Arkivji Tag: Drew Ryan

Baltimore Boxing Presents “Rumble Young Man Rumble” August 4

Baltimore, MD (Lulju 13, 2016) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions will pay tribute to legendary Muhammad Ali with “Rumble Young Man Rumble” Thursday, Awissu 4 fil Tmien Avenue Michael fil Glen Burnie, MD.
During Baltimore Boxing’s June 16 card, Smith, who had his first amateur fight as part of a charity event hosted by Ali, honored “The Greatest” with a speech and honorary ten count. He also announced that his next card would be named after Ali.
Tickets are on sale now by going to or calling 410-375-9175. Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 pm and the first fight starts at 8.
Headlining is a heavyweight slugfest between Dallas Butts and Drew Ryan. In their first meeting, Butts won a controversial decision that upset the pro-Ryan crowd and immediately set the tone for a rematch. Ryan is confident he’ll leave no doubt as to whom the better fighter is and Butts believes he’ll win without question this time around.
Baltimore Boxing standout Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey returns for his final amateur fight against Rashad Kirkpatrick. He was scheduled to finish his amateur career by competing in the Ringside Tournament but instead opted to fight locally. Veazey, who is turning pro later this year, won various titles during his decorated amateur career and has a large fan base.
Wildly popular Clayton Frazier will face an opponent to be named. A multi-sport star, Frazier is amongst the hungriest local fighters and is coming off a victory June 16.
Justin “Psycho” Sykes and Ashton “The Goon” Sykes will appear in separate bouts and other fighters will be added shortly.
“Michael’s Eighth has been a great home for Baltimore Boxing and we’re expecting another solid crowd,"Qal Smith. “This will be our second consecutive card paying homage to the great Muhammad Ali. “Rumble Young Man Rumble” will feature all competitive fights and boxers giving everything they have to entertain the crowd. We’ve got a great local following and the exposure the fighters are getting is only growing. If you’re in the area, please make sure to
come out and support not just the fighters but local boxing.”
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Baltimore Boxing Presents “Madness at Michael’s” March 10!


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Baltimore, MD (Frar 24, 2016) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions returns to Michael’s Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie, MD for “Madness at Michaels” Il-Ħamis, Marzu 10.

The card is topped by two title bouts and features some of the area’s notable rising fighters.

Tickets purchased in advance start at $25, siġġijiet riservati huma $35, reserved tables for ten are $350, $50 VIP seats and $500 VIP tables of 10 can be purchased by calling 410-375-9175. Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 pm and the fights begin at 8.

Fil-avveniment prinċipali, fans will be treated to a heavyweight title bout when “Dangerous” Dallas Butts challenges Drew Ryan for the East Coast Super Heavyweight crown. Butts is making a quick return to the ring, having fought January 28.

Renowned Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey of the Baltimore Boxing Club will do battle with Travis Roberts for the East Coast Junior Middleweight belt. The wildly popular Veazey, who has been ranked both nationally and internationally, has his sights set on turning pro in the near future.

Fast rising light heavyweight Donald Wallace meets Genc Pllana. Wallace, who fights out of the Baltimore Boxing Club, was amongst the biggest surprises during the 2016 Olympic Trials and went from being virtually unknown to one of the most discussed fighters on the local scene.

Fil azzjoni oħra, Clayton Frazier challenges Joe Nolan while former basketball star Stefon McCray, Tyrell Boyd and Ernest Hall all face opponents to be announced.

“Michael’s Eighth Avenue has been great for Baltimore Boxing,"Qal Jake Smith. “The crowd loves coming out to Michael’s and we’re going to reward them with two title fights and a special attraction bout featuring a future star in Donald Wallace. The community’s interest in Baltimore Boxing’s events has been strong and it’s important to me that we give them a great event.”

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Baltimore Boxing li jospita "Knock Out l-mili" Novembru 25!

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Baltimore, MD (Ottubru 23, 2015) - Promozzjonijiet Baltimore Boxing Jake Smith se jipprovdu fannijiet żona ma 'stil Olimpiku boxing fuq lejliet Thanksgiving billi jippreżentaw "Knock Out l-mili" l-Erbgħa, Novembru 25 fil Michaels Tmien Avenue fil Glen Burnie, MD.


Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa billi ċċempel 410-375-9175 jew qtugħ fuq Biljetti individwali mixtrija fil-bidu bil-quddiem fil $25, siġġijiet riservati huma $35, tabelli riżervati għall 10 tmur għall $350, sedili VIP individwali huma $50 u t-tabelli VIP ta 10 huma pprezzati għal $500. Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 pm u l-ewwel ġlieda jibda fil 8.All ticketholders VIP jirċievu buffet kumplimentari siegħa qabel l-ewwel ġlieda.


F'assoċjazzjoni ma "Knock l-mili Out" Baltimore Boxing huwa donazzjoni biljetti u hosting 50/50 raffle għall-Kolon Kanċer Alleanza jgħinu fil-ġlieda din il-marda perikolużi.


Waħda mill-forom qattiela ta 'kanċer, missjoni tal-Kanċer Alleanza Kolon huwa li knock kanċer tal-kolon out billi jiġu appoġġati prevenzjoni, iffinanzjar tar-riċerka avvanzata u jipprovdi kwalità tas-servizz ta 'appoġġ pazjent. Il Kolon Kanċer Alleanza hija membru kburi ta 'Standards tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tas-Saħħa ta' Eċċellenza Program Ċertifikazzjoni.


"Aħna impenjati li iħabbtu kanċer tal-kolon,"Qal Allison Ornitz, Koordinatur iżvilupp tal-Kolon Kanċer Alleanza. "L-avveniment ma Baltimore Boxing qed tqajjem kuxjenza u li gets us pass eqreb lejn twettaq il-missjoni tagħna. Kanċer tal-kolon huwa l-aktar evitati u meta n-nies jiksbu skrinjati, nafu ħajja huma jkollna salvati. "


Topping "Knock Out l Mili" hija battalja heavyweight eċċitanti bejn Brian Baltimore Boxing tal- "Bam Bam" Haneschlager u Drew Ryan ta 'West Virginia. Haneschlager huwa ġlied mogħtija tqil bil-fann kbir wara fil Maryland u Ryan għadu jitilfu, tikkompila 7-0 rekord.


Donald Wallace Baltimore Boxing tal battalji sħabi Baltimorean Tyrell Boyd fil-każ ko prinċipali tal-lejla. Wallace, li tkompli titjieb ma 'kull ġlieda, mitlufa deċiżjoni kontroversjali li ħafna meqjusa Sharif Rahman aħħar xahar fil-Qualifiers Olimpiku fl Philadelphia.


Champion ħin Multi Joey "Bazooka Joe" Veazey, Courtney Hartlove, Burris Allen, Tommy Coe. Jr, Stefon McCray, Sean Veazy u Ernest Hall se kull tidher fil bouts undercard separati.


Aktar bouts se jitħabbru dalwaqt u Baltimore Boxing huwa wkoll li fil-laned drive ikel li jiġi żgurat dawk li ma jistgħux jaffordjaw ikel se tkun kapaċi li jgawdu Thanksgiving tagħhom. Il-sewqan ikel qed jiġi ospitat mill Merritt Park Knisja Battista fil Dundalk.


"Huwa ta 'pjaċir li jiġu lura lejn Tmien Mikiel ma' wħud mill talent aqwa tagħna,"Qal Jake Smith. "Jien kburi li jkollhom l-Kolon Kanċer Alleanza jaħdmu magħna għal dan l-avveniment u aħna qed tmur biex tgħinhom jiġbru l-fondi u għarfien dwar lejl ġlieda. Aħna verament ħerqana li tqegħid fuq juru kbir għall-komunità u tibgħathom dar kuntenti għall Thanksgiving. "


Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar il-Kolon Kanċer Alleanza, jekk jogħġbok żur Biex tikseb aktar informazzjoni dwar Promozzjonijiet Baltimore Boxing, mur