Danny Garcia Reveals Favorite Moments from Career, Toughest Opponents & もっと

Undefeated World Champion Battles Colombia’s Samuel Vargas 土曜日, 11月 12 フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより
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フィラデルフィア (11月 9, 2016) – 無敗の世界チャンピオン ダニー “スウィフト” ガルシア talked about some of his favorite moments and biggest influences from his long career in advance of his プレミアボクシング​​チャンピオン 上の スパイク 対決 今週の土曜日 コロンビアに対して サミュエルバルガス フィラデルフィアのテンプル大学リアコーラスセンターより.
Coverage on スパイク から始まり、 9 午後. アンド/8 午後. CTと無敗の新星をフィーチャー ジャレット·ハード 元タイトル挑戦者との戦い ジョージョーダン さらに元世界チャンピオン ハビエル·フォーチュナ無敗に挑む オマール·ダグラス.
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Here is what Garcia had to say when looking back at some moments from his career so far:
Q: What do you consider to be the best performance of your career?
ダニーガルシア: The best performance of my career, 私は信じています, was against Lucas Matthysse. I was the unified world champion, I was a 3-to-1 underdog, he was knocking everybody out. I don’t think one person in the world thought I’d win that fight, but I knew deep in my heart I was the better fighter.
Q: What’s your favorite punch in the ring?
DG: My favorite punch is actually my right hand, but for some reason the left hook knocks everybody out. So I don’t know, 一. Whatever punch lands, I try to use all my punches and different weapons in different angles. I try to use each hand as the set-up punch for the next punch. So I don’t really have a favorite punch. A lot of people think it’s my left hook, I like the right hand better, but the left hook just knocks everybody out.
Q: Which opponent you fought hit you the hardest?
DG: The two strongest opponents I’ve fought with the best punching power were Kendall Holt and Lucas Matthysse. They kind of had the same kind of power. It was like a thumping shot, and when they hit you, you felt likeOoh, this man can punch.
Q: Who was the hardest opponent for you to hit in your career?
DG: The hardest opponent I had to hit was probably Lamont Peterson. 彼は多くのことを移動していました, he wasn’t trying to engage with me at all, was trying to use the ring a lot with lateral movement. He came with a good game plan.
Q: Who was the fastest opponent you’ve faced?
DG: Fastest fighter, 手を下げて, アミールカーン. He is the fastest fighter I’ve ever fought.
Q: What was the best atmosphere you’ve ever fought in?
DG: Barclays Center is No. 1. I’d probably say the Zab Judah fight. We hold the gate (記録), the most fans to go to Barclays for a boxing event. It was like a concert.
Q: When was the maddest your dad ever got at you during a fight?
DG: My dad is always mad. He’s happy sometimes, but when it’s fight time, he’s always mad. That’s all I can say.
Q: Are there any fighters you watched growing up who you style yourself after? Or are there any fighters out there who maybe remind you of yourself?
DG: I take a lot from different fighters. (フェリックス) トリニダード, I loved his left hook. Prince Naseem Hamed, I loved how he wore the animal print, and then I did that. ロイ・ジョーンズ・ジュニア, バーナードホプキンス, those are fighters I looked up to. (ジュリオセザール) チャベス, 体に行く, that left hook to the body. I take a lot of things from other fightersarsenals and put it into my style. But I never try to be any other fighter. I try to be myself.
Q: When you meet him next March, where will Keith Thurman rank among the opponents you’ve faced in your career?
DG: 私が言ったように, 戦ったよ 10 current or former world champions in my career. He’s just another guy, another champ I need to dethrone. That’s basically it.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/プレミアボクシング​​·チャンピオン. ツイッター@PremierBoxingに従ってください, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ および @Swanson_Comm または Facebook でファンになる www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. #fight4philly を使用して会話をフォローしてください. スパイク上のPBCは、コロナエキストラが主催しています, 最高級のビール.
