Архивы: Эрнесто Berrospe

Middleweight Antoine Douglas returns to action against Ernesto Berrospe on Thursday, Ноябрь 10 at the 26th Annual Fight for Children Fight Night at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C.

Натли, Нью-Джерси (Октября 31, 2016)–Средний претендентом Антуан “Действие” Дуглас will be in action when he takes on Ernesto Berrospe on Thursday night, November 10th at the 26th annual Fight for Children Fight Night DC at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C.
Douglas from nearby Burke, Виргиния, has a record of 19-1-` with 13 нокауты, and will be making his first appearance через восемь месяцев.
The 24 year-old Douglas won his first 19 концы, which propelled him to a top-5 world ranking that included wins over Les Sherrington (35-7)m Istvan Szili (18-0-2), Томас LaManna (16-0). бывший титул чемпиона мира Лука Месси (37-9-1), Marquies Davis (8-0-2) и Колби Courter (4-0).
Douglas is a four year professional, and has captured the Interim WBC FECARBOX, WBA в Международный, WBA в Fedelatin & WBO International Middleweight titles.
Douglas is coming off his first professional defeat when he was stopped in 10 rounds by Avtandil Khurtzsidze on March 5th в Вифлееме, Пенсильвания.
Berrospe of Guadalajara, Мексика имеет запись 11-9 с 7 нокауты.
The 30 year-old Berrospe is a 10 летний профессиональный,and has a win over previously undefeated Josue Mendoza (7-0-2). Berrospe is coming off a stoppage defeat to D’Mitrius Ballard on 11 июня в Солт-Лейк-Сити, Юта.
Camp is great and I am glad to be back in the ring,” сказал Дуглас. “It did not take long for me to get back in the swing of things. I got the rust off early in camp and I am ready to go.
When asked what he is looking for coming off his first setback, Douglas is eager to show he is ready to be one of the top middleweight contenders in the world.
I want to see crispness and preciseness in my punches. I am also looking to show good footwork and defense.
Douglas is not looking to rush anything as he wants to be on top of his game when he is next called upon to fight the elite fighters.
I want to see where I am after this fight. I have been working hard and I have been ready to fight yesterday.

Douglas is now managed by the respected Henry Rivalta

Said GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki, “Antoine had a well deserved rest, and now he is ready to finish what he started, and that is to become world champion. One bad night will not define his career and I believe we have not yet seen the best from him. It says a lot about him as he fought 21 fights in just 29 месяцы, and then steps in with a guy who took the fight on short notice that nobody wanted to fight and nobody still wants to fight in Khurtsidze. We have a plan for him to get him back knocking on the door of a world title and we look forward to moving him back in position.
GH3 Promotions особенности в среднем весе Антуан Дуглас, В суперсреднем Джерри Одом & Рональд Эллис, Непобедимый супер петуха Адам Лопес, а также Boxcino 2015 Младший. Чемпион в среднем Джон Томпсон, Младший, Непобедимый полусреднем весе Кеннет Sims младший, Jerrell Харрис, Артуро Трухильо & Кинан Смит, Тяжеловес Рэй Эдвардс & John Luna; Легкий вес в O'Shaquie Фостер & Логан Yoon, Младший. Легкий Антонио Уильямс, Легчайший Брент Venagas, Лера Давилл & Stephon Молодые в Акции стабильной GH3.