bel lawang. Aku siap leupaskeun bom!”


“Lou jeung kuring nu ngalakonan pangalusna urang pikeun tetep B-52 riweuh,” ceuk Gary Shaw. “This will be his second fight in a little over a month and we want him on the fast track to a world title. Our goal is to move him up wisely against opponents that will prepare him for the next level. He keeps knocking everyone out so we have to keep him fighting as much as possible.


“Aku bagja pisan nu Gary Shaw ieu bisa meunangkeun B-52 dina kartu ieu,” ceuk Lou Savarese. “Bektemirov is thrilled to be fighting so soon after a spectacular performance in his last fight which took place last month. I like what Ronnie Shields is doing with him. He’s improving with each fight and that’s what Gary and I are looking for. We want B-52 ready for the next level.