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ATLANTA, GA (Frar 28, 2019) - Crypto Boxers, the first and only boxing game operating on blockchain technology, continues to make strategic moves around the virtual ropes. Concept creator Andrew Gilliam, founder and CEO of Me N’ Mines Media, has come out swinging with a defiant new logo; a new website (, designed by independent game development studio, PlayStakes; and a TKO game plan to bring “real boxing to the blockchain. Pushing the technology envelope beyond what is currently available in the crypto gaming space, Crypto Boxers has gamers in feverish anticipation as it will feature real life boxers as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum.

Crypto Boxers’ new logo now promotes the player as the ultimate crypto contender, switching the emphasis off the professional boxers and over to the gamer. The dynamic new website provides a preview into Crypto Boxers’ fully immersive, user friendly world where gamers will experience a fantasy boxing arena and engage in an interactive “gloves on” ring experience with the boxer of their choice.

“They said it couldn’t be done but we are doing it,” reveals Gilliam. “After 459 rejections, I now have major commitments, partners and growing interest from professional boxers who are calling us now. We are the first professional sports game on blockchain, and we plan to go every round! The logo and website are just a teaser of what is yet to come.”

Round4RoundBoxing, LatinoAthlete, FightTyme, u RichPlaceMedia are the first official partners to be announced by Crypto Boxers. Crypto Boxers will be releasing the names of confirmed professional boxers, boxing officials and judges that will be in the game soon. Some of the current talks with professional boxers include legendary champs like Evander Holyfield, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks u Antonio Tarver, along with currently active champsTerrance Crawford and female boxer Christina Hammer.

To throw your glove into the digital ring and stay updated on launch details, weigh in with Crypto Boxers fuq Twitter, Facebook, u Instagram and #GetIntheRing now at !

$2000 Throwdown Fantasy Boxing Crawford vs. Jean kapijiet logħba ġdida

NEW YORK (Ottubru 20, 2015) – Fannijiet boxing jkollhom opportunità oħra biex back up tbassir ġlieda tagħhom, kif ukoll jaqilgħu tissielet bragging u rebħ fi flus, sempliċiment billi tilgħab thenext $2,000 Throwdown Fantasy Boxing Game,online fuq, mħaddem minn Compubox.
Dan Throwdown Fantasy Boxing Game huwa probabbilment l-aktar diffiċli biex data, ikkaratterizzata Favourites projbittivi kif ukoll diversi pick qrib "em tissielet. Hawn taħt issib l-sħiħ line-up ma 'salarji ġellied:
Favourites projbittivi jinkludu middleweight champion tad-dinja junior Terence Crawford($5600) tiddefendi titolu tiegħu fid-dar fl-Omaha, Nebraska vs. Isfidant Kanadiżi Jean Ware ($4300), middleweight junior undefeated Jermall Charlo ($5800) vs. eks champion tad-dinja Joachim Alcine ($3900), u Olympian Joseph Diaz, Jr. ($5800) vs. Ruben Tamayo ($4000).
Tissielet Ħafna aktar kompetittivi, pick qarib "EMS, jinkludu Tony Thompson ($4800) vs. Malik Scott ($4500) fil-battalja ta 'heavyweights veteran, Prospett Każakstan Lipinets Sergey($5000) vs. Lydell Rhodes ($4600), Rick Brant ($4800) vs. Louis Rose ($4600), u Tony Harrison ($5100) vs. Cecil McCalla ($4500) fil-logħba-up ta 'ġellieda ġejjin off ta' telf diżappuntanti
Hemm tliet modi faċli biex tilgħab Throwdown Fantasy: 1. Agħżel ħames ġellieda mill-grupp logħba, użu tal- $25,000 għatu salarju (ara hawn fuq); 2. Imbagħad skorja fil-ħin reali track, jaqilgħu punti għal jirbaħ, knockouts u Compubox istatistika (ara l-eżempju dijagramma hawn taħt); 3. Skorja l-aktar punti jirbaħ. Logħob l-aktar aħħar ġimgħa sħiħa u kull wieħed għandu rebbieħa multipli.
Ġellieda jirċievu punti bbażati għal kif huma jwettqu, ppremjati kull stil ta 'boxing, u
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Parteċipanti ġodda li jiffirmaw issa jirċievu dħul FREE fis Throwdown Fantasy Boxing tal mensili Freeroll logħba. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 roll ħielsa li l-plejers tista 'tidħol użu Punti Throwdown (3 kollu b'xejn fuq ir-reġistrazzjoni) u $25.00 free game. Jiffirmaw u playing huwa b'xejn. In-nies għandhom l-opportunità li jirreġistraw u play b'xejn u mbagħad jimxu fuq logħob mħallsa.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing