タグのアーカイブ: ダニーガルシア


ガルシア対キース・サーマンのウェルター級世界王座統一戦が勝利により設定される 3月 4
クリック ここに RyanHafeyからの写真用/
プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン – (写真はまもなく追加します)
フィラデルフィア (11月 13, 2016) – 無敗の世界チャンピオン ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア (33-0, 19 戦績)土曜の夜、コロンビアの試合を落として止めたとき、故郷のファンのためにショーを行った。 サミュエルバルガス (25-3-1, 13 戦績)のメインイベントで7ラウンドTKO勝利に向かう途中 プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
ガルシアの圧倒的なパフォーマンスにより、3月にガルシアとのウェルター級世界王座統一対決が正式に設定された。 キース “一度” サーマン, スパイクの放送クルーの一員として出席していた人. 二人のウェルター級世界チャンピオンは試合終了後リング中央で出会い、爆発的な対決の準備を始めた.
“キースに次は彼だということを伝えなければならなかった,” ガルシアは言った. “私は彼を打ち負かすつもりです. これ以上言うことはありません. キースは求めたものを手に入れるつもりで、今度は大きな犬と対峙することになる。”
“2人のビッグパンチャーが会合しています 3月 4,” サーマンは言った. “戦いの行方が分からない 12 ラウンド. 私はダニーがこれまで直面した中で最高の競争だと自分自身だと思っています。”
ガルシアは攻守にキレがあった 土曜日 夜, バルガスを頻繁にミスさせ、強力なショットでカウンターする. 彼はスタートが遅かったが、第2ラウンドでは出遅れた, ガルシアがオーバーハンドの右ハンドを放ち、バルガスはキャンバスに転がり落ちた.
“少し錆びた感じがしました,” ガルシアは言った. “でもパンチを上手く合わせ始めて勝利を収めた. 右のオーバーハンドで彼はダウンした. まさにタイミングの良いショットでした。”
“そこで殴られたんだよ,” バルガスは言った. “ノースフィラデルフィアに来てチャンピオンと戦うのはとても勇気がいる. それはちょうど私の夜ではなかったです。”
バルガスは前に出て働き続けた, しかしガルシアは完全にコントロールしていた, バルガスを空中でスイングさせながら、自らのシュートを放ち、指揮を執り続けた. 第七ラウンドで, ガルシアはロープ上のバルガスにダメージを与えるビッグショットを連発し始めた. これにより、最終的に主審のゲイリー・ロサトが試合を中止した。 2:17 ラウンドへ.
“フィラデルフィアのファンに恩返しできて最高でした,” ガルシアは言った. “久しぶりでした. フィラデルフィアに素晴らしい夜を提供できて本当にうれしいです. 私はフィラデルフィアのチャンピオンで、アレン・アイバーソンやミーク・ミルのような選手たちがここでサポートしているのを見るのは素晴らしいことだった. 最も重要なことは、私の街で困っている人たちに恩返しができてとてもうれしかったことです。”
“ダニーは素晴らしいファイターであり、街にとっても素晴らしい人物です,” バルガスは言った.
とともに 3月 4 統一戦が決まりました, ボクシング ファンは、このスポーツで最高のファイター 2 人が無敗記録と世界タイトルを賭けて戦うのを楽しみにしています。.
“ダニーは言いたいことを何でも話すことができ、エンジェル・ガルシアは言いたいことを言うことができる,” サーマンは言った. “彼らは一日中話し続けることができます. ダニーは本当に偏平足です. 外に出られると信じてる, ワイドパンチとカウンターパンチを参照. 彼らはチューンナップが欲しいと言った, 今、彼は私に会う準備ができています。”
“上の 3月 4, ファンはいつも私から得られるものを期待していいよ,” ガルシアは言った. “花火になりますよ. 私はフィラデルフィアのチャンピオンです. 私はチャンピオンの心を持っており、タイトルを獲得して統一するために来ています。”
その夜のメインイベントには無敗の新星が登場した ジャレット·ハード (19-0, 13 戦績) 元タイトル挑戦者を阻止する ジョージョーダン (35-4, 18 戦績)スーパーウェルター級戦の6回戦で.
小柄なダンは序盤からハードを圧倒し、リーチと高さでこれまで無敗を誇っていたハードのアドバンテージを打ち消そうとした。. ハードはパンチの威力をフルに発揮できなかった, ダンはハードに短いパンチを当てようとしたが、, 主に体に.
“私たちは彼が狡猾なサウスポーであることを知っていた,” Hurd氏は語りました. “彼がどのように出てくるか分からなかったので、私たちは時間をかけてほしかった. 私たちは最初、彼を感じました。”
“重さはかなり違いました,” ダンは言いました。. “急遽試合に臨んだのですが、体重は147ポンドのファイターです. 彼は私にとって強すぎた 今夜.”
第2ラウンドでハードがダンの頭上でティーオフし始めたとき、事態は好転し始めた。, ダンの鼻血を引き起こした衝撃的な音を含む. ハードはダンを殴り続けた, 彼の破壊的なフックとアッパーカットの配列に、ボディへのループショットを混ぜます。.
“右投手に備えていたので守備が少し悪かったです,” Hurd氏は語りました. “最終ラウンドでそれを修正し、ストップを獲得した。”
ダンは前に出続けたが、ハードのハードショットに常に遭い、ダメージは第6ラウンドまで続いた。. ついに戦いが始まった 1:08 第6ラウンドへ, ダンのコーナーのアドバイスに従って.
“彼はぐらつき、震えていた,” Hurd氏は語りました. “おそらく次のラウンドで彼を倒していただろう. この部門には素晴らしいファイターがたくさんいるので、次に誰と一緒にそこに入ることができるかはわかりません。, 準備はできていますよ。”
“彼はタフな男です,” ダンは言いました。. “私は彼にいくつかの難しいショットを与え、そして私はいくつかの良いショットを撮りました. 結局のところ、これはボクシングです. 勝つために十分なことができなかった。”
テレビ放送のオープニングマッチには元世界チャンピオンが登場した ハビエル·フォーチュナ (31-1-1, 22 戦績) 序盤のノックダウンを生き延びて逆転し、これまで無敗だったチームに対して満場一致の判定を獲得する オマール·ダグラス (17-1, 12 戦績) 10ラウンドのライト級試合で.
ダグラスは良いスタートを切った, 第1ラウンド終盤に左手ストレートで繋ぎ、フォルトゥナの膝を折り、キャンバスに叩きつけた。.
“彼は最初のラウンドで私を冷やした,” フォーチュナは言いました. “彼が鋭い発言をしたことに私は驚かなかった. 戻ってくるために一生懸命働きました。”
“左手があったから握った,” ダグラスは言いました. “私は反射神経を頼りに彼を倒しました。”
フォルトゥナは順調に回復しましたが、, そして彼の動きとコンビネーションパンチを使って経験の浅いダグラスを驚かせた. 主にサウスポーのスタンスで戦う, フォルトゥナはジャブを使い、連続得点を連発した.
“私が攻撃的になるたびに, さらにパンチで追撃してみました,” フォーチュナは言いました.
ダグラスは我慢して反撃しようとした, しかし、あまりにも多くの場合、それは戦闘機にダメージを与えるのではなく、もつれさせることにつながりました.
“彼は私を掴んでいた, でもそれがゲームだ” ダグラスは言いました. “それが私が登録したゲームです。”
“最終ラウンドでは、質問がないようにしっかりと終わらせる必要があるとわかっていました,” フォーチュナは言いました.
元チャンピオンはラウンドの大部分でダグラスに対して意のままに接続した, 連続フックで彼をロープ際でよろめかせる. ドウグラスは立ち上がったが、十分な攻撃を仕掛けることができず、ジャッジ3人全員が最終ラウンドをフォルトゥナに譲った。. 最後に, 裁判官は試合を採点した 96-93 二回と 95-94 フォーチュナのため.
“私は戦いに勝ったような気がします. その決定は不合理だった. 彼は戦いの間ずっと私を抱きしめた,” ダグラスは言いました.
“最初のラウンド以降、ほぼすべてのラウンドで勝ったように感じました,” フォーチュナは言いました. “次はジェイソン・ソーサと再戦したい. それは私にとってとても大きな戦いだ。”
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より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

ジャーモール・チャーロvs. Julian Williams Media Conference Call Transcript

どうもありがとうございました. And thank you to all the media to be on today’s call. 私は本当に興奮しています. My first boxing conference call after almost three years out of the sport. そう, I’m really excited to be at it again.
And what better way to do it than with a double header like this? It’s rare enough to have a match up like Jesus Cuellar versus Abner Mares, which has fight of the year written all over it.
But to have Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams which is another fight of the year candidate – それは今すぐ言えるよ. To have two fight of the year candidates, it’s like today’s day and age almost unheard of. など, it really is a very special treat.
I want to thank first and foremost the fighters for agreeing to these great up match-ups. I want to thank SHOWTIME for the commitment to the sport, to showcase fights like that. Stephen Espinoza goes out there and wants to put together competitive match-ups. And I think he is doing an absolutely terrific job.
But before we begin, I just want to make a brief comment. The sport of boxing lost a great friend yesterday, トッドHarlib, who could be seen in countless fighter’s quarters including Jermall Charlo, who is on the phone with us today.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends and the whole boxing community at this time. そう, I’m very sorry about having to report this.
This fight here which we’re discussing today is without any question one of the best fights which can be made in the sport, irrespective of weight class. It is a fight which was really demanded by fight fans and by media.
A lot of people wondered if it was ever going to happen? And here it is. ここにあります, one of the most talked about fights, one of the most asked for fights to be seen live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on December 10th as part of this terrific double header with Cuellar and Mares.
The fight is in association with Premier Boxing Champions live from the Galen Center at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles which is a terrific new state-of-the-art arena where the basketball and volleyball teams of the university play as well. It has hosted a fight there as well before with the heavyweight title fight with Bermane Stiverne and Chris Arreola.
そう, if you live in and around the Los Angeles area or somewhere in Southern California, お願いします, make sure you come out and be part of this terrific doubleheader. Tickets are available and are starting at as little as $35.00. Fantastic seats for $35.00
チケットを購入するには, お願いします, に行く www.galentix.com.
It is a pleasure now to introduce to you our co-promoter. This fight is a co-promotion between Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions. Tom Brown is very familiar with the arena there at the Galen Center. He was the one who put together the fight with Stiverne and Arreola back in the days. And so it’s a pleasure now to turn it over to Tom Brown to make a few comments.
よく, どうもありがとうございました, リチャード. I just want to say that TGB Promotions is thrilled to be partnered once again with Stephen Espinoza and the great team at SHOWTIME along with Richard Schaefer and Ringstar Sports.
I’m also happy to back on the beautiful campus of the University of Southern California at the Galen Center.
The idea of championship fight between Charlo and Julian Williams isas Richard just mentionedis a can’t miss match-up between two of the best junior middleweights in the world.
そう, この, along with the main eventthe WBA Featherweight Championship fight between Cuellar and Mares makes it a can’t miss night. And like Richard said, two possible fight of the year candidate fights.
Richard and I are working out putting together an action packed under card which will be announced very soon. そう, we’re looking forward to a great night on December 10th at a great venue with even greater fights. どうもありがとうございました.
R. シェーファー
どうもありがとうございました, トム. Now the next man I’m going to introduce is a good friend of mine. We have known each other for a long time. And we put together some of the biggest fights in the past. 後ろに 2013 when we were on fire.
Everybody recognized SHOWTIME as the leader in the sport of boxing. And that is because of Stephen Espinoza. Stephen is first and foremost a fan. And he likes to sit there and see great match ups. And that’s exactly what you’re getting here.
そう, we as fight fans. We as members from the media being promoters or whatever, we can really benefit from Stephen’s passion of putting together these amazing fights.
そう, it’s a pleasure for me to introduce to you nowI know his title is Executive Vice President in charge of Sports but I’m calling him the President of SHOWTIME Sports. 私はいつも – and I always did that. 覚えておいてください?
はい, あなたが正しい. Since the first day I had this job. ありがとう, リチャード. We’re thrilled to be working with Richard and Ringstar and Tom Brown and TGB once again. And a special welcome Richard, who we are happy to see back in the sport. Not just because he’s my friend but because he is one of the standup guys in the sport. Very professional and a straight shooter. It’s something that this sport can use more of.
そう, the combination of Tom and Richard is two straight arrowsas straight as they come. And I’m thrilled to be working with both of them.
This year SHOWTIME really has continued to deliver the biggest and best fights. And I think there’s really no question that we’ve had the strongest lineup of the best and most significant match ups of any network in boxing.
2016 so far has included two fight of the year contenders, a KO of the year contender. Fight after fight of top ten opponent versus top ten.
And as we wrap 2016 and go into 2017, we are definitely looking to keep that momentum going. We recently announced seven great match ups – 14 上 10 fighters taking on each otherin six world title fights.
And we could go on and on about the numbers. Three fights which are number one versus number two in the division. But among the pleasures of doing that is getting to make fights like this one.
Ever since Floyd retired, going on a little more than a year ago, there’s one question that personally I get and all of us here at SHOWTIME get consistently.
And that’s, ええと, who’s the next star? Who’s the next super star? Who’s going to be carrying the sport going forward. And the good thing about this sport of boxing is that that gets determined in the ring. あなたには言えません.
Even if I were to pick two or there that I thought would develop that way, 見て – they’ve got to perform in the ring. But it’s fights like this one. 以下のような, Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams, that determine who are the next stars.
We’ve got two young fighters in the peaks of their career. One world champion who’s established himself as really one of the future stars of the sport. And taking on one of the toughest contenders in any division in Williams.
We’re very proud of both of these fighters. They both been home grown here on SHOWTIME. Jermall has fought with us five times before. Julian has been on SHOWTIME seven times. そう, we’re proud that both of the role that SHOWTIME has played in both their careers.
しかし、もっと重要な, we’re proud that these guys stepped up to take this kind of fight. Jermall Charlo was seen as one of the most exciting, 若いです, champions in the sport. He’s defended that title successfully, built a fan base in his hometown of Houston, and really looks to really take over the division and elevate to the star echelon of the sport.
Julian Williams has been a guy that people have quietly identified as one of the rising stars for quite some time. I know he’s been patiently waitingand sometimes not so patiently waitingfor his shot. And so I know he’ll be ready.
I think it’s somewhat fitting that this fight is taking on December 10th, a week before the very legendary Philadelphia world champion Bernard Hopkins retires. Philly fighters are a long tradition. And it takes a lot of work and a special kind of individual to be called a Philly fighter. Just fighting in Philly doesn’t make you a Philly fighter. And I know Julian is poised to carry that title of Philly fighter very proudly and actively for many years to come.
そう, of all the fights that we’ve announced. And there’s a lot of quality fights. この戦い – the Charlo-Williams fightis one of the ones that I’m most excited about. Two young guys at the peaks of their career really battling to determine who could be controlling this division for a long time to come.
This will help determine who are the future stars of our sport. リチャード?
R. シェーファー
どうもありがとうございました, スティーブン, very well said. And for me, we all know they are terrific fighters. They’re both are undefeated. I’ve known themboth of them – 長い間. I’ve been involved with many of their fights.
They are terrific young men outside of the ring as well. And just as good as it gets inside of the ring. そう, they’re reallyboth of themthey carry the total package. And you’re right, スティーブン, he has patience and sometimes not so patiently been waiting.
It is a pleasure for me now to introduce to you Julian Williams, who is trained by Stephen Edwards. He’s the number one ranked contender by the IBF in the Junior Middleweight division. And he secured his top ranking after stopping Marcello Matano in the 7th round in March.
He’s undefeated with a record of 22-0-1, 14 ノックアウト, ジュリアン·ウィリアムズ.
ヘイ, how’s everybody doing? First I want to send my thoughts prayers out to Todd Harlib and his whole family and loved ones. He was a great guy. He was a great cut man and even better guy. And I consider him as a friend. I think it’s a sad time right now, そう, I just want to do that first of all.
Training’s been going really well. We’ve got a really good team and lots of good sparring. We have a really good camp so far. I think this is a really, really good fight. I think it was a fight that hardcore boxing fans needed to see.
It’s a fight that had to happen. I commend Charlo for stepping up and being a true champion. And I want to show the world what I already know. I’m extremely motivated. And I know Jermall is motivated too.
そう, I think you guys are going to see a real shoot-out. He’s got all the tools and skills. And I’ve got all the tools and skills. And you’re going to see who comes out on top on this night.
そして、私は今 100% sure it’ll be me.
R. シェーファー
. Now Jermall Charlo and his brothers, よく, I’ve known them since their first fight. And what a journey it has been.
Today he is the undefeated IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion. He’s training with Ronnie Shields. One of the most legendary trainers out of Houston, テキサス州.
He won his title by stopping Cornelius Bundrage in the third-round last September. And has defended his belt already twice including a unanimous decision victory over formervery game world championAustin Trout in May.
And it’s a pleasure now for me to introduce to you again, somebody I’ve introduced before many times. The IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion, Jermall Charloの.
Jermall Charloの
ありがとう, リチャード. Like Julian said, Todd was my man. And I want to give his family and everyone that’s close to Todd my prayers and my condolences.
I hear Julian talk about he’s 100% レディー. And he’s 100% sure he’s going to win this fight. But I’ve heard that before. I’m ready for the stakes. I’m ready for this level. Sorry the fight took so long. It wasn’t necessarily up to me. But I think everything happens for a reason. And it’s perfect timing and I can’t wait to get in there and show the world what I’m actually made of against a guy that’s so highly confident about the things that I do.
R. シェーファー
はい. I agree with you. Things do happen for a reason. I’m very happy that I’m the one who has the honor to promote this fight and this entire card. I know it’s going to be toe-to-toe battles with the two of you.
And I know with Cueller and Mares as well. They say styles make fights. I think those styles of those four fighters are perfectly done. And I just can’t wait for December 10th at the Galen Center and live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
We are going to open it now to the media for questions for any of the participants on the call.
Jermall, I know that you had to have a procedure that you did voluntarily on your eye. Can you give me any details about that? What exactly was the issue? Was it just a matter of, のような, you’re as blind as a bat? Or was there something else that was going on there?
J. Charloの
It wasn’t necessarily voluntarily. I pretty much had some vision problems up to my last fight in Las Vegas.
I fought the fight. I adjusted myself to be able to fight unclear. So now I got the procedure done. はい, the fight was supposed to happen in October. And I wanted it then. But it was just for me to be able to clear the medical exam. Less stress now to go ahead and go 20/20 and I’m ready now.
Like I said everything happens for a reason. And crystal clear vision is one of the things that helps me make the fight easier.
And which eye was it, ところで, Jermall?
J. Charloの
Both eyes.
Both of them? はい, and now you feel like a new person?
J. Charloの
私は今 110%, crystal clear, 私は大丈夫です. 準備できました.
How much better will that make you? That you can now see clearly. I mean your fighting skills are one thing. But now you can see the target, 明らかに, much better it sounds like. I mean do you think that will make you a much better, precise fighter?
J. Charloの
It gives me a lot more confidence. もちろん, it’s something important and I probably had to get it. I haven’t fought with crystal clear vision my whole life.
So now I’m even more motivated motivated. I’m eager to get in there to see what the new person is like.
Did you think about having this earlier in your career?
J. Charloの
はい, I always wanted it. I always wanted it. But I’m a superstitious guy. そう, I like to keep things, the way I always wanted. It’s just something I feel like it’s going to take me to the next level.
Some people suggested maybe he would vacate the title and go up to middleweight to not fight you. When all that was happening and you were sitting there as a mandatory for himwhat was your personal feeling about what was going on?
J. ウィリアムズ
I didn’t really know about the medical situation until about mid-September.
I actually thought that he would fight. And not think about the notion that he would vacate. The fact that he kept complaining about weight the previous fights. If the fight was being delayed, people are going to start saying this is how boxing is.
But I didn’t think that he wasI thought that he was putting the fight off for whatever reason. しかし、のような私は言いました, at the time I didn’t know what the reason was.
All that is under the bridge. It doesn’t even matter anymore. The fight is December 10th. 私の言っていることが分かるよね. He said he’s going to bring his A game. He’s got 20/20 ビジョン. 私が持っていた 20/20 vision my whole life. Now we’re even.
そう, there will be no excuses.
When you found out that it was finally done and it was good to go. And SHOWTIME was going to announce it and the fight was on. What was your feeling? Was it relief? Was it excitement?
J. ウィリアムズ
I just felt like I wanted to get to work. The whole process has made me practice my patience.
I wasn’t overly excited because I knew I would fight for the world title my next fight with someone. I was more so like let’s look at the work. I want to start training camp immediately and get myself ready to win.
Was there any frustration that you guys were not in the main event? And that you’re in a co-feature. Or did you kind of understand because Abner Mares is Southern California. And that’s the reason why you guys are put in the co-feature.
J. Charloの
Richard Schaefer is a good promoter. He has a lot of experience in the game. I’m not worried about being the opening or the main event or any of that.
もちろん, I’m tired of being in second place. I feel like Kevin Durant. But it’s not in the sense of, のような, nothing I can do about it.
And then Julian, same question for you. Is there any surprise that you guys were put in the co-feature and not the main event?
J. ウィリアムズ
あなたに正直に言うと, I didn’t really even think about it. I just want to get in the ring and put some gloves on so we can get this thing going.
I think everything happens for a reason. Abner Mares is a really good fighter. He’s like a three division champion. He earned his stripes.
そう, 明らかに, we’ve got more work to do before we can headline the card. そう, I didn’t think about it and on top on of that I never thought about.
R. シェーファー
The fact is you’re absolutely right. Each one of those events could be a main event. And in any other network would be a main event. Some other networks would probably even make it a pay-per-view.
そう, that’s how good this card is. It could have very easily brrn Charlo-Williams is the main event if it would have been in Philly. It would have been. If it would have been in Houston, it would have been.
It’s in LA in Southern California. そう, that’s why we have Cuellar and Mares. This is about creating excitement. It’s about the fans and so on. All four of those guys are just terrific champions. That’s what they are. Terrific people. It doesn’t really impact one way or the other.
S. エスピノーザ
And I’ll add from the network perspective, one of the things that we were grateful for in working with fighters like these and promotors like Tom and Richard is, what we want to put together as far as blockbuster events, we don’t have those ego problems.
Richard is absolutely right. Not every network programs this way. But what we’re trying to dowe as a group of fighters, プロモーター, マネージャー, is show off the best this sport has to offer.
そう, we’re really over delivering on each card. This clearly could’ve been a main event in Houston or Philly or anywhere else. But the idea was, this was going to be a slate of A++ level fights top to bottom.
And that requires the commitment of everybody. And people realizing it’s about not having ego. And just realizing that rising tide lifts all boats.
Jermall, where do you think Julian Williams rates as an opponent?
J. Charloの
We’re both on the way up to the top level. He’s definitely one of my best opponents up to this date. He’s hungry as me. I’m not necessarily worried about any of the things he said about being as hungry as he is to be fighting me. I was that guy too. Being ready to fight K9 and waiting and waiting.
He’s my toughest opponent. And I’m ready for it.
Tell us about taking this fight. And why it’s important to you.
J. Charloの
Every fight is a hard fight. Every fight I have to come out and give my best and be on my A-game. So it’s a good fight to me technically. This is the Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins back in middleweight type of fight. We’re going to get down and get ready. 準備はできています.
This part of our legacy is everything that I’ve wanted, growing up as a young fighter, young champion. Seeing these great fights being broadcast on SHOWTIME. And it’s, のような, now is my turn. And I have to deliver everything that I’ve always wanted. And that is something I’ve been waiting for.
And it just so happens it has to be Julian Williams. And like I said we both came up the hard route. それはありませんでした, のような, as easy as I give my hand off to my challenger being one of the best in the world. And that’s kind of what I want to be classified as.
ジュリアン, また, you’ve been very vocal about this fight. Tell us why you’re so confident you’re going to be able to win this fight.
J. ウィリアムズ
I’m confident because of what I can do.
I’m confident because I want to be the junior middleweight champion of the world. I think Jermall’s a good fighter. But he doesn’t recognize the scene before. He’s engaged, 強い, and fast. I just want to make sure we have no excuses about weight and that kind of talk.
J. Charloの
No weight problem. There’s no weight problem. Get that out of your mind. There’s no weight problem. I’ll tell you everybody knows.
You had talked about Todd Harlib earlier. Can you elaborate on what he meant to you? And the confidence he brought to you as a cutman?
J. Charloの
Todd taught me a lot. He meant a lot to me also. Ronnie Shields and Todd elaborated about how long they’d been around the boxing game and seen the same things they’re seeing now.
トッド, meant a lot. Just spoke to him, のような, a couple of days ago because he sent me a few guys to work with. I know he had went over to Russia and caught a little bug. But I didn’t think it would be nothing. I prayed for him. And hoped he got better.
It’s like I said, it just happened to be something that, I can’t control. そう, I just have to keep fighting. And hope that my next cut man is just as good as Todd. I’ve even been across the ring and looked at Todd working on another guy. And he came talked to me and let me know that it was just all business. And Jermall, just stay focused. Don’t worry about anybody.
I’m just putting the fight in God’s hands. And hoping that I never have to need the urgency to need Todd again.
I spoke to Ronnie, he said that you told him that this fight is going to be a little more special because you’re going to possibly dedicate this fight to him. Is that going to take any form representing his name on your robe or your trunks or anything like that?
J. Charloの
はい, I’m dedicating this fight to Todd. Actually once we map everything out. But I want to keep talking about it.
I dedicate this fight to Todd. He’s a real close friend of mine. And it’s just unfortunate for me to have to get in the locker room and not have Todd helping me out and everything like that. So of course, I feel some sadness about him not being here. But I know he’s in good hands. So that’s the main thing.
Is this fight right here the first one that really will test you and perhaps take you to the next level and start to light that fuse for you?
J. ウィリアムズ
はい, 間違いなく. 確かに. Whenever you’ve got a 50/50 戦い, two guys 26-years-old both in the prime of their careers. It’s going to be a test for both fighters.
It’s rare we see two fighters get in the ring in this type of fight. So I think it’s definitely the first step in building my legacy.
リチャード, what does this fight represent in the scheme of this division which is a stacked division and these two fighters in particular?
R. シェーファー
I think you have two of the best fighters in their division fighting in this particular fight. And so this is an extremely significant fight for the division. And these are twosomebody said beforethese are two young undefeated and confident fighters who dare to be great.
At this point in their career fighting each other they dare to be great. And that is. These kinds of fights will separate one from the other. And I think the sky is the limit here for within that division and potentially other divisions.
But that’s how you build a champion into a star and then a super star. These kinds of fights, ええと, these kinds of meaningful fights. And in order for that to happen, you need to have two fighters who are willing to challenge themselves.
And as I said, dare to be great.
Jermall, what weaknesses do you see in Julian Williams that you plan to exploit on fight night?
J. Charloの
何もない, he’s a strong guy. Whatever you all want to say about him. 彼はとてもいい, old-school fighter. I’m tired of hearing questions about what he’s done or what he does.
I’m a champion for a reason. I’m staying champion. I don’t plan on moving. I don’t plan on none of that stuff that you all talked about. 私は大丈夫です.
What do you consider your biggest advantage going into this fight?
J. Charloの
That I’m not supposed to go and be in some superstar. 見ます. これは、ビジネスです. I’m betting and fighting for everything that boxing has to offer.
And my advantage is being focused and humble and strong-minded like I’ve always been.
両方の戦闘機について, how important is building a new chapter in your career? And maybe a new idol in boxing.
J. ウィリアムズ
ああ, it’s an extremely big fight. I think whoever wins this fight is going to be considered the best junior middleweight in the world. I think whoever wins the fight will have the most significant win in the junior middleweight division.
I think since Canelo was basically says he’s not fighting in this division. Whoever wins the fight is going to be king of the division.
そう, I think it’s extremely, extremely important.
J. Charloの
Very big fight, very important fight for me, clinch the division. 良い戦いになるだろう, 一. I’m ready to just give everything I have. It’s going to be a good fight for me. And it’s going to be a good fight for Julian. We both hit it big and we both need to give the fans what they want to see. そう, it’s that time.
リチャード, how important for you was what this first event with Ringstar Sports would be? And for Stephen, how important was having these great fights for Showtime this year?
S. エスピノーザ
よく, from the SHOWTIME perspective, our goal is to provide spectacular fights every month or more often if we can. Sometimes dues to scheduling or injuries or things, there are some gaps in our schedule.
But once we came back, we wanted to end the year strong. And really, send a message about our commitment to the sport. そう, with the help of the promotors, the managers, and most importantly the fighters, we’re able to put together a slate that is stronger than anything we’ve seen again in recent boxing programming schedule. It really is all without the use of pay-per-view. And it’s all top guy versus top guy.
It’s something that is very special to us. We’re very proud of. And we’re looking to continue it throughout all of 2017.
R. シェーファー
よく, and for me, I think my reputation speaks for itself. I like to put together big events, significant fights, and that’s what I’ve always done.
And this right here is no exception to come back and together promote a card which consists without any question of two potential Fight of the Year candidates. Two barn burners in one night is a dream come true.
And to do that for my hometown. To do it from the University of Southern California, USC, Galen Center the newest indoor venue in Los Angeles. And the university where two of my sons go to school. It’s a very special night for me.
And it’s a very special night as well because Charlo and Williams and Mares and CuellarI have known these young men for a long time. So really it’s niceit’s like a coming home or coming back.
Since this was the last question, わかります, I’d like to thank you all. But I want to make one comment. はい, they both have 20/20 ビジョン. But let there be no question about it. The name of this card is 50/50. And you know why it’s 50/50.
Because these two fights are 50/50 戦い. など, may the better man win that night. ファンとして, 私は興奮しています. I can’t wait for December 10th. お願いします, お願いします, make it out to Galen Center. のために $35.00 you can watch two of the best fights of the year in one night at the Galen Center. Or if you can’t make it there. Then make sure you turn in on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING at 10:00 午後ET/7:00 午後PT. I’m looking forward to see you all during fight week. And thank you very much.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com,ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください,@PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, @FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotionsと@Swanson_CommやFacebookのファンになります www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBCはコロナによって後援されています, 最高級のビール.

対ダニーガルシア. サミュエル・バルガス記者会見の名言 & 写真

スパイクのプレミア ボクシング チャンピオン 土曜日, 11月 12フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより
クリック ここに 写真提供:Terel Vann/King’s Promotions/
フィラデルフィア (11月 10, 2016) – 無敗の世界チャンピオン ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア そしてコロンビアの サミュエルバルガス 対面した 木曜日 午後, 体重測定の前日 プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク メインイベント対決が行われる 土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
スパイクで放映カバレッジはで始まります 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード 元タイトル挑戦者との戦い ジョージョーダン さらに元世界チャンピオン ハビエル·フォーチュナ 無敗に挑む オマール·ダグラス.
ライブイベントのチケット, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200. ガルシアが組んだのはフィラバンダンス, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, 地域のフードドライブを企画し、プロモーションを通じて資金を集める. 参加方法の詳細については、, イベントのウェブページにアクセスする ここに.
参加者の感想はこちら 木曜日の クラリオンホテルでのイベントではこう言われました。:
“私はボクシングというスポーツに人生を捧げてきたので、このようなカードに載ることを誇りに思います. 私の街で戦っていて、本拠地が私をサポートしてくれるのは素晴らしいことです.
“これは私にとって絶好の機会です. 恩返しすることは私と私の家族にとってとても重要です. 家族全員がいます, 私の娘のフィリーも一緒にいます. それだけで戦いに向けた興奮がさらに高まります.
“トレーニングキャンプは素晴らしいされています. 本当にスムーズなキャンプができました. 私は規律を保ち、やるべきことすべてに取り組んできました. 走ったり、スパーリングしたり、何かの準備をしてきた. 近道はしなかった.
“気分は良いし、フィラデルフィアのファンに試合を届けることができてうれしい. ここフィラデルフィアでさらに多くの戦いを持ち帰ることを楽しみにしています. ここは多くの偉大な戦士たちのすべてが始まった戦闘都市です.
“この前座は本当に楽しみだ. ファンが本当に気に入ってくれることはわかっています. ファイターたちがこのようなカードで戦う機会を最大限に活用してくれることを願っています.
“人々がサーマン戦に興奮しているのは知っている. それは理解していますし、私もそれに向けて盛り上がるつもりです. でも私は誰も見過ごしていない. ホームでショーをすることと、バルガスに勝つためにやるべきことをやることに全力で集中している.
“あまり言うことはありませんが、戦うのがとても楽しみです. ファン全員がフィラデルフィアで見逃していたものを見つけに来てくれることを願っています. 私はノックアウトのために行きますよ。”
“マイアミで4週間の激しいトレーニングを受けました. 私たちはフィフスストリートのジムにいたのですが、彼らは私たちを家にいるような気分にさせてくれました. 素晴らしいスパーリングができたし、戦う準備ができていると感じている.
“これは私がしなければならない戦いだ 100 の準備ができパーセント. 精神的に戦いの準備をしなければならない. あとは計画を実行するだけです.
“ダニーがチャンピオンであるのには理由がある. 彼はすべてをうまくやる. 勝つ方法を見つけなければならないだけだ.
“私のトレーナー, ビリー・ブリスコー, 私と一緒に働き、私のモチベーションを維持するという素晴らしい仕事をしてくれました. 本当に良いキャンプでした.
“あの夜の動揺を探している. 誰もがダニーとキース・サーマンの戦いを見たいと思っている, しかし、私は自分自身を知ってもらいたいと思っています. 自信がある.
“私がしなければならないのはそこに行って自分の仕事をすることだけです. 見逃さず, 思い出深いものになるから.
“フィラデルフィアで勝ちたいなら試合のペースを決めなければならない. 思い切って勝たないといけない. 私は賢いファイターにならなければなりませんし、準備はできています。”
“私がここにいることをみんなに知らせようとしています. 私は154ポンド級のみんなのためにここにいます、そしてここに残ります. 僕はただ上を目指すだけでタイトルを獲得できないような男ではない. 私の目標は世界タイトルを獲得することです.
“ダニー・ガルシアのカードに乗るのは本当に良い気分だ. 私たちは二人とも「スウィフト」です’ だからファンが同じカードで本当に面白い2人のファイターを見る機会を得られて嬉しいよ.
“相手のスイッチにより、サウスポーの準備をする時間があまり残されなかった, でも私たちはそのスタイルに慣れています. トレーニングキャンプは本当に素晴らしかったし、リングに上がるのがとても楽しみです.
“トレーナーに本当に感謝したいです, エルネスト・ロドリゲス, 彼は初日から私と一緒にいるから. 私たちはいつもこのようなカードで戦うことについて話していました.
“この規模の戦いはいつでも良いことだ. このようなカードで戦えることを嬉しく思います. 皆さんもショーを楽しんでいただければ幸いです 土曜日 夜.
“私たちは一年中、このような変化に備えています. オーソドックスな相手がサウスポーで出てくることもある. 私たちは常にこのようなことに備えています。”
“この挑戦を受け入れてくれたハードに感謝します. 素晴らしい戦いを目指しています. 体調はとても良いので、エキサイティングな夜になることは間違いありません.
“ハードは素晴らしいファイターだ. 彼は無敗の記録を持っており、私よりも若いです, でもそれは心配していません. 彼は戦うこととスタイルを切り替えるのが好きです. だから、何に対しても準備をしておかなければならないことは分かっている.
“私のトレーニングキャンプはとても良かったです. 怪我もなく、健康であることに感謝です. とても長い間ジムに通っています.
“この戦いには良い戦略がある. そこに入って彼をテストするつもりだ. とても良いパフォーマンスができると思います.
“この試合について連絡を受けたとき、僕はすでにとても良い状態にあった. ファンにとってもエキサイティングな戦いになることを期待している.
“私の元の体重はまだ147ポンドです, でもこれは素晴らしい機会なので飛びつきました. スプラッシュを起こす準備はできていると信じています。”
“この戦いは終わらないことを約束する 10 ラウンド. みんなに言ってるよ. オマー・ダグラスをノックアウトするつもりだ.
“私のチームはとても熱心に働いているので、私が再びチャンピオンになるまで止まるつもりはありません. ダグラスは私が次に排除しなければならない男だ.
“このような規模のカードに参加できてとても光栄です, 特に世界最高のファイターの一人であるダニー・ガルシアとの対戦では.
“私はダグラスと彼の縄張りで戦うために来て、彼にボクシングのレッスンを与えるつもりだ. 準備は完了し、続行する準備はできています 11月 12.
“私は自分自身とチームに自信を持っています. 私たちは非常によく準備しました. 私の目標は、元の場所に戻り続けることです. もう一度チャンピオンになりたい.
エンジェル·ガルシア, ダニーの父 & トレーナー
“ダニーは、 100 パーセント準備. キャンプは完璧に終わりました. 彼は強く打っている. 彼がリング上で誰も殺さないように毎日祈るだけだ. これらは「ルーニー・テューンズ」ではありません。’ これが今の現実です. バルガスは世界チャンピオンに加わる.
“私たちはサムのことを心配するつもりです 土曜日. 我々は仕事を終わらせるつもりだ. ダニーが何をテーブルにもたらすか知っているから.
“ダニーはウェルター級世界トップだと思う. ダニーは無敗になるだろう, まだ, 後に 11月 12. サムは入って仕事をするつもりです. しかし、それは彼の思い通りにはいきません。”
ビリー・ブリスコー, バルガス’ トレーナー
“私たちはキャンプに行き、最善の準備をしました. サムは自分が何をしなければならないかを理解しており、できる限りのことをすべて行いました.
“言うことはあまりありません. 私たちはダニーのような偉大なファイターと戦っていることを理解しています. 彼は素晴らしいファイターであり、エンジェルには素晴らしいトレーナーがいる.
“準備は整います. サムは必要な時間をジムに費やしました. 私たちは良いショーと大きな衝撃を求めています。”
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

Danny Garcia Media Workout Quotes & 写真

Undefeated World Champion Hosts Final Media Workout Before Battling Colombia’s Samuel Vargas 土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより
クリック ここに for Photos from Darryl Cobb/King’s Promotions/
(Photo’s from today’s workout to be added shortly)
フィラデルフィア (11月 9, 2016) – Days before he enters the ring to fight in his hometown, undefeated world champion ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア opened up his DSG Boxing Gym to media on Wednesday as he prepares to face Colombia’s サミュエルバルガス のメインイベントで プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク 土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
Coverage on スパイク から始まり、 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード 元タイトル挑戦者との戦い ジョージョーダン さらに元世界チャンピオン ハビエル·フォーチュナ無敗に挑む オマール·ダグラス.
ライブイベントのチケット, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200. ガルシアが組んだのはフィラバンダンス, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, 地域のフードドライブを企画し、プロモーションを通じて資金を集める. 参加方法の詳細については、, イベントのウェブページにアクセスする ここに.
Here is what Garcia and his father and trainer, Angel had to say Wednesday:
On Keith Thurman being ringside on the Spike announcing crew
He will just get an up close and personal look at what will happen to him in March. I hope he’s paying attention.
I am excited to give the Philly fans a great fight. This is an opportunity to give back and that is most important to me. I’ve been training really hard and I’m going to give 100 percent for my city.
I am just going in the ring and be myself. Seek and destroy. I am taking this one round at a time. I’m looking to be smart and break him down. When the opportunity comes, I’m taking it and putting on a show.
I am not looking past this fight. I have tunnel vision and have never looked past anyone. 彼が勝ちに来るのは分かっている, but I am ready mentally and physically to get the job done.
This is going to be a great night. It’s an exciting card from top to bottom. Young local fighters getting a chance to show their skills is great for the sport and great for Philadelphia.
エンジェル·ガルシア, ダニーの父 & トレーナー
Thurman may be on the outside looking in 土曜日, but he’s going to see what he has in store for him in March.
“ビリー・ブリスコー (バルガス’ トレーナー) is another Philly guy like me and I know he’s going to try his best. But they’re fighting the champ and they know they have their hands full. He may think he knows our game plan but he really doesn’t.
I’m excited for Danny to be fighting at home. It’s a great opportunity to give back. I’m expecting Danny to look great in the ring and get the win.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

Danny Garcia Reveals Favorite Moments from Career, Toughest Opponents & もっと

Undefeated World Champion Battles Colombia’s Samuel Vargas 土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより
クリック ここに for Video from Premier Boxing Champions
フィラデルフィア (11月 9, 2016) – 無敗の世界チャンピオン ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア talked about some of his favorite moments and biggest influences from his long career in advance of his プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク 対決 今週の土曜日 コロンビアに対して サミュエルバルガス フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
Coverage on スパイク から始まり、 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード 元タイトル挑戦者との戦い ジョージョーダン さらに元世界チャンピオン ハビエル·フォーチュナ無敗に挑む オマール·ダグラス.
ライブイベントのチケット, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200. ガルシアはチームを組んでいるフィラバンダンス, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, 地域のフードドライブを企画し、プロモーションを通じて資金を集める. 参加方法の詳細については、, イベントのウェブページにアクセスする ここに.
Here is what Garcia had to say when looking back at some moments from his career so far:
Q: What do you consider to be the best performance of your career?
ダニーガルシア: The best performance of my career, 私は信じています, was against Lucas Matthysse. I was the unified world champion, I was a 3-to-1 underdog, he was knocking everybody out. I don’t think one person in the world thought I’d win that fight, but I knew deep in my heart I was the better fighter.
Q: What’s your favorite punch in the ring?
DG: My favorite punch is actually my right hand, but for some reason the left hook knocks everybody out. So I don’t know, 一. Whatever punch lands, I try to use all my punches and different weapons in different angles. I try to use each hand as the set-up punch for the next punch. So I don’t really have a favorite punch. A lot of people think it’s my left hook, I like the right hand better, but the left hook just knocks everybody out.
Q: Which opponent you fought hit you the hardest?
DG: The two strongest opponents I’ve fought with the best punching power were Kendall Holt and Lucas Matthysse. They kind of had the same kind of power. It was like a thumping shot, and when they hit you, you felt likeOoh, this man can punch.
Q: Who was the hardest opponent for you to hit in your career?
DG: The hardest opponent I had to hit was probably Lamont Peterson. 彼は多くのことを移動していました, he wasn’t trying to engage with me at all, was trying to use the ring a lot with lateral movement. He came with a good game plan.
Q: Who was the fastest opponent you’ve faced?
DG: Fastest fighter, 手を下げて, アミールカーン. He is the fastest fighter I’ve ever fought.
Q: What was the best atmosphere you’ve ever fought in?
DG: Barclays Center is No. 1. I’d probably say the Zab Judah fight. We hold the gate (記録), the most fans to go to Barclays for a boxing event. It was like a concert.
Q: When was the maddest your dad ever got at you during a fight?
DG: My dad is always mad. He’s happy sometimes, but when it’s fight time, he’s always mad. That’s all I can say.
Q: Are there any fighters you watched growing up who you style yourself after? Or are there any fighters out there who maybe remind you of yourself?
DG: I take a lot from different fighters. (フェリックス) トリニダード, I loved his left hook. Prince Naseem Hamed, I loved how he wore the animal print, and then I did that. ロイ・ジョーンズ・ジュニア, バーナードホプキンス, those are fighters I looked up to. (ジュリオセザール) チャベス, 体に行く, that left hook to the body. I take a lot of things from other fightersarsenals and put it into my style. But I never try to be any other fighter. I try to be myself.
Q: When you meet him next March, where will Keith Thurman rank among the opponents you’ve faced in your career?
DG: 私が言ったように, 戦ったよ 10 current or former world champions in my career. He’s just another guy, another champ I need to dethrone. That’s basically it.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

Keith Thurman to Join Spike’s Announce Team for Danny Garcia vs. Samuel Vargas Main Event on Saturday, 11月 12

フィラデルフィア (11月 9, 2016) – Spike TV’s upcoming broadcast of the プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン シリーズ 土曜日, 11月 12 アット 9:00午後ET/PT will have some extra knockout power. 無敗のウェルター級世界チャンピオン キース “一度” サーマン will be joining Spike’s critically-acclaimed boxing announce team for the main event featuring Danny “スウィフト” Garcia vs Samuel Vargas.
Thurman will be paying close attention to Garcia as the two are set to square in a highly-anticipated PBC bout next March.
I’m excited to be back calling the PBC fights this time on Spike and especially since it’s my next opponent Danny Garcia. Danny I’ve got my eyes on you. It’s going to be a great fight and Spike viewers will want to tune-in to hear what ‘One Timehas to say,” noted Thurman.
Emanating from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA, ガルシア, the prodigal son of the City of Brotherly Love, will put his undefeated record on the line in front of his hometown fans against the hard hitting Vargas from Colombia.
www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.
#fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

Stacked Night of Local Talent Features Middleweight Kryone Davis Battling Once-Beaten Carlos Gabriel Ozan & Unbeaten Milton Santiago Facing Argentina’s Claudio Rosendo Tapia

土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより
もっと! Undefeated Prospects Thomas Velasquez, ジェフリー・トーレス & もっと
フィラデルフィア (11月 8, 2016) – An exciting night highlighting the best rising talent in the Philadelphia-area comes to Temple University’s Liacouras Center on 土曜日, 11月 12 and will feature middleweight prospect Kyroneデイビス (10-1, 4 戦績) 一度倒された者と対峙する Carlos Gabriel Ozan (12-1, 4 戦績) and unbeaten super lightweight ミルトンサンティアゴ (15-0, 3 戦績) アルゼンチンに対して クラウディオ・ロセンド・タピア (28-16-4, 13 戦績) in a pair of eight-round showdowns.
The event is headlined by undefeated welterweight world champion and Philadelphia-native ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア コロンビアに挑む サミュエルバルガス. のカバレッジ プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク から始まり、 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード 元タイトル挑戦者との戦い ジョージョーダン さらに元世界チャンピオン ハビエル·フォーチュナ 無敗に挑む オマール·ダグラス.
ライブイベントのチケット, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200. ガルシアはチームを組んでいるフィラバンダンス, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, 地域のフードドライブを企画し、プロモーションを通じて資金を集める. 参加方法の詳細については、, イベントのウェブページにアクセスする ここに.
Additional action will feature a pair of unbeaten Philadelphia prospects as トーマス·ヴェラスケス squares-off against Miami’s Raul Chirino in a four-round super featherweight affair while クリスチャンCartoの メキシコの直面しています Leonardo Reyes in four-rounds of bantamweight action.
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten super featherweight タイタス·ウィリアムズ taking on once-beaten Philadelphia-native アントニオ・ドゥボーセ in a six-round showdown and unbeaten lightweight ジェフリー・トーレス 上の服用 ジョゼフ・セラーノ in a four-round bout between Philadelphia prospects.
A two-time amateur National Champion fighting out of Wilmington, デラウェア, デイビスがプロに転向 2014 輝かしいアマチュアキャリアを経て. The 21-year-old delivered wins in his first 10 starts before dropping a competitive contest to then unbeaten Junior Castillo in April. A two-time Pennsylvania Golden Gloves champion, Davis fights in Philadelphia for the first time as a pro when he takes on the 28-year-old Ozan from Mendoza, アルゼンチン.
Unbeaten and fighting out of Philadelphia, Santiago looks for his third victory of 2016 when he enters the ring on November 12. 以来、プロ 2014, the 20-year-old Santiago fights in his home city for the sixth time in his short career. Alvarez has won three eight-round bouts in a row and looks to be victorious again when he faces the experienced Tapia out of Mendoza, アルゼンチン.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

Danny Garcia Hosts Canned Food Drive & Fan Meet & 迎えます

Undefeated World Champion Faces Samuel Vargas in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event 土曜日, 11月 12 From Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
クリック ここに for Photos from Joe Tarlecky/King’s Promotions/
フィラデルフィア (11月 4, 2016) – 無敗の世界チャンピオン ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア continued his efforts to give back to his hometown of Philadelphia on Friday, hosting a canned food drive and fan meet and greet in advance of his プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク showdown against Colombia’s サミュエルバルガス 行わ 土曜日, 11月 12フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
Coverage begins on Spike at 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード 元タイトル挑戦者との戦い ジョージョーダン さらに元世界チャンピオン ハビエル·フォーチュナ無敗に挑む オマール·ダグラス.
ライブイベントのチケット, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200. ガルシアはチームを組んでいるフィラバンダンス, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, 地域のフードドライブを企画し、プロモーションを通じて資金を集める. 参加方法の詳細については、, イベントのウェブページにアクセスする ここに.
In addition to the events going on throughout the promotion, Garcia hosted the food drive Friday at the the Xfinity Store on Aramingo Avenue in Philadelphia. Garcia will continue to raise awareness for the cause leading up to fight night. Fans have been encouraged to drop off canned goods at the Liacouras Center (1776 N Broad St) and the DSG Boxing Gym (3731 Jasper St). さらに, $10 from each ticket sold has been donated and will provide 20 meals per ticket for people in need.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia to host canned food drive this Friday


Danny Garcia to fight Samuel Vargas on 11月. 12 at The Liacouras Center

フィラデルフィア (11月 3, 2016)今週の金曜日 undefeated world champion ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア will host a canned food drive in an effort to fight hunger at the Xfinity Store (3903 Aramingo Ave.) フィラデルフィア.
Garcia will be host the food drive beginning at 4午後 and will be at the store until 6午後
ガルシア, who will meet Samuel Vargas in a 10-round welterweight bout on 土曜日, 11月 12 at the Liacouras Center, has teamed up during this promotion with Philabundance, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, to arrange a regional food drive, collecting most-needed items, such as tuna and vegetables. Fans have been encouraged to drop off canned goods at the Liacouras Center (1776 N Broad St) and the DSG Boxing Gym (3731 Jasper St). さらに, $10 from each ticket sold has been donated and will provide 20 meals per ticket for people in need.
WHO: ダニーガルシア, undefeated welterweight champion

何: Danny Garcia will meet with his fans as he hosts a canned food drive

のために those in an area of need.
WHERE: Xfinity Store
3903 Aramingo Ave.
フィラデルフィア, PA.
いつ: 金曜日, November 4th at 4pm – 6 午後
のライブイベントのチケット 11月12日, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200.
より多くの情報をご覧ください WWW.premierboxingchampions.com www.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.

ダニーガルシア & Omar Douglas Media Workout Quotes & 写真

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia Faces Colombia’s Samuel Vargas in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event 土曜日, 11月 12 From Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
クリック ここに for Photos from
(More photos to be added shortly)
フィラデルフィア (11月 1, 2016) – 無敗の世界チャンピオン ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア held a media workout at his gym in Philadelphia on Tuesday as he prepares for his プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク showdown with Colombia’s サミュエルバルガス 行わ 土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
Also in attendance at Tuesday’s workout was undefeated rising prospect オマール·ダグラス, who battles former world champion ハビエル·フォーチュナ in PBC on Spike action that same night.
スパイクで放映カバレッジはで始まります 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード against former title challenger ジョージョーダン スーパーウェルター級のアトラクションで.
ライブイベントのチケット, DSGプロモーションとキングスプロモーションが推進する, で販売されています $200, $100, $75, $50 と $35 そして現在販売されて. チケットを購入するには、LiacourasCenter.com/events にアクセスするか、電話してください。 800-298-4200.
Garcia has teamed up during this promotion with フィラバンダンス, 地域最大の飢餓救援団体, to arrange a regional food drive, collecting most-needed items, such as tuna and vegetables. Fans have been encouraged to drop off canned goods at the Liacouras Center (1776 N Broad St) and the DSG Boxing Gym (3731 Jasper St). さらに, $10 from each ticket sold has been donated and will provide 20 meals per ticket for people in need.
“それは自宅で戦うことは素晴らしい感じています. This is what Philadelphia needed. We’re a fight town. I feel like people don’t know that all over the world. We have a great history and a lot of world champions from here, and they’ve been kind of been overshadowed. It’s an honor to be able to bring a fight back to these fans.
It’s very important to give back. I’m so happy to have the opportunity. With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner I’m sure we’ll be making a big impact. There are a lot of families in Philadelphia who really need it and I’m glad I can help.
I’m very lucky to be where I am. It takes a lot of hard work, but you also need the right timing. My dad and I had a vision. We never gave up on that vision. We’ve been through so much in life, we didn’t want to stop till we reached our goals.
The city of Philadelphia needs a champion. They need someone to give them a hometown show. There’s a lot of excitement with the Eagles and Sixers right now, and I’m going to give them another thing to cheer for.
It’s a very short trip for me to the arena so I’m happy about that. I feel comfortable. I’m in my own backyard. We’re planning to make sure Vargas is very uncomfortable.
I love seeing these young kids from Philadelphia on the card. I love giving them an opportunity to get fights in front of their hometown fans too. There are a lot of doors opening up for young fighters from Philadelphia and I love that I can be a part of it.
I know Billy Briscoe (バルガス’ トレーナー) will have some tricks. We’re very familiar with each other and I know what kind of trainer he is. He’s never prepared to face someone like me.
I’ve watched the tape on Vargas. He’s a gritty fighter. He’s definitely a tough guy who won’t give up. I have to be ready. I’m going to have to be prepared. I feel ready to go.
I had to grow into 140-pounds before I started knocking people out. This will be my third fight at welterweight and I think I’m going to feel as good as I have in my career. That’s why we’re ready to take on the best.
This is just a task. I’ve been preparing for this moment all my life. Ever since I was eight-years-old. Not to take anything away from Fortuna, but he’s a gatekeeper in the division. I have to get through him to get to what I want.
Camp has been camp. It’s rough at times but it’s part of the process. I embrace it all though. I love being in camp. I’m bored when I’m not at camp so I’m definitely happiest when I’m in the gym.
My weight is on point and on target. We’re just slowing it down and getting ready to make sure I’m peaking on fight night.
Being able to fight in Philadelphia means the world to me. This is where I started my boxing career. I’ve been coming up the highway from Delaware to fight since I was a kid. Now a win here can propel me to another level.
Fortuna is where I want to be at. I want to get through him. I can’t look past him. I’m focused on Javier Fortuna and writing another chapter in my story.
You can expect a very exciting fight on 11月 12. Hopefully he’s everything that people claim he is. I know that I am and I’m definitely going to come out on top.
エンジェル·ガルシア, ダニーの父 & トレーナー
There are people in this country who don’t have food. My parents were farmers when they came to this country. When I was a child I was hungry. I ran around with no shoes and I wore my brother’s clothes. The first thing Danny and I do when we get in the ring is say a prayer and bow our heads for the kids in the world with nothing to eat. I always told Danny and my family to appreciate whatever we have gotten. We’re using our position now to make a difference.
Danny is completely ready for this fight. He’s healthy and on track to make weight. We’ll be in the ring on 11月 12 and I think that if Samuel Vargas comes to fight and stands toe-to-toe with Danny, we’re going to end the night early.
We’ve brought in a lot of young prospects and guys with more experience for Danny to spar. I try to mix it up on Danny and keep him 100 パーセント準備. We can’t take anything away from Vargas though. I know Danny is a very talented fighter and he gives me what I want. 彼はいつも学んでいる.
We don’t watch a lot of tape. My job is not to watch the opponent, it’s to train Danny Garcia. You can’t forget about what your fighter does well.
These are big things for Danny. He’s the champion and he should be on exciting cards like this. We’re looking to keep building and building his career.
We’re keeping Danny focused. He knows that he can’t underestimate anybody. We take every opponent very seriously. ザ· 32 people that he fought before were taken just as seriously as Vargas. We don’t change anything or take anything away. I make sure his circle is tight and that camp is focused.
I’m happy because headlining in Philadelphia is Danny’s dream. What makes Danny happy makes me happy. That’s what it’s about at the end of the day.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.