Tag Αρχεία: Dusty-Hernandez-Harrison

Αντώνιος “Χυμός” Νέοι έτοιμοι για την αναμέτρηση του Τζέρσεϋ με τον Μάικ Τζάκσον αυτήν την Πέμπτη το βράδυ στο Φίλι

Για την άμεση απελευθέρωση
Ατλάντικ Σίτι, NJ (Σεπτέμβριος 14, 2016)– Welterweight, Αντώνιος “Χυμός” Νέος θα αναζητήσει την τρίτη συνεχόμενη νίκη του όταν αναλαμβάνει τον Μάικλ Τζάκσον σε μια μάχη μαχητών με έδρα το Νιου Τζέρσεϋ, καθώς ένας από τους αγώνες της κάρτας Σχεδόν την Πέμπτηκατά το 2300 Κονίστρα σε Φιλαδέλφεια.
Ο Young of Atlantic City κέρδισε τους πρώτους δέκα αγώνες του και μετά το τρέχον σερί δύο αγώνων του θα μπεί στο ρινγκ με ένα ρεκόρ 13-2 με πέντε knockouts.
“Είχα ένα πολύ καλό στρατόπεδο και υπέροχο αγώνα (ελαφριά) Anthony Burgin & Victor padilla.
Στο Τζάκσον, αντιμετωπίζει έναν μαχητή με πολύ εξαπάτηση 3-9-4 ρεκόρ. Είχε πολλές αμφισβητήσιμες αποφάσεις που δεν ήταν υπέρ του, έτσι ο Young περιμένει έναν αγώνα που δεν θα είναι τέχνασμα.
I do not know much about him other than t\him being a scrappy fighter who is coming to win. Ξέρω ότι είναι από το Νιου Τζέρσεϋ, αλλά δεν έχει σημασία από πού είναι. Θα μπορούσε να είναι από την Ελβετία για ό, τι με νοιάζει.”
Αυτή θα είναι η τρίτη περίοδος που ο Young θα έχει τον προπονητή πρωταθλήματος Raul “Chino” Rivas, και ο Young έχει ήδη δει τις βελτιώσεις με τον νέο προπονητή του.
“Θα δείξω αυτό που δούλευα με τον Chino. Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω την ομάδα μου για αυτήν την ευκαιρία σε αυτήν την κάρτα.”
Είπε ο Ρίβας, “Αυτή θα είναι η τρίτη μάχη μας μαζί. Γίνεται καλύτερος με κάθε αγώνα. Είμαι ενθουσιασμένος που τον βλέπω να πολεμά την Πέμπτη. Έχει εργαστεί σκληρά και γίνεται πιο έντονος. Είναι σε θέση να κερδίσει οκτώ και δέκα γύρους τώρα.
“Γνωρίζω τον Τζάκσον λίγο καθώς είμαι αρχικά από το Βόρειο Τζέρσεϋ. Ο γιος μου τον χτύπησε στους ερασιτέχνες Είναι ψηλός και το ρεκόρ του δεν δικαιολογεί ποιος είναι. Έχει υπερκαλυφθεί. Αλλά έχω παρατηρήσει ότι δεν χρησιμοποιεί το τρύπημά του και δεν το κάνει”Έχω την καρδιά όταν τον πατάς. Χρησιμοποιήσαμε τις γωνίες και τους συνδυασμούς του Χυμού και αργά καταφέραμε να εξαλείψουμε τις κακές συνήθειες. Ειναι ΕΞΥΠΝΟΣ, ένας σκληρός εργαζόμενος και πειθαρχημένος και το καλύτερο του μποξ είναι μπροστά του.”
“Αντώνιος “Χυμός” Ο Young θα προσπαθήσει να συνεχίσει να χτίζει την ήδη εντυπωσιακή καριέρα του,”είπε πολύ καιρό διευθυντής, Πλούσια Μασίνι. “είμαστε πολύ σίγουροι για την τρέχουσα ομάδα μας. Επικεφαλής εκπαιδευτής Ραούλ “Chino” Η Rivas έκανε εξαιρετική δουλειά με το Juice. Έχω δει τον χυμό να αυξάνεται από κάθε άποψη , τόσο εντός όσο και εκτός του δακτυλίου” λέει ο Μασίνι.
“Φαίνεται να έχει μια εξαιρετική χημεία με τον Chino καθώς και με την ομάδα του Chino. Είναι εύκολο με ένα παιδί όπως ο χυμός, είναι υπέροχος να συνεργαστείς, έχουμε μια μεγάλη ομάδα γύρω του, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του μπαμπά του, Teany. Αντιλαμβανόμαστε ότι έχουμε έναν σκληρό αντίπαλο μπροστά μας στις 15 Σεπτεμβρίου, αλλά ο Juice είναι έτοιμος να φύγει και να αναλάβει δουλειά” λέει ο Μασίνι.
Ο Masini προσθέτει το R.I.P Pati Masini Αγαπώ την αδερφή σου.

Θωμάς “Cornflake” LaManna media day quotes and video

Φιλαδέλφεια, PA – Welterweight contender, Θωμάς “Cornflake” Lamanna (21-1, 9 KOs) του Μίλβιλ, New Jersey held a media workout τη Δευτέρα at the Joe Hand Boxing Gym in advance of his USBA Welterweight title bout against Dusty Hernandez-Harrison (29-0-1, 16 KO του) της Ουάσιγκτον, D.C that will take place on Πέμπτη νύχτα κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα and broadcast LIVE on CBS Sports Network
Thomas LaManna Quotes:
“Νιώθω μεγάλη. I am excited and I am anxious.
I can not let let Dusty get in a groove. That’s what I remember from sparring is that if you give him a groove, he is a little bit hard to handle, other that that you can’t give him confidence.
I have ten rounds to work. I always say that the last two rounds are mental . I am in great shape to go ten rounds
Me and Dusty both have big fan bases and I will be able to block out the crowd
I don’t get nervous. Especially this fight because I have been in the ring with him before. There is nothing that he can do in my eyes that I would be worried about.
The gameplan is to just to win. Make the proper adjustments when I need to.
I am more confident after this camp then I have ever been.
“Αυτός ο αγώνας σημαίνει τα πάντα για μένα. It’s now or never as it will change my career and it will show where I am in boxing.
Thomas LaManna Media workout, Επτά. 12, 2016
Thomas LaManna Media workout, Επτά. 12, 2016

Tickets for the eight-fight card, που ξεκινά 8 μμ, Οι τιμές στο $75, $50 και $40 Είναι διαθέσιμα στο Peltz Boxing (215-765-0922), κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα (267-273-0945) και Bam Boxing (215-280-6709).

The weigh in will take place on Τετάρτη, Σεπτέμβριος 14 στο 5 PM at the Stadium Holiday Inn.

Ο Pasciolla βλέπει αγώνα με τον Edwards, πύλη για μεγαλύτερους αγώνες

Για την άμεση απελευθέρωση
Τούβλο, NJ (Σεπτέμβριος 12, 2016)– Βαρέων βαρών Dan Pasciolla δεν είναι εκπληκτικά ενθουσιασμένος για το ντεμπούτο του στην εθνική τηλεόραση, που θα έρθει Πέμπτη νύχτα κατά το 2300 Arena στη Φιλαδέλφεια, όταν παίρνει αήττητο Ρέι Έντουαρντς στη συνεπιλεγμένη περίοδο μιας κάρτας CBS Sports Network.
Στο κύριο γεγονός, Ο Dustin Hernandez-Harrison αναλαμβάνει τον Thomas LaManna για τον τίτλο USBA Welterweight.
Πασκιόλα του τούβλου, Νιου Τζέρσεϋ έχει ένα ρεκόρ 8-1-1 γνωρίζει ότι μια νίκη επί του πρώην αμυντικού τέλους του NFL, θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε μεγάλες μάχες στο τμήμα βαρέων βαρών.
“Νομίζω ότι είναι μια εξαιρετική ευκαιρία να παλέψω στην τηλεόραση και να γίνω μέλος μιας εξαιρετικής προώθησης στη Φιλαδέλφεια,” είπε ο 31 χρονών Pasciolla.
Ο καιρός στα χειμερινά σπορ στην Πασσιόλα, που έχει ήδη κερδίσει την αήττητη Bill Marks (1-0) & Ντόνι Έντουαρντς (6-0-1) συν θριάμβους για τον John Lennox (13-2) και πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Imamu Mayfield, και δεν δέχεται το 6'5: 255 λίβρα Έντουαρντς.
“Ο Έντουαρντς είναι μεγάλος άντρας και τον σέβομαι ως αθλητή, Αλλά νιώθω ότι είμαι πιο έτοιμος για αυτόν τον αγώνα. Ο Έντουαρντς δεν έχει ερασιτεχνική εμπειρία και ο δίσκος του έχει δημιουργηθεί. Όχι μόνο το βιογραφικό μου των νικών φαίνεται πιο εντυπωσιακό από το δικό του, αλλά έχω πολεμήσει μεγαλύτερα παιδιά.”

Ο Pasciolla πιστεύει ότι η νίκη επί του Έντουαρντς θα εκτοξευτεί σε υψηλότερες περιόδους.

“Ελπίζω ότι με μια εθνική μετάδοση η νίκη θα με ανεβάσει στην εθνική κατάταξη. Κέρδισα τη ζώνη του Νιου Τζέρσεϋ όταν νικήσαμε έναν πρώην παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή στο Imamu Mayfield. Αυτό το πλακίδιο έχει γενεαλογία πίσω από τον Chuck Wepner, έτσι έχουμε την εμπιστοσύνη καθώς προχωράω στην κατάταξη.”
Υπεύθυνος για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, Πλούσια Μασίνι, πρόσφατα συνεργάστηκε με τον Sean Darling σε προσπάθειες να βοηθήσει στην οικοδόμηση της καριέρας της Pasciolla. Ο Darling εκπαιδεύει την Pasciolla τα τελευταία δυόμισι χρόνια, ως Pascoilla κέρδισε ένα 8-1-1 ρεκόρ. Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου, Η Pasciolla έχει κερδίσει με μερικές από τις κορυφαίες προοπτικές στην πυγμαχία σήμερα. Οι οπαδοί του Μπράιαντ Τζένινγκς, Zhang Zhilei, Τζόεϊ Ντέιτκο, Derrick Rossy και Chaz Witherspoon.
“Ο Dan έχει ανεβάσει και κέρδισε μερικές εντυπωσιακές περιόδους ως αουτσάιντερ. Μου αρέσει πολύ ο Dan, παλεύει με πολλή καρδιά,” λέει ο Μασίνι.
“Αυτός θα είναι ο 4ος αήττητος μαχητής που θα αντιμετωπίσει ο Dan. Λειτουργούμε καλά ως ομάδα. Προφανώς ο Dan είναι στο ρινγκ, δουλειά μου είναι να περιηγηθώ στην καριέρα του και να συνεχίσω να ανεβαίνω τόσο εντός όσο και εκτός του δακτυλίου. Κατανοούμε ότι αντιμετωπίζουμε έναν σκληρό αντίπαλο στις 15 Σεπτεμβρίου στην εθνική τηλεόραση, αλλά είμαστε πραγματικά σίγουροι ότι ο Dan θα αποδώσει πολύ καλά και θα κερδίσει τη νίκη.”
Ο Masini προσθέτει “Μηχανή πάρτι R.I.P, Σε αγαπώ αδελφή μου.”

Ex-NFL Defensive End Ray Edwards Boxes Dan Pasciolla στο CBS Sports Sports Network-Television Heavyweight Bout Sept. 15 κατά το 2300 Arena στη Φιλαδέλφεια

Thomas LaManna Boxes Dusty Hernandez-Harrison Για τίτλο USBA Welterweight στο κύριο γεγονός
Kenneth Sims ,LeRoy Davila & Ο Devin Haney εμφανίστηκε επίσης σε τηλεοπτική δράση

Επίσης, θα βλέπουμε δράση σε στοίβαξη undercard θα είναι ο Anthony ” Χυμός” Νέος, Darryl Bunting, Darryl Gause & Jaron Ennis

Φιλαδέλφεια, PA – Πρώην αμυντικό τέλος της NFL Ρέι Έντουαρντς θα κουτί Dan Pasciolla σε ένα διαγωνισμό έξι γύρων μεταξύ των βαρέων βαρών southpaw στις Πέμπτη, 15 Σεπτεμβρίου, κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα.

Στο κύριο γεγονός, Θωμάς Lamanna, του Μίλβιλ, NJ, και Dusty Hernandez-Harrison, της Ουάσιγκτον, DC, συναντηθείτε σε μια προγραμματισμένη περίοδο 10 γύρων για τον κενό τίτλο USBA Welterweight. Η κάρτα προωθείται από το Final Forum Boxing, Peltz προωθήσεις εγκιβωτισμού & Προσφορές GH3 και θα μεταδοθούν ζωντανά στο CBS Sports Network. Η πρώτη από τις τέσσερις τηλεοπτικές μάχες ξεκινά στις 10μμ (EST).
Edwards, 31, του Σινσινάτι, ΟΗ, είναι 11-0-1, 7 K0s. Το επταετές αμυντικό τέλος από το Minnesota Vikings και το Atlanta Falcons άρχισε να εγκιβωτίζει 2011 κατά τη διάρκεια των κατόχων NFL’ κλειδώθηκε και αφιέρωσε την πλήρη απασχόλησή του σε αυτό 2013. Μαθαίνει την τέχνη του και είναι έτοιμος να ενταχθεί στον ανταγωνισμό. Έντουαρντς νοκ άουτ Στίβεν Τάινερ, της Νέας Υόρκης, σε δύο γύρους τον τελευταίο του αγώνα Αύγουστος. 26 στη Μινεάπολη, MN.

Ο καιρός στα χειμερινά σπορ στην Πασσιόλα, 31, Τούβλο, NJ, είναι 8-1-1 μετά από τρία χρόνια ως επαγγελματίας. Έχει νικήσει τον διαγωνισμό της Ανατολικής Ακτής Μπιλ Μάρκς, John Lennox, Ντόνι Πάλμερ και πρώην πρωταθλητής παγκόσμιου βάρους cruiserweight Ιμάμ Μάϊφιλντ. Στην τελευταία περίοδό του Ιούλιος 22 σε Ατλάντικ Σίτι, Ο Πασσιόλα εκδίκησε τη μοναδική του ήττα με έξι γύρους ομόφωνη Dante Selby, της Φιλαδέλφειας.

Σε μια άλλη περίοδο έξι γύρων, αήττητο welterweight Kenneth Sims Jr. αντιμετωπίζει ζαρωμένος βετεράνος Gilbert Venegas.

Sims νεώτερος, 22, Σικάγο, IL, είναι 7-0, 2 K0s, σε δύο χρόνια ως επαγγελματίας. Αποφάσισε έξι γύρους για τον Tavorus Teague, του Μπέικερσφιλντ, ΟΠΩΣ, επί Μάρτιος 11 στο Τουστίν, ΟΠΩΣ.

Venegas, 39, της Ανατολικής Moline, IL, είναι 14-24-5, 8 K0s, ενάντια σε μερικά από τα καλύτερα στο 147 και 154 λίρες. Ο Venegas έγινε επαγγελματίας 1999 και έχει κερδίσει Ed Paredes, Ροτζέλιο Ντε Λα Τορ και Λανς Ουίλιαμς και έρχεται ισοπαλία έξι γύρων με αήττητη Ντάνιελ Ντένι για Αυγ. 19 στο Wittenberg, WI. Το Venegas έχει επίσης εγκιβωτίσει Nate Campbell, Jermall Charlo, Mike Jones, Jaime Herrera και Sammy Vasquez και έπαιξε επίσης ισοπαλία με Ο Ιησούς Soto-Karass.

2016 Αναπληρωτής Ολυμπιακών Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών LeRoy Davila (2-0, 1 KO), του New Brunswick, NJ, θα ξαναβρεθεί με Edgar Cortes (3-3) του Vineland, NJ, σε μια περίοδο bantamweight προγραμματισμένη για έξι γύρους. Η Νταβίλα νίκησε τον Κορτς με τετραμερή απόφαση Ιούλιος 22 στο Mashantucket, CT. Ο Κορτς κέρδισε αργότερα μια τετράχρονη απόφαση Alex Barbosa για Αυγ. 26 στην πίσω αυλή της Φιλαδέλφειας του ηττημένου.

Το άνοιγμα της τηλεοπτικής εκπομπής θα είναι 17 χρονών Ντέβιν Χάνι (9-0, 5 K0s), του Λας Βέγκας, NV, θα έχει τον 10ο διαγωνισμό του σε οκτώ μήνες όταν παλεύει Μάικ Φάουλερ (5-2, 2 K0s), Μιλγουόκι, WI.

Σε μια περίοδο τεσσάρων γύρων welterweight, Τζάρον “Μπότες” Ένις (5-0, 5 K0s), της Φιλαδέλφειας, μάχες Έντι Ντιάζ (2-4-2), του Torrance, ΟΠΩΣ.

Σε έξι-στρογγυλή περιόδους:

Anthony Νέοι (13-2, 5 K0s) της Ατλάντικ Σίτυ, NJ, παίρνει Μάικ Τζάκσον (3-9-4, 2 KO του) του Νιούαρκ, New Jersey.

Σε μια περίοδο τεσσάρων γύρων, θα είναι μια μάχη των σούπερ μεσαίων βαρών με έδρα το Νιου Τζέρσεϋ ως Darryl Bunting (2-0-2, 1 Κ0), της Asbury Park, πληροί Darryl Gause (1-0), του Vineland.

Εισιτήρια για το εννέα αγώνα αγώνα, που ξεκινά 7 μμ, Οι τιμές στο $75, $50 και $40 Είναι διαθέσιμα στο Peltz Boxing (215-765-0922), κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα (267-273-0945) και Bam Boxing (215-280-6709).

LaManna Sees Big Opportunity In Sept. 15 Fight With Dusty Hernandez-Harrison

Φιλαδέλφεια, PA – Προοπτική Welterweight Θωμάς ” Cornflake” Lamanna took time out from training to discuss his much-anticipated Επτά. 15 αναμέτρηση με Dusty Hernandez-Harrison κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα in Philadelphia and live on CBS Sports Network
What are your thoughts on Dusty Hernandez-Harrison?
I think he is better than what people are given him credit for. Είναι 29-0-1 για κάποιο λόγο. He has defeated everyone that they have put in front of him
(except the one draw).
How important is this fight for your career?
This is a career-defining fight. The winner gets a world ranking. It is for the USBA title and a spot in the Top 15 (στον κόσμο). This is a big opportunity for both of us. I am zoned in and I will do what I have to do to get the win. It is a huge opportunity. I have a loss and I don’t like that feeling.

You just mentioned that you have a loss. What did you learn from that defeat that will help prepare you for this upcoming fight with Dusty?

The Douglas loss has prepared me for this. Being a headline fighter on television. We will be seen by more people being on CBS Sports Network. I am five fights more mature since my loss. I have been fighting solid competition and I have been more active.

What in those five fights has helped you prepare for this fight?
None of those guys are comparable to Dusty, but I fought guys with different styles and went some rounds with them when people may have questioned my stamina. I fought a rugged guy in Ayi Bruce and a crafty southpaw in Ariel Vasquez. Those guys aren’t killers, but I was getting work in.

What things have you fixed since the loss to Douglas? Did you feel you were overmatched in the fight?

It opened my eyes and it showed me that I needed to fix stuff. My diet and daily living. I was overmatched in maybe size, but I really felt going into that fight that I would beat him.
What are you doing different?
My diet and other things I do when I am not training. I was a middleweight because I was too lazy to drop down in weight. I have made a lot of adjustments.

You started out at middleweight, but you have eased your way down to welterweight. How difficult has that been and what type of advantage does this play into the Σεπτέμβριος 15πάλη?

I was always a big middleweight, but strength-wise I wasn’t. Now at welterweight, I am more explosive, γρηγορότερα, more experienced and now I can dictate the action. This is the first time he (Harrison) is fighting someone bigger than him. He has been fighting smaller guys. He now will have to face punches from a grown man.
The fight was originally scheduled for Atlantic City, where you would have been involved in the promotional aspects of the show. That would have entailed doing a lot of work behind the scenes, which would have taken some time away from training. Are you relieved that the fight is in Philadelphia?
I am thankful for that. I know I would have had to get involved in the promotional aspect and some of the stuff leading up to the fight. To me it doesn’t matter where the fight is. Philadelphia is a neutral ground. As long as there is a ring, it doesn’t matter where it takes place

Why this fight right now?

Είναι ώρα. He has fought one tough guy and if you saw the fight, he lost it (officially a draw with Mike Dallas). I have no doubt in my mind that I will win the fight and maybe even stop him. But it is a great opportunity to get showcased on national television for the USBA title.
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ΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ Σεπτέμβριος. 15

Welterweights Thomas LaManna and Dusty Hernandez-Harrison will collide in a scheduled 10-round bout for the vacant USBA Welterweight title on Πέμπτη, Επτά. 15, κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα. Η κάρτα προωθείται από το Final Forum Boxing, Peltz προωθήσεις εγκιβωτισμού & GH3 Promotions and will be broadcast live on CBS Sports Network, ξεκινώντας από 10μμ.

Εισιτήρια για το εννέα αγώνα αγώνα, που ξεκινά 7μμ, Οι τιμές στο $75, $50 και $40 Είναι διαθέσιμα στο Peltz Boxing (215-765-0922), κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα (267-273-0945) και Bam Boxing (215-280-6709).

Thomas LaManna Boxes Dusty Hernandez-Harrison For USBA Welterweight Title Sept. 15 On CBS Sports Network From Philadelphia

Φιλαδέλφεια, PA – Welterweights Θωμάς Lamanna και Dusty Hernandez-Harrison will square off in a scheduled 10-round bout for the vacant USBA Welterweight title on Πέμπτη, Επτά. 15, in a highly anticipated showdown at the 2300 Κονίστρα. Η κάρτα προωθείται από το Final Forum Boxing, Peltz προωθήσεις εγκιβωτισμού & GH3 Promotions and will be broadcast live on CBS Sports Network.
This is the kind of fight boxing needs at this juncture,” said Hall-of-Fame promoter and matchmaker J Russell Peltz. “We have two young prospects at the same level meeting in a logical locationNew Jersey against Washington, D.C. σε Φιλαδέλφεια. Boxing needs more fights like this in this kind of setting. This is the best fight for each of these fighters at this point of their careers.
The wick for this explosive fight was lit several years ago when LaManna and Hernandez-Harrison engaged in heated sparring sessions which forged the rivalry for the inevitable bout.
Lamanna, 24, του Μίλβιλ, NJ, έχει ένα ρεκόρ 21-1, 9 K0s. He has been fighting regularly on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ, από τότε που έγινε επαγγελματίας 2011. Κέρδισε το πρώτο του 16 άκρα, highlighted by wins over Ashandi Gibbs, της Τάμπα, FL, and Jamaal Davis, της Φιλαδέλφειας. Since suffering his only loss to world-ranked middleweight Antoine Douglas, του Burke, VA, last year in a ShoBox-televised contest, LaManna moved back down to welterweight and has won five matches in a row. In his last fight July 22 στο Claridge σε Ατλάντικ Σίτι, Lamanna, knocked out Engleberto Valenzuela, του Μεξικού, στον πρώτο γύρο.
I’ve been looking forward to this fight for a long time,” είπε Lamanna. “Our careers have run parallel. Dusty will bring plenty of fans to support him that night and the same goes for me. It’s an intriguing match for both of us and it’s in a natural setting where it belongs.
Hernandez-Harrison, 22, της Ουάσιγκτον, DC, είναι 29-0-1, 21K0s. He has been touted as the city’sbest boxing prospect since Sugar Ray Leonardby the Washington Magazine.

He began fighting at the age of 6 in a boxing exhibition at the Ritz Nightclub in Northwest D.C. and became a sanctioned amateur at the age of 8.
Hernandez-Harrison compiled an amateur record of 167-30, winning Ringside World Championships, National Silver Gloves Championships and three consecutive National Golden Gloves Championships from 2007 να 2009. Γύρισε υπέρ το 2011 σε ηλικία 17 in Mississippi, the youngest licensed pro boxer at the time.
Under the promotional banner of Roc Nation, Hernandez-Harrison has wins over Tim Witherspoon, Jr., της Φιλαδέλφειας, Tommy Rainone, της Νέας Υόρκης, and Michael Clark, of Columbus, ΟΗ. His fights have been televised by ESPN, Fox Sports 1 and BET and he recently entered into agreements with FILA and GEICO to be a brand ambassador, the only professional boxer to represent each prestigious company.
This is a big opportunity for both of us,” said Hernandez-HarrisonThe winner will get a Top 15 world ranking by the IBF and that’s what this is about. I have known Thomas for a long time, but that all goes out the window when we step into the ring.
Final Forum Promtions of New York presents this event exclusively LIVE on CBS Sports Network. Salvatore Musumeci of Final Forum Promotions said, “I am extremely proud to produce this exciting world-class as the first of our 2016 series of Championship Title Boxing. I hope this event will set the tone and excitement level for the rest of our 2016 Championship Title Boxing series exclusively on CBS Sports Network. I especially want to thank our co-promotions team, all our sponsors, our executive production team and of course CBS who have worked all in unison to make this event and the championship Title Boxing series something of the fans of the sport will come to appreciate and expect the best in world-class sports entertainment.

Three GH3 Promotions fighters will appear on the televised undercard.

Scheduled to appear in the co-feature will be super middleweight Τζέρι Odom(14-2-1, 13 KO του) της Βαλτιμόρης, Maryland in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds; welterweight Kenneth Sims Jr.. (7-0, 2 KO του) of Chicago in an six-round bout; bantamweight Λέρο Νταβίλα (2-0, 1 KO) του New Brunswick, New Jersey in a four-round fight,
Περισσότερα περιόδους θα ανακοινωθούν σύντομα.
Tickets for the eight-fight card, που ξεκινά 7.00 μμ, Οι τιμές στο $75, $50 και $40 Είναι διαθέσιμα στο Peltz Boxing (215-765-0922), κατά το 2300 Κονίστρα(267-273-0945) και Bam Boxing (215-280-6709).

Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle Decisions Thomas “KO” Snow; Targets Bigger Opportunities

Del Valle left hook.jpg

Φωτο: Roc Nation Sports

Ουάσινγκτον, DC (Μάιος 14, 2016) - 122 pound contender Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle (22-2, 16 KO του) της Bayamon, Puerto Rico scored a clear-cut, eight-round unanimous decision over local southpaw Thomas “KO” Snow (18-3, 12 KO του) την Παρασκευή, Μάιος 13 στο οπλοστάσιο DC στην Ουάσιγκτον, D.C.
Fighting on Roc Nation SportsThrone Boxing on BET, Del Valle looked to set the tone by pressuring the DC-based Snow in the opening round. Στη δεύτερη, the former NABA featherweight champion landed a number of straight right hands, including one that sent Snow down hard. Sensing that a knockout may be imminent, Del Valle swarmed Snow but he made it out of the round.
The third saw Del Valle land a picture perfect left hook that dropped Snow again, who effectively tied up after tasting the canvas. Del Valle continued to press the action in the fourth and fifth stanzas, while Snow began moving his hands but still held frequently. Snow found moments of success in the sixth and had his best round in the seventh, during which he connected with a hard shot that got an off balance Del Valle’s attention. Still gunning for a knockout, Del Valle pushed the action in the eighth however, Snow tied him up on multiple occasions and finished on his feet.
While most fans and ringsiders had Del Valle winning at least six rounds, the scores were surprisingly 76-74 και στα τρία scorecards.
"Thomas Snow was a very game fighter and I tip my hat off to him for being a tough competitor,” Del Valle said shortly after the victory. “I would’ve liked to have finished him, but he was constantly tying me up. I thought the referee would’ve warned him or taken a point, but that didn’t happen. This fight was a good learning experience and like JAY Z says ‘it’s onto the next one.’”
With Snow out of his way, Del Valle’s sights are set on bigger opportunities.
"I want to get my hands on one of the champions or top contenders at 122 λίρες. Ever since I started boxing, my goal was to become a world champion. I’m hoping to have the chance to fight for one of the belts soon because there’s nothing I want more than to bring a world title belt back to Puerto Rico.”
Fans can interact with Del Valle on Twitter @Orlanditoboxing and facebook.com/Orlandito-Del-Valle-111406195543360.

King’s Promotions Thomas “KO” Snow ready for statement win over Del Valle Friday night in Washington, DC

Ουάσινγκτον, DC (Μάιος 12, 2016)– Αυτή την Παρασκευή night in Washington, DC, Θωμάς Χιόνι will meet Luis Orlando Del Valle (21-2, 16 KO του) in the co-feature bout of nationally televised show live on BET.

The show is promoted by Roc Nation Sports.

Snow of Washington, DC has a record of 18-2 με 12 knockouts and this is a big opportunity fighting on a big platform.
“Κατάρτιση στρατόπεδο πήγε πολύ καλά. It was a perfect camp and now it is time to do something, and I am going out there to get the win.
Asked what he knew about Del Valle, Snow did know much other than some basic information.
Del Valle is a conventional fighter from Puerto Rico. He has a similar record, but hasn’t fought many good guys. I saw his fight with (πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής) Vic Darchinyan. (A fight that Del Valle lost via unanimous decision in 2012).
This is a fight that most boxing experts believe is a crossroads fight, with the winner leaping into contention, but Snow does not feel the pressure of the fight.

I think he has more to lose then me. I am moving up two weight classes. I would prefer to be fighting at 115 λίρες, but the opportunities have been coming at higher weights. Με αυτό που είπε, I don’t think he is on my level. So I am confident in this fight and the win will be an awesome breakthrough.
Despite fighting in his hometown, Snow does not think that plays any part in who will win the fight.
There is no advantage to that. Στην πυγμαχία, it just takes one punch and that crowd I not help that.
I know what I did in training camp and I am prepared. I am not fearful of any man. God blessed me with skills and I am going to do the work. I just know by keeping God in your life, everything will go great for you.
Said Snow’s promoter, Marshall Kauffman of King’s Promotions, “This is a great opportunity for Thomas. He has shown throughout his career that he has talent. His only losses have been to undefeated guys, but he has had a tremendous camp, και την Παρασκευή night he will show that he should be one of the top contenders in the super bantamweight division








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Φωτο: Roc Nation Sports/Tom Hogan Photography


ΟΥΑΣΙΝΓΚΤΟΝ, D.C. (Μάιος 11, 2016) - Την Τετάρτη, Μάιος 11, Ουάσινγκτον, D.C.’s undefeated Dusty Hernandez-Harrison (29-0, 16 KOs) and Bakersfield, Καλιφόρνια Mike “The Silent Assassin” Dallas Jr. (21-3-1, 10 KOs) participated in the final press conference at The Hamilton Live in Washington, D.C. in advance of their May 13 fight at the DC Armory. Hernandez-Harrison vs. Dallas Jr. will headline a throne boxing event in a 10-round welterweight bout that will be televised live on BET beginning at 10:00 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/PT and streamed live on global music and entertainment platform, TIDAL.com. Co-featured fighters including Dorado, Πουέρτο Ρίκο Orlando “Orlandito” Del Valle (20-2, 15 KOs) ο οποίος αντιμετωπίζει Thomas “KO” Snow (18-2, 12 KOs) της Ουάσιγκτον, D.C. and Philadelphia heavyweight prospect Darmani “Rock Solid” Rock (Pro Ντεμπούτο) who takes on the beltway’s ownCarlos “DC Diamond Cutter” Black (1-3) were also in attendance at the press conference την Τετάρτη.


Παρακάτω είναι αυτό που οι μαχητές, promoter and other dais guests had to say at the press conference:


“I want to thank Mike Dallas Jr. for coming into D.C. He has my respect for coming into my hometown and fighting. I’m really ready for this fight. I may have gotten in the best sparring that any fighter has ever gotten [for a fight]. I went from [sparring with] Canelo and came home to spar with Demetrius Hopkins, Austin Trout and Lamont Peterson. I don’t know if there’s better sparring than that. Camp has been great. I’m definitely ready for the fight. I want to thank FILA and Geico for supporting me. I hope everyone comes out on Friday, Μάιος 13 at the DC Armory. I know we will put on a good show.”




“I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity and keeping me strong through hard times. I had a good camp. I want to thank BET for having me on. Όπως Παρασκευή, it’s going to be a good fight. I’m mentally and physically there. I dug deep in camp and I’m ready to bring it in this fight. Εύχομαι ο αντίπαλός μου το καλύτερο. Είναι πρόκειται να είναι μια σκληρή μάχη. I’m ready to go in there, give it my all and give you guys a great show. Come and watch the fight on Μάιος 13."



“I would like to thank God, Roc Nation Sports and their entire staff for believing in me and giving me a second shot at my career. I won’t let you guys down. Becoming a world champion will be my only way to thank you guys so after this fight I’m ready for that.


“Thank you BET and TIDAL for allowing us to showcase our skills on national TV and over the internet so that boxing fans around the world can have a glimpse of what the near future holds.


“This fight means a lot to me. Είναι ο μεγαλύτερος αγώνας της καριέρας μου. I need to win this fight if I really want to get closer to a title shot. I’m in the greatest condition and shape of my life. Την Παρασκευή νύχτα, expect nothing but fireworks from Orlando Del Valle. I guarantee you that a title shot for Orlando Del Valle will be coming. A champion for Roc Nation Sports is very, πολύ κοντά. So once again, thank you all and don’t miss the action την Παρασκευή τη νύχτα. "




“I’m just looking forward to seeing everyone come out on May 13 at the DC Armory when I make my pro debut.”

DAVID Itskowitch, COO Πυγμαχία - Roc Nation Sports:


“An action packed undercard of emerging and established talent and exciting entertainment from the boxing hotbed of Washington, D.C. telecast live on BET and streamed live on TIDAL.com…May 13 is an event that no one should miss.


“This event would not have been possible without the support of a number of people and organizations and I would like to take a moment to thank the following…our sponsors: Στέμμα, FILA, Λύσεις Corporate Travel Management (CTMS), Πολύ χαρούμενος, Shoe City, Pepsi, RCN and The DC Lottery. I’d also like to thank Stephen Hill, Connie Orlando and their team at BET as well as Greg O’Dell and the staff of Events DC for helping us bring a throne boxing event to Washington, D.C.


“BET’s vision and commitment for putting together innovative live entertainment is a big reason why we are here today. We are thrilled to be partnered with BET to bring another throne boxing event to fans across the country. We’re also excited about the fact that as a non-traditional boxing network, they have thrown their hat into the ring which we believe has, and will continue to, attract new fans to the sport.


“Events DC works tirelessly to bring high profile events to Washington, D.C. and of late, they have helped to turn the District into a boxing hotbed.



STEPHEN HILL, President of Programming – BET:

“BET Networks is excited to partner with Roc Nation Sports to broadcast the second live throne boxingevent on BET. Παρασκευή, Μάιος 13 will be lucky for us as we get to bring to the world this top-notch sporting event showcase including live entertainment from Roc Nation’s own Justine Skye, DJ Cipha Sounds and BET personality Big Tigger, who will be welcomed back to BET with open arms.


“At BET Networks we’re committed to delivering more variety and original programming and like throne boxing, our content is engaging, emotional and entertaining. We are thrilled to welcome throne boxingback to BET. We know audiences love live sporting events like boxing, so this partnership fits like a glove.


“Last but not least, thank you to Washington D.C., the birthplace of BET Networks, και τον εαυτό μου, for hosting us in this great city. We look forward to a great fight την Παρασκευή τη νύχτα. "

ERIK MOSES, Senior Vice President and Managing Director – Events DC Sports and Entertainment Division:

“Boxing is back in Washington in a very big way. We have had the pleasure of hosting three championship bouts in the last three months at the DC Armory, which is a great place to watch a fight if you have not been there.


“This fight card in particular has a very special place in my heart, as it should for others from Washington, because it’s about as local as it can be. We’ve got a hometown hero, που, if you have not seen him fight, see him now before you can’t afford to see him. Dusty Hernandez-Harrison is going to be a big star and he represents Washington, D.C. in a way that few do. Check him out now before you’re paying big money in Vegas to see him fight.


“The fight is also being broadcasted by another home-grown institution, and that is BET. It’s great to see sports back on BET, and boxing in particular, coming from the DC Armory as the host venue. Τα εισιτήρια είναι ακόμα διαθέσιμες. We look forward to hosting everyone who wants to come out and cheer on all these fighters, but Dusty in particular so we can have another championship fighter in D.C.”



ANDREW HUFF, DC Boxing Commission:


“Roc Nation Sports and Events DC are helping to ensure that the legacy of the District’s boxing history continues. On behalf of Mayor Muriel Bowser, Adam Weers, who is the chairman of the District’s Boxing and Wrestling Commission, Miss Kimberly Lockett, who is another commissioner and myself, welcome to Washington, D.C.”




Hernandez-Harrison vs. Dallas Jr., a 10-round welterweight fight which is presented by Roc Nation Sports takes place Friday, Μάιος 13, 2016 στο οπλοστάσιο DC στην Ουάσιγκτον, D.C. This fight headlines a throne boxing event presented by Corona Extra and will be televised live on BET beginning at 10:00 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ and streamed live on global music and entertainment platform, TIDAL.com. The event is also sponsored by FILA, Λύσεις Corporate Travel Management (CTMS), Πολύ χαρούμενος, Shoe City, Pepsi, RCN and The DC Lottery. In addition to the great action inside the ring, the May 13 edition of throne boxing on BET will feature several notable Roc Nation Sports touches that offer a unique fan experience including a live musical performance by Justine Skye as well as DJ Cipha Sounds and event host Big Tigger who will keep the energy at a high level throughout the event. Doors open on fight night at 6:30 PM και ο πρώτος αγώνας αρχίζει στις 6:45 PM. Ακολουθήστε τη συνομιλία χρησιμοποιώντας #throneboxing.


Τα εισιτήρια κοστίζουν $75, $50 και $35, δεν περιλαμβάνονται τα ισχύοντα τέλη παροχής υπηρεσιών και οι φόροι είναι διαθέσιμα σε όλες τις θέσεις Ticketmaster, στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση Ticketmaster.com (http://bit.ly/may13throneboxing) και χρέωση στο τηλέφωνο (800) 745-3000.


Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, παρακαλώ επισκεφθείτε www.rocnation.com. Follow Roc Nation on Twitter @rocnation, on Instagram @rocnation/@rocnationsports and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Για πρόσθετες πληροφορίες, επίσκεψη www.bet.com. Join the conversation on the following social media platforms: on Twitter by using hashtag #BET #throneboxing and follow at @BET; on Facebook by liking the fan page at www.facebook.com/BET; and on Instagram @betnetworks.


For information on the DC Armory, επίσκεψη www.eventsdc.com and follow on Twitter at @dcsportsent.

Θωμάς “Cornflake” LaManna looking for a big summer fight Eyeing winner of Dusty HarrisonMike Dallas Jr.

Μίλβιλ, NJ (Μάιος 11, 2016) – Welterweight contender Θωμάς “Cornflake” Lamanna is ready for a breakthrough fight at 147 λίρες.

Ο 24 year-old from Millville, New Jersey has won four straight since his only career blemish, which was a nationally televised defeat to Middleweight Contender Antoine “Δράση” Ντάγκλας.

Από εκείνη την περίοδο, LaManna has moved down two weight divisions and has been around the welterweight limit in his last three bouts. With those four wins, LaManna’s record now reads 20-1 με οκτώ knockouts.

In the last three fights against veterans Ayi Bruce, Ariel Vasquez and Kendal Mena, LaManna has been settling in at the new weight and has looked strong as he has sat down more on his punches.

I’m looking for a big fight at 147 or if the right opportunity presents itself, I would consider 154. I don’t consider myself an “αντίπαλος” in the boxing world, I just need my opportunity to prove so,” είπε Lamanna.

For the meantime, Lamanna, who along with his mother Debra, have started their own promotional company, Η άνοδος Προσφορές.

Rising Promotions has staged two successful fight cards at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City and they are preparing for their third event, η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις Μάιος 27.

This will be the first event of ours that I won’t be fighting on. I have been doing a lot of the behind the scenes work on the event, helping with all aspects of the show and right now we are on track for another great event in front of our third straight maximum capacity crowd.

Μετά Μάιος 27, LaManna already has his mind set on his next ring appearance.

My next fight date is 22 Ιουλίου. I will fight in a 10 round bout at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City. I’m just keeping active with my promotional team Rising Promotions and Gulf Stream Promotions.

After the fight in July, LaManna has a fighter in mind that he feels that would be a great fight for boxing fans on the east coast.

I will be keeping a close eye on the Dusty Harrison vs. Mike Dallas Jr fight this weekend. I know Dusty is the favorite in that fight and I wish him nothing but the best but by the end of this year, we got to make a fight happen between him and I. I feel he’ll be 30-0 μετά Παρασκευήand I would love to have that 30-0 record on my resume. A lot of people in the boxing world from New York to Virginia would be excited to see this fight and it will be great for who ever promotes it.

LaManna also has his eyes on other contenders.

I see Kermit Cintron has returned, maybe we do a crossroads fight. Two local east coast guys. He has a following, I have a following. I’m sure we can get that done if he wants it.

I feel my promoter Vincent Ponte and my father did their part in getting me where I need to be in the boxing world. I’m blessed with the fan base that I have where I can sell out a 700 plus seat venue in Atlantic City where we do our shows at. There’s nothing wrong with staying busy and fighting durable guys but I just feel it’s that time someone gives me a shot.

LaManna credits a lot of his recent success to not only his team, but fighters that he trains with to help motivate and raise his game to a high level

Me and my trainers Raul Rivas, Reggie Loyd and Rashiem Jefferson have been working extremely hard in the gym perfecting my craft and looking to make a lot of noise in the boxing world. I am fortunate to train along side world class fighters such as Tevin Farmer and Jason Sosa to name a few and they inspire me to be great. I feel now is my time. I’m still young but I feel I have veteran mentality when I’m in the gym or in the ring.

Τα εισιτήρια για το Μάιος 27 fight card at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City featuring Isiah Seldon vs Eddie Edmond and Chuck Mussachio rematching Willis Lockett plus eight other big fights can be purchased for $125 for Premium; $77 for Ringside stage and $52 reserved are available at www.risingboxingpromotions.com ή 609-487-4444