Tag Archives: Derric Rossy


Jermell Charlo nokautirao Charlesa Hatleyja u obranu WBC-ovog pojasa od 154 kilograma u PRVENSTVENOM BOKSU® Co-Značajka; VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2ogV2nv


Amanda Serrano stvara povijest NA VRIJEMU PRIKAZIVANJA® Kao prva žena & Portorikanski petoligaški prvak


Uhvatite ponovljenu emisiju PRVENSTVA U BOKSU Ponedjeljak, Travanj 24 Na

10 poslije podne. I/PT o Showtime EXTREME


Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije; Kreditni Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

Kliknite NJUE Za fotografije; Kreditna Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije; Kredit Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment


BROOKLYN (Travanj 23, 2017) - Shawn Porter postigao zaustavljanje u devetom kolu Ostali Berto postati obvezni izazivač WBC-a jedinstvenom prvaku u poluteškoj kategoriji Keithu Thurmanu na glavnom događaju PRVENSTVENOG BOKSIRANJA, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota navečer u SHOWTIME iz Barclays Centra u Brooklynu.

VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2pS68zi


Uvjerljivom pobjedom, Porter potencijalno zaradi revanš utakmicu s Thurmanom, koga je tijesno izgubio do prošlog lipnja u 2016 Kandidat za borbu godine u Barclays Centeru, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.


Meč u poluteškoj kategoriji bio je gruba stvar koja je propala već od uvodnog zvona. Nositi (27-2-1, 17 Kos) cijev naprijed da uguši uvredu Berta (31-5, 24 Kos), udarajući Bertovo tijelo iz neposredne blizine. Duboka pukotina otvorila se preko Porterovog lijevog oka od slučajnog udarca glavom u drugom, a drugi mu se otvorio nad desnim okom samo dvije runde kasnije. Činilo se da Porterova stalna agresivnost i učinkovit rad na tijelu frustriraju Berta, koji se borio da se drži izvan konopa.


Neobičan niz događaja odvijao se u uvodnoj minuti devete runde. S nesigurnim Bertom na nogama nakon još jednog sukoba glava, Porter je nasrnuo i podmetnuo bivšeg prvaka lijevom kukom za njegov drugi nokdaun u borbi. Berto je ustao, ali Porter se nastavio povezivati ​​s Bertom protiv konopa i sudac Mark Nelson mahnuo je s natjecanja 1:31. U vrijeme prekida, Porter je nadvisio Berta 60-12 tijekom posljednja dva kruga.


“Moram očistiti kundake,- rekao je Porter. “Pokušali smo iskoristiti cijeli prsten, ali ponekad se u žaru bitke događaju stvari. Ja sam borac i g. Berto je također borac, ti udarci glavom bili smo samo nas dvoje koji smo ulazili i borili se.


“Mislila sam da sam se pametno borila večeras. Mislio sam da sam dobro odabrao udarce. There were times where I smothered my shots, but there were also times where I smothered him. He has a dangerous uppercut but we had a great game plan. This was a just very hard fought battle by both of us and I’m blessed to get the victory.”


Nakon borbe, Berto admitted that Porter’s aggressiveness and the accidental headbutts frustrated him.


“I have to give him credit, but he’s a rough fighter,” Berto said. “He has great skills but, istovremeno, he was trying to be rough and trying to handle me anyway he could. I got a lot of headbutts, and he did too. Shawn’ is a tough competitor. We had a good competitive fight until the headbutts got to be a little too much for me. But I thought it was a really good fight before that.”


Nakon borbe, SHOWTIME Sportski novinar Jim Gray pitao je Thurmana, koji je bio u krugu eliminatora, ako bi Porteru odobrio revanš.


“Njegov je tim bio uporan u vezi revanša i sada se izborio za to,”Rekao je Thurman. “Moramo samo sjesti i razgovarati o tome. On je gladan, vidite način na koji se bori, to bi mogla biti opet sjajna borba «.


Odgovorio je Porter: "Bio sam ovdje gore poželjevši da on kaže da - to je borba koju želim sljedeću."


Jermell Charlo obranio svoje WBC Svjetsko prvenstvo u poluteškoj kategoriji dominantno, poraznim nokautom u šestoj rundi obveznog izazivača Charles Hatley u glavnom događaju SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXA.


Charlo (29-0, 14 Kos) spustio oštriji hitac s zvona za otvaranje, pomoću oštrog lijevog udarca za postavljanje izuzetno učinkovite ravne desne. Šarlo iz Houstona, mlađi blizanac neporaženog bivšeg prvaka od 154 kilograma Jermalla, pod Hatley (26-2-1, 18 Kos) sredinom trećeg s udžbenikom lijevo-desno kombinacijom koja je zapanjila njegovog kolegu Teksašanina.


Upečatljiva preciznost Charla nastavila se u četvrtom i petom, prije navale udaraca i savršeno tempirane desne strane do brade poslao je Hatleyja licem prema naprijed da padne na platno. Sudac Harvey Dock nije oklijevao i odmah je odmahnuo rukom :36 s Hatleyem hladnim na platnu.


Točnost Charlovog uboda je govorila - spustio je svoj udarac na a 31 postotak isječka za postavljanje njegovih snimaka snage, koji su se povezali na impresivnom 52 posto. Sveukupno, Charlo je sletio 42 posto njegovih ukupnih udaraca u gotovo šest punih rundi borbe nagrada.


“Upotrijebio sam taj udarac za postavljanje desne ruke,”Rekao je Charlo. “I knew Charles Hatley goes down and he gets back up – he’s a warrior – and I knew I had to get in there and be a lion.


Hatley was moving around a lot. He was trying to engage and I tried to tell him to come fight. When he finally got in there, that’s when I got him out. I’m the champ so I have to continue to fight my mandatory. They got a guy named Jarret Hurd that took my brother’s title – we could unify.”


Amanda Serrano became the first women and the first Puerto Rican to win world titles in five weight divisions with an eighth-round TKO of Dahiana Santana to capture the vacant WBO Women’s Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME.


Serrano (32-1-1, 24 Kos) bio agresor sa zvona za otvaranje, krećući se naprijed i precizno napadajući kao Santana (35-9, 14 Kos) podržao i jeo stalnu prehranu kontra udaraca. Santani je u četvrtom oduzet bod za klinčenje, i imao je vidljive rubove iznad oba oka nakon sedmog.


Serrano se spajao gotovo 3-1 omjer snage udaraca kad je sudac Benjy Esteves uskočio da zaustavi borbu 1:14 osmog kruga.


“Znači mi sve. Toliko smo radili. Trudili smo se za ovaj trenutak,”Rekao je Serrano. “Biti svjetski prvak s pet divizija nevjerojatno je. Biti prva žena i prva Portorikanka je nevjerojatno.


“Tako sam ponosan što sam Portorikanac. Ponosan sam što sam SHOWTIME borac. Baš sam sretna zbog ovog trenutka. Samo da budem svjetski prvak s pet divizija, Danas bih mogao u mirovinu i to bi bio najsretniji trenutak u mom životu. Tek počinjem. Nadam se da sam se vratio. "


U uvodnoj borbi SHOWTIME BOXING-a na SHO EXTREME, Jose Miguel Borrego (12-0, 11 Kos) nokautirao igru John Delperdang (10-3, 9 Kos) na 2:07 sedme u zakazanom osmokružnom velter kategoriji.


Borrego, koji je sletio svoj aperkat po volji tijekom cijele borbe, sletio 229 pucanja snage na više od 50 postotak isječka u akciji prepunoj akcije.


U subotu događaj promovirala DiBella Entertainment.


Televizija SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX ponovno će se emitirati Ponedjeljak, Travanj 24 na 10 poslije podne. I/PT o Showtime EXTREME. U subotu SHOWTIME BOX na TV SHO EXTREME emitirat će se u utorak, Travanj 25 na 10 poslije podne. ET / PT na SHOWTIME EXTREME. Obje emisije bit će dostupne u SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® i SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.



Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter bio je eliminator WBC-a u poluteškoj kategoriji među bivšim svjetskim prvakom od 147 kilograma. U dvoboju od 12 rundi naslovljeno je SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, neporaženi svjetski prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji Jermell Charlo borio se s najbolje ocijenjenim izazivačem Charlesom Hatleyem, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I / 6:30 poslije podne. PT.


# # #

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.


Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije; Kreditna Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks® Uživo na 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT

WBC Welterweight Eliminator – 12 Krugovi

Andre Berto – 146 ½ Pounds

Shawn Porter – 147 Funti

Sudac: Mark Nelson; Judges: Don Ackerman (NY), Pasquale Procopio (Kanada), Robin Taylor (NY)

WBC Super Welterweight World Championship – 12 Krugovi

Jermell Charlo – 153 ½ Pounds

Charles Hatley – 153 ¼ Pounds

Sudac: Harvey Dock; Judges: Larry Hazzard Jr. (New Jersey), Frank Lombardi (Konektikat), Eric Marlinski (NY)

SHOWTIME boks na sho EXTREME® Uživo na 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT

Vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship

Amanda Serrano – 118 ¼ Pounds

Dahiana Santana – 122 ¼ Pounds

Sudac: Benjy Esteves; Judges: Ivan McKaie (NY), Tony Paolillo (NY), Waleska Roldan (NY)

Vacant title only at stake for Serrano

Welterweight Bout – 8 Krugovi

Jose Miguel Borrego – 141 ¾ Pounds

John Delperdang – 142 ½ Pounds

Sudac: Eric Dali; Judges: Anthony Lundy (New Jersey), Tony Paolillo (NY), Waleska Roldan (NY)


Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.

Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter Press Conference Quotes & Fotografije

Former World Champions Meet in Welterweight World Title Eliminator That Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions Event,Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu &
Uživo na Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Ed Diller / DiBella Zabava
BROOKLYN (Travanj 20, 2017) – Bivši svjetski prvaci Ostali Berto a Shawn Porter went face-to-face Četvrtak two days before they enter the ring for a world title eliminator showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, ovo Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.
Super velter svjetski prvak Jermell Charlo and top rated contender Charley Hatley and their camps exchanged heated words during Četvrtak press conference prior to their co-main event matchup live on SHOWTIME at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
Također u pohađanje Četvrtak and headlining SHOWTIME EXTREME action were four-time world champion Amanda Serrano looks to become the first female fighter and first Puerto Rican to win titles in five weight classes when she fights Dahiana Santana for a vacant 118-pound title. Coverage begins at 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT with unbeaten prospect Jose Miguel Borrego battling California’s John Delperdang.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
Evo što su sudionici imali za reći Četvrtak:
I started my career in New York and it feels great to be back here in New York. This is going to be a fantastic night of fights. I go a long way back with a lot these fighters up here. It’s tremendous to see these fighters still dialed-in and at this level. I’m the old vet in the group now.
I’m still on top of my game. That’s something that’s hard to do. Imali smo ogromnu kamp. One of the best I’ve had in years. I was focused the whole time.
I’m looking forward to putting those straps on just like they never left. I respect Shawn and his dad, ali sada, they’re in the way.
I’m going to show you what it is to go through adversity in life and make it to the top again. Subota noć, we’re going to make it happen.
When it’s time for the fight, Andre Berto and I are going to put on a show. I’ve seen this man get hit, I’ve seen him get put down and he got up. I know he can be hurt and I know he can be stopped, He’s a man just like me. He’s ready, but not as ready as me. You don’t want to miss it u subotu noć.
The number one thing for me is to win this fight and show Keith Thurman that I’m ready for the rematch. There is nothing allowed but positive energy. We’re almost there. I’m definitely excited.
Andre Berto is dangerous if you allow him to be. We do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen. I have no doubt in my mind that we won’t be in any danger u subotu noć.
We saw during the Floyd fight that footwork can work against Andre Berto. Against Josesito Lopez we saw that you can box Berto, but you need to get out of the pocket. Against Victor Ortiz we saw that he got put down by Victor. The difference between Victor Ortiz and myself is that I’m a fighter who never stops. I’m coming after you.
The jab will be a key to this fight. I can throw my jab a lot of different ways. You’ll see me using my jab a lot in this fight.
Some people thought Garcia-Thurman lacked action, but I’m not worried about that for this one. I don’t condone boos. That’s just how I fight.
I’m glad to finally have this opportunity. Prošlo je dugo vremena dolazi. My coach has already scripted the way he wants this fight to go. I have to make it happen.
I’m excited to announce that my brother Jermall will be working my corner. I’m really pumped to have him in there with me as my chief second for the first time.
I don’t know what’s been happening with Charles Hatley’s team. But we’re here and we’re not going anywhere. I’ll never run from anybody.
This is one of the best camps I’ve had in my life. I had some training in Los Angeles and then in Dallas with Derrick James. We’ve stepped it up in training working every day with Errol Spence.
My brother and I aren’t getting the respect we deserve in this game. We’re still trying to prove a point and it’ll start u subotu with this fight.
This is the strongest and the fastest I’ve ever been. Hatley’s going to do what he’s got to do. We’ve got our team and I’m happy that my team is in this position.
There’s a new sheriff in town. I’m thankful to everyone who got me this opportunity and made this happen. Now it’s party time. I’ve been working for this fight my whole life, not just for months.
I’ve wanted Jermell for three years. There’s no other fight in boxing that I want more than this. We had a long camp and we never stopped working. I’m going to bring the best out of him and become the new champion.
There’s nothing he can do to stop me from leaving the ring with that belt. I know I have all the skills. We’ve worked hard and I believe I have what it takes to beat Charlo and take his belt home.
I’m going to give the fans a great show and give them something to remember. Once I clean Charlo off of the ground, I’ll get that respect.
I’m extremely blessed to be in this position. I’m thankful to my whole team for getting me prepared and where I am right now. I trained really hard for this fight. Being a five-division world champion is a great accomplishment. I’m so ready for it.
We struggled a little bit for this fight because it was for history. I left it in the ring every day. I want to be known as one of the best female fighters and one of the best Puerto Rican fighters in the history of the sport.
I think our styles are going to match up well for the fans. I always want to leave the fans with something to talk about. Being in my hometown, it’s even more motivation to go put on a performance that everyone remembers.
I’m glad that Santana took the challenge. It’s going to be a great war as long as it lasts. I had a war with Yazmin Rivas in January but I’m planning on making this an easier and quicker this time around.
I know that I’m going against a really good fighter who is a four-division champion. I’ve been training very hard to win this bantamweight title.
I’ve trained very hard physically and mentally for this fight and I feel ready for a victory. I know that with the work we did in training, that I’ll be ready for anything Serrano brings into the ring.
I’m thankful to SHOWTIME for airing a women’s fight and u subotu we will give you a war at Barclays Center.
I’m very glad to have this opportunity. We’ve prepared very well and I know that me and my team are ready.
I originally prepared for one opponent and now I’m facing someone I’m very familiar with so I think I will still be able to put on an explosive performance.
I’m really happy to be a part of this fight. I’m coming to win and I’m coming for the knockout. I know that a win puts me on a different level.
Training camp has been incredible. We stayed ready this whole time and when the call came, we were ready to jump on it.
To be able to come back to the Barclays Center for a second time is an honor. Training camp was great and I’ve stayed in the gym. I’m ready to get back in there.
There was no bigger stage than the Olympics in my eyes. Without Andre Berto, I would not be standing here as a 2016 Olympian and in the position I’m in as a pro.
I hope everyone comes out for a great night. I’m going to put on a show and I know that all these other fighters are going to do the same.
LOU DIBELLA, Predsjednik DiBella Entertainment
This is going to be another sensational show at Barclays Center. SHOWTIME is really on a roll and they just came out with another slate of great shows. I’m proud to work with them on this fight.
This main event doesn’t need a lot of hype. Two of the best guys in the division fighting to get in there with Keith Thurman and prove who the man is. Shawn almost succeeded against Keith in a fight he thought he won. Berto is a champion and there is no quit in him. This is going to be a war in the ring u subotu noć.
Barclays Center has become the capital of New York boxing and one of the best boxing venues in the country. That is not by accident, but by design. Brett Yormark is not only doing good fights, but a series of good fights. He’s making sure there is a constant flow of good boxing coming into the building. Brooklyn Boxing is something with a great deal of momentum and Subota night is another great example of what Brooklyn Boxing is.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive VP & General Manager, Showtime Sport
This is another great Barclays Center event and another night of championship level boxing on SHOWTIME. That’s what we have been doing all year, that’s what Barclays Center does and that’s what Lou DiBella does.
Borrego and Delperdang are making their television debuts, which is a big milestone in their career. Amanda Serrano is fighting to make history. No one has done what she’s trying to do. Charles Hatley is fighting for a world title, which is something he’s spent his whole career trying to do. But Jermell Charlo is driven just as much. He’s spent his career getting here and he is driven to hold onto his title.
Berto and Porter have never been in a boring fight. They’re fighting to get back to the top of the mountain. There is plenty at stake. You may be tempted to overlook this card, but this will be one of the strongest cards of the year, and you shouldn’t miss it.
# # #
Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22

iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.


“Never count me out. I always come back.” – Andre Berto

Click On The Link Below To Watch The SHOWTIME Sports® Feature

YOUTUBE: http://s.sho.com/2osOLjX

Former welterweight world champions Andre Berto and Shawn Porter meet in a “must win” crossroads fight ove subote, živjeti Showtime (9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT) iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu. The winner in the WBC 147-pound eliminator earns a mandatory shot at unified welterweight champ Keith Thurman while U subotu loser, as Berto explains in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature, could “disappear into the darkness.”

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® TV prijenos počinje u 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT as undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley. Four-time world champion Amanda Serrano aims for a record-setting fifth world title when she faces former champ Dahiana Santana for the vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME® na 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT.

Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter Media Workout Quotes & Fotografije

Former World Champions Meet in Welterweight World Title Eliminator That Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions Event,Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu & Uživo na Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Ed Diller / DiBella Zabava
BROOKLYN (Travanj 19, 2017) – Bivši velter svjetski prvaci Ostali Bertoa Shawn Porter began fight week activities Srijeda as they hosted a media workout at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn in advance of their world title eliminator showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, ovo Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT and features super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo, who was in attendance atU srijedu vježbati,defending his belt against top rated challenger Charles Hatley.
SHOWTIME EXTREME action begins at 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT as four-time world champion Amanda Serrano looks to become the first female fighter and first Puerto Rican to win titles in five weight classes when she fights Dahiana Santana for a vacant 118-pound title.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
Rounding out the group of fights participating in U srijedu workout were undefeated local prospects Julian Sosa a Richardson Hitchins, koji će se natjecati u odvojenim borbama u subotu noć.
Evo što su borci imali za reći Srijeda from Gleason’s Gym:
This is what we work hard to get to. All the weeks that we put into training camp have been tremendous. As athletes, we spend a lot of time trying to fine tune our craft for a reason. We’re looking to see the harvest u subotu noć.
I really had a tremendous training camp. I tried to stay away from everything else as much as I can. I’m dialed-in right now.
You’re always going to have people with you and against you in this sport. Our job is to work hard and do the best we can in the ring and give the fans a great show.
My focus right now is on this fight night u subotu. Everything that comes after it will take care of itself. I just have to make sure all my energy is used towards getting this win.
There are a lot of great world champions out in camp with me and we all work hard and feed off of each other.
I’ve been ready waiting for the call for a big fight and this came together and I couldn’t be happier. To će biti velika noć.
I took a little bit from his fight with Keith [Thurman]. We’ve seen the tape and we’ll try to use it logically. We’re focused and ready to go to work.
The fans here are real. The energy is always great. There’s so much history in this gym and in this city. It’s always an honor to be a part of it.
We prepared for everything. We’re prepared for 12 kola. We’re prepared to throw the right punches to slow him down and knock him down. We’re prepared to outbox him or to be aggressive and take the fight to him.
“Ovo je vrlo važna borba za mene. I’ve watched Berto since the amateurs and on into the pros. I’ve seen him do it all. I’ve seen the best of his career and the worst. I’m going to do what it takes to end up on the right side of this.
People have definitely seen a great deal of my talent in the last fight with Thurman. People know what I can do in the ring but I’m always working on taking it to another level.
I don’t feel pressure to make this an exciting fight. I love that people are looking forward to watching me fight. When I do what I do, people know that it’s going to be exciting. I never have to worry about that part.
I was at the Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia and I thought that it could have been me that night. But I’ve reminded myself that my time is coming and this is the first step towards that.
I’m going to let Keith Thurman know that I’m coming for him. I’m going to make sure that he knows that I want him. I’m going to do everything I can to get that fight after I get past this one.
There are some things I have in my arsenal that the world hasn’t seen yet. I’m going to show everyone a little bit more than last time.
“Spreman sam otići 12 kola. I’m excited about this fight. I’ve picked up a lot of things in training and I’m ready to shine.
I want to make a statement with a knockout, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m ready to do what I have to do. I can’t put too much pressure on myself, I just have to take care of business.
From growing up in the boxing world, I’ve had to slowly realize how big of a stage I have. I try to help out young fighters on how to get to this point.
Charles Hatley is a good fighter. He comes with pressure and he likes fighting. He’s got a good style and he can bob and weave and be slick.
I’m excited about fighting in Brooklyn for the first time. Everyone knows the fans in New York are great because they’re real and they know their stuff. I’m hoping to give them something to remember.
I’ve studied this sport a lot. My size is going to have a big effect on him. My size is going to wear on him as we get to the later rounds. I’ve experienced a lot of things in the world of boxing.
Training camp went very well. We added a few things to camp based off of the last fight. I felt like there were a few flaws that I needed to correct. We had extra strength and conditioning, more miles on the road and some sparring with more advanced competitors. I can’t wait until fight night.
Having guys like Richardson Hitchins and Jonathan Alonso in the gym with me is great. They’re hungry fighters just like me. It gives me motivation, but we’re also competing. We all want to do better than each other. I love the atmosphere.
Being able to perform at Barclays Center in my hometown in Brooklyn is really humbling. This is a great platform for me. All I can do to show my appreciation is train really hard and when fight night comes, I just have to shine.
My first fight was more than a dream come true. But I’m looking to steal the show every time I’m in the ring. This is going to be another special performance. I’m going to put on a show.
I’ve had a great training camp. I didn’t really take any time off after my last fight. Osjećam se jaka. I’m grateful that my team has me busy and I’m ready to keep going.
It feels good to be fighting in front of my hometown fans once again. I love seeing everybody come out and support me. To će biti velika borba u subotu noć.
I grew up with guys like Julian so having them in my professional camp is great. We’ve been doing this forever and just motivating each other to get better. We have fun every day in the gym.
# # #
Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.

Two-Time Welterweight World Champion Battles Former Champion Shawn Porter in Welterweight World Title Eliminator Saturday April 22 iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu & Uživo na Showtime

Andre Berto Training Camp Quotes & Fotografije

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Stephanie Trapp
OAKLAND, KAO ŠTO. (Travanj 17, 2017) – Former two-time welterweight world championOstali Berto will look to put himself in a position for another 147-pound title when he faces former world champion Shawn Porter in a world title eliminator that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions event Subota, Travanj 22 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.
Televised coverage of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT and features unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo defending against top contender Charles Hatley.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
As Berto wraps up training camp in Oakland with renowned coach Virgil Hunter, he shares some thoughts on camp, his matchup with Porter and more:
How has training camp gone? Do you feel like you’re still learning and growing with Virgil Hunter?
We’ve had a tremendous training camp out here in the Bay. I’m focused and I’m in great shape. Training with Virgil is like stepping in to a classroom. I’m always learning and growing as a fighter when I’m in the gym with him. We’ve been pushing to the limit every day and I’m just ready to go to work.
What would you say are Shawn’s strengths in the ring? What do you have to prepare for?
Shawn’s a great fighter but we are fully focused on what we need to do in the ring. My boxing IQ has grown so much and now everything we’re doing has a purpose. I’ve had tremendous sparring this camp and everyone I’ve been there with has been trying to push me to a whole other level so I will be ready for anything come fight night.
We are going to be ready for whatever Shawn brings on April 22. We’ve seen him brawl and try to press guys out but he might try do something different in this fight and we’ll be ready for it. I’m known for my speed, my power, my explosiveness and I’m in fantastic shape so this is definitely going to be a can’t miss fight.
What does it mean to you to be in camp with the other great fighter’s in Hunter’s stable including Andre Ward, Amir Khan, Andrzej Fonfara and Peter Quillin, među ostalima?
We have a tremendous atmosphere out here and we all feed off of each other. Training with all these great fighters and world champions pushes you to another level. We all support each other and it definitely adds another level of motivation during training camp for each of our fights.
What does it mean to you to be in a position to become a three-time world champion?
Becoming a three-time world champion is great motivation. The WBC belt was the first belt that I won and I want it back. I avenged my loss to Victor Ortiz last year but getting the green belt back would bring everything full circle. At this point in my career, every fight is big and a potentially career defining fight so I’m taking everything one step at a time and preparing like I need to.
# # #
Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.

Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter Media Conference Call Highlights

Lou DiBella
We’re going to start with “Showtime” Shawn Porter, out of Las Vegas right now. Bivši svjetski prvak IBF. Everyone knows he’s trained by his dad, Znanje, and he was a tremendous amateur. He has been a tremendous pro. And I know he’s ready for this important matchup on 22. travnja. Shawn?
Shawn Porter
Što ima, svi? Da, we’re just at the latter part of camp now, winding down, and we’re still working out hard, and everything is coming together just the way we want it. Tako, u ovom trenutku, the excitement is building up and I can’t wait to get out there and see everybody, and be a part of what’s going on with this fight.
L. DiBella
Have you done anything special to prepare for Berto? Mislim, anything different in terms of sparring partners or anything in your usual routine?
S. Nositi
I personally have been going 15 rounds up at an altitude of about 8,500 feet yesterday. I think that’s pretty special. We sparred 10 rounds with three different guys, and we pushed ourselves a few more rounds in the ring, and then also sprint some on the road as well. Tako, we’re working hard. We swim every chance we have and try to work every chance. We have an oxygen chamber in our training facility for our performance center.
Tako, everything we’re doing is just always to try to do it bigger and better each fight.
L. DiBella
Andre can you tell us a little bit about your training camp and how you feel about the fight as fight week is less than a week away.
Ostali Berto
Training camp has been tremendous. We’ve stepped everything up this camp. Tremendous sparring. I just can’t say enough about how this camp went. Ja sam u velikoj formi. I’m focused. We have been pushing ourselves to the limit each and every day. I’m more than excited coming into this fight. I’m ready to get it.
Stephen Espinoza
We are thrilled to be back at Barclays Center and thrilled to be working with DiBella once again. At SHOWTIME, our spring schedule is starting to take shape. Ovo 22. travnja event is the start of a very aggressive lineup of fights over an eight-week span. There’s more to come on that in the very near future.
In terms of our televised fights, we’ve got compelling matchups that provide a little bit of everything for all sorts of boxing fans.
This main event is part of a series of ongoing welterweight fights that will determinepossibly by the end of the year, maybe early next yearwho is the top dog, da se tako izrazim, in boxing’s glamour division.
We’ve had a series of phenomenal welterweight fights, including Shawn’s fight last summer on CBS.
Both Andre Berto and Shawn Porter, really gained national exposure early in their careers on SHOWTIME via ShoBoxno surprise there. Andre was on ShoBox u 2006; Shawn Porter in 2009. And they have progressed in very significant stages of their career on SHOWTIMEAndre four times on SHOWTIME, and Shawn five times on SHOWTIME and once on CBS.
These are two guys that everybody knows. They’re likeable, charismatic, and articulate. They’re guys who respect the sport and represent it well. Perhaps more importantly, they are all action fighters, and there’s no way that this fight is going to disappoint. Tako, top to bottom, a lot to offer on this 22. travnja kartica, a mi smo jako veseli to.
Do you think that a victory against Shawn would represent maybe the best win of your career?
A. Berto
Da. I believe so. Looking down at my career, I’ve gone through a lot of physical things and now just coming back from that and just being healthy and a lot stronger, I’m a lot more focused.
Everything is just starting to show like it needs to be, and I believe that this fight right here definitely could be one of the biggest ones in my career, zasigurno.
I fought a lot of great guys coming up. I’ve fought with Steve Forbes, I’ve fought David Estrada and all those guys, they were big names at their time.
The most satisfying one for me right now, was my last one against Victor Ortiz just because there was so much emotion that went into that fight. So much of a storyline that went into that fight and how much it meant to me.
Emotionally all around the board, I think probably there’s no more satisfying win right now at this point. I fought Carlos Quintana, Steve Forbes, and all these guys that were very great fighters of their time, and they were at the top of their division at their time.
Do you think a win against Shawn would surpass that as the most satisfying because you’re a little older, you’ve been off a while and it’s going to put you back into position to fight another world title if you win?
A. Berto
I’m not sure, jedan. Kao sto sam rekao, that last fight just had a lot connected to it. And a lot connected to it. This fight here is a big fight as well. Every fight right now at this point in my career is a big fight and a very big, defining fight. Tako, I’m just taking each of them, and one step at a time, and just preparing like I need to. I need to just get through them one at a time.
Shawn were you surprised that coming off of a loss that you were able to get a fight that would be a title eliminator to be in a position right back in a world title fight?
S. Nositi
Znate ono? Pošteno, that’s kind of the business side that I don’t really think about as much. I didn’t think about how many fights it would take for me to get back to a championship fight.
After that fight, my team went back to the drawing board figuring out what fight we can take to position ourselves to either get a rematch with Thurman or get another title, and that was it. That was how this fight with Andre Berto came to be.
This was the guy that I was told will be the one to position me to get back to a World Championship fight, a zatim, boom, we’re at the press conference announcing the fight, and they tell us that it’s for an eliminator.
I couldn’t have been more surprised. I don’t think there was anything in my life that I’ve ever been more pleased with or surprised other than that.
When DiBella came up and said it would be for a title eliminator for the WBC title, Mislim, my heart justit just glowed with happiness. Tako, Veselim se ovoj borbi. I been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I hope to just win.
We agreed to the fight with the understanding that, this will lead to something better, but again I didn’t know how long it would be. And then the man comes on the stage and says it’s for an eliminator, and I’m like, wow.
If you could wave the magic wand, which guy of Thurman and Brook would you rather have a rematch against, i zašto?
S. Nositi
Thurman. I think he’s the better fighter. I think finally being able to beat him, I think would be something on my resume, in my legacy, that would be remembered for a very long time. On je jako dobar borac; a very good defender of his belt/belts, and I’m looking forward to fighting him in a rematch.
Shawn, I saw some comments you made recently discussing Berto’s fight against Mayweather and how you seemed to suggest that you were going to follow Floyd’s blueprint for his boxing Berto, and staying on the outside, and you seemed to kind of say that you were going to follow the same strategy. Is that true?
S. Nositi
Dobro, gledajući borbu, I definitely admired, as any fight that Floyd Mayweather’s in, his boxing ability, but that was something that was very effective against Andre Berto. Tako, we’ll definitely pick our spots where we want to box; where we want to use the ring. But at any rate, through the entire fight, we will control the action as well as the ring.
Do you plan on showcasing more of your boxing ability in this fight against Berto?
S. Nositi
Dobro, it depends on the fight. Like you just said, my boxing ability may be a little underrated. I’d say, there are moments in the ring, sometimes you make it more of boxing, sometimes you make it more of the pressure and the aggression.
Tako, we’ll build this fight accordingly. We’ll take a look at what’s going on. We’ll make our adjustments during the fight in the corner as well, and we’ll see. You might see more boxing; you might see more pressure. We’ll see how it plays out.
You mentioned before that you felt that Keith Thurman was a better fighter than Kell Brook. Can you just explain why you feel that way?
S. Nositi
I just think overall. His boxing ability, prsten IQ, brzina, quickness, snaga, sve to. My personal opinion is it could be a biased opinion, but I feel like Keith Thurman is the better boxer/fighter than Kell Brook.
Drugo, what do you think about Shawn saying that he might use Floyd Mayweather’s template against you in your fight? What’s your reaction to hearing that?
A. Berto
To je u redu. Mislim, that’s his business. He can us any game plan however he wants to. Whichever way he wants to maneuver, whatever the situation is, that’s on him.
We’re just preparing for every look. We’re just preparing for every look. What we need to prepare whether he’s boxing brawling.
We’re focused on what we need to do. We don’t really focus on the way he’s trying to beat us. We’re trying to make sure that we’re going to be all right, and we’re going to be focused.
Shawn, he’s shown in the past he can brawl. He can press the guys out. He might try to use something new in this fight. I’m not sure. I’m just focusing on what I got to do. Kao sto sam rekao, we’re in tremendous shape all around the board. Možemo boksati; we can bang; we can do whatever we want to do as well. So it doesn’t matter. We’re going to see what it is. We’re getting a start on that.
Shawn do you think Andre can handle your pace?
S. Nositi
That’s my mindset, my team says every time we get in the ring is that our opponent won’t be able to keep up with the pace that I perform at. I do everything that I can, leading up to the fight, to be ready for a fight like that.
I never go into the ring with the thought that I’m going to throw 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 punches krug. It’s just kind of how the fight flows and how it goes. Tako, da, I’m always prepared to fight at the faster paceI think at a faster rate than most of the guys that I box.
I think that there is going to be an advantage for myself getting in the ring with Andre Berto, I think that I’ll be able to dictate the pace, and push his heart, and make him work harder.
The skills as well as the power should make this a very good fight. This is why this fight is very anticipated, because you know what I can do and what Andre can do.
But I think I’ve shown out there that there’s nothing that you can doubt when I’m getting into the ring, it’s down to I’m going to perform the way I’ve always performed and the fight will take care of itself.
Besides Mayweather, do you think you’re the most superior opponent that he’s faced, and if so, why?
S. Nositi
Da, da, da. I would say I am. He’s fought some very good boxers. Some punchers and guys that were aggressive. Some counterpunchers. He’s fought them all. I think the thing that separates me from those guys is that I can do all of it. Very rarely do you have that in another fighter than can do it all in the ring.
Drugo, what are your thoughts on what Shawn brings to the ring, and do you agree that with him, that maybe besides Mayweather, that he’s your most difficult opponent?
A. Berto
I can’t really say until I get in there with him. Kao sto sam rekao, I been there with a lot of guys, and I’ve been with a lot of different type of guys from my first 12 ili 13 borbe.
I’ve been in there with a few world champions. I have to go in there and see. Mayweather, like I said, you’re bringing up Mayweather. Mayweather is Mayweather.
He’s going to go in there and move around, kutija, he’s going to play, real slippery. I believe that he is definitely one-of-a-kind and showed it throughout the years.
When it comes to Shawn, he does a lot of things wrong and he does a lot of things right. So I can’t say that Shawn’s going to be my most difficult fight, because I haven’t been in there with him yet. We’ll say that he is definitely a great fighter.
Do you feel that at the time of some of your earlier wins, that you were getting credit, and do you think that you have ever really gotten credit for being a better fighter?
A. Berto
Everybody knows the boxing game, you’re as good as our last performance. Just as they can raise you up high in the next great thing, going through defeat or going through some tough times, they’ll write you off quick.
They’ll write you off quick in this game. And that’s just how the game goes. I can’t sit there and just be upset at it. I knew what I was getting into.
With all of the buzz surrounding me, coming into the pro game, and me being a world champion myself, I can give myself accolades, but if things don’t go your way, they’ll definitely discredit you.
You have to see it for what it’s worth, jedan, and end-of-the-day, just know who you are. You can’t let this fight game ultimately define you.
It won’t give you the credit that you feel that you deserve at the end of the day, and that’s what, and I believe. Them retiring. I don’t know too many fighters that have retired satisfied.
They’re satisfied with this fight game, or satisfied with the notoriety of things they’ve got, from the writers, from the critics or the fans. I don’t know too many at all. You just got to go in there and do what you got to do. Like, just know who you are, and go and make yourself happy.
Drugo, just piggybacking on what you said earlier, do you feel that you’ve been written off, going into this fight?
A. Berto
Dobro, from my first loss moving forward, I’ve been written off. Kao sto sam rekao. going into it, it’s just where the fight game is. It’s just where the fight game is. From my first loss on, it’s been this and this, this and that. I’ve been through my hard times. I’ve been through everything in this fight game and have been in front of that TV screen.
That’s what you need to understand. I’ve got a chance to fight all over. I was with Lou DiBella and HBO. Everything that I’ve done has been in the eyes of the public. My rise, my fall, going through my defeats.
Coming back from shoulder surgery, coming back trying to continue to make a statement, make people know I’m still here. Volim to, because I love that roller coaster ride. I’ve never seen my career coming into the game as being perfect. Never. Never.
I’ve always wanted to feel everything that this game had to offer. But it’s just like Muhammad Ali said a long time ago, he was able to feel everything this game had to offer. He got knocked down. He got stopped. He wasn’t tired. He was the best alive. This and that. He had to experience it all.
When I’m done, I’ll be able to read my story and see that and explains everything this game had to offer.
Drugo, he’s obviously he’s the younger fighter and he’s a pretty big favorite in the fight. How much motivation has that given you in this camp?
A. Berto
It’s a tremendous motivation for me. I believe they’ve been able to see a whole different type of determination and motivation in me. And they do see it in these fights as well. So it’s not going to stop. It’s not going to stop me. They can think of that some other type of way, but everybody right now, u ovom trenutku, it looks like they’re in the way right now for what I want. To je to. To je to. That’s all they’re getting out of my way.
How difficult has it been for you to not be more active since the Broner fight?
S. Nositi
That’s a tough one to call. I think more than anything it’s been a little tougher mentally, outside of that, we still work hard and I’m on SHOWTIME for a reason.
I’m a Showtime fighter, so I’m never worried, about any amount of time that I stay out of the ring in the actual fight because we have tons of those before the actual match. Tako, I’m just excited about this fight coming in, i ja sam obličje naprijed za njega.
Do you think maybe for your next fight if you’re able to beat Andre, do you feel like a Thurman rematch because, especially, this is an elimination match for his title that that is a realistic opportunity for you in your next fight?
S. Nositi
I’m hoping so. I know that he has two different belts. He will have two different mandatories, so I understand all that, but I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring with Keith Thurman in a rematch as soon as we can after this fight with Andre Berto.
Drugo, you’re going into this fight with roughly a one-year layoff since your last fight with the second fight with Ortiz. Can you tell us about that layoff and how you think it might affect your performance in this fight?
A. Berto
The layoff is the layoff. That’s something you got to ask the promoter, the managers on that. But anybody that follows me, they know I’ve been staying busy anyways. within this year I’ve been staying working out and I’ve been staying in shape.
I’d say we’ve had a nice lengthy camp to make sure to knock off all the rust. And we’re sharp, jedan. We’re sharp. And all ready to go. So I don’t think it’s going to play too much of a big part in this as well.
How does that affect you being off for that period of time, because as soon as the bell rings, it may get very heated very quickly.
A. Berto
It’s not going to affect me too much at all. Everybody knows me. When it comes to me, I’ve been scrappy that way my whole career. And plus we’ve been having tremendous sparring. We been having tremendous, tremendous sparring here at the gym.
So far everybody is trying to push me to a whole other level. I’m here putting real money on my own head to make sure these guys come from the first round. Always trying to see if they can knock me out.
So all the sparring has been top notch, and it’s definitely been highly, highly competitive. We’re going to be ready to go.
As the more veteran fighter, are there going to be changes in your approach?
A. Berto
Da, it’s crazy to say; I’m an old vet now. My boxing IQ has changed so much when it comes to everything in general.
We’re doing things for a reason. Not just out there throwing punches because we can. Not just always just being fast because we can, or being strong because we can. Everything is for a purpose and we’ve just been fine-tuning everything. And everything has been falling in place pretty amazingly.
Shawn, do you think there are going to be any ring rust problems, or how are you going to deal with that?
S. Nositi
Ne, no ring rust at all, jedan. I’m just looking forward to this fight. I know it’s been a while since you guys have seen me, but I’m always working, and my team is always on me, making sure I’m in shape, getting in shape, staying in shape. And that I’m controlling my weight, my eating, all that kind of stuff. Tako, odmah, there’s no problem for Shawn Porter.
# # #
Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-uwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.

‘Premier Boxing ChampionsSeries Springs Forward With Loaded Slate of Telecasts

Schedule Includes Five Shows In April
Showcasing Champions, Contenders &
Top Prospects in Competitive Matches
LAS VEGAS (Travanj 5, 2017) – The Premier Boxing Champions series rolled into April with a hotly contested match between Edner Cherry and Omar Douglas on FS1TOE do pete utorkomlast night and will continue with an outstanding slate of shows, featuring matches in some of the deepest divisions in boxing.
Premier Boxing Champions will present a busy schedule in April, involving prospects, rising stars and established champions,” said Tim Smith, Vice President of Communications for Premier Boxing Champions. “It’s the kind of schedule that contains matches for every type of boxing fan.
The impressive run started with Cherry besting Douglas in a close and competitive super featherweight clash from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pa., na “TOE do pete utorkomon FS1 and FOX Deportes last night.
Sljedeće, former title challenger Josesito Lopez sastat će se Meksiko je Saul Corral in the main event on FS1 and FOX Deportes from the Novo at L.A. Live in Los Angeles at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT na Nedjelja, Travanj 9. Unbeaten lightweight contender Alejandro Luna will battle former title contender Andrej Klimov in a 10-round bout in the co-feature. Također, 2016 U.S. Olimpski Karlos Balderas will make his pro debut in a six round super featherweight match.
A welterweight world title eliminator between former champions Ostali Berto a Shawn Porter will highlight an action-packed PBC card on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn at 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT na Subota, Travanj 22. Undefeated 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo will defend his title against top contender Charles Hatley u suradnji značajke. Also in action is heavyweight title contender Luis “Real King Kong” Ortiz taking on rugged veteran Derric Rossy.
Exciting contenders Oscar Molina a Levan Ghvamichava will square-off in the main event, while rising star Brandon Figueroa also enters the ring, in an action-packedTOE do pete utorkomshow on FS1 and FOX Deportes at 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT na Travanj 25.
Shumenov Beibu defends his cruiserweight title against yunier Dorticos dok Carlos Zambrano će borba Claudio Marrero in a featherweight showdown on FS1 and FOX Deportes at 10 poslije podne. I/7 poslije podne. PT from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas on Subota, Travanj 29.
The PBC schedule for May promises to be just as jam-packed with exciting matches. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements.
About Premier Boxing Champions
Premier Boxing Champions is a live boxing series created for TV and cable by Haymon Sports, LLC. The series features the greatest array of international boxing talent in all weight divisions, with fighters representing over 10 countries including the United States and Mexico. From former Olympians to Champions of all nationalities, the series can be seen on over 10 networks in the U.S., Kanada, Mexico and the U.K.

Undefeated Heavyweight Contender Luis Ortiz Battles Long Island’s Derric Rossy Saturday, Travanj 22 in Premier Boxing Champions Event from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


Više! Brooklyn’s Amanda Serrano Looks to Make History When She Fights for a World Title in a Fifth Weight Class


Undefeated Prospects Jose Miguel Borrego & Jonathan Alonso Battle While Unbeaten Julian Sosa & 2016 Haićanski olimpijac

Richardson Hitchins Enter the Ring

Kliknite OVDJE for Press Conference Photos from Rosie Cohe/SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE for Press Conference Photos from Ed Diller/

DiBella Zabava

BROOKLYN (Ožujak 30, 2017) – Unbeaten heavyweight contender Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz (27-0, 23 Kos) will return to the ring to take on Long Island’s Derric Rossy (31-12, 15 Kos) in a 10-round showdown Subota, Travanj 22 in a Premier Boxing Champions event live from Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.


Also competing in undercard action is four-division world champion Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (31-1-1, 23 Kos) who will look to make history by becoming the first woman and the first Puerto Rican fighter to win a fifth world title in five different weight classes. Both the Ortiz vs. Rossy and Serrano bouts were announced at a press conference in New York City četvrtak.


SHOWTIME Boxing coverage of the Ortiz vs. Rossy and Serrano bouts will be announced in the coming days.


travnja 22 event is headlined by former world champions Ostali Berto a Shawn Porter battling in a welterweight world title eliminator. Televised coverage of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, počinje u 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT on SHOWTIME and also features unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo defending against top contender Charles Hatley.


Additional undercard attractions feature a group of unbeaten prospects as Mexico’s Jose Miguel Borrego (11-0, 10 Kos) bitke 2012 Spanish Olympian Jonathan Alonso(12-0, 4 Kos) in an eight-round junior welterweight showdown, Julian Sosa (7-0-1, 2 Kos) entering the ring in a six-round welterweight fight and 2016 Haićanski olimpijac Richardson Hitchins (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round junior welterweight bout.


Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP. The Charlo vs. Hatley fight is co-promoted by TGB Promotions and Don King Promotions.


One of the most feared heavyweights in the world, Ortiz has worked his way into the WBA’s mandatory position to fight the winner of the Anthony Joshua-Wladimir Klitschko, who fight for Joshua’s IBF and the vacant WBA Super World Championship. The Cuban-born fighter had previously picked up the interim title in 2015 with a stoppage of Matias Ariel Vidondo and defended the title with a dominant knockout of former title challenger Bryant Jennings later that year. Last year saw Ortiz continue to run through heavyweight contenders as he earned TKO victories over Tony Thompson and David Allen plus a victory over Malik Scott.


Fighting out of Medford, Njujork, Rossy was a 2004 Golden Gloves champion and a defensive end for Boston College before turning pro in October 2004. Rossy owns victories over Axror Muralimov, Ray Mercer and Carl Drumond in addition to challenges top heavyweights Eddie Chambers, Vyacheslav Glazkov and Bermane Stiverne. This will be the ninth undefeated fighter that Rossy faces in his pro career.


Raised in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, Serrano gravitated toward boxing from watching her older sister Cindy, also a professional fighter. She picked the sport up quickly, gomilanje 9-1 record during a brief amateur career in which she won the New York Golden Gloves title in 2008. The 28-year-old would go on to fight all over the world, seizing her first world title in 2011 when she defeated Kimberly Connor to grab a super featherweight belt. U 2014, she went to Argentina and defeated Maria Elena Maderna to become a world champion at lightweight. Her world title climb continued in 2016 as she stopped Olivia Gerula in the first round to capture her featherweight championship and followed that up with a victory over Alexandra Lazar to add a super bantamweight title to her collection. She most recently put on a show at Barclays Center in January when she defeated two-division champion Yazmin Rivas by unanimous decision.


Evo što su sudionici imali za reći Četvrtak from Gallagher’s Steakhouse in Manhattan:




“I’m not a man of many words, but yesterday was my birthday, so with that extra year of experience, I’ll speak a little bit more.


“I’m ready to fight right now. I’m waiting for the opportunity to fight the winner of Anthony Joshua vs. Wladimir Klitschko. They better get ready, because ‘King Kong’ will be waiting for them.


“I work very hard to stay in shape. All year round I am in the gym and staying ready. When the time comes and I have a fight offered, I will always be ready.


“My plan is to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I feel like I’m with the right team now that will open those doors for me. Koga god bi stavili ispred mene, I will take care of them.


“I love fighting in New York because there are such smart fans here who really love boxing. They love the knockout and I’m excited to be here to do my job.


“I’ve been working hard and waiting to get a victory on Travanj 22. Once I get past this bout, it’s on to bigger and better things. I’ll find out everything about Rossy that I need to know on Travanj 22 and put on a great show.


“Age is nothing to me. So many fighters have competed into their late age. I still have a lot left in the tank.


“I would love to fight Deontay Wilder. We’re both big, tough fighters. These are the kind of fights that people want to see. I know that my time will come.


“We’re looking forward to this new relationship and this first fight on Travanj 22. I can’t wait to get out there in front of the fans and show my skills. I believe it will finally be time for ‘King Kong’ to come out of the jungle.”




“When they brought the fight to me, I said let’s do it. We’re doing it right by fighting at Barclays Center.


“This is a real fight. Ja sam uvijek spreman. The fans are who pays us and they want to see a legitimate fight. This is going to be a quality matchup on Travanj 22.


“I think our styles will match up well. He throws his hands well and I think I do the same. I sometimes try to be more evasive and I’m anticipating him bringing it. There might be some bull in a China shop, but then it could turn. We both adapt well in the ring.


“You can’t ask for anything better than this kind of fight. We’re both top-notch heavyweights and we’re going to go at it. It’s a thrill for me to be there regardless, but I think the fans are really going to be the winners.


“I’ve fought a lot of really good heavyweights. I won’t know how he stacks up until I get in there with him. All I know is that he’s tough, rugged and good.


“My situation is that I always have to stay ready in the gym. I happened to be ready when the call came and I said yes as soon as I could.


“I’m going to win this fight and it’s going to set up some big things. I’m in this business to get a world title. I have to go through Luis Ortiz to get there.”




“I can’t wait to get back in the ring and put on a show in front of the fans. That’s what I love to do and it’ll be great to do it at Barclays Center.


“I’m motivated to make history. This would be my sixth world title in five weight divisions. This is a goal that my whole team has had. We want me to be the first Puerto Rican fighter to conquer five divisions. I want to be known as the girl who made history.


“I think every fighter wants to be known as the best in the world. If I’m not the best, I want to be one of the best. I want to be remembered and open the door for girls around the world.


“I’m very thankful for everyone who came out here today. This is a great opportunity for me on Travanj 22. I’m going for history. I want this so badly. I train hard and I have a great team taking care of me.


“What better place to make history than at Barclays Center in Brooklyn? No matter who they put in front of me, it’s going to be a night of fireworks. I’m doing this for female boxing. I’m going to show how much talent we have. This is the one that I want more than anything. I always put on a show for my fans in Brooklyn and my eyes are on the prize.”


LOU DIBELLA, Predsjednik DiBella Entertainment


“I’m really happy today to announce some great additions to a terrific card on Travanj 22 in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME. Everyone knows the main event is a great fight in the welterweight division. We also announced a 154-pound matchup as the co-main event with Jermell Charlo vs. Charles Hatley.


“The biggest announcement is that a very big man, is going to be on this card. All Luis Ortiz has done as a professional fighter is knock guys out. He’s one of the most feared and avoided men in the heavyweight division. Ortiz and his team want the biggest fights out there. He knows that being seen on a card of this magnitude is a tremendous opportunity.


“I know that Luis Ortiz has a big victory in mind on Travanj 22 that will propel him to a bigger fight and eventually to the biggest fights in the world. This guy deserves the opportunity.


“Amanda Serrano is a great champion. She’s one of the best pound-for-pound female fighters I the world today. No female fighter in history has ever won five titles in five weight classes. But it’s even more amazing, given the long history of the sport on the island, that no Puerto Rican fighter has ever become a five-division world champion. Na Travanj 22 Amanda Serrano will attempt to make history.


“Amanda has won titles as heavy as 135-pounds and now she’ll be fighting at 118-pounds. That’s an amazing achievement. She’s always fought the best out there and she’s always proven that she is the best. She deserves the attention she’s getting. She may be the best fighter I promote, razdoblje. This woman stands should-to-shoulder with any of them.”


“I know that Derric Rossy is going to give a test to Ortiz. But he’s never been predicted to win. Every time I watch his fight against Bermane Stiverne, I saw him winning the fight. This guy is a real professional and he deserves this opportunity.


STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive VP & General Manager, Showtime Sport


“We’re thrilled to be here announcing such a fantastic undercard from top to bottom. Amanda Serrano is looking to become the first woman and Puerto Rican to win world titles in five weight classes. A card this deep, you know that it is a SHOWTIME card.


“These are the kind of cards that SHOWTIME, Lou DiBella and Barclays Center are working on every day. This was a good event and now it is a great event.”


Brett YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Zabava


“It’s been a special start to the year for Brooklyn Boxing. You think about Siječanj 14 and March 4 and what great nights those were. Now we have Travanj 22 and it has become a special card. We’re excited about what we’re building in Brooklyn. We’re making great strides.


“I want to welcome Luis Ortiz to Barclays Center for the first time. I’m sure it will be a special night. We’re thrilled to welcome back Amanda Serrano as well for what should be a historic night.


“We’re going to continue to put on the biggest and best events we can. It’s been a great start to the year and we’re looking forward to more to come.”


# # #



Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT.


Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.



TEMPERATURA diže u Las Vegasu:



'The Dream' Poboljšava se 16-0 s jednoglasnom odlukom u Velikoj borbi,

DeCarlo Perez Outpoints Prije nepobjedivosti Juan Ubaldo Cabrera,

Teški Joey Dawejko rezultati Otvaranje Univerzalni Knockout preko Natu Visinia

Catch Replay ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 31, na 10 poslije podne. I/PT na sho EXTREME®

Kliknite OVDJE Za preuzimanje fotografija

Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

LAS VEGAS (Kolovoz. 29, 2015) - Na vrućim ljetnim kolovoza noći, u posebno konstruiranom prstena izvan Downtown Las Vegasu Događanja Centar (DLVEC) preko puta D Las Vegas,Trevor "Dream" Bryan ostali neporaženi i prošao najteži ispit u karijeri s gužva-ugodan, teško borio 10-okrugli jednoglasnu odluku iznad Derric Rossy u glavnom slučaju ShoBox: Nova generacija tripleheader živjeti SHOWTIME®.


Bryan (16-0, 11 Kos), od Albany, NY, pala znatno iskusniji Rossy (30-10, 14 Kos), od Medford, NY, s nalet udaraca 30 sekundi u borbi na putu do pobjede jednog od najuzbudljivijih teškoj borbi u godini po ocjenama 98-91 dva puta i 97-92. Krug 3 od slugfest mogao biti kandidat za Round godine.


U Petak co-obilježje, bokser srednje kategorije DeCarlo "3-Mendo" Perez (15-3-1, 5 Kos), Atlantic City, uzrujan prethodno neporažen Juan Ubaldo Cabrera (23-1, 16 Kos) u Dominikanskoj Republici na jednoglasnom odlukom 10-okruglog. Perez, koji je borbu na najave tjedan dana, tuku dva vremena Dominikanska Republika olimpijac po ocjenama 98-91 dva puta i 97-92 u utakmici koja se nalaze stalni dvosmjernu akciju za najveći dio. Cabrera je postao 134th Boksač trpjeti svoju početnu poraz na ShoBox.


U uvodnom meču na TV prijenos, teška kategorija Joey Dawejko (15-4-2, 7 Kos), Philadelphia, registrirana impresivan 1:15, prvi krug nokaut nad Samoa Starješine Visine(11-2, 9 Kos) Tacoma, Vašington, u rasporedu osam okruglom otpada.


“Vidjeli smo dvije drastično različite vrste teškoj borbi večeras,'' Rekao je boks povjesničar i ShoBox stručnjak analitičar Steve Farhood. "Jedan brzi prasak-out — gdje Joey Dawejko napravio puno navijača. Mislim da bi ljudi željeli ga opet vidjeti, Volio bih da ga opet vidjeti. I druga borba, Trevor Bryan, on nije dobio zastoj, ali on je također dobio puno navijača. On je borac koji je većina navijača nisu vidjeli, a večeras je bio uveden na velikoj pozornici u vrlo uspješan način.


“Derric Rossy pokazali takvu otpornost i to napravio win slađe za Bryan, koji nikada nije borio nikoga nalik klasu Rossy. To je fizička borba s puno dobrih burzama. Se Trevor Bryan ovjerene kao mladi američki teškoj gledati.


“[Juan Ubaldo] Cabrera je razočarao. Izgledalo je kao da će biti classier, zaposleniji borac za tri runde, ali [DeCarlo] Perez preuzeo. I da se bore kao učinkovito kao Perez učinili na jedan tjedan najave protiv borca ​​koji je 23-0, je impresivan. To je najveća pobjeda daleko na Pérez karijeri. ''


Hall of Fame promotora Don King bio presretan poslije. "Bilo je sjajno vidjeti u teškoj kategoriji boks natrag na ono što je trebao biti — ste visi na rubu svog sjedala sa svakim punch,'', Rekao je. "Ne znam što će se dogoditi, ali Trevor Bryan izvukao. On je samo 16-0 ali je probio vrata do veličine. To je velika stvar. Sada moramo tražiti za njega dobiti teškoj borbi prvenstvo kao on ide zajedno.


"Dakle, to je bio nevjerojatan borba i kao zapravo to je bio nevjerojatan noć borbi i to je ono što je sve o. Ljudi me pitaju 'kada je sljedeći?’ Ljudi su vikali na svojim sjedalima i bockanje. I to za žene — boreći se za prava žena — potraga za životom, sloboda i sreća. Oh čovjek sam tako uzbuđen. To je ono što je trebao biti. ''


6-noga-4 Bryan, koji je okrenuo 26 kol. 23, otišao 10 kola za prvi put. Pro Od studenog 2011, je registriran 10 njegov 11 knockouts pobjeda u tri kruga ili manje.


"Mislim da sam pokazao ljudima da volim boriti i da ću se boriti,'', Rekao je Bryan. "Teškoj podjela je slaba. Dečki ne vole baciti puno udaraca. Budući da je to moj prvi put na televiziji, Mislim da sam više tjeskobe nego ništa, ali sveukupno sam bila jako sretna sa svojim performansama.


"Rossy je vrlo izdržljiva, iskusan momak. Za njega objesiti u kao što je učinio mnogo govori. Znam da mu je definitivno povrijediti nekoliko puta, ali nisam pratiti s pravim udaraca. Nisam postaviti svoje udarce kao što sam trebala imati nakon što je ozlijedio. Znam da je potrebno više opustiti i slušati moje korner.


"Bio sam malo iznenađen da nije kutiju i više kretati, ali to je teško borio borba i dobra borba za fanove. ''


Rossy gurnula Bryana u mnogim krugovima, što za divlji razmjene koji su imali publiku na noge. 35-godišnji igrač je na pogrešnom kraju mnogih bliskih odluka u prošlosti, ali on nije imao grižnje savjesti s presudom ovaj put.


"Bryan je svakako dobar borac, talentiran i udari teško,'', Rekao je Rossy, koji je s nekim od najboljih u podjeli. "Ali nakon obaranje, Bio sam bori na svim srcem. To nije bio moj plan stajati i metak i čine ga rat, ali jednom sam se spustio moja strategija je otišao kroz prozor.


"Ovo je iznimno teško boriti, ali da je rano obaranje je cijela razlika za mene. Ja sam u redu, ali to je bilo iscrpljujuće 10-round borba. ''


Unatoč tome što malo vremena za pripremu, Perez, 24, osvojio svoj četvrti po redu i 9-1 u njegov posljednji 10 borbe. "Toplina [bliski do 100 stupnjeva] nije faktor, Ja sam bio trening u teretani koja ima više vlage od ove,'', Rekao je. "Čvrsti dio nije znao ništa o mom protivniku; Vidjeli smo ne film pa sam morao prilagoditi na fly.


"Znao sam da ću biti jača kao borba nastavi. Da bi bacanje punches i dishing kazne, to je moj stil.


"To bi trebalo otvoriti puno vrata za mene. Ono što sam učinio večeras je dokazati ono intenzivan radnu etiku, guranje i borbama kroz sve nejednakost, mogu. Vrlo sam sretan i već sam obličje naprijed to moj sljedeći borbi.


Cabrera, 36, čija pro karijera pijuckao zbog dugim neaktivnosti, je točka oduzet u sedmoj za udaranje iza glave. Poslije, ponudio nikakve isprike. "Upravo sam dobio outhustled,'', Rekao je. Nije da je teško bušiti. Nikad nije ozlijeđen. Samo nisam baciti dovoljno. Osjećao sam se dobro dok sam umorna u 10th okrugla. ''


5-noga-10 Dawejko, unatoč daruju pet inča u visinu i biti umanjene zbog 37¾ funti, izašao plamena i povrijediti i raspoređen Visinia s gornji prava na strani glave. On je slijedio ga nalet udaraca u glavu i tijelo. Nakon Visinia je dobio stoji osam brojati, Dawejko sletio osam neodgovorene udaraca prije nego što je sudac zgazi i zaustavio.


"Mislio sam da ću ga nokautirati, ali ne tako brzo,'', Rekao je Dawejko, koji outlanded Samoanski 18-1, 16 njih moć metak. "Natu je tvrd momak. Moj plan je bio da ga umoriti i odvesti ga u četvrti ili peti.


"Ova pobjeda čini sve za moju karijeru. To u osnovi eliminira gubitak u mom posljednjem borbi na Amir Mansour [da je pukla Dawejko je šest borbi pobjednički niz]. "To pokazuje da sam vratio. Oni su me spomenuti sad kad govorimo heavyweights. ''


Idete u, Visinia se smatra možda najviše obećava up-and-coming Samoanski teškoj budući bivši dugogodišnji natjecatelj David Tua.


"Ovo je vrlo razočaravajuće,'', Rekao je Visinia. "Samo sam čekala predugo da biste započeli s ubod i uhvatili s dobrim jednom. To se događa u boksu, ali ja ću nastaviti raditi. Ne želim boksački svjetski boks ili bogove okrenuti leđa me sada. To je kvrga na cesti. Vratit ću se.''


Emitirana tijekom TV prijenos je ekskluzivni intervju s ljepljivom trakom Floyd Mayweather a Jim Gray a uživo intervju sa WBC prvak u Super middleweight Badou Jack i Farhood.Mayweather (48-0, 26 Kos) će staviti svoj neporaženi rekord i WBC i WBA velter Svjetsko prvenstvo na liniji protiv uključivanja probijanje, dva puta svjetski prvak velter Ostali Berto (30-3, 23 Kos) i Jack (19-1-1, 12 Kos) će svoju prvu obranu protiv obveznog izazivač "Sveti "George Groves (21-2, 16 Kos) na Subota, Sedam. 12 na MGM Grand Garden Areni U Las Vegasu, živjeti SHOWTIME PPV®. Četiri-borba pay-per-view TV prijenos počinje u 8 poslije podne. ET / 5 poslije podne. PT.


The ShoBox tripleheader će ponovno zraka ovog tjedna kako slijedi:



Ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 31, 10:30 poslije podne. ET / PT SHOWTIME Extreme


Petak tri borba TV prijenos bit će dostupan na Showtime NA UPIT od danas, Subota, Kolovoz. 29.

Barry Tompkins naziva ShoBox Akcija od ring s Farhood i bivši svjetski prvak Raul Marquez služi kao stručna analitičara. Izvršni producent bio Gordon Hall s Richard Gaughan proizvodnju i Rick Phillips režiranje.