Tag Archives: Gary Shaw munapanga

Abraham vs. Murray chomaliza atolankhani – zolemba ndi zithunzi

Abraham – Murray mbali ya kugawanika pamalo Championship doubleheader izi Loweruka pa ZOCHITITSA A Chuma cha Entertainment pa 3 Madzulo neri / 12 masana PT

San Diego, MONGA – November, 18 2015 -Arthur Abraham (43-4, 29 Ko) amalamula iye wasiya palibe mwala unturned pokonzekera ake WBO World Super Middleweight Championship mpikisano ndi Martin Murray (32-2-1, 15 Ko) Izi Loweruka, November 21, padziko ZOCHITITSAA WEALTH OF ZOSANGALATSA
Nkhondo adzakhala mbali ya kugawanika pamalo Championship doubleheader kuti nawonso kungawachititse WBA opepuka ngwazi Darleys Perez kumbuyo udindo motsutsana Anthony Crolla ku Manchester, England kuyambira 3 Madzulo neri / 12 Masana PT
Polankhula pa lero yomaliza chisanadze nkhondo atolankhani, 'King Arthur’ mwatsatanetsatane ake 'mwankhanza’ maphunziro msasa ndipo ananena kuti ndi wokonzeka kumenya British akunyoza.

”Uwu wakhala umodzi wa zovuta misasa ya ntchito yanga,” Anati Abraham. ”Wanga mphunzitsi Ulli Wegner ndi wachiwiri wake Georg Bramowski kuti n'zimene zinandithandiza wanga malire. Izo zakhala nkhanza nthawi zina, koma yense adzakhala zaphindu pamene dzanja langa liukitsidwa lachiweluusiku. Martin ndi uthenga katswiri wankhonya ndipo ndimayembekezera kuti andipatse zolimba nkhondo, koma palibe njira iye kutenga udindo wanga!”

Murray, amene akukana wake woyamba mutu pa 168 lbs zitatu zotsatirazi wolimba mtima ankafuna middleweight, magawo Ngwazi amakhulupirira ndipo analumbira kuti asachoke Germany popanda Abrahamu WBO lamba.

Photo by Sebastian Hegar

”Ife takhala kuphunzira Arthur mosamala ndipo ine ndikukhulupirira ine ndiri naye kumenya,” anati 33 wazaka ku St Helens. ”Iye ndi wamkulu womenya, koma iye si anasintha kalembedwe mu zaka, ndi mu lingaliro langa, iye osati kusanduka. Iwo adzakhala amphamvu nkhondo koma ine ndikudziwa bwino mkati mwanga kupambana. Sindidzakhala ndi kusiya Germany popanda udindo!”

”Uwu ndi 50-50 nkhondo,” anati kulimbikitsa Kalle Sauerland. ”Ndipo ine ndikuganiza kudzakhala Arthur za zovuta mayeso kwa zaka zambiri. Komabe, iye sanayambe shied kutali kovuta, ndi motsutsa Murray, Ndimayembekezera Arthur kutsimikizira chifukwa iye ndi nambala wani womenya mu wapamwamba middleweight magawano.”

Mwamuna wina palibe kunachititsa kuti sizili Murray zikhoza ndi Abrahamu nthawi yaitali mphunzitsi ndi Mlangizi Ulli Wegner, amene adzakhala kukondwerera ake 100th World udindo nkhondo lachiwelu usiku. ”Pakuti Arthur ndi Ine, ndi kugwirizana podwala ndi akwanilitse zolinga,” anati 73 chaka chimodzi. ”Koma poyamba ayenera angadutse Murray, amene adzakhala kovuta!”

Photo by Sebastian Hegar
Nkhonya mafani asangalale lodabwitsali khadi pa ZOCHITITSA likupezeka pa AT&T U-Vesi, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 147 ndipo 1147 mu HD, Verizon FiOS TV, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 169 ndipo 669 mu HD, ndipo ambiri a m'deralo chingwe wosamalira kudutsa fukoli. Chonde onani www.awetv.comchifukwa nkhonya zosintha.
About ZOCHITITSA moyo nkhonya

ZOCHITITSA moyo nkhonya mbali moyo m'dziko udindo Championship ndi kuwonongedwa ayi showcasing masiku ano yosangalatsa omenyana. Popeza pomwe linayamba wa ZOCHITITSA a moyo nkhonya zochitika 2011, ZOCHITITSA wakhala zinatsala angapo nkhonya Olemba Association of America kusankhidwa kwa “Nkhondo ya Zaka” ndipo kudziika pa makumi zapamwamba nkhonya zochitika. Mu 2013, ZOCHITITSA showcased onse moyo ayi zinapanga katswiri woposa onse David Price. ZOCHITITSA kuiulutsa moyo zidzasintha mwamtendere wa Tony Thompson pa David Price, pamodzi ndi Adonis Stevenson ndi Tony Bellew makadi, amene kumenyana wina ndi mzake kuunika katswiri woposa onse Championship; 2008 Olympic Gold Mendulo wopambana James DeGale. ZOCHITITSA anabweretsa nkhonya mafani awiri kwambiri maganizo ayi amene anaona Ricky Burns nusunge opepuka udindo motsutsana Ray Beltran. ZOCHITITSA mafani achitira umboni zachiwawa mphamvu ya undefeated katswiri woposa onse Tyson mkwiyo maulendo angapo pa Intaneti, kuphatikizapo mkwiyo wa kugonjetsa Kevin Johnson. Mu 2014, ZOCHITITSA televised apadera a opepuka ngwazi Terence Crawford ndi lingasinthe Burns komanso zosangalatsa rematches pakati Carl Frampton ndi Kiko Martínez komanso Tony Bellew akugonjetsa Nathan Mochenjera.

Murray amakhulupirira ake nthawi yafika kuti korona World Ngwazi

Abraham – Murray mbali ya kugawanika pamalo Championship doubleheader izi Loweruka pa ZOCHITITSA A Chuma cha Entertainment pa 3 Madzulo neri / 12 masana PT

San Diego, MONGA – November, 17 2015 -Martin Murray (32-2-1, 15 Ko) amakhulupirira nthawi yafika yoti iye korona World Ngwazi monga akukonzekera wake wachinayi World udindo kuweramira motsutsana WBO World Super Middleweight Ngwazi Arthur Abraham (43-4, 29 Ko) pa November 21 pa Tui m'bwalomo ku Hannover, Germany., Izi Loweruka, November 21, padziko ZOCHITITSAA WEALTH OF ZOSANGALATSA
Nkhondo adzakhala mbali ya kugawanika pamalo Championship doubleheader kuti nawonso kungawachititse WBA opepuka ngwazi Darleys Perez kumbuyo udindo motsutsana Anthony Crolla ku Manchester, England kuyambira 3 Madzulo neri / 12 Masana PT
The St. Helens munthu angalodze kuti kale ankati World maulemu chifukwa unachitikira kudzatunga ndi Felix Sturm mu 2011 ndipo atapeza yolakwika mapeto a yothandizira mfundo chosankha Sergio Martínez mu 2013.

Photo by Lawrence Lustig

A wolimba ntchito yolimbana Gennady Golovkin anatsanzira 2015, koma sikunali kokwanira kuti mumpanda Chikazaki a middleweight maudindo. Tsopano, zakale British ndi Commonwealth Ngwazi amakhulupirira 'nthawi pomwe’ ngati akufuna kuti asadalire zinachitika mbuyomu kuti dethrone la German Ngwazi.

”Abraham chachikulu ngwazi ndipo ine akuyembekezera amphamvu nkhondo koma ine basi ndikumverera kuti nthawi zoyenera kwa ine tsopano,” limasonyeza Murray. ”Ine ndikuganiza wanga woyamba World udindo polimbana Sturm mwina pang'ono pokha molawirira. Ine analumpha molunjika kuchokera m'banja kwa dziko mlingo, ngakhale kuti panali mkangano kuti ine yemwe akadagonjetsa, Ine ndikuganiza izo anabwera posachedwapa ine.

”Against Martínez, Ndinkadziwa kuti apambane koma kupita kunkhondo panali ena kukayikira. Pamene nthawi iyi, Ine ndikudziwa ine ndiri nacho icho mkati mwanga kupambana. Ine ndiri ndi mphete zinachitikira, Ine ndiri ndi wodziwa mmene, ndipo ndikuona, ngakhale kuti mu Germany, Ine ndikupita kuti chilungamo mng'alu cha mkwapulo.”

Murray, amene analemba atatu yapambana mkati mtunda kuchokera kusunthira mmwamba kuti wapamwamba middleweight, anati iye akuyembekezera 'yabwino Arthur Abraham’ m'mene chidwi ndi Ngwazi wa posachedwapa zisudzo.

”Arthur wayang'ana yaikulu womaliza awiri zisudzo,” anati 33 chaka chimodzi. ”Ine ndikuganiza ine akukumana yabwino Arthur Abraham lachiwelu usiku. Iye akhoza wa analekerera Paul Smith pang'ono yawo yoyamba nkhondo, koma Ine sindikuganiza iye ati kunyalanyaza ine. Iye akudziwa kuti izi ndi chachikulu nkhondo iye ndi yowopsa nkhondo, kotero ine ndikutsimikiza iye ati kutembenukira mu pamwamba chikhalidwe.”

Nkhonya mafani asangalale lodabwitsali khadi pa ZOCHITITSA likupezeka pa AT&T U-Vesi, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 147 ndipo 1147 mu HD, Verizon FiOS TV, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 169 ndipo 669 mu HD, ndipo ambiri a m'deralo chingwe wosamalira kudutsa fukoli. Chonde onani www.awetv.com chifukwa nkhonya zosintha.
About ZOCHITITSA moyo nkhonya

ZOCHITITSA moyo nkhonya mbali moyo m'dziko udindo Championship ndi kuwonongedwa ayi showcasing masiku ano yosangalatsa omenyana. Popeza pomwe linayamba wa ZOCHITITSA a moyo nkhonya zochitika 2011, ZOCHITITSA wakhala zinatsala angapo nkhonya Olemba Association of America kusankhidwa kwa “Nkhondo ya Zaka” ndipo kudziika pa makumi zapamwamba nkhonya zochitika. Mu 2013, ZOCHITITSA showcased onse moyo ayi zinapanga katswiri woposa onse David Price. ZOCHITITSA kuiulutsa moyo zidzasintha mwamtendere wa Tony Thompson pa David Price, pamodzi ndi Adonis Stevenson ndi Tony Bellew makadi, amene kumenyana wina ndi mzake kuunika katswiri woposa onse Championship; 2008 Olympic Gold Mendulo wopambana James DeGale. ZOCHITITSA anabweretsa nkhonya mafani awiri kwambiri maganizo ayi amene anaona Ricky Burns nusunge opepuka udindo motsutsana Ray Beltran. ZOCHITITSA mafani achitira umboni zachiwawa mphamvu ya undefeated katswiri woposa onse Tyson mkwiyo maulendo angapo pa Intaneti, kuphatikizapo mkwiyo wa kugonjetsa Kevin Johnson. Mu 2014, ZOCHITITSA televised apadera a opepuka ngwazi Terence Crawford ndi lingasinthe Burns komanso zosangalatsa rematches pakati Carl Frampton ndi Kiko Martínez komanso Tony Bellew akugonjetsa Nathan Mochenjera.

About ZOCHITITSA – A Chuma cha Zosangalatsa

A Chuma cha Zosangalatsa (“ZOCHITITSA”) zimaonetsa osiyanasiyana moyo ndi zosangalatsa mapulogalamu ku zosowa kuyenda ndi choipitsitsa m'nyumba kukhala dziko Championship nkhonya. ZOCHITITSA zimapezeka pa zana chingwe wosamalira, kuphatikizapo AT&T U-Vesi, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 147 ndipo 1147 mu HD ndi Verizon FiOS TV, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 169 ndipo 669 mu HD. Kuti mudziwe zambiri, mufuna, pitani www.awetv.com.

Arthur Abraham – Martin Murray WBO Super Middleweight udindo podwala anawonjezera kuti Perez – Crolla This Saturday on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment at 3 Madzulo neri

San Diego, MONGA – November, 16 2015 -IZI LOWERUKA!! Idzakhala Championship doubleheader pa ZOCHITITSA- A Chuma cha Entertainment monga Arthur Abraham – Martin Murray WBO Super Middleweight udindo podwala ku Hanover, Germany has been added to the already announced broadcast featuring the rematch between WBA Lightweight champion Darleys Perez and Anthony Crolla from Manchester, England.

“Ndasangalala kuti athe kubweretsa nkhondoyi kwa American nkhonya mafani,” Charles anati hering'i, Pulezidenti wa ZOCHITITSA

Abraham wakhala ngwazi mu Middleweight ndi Super Middleweight magulu kwabwino gawo la khumi zapitazi, ali ndi mbiri 43-4 ndi 29 knockouts.

Iye anapambana IBF Middleweight mutu ndi 5 kuzungulira stoppage pa Kingsley Ikeke pa December 10, 2005 ndipo kumbuyo udindo 10 zina zimene zinaphatikizapo 7 knockouts. Kenako analowa Super 6 Super Middleweight mpikisanowu ndi kugonja kale yamphamvu Middleweight ngwazi Jermain Taylor mu 12 zipolopolo.

Abrahamu anakhala ziwiri Chigawo dziko ngwazi pamene anapambana 12 chonse akamakambirana pa Robert Stieglitz pa August 25, 2012. Pambuyo bwino chitetezo, iye anataya udindo Stieglitz, koma anapambana izo kumbuyo atatu ndewu kenako kudzera 12 chonse kugawanika zochita. Abraham wakhala kumbuyo lamba bwinobwino katatu womwenso uli 6 kuzungulira stoppage pa Stieglitz awo 4 podwala pa July 18.

Murray wa St. Helens, England ali ndi mbiri 32-2-1. Iye anapambana yoyamba 26 mwauchidakwa amene anatsindika ndi kupambana Prizefighter mpikisanowu mu 2008 ndipo akugonjetsa awiri undefeated omenyana m'kati. Murray komanso Umapeza pa Kevin Concepcion (14-1), Sergey Khomitsky (22-5-1), Shalva Jomardashvili (26-1, Carlos Nascimento (25-2), John Anderson Carvalho (21-4-1), Nick Blackwell (8-0). Iye anali Aphunzitseni ndi kale lonse ngwazi Felix Sturm (36-2-1).

Murray anapambana WBA wogwirizira Middleweight mutu ndi 6 kuzungulira stoppage pa Jorge Navarro. Kuti Nkhata ntchito Murray ndewu ndi WBC Middlweight ngwazi Sergio Martínez.

The podwala, umene unachitika pa April 27, 2012 pamaso pa 50,000 mu Argentina anaona Murray gwetsa Martínez mu kuzungulira eyiti. Mu kuzungulira khumi, Zimangooneka ngati Murray waponya Martínez kachiwiri koma ankalamulidwa ndi pepala ndipo Martínez anatha kupambana lumo woonda zochita.

Murray kamodzinso anatsutsa kwa Middleweight udindo ndipo anaima 11 zipolopolo kuti WBA & Wogwirizira WBC ngwazi Gennady Golovkin pa February 21, 2015 mu Monte Carlo.

Popeza kuti podwala, Murray anasamukira ku Super Middleweight ndipo anapambana atatu ndewu mu mzere, kuphatikizapo womaliza outing pamene iye anasiya Jose Miguel Torres (31-6) asanu zipolopolo asanu zipolopolo pa September 5 ku Leeds, England.

Chiyambi zidzakhala 3 Madzulo neri / 12 Masana PT.

Nkhonya mafani asangalale lodabwitsali khadi pa ZOCHITITSA likupezeka pa AT&T U-Vesi, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 147 ndipo 1147 mu HD, Verizon FiOS TV, uneneri wina m'Buku lomweli 169 ndipo 669 mu HD, ndipo ambiri a m'deralo chingwe wosamalira kudutsa fukoli. Chonde funsani www.awetv.com kwa nkhonya zosintha.

DARLEYS PEREZ ayankhula pa adziwitse udindo odziteteza

Photo by Team Perez
Colombia (November 12, 2015) – WBA opepuka dziko ngwazi, Darleys Perez (32-1-1, 20 Ko), yemwe Co-amachitira Gary Shaw munapanga ndipo Thompson nkhonya, akuyembekezera ake kwambiri tinkayembekeza rematch ndi Anthony Crolla (29-4-3, 11 Ko). Perez returns to hostile territory at the Manchester Arena in the United Kingdom on November 21, 2015, omwewo pamene woyamba nkhondo kunachitika.
Perezi, amene anapitiriza WBA korona motsutsana Crolla ndi ambiri okhudza July 18, 2015, akudziwa kuti ayenera kukhala pa akadakwanitsira bwino kukumbukira ake udindo, especially on foreign land. With an expected crowd of 12,000 mafani yolozera kutsutsana naye, Perezi akuona chikhulupiriro iye akhoza kukokera Kuchokera Nkhata ndi kumbuyo khoma.
“Ndine woona ngwazi amene konse uyo kuchokera mavuto,” Anati Darleys Perezi amene imalengeza ku Colombia. “Crolla is a very skilled fighter with a lot of heart and I know he’s coming for my title. He’ll have his entire country on behind him when we fight, but that doesn’t faze me. My goal is to end the fight early with a knockout, koma ngati tipita mtunda, Ndili ndi chikhulupiriro chonse kuti ndichira chilungamo pampando oweruza mu UK.
M'nthawi ya nkhondo Perezi anali deducted awiri mfundo otsika nkhonya, mu 11 khumi ndi zina mu 12 kuzungulira. This time Perez is well aware of the mistakes he made in their last outing and vows not to repeat those errors.
“N'zosakayikitsa kuti ine anapambana nkhondo ndi akamakambirana ngati ine sanawawerengere deducted anthu otsika nkhonya.” Perezi anapitiriza. “It was my fault and I won’t make the same mistakes in the rematch. I’m hungrier now then I’ve ever been and nothing is going to stop me from bringing back my title to my countrymen of Colombia.
“Ndi bwino kwa ine kuti Darleys Perez ndi maganizo kwa nkhondoyi.” anati Gary Shaw. “He knows what’s on the line and the many doors that will open up for him with a victory. I’ve had fighters come out victorious when they’ve traveled to other countries and fought for world titles. Perez already proved he can get a fair shake with a gritty performance. The judging now a days is fairer then it’s ever been. When Darleys meets Crolla, munthu mmodzi yekha adzatuluka wopambana, ndipo ine ndikukhulupirira izo zidzakhala Perezi.”
“Ichi zosaneneka nkhondo kuti likufanana awiri zapamwamba boxers mnzake,” anati Ken Thompson, pulezidenti wa Thompson nkhonya. “Kuti Perez ndi Crolla ndi maganizo mbiri zikungopangitsa nkhondoyi kwambiri zosangalatsa. Timakhulupilira Perez asamenyana kuti angathere ndi kubwera kutali ndi yamphamvu Nkhata ndi kusunga dziko lake Championship.”



New Jersey (June 15, 2015)Gary Shaw munapanga’ middleweight Woyesana, Tureano Johnson (18-1, 13 Ko), akuyembekezera lalikulu ndewu mu kugawanikana. Panopa oveteredwa WBC #2,WBA #3, IBF #8 ndipo WBO #13, Johnson wakwera 4 nkhondo kuwina dzenje ndi chiyembekezo n'kupeza dziko udindo kuwombera.


Tureano okha chilema ndi maganizo TKO akulephera Curtis Stevens umene anali kupambana onse scorecards pamaso malifali anaimitsa podwala yomaliza kuzungulira.
“Ine ndikufuna onse akatswiri mu middleweight magawano.” Anati Tureano Johnson, “GGG, Yophika, kuwabweretsa iwo pa. Onse anyamata akufuna otsutsa ndi ine pomwe pano akuyembekezera. Ine kwambiri pachikhalidwe kudutsa bolodi kotero palibe chifukwa chake ndewu sangakhoze kukhala. Ndikuona zolakwa zonse omenyana kuti Ine ndikudziwa ine masuku pamutu. Wanga kulimbikitsa Gary Shaw mukuyesetsa kuti ine lalikulu nkhondo ndi Ndimakhulupirira ndibweranso mu mphete motsutsa pamwamba mlingo womenya posachedwapa.

“Tureano Johnson ndi wokonzeka mu mphete aliyense wa panopa akatswiri,” Gary Shaw anati, “GGG ndi Cotto kugwira dziko maudindo ndipo onse ayenera mdani. Johnson wakonza mokweza ndi momveka kuti akufuna kulimbana ngakhale limodzi la iwo. Ndidzachita mwakukhoza iye mphete mwina munthu monga iye ali woyenerera wa dziko udindo mwayi.”



NEW YORK (April 23, 2015) Gary Shaw munapanga undefeated Jr. Welterweight chiyembekezo, Kenneth Sims Jr. (5-0, 2 Ko) will return to the ring this Saturday at the Madison Square Garden Theater on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Jennings. Sims Jr. will face veteran Luis Rodriguez (3-2, 2 Ko) in a 6-round bout.

Kenneth Sims Jr. was a chief sparring partner for Manny Pacquiao, getting him ready for his super fight with Floyd Mayweather Jr. He’ll look to use that experience against Rodriguez, and impress those in attendance with a great performance.

I’m coming off a great training camp with Manny Pacquiao, where I gained invaluable experience,” said Kenneth Sims Jr. “I learned a lot from one of the greatest fighters of all time. I’m going into this fight with a tremendous amount of confidence. I’m going to be throwing a lot of hard punches with precise accuracy. I want to thank Gary Shaw for giving me another wonderful opportunity to showcase my skills on the big stage. Fighting at Madison Square Garden is a dream come true.

Kenneth has shown me he wants to take his career to new heights,” Gary Shaw anati. “The fact the Team Pacquiao wanted him in camp says it all. He’s got a lot of God given talent and I’m very happy with his development. I encourage everyone to show up early top get a glimpse of a future star.


Bryant Jennings Arrives in NYC for Klitschko Clash

Photo by Edward Jackson / Gary Shaw munapanga


NEW YORK (April 20, 2015) – Gary Shaw munapanga undefeated heavyweight contender, Bryant “Ndi By” Jennings (19-0, 10 Ko) has arrived in New York City for his upcoming championship bout against Wladimir Klitschko (63-3, 53 Ko).


KLITSCHKO vs. Jennings is presented by K2 Zokwezedwa ndi Klitschko Management Gulu limodzi ndi Gary Shaw munapanga and will be televised Live on HBO World Championship Boxing®beginning at 10:00 p.m. AND/PT in the United States and RTL in Germany.


ALI vs. SANTANA is presented by K2 Promotions in association with Gary Shaw munapanga ndipo Golden Boy Zokwezedwa.


Matikiti wogulira pa $1000, $600, $300, $200 ndipo $100 may be purchased through the Madison Square Garden Box Office, www.TheGarden.com ndipowww.Ticketmaster.com.

Camp Notes/Photos: Bryant Jennings Looking To End Klitschko’s Reign

Photo Mawu a, Edward Jackson / Team Jennings


Houston, TX (April 9, 2015)Gary Shaw munapanga undefeated heavyweight contender, Bryant “Ndi By” Jennings (19-0, 10 Ko), is entering the final weeks of training camp in preparation for his upcoming battle with Wladimir Klitschko (63-3, 53 Ko). Jennings, who hails from Philadelphia, is looking to end Klitschko’s reign on the heavyweight division.


Klitschko vs. Jennings, a 12-round bout for Wladimir’s WBA, WBO, IBF and IBO World heavyweight titles, zidzachitike pa “The World lotchuka kwambiri la chi”, Madison lalikulu Garden, pa April 25, 2015. The event will be televised Live on HBO World Championship Boxing® kuyambira 10:00 p.m. AND/PT in the United States and RTL in Germany.


On training in Houston, Texas…

It’s really nice to get away from home and all the distractions that come with training in Philly. I’m able to focus on nothing but boxing out here in Houston. I got my whole team out here and were grinding away.


On his upcoming matchup with Wladimir Klitschko

This is the top of the mountain when it comes to heavyweight boxing. You can’t get any higher then fighting Klitschko. Ndi kuti zikukambidwa, I’m ready to end Klitschko’s reign as heavyweight champion. He’s been defeated before and he can be defeated again. I’m confident I have the athleticism and skills to come out on top and bring those belts back home to America.


On fighting at Madison Square Garden….

Everyone knows The Garden is filled with deep roots in boxing history. I’m looking to make my own history with a victory on April 25. This will be my third consecutive fight there and I feel my fan base has grown with each outing. I’m know Philly will be representing and I’m excited about that. I’m counting down the days and I’m very grateful to my promoters, Gary Shaw, Antonio Leonard, as well as my managerJames Prince for making this fight a reality.


On the possibility of becoming the next great American heavyweight champion

A victory against Klitschko will certainly bring back glory to the American heavyweight. Klitschko has reigned supreme for so many years, so it will be a huge accomplishment to bring home the titles. Dethroning Klitschko will open up many doors for my career and I see myself relishing in the moment.

Kuperekedwa ndi K2 Zokwezedwa ndipo Klitschko Management Gulu limodzi ndi Gary Shaw munapanga, matikiti wogulira pa $1000, $600, $300, $200 ndipo $100 zikhoza kugulidwa mwa Madison lalikulu Garden Box Office, www.TheGarden.com ndipo www.Ticketmaster.com.




SANTA BARBARA, MONGA (April 7, 2015)Gary Shaw munapanga kukwera nyenyezi, welterweight Francisco “Share” Santana (22-3-1, 10 Ko), is riding a 10-fight winning streak going into his highly anticipated clash with undefeated 2008 U.S. Olympian, Port “World mwana” Kodi (21-0, 13 Ko). Santana gives his thoughts on this match-up, his training camp and fighting at Madison Square Garden on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Jennings. The doubleheader adzakhala televised moyo padziko HBO World Championship Maseŵera a nkhonya kuyambira 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Training camp update

Training camp is going as planned. I’ve added a few new things that will be on display April 25. Right now it’s about sharpening up the tools that got me here. There is nothing that needs to be changed. I’ve been active so I know I’ll be ready to showcase my talents on HBO come fight night.


Reflects on his journey to Madison Square Garden

It’s been a hard fought journey to get where I’m at today. After suffering a few losses I decided I was going to dedicate my life to this sport and give it my all. With a lot of hard work and support from my promoter Gary Shaw, I’m now fighting on the biggest stage at the most prestigious venue in boxing. Madison Square Garden is where every fighter dreams they can fight. It’s my time to show the world I’m on the championship level.


Relationship with Trainer JosephHossJanik

When you have the right trainer in your corner, it’s truly a blessing. Hoss is the man and he always tells me like it is. If I’m not doing something right he’ll let me know right away, he doesn’t beat around the bush. I’m on a ten fight winning streak and he has a lot to do with it. You couldn’t ask for a better man in the corner.


Sparring at Wild Card Boxing Gym

When you walk into the Wild Card gym you know going in its going to be a rugged day of sparring. The gym is filled with world champions and top prospects. You can’t replicate the work you get there.


On his matchup with Sadam Ali

Sadam Ali is a world class fighter with elite boxing skills, but I feel my style will give him problems. He puts his punches together well and he made a strong statement in his last fight against Abregu. A win against Ali will propel me into a world title fight. Believe me when I say I’m going to bring it on April 25, it’s going to be a brutal war!”


Sadam Ali vs. Francisco Santana is a 10-round welterweight bout presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Gary Shaw Productions. The World HBO Championship Maseŵera a nkhonya telecast umayamba 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Wladimir Klitschko vesi. Bryant Jennings ataperekedwa ndi K2 Zokwezedwa ndi Gary Shaw Zokwezedwa limodzi ndi Madison lalikulu Garden.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.garyshawproductions.com, ndipo www.hbo.com/boxing, kutsatira pa Twitter paGoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing NdiHBOBoxing, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa Golden Boy Facebook Page, Gary Shaw Productions Facebook Page, kapena www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing ndi kudzacheza nafe InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing ndiHBOboxing.



Houston, Texas (March 31, 2015)Bombs will be flying once again when Gary Shaw munapanga ndipo Savarese Zokwezedwa’ undefeated Light-Heavyweight slugger, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Ko), imasankha kumbuyo kwa mphete motsutsa Michael Gbenga (20-18, 20 Ko). Bektemirov vs. Gbenga, 8 chonse bout, zidzachitika Loweruka, April 18, at College Park Center located on the campus of the University of Texas Arlington on the undercard of Crawford-Dulorme.


Ranked #10 ndi WBA, Bektemirov adzafuna wina kupambana polimbana Gbenga, as he looks to climb up the Light-Heavyweight rankings while keeping his undefeated record intact. His mission, ngati nthawi zonse, ndi kuti Goliyati mmenemo oyambirira.


“Ine ndikuyang'ana kufunafuna ndi kuwononga aliyense panjira panga,” Anati Medzhid Bektemirov. “Wanga mphunzitsi Ronnie zishango has me working on a variety of different combinations that I feel is making me a better fighter. I’m in the gym everyday working extremely hard on everything. Now that I’m ranked in the WBA, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My co-promoters Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese have assured me a big fight if I continue to win. I know Gbenga has a lot of power, koma ndimaona wanga nkhonya adzakhala zachiwawa ndipo ine ndidzakhala gunning kwa knockout ku kutsegula belu. Ine ndiri wokonzeka kuponya mabomba!”


“Lou ine ndi zonse zimene tingathe kuti B-52 otanganidwa,” anati Gary Shaw. “This will be his second fight in a little over a month and we want him on the fast track to a world title. Our goal is to move him up wisely against opponents that will prepare him for the next level. He keeps knocking everyone out so we have to keep him fighting as much as possible.


“Ndine wokondwa kwambiri kuti Gary Shaw anacititsa B-52 pa khadi,” anati Lou Savarese. “Bektemirov is thrilled to be fighting so soon after a spectacular performance in his last fight which took place last month. I like what Ronnie Shields is doing with him. He’s improving with each fight and that’s what Gary and I are looking for. We want B-52 ready for the next level.