Tag Archives: DiBella Meelelahutus


“See ei ole tähtis, mida ta jõuab lauda, meil 10-nädalase laagri selles võitluses ja meil on täiesti valmis.”
– Daniel Jacobs
Ma eeldan, Danny tuua oma suure lõua selles võitluses. Ma ei märganud seda enne, kuid tema lõug tundub väga suur.” – Peter Quillin
Laupäev, Detsember. 5, LIVE Showtime®
Barclays Center BROOKLYN
Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Ed DILLER / DiBella meelelahutus
Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Rosie siaalse ühtekuuluvuse / Showtime
Piletid müügil Now!!!
NEW YORK, NY. (Oktoober. 7, 2015) –WBA Middleweight maailmameister Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Kos)ja endine maailmameister Soikuma “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Kos)osales Käivitus pressikonverentsil kolmapäeval kell Planet Hollywood Times SquareNew York City ametlikult teatada oma väga oodatud Detsember. 5 showdown põhiturniiriShowtime MEISTRIVÕISTLUSED BOXING elama Showtimepärit Barclays Center Brooklyn.
Undercard jaoks Brooklyn showdown selguvad peagi.
Allpool on, mida võitlejad ja juhid olid täna öelda:
“See on suur võimalus mul. See on suur võimalus Brooklyn. See ei oleks juhtunud paremat aega. Olen oodanud teda kaks aastat, aga see pidi võtma, et aeg ehitada ja meie karjääri õitsema.
“Fännidele võitjad lõpus päeval. See matchup läheb kõik meetmes pakitud. See on väga huvitav matchup.
“Ma olen tänulik, et Peter vastuvõtmise väljakutse ja andis mulle võimaluse olla karjääri muutuvas võitlus.
“Ma usun, minu aeg on nüüd. Ma tean, et seal oli hype minu ümber kui väljavaade. Inimesed on oma arvamust minu kohta, aga ma usun, praegusel ajal, et ma olen möödus nagu mees üldine. Ma olen oma prime.
“Mulle, Selles võitluses tähendab kõike Brooklyn. See on paksunahaliste linna, mis oli kasvatatud võitlus. Teil on alati olnud, et kaitsta ennast. Meil on, et uhkus, millel suur hävitajaid, mis pärinevad siin ja ma olen õnn olla, et meister jätkata pärand.
“Ma tunnen, et see võitlus on palju tähtsust see, mitte ainult New York, vaid sport poks üldiselt. Paljud inimesed on küsinud selles võitluses, ja nüüd, et see on siin, näed väga palju tähelepanu ümbritsevate.
“Ma arvan, et noored on kõike sport poks. Kuigi Quillin on vanem kui mina, ta on seda kogemust ja võimu, et ta toob rõngas. Kõike võib juhtuda see sport.
“Ma olen selline fänn seda eriti võitlus, selles võitluses saab olema hämmastav võitlus.
“Just sellepärast Peter on vigu ühes valdkonnas, ta võib tagasi selle üles ühe punch knockout, nii et teil on alati valmis olla, et.
“Peetri vead on, et ta lasti üles oma kaadrid liiga palju, on aeglane jalule ja ei ole põikpäine. Kui ma ei saa täita mängu plaani ma arvan, et see on fenomenaalne tulemus.
“Meil võttis Peter üks Brooklyn enda, aga tulevad Fight Night te kõik näha Brooklyn sündinud meister.
“See ei ole tähtis, mida ta jõuab lauda, meil 10-nädalase laagri selles võitluses ja meil on täiesti valmis.
“Olen olnud ranget dieeti, Ma ei ole süüa šokolaadi. Aga pärast detsember 5th, Ma lähen olla Cookie Monster, Ära jäta seda.”
“See võitlus tähendab mulle kõik. See on kaks venda lahinguks Brooklyn. Meil on nii läheb on toeks hoone ja selles võitluses tõesti inspireerida inimesi.
“New York City sa ei saa kunagi näha kahe poisid sellel tasandil poks ruut üksteise vastu välja. See tähendab palju ja ma olen väga põnevil selles võitluses.
“Ma eeldan, Danny tuua oma suure lõua selles võitluses. Ma ei märganud seda enne, kuid tema lõug tundub väga suur, nii see on, mida me vaatame nüüd.
“Ma tunnen, et ma olen poeg Brooklyn. Kuigi ma olen Michigan, see linn on võtnud mind, nagu ma olen üks oma. Sa vaata, mida Las Vegas tegi Floyd Mayweather, see ongi Brooklyn tegi mind.
“See on hea mees vs. hea poiss võitlema ja see on hea sport poks. Ma tulen visata pomme. Asi pole arveid. See on umbes iseloomu inimene ma olen võitlevad. See on tüüpi võitlust, et läheb toob välja parima Peter Quillin.
“Ma põhjustada väga tervislikud eluviisid ja rongi isegi kui ma ei valmistub võitlema. Hoian ennast võimalikult noores eas.
“Sa lähed, et näha neljas juuli kuus detsember. Me läheme sulama lumega.”
BRETT YORMARK, Tegevjuht Barclays Center
“Kui ma mõtlen Barclays Center nüüd, Me tõesti on suur sündmus äri.
“Kui ma mõtlen ülejäänud 2015, oli kaks kuupäevad minu kalender ja üks neist on lahingu Brooklyn Detsember. 5. Kaks härrad siin on osa Barclays Center. See on nende kodust eemal. Ei ole koht parem neid saada see.
“Ma tahan veenduda, et me panna suur show fännid Brooklyn. Me oleme põnevil, et näha kõiki fännidele Detsember. 5.”
LOU DIBELLA, President DiBella Meelelahutus
“Barclays Center on saanud kodus poks ja üks suur kohad vaadata poksi kohe.
“Ma luban, see saab olema undercard aasta. See saab olema väga huvitav undercard aasta. Võta oma piletid nüüd.
“Showtime on arenenud nii need noored mehed. Need kaks sportlast nii tegid oma nimed nagu Showtime võitlejad. See võitlus on korralikult lõpetada aasta Showtime.
“Olen teada mõlemad noored mehed, sest need olid lapsed. Nad on kohutav ja meeste tõeline krediidi sport. Need poisid on alati saanud mööda, nad austavad üksteist võitlejat, kuid seal on tõeline uskumust nii nende osi, mis nad on parimad.
“Võtke kõik sõprust ja viska aknast välja. See saab olema vastik. See saab olema jõhker. Seal on poks kuid need kutid viskavad pomme. Nad ei saa end ise aidata, see teebki need nii suur.
“Võitja see võiks olla superstaar.
“See võitlus on näidata, kes see mees linnas on. Võitja ise Brooklyn. Kui sa oled mees Brooklyn, sa oled mees. See on võitlus aasta kandidaat, kahtlemata.
“Ma eeldan, nii mehed minna. Fännidele oma jalgu kogu aeg. See on, ei saa mööda võitlus kahe ühtlaselt sobitada pooldajad ja poisid, kes tahavad ja vajavad võitu.”
STEPHEN Espinoza, Asepresident & Peadirektor, Showtime Sport
“Me põnevil töötavad DBE ja Barclays Center sellel korral. You’re going to hear a lot of genuine excitement because this is the right fight, õigel saal ja õigel ajal.
“Brett [Yormark] on välja Barclays Center koju poks Idarannikul.
“Me võtame väga palju uhkust need kaks noormeest, sest nad on kõik, mis on paremale sport.
“Nad on väga erinevad noored mehed põnevaid lugusid. Nad on nii ületada uskumatu koefitsiendid. Nende teede viis nad üksteisega. See on meile raske valida, kes root, sest need on kaks väga noort meest ja suur poksijad.”
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Barclays Center Brooklyni poks ™ programmeerimine platvormil esitatud AARP. Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports jälgida puperdamaSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter JaSwanson_Comm või saada fänn Facebookis juures www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment jawww.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.


Võitja võtab ja turvavöö BROOKLYN!
LIVE Showtime® AT 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/6 Pärastlõunal. PT
General Piletid müügil Teisipäev, Oktoober 6 Juures 10 a.m. JA
BROOKLYN (September 30, 2015) – Ühes väga oodatud showdown kahe Brooklyn kõige põnevam ja andekas võitlejad, WBA Middleweight maailmameister Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Kos)võtavad üle endine maailmameister Soikuma “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Kos)edasi Laupäev, Detsember 5 Barclays Center Brooklyn elada Showtime (9 Pärastlõunal. JA/6 Pärastlõunal. PT).
“Ei ole kahtlust, et see saab olema üks suurimaid võitleb Brooklyn on kunagi näinud,” Said Jacobs. “Peter ja ma lähen tagasi pikka aega, kuid see on äri. Ma olen meister ja ta on challenger. Ma teen kõik, mida suudan, et võita Detsember 5 ja näidata maailmale, et ma olen parim Brooklyn on pakkuda.”
“Fännid on kaua oodanud seda võitlust ja nüüd on lõpuks siin,” Said Quillin. “Ma olin tagasi jõusaalesmaspäeval pärast minu võitlus [Michael] Ettevalmistused Zerafa Detsember 5. Ma tean, et seal on nii palju kaalul minu -a vöö ja Brooklyn praalimine õigusi. See saab olema öö meelde mulle ja kõigile Brooklyn.”
Piletid live sündmus, mida propageerib DiBella Meelelahutus, start kell $50, ei sisalda kohaldatavad tasud, ja on müügil Teisipäev, Oktoober 6 juures 10 a.m. JA ja saab osta internetist aadressilwww.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com või helistades 1-800-745-3000. Piletid on saadaval ka American Express Box Office Barclays Center alguses Kolmapäev, Oktoober 7 juures 12 Pärastlõunal., Kui piletid on veel saadaval.
Need kaks võimsat võitlejad on kokkupõrkekursil mitu aastat, pärinedes kui Quillin oli WBO Middleweight Champion ja Jacobs töötas suunas tagasi kandidaat staatuse pärast istungi läbi üle aasta vähi tõttu.
Kuigi Quillin loobus vöö sündimise tõttu oma poja ja surma tema onu, Jacobs jätkas tõusu pingereas ja teenis maailma tiitli knockout augustis 2014 üle Jarrod Fletcher Brooklyn. Iga võitleja pälvinud knockout võidud on viimase kahe kuu jooksul ja nii poksijad naaseb kohas oma maailma auhinnatud etendused kui nad põrkavad Barclays Center.
“See on can not-miss, pick'em võitlus kahe parima middleweights maailmas,” ütles Lou DiBella, President DiBella Meelelahutus. “See on tõeliselt lahingus Brooklyn, nii Danny ja Peter, kellel on õigus luua ilutulestik plahvatusohtlikus öö. Showtime on tõesti lõpeb 2015 paugu…või paljud neist.”
“Daniel Jacobs vs. Peter Quillin on unikaalne matchup kahe bona fide race tähed, Iga peaministri karjääri,” ütles Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President ja peadirektor, Showtime Sport. “See on nii ühtlaselt sobitatud leiad divisjoni, ja see paistab olevat kogu karjääri määratlemisel võitlust nii meestele. Me ootame, et tegevus ringis ja atmosfääri Barclays Center teeb väga meeldejääv õhtu. Poks fännid, see ei saa midagi paremat kui see.”
“See on ülim Brooklyn matchup,” ütles Brett Yormark, Tegevjuht Barclays Center.
“Miracle Man vs. Kid Chocolate on palju enamat kui maailma pealkiri, see on umbes Brooklyn praalimine õigusi ja hiilguses. Alevikus on valmis Detsember 5.”
Inspireeriv arv, kes võitleb Barclays Center viiendat korda, Brooklyn Jacobs lõpetas oma tee meister, kui ta alistas Fletcher jaoks võiduajamine pealkiri. Sisse 2011, samal ajal jätkata meistrivõistlustel ring, vähk ähvardas tema elu ja hoidis teda kõrvale jaoks 19 kuud. Kui ta tagasi, ta tõusis, kus ta pooleli jäi, ja ei ole kaotanud alates. 28-aastane on tulemas välja teise vooru seiskumist endise maailmameistri Sergio Mora augustis.
Quillin saab tagasi ringis olles koputasin välja Michael Zerafa varem sel kuul jälgida oma raske võidelnud joonistada vastu race maailmameister Andy Lee aprillis. Ta võitis race vöö 2012 tema highlight-reel, Kuue -Vähendatud lammutustööd vastu Hassan N'Dam esimeses poks kaardi võõrustajaks Barclays Center. Sündinud Chicago, tõstatatud Grand Rapids, Michigan, aga kes elavad Brooklyn, 31-aastane läks kaitsma, et pealkiri vastu tugevat kandidaati Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado ja Lukas Konečný. Nüüd, “Kid Chocolate” tundub et saada maailmameister teist korda.
Barclays Center Brooklyni poks ™ programmeerimine platvormil esitatud AARP. Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports jälgida puperdamaSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter JaSwanson_Comm või saada fänn Facebookis juureswww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment ja www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

Undefeated Radivoje Kalajdzic kuni Uudiste "Pommid Away 4″

October 10 Fight Poster.jpg
For Immediate Release
Lakeland, FL (September 17, 2015) - Undefeated valguse raskekaalu Radivoje "Hot Rod" Kalajdzic on pealkiri Mad Integrity Fight sport’ "Pommid Away 4" Laupäev, Oktoober 10 kell Florida Orange Event Center Lakeland.
Piletid "Pommid Away 4" on $30 üldise vastuvõtu ja $60 VIP. Nad on nüüd saadaval aadressil Madbombsaway4.bpt.me või külastades Atomic Tätoveerimine Lakeland ja Bulldog poks & Fitness Tampa. Kõik VIP pileti omanikud 21 aastased ja vanemad saavad tasuta õlut Brew Hub. Uksed avatakse kell 6:30 pm koos avamist kella planeeritud 7. Enne põhiturniiri, American Idol finalist Jeremy Rosado laulavad hümni.
Sündinud Bosnia, Kalajdzic kolis St. Petersburg, FL 1998 ja kutsus ta oma koju ajast. Parim tuntud lihtsalt "Hot Rod", 24-aastane tegi oma debüüdi aastal 2011 pärast lühikest amatöör karjääri ja on midagi puudu sensatsiooniline. Andekas poksija-stantsija rohke Jumalast antud oskus, Kalajdzic on 19-0 koos 12 võidab knockout ja omab muljetavaldavat võitude üle endine kandidaat Otis Griffin samuti Lionel Thompson.
Kalajdzic ees vastase oma nime lühidalt ja hooaeg on esitatud koos DiBella meelelahutus.
"Oleme rõõmsad, et on Hot Rod võitlevad meie "ütles Joey Orduna Mad Integrity Fight sport. "Mul on olnud rõõm vaadates teda võitlema enne ja tal on palju andekaid. Ta ei karda väljakutse, mis ma annan teda ja minu kosjasobitaja töötab DiBella Entertainment leida kvaliteetset vastane teda, kui me räägime. Kuumad Rod on suur lisaks selle põneva kaardi ja kindlasti oma hinda väärt vastuvõtu. "
Wauchula, FL Ruben "Chino" Ozuna on erastamine kohtuda Laskelmoiva veteran Bobby Hill of Mississippi semi-põhiturniiri õhtu. Ozuna, 4-1, on ventilaator sõbralik stiili ja on suur hulk toetajaid tuge teda selle kerge võistlus. Üks poks tõsi karmid kutid, Hilli silmitsi mitmete top võitlejad ajal tema 28 võidelda karjääri.
Miami native Armando "Gentleman" Alvarez paneb 7-0 pearaamatu rida, kui ta vastab mehe Sunshine State pugilist Juan Aguirre Jacksonville Junior race võistlus.
Hobuste Paul "Pay Per View" Parker Toledo, OH naaseb ring eriline atraktsioon bout vastu vastase TBA. Parkeri viimase kahe võiduga sündis läbi tööseisaku vastu vaenlased koos kombineeritud 12-1 rekord, kuid ta tahab tagasilöögi alates juunis TKO lüüasaamist Vjatšeslav Shabranskyy.
Nelja vooru undercard hood, Rafael "Junito" Rivera Tampa nägu Orlando Cleveland McClean, Quincy, FL Leonardo Kenon väljakud maha Georgia native Greg Faust ja kodulinna lemmik Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming Lakeland testib oma võimeid versus Randy Heddrick Louisiana. Tori "Halastamatu" Ramirez, Christina Swanson-Campfort, Michael Guillen, "King" Kenmon Evans ja Ricky "Kauboi" Tomlinson kõik tunduvad vastaste kuulutatakse.
Kõik hood võivad muutuda.
Lisainfo varsti kättesaadav ja fännid kursis Mad Integrity külastades https://www.facebook.com / MadIntegrityFightSports.


Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Ed DILLER / DiBella meelelahutus

Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Lucas Noonan / Premier Poks Champions

BROOKLYN (Mai 30, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) edasi Orareturned to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center reedel night with another explosive night of bouts for fight fans. In põhiturniiri, Amir “Kuningas” Khaan (31-3, 19 Kos) scored a crafty and hard fought unanimous decision over Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 Kos) ja Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos) won a crowd-pleasing unanimous decision victory over Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 Kos) in the televised opener.


Below are comments made by the televised fighters after their performances täna õhtul:




I thought I worked well inside. I’ve never done a lot of work in the pocket like that and I plan to do more of that in the future.


I give Chris a lot of credit. He came forward a lot more than we thought he would and he had a big chin täna õhtul.


Chris gave it his all täna õhtul. This is the best Algieri we’ve seen in a long time, and if he’d have fought Manny (Pacquiao) that way he might have won.


Everyone knows I want Floyd (Mayweather) next after all the talk about it, but when you wait and hope for something for this long it can set you back. I don’t want to overlook any other fighters, including Chris.


My first show with PBC has been great. The New York crowd was awesome and really got into it. The promotion was excellent and I’m proud to be a part of this team.




I thought I pressured Khan well and got my touches. He definitely didn’t like it when I got into his body.


I thought I hurt him several times, but Khan’s a cagey fighter and he spins off. I guess the judges liked that täna õhtul. I would think the cleaner, harder shots would get a little more respect.


I think PBC is fantastic. The focus is on the fighters, not the politics or the promoters. This is helping bring the sport back to boxing’s glory days of primetime events for the fans.


I haven’t thought much about after this fight. Ma olen pettunud, but I’ll watch the film from this fight and we’ll go from there.




I’m very surprised that the fight went the distance. Vasquez is a strong fighter. After the fifth round, I was boxing to score points.


I was never really hurt by Vasquez, but I hurt my own hand on his head.


Vasquez didn’t really affect me throughout the fight. The swelling on my eye is from a headbutt.


The biggest key to my success täna õhtul was my training. Before this I didn’t have the stamina that I needed. Aga, after my work with Hector Bermudez leading up to this fight I was more than ready.


Becoming a champion here in New York is huge for me. I’m very proud of my performance täna õhtul.”




My style is to box and then move. Fortuna fought a smart fight täna õhtul. He wouldn’t engage me and fight.


Fortuna used his head and elbows a lot täna õhtul, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse. I tried telling the referee, but nothing was done.


I worked very hard for three months of training to get to this fight. I hope I won over some fans today because I fight to please them.


Hopefully I get a rematch because this is not the end of my career, and I’d love the chance to take that belt from Fortuna.


I want to thank PBC for this opportunity. It was great being a part of this show and I hope they’ll think of me again in the future.


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The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing. Lisateavet www.premierboxingchampions.com ja www.spike.com/shows/premier-poks-meistrid, jälgida puperdamaPremierBoxing, @LouDiBella and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingja www.Facebook.com/Spike.


Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Lucas Noonan / Premier Poks Champions

Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Ed DILLER / DiBella meelelahutus

Vajuta SIIN For Barclays Center TV Interview With Amir Khan

BROOKLYN (Mai 27, 2015) – Fight week activities for Premier Boxing Championsedasi Ora jätkus Kolmapäev as fighters participated in the final press conference and media workouts at Barclays Center before they enter the ring on Friday, Mai 29.


Piletid live sündmus, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, on hinnaga $250, $150, $75, ja $45, ei sisalda kohaldatav teenustasud ja maksud, ja on müügil nüüd. Piletid on müügil www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ja American Express Box Office Barclays Center. Laadimiseks telefoni, helistada Ticketmaster juures (800) 745-3000. Rühma piletid, palun helistage 800-Group-BK.


Siin on, mida osalejad pidid öelda Kolmapäev:




I really believe that I have the movement, the skills and the technique to beat Chris Algieri and look spectacular doing it.


Algieri has been in the ring with big names before so we know that’s not going to scare him and he won’t get nervous. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings to the table.


This is going to be an entertaining fight because of our styles. We both like to throw a lot of punches and there will be a lot of movement. This will be a more skillful fight and I think the fans will enjoy what they see.


I’ve always wanted to fight here at Barclays Center and I really am excited to put on a great performance for all the New Yorkers.


Virgil Hunter has been great for me as a fighter and he’s helped me really understand the sport of boxing. I’ve worked on my technique and my defense and really just everything.


Training camp for me has been really good. I’m focused on my opponent and I’m not going to make any mistakes. It’s going to be a great performance from me reedel.”




This is going to be a great fight with two fast-paced boxers. It’s going to be very exciting for everyone watching.


Working down in Florida with John David Jackson really refreshed a lot of things in boxing for me. I got to see new things and try new things. I learned a lot.


The only thing that matters is proving something to myself and I do feel like I have to prove something. I wasn’t happy with my last performance at all. I know I belong here at the elite level and it’s time for me to prove it.


I like to challenge myself and this is a great opportunity. Olen selleks valmis, I will challenge anybody in the welterweight division.


I feel very comfortable being here in New York and I’m happy to be back at Barclays Center.




For me it is an honor to be here in Brooklyn. This will be a great night for all of my fans.


I hope my opponent doesn’t have any excuses reedel, because I’m going to knock him out.


Everyone here is going to see a great performance and I can’t wait to get in the ring.


I’m a strong fighter and I am looking forward to showing everyone what I am capable of.




I’m very thankful to be here and I look forward to a great fight. I promise it’s going to be a war.


I’m an exciting fighter who always comes to fight. This is my time and I will not disappoint.


Fighting in New York is a great opportunity. I want people to see that Costa Rica has great fighters.


I know I have a tough opponent, but he has never faced anyone like me. I’m going to give it my all and I hope he does the same.




I feel like having a daughter has given me the kick in the rear that really has me focused on what I want to do, which is becoming a world champion. I want to give her a better life than I ever had.


My intensity and focus has never been higher. The fun part of boxing is back again.


I told my daughter that ‘daddy is going to give you the world.So I guess I need to become a world champion to give her the world. Her first word might be ‘champ.'


I’m so thankful to all the people at Barclays Center that allow me to continue to show off my talent and skills in this beautiful building.


Fighting on this Premier Boxing Champions card is really special and amazing. When I went to the Olympics in 2012 we stayed in Bolton and worked out at Amir Khan’s gym, now it comes full circle.


Fans can expect to see ‘spizazzfrom me. That’s a word I came up with back in my amateur days. I’m here to bring that ‘spizazz’ tagasi, if you want to know what that is you have to buy a ticket for Reede öösel.”




I don’t look past what is in front of me. I have a really tough challenge in front of me reedel. I know she has an incredible desire to win and I’m ready for that.


I’m a pretty aggressive fighter but I’ve been known to box. I go in there and make adjustments but I’m not afraid to throw punches.


There was a really unfinished feeling after my last fight, I was disappointed. I expected more from my opponent. I wanted to put on a show for fans to remember.


I definitely want to make up for my last fight this time and I feel like my opponent is on the same page with me about where we need to go to take this sport further.



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Lisateavet www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-poks-meistrid, www.barclayscenter.com jawww.dbe1.com. TwitterisPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV ja @BarclaysCenter ja hakake Facebook juureswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri ja www.Facebook.com/Spike. Järgige vestlust #PremierBoxingChampions ja #BrooklynBoxing.


Vajuta SIIN Sest fotosid Ed DILLER / DiBella meelelahutus

BROOKLYN (Mai 26, 2015) – Fight week for Reedene Premier Boxing Champions edasi Ora event kicked off today with Amir Khan (30-3, 19 Kos)ja Chris Algieri (20-1, 8 Kos) hosting a photo opportunity at Brooklyn Bridge Park before they square-off at Barclays Center on Mai 29.


Coverage on Spike begins at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/6 Pärastlõunal. PT with an exciting showdown betweenJavier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) ja Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos).


Piletid live sündmus, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, on hinnaga $250, $150, $75, ja $45, ei sisalda kohaldatav teenustasud ja maksud, ja on müügil nüüd. Piletid on müügil
www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ja American Express Box Office Barclays Center. Laadimiseks telefoni, helistada Ticketmaster juures (800) 745-3000. Rühma piletid, palun helistage 800-Group-BK.


Here is what Khan and Algieri had to say about training camp, each other and more:




Algieri is a fighter that has a lot of skills and assets. His range and height give him good advantages against opponents but I believe with my speed, movement and style it will be too much for him.


Each day me and Virgil Hunter are getting stronger and we have built a really good rapport. It takes time to get that but he understands my style even more now and what works for me so we’re only going to keep growing.


My aim since I was a kid and got into this sport was to be the very best. I fulfilled a dream when I got to the Olympics at 17 and brought back a silver medal. Later I became a world champion and then unified the light-welterweight division. My goal now is to fight the very best at 147 pounds and make my mark on this division too.


I was away in training camp when my daughter turned one last week. It’s hard to be away from her but as a fighter those are the sacrifices you have to make. Everything I do is for her and I can’t wait to see her and spend time with her after this fight. Her birthday celebrations have been put on hold until after the fight!


I’m really looking forward to returning to New York and fighting at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. I have good memories of this city because it’s the place where I had my first fight on US soil against Paulie Malignaggi in 2010 and also where I got married. I’m out to make it another good time this weekend.




I know that it gets said all the time, but this was truly the best and most intense training camp of my life. Working with John David Jackson has truly been a blessing. He has brought out the best Chris Algieri there is. You are going to see a whole new fighter come Reede öö.


I am excited to be back in New York and excited to show the world what I am really made of reedel öö. We are just a few days away from the fight and I am so anxious to get in there and get to work.


Amir is a tough fighter there is no doubt about that, but I am very confident in my ability and the game plan that coach has come up with for me.


You are going to see two proven champions in a high intensity and high level fight, laying everything on the line come Reede öösel.”

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The Reede, Mai 29 väljaanne Premier Boxing Champions edasi Ora Omadused Amir Khan (30-3, 19 Kos)ja Chris Algieri (20-1, 8 Kos) squaring off in a 12-round welterweight battle and the 12-round junior lightweight battle between Javier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) ja Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos).


This event is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing with live coverage beginning on Spike at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/6 Pärastlõunal. PT.

Lisateavet www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-poks-meistrid, www.barclayscenter.com jawww.dbe1.com. TwitterisPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV ja @BarclaysCenter ja hakake Facebook juureswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri ja www.Facebook.com/Spike. Järgige vestlust #PremierBoxingChampions ja #BrooklynBoxing.

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ALGUS AT 9:00 Pärastlõunal. JA/6:00 Pärastlõunal. PT

Rohkem, Undercard Action Featuring

Staten Island’s 2012 Olympian Marcus Browne Battling Cornelius White

& Brooklyn’s Heather Hardy Facing Noemi Bosques

BROOKLYN (Mai 21, 2015) – An electric showdown between Javier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) ja Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) will open up the Premier Boxing Champions edasi Ora telecast taking place Reede, Mai 29 Barclays Center.


The 12-round junior lightweight bout between Fortuna and Vasquez will lead into the highly anticipated contest between former world champions Amir Khan ja Chris Algieri. The Spike telecast begins at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/6 Pärastlõunal. PT.


Undercard action will also feature a slew of exciting local prospects competing in tough fights. 2012 USA-s. Olümpose “Söör” Marcus Browne (14-0, 11 Kos) of Staten Island will take on the experienced Cornelius White (21-2, 16 Kos) aastal 10 round light heavyweight bout while Kanarbik “Heat” Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) nägu Noemi metsad (8-2-2) in eight rounds of featherweight action.


Also on the card are Wesley Ferrer (8-0, 5 Kos) võtmist Jose Miguel Castro (4-2, 2 Kos) in a six round lightweight attraction, Noel Murphy (1-0) võitlemine Michael Black(0-1) in four rounds of welterweight action, Adam Kownacki (9-0, 9 Kos) kvadratuur maha Ytalo Pereaa (5-1-1, 3 Kos) in an eight round heavyweight fight and the eight round cruiserweight battle between Keith Tapia (14-0, 9 Kos) ja Leo Pla (5-4-2, 2 Kos).


Rounding out the action is the professional debut of Chris Colbert as he battles Marquis Pierce (1-5) in a four round featherweight bout and Luis Franco (12-1-1, 8 Kos) võtmist Guillermo Sanchez (15-15-1, 6 Kos).


Piletid live sündmus, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, on hinnaga $250, $150, $75, ja $45, ei sisalda kohaldatav teenustasud ja maksud, ja on müügil nüüd. Piletid on müügil www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ja American Express Box Office Barclays Center. Laadimiseks telefoni, helistada Ticketmaster juures (800) 745-3000. Rühma piletid, palun helistage 800-Group-BK.


An amateur standout who participated in the first Pan American Junior Championships in 2003, 25-aastane Varandus (27-0-1, 20 Kos) owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Zamudio ja Patrick Hyland. The undefeated rising star out of La Romana, Dominican Republic holds four knockouts over his last six fights as he looks to put on another great show on Mai 29.


The 27-year-old Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) is quickly becoming known as the preeminent pugilist from Costa Rica. The San Jose-native is the winner of his last five fights, including a stoppage of Sergio Thompson in Dec. 2014. Vasquez does not shy from any competition and will not back down when he faces his toughest test to date in Javier Fortuna on Spike TV.


As he approaches his record ninth appearance at Barclays Center, the 2012 USA-s. Olümpose Browne (13-0, 10 Kos) muutub sünonüümiks poks uusim Mecca. Löömata kutselise, with six knockouts at Barclays Center, Staten Island native on näidanud, kui palju ta armastab võideldes oma tagahoovis, most recently scoring a sixth round stoppage over Aaron Pryor Jr. at Barclays Center in April. The 24-year-old faces the 34-year-old White (21-3, 16 Kos) from Houston.


Juba võitja esmakordselt professionaalne naissoost poksimatš Barclays Center,Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) tagasi edasi Mai 29 looking to bounce back from a frustrating no contest on Aprill 11. Tema eelmine võit Barclays Center tuli juunis 2014 kui ta võitis split otsuse üle Jackie Trivilino. Her most recent victory was a dominant unanimous decision against Elizabeth Anderson in December 2014. Ta näeb, et hoida, et hoogu läheb Mai 29 when she faces the 32-year-old Bosques out of Saint Petersburg, Florida.


An accomplished amateur out of Brooklyn, Ferrer owns a 2012 New York Amateur Boxing Championship and a 2013 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Championship. The 22-year-old has already won twice in 2015, scoring a second round TKO over Bryan Timmons in April. He prepares to face the 27-year-old Castro out of Carolina, Puerto Rico.


A 20-year-old prospect out of Woodlawn, New York, Murphy turned pro in November of last year with a unanimous decision over Anthony Smith. He returns to the ring on Mai 29kakelda Black out of Las Vegas.


Originally from Lomza, Poola, kuid võitlevad välja Brooklyn, Kownacki on 2006 ja 2009 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Champion. The 26-year-old delivered a first round knockout in April over Randy Easton and returns to the ring in his adopted hometown looking for his 10th professional victory. He faces the 21-year-old 2012 Olümpose Pereafrom Ecuador.


An undefeated prospect from Santurce, Puerto Rico, Tapia aims to build on his previous two outings, which both ended in first round knockouts. The 24-year-old will battle with the 33-year-old Pla välja Wichita, Kansas.


Making his professional debut on Mai 29, Brooklyn enda Colbert will face off against the 25-year-old Pierce out of Newark, New Jersey.


An accomplished amateur who represented Cuba in the 2004 Olümpiamängud, Franko won a Junior World Championship in 2003. The 33-year-old, who now fights out of Miami, will take on the 26-year-old Sanchez out of Buffalo, New York.


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Lisateavet www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-poks-meistrid, www.barclayscenter.com jawww.dbe1.com. TwitterisPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV ja @BarclaysCenter ja hakake Facebook juureswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri ja www.Facebook.com/Spike. Järgige vestlust #PremierBoxingChampions ja #BrooklynBoxing.


Vajuta SIIN For Photos From Carly Gillis Photography

BOSTON (Mai 20, 2015) – Fighters took part in a media workout at The Ring Boxing Club in Boston Wednesday to kick off fight week for Selle laupäeval Premier Boxing Champions edasi NBC card at Agganis Arena that is headlined byAndre Dirrell vs. James DeGale with coverage starting at 4:30 Pärastlõunal. JA/1:30 Pärastlõunal. PT.


Piletid live sündmus, mida propageerib DiBella Entertainment koos Murphys poks, on hinnaga $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 ja $35, ei sisalda kohaldatav teenustasud ja maksud, ja on müügil nüüd. Tickets will be available at www.ticketmaster.com. Laadimiseks telefoni, helistada Ticketmaster juures (800) 745-3000.


See here what the participants had to say Wednesday:




I always knew my day would come. I put in the work, I love this sport so I give it what I owe.


I’m happy to get a shot at another title. I’m not going to take it for granted. I’m going to put in my work and perform to the best of my ability and that will make me a world champion.


I’m glad to be getting in there with somebody who believes he can win. I want someone who will test me like I’ll test them. That’s a real championship fight.


I’m much hungrier than I was early in my career and I’m more focused mentally. With age comes wisdom. Everything I went through is all a blessing.


My goals are set and I’m going to accomplish every one.




Dirrell’s team is trying to get in my head. They must be scared. I’m wound up and I’m ready.


I’m obsessed with making history. It’s what drives me to work so hard in the gym and succeed in the ring.


It’s been a 16-week camp come fight night, so it’s been a long time. My body and mind feel ready to fight, I am so sharp and in a very good place.


He’s a tricky, talented, confident fighterhe believes in his ability. He said that he would not get beaten again in his career, and I am sure he believes that 100 protsent. So you have two very confident fighters going into the ring laupäeval.


I’m going to show everybody who I am. I’m driven to become the first Olympic gold medalist from the U.K. to win a world title and I’m doing it for my country.




It’s an extremely important fight because it’s so close to my home.


I’m excited to be fighting on NBC. This is a great opportunity for me to be back at the elite level.


It’s important for me to get this win and get into a big fight against the best. I know I have to look impressive and that’s what I plan on.



I was disappointed in my fight with Paulie Malignaggi dropping out but there are always positives and one of them is that I’m now fighting in my hometown of Boston.


I do a lot of work in and out of the ring to prepare for a fight. I’m full focused now on fighting Chris Gilbert.


I want to thank all the people who helped get me onto this card, including Murphys Boxing, I promise I’m going to put on a show come Laupäev.”




This is a huge opportunity for me. I’ve known about Danny since I started boxing and I’ve even been on a few cards with him.


Danny has been the top New England fighter in my division and you always want to compare your skills with somebody like him.


I was in Vermont and I’m always in top shape prepared to get a call to fight and this here is that big opportunity.




This is absolutely awesome fighting here and it’s a very important fight for me to go win.


When I knock out my opponent laupäeval, I want to be the number one contender in the division and fight all the big names.



It’s awesome fighting in Boston in front of my home crowd with all of my friends, family and friends in attendance.


Fighting on the undercard of this huge event with so many great fights makes the experience even better and one I’ll never forget.


# # #

The Laupäev, Mai 23 edition of Premier Boxing Champions edasi NBC Omadused Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) jaJames DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a 12-round super middleweight showdown and Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) vs.Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos) in 10-round light heavyweight match up. Live coverage of this special Memorial Day weekend afternoon edition of PBC on NBC starts at 4:30 Pärastlõunal. JA/1:30 Pärastlõunal. PT on NBC and goes until 6:00 pm. JA / 3:00 Pärastlõunal. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 Pärastlõunal. JA/3:00 Pärastlõunal. PT until 7:00 Pärastlõunal. JA/4:00 Pärastlõunal. PT.

Lisateavet www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com jawww.dbe1.com, jälgida puperdamaPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys ja www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC





BROOKLYN (Mai 15, 2015) – An exciting junior lightweight battle between Javier Fortuna ja Bryan Vasquez will now open the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) kohta Spike telecast on Reede, Mai 29 live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn beginning at9:00 Pärastlõunal. JA/6:00 Pärastlõunal. PT.


Fortuna vs. Vasquez, which was originally scheduled to take place Mai 23, replaces the bout between Paulie Malignaggi and Danny O’Connor as Malignaggi suffered a severe cut above his eye in training camp. The 12-round brawl will lead into the highly anticipated contest between former world champions Amir Khan ja Chris Algieri.


An amateur standout who participated in the first Pan American Junior Championships in 2003, 25-aastane Varandus (27-0-1, 20 Kos) owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Zamudio ja Patrick Hyland. The undefeated rising star out of La Romana, Dominican Republic holds four knockouts over his last six fights as he looks to put on another great show on Mai 29.


The 27-year-old Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) is quickly becoming known as the preeminent pugilist from the island of Costa Rica. The San Juan-native is the winner of his last five fights, including a stoppage of Sergio Thompson in Dec. 2014. Vasquez does not shy from any competition and will not back down when he faces his toughest test to date in Javier Fortuna on Spike TV.


O’Connor will now fight in his hometown of Boston on Laupäev, Mai 23 on the undercard of the PBC NBC event from Boston University’s Agganis Arena.



# # #


Tickets for the live event on Mai 29 Barclays Center, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, on hinnaga $250, $150, $75 ja $45, ei sisalda kohaldatav teenustasud ja maksud, ja on müügil nüüd. Piletid on müügil www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ja American Express Box Office Barclays Center. Laadimiseks telefoni, helistada Ticketmaster juures (800) 745-3000. Rühma piletid, palun helistage 800-Group-BK.