標記檔案: Fighting For the Cure

Melson Nominated for Most Inspirational of 2015!

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紐約, 紐約 (十二月 29, 2015) – Junior middleweight boxer and philanthropist Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson has been nominated for Most Inspirational by Ring Magazine.

Having dedicated most of his life during the last 13 years to help cure Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries, Melson’s selfless efforts have been chronicled by various media outlets. The visibility of the cause he fights for and organization he donates 100% of his fight purses to, 團隊撲滅走路, has grown tremendously during the last few years.

該 2003 West Point graduate also helped organize three successful “Fighting for the Cure” galas and successfully lobbied New York’s powers that be to reinstate a bill that allocates a percentage of each moving violation towards Spinal Cord Injury research. 上個夏天, 該 15-1-1 junior middleweight along with Dr. 楊詠威, 博士. Patricia Morton and others met with Congressman Chaka Fattah at a briefing at the Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC to discuss clinical trials that could help hundreds of thousands suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries walk again. Word from Congress about the trial going forward is expected within 90 天.

總體, Melson’s raised more than $350,000 for Team Fight to Walk.

Last December the WBC honored me with their Ambassador Of Peace Award and this past July the NABF honored me with their Humanitarian Award,“梅爾森說:, who captured the WBC USNBC title with a career best performance in May 2015. “A sport that I was forced to first partake in because of a mandatory gym class at West Point my Plebe (大一) year along with my belief how I could use the boxing ring in order to help find a way to help people walk again has turned into this.”

My only hope is that any human being learning of this story, especially children, internalize the following: understand your power of creating a vision, understanding what your own abilities are to achieve that vision and prepare to suffer while holding on to that vision for as long as their is air in your lungs. I believe my experience throughout this journey so far has shown again how one person can be the raindrop that creates the storm of change. What is real in our minds is real. I’m honored that Ring Magazine included me and I hope the publicity helps raise funds and awareness for Spinal Cord Injuries. Thank you to the sport I love for sharing my dream.”

To support Melson, please visit the comment section ofringtv.craveonline.com/news/407191-2015-ring-awards-finalists-for-most-inspirational or tweet @Ringmagazine. For more information about Team Fight to Walk, 請訪問Teamfighttowalk.com. Tax deductible donations can be made on the website or by texting “Walk” to 20222.

團戰步行到舉辦“爭取治療”晚會十月 15!

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紐約, 紐約 (九月 24, 2015) - WBC - USNBC超次中量級冠軍博伊德梅爾森和Christan Zaccagnino, 團隊的創始人撲滅行走, 將主持該組織的第三次年度“爭取治愈”利晚會 星期四, 十月 15 在 6:15 下午

在貝克威思足尖在新羅謝爾, 紐約.

門票和贊助方案,以“爭取治療”都可以通過去 teamfighttowalk.com/gala 或致電 914-497-5727. 所有捐款可以扣除每國稅局法規.
紐約尼克斯隊偉大的約翰·斯塔克斯將擔任名譽主席的這個特殊的夜晚和許多其他客人將可混在一起票持有者. 目前嘉賓名單包括前世界冠軍和英鎊英鎊的超級巨星保羅·威廉斯, 紐約巨人隊超級碗XXV冠軍斯蒂芬·貝克, 中量級冠軍丹尼·雅各布斯, 前冠軍少年瓊斯和克里斯Algieri以及前紐約尼克斯隊赫伯·威廉姆斯和約翰·華萊士. 更多的客人將在短期內公佈. 這種出色的娛樂和意識的傍晚包括雞尾酒 & 開胃菜, 正式晚宴, 無聲拍賣, 酒杯表, 現場音樂, 開欄, DJ和演講嘉賓.
在過去的兩年中, 團戰走成功舉辦首映禮在紐約設有從阿蒂蘭格和達蒙·羅齊爾喜劇的行為伴隨著從梅爾森情緒演講, Zaccagnino, 主要馬克斯布魯爾, 世界知名的醫生. 楊詠威, 埃里克·羅格朗和癌症倖存者變成世界拳擊冠軍丹尼·雅各布斯.
六月, 梅爾森, 博士. 年輕博士. 帕特里夏·莫頓在華盛頓會見了美國國會, DC從在中國成功的脊髓損傷的臨床試驗提供證據. 中國的臨床試驗看到 15 出的 20 患者重獲重新走路的能力,並 10 病人有自己的膀胱和腸道功能回歸. 這是將在美國使用,從FDA的審判作出正式答复預計將在今年年底前完全一樣的程序.
如果試驗是發生, 的成本和手術療法是 $150,000 每名患者和 100% 這些成本正在通過公眾捐款募集. 該試驗將在大學醫院在紐瓦克舉行, 新澤西州將參與 12 病人. 目前,, 聯邦政府沒有提​​供資金援助, 儘管數千名士兵從脊髓損傷戰場上回來.
從他們在舞蹈俱樂部在會見過程中他的小輩年在西點的時候 2002, 在梅爾森一生中最重要的事情一直看到Zaccagnino走路了. Christan打破了她脖頸處的年齡 10 潛水事故發生後一直被困在輪椅上自從. 把矛頭指向了上述試驗的資助力度, 梅爾森的捐贈 100% 他的錢包從 16 他 17 專業團戰行走, 一 501(Ç)(3) 與他的錢包去一個兒時的朋友的兒子一人對抗腦癌. 兩個首映禮和他的專業之間的較量, 梅爾森的幫助籌集超過 $330,000.
我們很接近以往任何時候都作出顯著的差異在美國,“梅爾森說:. “團隊撲滅走路一直非常努力,這和我們的籌款活動一直不停. 還, 還有很長的路要走, 即使我們獲得了FDA的批准. 我們過去的首映禮一直懸而未決, 而我們的目標今年籌集更多的錢朝事業. 我們需要每個人都在那裡協助. 我們需要喚醒和生活的每一天,事實是,我們分享這個星球上領先我們活躍的意識. 我們的首映禮魂牽夢繞許多聽到那些慢性脊髓損傷的痛苦誰是故事和鬥爭不能手術在美國,可能使他們能夠再次行走參加者. 如果您無法出席晚會, 請考慮捐贈,以Teamfighttowalk.com. 每一美元有差別!”