标记档案: 狐狸

安德烈·贝尔托 (Andre Berto) 在前世界冠军之战中以分歧判定击败德文·亚历山大 (Devon Alexander),这场比赛成为福克斯顶级拳击冠军的头条新闻 & 福克斯周六晚上从 NYCB LIVE 驱逐出境, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆所在地

谢尔盖·利皮内茨 (Sergey Lipinets) 战胜埃里克·博恩 (Erick Bone) & 乔伊斯宾塞
马库斯·布朗在对阵列宁·卡斯蒂略的比赛中幸存下来并保持不败, 路易斯·科拉佐击败布莱恩特·佩雷拉 & 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚
加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (Gary Antuanne Russell) 首轮淘汰赛
FS2 & 福克斯驱逐行动
点击 这里 索取 Douglas Defelice/Premier 拳击冠军的照片

长岛, 纽约 (八月 4, 2018) – 前世界冠军 其他叶贝(32-5, 24 科斯) 周六晚上与前冠军选手在一场来回的战斗中以分歧判定获胜 德文亚历山大 (27-4-1, 14 科斯) 在福克斯电视台的超级拳击冠军主赛中 & 福克斯从 NYCB LIVE 驱逐出境, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场.




“我知道他会很快,我知道他会来战斗,” 叶贝说. “我必须稍微适应他的速度,然后我开始向他施压. 我觉得我的状态比他更好,也比他更快地达到目标。”




亚历山大首先出击,因为他的左撇子姿势似乎很早就给伯托带来了麻烦. 亚历山大在第二回合中打出了一系列强有力的右勾拳,然后在第三回合中用一记右直拳击中了贝尔托,让亚历山大通过后续勾拳击倒了对手.




“我们知道我们有足够的力量来伤害他,我觉得我在战斗的早期就这样做了,” 亚历山大说. “我在战斗中放慢了速度, 但没有任何借口. 我们俩都是来打架的。”




这场比赛发生了多次冲突和缠斗, 但随着比赛的进行,贝尔托的不懈努力让他在对阵疲倦的亚历山大的比赛中得分. 贝尔托在第七回合成功在内线盯防亚历山大,开始突破对手的防守.




“我已经离开了一段时间,但我在那里感觉很好,” 叶贝说. “他的很多拳头都被撤退了,所以我介入了我的组合并让他付出了代价。”




这场来回的战斗最终以两位拳手的缠斗直到终场钟声结束,并且似乎已经在 12 回合的比赛中耗尽了对方的精力。. 裁判评分后,比分反映了比赛的激烈程度 114-113 为了亚历山大, 但被两名打分的裁判否决了 115-112 对于贝尔托.




“我以为我已经成功了, 但这是一场势均力敌的战斗,” 亚历山大说. “我们还在往回爬. 有时候是这样的. 我将与我的团队交谈,看看接下来最好的举措是什么。”




“这是一种巨大的感觉,” 叶贝说. “我期待着再次参与其中。”





FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的联合主赛事见证了前中量级世界冠军 彼得 “儿童巧克力” Quillin (34-1-1, 23 科斯) 收入超过一致决定胜利 J'Leon爱 (24-2-1, 13 科斯) 后 10 轮超中量级行动.




“对我来说,去那里摧毁他的精神非常重要,” 说Quillin. “我在那里立下了我的意志, 但我会等到看到录像带后才能判断我的样子。”




奎林的力量和出拳输出被证明是不同的,因为他专注于进入乐福的射程,同时提供强力的拳击来支持乐福. 和他的发起人, 历史上伟大的弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 坐在场边, 乐福专注于一个让他在整个赛季都移动的策略 10 尝试通过刺拳加强进攻.




“有时你并没有度过最美好的夜晚, 但我还没有完成,” 说爱. “我面前还有很多精彩的战斗. 我会回来的. 我本来可以再按一点, 但他是个拳击手. 我并不想把它变成一场争吵. 我朝他走去,然后就溜了出去. 这就是比赛计划。”




第八回合开始,奎林发起进攻,将乐福压在角落里并连续投篮, 其中许多都齐头并进. 爱情能够避免任何严重的危险, 但在战斗的剩余时间里,他再也无法击中任何令奎林烦恼的东西.




法官计分了回合 99-91 和 98-92 两次, 一切都支持奎林.




“对于那些认为我有环锈的人, 我们一直在健身房努力训练,为这样的挑战做好准备,” 说Quillin. “我们将以此为基础进行构建并从基础上使用它. 只有时间才能告诉我们接下来会发生什么, 但我们将用它作为衡量标准。”




FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的首场比赛以前世界冠军为主角 谢尔盖Lipinets (14-1, 10 科斯) 因为他赢得了多数决定 埃里克骨 (20-6, 8 科斯) 后 10 次中量级比赛.




“我总是要花几轮时间才能弄清楚这个人, 但一旦我放松下来,我感觉很好,” 利皮内茨说. “我的拳头比我需要的多了一点, 但这场战斗正是我所需要的,让我自己为即将到来的另一场重大挑战做好准备。”




双方选手在比赛的大部分时间里都在交换单重拳, 利皮内茨展示了他超强的力量,在前几轮中打碎了博恩的鼻子,并在剩下的战斗中导致血液从鼻子中涌出.




利皮内茨继续用强力拳打到最后, 在最后一帧的中间用左勾拳连接,导致骨头跳回绳索处. 一名裁判给这场比赛打了A分 95-95 平局但被分数否决 99-91 和 98-92.





“如果有人发现我今天的表现有任何缺陷, 那么欢迎他们站出来与我作战,” 利皮内茨说. “每个人都知道我会来给我面前的人带来一场伟大的战斗”




FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的其他行动凸显了不败前景的上升 乔伊斯宾塞 (4-0, 4 科斯) 当他在第二轮比赛中以压倒性优势击倒对手时 布鲁斯·卢奇米德尔 (2-5, 2 科斯) 在他们的中量级冲突中.




这位 18 岁的前业余选手在第二回合中段首先遭受了一系列身体打击,迫使对手跪下. 斯宾塞随后用一记组合拳打倒了卢奇内迪尔的头部,并迫使裁判亚瑟·默坎特取消了比赛。 2:59 第二轮.




“他比我迄今为止对抗过的其他人更强硬一些,” 斯宾塞说. “在第一轮中我意识到头部射击并不那么有效后,我不得不深入到身体. 最终身体镜头对他来说太过分了.




“我只是想继续创造我的记录, 不断与更好的对手战斗并不断成长为一名战士. 归根结底,我想在未来几年内为冠军而战。”




FS2 和 FOX Deportes 上的主要赛事 马库斯·布朗 (22-0, 16 科斯) 努力通过中轮击倒,最终一致判定战胜 列宁卡斯蒂略 (17-2-1, 12 科斯) 在他们10轮轻重量级回合.




“今晚我的表现不够稳定,也没有达到我想要的效率,” 布朗说. “我太急躁了. 我需要更加一致才能获得我想要的表现.




“击倒对我来说就像是一次滑倒, 但是这是拳击. 我只需要保持专注并继续前进就能获得胜利。”




斯塔顿岛本地人布朗在比赛的前几轮中展示了他令人印象深刻的速度和刺拳, 阻止卡斯蒂略的进攻. 当战斗在中间回合开始时, 在一场疯狂的交锋中,卡斯蒂略用右手抓住了布朗,导致他失去平衡并撞到了垫子上.




布朗得以轻松恢复,并在整个晚上继续展示他的拳击技巧, 因为卡斯蒂略无法复制他第五轮的成功. 评委们通过分数看到了布朗的战斗 97-92 和 98-91 两次.




“我感谢今晚为我而来的所有人,” 布朗说. “我已准备好迎接下一个挑战. 我会保持专注,下次会做得更好。”




也在 FS2 和 FOX Deportes 上播出, 前世界冠军 路易斯·科拉佐 (38-7, 20 科斯) 赢得了多数党的决定胜利 科比佩雷拉 (15-2, 13 科斯) 在他们的 10 回合次中量级对决中.




佩雷拉凭借臂展和身高优势进入擂台, 但老将科拉佐很快就制定了策略,穿过佩雷拉的刺拳,打出强力拳. 科拉佐从第三轮和第四轮开始就开始造成伤害,他多次将佩雷拉击晕在绳索上.




“佩雷拉没有多大权力, 这让我可以留在他身上并压制他的拳头,” 说科拉佐. “我能够扮演侵略者并控制战斗。”




科拉佐不得不继续跟踪越来越回避的佩雷拉, 但能够通过切断戒指来实施他的进攻来展示他令人印象深刻的戒指悟性. 科拉佐在比赛的最后几轮让佩雷拉受了重伤, 但佩雷拉表现出了足够的韧性和运动能力,看到了最后的钟声.




I’ve had a lot of fights that prepared me for what I had to do tonight,” 说科拉佐. “I felt strong in there, but I’ll know more once I look at the tape. I want one of the top welterweights next.




The opening bout on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw rising unbeaten prospect 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (7-0, 7 科斯), younger brother of WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr., deliver a powerful first round knockout over Mexico’s 何塞·埃斯基韦尔 (10-7, 2 科斯).




Russell threw a right hook to the head and followed it up with a perfect left hook to Esquivel’s stomach that put his opponent down for good, with the official stoppage coming 25 秒到一个圆.




# # #




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欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. 中国人民银行电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 并由 TGB Promotions 推广, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions. 长岛的 BROOKLYN BOXING 是 BSE BROOKLYN BOXING™ 品牌的延伸. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 brooklynboxingshop.com.

Andre Berto vs. 德文亚历山大 & Peter Quillin vs. J’Leon Love Final Press Conference Quotes & 照片

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes Live in Primetime 星期六, 八月 4 from NYCB LIVE,
Home of the 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒/ TGB促销图片

长岛, 纽约. (八月 2, 2018) – 前中量级世界冠军 其他叶贝 德文亚历山大 周四在周六黄金时段主赛事之前的最后一次新闻发布会上进行了面对面的交流, 八月 4 在福克斯电视台的超级拳击冠军主赛中 & 福克斯从 NYCB LIVE 驱逐出境, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场.




还参加周六开始的电视转播比赛 7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT和周四的决斗是前冠军 彼得Quillin 和超中量级竞争者 J'Leon爱. 对 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的额外行动将带来不败前景的上升 乔伊斯宾塞 在超次中量级景点.




成为 FS2 和 FOX Deportes 电视转播的主角 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. ET是不败的竞争者 马库斯·布朗 史泰登岛, 谁需要对 列宁卡斯蒂略, 和前世界冠军 路易斯·科拉佐, 谁战斗 科比佩雷拉 在次中量级行动, 他们都出席了周四的新闻发布会.




参加Undercard比赛并参加周四在家乡举行的新闻发布会的是WBA超中量级女子世界冠军 艾丽西亚·拿破仑(Alicia Napoleon), 她捍卫了自己的头衔,对抗苏格兰 汉娜·兰金.




门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, 现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在NYCB LIVE的Ticketmaster售票处购买. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.




以下是参与者周四在 NYCB Live 的 JetBlue Overlook 节目中所说的话, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场:






“这张卡上的很多人都是我自从他们出现以来就一直在身边的人. 我玩这个游戏已经有一段时间了,而且我已经头疼了一段时间了.




“我们为这场战斗举办了一场盛大的训练营. 我花了时间让自己恢复活力,现在我已经恢复了良好的状态. 我很欣赏德文·亚历山大所经历的一切, 但周六晚上他要和另一只动物打交道.




“我努力争取给自己周六获胜的最佳机会. 我们已经为德文郡能够带来的一切做好了准备. 我在身体和精神上都做好了战斗的准备.




“我要推动德文郡. 我认为自从他休假回来后,他没有做过任何能带来我所做的事情的斗争. 我们要看看他是否回来. 如果他还没有准备好, 然后我会让他度过一个漫长的夜晚.




“周六晚上都是生意. 我真的很期待它. 这将是炸药. 这将是一段美好时光。”






“我很庆幸我还能继续战斗, 建立我的遗产并做我喜欢的事情. 我很高兴来到这里展示我的才华. 我仍在书写我的遗产,而贝托只是我道路上的另一个踏脚石. 我必须超越他.




“我们在佛罗里达州度过了一个很棒的训练营. 坎宁安教练让我为职业生涯中的任何战斗做好了准备. The focus and dedication we put into camp will all show in the ring on fight night.




Andre Berto was a great champion and I definitely respect what he’s done in this sport. Both of us need this win badly though and I’m sure neither of us will look to take a step back on our way to a victory.




I love being in New York. I always get a lot of love from the fans, and they’re definitely a passionate group of fans. I’m going to be ready for the bright lights on Saturday.




I have to thank Berto for accepting the challenge. We go way back to the amateur days. 我准备好迎接挑战. Everyone knows I will fight anybody. 这将是一个伟大的斗争. There’s going to be fireworks.






I am more than ready for this fight. I have a lot of history with J’Leon Love. 我会为他做好准备,这将是一场球迷不想错过的战斗.




“我很幸运能回到这个位置. 索萨教练对我来说真的是一份很棒的礼物. 他在精神上和身体上帮助我在两年前与 Virgil Hunter 所做的一切基础上继续前进.




“回到纽约确实让我感觉自己已经回来了. 我可以回到我的粉丝面前, 最重要的是我的家人, 这样我就能感受到他们的支持并让它带我进入擂台.





“我们已经做好了营地里的一切工作,准备周六上演一场表演. 我已经准备好向所有人展示我仍然有能力争夺世界冠军. 这是我期待已久的事情.






“我很欣赏人们出来. 我喜欢来纽约. 这是一张很棒的卡,有很多伟大的战士,我很感激有这个机会.




“我已经等这个很久了. 来吧八月 4, 你会看到我展示我的才华. 我对彼得·奎林只有尊重, 但这就是为什么他们称之为十字路口. 我们必须相遇.




“我不担心彼得在过去的比赛中所做的任何事情. 我已经准备好迎接我们见过的最好的彼得奎林了. 他不会在那里让我感到惊讶.




“我只需要变得聪明, 听取我的意见并实施我的游戏计划. 我知道我有能力获胜并且令人信服地获胜. 如果我遵循游戏计划, 我将向所有人展示我已经准备好成为部门中最好的球员.




“我很高兴回到纽约. 我打算利用人群的能量, 无论是反对我还是支持我, 并给每个人一些值得记住的东西。”






“已经有一段时间了,但我很高兴能回来. 我已经准备好周六晚上去那里为你们表演一场表演. 我会做我最擅长的事, 并在标题争夺中保留我的名字.




“我知道我的对手技术精湛,他会准备好让我心烦意乱. 但我在营地工作太努力了,不允许任何人走进我的家并殴打我. 这只是没有发生.




“我确保保持耐心并知道我的时代即将到来. 我会不断地补充我的简历,直到没有人可以否认我的投篮.




“我正在努力以令人印象深刻的方式完成这件事, 但无论如何我都会赢得胜利. 现在的重点是继续获胜,这样我才能保持排名第一. 我想要争夺世界冠军,我已经准备好了。”






“这是伟大的,是这里. 我要感谢过去帮助过我的所有人 18 当我从伤病中恢复过来的几个月里. 那个挺难, 但这是我必须经历的一个过程.




“无论我经历过什么,我的团队都始终支持我. 其中包括我爸爸, 小时候是谁带我去健身房的. 这正是我喜欢做的事.




“我的对手很年轻,渴望在自己的记录上留下名字. 他有一些我们已经准备好的技能. 我相信他没有任何我以前没见过的东西.




“我准备八月去上班 4. 我将为球迷们带来一场精彩的战斗,并与我一起在擂台上度过另一个难忘的夜晚。”






“这是一张有很多行动的大牌,我很自豪能参与其中. 汉娜是一位出色的冠军,这将是一场伟大的战斗. 这是一个巨大的机会,我们将继续为女拳手争取越来越好的机会.





“这是一场你不想错过的战斗. 我度过了一个很棒的训练营,我已经为另一场战争做好了准备. 我三月份在巴克莱中心赢得了这个冠军,我迫不及待地想看到周六每个人都为我们欢呼.




“能够在家作战是一种荣幸. 我真的牢记在心,有一些年轻的女战士会看着我寻找灵感. 它有助于激励我,我相信这将帮助我在周六成功卫冕。”






“能出现在这么棒的卡上真是太棒了. 我一直在寻找一场像这样的大战,对我来说,这来得正是时候.




“当我接到这场战斗的电话时,我显然会答应. 训练营非常棒,我迫不及待地想在周六晚上去那里并向大家展示我的能力.




“这是一个值得尊敬的对手,我很高兴她接受了挑战. 我已经走了太远,无法在没有冠军腰带的情况下离开纽约。”


娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁




“周六这应该是一场轰动的演出, FOX 和 FOX Deportes 直播开始于 7:30 P.M. AND. 还有一个精彩的节目实际上是在 FS2 和 FOX Deportes 上开始的: 5:30 P.M. AND. 这是一张从上到下加载的卡, 正如你从这里的讲台上看到的. 它拥有许多世界上最好的战斗机.




“主赛事由两位多次获得世界冠军的男子选手组成:安德烈·贝尔托 (Andre Berto) 和德文·亚历山大 (Devon Alexander), 知名拳手和需要这场胜利的拳手. 一场伟大的战斗的秘诀是两名出色的拳击手必须获胜.




“联合举办的赛事是一场类似的比赛. Peter Quillin 和 J’Leon Love 是体重 168 磅的冠军选手. 现实是这场比赛的胜利者很快就有机会争夺冠军.




“这张卡上有一场女子冠军争夺战,其中有长岛唯一的拳击世界冠军, 艾丽西亚·拿破仑. 她是一位受欢迎的当地拳击手,她将于周六首次卫冕冠军. 她将与苏格兰的骄傲作斗争, 汉娜·兰金, 这应该是一场精彩的比赛. 这是这项运动的两位冠军,我们很荣幸周六能邀请他们参加比赛。”




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina。长岛的BROOKLYN BOXING是BSE BROOKLYN BOXING™品牌的延伸. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 brooklynboxingshop.com.

重量级竞争者 & Minneapolis Fan-Favorite Jamal James Takes On Mexico’s Mahonry Montes Friday, 八月 24 in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis

Middleweight Contenders Willie Monroe Jr. & 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆
Unbeaten Rising Prospect Jamontay Clark Steps in Against Once-Beaten Jeison Rosario in Super Welterweight Action

明尼阿波利斯 (八月 2, 2018) – 次中量级竞争者 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 will return to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s 马洪里蒙特斯 in the main event of an exciting night of FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的顶级拳击冠军 action Friday, 八月 24 来自明尼阿波利斯的军械库, 明尼苏达州.




电视节目开始在 8:00 P.M. AND / 5:00 P.M. PT and will feature middleweight contenders 威利·梦露JR. 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 going to battle in a 10-round attraction and unbeaten rising prospect Jamontay克拉克 接受曾经的打击 杰森罗萨里奥 在10轮超中量级比赛.




门票现场活动, 由TGB Promotions和Warriors Boxing推广, 现已发售,可访问 www.ArmoryMN.comTick​​etmaster.com.




Jamal James is building a following in his hometown of Minneapolis as he builds momentum in the welterweight division, and this fight against Mahonry Montes will help him accomplish both things,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “The undercard features some strong matches that include boxers who will figure prominently into the championship picture in the near future. It will be an entertaining show for the fans in Minneapolis and those tuning in on FS1 and FOX Deportes.




Warriors Boxing is very excited to return to the beautiful newly-renovated Armory in Minneapolis with another PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes show,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “In addition to the great lineup of televised fights, headlined by local star Jamal James, favorite son and former world champion Caleb Truax returns to the ring at home for the first time since back-to-back road performance in world title fights.


詹姆斯 (23-1, 10 科斯) built on the biggest victory of his careera knockout over tough veteran Diego Chaves last Decemberwith a decision win against Abel Ramos in April at the Armory and on FS1. The 30-year-old James has picked up three-straight victories since suffering the only loss of his careera unanimous decision defeat to Yordenis Ugas in August 2016. He returns to downtown Minneapolis looking to keep his momentum going towards the top of the welterweight division.




I’m in camp training hard for another thriller at home against a pressure fighter in Mahonry Montes,” 詹姆斯说. “I’m going to use my height, range and skills to show that I’m hungry and keeping my eyes on the prize. Once I get past Montes, a big name is going to have to fight me. I’m right on the road to a world title challenge.




这位28岁的 蒙特斯 (35-7-1, 24 科斯) has challenged everyone from world champions to top rising prospects throughout his pro career and enters this bout having scored knockout victories in consecutive fights. Representing Sinaloa, 墨西哥, Montes owns a victory over welterweight contender Francisco Santana in a fight last year that saw Montes drop his opponent on the way to a decision victory.




I’m am so excited to have this opportunity against Jamal James,” said Montes. “My last loss was unfortunate because I thought I had my opponent hurt, but I’ve picked up a couple of wins since then and have been training very hard. I’m ready to show everyone that I belong with the best fighters in the world. I’m never in a bad fight and I’m going to show the fans in Minnesota how a real Mexican fights.




A two-time title challenger, 梦露 (22-3, 6 科斯) has faced current titlists Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders in his forays into championship fights. The 31-year-old from Rochester, New York has defeated Gabriel Rosado, Brian Vera and John Thompson since 2015 to earn multiple opportunities at the middleweight title. Monroe most recently won a dominant decision over Carlos Galvan in March.




Fighting out of Virginia, 阿利姆 (18-1-1, 11 科斯) stopped Juan De Angel in the sixth-round of their May fight to get back in the win column after his first defeat in a bout against Hugo Centeno Jr last August. The 24-year-old had stopped then unbeaten Ievgen Khytrov in the sixth round of a January 2017 fight that became a Fight of the Year nominee prior to the Centeno fight.




这位23岁的 克拉克 (13-0, 7 科斯) has used his height and reach to establish himself as a fast-rising prospect on his way to contender status. The Cincinnati-native had two impressive victories in 2017, first defeating then unbeaten Ivan Golub and then a decision victory over Domonique Dolton last November as he came out victorious against his toughest pro opponent so far.


玫瑰园 (15-1-1, 11 科斯) fights out of Miami but is originally from the Dominican Republic. Rosario suffered his first defeat last year at the hands of Nathaniel Gallimore, but has rebounded to be undefeated in his last four fights. This run has seen the 23-year-old fight to a draw with Mark Anthony Hernandez in February before defeating Justin DeLoach and dropping him twice on his way to a decision victory in May.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

彼得Quillin & 艾丽西亚·拿破仑在本周六的比赛前参观长岛的克雷斯特伍德日间训练营, 8 月 4 日来自 NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆所在地

点击 这里 从埃德迪勒/ TGB促销图片

长岛, 纽约 (八月 1, 2018) – 前中量级冠军 彼得 “儿童巧克力” Quillin 和 WBA 超中量级女子世界冠军 艾丽西亚 “女皇” 拿破仑 周三下午参观了克雷斯特伍德日间营,并与多名学员一起举办了励志和健身训练课程 200 露营者.




奎林和林登赫斯特人拿破仑利用这个机会在本周六各自的比赛之前与营员们分享积极的信息, 八月 4 from NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场.




“成为一名拳击手是我的生活方式, 能够与这些孩子们分享那些造就了现在的我的事情是一种巨大的快乐,” 说Quillin. “接触下一代并为他们提供积极生活的工具非常重要. 作为一名职业运动员,我认为这是我工作的一部分,也是我为之感到自豪的事情。”




“我很高兴来到这里为这些孩子们回馈一些东西,” 拿破仑说. “我在这里分享不同的技巧和动机真的很荣幸. 周六晚上我专注于捍卫我的冠军头衔, 但这样的事情真的是一种享受. 我希望他们今天都玩得开心并学到了以前不知道的东西。”




战士们与一大群营员进行了交谈,并向他们展示了一些训练技巧,然后进行了大约半小时的健身课程。 25 七岁和八岁的孩子度过了下午.




门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, 现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在NYCB LIVE的Ticketmaster售票处购买. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.


Quillin 面孔 J'Leon爱 在 PBC 的 FOX 节目中,FOX 驱逐行动于 7 点开始:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT 的头条新闻是前次中量级世界冠军之间的对决 其他叶贝 德文亚历山大.


拿破仑 highlights the non-televised undercard in her hometown as she makes the first defense of her world title against Scotland’s 汉娜·兰金.


# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina。长岛的BROOKLYN BOXING是BSE BROOKLYN BOXING™品牌的延伸. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 brooklynboxingshop.com.

Former World Champion Sergey Lipinets Meets Erick Bone in 147-Pound Showdown in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday August 4 Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆所在地

Junior Featherweight Contender Brandon Figueroa Takes On
Luis Roy Suarez Cruz
更多! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Deportes Features Antuanne Russell & Antonio Russell in Separate Matches
Former Welterweight World Champions Andre Berto &
Devon Alexander Square-Off Live in Primetime Main Event



长岛, 纽约 (七月 20, 2018) – Former super lightweight champion 谢尔盖Lipinets 将争夺 埃里克骨 in a 147-pound 10-round showdown live in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, 八月 4 from NYCB Live, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的所在地,由超级拳击冠军主办的一场活动.




利皮内茨队 vs. 骨头冲突将拉开黄金时段播出的序幕, 它开始于 7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT 并由前 147 磅世界冠军领衔 其他叶贝 德文亚历山大 在与前世界冠军的12回合对决中 彼得 “儿童巧克力” Quillin 面对168磅的竞争者 J'Leon爱. 轰动的初中量级前景 乔伊斯宾塞 也将在行动.




FS2 和 FOX Deportes 上的超级拳击冠军特别版开始于 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT 并将保持不败 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 Antuanne Russell (6-0, 6 科斯) 承担 何塞·阿图罗·埃斯基维尔 (10-7, 2 科斯), 更多, 在电视转播时间允许的情况下, 他的兄弟 安东尼奥·拉塞尔 (11-0, 9 科斯) 在八轮雏量级比赛中. FS2 和 FOX Deportes 电视转播以不败的轻重量级竞争者为主角 马库斯·布朗 接受曾经的打击 列宁卡斯蒂略 在前世界冠军之间的 10 回合比赛和次中量级比赛中 路易斯·科拉佐 科比佩雷拉.




门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, 现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在NYCB LIVE的Ticketmaster售票处购买. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.




29岁的利皮内茨 (13-1, 10 科斯) 正在寻求从三月份的 IBF 140 磅 t 冠军争夺战中一致判定输给同等体重球星 Mikey Garcia 中恢复过来. Lipinets, 谁出生在马尔图克, 哈萨克斯坦,现居比佛利山庄, 加利福尼亚州, 去年11月,他在对阵近藤明宏的比赛中赢得了空缺的冠军头衔,并将在与博恩的比赛中晋级次中量级.




骨 (20-5, 8 科斯) 自从在上一场比赛中以分歧判定输给埃迪·拉米雷斯后,他已经四连胜,进入了与利皮内茨的比赛。 2017. 29岁,来自马纳比, 厄瓜多尔五月以分歧判定战胜卡梅伦·克拉尔 11. 博恩是一位强硬的老将,曾与前世界冠军肖恩·波特和克里斯·阿尔吉里发生过冲突.




竞技场内的额外行动将见证不败的崛起竞争者 布兰登·菲格罗亚 (15-0, 10 科斯) 战友不败 Luis Roy Suarez Cruz (13-0, 8 科斯) 在八回合最轻量级比赛中, 顶级轻量级竞争者 理查德·康梅 (26-2, 23 科斯) 在与墨西哥队的十回合对决中 亚德利·克鲁兹(24-10, 14 科斯) 而权重股 马洛·摩尔 (1-0, 1 KO) 在四回合的对抗中 托马斯·霍金斯 (4-2, 1 KO).




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina。长岛的BROOKLYN BOXING是BSE BROOKLYN BOXING™品牌的延伸. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 brooklynboxingshop.com.

彼得Quillin, 路易斯·科拉佐 & Alicia Napoleon Media Luncheon Quotes

Quillin Battles J’Leon Love Live in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes While Collazo Meets Bryant Perrella in Action on FS2 & 福克斯周六驱逐出境, 八月 4
Napoleon Defends Her Super Middleweight Title in Undercard Attraction, All from NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆所在地


纽约 (七月 19, 2018) – 前世界冠军 彼得Quillin路易斯·科拉佐 were joined by WBA Women’s Super Middleweight Champion 艾丽西亚·拿破仑(Alicia Napoleon) at a media luncheon in Manhattan Thursday to discuss their respective showdowns taking place Saturday, 八月 4 from NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的所在地,由超级拳击冠军主办的一场活动.




Quillin will take on J'Leon爱 in a super middleweight attraction in primetime as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes action beginning at7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT. The primetime action is headlined by a showdown between former welterweight world champions 其他叶贝 德文亚历山大.




Collazo collides with 科比佩雷拉 in a welterweight attraction on FS2 and FOX Deportes beginning at 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT on a telecast that also features unbeaten light heavyweight 马库斯·布朗 面对 列宁卡斯蒂略.




The undercard will be highlighted by Long Island-native and WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Napoleon making the first defense of her title against 汉娜·兰金.




门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在NYCB LIVE的Ticketmaster售票处购买. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.




Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from The Palm West Side in Manhattan:






“八月 4 is a big day. It’s been a long time since I fought in New York and I’m ready to showcase my talents here once again.




I’ve been away from my family for the last two years training in California with Virgil Hunter. Basically I made the decision to come back home and be closer to my family. Now being home, I’m learning how to adjust my methods and my camp around my family.




I think this is a new chapter in my life. J’Leon Love is trying to showcase and do something memorable against me. He’s trying to get a name on his record because he desperately needs one.




We can make it a dog fight. I wouldn’t say that J’Leon likes to be in a dog fight, he’s more of a classical boxer. He likes to be on his legs, he likes to pop the jab out and he likes to move around the ring. So let’s see who comes and brings their better stuff that night. I want to make it a dog fight.




Love definitely wanted this fight, but it’s a perfect fight for me. I hope that he brings his very best because I’m definitely going to bring that on my behalf.




I’m just planning to go out there and be ‘Kid Chocolate’. I’ve got some good people around me. I’m training in Brooklyn with Aureliano Sosa, who has been pushing me to the max. 八月 4 for me is really about J’Leon being delivered into my hands and giving the fans a good showcase.






“最后, it’s been so long. 我很感谢有此机会. I know that I need to make the most of each opportunity I get at this point, and I feel like I’ve definitely done that in all my recent fights. 八月 4 will be another night for me to show how much I still have left.




It’s amazing to be able to perform at this venue with me being from New York. The people, the atmosphere, the fans and how they react to the fights, it’s phenomenal. Now it’s my turn to give it back to my boxing fans and entertain them.





“我觉得 100 percent physically and am geared to be that way on fight night. I know that I have a tough, young opponent who needs this win as badly as I do. I’m going to show him what this sport is all about.




I just want that win, if the knockout comes we’ll take it. But the main thing is going out there get the win and looking good while I’m doing it.






“我期待一场漂亮仗. I know that Hannah Rankin is credible fighter and she’s a tough girl with a WBC Silver belt. I have the WBA World Title and I know she’s coming to take it. She’s a standup opponent, and I’m sure she’s going to be ready to give it her all that night just like I will.




I’m a Long Island girl born and raised, so there’s nobody better to make history that night than myself. I’m ready to be the first female to fight in that arena. It’s such a beautiful feeling, I’m so excited that it’s me who is getting this opportunity, with so much to follow.




The future is female. That doesn’t mean that were taking anything away from the males, it just means that it’s time for them to share the stage. We have a lot to offer, and we have a whole different audience and crowd to bring to boxing.




It’s awesome to see women fighters starting to climb the ladder and I want to see more of us. It’s not about that one female fighter, it’s about the multitude of us. There is power in numbers, and we need to be shown. You’ll be surprised how quickly the crowd will just attract to the women, and we’ll automatically be bringing a bigger base than they ever brought before.


娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁




Peter Quillin knows what’s at stake August 4 and so does J’Leon Love. It’s a must-win fight for both guys, which usually equals a fun fight for the fans.




This card has so much talent. You have Marcus Browne back in the ring and Luis Collazo back against a good opponent. 更多, 艾丽西亚·拿破仑(Alicia Napoleon) “女皇”, the Long Island Female World Champion is in there with a really good fighter in Hannah Rankin. She’s the biggest fighter in Scotland. That’s a real quality women’s fight between two recognizable women fighters.




It’s a stacked card with solid fights from top to bottom. It should be a really good night of boxing on television, and a great night of fights for Long Island.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina。长岛的BROOKLYN BOXING是BSE BROOKLYN BOXING™品牌的延伸. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 brooklynboxingshop.com.

WBA超级中量级女子世界冠军艾丽西亚(Alicia) “女皇” 拿破仑在周六击败曾经击败的竞争者汉娜·兰金的比赛中卫冕冠军, 八月 4 在NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场

长岛, 纽约 (七月 16, 2018) – WBA女子超级中量级世界冠军 艾丽西亚‘皇后号’ 拿破仑, (9-1, 5 KO的), 的的Lindenhurst, 纽约将首次对WBC银牌中量级选手发起防守 汉娜·兰金, (5-1, 1 KO) 格拉斯哥, 苏格兰上周六, 八月 4 在NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场.




预定十轮, 拿破仑vs. Rankin是堆叠的Premier Boxing Champions卡上的特别吸引人的底牌回合,其标题为前世界冠军之间的次中量级对决 其他叶贝 德文亚历山大 关于FOX和FOX驱逐出境 (7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT).




门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在NYCB LIVE的Ticketmaster售票处购买. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.




“我很高兴有这个机会能够在NYCB LIVE的长岛首次捍卫我的世界冠军,” 拿破仑说. “这是我职业生涯中的一个特殊时刻,很荣幸能成为这个标志性场地中有史以来第一场女性比赛的一部分.




“我知道汉娜·兰金有多好. 她刚刚获得了WBC银牌中量级冠军,并且比我高,而且触手可及, 再加上她刚完成与Cecilia Braekhus的训练. 我整个夏天都在训练,并且准备在8月4日捍卫自己的头衔。”




“我很高兴宣布艾丽西亚·拿破仑(Alicia Napoleon)和汉娜·兰金(Hannah Rankin)之间的女子世界冠军争夺战 4 在体育馆举行的活动,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “艾丽西亚(Alicia)是一个长岛女孩,是一位有魅力的世界冠军,在纽约市地区拥有众多的球迷. 她在巴克莱中心(Barclays Center)赢得了世界冠军,并将在NYCB LIVE上捍卫世界冠军. 汉娜·兰金(Hannah Rankin)是来自苏格兰的质量挑战者, 她以雄心勃勃的雄心壮志以及作为专业音乐家的成就而闻名. 美国和国际上的女子拳击运动越来越受欢迎,我们对推广拳击运动的承诺比以往任何时候都更加坚定。”




受欢迎的拿破仑, 曼哈顿和布鲁克林的推翻体育馆的所有者, 在三月赢得了她的世界冠军 3 在布鲁克林的巴克莱中心(Barclays Center),在来自长岛和纽约的庞大支持者队伍面前,针对先前未败的Femke Hermans做出了十轮决定性决定. 拿破仑原定于6月进行战斗 21 推迟并继续接受培训以捍卫她的世界冠军.




仅仅一年就在有薪队伍中奋斗, Rankin在6月份的十轮比赛中击败了当时不败的Sanna Turunen,以夺得空缺的WBC银牌女子中量级冠军,而她的第三连胜则进入了八月 4.




环外的专业音乐家, 现年27岁的兰金(Rankin)演奏巴松管,并且近年来与众多乐团一起环游世界,同时还在平方圈子中训练和发展她的职业生涯.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝
www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina。长岛的BROOKLYN BOXING是BSE BROOKLYN BOXING™品牌的延伸. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 brooklynboxingshop.com.


Former Welterweight World Champions Andre Berto & Devon Alexander Square 在福克斯黄金时段直播 & 福克斯周六驱逐出境, 八月 4 参加 NYCB LIVE 举办的顶级拳击冠军赛事, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆所在地、前世界冠军彼得·奎林 (Peter Quillin) 也在黄金时段迎战 168 磅重的选手 J’Leon Love

更多! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & 福克斯体育频道以不败的轻重量级竞争者马库斯·布朗对阵曾经被击败的列宁·卡斯蒂略 & 前世界冠军路易斯·科拉佐在次中量级对决布莱恩特·佩雷拉
上周五销售门票, 七月 6 在 10 A.M. AND!

长岛, 纽约 (七月 5, 2018) – 前147磅世界冠军 其他叶贝 (31-5, 24 科斯) 和 德文亚历山大 (27-4-1, 14 科斯)将在一场 12 回合的对决中展开角逐,这场比赛将成为当晚的头条新闻 总理拳击冠军 FOX FOX体育 周六黄金时段直播, 八月 4 from NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场. 电视节目开始在 7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. 与前世界冠军进行PT 彼得 “儿童巧克力” Quillin (33-1-1, 23 科斯) 面对168磅的竞争者 J'Leon爱 (24-1-1, 13 科斯) 在10轮的较量. 同样参加比赛的还有前业余选手和快速崛起的不败新星 乔伊斯宾塞 (3-0, 3 科斯) 在一场超次中量级比赛中.




激动人心的战斗之夜从特别版开始 FS2 上的 PBC & FOX体育 在 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT 与不败的轻重量级竞争者 马库斯·布朗 (21-0, 16 科斯) 接受曾经的打击 列宁卡斯蒂略 (18-1-1, 13 科斯) 在10轮匹配. FS2 & 福克斯体育频道的电视直播将以前世界冠军之间的次中量级对决开始 路易斯·科拉佐 (37-7, 20 科斯) 针对 科比佩雷拉 (15-1, 13 科斯).




门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 周五发售, 七月 6 在 10 A.M. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 从周六开始,门票还可在 NYCB LIVE 的 Ticketmaster 售票处购买, 七月 7 中午. 团体折扣可通过致电获得 516-231-4848.




“这是一张从上到下都很出色的卡片,在 147 磅的比赛中占据显着位置, 168-磅和 175 磅级别,” 说TGB促销汤姆·布朗. “伯托和亚历山大是两位前冠军,他们正在努力重返拥挤的次中量级冠军争夺战. 彼得·奎林和杰莱昂·洛夫的冠军在超中量级冠军组合中发挥着重要作用. 对于拿骚体育馆的球迷和收看福克斯黄金时段的观众来说,这是一场引人注目的活动。”




“我很高兴在长岛的 NYCB Live 上带来另一场充满动感的活动,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “成为 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 电视节目的主角, 前世界冠军安德烈·贝尔托和德文·亚历山大在一场高风险的十字路口之战中相遇,获胜者距离次中量级王冠又近了一步. 前中量级冠军彼得·奎林继续复出,面对才华横溢的杰莱昂·洛夫,斯塔顿岛不败的轻重量级竞争者马库斯·布朗也出现在名单上. 长岛拳击迷希望早点到达以获得巨大的底牌, 以及当地的人才。”




来自佛罗里达州的一位激动人心且卓有成就的拳击手, 叶贝 去年四月输给肖恩·波特后重返擂台. 贝尔托代表海地参加了 2004 奥运会并于四月在福克斯电视台取得了他最近最大的胜利 2016 贝尔托在激烈的复赛中第四轮淘汰了前冠军维克托·奥尔蒂斯.




伯托此前曾于九月挑战退役传奇人物弗洛伊德·梅威瑟 2015 并参加过多次年度最佳拳击比赛, 包括 2012 与罗伯特·格雷罗的战争以及他与奥尔蒂斯的第一次战斗. 他曾两次获得次中量级冠军, 首先是WBC金腰带, 期间他成功卫冕五次 2008 和 2011, 加上他获得的IBF冠军 2011 战胜扬·扎维克.




“这是一场期待已久的伟大战斗,” 叶贝说. “我们有一些共同的对手, 但我们有不同的战斗风格,并且风格不同. 我用左撇子取得了很多成功. 我期待着见到他并利用我现在正在做的事情。”


亚历山大 自那以后只打过一次比赛后,二月份重新回到聚光灯下 2015 当他寻求止痛药成瘾治疗时. 他在多年来的第一次大战中看起来很犀利, 他表现出相似的速度和技巧,这使他成为了两重量级冠军,后来在福克斯电视台与前冠军维克多·奥尔蒂斯进行了有争议的平局, 在一场大多数人认为亚历山大获胜的战斗中.




这位31岁的选手以一致判定战胜兰德尔·贝利(Randall Bailey)而崭露头角,在他三年前赢得的140磅冠军的基础上再添次中量级冠军。. 最初从圣. 圣路易斯, 但现在在佛罗里达州与长期教练凯文·坎宁安一起训练, 亚历山大击败了马科斯·迈达纳等人, 卢卡斯·马蒂斯和赫苏斯·索托·卡拉斯在其成就斐然的职业生涯中.




“我感到非常兴奋这场斗争. 贝托和我的历史可以追溯到业余爱好者,” 亚历山大说. “我很了解他, 但我们从未吵过架. 我必须证明我仍然是各个级别中最好的球员之一. 这对我来说都是生意, 因为在我职业生涯的这个阶段, 我对待每一场战斗都把它当作最后一场. 这是我的黄金时间.




“我的心态是伯托仍然是他以前的杀手 10 几年前. 所以我看着他,就像他什么也没失去一样. 我有一个使命, 那是为了击败贝尔托. 我会在技术上健全并且 100 % 专注于完成该任务。”




布鲁克林居民,他的整个职业生涯都以该行政区为家, Quillin 去年九月,他以一致判定击败了达肖·约翰逊,重返擂台. 这位前中量级冠军在布鲁克林从哈桑·恩丹 (Hassan N’Dam) 手中夺得冠军后,三度卫冕,唯一的失利是输给了前冠军丹尼尔·雅各布斯 (Daniel Jacobs)。.




“我很高兴回到纽约的家,在我的粉丝和我深爱的人面前,” 奎林说. “我回来后会更加优雅、更加老练,成为一个上帝的人. 我绝对是一个敢于走出去,做人们认为我做不到的事情的人. 我知道 J’Leon 想要引起轰动. 他的简历上需要有一个名字. 我必须尽我所能确保这种情况不会发生. 要么他必须接受惨痛的教训,要么给我一个惨痛的教训。”




这位30岁的 自五月击败海梅·巴尔博萨以来,他在过去七场比赛中保持不败. 这位密歇根本地人现在在拉斯维加斯训练和生活,此前曾击败过许多竞争者,并希望在八月战胜奎林,距离世界冠军更近一步。 4.




“我认为这是一场非常好的比赛,” 说爱. “彼得·奎林(Peter Quillin)是一位非常有才华的拳击手,也是一位始终保持良好状态的前世界冠军. 他是一个你必须刻苦训练、绝对不能掉以轻心的人. 我很感激有机会与像他这样出色的拳击手战斗. 我们将进行一场精彩的战斗。”


布朗 连续三场令人印象深刻的淘汰赛胜利,继续在竞争激烈的 175 磅级别中迅速崛起. 这位27岁的左撇子已经击倒了托马斯·威廉姆斯, JR. 去年二月和今年一月的弗朗西·恩特图(Francy Ntetu)围绕去年七月在福克斯黄金时段电视转播的拿骚体育馆举行的首届拳击比赛中第二轮击败当时不败的西妮·莫纳汉(Seanie Monaghan). 该 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚选手希望在八月取得令人信服的胜利,为世界冠军争夺做好准备 4.




“我在纽约的家乡附近战斗感觉很好,” 布朗说. “列宁·卡斯蒂略绝对是个好人, 饿, 曾输给约瑟夫·威廉姆斯的新晋拳击手. 我没有小看他, 但现在我正在努力保持我的最高位置以争夺冠军, 所以我必须摧毁他。”




这位29岁的 城堡 出征多米尼加共和国并以三连胜的方式进入本场比赛. 卡斯蒂略在职业生涯首次失利后最近取得了胜利, 去年二月,以多数票判定输给了不败的约瑟夫·威廉姆斯. 卡斯蒂略从那时起就开始职业战斗 2010 并且在他的第一场比赛中保持不败 12 打架. 他职业履历上唯一的另一个瑕疵是在布鲁克林对阵当时不败的特拉维斯·彼得金的比赛中以多数平局。 2015.




“马库斯·布朗是一位我关注了很长时间的拳击手,因为我们都是奥运会选手,” 卡斯蒂略说. “这是一场风格很好的比赛,我认为会给球迷带来一场有趣的战斗. 我们正在寻找胜利. 我们都知道,在这里获胜可以让我们冲击世界冠军,我不打算浪费我的机会。”


科拉佐 来自布鲁克林的前世界冠军,曾与贝尔托和肖恩·莫斯利、基思·瑟曼和瑞奇·哈顿等顶级次中量级选手进行过较量. 他最近的一场比赛是在二月份,他以惊人的淘汰赛击败了萨米·瓦斯克斯(Sammy Vasquez) 2017. 他在训练中受伤后重返赛场,并将面临 佩雷拉 迈尔斯堡, FL. 这位 29 岁的选手去年 12 月在家乡州以一致判定击败了亚历克斯·马丁 (Alex Martin),这是他最后一场比赛的结果.

Josesito Lopez Defeats Miguel Cruz by Unanimous Decision in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event Saturday Night from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州

Former World Champion Anthony Dirrell Drops Abraham Han on His Way to Unanimous Decision Victory


Claudio Marrero Scores Sensational First Round Knockout Over

Previously Unbeaten Jorge Lara

点击 这里 for Photos from Hosanna Rull/


STEP, TX. (四月 28, 2018) – Rugged veteran contender Josesito洛佩兹 (36-7, 19 科斯) 在赢得了一致的决定 米格尔·克鲁兹 (17-1, 11 科斯)in a welterweight attraction that headlined Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday night from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州.





I beat a great undefeated fighter tonight and I was able to out class him,” 洛佩兹说. “I have some boxing ability clearly. I used my skills tonight. I felt that I dominated the pace, out worked him and I never let him do anything that hurt me.





Josesito was stronger than I thought,” 克鲁兹说. “I took a little too long to get off and get going and it cost me.





The action began to heat up in round three as Lopez broke through and began landing flush on Cruz to the head. Lopez controlled the action against Cruz on the ropes and when the real estate shifted to the middle of the ring.





十字, who stated before the fight that attacking the body would be key, was twice deducted points by referee Rafael Ramos for low blows, once in round five and again in round six. This forced Cruz to abandon his predominant strategy.





I didn’t agree with the calls on the low blows,” 克鲁兹说. “I didn’t get a chance to work the body like I wanted. That was the plan coming in. They took it away from me.





This is just another step in my journey. I didn’t get hurt or anything. I just need to get better in the gym and keep working combinations. I just have to get better.





Under the guidance of renowned trainer Robert Garcia, Lopez boxed effectively and worked through the body attack and low blows to consistently win rounds and keep Cruz’s offense mostly at bay. 后 10 发, judges ruled in favor of Lopez by scores of 98-90 和 99-89 两次.





I think the biggest difference has been Robert Garcia in my corner,” 洛佩兹说. “He has me living a healthier lifestyle and that played a big part in my victory. I have an elite trainer who is training me like an elite fighter. I was one step behind in the past, but now I think I’ve made up that distance and then some.





Welterweight has a lot of good fighters, but I know I can compete with them. I’m a fan-friendly fighter who’s always going to leave it all in the ring.





合作的主要事件看到了前世界冠军 安东尼Dirrell的 (32-1, 24 科斯) drop El Paso’s 亚伯拉罕·汉 (26-4, 16 科斯) on his way to a unanimous decision in their 10-round super middleweight contest.






I thought I did well tonight boxing him for 10 发,” 说Dirrell的. “I didn’t think I lost a round. Two of the judges thought so but I can’t do anything about that. 我做了我应该做的.





Han has an incredible chin. He took everything I gave him. I even went to the body and gave it to him there. I was trying to go the body until the end but he still stood up. All I could do was keep pressuring him and get the victory.





Greeted by a chorus of boos upon entering the ring, Dirrell sent the hometown fighter to the canvas with a right hand to the head late in round one as the bell rang. Han tried to use his movement, switching stances and tying Dirrell up to frustrate his opponent, and had some success as the two men wrestled each other to the canvas in the waning moments of round four and continued to push and shove on the ground until they were broken up by referee Laurence and sent to their corners.





Han was able to occasionally land clean punches, but nothing that ever disrupted the attack from Dirrell, who was too consistent and sharp with his power punches. Han believed that his lack of an effective jab hurt him in this fight.





I wasn’t happy with my performance,” said Han. “I couldn’t get my jab going at all. If I had been more effective with that I think I would have been able to win more rounds.





后 10 回合行动, all three judges score the bout in favor of Dirrell by scores of 100-89 和 99-90 两次. Dirrell的, a former titleholder at 168-pounds vowed that he plans to fight one more time, 为了世界冠军.





The champions at 168-pounds better look out,” 说Dirrell的. “It’s going to be my last fight but I’m hungry to win another title.





The opening bout of the telecast saw exciting featherweight contender 克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (23-2, 16 科斯) deliver a stunning one punch knockout of 豪尔赫·拉腊 (29-1-2, 21 科斯) in the first round of their featherweight bout.





I knew he would be aggressive and we worked very hard in training camp to achieve this,” 马雷罗说. “I saw my opportunity and I knew that it was over once I connected.




I just got caught with a great punch,” 拉拉说. “I wanted to be aggressive and give the fans a great show. It didn’t go my way. I’ll be back and I’ll be better. I’m going to get back to work and keep pushing toward my goals.




Lara charged forward in the opening seconds, but was caught by a perfect left hook from Marrero during one of the early exchanges in the fight and was sent to the canvas. While he tried to get to his feet, he was clearly hurt as referee Rocky Burke halted the bout 33 seconds into the opening round.





This was a message to the whole division,” 马雷罗说. “I’m a championship-caliber fighter and I showed it again tonight. I’m ready to take on every champion out there. I want the best challenges and I proved tonight that I’m able to beat anyone. I have all the skills and I can’t wait to show them off against the best.




# # #





球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.





欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.tgbpromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 并由 TGB Promotions 推广.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & 福克斯驱逐最终新闻发布会语录 & 照片

Josesito Lopez vs. 米格尔·克鲁兹, Anthony Dirrell vs. 亚伯拉罕·汉 & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader 星期六, 四月 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州
点击 这里 鲁本·拉米雷斯的照片

STEP, TX. (四月 25, 2018) – Rugged veteran Josesito洛佩兹 不败 米格尔·克鲁兹 faced-off Thursday and discussed their upcoming showdown Saturday, 四月 28 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州.




Also squaring-off Thursday and competing in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8:30 P.M. AND / 5:30 P.M. PT were former world champion 安东尼Dirrell的 and El Paso’s 亚伯拉罕·汉, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers 豪尔赫·拉腊克劳迪奥·马雷罗, who compete in a 10 轮的战斗.




演出门票, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已发售,可通过 Ticketmaster 购买.










I’m well prepared for this fight, I’ve had a great camp with Robert Garcia. I have a tough unbeaten opponent who’s really good. I just have to prove I’m better on Saturday night.




I’m so excited to be finally fighting in Texas and I’ve gotten so much love and support already from this city. I can’t wait to give these fans a show.




This is the kind of fight that I can really display my skills. I’m going to show everyone the same heart that I always do, combined with some skills that Robert Garcia has helped get.




I’m going to be prepared for anything on Saturday. Cruz is unbeaten and that brings its own kind of mentality. I know I have what it takes to conquer this challenge and fight the best in the division.




This is going to be a textbook Josesito Lopez performance. I’m going to fight my hardest from bell to bell and take this victory home with me.






El Paso has been great to me and I’ve really enjoyed my time here. I’m in this city to fight. I’m here to come and prove myself in this welterweight division.




I have respect for what Josesito’s done in the game, 但在这一天结束, this is the premier division in boxing. I feel I’m one of the best guys at 147 and I’ll be here for a while. I’m going to be a force.




I know Josesito is bringing the fight and I promise you I’m bringing it as well. I will come out on top. This is a can’t miss fight for sure.




I have to be smart and execute my game plan round after round. My jab will be key and if I can use that and wear him down to the body, I think I’ll have a great chance to stop him.




I know what it takes to win at this level now. I’ve gotten better each fight and I think my time is now. People are going to know my name after Saturday night.






I plan on going in there and getting the victory. I know Han is a great fighter who will bring the best out of me. That’s what I need right now.




Come Saturday it’s going to be just another fight for me. I take everybody seriously. I know that anything can happen in that ring. I prepared well for this fight and I’m ready to get the win.




Everyone knows that I’m a championship-caliber fighter and I’ll prove it again on Saturday. 这场战斗后, I’m ready to take on any of the super middleweight champions. I’ll beat any of them.




I’m the best fighter that he’s ever going to fight and he will see that on Saturday. I’m going to leave no doubt.






I’ve fought in many other people’s backyards so being able to fight here in my hometown is amazing. I turn it up to a different level here. The crowd will give me a big boost in energy and it’s going to help me get the win.




I hope the sports fans of El Paso come out and watch me put on a great performance. I know the type of challenge I have in front of me, but I also know that I have the skills to pull this off.





This is a great opportunity to show people outside of El Paso what kind of fighter I really am. I have a lot of experience and I’ve fought all over, but I don’t know if I’ve ever been more prepared for a fight.




Anthony Dirrell is a great champion but I’m a champion of this city. This is my chance to take down a big name and move to the next level of the sport.






I’m going to leave the ring Saturday night with my hand raised. I’ve had a wonderful training camp and I prepared perfectly for this fight. It will show on fight night.




Marrero better be ready, because I’m going to come at him and look for the kill early. I want to make a statement and I’ll go through him to make it.




I’m very focused and ready to take home this win on Saturday night. The fans are going to love my style and the heart that I fight with.






I hope that Jorge Lara is ready to fight on Saturday night. This is going to be a battle and I know that we’ll both leave everything in the ring.




I prepared well for this fight because I know that everything is on the line for me. I have to be victorious so I can go on and get where I want to in boxing.




I’m more skilled and more experienced than anyone that Lara has faced and on Saturday night I’m going to give him lots of problems.




# # #




球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.