标记档案: 费尔南多·卡斯塔涅达


报告: 赞布罗塔迪卡罗

上周六晚, 在发动机室林肯大学, 当地球迷在他的世界拳击联盟的防御力变成了支持当地的小伙子内森Decastro (WBU) 超中量级世界冠军他自4月举行,以及尝试添加世界拳击基金会 (WBF) 冠他的收藏对来自墨西哥的后期更换费尔南多·卡斯塔涅达.

本来Decastro是由于面对尼加拉瓜何塞·巴雷拉, 然而周三瓦雷拉, 谁是在西班牙的时候, 被拒绝了西班牙当局的出境签证,当他抵达巴塞罗那机场为他的飞行英国, 所以未能成行林肯.

战斗本身是相当麻烦的事, 由于卡斯塔涅达的持续持有, 以下Decastro在第一早期登陆一个恶性身体射门,明确是影响墨西哥, 因为每次Decastro上前让撕裂,他会抢抱以防止进一步的处罚身体.

回合二和三都以相似的口吻,虽然是公平有一个多一点拳击, 而不是摔跤, 行动. Decastro工作他的敌人的尸体时,他得到了机会, 这是不是常因命中和保持墨西哥的战术.

第四轮是具有卡斯塔涅达关于控股严词更为开放下面裁判李Murtagh的, 以至于出现了一些恶毒的交流随之而来, 但是每次Decastro针对性的身体卡斯塔涅达仍然将首先抢抱, so Decastro began firing exocets to the head.

Decastro clearly had enough of being frustrated by Castaneda’s tactics as the fifth stanza began, the Bardney man changed tactics slightly and began to go forward far more as well as quicker and land some serious shots in the first minute or so, Castaneda responded in kind but quite ineffectively due to his determination to protect his body from further punishment by keeping his distance.

About half way through the round Decastro backed the Mexican toward the rope and feigned a jab, causing Castaneda to raise his hands just enough to create an opening and let rip with a massive hook to the body that sent the Mexican to the canvas doubled up in pain.

Castaneda initially tried to rise, 但马上崩溃,在痛苦中翻腾, 裁判李Murtagh的立即放弃过战斗,召唤医生戒指作为Decastro和他的团队开始了他们的庆祝活动. 补时一分钟法定时间和第五轮的38秒.

此前Decastro-卡斯塔涅达看到苏菲瓦利在打击海梅·贝茨行动专业拳击理事会 (PBC) 国际锦标赛铜牌.

不得不说这是一个破解的战斗从开始到结束, 两个女孩为每一个轮的整个2分钟艰苦战斗. 瓦利登陆一些严重的大款, 其中包括在第六震撼贝茨的核心, 她的双腿都不见了,但不知何故,她设法不只是停留在她的脚却被精明足以给自己几秒钟挂出刺拳,以保持瓦利在海湾恢复她的镇静.

每一轮是所有行动,认真关闭, 以至于我无法将它们分割, 得分明智, 在几个回合,每个到我的脑海里已经获得了几个回合,不得不承认,我认为结果是平局, 我错了 (我显然不是法官材料) 作为三位经验丰富的法官记分卡读取; 阿德里安·索恩 57-59, 詹姆斯Ancliff 57-58 格雷姆比尤利 56-59 所有赞成海梅·贝茨.

此前瓦利 - 贝茨是谢菲尔德的首次亮相扎克Lane和尼加拉瓜弗雷德里克·卡斯特罗之间的另一个开裂斗争.

在风格的冲突是真正让这场战斗, 卡斯特罗有一个明显的向前来全力进攻风格, 而莱恩的模拟王子纳西姆的风格, 男孩哦男孩的年轻人做这种风格的自己, 浸渍每一次袭击尼加拉瓜扔刺痛柜台前摇曳的危险了. 话说,我要强调莱恩不是一维的所有, 在需要的时候,他更乐意去脚趾到脚趾, 让RIP使用非常快速和强大的左派和权利.

这是伟大的斗争观看, 关闭和所有在整个行动. 经过四个梦幻般的轮裁判李Murtagh的拿下了比赛 39-37 赞成开张扎克·莱恩的, 太多的卡斯特罗和他的角落的烦恼谁围住裁判争论比分, 我完全理解,因为他是最积极的,但不得不说莱恩中和墨西哥的攻击轻松和他的反制是煽情和我的看法做了足够多,以确保胜利.

此前莱恩与卡斯特罗又是所有的动作惊悚片, 对利兹杰克琼斯塞浦路斯土耳其共和国2名平保持不败战士糖Atahasan之间的时间.

Atahasan支配使用他够不着的优势,非常好的效果的第一个节. 不过他没有就他自己的方式特别是作为斗争的进展到第二琼斯耐心工作逃脱大款让裂口至Atahasan的身体和头部之前塑造开口.

Atahasan加紧齿轮,真正为它去了第三, 并在第一主导诉讼. 大同小异的第四, 很好,直到大约经过时,琼斯Atahasan采取了防守错误的优势和降落发送土族塞在画布上一个镜头的中途桃. Atahasan勉强降落,并在瞬间,并就重启站了起来走到硬,虽然快速的轮结束.

经过四个回合轰动李裁判员Murtagh的的记分卡读 37-38 赞成杰克琼斯.


再次多么美妙的一切行动战争, 同行去了硬性并保持打桩进行大规模的拍摄,身体和头部的压力,整个第一轮, Mwamakula是尽可能清楚地艰难,因为他们来承受来自同行的激烈强大的攻击力.

第二略低于激烈, 同龄人的当选开关的战术略有, 放慢步伐,并挑选他的投篮. 大部分在第三相同, 但在第四同行加紧步伐一点,作为第一目标的严重艰难坦桑尼亚的身体.

经过四个优回合拳击裁判李Murtagh的的记分卡读 40-36 赞成保罗同行的.

此前同行VS Mwamakula是巴罗因弗内斯李奇力和立陶宛的托马斯Vaicickas之间重量级的较量.

再次,这是一个完整的战争, 有两个人去全员出动大部分的较量. 凯利特的表现我已经从他在相当长一段时间看到的最好的, 他显得信心十足,真正是把他的杆落后这么大的权力.

Vaicickas是艰难的,因为他们打击的风格来之前,并愉快地吸收大款从巴罗人未来的路上. 虽然奇力主导轮的第一轿跑车, Vaicickas来到自己在第三,他加紧脚步了后.

四是所​​有的奇力虽然, 以至于当战斗进入最后一分钟,立陶宛似乎放弃,只是站在背对由于步伐奇力的绳索已成立,只是随意吸收拳.

经过四大回合这是裁判李Murtagh的的记分卡, 这勿庸置疑阅读 39-36 赞成李奇力的.


图兰克开始硬性, 在每一个机会投掷大量炸弹和字面上被殴打莱昂, 谁几乎找不到有这么多的大款经常未来的路上开到柜台.

波多黎各的角落是如此担心,围绕着第一轮的分钟标记他的角落认输,以努力拯救他们的人进一步处罚, 然而裁判李Murtagh的刚刚拉开毛巾出来,让战斗继续, which it did but not for long as Turunc landed another huge shot to send Leon down and out on the one minute and twenty seven second mark of the first round.

Please don’t get me wrong, yes it was all one way traffic, as seems to be the norm with Turunc, I’ve seen him fight before and know just how relentless he is, Leon tried his hardest to stay in the fight but was outclassed by the seriously tough and powerful Turkish Cypriot.

The opening fight of the night really set the tone for the whole evening, as I hope I’ve made clear earlier that all bar the main event and of course Turunc vs Leon, the fights were all closely fought Battle Royale’s of the highest level, well believe me the opening bout, between debuting Lewis Mulberry and Gerona, 根据西班牙尼加拉瓜巴勃罗·纳瓦埃斯, 再次另一个层面, 这是耸人听闻.

桑真的去为它从一开盘及感觉盒装, 纳瓦埃斯是人才那么毫无疑问他是弥补战斗,给了一样好,他得到的回报, 然而,当他得到了一杆的桃抓住送到画布上还有轻微的歪的尼加拉瓜第一 – 会说我见过纳尔瓦埃斯在行动了几次,这是我第一次看到他失望, 所以荣誉给年轻桑.

第二轮看到Narvaez的是多一点的防守意识, 尽管仍然乐意去脚趾到脚趾与大冲压年轻人. 第三轮,虽然看到了相反的命运中作为纳尔瓦埃斯真正开始采取诉讼的立足点, 这使桑向人们展示自己的防守才华和煽情阻遏. 第四个是一个不折不扣的战争与男女双方去为它为全3分钟. 经过四个回合闪烁的拳击裁判的李Murtagh的拿下了比赛 39-37 赞成开张刘易斯桑.

我必须让桑与纳尔瓦埃斯夜的战斗, 很迷人, 也不得不说桑真正打动, 他是真正的交易, 他拥有所有的工具在他胸口的方式全力以赴顶端在我们敬爱的运动, 我一个不能等待再次看到他的行动,这是肯定.

Domonique通程 & Justin DeLoach Training Camp Notes

Super Welterweights Square-Off 星期五, 七. 16 in Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Action From The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
LAS VEGAS (九月 12, 2016) – Rising contenders Domonique通程 贾斯汀迪洛克 are set to meet in a pivotal matchup of highly regarded young fighters that serves as the co-main event of 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹电视 星期五, 七. 16切尔西 里面 拉斯维加斯The Cosmopolitan酒店.
Bounce TV 的电视转播始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT,由前世界冠军标题 是他 “糖吉文” 工匠 battling once beaten contender 直率的 “臭名昭著” Galarza.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, 开始 $29 与现已公开发售. 门票可在线购买:: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
这里是战士不得不说训练营, their 10-round showdown and more:
How has training camp gone for this fight?
Domonique通程: Training has been going well. My strategy has been to stick to conditioning. I swim twice a week and that’s something new that’s been added to my routine. It’s helped a lot with conditioning. I have a new coach, Theotrice Chambers, and we have great chemistry and the results will show come fight night.
贾斯汀迪洛克: “训练营已经达到惊人. It’s really been a great camp. We’re doing all the physical and mental things we have to do for this fight. I’m keeping my head in the game and I’m focused. This team has been with me since the amateur days.
What do you think of your opponent and how do you see this fight going stylistically?
DD: From what I saw, he looks like a tough guy. We are not on the same level though. He’s fought a couple of undefeated guys, but it doesn’t compare to my level of fighting. My skills will speak for me. I put in the hard work. I won’t be thinking about the crowd; it will be tunnel vision for me in the ring. My style is a boxer-puncher and I’m willing to get inside if I have to. I can adapt and adjust in the ring and that’s my advantage over him.
JD: This fight is not going all night. I will break him down early in the fight. I have been studying him and I know Domonique better than he knows himself.
What kind of problems does your opponent pose?
DD: I don’t see any problems. I’m been in the ring with all types of guys. I’ve gone toe-to-toe with a lot of guys and I’ve seen a lot. I have the experience advantage. I have what it takes and I’m just on a different level than Justin DeLoach.
JD: I don’t feel like there are any problems going into this one. I am my biggest challenge. The only person who can beat me, is me. He’s just another body in the ring. I’m going to outthink him in there. I have been keeping my mind right and that’s going to help me out on fight night.
What are you looking for in the future if you can get the win on 九月 16?
DD: This will probably be my last fight in the division. I will go down and pursue my career at 147-pounds. I believe I am a better and more natural fighter at 147-pounds. I have my names on guys at that weight, but for now I just want to make a name for myself. I’m looking to get a win and become a better fighter.
JD: I don’t feel the need to call anybody out. But if you have a belt, then I’m coming for you. It goes without saying that I want a title shot and I think I’m ready.
Why do you believe you’ll be victorious on fight night?
DD: I am going to win this fight. My confidence is sky high from the team I have been working with. I’m happy with the work I’ve been putting in. I have been training really hard and I believe in my ability. I have what it takes to win. I’m ready to put on a show for my family. I’m motivated by the negativity so the people against me will see what I bring come fight night.
JD: I feel like I’m bringing peace into this fight. I have nothing to prove and I’m trying to make a statement. He has more to lose than I do. I can only be Justin DeLoach. I am in this sport to challenge myself. The loss turned me into a better fighter. It humbled me and took a lot of pressure off of my shoulders. I am better than I’ve ever been before.
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欲了解更多信息,请访问: 万维网.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com. 门票, 访问: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , 成为Facebook上的粉丝在: www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, 万维网.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions万维网.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce.

Exciting Contender Alexis Santiago Takes On Mexico’s Jose Cayetano Friday, 七. 16 in Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Action From The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas – 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

更多! J’Leon Love vs. Dashon Johnson & Sharif Bogere vs. Luis Florez as Part of Exciting Undercard Lineup
LAS VEGAS (九月 8, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender 亚历克西斯 “Beaver” 圣地亚哥 (21-3-1, 8 科斯) will face Mexico’s 何塞·卡耶塔诺 (19-4, 9 科斯) 在一场 10 回合的对决中 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹电视 星期五, 七. 16切尔西 里面 拉斯维加斯The Cosmopolitan酒店.
The main event on Bounce TV will feature former world champion 是他 “糖吉文” 工匠 battling once beaten contender 直率的 “臭名昭著” Galarza. 电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and features a super welterweight showdown between Domonique通程 贾斯汀迪洛克.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, 开始 $29 与现已公开发售. 门票可在线购买:: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
Additional undercard action features super middleweight contender J'Leon爱 (22-1, 12 科斯) 作战 Dashon Johnson (21-19-3, 6 科斯) in a 10-round showdown and exciting contender Sharif “狮子” Bogere (28-1, 19 科斯) 承担哥伦比亚Luis Florez (21-4, 17 科斯) 在10轮超轻量级比赛.
The stacked night of exciting matchups will feature light heavyweight Lionell汤普森 (16-4, 10 科斯) in an eight-round bout against Chicago’s 乔治·多诺万 (25-5-2, 22 科斯) plus super middleweight Lanell “KO” 风箱 (16-1-1, 9 科斯) battling Mexico’s Fernando Castenada (18-10, 12 科斯) in an eight-round contest and undefeated 胡安Heraldez (10-0, 7 科斯) 承担墨西哥 Reyes Sanchez (28-8-2, 15 科斯) in eight-rounds of welterweight action.
Rounding out the night is Memphis-born prospect Ladarius米勒 (10-1, 2 科斯) 对阵不败 梅纳德·艾利森 (5-0, 4 科斯) in a six-round super lightweight bout and undefeated 桑贾贝克·拉赫曼诺夫 (4-0-1, 3 科斯) 在六轮次中量级比赛中.
亲自 2009, the 25-year-old Santiago is unbeaten in his last ten bouts and is coming off of a victory over Erik Ruiz in February. 这位凤凰城本地人击败了古斯塔沃·莫利纳, 哈维尔·加洛和安东尼奥·托斯塔多·加西亚 2015 and has not taken a loss since 2012. His most impressive triumphs came over once-beaten fighters Alex Rangel and Hanzel Martinez, both of whom he beat in 10-round bouts. He is set to take on the 29-year-old Cayetano who has fought professionally since 2009. Fighting out of Tijuana, 墨西哥, Cayetano lost a decision to Leo Santa Cruz in 2015 but has won his last two fights.
一个168磅一次挨打的竞争者, the 28-year-old Love bounced back from his lone defeat to defeat Scott Sigmon, Jason Escalera and Marcus Upshaw in 2015 before stopping Michael Gbenga in April to begin his 2016. 在英克斯特, 密歇根州的拥有战胜马尔科·安东尼奥Periban, 德里克 - 芬德利和Lajuan西蒙途中竞争者的地位. He takes on the exciting 28-year-old contender Johnson out of Escondido, 加利福尼亚州. He enters this fight coming off of back-to-back victories over Decarlo Perez and Victor Palacios.
A winner of his first 23 亲打架, Bogere fights out of Las Vegas while proudly representing his native Uganda. The 27-year-old has picked up up victories over Raymundo Beltran, Francisco Contreras and Manuel Levya across his career that dates back to 2008. He enters this bout on a five-fight winning streak and will take on the 29-year-old Florez out of Magangue, 哥伦比亚, who made his U.S. debut in February of this year.
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欲了解更多信息,请访问: 万维网.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com. 门票, 访问: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , 成为Facebook上的粉丝在: www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, 万维网.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions万维网.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce.