Tag Archives: female boxing clinic

All Female Boxing Clinic and Show at Gleason’s Gym

Gleason’s Gym will host the seventh Annual All Female Boxing Clinic on April 13, 14 eta 15, 2017.
There will be two days of boxing basics followed by a sanctioned all female boxing show.
The training will be handled by Gleason’s top female trainers and our female World Champions.
The amateur show will be sanctioned by USABoxingmetro. You will need a book to fight.
If you are interested contact Bruce Silverglade at Gleason’s Gym.
The telephone number is: 718 797 2872 and the email address is: info@gleasonsgym.net.
The cost of the clinic is $369.00.
You do not have to attend the clinic to participate in the boxing show.
Thursday April 13
Goizez New York sartu etorrera izango da.
Orientazioa izango izango 12:00 eguerdiko 1:30 pm.
Lehen entrenamendu izango izango 1:45 etara 3:45 pm.
A discussion on Female boxing will be from 4:00 etara 4:30 pm.
Horren ondoren denbora librea.
Ostirala April 14
Batetik Prestakuntza 10:00 am to Noon.
The arratsaldeko saioa izango da batetik exekutatu 2:00 etara 4:00 pm.
Amateur boxeoa eta White Collar boxeo buruzko eztabaida bat egingo du izango 4:00 etara 4:30 pm.
Horren ondoren denbora librea.
Larunbata, apirilaren 15
Batetik Argia prestakuntza 10:00 am 12:00 Eguerdian.
Araudia Match arratsaldean show ospatuko da batetik 12:00 eguerdiko 1:00 pm. Attendance is not required.
The pisatzen ikuskizuna izango da izango for 4:00 etara 6:00 pm.
The sanctioned All Female Boxing Show will begin at 6:00 pm eta izango da azkenean9:00 pm.
All Female Show
Female Boxers