Tag Archives: Diego Magdaleno


“Moram dokazati da sam najlošiji čovjek u sportu u subotu navečer," – Davis

“Svatko ima svoje mišljenje o ovoj borbi. Moj je posao otići tamo i dokazati da sumnjajući nisu u pravu," – Santa Cruz

Trostruki svjetski prvak Davis i četverodivizijski svjetski prvak Santa Cruz sastat će se u Halloween Thrilleru u Alamodomeu u San Antoniju. Headlinning SHOWTIME PPV® Ove subote, Listopad 31 u Događaju predstavio Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Esther Lin / Showtime®
Kliknite OVDJE za fotografije s Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather Promotions

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Listopad 29, 2020 – Tri puta svjetski prvak Gervonta „Tank” Davis i četveroligaški prvak Leo "Potres" Santa Cruz na kvadrat na završnoj konferenciji za novinare u četvrtak kako bi pregledali svoj dugo očekivani PPV SHOWTIME (9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT) obračun glavnog događaja koji se održava ove subote, Listopad 31 iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju na događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions.

Dva najefikasnija borca ​​u sportu, Davis i Santa Cruz borit će se za WBA Super perolako i WBA prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji u meču koji suprotstavlja čudesnu moć Davisa protiv neumoljivog pritiska Santa Cruza.

Davis vs. Santa Cruz promovira Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promocije, GTD Promocije i boksački klub Santa Cruz. Ulaznice su sada u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na Ticketmaster.com. Alamodome je proveo sveobuhvatan zdravstveni i sigurnosni plan kako bi zaštitio od širenja koronavirusa. Svi obožavatelji koji prisustvuju događaju bit će pregledani po ulasku i moraju nositi masku te slijediti smjernice za socijalno udaljavanje. Ulaznice će se distribuirati u blokovima sjedala poznatim kao "mahune" kako bi se održala udaljenost između grupa koje nisu iz iste stranke. Za više informacija, posjet Alamodome.com.

Evo što su sudionici tiskovne konferencije imali reći u četvrtak:


“Moj tim i ja odlučili smo preseliti svoj kamp u Las Vegas kako bismo mogli imati savršen kamp. Potrošili smo 15 tjedana na treningu, tako da sam dobro pripremljen. Nadamo se da je Leo dobro pripremljen i dajemo navijačima ono što žele vidjeti.

“Znamo da će Leo doći s puno udaraca i da ću biti eksplozivan. Sve je u tome da obožavateljima pružite poslasticu. Zahvalan sam što sam na ovoj poziciji i spreman sam. Subota navečer bit će noć za pamćenje.

“Ne uzeti mu ništa, Yuriorkis Gamboa samo je pokušavao preživjeti protiv mene. Teže je skinuti udarce kad netko ne pokušava donijeti borbu. Znam da će se Leo doći boriti. Mislim da će me ova izvedba podići na sljedeću razinu.

“Mislim da ga ne moram nokautirati, Jednostavno moram tamo izaći i biti sjajan. Zaboravi sve ostalo, Jednostavno moram izaći tamo i pokazati svima da sam najbolji čovjek u svijetu boksa. To mi je glavni cilj.

“Michael Jordan znao je čitati novine i raditi ono što su govorili da ne može. To je ono što radim. Moram dokazati da sam u subotu navečer najlošiji čovjek u tom sportu.

“Leo će se doći boriti i samo se ja pojačam i radim ono što radim najbolje. Potencijal u borcu možete vidjeti izvana, ali morate vidjeti kako to zapravo izlazi u borbi da biste u to povjerovali. U tom sam položaju. Svi znaju da sam sjajna, Jednostavno to moram pokazati.

“Leo je pokazao da je vrhunski borac, i diže se protiv eksploziva, moćan borac poput mene. Mislim da bi pobjednik trebao biti u vrhu 10 popisa funta za funtu.

“Floyd Mayweather upravo mi je rekao da ostanem usredotočen unatoč svemu što dolazi s tjednom plati-po-gledanju. Prvo moram obaviti posao, ali i učiniti sve što dolazi s tim da budete sljedeća zvijezda s plaćanjem po prikazu.

“Jedan sam od onih boraca koji se znaju usredotočiti kad imam nešto veliko ispred sebe. Nitko od sjajnih boraca prije mene nije se smrznuo kad je vrijeme krčenja. Uvijek sam se mogao usredotočiti kad su velike stvari na redu. To sam učinio za ovaj trening kamp.

“Nisam zapravo fokusiran na nekoga tko nije Leo Santa Cruz. Ne mogu previdjeti Lea. Što se tiče bilo kojeg drugog borca ​​tamo, oni mi trenutno nisu važni. Dokazat ću to usput. Ovo je korak bliže dokazivanju onog što želim dokazati. "


“To je ono o čemu sam oduvijek sanjao. Kad sam bio mali dječak, Htio sam biti na ovoj pozornici. Živim taj san i jako sam sretna i uzbuđena. Nikad nisam mislio da ću to postići. Mislio sam da je to poput dobitka na lutriji. Ali hvala navijačima, Ovdje sam gdje jesam.

“Suočavam se s najboljim borcem u diviziji. Ako želite biti najbolji, morate pobijediti najbolje. Moram ići protiv najboljeg borca. Htio sam se izazvati. Znam da je ovo opasna borba za mene, ali želim se testirati.

„Oboje smo pretrpjeli i prošli puno toga da bismo došli ovdje. Nitko od nas ne želi se vratiti tamo gdje smo započeli. Tako da znam da ćemo se oboje sjajno boriti s navijačima.

“Imam srce meksičkog ratnika. Tata mi je rekao da se borim pametno, ali iako će to reći, postoje dobre šanse da se na kraju ponekad posvađam s njim. Bez obzira, naći ćemo način da ga pobijedimo.

“Zapravo se ne brinem hoće li biti underdog. Svatko ima svoje mišljenje. Moj je posao otići tamo i dokazati da sumnjajući nisu u pravu. Vredno sam trenirao da odem tamo i odradim tu subotu.

“Gervonta je najbolji protivnik s kojim sam se suočio. On je najjači borac s kojim ću se suočiti. Borbe Abner Mares i Carl Frampton bile su sjajno iskustvo za ovu vrstu borbe. Puno sam naučio iz te četiri borbe i od tada sam naučio puno više.

“Značilo bi mi da svijet postanem prvak petoligaša. Bilo bi to još jedno ostvarenje sna. Stavio bih prezime Santa Cruz tamo gore s najboljima.

“Gervonta je krupan momak i znam da će ga teško udariti. Ali trenirao sam s većim momcima po cijelom kampu i uspio sam podnijeti sve što mi se baci.

“Navijači žele da idete i napravite rat naprijed-nazad. Znam da se protiv Gervonte moram pametno boriti. Jednostavno ću se potruditi poslušati očev savjet.

“Definitivno sam se borio da utihnem kritičare. Ljudi su govorili da se ne želim boriti protiv velikih imena. Pa sam krenuo nakon najvećeg izazova u diviziji, a to je Gervonta Davis.

“Mišljenja prepuštam navijačima i medijima. Moj posao je izvojevati pobjedu i pružiti navijačima veliku borbu. Dat ću sve od sebe i sve to ostaviti u ringu. "

CALVIN FORD, Davisov trener

“Kamp je bio sjajan. Bilo je nevjerojatno. Zaista cijenim rad koji je uložio. Jedva čekam da vidim Tanka u ringu. Radujem se sjajnim nastupima oba borca.

"'Tank' je postigao puno stvari koje sam od njega tražio, ali ovo je vrhunac svih njih ovdje. Obje ove obitelji hodale su istom linijom s različitim stazama. Oboje imaju šansu da ovom pobjedom postanu velikani.

“Svaki put kad sada pogledam‘ Tank ’, Vraćam se na one mlađe godine u teretani s njim kao dijete. Sad je čovjek kakav sam ga uvijek gledala. On je obiteljski čovjek, poslovni čovjek i divan borac. Nevjerojatno je vidjeti jednog od mojih dječaka koji su odrasli. "

JOSÉ SANTA CRUZ, Otac i trener Santa Cruza

“Imali smo zaista dobar trening kamp i razumijemo važnost ove borbe. Leo je u potpunosti spreman za ovu borbu u subotu i očekujem da će sjajno nastupiti.

“Jako sam zahvalna što sam ovdje. Tako sam sretna što sam ovdje sa svojim sinom zbog tako velike borbe i mogu ga voditi i pomoći mu da ostvari svoj san.

“Znamo da je Davis vrlo jak i uspješan borac. Ali Leo ga je upravo iskoristio da ga motivira u teretani svaki dan, a to ćete moći vidjeti u subotu. "

STEPHEN Espinoza, Predsjednik, Sport i programiranje događaja, Showtime Networks Inc.

“Jedan od najvećih razloga zbog kojeg volim boks je zato što moramo svjedočiti mladićima, poput 'Tank' Davisa i Lea Santa Cruza, razvijati se i sazrijevati pred našim očima. Ovo je naša deveta borba s 'Tankom' i 13th s Lavom. Vidjeli smo ih zrele kao borce i vidjeli smo ih zrele kao mladiće. Vidjeli smo ih kako se muče, znoj, i trijumf. Vidjeli smo kako su postali očevi. "

"Sjećam se kad sam prvi put sreo" Tank ", bio je travanj 2016 u Washingtonu, D.C. Bio je na neteleviziranom donjem dijelu borbe Adriena Bronera. Već se borio, prišao je za vrijeme prijenosa i Floyd ga je predstavio. Sjećam se baš njegovih riječi, ‘Ovo je moj mladi borac. Pazite na ovo dijete. ’I od tada gledamo.

“Sjećam se da sam Lea prvi put sreo u lipnju 2012. Nešto prije svoje prve borbe za svjetski naslov. Bio je vrlo skroman, miran, blago rečeno, gotovo sramežljivi mladići. Vrlo različito od tipa o kojem sam vidjela u ringu 48 sati nakon toga. Poanta je, bili smo zajedno za putovanje ovih mladića.

“Oni se bore protiv šansi, doslovno od rođenja. Imali smo sreće provesti vrijeme s njima tijekom All Access. Otvorili su svoja srca, njihov um, i sami da podijele svoje priče. Najviše sam čuo da poteškoća u ovoj borbi nije u tome žele li je ljudi gledati ili će je kupiti, to je za koga će navijati. Jer ako znate priče ovih mladića, što su prošli, i što su doživjeli, to je nevjerojatno.

„Suština je u tome što kod ova dva mladića imamo dva najuspješnija i najpopularnija mlada borca ​​u ovom sportu danas. Leo je od tada gotovo dosljedno prvak 2012. ‘Tank’ je imao rasprodaje ili u blizini prodaja u Los Angelesu, Baltimore i Atlanta, samo prošle godine. Ova dva izvrsna mladića su se potukla u subotu navečer. Morate poštivati ​​njihovo putovanje, odakle dolaze, i poštujte timove koji dolaze oko njega.

“Znamo što će se dogoditi u subotu navečer. Leo će doći u ring, bacajte puno udaraca i pokažite brzinu aktivnosti koja se razlikuje od gotovo svih ostalih u sportu. 'Tank' će pokazati snagu, brzina, i atletičnost koja ga je učinila jednom od mladih zvijezda s najbržim usponom koje smo vidjeli u sportu već neko vrijeme. Iznad toga, to će ovisiti o njima, baš kao što to ovisi o njima cijeli život. "

Davis vs. Santa Cruz vidjet će trostrukog svjetskog prvaka Gervonta „Tank” Davis i četveroligaški svjetski prvak Leo "Potres" Santa Cruz bitka za WBA Super perolako i WBA prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji s naslovom SHOWTIME PPV u subotu, Listopad 31 (9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT) u događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju, Teksas.

U složenoj donjoj kartici bit će nepobjedivi rođeni San Antonio i WBA super prvak u lakoj kategoriji Mario "El Azteca" Barrios braneći naslov protiv teško pogođenog Ryana "Kauboja" Karla u glavnom turniru i bivši svjetski prvak u super lakoj kategoriji Regis "Rougarou" Prograis odbiti neporaženog kandidata Juana Heráldeza u obračunu u 10 rundi. U TV prijenos otvarač, lagani kandidati Isaac Cruz i Diego Magdaleno borit će se u borbi za eliminaciju IBF naslova.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss ili postanite fan Facebooka na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


“U listopadu 31 svi će vidjeti za što sam sposoban," – Heraldez

Unbeaten Contender Juan Heraldez Faces Former World Champion Regis Prograis in SHOWTIME PPV® ActionSaturday, Listopad 31 Live From the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

NEW YORK – Listopad 16, 2020 – Unbeaten super lightweight contender Juan Heraldez is deep into training camp and shared insights into his preparations as he nears a showdown against former champion Regis "Rougarou" Prograis u subotu, Listopad 31 live on SHOWTIME PPV in a Premier Boxing Champions event headlined by Gervonta Davis vs. Leo Santa Cruz live from Alamodome in San Antonio.

“It’s been a long eight-week camp preparing for Prograis,” said Heraldez. “We’re fighting a different style of fighter, which is a good thing because he’s the type of fighter who comes to fight. A style like this makes it easier for me to train and prepare.

“Prograis ima moć, ali morate ga sletjeti i tu nastupa moja obrana. Moja je obrana uvijek bila faktor i to je nešto što uvijek dotjerujemo i pronalazimo načine da budem oštriji. Na papiru su njegove isprave gore, ali u ringu sve to izlazi na vrata. Kad zazvoni zvono, Ne razmišljam o tome da je bivši svjetski prvak. Borim se i završavam posao. "

Heraldez se prilagodio promjenama nastalim treningom tijekom pandemije, i uspio je biti fokusiran tijekom cijelog kampa. Pripisuje mu infrastrukturu boksački klub Mayweather, gdje trenira u Las Vegasu, jer je pomogao da stvari teku glatko dok se priprema za suočavanje sa svojim najtežim protivnikom do danas.

“The pandemic has had a slight effect on camp like it has with everything else,” said Heraldez. “There are so many protocols and safety measures, so you can’t just rotate sparring partners as easily as you could before. Adjusting to wearing a mask in the gym and getting tested constantly are things you learn to get used to. The Mayweather Boxing Club has done a great job of keeping the gym clean and safe for all of us. A lot of my stablemates are here in Las Vegas preparing for big fights, so it’s a great feeling knowing that we can come to a gym where safety is the top priority.”

The unbeaten Heraldez will return to the ring after fighting former world champion Argenis Mendez to a draw in May 2019 na Showtime. Heraldez je sastavio impresivan niz pobjeda koje datiraju iz 2017 trijumf nad tada nepobjeđenim Joseom Miguelom Borregom, i uključivao je pobjedu nokautom nad Eddiem Ramirezom u veljači 2019 vodeći u borbu protiv Mendeza. Heraldez je nastavio usavršavati svoj arsenal u borbi protiv Prograisa.

“Moj tim i ja radili smo na raznim stvarima, poput mog uboda, ali najvažnije tamo gdje sam cijelo vrijeme u ringu,” said Heraldez. “Moja svijest o prstenu podigla je ovaj kamp. Moj trener i ja držimo stvari stare škole, nemamo trenera snage i kondicije, radimo na osnovama i postajemo bolji u svakom kampu. Boks je jednostavan. Držite se i pomičite i nemojte biti pogođeni. Trening koji treniram kod trenera Otisa Pimpletona pokriva toliko stvari kao što su kardio, tehnika, prsten IQ, itd, so my job is just to listen to my team and trust them when I’m in camp and in the ring on fight night.”

While Heraldez is looking to improve on the draw in his last fight, Prograis will be seeking to bounce back from his first career defeat, a memorable 140-pound unification clash with Josh Taylor. With both fighters hungry for a win on October 31, Heraldez expects an exciting night for fans.

“On fight night, both of our styles are going to make for great action,” said Heraldez. “We both bring a lot to the ring. We’re both fighting to be the best, but on October 31, everyone will see what I’m capable of.”

Davis vs. Santa Cruz vidjet će trostrukog svjetskog prvaka Gervonta „Tank” Davis i četveroligaški svjetski prvak Leo "Potres" Santa Cruz bitka za WBA Super perolako i WBA prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji s naslovom SHOWTIME PPV u subotu, Listopad 31 (9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT) u događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju, Teksas.

U složenoj donjoj kartici bit će nepobjedivi rođeni San Antonio i WBA super prvak u lakoj kategoriji Mario "El Azteca" Barrios braneći naslov protiv teško pogođenog Ryana "Kauboja" Karla u glavnom turniru i bivši svjetski prvak u super lakoj kategoriji Regis "Rougarou" Prograis odbiti neporaženog kandidata Juana Heraldeza u obračunu u 10 rundi. U TV prijenos otvarač, lagani kandidati Isaac Cruz i Diego Magdaleno borit će se u borbi za eliminaciju IBF naslova.

Događaj promoviraju Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promocije, GTD Promocije i boksački klub Santa Cruz. Ulaznice su sada u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na Ticketmaster.com. Alamodome je proveo sveobuhvatan zdravstveni i sigurnosni plan kako bi zaštitio od širenja koronavirusa. Svi obožavatelji koji prisustvuju događaju bit će pregledani po ulasku i moraju nositi masku te slijediti smjernice za socijalno udaljavanje. Ulaznice će se distribuirati u blokovima sjedala poznatim kao "mahune" kako bi se održala udaljenost između grupa koje nisu iz iste stranke. Za više informacija, posjet Alamodome.com

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss ili postanite fan Facebooka na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


Lagani natjecatelji Magdaleno i Isaac Cruz sastaju se
Naslov Eliminator Otvaranje SHOWTIME PPV® Subota, Listopad 31
iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju na događaju Prezentirao
Premier Boks prvaka
KlikniteOVDJE za Magdaleno Training Video – Kredit: Armando Bareno
NEW YORK – Listopad 9, 2020 – Bivši izazivač svjetskog naslovaDiego Magdalenopodijelio je uvid u svoj trening kamp dok se približavao borbi IBF-a za laku titulu eliminatoraIsaac Cruzkoji započinje SHOWTIME PPV (9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT) akcija u subotu, Listopad 31 iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju na događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions.
„Ovo je moja druga borba u radu s‘ Bonesom ’Adamsem iz njegove teretane u Las Vegasu,”Rekla je Magdaleno. “Zapravo ga znam od svoje devete godine, pa ga smatram svojim najboljim prijateljem. Povjeravam mu svoj život. Proveo sam neko vrijeme trenirajući za ovu borbu u Scipionu, Utah također, vukući bale sijena i radeći svakakve zanimljive bušilice. Dobio sam dobar sparing ovdje u Vegasu, a čak sam i otišao u Kaliforniju na neki sparing, previše.
“Bio sam na jednoj od posljednjih borbenih karata prije pandemije, i čast mi je što sam na prvoj borbenoj kartici sa živom publikom od početka pandemije. It’s been a hectic year, but I’m happy with where things are for me heading into this fight. Coach Adams has been doing a great job with training, but he also handles my strength and conditioning. He’s got a huge gym with a lot of motivated fighters and it’s great to be around that kind of atmosphere. And my fiancé has been handling my nutrition for my last four fights. Tako, it’s great to have her involved also.”
Magdaleno returns to action after upsetting Austin Dulay in Dulay’s hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. u veljači, dropping him in round seven on his way to a 10-round unanimous decision. He credits his team in training camp for the impressive performance against Dulay.
“I’ve always taken pride in being a professional, but I learned that I can be very dangerous with the right team around me,”Rekla je Magdaleno. “I went into that fight kind of being considered a steppingstone for Dulay, but I showed that I’m still a strong fighter. People counted me out and they made a mistake. I’m just super happy that I found Coach Adams and got a proper team organized around me. I was able to change people’s minds with just one fight. Now I’m in a title eliminator, and with a win on October 31, I’ll have my third shot at a world title.”
The 33-year-old has come up short in his most high-profile fights to date, dropping title bouts to Terry Flanagan and Roman Martinez, in addition to a 2019 loss against current lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez. With those experiences and an improved training structure around him, Magdaleno believes the lessons he’s taken from those fights will be instrumental going forward.
“The biggest thing that I’ve learned is to stay calm,”Rekla je Magdaleno. “When I start thinking too far ahead, that’s when things go wrong. Coach Adams has a great way of keeping me grounded and composed. He knows how to simplify things for me and communicate exactly what I need to do, which makes it less stressful for me. And we’ve done some other things, like correcting my footwork and the angles that I use.”
In the 22-year-old Cruz, Magdaleno will be opposed by a fast-rising and exciting Mexican fighter looking to make a mark in his biggest fight to date. With an 11-year age gap, Magdaleno plans to use his extensive experience to his advantage on October 31.
“Cruz is something I’ve seen before,”Rekla je Magdaleno. “I’ve fought lots of Mexican-style fighters like him who don’t have a lot of technical skill but possess a come-forward style. Tako, I think I’ll be able to go back to what I know. I’ll just have to stay fluid and pick Cruz apart. He’s a guy who likes to fight on the inside and throw lots of overhand punches and hooks. I’ll break him down like I did my last opponent.”
Magdaleno will look to continue his career renaissance against Cruz and put himself back on track for another world title opportunity. With all that he’s been through during his career, Magdaleno remains highly motivated to prove critics wrong and achieve his goal of becoming a world champion.
“What I know is that when everyone counts you out, you just have to believe in yourself,”Rekla je Magdaleno. “When I decide to hang up the gloves, it’ll be because I want to, not because others say I should. I have my confidence back now and I’m very happy with where I’m going
. Being one shot away from the title that I dreamed of as a child is a huge motivating factor for me. And I fight for my family, previše. I’m a different person now. I’m more mature and I think I’ll be able to prove that to people in this fight.”
Davis vs. Santa Cruz vidjet će trostrukog svjetskog prvakaGervonta „Tank” Davisi četveroligaški svjetski prvakLeo "Potres" Santa Cruzbitka za WBA Super perolako i WBA prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji s naslovom SHOWTIME PPV u subotu, Listopad 31 (9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT) u događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju, Teksas.
U složenoj donjoj kartici bit će nepobjedivi rođeni San Antonio i WBA super prvak u lakoj kategoriji Mario "El Azteca" Barrios braneći naslov protiv teško pogođenog Ryana "Kauboja" Karla u glavnom turniru i bivši svjetski prvak u super lakoj kategoriji Regis "Rougarou" Prograis odbiti neporaženog kandidata Juana Heraldeza u obračunu u 10 rundi. U TV prijenos otvarač, lagani kandidati Isaac Cruz i Diego Magdaleno borit će se u borbi za eliminaciju IBF naslova.
Događaj promoviraju Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promocije, GTD Promocije i boksački klub Santa Cruz. Ulaznice su sada u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na Ticketmaster.com. Alamodome je proveo sveobuhvatan zdravstveni i sigurnosni plan kako bi zaštitio od širenja koronavirusa. Svi obožavatelji koji prisustvuju događaju bit će pregledani po ulasku i moraju nositi masku te slijediti smjernice za socijalno udaljavanje. Ulaznice će se distribuirati u blokovima sjedala poznatim kao "mahune" kako bi se održala udaljenost između grupa koje nisu iz iste stranke. Za više informacija, posjetAlamodome.com
Za više informacija posjetitewww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss ili postanite fan Facebooka nawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ahttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Takes on Ryan Karl;
Former 140-Pound Champion Regis Prograis Faces Unbeaten Juan Heraldez; Lightweight Contenders Isaac Cruz and Diego Magdaleno Meet in Title Eliminator


NEW YORK – Listopad 2, 2020 – Tri puta svjetski prvak Gervonta „Tank” Davis i četveroligaški svjetski prvak Leo "Potres" Santa Cruz will square off in a Halloween thriller for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships live on SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Listopad 31 (9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT) u događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions iz Alamodomea u San Antoniju, Teksas. The four-fight pay-per-view card will be the first major boxing event with fans in attendance since COVID-19 forced a halt to U.S. sports in March.

The stacked undercard will feature unbeaten San Antonio native and WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios defending his title against hard-hitting Ryan “Cowboy” Karl in the co-main event and former super lightweight world champion Regis "Rougarou" Prograis will take on unbeaten contender Juan Heraldez in a 10-round showdown. U TV prijenos otvarač, lightweight contenders Isaac Cruz a Diego Magdaleno will battle in an IBF title eliminator bout.

The highly anticipated main event will be contested at 130-pounds and will be fought for both Santa Cruz’s 130-pound title and Davis’ 135-pound title, which they each won in their previous fight. Two crowd favorites with massive followings, Davis vs. Santa Cruz is an all-action style matchup, with Davis owning a .957 knockout rate, while Santa Cruz is long established as one of the busiest punchers and best pressure fighters in the sport.

Davis vs. Santa Cruz will be a rare clash in boxing history in which world titles in two weight classes will be at stake. Other notable instances in recent boxing history are the 1988 Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Donny Lalonde fight for the light heavyweight and super middleweight titles, a 2014 Floyd Mayweather vs. Marcos Maidana rematch for the super welterweight and welterweight championships.

“I’m looking forward to showing the world how hard I’ve been working in camp,"Rekao je Davis. “We are just a few weeks away, and I’m already in great shape. Headlining on pay-per-view has always been a dream of mine since I started boxing. I can’t wait to put on a spectacular performance against multiple division world champion Leo Santa Cruz. Thank you to my team, SHOWTIME, Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions, and all my fans worldwide. Keep supporting me and I’ll fight for you.”

“Listopad 31 is going to be the biggest fight of my career,” rekao Santa Cruz. “I’m going to fight a very tough opponent, maybe the toughest opponent of my career. Two titles are going to be on the line, and this will be my first time headlining a pay-per-view. So I’m going to do everything that I can to put on a good show. Davis is known for his power. But I think with my experience and ring IQ I can break him down. He’s probably going to be very aggressive in the early rounds. But if I do what I’m supposed to, and execute our game plan, I will win.’’

Događaj promoviraju Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promocije, GTD Promocije i boksački klub Santa Cruz.

This fight between Gervonta Davis and Leo Santa Cruz is such a great fight that we had to have it with fans, which will be a first for a major boxing event since COVID-19 started,” said Floyd Mayweather, President of Mayweather Promotions and a 12-time, Svjetski prvak u pet divizija. “Spremnik’ Davis is a special talent, a super skilled fighter and I have been in the gym regularly to watch and help him prepare for a tough opponent in Santa Cruz, who we all know always comes in shape and ready to fight. It’s going to be a great night for Mayweather Promotions, for boxing and for sports. The best fighting the best is all we can ask for.

“We continue with the tradition of offering boxing fans the best matchups in the hottest divisions, pitting the best versus the best,"Rekao je Stephen Espinoza, Predsjednik, Sport i programiranje događaja, Showtime Networks Inc. “Tank Davis facing Leo Santa Cruz is one of the most exciting matchups of the year. You have a young, hungry star with devastating power in Davis and an experienced and absolutely relentless four-division champ looking to conquer a title in a fifth division. This is the type of matchup boxing fans have waited the entire year to watch. Two superstars in their toughest matchup to date battling for titles in two weight divisions at the same time.”

“Gervonta Davis is the most exciting fighter in the sport, and he’s set to headline his first pay-per-view card and set the world on fire,” said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promocije. “He’s up against an experienced, four-division world champion in Leo Santa Cruz, who is looking to take him down and hand him his first L on October 31.”

“Gervonta Davis vs. Leo Santa Cruz is one of the best matchups that can be made in boxing, with each fighter in position to score a career-defining victory,” said Tom Brown, Predsjednik TGB Promocije. “We’re excited to bring a historic showdown with world titles in two weight classes on the line to fans at the Alamodome. Davis vs. Santa Cruz presents a fascinating clash of styles, with Santa Cruz’s relentless pressure against Davis’ fight-changing power. Adding in three high-stakes undercard attractions, this pay-per-view is lined up to present drama in the ring from start to finish.”

Tickets will go on sale Monday, Listopad 5 na 10 a.m. CT and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. This is the first major boxing event with fans in attendance since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. u ožujku. The Alamodome has implemented a comprehensive health and safety plan to protect against the spread of the virus. All fans attending the event will be screened upon entry and are required to wear a mask, as well as follow social distancing guidelines. Ulaznice će se distribuirati u blokovima sjedala poznatim kao "mahune" kako bi se održala udaljenost između grupa koje nisu iz iste stranke. Za više informacija, posjet Alamodome.com.

“The Alamodome is excited to host the Davis vs. Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV event and to bring these athletes to San Antonio,” said Steve Zito, General Manager, Alamodome. “Not only is this a great platform for these athletes and their fans, but the event will also spotlight San Antonio through nationally televised matches and generate economic impact for our community during these challenging times.”

Davis (23-0, 22 Kos) burst onto the scene with an explosive knockout victory over Jose Pedraza to win the IBF Junior Lightweight World Title in a star-making performance on SHOWTIME® u siječnju 2017. U trenutku, he became the youngest world champion in boxing at age 22. U prstenu, Davis blends controlled aggression with blazing hand and foot speed, eye-catching power and sublime boxing skills. The dynamic combination of skills has made Davis a fan-favorite who filled arenas in Atlanta, Ga., and his hometown of Baltimore, Merilend, prošle godine.

The 25-year-old began his 2019 with a knockout of Hugo Ruiz in February, before scoring a second-round stoppage of Ricardo Núñez in his homecoming fight in July. Davis closed out the year by capturing his lightweight title via 12th round TKO of former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in December. Davis also owns a title-winning performance in which he dominated former champion Jesus Cuellar to capture the WBA 130-pound belt in 2018. Under the guidance of Mayweather Promotions, Davis will look to further improve his impressive portfolio with another title-winning performance in his first pay-per-view main event.

Borba iz Los Angelesa, Santa Cruz (37-1-1, 19 Kos) made his debut at super featherweight last November by defeating Miguel Flores to capture the WBA title. Santa Cruz has made his name in the sport by engaging in numerous Fight of the Year contenders, including two thrilling featherweight title duels against four-time champion Abner Mares and two-division champion Carl Frampton each. He lost his featherweight title in his first match against Frampton in 2016, but reclaimed it in their rematch the following year.

The 32-year-old has competed in title bouts in 17 od njegova posljednja 19 borbe, while picking up belts at 118, 122, 126 and 130-pounds. The 130-pound title made Santa Cruz just the fifth fighter of Mexican descent to win titles in four weight classes, joining Oscar De La Hoya, Erik Morales, Jorge Arce and Mikey Garcia. Santa Cruz was introduced to the sport and trained throughout his career by his father Jose, along with his brothers Jose Armando, a former lightweight contender, Antonio. Santa Cruz will look to become a five-division champion in his first pay-per-view headliner.

The 25-year-old Barrios (25-0, 16 Kos) will be making the first defense of his world title in his hometown of San Antonio. Barrios captured his 140-pound title in his last fight in September 2019, earning a hard-fought unanimous decision over then-unbeaten Batyr Akhmedov, dropping him twice and fighting through a cut suffered on a head butt. Barrios trains in Oakland, Kalif. under the guidance of renowned coach Virgil Hunter. The five-foot ten-inch Barrios debuted as a super bantamweight in 2013, eventually moving up to 140-pounds full time in 2017 where he is 8-0 with seven knockouts.

“The long layoff is finally over and fans can expect to see me go to war with Ryan Karl, who I know is coming to bring an aggressive fight to the table,” said Barrios. “I’ve stayed in great shape during this past year, so now it’s time for me to keep giving boxing fans exciting fights. I’ll be representing my city of San Antonio and as always, everyone can expect to see me as explosive as ever. Listopada 31, all the fans watching on pay-per-view will watch me make a statement as I defend my title.”

Born in Milano, Texas and now trained in Houston under the tutelage of top trainer Ronnie Shields, Karl (18-2, 11 Kos) will step in for his first title opportunity on October 31. The 28-year-old enters this fight on a three-bout winning streak, with all three wins coming in 2019, including a knockout of Kevin Watts to avenge one of his losses in an immediate rematch. Karl also owns victories over Kareem Martin and then-unbeaten Jose Felix Quezada during his pro career that dates back to 2014.

“I’ve been training for this my whole life and I’m not going to let it slip away,” said Karl. “We’re working hard in training camp to put on the best performance of my career. We know what we’re up against in Mario Barrios, but I’ve come too far not to take full advantage of this opportunity on October 31.”

A staple of the 140-pound elite, PROGRAMI (24-1, 20 Kos) returns to the ring after losing his title in an exciting unification clash via majority decision last October against Josh Taylor. The 31-year-old won his title by defeating Kiryl Relikh by TKO in April 2019 and has also earned stoppage victories over former unified champion Julius Indongo, and then-unbeaten contenders Joel Diaz Jr. and Juan Jose Velasco. Prograis was born in New Orleans but lives and fights out of Houston.

“This is a huge fight and I’m very thankful to PBC for giving me this opportunity,"Rekao Prograis. “I haven’t fought in a year and since then I’ve done a lot of self-reflection and moved from L.A. back to Texas. I’m more focused than I’ve ever been and I can’t wait to get back to my number one spot in the super lightweight division. I have to be a world champion again and I won’t stop until that happens.”

The 30-year-old Heraldez (16-0-1, 10 Kos) can vault himself into the top tier of 140-pound contenders with a career-best victory over Prograis on October 31. Born in Northridge, Cal. and training out of the Mayweather Promotions gym in Las Vegas, Heraldez most recently fought to a majority draw last May against former champion Argenis Mendez. Heraldez’s pro career has also seen him score victories over previously unbeaten Jose Miguel Borrego and tough contender Eddie Ramirez.

“It’s been a crazy year, but I took this opportunity to spend time with my family and sharpen my skills inside the ring,” said Heraldez. “There’s been a lot of great sparring happening at the Mayweather Boxing Club that I’ve taken advantage of. Ispred sebe imam žilavog protivnika, and that’s my only focus right now. I trust in my ability as a fighter and I trust my team to get me over the finish line with a victory on October 31. I’m thankful to Mayweather Promotions for putting me on such a large platform for this fight.”

Fighting out of his native Mexico City, Meksiko, Križ (19-1-1, 14 Kos) is unbeaten in his last 15 fights since dropping his sixth pro fight by decision. The 22-year-old knocked out 10-of-13 opponents between 2016 a 2018, before making his U.S. debut in December 2019. That contest saw Cruz earn a unanimous decision over Miguel Perez, which he followed up in February of this year by defeating Thomas Mattice by decision on ShoBox: Nova generacija.

“Since I started boxing, it has been my dream to fight on this stage in the United States,", Rekao je Cruz. “I know that Diego Magdaleno is a very tough and experienced fighter, but it’s my time on October 31. The fans will see that I have what it takes to be world champion when I beat Magdaleno and announce myself as one of the best lightweights in the world.”

Magdaleno (32-3, 13 Kos) enters this fight coming off of an impressive victory over contender Austin Dulay in February that saw him drop Dulay on his way to a unanimous decision. The 33-year-old has challenged Roman Martinez for a 130-pound title and Terry Flanagan for a lightweight crown, while also battling lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez in February 2019. A Las Vegas native, Magdaleno has won four-of-five fights entering October 31, including a 10-round decision over Artyom Hovhannisyan.

“I’ve been super eager to get back into the ring since my last performance,”Rekla je Magdaleno. “That win sparked a fire in me and got me as motivated as I’ve ever been. Now that I’m in a title eliminator, I’m even more excited to return to action. I’m facing another young lion, but he’s lacking the experience that I have. Training with Bones Adams has made a world of difference in my career. I’ve made a transition to being more composed and smarter in the ring. I’m here to make a statement and claim what’s mine. I’m never going to back down until I get that world title.”

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions ili postanite fan Facebooka na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Abel Ramos Stuns Bryant Perrella in Co-main Event Welterweight Battle

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos
Kredit: Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Nashville, Tennessee. (Veljača 15, 2020) – Fighting in front of a raucous hometown crowd for the first time in his professional career, undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Kaleb “Sweethands Biljka (20-0, 12 Kos) staviti na show.

Plant dominated mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz (31-3, 28 Kos) Njemačke, bodovanja 10th-round TKO Saturday night in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville.

Biljka, who grew up in neighboring Ashland City, successfully made the second defense of the world title he won in January 2019 with a thrilling 12-round unanimous decision over then-titlist Jose Uzcategui. “Sweethandslived up to his moniker, breaking down Germany’s Feigenbutz before putting him away.

I was super fueled by the crowd tonight,” Plant said. “I could have gone all night. The whole city came out. Nashville stand up!”

Plant gave them plenty to cheer about from the opening bell, landing his jab up and downstairs. The aggressive Feigenbutz, 24, struggled to land anything in return.

Plant began landing the combinations in the third, bringing the crowd to his feet with a series of well-placed volleys.

Watch early round highlights OVDJE a OVDJE.

Those shots slowly took their toll, but Feigenbutz was game. He came alive in the sixth, pinning Plant against the ropes and unloading his own combinations. Plant covered up and shook his head as if unbothered.

Watch Feigenbutz fight back in Round 6 OVDJE.

Plant pounded Feigenbutz in the seventh and eighth, opening up a cut on his nose and swelling his right eye. The challenger absorbed more punishment in the ninth, causing the ringside doctor to take a hard look at him in between rounds.

Watch Plant dominate Round 9 OVDJE.

The end came swiftly in the 10th as Plant, sensing his foe was weakening, pounded away until referee Malik Waleed mercifully stepped in. The official time of the stoppage was 2:23 of the 10th.

Watch the stoppage in Round 10 OVDJE.

I felt great out there,” navedene biljke. “I was relaxed and sharp. I told you I was going to stop this before the 12th round. I want to dedicate this to my daughter, to my mother, my grandfather and the whole city of Nashville.

The champion also stated his desire to unify versus unbeaten WBC counterpart and rival, David Benavidez.

Everyone knows I want that unification fight with David Benavidez,” Plant stated. “You know who the best 168-pounder is. If you want that, you’ve got to come see me. I want that fight; I’ve been asking for it and I’m tired of waiting!”

U suradnji-glavni događaj, Abel Ramos scored a stunning last second TKO victory overBryant Perrella in a scheduled 10-round welterweight match. Heading into the 10thand final round Ramos was told by his cornermen that he needed a knockout to win. Ramos (26-3-2, 20 Kos) delivered, badly hurting and dropping Perrella twice in the waning seconds of the frame, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave the welterweight co-main event off with just one second remaining.

I know the fight’s not over until it’s over,” said Ramos. “That’s the game. I’ve been sick for two weeks. But no excuses. I wanted to come here and perform.

I watched the Chavez-Taylor fight like 10 million times and I never thought I’d be in something like that. It just goes to prove that fights are never over till it’s over. You have to fight every single second of every single round.

Watch Ramos stun Perrella at the end of Round 10 OVDJE.

Perrella (17-3, 14 Kos) was up on all three cards at the time of the stoppage; 87-84 and two scores of 88-83.

This is boxing. It’s like Meldrick Taylor and Chavez,” Said Perrella, agreeing with Ramoscomments. “These things just happen. I’m not going to take anything away from my opponent. I was winning every round convincingly. Ono što mogu reći? There was second left in the 10th round. It’s like a needle in the haystack. It is what it is.

Southpaw Perrella controlled much of the action, using side to side movement, angles and rapid-fire combinations to stifle Ramosoffense. A left hook in the third briefly buckled Ramos. Another in the fifth stunned him.

Perrella’s a tough fighter,” said Ramos. “He’s a strong, strong fighter. Ja nemam ništa, ali poštovanje prema njemu. I expected a tough fight and that’s what happened.

Ramos never stopped coming forward, picking up the pace as Perrella slowed down. S 34 seconds remaining in the 10th, Ramos landed a perfect left uppercut flush on the chin. Perrella sank to the mat, getting up on unsteady legs. Ramos pounced once action resumed, unloading until a straight right drove Perrella to the floor again. Opet, he made it to his feet but couldn’t walk straight without stumbling. Reiss immediately waved it off at 2:59.

Everything was going well, and I was winning the fight, round by round,” Said Perrella. “I don’t know. This is boxing. That’s the thing about the sport. Tako je kako je. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m not going to make up any excuses or take anything away from my opponent. It’s just an experience that you go through in life and you have to overcome it. Absolutely I’d like to do it again with him. We can get a rematch in for sure.

I want all the welterweights,” Ramos exclaimed. “I’d like to have another big TV fight and go out there and prove myself.

The FOX PBC Fight Night opener featured a back-and-forth battle between lightweightsAustin Dulay a Diego Magdaleno. Magdaleno produced one of the finest performances of his career, dropping Dulay on his way to a 10-round unanimous decision victory in a minor upset.

The 33-year-old Magdaleno (32-3, 13 Kos) was simply busier, particularly down the stretch in this battle of southpaws.

I knew mentally I could break him down,” said Magdaleno. “If I attacked the body, I knew I could break him down. He’s a young prospect. He’s taller than me so my plan of attack was to get in close and go to the body.

Dulay disagreed with the decision. “I boxed the hell out of him every round, making him miss, catching shots, countering. Da, he hit me with a few good body shots. That doesn’t replace the heavy shots that I hit him with every single round for 10 rounds straight. That is madness. And it was a unanimous decision? That’s crazy. That’s unbelievable to me.

Even Diego just told me that he had nothing to do with the decision. He knows. How can they do that to me in my hometown? That’s dirty man.

Fighting in front of his fellow Nashville residents, Dulay (13-2, 10 Kos) started fast, landing several clean lefts in the second. Magdaleno never stopped coming forward, working behind the jab and landing to Dulay’s body.

Watch early round action between Austin Dulay and Diego Magdaleno OVDJE aOVDJE.

Some of those shots strayed low which elicited warnings from referee Jack Reiss. Međutim, the work paid off as Dulay’s output dropped over the course of the bout. The sixth featured some of the best exchanges of the bout. Magdaleno got the better of those, landing a right to the ribs followed by one upstairs.

Magdaleno continued to press the attack in the seventh, scoring the fight’s only knockdown with a hard left hook to the solar plexus.

Watch Magdaleno score a knockdown vs Dulay in Round 7 OVDJE.

Once action resumed, Magdaleno pounded at his ribs until a left hook strayed low and dropped Magdaleno, causing Reiss to deduct a point.

Every round he was hitting me low and, in the back, and on the hips,” said Dulay.
It was more times than he got called for. I won that fight 100%.

Sensing the fight slipping away, Dulay picked up the pace over the last three rounds. It wasn’t enough to overcome Magdaleno’s work rate, which earned him a win by scores of 97-91, 96-92 a 96-92.

Experience has everything going for me. In my previous fight, I lost my head,” said Magdaleno. “This time I took my time. My camp said slow it down. Happy for the victory tonight.

On the non-televised undercard, former world bantamweight champion Rau’Shee “Nuke” Odgajivačnica zečeva (17-3, 4 Kos) ended a 13-month layoff with a wide 10-round unanimous decision over Gilberto Mendoza (15-8-3, 7 Kos).

The 33-year-old Warren used his fast hands to land an assortment of shots from his lefty stance. In the fourth, a clash of heads opened a cut over the left eye of Mexico’s Mendoza. Warren sought to close the show, but Mendoza was game, firing back though outgunned.

Two judges scored it 99-91 and the third judge had it 100-90.

It felt good to get back in there after being off for a year,” Warren said. “I didn’t feel like a rookie. I felt like I had to get a little rust off me. But I think I got most of the rust off when I was in the gym training. Going 10 rounds it felt good.

I hope to get back in May,” said Warren. “I only need 90 dana. I’ve already had my long layoff since last January when I fought on Pacquiao and Adrien’s card. I’m ready to get it on. I’m ready to move on. The only thing he did that I didn’t expect him to do was stay up.

The event was promoted by Sweethands Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions.

# # #

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Undefeated IBF Super Middleweight Champion Plant Makes Homecoming Title Defense Against Vincent Feigenbutz Saturday, Veljača 15 iz Bridgestone Arene u Nashvilleu, Tennessee Headlining FOX PBC Fight Night & na Fox Deportes

Press Conference Also Featuring Welterweight Contender Bryant Perrella & Nashville Native Austin Dulay Ahead of Respective Showdowns on FOX

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Gavin Nutt/Sweethands Promotions

NASHVILLE, Tennessee. (Siječanj 15, 2020) – Undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Kaleb “SweethandsPlants previewed his homecoming world title defense at a press conference in Nashville Wednesday, as he prepares to take on mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz Subota, Veljača 15 in the FOXPBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee.

The press conference also featured welterweight contender Bryant Perrella, koji poprima Abel Ramos u ko-glavni događaj, plus lightweight contender and Nashville native Austin Dulay, who battles former title challenger Diego Magdaleno u televizijskom otvarač na 8 poslije podne. ET / 5 poslije podne. PT.

Ulaznice za događaj, which is promoted by Sweethands Promotion, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions, su u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na ticketmaster.com.

Ashland, Tennessee’s Plant will bring world championship boxing back to Nashville and fight for the first time as a professional in his home state. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday at Bridgestone Arena:


It’s great to be back in my hometown and my home city. I’m even more excited to be bringing home a world title and to defend it February 15 at Bridgestone Arena. It’s been a dream of mine since as long as I could remember. Since I was a little kid.

I’m working harder than ever to make sure that I have my hand raised on February 15. I’m looking to do it in spectacular fashion, before the 12th krug. This fight is going to end in a knockout on my behalf. I want everyone who’s going to be in the building and tuned in to know that this world title is staying right here in Tennessee.

My dad and I have been going at this for 18 years straight, non-stop. Having this fight has been a dream that I’ve sacrificed a lot for. It’s a dream that on February 15, it won’t be spoiled.

It was a goal to become world champion, but it wasn’t the only goal. I think people tend to forget I only have 19 borbe. I feel like I just made it to the base of the mountain. Some people when they become champion, they feel like they become the hunted, but that’s not the case with me. I’m still hungry. If you’re in my way, I suggest you get out of it. Because I won’t miss you.

I’ve heard Feigenbutz is strong and physical and he thinks he’s going to come in and knock me out. Mike Lee thought he was going to knock me out and Jose Uzcategui said he was going to knock me out, but how’d that go for them?

“Na kraju dana, boxing is hit and do not get hit. I have plenty of skills to spare. U veljači 15, I’m not playing with this guy.

All of these guys think they’re going to walk me down and throw more punches than me. But I throw more and land more punches than them. If he thinks he’s going to come in here and spoil my plans, I promise you that he’s got another thing coming.


I’m grateful to be here today and blessed to have the opportunity to showcase who I am as a fighter. I’m a fighter who’s built on quality over quantity. Nothing has been given to me. I’ve faced nothing but excellent opposition to this point.

I eat, sleep and breathe boxing. I’m ready for this. I’m a fast, strong and tall fighter, with a high boxing IQ. Veljača 15 I’m coming to dominate. Operation Abel will be unable.

I have Ramos outmatched at every category and I’m going to dominate. I’m starting hit my stride as a fighter. Everything is coming together mentally and I have an amazing team working with me now. We’re just grinding every day and putting it all together to work towards our ultimate goal.


I’m really thankful to my whole team for making this fight happen and especially to Caleb for paving the way for a fight in Nashville. We’ve been training really hard and we’re training even harder for this fight to put on a show in my hometown.

I know my opponent is going to come ready, we know what he’s coming to do. Ja sam uzbuđen za to. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings.

“Ja ne mogu čekati za ovu borbu, put on a great performance and come back to Nashville again in the future for more big fights.

JUSTIN GAMBER, Plant’s Co-Trainer

We are thrilled to come back to Nashville for this fight. It’s going to be Caleb’s first pro fight in Nashville, and from the moment that we heard first about this, we’ve been really excited.

He’s had an incredible training camp as always. He’s been looking really sharp. Expect an explosive, powerful and better version of ‘Sweethandsthan you’ve seen yet. Caleb is always improving and always getting better. He’s taking it to another level.

I’ve seen Caleb fight as an amateur in Nashville, but to be a part of him doing it in the pros, it’s so special for me. Just know that he’s going to put on a show. Skills pay the bills and he’s got all the skills.

RICHIE PLANT, Plant’s Father & Co-Trainer

We’re so glad to be here in this position. As soon as we heard that this was going to be a reality, we were just overjoyed.

We started here about 18 years ago in boxing. Over the years we’ve grown, and now we have this amazing boxing team, one that I feel is the best in boxing. We’re just getting started. We’re excited to put on a show for our hometown and we’ll see everyone here on February 15.

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Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. Dodatno, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.

Za više informacija: posjet www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
a www.foxdeportes.com, slijedite na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Lagan kandidat & Nashville Native Austin Dulay Takes on Former Title Challenger Diego Magdaleno in FOX PBC Fight Night Action & on FOX Deportes Saturday, Veljača 15 iz Bridgestone Arene u Nashvilleu, Tennessee

Unbeaten Super Middleweight Champion Caleb Plant Makes Homecoming Title Defense Against Vincent Feigenbutz in the Main Event

NASHVILLE, Tennessee. (Siječanj 13, 2020) – Lightweight contender and Nashville nativeAustin Dulay will fight in front of his hometown crowd when he takes on former title challenger Diego Magdaleno in a 10-round fight that opens FOX PBC Fight Night action and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Veljača 15 iz Bridgestone Arene u Nashvilleu, Tennessee.

FOX PBC Fight Night begins at 8 poslije podne. ET / 5 poslije podne. PT and is headlined by IBF Super Middleweight Champion Kaleb “Sweethands Biljka defending his title in a homecoming bout against mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz. Više, welterweight contenders Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella a Abel Ramos battle in the 10-round co-feature.

Ulaznice za događaj, which is promoted by Sweethands Promotion, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions, su u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na ticketmaster.com.

Nashville’s Dulay (13-1, 10 Kos) has won back-to-back fights by stoppage since his lone pro defeat to top contender Chris Colbert in April 2018. The 24-year-old has fought professionally since 2015 i osvojio svoj prvi 11 borbe. He most recently scored a TKO victory over Yardley Armenta Cruz in February of last year, and his last time in the ring saw him stop Justin Pauldo in a fight that was later changed to a no contest. He will return to fight in Nashville for the first time since a 2017 pobjeda.

The 33-year-old Magdaleno (31-3, 13 Kos) has twice challenged for a world title and will look for a signature victory on February 15 to get closer to another chance at the belt. The Las Vegas native previously dropped title fights against Roman Martinez and Terry Flanagan. Magdaleno won three straight fights between 2016 a 2018, including a triumph over Art Hovhannisyan, and most recently lost to lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez in February 2019.

# # #

Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. Dodatno, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.

Za više informacija: posjet www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
a www.foxdeportes.com, slijedite na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV Continues Friday, Lipanj 26 na 10 poslije podne. I


Card Highlighted by International Super Middleweight Title Bout Between Neporaženi prvak Gilberto Ramirez & Derek Edwards

truTV and Top Rank will exclusively present the MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout na truTV, a live primetime boxing series on Petak, Lipanj 26, na 10 poslije podne. I from the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Teksas. The new boxing series, proizveden u suradnji s Turner Sport i HBO Sport, će značajka 10-okrugli borbu za WBO Međunarodni super middleweight naslov između neporaženi ljevak prvaka Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (31-0-0, 24 Kos) Sinaloa, Meksiko i Derek "Crni lav" Edwards (27-4-1, 14 Kos) Las Vegas. Dodatno, ljevak Diego Magdaleno (27-1-0, 11 Kos) Las Vegas će zadovoljiti Portoriko je Jose "Chelo" Gonzalez (24-1-0, 19 Kos) u 12-okrugli borbi za upražnjeno WBO Međunarodni Lagan prvenstvu.


Komentatori za događaj će uključivati Kevin metaka pruža play-by-play s analitičara Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini i novinar Crystina Poncher. Kugler is a veteran announcer who has called college basketball and NFL coverage for Westwood One and college football for the Big Ten Network. Mancini is a 2015 International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee and former NABF and WBA lightweight champion. Poncher is a commentator and reporter for Top Rank, kao domaćin, novinar i dopisnik NFL Network i NFL.com. Titlovanje na španjolskom će biti dostupan za truTV TV prijenos.


Predstavljanje mreži će značajka daljnje korištenje “Spidercam” tehnologija, prvi takve vrste u live domaće boks TV prijenos, providing dynamic coverage during the series. “Spidercam” operates on a four-point system of cables from designated points beyond the corners of the boxing ring. Suspendiran kamera ima mogućnost pružiti uvjerljiv 360 stupnjeva kutove akcije, uključujući sposobnost da se presele u tri dimenzije - lijevo / desno, naprijed / natrag i gore / dolje.


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