Архівы: Delante Джонсан

USA Boxing Alumni Association to Host Northeast Ohio Celebration at National Qualifier

Ohio alumni banner.jpg
Каларада-Спрынгс, Col. (Сакавіка 10, 2023)The USA Boxing Alumni Association will host two events during the 2022 National Qualifier in Cleveland, Агаё, to honor Northeast Ohio Olympians, Чэмпіёны свету, legendary coaches and officials, and others who have helped shape history of amateur Olympic-style boxing in the region.

The weekend celebration will begin with a meet and greet gathering on Saturday, Красавіка 23 at Masthead Brewing Company. This will be open to all USA Boxing Alumni Association members to gather ahead of the weeklong national tournament. Падзея, which will be free entry, will run from 7:30 p.m. для 10:00 p.m.

The events will continue on Sunday, Красавіка 24 at the Crowne Plaza Ballroom for the Northeast Ohio Alumni Celebration Banquet. Two-time welterweight champion and Northeast Ohio native “Showtime” Shawn Porter will serve as Master of Ceremonies of the event that is expected to include Ohio greats like Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini, Рейнелл Уільямс, Charles Conwell, Террелл Gausha, Delante Джонсан, Ошай Джонс, Мікі бі, Кэлі Паўлік, and many more.

“I’m excited about Cleveland hosting this major National USA Boxing tournament,” said former IBF and WBC welterweight champion, Шон Портер. “We were like a family growing up through the amateur system. I can’t wait to MC this Alumni Association banquet and have fun just like old times.”

The USA Boxing Alumni Association will also be awarding Lifetime Achievement Awards at the event.

Падзея, which will be from 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 вечара, will be a ticketed event. Tickets will be $65.00 and will include dinner. Limited tickets will be available for purchase here. There will be no tickets sold at the door, so be sure to get them while they last.

“The USA Boxing Alumni Association is extremely excited to honor Northeast Ohio legends to kick off the National Qualifier,” said Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association Director. “This weekend will bridge the past with the present. By celebrating the accomplishments of these great champions, трэнеры, and officials, we hope to inspire the next generation of champions on their road to the 2024 Olympics.”

Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, калі ласка, звяжыцеся з alumni@usaboxing.org.

Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША
Створана для чэмпіёна на працягу ўсяго жыцця, узаемавыгадныя адносіны паміж USA Boxing і яго выпускнікамі, –баксёры, чыноўнікі, трэнеры, and boxing fans — Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў аб'ядноўвае пакаленні чэмпіёнаў, натхняе і аддае будучым чэмпіёнам па боксе ЗША, ў і з кальца.

Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША адкрыта для ўсіх, хто мае любоў да бокса і хацеў бы заставацца на сувязі з аматарскім боксам.. Удзельнікі атрымліваюць доступ да самых розных спецыяльных мерапрыемстваў, якія праводзяцца Асацыяцыяй выпускнікоў, у тым ліку яго штогадовы ЗША бокса Асацыяцыі выпускнікоў Зала славы прыёму.

Для таго, каб уступіць у Асацыяцыю выпускнікоў, проста зарэгістравацца на alumni@usaboxing.org дзеля $40.00 у год членскі ўзнос. Новыя ўдзельнікі атрымаюць футболку, keychain, and e-wallet.

Шчэбет: @USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Аб ЗША БОКС: Місія ЗША бокса павінен быць для таго, каб спартсмены і трэнеры Злучаных Штатаў для дасягнення ўстойлівага канкурэнтнага перавагі, развіваць характар, падтрымка спорту па боксе, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also to oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Білет на шэсць каманд ЗША баксёраў на Алімпійскія гульні ў Токіо 2020

Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Мая 12, 2021) — Спецыяльная група па боксе (BTF) абвясціла сёння 49 квотных месцаў, Першапачаткова ён быў узнагароджаны ў кваліфікацыі "Дарога да Токіо -Амерыкі", якія былі ўручаны баксёрам за ўдзел у Алімпійскіх гульнях у Токіо 2020 гэтым летам. У квотныя месцы ўвайшлі шэсць баксёраў каманды ЗША, які быў заснаваны на рэйтынгах BTF.

"Гэтыя шэсць баксёраў былі асноўнымі ў нашай праграме і зарэкамендавалі сябе сярод лепшых у свеце сваімі выступленнямі за мінулы квадрацыкл,», - заявіў дырэктар ЗША па боксеМэт Джонсан. "Цяпер ім пара выступіць на самай вялікай у свеце сцэне ў Токіо".

Прадстаўленне зборнай ЗША на Алімпійскіх гульнях у Токіо 2020, у чаканні Алімпійскіх гульняў ЗША & Зацвярджэнне Паралімпійскага камітэта, будзеРашыда Эліс (Лін, Маса.) Вірджынія Фукс(Х'юстан, Тэхас), Наомі Грэм (Фаетвіль, Н.З.), Delante Джонсан (Кліўленд, Агаё), Ошай Джонс (Таледа, Агаё) іРычард Торэс -малодшы. (Тулар, Каліфорнія.). Усе шэсць баксёраў будуць удзельнічаць у сваіх першых Алімпійскіх гульнях.

2019 Бронзавы прызёр чэмпіянату свету сярод жанчын Эліс спаборнічае ў лёгкай вазе сярод жанчын (132 фунты/60 кг) падзел. Эліс выйграў бронзу 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні папоўняць свой рэйтынг BTF, каб умацаваць сваю пазіцыю ў Токіо як другога па рэйтынгу баксёра Амерыкі і 12й у цэлым у сваёй вагавой катэгорыі. Эліс будзе імкнуцца выйграць першы жаночы алімпійскі медаль каманды ЗША ў лёгкім вазе.

«Выхад на Алімпіяду быў адной з маіх самых глыбокіх мараў,- згадаў Эліс. «Я ніколі не сумняваюся ў сваёй здольнасці. Я перастаў баяцца таго, што можа пайсці не так, і пачаў хвалявацца за тое, што можа быць правільна. Так, Я прымаю свае памылкі і вучуся на іх, так як мае памылкі дапамаглі мне палепшыцца і дасягнуць Алімпіяды. Мне не лёгка; Я прымушаю рэчы адбывацца. Працавітасць і самаадданасць з намаганнямі і рашучасцю, Я магу дабіцца поспеху ».

Фукс будзе прадстаўляць каманду ЗША ў лёгкім вазе (112 фунты/51 кг). 33-гадовая дзяўчына будзе імкнуцца зарабіць ЗША ў боксе другі медаль у жаночай катэгорыі ў лёгкай вазе з моманту ўвядзення ў Лондан 2012. Фукс прыносіць уражлівае рэзюмэ на рынг, у тым ліку бронзавы медаль 2018 Элітны чэмпіянат свету сярод жанчын і сярэбраны медаль з 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні, што ставіць яе як другую па велічыні баксёра Амерыкі ў лёгкім вазе і 16й у цэлым у рэйтынгу BTF.

«Я вельмі доўга чакаў гэтага моманту. Я так усхваляваны, што магу нарэшце назваць сябе алімпійцам,»Заявіў Фукс. «Пры ўсім гэтым свет перажыў і давядзецца пераносіць Алімпіяду на цэлы год, Я з гонарам магу сказаць, што я адзін з удзельнікаў алімпіяды, якая будзе прызнана самай вядомай у гісторыі. Я гатовы прадстаўляць сваю краіну самым паважаным чынам і прынесці дадому золата!"

2019 Панамерыканскія гульні Грэм - самая высокая жанчына ў сярэднім вазе ў Амерыцы (165 фунты/75 кг) баксёр у рэйтынгу BTF, дзе яна ў цяперашні час займае восьмае месца ў агульным заліку. Грэм зарабіла ачкі за тытул на Панамерыканскіх гульнях, а таксама яе трэцяе месца ў турніры 2018 Элітны чэмпіянат свету сярод жанчын і пяць лепшых фінішуюць на 2019 выданне. Грэм, якая стане першай дзеючай жанчынай -вайскоўцай ЗША па боксе, якая выступіць на Алімпійскіх гульнях, будуць змагацца за трэці запар алімпійскі залаты медаль каманды ЗША ў сярэдняй вазе сярод жанчын.

«Гэта нерэальна, што я еду на Алімпіяду,»Грэм заявіла, кажучы пра тое, каб зарабіць на яе месца ў Токіо. «Я працягваю здзіўляць сябе, знайшоўшы ўласныя межы, а потым мець смеласць пранесці міма іх ".

Джонс выйдзе на рынг у адной з дзвюх новых катэгорый вагі жанчын, нападаючым (152 фунты/69 кг) падзел. Джонс, хто ўвайшоў у гісторыю 2019 з яе залатым медалём на Панамерыканскіх гульнях, будзе імкнуцца працягваць рабіць гісторыю, стаўшы першай залатой алімпійскай прызёркай у сваёй вагавой катэгорыі. 23-гадовая дзяўчынка дадала каштоўныя ачкі ў свой рэйтынг, заняўшы пяць лепшых месцаў 2019 Элітны чэмпіянат свету сярод жанчын стане лепшым баксёрам Амерыкі і сёмым у агульным рэйтынгу BTF для паўцяжкай катэгорыі, каб прабіць білет на Алімпіяду.

«Я магу заняць толькі адно месца, але маё адно месца ўяўляе так шмат,», - падзяліўся Джонс. «Я ўдзячны за магчымасць прадстаўляць жанчын, Афраамерыканцы, мой маленькі горад Таледа, але самае галоўнае, мая краіна."

Другі Агаён, які прадстаўляе каманду ЗША, Джонсан, павялічвае серыю алімпійцаў па боксе, якія родам з Кліўленда, да чатырох чалавек, па слядах Чарльза Конуэла (2016), Террелл Gausha (2012) і Рэйнел Уільямс (2008). Сярэдні вага (152 фунты/69 кг), які ўпершыню прыцягнуў увагу сусветнага бокса сваім залатым медалём 2016 Чэмпіянат свету сярод моладзі, зарабіў свае рэйтынгавыя ачкі дзякуючы бронзавым медалям 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні і топ 16 размяшчэнне ў 2019 Элітны чэмпіянат свету. Джонсан стаў трэцім па пасеянні баксёрам Амерыкі 19й у цэлым.

«Мая барацьба - гэта мае палосы, і я ношу іх на спіне, каб людзі вакол мяне бачылі гэта, нават калі вы жывяце ў джунглях, вы ўсё яшчэ можаце гнацца за сваімі марамі,», - заявіў Джонсан. «Я раблю гэта не толькі для свайго горада, але для маіх двух трэнераў, Дантэ Бенджамін -старэйшы. і Клінта Марціна, якога я страціў падчас падарожжа на гэтыя гульні ".

Тарэс, найвышэйшы рэйтынг суперцяжкай вагі (201+ фунты/91+ кг) баксёр з Амерыкі і 11й ў цэлым, заслужыў сваё месца за выступленне на трэцім месцы 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні і пяцёрка лепшых на чэмпіянаце свету ў эліце ў гэтым годзе. Тарэс, былы бронзавы прызёр чэмпіянату свету сярод юнакоў, стане першым амерыканскім баксёрам, які выступае ў гэтай вагавой катэгорыі з 2012 года.

«Усе шчаслівыя, што ідуць на Алімпіяду, гэта мара кожнага, але мне трэба быць там,- сказаў Торэс. «Агонь, які быў запалены ў мяне яшчэ да таго, як я нават хадзіў, гэта прымушае мяне быць лепшым, агонь, які быў у маёй сям'і пакаленнямі, перапоўнілася. Ён запаліў усе мае іншыя варыянты, і яна зрабіла попел любой іншай магчымасці, акрамя поспеху ".

Падчас гэтых Алімпійскіх гульняў каманда ЗША будзе кіравацца галоўным трэнерам зборнай ЗША па боксе Білі Уолшам.

«Гэта фантастычная навіна для нашых шасці баксёраў, якія бясконца працавалі апошнія пяць гадоў, каб стаць алімпійцам,», - падзяліўся Уолш. «Цяпер мы засяродзімся на наступным этапе працэсу, стаць алімпійскім чэмпіёнам ».

Спаборніцтвы па боксе пачнуцца ў суботу, Ліпеня 24й (JST). Працягвайце правярацьusaboxing.org і сацыяльныя медыя -платформы ЗША Boxing, каб быць у курсе дадатковай інфармацыі аб Алімпійскіх гульнях у Токіа 2020.

Усе намінацыі каманд падлягаюць зацвярджэнню USOPC.



Шчэбет: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Аб ЗША БОКС:  Прасоўваць і развіваць аматарскі бокс у алімпійскім стылі ў ЗША, а таксама натхняць на нястомную імкненне да алімпійскага золата і даваць магчымасць спартсменам і трэнерам дасягаць устойлівых спаборніцкіх дасягненняў. Дадаткова, USA Boxing імкнецца навучыць усіх удзельнікаў характару, упэўненасць і засяроджанасць яны павінны стаць пругкімі і разнастайнымі чэмпіёнамі, як на рынгу, так і з яго. ЗША па боксе - гэта адна каманда, адзін народ, збіраюцца на золата!

USA Boxing Announces 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Qualification Team

Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Студзеня 29, 2020) — USA Boxing announced today the 13 boxers who will represent Team USA at the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo Boxing Qualification Events, так жа добра як 13 alternates. A full list can be seen below.

The team was announced following the two-stage qualification process that began in December at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles and concluded at the recent 2020 Strandja Tournament in Sofia, Bulgaria. The full athlete selection procedure can be seenвось.

“First of all, this was a very difficult decision,” stated USA Boxing Head CoachБілі Уолш. “Some of these boxers were neck and neck between training camp and the 2020 Standja Tournament.”

“We feel the 13 boxers that earned their place on the Olympic Qualification Team will be the best team to represent Team USA at the upcoming qualifiers, as well as have the best opportunity to qualify a full team to the 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo.”

Усе 13 boxers will have two chances to punch their ticket to Tokyo. The first will take place at the America’s Qualification tournament in Buenos Aires, Аргенціна, Сакавіка 26 – April 3. Boxers who do not qualify in Argentina will have one final opportunity at the World Qualifier in Paris, Францыя, May 13-24.Click here for more information on how boxers qualify

The boxers, as well as several training partners, will return to the United States Olympics and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Круг. лютага. 5 for their next training camp.

Follow USA Boxing on social media to stay up to date on training and news of the Olympic Qualification Team.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team
51 кг: Вірджынія Фукс, Х'юстан, Тэхас
52 кг: Anthony Herrera, Лос-Анджэлес, Халіф.
57 кг: Andrea Medina, Сан - Дыега, Халіф.
57 кг: Bruce Carrington, Brooklyn, N.Y..
60 кг: Рашыда Эліс, Лін, Маса.
63 кг: Кішаун Дэвіс, Норфолк, Уіл.
69 кг: Ошай Джонс, Таледа, Агаё
69 кг: Delante Джонсан, Кліўленд, Агаё
75 кг: Наомі Грэм, Фаетвіль, N.C.
75 кг: Джозэф Хікс, Гранд-Рэпідс, мне.
81 кг: Rahim Gonzales, Лас-Вегас, Невада.
91 кг: Darius Fulghum, Х'юстан, Тэхас
91+ кг: Richard Torrez Jr., Тулар, Calf.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team Alternates
51 кг: Christina Cruz, Кухня Ада, N.Y..
52 кг: Abraham Perez, Альбукерке, N.m.
57 кг: Lupe Gutierrez, Sacramento, Халіф.
57 кг: David Navarro, Лос-Анджэлес, Халіф.
60 кг: Amelia Moore, Александрыя, Уіл.
63 кг: Ernesto Mercado, Pomona, Халіф.
69 кг: Briana Che, Мэдысан, Wisc.
69 кг: Freudis Rojas Jr., Далас, Тэхас
75 кг: Morelle McCane, Кліўленд, Агаё
75 кг: Хаўер Марцінес, Мілўокі, Wisc.
81 кг: Atif Oberlton, Філадэльфія, Пэнсыльванія.
91 кг: Jamar Talley, Camden, N.J.
91+ кг: Antonio Mireles, Des Moines, Аёва



Шчэбет: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Аб ЗША БОКС:  Прасоўваць і развіваць аматарскі бокс у алімпійскім стылі ў ЗША, а таксама натхняць на нястомную імкненне да алімпійскага золата і даваць магчымасць спартсменам і трэнерам дасягаць устойлівых спаборніцкіх дасягненняў. Дадаткова, USA Boxing імкнецца навучыць усіх удзельнікаў характару, упэўненасць і засяроджанасць яны павінны стаць пругкімі і разнастайнымі чэмпіёнамі, як на рынгу, так і з яго. ЗША па боксе - гэта адна каманда, адзін народ, збіраюцца на золата!

Оша Джонс робіць гісторыю на 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні

ЛІМА, Перу (Жнівень 2, 2019) — Ошай Джонс (Таледа, Агаё) увайшоў у гісторыю ў першы вечар фіналу на 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні ў Ліме, Перу, стаўшы першымі ў гісторыі залатымі прызёрамі Панамерыканскіх гульняў сярод жанчын у сярэдняй вазе. Гэта было ўпершыню ў гісторыі Панамерыканскіх гульняў, што жанчыны будуць мець пяць вагавых катэгорый, у параўнанні з двума папярэднімі Гульнямі, якія маюць тры вагавыя катэгорыі.

Джонс перамог Майрыям ДаСільву з Канады аднагалосным рашэннем, выйграўшы ўсе тры раунды, 10-9, ад двух суддзяў, і два з трох патронаў, 10-9, ад аднаго суддзі.

Гэта быў другі раз, калі Джонс і Дасілва сутыкнуліся, Джонс перамог яе 5-0 на кваліфікацыі Панамерыканскіх гульняў у пачатку гэтага года.

Раней Джонс у чвэрцьфінале перамог Атэну Байлан з Панамы і М. Маронта Херанд з Дамініканскай Рэспублікі ў паўфінале выходзіць у фінал гэтых чэмпіянатаў.

Каманда ЗША будзе імкнуцца завяршыць свае самыя паспяховыя Панамерыканскія гульні з тых часоў 1983, заўтра ўвечары з чатырма баксёрамі ідуць па золата, Кішаун Дэвіс (Норфолк, Вірджынія.), Вірджынія Фукс (Х'юстан, Тэхас), Наомі Грэм (Каларада-Спрынгс, Кала.) і Герцаг Раган (Цынцынаці, Агаё). Іх чатыры медалі будуць дададзены да залатой медалі Джонса, а пяць бронзавых медалёў, заваяваных у пачатку гэтага тыдня Рашыда Эліс (Лін, Маса.), Трой Айли (Александрыя, Вірджынія.), Delante Джонсан (Кліўленд, Агаё), Ярысель Рамірэс (Лас-Вегас, Невада.) і Рычард Торэс -малодшы. (Тулар, Каліфорнія.).

Сачыце за апошнім днём боксу амерыканцаў, націснуўшы тут: https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Boxing/2019-Pan-American-Games


69 кг: Ошай Джонс, Таледа, Агаё/ЗША, дзес. над Myriam DaSilva/МОЖНА, 5-0

Graham and Torrez Jr. Win Gold; Coe Takes Silver in Finals of 2019 Турнір Странджа

Team USA Leaves Sofia, Bulgaria with eight medals

Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг (Лютага. 19, 2019) The 70th edition of the Strandja Tournament came to a close today with Team USA winning two gold and one silver to add to the five bronze medals they won in yesterday’s semifinals in Sofia, Bulgaria.

2018 Elite Women’s World Championships bronze medalist Наомі Грэм (Каларада-Спрынгс, Кала.) added another medal to her impressive international resume after defeating Sweden’s Love Holgersson by split decision. This marks the middleweights fourth international medal since the beginning of 2018.

Super heavyweight Рычард Торэс -малодшы. (Тулар, Каліфорнія.) closed out the tournament in spectacular fashion to take another international gold medal. Torrez took all five judgescards over the host countries Petar Belberov to earn his second elite international gold medal. At the conclusion of the tournament, Torrez was named on the Boxers of the Tournament.

2018 breakout star Khalil Coe (Джэрсі-Сіці, N.J.) picked up a silver medal following a walkover win by Russia’s Imam Khataev.

Трой Айли (Александрыя, Вірджынія.), Delante Джонсан (Кліўленд, Агаё) Ошай Джонс (Таледа, Агаё), Morelle McCane (Кліўленд, Агаё) і Ярысель Рамірэс (Лас-Вегас, Невада.) earned bronze for Team USA in yesterday’s semifinal bouts.

Team USA began the tournament with 25 boxers with Head Coach Billy Walsh (Каларада-Спрынгс, Кала.) leading the American delegation throughout the tournament, along with USA Boxing National Assistant Coach Kay Koroma (Каларада-Спрынгс, Кала.). Rasheen Ali (Кліўленд, Агаё), Tim Back (Цынцынаці, Агаё), Kevin Benford (Цынцынаці, Агаё), Joe Guzman (Фантан, Каліфорнія.) and Christine Lopez (Rowlett, Тэхас) served on the coaching staff during the tournament. This year’s tournament saw over 300 boxers from over 30 different countries step into the ring.

The delegation will return to the United States tomorrow.

You can look back at the United States performances throughout the tournament by clicking here.

Finals Results

75 кг: Наомі Грэм, Каларада-Спрынгс, Colo./USA, дзес. over Love Holgersson/SWE, 3-2
81 кг: Imam Khataev/RUS won by walkover over Khalil Coe, Джэрсі-Сіці, N.J./USA, WO
91+ кг: Richard Torrez Jr., Тулар, Calif./USA, дзес. over Petar Belberov/BUL, 5-0

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Facebook: /USABoxing

Amateur Boxing: USA vs Ireland New England Tour Closes Out With Fantastic Night of Action in Manchester, Нью-Гэмпшыр

Fight Report By: Багаты Бержерон

Photography By: Shelly Corriveau

PHOTO SLIDESHOW (contact rich.bergeron@gmail.com for photo copies):

Boxing fans packed the Manchester Downtown Hotel Wednesday night to take in a spectacular night of elite amateur boxing. This was the final stop on a three-city tour of Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts and Manchester, Нью-Гэмпшыр. The scheduled fights featured Team USA amateurs facing the best amateur boxers from Ireland. By the final bell, Ireland managed to finish the eight bouts of the evening with a tie score, their best outcome of the tour. Team USA won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, адпаведна, дзесяткамі 8-4 і 7-3.


Wednesday’s fights were not all about winning, аднак. For the majority of the boxers involved it was a great opportunity to fine-tune their techniques and get some much-needed international competition experience. Some of Wednesday night’s best performers will also likely be representing their respective countries in the upcoming 2020 Алімпійскія гульні.



The main event of the night featured 2016 Youth World Championships Bronze Medalist Richard Torrez dominating 3-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner. The Irish fighter’s towering height and long reach simply could not overcome the fast pace and excellent defensive posture of the shorter American.


Torrez spent the first round executing masterful feinting and punch slipping while scoring with some bombing hooks. Torrez changed levels, used slick head movement, and never let his foot off the gas as Gardiner plodded forward with an unbalanced and wild approach in the early going. A thudding body shot connected for the Irishman in the first, but not much else.


Torrez kept up the quick work rate in the next frame, unleashing left and right hooks and landing cleanly through much of the round. He scored to the body and head easily, though much of the round saw his opponent covering up and waiting for openings. One straight left from Torrez sent his opponent reeling for a moment, but the taller man recovered and did land a phenomenal left hook to the head of Torrez as he was fighting off the ropes. Gardiner tried landing mostly straight punches on the outside and seemed unable to turn over his punches in close.

The third round saw both fighters slugging it out until the final bell with one of the wildest back and forth exchanges of the night, but it was too little and too late for Gardiner. He just could not get his range dialed in. Torrez just outworked his opponent again and landed a few slick uppercuts to go with his thundering right and left hooks. He used the jab sparingly but effectively, spending much of the final frame targeting Gardiner’s body. Torrez earned the Unanimous Decision win with his performance and didn’t take more than a handful of hard shots in the process.


Kelly Harrington, a World Championship Silver Medalist from Ireland, likely had her team’s most masterful performance in cruising to a unanimous decision victory over Stacia Suttles in the opening bout of the night. Suttles struggled to keep herself at the ideal punching range against the unrelenting attack of Harrington in the first round, spending much of the three minutes bobbing and weaving to try to avoid the crisp combinations of her opponent. Suttles did land her jab fairly consistently, and she did begin to put some combos together late in the round, but Harrington is an absolute expert when it comes to head movement. She looked as if Floyd Mayweather, Малодшы. was one of her coaches as she utilized a hands-low technique with constant feints, punch slipping and level changing. The first round saw her landing a beautiful straight left to the head and a fantastic body and head punching combination that landed solidly. She unleashed some fierce hooks, although a few were wild haymakers. Below is a picture of Harrington during one of just a few brief moments in the fight where she brought both hands up to protect her face.

Suttles caught Harrington with some glancing and flush shots in the second round, but she seemed to be having trouble getting power behind her punches. She did trade some decent right hands with her opponent, but it was clear by the end of the round that she just wasn’t going to be able to find any rhythm in the fight due to the craftiness of her opponent. Harrington spent the same round perfecting her range with crisp 1-2 combos and wild lead rights connecting. Harrington also scored some powerful left hooks with a picture perfect straight right landing just a few moments later.
The third round was more of the same for both fighters. Suttles worked much of the frame to track her opponent down, but every time she unloaded, she paid for it. One particularly solid left hook landed late in the round, but it just wasn’t enough. Harrington spent much of the last three minutes trying to connect with winging right hands. She landed one of her hardest punches of the fight late in the round and momentarily stunned her opponent before the bell to end the fight. Harrington took away a unanimous decision and looks to be one of the most promising boxers at her weight in the running for the 2020 Алімпійскія гульні.
Yet another example of height somehow being a disadvantage played a role in the other female fight on the card. Team USA’s Leah Cooper (#2 US Female Middleweight) used ducking and feinting to avoid the taller Aoife Burke’s long reach. Cooper fought from a semi-crouch, making it hard for Burke to land with any significant power on the majority of her punches. The 8-time National Irish Champion
had a few spots in the fight where she regained control of the action, but Cooper made the right adjustments to minimize the threats.
Cooper executed a swarming attack to begin the first round, firing off 1-2 combos and backing Burke up. She remained patient and persistent throughout the frame, staying low and out of range of Burke’s power shots. Burke exhibited excellent defense, but she could only manage to throw and land one punch at a time. She showcased a crisp jab throughout the round, but it just didn’t deter Cooper. Burke had her best moments of the round toward the final bell, mixing up shots to the body and head, including a hard right hook to the head.
Burke came out for the second round on fire, storming Cooper with rapid fire 1-2 combos and hooks. She also mixed in a slick uppercut that found Cooper’s chin. Cooper weathered the storm, only falling into the trap briefly. She regained her composure, landed some excellent counter punches, and turned what might have been Burke’s best round into the Irish champ’s worst. Cooper remained calm and cool, despite taking some of the hardest shots her opponent landed in the fight. She landed some superb 1-2 combos after Burke’s attack fizzled, eventually opening a cut near Burke’s left eye and bloodying her nose. Cooper’s hard body punching also sent Burke crouching down to the canvas briefly after a solid right hook.
Burke started the third round a bit late after getting checked out and cleared by the ringside doctor. She again started out with a flurry of bombing punches. She targeted the body and the head, but Cooper collected herself once again and went back to work. She changed levels well and began connecting with furious hooks, first to the body and then back up to the head. She also kept up an active jab and landed multiple 1-2 combos. Burke did manage another late flurry in the closing moments of the fight, but Cooper still came away with the unanimous decision win.
Team USA Lightweight James Browning came into Wednesday night’s bout with Ireland’s Francis Cleary as a two-time USA Boxing Champion. Cleary, a nine-time Irish National Champion, represented Browning’s first crack at international competition. Both fighters had their moments, but it would be Browning getting the win at the end of three entertaining, back-and-forth rounds of action.
Browning spent the first round establishing a higher work rate than his opponent and using lots of movement to avoid Cleary’s attack. He also landed a consistent jab, mixing up his body and head shots well. Though he won the round, Browning took plenty of risks and paid the price. Cleary picked his spots and unleashed the more clean and powerful punches when he was able to land. He just couldn’t connect enough, and he clinched out of trouble almost every time he wound up fighting in close quarters.
Clearly landed some more sharp bombs in the second frame, getting more aggressive and starting to track down his constantly moving opponent. A thumping left hook near the end of the round connected with Browning’s head and impressed the packed house of fans. Яшчэ, Browning remained busy and did well in the slugging exchanges between the two fighters. He was often wild, but the work output kept Cleary from stealing the round.
Cleary came out for the third round with renewed ferocity, engaging in a wild brawl with Browning. It was the best round of the fight for Cleary, and Browning could not maintain the elusiveness he displayed in the prior rounds. The Irish fighter landed another booming left hook in the round, featured perfectly-timed counters, and kept punching right up to the bell. Browning definitely appeared to be frustrated and tired by the end of the fight. Яшчэ, two out of the three judges were sure he deserved the win, earning a split decision victory.
The next bout pitted eight-time Irish National Champion Wayne Kelley against 13-time US National Champion Adrian Benton in a close welterweight battle. Both young fighters had bright spots in the match, but Kelley managed to squeak out the split decision victory with a crafty, gutsy effort.
Benton had the better first round thanks to a swarming attack. He worked in and out of range with 1-2 combos and sparing hooks. He used all his angles well, pivoting out of trouble and into effective range with ease. Kelley struggled to land counters until the final moments of the round when he landed his own flurry of 1-2 combos.
Kelley started the second round with much more energy and poise. He landed early and often, winging left hands and opening up a cut on Benton’s lip. Benton slipped some of the more dangerous punches, blocked shots well and landed some crisp, hard shots of his own. His best exchange was a left and right hook to the head that landed near the middle of the round.
Kelley slowed down a bit in the final round, unable to find his ideal range. He landed some hard right hands, a well-placed body shot and unloaded with a late flurry. Benton kept busy early in the round and artfully ducked under a bombing right hook from Kelley. The judges seemed more impressed with Kelley’s composure in the final two rounds as Benton kept getting drawn in to sloppy brawling. Kelley edged out the win by a 2-1 margin.
The light welterweights came next, producing another tight contest. Ireland’s Caoimhin Ferguson fought Team USA’s Charlie Sheehy with a slightly better tactical approach, earning another split decision victory for his squad.
Sheehy took on a more cautious and patient approach in the first round, waiting for the perfect moment to throw and land. His best punches of the round included a hard right hand to the body and a starching jab. Ferguson put in more work in the frame, scoring on multiple hooks to the head and unleashing wild and crazy flurries a few times. One particular left hook crashed hard into Sheehy’s head in the final moments of the round.
Ferguson landed some decent shots in the second round, but Sheehy was much more composed. He worked around the wild-swinging, hard-charging assault by keeping his distance and scoring from outside with some crisp rights to the chin. The fighters exchanged some hooks to the body and wound up in a clinch before the end of the round.
Sheehy struggled to string punches together in the final round. Though he had a nice straight right hand working for him, Ferguson was able to penetrate his defense. Ferguson landed a thumping left hook early and went on to land a few more bombs before losing his mouthpiece in one exchange. Likely knowing he needed to finish strong to get the judges on his side, Ferguson rushed in with a final torrent of hooks in the final seconds. He earned a 2-1 decision win for his tenacity.
Welterweights Kieron Molloy (Ірландыя) and Freudis Rojas, Малодшы. (ЗША) squared off in another bout. Both fighters are previous World Championship Bronze Medalists with Molloy also claiming nine Irish National titles and Rojas winning the US nationals 10 times so far. It was another close shave win for Team Ireland.
Rojas was clearly the more active fighter in the first round. He used a consistent jab and increased his work rate through the frame. He ket busy on offense right up until the bell. Molloy began the round winging shots and trying to figure out his range. He unleashed a bit late in some of the more fierce exchanges, couldn’t figure out how to get his combinations going, and had a tough time catching up with the faster Rojas. Molloy did land some excellent straight lefts, хоць.
The next round went much better for the Irish southpaw. He started with an uptick in his punch output, though he still struggled to land combos. At one point in the round, Molloy connected with a huge straight left, followed up by a nice power jab, slowing down his opponent. Rojas kept coming forward but couldn’t capitalize on scoring opportunities in the round. A late flurry of punches from Rojas wasn’t enough for him to steal the round.
Rojas landed some excellent shots in the final round, going downstairs to the body frequently. He also caught Molloy against the ropes, blasting him with straight punches. Molloy fought the smarter round, хоць, picking the best times to throw and often catching Rojas with his hands down. His best exchange of the round featured a huge 1-2 connecting to the head and a wild left hook to the head. A final swarm of punches from the Irish fighter closed the show and earned him a 2-1 split decision win.
Team USA’s Nikita Ababiy scored a hard-fought win in a wild affair before the main event with Team Ireland’s Gerard French. The first round saw Ababiy jabbing well. The American came into the fight with a very non-traditional boxing stance with one hand low, but his posture seemed to be effective in luring his opponent into punching range. Ababiy landed some booming hooks and a nice left uppercut that backed up French. Тым часам, French concentrated on trying to land counters. He had a lower work rate but also didn’t take too much punishment.
French spent the second round trying to exchange in close quarters. He landed more shots later in the round, including some heated right hooks in the final moments. Ababiy connected with some thumping shots in the round and showcased some nice defense as well. He mixed up his shots to the body and head, throwing and covering up to wait for the next opening. Ababiy landed a nice left hook to the head followed up with a picture perfect right uppercut in the final minute. He ended the round well on his way to his first win.
The final round saw Ababiy slow down a bit, but he was still effective enough to carry the frame. French managed some crisp left hooks to the head, but he couldn’t figure out the different style his opponent brought to the ring. The American cruised to the unanimous decision win.
The night also began with the only stoppage on the card thanks to a wild brawl between local 132-pound Manchester, NH novices Michael Correa and Abhisek Thapa. Correa took off across the ring upon hearing the opening bell and unleashed one wild flurry after another. Thapa didn’t let the tornado swallow him up, хоць. He ust covered up and waited for his opportunities. It only took a couple minutes for Correa to start tiring out from the relentless attack. Thapa then waded in to land some of the most impressive shots of the night, forcing the referee to stop the fight for three standing eight counts before the end finally came with a whirlwind of power punches from Thapa.


There was also a guest appearance made by the boxer Floyd Mayweather, Малодшы. still calls his toughest opponent ever, Emanuel Augustus (3-34-6, 20 КО). Augustus participated in a reunion the previous night with “Ірландскі” Мікі Уорд (38-13, 27 КО), celebrating one of the best fights in the history of the sport, which took place on July 13, 2001. Augustus stuck around for the fights and even came into the ring to showcase that he still has the same punching prowess that made him one of the most entertaining fighters of his era.
“We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Billy Walsh said. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 Алімпійскія гульні). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.”

Team Ireland also brought their own production crew to film all the action for those who couldn’t be there:

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USA and Ireland battle to 4-4 draw Americans capture three-city team title, 2-0-1, on USA vs. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур

МАНЧЕСТЕР, N гадзіну. (Сакавіка 22, 2018) – Last night’s third and final stop on USA Boxing’s 2018 ЗША супраць. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour ended in a 4-4 draw at Downtown Manchester Hotel in Manchester, Нью-Гэмпшыр. Team USA won the team tour title, 2-0-1.
Team USA had won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, адпаведна, дзесяткамі 8-4 і 7-3.
We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Білі Уолш сказаў. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 Алімпійскія гульні). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.
Team Ireland led last night’s team scoring, 4-3, going into the final match of the night, a super heavyweight rematch. The 2016 Youth World Championships bronze medalist Рычард Torrez once again defeated there-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner,
Third time was the charm for Brooklyn middleweight Nikita Ababiy, who broke into the win column with a 3-0 unanimous decision over Gerard French, keeping the Americans hope alive to deadlock the final score with one match to go.
In a battle between southpaw welterweights, nine-time Irish National Champion and World Championships bronze medalist, Kieron Molloy took a 2-1 split decision over Freudis Rojas, Малодшы., a 10-time national champion and World Championships bronze medalist.
Irish light welterweight Caoimhin Ferguson выйграў 2-1 split decision victory over California light welterweight Charlie Sheey to give Team Ireland a 3-2 advantage.
Eight-time Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Wayne Kelley выйграў 2-1 split decision versus Cincinnati light welterweight Adrian Benton, the 13-time national champion making his International match debut.
In his International debut, two-time USA Boxing champion James Browning выйграў 2-1 decision over Irish lightweight Francis Cleary, a nine-time Irish National champion and European Championships silver medalist, in a very entertaining lightweight match.
Ня. 2-rated American middleweight Leah Cooper dropped her opponent, eight-time National Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Adolfe Burke, en route to a 3-0 аднагалоснае рашэнне.
World Championship silver medalist Kellie Harrington defeated lightweight Stacia Suttlesfor the second time on the tour by the identical score, 3-0, giving Team Ireland its first lead of the tour, albeit temporary, in last night’s tour opener.
In a Special Manchester Lightweight novice class match, Майкл Correa (Manchester PAL) пераможаны Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing) when the referee stopped the contest in the opening round.
Complete individual & team results:
(tour records in parenthesis)
Рычард Torrez, Тулар, Каліфорнія, ЗША
UDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Ірландыя
Nikita Ababiy (1-2), Brooklyn, Нью-Ёрк, ЗША
UDEC (3-0)
Gerard French (0-2), Antrim, Ірландыя
Паўсярэдняга вагі
Kieron Molloy (2-0), Galway, Ірландыя
SDEC (2-1)
Freudis Rojas, Малодшы. (0-1), Лас-Вегас, Невада, ЗША
LIGHT полусредневесами
Caoimhin Ferguson (1-1), Antrim, Ірландыя
SDEC (2-1)
Charley Sheehy (1-1), Brisbane, Каліфорнія, ЗША
Wayne Kelley (1-1), West Meade, Ірландыя
SDEC (2-1)
Adrian Benton (0-1), Цынцынаці, Агаё, ЗША
James Browning (1-0), Tempe, Арызона, ЗША
SDEC (2-1)
Francis Cleary (0-2, Mayo, Ірландыя
Leah Cooper (1-0), Ozone Park, Нью-Ёрк, ЗША
UDEC (3-0)
Aolfe Burke (0-1), Дублін, Ірландыя
Kellie Harrington (2-0), Дублін, Ірландыя
UDEC (3-0)
Stacia Suttles (0-2), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк, ЗША
ЗША: 4

Майкл Correa, Manchester PAL, Манчестер, Нью-Гэмпшыр
WRSC1 (1:41)
Abhisek Thapa, Title Boxing, Манчестер, Нью-Гэмпшыр
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Facebook: /USABoxing

2001 Fight of the Year Reunion for final stop of 2018 ЗША супраць. Ireland Northeast Tour

Emanuel Augustus joins special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger to complete memorable fight
Сакавіка 21 ў Манчэстэры, Нью-Гэмпшыр
Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Сакавіка 19, 2018) – Retired pro boxer Emanuel Augustus has confirmed his attendance this week at a USA Boxing-hosted reunion of the 2001 Бой года, associated with the final stop on the 2018 ЗША супраць. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour festivities in Manchester, Нью-Гэмпшыр.
The 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “Ірландскі” Мікі Уорд won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero Emanuel Augustus, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
Ward versus Augustus was truly the event of the year in boxing and we’re so happy it was held right here in New Hampshire,” said Stephen, who has been in his position as chairman since 1974, “Micky was losing the fight until the later rounds. As the chairperson of he commission, I checked the judgesscorecards after six or seven rounds and Micky was losing. Затым, Micky caught Augustus, dropped and really hurt him. He went on to win a great fight.
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. Падапечны, Augustus and the third man in the ring that night, Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger, will host as USA Alumni Association event Tuesday, Мора. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. ў Манчэстэры), пачынаючы з 6 p.m. І.
The trio will also be joined by two others closely associated with the 2001 Бой года, Chairman of the New Hampshire Boxing and Wrestling Commission, Bobby Stephen, as well as International matchmaker, Eric Bottjer, who made the Ward-Augustus fight in 2001.
All five will also attend the USA Boxing Alumni Association event as well as the following night’s (Мора. 21) ЗША супраць. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, Нью-Гэмпшыр.
A special lightweight novice WILL open the competition, showcasing two Manchester amateur boxers, Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing Club) і Майкл Correa (Manchester PAL).
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 p.m. Стандартную УСХОДНЯЕ ЧАС, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, the Manchester PAL Boxing Club.
Квіткі па разумных цэнах у $20.00 для агульнага прыёму, $30 for reserved ringside seats, and available to purchase on Seacoast Ticket Agency’s website, www.seacoastticket.com, the official ticket distributor for the event.
We’re so happy to have the USA-Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour here in Manchester,” Stephen added. “The talent on both squads is extraordinary. We’re honored to have these two teams here for this big event. It’s a credit to USA Boxing and (special events director) Al Valenti, who has done so much over the years for boxing in New Hampshire. Boxing was very popular here many years ago. People turned out in droves to attend the Golden Gloves. There’s a boxing resurgence and that’s so important to teach young people discipline, respect and conditioning that’s so needed today. These amateurs do their best for the love of boxing; they aren’t in it for money like professionals.
Micky is honorable, a real nice person. It means a lot for local fans and boxers to meet him. We were fortunate to have him fight in New Hampshire on serval occasions and nobody who watched his fight Augustus or his trilogy with Артура Гаці will never forget.”.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур націсніце тут.
ЗША супраць. Ірландыя Расклад
Сакавіка 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Манчестер, N гадзіну.
(All boxers and bouts are subject to change.)
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Team USA defeats Team Ireland, 8-4 In USA Boxing’s 2018 ЗША супраць. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур

Бостан (Сакавіка 13, 2018) – Team USA defeated Team Ireland, 8-4 , last night (Панядзелак) on the first stop of the three-city 2018 ЗША супраць. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур, at Club Royale Entertainment Center in Boston’s historic theater district.
Two of the best amateur boxing squads in the country, featuring numerous 2020 Olympic hopefuls, had a major showdown to the delight of the mixed crowed of supporters of both programs.
It was a fantastic night of boxing,” said Team USA head coach Білі Уолш, who used to guide Team Ireland’s boxing program. The real winners were the boxing fans, American and Irish, supporting these two young teams. I was really happy with our performance as well as theirs.
The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour continues ў гэты чацвер (Мора. 15 на) the MassMutual Center in Springfield, Маса., and concludes Серада, Мора. 21 at The Manchester Downtown Hotel in New Hampshire.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 p.m. Стандартную УСХОДНЯЕ ЧАС і квіткі будуць даступныя для пакупкі ў бліжэйшыя тыдні. Кожны горад прадставіць да 12 канцы, which will all be live streamed, бясплатна, на вэб-сайце ЗША бокса (www.usaboxing.org).
Honorary captains Ірландскі” Мікі Уорд і Кевін “The Clones ColossusMcBride, адпаведна, led Team USA and Team Ireland into the ring.
A USA Alumni Association gathering was held prior to the show.
In the final bout of the night, American super heavyweight Рычард Torrez, the 2016 Моладзевы чэмпіянат свету бронзавы прызёр і 2017 USA Boxing Elite National champion, closed the show in style against four-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner, 3-0.
Bombs away was the theme in the heavyweight match as Irishman Kiril Afganasev powered his way past Adrian Tillman, 2-1.
Lanky American light heavyweight Khalil Coe decisioned six-time Irish National champion Caoimhin Hynes.
Three-time European champion Michael Nevin edged 2016 Youth World Championship team member Nikita Ababiy, 2-1, in a back-and-forth middleweight contest.
One of America’s brightest prospects, 2017 Elite World Championship bronze medalist Трой Айли, showed everything in his arsenal against eight-time Irish National champion Brett McGinty, emerging with an impressive unanimous decision in a toe-to-toe middleweight clash.
Eight-time Irish National champion Kierion Molloy won a split decision over American welterweight Quinton Randall, a 2017 Elite World Championship team member.
In a special match-up between two Internationally decorated light welterweights,2016 Моладзевы Чэмпіён свету і 2017 Elite кантынентальныя чэмпіянаты сярэбраны прызёр, DelanteТыгр” Джонсан, took a split decision from eight-time Irish National champion Wayne Kelly.
Кішаун Дэвіс pounded Irish light welterweight George Bates en route to a dominating unanimous decision victory, in which the American showcased his numerous skills.
American lightweight Марк Кастра, who moved up one weight class, turned in an auspiciousEliteclass debut, перамогшы Francis Cleary by way of a unanimous decision. The highly-regarded Castro was a two-time World champion as a junior and youth boxer.
Aggressive American welterweight Ошай Джонс won a hard-fought split decision versus Grainne Bates in an action-packed match from start to finish. Jones was a 2017 Elite Women’s Continental Championships silver medalist.
World Championships silver medalist lightweight Kellie Harrington won a unanimous decision over American lightweight Stacia Suttles in a very competitive match.
Four-time 2017 international gold medalist Вірджынія Фукс opened the night with a victory over Irish flyweight Lauren Hogan, when the referee stopped the contest in the second round.
Complete individual & team results:
Рычард Torrez, Тулар, Каліфорнія, ЗША
WDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Ірландыя
Kiril Afanasev, Дублін, Ірландыя
WDEC (2-1)
Adrian Tillman, Каларада-Спрынгс, Каларада, ЗША
Святло цяжкавагавікоў
Khalil Coe, Jersey, City, Нью-Джэрсі, ЗША
WDEC (3-0)
Caoimhin Hynes, Belfast, Ірландыя
Michael Nevin, Laois, Ірландыя
WDEC (2-1)
Nikita Ababiy, Brooklyn, Нью-Ёрк, ЗША
Трой Айли, Александрыя, Віргінія, ЗША
WDEC (3-0)
Brett McGinty, Дэры, Ірландыя
Паўсярэдняга вагі
Kieron Molloy, Galway, Ірландыя
WDEC (2-1)
Quinton Randall, Katy, Тэхас, ЗША
LIGHT полусредневесами
Tiger Johnson, Кліўленд, Агаё, ЗША
WDEC (2-1)
Wayne Kelly, Laois, Ірландыя
Keshawn Davis, Норфолк, Віргінія, ЗША
WDEC (3-0)
George Bates, Дублін, Ірландыя
Марк Кастра, Фресно, Каліфорнія, ЗША
WDEC (3-0)
Francs Cleary, Mayo, Ірландыя
Ошай Джонс, Таледа, Агаё, ЗША
WDEC (2-1)
Grainne Bates, Дублін, Ірландыя
Kellie Harrington, Дублін, Ірландыя
WDEC (3-0)
Stacia Suttles, Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк, ЗША
Ginny Fuchs, Kemah, Тэхас, ЗША
RSC2 (1:57)
Lauren Hogan, Offaly, Ірландыя
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур націсніце тут.
ЗША супраць. Ірландыя Расклад
Сакавіка 15: MassMutual цэнтр, Springfield, Маса.
Сакавіка 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Манчестер, N гадзіну.
Шчэбет: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

2001 Fight of the Year Reunion planned for final stop of 2018 ЗША супраць. Ireland Northeast Tour

Special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger
Сакавіка 21 ў Манчэстэры, Нью-Гэмпшыр
Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Сакавіка 12, 2018) – USA Boxing is hosting a special reunion, featuring two key members of the 2001 Бой года, to be part of the final stop on the 2018 ЗША супраць. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур, Сакавіка 21 at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, Нью-Гэмпшыр.
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 p.m. Стандартную УСХОДНЯЕ ЧАС, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, the Manchester PAL Boxing Club.
Квіткі па разумных цэнах у $20.00 для агульнага прыёму, $30 for reserved ringside seats, and available to purchase on Seacoast Ticket Agency’s website,www.seacoastticket.com, the official ticket distributor for the event.
The 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “Ірландскі” Мікі Уорд won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero Emanuel Augustus, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. Ward and the third man in the ring that night, Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger, will host a USA Alumni Association event Аўторак, Мора. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. ў Манчэстэры), пачынаючы з 6 p.m. І, and attend the following night’s (Мора. 21) ЗША супраць. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale in Manchester.
I’m honored to be invited by USA Boxing to represent all professional officials who spent so much valuable time in the amateurs on their way to their positions in the pros,” Smoger said. “I’m looking forward to being part of everything planned.
Anytime I spend time with Micky is enjoyable, ў і з кальца, and we’ve truly formed a bond. I worked six or seven of his fights, including his first in Atlantic City, around the time we were both breaking in. We spend time together every year at the International Boxing Hall of Fame inductions. He’s such a pleasure to be around. He treats people very well. His history in the ring and personality make him a big fan favorite. He’s the same guy he’s always been but he still has the heart of a warrior.
Bernard Dunne celebrating world title anniversary
Irish Team Performance Director Бернард Дан will celebrate the ninth anniversary of his WBA super bantamweight title-winning performance, Мора. 21, 2009, the same date as the USA-Ireland Northeaster Boxing Tour stop in Manchester.
Dunne (28-2, 15 КО), fighting out of Dublin, fought professionally between 2001-2009. Ён быў 119-11 як аматар, у тым ліку 13 Irish titles.
У 2009, ён спыніўся Ricardo Cordoba у 11й round at O2 Arena in Dublin, каб стаць чэмпіёнам свету.
USA stars out in Manchester
USA Boxing will be looking to conclude the tour on a high note with expected boxers on the show such as 2017 four-time international gold medalist Ginny Fuchs (Kemah, Тэхас), 2017 Elite Women’s Continental Championships bronze medalist Ошай Джонс (Таледа, Агаё), 2017 World Championships silver medalist Герцаг Раган (Цынцынаці, Агаё), 2017 World Championships bronze medalist Freudis Rojas (Лас-Вегас, Невада), 2016 USA Nationals heavyweight champion Jared Anderson (Таледа, Агаё), і 2016 Youth World Championship bronze medalist Рычард Torrez (Тулар, ТАКОЙ ЯК). Усе баксёры і паядынкі могуць быць зменены.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Ірландыя Паўночна-Усход Бокс тур націсніце тут.
ЗША супраць. Ірландыя Расклад
Сакавіка 12: Royale забаўляльны комплекс, Бостан, Маса.
Сакавіка 15: MassMutual цэнтр, Springfield, Маса.
Сакавіка 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Манчестер, N гадзіну.
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Facebook: /USABoxing