標記檔案: 狐狸

朱利安“J-搖滾'”威廉姆斯得分一致決定勝利在“雨燕'賈勒特赫德在費爾法克斯採取統一超中量級冠軍在英超拳擊冠軍的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行從EagleBank競技場, 將.



點擊 這裡 對於照片
信貸: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/ TGB促銷

點擊 這裡 對於照片
信貸: 利奧·威爾遜/ PBC

FAIRFAX, VA. (五月 11, 2019) - 朱利安“J-搖滾'”威廉姆斯 知道他走進獅子的巢穴時,他從費城前往弗吉尼亞州面對不敗統一超中量級冠軍“雨燕”賈勒特赫德在他的後院. 但威廉姆斯 (27-1-1, 16 科斯) 不害怕.

他來了. 他看到,他征服了赫德 (23-1, 16 科斯), 得分在12輪的一致決定, 赫德交給他的首次虧損,並採取IBF, 在EagleBank競技場家鄉父老在喬治·梅森大學的校園前WBA和IBO冠軍.

人群和觀眾黃金時段, 其調諧到FOX和客場顏色FOX, 目睹來自威廉姆斯和赫德在什麼肯定會是一個“年度'候選人的鬥爭中的英勇表現. 法官曾威廉姆斯擊敗輕而易舉地與赫德的得分 116-111 和 115-112 兩次.

威廉姆斯曾拿出短,他以前在世界冠軍的企圖時,他是在通過TKO停止對傑默爾·查洛 2016. 他被他的情緒在赫德爆冷擊敗後,不堪重負, 誰是超過29歲的威廉姆斯推定最愛.

“我只是不知所措. 這是這樣一個偉大的感覺. 我勝過他. 我在世界上最好的戰鬥機之一,“威廉姆斯說. “也許我還沒有準備好為冠軍而我第一次拍攝. 我拿損失. 我把它像一個人與整個世界懷疑我. 我走進這個打五比一弱旅。''

“這是一個夢想成真. 我一直在等待了多年. 我從來沒有拋棄健身房. 我從來沒有為女孩或離開健身房. 我是從街頭, 但我從來沒有在街頭. 我在健身房練我的手藝.

“在我認為唯一的人是我的團隊, 但我可以說的是“和新的”!”

赫德往往是一個緩慢的起動器和威廉姆斯讓他付出代價. 他跳上衛冕冠軍出了大門的, 扔清脆的拳背後類似手槍的戳. 威廉姆斯在第二輪下跌赫德與拍攝到寺廟.

“它並沒有真正改變我的策略. 這僅僅是一個閃光擊倒. 它讓我措手不及. 我是不是真的受傷了,“”赫德表示,.

傳感他驚呆了赫德, 威廉姆斯出來在下一輪射擊. 他拿起步伐,赫德決定匹配的攻擊兇猛,而不是在它之下枯萎. 通過第三輪中途島, 赫德落在了起泡的左勾拳是向上搶購威廉姆斯的頭,慢慢地開始恢復他的形式.

赫德和威廉姆斯來到戰壕在中間兩輪, 關閉的距離,在狹小的戰鬥. 傳統的觀點似乎傾向於赫德在這個空間, 因為他的身體比威廉姆斯大. 但威廉姆斯確實比守住了自己.

到了第七輪, 戰鬥已經成為一場消耗戰和意志的考驗. 赫德削減了他的左眼在第八輪. 到時, 威廉姆斯完全控制.

威廉姆斯說,他也為赫德向他投去準備一切, 但它絕不是小菜一碟.

“他不容易打比我想像. 他很狡猾,他不得不重手. 我只是呆在泰然自若. 我聽我的教練,我只是工作,'“威廉姆斯說. “他不能傷害我. 我看到了一切,他被扔. 我把他打倒. 遊戲計劃是不過贏我可以. 我適應在飛行. 我們知道他有一定的傾向和對他的工作的傾向. ''

赫德說,他不覺得自己在對威廉姆斯的鬥爭. 在一個喧鬧的家鄉父老充滿了家人和朋友的前線打仗,他從附近的Accokeek冰雹, 馬里蘭州.

“我沒能下車. 我真的不能現在把它叫做. 我得回去看. 我是裝在我的鏡頭,而不是只是讓我的手去,“”赫德表示,. “J-岩是今晚只是更好的男人. 人們確實在我們的合同複賽條款,我要為它去. 我會回來的比我今晚。'“

超輕量級的感覺馬里奧巴里奧斯 (24-0, 15 科斯) 得分超過胡安·何塞·貝拉斯科一場毀滅性的第二輪淘汰賽的勝利 (20-2, 12 科斯) 在共同特徵. 聖安東尼奧的巴里奧斯, 德州保持他的不敗紀錄完整,當他落地破碎本體出手就是通過第二輪拉斯科發送到畫布中間. 裁判雨果斯皮諾拉算出來的貝拉斯科在 1:16 第二輪為阿根廷在他的手和膝蓋想喘了口氣.


“我看到他每次他都會介入時間開放. 我知道是要做到這一點身體的鏡頭之一,我找到了甜蜜點,“”巴里奧斯說. “我們沒想到它快點結束這. 我沒有預測淘汰, 但我知道我必須這樣做,並阻止他的權力。”

“我是非常有信心. 我有一個偉大的訓練營. 我不知道怎麼感謝維吉爾獵人和團隊,為這場鬥爭的準備. 我們知道他是用身體拳脆弱,這是對的東西,無論我工作. 這是我最喜歡的一個鏡頭. 我一直在努力,因為它的業餘愛好者“。

巴里奧斯說,他將建立在戰勝貝拉斯科,繼續爬上梯子 140 英鎊.

“我想一個射擊世界冠軍. 我一直在健身房. 我總是準備. 我希望所有的在煙 140. 我想任何一個冠軍. 我準備把在聖安東尼奧大打我所有的家鄉球迷。'“

在開幕電視回合中量級的競爭者Orotukan的馬特·科羅博夫, 東梅多的俄羅斯和Immanuwel阿利姆, 紐約州. 大步對方 10 發. 他們輪流按壓動作和打侵略者, 盛出,吸收最好的,每個人都必須提供. 最終科羅博夫 (29-2, 14 科斯) 和阿利姆 (18-2-1, 11 科斯) 曾經戰鬥過的多數平局. 一名法官曾贏得科羅博夫 97-93 和兩名法官取得它 95-95.

在第六輪科羅博夫降落在麻煩震撼阿利姆,叫他暫時組合. 但阿利姆經受住了風暴. 阿利姆出來強在第九輪, 整個環幾乎運行,以滿足科羅博夫, 誰在最後一秒慢慢地抬起36歲的身體角落落凳. 傳感戰鬥的親密性質, 既科羅博夫和阿利姆卸載並登陸一些沉重的鏡頭尋求法官的記分卡,以保持結果遠.


“我不覺得他做得不夠. 我試圖用我的範圍. 他只是摸我. 我意識到,當我開始打他,他沒有氣。“,”阿利姆說. “我是比人們想像的更快. 我看到空位投籃的機會比人們預期. 我發了言,今晚我想繼續做陳述。”

科羅博夫 , 誰在他的最後一戰中失去了一致決定傑默爾·查洛, 說,他反對阿利姆在比賽中感覺呆滯.

“我感到沉重和不完全不夠犀利. 這是很難作出反應,並從裡面去阻止他. 我有事情去努力。“,”說科羅博夫. “他是比我預想的更強硬. 他並不像查洛強, 但他是一個非常好的戰鬥機. 他不停地挺身而出. 他不怕. 他只是不停地老拳。”

# # #

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

JARRETT HURD VS. 朱利安·威廉斯最後的新聞發布會QUOTES & 照片

統一的154磅冠軍赫德 & 頂級競爭者威廉姆斯
方關上FOX總理拳擊冠軍之前 & FOX Deportes進行主賽事這個星期六晚上從EagleBank Arena在費爾法克斯, 弗吉尼亞州居住在 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT

點擊 這裡 從蕭薔特拉普/ TGB促銷圖片

阿靈頓, VA. (五月 9, 2019) – 統一的154磅重的世界冠軍 “迅速” 賈勒特赫德 和頂級競爭者 朱利安 “J-搖滾” 威廉姆斯 在之前FOX他們頭條總理拳擊冠軍和FOX Deportes進行上週四晚上最後的新聞發布會預覽他們的對決,這個星期六晚上從EagleBank Arena在費爾法克斯, 弗吉尼亞州.

此外現蕾關閉在新聞發布會上並步入環星期六在行動開始 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT是不敗的超輕量級的競爭者 馬里奧 “阿茲台克” 鄰里 和阿根廷的 胡安 “鬥犬” 何塞 貝拉斯科, 在10輪的戰鬥誰見面, 和中量級的競爭者 馬特·科羅博夫伊曼紐爾·阿利姆, 誰戰鬥在10輪的吸引力.

該事件門票現已公開發售,並可以通過特瑪購買 (ticketmaster.com).

這裡是戰士不得不說週四從希爾頓逸林酒店阿靈頓, 弗吉尼亞州:


“這是一個偉大的一周. 這是回家的我一直想. 它甚至比我想像的要好,我迫不及待地踏進環.

“你可以告訴了很多關於一個戰士,當你處於領先地位看他們去戰鬥. 朱利安·威廉姆斯看起來自信,他看起來準備. 這將是搏擊之夜經典.

“它已經有樂趣的城市和我的家鄉這種支持. 它刺激我. 的厚愛和支持促使我在健身房,以確保我去那裡,做戲.

“我是一個大154磅,但我知道如何削減重量和得到它的權利. 我們還在吃著呢,我們會堅強來爭取晚上。”


“我真的不認為太多關於他的家鄉戰鬥. 我爭取在路上我的整個職業生涯上. 我只是專注於戰鬥, 不是發生了什麼事情在環外.

“我們談到了在訓練營中有很多不同的事情. 我們想盡一切辦法. 這聽起來陳詞濫調之前,我從來沒有說,這, 但是這是我吃過的最好營. 我已經準備好去獲得這場比賽的勝利.

“我只看到一個人在那邊. 他的人群不能為他戰鬥. 這一切都將是星期六晚上.

“戳始終是一個關鍵. 這是一個在拳擊比賽中最重要的衝頭和這對我來說關鍵不管我打誰. 我總是大個子訓練營工作,所以尺寸將是什麼新鮮事。”


“我們致力於成為在訓練營爆炸. 一如既往地與維吉爾獵人的工作是偉大的. 這是一個很大的機會,我很高興能穿上這些球迷一場精彩的演出.

“他是一個飢餓的戰鬥機. 這是最主要的事情. 他嚐到了失敗,他並不想再次. 我擋了他的路. 上週六晚, 他沒有得到我的過去.

“我越來越強大和更好的每一個陣營. 這裡沒有太多可說的, 但我只是盼望著在環星期六。”


“對紅塔Prograis的鬥爭是非常艱難的,對我來說很重要. 我想成為世界冠軍,它給我什麼,我需要做什麼來實現這一目標. 我打算把我所學到的顯示屏上週六.

“我們已經看到他,我們知道他能夠做到的事情. 我們知道,我們必須做好準備,以獲得這場勝利。”


“我認為是一項勝利反對傑默爾·查洛的鬥爭,因為人們知道我現在好多了,知道我的立場在這個師與我在短時間內表現. 我很高興能回來和我這場戰鬥. 我的團隊完成了一項偉大的工作準備,我們會準備好週六晚上。”


“我的教練喬治·彼得森一直強調培養全年. 我們不是兼職的戰士. 我總是在健身房工作. 當戰鬥來, 我們時刻準備著.

“科羅博夫是另一個對手誰在我的方式來成為世界冠軍. 我已經得到了與左撇子一些很好的工作,準備好他,我覺得充分的準備.

# # #

赫德VS. 威廉姆斯坑IBF和WBA 154磅重的世界冠軍賈萊特 - 赫德對頂級競爭者朱利安·威廉姆斯在超級拳擊冠軍的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行星期六的主要事件, 五月 11 從EagleBank Arena在費爾法克斯, 弗吉尼亞州.

不敗超輕量級的競爭者馬里奧 “阿茲台克” 巴里奧斯再戰阿根廷的胡安 “鬥犬” 何塞·貝拉斯科在10輪的戰鬥和中量級的競爭者馬特·科羅博夫與Immanuwel阿利姆在10輪的回合擦出的電視行動的一部分,在開始 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通過FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes進行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

超中量級冠軍托尼·哈里森 & 前世界冠軍杰梅爾·查洛設置為對FOX總理拳擊冠軍翹首以盼的複賽現場在黃金時段見面 & FOX Deportes進行星期日, 六月 23 在拉斯維加斯的曼德勒海灣活動中心

超中量級冠軍托尼·哈里森 & 前世界冠軍杰梅爾·查洛設置為對FOX總理拳擊冠軍翹首以盼的複賽現場在黃金時段見面 & FOX Deportes進行星期日, 六月 23 在拉斯維加斯的曼德勒海灣活動中心

前世界冠軍吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯再戰令人興奮的胡鬥士在切婭超最輕量級冠軍消除 –

電視報導開始於 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT


LAS VEGAS (五月 2, 2019) – WBC超中量級冠軍 托尼 “超級壞” 哈里森 和前超中量級冠軍 Jermell夏洛茨維爾 將步入環為萬眾矚目的複賽住在週日黃金時段, 六月 23 在福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行曼德勒海灣活動中心在拉斯維加斯總理拳擊冠軍的主要事件.

電視報導開始於 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT和功能前世界冠軍 法案 “豺狼” Rigondeaux 以激動人心的墨西哥競爭者 七月切婭 在WBC超最輕量級世界冠軍消除.

門票活動, 這是由獅子只有促銷推廣, TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷, 現已公開發售,並可以在AXS.com購買.

哈里森和夏洛茨維爾的第一次相遇發生現場直播福克斯在十二月哈里森贏得了決定,並打亂查洛賺取標題. 回合結束性質有助於保證立即複賽,有望可以達到同樣的高度充電和戲劇性.

“托尼·哈里森和杰梅爾·查洛展示了他們的精英人才,以世界在他們的第一回合,我預計在複賽6月23日一個更加爆炸性的對決,” 說湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統. “哈里森無疑將是他最好的一次,因為他看起來確立了自己在積分榜上排名. 杰梅爾·查洛肯定是更有動力比以往任何時候收回他的現場154磅重的部門之上. 球迷在調整福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行的黃金時段,並在曼德勒海灣活動中心出勤都在為一個充滿動感星期天晚上。”

哈里森 (28-2, 21 科斯) 已被證明是 “底特律強硬” 由已故的伊曼紐爾管家訓練和管理早年啟發的拳擊生涯中. 他在去年十二月他的一致決定勝利夏洛茨維爾到達頂部之前爬回冠軍爭奪兩次.

哈里森的軌道上為標題射擊痛苦在他職業生涯的第一次虧損前 2015 到威利·納爾遜. 之後的三連勝, 他在對賈勒特赫德空置154磅重的冠軍贏得了一槍. 雖然哈里森有很強的時刻,在戰鬥, 他最終輸給了赫德,被迫再次登頂. 另外三場勝利之後, 包括對前世界冠軍艾希·史密斯的勝利, 哈里森採取了對查洛他的第二個世界冠軍頭銜的機會優勢.

“現在作為一個世界冠軍, 我很高興能捍衛我的冠軍,第一次在這複賽,每個人都期待著,” Harrison說. “我覺得有上查洛實際上更多的壓力, 同上次一樣. 這只是一個祝福,我要對福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行戰鬥星期天, 六月 23. 每個人都將是調諧到這場鬥爭中,我們將帶來在拉斯維加斯的動作曼德勒海灣, 世界拳擊之都. 我打算做同樣的事情,以Jermell我在做月. 我要爭取獲得勝利, 然後我不想聽到任何更多的哭鬧或藉口。”

這位28歲的查洛 (31-1, 15 科斯) 遭受了他職業生涯的第一次挫折與密切一致決定損失哈里森. 戰鬥了休斯敦, 得克薩斯州, 夏洛茨維爾贏得空缺的WBC冠軍的毀滅性的淘汰賽戰勝約翰·傑克遜 2016. 他做標題的三個成功的防禦與亮點捲軸擊倒了查爾斯·哈特利和埃里克森魯賓, 再加上多數決定戰勝前世界冠軍奧斯汀鱒魚.

查洛在達拉斯德里克 - 詹姆斯訓練的, 誰是公認的 2017 年度雅虎體育教練和還與中量級冠軍羅爾·斯彭斯JR. 夏洛茨維爾是一分鐘比他的同卵雙生兄弟年輕, Jermall, 誰是WBC中量級臨時冠軍和前154磅冠軍.

“我在心中的一個無情的狀態. 我心煩意亂,這個即將到來的戰鬥, 我打算給它 110 百分,” 說夏洛茨維爾. “我現在餓的方式比我之前. 我沒有絕望了勝利,因為我知道如何取勝. 法官給了我一個錯誤的決定,因為我沒有拿到淘汰賽, 但你沒有敲所有人都趕到擊敗他們. 他知道他沒有打我. 他知道到底發生了什麼. 他知道他不能打敗我. 如果我在那裡去,並再次證明這一點, 我會。”

Rigondeaux (18-1, 12 科斯) 看起來炫耀,使他一個統一的世界冠軍和磅磅列表的成員常年當他步入六月環高超的技術技能 23. 兩屆奧運會金牌得主為他的祖國古巴, Rigondeaux與勝利超過nonito Donaire主場的喜歡他的名字, 波多黎各拉莫斯和約瑟夫Agbeko. 這位38歲的最近淘汰喬瓦尼·德爾加多在一月FS1.

戰鬥在外面特拉爾內潘特拉的, 墨西哥, 眉 (32-3, 28 科斯) 贏得了一個臨時世界冠軍在超輕量級 2015 在第五輪停止雨果魯伊斯. 這位26歲就失去了完整的標題來魯伊斯在他們的複賽中 2016, 但已經贏得了兩個三個戰鬥,因為, 包括安塞爾莫莫雷諾的敲除.

# # #

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通過FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes進行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo, @MandalayBay和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

前兩次分區冠軍丹尼·加西亞推出的統治性表現隨著福克斯總理拳擊冠軍阿德里安·格拉納多斯的第七輪停工 & FOX Deportes進行主賽事週六夜晚從尊嚴健康體育公園卡森, 加利福尼亞州

重量級競爭者安迪·魯伊斯JR. 失敗亞歷山大Dimitrenko由TKO五回合後 & 不敗布蘭登·菲格羅亞停止Yonfrez帕雷霍後八輪捕獲中期122磅重的冠軍

中國人民銀行搏擊之夜額外的FS1 & FOX Deportes進行功能的傑森羅薩里奧勝利 & 阿爾弗雷多·安古洛, 另外還有不敗前景卡洛斯Balderas, 奧馬爾華雷斯 & 羅蘭多·羅梅羅

點擊 這裡 從弗蘭克Micelotta / FOX體育圖片
(密碼: NGLHombreTV)

點擊 這裡 從利奧威爾遜Jr./Premier拳擊冠軍照片

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/梅威瑟促銷

CARSON, CALIF. (四月 20, 2019) – 前兩科狀元 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 (35-2, 21 科斯) 下降 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 (20-7-2, 14 科斯) 他停在七輪週六晚,在卡森標題福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行拳擊冠軍從尊嚴健康體育公園次中量級對決前三次, 加利福尼亞州.

“我以前說過, 當丹尼·加西亞是他最好的, 沒有人能擊敗他,” 加西亞說. “我已經得到了在過去的一點點舒適, 但我把我的 110 %投入到這場鬥爭中,當我做, 我擊敗所有人。”

加西亞得到了他的進攻很早就開始, 在兩回合偏轉從格拉納多斯右手和投擲在戰鬥下降格拉納多斯首次完美的左鉤拳計數器. 格拉納多斯持續推高,並試圖改變潮流, 但加西亞的交換結束的上手權利發送格拉納多斯下第二次兩回合.

“這感覺很好著陸那麼大的左鉤拳,” 加西亞說. “我是我的表現感到驕傲. 我想今晚我的表現非常出色。”

“他是在交往中非常尖銳,” 格拉納多斯說. “這就是他被抓住了我. 我知道這是我發自內心的避免. 但在我的韌性總是蓄勢待發. 我願意從事。”

格拉納多斯試圖想方設法減緩加西亞的勢頭, 但在試圖人群加西亞,他也經常陷入與內部權力拳. 第四輪看到格拉納多斯開始從鼻子和五輪格拉納多斯嚴重出血滴第三次, 這次從組合加西亞交付,同時他格拉納多斯上的繩索.

“作出聲明今晚的辦法是阻止他,” 加西亞說. “本場比賽的計劃是打破他. 我有太多的工具. 我不能讓他流連與我.

“他想接近我,並使其成為混戰. 但我令他感到驚訝,當我站在他猛磕到身體. 然後,我開始讓他懷念那個時候我攔住了他。”

七輪, 加西亞登陸 48% 根據CompuBox他的權力拳, 和熱鬧的他幾次後, 引發了亂舞,同時格拉納多斯是在迫使裁判托馬斯·泰勒停止回合的繩索 1:33 成七輪.

“他抓住了我一些好球,但我真的以為我沒事,” 格拉納多斯說. “我認為裁判是有點過度保護. 我有一個計劃去整個戰鬥,他們攔住了我對我的腳. 我還在追趕他的鏡頭. 我仍然是危險的,找一個大人物來改變戰鬥. 裁判不得不雖然做他的工作,我理解這一點。”

同贏, 加西亞將尋求與其他精英的welterweights更大的戰鬥.

“我希望我沒有嚇唬帕奎奧遠,” 加西亞說. “我很想與肖恩·波特和基思·瑟曼複賽, 或者用羅爾·斯彭斯JR一拼. 我回來了!”
合作的主要事件特色的重量級競爭者和美國南加州風扇喜愛安迪 “破壞者” 魯伊斯JR. (32-1, 21 科斯) 得分超過將軍澳勝利亞歷山大Dimitrenko (41-5, 26 科斯) 後在他們的重量級對決五輪動作.

魯伊斯閃過已經定義了他的職業生涯的特殊手速, 落地難的組合,以高大的Dimitrenko的頭部和身體. 魯伊斯大步Dimitrenko, 控制環的中心,並挑選他的斑點卸載.

“他開始放緩,我可以看到他所做的臉,當我打他的身體拍攝,” 魯伊斯說. “我只是呆在紀律和專注. 我不能太著急. 我只是想打破他直到樹倒了下去。”

Dimitrenko試圖用他的刺拳,以保持魯伊斯在海灣,並能引起下魯伊斯的右眼浮線作為幾輪繼續. 這是不夠的,讓魯伊斯挺身而出,並在五輪,他開始堆積處罰, 與搶購Dimitrenko的後腦勺硬右勾拳打斷.

“我們曾在滑倒他的右手和我自己回來,” 魯伊斯說. “我錯過了幾個人,但我住忙. 我專注於剛剛起步的工作做好。”

第五輪後, 和Dimitrenko的角落的意見, 裁判雷電暈停止回合前輪六方會談正式展開. 魯伊斯是領先於所有三個記分卡,並設置為他可能的下一個對手另一個頂級的重量級競爭者目光投向.

“對於我的下一場比賽,有你這樣的人我, 一個胖乎乎的令人振奮的戰機我想,” 魯伊斯說. “亞當Kownacki我準備好了, 我們開工吧。”

在FOX的開幕回合不敗看到頂級的競爭者 布蘭登 “令人傷心的” 菲格羅亞 (19-0, 14 科斯) 通過停止賺取臨時WBA超輕量級冠軍Yonfrez帕雷霍 (22-4-1, 11 科斯) 後八輪動作. 帕雷霍沒有回答鐘九個回合, 迫使裁判傑里坎停止回合,而帕雷霍是在角落裡.

“這是一個了不起的感覺,夢想成真,” 賽義德·菲格羅亞. “我不能等待什麼是未來next.I以為我會完成他的下一輪. 他已經持續相當不錯,但一旦我把壓力達到另一個層次, 我知道他將無法繼續。”

這位22歲的菲格羅亞儘早並經常使用他的簽名壓力, 通過有效的鏡頭走帕雷霍降落前幾輪建立在戰鬥中他的位置. 帕雷霍已經成功登陸掛鉤,而菲格羅亞是在裡面暴露, 但無法避免還擊, 尤其是身體拍攝,最終導致了戰鬥結束.

“他把大量的強投的身體,我覺得我的腿在最後一輪的走到底,” 說帕雷霍。”他是非常強大的,但有時措手不及,我試圖利用這個優勢. 他太強大了今晚。”

菲格羅亞開始在後期輪扔更加組合, 該無效化帕雷霍試圖讓去進攻. 他最多產的幾輪回合四,五, 他在那裡降落 31 和 41 功率分別拳. 片面的八輪,其中菲格羅亞降落出來後,帕雷霍 33 到 15, 它已經很清楚,帕雷霍沒有足夠的對他的拳停止猛攻. 裁判第九輪開始前與帕雷霍協商後停止回合, 正式給菲格羅亞的勝利.

“我的空調是驚人的,我每一輪震感強烈,” 賽義德·菲格羅亞. “我排在後面,我已經準備好了的人。”

在FOX卡後, 額外的FS1和FOX Deportes進行PBC搏擊之夜是由標題 傑森羅薩里奧 (19-1-1, 13 科斯) 贏得分裂決定了 豪爾赫·科塔 (28-3, 25 科斯) 通過分數 97-93 為科塔和 96-94 和 97-93 羅薩里奧在10輪超中量級回合

該FS1部分拉開序幕,高度吹捧的前景 羅蘭 “羅利” 羅梅羅 (9-0, 8 科斯) 淘汰 安德烈斯·菲格羅亞 (9-5, 5 科斯) 1:27 到他們的輕量級鬥爭的四圓. 瑞星不敗 2016 中美. 奧林匹亞 卡洛斯Balderas (8-0, 7 科斯) 保持完美停止 路易斯·月 (21-14-1, 8 科斯) 在 1:07 在他們的輕量級戰鬥四個圓形和超輕量級前景 奧馬爾華雷斯 (3-0, 1 KO)通過分數贏得了一致的決定 40-36 兩次, 39-37 經過四輪對抗德韋恩債券 (3-2-1, 1 KO).

# # #

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 這次活動是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會.

丹尼·加西亞VS. 阿德里安·格拉納多斯FIGHT星期的媒體訓練QUOTES & 照片

前兩次分區冠軍加西亞再戰所有行動的競爭者格拉納多斯在FOX總理拳擊冠軍 & FOX體育
卡森, 加利福尼亞州 – 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/梅威瑟促銷

SANTA MONICA, 例如. (四月 17, 2019) – 前兩科狀元 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 和中量級的競爭者 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 在媒體的鍛煉參加了週三,他們是附近的頭條上FOX和FOX Deportes進行英超冠軍拳擊從尊嚴健康體育公園這個星期六晚上在卡森他們的主要事件對決, 加利福尼亞州.

鍛煉也特色的重量級競爭者 安迪·魯伊斯JR.亞歷山大Dimitrenko, 在10輪的回合誰見面, 和不敗的競爭者 布蘭登·菲格羅亞, 誰面臨委內瑞拉 Yonfrez帕雷霍 在12輪比賽的WBA中期超輕量級冠軍,在揭開序幕廣播 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.



“我在這個舞台上戰鬥時,我是 6-0 所以這是令人興奮的是回. 我也贏得了在洛杉磯對羅伯特·格雷羅的次中量級冠軍. L.A. 一向對我很好. 有一個偉大的氣氛,我喜歡這裡戰鬥.

“我已經準備好對任何人, 但我還沒有看過去格拉納多斯. 在一天結束時, 我必須專注於週六晚. 我一定要得到這個勝利.

“有相當多的利益, 所以我知道格拉納多斯將準備. 我刻苦訓練,我想我在我的生活中最好的形狀. 我想我更好的形狀我現在比我的最後兩場戰爭. 我迫不及待地表現出來,上週六晚.

“你看丹尼·加西亞打架,你知道我一直在晃悠試圖敲人. 預計上週六另一個不容錯過的打.

“我知道格拉納多斯帶來的表, 但我相信,在我的技能和辛勤工作,我們投入營. 該計劃當然是拿到淘汰賽,並期待壯觀, 但我不是準備去更多 12 硬輪。”


“這是在製作的經典. 我們要作秀. 我感覺好極了. 我們已經關閉了營地正好和我們已經準備好搖滾星期六.

“有很多的挑戰,在這場戰鬥中. 我必須去那裡佔據主導地位,從他採取的鬥爭遠. 丹尼是一個偉大的戰士,是有原因的,他是一個大的名字在體育. 這是我要利用機會.

“我並不感到驚訝,肖恩·波特說我比丹尼·加西亞更強硬的鬥爭. 我看著這兩個打架,你可以在我已運行肖恩生存看到底. 他做了他該做的逃跑, 但對於這場戰鬥,我把它出來的其他人的手.

“我不認為丹尼正在過去我, 但我知道他有更大的計劃. 我在這裡要打斷這些計劃. 我有自己的計劃. 我將自己彈射到我屬於哪裡哪裡,我應該一直.

“我的父母辛辛苦苦把我在正確的道路上. 我參與體育作為一個孩子,並且永不回頭. 我一直呆在專注於我的運動和研究. 誘惑在那裡芝加哥. 我堅守我自己,現在我在一個地方,很多人仰望我. 如果我贏了上週六可以證明一切皆有可能。”


“這將是我在這個場地打第四. 我每次都得到了淘汰賽, 所以我認為這是一個好運氣的舞台對我來說. 我有過挫折, 但我已經準備好為我的復出.

“我一直在刻苦訓練為這場鬥爭作出聲明. 我很高興能獲得這場比賽的勝利,並做重點.

“Dimitrenko是一個老戰士,我知道我不能把他掉以輕心. 我們要做好準備,可能最好的人贏. 我已經準備好採取所有的挑戰者.

“我只需要保持寬鬆,讓我的手去. 我要展現的那種戰鬥機,我. 我的速度和方式,我用戒指將是一個關鍵.

“我看過Dimitrenko的戰鬥, 我知道我必須做我必須做的. 我認為這是很難為他打小傢伙像我, 尤其是速度和誰拋出的組合。”


“這對我來說是一個重要的戰鬥,我在這裡取勝. 這是什麼新的我. 我的工作是來這裡把一個偉大的表現. 我是一個職業很長一段時間,我準備週六.

“我在大的戰鬥比魯伊斯更多的經驗. 我想給我在這場鬥爭中最好的. 有對我沒有壓力,我感覺輕鬆備戰.

“我對科比詹寧斯最後一戰一個壞停工結束,我期待抹殺記憶. 上週六的勝利對我很重要,我不看過去,. 我必須做我的工作,我們將看到之後會發生什麼.

“這是我在洛杉磯第一次, 我已經得到了享受天氣一點點,但它的所有業務. 我專注於戰鬥上週六, 這一直是目標的所有營地,我們領導到上週六一個偉大的演出。”


“這是一個時刻,我一直在等待,因為我是一個小孩子. 機會就在這裡, 我已經準備好了,我迫不及待地把它.

“我有一個非常好的訓練營. 我的身體已經準備好身心. 我知道,帕雷霍是誰去嘗試框我一個非常好的戰鬥機. 我覺得一旦我把對他施加壓力, 我將能夠主宰他.

“我認為帕雷霍在他的內線弱點, 這是一件好事,我真正擅長的. 我覺得像我過去幾年打架,我使用了主宰我的對手.

“這是我的時間閃耀. 我有一個很好的訓練營,我在這裡把這個機會. 我只有22歲,我已經很努力讓我在哪裡現在。”

# # #

加西亞VS. 格拉納多斯會看到前兩分世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞對抗崎嶇的老將阿德里安·格拉納多斯在頭條上的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪次中量級回合, 四月 20 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

重量級的競爭者安迪·魯伊斯JR. 發生在亞歷山大Dimitrenko在共同特徵不敗的競爭者布蘭登菲格羅亞10輪再戰回合委內瑞拉Yonfrez帕雷霍在12輪比賽的WBA中期超輕量級冠軍,打開開始於黃金時間播出FOX 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Veteran Contender Adrian Granados & 重量級的競爭者
安迪·魯伊斯JR. Prepare for Respective Premier Boxing Champions
在FOX & FOX Deportes Matchups Saturday, 四月 20 從
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

點擊 這裡 從梅威瑟促銷圖片

LOS ANGELES (四月 4, 2019) – All-action welterweight 阿德里安·格拉納多斯
nd heavyweight contender 安迪·魯伊斯JR. continued preparation for their respective showdowns at a media workout in Los Angeles Thursday before they step in the ring Saturday, 四月 20 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州.

Granados will face former two-division world champion 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 in a 12-round welterweight bout that headlines action, while the Southern California-native Ruiz takes on 亞歷山大Dimitrenko in heavyweight action as part of the broadcast beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT. Fans are encouraged to arrive early to not miss any of the televised action.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Thursday from Fortune Gym in Los Angeles:


“我感覺好極了. I’m starting to peak and everything is clicking. I had a great camp and I’m just excited for this fight.

This is a great style matchup. Danny is a strong puncher and a great counter puncher. 我將是正確的有. I’m going to come with it. I also have a lot of intangibles that people don’t see. I’m not one-dimensional and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I think I have more dog in me than Danny does. He complains a lot and also gets away with a lot. He does what he has to do to win. I’ve never been given anything and I think I have a lot more to prove than he does.

My fights against Shawn Porter and Adrien Broner were good preparation for this. I think against Broner I should have gotten the decision, but I didn’t. Against Porter, I fought the wrong fight and missed the chance I did have. I’ve got a chip on my shoulder from both experiences.

This is my chance to show the boxing world that I’m elite and get my title shot. I’ve always wanted to become a world champion, and I haven’t got my opportunity at 140 where I beat the number-one contender. I’m not afraid to fight anyone so I’m here to get a big win.

I think I need a stoppage or a dominating win. It has to be one-sided. I have enough controversial losses that I know that I can’t leave it up to the judges. I’m training hard to dominate the fight.

I’m kind of a ‘young vetbecause I’m only 29-years-old but I’m battle-tested. I was never promoted until the last three or four years. I’ve had to do what I had to coming up. I took the tough fights that most prospects wouldn’t.

I always knew I had the talent to be at this level and I’m glad that I’m respected and recognized now, but it’s time for me to get a big win. I’m going to show that I really belong and I’m an elite fighter.


All the hard work in the gym has been paying off and I feel prepared for April 20. I’m facing an experienced guy who’s tall, but I think my pressure and my speed will make it difficult for him.

We’ve looked at Dimitrenko’s past fights and put together a game plan. We’re going to stick to it and execute. We’re going to attack the body and I think with my speed and combinations I’m going to get him out of there.

I’m coming back from a layoff but it’s over and right now my goal is to make a statement and let everyone know that I’m back in action. I’m ready to take one of the spots at the top of the division.

There are a lot of big fights I want, but my mind is totally focused on April 20. I’ve never been this motivated. I’m going to be fighting more often and I’m glad to have the opportunity.

Fighting for the Mexican fans gives me more motivation now than ever. I want to be the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world and hopefully this year or next year I will accomplish those dreams.

I have everything I need now to get to where I want to go. This is just the beginning. The more fights I have, the better I’m going to be looking.

It feels great to be fighting in Southern California and I know there will be a lot of Mexicans out there on April 20. It’s always a great atmosphere and my game plan is to steal the show. I’m going to give it all I got for the fans.

I think Dimitrenko is going to use his jab and move around. 他的身高, but he can’t run away forever. At some point you have to be there toe-to-toe. We’ve worked on our head movement and we’re going to be ready for anything he brings.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

“安迪·魯伊斯JR. is exactly where he should be right now. He’s re-dedicated himself to the sport of boxing and when he does, there might not be a better heavyweight out there. He traveled to New Zealand and took on Joseph Parker in his backyard and lost a majority decision. He’s tasted it and he’s hungry for it again.

Arguably Adrian Granados could have a record of 27-1 and he’s ready for his moment to shine. I like where he’s at mentally as far as taking charge and winning these fights so he can move on and become a champion, which has been his goal since he got into the game.

# # #

加西亞VS. 格拉納多斯會看到前兩分世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞對抗崎嶇的老將阿德里安·格拉納多斯在頭條上的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪次中量級回合, 四月 20 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Hard-Hitting Jeison Rosario Clashes with Mexico’s Jorge Cota In Middleweight Showdown on PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deporteson Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

Also in Action! Veteran Brawler Alfredo Angulo, 2016 中美. 奧運選手卡洛斯·巴爾德拉斯(Karlos Balderas) & Sensational Lightweight Prospect Omar Juarez Competing in Separate Televised Bouts Beginning at 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT Following PBC on FOX Broadcast

CARSON, CALIF. (三月 27, 2019) – Hard-hitting contender 傑森羅薩里奧 發生在墨西哥 豪爾赫·科塔 in a 10-round middleweight fight that headlines PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, 四月 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Battle-hardened veteran 阿爾弗雷德 “狗” 安古洛 will fight in the co-main event of the telecast, while exciting lightweight prospect and 2016 中美. 奧林匹亞 卡洛斯Balderas 發生在 Pedro Vicente in a six or eight round bout and highly-decorated lightweight prospect 奧馬爾華雷斯 clashes with Mexico’s Luis Gerardo Perez Salasin a four-round match to open the telecast at 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT.

PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA will follow the PBC on FOX primetime show headlined by former two-division world champion Danny “迅速” Garcia battling rugged veteran Adrian Granados in a 12-round welterweight bout.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

The non-stop block of boxing promises wall-to-wall action for fans who tune into FOX, FOX Deportes and FS1.

玫瑰園 (18-1-1, 13 科斯) was busy last year, scoring victories in three of four fights in 2018, including wins over then-unbeaten Jamontay Clark and contender Justin DeLoach. He is coming off a stoppage victory over Marcos Hernandez in February on FS1, which avenged a split draw the two boxers fought to in 2018. The 23-year-old from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic who now lives in Miami, 佛羅里達, will have his hands full against the hard-hitting Cota (28-2, 25 科斯). The 31-year-old Cota from Los Mochis, 錫那羅亞, Mexico has scored three straight knockout victories since losing to Erickson Lubin in 2017. He’s coming off a TKO victory over Euri Gonzalez in November

Balderas (7-0, 6 科斯) scored three stoppage victories in his fights last year and continues to progress up the lightweight ladder. The 23-year-old Balderas of Santa Maria, 加利福尼亞州, 是的一個部件 2016 中美. Olympic boxing team and most recently stopped Jose Cen Torres in February. 維森特 (6-2, 2 科斯) is looking to build on the momentum from his unanimous decision victory over Luis Miguel Ortiz in his last fight in January.

The 19-year-old Juarez (2-0, 1 科斯), who is from Brownsville, 得克薩斯州, will be climbing back into the ring quickly after scoring a knockout victory over Phillip Percy in February. 薩拉斯 (5-2, 1 科斯) is looking to rebound from back-to-back losses when he steps in against Juarez.

In other non-televised action, Los Angeles bantamweight Daniel Guzman (2-1-1, 1 KO) takes on Monterrey, 墨西哥 Hugo Rodriguez (0-3) in a four-round bout, unbeaten Alhambra, Cal., 次中量級 Emmanuel Medina (16-0, 9 科斯) battles Japan’s Gaku Takahashi (16-9-1, 8 科斯) in an eight-round match and Colorado Springs瑞奇·洛佩茲 (20-4, 6 科斯) 面孔 喬佩雷斯 (14-3-1, 10 科斯) in a 10-round super featherweight bout. Round out the card is Fontana, 加州的 Raymond Murattala (6-0, 4 科斯) meeting Mexico’s Eduardo Reyes (9-15, 6 科斯) in a six-round lightweight bout and Edinburg, 得克薩斯州’ 納爾遜·漢普頓 (4-2, 4 科斯) fighting in a four-round lightweight special attraction.

# # #

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

丹尼·加西亞VS. ADRIAN GRANADOS LOS ANGELES PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & 照片 – Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/

LOS ANGELES (三月 19, 2019) – 前兩屆處世界冠軍 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 and veteran contender 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 previewed their Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes main event showdown at a press conference in Los Angeles Tuesday as they prepare to square-off Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

四月 20 broadcast begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT and features heavyweight contender 安迪·魯伊斯JR. 承擔 亞歷山大Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender 布蘭登·菲格羅亞 battling Venezuela’s Yonfrez帕雷霍 in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from the Palms Restaurant Downtown L.A.:


I’ve been training hard. I’ve seen Granados fight a few times and I know what he can do. I’m excited to be back in Los Angeles, because this is where the stars fight. This is another fight that can get me to where I want to go in my career.

My mentality is that I have to stop Granados. Nobody has stopped him and I have to do that to make a statement. He’s never fought a counter puncher like me and I’m definitely the hardest puncher he’s faced. I’m going to showcase everything to get the stoppage.

This is another fight for my legacy. There have been a lot of great fights in my career and this is another important one for me. I know he’s coming to fight, but I’m looking to make this one of my easiest wins.

He’s a tough and aggressive fighter who likes to throw a lot of punches. 他是餓了, and that’s the type of guy that you have to watch out for. I’ve got to handle my business against Granados before I look to any bigger fights.

This is a big platform for me to perform on. I’m going to show the world why I’m one of the best fighters in the world.

I plan on winning with style. I’m going to bring a lot of skill, a lot of will, a lot of power and I’m going to entertain my fans. 四月 20 will be the ‘Danny Garcia Show.'


“這將是一個偉大的鬥爭. We’re two fighters who bring it. I’m coming for a victory in dominating fashion. This is the fight that I’ve wanted for a while now.

I haven’t had the easiest road and that’s why I’m looking to get my respect in this fight. I’m looking forward to this. It’s going to be a barnburner. 可能最好的人贏.

If he’s underestimating me it will definitely be a big mistake on his part. I don’t think he will though. I think he realizes now he’s in for a fight. If he didn’t know me before, he does now. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind April 20.

I was never taken care of coming up. I always had to work harder to get to where I’m at. Danny and I basically had the same accolades in the amateurs, and I always gave him kudos for what he’s done in his whole career, but he doesn’t know what I’ve gotten through to get here.

I’m coming to get my respect in this fight. I’m going to make Danny fight and see what he’s made of. I’ve always had a chip on my shoulder but being able to take out a fighter like Danny is motivating me to another level.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

Premier Boxing Champions has made a major commitment to bringing some of the best and biggest fights to Southern California. We started with the Wilder vs. Fury heavyweight title fight downtown in December and we’re back again in April at the Dignity Health Sports Park. This is the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States and we have a great show there on April 20.

Danny Garcia is a throwback fighter. A first-ballot Hall of Famer in my opinion. At 140-pounds he took on the best in the division and never backed down from a challenge. Danny was a 2-1 underdog when he fought Lucas Matthysse, and we knew what happened after, he proved the doubters wrong. I’m so excited to have him back in California on this great card.

Adrian Granados could arguably be sitting up here with a record of 27-1, since all but one of his losses have been by split or majority decision, and usually it’s in his opponent’s backyard. He’s a battle-tested veteran who’s made a name for himself bringing action-packed fights to the fans. When we announced all the PBC on FOX fights, this is the one that I circled.

LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO of President of Mayweather Promotions

“這將是一個了不起的戰鬥. I’ve really been looking forward to this fight because I’ve known these guys for a long time. Styles make fights and in this particular matchup, we have two fighters who are all action.

Danny has shown that he’s an elite fighter, because he’s beaten a number of great world champions. Adrian Granados always comes to fight. He’s never ever in a boring fight. The styles mesh so well, with Danny being a world class counter-puncher and also being a superb boxer. Granados is going to force Danny to fight on the inside a lot more than usual.

I think this fight is going to bring the best out of both Danny and Adrian. They’ve both fought a number of very good fighters and been in involved in numerous debatable decisions. They’re going to have to leave it all in the ring come April 20.

# # #

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Unbeaten Former Champion David Benavidez Scores Second-Round TKO of J’Leon Love, Undefeated Former Champion Luis Nery Earns Dominant Fifth-Round TKO of McJoe Arroyo & Heavyweight Fan-Favorite Chris Arreola Stops Jean Pierre Augustin In Round Three

Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Wins Via Disqualification on PBC Prelims on FS1

點擊 這裡 從弗蘭克Micelotta / FOX體育圖片
(密碼: NGLHombreTV)

點擊 這裡 從瑞安Hafey /英超冠軍拳擊照片

阿靈頓, TX. (三月 17, 2019) – 埃羅爾·斯彭斯JR. retained his IBF Welterweight World Championship in his hometown in front of 47,525 fans with a unanimous decision over four-division world champion 米奇·加西亞 in the main event of the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from AT&牛逼體育場阿靈頓, 得克薩斯州.

The motivation fighting in front of my hometown crowd made me feel great,” 斯彭斯說:. “These people have supported me since day one and I wanted to put on a good performance for all of them.

I really appreciate the love and support of the fans tonight,” 加西亞說. “It’s a great night and all the credit to Errol, he’s a great champion. He’s the truth. He executed his game plan very well.

The bout started technical, with Spence pumping a consistent jab and attempting to cut the ring off while Garcia was patiently looking for a chance to counter. Garcia had some success early throwing counter left hooks over Spence’s jab, but was never able to get in a rhythm against the busier champion.

He came out here with a good game plan and kept the distance at his favor,” 加西亞說. “I couldn’t get my rhythm going and he did what he had to do. I tried to make adjustments and he kept executing.

在第四輪, Spence dominated most of the action before Garcia made a late surge and forced Spence into a defensive crouch for the final moments of the round. Garcia kept that energy going early in round five, putting Spence on the defensive temporarily before he regained his momentum and returned to connecting on powerful straight lefts.

Spence increased his body-punching as the fight went on and looked to wear down the fighter who was moving up in weight. Garcia began bleeding from his nose in round eight, at which point Spence increased his output and landed 35, 29, 34 和 25 punches in rounds nine through 12 分別, 根據CompuBox.

Throughout training camp, a lot of commentators thought he was too smart and I couldn’t box as well as him,” 斯彭斯說:. “I showed I can box and I can move my head if I want to. The game is to be smart, it’s the sweet science. I had the size and reach advantage, so why not use it to take away the jab? It’s a weapon for me and it takes away one of his weapons.

I was able to hold my own,” 加西亞說. “I felt good and I felt strong myself. I think he felt my power, but he definitely has power also.

While Garcia showed his mettle in making it the distance, Spence was simply too effective, with one judge even scoring round 11 10-8 斯彭斯為. Spence threw a career-high 1082 punches and out landed Garcia by a staggering 345 到 75 餘量.

After 12-rounds of action, all three judges saw the fight for Spence, 通過分數 120-108 兩次, 120-107.

I give Mikey Garcia all the credit for taking this fight,” 斯彭斯說:. “Mikey and I put on a great show in front of all these lovely fans. I respect him so much and I appreciate him for stepping up.

We just went 12-rounds with a great welterweight champion,” 加西亞說. “That’s a feat no one has done recently. I’m proud of what I was able to do. I have to go back and think about it. I will probably go back to lighter divisions but we’ll have to think about it.

戰鬥結束後, Spence declared that he wanted to fight boxing legend and welterweight titleholder 帕奎奧 下一個, who entered the ring after the fight.

He’s broken records here before, he’s a legend in the sport and it’d be my honor to fight him next,” 斯彭斯說:.

是的, why not?” 帕奎奧說, when asked about facing Spence next. “We’ll give the fans a good fight. I’m so happy to be here at AT&T Stadium and I hope I will be back here soon.

在合作的主要事件, unbeaten former 168-pound world champion 大衛Benavidez(21-0, 18 科斯) 佔主導地位 J'Leon愛 (24-3-1, 13 科斯) to earn a second-round stoppage in their super middleweight matchup.

It’s a dream come true to fight on this stage in front of these fans,” 說Benavidez. “These fans give me the motivation to get up every day and go the extra mile.

From the opening bell Love sought to crowd the taller Benavidez, but the 22-year-old Benavidez quickly made him pay, landing a powerful left hook that stunned Love. Love was able to last the round, but took more powerful hooks from Benavidez before the bell.

I expected to knock him out, but when I hit him with the first god shot, I knew he wasn’t going to last,” 說Benavidez. “I tried to pace myself, but it wasn’t necessary tonight.

Benavidez wasted little time in the second round, delivering power shots that put Love on the run. Benavidez caught Love with a clean combo on the ropes that stunned Love and forced referee Laurence Cole to jump in and stop the bout 1:14 進入第二輪, as Benavidez began to throw furious combos.

He was getting his shots off, but I don’t think I was taking too much punishment,” said Love. “I wasn’t out of the game completely but he did catch me with a couple good shots.

回合後,, Benavidez set his sights on WBC Super Middleweight Champion Anthony Dirrell, who was in attendance at the fight.

I saw Anthony Dirrell with the WBC belt. He can’t call himself champion until he fights me. That’s my belt. I’m going to go get it. It’s mine.

Additional action featured former bantamweight champion 路易斯·納裡 (29-0, 23 科斯) knock down former champion McJoe阿羅約 (18-3, 8 科斯) four times on his way to a fifth-round victory by stoppage in his U.S. 登場.

We’re two great fighters who were here to put on a show,” 說了Nery. “That’s what you have to expect from fighters of our caliber. I’m happy to start on the right foot here in my U.S. debut and show everyone I’m still the best at bantamweight.

Nery stalked Arroyo from the opening bell, throwing big power shots that forced his opponent to fight off his back foot. 同 45 seconds left in round two, Nery scored his first knockdown with a left that stunned him and follow-up combination that put Arroyo on the canvas.

Arroyo was unable to keep the hard-charging Nery from coming forward and again hit the mat late in round three, as a wide left hook hurt Arroyo before he was put down from a flurry that followed. The trouble continued for Arroyo in round four, as he was knocked down twice more in the final minute of the round.

I never felt like I was dazed or anything, they were just hard punches,” said Arroyo. “I went down but got right back up. If it were up to me I’d have kept going. I have to give respect to my opponent for his performance. This isn’t the end of my career. I’ve seen him fight before but I was surprised by his power. It was his night tonight.

After the fourth round, Arroyo’s corner stopped the bout, making the official stoppage 10 seconds into round five. Nery dominated the bout, out landing Arroyo 87 到 36, 而登陸 44 他的權力拳%的.

We’re going to train hard and hopefully by June, we’ll have the belt back,” 說了Nery. “I want to win back my belt, then unify the division.

The opening bout on pay-per-view saw heavyweight fan-favorite 克里斯Arreola (38-5-1, 33 科斯) score a third-round stoppage over previously unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin (17-1-1, 12 科斯).

Augustin is a hungry kid who tried to make a name off of me,” 說的Arreola. “I lose and I’m out, but I’m not going out. I touched him a couple of times and saw he was hurt. I stayed calm and the stoppage came.

After blood started pouring from Arreola’s nose towards the end of round two, the Riverside, California-native got off to a quick start in round three, connecting with a straight left that stunned Augustin and nearly sent him to the canvas in the opening seconds.

As the round progressed, Augustin tried to hold and move to regain his composure, but was eventually caught with a flurry in the neutral corner that put him on the canvas. While he got up and was able to continue, another flurry in Augustin’s corner, including a big overhand left, eventually forced referee Neal Young to stop the fight 2:03 進入第三輪.

Every fighter feels like they can continue, 但它是什麼, it’s out of my control,” said Augustin. “I was more stunned than hurt, but he jumped on me and finished.

In the dominant final round Arreola landed 18 的 30 權力拳, compared to just three punches landed in the round by Augustin.

I love fighting,” 說的Arreola. “We’re both were trying to beat each other up and I love it. I’m blessed to be a fighter.

Preceding the pay-per-view, PBC Prelims on FS1 featured former heavyweight champion 查爾斯·馬丁 (26-2-1. 23 科斯) winning via disqualification against previously unbeaten Gregory Corbin (15-1, 9 科斯) in the eighth-round of their showdown. After deducting a point from Corbin in rounds four, five and six because of low blows, referee Mark Calo-oy stopped the bout in round eight after another low blow. The official time of the disqualification came 53 seconds into round eight.

I don’t think he really wanted to fight, he wanted to hit me low and see how much he could get away with,” 馬丁說. “I could sense that he didn’t want to engage anymore.

“就是這樣, I thought I was hitting him on the belt,” said Corbin. “We wanted to go to the body, I thought he was tired. I hurt him once, but the low blows did it for me.

We’re going to get back in camp, take a few days off and then get back to work,” 馬丁說. “We’re staying busy in 2019.

The event was promoted by Man Down Promotions and Garcia Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Welterweight Champion Spence Jr. & Four-Division World Champion Garcia Headline PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event This Saturday from AT&牛逼體育場阿靈頓, 得克薩斯州

I’m going to punish him and make him wish he took his brother’s advice
to not take this fight,” – 斯彭斯

Getting this victory will forever leave my name in the history books. No other fighter is daring to do what I’m doing,” – 加西亞

點擊 這裡 for Photos from James Smith/Dallas Cowboys

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Jason Janik/FOX Sports

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾·哈姆/ TGB促銷圖片

阿靈頓, TX. (三月 13, 2019) – Unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion埃羅爾·斯彭斯JR. and undefeated four-division champion 米奇·加西亞 went face-to-face at AT&牛逼體育場阿靈頓, Texas Wednesday at the final press conference before they go toe-to-toe at the same venue this Saturday in a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event.

Spence and Garcia shared their thoughts on Saturday’s highly anticipated event and posed for photos for media in attendance ahead of this historic event.

Tickets for Saturday’s event, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions and Garcia Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, 現已公開發售, 可以在以下位置購買 SeatGeek.com, AT的官方票務提供商&T體育場.



This is a dream come true fighting in my hometown at AT&T體育場. I can’t wait to put on a great performance. Seeing Mikey’s face here today, it’s got me hungrier than ever to put on a great performance

The size difference won’t matter. Skill for skill and talent for talent, I’m more dominant than him in every aspect. I’ll beat him at anything he wants to do. On paper he’s the toughest opponent to date, but once we get in the ring we’ll find out.

I don’t think anyone has the power to knock me out. We don’t allow that kind of mentality into training camp. I hope he tries though.

Mikey is supposed to think he’s going to win this fight. He called me out, so they obviously think that they see something. I’m glad he’s as confident as I am. I hope he keeps that same energy inside of the ring.

Our training camp, we train for a hard 12 輪的戰鬥. We prepare for a bruising fight. If I knock him out early, then that’s a bonus. We trained for the distance because we know anything can happen in a fight.

I’m always calm, that’s just my demeanor. I could talk to Mikey Garcia in the locker room before the fight then come out and knock his head off. I’m always on go. I’m naturally like this. I’ve been ready to go for eight weeks. I’m tired of seeing him and I’m just ready for fight night.

I can’t worry about what Mikey sees in me. I let my coach worry about it. Everyone thinks they see something looking on the outside, but it’s a lot harder once you’re in the ring.

This win makes me pound-for-pound number one. Mikey has a great record and a big fan base and I feel like winning this fight turns me into a star. Everyone wants to take Floyd Mayweather’s place as the face of boxing, and this puts me on the right track to become the face of boxing and the best fighter in the world.

This is a legendary fight. This is where we see what fighters are made of. There have been a lot of great fights when little guys came up and beat a bigger fighter. You can’t ever write off the little guy. This is going to be a hard fight.

I know I’m the best fighter in the world and I’m going to show it Saturday night. I’m going to punish him and make him wish he took his brother’s advice to not take this fight.


I have all the tools and all the skills needed to beat Errol Spence Jr. When it comes to timing, 速度, reflexes and defense, you name it, I’m better.

Here in Texas, it’s like a second home. I’ve won two world titles here. Having great fan support at the grand arrival was a special moment for me.

I’ve got to go in there Saturday night and show why I picked this fight. I want to make history and this is the one that will get me there.

I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win this fight. We trained very hard. 我們可以去 12 rounds for sure. 但, if I get a chance to hurt my opponent, I’m definitely going to jump on him and get the knockout.

“週六晚, Errol is going to find out why I picked this fight. All of my opponents say they don’t see anything special when they watch me, until they get into the ring.

I know what I have to do on fight night. I know all the work that I put in. I didn’t put all that effort in for nothing. 週六晚, I have to execute. Once I get inside the ring, that switch will turn on.

I have to fight the best fight of my life. 如果我不, then I can’t overcome the challenge. You don’t win a fight with size and weight. We fight smart, we fight intelligently and pick our shots. There are a lot of factors. That’s how I win this fight.

Getting this victory will forever leave my name in the history books. No other fighter is daring to do what I’m doing. I’m here to make history and this fight does that. This fight is about big challenges and obstacles.

All the attention and buzz about this fight is for real. It’s not often you get a fight like this. Undefeated champions in their prime facing each other. If you want to witness history, you better buy a ticket or the pay-per-view.

德里克·詹姆斯, 斯彭斯的教練

Getting up on the stage today, it was like fight night. I feel what Errol and Mikey are feeling. It’s go-time for both of these guys.

Mikey Garcia is a great opponent, but he’s still just another opponent. We’re going to go in there and show him why we’re better. Errol is feeling great, so I am too.

Ring intelligence is definitely one of Mikey’s best attributes. But he’s never been in the ring with Errol. Errol has been in the ring sparring with Floyd Mayweather before and I don’t think Mikey has the same ring intelligence as him.

Errol knows what he should be doing and what he shouldn’t be doing during fight week. He will be ready on Saturday night.

ROBERT GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & 訓練者

Not only have all of our sparring partners told us this, but his opponents always say the same thing. Once they’re in the ring, they realize how hard Mikey hits and how strong he is. Spence doesn’t know that but he’ll find out Saturday.

A lot of fighters have problems with southpaws like Spence, but Mikey has a lot of experience facing lefties and I’m confident that won’t be a factor.

Spence’s style is pretty basic, so it’s not too hard to find sparring partners to emulate him. Spence does everything right, just like Mikey. From a preparation standpoint, his style isn’t a big challenge.

We haven’t just been facing regular sparring partners. They’re experienced, talented and undefeated fighters. He’s facing middleweights to get ready for this one and I know he will be.

# # #

Order the PPV 和參觀 PremierBoxingChampions.comFight Night Info and more on 埃羅爾·斯彭斯JR. 和 米奇·加西亞.

斯彭斯VS. Garcia is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event that is headlined by unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. defending his title against four-division world champion Mikey Garcia on Saturday, 三月 16 從 AT&牛逼體育場阿靈頓, 得克薩斯州.

The PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT and will feature undefeated former super middleweight champion David Benavidezbattling veteran contender J’Leon Love, unbeaten former bantamweight champion Luis Nery taking on former champion McJoe Arroyo and fan-favorite Chris Arreola facing unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin.

Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT featuring former heavyweight world champion 查爾斯·馬丁 squaring off against unbeaten Dallas-native Gregory Corbin.

斯彭斯VS. Garcia will be shown on big screens across the nation through FathomEvents. 門票可網上購買 www.FathomEvents.com 或在參與影院票房.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

About AT&T體育場:
AT&T Stadium is one of the largest, most technologically advanced entertainment venues in the world. Designed by HKS and built by Manhattan Construction, 該 $1.2 billion stadium features two monumental arches, the world’s largest HDTV video board cluster, an expansive retractable roof and the largest retractable end zone doors in the world. Features of the stadium include seating for 80,000 and expandability for up to 100,000, 以上 300 luxury suites, club seating on multiple levels and the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, open to the public year round. The stadium is also home to a world-class collection of contemporary art, made up of over 50 pieces from an international array of curated artists displayed on the walls and in the grand public spaces of the venue. In addition to being the Home of the Dallas Cowboys since opening in 2009, the stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLV, 該 2010 NBA All Star Game, 該 2014 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four, 該 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship Game and the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. The venue has also played host to high school and college football, 音樂會, championship fights, international soccer matches, and other special events. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.attstadium.com.