Tag Archives: Evander Holyfield

Mis Downing Promotions kicks off Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend with a terrific night of boxing at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City on Friday, June 1st

Atlantic City, Nova Jersey (Març 29, 2018)–Mis Downing Promotions will officially kick off the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame 2nd Annual Induction Weekend Divendres, June 1st, with a great night of professional boxing at The Claridge: A Radisson Hotel.




The fight card on Friday June 1st in the Celebrity Theater at the Claridge Hotel will precede a great show that will take place the next evening Saturday June 2nd at Historic Boardwalk Hall {Adrian Phillips Theater} where Mis Downing Promotions will be working in associating with 4-Time Heavyweight Champ Evander “Reial Deal” Holyfield and his new promotion company Real Deal Sports & Entreteniment.




I am ecstatic to be able to promote a great card on Friday June 1st. We wish to set the tone for the Hall of Fame weekend with a great show at The Claridge, and then again the next night with Evander Holyfield,” Said Mis Downing, CEO of Mis Downing Promotions.




Full details on the card and ticket information will be announced shortly.



Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which include: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.

Fill / pare Bob & Murray Goodman serà incorporat a la classe de 2018 Estat de Nova York Boxa Saló de la Fama

Diumenge, Abril 29, Sopar Inducció
Kid Xocolata, James J. Corbett, Jack McAuliffe i Sam Taub encapçalen la nova classe

(L-R) – Bob i Murray Goodman
NOVA YORK (Març 26, 2018) – Salvadors de boxa Bob Goodman i el seu pare, la tarda Murray Goodman, són entre 23 membres de la classe de 2018 sent ingressat al Saló de la Fama de la Boxa de l’Estat de Nova York (NYSBHOF) a Diumenge tarda (12:30-5:30 p.m. I), Abril 29.
El setè sopar anual d’inducció al NYSBHOF se celebrarà un any més a Russo’s On The Bay a Howard Beach, Nova York.
Un llegendari publicista de boxa, Murray Goodman (Bronx) va portar el seu fill a la dolça ciència quan Bob només tenia vuit anys. La resta va ser històrica per als Goodmans, els dos són ingressats en diversos salons de la fama, incloent el Saló Internacional de la Fama de la Boxa.
“Aquest és un gran honor per a mi i per al meu pare,” Va dir Bob. “M’agradaria que fos viu avui per ser-hi. Sóc un boxador. Tenia vuit anys anant a tots els camps d’entrenament amb el meu pare, que va ser escriptor de boxa i editor esportiu de l’INS (Servei de Notícies Hearst) servei. L’acudit és que vaig ser concebut a Grossinger (Catskill Resort Hotel camp d’entrenament). La boxa acaba d’entrar a la meva vida. El meu pare i jo teníem negocis en promocions i relacions públiques, tot tipus de negocis relacionats amb l’esport, però sempre hi havia boxa.
“Sóc el noi més afortunat del món. Em van criar fent les coses que més m’agradaven. Quanta gent ho pot dir? Vaig conèixer i em vaig fer amic de Joe Louis, Marcel Cerdan, Sugar Ray Robinson, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Marciano i tants altres. Em quedaria setmanes als campaments. M’aixecava per córrer amb els boxadors i tenia l’oportunitat d’estar al voltant dels meus herois. També vaig conèixer entrenadors i altres entrenadors de boxa i aficionats posteriors. Vaig conèixer a tothom. Em van criar a la boxa, tota la meva vida va ser la boxa, 65 anys al negoci.”
Bob ho és, potser, més conegut com a vicepresident i aparellador de Madison Square Garden (1985-1994), així com un quart de segle exercint de vicepresident d’operacions de boxa, Matchmaker i director de relacions públiques de Don King Productions. També va ascendir a molts campions del món com a president de la seva pròpia empresa, Boxa Garden State.
“Recordo haver anat a campaments d’entrenament setmanes cada vegada,” va recordar amb afecte el Goodman, de 78 anys. “Faria fotos, escriure històries cada dia i utilitzar la meva telecopiadora per enviar-les a AP i UPI. Vaig fer tant per criar-me al negoci, fins i tot carregant camions amb cadires, l'anell, altaveus i molt més. El meu pare era el director de publicitat del Club Internacional de Boxa al Madison Square Garden. Hi vaig treballar quan era adolescent.
“Estic honrat de ser inclòs al Saló de la Fama de la Boxa de l’Estat de Nova York amb el meu pare i tants homes de boxa. Són diferents de la gent de qualsevol altre esport. Un dels premis amb què estic més orgullós és el James J.. Premi Walker Memorial al servei llarg i meritori de la boxa (BWAA a 1960).
“Tinc la sort d’haver transcendit diverses èpoques de la boxa. Aleshores era un món diferent, vam tenir 20-30 els escriptors es queden setmanes als camps d’entrenament. Vaig conèixer boxadors i entrenadors antics.”
Bob Goodman (L) comprovant el pes de Muhammad Ali i a la dreta amb Rocky Marciano
Goodman, que va servir als EUA. Guardacostes de 1958-62, es manté actiu avui treballant amb veterans’ grups. És president del consell assessor del veterà de Weymouth Township, i també actiu amb la Legió Americana i forma part de la Guàrdia d'Honor amb l'Associació de Veterans de la Guerra de Corea.

Bob Goodman (més a la dreta) va ser ingressat a l 'IBHOF a 2009, el seu pare Murray a 1999
Entre els campions del món amb els quals ha treballat Bob hi ha Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Larry Holmes, Ken Norton, Félix Trinitat, Roberto Durán, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Bob Foster, Salvador Sanchez, Sugar Ray Leonard, Juli Cèsar Chavez, Wilfredo Goñez, Ricardo López, Bernard Hopkins i molts més.
boxejadors que viuen de cara al NYSBHOF inclouen (Spring Valley) Campió Mundial Pes Creuer de la FIB al “gel” Col (35-16-3, 16 KOs), (Long Island) de pes semipesado AMB Lou “Honey Boy” Del Valle (36-6-2, 22 KOs), (central Islip) Campió Mundial de pes Welter junior de la FIB Jake Rodríguez (28-8-2, 8 KOs), (Brooklyn) món títol de pes lleuger reptador Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 KOs), i (búfal) l'invicte pes pesat de classe mundial “Nadó” Joe Mesi (36-0, 29 KOs).
participants pòstums ser inclòs són NBA & NYSAC campió mundial de pes ploma (Manhattan) Nen “Cuba Bon Bon” Xocolata (136-10-6, 51 KOs), (Ciutat de Nova York) 20ºpes pesant del segle James J. “gentleman Jim” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 KOs), (Williamsburg) Campió mundial lleuger Gat “El Napoleó de l'Anell Premi” McAuliffe, (Kingston) Campió del CMB pes súper lleuger Billy Costello (40-2, 23 KOs), (far) Campió Mundial de pes pesat lleuger NYSAC Melio Bettina (83-14-3, 36 KOs), (Brooklyn / Yonkers) mitjà de classe mundial Ralph “Tigre” Jones (52-32-5, 13 KOs) i (port Washington) contendent de pes pesat Charley “El Bombarder de Baiona” Norkus (33-19, 19 KOs).
Hi ha persones que no participen vivents que es dirigeixen al NYSBHOF (Troy) esportiu guanyadora del premi Pulitzer David Anderson, (Brooklyn) formador / assessor Pete Brodsky, (Rockaway) historiador de boxa / editor Goldman herba, (Ardsley) NYSAC president / jutge Melvina Lathan, i (Brooklyn) NYSAC President / matchmaker /promotor Ron Scott Stevens.
inductees no participants Pòstumes són (Brooklyn) anunciador Johnnie Addie, (Brooklyn) matrimonier Johnny Bos, (Bronx) boxa escriptor / historiador Bert Randolph sucre i (Lower East Side) ràdio & locutor de la televisió / periodista Sam Taub.
Cada nou membre d'assistir (o descendent directe de) rebrà un cinturó de disseny personalitzat que significa la seva inducció en el NYSBHOF.
La 2017 reclutes van ser seleccionats pels membres del comitè de nominacions NYSBHOF: Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Randy Gordon, Henry Hascup, Don Majeski, Ron McNair, i Neil Terens.
Tots els boxejadors necessaris per estar inactiu durant almenys tres anys per ser elegibles per a la inducció NYSBHOF, i tots els nous membres han d'haver residit a l'Estat de Nova York per a una part important de la seva carrera de boxa o durant la flor de la seva respectiva carrera.
CLASSE de 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Sucre” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, A Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gall i Arthur Mercant, Sr.
CLASSE de 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, De Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Júnior Jones, James “Amic” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, De Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard i Don Dunphy.
CLASSE DE 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Joan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atles, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon i Tom O'Rourke.
CLASSE DE 2015: Saül Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon i Al Weill.
CLASSE DE 2016: Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Hèctor “mascle” Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Lynch, Joe Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein i Jimmy Jacobs.
CLASSE DE 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Sr.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “El Bombarder del Bronx” Alex Ramos, Dick Tiger, Jose Torres, “sense igual” Jack Dempsey, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, Bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, A l'Gavin, Arthur Donovan i Dan Parker.
Les butlletes estan a $150.00 per adult i $70.00 per als nens (sota 16),i incloure un dinar complet i l'hora del còctel a l'entrada, a partir de 12:30 p.m. I, així com el sopar (costella, peix o aus de corral) i un bar obert durant tot el dia. Les butlletes estan disponibles per a la compra contactant NYSBHOF / Anell 8 president Bob Duffy en 516.313.2304 odepcomish@aol.com. Anuncis per al programa NYSBHOF estan disponibles, que van des de $80.00 a $200.00, posant-se en contacte amb Duffy. Vagi en línia en www.Ring8ny.com per obtenir informació addicional sobre el Saló de la Fama de la Boxa de l'Estat de Nova York.
SOBRE ANELL 8: Format en 1954 per un ex-boxejador professional, Jack Grebelsky, Anell 8 es va convertir en el vuitè subsidiària del que llavors es coneixia com l'Associació de Boxadors Veterans Nacional – per tant, ANELL 8 – i avui el lema de l'organització segueix sent: Els boxejadors Ajudar Boxers.
ANELL 8 està totalment compromès a donar suport als menys afortunats en la comunitat de la boxa que pot requerir assistència en termes de renda que paga, despeses mèdiques, o el que sigui justificable necessitat.
Vagi en línia per www.Ring8ny.com per més informació sobre ANELL 8, el grup més gran del seu tipus als Estats Units amb més de 350 membres. La quota anual de membres és només $30.00 i cada membre té dret a un sopar bufet a ANELL 8 reunions mensuals, excepte juliol i agost. Tots els boxejadors actius, aficionats i professionals, tenen dret a un anell gratuït 8 membres anual. Els clients de l'Anell 8 membres són benvinguts a un cost de només $7.00 per persona.

Gaballo Captures First World Championship with Unanimous Decision over Young inRumble at the Rockat Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood

ReymartGenSan AssassinGaballo de General Santos City, Filipines, captured his first version of a world title and introduced himself to the world stage with a unanimous decision victory over perennial top contender StephonShowstopper” Jove de St. Louis.
Fighting in the main event of Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory’sRumble at the Rockat Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, the hard-punching Gaballo (19-0, 16 KOs) became the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Champion with unanimous scores of 118-109, 117-110 i 117-110.
Jove, ara 17-1-3, 7 KOs, was down in round three and badly hurt, but to his credit, got up and kept it exciting and closer than the scores indicate throughout the remainder of the 12 rondes.
The speed and reflexes of 19-year-old Honolulu-based welterweight prospect LoganKorican KidYoon (11-0, 10 KOs) overcame the determination and experience of former two-time world champion Juan Carlos Salgado (27-8-1, 16 KOs) of Mexico City over 10 workmanlike rounds.
Fighting for the NABO Super Lightweight Championship, Yoon showed surprising poise and maturity for a young fighter in his 11th fight and seemed unphased to be facing such an accomplished foe. His sharp counters landed with regularity on the tough former champion. Al seu favor, Salgado fought bravely, but at 33 anys, seems to have lost a step.
Les puntuacions van ser 100-89, 97-92 i 98-91, unanimously for Yoon.
Former WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion Juan Carlos Payano survived a real scare against MagicMike Plania in their 10-round brawl for the NABO Super Bantamweight Championship.
After a strong first couple rounds, Plania, ara 14-1, 7 KOs, had Payano down and badly hurt near the end of round three.
He never really threatened Payano again. A consummate professional, Payano (20-1, 9 KOs), of Miami via La Vega, República Dominicana, came out for round four with the answers for neutralizing the harder punches of his Philippine opponent and never lost another round.
Les puntuacions van ser 96-93, 97-92 i 97-92, unanimously for the new champion Payano.
The 6-foot 9-inch heavyweight from Kissimmee, Florida, via Rudniy, Kazakhstan, Ivan Dychko (7-0, 6 KOs) scored a highlight-reel first-round, one-punch knockout over Miami Beach’s formerly undefeated Stephan Kirnon (2-1, 2 KOs).
Kirnon, admirably, came out aggressive against the giant, but quickly ran into a shot that propelled him violently into the floor. The fight was immediately waved off at :38. Dychko, a two-time Olympic Super Heavyweight Bronze medallist, could not have been more impressive.
In a 10-round battle for the NABA-USA Featherweight Championship Miami via Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan bomber Mussa “Warrior” Tursyngaliyev (8-0, 7 KOs) clubbed away at brave, but outgunned Luis “Barcelo” Hinojosa (31-14, 18 KOs) de Sant Domingo, República Dominicana, until stopping him at the end of round three.
Tursyngaliyev is very strong and accurate, and he had things all his way throughout. He scored a knockdown in the second and finished it a round later. Hinojosa elected to stay on his stool, probably wisely.
Miami super welterweight JD “Pretty Boy” Martínez (9-0, 7 KOs)
managed to squeak out a questionable majority six-round decision over fellow Floridian Jose “Colombian NecktieCortes (3-2, 1 KO) of West Palm Beach.
Cortes chased Martinez around the ring, seemingly with the harder punches and a more aggressive demeanor, but it was not enough to please the judges. They scored it 57-57 draw against 58-56 i 58-56 for Martinez.
Popular Miami welterweight Harold Calderon (15-0, 9 KOs) took a round or two to settle in against Barranquilla, Colombia’s Ronald “Salvatge” Muntanyes (18-8, 16 KOs), però, once he got his rhythm, it was all over.
The powerful undefeated southpaw lobbed enough accurate bombs to convince his Colombian foe to pack it in at the end of third round of their scheduled six. The official result is TKO 3 a 2:59. Calderon is ready for deeper water.
In an entertaining all-Florida super bantamweight bout, Miami’s popular JessyBeast Boy” Creu (12-7-1, 5 KOs) and Palm Bay’s Sam Rodriquez (5-2, 3 KOs) slugged it out over six exciting rounds.
Al final, Rodriquez took a razor-thin unanimous decision (58-55, 57-56 i 57-56) on the strength of a fourth-round knockdown.
Fighting out of the southpaw stance, the heavily muscled Cruz got out to an early lead and rocked the smaller Rodriquez with his thudding left hand. But Rodriquez hung tough and clawed back into it by round three.
The pair went back and forth the entire fight and it could have gone either way.
Former WBO Asia Pacific Light Heavyweight Champion Steve “The AmbassadorGeffrard (17-2, 12 KOs) of Boca Raton stopped Budapest, Hungary’s Zoltan Sera (38-16-1, 20 KOs) in the fourth of a scheduled six.
For the first three rounds, Geffrard, who lost his first two fights and hasn’t lost since, shook off the rust and kept his composure against the awkward offerings of his European foe. He finally broke through in the fourth, scoring two knockdowns and prompting Referee Sam Burgos to wave it off at :39.
Miami’s Jorge De Jesus Romero (5-0, 4 KOs) put on a bodyshot clinic in his abbreviated six-round super bantamweight battle against Hungarian veteran Szilveszter Ajtai (12-10-1, 2 KOs).
In the first, Romero came forward like an aggressive buzzsaw against the circling Ajtai. En el segon, he lowered the boom, scoring three consecutive bodyshot knockdowns, and necessitating a stoppage at 2:01. Impressive showing for the Florida prospect.
The son of a legend, Robert Duran Jr. of Fort Lauderdale made his impressive professional welterweight debut by stopping Orlando’s also debuting Miguel Morales en la quarta ronda.
Morales was no pushover, but Duran, looking like he already has some seasoning, put educated combinations together and waited for his opening. It came in the final stanza, as he scored his first knockdown of Morales with a right to the body left uppercut combo, and then finished things off with a thudding right hand that produced a second knockdown.
Referee James Warring waved it off without a count at 2:21.

Undefeated ‘Korican KidLogan Yoon to Face Former Two-Time World Champion Juan Carlos Salgado at ‘Rumble at the RockThis Friday at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida

Fast-rising Hawaiian welterweight prospect LoganKorican KidYoon (10-0, 10 KOs) says he’s expecting a big 2018.
The 19-year-old phenom from Honolulu will face Mexican former two-time world champion Juan Carlos Salgado (27-7-1, 16 KOs) in a 10-round battle for the IBF Youth Welterweight World Championship in one of the supporting bouts of d'aquest divendresRumble at the Rockevent at Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
In the night’s 12-round main event, St. Louis’ StephonShowstopper” Jove (17-0-3, 7 KOs) will face ReymartGenSan AssassinGaballo (18-0, 16 KOs) from General Santos City, Philippines for the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Championship. In the 10-round co-main event, former WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion Juan Carlos Payano (19-1, 9 KOs) will fight against undefeated PhilippineMagicMike Plania (14-0, 7 KOs).
Rumble at the Rockis presented by Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory. Les butlletes estan a $255, $130, $80 i $55. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, en línia en www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Additional fees may apply.
The young knockout artist Yoon, trained by his father George, was an
eight-time Hawaii State champion, an Adidas national and Ringside national champion and a junior Olympic bronze medalist.
Training went awesome,” ell va dir. “We had no problems. Ara, we’re putting on finishing toucheslast pound or two.
Yoon got his unique nickname from a family member as a child.
Korican Kid is a nickname my aunt gave me. There’s a Korean part of me and a Puerto Rican part. My dad is 100-percent Korean and my mom is Portuguese and Puerto Rican.
While he doesn’t know much about upcoming foe Salgado, Yoon says he’s confident he’ll be notching his eleventh pro victory.
I know he is a former champ and has some experience against top guys. He’s right-handed. He’s a pretty busy fighter, but I’ll be able to keep up with him. I just don’t see how he can do anything to me with my age and physicality advantages. I won’t look for my 11º straight KO, but if it comes, I’ll take it.
Yoon says he realized his natural power early on in his boxing life. “After my second amateur fight, I realized that when I hit people, they react and start backing up. I can see it in them: the fear.
The father and son duo still live in Hawaii, but travel to train at their promoter’s Heavyweight Factory Gym in Miami.
It’s awesome. It’s almost like a dream,” ell va dir. “I have Riddick Bowe in the gym every day mentoring me and, once in a while, we have Evander Holyfield when he’s not busy on trips. My manager and promoters are the best and treat me like someone. I love them. I love the atmosphere.
A young KO artist making a name for himself quickly with a strong promotional team behind him. Yoon, a deeply religious man, says he’s looking forward to a big year.
I’m ready to make some big moves. I know my manager, Henry Rivalta, is going to put me into fights with better opponents. I just have to make sure we train hard and put in the work, and I will come out on top.


Atlantic City, N.J. – Març 21, 2018 – The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) teams up with 4-time Heavyweight World Champion and 2018 ACBHOF Honoree, Evander “Reial Deal” Holyfield and his company Real Deal Sports & Entreteniment, en col·laboració amb Mis Downing Promotions, for a Fight Night affair at the historic Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall in Adrian Phillips Theater for a Live Pro Boxing event that will take place on Dissabte, June 2nd, des 7:00 Primer ministre – 11:00 Primer ministre.

According to Ray McCline, President of ACBHOF This newly formed relationship with 4-time World Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield and his promotion companyReal Deal Sports & Entreteniment” will have groundbreaking influence in effecting elevated exposure to the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame 2nd Annual Induction Weekend.
Spectra Venue Management is excited to see this Boxing event here at Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall. We appreciate the efforts of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame who got us together with the folks from Real Deal Sports and Entertainment. Everyone expressed a desire to try to grow something that could start inside Adrian Phillips Theater and grow into an Arena sized event down the road. Our partners at the CRDA are supportive and encourage our efforts to work with new promoters and cultivate opportunities for bringing new events and people to Atlantic City. There is a rich history of Boxing here which is celebrated by the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, and this is a great opportunity to rebuild on some of that history during their induction weekend.” – Jim Wynkoop General Manager Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall and Spectra Venue Management

During the 2nd Annual Induction Weekend, the multi-tiered event is slated to be unparalleled and reflective of the rich boxing history in Atlantic City. The ACBHOF is looking to celebrate the magnificent careers of legends in boxing throughout the induction weekend. Rodrick L. Green Vice President of Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame said, The partnership is awin-winfor the City of Atlantic City, Boardwalk Hall, Real Deal Sports & Entertainment and Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and for tourism in the southern New Jersey region.
The three-day event will kick-off with an Opening Bell VIP Meet & Greet Reception, then segue into the highly coveted Fight Fan Experience and conclude with the 2nd Annual Induction Ceremony. More details on Induction Weekend and the schedule of events can be found by visiting www.acbhof.com
An exciting boxing event will be an intricate part of this year’s Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Induction ceremony. Aside from being one of this year’s inductees, the great champion Evander “Reial Deal” Holyfield, will be promoting his first boxing event in the State of New Jersey with his company Real Deal Sports & Entertainment on June 2nd, at the Boardwalk Hall. It is our hope that this event will be just one of many that this outstanding champion will present in our state as we continue our quest to revive the sport of boxing in our great state and specifically in Atlantic City,” Commissioner Larry Hazzard, NJ Athletic Control Board said in a statement.
Hotel packages can be purchased by visiting www.claridge.com. Promo codeACBHOFcan be used for a room discount.
I’m honored to be promoting my first card in Atlantic City on Dissabte, June 2nd. My second professional fight was in Atlantic City and it was the location where I made the first defense of my world heavyweight title against ‘BigGeorge Foreman in 1991,said Evander Holyfield. Having great memories throughout my career of Atlantic City, I’m very inspired for The Real Deal Boxing to promote a true fan-friendly event on Juny 2, 2018 as well as working with the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame featuring many of the top prospects in boxing fighting in competitive and entertaining bouts.

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame: (http://www.acbhof.com)
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame mission, vision and purpose are to offer fans and visitors alike, a highly interactive Sports & Entertainment Boxing Curation Experience. We are committed to preserving the rich boxing history of Atlantic City, through live historical curation, exhibits, legendary boxing stars, and personal appearances. We will also conduct our annual year-round events, well paired with multicultural entertainment.

Promocions Real Deal: (http://therealdealboxing.com)
En 2017, four-time world heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield partnered with long-time boxing promoter Sal Musumeci to form Real Deal Sports & Entreteniment. Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is the parent company to a promotional entity (The Real Deal Boxing), a broadcast series (Real Deal Championship Boxing), and much more soon. The company will promote world-class and entertaining boxing events and will strive to be a company that does what is best for the sport and the fighters.

Boardwalk Hall: (http://www.boardwalkhall.com)
Boardwalk Hall and the Atlantic City Convention Center are owned and funded by the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA). Spectra by Comcast Spectacor provides both Venue Management and Food Services & Hospitality to Boardwalk Hall and the AC Convention Center.Historic Boardwalk Hall has played host to a sparkling list of dazzling entertainers and knockout sporting events throughout its 87-year history. A premier entertainment spot for visitors and residents alike, this unique seaside arena has helped to uphold the city’s new sloganDo ACby bringing exciting events into Atlantic City in addition to their already stellar variety of offerings.

About the CRDA: ( www.njcrda.com)
The only agency of its kind nationwide, the CRDA has used Atlantic City casino reinvestments as a catalyst for meaningful, positive improvement in the lives of New Jersey residents since 1984. Under the 2011 Tourism District Act, the Authority’s mission evolved from statewide projects to becoming the state’s key economic development agency for Atlantic City. CRDA’s expanded responsibilities now include land use regulation, tourism marketing and clean and safe initiatives. The CRDA also oversees Historic Boardwalk Hall (the leading entertainment venue of its size in the country) and the Atlantic City Convention Center. En total, CRDA has invested nearly $2 billion in more than 400 projects statewide, of which $1.8 billion has been invested in Atlantic City, spurring business investments and expansions, and creating permanent jobs in the process. For more information about CRDA and our projects, visita www.njcrda.com. Segueix-nos a Twitter en www.twitter.com/njcrda.

For destination photos and videos media may visit www.doatlanticcity.com/mediaonline where dozens of assets are available for download. For complete Atlantic City tourism information, visita www.doatlanticcity.com. Also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DoAtlanticCity ia Twitter en www.twitter.com/VisitAC hashtag #DOAC.

Mis Downing Promotions:
Mis Downing Promotions LLC, a New Jersey-based company was established in 2017 by Mis Downing, one of few African-American women to head a boxing company in the Tri-State Region. Mis Downing affectionately referred to as thePrincess of Boxinghas shown a drive, focus, and dedication unmatched by many in the business of boxing. Mis Downing’s mission is to promote quality events where amateur and professional boxers are given a platform and opportunity to display their skills and talents in a High Energy Environments that fuse Music & Entreteniment, Fashion, and Fun with the great sport of boxing.

FNU Combat Sports Mostra: CM Punk Not Ready for Floyd, UFC Fight Night Preview and Heavyweights who Think Cheating Boxers Should Go to Jail

This week’s FNU Combat Sports Show starts off with Tom and Rich talking MMA for a while and then Tony joins in to cap off the show with a long boxing discussion. Listen to the whole broadcast below:

Stephon jove: ‘Team Gaballo Not Thinking Enough About What’s Going to Happen to Him

St. Louis Bantamweight Young to Face Reymart Gaballo for WBA Interim World Championship on Divendres, Març 23, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hollywood, Florida
Perennial 118-lb contender StephonShowstopperYoung is finishing up his 13-week training camp in Miami while wondering if his opponent knows what he’s truly in for next week.
En Divendres, Març 23, in the Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla., WBA #4-rated Young (17-0-3, 7 KOs) from St. Louis will face WBA #5 ReymartGenSan AssassinGaballo (18-0, 16 KOs) from General Santos City, Filipines, in a 12-round battle for the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Championship.
Young vs. Gaballo headlines promoter Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory’sRumble at the Rock,” an 11-bout night of world-class professional boxing. In the 10-round co-main, former WBA Super World Bantamweight Champion Juan Carlos Payano (19-1, 9 KOs) adquireix “MagicMike Plania (14-0, 7 KOs) from General Santos City, Filipines.
Les butlletes estan a $255, $130, $80 i $55. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, en línia en www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Additional fees may apply.
29-year-old southpaw Young says that while Gaballo obviously has some strength to have such a high KO percentage, he is too green to be in the ring with a fighter at his level and experience.
“Sincerament, Tom res d'ell, but they should have stepped him up with a different opponent first and not thrown him in with a guy like me,” va dir Young. “I feel he’s not ready yet and that will show divendres que ve. He should have had two or three more fights, but I feel like just because it’s for a title, they are rushing toward it. It’s a good opportunity for him, but they’re not thinking enough about what’s going to happen to him. I will be bringing everything I’ve got that night.
Jove, who still lives in St. Louis but travels to Miami for camp, says coming up the hard way in boxing and then meeting up with his current team will make all the difference divendres que ve.
When I turned pro, I didn’t get signed right off the bat with a big-time promoter,” ell va dir. “I went and fought in people’s backyards and proved myself. I was given nothing, but I knew my time would come. I stayed focused and continued to train. I’ve been with my coach, Herman Caicedo, now for two years and I’m a totally different fighter. I want to thank my team, my promoter Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory for giving me this opportunity, my manager Henry Rivalta for always believing in me and my coach Herman Caicedo for getting me in the best shape I’ve ever been.
For Young, lifting the belt over his head divendres que ve will be a dream come true.
“Guanyar aquesta baralla significa tot. It’s a big accomplishment and nothing can keep me from my dreams. En Març 23, I will be champion.
Rumble at the Rockis proudly sponsored by Armero Tequila. Special guests expected that evening include former heavyweight champions RiddickBig DaddyBowe and Evander “The Real Deal” Holyfield. En la nit del combat, Hard Rock Event Center will open its doors at 6 p.m. amb la primera baralla a partir de les 7 p.m. Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is located at 1 Seminole Way a Hollywood, Florida.

duo welter de Split-T Gestió, Poindexter Knight & Janelson Bocachica per estar en pantalla el divendres a la nit al Casino Sugarhouse a Filadèlfia

Filadèlfia, Pennsilvània (Gener 23, 2018)–Aquest divendres night at The SugarHouse Casino, dues de les perspectives més brillants de pes welter pròpia pròpia Poindexter de Filadèlfia “el salvatge” cavaller, Jr. & Janelson Bocachica of Detroit will look to thrill the knowledgeable Philadelphia fight crowd as part of Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Boxing Showcase Series.
cavaller (1-0, 1 KO) el 2-temps de Filadèlfia Guants d'Or campió i 2017 campió nacional de Guants d'Or estarà fent el seu debut a la ciutat ja que s'enfrontarà en Jordan Morales en una baralla programada per a les quatre rondes.







La 22 anys d'edat, és molt entusiasta que estarà en exhibició davant els aficionats locals.
“Estic molt emocionat de barallar al meu poble davant de la meva família i amics,” said Knight. Friday Night you are going to see the next great fighter to come out of Philadelphia, Pennsilvània, Poindexter Knight!”
Bocachica (8-0, 5 KOs) 2 és el temps de Michigan Guants d'Or campió i un campió nacional 3 temps.
S'enfrontarà a Víctor Gaytán.
La 19 Anys d'edat, es va convertir en professional en poc 17 anys d'edat, i ha acumulat 8 impressionants victòries.
Sent de la rica ciutat de Detroit boxa, Bocachica també està disposada a guanyar alguns nous fans a la Ciutat de l'Amor Fraternal.
“Estic súper emocionat de barallar a Filadèlfia perquè hi ha tones de porto-riquenys existeix, i jo vull que vegin la següent Boricua Boxa estrella!” said Bocachica. “Realment empès al meu mànager i promotor de tenir a lluitar en aquesta targeta perquè pugui mostrar propera gran cosa de Puerto Rico!”

“Amb això es diu, Els porto-riquenys sabem si és Goya que ha de ser bo!”
Tots dos lluitadors són promoguts per Evander Holyfield Reial Deal Boxa i gestionats per la Direcció de Split-T.
de Split-T administrativa David McWater no és aliè a l'escena de lluita Filadèlfia, i sap el impressionants actuacions dels seus combatents podrien fer per ells
“De tornada en el dia, Solia conduir a Filadèlfia tot el temps per veure la boxa en l'horitzó blau,” Said McWater. “The whole Philadelphia boxing scene was so special as you got to see boxing at its purest. El Divendres nit, Jo, juntament amb tothom al Casino Sugarhouse podran gaudir de les baralles i veure dos futurs campions del món posen en una exhibició de boxa que no s'havia vist des dels dies de Blue Horizon.”
Venda d'entrades estarà disponible a la porta $125, $75 & $50.
primer combat : 7 pm

Brandon Robinson takes on Juan Zapata on Friday, January 26th at The SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia


Lectura, Pennsilvània (Gener 8, 2018)Rising super middleweight prospect, Brandon Robinson will take on 18-fight veteran Juan Zapata in a six-round bout as part of Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Showcase 1 a Divendres, 26 de de gener de El Casino a Sugarhouse.

Robinson is promoted by King’s Promotions.
I want to thank Marshall Kauffman of King’s Promotions for grooming me to be a world champion, and allowing me to be on this card,” said Robinson. “Zapata is a solid fighter, who likes to be aggressive. I am just looking to stay high and tight in our defense, and stay sharp, and it should be a nice fight.
Robinson of Upper Darby, Pennsylvania has a record of 8-1 amb sis nocauts, with those eight wins coming in a row.
La 29 year-old is coming off the biggest win of his career as he won an eight-round unanimous decision over respected Christopher Brooker on 1a de desembre de at The 2300 Sorra a Filadèlfia.
Robinson also has a first-round knockout over previously undefeated Brandon Clark (2-0) on September 8th, 2017. Robinson completed a perfect 2017, by registering all eight of his wins during last calendar year.
In Zapata, Robinson is taking on a 12-year veteran who has faced eight undefeated opponents. La 33 year-old Zapata is a native of Bronx, New York by way of Honduras.
Zapata is looking for his 2nd consecutive win, as he is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Freddy Oporta on September 30th in Honduras.
Said Marshall Kauffman of King’s Promotions, “This is a nice opportunity for Brandon. He is fighting a tough guy who has fought great competition. Amb una victòria, Brandon will be back on one of our cards this spring.
Tickets for ‘Real Deal Showcase Series I’, preu de $125, $75 i $50 are NOW ON SALE and may be purchased at www.SugarhouseEntertainment.com

31stannual Ring 8 Esdeveniment de vacances & Awards Ceremony This Sunday afternoon in New York

NOVA YORK (Desembre 5, 2017) – Limited tickets are still available for this Sunday afternoon’s 31st Anell anual 8 Holiday esdeveniment i lliurament de premis, entre 12:30 i 5:30 p.m. I, a Russo en la Badia a Howard Beach, Nova York.
Six world champions will be attending, including three award winners: WBO Junior Lightweight World Champion and two-time Olympic gold medalist Vasyl “Hi Tech” Lomachenko (Muhammad Ali International Fighter of the Year), Saló de la Fama Michael Spinks (Historical Award), and five-time world champion Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano (New York State Female Fighter of the Year).
Another Hall-of Fame star, Evander “The Real Deal” Holyfield, is unable to attend the festivities because of a travel conflict but he did receive his Legends Award at the last Ring 8 reunió.
World champions Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley i Luis Collazo are clanfirmed special guests.
Other 2017 Anell 8 award winners include two-time Irish Olympian Michael Conlan (International Prospect of the Year Award), 2012 U.S. Olímpic “Senyor” Marcus Browne(New York State Fighter of the Year), de Staten Island.
The anticipation is continuing to grow as we move closer to the Ring 8 awards banquetdiumenge,” Anell 8 president Jack Hirsch dit. “We are honored that Vasyl Lomachenko and Michael Conlan will be attending despite having fought at Madison Square Garden the night before. Many consider Lomachenko the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world, and Conlan the best prospect. And it will be a special treat for fans to see Michael Spinks, who will be given recognition as being the first light heavyweight champion in history to have won the heavyweight crown.
The awards banquet is very reasonably priced. Not only will people get to mingle with great fighters, but the food at Russo’s on the Bay is superb and the atmosphere first rate.
2017 ANELL 8 Guanyadors del Premi
Muhammad Ali International Fighter of the Year: Vasyl Lomachenko
Historical Award: Michael Spinks
International Prospect of the Year: Michael Conlan
NYS Fighter of the Year: Marcus Browne
NYS Female Fighter of the Year: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens Award:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS Prospect of the Year: Devaun Lee
Rising Contender Award: Skender & Enver Halili
Sam Kellerman Media Award: Matt Christie
NYS Trainer of the Year: Hector Rosa
Molt temps & Meritorious Service: Edwin Torres
NYS Official of the Year: Robert Perez
NYS Promoter of the Year: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Campió sense corona: Richard Kiley
Ringside Physician of the Year: Dr. Osric King
Good Guy Award: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Anell 8 Member of the Year: George Newman
Premi al Servei Comunitari: Mike Reno
David Diamant will once again serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.
Les butlletes estan $125.00 and include a complete brunch with cocktail hour upon entry, seguit per estar a la cerimònia de premis, sopar i postres, i barra lliure prestatge superior durant tota la tarda. Contact Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 oAjhirsch5@aol.com) per comprar bitllets.
Vagi en línia per www.Ring8ny.com for additional information about Ring 8 o el seu Esdeveniments i Premis de vacances anuals Cerimònia.
Russo a la badia es troba en 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. en Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
SOBRE ANELL 8: Format en 1954 per un ex-boxejador professional, Jack Grebelsky, Anell 8 es va convertir en el vuitè subsidiària del que llavors es coneixia com l'Associació de Boxadors Veterans Nacional – per tant, ANELL 8 – i avui el lema de l'organització segueix sent: Els boxejadors Ajudar Boxers.
ANELL 8 està totalment compromès a donar suport als menys afortunats en la comunitat de la boxa que pot requerir assistència en termes de renda que paga, despeses mèdiques, o el que sigui justificable necessitat.
Vagi en línia per www.Ring8ny.com per més informació sobre ANELL 8, el grup més gran del seu tipus als Estats Units amb més de 350 membres. La quota anual de membres és només $30.00 i cada membre té dret a un sopar bufet a ANELL 8 reunions mensuals, excepte juliol i agost. Tots els boxejadors actius, aficionats i professionals, tenen dret a un anell gratuït 8 membres anual. Els clients de l'Anell 8 membres són benvinguts a un cost de només $7.00 per persona.