標記檔案: DeWayne比蒙


週六, 六月 22, 在 CSU的Wolstein中心在克利夫蘭, 道格拉斯, 喬治亞州的競爭者 布拉德“王”所羅門 (28-1, 9 科斯) 將加強在短時間內面對英國的 納維德“導航”曼蘇裡 (19-2-2, 6 科斯) 在12輪的爭奪WBC美國 (USNBC) 超中量級冠軍.

手臂受傷不敗加拿大科迪克勞利已經打開門所羅門, 其與曼蘇裡的鬥爭將作為重頭戲 大於生活娛樂 莫娛樂的 (與合作夥伴關係 六次世界冠軍 米格爾·庫托的米格爾·庫托促銷) “製作一個冠軍” 事件 要在CBS體育電視直播 (11 時/下午8點PT) 隨著超輕量級 Dewayne“先生. 停止運行“比蒙 (16-1-1, 11 科斯) 戈爾茲伯勒, 北卡羅來納, 面對羅薩里奧, 聖達菲, 阿根廷 盧卡斯伊曼紐爾·費爾南德斯 (12-2-1, 9 科斯) 在10輪的協調功能回合.

剩餘的門票“讓一個冠軍”的售價分別為 $65, $80 和 $100 而在銷售現在 wolsteincenter.com 或Wolstein中心售票處在加州州立大學分校.

“我感覺很好,“所羅門說. “我已經為別的東西培訓, 但這沿第一次來到像這樣的機會是我一直在等待. 我已經準備好展示我的才華和表現我仍然在這裡. 我這樣做後我做什麼,這傢伙, 這將讓我回到了眾人的目光“。

所羅門, 誰說他有一些壞運氣錯過的機會和合同糾紛, 不知道很多關於他的最後一分鐘的對手, 但並不擔心.

“我會發現什麼,當我在那裡得到他的了. 我可以調整到任何東西, 所以我不是太擔心它. 我只是想用這場比賽的勝利對我的跳板進入更大的機會. 我是世界第一,並準備為標題射擊, 但它並沒有制定出. 我想從這裡走出去,讓我的標題射擊我應得的. 這感覺就像我的運氣正在改變.

30-歲的曼蘇裡來自羅瑟勒姆, 約克郡, 英國, 是前BBofC英語超中量級冠軍,目前居住在洛杉磯和培訓的傳奇野生卡健身房.


“訓練進行得很順利. 我已經向下移動到洛杉磯這個陣營. 我甚至離開了我的家人做這個陣營. 這個很難(硬, 但你必須犧牲這個遊戲. 我與訓練 (前者彼得·奎倫和馬里納吉教練) 布朗埃里克在野生卡健身房好萊塢. 我喜歡和他一起工作. 我有一個體能教練,我有工作,以及, 泰勒RAMSDELL. 健身房內有一個偉大的氣氛吧. 我接觸到很多不同的風格.

隨著成為美國一知名商品目標, 曼蘇裡希望這場鬥爭提供跳板.

“這是一個偉大的事情來美國訓練和戰鬥. 我總是想在這裡打,這一次是在兩個網絡, 所以這是把自己擺在那裡在美國市場的方式. 很多人將密切關注這場鬥爭中,我已經準備好展示什麼,我能夠做到的事情。“

令人興奮的五個戰鬥的undercard, 特色克利夫蘭的 蒙大拿愛 (11-0-1, 5 科斯) 承擔肯尼亞 邁克爾Odhiambo (15-11, 12 科斯) 在六輪次中量級回合和克里夫蘭騎士隊的前comebacking競爭者 米格爾·安赫爾·岡薩雷斯 (24-4, 16 科斯) 逆著墨西哥城的 馬里奧·佩雷斯 (20-7-5, 12 科斯) 在一個輕量級六全才將現場直播流 www.fite.tv (7:30 時/ 4:30 下午PT).


光芒倫納德JR., 六次世界冠軍的兒子, 糖光芒倫納德 將提供CBS體育評論. 世界著名服裝設計師, 卡爾·卡尼 對於環的女生將提供服裝.

該Wolstein中心位於 2000 展望大道在克利夫蘭. 搏擊之夜, 門開處 7:00 PM和行動開始於 7:30 下午. 製作一個冠軍被B贊助&中號燒烤.


BTLE是一家提供全面服務的娛樂公司,專門從事拳擊推廣, 公共關係和藝術家管理. 他們把體育和娛樂名人在世界各地的大型活動,並提供體育賽事門票和包在拉斯維加斯, 整個美國, 和國際.


MCP從米格爾·安赫爾·庫托巴斯克斯與給予什麼拳擊給了他的家人拳擊手的前提下,理想和激情莖. 新興 2005, MCP自建立一個偉大的關係與社區擁有超過 13 多年的行業經驗鞏固了其作為現貨波多黎各領先的體育用品公司之一.


週六, 六月 22, 在CSU的Wolstein中心在克利夫蘭, 俄亥俄, 大於生活娛樂 莫娛樂, 與合作夥伴關係 六次世界冠軍 米格爾·庫托的米格爾·庫托促銷 將呈現 “製作一個冠軍,” 第一個在一系列節目將採用他們的最嚴峻的挑戰頂級前景.

世界級拳擊的六鬥爭晚上特點是將現場直播電視上雙主事件 CBS體育 (11:00 時/ 8:00 下午PT) 而令人興奮的undercard將現場直播流 www.fite.tv (7:30 時/ 4:30 下午PT).

在第一次電視主要事件, 戈爾茲伯勒, 北卡羅來納州 Dewayne“先生. 停止運行“比蒙 (16-1-1, 11 科斯) 將面臨 前世界冠軍挑戰者 Froilan“狙擊手”Saludar (30-3-1, 21 科斯) 菲律賓 12-輪對決對WBC美國 (USNBC) 超級次最輕量級冠軍.

在第二個電視重頭戲, 加拿大的不敗 科迪“的Crippler”克勞利 (17-0, 9 科斯) 將在 英國納維德“導航”曼蘇裡 (19-2-2, 6 科斯) 在12輪的爭奪WBC美國 (USNBC) 超中量級冠軍.

在其他有趣的巔峰對決, 克利夫蘭自己 米格爾·安赫爾“如絲般柔滑”岡薩雷斯(24-4, 16 科斯) 會打8輕量化輪對非洲 Albinius“丹尼男孩白化”Felesianu (18-2-1, 7 科斯); 在六輪超輕量級不敗廢料 蒙大拿州“太漂亮了”愛 (11-0-1, 5 科斯) 將面對非洲也不敗 Tshibangu“貝貝波多黎各”Kayembe (9-0-3, 3 科斯).

為“讓一個冠軍”門票價格 $30, $40, $65 和馬戲團 $150 而在銷售現在 wolsteincenter.com 或Wolstein中心售票處在加州州立大學分校.

33-歲Dewayne比蒙已經贏得了幾個地方冠軍在他四年職業生涯, 包括UBF世界羽量級, IBO國際超級次最輕量級, UBF世界超級次最輕量級, IBO洲際超級次最輕量級和UBF世界超級次最輕量級冠軍.

33-歲Froilan Saludar從卡加延德奧羅市冰雹, 東米薩米斯菲律賓. 他挑戰前冠軍木村翔在7月份的世界拳擊組織世界輕量級腰帶 2018 和, 在他10年的職業生涯, 此前舉行的WBO亞太青年飛錘, WBO亞太青年飛錘, WBO青年飛錘, WBO亞太輕量級, WBO東方飛錘和WBO洲際次最輕量級冠軍.

26-歲的科迪·克勞利是彼得伯勒的不敗左撇子, 安大略. 他是目前加拿大職業拳擊理事會國際超中量級和加拿大職業拳擊理事會全國超中量級冠軍. 他最後一次出現在今年二月, 在他對前世界冠軍斯圖爾特·麥克萊倫冠軍的防禦投球停業.

30-歲納維德·曼蘇裡來自羅瑟勒姆冰雹, 約克郡, 英國, 但目前住在洛杉磯和培訓的傳奇野生卡健身房. 他贏得了BBofC英語超中量級冠軍 2013 並成功地捍衛了三次.

33-歲的米格爾·安赫爾·岡薩雷斯是一個comebacking左撇子在他11年的職業拳擊生涯的勝利在幾個頂級競爭者. 克利夫蘭本地人此前舉行的WBF國際超級輕量級冠軍. 這將是他近四年來的第一次戰鬥.

Albinius Felesianu從斯瓦科普蒙德冰雹, 納米比亞. 在他12年的職業生涯, 他曾擔任國際羽聯青年羽量級, WBF洲際輕量級和IBF非洲大陸輕量級錦標賽.

24-歲 蒙大拿愛 是從克利夫蘭一個左撇子. 在去年七月, 他赫然戰鬥平局在與空置世界拳擊理事會青年銀色超輕量級冠軍一拼 12-1 肯尼斯·西姆斯JR在WinnaVegas賭場 & 度假村, 在斯隆, 愛荷華州, 和住在ShoBox: 新一代. 愛情也是一個臭名昭著的對打會議的廣泛視為病毒視頻裡他涉嫌主導的WBA超世界超級羽量級冠軍Gervonta戴維斯的明星.

24-歲Tshibangu Kayembe從金沙薩冰雹, 剛果民主共和國. 他是一個九年的專業和前通用拳擊組織 (UBO) 國際超級輕量級冠軍.

與前冠軍米格爾·庫托“工作和他的推廣小組是一個偉大的榮譽,“E傑伊·馬修斯說:, 做大比生活娛樂CEO. “我很激動在克利夫蘭和CBS體育在世界各地提出這個了不起的事件,球迷和 fite.tv. 每一個巔峰對決的是高品質的. 這將是拳擊的一個偉大的夜晚,“馬修斯補充.

光芒倫納德JR., 六次世界冠軍的兒子, 糖光芒倫納德, 隨著演員和電視節目主持人, 克里斯·斯賓塞 將提供CBS體育評論. 世界著名服裝設計師, 卡爾·卡尼 對於環的女生將提供服裝.

該Wolstein中心位於 2000 展望大道在克利夫蘭. 搏擊之夜, 門開處 7:00 PM和行動開始於 7:30 下午. 製作一個冠軍被B贊助&中號燒烤.



BTLE是一家提供全面服務的娛樂公司,專門從事拳擊推廣, 公共關係和藝術家管理. 他們把體育和娛樂名人在世界各地的大型活動,並提供體育賽事門票和包在拉斯維加斯, 整個美國, 和國際.


MCP從米格爾·安赫爾·庫托巴斯克斯與給予什麼拳擊給了他的家人拳擊手的前提下,理想和激情莖. 新興 2005, MCP自建立一個偉大的關係與社區擁有超過 13 多年的行業經驗鞏固了其作為現貨波多黎各領先的體育用品公司之一.

Borizteca Boxing Fight Night Friday

DewayneEasyBeamon vs AngelDiablitoRamos Headlines a Great Night of Fights Live from Tijuana, Mexico and broadcast around the world on BESTINBOXING.com and Fight Hub TV on YouTube

蒂華納, 墨西哥 (二月 15, 2018) – 在週五 夜晚, a fan friendly fight between two exciting Super Flyweights will take place. DewayneEasyBeamon is looking to make some noise in the division by making a statement in this fight. The confident Beamon says he will knockout AngelDiablito” 拉莫斯. Angel is a tough hard hitting boxer who earned the nameDiablito” 或 “Little Devilbecause he has a come forward style and one punch knockout power. He signed to a contract fight because he believes by beating Beamon, an up and coming fighter, he can get the attention from network TV. Beamon has his sites on fighting the champions of the flyweight division as the division has heated up in the past few years with HBO’s Super Flyweight triple-headers and the rise of former number one fighter Roman “Chocolatito” 岡薩雷斯.
Our cards every fight night get better and better as more fighters want to fight on our cards, ” said Saul Rios CEO of Borizteca Boxing. Saul believes that by giving fighters exposure to a global audience with Best In Boxing he has increased his visibility within the sport of boxing. “I am contact on a regular basis with promoters to have their fighters fight on our cards and I believe it has something to do with the exposure I am able to give them.

Also on the card hard hitting Armando Tovar, 19 year MarioGueroRamirez and hot prospect Kevin Torres. “Kevin Torres is something special. The boxing world is going to know Kevin Torres when he is done with his career. He has all the skills to be a world champion and he has the looks and personality to become a super star in the sport.Saul Rios has all the confidence in the world that his developmental series is going to produce world champion in a few years.

Working with Saul Rios and Borizteca has been a real blessing as we develop our Best in Boxing series.Armando Bareño founder of Best in Boxing series has expanded on the series by partnering Borizteca and Best in Boxing with Fight Hub TV. Fight Hub is the largest and most subscribed to digital platform for boxing in the world and second biggest in all of combat sports. Boxing fans and combat sport fans have truly found Fight Hub TV to be a great source of information on their favorite fighters and events. “I’m very happy in joining Global Sports Streaming and Borizteca Boxing in this venture. It’s the perfect opportunity to provide live fights that provide knockouts to our core subscribers and fight fans via our platform. We look forward to this event and others that will see Fight Hub TV move into broadcasting live fights and events in 2018.

這週五 fights kickoff at 7 PM at the Salon Mezzanine in Tijuana, 墨西哥. 門票 $10 一般取和 $20 for VIP ringside tickets. “Where in the US can you get 13 fights for only $20? We are right over the board from San Diego in a beautiful venue with inexpensive tickets, food and drinks.Saul Rios said. If you can’t make it to the fights in person the next best thing is watch it online. YouTube.com/FightHub kicks off the night with seven fights and passes off to BestInBoxing.com at 9 PM for five fights including the main event between DewayneEasyBeamon vs AngelDiablito” 拉莫斯.





For More information on Borizteca Boxing:
www.boriztecaboxing.com or on Social Media:
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Global Sports Streaming Presents Best in Boxing on Friday, February 16th live from Tijuana, 墨西哥

Dewayne Beamon takes on Francisco Ramos Serrano in main event

全球運動流 (GSS) @GSStreaming is announcing a 6 Live Fight Broadcast partnership with Fight Hub TV @FightHubTV starting with their upcoming February 16th show. Fight Hub TV will live stream the undercard fights from Global Sports Streaming’s show Best in Boxing @bestinboxing. Best in Boxing broadcasts 12 到 13 fights per show and now with a pay per view model in place will work with Fight Hub TV as the lead in to the PPV broadcast. Fight Hub TV will live stream six to seven fights on their YouTube channel youtube.com/fighthub. Fight Hub TV has over 300,000 subscribers and is the largest independent boxing YouTube channel.

This is a great partnership for Global Sports Streaming. Marcos Villegas has built a quality channel with a loyal following and we are honored to be working with his company.Armando Bareño founding member of Global Sports Streaming is on a mission to expand the sport of boxing and working with Fight Hub TV is only accelerating the process. “I’ve always felt that the sport of boxing does a disservice to itself by not broadcasting the developmental stages of a fighters career.Armando and his Global Sports Streaming team are working to broaden the viewership by broadcasting fights that are overlooked by television networks.

I’m very happy in joining Global Sports Streaming and Borizteca Boxing in this venture. It’s the perfect opportunity to provide live fights that provide knockouts to our core subscribers and fight fans via our platform. We look forward to this event and others that will see Fight Hub TV move into broadcasting live fights and events in 2018.
Marcos Villegas created Fight Hub TV in 2009 and since than has built Fight Hub into the largest and most subscribed to digital platform for boxing in the world and second biggest in all of combat sports. Boxing fans and combat sport fans have truly found Fight Hub TV to be a great source of information on their favorite fighters and events.

Fight Fans can watch the undercards on youtube.com/fighthub and change over to bestinboxing.com to watch the pay per view portion of the card. Exciting prospect Dewayne Beamon (13-0 10科斯) of Goldsboro, North Carolina will be fighting Angel Francisco Ramos Serrano (17-1-1 12科斯) of Ensenada, Mexico in the main event.

The pay per view platform is just step one for Global Sports Streaming as they are preparing to launch their own Netflix style sports streaming service in the second quarter of 2018. “This is an idea I’ve had in my head for years and it’s finally in the process of being built. We will be expanding our sports coverage to an assortment of sports programming. We will be developing our own programming as well as working with sports producers to develop content for the platform,” stated Armando.
Other fighters scheduled to appear on the broadcast are super featherweight Mario Ramirez (9-1, 3 科斯), super lightweight Armando Tovar (8-1, 6 科斯), super welterweight Kevin Torres (6-0-1, 5 科斯) and opening up the Pay-Per-View portion will be super featherweight Roberto Meza (8-1, 4 科斯)
The show begins at 7 PM PSTwww.youtube.com/fighthub, 在 10 PM PSTwww.bestinboxing.com 為 $2.99

Borizteca Boxing signs undefeated super flyweight Dewayne Beamon

聖地亞哥, 如. (十二月 26, 2017)Borizteca Boxing is pleased to announce the signing of undefeated super flyweight contender DewayneStop RunningBeamon to an exclusive promotional contract.
Beamon of Goldsboro, North Carolina has an unblemished mark of 13-0 十擊倒.
該 32 year-old Beamon is a three-year professional, and already has big wins over Rudolph Hedge (10-2); former world title challenger William Gonzalez (30-6) & Jose Alfredo Rodriguez (32-5).
Beamon is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Zenon Venancio on November 17th in Tijuna, 墨西哥.
I am very excited to sign with Borizteca Promotions. I like what Saul and Christine had to say. I had a lot of other offers, but they share my vision. I am an active fighter, and Borizteca Boxing is promising me activity,” said Beamon.
Beamon expects the upcoming year to be a a year that transitions him into contendership.
“在 2018, I am looking forward to be a world champion, a Fighter of the Year nominee and to be a major player in the super flyweight division. I feel like I can beat the champions like Naoya Inoue. He has been fighting lower ranked guys then I am. Borizteca Boxing will get me those regional titles where it will get me into mandatory positions. I wanted to fight on the 1st SuperFly card in September, and I was hoping to fight Brian Viloria. Those fights will happen this year and people will understand why they call me “先生. Stop Running.
We feel very proud to have Dewayne under us. We have big plans for Dewayne in 2018,said Saul Rios of Borizteca Boxing. “We are making an outcall to all the promoters that Dewayne is ready to fight anybody in the super flyweight division, just give us a call.

For More information on Borizteca Boxing:
www.boriztecaboxing.com or on Social Media:
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Fourth official date announced for fan-friendly, interactive live fight series
which drew 43,000 views for May pilot.
RALEIGH, N.C. (六月 6, 2017) – The momentum continues to build for FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on Facebook, as the series announces its second new date this week, and this time hardware will be on the line. Strap season arrives on 星期六, 七月 29, in Raleigh, 北卡羅來納州, as the Tar Heel State’s hardwood prowess gives way to hard-hitting action in the squared circle, at least for one hot Mid-Summer evening.
在主要事件, undefeated super flyweight Dewayne Beamon (11-0, 8 科斯) 將在 何塞 “Torito” 羅德里格斯 (32-5, 19 科斯) for the IBO Inter-Continental and UBF World Junior Bantamweight titles.
Beamon, of Goldsboro, 北卡羅來納州, has a perfect record of 11-0 八擊倒. 該 31 year-old has a win over former world title challenger William Gonzalez (30-6) as well as winning the UBF All-America Bantamweight title with a ninth-round stoppage over Rudolph Hedge (10-2-3). Beamon won the IBO International Super Flyweight and UBF World Junior Bantamweight titles with a ninth-round stoppage over Christian Esquival. 在他的最後一個回合, Beamon stopped Jonathan Aguilar in two rounds to win the IBO Inter-Continental Super Flyweight title on May 20th in Raleigh.
This is my shot! Throughout my career I’ve been challenged and I have conquered every opportunity placed before me,” said Dewayne Beamon. “Now I hope to achieve national recognition with a crowd-pleasing KO victory on Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE. It’s body-puncher vs. body-puncher on 七月 29 in Raleigh, and when the smoke clears this will be just another opportunity I conquered.
羅德里格斯, 馬薩特蘭, 墨西哥的紀錄 32-5 同 19 擊倒, and is a former WBA Interim Flyweight world champion. 該 27 year-old won that crown with a 12-round split decision over Nethra Sasiprapa (27-1) 十一月 19, 2011. He is a former WBC Youth Intercontinental Flyweight champion and UBF All America Junior Bantamweight champion. Rodriguez has dropped his two opportunities at a world title when he lost to Kazuto Ioka for the WBA Light Flyweight title, and in his last bout he was stopped in seven rounds by Jerwin Ancajas on 一月 29 在中國.
The show is promoted by Cynation Sports, Free Agent Boxing and Stop Running Promotions.
週六 夜晚, live from the Abundant Life Center in Raleigh, 球迷們可以期待一個高衝擊, 多攝像頭流媒體體驗完整的圖形, 動畫, 重播, interviews and a professional announce team. 為觀眾提供完全互動的馬戲團體驗, 評論家會問,並在整個直播從Facebook的聽眾的提問作出回應.
The numbers on the May 11 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE pilot from Mohegan Sun Resort showed a great deal of promise and potential for the new platform. With only two days of promotion, the premiere broadcast amassed 43,000 total video views by 38,000 unique viewers. 總計 1.4 thousand hours of LIVE video was consumed by Facebook users during the first show alone. Reaching beyond the raw numbers, 完全互動, fan-friendly production saw 9,021 live post engagements for the show, 其中包括 5,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛,” 2,989 comments and 628 分享.
Our FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series takes to Tobacco Road in late July, yet another geographic area where we’ll be able to plant the Facebook flag. Dewayne Beamon is a proud Carolinian excited to continue to put the Tar Heel State’s boxing scene back on the map, and we’re extremely pleased to do our part as well,” 說 馬克·弗拉托, 利納克爾媒體的主要. “We’re looking forward to all of the action in the heart of ACC Basketball Country.
創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series features multiple camera angles, graphics, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, 但也給了後起的戰士一個全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” 解決方案並給出了贊助商通過品牌內容達成大量觀眾的能力.
六月 23, the Facebook fight series heads to Rosemont, 生病了。, for a Windy City showdown with Hitz Boxing Promotions圓 3 製作.七月 15 date in Phoenix, 亞利桑那州。, 同 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions has already been released on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE calendar. More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE dates will be officially announced in the coming weeks.
按照所有的行動通過在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上的社交媒體, Instagram上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE_和Twitter上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, or by using the hashtag#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有關最新利納克爾媒體事件和廣播時間表, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or#LinacreMediaOnTV.