標記檔案: Fighters4Life

Sign up for our next Charity Boxing Event at BB Kings Broadway!

Our Fighters4Life have raised over $700,000 to date and have supported wounded and disabled veterans, inner city youth development, cancer causes as well as the Sato Project Dog Rescue.

Join our next Charity boxing event benefitting Gleason’s “給一個孩子一個夢想”
Box on Broadway.
The venue is BB King Blues Club & Grill
We are looking for new people interested in the sport of boxing. It promises to be the adventure of a life time. You will get in the best shape of your life as you help great causes.

男人和女人, 誰熱衷於學習甜蜜的科學的來龍去脈,並展示了他們在環學習.
For the ten weeks leading up to your bout, 世界著名的格里森的健身房將提供需要得到你準備培訓 May 25th.
我們將記錄你的訓練和進步以及在幾個網站的照片和社交媒體網站. 你的家人, 朋友和同事可以遵循和分享旅程,因為你進入戰鬥造型.
If you are interested in being a part of this or know someone who is, 在給我們發電子郵件 info@gleasonsgym.net , 了解更多信息.
You can also call Bruce at Gleason’s Gym, 718 797 2872.